Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1922, Postscript, Image 14

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    -T..T3 !ftffi A VlrP "
f tWv 'vV VVlVf
A-fJ"""''.''(n;y--,yjtf' y'-n)?'.
i ft'-v-
t-fc.v." e-tL-nillt -is
sip ate liVDangereus Chase
Pbf Pickering ancr Mather
If Clubs
l, ... - -"
vmut in liMtittt uuura t
J 'V;f.'eI lllinitch te frwlmj ri'Hlr l--lf.-r
. TiWRii tiieirr, i .1., i' en. i.. - i nc
S embers of (In1 riclici-lng mill I. mines
"Mntlii'i- Ilunls nre cu loving n ilnv of
kt nlxiiit the llrniiririN. west ft this
today, ninl huudtfds of person
t lire en 1li hills u atetiinc lic
i'hc event wns postponed from
'W YrnrN lny bcetiiiM1 of Imd weather
dltlens. nnil the coins Imlnj l dim-
.!,(, nlt.l ll.i, irl.i.lllt.l III fltll fir. il ,
'ft. ' I
S -Fellow ins tin' clin.se the hunters willi
fsRiM entci tinned ill lintndjwltie Meniiews,'
'EfVnrm. the home of Oniric II. Mnther.
3ft' near T.runi. Tin KiikIMi hounds of '
f., the- F.rnndvwiiie Metulew run. mm tnei
t; 'Amprir-m mititiiilM of the 1'IrkrrlM
iS&'ltunf nrc vjltic with r.Yeh ether In the '
cy.rhiisc. each p.irU mnnticrinu iilnnit tlur- i
l-ftc, . . n i I .r .1... I'...... 1 1.
WW""" "" """"'S '" "" ll"'l HIV'-'I-
Vie. Ins of their icsni'ctlc vlniiil.
ib r..t ..t fl.rt Imtifiti'd ni'piiiiil 111 nnlii-
i'i?, mobiles nt Hip mthc of I lie .tnrt. Slm'il
:58J Ilrldce, four mill"' southwest of here. I
1 where, they lrft their c.-ir. Hide ninl sc-
ii cared their horse, which Ii.nl been tiiken
J A there fin l b thf sremii" ninl htiuieinen
'Of U1C IWO Ol K.IIU'.lll l"lls. lln-T-illll nil.--,
i". made short I lifter in o'clock, mul no
)k difficulty wiim found in finding n fe
SAvnciir the Mi Kmlili'ii fnrm. 'I lie Picket
Jfi.'Jn hounds remained h'-ie ever nlsht
tTL .....I ......... .....!. .... ,1... ...ii.li. It I.I. ll It .!.
ii I1HII WC1I I'.III, I'M MM' ' ll . "lll'M i'
A a most illumined one. with Hie riders
,-'' In tlm ri'il ..I' i lip MmiIiit mid "ia of
' Hie i'lfkeriiiK orsunliillen1-.
The ridei-- of the Itrnmbuiini Meinlew
Tlnnl In the sidille nre t'hiirli". I'.
Mntlter. iiiiiMit of fox hetiinl: Mi-
.IOM'ihltie Mnllier. si )nielli Miitlier.
Mr. mid Mr Vli-ter Mmlier. Mr. :md
Mrn. (flllieri M.iih'-r. Mis .lfie Mann,
Nnv rl Ilellierl Kllf-e. of New
Ymk, ninl iee Inintmen mid creiiiu1'.
Pepe Gets Tiara;
Blesses 200,000
Oenllnucil from I'.ice tlm-
niatter-ef-fiiel mid lmines.-l.le mnii-
ncr nhtjtiiiiii; in Hi" world today. Sil
ver hnplee of the "iNleentli renlnry im im im
lionneed the eoreniitloii, mid the ted
lehea of the :i;eil CiiriiiiniK iiiin'luiu
With the iinlleriii of the Sw h iiiiirN
recalled the Middle As'"., lull the eril-h
f Stiff tutor- "I ' ' lieai hrenp c;ite
of a fermerl ferliiddinx Vniieini ie-vi-aled
thai Miiiieihins w.is fhaiiseil in
Hepe Plus Will l.r.ue Vatiean
SIt,V Iheti-.iinl tier-oils weie jiaeked
IB the nrlil' nml iiiiirf-le ISa-ilifii of
St. 1'eter .-. -lleiit and revrrential. with
one. tliu'icht nemulinj: nil llint the
saintly old inmi witliln the Vatiemi
walls m.t ,el enjoy th.il wlihli
the. rei'reaiinii of .'onus Kiittl of
Dciie, flinihlii the Alpine uieiiiitaint
or hi natie Imnl Today lie i- a
JiriMiner within the Vatican wall-, hut
tomorrow, the hope I- linely evinx'eil.
h.c niaj he free te mingle among the
t'reiwN of the coinmeu people he lovi levi lovi
he well. The lift nic age -ent out
broadcast out the world hy I'epe I'iu
expreeil the wili for universal pnei pnei
fientleu and deelmed that while the
Hely See should nut ahanilen any of
the Chiireh'- teniieral prerogntheV, a
Klltliflieter iirraiiseineiit. wherein- tlie
Vatican ctiuhl rule -piiituully only.
