Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 14, 1922, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Image 1

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HRuflMSr PPjIRIflHHHKXi'' iwwvfrtSmmfi?- vVBHBBmiBV
trr fl siFr trini' if W'fTFKm V ' W llUr Wwmm
i. j, ." . V" H -, - M "V'1
-r - y A
Ifclr tenlffitt lowest temperature
about 20 decrees! Wednesday unsettled
mid wanwr with probably snow.
ti'.',U'i:u,ti;rk Ay men noun
.' y I i"if()"T!7Tiu MI218 iTTel
i2ftl24 20 127 28 130 g 81 f
Euenm$l?utiUc meeget
VOL. VIII. NO. 131
En te red ai Secend-Clsis Matlar at lh Poitefllca at PhlUdalphla, Fa.
Under Itie Act of March 8, 1ST"
f.-bllshed Ually Ci.ebl Sunday. Sui,?erl,llen I'rlrn H r Year bjMall. PRICE TWO CEN1
. Ceiiyrlrht. 1022. Iy Publle Ledger Cemratiy "
r rtnn Slcm Lntt-r -te Ment.
eemery, Insurgent Director,
J Asking for His "Proxy"
r zzzrz, .-..
BAr-mtn lunna uuwn tlch;
Speech Year Age Praising Head
of Company Cited by
Workers Make Dramatic Move
te Shew United Loyalty in
Control Fight
Husband Quits Her
---'' ' ;- Vr?lll
-(.M MMkf0 TA9IH-I
R 7E3&' Vgi
Bs ''vv'l
Bt?k" ;-l
A"llll '
PI; r'?'iBl
-A -' v dH
( ' "''. ''y jI" H
Cellins' Plot Charges and' Sus
pension of' troop Evacuation
Create Serious Situation
.Mrs. Peggy U'Dell Montgomery
"Zlegfcltl Follies' filrl, who eloped
(e Kllilen nineteen days age Willi
Jehn- XV. Montgomery, broker
The "Union Traction bunch." said
te be tryinc t curb or oust Themas K.
Mitten, president of (lie Fhilailclphhi
hapld Transit Company, were told
bluntly today that the- 10.000 empleyes
of the company were united against
The declaration was made te William
J. Montgomery, chairman of tne r.
It. T. Heard of Directors en he sat in j
his office In the Klghth National Hank,
Second street anil Glrerd avenue. i
0. W. .lackel and nine ether chair
men, representing all the empleyes of i BRIDEGROOM NOW REPENTS
the company, called at the bank, et
which Mr. Montgomery le president.
Dr. Lockerbie, of Elkton, Denies
Yeung Breker Was "Stewed"
When He Wed Ceryphee
Hy Hie Associated Press
Londen. Feb. M? Michael Collin
dramatic disclosure of tin alleged Hcnub
I lean plot toivcrtluew the Previsional
Government.' the Midden nnd uno.x une.x
plalncd Htispeiislen of. the llritlsh mili
tary evacuation, and the dangerous ten ten
bIeii between the Nurlh nnd Seuth lime
combined te produce a wnsatleuill sll sll
tiatieu In Ireland.
Tliu outcome no one here ventures te
forecast meie dclinitelv than bv speeu
luting en tlin dreaded posslbllitle, but
Olspntchib show thai the position en
the frontier Is net far icmevcil from n
Mute of war. Indeed, (he prospect of
civil war le being seriously dN-usseil
in IJelfnut and elfccwhern In the North.
The dlupatchcH sent In llclfnst corre cerre corre
frpendents of the Londen newspapers
represent the temper et the lllstermeu
an beini: such that, unless the kldiuipped
Unionists aic upcedlly released, there
will ccrtaliilv fellow an explosion which
may lead te war.
Discussion of Det Withheld
Ceuccrnlnc the siiniwi.'il nlet ncuiust
the Pretlsliuinl (ievernnient. nothing h
Williamsport Newspaperman Finds
Lim 'ricks Are Lucrative Writing
This, tV the completed vevhg
that wen today's ONE HUN
Limerick Ne. I)
There once was a girlie numed Knnc,
Who made up again and again
She thought -it her duly
Te be quite a beauty
Hut at daybreak, yec whiz, she was
There's another Lim pin'
Limerick today. You'll find it
en the page opposite the funny
K' ifiyPBlM
Bk ,' '' y:''''i?j'-alBilB
Selar Phenomenon Causes Trouble
I te Telegraph Wires
I New Yerk, IVh. II.- I My A. ''),
Aurera -4 pica lug tolerfl rren I te '
cNhlbitid tei'lsht, fiin fcpeta or no sun
i spots, iiuneuiicf.s Dr. Frank Schleln
ger, id)sereu ul Yale Oh-erviter) . II-
i.dvisf tigiiinst crtklns tin aurora. u
theugil dlspntehes from Miami, rla
PRPQinrMT n up
Klllllll H
wll .
IM-S '
'.I1 3-A1
w i" I
Latest Shift in Case Threatens wmeuiired that the spots new vhiWc e..
the sun's fiiee were llke!y te cause n
te Drag in Noted Figures
Yet Unmentioned
l.TJ W. Fourth Htrfrt.
W IIHiimsiMirt, I'niim.
rolerful dlsidav everhcud
"The jvis ate ten -mull." the nd
cntlst rieiteil. "and net likely te nffei
an.Mliln' striking;. It has been tlnmii
ieeentl that llicie Is an aurora in the
s! eery nighl. With the tight In-
sltuments It i-an he plfiitnsrupheil any
Imr e.innet lie illMlnguislieil
hy the eje en ordinary nlghtM."
t ,,,,, , I Miami. 11a.. Teh. 14. t My A. P.)
