Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1922, Postscript, Image 3

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it Sleepers-r-Imperiled by
anies Over North Marshall
Street Restaurant
W ' r
W'k 0O'POUn(l TVOI1II1II " Mliirinij
,A when flic leaped from n second-
Li wlntkw. at D70 North Mar
I eirrct. at 10:20 o'clock 1aat
tvhrn die rearcti sne nan
'. -J !. (lfn tlr.luiliniif1 was
.t .. -. ItiiilHif rt BHVA llAt niltl
it On 11C ICR l'.' ."'ft " "" "
r children tvcrc reKcuctt ireni tncir
i . Iip eeeml .fleer.
riiiierc Kntf., proprietor eftlte ('on ('en
L..1.1 Tlestiiurnnt en the first fleer.
. H 1lu fTU a 41b A. felnetnl Ait
M the, nuiinmi,. " Vi ,,.'""
.ecend fleer. nnl Kntr.'s children
i asleep there. Air. nntl .Mrs. .leiin
Jwhern had cone te bed en the third.
Jpliilne for help find followed by ?lx
1m Kats nulied upstairs ntul the six
V Mr "'l M1' Gnmdiern nppwctl at
a window nnd some one in the sttecr
uld them te jump. Keine one else gave
l ...mrr iinler.
'fiinihern pulled lin wife nwa'y from
jijepen window, nnd ati Instnnt Inter
'T.dVent thieugh. wtrikliiB : the -inii;e
f tlie adjoining Heuse. J we men in
'?..... nlixtnnlril tecntel the WOllltlll.
Li. ndghs mere thnn 200 pounds, nnd
inflffCll in mine, "'i ... .jn. ! "
Banarwlt Hospital with cut nnd brulfcs
eri possibly ltiternnl tniurles. , , !
Then the Bremen arrived. ralRcd n
Md'r nnd cnrrled Onnsshern down. He
.. nrrrrnmP bv Smoke. I
'The pW Katz rhlldien arc Hese, four feur
'u. 'plln. twelve: Hyninn. eleven;
ifieba seven: Herman, live, nnd Doro Dero Dore
h four 'ears old. Neumnn Geld. VJ."7
A'irth Tenth street, nnd David Hplgcl,
M West Thompson street, nre the two
KM WHO lire liruii.iui. ir-iiuiibium: li
.dTlns Mrs. Gaiuhern's life in break-
T.m 1...(I.IIhii ! flfltYlflffAll fllkf-kllf
sv. .. "7
"Judge Bonniwell Stresses Emancipa
ter's Leve for Union
rlhmlrinn in honor of Abrnliani
I.Miceln nnd the defenders of the Union '
I .wart conducted, unuer imp nuspites r,i
th Philadelphia camps nnil aitxilliirics
of the Sens of Veterans. estirday
isfternoen In the Seuth llrend Street
.Theatre. Following a musical pio pie
pm, .TikIrc KtiRcne f. Jtennlwell Rave
is' address en (lie llfe of Lincoln In
.which he stressed particularly Lin
celn's love for the Union. That, he
- -ym gmMimmtti MOOMnUm3HaW ttIHJW sjHSJsflsWjJ?A.