.w . iii. i ..- n I ...111 a
At the etiti'iniee
"i, Pepe wn- I04'eied hv Cardinal Merrv
lYrlllMI " ICeDwiitai: 1955: BrTheChle1tbvMt.l
JA MUll I )mms&0P" 1 r-n 1
f! -just a WW' ! sv)
! 'a ' .. ny please , ! ,, L Yeu get h
1 w -- 1( , Yte'Wb '' Jmw aefXv whktydu X Ca
'iiutcinrr Wy ' Ch J Vwd! JJ L4
immmtiM m mmsmmmmM
- - " u h i - v' vi9 'y. i mjrrx nr ' " 'rnrTn v.
-. ii . .--r Tr- ?fsss. it it &'. v ss "v 'iHHiHO. v,
- " ' eA4l .'-:f it i i narkTM 'hk."-rH T" i vmr fn
m. eli I ' n?;; JgEr
A cheerful voice can atari your day with un$hine. A courteeut clerk can make you feel geed for hemre.
fTAwjATsTTiKE7 Pit's a
?&?cmM'tWA w. vj rslv is a ja
Yeu like te patronize the movie theater where the at
tendant are court coin.
The polite taxi driver h a great autt for hit company.
':::- fTTI-.jU p fLLi fite5)
A grouchy tlrttt car conductor cui tpeil the day for
An ill-mannered clerk can drive you away from the
beet of etere.
Men Plan te Buy
Mere P. R. T. Stock
Cutttfniiel frum 1'nre Onr
I t
Ht'Mklieldrr- get a dividend. What the,
want Mitten te de i- te put .ill of tli'e
-in plus earning- hack into the prenei t, ,
fr the hem-tit of I'nieti Tiaetien -tm-l,.
lln'llTf .
"The idea would net down that -enic
wa inti-t he found te -hew the world
that Mitten'.- friend- are our friend-,
and hi- enemies our encmlc-. Al-e,
that our hearts arc inextricably bound
up te t lie -ueee-sful operating' of thi-preperty.
., I "In the end the fellows found the
VC Tvi """'" " " ""V11" i"",wnj. and they found the inean-. Ten
VTl Pene wa- eeoiieil hv ( an lni.il Merrv .1 1 .!.... ....
v4 j.i'v.1 .... 1 . ..1 . . 1. . 1 iimii-iiiiii -ignaiiiie- aipi-evei (lie p ir-
W rtfJ nl. iirchprli-t 01 .;. Peters who,,.s ., .,. .,. n,.,11n,fll,1.1, plin,'.
m'iV, . '""""-'"v , "". '-"""ar.v!,)UII initiatUe. our own fund- went into
lllntllf nrreliiiiTl nr hnriilit" ii.nin 11 i .1 . . . . .
.!-: 1 .1 1 - tne inarKcr tine purchased ii.(HX) s ime.-
?t rrei' , f I ,"r,,!:r"r t the capital -teek of our company.
hnite. I.I r,.""l,. i, ' 1 '.l',!'."1 ""."i'1"1' -n.i.lk of It. folk-: A deen jri.r
ffi .: ,:Un!ln- e ,c f kUs?;, "::;: , vt';vrntirfr "??" ,,,,,.,,',
ting lln. te a small bundle of (lIM ' w lnt.. tl.r nw iiicnMns ...inSiis
hemp, chanting 'p-it-t San. i... -i-'" ' "elple- -lue- e ,,n un.-en-
transit gleria mundi." -eiuiiable machine that eventuallv
The lirst two of the little bundle. ,,(1 ',R"11 ""," ", ,,!,MTate attempt
burned wlih great rapiditx. but the '." l ''"' ',"u',iU', ,,f mli-trliil
third failed te catch lire. ;, n-.itmit i i,--l; im .
thrice rellgluing it befiire ir wa-linallv . 1'iU''' ,I" '" r '"-- ' 1' '""
cenntnicd These given te -ign- inter- M'-""'l ""r part in the ilebacle of lillll.
preted tli'- te mean that the Pepe-- '""I I'll "t 'l'm-c tlie-e who. heroic
glory would be la-ting and Ins reign "'"l "1"' "lan- ''"' ""', re-iien-lUle
jeng. ter tnat trai:eii. .Name- Highly puu-ei
I'epe ,s Diel her ami Sister There
During the icienienv in the Uasiliea
Francesco Uatti. the brether: I'mnilla.
