8M 5v it' fr u. I jr. W fciv ? vc It M 1 P1 trr'-- i I Spne,8200 K' tv rt. LIBERTY BONDS SECURITIES DEPARTMENT COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY 7 Member federal Restrr System I City HaU Square, West & .4- ; MMmn f SWBSISSWWfflWP , .i, ','!. "il.1"""..".. GOSSIP OF THE STREET pe Ml Pfc f umfliniiirjjnumniimiuiaiiandiimu-nanmiMrHiaTjfuniimiun Railroad Equipent Bends Atlantic Ceatt Line Equipment 6' da 1932 estaern Railway Equipment 6i doe 1928 aCataak & Ohie Equipment 6'i da 1928 Baltimore & Ohie Equipment . W, da 1922 Ntw Yerk Central Equipment 6' due 1931 , Frice and particular, en tpplicatitn BIOREN&CO. Established 183 410 Chestnut St. Members of New Yerk and 1 Philadelphia Stock Vxchangtt Tetiny being observed as a legal heli cloy by most of tlie States, nil the principal stock wchn risen and commed ity mnrkpts nre closed. Compared with n yenr age, the financial position of the peuntry (Uncloses a rcmnrkable change for the better. Just nbeut a year nire the security market started wlmt was te be n prolonged period of liquidation. The Rcncrnl business of the country was facing widespread depression. Drastic measures te correct the inflated credit Mtuntlen were being applied In nil dl dl Jectlen. Today that Is nil n matter of past history. The financial world, with a few readjustments te be com pleted, lini succeeded in getting Itf. hoime In order. Whereas money was n lines t unobtainable a year age, there ! premise new of It becoming n drug en the maikct before the current year closes. The Immediate fnhire, however, of fccurlty lnnrliett, as measured from n speculative angle, Is somewhat clouded by renen of the proposed Soldier llenus Hill, with Its ndditlenal burden of tax ation. There arc some who fn-1 conti nent, however, this will only be a tern- tmp'irv l.nlf l, tltrt nnni.trtletKft nrnprnm. U li. . . . V '"-"- ,-"- g; miners n:c et uie opinion a mnrucu re el notion N impending, the latter busing i3 their argument en the belief that many of the peels which were se active from rather discouraged by the new develop ments. They had hoped te held prices firmly until such time as consumers would again come into the market with free inquiries, but the anxiety of some sellers te get business resulted in a lower range by ene or two interests early in the week, which was 'later fol lowed by the ether large 'selling agencies. tinkers' Opinions Newlmrgcr, Hendersen & Leeb "With sterling at the highest rate In two years, a progressive reduction in idle cars, n substantial rebound in the ."tuple grain prices nnd with distinct signs of a decided quickening in the steel industry, there can hardly re main any serious doubt as te Widespread nullifications of the reconstruction movement. Ner is it difficult te under stand t,lm pronounced upward ceurse of the major markets. In our opinion, the Inherent position of "the security markets was put te im unusually severe test Inst week, nnd the effectiveness with which the combination of depress ing Influences nnd elements of dis turbance were overcome was striking testimony of the pronounced change of sentiment. In ether words, the eyes of the market world arc trained toward the prospects opening for the future, rather thnn looking backwards te the disconcerting nnd distressing results of business In the last two years. The sliest of last 5 car's troubles will rise f loin time te time ns the statements of corporations appear, but the monetary adverse cfl'ect will be counter-balanced r, : ; :. V i " . . iiiv me growing eenci unit, mc ueiiiu.s the turn of the year hnve begiin te taR. I ()f llcprcs,ien .erc rciu.hc,i nnd p, ger under the r leads. I.ens steek-j lnst VMr. M,nns 0f lending aid of they sav. quletly accumulated by out- , ,;..