1m Anseles. Feb. 14. lollewine tin j Iteniarkuble ehnnges in the -mi spots
"ivpterletii lslf tn IiIm home of n man huve been noticed since hi-t Friilai .
nd woman, coming and driving efT !n ' when they were first diseewrcd. Dr.
, hid,peered automobile. Prosecutor J Jf X" '
"oelwine yesterday eulzzed four new ..T)p )h, ,,, . ,w.mered ha
witnesses in his effort le unravel the hl.mii Itself into live or si portions."
Tayler slmim? invklerr snld Dr. Tedd tednj. "There I- a ick-
ported te have been fumi-died by the mnnller xpntf, which have giewn much
four, whose Identity in closely guarded, laifier in the last twentj -four hours
OnnrQA: Rnnrl Iqqiia. Snanfal''':
rl , vrv,,
v y
Taxes or Return te Excess
Profits Levies
" 5
Leaves Way Open for Salts
Tax, but Bloc Condemns
That Plan
ImnnritiMi nu;,i!,n ',!.. ' u : i,,inI ubir whirlwind occurring In the sun.
ull,, , , ir , ' Adjacent te the place when, the Mb CONGRESS IN D I I F M Ml
will reveal the slayer of Tujler. It re- ,0J, W)s .., ,,., , nll. ,,,. lift, ,-ti ""vinCdd Inl U I L t M W A
Far-Off Williamsport
Wins Lim'rick Award '-k--
fifnvne Mrtvmell Vmirtht Off I.iive nf Laftt (''"tercd Inlo conference with Woelwlnc
w &is irmMyvvvvv m. "tf"'V "" s V after II
i most fashionably trewned. ITcr com
pnnleii. tee. was well dressed. They 1 CDftMOC APP.PPTQ BPITI5H
a r . v v . .w ..... ..
Contest, but He's Glad He Fell
Fer It This Time
fl ItMll n AKHnl- !! fMim
the Ifatl of Itecerd".
Prominent Names Involved
These four, it was said, told District
Attorney Woelwlnc a story that In
Harding Will Send Communica
tion te Committee Chairmen
Expounding Views
. q
Suggests, However. Including Little J","n' ;rrp.neniipni K.mini: rni,ir rdnv
- . . , ,. ret)uriahi. m:i, by rullle Urtwr Cemvanv
Witshlli;tnn. Feb. 1 L PresldeiTTv
Pepulnrit well, we should say sol
Here's a man from Williamsport win-
lllflt. fl I .t.m.Hl.tl. mijl t, fnlK'. .ivtii.,.1
te llnd it necessary te call in n'Chl-1 Itarrv " Weber. J400 West Terente ' ,,,,e n'0 prominently mentioned In the
ncsu lnternreter unv iluv le ileeltiher an street. cafe. The crime motive, it was de
known here beyond what Mr. Cellins I answer from Hongkeng. Edward Harden. 21") Tasker street, elared, was jealous.
Entente In Conversations
. ( 1 1 i ... 4 II
IOllllllll. I I'D, II. ll ,. I .- I.,.n.... ...
France has agreed te the appointment '"""- '"..h.a uecinrci niiii'-elt asalnat.
! S. IL Oriiin. uOti North Llcxenth 'velvew u man high in Hollywood, and n I of Anchi-French cmhtIs as u cenimls- payment of the soldier beuiiM ihrmnHi'
street. .woman, one nf il,nw. ul,r, nnmps hnv i sien te make a preliminary cMiminatien a benil 'siie tin it .,i i. ui
. ...... ....w.i ..uu.w ..... , . - . in-,; IIIIIIIM-IUIJIV
or tne agenda et me i tenon is-onemn- , ,lniMi . ,, .,,,. ,. , , ,,
conference. Ueuter's sajs it has learned. " " "' t'1 ",1,,lnl t'"-'''. ineludlnif
She hiigge-tK. heweer, the meiiisieii of " llM1i "' exccss-prelitfi tax. by
It. A. Maeon. Mures Heek. Va."m"- n ( J1
y Weber, 2400 West Terente ' ,,,,e n'0 Premlr
revealed in his cubic corvesnendcncc
with Themas Liens, secretin y of the
American Assrclatlen for ltccognlllen
of the Irish Itepublle, and the Dublin
Mr. Montgomery would receive Mr.
Jackcl only.
"Deserted Chief" is Charge
A straight from the shoulder letter,
drafted today at the Luzerne car barn.
Tenth, and Luzerne fctrcets, which re
quested a proxy from Mr. Montgomery,
was read te the chairman of the beard
by Mr. Jackcl.
f "It is only you that hove gene back
en our chief since you get mixed up
with the Union Traction bunch," Mr.
Lw Montgomery was told iu ene passage of
trie letter wnicu .ur. uul-hci imu "
his fellow committeemen waited in the
lank lobby.
The letter, prepared by delegates of
the workers, In the interest of the man
agement and addressed te, a financial
group back of the company, was an
uiiusual document in Industrial history.
Chorus Girl's Mether
en Way te Fight Suit
Milwaukee. Wis., Feb. 14. Mr.
J. T. t'ncrtcl left here today te join
her daughter, Peggy F'Dell. a chorus
girl, who has been sued bv her young
husband whom-she married after nn
elopement te Elkton.
Mrs. Unertel h going te Haiti Haiti
mere, where the girl-bridn, is playing
nnd then will go te Philadelphia te
take charge of the legal defense for
her daughter.
