Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1922, Postscript, Image 5

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    rs1; S'a
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swn nn ft rzszy S'l
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AaniS Wani Jis nacreus iur
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J POSt Jlx Domjuei iui
1 Winning Squad
b p
FA man8trc membership drive, villi
&lfc'i1eBan: "1W members for 310"
EAim been liiunehed by Tiega Pout, MO,
&j .. of the American
I"' WSkJIsKSbl rnmpulgn plan
.BBBIl'BBBHrka liniTIIIIl. i IlllVI'l
Nhns been adopted.
PiflWifSBflll membership Is all
enrolled In an
r.ffnrt te tlllt It.
jti VPSfta3IV!Sr acreis.
ii "I&MSUbZ rostaie'sinctn-
A nnmw ed tls nawa en
L MJlem lef fourteen competitive
p.tn?s " i:-r.v f-js ih, i:ss;i
EKw In the largest total will have the
JplMSiire of figuring bb guests ei nu.u.
l nr.c . nrnnnsiw nf ulllell
i illlV paid by all the ether teams.
i fe n iinmhpp nf Niieelal in-
ducenienls for new members, net the
y'fci" of wliMi " the offer of all costs
t rinding lultlatlen fern, subt-c-rlpt en te
. heweckl, ' ether charges, tinder the
' tint figure, of ?"'
The wcend nnnual ball of the Fourth
.i nisirlrt. Pest Ne. 10,"!. will take
nlarc next Monday night. February 20.
'X In the Bellewic-Stratferd. Mere than
"000 glieslH liru uyvi.i;u i """'"i """
,' ill mailable dancing npnrc In the, be
Si ttl will be required for their nccomuie
. -I Arimlml TiOiils McCev Nulton. com-
nandant of the Navy ard, Is honor henor honer
t iry chnlrman of the cent ; Brigadier
' Ccneral Littleton W. Tazewell Waller
te Ice c'uiirinaii, enn iicnrj t . xvu xvu
ceck Is acting" treasurer.
The committee Includes 'William If.
rMimir. t'hairman: T. .1. Yeung. Paul
V Will. Hugh T. Dnrley. Herbert Stem,
' Adelph Stem, V. D. Dagil, It. J. Nel-'
, son anu nnmuci n irt.
TTin nfficcrs of tlie Navy Yard will
P fhe the hcrend of their scrleR of dances
en the evening of Frlda. February 24.
The affair, winch will be Held ilu the
, Paulding Club, will be a. bal masque.
10,000 Fed at Seamen's Church In
stitute in Twe Weeks
'j Ten theusautl bailers have joined the
l bread line at the Seamen's Church In
j stitutc. Second and Walnut streets,
wnerc mere men nrc irn uuny iuuii in
any ether place in the city.
Fer two weeks the unemployed sea
men of the pert hae been besieging the
Institute te such an extent that it haw
been almet impossible te feed and
louse them. All funds for relief seen
Merc exhausted uml the institute was
at the point of suspending the wiup
lltrhen when nn enormous person.
I Ml ftgning u letter A. M.. sent ?.")00 for
(' ! rtllef work. 1
1 1 fWJurlng the pres
I ft ."The money
;. J. HID yui ivvu iuu iiit'ii
present weeK.
c'nnie almost as a eift
fm heaven for the 1000 men out of
erk here," said the llcv. I'ercy u.
Klockman, acting superintendent, to
day. "The institute, new a member
J of the Welfare Federation, has been un
able te make u piiDiu appeal ier tunus
for this relief work. Few persons
knew hew ninny hungrj men are wnlk-
Ing the streets teda. We lme fed
!...., 1H nnn fl.r. Inc., Iua unil.. Will.
the $."00, which I feel sure was given
by a prominent Philadelphia!! just
leaving for nurepe nnd one who real
ized something of the value of the work
of a sailor, we can feed hundred"."
Friends of Irish Freedom Condemn
Vete te Seat Newberry
Condemnation of the notion of Senn
ter Pepper in voting te sent Truinan.1l.
Vewberrv, in the United Statis Sen
late, was voted last night at a merl
ins of Casement Urnnch, Friends of
Irish Freedom, of which James U.
Ohen Is piesldent.