..... .Iut.. ..!.. I t ;-M
f.j '"'! e'" 4I in in" nun iiiur nieie-,
.i r eiMAvith 11 Maileiiiui.like fncc. -nt In n
finall stand immediately te the right of
tnr tn rene.
able document, inspired by left senli
nicnts and ceiieeivcd by n body of werk-er-
the like of which Is net te be found
the country o'er. .
"Laber backed it- faith with its ca-h
when it piireha-cd lll.(HH) -hare- of the
-lock of thi- cempiiny. And manage
ment did tlie -ame when it likvi-e
purclia-eii lti.titHj share.- of the -sine
City Pays Tribute
te "Emancipator"
deiriieTttythlnr.-cVitntii, nwipejrcr
Continued from race Onr
IJnceln illnuer of the l.li J.u l.eginn
of Hener will take place, tonight in T.u
-teek. Thus, men and inamigcment arc.!:" y,"i'"-- i""iB "mutu sireci. near
1 - ' ii inii
K, v
.Men Out of "Step"
we have an army of HJ.Oiil
in I'liilnilelplila - social directory -iickee
, the ciN'am, while- the men wlie oier eier
nteil their re.ul had te be eenteni with
the -kiiu milk.
"And new today thee -nine wejIcpm,
10. (JIM) -treng, have inve-ted a quarter
of a milium of their own funds in tlie
"Hew does it feel te be the Pntw'- prepeity which they helped te ic-i-ue
L-..I .. . ... .... .. . ... . . . ! .!. ..1 1. .. .1 !.. X'.,.. I..
pj; oreuier en a uaj in;e tin-.' u-Ued the
la''.. .Associated Pre-s corre-nenilcnt in rnl. I
V& Un nn he steed near the seat occupied I
M by Francc-ee.
or "Mv feelings cannnt he ile-ci-!li...l it
is just impossible for hip te tind word
with which te cxprc.. what I feel at the
fr- present moment." the Pepe', brother
k'- replied In perfect KnglMi. I
Cemmentliig upon the pale apprar-niji-c
of the pontiff at the beginning of
the ccremem . 1'rnnee-ce -aid: "I de
Met believe this wa- from emotion alone. ,
although one might feel mewil mi a da I
like this Hut my" brother told tne tlin'r '
hp feared he would he 'sea-lck,' ns the i
motion of the pontifical chair borne en
the eheiilders of the carrier- is nun h
like that of 11 -hip in a rolling sea.
Pius X never once sal in the chair after
his coronation, a- lie had been ver -ick
at the tune, of his lir-t appearance before
the faithful. '
from the -leugh of. despair. Net only
that, mark ou. but the-e ami' workers
htm' another million and a linlf tucked
away in their own saving- fund.
"Heads Lllus a Neel"
"Kiie-n't 'the whole thing lead like
a novel V rrem squalor te rc-pecta-bi'il).
In 11110 we were tir.-t con-ins te
mi alm-lieu.e. Today wc are a respon
sible, law -abiding, itulu-trleu- body of
men and worn n. Hetter railroader-,
belter citijen-, herrer ramiiy men.
We'ie iiiakiug geed, folks, en the only
real chit nee we've ever nail.
"De j 011 wonder that we swear by
tin- mail Mil ten V De jeu wonder that
our only fear I- tnar some ether city
mav ill lift him te take en another hope-le-.
ta-k like our- of 101 IV De ou
wonder that we 'land icadv te go tin
liinii for hitn, te tlie mlt. and bejend'.'
We have -aid that Mitten s enemies
tedav the liiri;e-t -linrplinlfler nf recniil.
1 "A troublemaker Is n tieilblemaker.
whether lie w er blue je.iu- or a fte.-i.
'at and a -ilk hat: whether he dwell-
in a humble cituige or In a uiagniticeiit
inatblc palace.
, "Pull-backs, react binaries and Insui
gents are out of ydaee e-i tills preiert,.
They had their innii j- prier te I Jill.
UV cen had .yinie of them in tlie ranks
Alter we lightened -l:in we found that
i thing- went alens bette.. yvv cmiiuu
railnnd with ili-turhers crawllns uj
and down their back-.
"Te de our be-t work wi mu-t have
haimenv. l;llleil lemle-.-hij) in which
we I aw confidence, mid cle-e co-operation
between men, management, mtrnu
and owner-, .langling. e-neclaUy in liigh
lhfi's di-ruiits "irab. unilei-mliic.s
ilbciplin.'. lewei- cnieiency, and -ap-ciiilideiue.
men and women, all t whom are in
-lep and working haiinonietisly tewini
n common end. Then, we hae tne
men who nrc out of -tep and dissatis
fied with their let. What'.- the answer'.'