The plea that it was lhfuer. net
love, that intoxicated him at ills dnv
break vcddlng te a showgirl, made by
Jehn XV Mnnteemcry. was denied to
day by the Hrv. Daniel Lockerbie, Klk-
tenM ntfprt 4lliifift.lnfv nntenn '
' -- - "O"-" !, ..W,. JlltlUUlll
Geerge Strnser Maxwell, of V.i'i West
Fourth street, Williamsport. has been
breathlessly awaiting the arrival of the
iIiiv'h I.llneriek- tlml ln nfli'lil linvn
correspondent), refrain ftem cicu spec- ' burst of genius and send it bnek pest
ulatlng uli it. haste.
Discussing the suspension of troop He Is the happy owner of the coveted
iuevcmculs In tin. Heuse of Commens thrce-llgure check because of the follow fellow
today. Winsten Churchill, the Colonial i"s:
Secretary, said the sole reason was the) Llmerlek Ne. 3
fiMiirecu situation en the northern Der- .There, uns mipe .i pIi-U tmn.p.1 i,'.
--- ....... .... ..,
together with Poland, in thin cenver
der and net bceause of nn tiling that
nau iiiippened iu the southern part of
Who made up again and again;
ftiic thought it her duty
I,.. . ., ., . . tF It" IIIIIIU if IIW4IHJ
uk sum nine .uic uue i e ins, who ,, j,,v.rtnV n ,i.; i. .
ueni.i irns. iii k.,.,i...i i. 1,1 ... ...,. Uut nt aanereak, ace icluz, she was
the Little l.ntiuite countries t.liige- winch it lias been prope-rd te raise
fiuviu. eeiio-ieiiKin niie iwiiinuiiiu , mentv for hHih.Ip,! ev,,,,,..t ........
This practically kills the Iieiiuh for
t. . ,- v. ii 77. t i.i t .. Hen. unless (Vii-res.s should
!.i f .1.- T......t. V..11......1 Mew M "Ills te te:i. it,,, ,, .,, ..r,n
im in i'-siiii'ii : ii i ii- i i i-1 m 1 1 ii- iu nn - - miii ii ,t.i ii rr: ii
Incidentally, he is a fellow scribe, huv- '"""c had net been linked with the ( fommislen. will co-operate with the the adoption of the sales ta. Hut the
ing been n liewsmpermun for n great murder until .cstcrduy. French experts In preparing the ground f,lrm bloc alone ulll bill .t,'.ni ..-
many mere years than he cared te re-I n r i, ., i. .... . for HsphkhIetim nt. the Genea Economic , . . . " l" jn,M WE
count. ... i ", ' ";.V ;." . fV.nfcrence. It wa;. announced teda. """. ! I'rebiible tlmt the aroused
.in in Wiini :inii4 i.neiisf sircet. ... .... ...
fl. McFarhmd, 01KI Market street. '""; mat have l.een built up
M. I'. O'Hvrne, Mridgepert. Pa. u i'van of work and the exnen-
Mrs. Martha Sew alt, Jill) North diturc of much money will wither in
Orkney street. ;n night when Hip story becomes public.
Mr. Maxwe I was born In the same .!, ,, i, , . .... ,
house in which he Is new living, and "uy u 0H "'" Kn""- Hie man (u the
", , , , ... ,L , , tractivelv sewned n,n nii )f nu ' Mirerenef. It was announced ieda. " ". "" '""- " w
Daring the last contest he didn t send irunneii gowned. I He ether, it was The experts for France will comprise i business sentiment agaln-t the bonus
fcr with the Cabinet members. Iiml li
formed the government lie would take
steps before leuving Dublin te secure
the release et tl.e kidnapped Unionists
uh seen as jiessible. Cellins had stated
in his message, added the Secretary, that
he knew where u number of the kid
napped men were being held.
It Is obvious from Mr. Cellins' state
ments te the reporters iu Dublin last
night that he strongly dissents from
me urn-inn action in holding up the
evacuation, and will insist that, "the
contract shall be carried through."
Last reports were that he was coming te
Londen today te seek an explanation.
On the ether hand, the Dublin cerrc-
spendent of the Times believes the sus- !
Other contestants who wen places en
the ballets are:
V. It. Wilsen. -J.I0I West Twelfth
street, Wilmington, Del.
in mi; iiiinni'iM, uui nir. nn.. '" , - " "" ' i"--' . ciiiuiujeu us representatives et mining ana munutur- i win prebub v eiuime the iip tnx
for the lure of the Lim rleks. hen tt wealthy family. One of the men was taring Interests, with members from ull Mp ,,,.;.',,. ' . ' , " ,,
we rang the doorbell Mrs. Maxwell dlstlnpihhw! in appearance and well the various tninisteric!!. ,Mr ""-'Ing will cemmume.ite hU
called upstairs: 'Geerge, here s some Tl,n l,r nlli TL ! I Unless tlir L n Gevprnmeni upon the !.,. in the form of n
one te see you." And when Geerge 11,c etl rr PPmtl te be an s wlth Vraw en n mere rf.,)r,.. ,,. , ,.,,,,, f ,h
found out who wc were, wasn t he glad actor out of work. ' scntative meeting than it new favors, ,.,, k,...,..,. remmt. " " , n ,l0umi
te see us, though ! ,..,,. Woelwlnc would net reveal the names , opinion here points te the probability " ' nat ce,,"m tkM bMl are co"-
He has been married: well, lie didn t of u,)v f t, j j of the (;rn0il ,.nf..rence itself being' f,,ri'"K upon the bonus. His position.
, -. ...v, ,-... ....m "vuiu nv, nn- . ... .. . ., . ... ',. J... ......
IContliiufdenPttpTpnl.four. Column Four cuss what the'v had te sav He talkp.1 spl l 'p 'V'.?.,'" ,V B"'""-. ' '" 'V'", ,s "hl wnnl lc " uecn right uleu.