A resolution su.vs in part that
whether the amount expended in the
lirlin.iry before Newberry's election was
"llglitb meie or less thnn $105,000. the
Mini was excessive. The expenditure of
meli !aige amounts in behalf of a can
didate, the resolution continues, either
with or without his knew ledge, is "con "cen
trarj te sound public policy, harmful
te the lioner and dignity of the Senutu
and d-tngeVeus te the perpetultj of n
free government, and such excessive
enpeiiillturea are hcreb.v severely ion ien
ilcnined nnd disapproved."
Sleeping Ledger Fatally Burned
When Cigarette Stub Ignites Bed
A ledger in a North Franklin street
looming house was fatull) burned jes
ttrdaj as a result of a fire, when a
cigarette stub dropped from his hand
In bed lifter he had fallen asleep, lie
Is Ueerge Fisher, thlrtv-flvc jears old,
vvlie roomed at 117 North Franklin
Fellow ledgers responding te screams
of pain coming from fishers room dis
covered smoke pouring from bena.th
the deer. Forcing au entrance thej
found the mattress nblaru and the fleer
i turning and Fisher by this time un
conscious encircled by flumes from the
ted. A tire alarm was turned inland
J'iaher was taken te the Hahnemann
Hospital, hut died before he reached It.
The fire was extinguished with slight
ilamnge, Fisher's body was taken te
the Morgue, ns pollce wcre unable te
locate, his relatives.
f Or. Broeme Tells of Progress te Men
' of Northeast
''Public Schools and the Public's
r Bchoel" was the subject of a Ulsieuria
ty Siiperltitendant of Schools liroemu
i fn u IIU,C""B last night in the Amber
. nicetic, Fiankferd nvenue and Ser-
Bfant street, attended by about 850
5 Wen, lepiasentlng the Protestant
J inarches of the northeast.
' Ii Uruome speke of the rlse of the
public school In America, which is the
T ''ilv iiatlen in the world, he said where
a II (lasses me taught in one sclioel. In
j "(a; r eunt i lis, m miIiI, the schools aic
r lildei line tin co 1-liit.M'x. Tin- iiiiMIc
t KlioeN, l( kuIiI, aic the biukbone of
'""in an iieiimcrac .
SlinnL lif ..t ,!.. ...!.. ..r .i. ..i i.
-,-... .. ,H ,1, i,jV nrriia ui urn m uuuih
ll? '"V1 ''' as much van spent last
.'.'"' "J me ruitcii tates en buttle-
PtltM UU Oil lllli!l Hull 'I'l.., 1l,lln,ll.,l,l
kit. . JV..'i . "!.. "" "vi"""
'"' v iioeia, jie sum, can u made tlie
itlen. and he proposed te
iii tni in
"1. lui'iii Ml ill' iiiiii til., vaam tw .i.a
I f'.'PffJWtH'?
wan-te-Bzd Stories
The Touching Tale of Alolu Alligator
NCK upon a time,' denr cl.ildrcn,
J there Vns a darling little fiimlly of
alligators who lived whcrn'durllng little
families 'of alligators live, when they
want te live there. (Johnny, get off
the piano.)
There' was Pnpa Alligator, Mammii
Alligator -nnd their wcet little son,
Alej slus Alllcnter. One dav nx Afnmmrt
Alligator and Alntslus were nlaylml !
pnt-n-cake en their sun perch, they
heard a loud report which sounded for
all the world like a tjrc blowing out.
"It sounds .for all the werfcWllkc n
Hrc. blowing .out," said ,Mamme Alli
gator, "doesn't It, AlejUlus?''
Little Alejslus replied: "Yeu tell
'em, mamma," after which touching
colloquy they resumed their pat-a-enke,
"It's about time for daddy te come
home," mild Mamma Alligator a'llttle
later. ,
"Oh. mamma," cried Alejslus, "I
can make a little poem. Listen I Itctter
late than latjr for Papa Alligator."
BUT alas! Papa Alligator never
came home, and Mamma Alligator
had te take in washing nnd run an ele
vator te, keep herself and Afb'.vslus from
starving te death.- (Dorethy, if veu
hove any influence with the bnbv would
.veu mind asking him te step chewing
the deg's car? The deg and I object.)
Several months Inter, ns Alejslim
Alligator wan basking In the sun. n
tourist from Wnukegnn snuck up be
hind him, captured him nnd sent lilm
te a friend of his in Chicago, who
ftwjicd tin animal store, because he
thought Aloysius would make n cun
ning little pet.
