MTOFlBTYt 7TJ7'-V(W'l II 9 SlaV 1 ,wv f til J " J : y ' b &: r , ' B- K w r. If Ik Ar ?" hi vs k'T ft" w ?1C rf l-- rvf ir m 11 bO e Mr asis Mftfft . rlH III .? B Milk-Fed I M. Fying gl Chickens I 1 35 DUG EflMB TO GUDETRAFFIC C. of C. Alse Wants All Trelley Tracked Streets Made "One-Way" VpW SUGGESTS CITIZEN AIDES . Tasty and appetizing. At all our Meat Markets V piraiiiramiiiiiiiiiHii'imiOTJiBiJiHiifiiiiniiiMMiiii: Unsightly eruptions en face fresh yeast rids you of them Itiswelllcnewn that blemishes and blackheads (acne) and bells ara often caused by errors of diet. Fleischmann's Yeast te new be be be Ingrecommendedfertheeje embar rassing and painful skin troubles because fresh yeast corrects the errors of diet which cause them. The rurgeen of one Important New Yerk hospital states: "I have used yeast extensively and found it Invaluable In curing boils." When 17 cases of skin blemishes were treated with Fletschtnanu's Yeast at hospitals in NewYerkand Philadelphia the results were re markable A typical cae was a a yeunt; man who had suffered from skin disorders for three years. He ate three caicea of Flelschmann'a Yeast dally. In five weeks the erup tion had cleared, completely. If you are troubled with eruptions or boils, begin at once te correct fresh yeast daily before or between meals. Be sure it's Pleitch mann's Yceit the famlhar tin foil package with the yellow label. Place a standing order with your grocer for FlcUehmann's Yeast. C. of C. Urges These te Improve Traffic First. An electric pemaphote s.vs s.vs tern in Bread street between Ifitz water street and Kric avenue. Second. One-way traffic en all Hire! In the city having car line. Third. Volunteer force of 200 prominent citizens te watch for traf fic violation. Fourth. Fllmlnatien of all turns at Ilreatl and Chestnut streets. Fifth. Parkin restricted te fif tern minutes In specially marked places. Hlxth. Certain street specially paved for heavy truck traffic. A NICHE IN NORTHERN LIBERTIES jBMHIMJMsBsm IlKIIlilKMHr? BflMBBBW 'Im-iWssWfkmssssm ;( ' 'VladeaBBBBBBBBBBBBLaiaiaiaHi ; ;MI ! m W HRS-H ' 111; VBH Mm :- : aHMHsssssssLiKlll Jft'-V BLlHl aBBBBBaBaiaiaiaw BawaaaVav ' x' aiaiaiaiaVlaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaV MHsBBBBBBVaMbBBBBBBl ?'! '"-. aBBBBVBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBVl 'H&FlSalalalalatalalaiaialalalaK P K H ,rv1 41!BBBBBBBBBbSBKBb1 "-''- , .' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBW KCXBBBBBBBBBBBbBbIV :-'..'' 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBH 1&V Kv&BaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaV ' ? aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiav blgOgLjKVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBW ' i The picture ! of Mrs. Kate Masterson, who sits lieldliiR her fatorlte hen In front of the liouse in which she was married Mirao thirty years Age. The Utile court en which the house stands Ii.ih no name nor tins the house itself any number. It lt just n little corner of Old Philadel phia that up (e the present has escaped extinction TOLL OF NORTHERN LIBERTIES Little Spot Near the River Rich in Recollections of Bygone Days Must Bew Before. Delaware Bridge Extraordinary ANNOUNCEMENT of the EXHIBITION and SALE of the Distinctive Collection of Jehn W.Baxter, Esq. comprising the entire Contents of his Country . Estate The Villa Melissa, Greenwich, Conn. and his town residence in the . HOTEL AMBASSADOR SEW YORK Rare Itnllan and Spanish Itcnnls Itcnnls BanCe Furniture French and Encllsh XVIII fentury Furniture Needlework Sofas, Onalrs siftd Screens In Petit and Gres Point Georgian Slher uml .Shertleld Plate Decorated l'ercelalnj and