- ,.., ,.r0,Iit t0 rniirndB nre under consideration in Administration circle, which premise nn early remedy EL2t sasssaassasssssBSi ' 1. If- 1 Ik .Centervatum Our Aim We execute orders en a commission basis in listed securities, t RODNEY & CO. Member Philadelphia Stock Egehang New Yerk Cen. Stock Bsefcant 203-204 Bellevue Court BUff. F. A. Htnry . Bpmet etius Ritidant Partiur e 7474-a siders at bargains months age, lecn dribbllm; Inte tlie inarKci. have With ''Terelgn Exchange' Explained" Is an attractive booklet designed te familiarise the Investing public with the many factor that exert an influence en foreign exchange rate. It cover thU important ubject thoroughly and in a man net that all will underttand. Calf, telephone or virHtJer a tree com of booklet F-ttt Wm. H. McKenna &. Ca Widener Building PHILADELPHIA, PA. TtkeAane Lanut trtl Nmt Teefc, Oilwe, PaMreen, iimnHAnnliln flirt bitrnntn rf ti Llfiirt. 1MU tnx in cw erls, but the .'. n ,, ,e ninn,.j ...m rnvnlininnlT of criticism has emanated i. .,, , ' ,.,t u. L-nlly every section of the ' "il . Jn tta iinai analysis, no mnr- " ,n fn (u mi.i it must ntii. II. V. Ilacliman & Ce "We con- SIX RAILROAD BONDS Due '1928 1933 193R 1947 1949 19D3 Yield 7 00 u.7e"a 6.03. R37-n 6.00 Rating AA A AAA AA AAA A THE ABOVE LtST ' MORE FULLY DESCRIBED UPON REQUEST Mackie. Grouse Ce.1 REAL ESTATE TRUST DLDO. Walnut 6330 Racs 0878 I f-cl, K,,.l . 1. .,lln fl.nen iwvnla V11-". "".'" 1", ii) iuu .... .iji, i'iijiii "V, V " , i ,:"' ler tne rniireiui troueies nnd wnicu we have been compelled te stand in the .nnsl(I(ir thc i,Kgct piece of constrnc censtrnc bunch nnd new arc fiielti" a situation ,!,. ,.. ,,. i, ., t,n l brought about by the wreck crew in the ! , iItel- Secretnry Hoever's suggestion ijeuse Lommtttee en ays nnu .ncaus. , ,)mt ft Gvcr,imM,t guarantee of rnll whlch might easily tepple tl-e whole ,.ea( ,U,)mcnt trust certlllcalcs would market into a heap. mn.,, tja,m nttrectlve te investors tuid Wide Storm of Trefest oniilile the railroads te raise money for v i i.n i,- i., nm - needed rolling stock without expendl .,.." ha9.,I'cr1.b" ", Stu'm,: tun- of funds from the treasury U un- I'lUllSL UV& kUV WiUIIWOVIl kMUUIl.. llenus sn me sort from prnctl country i am Yinw mniii- nme .lirnpfltr fmm 1 1 1 nennlp. , tlnuc bullish en the cotton market, es nnd the taxes of this country already peelnlly en the later deliveries. October arc extremely excessively high. Tlie and l)ceember present discounts leek taxation question has been ene of great exceedingly cheap and in our opinion Importance and has been ene of the will proc te be se before the end or greatest burdens en thc people being the planting Reason nbeut ninety days one of the greatest retarding influences from date. With the present rate of in the business world that have been in consumption a full crop during the ni- cvidence in ninny 5 ears. The passage of , preaching season will be n necessitv. 1 1.1!... i.n urn imnxuiininir win nnd mi echo et the tinanciul mammy lie contrary te the pre-election prom- of the Southern planter te make nn Iscs of the present administration from ' ndequnte money outlay this yenr has the 1'resldent down. ! been plainly beard In the nnneunce- , .... ' "lent that fertilizer tag sales in five of Meney Rates Firmer , t. lending Southern States up te n ' Jleney market conditions last were ucent date were slightly mero than 50 such as te add some complications te ht cent of similar sales during the same 1 the market situation for both stocks 1 period of la-t year." I nnd bends. There was n fairly firm' Hccker & Ce. "The proposal of Cen- rate maintained en thc tleur of the New 1 gre-s te Increase taxation In connection I Yerk Stock Kxehnnge for the