. . .t ... . . . i ami me l.niie ijiiiuiue oiiiieiis eave , ii0 :s rer .. i ...... ,r . r ,
ihrst te the richly dressed couple, then arranged their plan separately, while' f, lH 0r ,l,c J"'" ,R 'f ,,n'ns of i,y"?
me etiiera. .-Most et his afternoon , n tinru group weuui dp. lenneu d.v tne i " i'""" .... n .m uei tuu??
fab taken up with them. Hussiens and the t.crmnns.
It U'flfi rpnnpfiwl flint n a1 fll.- I .. .
J1' Beauty who made a statement te the BANKERS 0. K. DAYLIGHT
I District Attorney the ether night would SAVING STARTING IN APRIL
tw questioned again iu the light of new
Insists Men Are United
The letter fellow s :
".Mr. William J. Montgomery,
"Chairman of the Heard of Directors,
"Philadelphia Htipid Transit Cem-. riP, ,, January 20 when "reiy-tlngcr
pany. ed dawn" was peeping ever Llkteu,
"Dear Sir: t- the liaven where one may wed in huste
"We read m the morning papers tha UIld re,,cnt ut eisurei
jour tpekcsinun, Mr. Tiipple, cold that
the men ere net together, and we 1ms- i Toe ieung," He Says New
ten te tell you thut they are united and In his bill of annulment, Mnntgem
Montgomery has filed suit for annul
ment et his mnrrlucc In Elkton. imkini
for severance of the marriage that ties , D D T QDCMT OQ AOA 7Cp
him te Peggy Uncrtle. also known as , ' H' ,' i7trM VM'MOO
Peggy U'Dell, a ceryphee in a beauty DURING 1921, REPORT SAYS
Montgomery and the Klrl ero rnnr
I A maX ! DaII. . 0 . ..- .
Centliiiird im I'airr Four. Column Twe "awUf TrtllUH Ot UdnnOIl,
212 Merris Building, Have
- $3,300,000 Liabilities
Figures Given at Valuation Hearing j SAY ASSETS ARE $3,000,000
Satisfactory, Rosenbaum Says '
It. T. cMiensc.s iiurinir 1021 te-
taied .-t. i.H.TikS!. us
The 'brokerage firm of Crawford,
At continuation of the P. It. T. Put'ten & Cannen, of New Yerk, with
S.L"?.i.S elUeN In the Merris Huildlng. this
. , - , . ... - .i , ...... .. . ....... .,.. ,... vuiiiiiiirnnn-i ii-ini-ill ill lll.,
, n knf ki-Ail frill ,Mll lla Mm k I f II II t II I'P.S A.. ..II...... I... I. ,. . ... ... I. .. .. . . ...... ..ll.. .. . 1..1- .1 1 t . . . .
iii i.iui mi. .... V"1-' "'ickps ne is eiuy iwcniy. mat lie . nail tne LHilumissieiier
of the whole 10,000, indorsing the pur-' wns intoxicated when the eercmenv was pert submitted bv the
chase of P. It. '1. stock te support the performed by Mr. Lockerbie, and tlmt i was witlsfueterv."
chief. It this does net convince you, j tw milrrInge was Induced and procured
n ure juu iiuii m ,.uu.v j".w , uv "fraud, eennlviiticc and deceit."
will come down and make any demon-1 "That is net true " asserted Mr
Mwtien that may be lequlrcd te sat-1 j.ocltcrble today, "i' remember 'the
iMy your mind. jeung man very well. He was sober,
"We listened respectfully te you at I absolutely behcr. I luive been n prohl prehl
Luierne Auditorium en Junuary 1. . billen lecturer and I wouldn't marry
1821, when you speke te us us fel- anybody who was drunk."
lews: .... Montgomery nnd the showgirl rode
" President Mitten has asked me te j a taxicab from Philadelphia te Elk
Just say a few words about the saving , ten, arriving nheut 2 A. M. with two
fund, and 1 appreciate the opportunity , eti.r young couples, who had been
suore thoe 1 can tell you, because I bue companions at a "party."
lllllhV.l IU IUU1V HIU' Utll iltVLB UIIV1 H"ll
nor tivkefl if this re- ' r,l5' ent nte the huiius of u reeelver
transit eenipan , today. A petition in invelentary Imnk-
nmlnf une 411n.1 t 1.,. V... ..V. Ttl.
AULlu...t- tUt.. C.AilH. Tt I .-I'-v., , ihvii l.i im xwitt wn-
said he hud exanilnyd It nnd as fur us he trM IeiIPrnl Ce'"-' "' afternoon.
I'euld tell It provided the information The extent te which Philadelphia iu
that thu city required. The report en I vesters are involved has net been deter
the expenditures comprises svcrnl pages1 ,.,in,i
Werd of the firm's suspension of
bpiiiess ci'iiie hy wire from New Yerk.
The local ollieee were closed almost
A brief typewritten notice was pinned
te the efllee deer.
The statement fellows
you, en behnlf of the directors und the
stockholders, hew much we appreciated
wuat you did in voluntarily dctermin
ii'g te defer the payment of the wage
t lint was due you.
" 'Nothing like tlmt has ever been
done before le my knowledge.
" 'The news hub gene around the
world, and te my mind It Is ene of the
greatest accomplishments of this, man-
iigcinciil und of you men. It wus a lim
Tells or Chilly Ride
Fer about two hours the cubby drove
his charges from ene house te another
seeking a minister, 'apparently under
the Impression that all Elkteuites were
ready te unite any ceuple in marriuge
at a moment's notice.
In his statement, tiled with the court,
Montgomery alleged thut one minister
refused te perform the ceremony.