Faience Irish, I'nsHsh, French and Venetian Glass LaceH and Household Linen Urenites, Clocks and Objects of Art llronze Chun deller.i. Wull Appliques, Andirons and Fenders Velvets. Kmbrold Kmbreld Kmbrold erlep, Damask's and Brocades Bursundlan and Aubusen Taiwu trles Antique Eastern Carpets and Ruks French, IiRllsh and Flemish Palntlnsrs ltnre Sculp- Ntures French nnd Italian Renals Renals iince Forsed Iren Uurden Marbles and Terra Cuttas Exhibition Opens Feb. 20 .Continuing Until Feb. 25 Sale Begins Feb. 25 continuing 1hIIj- until Marrh 4, LnrltlsHr, tile sulrii h-mdIeiis lieBiiiiilnc at S:3u V. ."M. .IfiMtrarcd Catalogue en request Clarke's; 44 E. 58th St., New Yerk The sale will be conducted by I MB. AUGUSTUS Y. CLARKE One-way traffic en streets harlns street car lines, an electric semaphore system In llread street In the central pftrt of the city and the elimination of all turns at Rread and Chestnut street1' are anions the six main traffic changes proposed In thu report of the Traffic Committee of tln Chamber of Com merce. I A citizens' committee of 200, te , watch for traffic violations and report te a trnthc court, ih also urscu in me ' committee's repett. Additional traffic patrolmen are lS&MODERN PROGRESS TAKING ilJltfc tliliifiV ii'un vriev'i ei lilt j. flee of eme motorists who run pat trolley can that have stepped ut inter- 1 sections. , Follewini! is the complete list of the .committee's recommandatlens for im mediate relief: That the Department et Public Safe tr relesue In lx)eklet form n complete t-it of traffic rules for the benefit of the entire police force and the public, se I that nil may hae full knowledge e the traffic Jaws of the present day. I That tline laws be enforced abbo abbe lutelv without fear or favor. i With the foregoing as n ba-sK the committee recommends for the immedl immedl nte relief of pedestrians and the rcduc- I tien et se-called "unnecessary aeci- I dmits" the following additional regu regu lateons: One-way traffic only en one-way ' treMs and en all streets with car lines running in one direction traffic may trael only in that direction. Signs Indicating clearly one-way I thoroughfares bhculd be prominently placed en such btreets. j Safety zones, clearly defined, for nil I meter-driven and all ether vehicle?, twenty feet back of the building line. I for protection of pedestrians, llecausc "f thi change, it Is recommended te nUe the height of the hnnd-mnnlpu- I luted semaphores, signs en top of which heuld be enlarged, and should !me ''ennected therewith red and white ll?hts for traffic direction at night. Ne left-hand turns en two-way ".treets excepting immediately beyond Interesting streets nt points desig nated. Tl committee feels just as seen as possible all left-hand turns en two-way I streets should be abolished. I All turns at the comparatively few 1 Ighly congested points, like liread and Chestnut streets, theuld be entirely cdminatc'1. A eo-erdlnated system of semaphores 'electric or otherwise; te be installed i en llread street from it point immedi ately south of City Hull working as far south as Fitzwatcr street, and north of City Hall working as far north as trie avenue. Ne parking en left-hand side of one- ' way streets. The sjstem of a duplex tag same te be affixed te the ear of the absent of- i fending owner, who may net return for hours, permitting the officer te go in with his duties without less of time. small, shuttered windows that nre in in digvneus and individual te old Fhlla dclphla. Onre Heme of Qankers I r!cvcnty-five years age there were i hardly any living In these courts or in deed in the whole district hereabouts, but Quakers, some Irish of thp famine