:t i-'-) If I LT l.t r h, s r iv v i i . i v.t Pnffii ;i FROM BRIDGE PATH 'Cabin -End" Frem First Heuse Franklin Lived In te Ge te Congress Hall TO ENRICH OLD COLLECTION Cengr,cs,Vn4ll. In 'th IndependAice trull rrntin.' with Its' collection of early American relics, Is te be enriched by the paneled, 'cabin end." from the ancient house In which Benjamin rmnk'In. according te tnidttlen. first fttnnil lodging when he came te Phila delphia ai a boy. The old house. I In the. path of the Delnware River Bridge and deemed te 'demolition. The tiny street in which it ' Hands i.t known 'as Augusta place, or IlroekcH court, and it ia just off Spring street west of Frent. A "cabin end" Is n paneled wall. Thin particular example of early rinnlni cnhlnrtmnkinc 1st en the north wall of the front room, or parlor, of (lie house. It surrounds the ancient fireplace. .Upen each side of the mantel ere cupboards. Between the cupboard . and the wall furthest from the front i iloer is a fleer snuuing en ine Biaira. 1'eur steps, with n quaint Colonial land rail, lend up te this deer. Just bxiend the deer the steps turn sharply je' the right and en up te the second ttery. Heuse Built in 1740 The old dwelling is Ne. 111. It li t.rliecd te have been built in 1740. In I hone days the neighborhood was the driest in the city. Bread, green lawns ept down from the ancient house te the high bank of the Delaware River, with its fringe of elms and poplars. Sailing ships, riding at .anchor, were in ntnin view, jind tales are told of iV brawling pirate? .who frequently in i mailed the neighborhood, coming from taverns during snore leave irem me plrnte ships, te the indignation of the citizens, who declare such things shouldn't be allowed. Se Benjamin Franklin; tradition has it, arriving in Philadelphia, with his leaf of bread under hla arm, found lodgings in the genial old house. His loom was in the attic, and from his win dow be had a lerely view of the river. Ted'iy ugly brick walls hedge in that flew. The hospitable old place shelters the family of Mrs. Eleaner Maleney. Mrs. Maleney is keenly alive te the historic lalue of the place and points out the old cabin end, the cupboards filth their band -wrought strap hinges and locks and the bread plankn.in the parlor fleer. As customary in the days when the old house was built, these fleer beards are of long leaf yellow pine, in odd widths. Seme are n feet wide, none less than eight inches. To ward the window the Iloer has sagged a bit from age. But there ia net a creak in a beard anywhere. There arci just two beuses en the "street." Next deer en the corner ts another rtpe old Colonial dwelling that la Its later days became a tavern. The doorway, pane cd, Is a. fine example et Colonial work of the kind. The deer Itself has in the upper panel tv6 bulls rjes, one of which still-contains a speci men of early Colonial xlass, dark in (oler, with the bulge in the center left there when the glass was bewn. This rare bit of clans was cracked badly ast week by boys at play. The iriclnal knocker, which had survived the years, fell pray te a collector with the eye of u connoisseur, who spied if net long age,.. It vanished thoiollow theiollow thoiellow lug night. Wilfrtd Jerdan, curator of Inde pendence Hall, is making arrangements te gel possession of the relics for in Ha latlen in the Ha 1 as seen as the orders gees forth for tearing down the heukOB. Tula ia net expected for a j cur. After-Dinner Tricks .Ne. 84 Separated Cards-Joined Secretly place the seven of hearts ii nd the eight of dlnmeuds at the bottom et u pack of .cards. Openly remove vl.c seven of diamonds and the eight u C hearts, show them, and push them into the pack. Give the pack a few flips, and show the two cards en the bottom. Even-one