I lie Itev. tieerge 'V. Aldcnuuit was
w r .W,W W WJW w w
a disturbance of burlness nviditleiie. H 'j
is pledged te a bonus, but net. nt tbli'teMl
particular time.
Treasurer Criticizes Auditor
General for Net Collecting I
Me te te Meet Bills
cMdeiice that a big director, ence her Would Conform With New Yerk
sweetheart but net the "new man iu ,.. .
the case" also would be called lit te Time, Committee Is Told
talk te the prosecutor. j Daylight saving here, starting the iu"t
May Tell of Infatuation
Bend Issne Out of OiieslVii . . ft
A bend issue is out of the q.Vstle'lt.
because it is doubtful whether bends,
can be sold, and because the kmIIImp of
V .'
IU-1 .l. 1.1 . ... .
Sunday in April. Is favored by the bunks ' '""' """"' ieriere with the Pig ra
i.n.......n t, .. n.il.l .ifnifinn ..Mill V..ti fuudinc onerattens tlnpli i... tn..-
rp.( . , . . r ucviiiii- ii .,..', 'jii ,..,,.. .,.. ..... . -.-- .. .....vi. i.ii' iirii'ia
tin.: I, 7 et Z '" " " n?r k "sun saving.' . ei.n II wn.d met must undertake this yea
.. , , , - - '. . , . , (Jl urv.M'1 iv i u., ieiu ,i eiiiii ii , "i.i-
ii in- mm uii-ii, no eru et uie ruct lias
come te the public. He has been
i siiiuiueii irem interviewers. lie ins
been protected in his sclf-lnflietpil isn.
I Intien. It is known that lie cim rive
. information concerning Tayler nnd his
, . . . infatuation for u woman of the films.
r.u Staff Corrvert ,,f()n. ,v,tllcw ,.... ... his
llanisburg, Feb. 1 I. The State of ethce. M
mittcc today
The Committee en Law, with t eun
r or next.
i .Air. Harding became committed te the.
I bonus when he was runiilnir in the,
cilmiiu Hull in the chair, , heard the ( Ohie primaries for the nomination for
views of the public en Councilman IJep- the presidency.
er's bill which would set the clocks for- i lu' ,., ' ' . ,
ward one hour from the Inst Sunday in -"" "'i enirnnce into the White
April until the last Sunday In SepUui- Heuse he has a lurge seu-e of i)iH rc.
Bee. Mr. Woolwine had been going . uc&i. ..i.ii.. ..B..,.ff ..B ..-..I ... ..... "T ,tlC' "," "f ,,' '""'"l'-s of
PeiinsylvnnJa ewes S1S.OO0.000 and Vl'er the letters, written te layler by ' v, Z' ! V'....,,.,i.i.... ,, m fl v nil 1-oeenclling the bonus with the task of
has no money te pay, aecerdin- te State ! fnuKni;015in nilf-Vi .,'.' CL ! X. ' Theso present included .lehn H. Masm. rwterins business stability, lie prob preb
Treasurer Snyder. cinicnt and the rini-s of boetlec-eU . ml f President of the Commercial I ru-t , ubly regrets hih idedge made In the pr-
.p...,ii Ln,..,.ni.. i 1. 1......1 .t.. ' i -iiieiiiiiiy ; i uui i iiiMiiiiMiu, t-ilt iiri'i -
dent of the U. G. I. Ce.; Agnew T.
Mr. Snyder testified before tiie Cem-, narcotic smuggler", and hinted
mission for Itcergutilutinn of the State
Government this afternoon, and man
that ,
aged te pat hinitclf en tJ.c buck with! POLICE CHIEF DECLARES
virus State job had been eenslderiibl
thin? i .in. ni..i ii .imp nt n ti the minister, and "intoxication" is tin
when the company needed your co-op- rein.011 Montgomery gives for the rc-
cratien, needed just the assistance that futal.
jeu gaia it. and I want te tell you, Mr. Alderman denied that statement
rei tonally, looking Inte your faces, hew today. He mid the coupe hud no II-
much wc nll appieelated the thing that V0""0 ""l1 ',,llt. '. tVc) tiQm ! ,,lu
jeu did for P. It. T. It will never be home el J. . McAllister, deputy
forgotten. county clerk. Hn said he, told tlieui le
Back of that thought nnd the w',h ,,' U,'c"w' "ml Le W0U,U
f,tgtlntaVri!nlm!'ewhi0w:,?.n(!Jr Montgomery and his companions
ng a IWeu . Ink us ?a YeS knew ureuM!d M"Allister who obligingly
hut he IJ 1 Pvpr fnile.1 in,, ,, ,1 If 1 '"l thellccnse. McAllister today
ou had f Ith In hi, hoc?,, le he 1. ""Msrlc the youth was "cold sober."
n.J Jfn-if. " ' . " ''!U.te!l "!?. '." , although he might have had one or two
Jeur appreciation 0 Mi In t he act 0 'lrl1K- ',nln,,,,.1 ? Ment8
that von took ' nc,'0"thignaturc in the iccerd hook us pi
Says Things Hateii't thaiufed
The letter te Mr. Montgomery gees I
a steady hand.
She's Still en the Stage
reef et
of detailed figures, explaining all phases
of the company's expense. The major
expenditures, according te the state
ment, wcre made as follews:
Wnys and structure, $4,04I.SOO ;
equipment, $4,000,000; power, ."!,(17o, ."!,(17e,
788.05: conducting transportation.
.fl.1,3.,J0,470.80; traffic. $27,841.1)0. mid
general nnd miscellaneous, $,1,2(1".