Naturally this was against Alevslus'
- - -
wishes. Imagine hew YOU would feel
te les your father and then be snuck
Fer cleaning and dyeing men's and women's clothing and or
cleaning household furnishings blunketn, curtains, rugs, etc. the
firm of Barg Bres, is unexcelled.
WHEN your rugs and draperies
begin te leek soiled, and they in
variably de at this time of the year,
it is a geed pjan te send them te be
cleaned immediately. Of court-e, I
knew hew bare and unattractive your
house leeks without them, but, if you
will send them te Bargs, 1113 Chest
nut Street, they will receive such
prompt attention and be returned se
quickly that you will have little time
te miss them. Then, tee, they will
have been cleaned, thoroughly. Fer
instance, your rugs will net only
leek clean en the burface, but they
will be entirely free from these Bmall
particles of grit which are often
responsible for their wearing out.
A SURPRISE for Valentine's Day
a Gift Basket of Fruit from
Hallowells' (Bread below Chestnut)
will be the most appreciated Valen
tine of all. The Baskets themselves
arc se attractive and the luscious
Fruits he artistically arranged te
bring out the most pleasing color
effects that unless you have been
the pleased recipient of one yourself,
you cannot realize hew delightful
they are. And such marvelous
Fruits, toe: huge clusters of Belgian
Hothouse Grapes, Spanish Almeria
Grapes, Peaches, Plums, Nectarines,
Apricots, etc. They arc priced at
$5 te $26 nnd upward, nnd llnllevvells
Kunrnntce perfect deliver te any place
within 1000 miles.
C. J. Heppe & Sen Central Stere 1 1 1 7-19 Chestnut
There is Thorough Satisfaction
In Buying Your Vidrela Here
We sell only genuine Victrelas and you cheese
from every style Victrela manufactured and from
an immense stock of records. Prices of Victrelas
begin at $25, and we have carefully grouped com
plete outfits from $29.50 up.
The Heppe Rental-Payment Pjan
1. 1.. .. AnnaAnlnn. n vrnl. tn
cbe, you limy rent any pUno. - player pUne. - player pUno. - player
re, froe te purcbew tba InitruMtnt pr
i I II i
tip en bpftiflcA ntid ieiit te nn nntmat
Hlerc. Well, tlmt'n junt hew AIe1iim
fjtli m1ia..A ll Y-... utM lltAM ftlt.f lttl
lii fC little glass tank of witter anil set
li'Ini'iti thi. ulimt -uliulnu uliere all the
iiassern-by could see him nnd "inake
eilrieun'remnrks nbellt th! calluses pn
bis cuticle eh they rubbered at him
through the glass.
TIIKN one day n'tnan came down the
street, carrying a1 suitcase.-; It1
"med te Aleysl'us there vvas nemcthlng
r . ii i i .. i j . i liar iiu
(In. mnn mlrintiml In front of the sllOVV
inmiimr iiuuiii. inn niiiirunv wr.. -.
window Ale.vslut leek one Jeng, staring
leek nt the suitcase. ,
"Oh, papa." he cried in touching
alllgaterlsh tones. "Ob-papa,, bow you
have changed "
And that's the end of the story.
Gvvau te lied.
Boosters' Organization Alse, te Fea
ture Syncopated Ballet
A burlesque en grand epern Is in
cluded In the program of musical mer
riment which the Boosters' Club will
offer nt Its annual celebration in the
ballroom of the Bellevue-Htratferd
en February 20. Anether feature
will be n mere or less syncopated ballet
called "Quest for Happiness. ' It was
arranged by Mrs. 11. T. ButteTrwerth.
who will direct the entertainment.
Ethel Prfrtcr llroeks nnd Rebert A.
Tack "will nppear In n song ejele called
"(In Jhclum lllver."
The forthcoming celebration is one
which the Boosters' flub gives annual!
en Washington's Birthday or as nenr
that holiday ns Is possible. Special
cestumery nnd scenery huve been se
cured for this .vcar'n production, which
Ik premised will tie the most ciaDernie
the club has ever undertaken
1 IRLS never leek se well-dressed
vJ" en the street as when they nre
wearing sports clothes," I heard a
man remark the ether day. And, in
deed, sports clothes are se attrac
tive and satisfactory in every way
that one is net surprised with their
growing popularity. This morning
I saw some extremely tmart Spert
Coats at The Blum Stere. 1310
Chestnut Street. They were of pole
fabrics and the new herringbone
tweeds and were very reasonably
priced at $26 and $29 50. They also had
a Alie assortment of Sports Suits In the
popular pustel shades box models for
girls and long slim line models for
wemn. priced at $29 50. While the
Spert Dresses with i.'eats te match are
really of unusual. value, also at $29. .10.