wissssV ' wKKuwKB3SKiiihhiittiSU
.M-"ii?f.'Juiui 'JrsWFBr inffifftsslsWsWsssssB
v ys."3ff5 4 IVHsW: $?' IJ ?!iIZuZSuwissswiBiHv NN?' ssssssssssH
L?t:fePS :: LSsi 'I PvML"i4tiiiiiH
"'7t M ,iPHkd i jR.j(sHBwDl J J r i ViWlSSSSSH
sf,jii if 'fissHsl .i $&&anUmi. w&jiM
. Vi'lfftw l- vlSSSSM 'i Si ""5smJwisWP'''iPPP,ssssssM
yy---ij t iwitwitwfl .c.r ;''5;:liBswlsW7vlS:.ssssssSB
BBBBBBSwMkkiBBV I ! '.Jj'iMii-'A'M
BBiiwawawawamiiwawai Uj ' ib i ' hbbbwbbbV
!.' -A--..,.i:! tiTi-, SbsbIbVbw. '.bVmhbbbbhbbmbbbbbH
i, v-x yn5itis
LahMrBMJBBlBBlWi Z. 'S0f' '".- T V ' titBC JE W1" I . Il' ' filfcBT V X-' t- JMftftwWwJ'wSWBjBj
raMVHi jwPiIK'bbbbbbbbbB
wibbbbK bbbbHbbB B'' PT'ii'K K
lHkM.BwiiH' Ew iiiiiB
iVaHiiijH-. nut t 'fKlIiaHI
I'PSIil. Si i bBHLIbbbbHm
if" ill hi iilB .iH
II if FWfikiKii:i IUiOHslBmis 5 Hb-HHHBbH
S v ' ' "C .. "-"" ""' i 5U- (il&EiBWBBBiBBBBBHK
i - ' - '.&iy rhPIKiKSiVHIH
1 IwWWBtittlBlsU
ibbHbbVwbm JswaBVsBVBW r
. Raltinf Chancellor ' te. Prelacy
Held, f nal Honbryfep
.Mrs. Jehn (lanhetn. 070 North Marshall street, Jumped through n
closed second -.story window last nifht lien she believed herself .trapped
by flames. Twe men tried te catch her and did succeed In slightly
lirenhlnc her fall She wns seriously Injured. Tim photograph shows
the line of her fall mill where she hit and, bounded from a projecting
The VcryKer. Jeseph A. Whltaker.
Chancellor of the Catholic Archdiocese
of Philadelphia, hss been elevated by
Pepe Plus XI te rank of domestic
preUte,..Tvltii the title of "TUgbt Hcv
crend Monslgner.V ,
Cable dispatches from Reme indicate
Iip win elevated In a private audience
witli the Pepe Saturday.-
The olcvajlen of Father Whllnker
wns one of the ,newly elected Pepe's
first official nets apd was a slcnal honor
for the archdiocese of Philadelphia.
News of the elevation arrived by cable
yesterday and was received nt the urch urch
episcepal residence with gratification.
Monslgner Whltaker. wne wns a ennp
lain In the army, wns one of (lie most
nenulnr nrlests in tills city. Cardinal
Ueugbcrty and his niece, Miss T)oretliy
SfcCermick, we're present when .flip
Pepe elevated him te the prelacy.
The appointment of Father "Whltake!
recalls a heroic rescue in which he
took n prominent part last summer,
when he nnd the Kev. Geerge Caruimn.
then secretary te the Cardinal, plunged
Inte the Schuylkill Ttivcr nnd saved a
nineteen-year-old girl from drowning.
In the rescue the lives of both priests
were endangered because of thei'- be
coming stuck waist -deep in mud as
they dragged the girl te the shore.
Father Whltaker Is the first clergy
man In America te be thus honored by
the new Pepe. It Is net likely tlmt
Monslgner Whltnker'a Investiture will
take place in Tteme. since he must uwaii
the promulgation of the papal bulls.
In the event of It tnking place In Keine,
and Achillea. , . . , I
Monslgner Whinner was uern
Shenandoah. April 10, 1877. After
finishing studies nt the prlmiiry iwhoel
he entered the Seminary e( St. Charles
Borremco. Ovcrbroek, te begin ""
for the priesthood. Later he studied
at the American College, Heme. He
wns ordained In the seminary chapcL
Mv 28. 1004. by. Archblshrfp Ryan.
Ills first appointment was ,at Ilia
Church of St. .Kfnncis ae eaics, ii
U. nhera tin WPVPlf MS Assistant' lOf
six rears. On November 17. 1010. he
u...... ..in nt Hf. Hlnnhpn s. j'err
Carben, and after serving in that parish
for feut years was named en mej
faculty of 8t. Charles Seminary. j
iff. h TTnllnil Riates entered the
World War, Father Whltnker volun
teered te serve as a vhaplaln and re
ceived his commission as first lieuten
ant December 22, 1017. He saw much
service overseas, ministering te nil the
troops In and around Never : be nlM
acted as chaplain with the .102 M. R. H.
and the Nineteenth Engineers. He wak
demebilised July .11. 1010, and a month
later became secretary te Cardinal
Dougherty, who vas then Archbishop.