most pnrt with the Soldiers Benus Hill hns sent I of the week, and in some sessions It was i n chill through the security markets 'reported that there was n scarcity efijust nt a time when business was leek- funds for nil purposes, although the at-' Ug forward te decreased taxation. As I tentlen was net sufficiently ncutc te ' ing as tills uncertainty lnsts there will force the rate up te unusually high be a geed trading market. The "idiis- levcls. trials will be mere ndversely affected Thc general expression of opinion is by the proposed tax en undivided Prute that the menev market rates for both than the ra lshich should be bought ir.nii nmi inn. fluids will net show much en any breau. . .1" i:v.;v ;:v:m ;ir nrnnin levnts nf tub nwutu ' iL i.i. .. 1. j...Ihi 1ih mt fnrf- r w A lii! Beles &Westwood MambeiS Phila.pteck.Exchand, ' INVESTMENT SECURITIES tecLTitle Bld, Philadelpiiia PHONE- LOCUST 4721 lit 8 !JI M Ss fh int. work diirlne the next fort I niirhi-. At the moment, however, there are se many ether elements of com plexity that less attention Is being paid te thc money market than otherwise. Government Refunding Operations Police Sergeant Kills Self Mount Vemon, N. V., Feb. 13. Telling his son there xvns "going te be n call for the Corener seen." Michael Riley, police sergeant, who retired One of the most Important develep: -I J uk ier ;- '.'"; f menu in the "" ""l T. his room yesterday and then shot him sltuntlnn durine the last week was Mat ',. .. ,. .,. ,mi .7.1.;. ,,n,,ni hv S!rprPtnrv et I sen uiruiiRii uiu icm,... UL HIV UillluuuvvM.i.4.. "j -- ---- -- J :d' K If-- r i&'. lift i. ft Ktr " REPUTABLE INVEST MENT BANKER WANTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SALE OF A HIGH-GRADE ISSUE FOR AN OLD-ESTAB- b LlarifcD, iN.VlIUAALL.1 AU SvunTiSRn v. v t v. it pnrsp f T A .r a. , aMM, TELEPHONE MR. HARDING AT SPRUCE 5786, PENNSYL VANIA KNITTING MILLS, 16TH & CALLOWHILL STS. "Make Your Jeb Oar Jeb" Since 1876 A "Fay" Jeb has meant a eoed, claan, tatlsfactery piece of work. Hew about letting us estimate next FAYbuilder N22. Se.MOLE ST i ni. liunes,aBp GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STOCKS AND IIONDs Odd Lets Solicited Members of (lie rii'ladtlplila, Nw Yerk and CIiUmike .stork Ktchanses Liberty Bends Bought and Sold Belletue Court Hide. H1H Walnut St. N. V. Ill llreadwuy the Treasurv Mellen of the calling for icdemutien of the .'l-'H per cunt fully ita exempt Victory Lean notes en. iJunc 13. This is quite in line with the policy of thc Government in its effort. te rotund in iue iicik'"""""1"' ul $0,500,000,000 of short-term (levcrn- ment securities maturing wuuiu m next yenr or se. Thn initinl sten bv the Government in this direction was that of the rcctnl offering of $400,000,000 of 4?i per cent United States xrensuiy notes nun uiu subsequent allotment of $000,000,000, 200,000,000 of which were issued in exchange for Victory Notes. , The opinion in the Street Is that ever n period of the next few months i Secretary Mellen will from tune te tlmu offer turtner suusiniiuui umuuius of GeAcrnment securities, the sugges tion being made that the maturities of such offerings will range for periods covering from five te ten or possibly twelve years. In this manner the present outstand ing short-term indebtedness will have been taken care of in Mich a way as te render it easier te pay off the new issue fin, . m-pntptl than could nesslbly be ex pected were a flat $0,500,000,000 issue carrying one maturity put uui at tuis time. Copper Market Easier The break in the fight between copper consumers and the sellers came last week, and it came where indlca- ! tiens pointed it weuui, naineiy, umuug I the sellers who finally split ranks nnd ,h-,iniu(l