NO DIAMOND, no matter hew fine
its quality, can compare with
the Polished Girdle Diamond, ex
clusive with the house of Bailcv,
Banks and Biddle Cempany: for this
Diamond is net only of the finest I
quality obtainable but, en account of
tVie scientific manner in which it is '
cut and polished, it is mere beau
tiful and mere brilliant than all '
ethers. It is for this reason that
it is selected as the stone for the
l.'nsiiKtment lllntr And the Hubs de-1
rlRiud and eveeuud bv Bailey's artists '
and eraftumen as u Keltlng te this nuperli
Jewel are exquisite beend description '
of ceurne. the (lttlnjf complement te an
Kngagemcnt Hlnsr of m rare brnut Is a
Clrcle of Diamonds and, Indeed, these
which 1 saw at B.illcy'a are charming
rings hi thimiscUcs
Founded in
Heuse that Heppe built
Inaugurated the
...tllA t 111 I IHl rmill f O . n.1..
- piano - piano - piane orletrela tint we
return. It at any tua.;
Mrs.1 Dletr Resisted Efferts of Physi
cians te Save Her Life
After taking poison Mrs. Tlllle
Diets, thirty learjj old, 232iNerth
ramae street, died , In the Women's
Hospital Saturday night She wns the
IChaJTM AecmiiiU Invlt4MT Mall -Or Jars Filial
'Illustrated Fashion Felder Sent en Request '
I 1215 Chestnut Street 1
59 Fur Goats
Each Reduced te a Price That Will Sell
Them Out in a Day
Our strictest merchandising rule is the abso
lute and immediate clearance of all "Odd and
Incomplete Lets." The intensive selling during
our Annual Fur Sale leaves us with a limited
number of garments te dispose of. As lets are
limited,--earTy shopping is advised.
Buy New for Next
A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in
Our Vaults Until Next Fall, Payments te Be
Continued Through the Sprinfj and Summer.
Quantity Reduced Frem
(4) Moleskin Wraps and Coats. 330.00
(5) Natural Raccoon Coats . 330.00
(3) Raccoon Trimmed Muskrat Coats.. 330.00
(6) Squirrel Trimmed French Seal Coats 330.00
(6) Beaver Trimmed French Seal Coats 330.00
(fl) Skunk Trimmed French Seal Coats. 330.00
Quantity Reduced Frem
(4) Natural Squirrel Coats 500.00
(5) Hudsen Seal Wraps 500.00
(4) Black Caracul Wraps and Coats 500.00
(6) Skunk Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats'. 500.00
(3) Squirrel Trimmed Hud. Seal Coats. 500.00
(5) Beaver Trimmed Hud. Seal Coats. . 500.00
All Coats are Length. Wraps are Full Length
Extra 'Size Ceat and Wrapt Frem 44 te 54 Butt
(French Beal is dyed ceney.) (Hudsen Seal Vs dyed muskrat.)
Fur Neck-pieces at Half Price
Formerly New
Natural Squirrel Chokers i,0.00 5.00'
Jap Mink Chokers 1 5.00 7.50
Natural Mink Chokers 25.00 12.50
Stene Marten Chokers 30.00 15.00
French Seal Steles 40.00 19.50
Blended Sable Chokers 50.00 24.50
Natural Baum Marten Chokers. . . 70.00 34.50
Cress Fex Scarfs 70.00 34.50
Hudsen Bay Sable Chokers 90.00 44.50
Dyed Blue Fex Scarfs 90.00 44.50
Platinum Grey Fex Scarfs 90.00 44.50
This is but a partial list. Our entire stock
is reduced te one-half former selling prices.
IhimiilBltPurcAasfng Agents' Orders AccepretftiuiirifluUiu
One-Price System in 1881
Street Uptown Stere N. W.
When artists make rec
ords for the Victi'ela, they
sing, play or speak into
the mouth of a horn-like
apparatus, which gees
through the wall into an
other room. The recording
device is hidden and few
there are who knew the
secrets of the recording
chamber. When a pianist makes a
DUO-ART Recerd, he or
she sits at a grand piano,
every key of which is
electrically connected with
the recording mechanism.