Themas Keefe Reprimanded and
Thtn RplranpiS hu Mlnltlnt. n. , nan for tllC nrCSCIlt.
Themas Keefe, acting Becrelnry of "(Stene.!) Cniw ford, Pallim & Can
?WM! m Liabilities AlKiut ,r,r ! ;; tsl'Sl'Se?
ffl".'sar,rtp wA wKsr "et,ce - r'silPirrmis-fternoen
delphla High Scheel yesterday after-, ."William Otis lh.dgcr. Jr.. slate! UcCr U . , ,mlU n nl, U-' np
neon. , that ucfsiuutanls luiu- been nut en the'tiini in hu .mini,.,, rn 1 ..':. 1 .....
. 1....I . I .1.... .!. . ,!" in . .............. w.i ..... ,,vi,n 11.11 mil
("(iiitlnuc.l en I'iikp wi. Cniunm Tlirre 1 Dice, president of the Heading ltnll
way: llliiim Housten, el the I'uin I'uin
syhenia Ttailread: Jeseph Wayne.
!.... -e .,... ..1 1 X-...I. , ti ,.
one ham. while v.th the ether he dealt FLANNERY KILLED WIFE . HSd KamVel J. Dai'as.' .ircsident of the
Auditor t.eneral Lewis a few sift.jelts I Middle Atlnntle Division of tin Amer-
"M!LJ '.: .. . ... , Evidence of Flrat-Denree Murder-'can Athletic Union.
.,11. .ii.iii-i, 1111- ni.iif 1 1 1'a.iiiitT. illtl
his lest te convey the Idea that Mr.
Unearthed, He Says
Snyder, the Auditor General his pre- Plttshtirch. Feb. 11. (Uv A. IM Weman Gets Twe Years for Theft
I I'll
,1. .1. Flannery, prominent club Judge Heger entenc-l Margun"
maries. but considers himself as lieund
by It.
Fvery mnneiner of the lust few days
among Congressmen has been delected te
putting thu blame for the death of the
'bonus bill where It will de the least
harm te these who come up for re-election
next fall.
In this maneuvering considerable
feeling developed between the White
'I 11(1 Sf fl I Dim lit fill ntt'L tt...r. ,. Iiit tn..,, I . .. I . n I .. . .. . .. I t. . . i 1 ,1.1 m j trt V I 1 1 1 I . I .., i
,m, " ;.:;; . -n .. c "'." "'- "" L" i im-uHiin.iii m i uusiuess mnn ill jail nere ter the i.ay. ime .errn ciyiiin .ireei, today te ir.iKP .,,,.1 i-rtv ti, n... -
'Ihe tirni et Crawford. Pntten & thai impevlant pest. ' killing of his wife, was "net telling the I two years in the County Prison for the and Congress. Hie Itcprescn.
unnen h.is made an assignment for the State Treasurer Snyder Intimated truth" and that the pelice had "un- , theft of a $l0."i fur luvkptis-e from n tu,lv, a,'d the .Senators who have te
bencflt of creditors te William Otis' that it he were -till Auditor Gencrnl I earthed e idence that Flannery Is gulltyi Market street store She was out under fn'e their constituents next fall desired
Y!.l5,,l;!.l' '" Mn ' W i'l"1. ,"sM,"! ,1"1i,,,, t,r eliecllnB theief murder in the first degree" were 0i0 1miI uwaltine trial when arrested vcrv much that the President 'should
. ..U,-v ,.. . ,i !J"" " l('",ll,, ll,,, would be plenty startling features of a .statement given in New Yerk as a Irus user, and served "',,", ,, 'siuit should
.....ll!V'AsiR."c,U.1. '!' represented in of mom y ou hand for eu-ry thing. out this afternoon by J. C. Calhoun, six months en Ulaekwells Maml. I'pei "fj ? ."'" r''s",:,,M,1"1 'J ,for the
VnSnleVn'i cK'n'utllc?,: "?" HI, Own Press Agent ! X"tat "f " burgh her relea ,e w.,s return,, M ,' ''U WiS-
te whom all luuiiirics may be addressed . Mr. Snyder's eulogy of himself be- "' net come up for re-election and that
lele the commission fe leue.1 Hip i.
siianei; of a self-Iauilalfry pamphlet,
hreadcin-t mer the Slut., iliw ,nnm-
. ------ - - - v. ...... ...w,,,-
en te say :
Motorcycle Patrolman Gallic said he books nnd that the exact licures will
stepped the cur nnd arrested Keefe when I net be forthcoming rer some days, but
he saw the niachiiui going at about I from the preliminary report in liiind,
thirty miles an hour nnd zigzagging the accountants estimntc the liabilities
from oue side of Walnut street te the ' te be some s:i,.'0fl,000 and the assets te
ether. I be about $.',000,000.
Keefe claimed the patrolman had "This tlrm was formed In 3110.1. nnd
been hasty jn making the arrest. Mug- In addition In u branch office in Phllu Phllu
Istrute Dugun informed Keefe that they delphla has an uptown office In the St.
were keeping n close wutch ou trutlieljVndrew Hetel, Seventy-second street
conditions there, because of the school and Urendway, New Yerk."
und because many people hud been killed , A. A. Wray, attorney in New Yerk
and injured. He upheld the putrel- for Mr. Iladger, said:
mans UCtien and 111 relens!iiL Keefe I "rViiu'fiii-il. Pnl, nn A- rniinnn upip
i.-.-i i.- ii ,,.-. . ... . - .:-. .- -
sum no weu m .ucui mere severely ir he : net a lly-uy-nlglit concern, ns wus
Miks Uner e. or Mrs. Montgomery. I WHS caught driving a car In u like mnn-
"All the thin.. p ,..n.i . ,- ....... ' ls. ".w ,n."u.,"",,,"V W,V r"".,,r V .W.,H ' ' "SOi".