will think they are the Same cards jeu just pushed into the pack. This is a very puzzling little mystery, and net one person in a bun ilred will nete that tic two cards at the bottom arc opposite in suits te these first shown. Cevvrlaht, 183S, by PuWe Lrdger Company KltUCATIONAI. Until flrxM y tx A eMSBaaaaaaMaaaaBTi JPaaaPaiaBBnH I EU? THE MARCHAND COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC 4201 WALNUT STREET Classes Are New Being Held en Meriday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings VISITORS WELCQME Our first class was completely filled en our opening night, which has necessitated the formation of a second class in which a few vacancies remain. Inasmuch as there will be no ether classes formed until September 15th, all, persons inter ested are advised te take prompt action. Information IKAJIX Si.nnl.li Scheel . .M'AMSH ,,r IMillndrlnlil;i i tnuMi neon at I3tli and Jlarktt. .Mtaij. U,j ''lle. l'ref. II. O. Jlees lll bUe urlmtB 11 it rmm ut nnr eemfnltncc, C'nnerriitlniiiil II V.bthv'l. QijImIi renultai Vliene. nilrrl 4J0H. KiH. 2.... '"OH riJTON HT. ' lVf pinAlERS IUe l'et "u'nr Hcbae, m fmm ' ma&nws an, s O&V WW, 1K1 Uv J, ;' !" . ZTi, -vs ',. i a A ,. AH&...&saL' I t.lllllllE I W.lfcW,. a I 'Wfc i, !k;mmZ2tfamMmMMKSMBmKhZ I)cated at 111 AugustaspUce, and-it housed Benjamin Franklin during his first months In this city. The building Is te be rarcd te mafie way for the Delaware River Bridge MARTINIQUE INDIGNANT AT POSSIBILITY OF U. S. RULE 'About 40 Per Cent of Blrtha en the Island Are Illegitimate BaecW Cable Dlipatch. Cepvriaht, ittt Fert de France, Martinique. Feb. 13. The Negro population of the French West Indies does net want American ways nor American laws and Is bitterly opposed te any idea of uie surrender of this territory as part payment for the war leans. There were demonstrations against Americans in Martinique when it was first proposed te give the island te the United "States. However, the people wcre reassured that the French policy Is against such action. France is holding both the sentiment and the trade of the Islands. The poa pea poa besslen of these islands Is of strategic Importance, becnuse of their situation with reference te British and American bases, because they have ports suitable for naval bases and because of the de velopment of aviation. The island furnishes ground for study of marriage, as the Illegitimate births are high about 40 per cent. This is due, te the difficulty and expense of marriage and the attitude of the church against divorce and because the women say they would rather live with men unmarried than etherwJt-c for If they were legally united the men would beat them. .POLICEMEN SAVE TIME, Te Answer Rellcall at 8ub-8tatlen Instead of at City Hall Members of the city's feet traffic squad, en duty at street intersections te handle traffic north of Columbia ave nue, no longer have te go all the way te City Hnll in the morning te report at 8 o'clock rellcnll. They reported to day for the first time at the station, at Park and Lehigh avenues. This plan baves the men much time, as under the old pi (in the man en duty at BelfJe'd fetrect could net reach his pest until" an hour after rellcall nt the ' Central Station. A similar plan will ' I be put into operation for tiaflii; patrol men en duty in t no heuuiern section et the city. The patrolmen reporting in the Vnrk and Lehigh avenue Ktatleu are under command of Sergeants Sauder Sauder .en and Graham. START NUTRITION CLASS Haverford and Radner Children te Be Given 'Special Care ' Nutrition classes will be opened te- i dny in the public schools of Haverford I and Radner Townships. WUHam J. Serrlll, president of the Scheel Beard of Haverford Township, led the move ment te install spccinl classes for chil dren 10 per cent or mere under weight in the Chestnutweld, Llanerch and Oak Oak ment public schools. A pint of milk will be given te each child dally. In addition, tbere will be health talks, teaching the children what te cat In order te grew te the proper weight. As the undernourished children become normal they will be graduated into the regular classes and ether children will be admitted for spe cial treatment. KniJCATIONAT. llnlh SMf m en Request &K and $fi Menth Nl"ut acnoel. Iff ;L,1 ,..'