When Monslgner F-. J. Fltzinaurlcc,
the Chancellor, was appointed rectei.
of the seminary. February 28, 10JO,
Father Whltaker wns named Chancellor.
Water Cfcltn-alittliigs
IStO WKlul einwl '
I 'J'
; '4 1
i 1M
One of the
Daily Platter Specials
Reait Beef Diuer, $1.25'
Prim Rib of Bmf with
Fresh Vagelabla
Mixtd Salad a Che$e
Dinner DancM,
7 H 9
Nb Cavtr
v i -s,. n--
'VatuiK lulr of rrflMBMnt nt.d pleas
Inr ptraanalllr slth thr Jaara' -prrlenea
In clrleal work alrea
patltlan. Recently araduntnl Jrnm
fn6irs.nlili" srhenl. Ace IS. Earn
est, tnthnataatle vietV.tr.
a in. tEDOEB nmcR
Felice Unable te Get te Bettem! Evangelistic Drive te Start To Te
of Sheeting of Polish ' morrow in 100 Churches
Musician ' of City
Mid, v.ns the ex-President' sole oh eh
Jtct In freeing the slaves. "Lincoln
u net a innniic en ine question ei
'livery." was Judge liennlwell's he-
nf. "Rut mnny people failed te iea--11m
V The nrocrem consisted of music by
in nrpfifatrn utiflfii tlm dirpnlfnn nt
Walter Oppenhelm, clierus bongs in
which the audience joined. rccltntietiH
te pupils from the Fnlrhlll Scheel,
ndfr the guidance of MUs Genie Mar
Mirie Weisler and Jehn Nlxderf nlse
wntributcd several soles. The Invo
cation and benediction were made, hy
the Rev. (). K. Ketcls. division cheii-
lain of the Sens of Veterans. A. J..
welasterk, vhalrninn of the illfvereiit
J liu KedaWki. twenty-six years old. , An cwiujtelistle campnigi! will open
n Polish muIclnn. was shot and , in 100 Piesbylcrinn churches of the
Killed In the kitchen of his home. 012 ity tomorrow. Theie will be 100
Newi'iaiket street, cnily Sunday morn ' special picaihers from ether cities te
ing while lenverslng with several men. assist the local pastors during the next
Ills yiting wife with her two children two weeks. t
was ns'ecp upstairs at the lime. It is the larges! campaign ever
As i he came dewnstniis. attracted 'launched by the Presbyterians here ai.-l ;
. , , , . ., . . ii, ! lesulls will he cnretully noted. Many,
by the lonfusien incident le the inves- ; f (,1(l (hl1.f.,1P, Iiere - nmen)? ,
tlgntlen. tlie wife collapsed. Mrs. 15e- , largest In the country. I
daNki wis prostrated yesterday, fear- The war put a step te tabernacle
lag for ,he future of her children, An- JJ-f 'S.'-" fog. AZthe
dri. two jenrs old. nnd Heience. three i wap tlie presbyterinn.s evolved n new
U. who nlsn ncremniiiiipil them en tlie- mnnilix nlH. TIip family lins been left kind of cvanKellstlc camnaien the kind
BiBO In several patriotic song selei- vli-tunllv destitute ns n result of the which Philadelphia will witness during
Hms. ihernl" from Mendelssohn nnd j . ,,, .. tn rl.i.i,v i the next two weeks. Instead of making
Handel by tlie Tiegn Cheral Seciclv. ' tragedy, according Je relatives. it ,, great interdenominational affair,
atcemnanlcd bv Miss Helen Kane nnd The police, mystified by events lead- with one evangelist preaching in a big
directed by James B. llnrtzcll. Miss ' lug up te the fatal hhoeting. are trynig tabernacle, it consists of simultaneous
IU urii.-iiiniif- ..iiuiiii. I... ........n - i-,nii.ipi; ncilltt., 111 Ull lljf t.lllllt:ilv
purred during the argument or wns the nrgc and small, with fifty te one bun
result of an accident. One man. said i ih-pd visiting clergymen acting as spe spe
te have been a member of (he party till clnl evangelists.
tlie kitchen nt the time of the sheeting. ' Campaign headquarters is in the
Is hclne held by t lie police of the Frent nelleviie-Stiatferd Hetel. In addition.
delivered the. introductery1 and Muster .streets station as a niaic
rial witness. lie gave in
k Articles Silver h
are extremely decorative and
useful and outlive all ether
household commodities
Sterling Silver Dinner anf Tea Services
Inexpensive Single Pieces
"A book like muiic,
Maria Chqpdelaine
snys, as music docs, things
that de often lie tee deep for
tears." Dorethy Cnnficlrl
Fisher i -V. '. Evcniny Pest.