Every pressure of the fin
gers is registered te be
later reproduced by the
DUO-ART Pianola-Piane.
BrF Mail
C.J.IIeppe & Ser
These two recording
mechanisms of the Vic Vic
teola and of the DUO-ARTvl
Pianola-Piane a r e. t h e
greatest secrets of the
musical instrument world, ,
and the most interesting. I
wife of Pdward .T. Diet., a biker, and
leaven mc children, k
The young mother resisted efforts of
ph.vslclans at the' hospital te save her
life and askeil them te .leave her aletie.
Following the birth nf a baby, I-Mtvard.
Jr., a year age, she wn.a patient in
the Philadelphia Hospital and was in
111 -health for some time.
Season's Needs
Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts.
Offering the Piane
Purchaser a Great
' In no ether store can the prospective
purchaser of a piano see and compare
such a galaxy of world-famous instru
ments. Our Grand Piane List includes two
of the world's most celebrated pianos,
the Masen & Hamlin and Henry F.
Miller. Alongside of these we also sell
the Weber, Steck, Edouard Jules, Heppe
and H. C. Schemacker. Prices begin
at $695.
In Uprights we have the Masen &
Hamlin, Henry F. Miller, Weber, Steck,
Edouard Jules, Heppe, II. C. Scho Sche
m a c k e r, Murcellus and Francesca
Pianos. Prices begin at $390.
This Coupon for Full Information
. wiiiiriiu lilt ti i liminill rtl I Phila
I I litnnn lllh & lliomiiteu HH. I '"IIS
(i litre I lb
1 1 17
UllV nhlk'ntlnn nil mi. mnl ,1nfic
send full information about (mat k X below) : s I
jH Pianos 0 Pluycr-pinnes Q Victrelas "i
TheyKeynete of This Great
t I
Fur Coats
and Wraps
Still Further
These CeatH were greatly re
duced from their original fair
prices, and new the reduced
prices arc still fuither reduced.
Hudsen Seal and Nearseal
Natural Muskrat and
Natural Raccoon
Russian Marmet. Civet
Cut, Moleskin qnd
Persian Lamb
All fine, fashionable models,
high-grade in every detail.
Htraw In Irlue iMothlei
Pr-ieml rienr, riltiTt Street
In New Designs
ed and scal
loped, some
As well. All
dainty a u d
fine, in close
te V r e n c h
hand-work. This new ship
ment brings many lovely new
Night Conns, $1.7! te $:j.25.
Kn velepe Chemises R 1 .2."
te S2.50.
Corset Ceeis, R1.25 te $2.23.
Night (limns, S2.75 and
Kn elope Chemises ?2.00
and .'2.73.
Corset Cevers $1.50 te
$2.50. Mr.itrMsr & ( lulliler .
, Th r.l flour Hn."t
The Imported
Tweeds Have
Just Arrived
Frem "Bennie" Scotland
and bonnier Tweeds ne'er left
their native heath.
Touch them! All-wool and
as soft as down. Seme de
cidedly Scotch, some in the
iaen effects that aie new
this season. When one sees
thc. one (Iecmi'I wonder long
Tweeds are the Fashion
-Fer one-piece ft ei-ks with
leather belts and cellais, for
jumpers, fei capes and suits
and Knh'keiboikeie and all
their vaiieus combinations.
And don't fetget, a little extia
for the Hat. Widths, 52 and
54 inches. Pi ices, $1.00, $4.50
and 5.50 a yaid.
Mrjuhill.x Clnthlrr
M-'lr- 7. trnln
Lest you think this statement is a mistake, let us repeat it The selling prices
of these Rugs ; if imported te-day, would b2 THREE TIMES the prices you can buy
them ter in this Sue. Thnsn nm w rim, w;n p.,.,e .... . ti.i . V ,"y
England, and are chiefly in the lighter, brighter colorings se popular in European
homes. The patterns are reproductions of rare Oriental Antique Rugs. Nete- weU
these prices: ' b uu wuu
"Ori-Angle" Wilten Rugs, 9x12 feet $48.50
Rugs, 9x10.6 $45.00 Rugs, 11.3x13.6 $74.50
Rugs, 9x13.6 $64.50 Rugs, 11.3x15 $77.50
lmVOrtant i frtJt;u,lar et w the last of the impoitaUen. Similar Rugs cannot peit.