. Win- ry mer? fiiorlhend. Tscewrltlns. tistlen court. Hicrturi!. iHiiinttB .aunif !. (Jjl!lO! fro. I'almcr HmlrieM Scheel, ill H. 10th etrMt The TyIer Scheel - "-JJisM ... K ' ,k1lWMK'' r :''ftV3.Wv "'w.''m 'I -v n -,'' isd!L 4 ,i ,Mmmm:kt v,.mm ,. &&l., . passfflM -r u alaaaaaMlilMliiilMillM I.lill.lllliti lilll i I " "Til X i 'mitriaallr. PTt VWT " - I ""? r KjttI ' y -vj 'O A tf a fw tii' ; .''"" Trv ,x ;y r. wvfe ;v vni sr2j$J LUCK WITH $260 PLUNGED MAN INTO $4,500,000 DEBT Notoriety of Chicago "Penxl" Began With Deubling of Friend's Meney Chicago, Feb. 13 (By A. P.) Raymond J. Blscheff, under detention in connection within admitted sl'nrlnge of $4,500,000 ns a result of financial dealings with approximately 0000 resi dents of the Chicago "back te the yards" district, burned a lucky deal with aifrlcnd's $200 for the continued transactions which hare involved him se heavily. "A friend begged me te play the market, with his money, saying his creditors were pushing' him," Blscheff wns quoted as having said. "I con sented, doubling his money In n week. He told all his friends nnd I" immediately was besieged with similar requests, llmt wus the beginning of It." "Dabbllngs In oil" led te his present status, after visions of big financial deals arose when hu found hew easy it was te have ethers give him their money te invest. Bischoff's ntterney'mnlntalns that the tweuty-Ove-ycar-elil "wizard of Bubbly .Creek" has violated no law In his dealings, despite the shortage, of mil lions. Blscheff gnve promissory notes or the money invested -with him, the attorney tairi, adding, "a man can't be imprisoned for nonpayment of promis premis promis bery notes (f he hasn't the money." Creditors may realize ten cents en the dollar, thn attorney said. - V Big Fire at Wllliamspert. Md. Hagrrstewn, Md.. Feb. 13. (By A P.) Fire destroyed an apartment house, two dwellings and a store in the heart of Wllliamspert hte Inst night. The b'aze, which er.'ginated In a stable spread rapidly te adjoining buildings. Damage is estimated at mere than $75,000. jlr-jlr-i fi ii ! I. i IiTTj ilj ilj -.1 S-KSmESm?!Z?JZm wiHiaawimamiaiammianjmfwiammiuiuiaifl slnMWL 100 vmaiN wool' Presents Very Exceptional Values Frem The I faaipnKl BaaaaaaaaaaCTjMEfaaaaaaaaaaaaav ' aaaaaaaaaWVIiaalBBaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaVBBaaaaaaaaaaaal BavaaaaaaT "" aaaaaaaaaaB lllustrattd A hove Children's lipevcrsweaters of lightweight pure wool in plain weave. In com, old blue, Camel hair. Saltprict according te she $3.13 te $4.93 Illustrated Right Mens' brushed camel hair scarf with fringe and pure wool hat. An excellent skating outfit. February Sale Price! Hats, $1.33 up . . Scuf,$3.60 lllustrattd Btlew Imported pure wool waistcoats in stripes and unusual patterns and col orings; for dress or sport wear. February Sale Prices $6.73 te $8.33 aaaaaaaaaaawis. LaaaaaaaaaaV aaV vlfflul nnVlBaVA -aaaas I - . ii,. .. I PKiRPcn ANDFOOO East . CalVary. M. E. Keeping ''Open rieuse" for Negroes Unable te Get, Werk COOkS WORK. IN ' RELAYS , j x , Relays of women members of the East Calvary M. K Church1 for Negroes at Bread -and Fitawnteratreets. are work ing a coeks1 In n relief campaign new -7 nn tire. AmenMs served every dayln,the;cbtirchte