$2.00 at all boehstorea or front
The Macmillan Company
64-66 Fifth Avenue, New Yerk
your chance te turn it
$55, $50, $45 and $40 .
Suits and Overcoats
, closing out at one
uniform price
p tutir's
! Milk-Fed j
1 Stewing
i Chickens I
round te Be Broken Today for
Presbyterian Greup
firellivl will Iip lirnl.-pn nf nnnn I mini-
hr the thiee new buildings te be nildrd
t the l'rebjlerlnn Hospital group nt
Powelton nnd nundei-H avenues. Ad- '
drcwes ill be delivered by Henry X.
Paul, president of the Heard of Trus
tees, nnd ether ofneers nfhp hospital.
' 0n.c of the new buildings will be a
fire-story s,tructuie, Willi the first two I
stories of Indiana limestone and the
'three lemnlnlnir bteries of 'In-li-k. i
inmmen ultli ninstene. .netlur Iniilil-
cavc Ills name us
leh n Wlilcliasac. nt Newmarket sticel
near Fall-mount. Search Is being made
for another man.
According te (lie police, the orehes-ti-.i
of which Hndn.sM as n member
was plavlng In a ce'ncert Saturday
night nt hall ni Fifth nnd Greeu
stiects. He -find several ether mu
sicians left the hnll shertlv before mid
night and arrived at tlui Uedalski home
about 12:.I0 o'clock.
They had been sitting In the kitchen
for u short time when the conversa
tion centered en a revolver owned by
one of thejnen. It Is fieni this point
that the police have been unable te
obtain a clear story.
'10 first bullet fired entered lledal-
skl's abdomen and im.he plunged ler
inr will be two sieiies in height and' waul it second bullet trashed into .t
cupbeaid behind lilin, splintering tlie
"We have been man led three jears."
Mrs. Itednlski said. "My luisband
worked every tlay in a fncteiy at Third
and Willow streets, but he plujeJ il
claiiuct Snturilnv nights In a dance
hull "t Fifth und tlieen streets.
"lie came home nbeut 12 :.'!() Sund.tj
morning. Seme friends were with lilin.
Then theie wns a shot. The bullet
lilt the wall ever theie behind thf
stew. M husband cried, 'Don't fchoel
"The next bullet hit him InMlie
stomach. Il went through hiui. nnd
he fell, lie lay en the fleer a long
time, and finally the doctors and pollen
came. They told mc m.v husband was
'The children wcie sleeping when
their father 'dime home. Thcv slept
ihieugh it nil."
1562 Police Arrests Since March 1,
1920, Mills Announces
A continued vigorous campaign
Jl similar material, and the third will
lit or one story. The total cost will be
about $300,000.
The luiger building will be occupied
7 the laboratory, dUpensary and so
cial tervice departments. The Ladies'
jW j Society of tin- hospital has raised
70,000 of Its proposed cntitiilitilieu fei
tha social service derailment.
Minister Says Husbands Should
Continue Blandishments
Mltn'M t llnu In r.n.... !.. .. .. !.A
.1 I L "'- ,M -"l'iUlillh It Will
would be continued after marriage, uc
mrdlng te the Itcv. Dr. Cln-istinn Kop Kep
Wl. pastor of the Churdi of the Cov Cev Cov
jeant, llighteentli and Sprtite stiects.
In nn aildrcst lust nlnhi. mi "Miiiinm i
IhlShnntU" 111- k'nnnnl tnl.l .. .,
. ' . w. r.,i.t lll.lll
nevs well eneugli n woman's fiunrilc '
jiuwer or the candy she likes host din
ing courtship dajs, but that after mnr- i
ilaje he often forgets nnd doe-, net
Jlways knew what te ghe ils wife en
her birthday, even when he lemcmbcrs
the ilaj.