immigration nnd n few German Jews. Most of the houses were painted in the dull lead roler that was convcntlena among Friends. Kcn jet., three house. out of every ten have this appearance, minus, of course, the scrapings an splatterings of a geed many jeilrs. But the Quakers nre gene. One family of two maiden ladles living in n small house en Fifth street nre nil that re main. lng since, the burjing ground nt the end of 'Wagner place (new mere ly Hamilton street) where the Quaker dead were taken, was built eer man ears age una even me scuoei neusc that was put there has been made Inte &wwKxt$ Tins h the fourth of n tcrin of or. tides which will appear in the Evening I'uhHi' Ledger from time te time dr icribinn little nooks nnd ruinrra hidden avau in the heart of the city: hyieaiis iKUlnt Wfi the auaintnrss of an Old World citii and filled irfi the romance of a long-age past. Northern Liberties, which is the ar chaic designation for the Fcctlen that lies north of Vine street and cast from Eighth street te the river, is an exam ple of the decay of neighborhoods in an industrial civilization. It is net, like the feet of De I.a'ncey street, an Instance of residents holding out tenaciously against commerce en one hand and immigration en the ether, or like Quince street, a recrudescence plus 1 paint nnd plaster, or again like erK- man p-uce, an iiunciiimiiem.- .-:iv. tenement. ,. It is un instance et a neigiiuorneou , Th(, Ir,sh tee nrc tIllllntngti,nt j, las old in years nnd traditions as an ,1(1 e(, lrlsh. (ll0s wIl0 remem.,. 0r of these, that is new in the last fetage . whf) ,mvc na(, by word of mouth( ,. I of dissolution. . . . . ' story of hew the Knownethlngs burned What the warehouses ami factories )own thc 0ja church of St. Augustine. nave lelt et .ertiiern i.ieeriu-j im ju 1544, Delaware Ilrldge Is likely te take. . I Llttle of Old District Ixft 1 Keep Beys Off Truck? The prohibition of boys hanging en ' the rear end of trucks or meter vehicle ' or without thu consent of drivers, A limited number of additional unl unl feimed traffic officers te de nothing but cheek up violations of traffic rules In congested sections of the city thete men te be kept en move continually. 1 Parking places should be clearly out lined en each block In such sections 1 where parking Is permitted one-third of entire block te h frei- from parking and te be devoted exclusively te thc ar- , rival and departure of pasyngers. ' Parking spaces en the umalning we-thlrds of each blnr-lt In congested ' d'striets te be clearly defined. Ne parking is te be permitted in the designated cenge-ted district for longer ' thnn fifteen minutes between thc hours of StfO A. M. and 0 P. M. Ph.vsieln'is carrying the -neeessarv Indentlficfltlen of tlicir profession should ' l"e '" iM'inpt ireni tue regular line limit , ami should be given the privilege parking the mtximum of one hour in any space given iver te parking in any I In and around Neble street, east from thc old meeting house of the Qunkcrs at I Sixth street, is te be found virtually I all that Is left of this jeeman district l of old Philadelphia excepting, of course, such landnmrKs as me eerrc mum. (sealed up since prohibition), St. Au gustine's Church, en Fourth street, and a few ethers. Frem the center of lerk avenue ioe iee tween Fourth and Fifth streets above Neble street), no longer n much-heard -of locale, is thp beginning of n stable that runs for half block, turns at n right angle end extends out almost te v.,1.1 utr This stable, owned through n couple of generations by the ' French family, eutsiue et wic emm.v m its design is of no partieaiur imcre-c. The little houses, however, that nre barely