their nrices sharply. As a I result quotations at present arc lewei pr;fipJ Public Accnuntantc 1 than they have been for severnl months. CertUiea fUDUC ACCOUnUUltS The leading sei.ing auuieriucs ar i Lrexel Building, f hllAdelphift Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth nXANTlAI, NOTICK Of UEUEMITION Te holders et Victory Notes and ethers renrernedi Netice Is tierebr sltrn a follower 1 Call for redemption nf 3i l'er rent lclnry Notes. All ut the 3i per cent Se- net of United State of America Convertible (Inld Notes of 10UU-1033. ethernlfe knenn as .'( per cent '"Ictery Notes, nre hereby culled for redemption en June IK. 11)22, pursuant te the prevision ter redemption contained In the notes nnd In Treasury Department circu lar Ne. 138. dated April 21. 1V1P. under which the notes were originally Issued. In terest en all Victory Notes of the 3 per rent series will reisc en said redemption date. June in. 1022. 8 Hnsrwnslen nnd Termination of Victory Nnle conversion nrlrllesr. m lew of the call for the redemption of alt a1 per cent Victory Notes en June 15, 1022. and pur pur suent te ths previsions of said Treasury De partment circular Ne. IBS. the tirivllece of conversion of Victory Notes of either series Inte Victory Notes of the ether series Is hereby suspended from February 0, 1022. te June IK. 1022, both Inclusive, and en June in. 1022, will termlnate. Victory Notes ac ac cerdlnsly cease, te be Intercenvertible, effec ta February 0. 1022, at,d en and after that date no conversions cf the notes may be mode. 3 Detailed Information as te the presenta tion and surrender of 3 per cent Victory rica for redemption Is Blen In Treasury Department circular Je. 277, dated February n 1022. ceplei et which are nvallnhle at the Trtasury and tlie Federal Renene Hanks. (Slcncd) A. V. rELU)N Secretary of the Treasury, reb. 0. 1H2. KENTUCKY PVIILIC SERVICE COMPAN1 Sinking Fund Netice Sealed proposals will be received et tht ntnee of Fidelity Trust Company, Nes. 323 831 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, for tht sala te the Trustee of a sufficient amount of the First Mortgage 3 per cent Geld Uends el the Kentucky Public Service Company, dated February r 1010, te Invest the sum of 1(1000.00. and the said Trustee hereby giver notice of Its Intention te se apply the said fund. Proposals must be sealed and pre ecnted te the said Trustee before 12 o'clock, nn Wednesday, March S, 1032. Ne eftei exceeding 102 H per cent and accrued Inter est will be accented. The rlfrht Is reserved te reject any nnd nil bids. Such bends as may be accepted will be paid at the erne of the Trustee en Friday. March 10. 1022. FIDELITY TIIU'ST COMPANY, Trustee WM. P. QEST. President. Philadelphia, January 30. 1022. Annual Meeting JSS-J FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS Netice Is hereby clvcn that the Annus! Meetlnc. of contributors te the Welfare Federation or miliiuelphla will lie held en February 28, In Heom 054, City Hall, at 3:30 P. 31. Twenty representatives are te be elected for a nve years' term and the annual report will be submitted. F. C. KINOSI.EY. Executive Bccretary. SECURITY SALESMAN An onnertunltv te form a worth-while connection with tt lUe house Is of- ( frred te u few geed stock anil bend 9 snlesmen. Andres,, ull replies te Salesman," care of Mates Advertis ing Ce., Ilulletln llldg-., Philadelphia. tar VlIljaJXY TRl'tiT COUPANV Philadelphia, February S. 19D. Ths stated annual meeting of the stock Balder Jj this company will bs held at It erne. 825-831 Chestnut street. Philadel phia, en Tuesday. February It. lttt, at 1 o'clock necn. for the e'ectien of a Beard of Dlrectur for the ensuing jear. and for Us trtMsiiCtlen of su:h ethsr business as ma ts breugbt