1UO lUIKtm ,lncitillin.l nim.ilnnn c
"life acntenrc at hard labor" for tlie , against the se-called clrug, or narcotic
average wife and urged liusbiuul.s le'tratlic by the Philadelphia police has
iPMtlted In n lrtual clean-up of tlie
vinlnters and a senernl reduction hi the
number of offenders, according te tig
in os made public by the police.
The icierd of arrests, the police say,
since prohibition went into effect, in
dicates that tile situation demanded
particular attention in iccent jears.
Prier te March 1. 1020, arrests fer1
violation of the use and sale of nar
cotics worn se Insignificant that they
were merely listed under the classifica
tien of misdemeanors. Since Hint time
police activity litis resuiteu in n sep
al a ted tabulation.
Suiiorlnlendent of Police Mitls an
neunced jestcrday that 111 1020 20!)
the third fleer of the City. Club has been
engnged for two weeks. Campaign
leaders, visiting preachers and local
pastei.s will held luncheon conferences
During the next two weeks Dr. Mc
Neill will preach in llie evenings, be
ginning Tuesday evening, te tlie com
bined congregation of ji'ulvary and
Tenth Prcsbytcrinn Churches. '
The Ilcv. Dr. Geeigc Gorden Mahj .
general sccret-iiy of the Prcsbyteiian
Ucncrnl Asscmeiy's, Committee en
Evangelism, lins been indefatigable In ,
promoting the success of the "Prciby- '
it-rial plan." I'ntler his general dlrec dlrec
lien, 10 pi esbj teries .tie conducting!
two-year ciiiipnigus. Twenty-ive
ethcis aje in the "prcuaratien ' stage.
The Iffcv. Dr. Williini K. Klein, the
enmpnign director, has been cenucLtcd
with the lieueriil Assembly's Commit
Ire as tecretaiy for tluec years. He
has diiected many of tlicFe campaigns.
SBnaVaPasngjaB . ggfljP'r
The 4900' CATARACT
There Is Only One "CATARACT"
When you find a washer with the
real "Figure 8" water action, wash
ing quicker and mere thoroughly than
any ether a rubbing beard action
in the bottom of the plannishcd cop
combining the tip and toss it's a
"1000" CATARACT. There's only
rimnr Diamond 0800 ter Information,
free Urmonntrallen or booklet, Alue eaii
Chas. W. Emery & Sens, 1304 Diamond St.
Full of nutrition
E At all our Meat Markets f
B H IFiMCf 111
YOU will be driving a real hard
headed bargain if you invest in a
Perry suit or overcoat this week.
Your ability te see the chasm be
tween the market values of these
clothes and their present sale
prices is the same sort of foresight
that gives financiers their fame.
AS borne out by the prices above,
this is the winter's best oppor
tunity for clothes buyers. Yeu
don't have te take our say-se that
these are $40 te $55 values; you
can see it. Come new. Tomorrow
there will be fewer te cheese from.
Ferry & Ce.
16th and Chestnut
in Clethes for Men
Si'.UH.imitr-ni'riCiiUiiiiiu.-tiiniiiiiiittirjiiii'iirJHmiiii'rii;! riiir.iiiiii.iL;!,;!,.!
Te men who are
building houses te sell
A. BUILDER in St. Leuis put up a row of four
family flats. He found them exceedingly diffi
cult te rent.
Then he put an ARCOLA in each flat individ
ual het-water heating for each family. Every flat
was rented and the following Spring he sold them
at a handsome profit. .
It pays te install the kind of heating equip
ment that is an investment, net an expense.
IDEM. Btihn nd AMERICAN Rtiiiltn f,r turt kitlini ntti
115 N. Bread St. Philadelphia, Pa.
Am Ar .fL MaWam
Sr-E f ' Il " II
s i
"HOW mme nnmw.nl nn lit. ...... !....
-. . ..,',.. v. i. , ..ni. , .,, iuiiiiiiii-
f j i? blandishments of ceuitshlp days.
JjW'.ur. Keppel, both the husband nntl
w wire will be happier.