outslde of it. give perhaps thc fairest, clearest picture of Northern Liberties new te be had. The houses nre built around little cobbled courts that have no names nnd that never had any se far as can new be learned. At one point or another the.e courts lead lnta doers of the stable, and nt most some hours of t lie day are noisy and busy with passing teams. Faeh court has. of course, its lamp- -pest and its hydrant, from which hint comes virtually all of the water suppl of the famlllcH who live hard by. I Fneomfertable as thin pleturesq ie '.lvlng may be In "eme respects, It is net without compensations. The land lord, himself an eld-tluicr, wink-, at inanv liberties, Mich, for Instance, a ihe raising of chicken. Mlic neuses ure of many sizes and shapes, built. It np would Halt seem, ncciiniiiis ii wium .ire but one-story frame cottages strug , Halt as me ngun 1 aaBaKiaaWZ' L- Cerns? , aaaaai Hi I -just :z say Blue jay te your druggist Steps Pain Instantly The simplest way te end a corn Is Blue-jay. A touch' steps the pain in stantly. Then thc corn loosens and comes out. Made in two forms a colorless, clear liquid (one drop docs ill) and in extra thin plasters. Use whichever form you prefer, plasters or thc liquid the action is the same. Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed laboratory. Sold by all druggists. Ffci Writ Bautr & Black. Chicago, for xalualle book, "Comet Cart of the Fut." PIONEER LIVERYMAN DIES .,;.. ,.f ili ..In Sine W1U1 Cliuuurvn mm un . The foregoing recommendations as telas themselves. Others are tw.-sterj I 'definite parking privileges for number Ihrlck houses, with dormer reef and , of cars or tliue parking in congested districts are predicted upon the ability et the cltv effii iaK te furnish necessnry 1 1 additional tralhc elllccrs te btrictly en- " ferce the regulations. I Francis McGovern( Camden, Sue- That all moteris's voluntarily attach , .i,. .n Disease te rear of vehleh a signaling device cumbi te Heart Disease thut will .iidicntc Intention of driver te Heart disease caused the sudden -top or change dirtuleu. death vcsteiday of Francis MeGevrrn, All slovv-ineviiig tr.ithc.herse-drawn 1 ,.,,, .PIirB eUi. nDneer funeral elilr.liiu no Itiik irimii L u uhmiljl ln i 1 -0"tf ..- - ' IUI" n 'i muiviuiivft" II'UIU IJtJ 4(J cQhe WE VICHY '1 vrssucs ucfVBuc rsersarn -9 Natural Alkaline La- Water Unexcelled for v I Table Um 1 cightv-ene years I rnh nni.riitill- nf Cllllldell. lit fell ill lid n thc stable, which adjoins the Me- fievern lieme, at ?M Lawrence stieet, y-i-,.,... l vr.r.Ainii linil nnl lw nil ' uamueii. .ur. .'uv""" feeling well, but aroie from bed and, . while looking after his horses, cel- Known and pre- acribed by the Medical Profession for many years as s possessing great Medicinal Properties M asmf strleteil te extreme right of biead il iiimighfaics. All traffic officers should be equipped w tli some udded protection that will rik. them ileiirlv discernible In the 1 1 vk, while en duty in the park or iliiiib-'. 411 ..AllAMn.n ,.!.- .!... . n.. .ill "iiu run 11, vim 1 linn inline , , oflieers, should be called upon te report' ' ,. ., n , . i., every infraitlen of the traffic laws that ,r- McGevcrn was thc first te Intro Intre cTiic under tlieir ole-ervatien. ' duee funeral cabs in Camden. lie A minimum of 20e private citizens mlUt lucrative business, but with of unquestioned integrity and sound I ., , ' . ., . ,1,Ui. f-rni Judgment (selected from all sections! , t:,e n,lve,lt of ""5 uutomebllo funeral te be entrusted or appointed without 1 car ills busincsH feu away, nnu no op- wmam VflC fpag BUSINESS MENVJ.,Hfi,MWWRtE W1C LUNCH y?85;. 