the needy, and, as many of the women members are them selves, wge-arneM. the volunteers in the'-kftehen are changed every day. se ' . !. fnn mit n burden unen ftinee" January- 9. when the relief werkwas started, 2800 men have been -t .....: esi.t nr shelter. This has resulted in n nlan te" buy a house, en Lembard street and contlnue the relief work per tiinnnnHl'. .Tlnemnlevment caused the adoption of tM? nlan te keep "open house" at the church. The homeless are permitted te sleep there at night, or are sent te the'Inasmueh'Mlsslen for shelter. The highest number given lodging was 200, en January 20. The average is about 100. Many of these unfortunatee are white men", the "open house" being for all comers. These who eat the meals prepared by the women of the church or recelve uneltcr hear addresses by the Rev. Dr. Charles A. Tlnsley, the pastor, as a revival is going en in connection with the relief campaign. The paBter be lieves in feeding a man before talking te him of religion, The success of the open -house ex periment -has been greater -than ox ex pected. It was the Intention te dis continue the work at the end of Jun uary, but members of the congregation gave se liberally from their slender earn ings and were se eager te centnlue te give their services that the open house will be continued indefinitely. THE DAILY NOVELETTE PINK VALENTINES By ClarUta Mackle HrHEN Philip Barten went into part VV nershlp with old 'Mr. Crowther he was doing several very upeipccted things; one was te enter into the fell ing of books and stationery, for he had always worked en the farm near the village, but the Investment of some of lils small inheritance in a weit-estaD-llfthed business was attractive. An An ethfr tbing, he was learning te nvet and mingle with people ever' day and te lese some of the lencline.su tltnt op pressed him when he closed the deer of his empty house. And there was his painful shyness ; thnt, tee, was In a measure forgotten. "You've get te have a tongue in your head, lad, if jeu're going te keep customers," reminded Basil Crowther after Philip had had an embarrassing encounter with a talkative woman. "I can't twin te think of anything te say until after they go out," pi ended Philip. "You'll be wiser before very Ions, Philip. New that I have an up-and-' coining young man here, I've noticed that trade is picking up wonderfully. Some of these young schoelmnrma used te go way ever te Deckerville for I school supplies I counted five of 'em in acre yesterday an at ene time!" "It is your new line of postcards, and the sheet music, and ether things," stammered Philip, his geed-looking face reddening as the deer opened te udmit two mere of the feminine sex. "Geed evening. Philip," said stout Mrs. Graham. "We just stepped in te wish you geed luck in your new busi ness: didn't we, Resa?" "Yes, indeed," murmured dark-eyed . 1 ..!. J..imal Iralmli -I- il FEBRUARY SALE OF WOOLWRE At Most Unusual Price Reductions The items featured here were se lected at random and are typical of the high character and great val ues new offered in Jaeger pure wool apparel and novelties. Proportionate Reductions en our Entire Regular Stock of Afen's, Women's atM Children's SWEATERS, HATS, SCARFS. TOP COATS. HOUSE ROBES. HOSE, GLOVES. UNDERGARMENTS AND UNUSUAL NOVELTIES OF UTILITY IN PURE WOOL. New at 1701 Chestnut Street Cerner 17th Strte INCHURCH Hm jm. ' flashed ' iTtpttftki Philip's heart Jump wildly i . L "TnanK yen j it is very Kind or you betn-er I . nepe you will come in often. Have you an valentines?" asked Ilesa. looking around the little store. "Valentines?", Philip' voice pene-, trated te the rear where Basil was bent ever his bookkeeping. "A A-hole box of them. Come and open them, they Just arrived today, and