0.. ... ,.,,, Illu , . iHiiviML' ier ine week, ji is uoekcii 101
Papers thut you ure cntnplelulng about ' linchester next week.
"-euc-inun rontrel and se en wpn u'i sii,....;n t!,.!? n,.in;n, ........i
;... , . - ...... i.iivii I'm iiii .. ....m.ii. pi-,,-i.
just exactly the mine en January L'!, i notice of the suit en her the young
weiiiun nt itrst was incredulous, yiicti
she realized the uffulr wus serious she
began te pretest.
"I like the boy und he Is my hus
band; I won't consent te a divorce,"
she told the ShcrllT. Then she added
she had no money te enguge n lawyer.
Anether chorus girl offered her money
te get a lawyer. She has. until Mureh
15 te file an answer.
Montsenicry'h mother has established
a residence In Llkten and expects her
tu-l, as thev ere tednv. Tt. i nnli
Jeu that have changed, and gene hack
oe our chief, since you get mixed up
with the Union Trucllen bunch who
re trying te force him out, be that they
" op ever ngala what they did te us
in 1010.
"Mr. Montgomery, you are net going
w Set uoywhere knocking Mr. Mit
ten for Union Traction, se wc. repre
sent tig 10,000 empleye stockholder, und
owning ever SSOO.mm P l r t.,.it
nnd car trust certificates, ask veu te , son them tomorrow. At the time of his
8lve us your proxy te vete in our in- marriage lie claimed a New Yerk resl
tereiit se that we can go buck eud tell ' dencc.
the men that the whole thing has been
a hig mlstoke and they can go en work-' Gets Five Years for Enticing Girl
? vnnii-,,,,-,,,,-, wiiu renewed cenl - ,...,.... i, ,..., ,,! K...i.n,m.i t...i.
Price? Sheet Up at Chicago and
Chicago. Veb. 14. (Uy A. IM
Wlipnt: nrlpps iiimn.,.1 nu miii.li u tfli..
a bushel today at the opening of the,"!'' ,,t -J0-11-!? 'errl , "iirding
w f II ( " " -..-. IT" I. .... no.. Inianii ulll haj fiiiiiil,.linil !.
ueiiru 01 xraue, ' , ," h, iniiimuvu miuui
shown by the volume of business shown
en their hooks. Preliminary survey
of the linn's hooks shows that the finan
cial nffulrs, while In a very serious way,
de net presage any great less te clients.
"I wish it understood the firms can
not be mistaken for one of the bucket
shops, The firm wus always known us
a reputable one."
The local offices of the brokerage firm
collected all the money due the State.
"Today," said Treasurer Snvder,
"there are bills for mere than $S,000,
(100 en the State Treasurer's desk for
general purposes and SIt.OOO.OOO for
schools, due July 1. 1U2I, and then
.i,iitiu,uuii mere due under the Kdmemh i
act for teachers' salaries, due Febru
ury 1, 1022; a total of $18,000,000." I
Mr. Snyder explained this sum was'
new due, but net all payable new, as i
warrant, under the lalmniids net hae
net yet been received.
Mr. Snyder intimated that if he were
still Auditor Gencrnl he would bine
collected many mere tnljlien deltnrs.
Appropriations approved last year, lit-
eluding prier amounts due, he added,
nmeuntcd le one hundred and eighteen
million dollars. j
, Urges "Dlllignirc"
If "proper dilligence" had been e.x- '
i-iiiM-u, ut Minn, inn mine could meet
these appropriations or such parts of
them us ere due during the 1021-23
uienuiui appropriation period
The reusen wus a sensational advance ntcl'- ,"'"' m,u'1 "": furnltur If the coal tux Is held constitutional,
In Liverpool und ether foreign nmiket mid' finishings and hich glass partitions, ' that tu plus the uncollected taxes
centers, while United Stales exchanges' Henry Jeseph Pntteu, who has been which bu says rire due the Stute, Mr.
I 1 1 l. .. i 1 ... t .llwl linn .if tlllT lilllll'll ll A 1 IU IlllH.I In Ulia.lnu . . I . ..1 . . I I..... Itl I
The Rending Railway will change its clod:- te confeun with
daylight saving time here, Agnew T. Dice, presltUnt of the toad,
told a Council committee today. A representative of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad said the clocks of that system would continue en
Mnndnrd time.
WASHINGTON, Feb. li. Possible postponement' until the
middle of April of the prepcsa conference in Washington bitwccn
icpresentatives of Chile and Pent te discuss disputed matters in
volved in the ticnty of Ancen, was indicated today by Ambassador
reset, of Peru, who stated that time uscesbavy te make ai; (1113c
ments might epeiate te make ntct&saiy such delay.
were closed durlnir vesterduv'M l.nit.1,1. .In elmrgc of the firm's affairs here, Is Snyder pi edicts there will be sm-enii
May delivery, thu most active truillnc said te he a millionaire pessp.sNiug rich million dollars Iu the State Treasury in
ontlen here, opened at $1.!J7 te SL.'linr. 1 timber lands tn Dycnmlng teiility, and , 1023-24.
against $1.!'.3 und $l.iias ut the iiulsii I lieldlngs in coal lands, left him by his
en Saturday. miner, ji is sum mar ne nus 1111 einu-
orate liome en Ulverslde Drle.