7AMtB8PM. RESTAURANT AND COFPEE SHOP 191 AND CHESTNUT STS. 1 '' liay as a civic service, te report direct by mail te the traffic court any Infrac tiens of the law they may notice from time te time. THOMAS TO BE GUEST crated his livery stable. He was in the cub nnd stable business for fifty-one years In Camden. F-ralgrating from Ireland, Mr. Mc Mc eovcrn as a boy worked en farms. He later came te Camden and established his business In 1871. On January U Penn State Club Will Held Reception , '", his wife, Mrs. Mary .Mci.evern, . --... t .... M1"1 suddenly. At his wlfe'H funeral and Banquet Tomorrow Mr, McGovern expreised the hope that A large number of the alumni of Htate 1 he would seen join her. 'ellege are expected te attend the nn- Mr. McGovern was n familiar figure mini dinner of the Philadelphia Penn In Camden, lie was one of the found State Club tomorrow evening at theiers of tlm Church of the Immaculate Helleviic-Ntriitferd. The dinner will be I Conception, Camden, and personally 'u reception te Ir. .fehn Martin TheniaH, I worked en tliu construction of the v. he recently wan installed as president . cnurcn .BnPSHr 701 i mm.3?w rL4e 1 i. ' m IS. DISTRIBUTORS t M1I.MCB JLTC lEi irrcilKBUO, ZL) of the celleae I Pr. Themas will be the principal I speaker of the occasion. Addrcnen also will be made "by Judge If. Wltaen Mitchell, of Pittsburgh, president of the Heard of Trustees of the collage, and ProfcHBer Fred Lewis Pattce, head of ftM ivmbw t Three daughters survive. They are Mrs. Marv McCarthy, Mrs. Jesephine lllake and Miss Catharine McGovern, ' The funeral will take place Mcdnes day, with solemn high mass et requiem In the Church of the Immaculate Con ception, Interment will be made in iMna GUry. . , . . Step that pain! QUICK, warming, toething, comforting relief follewa en application of Slean's Liniment Just slop It en the etraleed. overworked muecle. Geed for rlieumitUm. tee. Penttntea without rebblnf. Keep It handy Slea I 4 4 " atkfeT Pin' t ' I i i 4 i t $ t t t t t it i i $ :: V & 41 mmr . i Meal Bk. mmSmw Thfe Great Furniture teNew Heightsef Opportunity tj Little wonder that the response te this extraordinary Sale is breaking all records. Fer it is net only the largest exhibit we ever assembled, excelling anything we knew or heard of in the United States, but the values surpass any that have come te our attention in the February offer ings anywhere. J Naturally the geed news of this event is traveling fast and spreading far. We would regret te see any one who needs Furniture miss this opportunity. Aside from the advantages we derive from the Sale itself, it is infinitely mere satisfactory te us te knew that we are satisfying our customers and serving them with values greater than any ether Stere can hope te reach. , nn.ia' .twt's.w ty w ww r:V tatV44t t iiSK w t $ M f t t t 0 f t t t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 9 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 9 9 0 9 9 9 0 9 9 0 9 9 0 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 00 0 0 00 00 09 00 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 99 9 9 99 9 9 0 90 9 9 9 9 99 9 9 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 9 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 t 9 0 0 0 0 i 0 9 0 9 9 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 9 9 t 9 9 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 ,00 t 0 0 9 0 0 l" !? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 t 0 i 0 9 9 t i t 0 I 9 t t 4 0 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4t 10 0 I" 4 0 4 4 I" 4 4 4 4 4 4 9 4 0 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 'iri-f..6 T '.ri' I'' A ' ivyvv; iLJI m vWHBr .-'!.'$ "!