!.. i8,b,yibe obtained te sell for less than three tfincu these prices, Therefore i we
urge our customers te makn erlv ki ectinn tn.-nn..., v . ,.. .. . ' -i.riierc yie
f A4t ;v
l,.. wh - i. rfr
m- f t rr T ',7 'J '
Semi-Annual bale
of Furniture is
Visit this Sale. -examine the
the VALUE is unmistakable. Make careful comparisons
elsewhere, if you wish, and you will learn that the values
here arc matchless.
Prices en regular stocks arc reduced te much below what
they were last month and what they will be next month or
the month after.'
Prices en all special purchases are shown together with
the present retail market valuation, se that the savings may
be plainly noted.
Piece for piece, suit for suit, this Furniture proves itself
matchless value. Come see for yourself!
Here for Instance are Three Typical Suits:
Queen Antic Period Bedroom Suit of walnut or mahogany, dustproef
throughout. Consists of 40-inch btneau, huge chifTorebe, semi-vanity
drcshPT and full-sl.e bow-end bed. About one-third under price at $206.
Ovcrntuffcd Living-room .Suit, consisting of full-size spiing-arm
daenpert, a high-back fireside wing chair and u davenport chair te
match. All upholstered in tapestry, with loose-cushion scats. Much
under price at $27G.O0.
Italian Renaissance I'cried Dining-room Suit, with 72-inch side
board, enclosed seiving table, large china closet, oblong extension table,
and five side chairs and arm chair with tapestry-upholstered scat3 and
backs. Regularly one-half mere than $450.00.
, Slrnwlirl'Ji.e A. Clrtthler l'uriillure TMr.l fleer,
Mr t il Hiln uml HcildliiK, I'uurlli I'loer KhkI
(Jelf red, phqasant, meadow
lark, catiua, carmine, and an
other red called Mohawk that
will flash and glow entrancing
ly when nature furnishes the
Spring background of gicen.
And, of course, there's navy
blue for mere practical wear,
and the lovely Dutch blue that
ones sees in fancy, enlivening
the costume of white. And
.speaking of white white is
the high note of fashion in
Over-blouse as in everything.
All of crepe de chine, some
combined w ith Paisley or
plain ciepe Georgette some,
tee, with gorgeous Bulgarian
Prices, $7.50 te $20.00.
SlrnHlirlilcn I'lellilcr
rni encl rioer iViitn
Men's Ulsters
Type are in
m 'i "'V,
jm&iitt.aar v
? mAiKfllyi A
jJ'iW I .'I llPilfillf-a
They arc from our finest lines, and include the choicest
products of the Stein-Blech Company, Hart, SchafTner &
Marx and ether well-known suppliers. Fabrics are silk
mixtures, line worsteds and cassimeres. Main styles for
men and young men, and plenty of sizes for steut'men as
well as men of regular proportions.
Other Suits and Overcoats
the Sale at
A gicat variety of styles, fabrics und all sizes in eveiv group
- Mr i m.i M... a. i h.iim, s.miii I i,,,,, I,,,';
A Special Purchase of
"Ori-Angle" English
Te Sell at ONE-THIRD
Their Present Impert Price
" "" -"-""..nu. , irr-r oimwurniife m uiointer -Kuurlll Fluur. WeatU
Furniture, note the prices
Special Prices
for Hardwood
Our charges for this work
arc unusually low just new a
measure intended te keep our
staff of experts busy and,
thercfeic, intact.
1'iiurl'i Kleer W'lt
'3c te $1.00
As modest or as elaborate as
your heart may dictate.
MmKct .street t'ies Aisle
rilliert Streft 'resH Alslr,
Sr-cencJ Kloei , niliert Mrct. West
Fancy Tickings, 65c
Renovating time in the home
and here are the fine printed
Tickings for re-covering pil
lows and mattresses. Many
pretty patterns G5c a yard.
A ll II (Vntre
of the Finest
the Sale at
T ic fabrics arc sonic
of the finest that have
ever come from leading
looms of Ireland and
Scotland "luxurious" is
the best term that can
be applied te them.
The tailoring presents
the finest handicraft of
leading Londen and
American shops. Fault
less in every detail.
( The Men's Clothing
Clearance new brings
tliehc Overcoats te you
at a clear saving of one
third $44.00.
The SUITS in
the Clearance
at $44.00 are
$21. $27.50. &V7
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