0nce Will Aid Crippled Member of
"Easy-Going Secial"
TllA ii I, . . ..,...
Ii . P"" 1N K'viiib n nenent uance
2it,f?,r "" Matthews in Law
."nee Hall, Uread and Perter streets.
ii?he ''?a"S" In officially knnwifiiN the
fcasy.tiein,. Society" nntl "Hilly," a
member n ilkirr, !.., i,... i. u,
. -.- ".innei nun IMI-II HI HI,
Allies llOSnitlll sllli'0 Insl 'ni.iiiiliei- ' ....u..,iu ,wii.,t iipiesteil fnp selllne ni
when he was inn down bv a train and I having nniuitlc drugs In their posses
"is legb se badly cnislied I lint ampii- slen, whih' "-! were apprehended for
latiei, w11H neccssar... "imiy" u using drugs illegally. In llllil ln pe-
'A.CH (f nf Ufiil; fei' knmn Hum utt.l 1I,. ..miMilml am AiK mi ftut In ilrnn- nwPiv
.. " - .-..... I nil' mill llll'lllllltltll -' iini' "iiu iinin '-
111 poisons en tin- riiarge 01 narcotic
drug selling and li-0 were ancstcd for
linving inn cot It- drugs in their posses pesses posses
sien, The iiumbei- of ai'res since
March 1. 10-0. when the current clusl-
iiiiil the entire ic- lien I ion went Inte effect, litis icnclicd a
total of liitl.'.
'7I N(,,;klllB " Jh when tlie accident
t "' ' ,l is """ helpless mill pen-
-..il . ' a M"t
liE. '..'"'f "", fiicnilless. because thf
i aiwnjs IimiKs e
ij.uess ami pi
ss. because
.... f.. i...
A .,..,,. , ,,,,v-i i,,,, ,,,,- llN mvii.
I ni... w.l I .
'tli. .""" iiiii-iiiiMiii-e ik esprcteti at
,... iiuihi.. l I
j Reading Empleyes te Dance
rvCalla Trad. rnllnMi m.-i u KiH"t jenrs of growth will he ccle-
v 7. rrade Ceu"c" Meeting Here t.ne, b.v the Chestnut Street Station
I At luetic Asicliiliiili of tlie Philadelphia
I mini iiiiii nun mi- nunc
' tiPts me (e go le "I'.llh." who is I
riai,-''u'a,',s u1'' "",l ,l"' '",il "f
I il ill n, I ' il . I. .. i . . .
I 'V.i i . ..- ' "ircii. iniiirmnn nt tlie
'National linel.ni 'I' In ('..., ..,.11 i
iMWldcilt (if Hie Fiilleil Still.. Sit, ml
iJriwalliMi. leilin i-illc.l the forelun
friers nt 1 1 1 uh,,!,. , ,.,.,. ... ,.r
and Heading Uailread with a (lance ami
rccrplien Fiiiruary "I nt Claj ten's
Aciiileni). (iiriinl incline ubevc Ninth
slrct'l. The. da ntUng will begin at SiliU
s :;iu I
Bang! S-s-s-s-s!
Beth rear tires at once.
Sounds pretty bad
end leeks worse!
But you have a
couple of spares along
a lucky strike for you.
When we discovered the
toasting process six years
age, it was a Lucky Strike
for us.
Why? Because new
millions of smokers prefer ,
the special flavor of the '
Lucky Strike Cigarette
It's Toasted
ft which teals in the
dalieieua Burlay flavor
And also because it's
Colonial Hemes in Germantown
That Will Appeal te the
Discriminating Buyer
Built as you would build. All stone, tiled
reefs, copper gutters and rain speutinp,
tongued and grooved hardwood flooring.
Haines, Jenes & Cadbury plumbing fixtures,
Hern & Branncn lighting fixtures, high
class hardware. Reems are liberal in size
and the houses are unusually well planned.
Twe-car stone garages. Priced at $20,500.
Three ways te reach these new Colonial Hemes By tiain.
Pennsylvania Railroad te Upsal Station. By ttellcy, take car
53 en 0th St. te Wajne Ave. and Wcstvlew By auto, a beau
tiful ride through Fairmount Pntk te Wayne Ave., then up
Wayne Ave. te Wcstvicw Ave. ' '
Houses open today for inspection. '
Land Title Building
Net the only sale, but proven by hundreds the best
Linde February Furniture Sale
I afTS II Ji - , 2$!