-'. M 2 Hi. Jf.'JaT " 11":. Vl1" , T l a"?"W?'WV "Ws !'M V.- 1 wmvi am',,1ai4 !'-, ' ' SaleRises i CJ-Proudly we spread before you the result of our years of experience, our art in home-making and our economical advantages as manufacturers and quantity buyers. Likewise our low overhead and inexpensive location, that alone saves customers $250,000 a year all mean greater values for your dollar than any ether place Furniture is sold. , i ITiiHB I ft 11 1 !i 1 ('IBsWHM' 1 1 iilmi t , MWMKM 11 i 'SMmtW9 111 ISPi Th h inTTalWiTaWMilWlie 11 MJHWWIIIflBMTn 1 naLffTT ' '' ''tKCTiaiMwAKlUffl -zsmife-- em 11 iiMWJeiaeaygcy3aWEaaMMWaPlBigtr.'"aj- .& fMaSSCTsllrSaisMUl.'iefJ Illustrated Frem Our Sale Fleer It requires no stretch of the Imagination te realize the itrandeur of n bedroom itrnced with a Mahogany Suite aa exquisite as is this. Hlegant in outline, rich In carvings, tlile Leuis XVI Sulte with Its ha nd-patnted plaques. Is the embodiment of urt and geed taste, well worthy of a place In the chamber of royalty Itself. A HINT OF THE UNUSUAL SAVINGS BEDROOM $147.50 Mahegafiy-Flnlsh Bedroom Suite, 4 nieces, aus.tS. $193.00 Mahogany-Finish Bedroom Suite, 6 pieces, MB.2B, 5325.00 Mahegany-Flnleh Bedroom Suite, 4 pieces, S27S.OO. $416.00 Mahogany Leuis XVI Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces. 9315.00, JC50.00 Mahogany Bedroom Suite, 4 pieces, I4S0.00. J'ne.OO Mahogany Queen Anne. Bedroom Suite, pieces, $07H.00. $985.00 Brown Mahogany Leuis XVI Bedroom Suite, 8 plcceri, flR.t.OO. $938.oe Mahogany Queen Anne Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces, 9848.80. $1510.00 Walnut Leuis XV Bedroom Suite, 7 pieces. S1370.00. $2755.00 Malieffuuy Bedroom Sulte, 7 pieces, 1: 4 80.00. BINGI.K PIEOEH- Bd, Chiffoniers, nureans. Triple Mirror Drrmlng Tables anil Vanity Dreesers at exceptional e lngn. I'rirm Mart an low a I10.7S for a fielld CI olden Onk Ilurrae with shaped top, end French Plute Mwlnalng Olaes Mir Mir rer with carved top, Chiffonier et same weed with Swinging Mirror, 913.25; with out Mirror, (10.80. LIVING ROOM $90.00 Mahogany Llvlng-Roem Suite, with tapestry-covered bpring scats, 3 plecce, 985.00. Mahogany-andCane Llvlng-Ttoem Suite, with tapestry-covered spring scats, 3 pieces, 950.50. $198,00 Mahogany-and-Cane Suite, spring seats, cevend with tapestry, 3 pieces, $185.00 Mahepany-and-Cane Suite, with tap-estry-eeverfid spring seats, 3 pieces, 9101.00, $189.00 Overstuffed Loese - Cushion Suite, covered with tapestry, 3 pieces, 9170.00. $295.00 Overstuffed Loese-Cushion Tapestry Covered Suite, with spring scats, 3 plccei, 9277.80. $442.00 Overstuffed Loese-Cushion Tapestry Covered Suite, spring seats, 3 pieces, 9869.80. $536.60 Overstuffed Loese Cushion Suite, spring seats, covered with brown mohair, 3 pieces, $690.50 Overstuffed Loese - Cushion Suite, spring seats, covered with rese-and-taupe mohair, 3 pieces, 9351,00. $792.00 Overstuffed Loese-Cushion Suite, spring heats, covered with beautiful design of mohair, 3 pieces, 9715.00. $1360.00 Overstuffed Loese - Cushion Suite, spring scats, covered with brown mohair, 3 pieces, 91200.00. Proportionate neductlena In niolng-lteom Furniture Davenports and Kasy Chairs, Tables, Book Beok Boek eases and Day Bed at wen dcrful savings $37.50 Seamless Tapestry Brussels, size 9x12 $24.50 $43.50 Seamless Velvet, size 8.3x10.6 $33.50 $45.00 Seamless Velvet, size 9 x 12 $34.50 $62.00 Best Axminster, size 8.3x10.6 $47.50 $65.00 Beet Axminster, size 9x12 $49.00 $375.00 Khiva Bekhara, size 11.2x8.3 $140.00 $650.00 Fine Saruk, size 9.8 x 6.9. . , $295.00 $785.00 Anatolian, size 12.2 x 9.1 $325.00 $750.00 Arak, size 12.6x9.3 $350.00 $800.00 Kherassan, size 13.3 x 9,9 $375.00 BRASS AND METAL BEDS REDUCED Prices range In Brass Beds from 8S0,50,up te 800,00, Metal llerin, from 90.0(1 te 943.50. White enamel, Ivery, Ivory-decer.itcd, mahogany nnd walnut llnlshei. Very speelal. 