I expect a wneie let or tnera wiu nna their way into your letterbox, Resa Graham," teased the old man as he brought out ,n large box and proceeded te untie' the cords that .bound It. , "Hew you de Jove, te torment me. Sir. Crowther," pouted Resa. "Ah!" she nighed as he began te open some smaller boxes contained in the ship ping case. "I am afraid I will never cet one aa lovely as this!" She looked wistfully at the box containing a large pink lace paper heart, around which rosy Cupfds danced with-garlands of pale blue rorgct-me-nota. "See here, Resy." and old Mr. Crewthern eyes blinked behind his large spectacles'. "I will make. a prom prem ise. If no one comes in and. buys that valentine, or if it is cold and you de net receive it, I will send you one just like It I" "Thank you, Mr. Crewther: you are Economy Big Clearance Sale of Children's & Babies' $5 te $6.50 White and Colored Coats At One Ridiculously Lew Price of $1.95 , Various pretty and becoming styles and excel lent materials including chin chilla and. cloth coats. One pic tured. Clearance of Children's $1.25 te $3.50 Hats and Bennets "35c 79c bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement Beys' Clothing That Offers Quality, Style and Service at Rock Reck Rock Bottem Prices Beys' Norfolk Suits at: $4.95 Mixed cheviets, with full-lined knickers. Sixes C te 15 years. Beys' 2-Pants Suits at $7.95 Extra geed quality cheviets in light and dark gray and brown mixtures. FuU - lined knickers. Sizes 6 te 17 years. Beys' $13.75 Twe- CQ QZ Pants Suits at. . . DUy All-wool blue serge suits, with full-lined pants. Sizes 8 te 14 years. Beys' $5.50 te $10 Junier 2E3.75 $4.75 Button-te-ncck and belted-all-around styles. Beys' Mackinaw Coats Reduced te $3.75, $5 & $5.75 Extra geed quality blanket cloth, with shawl nnd convertible cellars. Beys Knickers at. .. Mixed cheviets. Sizes 95c 8 te 16 years. bNELLOaURflS Enemy Basement Women's $2 Petticoats and Pantalettes Real Bargains at $1.00 Ea Geed quality Webster loom and fcttteen petticoats in plain colei-3, figured and flowered effects. KulHed und tailored flounces. Sateen pantalettes are finished with two rows of shirring et ankle. Women's $2.00 Deuble Extra-Size J- QQ Petticoats V X eJ U Geed quality heavy sateen in black. Tailored or rulHcfTlleunces. Generously cut te fit the larger woman. Women's $4 and $5 Silk Petticoats, Regular & Extra Sizes at $2.95 te $3.95 All-jersey and combinations of jersey and messalinc ; heavily embroidered. All the new change able shades. Have ruffled or tai lored flounces. bNClLENBURGS Economy Basement 5000 Yards of 45c Table Oil Cleth Te Sell for the Amazing Lew Price of 22c Yard Cemes In all wanted colon, plain white and various pretty printed allevcr designs. Full width. Slightly Imperfect. Less Than Half Price 1 bNEUCNDUROS Economy Basemrnl MMk? I f. ( V. a jnX ii1 srf jiiv) I I iaiiftw.wa mother, laughlDg'at the eld ataUener'a Kindly joke. rtn-f J . . . LJll Tami TIr, .inn uoer epenea y ". "Y9" t: d iris, name (lmpktrrT iinnlnftant "Valentines? Hcy7 emc asseri- ..Z- "- J ' a in.n d.H m.lll.f af nrran tnn'iin three or four of theso pink ones like the ene In your hand?" , "Through aome mistake there is only one like this," said rump coeny. i. 