before them. sjTANLKY TV. COUSLET. Sscretary. "t"' OFFICE OF PIIII.ADEI.PIIIA TRt'bT COMPANY I'niipucipnia, januarv 7, iu.2. Ithlx Company will be held at their eflice un , Tuesday, February It, 1022, at, 12 o'clock M.., ana en ine name aay an eioctien will h held, between the hcurs of 12 o'clock M. and 1 o'clock P. M.. for Director te serve Bends for Investment r-rilnr Tnnn Rennest Correspondent Offleta in Over CO Clttta Philadelphia 121 Chestnnt Ht. Atlantic City 1223 lloirdwelk The National City Company WIEGNER,ROCKEY&CO. Curing the ensuing year. li. i McCLOY, Secretsn-. nivtdends NEWBUHGER. HENDERSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and J Philadelphia Stock Exchange i 1410 Chestnut St. C. S. PATTON & CO. ID CHESTNUT 6T3. BANKERS Successors te SA1XEB A STEVENSON Bends and "locks hervht nnd salt. Members Phlln. P'.iek Echang. Hathaway, Stene, Wallace 8C Williams, Inc. ENGINEERS MANAGERS 1713 Santem Street, 'Philadelphia SPRUCE 7857 Operating Management of Industrial Enterprise Industrial and Technical Investigations and Reports THE PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC CO. 1000 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia. Pa.. February 10. 1022. The Heard of Directors have this day de clared a quarterly dividend of 2 (being SO rents a share) upon the preferred capital stock of this company; and also a dividend et id 2-3 cents u share upon the preferred capital stock of this company Issued us nf I'cbruary in, 1022. payable March 18, 1022, te stockholders et record February IT, 1022, II, C. LUCAS, Treasurer. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY ail! Pass unit Aveaue PHILADELPHIA February 10, 1022. At a meeting of the lienrd of Directors held February 10, 1022, a dividend of 15.00 per share was declared en thu Common Stock ut the company, payable March IS, 1022, te stockholders of record nt the close of busl- 1 ness February 21, 1022. Checks v. Ill be mailed. W. li. ANDEnSON, , Secretary. THE CO, PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC ItHIU ClIUHTCiUT STKKET Philadelphia. Pa.. February 10, 1022. The Heard of Directors have this day de clared a Quarterly dlldend et H'i'e (being 13.73 cents u share) upon the common cap ital stuck of this company. payable March 15, 1022, te stockholders et record February 17, 1022. II. C. LUCAS. Treasurer. Proposals IffJSafe Bendslnvestmeitl HALSEY, STUART & CO, Inc. Land Title Hldir. Phene, Locust 7410' StOckwell ' CERTIFIED rUBUC ' Wilsen & ACC0J!!!lANn It&avill ldTitkBJfrh. ' - ' "AUTOMOBILE MfllNSURANCE 1EKTY MVTCAL INHUtlANCE CO. St Locust 0U7B. 2U-22 BO. lSth tlU Till life. Vsssv'stah T Helder of Certificate of Dopeiit for First and RefunJiM Mortgage Fire Per Cent. Geld Bend of The Denrar ane Rie Grande Railroad Company Uiued under the Deposit Agreement dated Mar 28, 1917, between the Helder l aid Bend and the Committee therein named i NOTICE is hereby given that a Ptsn and Agreement dated January 27, I til, for the reorranltatien e( THT. DENVER AND RIO GRANDE RAILROAD COMPANYhss been proposed by The Western Pacific Railroad Corporation te the undertizned Committee, snd has been approved and adopted by the Commit, tee, and that a copy el said Plan and Agreement of Reorganization has been filed with Bankers Truat Company, Depositary under said Deposit Agreement, at it effi'-., Ne. 16 Wall Street, in the Borough el Manhattan, in the City of New Yerk. The Committee recommends the acceptance e( said Plan sal Agreement el Reerganiratinn by the hetdera of said Certificate of Deposit. Each holder et a Certificate of Deposit lnued under said Deposit Agree ment shall be conclusively presumtd te have anented te said Plan and Agreement of Reorganization unless he shall, within thirty days after the first publication of this notice, that la te say, en or before tb Aril day el March. 