7 gigfliggSBgSgiigHgBglQg '!mmmR
A7 A . : i. .l1- it. ...
. "u,."ul 1ISU1 tue indulgence et this community by tryine
!tlC w fVenattherearene ether bruary Furniture Sale!
but ours. We frankly say te yeu: Visit all of them. Examine care
fin ,yheVA,yetai1 ?ftheir Fu,rnitre' Particularly its construction nd
5n t 'm n "ft!3"7 u9te the prices- Then' if we can"t save you
COMPARE" y W C yU W:'!- BUt in thG name of "science,
Seme .sales are harping en quality and adroitly evading the price
nnTi1 lh mesl ?IbM ffl""r' " b" Mete peinl P TvS
I.ndc Stere is recognized throughout, the trade as being the greatest
u m .'rn'Z"tth'ty-'? U,C V"Unt.r- AV rrlture Zifacturer
'""" X? """ "i'uii inc eesc, even le the point of hcina
mJ: f J.Z'' f "f' reputation, for it gua'Z
"'""w " '""I" Mt-t i un 10 our customers.
in cemp"3ra "yle,
quantities of Brass and Enameled Beds" Sefa Beds Dav "fiSd I'?"5 T Va!J
Library Tables. Tea Wagons. Spinet Desks RatT?n i? ,? ate Lc and
gle pieces for every room in the house ' "d Furmturc dnd "-
314 Living Roem Suits Reduced
$69 (or SO.i iiial.egaiiN Jiui 1.31. . . rr .r--e
$125 for ?00 threr-pici-e tapestrv exctstutTecl.
$195 for ?j00 liigh-gi-aile rich blue eieur
ilM , i2-ti ev r,rstllfl'cd it. blown meluii
S375 for SeOO inaheatiy inipeitctl l.li-r ddtiMV
$150 for S.'Ja upestry e erstufTrt. ,pritiB back.
full sprtinjcdee: loe,c pnin. i-.i,,.
$250 ter 5MCO lute ev rt -tufted : t.iuic moli.u meli.u
$335 ter S.sfin eerstuffetl. Conibiiiatien imeImii-.
joe ier .-nvu lines' wool tape-try autl meh
3ue ier .n.-ou l.Hc eettuMed
S2 tr-f, ,,a,ul0, "cd mahogany -uit.
lt5. or '; rjrd walnut Queen Anne
ff.'S f01 5:9n "'alKiganv Lem. suit
tV ,or t'--- el'' uev scn-picce suit
f ler t)'-1 . limit si.N-ptcct Kninie mi t
S650 'or JS.0 f.ei. , VI alut " p.
lllliC NC'lMII Milt.
295 Bedroom Suits Reduced
$125 for Sl5 walnut und nulie-jain t,ur pic c
!l -or 121 " ,1,ul '.",l '"alies'" ,ucen nn
522 tei S,00 ucautitul old iei mi-i
269 Dining Roem Suits Reduced
lO'J Tit
$225 -for
.11 .-
1.1''- 'en- puce ij if en Anne
ia'ii walnut suit- ten nieces
III f 1 i' '1 It . .. ..
$2?n t S ,:.,!..I.PCC..',,'1 .'.". ,..r
C-.-0 -r, '"kjii ii waiuit. ten
Se.iO inr S.-Ol i 1 ,-vira,,. ,.. .. . . :
'Ol .-ll li"01L'un (en..:....- .. I
COfif. , , "". v" I' '' "'IT.
TTUlf 1 ftl 1' .. .!....!.
$090 ,r50JS ,r,ei;ia, ,h '
$175 for Js
Cuiuc eur:! te insure prompt attention, us (he sterr ; mm-ded after
ten ip'eir
I'll l CtCS
5 e'clncL;
23d, Columbia
& Ridge Ave.
f 7)1
1 iJ.j'.(M
. lAlM
' tJe
r 'i
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' If
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t (
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jLVbijadelpliiu May 10, u7ed 13.
e ciece Kua cpuuuut) uum iK .