'Give me that one anu an env then. T'll Ini.t ind it alone te lltW Iteav Pest Rrewn Eves. Ilurrr. kid, I am en-my way te the sociable." Philip hesitated a second, then he said grimly: "You're tee late, Reger, this one's Mid already. Hcre'6 one, and this, and this " Reger grumbllngly selected half a dozen for as many expectant girls and easiiCd out. Mis departure wan iei- lecd by a strange explosion of high laughter from the corner. Valentine Day came nnd went. The little shop was busy all day and the day at te Deck partners even nad te send te iccKerxinei ... - . . -w , ... for mere of the tender missives, se great nan uceii mu unuiuuu. "Never heard anything like it," mut- Basement STORE OPENS AT 9 A. S. MONDAY, KKBHttABV in. 102.5 M "1 NELLENBURGN Sweeping Clearance Sale of Women's & Misses' $25 & $30 Winter Coats at $10.95 & $12.95 Mostly All Fur-Trimmed Fashionably made en becoming lines of belivia, vcleur and heavy coatings. Majority are fur ttimmed. Seme have large cellars of self material. All bilk lined. DERFUL VALUES1 Women's $15.00 u, ,29.75 Smart Extra-Size Dresses Marked te $Q QK $1 O 7FJ Clear Quickly at. . fJtu P J- tf Slenderizing coat effects and evcrskirt models developed in silk poplin, tricelette, taffeta and serge, attractively trimmed with s-ilk braid and embroidery. Women's Extra-Size Sports Skirts at IJ AK Tepular box-plaited models of smart striped J?"ttJ prunella cloth in navy, brown and black. SELXENBURiS Economy Basement Women's $3.00 Coutil Corsets. at $1.45 Pink and white ceutil, with me dium bust or girdle tops. Leng hip lines. Well boned. 69c te $2.25 Brassieres at 39c i0 $1.59 White, daintily (rimmed with lace or embroidery. Re-enforced. Our February Furniture Sale s the Logical Place te Get the Newest and Best at the Lewest Price! $20.00 Five-Piece Breakfast 1 1 QpT Roem Suit VAX.I70 u Includes oiu-llulslied drop Unf table, round or Miu.'irc vlih sauare lc? and four oak fh.ilrs with cebbler Sir, Rell Edge Felt-and- Cotten Mattress, $7.05 te p ii n il s I'ure ojtten und cotteii tr In nr ortwepli-iv. l rc-KUlatlen ni7"i $15 Metal Bed, $7.95 H t'ontlnueuH pest with 10 btralslit llller upright. All regulation $20 Imperial Edge Cotten Mattress, $9.75 00 pound?. 7 Inch border. One or two " plece- retrcd In lu'Hy f.iuey art tlckln.-. ?I White Metal Crib, 39.05 Ileavy T.ineh nontlnueuti pest, 40 Inches hish, bafet drop hlde openwed lv the feet nnd ull-tde.M anultivry lmlt tprlng. $25 Bureaus $14.95 $16.00 Couch Beds, Com plete at $0.95 Ench Solid ea.k. Thren il n e p drawers. Oval Pruncli Plate mirror, Hx 12 Inches Prop-rlde utyl''. All - out ten, deuble pnd te fit. a . v y u Mm P 1 'Tl K. SMSIAENBURG 00.1 1 . ", s',. ,ar4sj&ii . 1 XcMm.',umita: ib Burma fana,xn wwuw w V - VT . J7J i w.4. . A.r f.Mav vevnavtinr man en his fine face1. "The boy's all keyed " '.u,i .un,..h., 1WF nwu-i.v m .1 an viififn vrniiL n nil v iron " " --- . nn.i h is m steady and right down geed, it.-, k. .nl,f n tn imp mnvlie he waH.merrv eves which he had tee jtrared nt the last moment, he Is se skittish of women 1" . ri., i,n ir.fii nt rehriifirr. lust about ...- iim. nriif.ii few pntemrrs woelu Mm in. fh deer encncd gently and Resu.hls lender eyes vislencd her at(( steed there, a warm, rurrj' bundle, with steed there, a warm, rurry duiiuh-, wi big dancing brown eyes and pink cheeks, "Leeks like a valentine herself," tlieuaht Philip, arbe put en hl.H grim l00.?i"l iC nt.ii V.i ft, elrl hrlv. .... .. r. . t.. .. .1. . you?' .. "Nethlnc much but justr-te. eny eh, I never Mid such a thing te any " ',""'":,,,' ;itne!ini one who ever w.it mr a w "r;1 tlmnk you or it-It, is aweetl she tn n Finn red lirYtflillleahlv. "Valentine?" he repeated grimly. His frf was red nnd his heart had broken 1.... tmnm 4m mwi-1nftlir. IrnflV It hnd I iuur; tv... "fc-. ..vw...... .