1922, have hied Kith the said Bankers Trust Company date or by bin'. any, the Depositary, written notice of bis dment therefrem, specifying therein the astes ana tne numecr or numeers ei tne uertincaies ei ucpeait efl ICT en may. within ten (10) day from the first day of March, 1922. withdraw hi In cue thc Plan and Agreement of Reorganltatien shall become effect! a provided by Article Mnth el the Deposit Agreement, any holder el a Certificate of Deposit who shill have filed notice of diasent as above provided HIS, niltlt I tt.. w, uj v ,.w,,. .,,v ..la. VI, .lll,i. I,,,, nillluin .. bends from deposit under said Deposit Agreement in the manner provided ha Article Ninth thereof, upon payment of snch amount at the Committee In its ab solute discretion may fix at hit proportion of the compensation and expense el tkt committee, net exeeeaing one per cent, ei tat lac amount ei u represented by his Certificate el Depetit, Dated, Ntw Yerk, January 30th, 122. jumn licnrtr nAnnunu, IV W. JONES. Secretary. "tfWil kt.. Nw Yer City. Chain am. BERTRAM CUTLER, CHARLES HAYDEN. ANDREW J. MILLER, FREDERICK STRAUSS. MELVIN A. TRAYLOR. . . "V 1 Hi:I.EI PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCT- I Ing blgnul Towers nnd Ilemote Control 1 Houses, Contract 8611, end for furnishing and Installlns Underground Cables. Contract tlus, along the Fronkferd Elevated Hallway between Arch street arid UridK street, will be receUed Rt thc Director's OfTlce, Depart- , ment of City Transit, 1211 Chestnut street. 1 l'h ladelpMa, until 12 o'clock neon, Tuesday, February 28, 1022, and opened immediately . thereafter. Plana and specifications can be seen at I 1211 Chastnut street, twelfth fleer, and copies of same with blank forms for pre- , pesnla will ti supplied te Intending bidders upnn application. A deposit of flu will tw required ter tne pians. inis uopeslt will a refunded upon the return of the plans, 1 Fer each bid a proposal bend must be I filed In thn Law Department of the City. . and rhe certificate, et guch tiling be Inclesed with the hid. Thn Director reserves the rirht in refAnt 1 nny or all MdH rs 1ij may deem best for tha WILLIAM 3. TWININQ, Director. I Philadelphia. February 10, 1022. I PENNSYLVANIA HTATE HIGHWAY Dr, fartnient, Harrlsburg, Ps,. Healed pre- , peS"s,y.lll bVeCFtbruS hrnH'Hn'?,i;ui','1 'until 1 " M.i rtnruary IB, 1022, nhen bid "will be PUbllcls' wnl 'no atfceduiJ'j nS?sltle for the furnishing of paint te H used I" repainting metallic surfaces, m" dlr!2 blanks end specifications may he pre. Sured upon application te the Stat Higg. way Deportment. Harrlshurg, Pu. '" way uepa. QEOltaE H. IHLKS. Assistant State Highway Commissioner SEALED lltOPOSAI.H WILL HE OPENED by tlie lupt. of Lighthouses, Ilaltlmere Md.. a" 2 P. M. March I. 1022,' fir sili ty the United States of tender Jassamlne and Itellef Light Vessel Ne.. B. Vessels can te seen at Portsmouth. V. Information en UT'pm.t,.iM VltUPUHALH FOB HEROE AND OAUAkV UINK, War Dept. Phlla. Quartermasttr Inttrmtdlate Depot, Phlla., Pa. Sealed pro pre pro petsls. in triplicate, will- bs received her VV," iM- Vebraary IT. MM. feffSrS UhlBW 10.000 yara .. iJiea nyi ! kssWi wga Zi,' , tmrv&r-w-. v,t,' v riVyTy.i.yty )-sfiJjiiL ssssssssssssskVesbsssbssssh BsmsmsmlH!tsBmPK$CT 'SsmfsmBmLsmBBLaM ?'' ",'W ''ll 2tilttKSIStKllaSKuSKBK BmHsBmP9&Lir'smVBmHBmBmBms'smBmB rasssss)KBJVijBmwssssssssssssssss )smK.fc7;sgXTTismsmsmsmsmsmsmsms KiSSPSjv?x l . SmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSmvSM?SBaBBflB JtfsMMgg!ssssssssssssssssssssssa BmHsiariBmHBmBmBmBmB smwEf VIIHbsssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssmwsssssssssssssssssssssssss BSBSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KSHHBIlff ! fH I jggaggaggggaggHggaggaggaggagga jHB't'ljf ftBBI I IPiVBMMPVisssml9smBmBmBmBm '1'M IssasssisR (IIHassssalsssBs IsiiPiV. B 9lEsfsVlssssMMBssssaBsss ffissigtslBBSSSSSSSSSslBSB KagagaHgagagaHgHgJTgag 'Kt4i';M .MTSsiib:' ljs ,jZj' Z ' 1 KIWlnlslssisBsl Efferts made by the -. i Consolidated Stock Exchange of New Yerk te educate and secure legislation for the Protection of Investors and Stock Traders The Consolidated Stock Exchange of New Yerk has net contented itself with a. NEGA TWE ATTITUDE toward bucketsheps and bucketsheppinf. Through its ctxmstJ, a long age as 1909 this Exchange drafted an Anti-Biicketshep bill and conducted a long and bitter fight te procure the enactment of this law. The bill was enacted m New Yerk State as Chapter 458, Laws of 1909, and was subsequently used as a model for skadar legislation in ether States. Following the report of the Committee appointed by Governer Hughes te iirestigate trad ing and investing conditions, our counsel drew bills te accomplish the reforms raceas' mended by this Committee and submitted them te the Governer of the State of New Yerk te secure his aid for their passage. The greater part of these bills became laws, as follews: s Chapter 593, Laws of 1913, providing for the compulsory delivery te customers of detailed memoranda of transactions, and adding Section 957 te the Penal LmtD. Chapter 475, Lavas of 1913, preNbiting the makjtng or publication of any false statement at false advertising as te the value or as te facts affecting the value of securities end pretlimg that such conduct shall constitute a felony, and adding Section 952 te the Penal Law. Chapter 476, Laws of 1913, making the reporting or publishing of fictitious transactions tn securities a felony, and adding Section 951 te the Penal Law. Chapter 253, Laws of 1913, making the manipulation of prices a felony, and adding Section 953 te the Penal Law. Chapter 592, Laws of 1913, making trading against customers' orders a felony, .and adding Section 954 te the Penal Law, It is te the advantage of the investing and trading public when opening accounts te buy r sell securities, te ascertain the standing of brokers and their integrity and ability te legiti mately handle their accounts, just as conservative business men de when eattiing upon any contract It is important, as well, that the broker be protected by his customer with the required marginal security. This Exchange maintains a surveillance ever the business procedure of the brokers com prising its membership and their wire connections. YOU ARE WARNED AGAINST THE SOUOTATION OF ORDERS OVER THE TELEPHONE Oft BY TELEGRAPH BY BROKERS WHO ARE UNKNOWN Tt) YOU AND WHO OFFER TO EXECUTE ORDERS IN QUESTIONABLE SECUR ITIES OR IN STANDARD ISSUES ON INADEQUATE MARGIN. ThU Exchange invites the investing and trading public te co-operate in the elimination of all malpractice in connection with the purchase add sale of securities. s W, S. SOkwerth, Pmi ' il t. ; 1 1 ui .- 'i " n V ,T ' ; C laalatdlP. .Wort9d,;iDtemtl0B sa rtwurt. m . zm& v 'iri 1 ,,'.!,- ksT . VVr ? , 'li a' J. .. .i&JMmiI. ... .,..,-4.' . . . am '.. 'L.r -. .4 W. -WleSWLl :v h . V.t ., n-wi; 1j!&3L'KKW ... .1 '.??. A. VJ?--ii " if'U.t ..jtfRBrfaziMiLaii , a. ,A..um;&w;v ... yt . vMAmumiWM:v' m : '.K,v. S2J rs .- MMsaMssaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLetaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatag ....-, . -..a: -a, ami - i . . j. J .1 s . j. a. - hii a . j n if -tfa. .- n t.- - La.. .-J,",!!! 1 ,'J n If. S T-V.' - 1.K..I,.J . .iM.f'.H ,'m'm'J . ' VJl Ts' .V " C.tlV.).. t- J B.'JIS sBjsjBmmjsasjaaiatgig.Tsi h?w3i5iV1 s7Aitk mmmm.