Minneapolis, Feb. 14. (My A. P.)- Account Here Small
Four scored an ftdvnaru of sxtv-fhn! Account mre hmall
cents a barrel ut ene of the largest mills It is understood that the account of
Air hinder tool; te the commission 11
120-page list of corpeiullnus which he
said have net paid their taxes. The list
was prepared by the Itewnue Uureuu
of the Treamry Department.
drace la in. ..'n.rj.A V"""1" V""- Judge Hegers today sentenced Jeseph cents u imrrei ut ene or tne largest mills ui '""' l"",,.,":'l "'euni et u cimrgcd SS.nilO.OOO In back tnes
. J"-01' ""-I h,0) the unrest you xt, 1,0 .'I.'IO Seuth Fourth street te four here today as a res 11 U of the strong, the linn here was siiiall, that most efiu due the State wh eh he u,.i,i iV..
eutly disturbs'1 U,e!e h,ch mw t0 ' "" " years u, wl.eet nmrket Uui.ge of prlces,e,h," !Sn" . fc
" n,' A ' . "',' ": il,p Fiistern Penitentiary, after a Jurv '" family Ptent grades was $7. Oetf? erk offices. Under the rules of the New Auditor General "uni
Ce-Opeartlve Welfare NAssocJutlen J.vU-teU "li.i it entleh'.g a feurtee.?- J..M barrel when sold in carload lets. Yerk Stock Exchange the linn has "'..ySd of ."n.M,000 collected
Continued .., r TaTcriliiiM Tlirc"; jeur-uld girl. ' ' 1. "' '' iu tatien t er was tentUnea ,n rax. Twe, t'oienio nvj InM year for general purposes," Mi
fru.tu a wnrrti, iu i.iictt .iiinuary j. . Mr, Hinder, "I xveuld have collected
Women of Flerida Resort Ask Mayer, Telegrams Sent by Defendant te
te Prohibit Proposed Spectacle
St. Petersburg. 11a., Feb. II. illy
A. P.) St. Petersburg's bathing suit
factions have clashed ever the propriety
-f"t,'T's VM'
f' (-&iv
011 vv ii una .
llAlim flRAS.NRW enr.KANs-TniH l-.u
l'nt. S4-3S. Inaulr Bautliirn Uv. Hy.. TL'U ' Rf ni HharkUten'a BOOK OF PHIMDEf..
mu jiti.i rui Mifii.iTi.44iv, Vm -u ,h nwnwH, riK fs.etf -A.HV,
uhvuyH uvfilluble. lleuil OiannlN.l n.i
ISiUti CtawlltcftUjn g S3 wi4 2i.Afi;
of holding u huthing suit parade as
feature of gala week next month.
Three xvemen's organizations have
filed pretests with Mayer Pulver, de
luring that such a display of bathing
inpnrel would be indecent "unless ex
hibited en lay figures."
11 is sttencer and mere nennlnr Ihnn
ihey are. A postponement of the bonus
at his suggestion, similar te that which
resulted lust xenr from his ntiprnranee
before the Senate, would probably cost
the party less vote, tliim die failure of
Congress te enact a benm bill or than
the passage of (me which would arouse
the taxpayers or boudlieiili r
, Harding Still I'luers I tonus
; Mr. Harding, however, has net cn'
jeyed the task of essinuiiig the re
sponsibility which should belong te
I'engie.s.s. Ills position all along bus
been perfectly consistent, namely, that.
he fnxers 11 bonus when means can be
found of raising the money i pay one,
The question of means has )(.en one for
, Congress te decide
He has opposed nll suggestions of
bills which would seem te make pre
vision for the soldiers, but which would
net raise the money, .such us plans te
pay the soldiers out of lutircht from
foreign Government, which interest
these Governments aic net paying and
are net likely te pin for niatij yearn,
or from the sale of bunds for which
there is no nwuket.
The President made a mistake last
spring when, In taking a stand ugalnst
bnniiH leslslatien nt that tlm.. .111 .
count of the tiuiuieinl condition of the1
lievernineiit, he let it lie known thMU'jv
In. Tn iwirn.l intuitu 1ml..lt f 1.... L.I.. .. j?3v
There was no prospect at that tlme tht'v :Ari
financial conditions would siilliclently .ff.pS
improve co that the paying of tU' J
minim .uuiu nei i tin inieicrume nur. '.v'l
ilen te the i-niililri Mr UnrHlii. is ftl
," , . . . . "' -,rw
iiugiii ui mar time nave Killed tha
bonus scheme for the icst of his Al
...:..!.,....,. i. , ii i.i i i..
ItllllirM I 111 lull llllll 11- llillll'l iiuvrj urtsB . v
better for Ills puity If lie hud. Vi
Burch te Be Introduced
I-os Angeles, Calif., Feb. J 1. - ( ',j .
P.) The trial of .Miidiilyime C, Ohen-
clialn, eharged with the murder of J. If the President could have fore-v
Helten Kennedy, broker, near here last sre1 ''"'" ,',p IminciiHii opposition te '
August, was before the Superior Court, lm! "'T ",nu" "' ,w"r.,'i 'vdepMy ft
tn.inv nfte.. P,.,...vu .i... I'M "''among tuxpeyers and bem in hers. M t'j
teduy after a recess since lrlday. would probably have taken n mera Vf'
The State planned te cull William pesltiw stand. Ne such tide of aratt-Ml
Laughlln, cmploye et u telegruph com-' "'"- uK,lllf', any mcasuri) citn be w Jj(
pany, te testify as te UlCSSUCet nlleireil Cuntlnntsl nil I'ar. T. r.lu- XSt'.fi'Jl
te have been sent hv Mm m,.,..i,..i.. mmr a
In Les Angeles, te Arthur 6. Hutch her no veu r.vr.ss bkau thk fAKCMl. aMi,
ce-defsudaut, U CWc.,e. VmLh' hcr iTIXj