-" -- -i .,. ,H rnpin ,, un(j u0,Vn ..of cerf. J0u sent it 1 knew your handwriting. "Why my handwriting "he was Specials for M. CLOSES, AT 5:30 P. M. Women's Pretty Envelope Chemise Of Willow Lingerie in several charming styles. Very special! Women's Nightgowns and Envelope Chemise, l Q Exceptional at rC Plainly tailored or elaborately trimmed models of soft material. Women's $1.50" Dainty QK Nightgowns at ue Made of Fruit-of-the-Leem muslin in two very attractive stvles ivith seuare neeks. $22.50 Bex Q1 Q QC Springs . .. .PAO.K &m 4 Fer weed ur mnal ld- when onler- 'ns tn.t wiiien $40.00 Brass $4.75 Dining- Roem Chair, $2.19 Bed Outfit at S22.75 A ! TU'll ele nla. ikj-' bed, u I) ti n 1- n li iiil r uprtgi ts preMdul tth a 1 I - net 1 pprliiir and t-ett top inattres. Very Mrerr oak neat of im perial l.ath. r W $12 Maheg- any End Table, $4.95 $3.50 Brass i Costumer for $1.89 , $25 Library Rocker, $12.75 $7.00 Parler Table, $3.69 Ovrt ufft.l Cohered In brown rUxH-lnch pel- laneu ea top. imperial leather. iyJX .hKURCiS Ecuiemy Kaaement N KMKI.IEIVUIlllll 1 t ..a fi.1 nf t iltn k "w 'plcal Mjfci3, tifd. cotton JfffiT?'! I I'M' i'ev. z-.4a ;oed-cradn It MIC fffT m BH m MMm W&3&M 'J f 'W net? rYaVi ?&'SJ wcre se afraid of . BemcLiiinK in my nmuni n ruing en me cav nd regarded nint'i frald of cirla all !l --,-. . t r . ... d saw nor niusning, iiewncan years were afraid te meet hlm-i iiueuani ei u imw uiw ir shoulders straightened, and took en a deencr tone, a lanuuinim.-, (inucer ."'"w the .old rooms as his mother It would be home ence mere I He fnrraehusc, its mistress merli j for hla cap and 'Struggled lata, "Conw. Ttesa." he said. "If mImm in .nAWu"MI tnllBtftf kfft't .home ulene In the dusk." H Her startled eyes met his, IM understood. "Hew ubeiit that pink vale Resa?" called Mr. Crowther from dim corner. A, "Thank veu. I have it:" she nnd rin Philln tucked her hand his arm flic dung tightly te hlm.. "Pink ntrntlnPR certatnlv cast id folks toward the umrrlaga alteV. 1...I.1-. ,.n i ii.n. C7i' cnucKieti nam v"mti. rt'i Tuesday : "vi Switl 1A7jma 'is 1A7dAM'V: TTUJJlClld TTU131W; CI! C 4. aiip-uii ewcaicra v Extra Special al $1.85 ,0 $2.50 Plain and fancy weaves in a variety of new colors. II u v e long elecves and are very (smart. Sketched. Women's Worsted Tuxedo Sweaters Remarkable $3.50 Seme have brushed-wool cellars and cuffs. Plain and fancy weave in attractive shades and combi nations of contrasting colors, i SnELUNBURGS tt-Wemy Uawment Girls' $3 & $4 v Crisp New Gingham Dresses .lfvirf fttif ft tTrrtrtttmt t3 'I Arm -f i wi v a r vi Real Werth at$1.45 Fine ginghams in stunninf checks and plain colon. plaids, Innumerable pretty m e d e 1 i.. trimmed with contrasting colon, ruffles, sashes, pockets and rick rack edging. Sizes 6 te 14 yean. Girls' $3 Regula tien Dresses at . $i:50 Linene and government cloth in all the new shades and white. Have Copenhagen cellars and cliffs, braid trimming, pockets nnd belts. Sizes 6 te 14 years. Girls' Swagger Winter Coats, Very Special at $5 Stylish belted models of good geed warm fabrics. Smartly topped with self-material cellars and fin ished with pockets, and buttons.. Sizes. 6 te 1 1 yeai-js. Misses' & Girls' $2 G1 AA Sateen Bleemers.. X.VW Geed quality yatecn. Made full with band at waist. Excellent for gym wear. ..,' Girls' Kiltie Skirts j 1 gift Mceiy maue et guignam in, uih.-i.tiui chucks aim i eggy ciein in plain colors. Have deep box plaited skirts and clever straps ever bheuldcrs that can be rcgu1 lated by nickel buckles te u com fortable length. Sizes C te 14 y ea r s. Sv LI - BJRgS l:oenomy Basment $1.69 81x90-Inch Bleached Seamless Sheets $1.09 at Ea. A'goed make of bleached seam les.i sheets in the dcbirahlc 81x90 inch size. Don't fail te take ad vantage of this opportunity! Si7. ' f7ij""? jS ''"mv Ilascinent In Our Economy Itascnwnt Rug Stere 9x12 Feet Weel Face Tapestry Brussels Rugs . $8.79 Slight Seconds in Pretty Pat' tenia. Only !00 in Let, Limit of 2 te a Customer Genuine Cerk Linoleum Best Burlap Back at 49c Sq Yd Roem-Size Lenxthp.au Much at 100 Yds. of a Pattern Mall nnd Phene Order Uring Roem Mcawu re incuts bficLUNBURXjS KconemyBMiytiit; ' ' ''"''' f-'."H' ' Sib MSKwav4' m ii 1 1 ., t. 4 it,, 14' Mr, ' i'c'x