2-inch continuous-pest Bed with 7 1-lneh flat lllliis, 910.00. SIrtal t'rlhK Included are white enamel, ivory, lvery-deearated, mahogany, walnut and brass. Prices rangi- from 910.00 up te 930.75. .Metal Sprint", all Hl.i'H, fietll $4.50 up te 814.23. Bex SpilngH, all Mze, from 917,50 up te 947.S3. All Pillows and Ueintern at reduced prices. BEDDING UNDER PRICE .- .,!J1R'"ir,1!'e, ycslit 45 pounds, from 910.50 up te 958.00. bmaller sUes priced proportionately less. .0. ?,,01?. ,', a',tre,r' full Ftze, from 810.00 up te 854.25. .Smnller slses priced proportionately le43. u? n"-!eund 0''n Mattrrsees, full size, 37.50. .Smaller fdzea priced proportionately lew. DRAPERY FABRICS IN THE SALE C retnnne in u vast assortment of design: nnd beau, tful colerlnirt, from sne a. jurd up., Imported Cretonnes. 05c a yard and up. Minfunt Artnllk Riieil colors, 91,10 per yard Other huntiut Material), 92.0e per yard and up. Office Furniture, Clocks and Lamps, All at February Sale Prices These who wish te EXTEND PAYMENTS for Furniture or Furnishinns aver a period of aeverql months can make convenient and satisfactory arrangements. NOTK Tnere are certain lines of Furniture en our floors every day ttirouiheut the year th -. m.rv. . ,, . '. TT In Mlfi such te this they cannot b, marked lows?. a low la price that even Appatltlnc Luncheons in the Van Sclver Restaurant Jlf m yuw vl bv7sah Wial vlafe mF" IbIK ItWTmMWr (SOWWla mr nnr n I :m w sr siffiffi ssmb w well 0 Manufacturers, Importers and Retailers MARKET STREET FERRY, CAMDEN, N. J. PniuWtianie, Call Lomearii 6200 Marftet 5rJ Frry Boeli Stere Optns at 8:30 A. M, Chits of S:30 P. M. Ttltphent Cenntct'wns Pennsylvania, Call Lembard 6200 Ntw Jtrtty, Call Camitn 280 GREAT REDUCTIONS IN RUGS An opportunity the like of which neither we nor our customers have known in years. Our entire stocks reduced, with the exception of one line, en which we have an agreement with the manufacturer te maintain standard prices. The reductions are all based en today's market prices, net the prices of a year age. A wide selection of weaves, designs and colorings from the foremost mills of the country. Easy te make selection, and easy te save money, if you de net delay. These few items give but an idea of the savinirs: $90.00 Royal Wilten, size 8.3 x 10.6 $57.50 $92.00 Royal Wilten, size 9 x 12 S59.00 $165.00 Royal Wilten, size 9 x 15 $125.00 $186.00. Royal Wilten, size 10i x 12i: $136.00 $202.00 Royal Wilten, size lltf x 15 $148.00 A WONDERFUL CLEARANCE IN ORIENTAL RUGS Savings that are unprecedented. Persian, Caucasian, Turkeman and Turkish Rugs. Sizes, weaves and designs that have lingered tee long in our stock m these days of quick turnovers. Se out they go, many of them marked at less than today's import costs. These few items give but an idea of the extent of the oppertu- 11V $825.00 Islamabad, size 12.3 x 9.0 $395.00 $975.00 Serapi, size 15.5x11.10 .$485.00 $1000.00 Kirmanshah, size 12.0 x 9.1 $495,00 $1250.00 Ielamabad, Mze 15.3 x 10.8 $575.00 $1875.00 Kirman-Islamabad, size 16.0 x 12.0 $795.00 Westminster Quarter hour Chlme Cleck, of Mahogany, llight-day movement. Price, 945.00. Icna Opposite Stere .("""""""OOttlttMtlltlltmttlttvtttttltttfttti m ' ' l ' ' J2 . v rm it- m '1 y -tt J ( f( -f ut 4 rt.y.'ijft' fifj Tli' T!rSwiAet. U rrv V .' i. SJ i v V -Al J Ajfiji '. Hi mmm 'i mtiMAi '"'-'- (xa.. i.r isf. m ,k.vj .juHiwrja 'd.WA.Wr.74. eri wrj 'UK l . .rMTJHS,Wi?.ifrtttA','iWi m y-v.ii; r ..ivt.'r. r,! 2f-JKS k ;