"If we are te deliver vervlce und divi
dends en this railroad, there must be un
end te this deliberate and persistent
(blowing of derails against us"
Taken as an Epoch
Economists and experts in the de
velopment of relations between capital
and labor in this city spc in the volun velun
tas purchase of stock bv V. It. T.
workers n complete reversal of the usual
urgani.ed-laber preceduic. In the
i pinion of tlie-p expert- the movement
mark- an epoch in labor hi-tery.
D. Knickerbackee llejd. an archi
tect, said that If it were possi
ble te apply the same measures te
ether industries it would go far toward
the solution of difficulties that had unf
iled workers, empleyeis and disinter-i-stid
arbiter- called in by one side or
the ether jn the last few Years. ,
"Prem tlm point of view of the gen
eral public," said .Mr. Ueyd, "and with
out discussing the mcitfs of the fight
ever the management e? the transit
company, this action of workers In buy
ing .stock In the corporation by which
they ere employed Is n line thing. It
Mere thnu lOiX) guests are expected
te be present at this largest of the
' special Lincoln celebrations. W. Tree
land Kendrick. Uecelver of Taxes, will
' he toastmaster. introducing the follow
ing speakers: Lieutenant General Nel
' son A Mile, ictireil. feimer command -er-in-chlef
of the ttimy; Majer tScii tScii
eral M. W. lielaud. Mirgeen general of
the army: Brigadier General Harry A.
Handlielt7. commanding general of the
District of Columbia and for a time
provost marshal of the A. E. r
lli-lzadlrr General (.hares E. S
CenUnurd frm Pige On
I remained (he'bcl of friends and fre
euentl.v mw each ether.
"Ills Increasing moodiness and my.
mother's unnilliucnris that I should
many man tn mueli elder were con cen
trlbuting cause .1 te the broken betrothal,
but I feel sure that lie really did lore
me. I was Very fend, of him,
"The cheeks which Mr. Tayler gave
me from time te time can all be easily
explained. During our engagement Mr.
Tayler gare me an automobile as n
ChHstmas present that is. lt was un
derstood between Mr. Tayler and my
self as n holiday present.
"The machine was net all, paid for
at one tlme and, In erdevr te prevent
gossips from misconstruing the rplrit in
which he gift .was made, Mr. Tnler,
simply made,out clicekn te me se t could
pay for the car in my own name.
"Numerous ether cheeks were for
distributing charily te the peer. Many
a time Mr. Tayler would knew a peer
family in desperate need and would
request me te buy them M'hnt they
needed. And always, of course, lie
would give me n cheek te cover the
amount I had expended in relieving the
case. It was the bigness of his heart
made him feel this way, and these who
knew him think nothing of his giving
me money like that.
"As te that last check, given me n
short time before his death, that can
be accounted for very simply. Mr. Tay Tay
ler was always looking nfter my career
add doing all he could te help me
progress in the film world. He knew
I was In temporary financial straits nt
that time and voluntarily sent me the
Tayler Grew Despondent
Miss Gcrbcr Ftated .that Tayler haa
frequently mentioned his mother,
daughter and sister te her. but that she
was under the impression that the
daughter was In Londen with his
mother. She said:
"When Mr. Taj ler returned from
overseas he was gloomier and mere de
spondent than ever. He told me that
his sister's husband had been killed
in battle, and that during a midnight
attack en Londen. German airships
dropping deadly bombs, his metluir and'
his little daughter had been killed.
"Of ceurrc. I thought this was
enough te account for his sadness, but
beside his depression he also grew irri
table, nnd it was the irritability that
made me feel it would be a mistake fet
us te be married."
"Isn't it u rather unconventional nnd
unusual thing for n man te give cheeks
te a woman, even when they are en
gaged?" Mtes Gcibcr was asked.
"Oh. no." he replied. "Net when
be intended te marry me, ns he did, and
felt that he wanted te be dolns-fieme-thing
for me all the time."
"But nflrrwatd. when the engage
ment was ended, was lt net LXtraordl LXtraerdl
lary tbnt Jie should continue te shower
such generous monetary gifts upeu
you?" the question whs presented.
"Net at all," Miss Gcrbcr asserted
with assurance. "He s-eemeii te think
that it was up te him te leek after my
welfare nnd I think lie would have con
tinued his ccneresit.r te me even if he
had lived te n very efd ngc."
Jut what was the reason for the
I whimsical nnd unequal gifts showered
i by William I. Tayler en various pco pce
j pie remain yet te be seen. Te his in
valid sister-in -inw, wun two nceuy,
helpless childten in Monrovia, he sent
the comparatively small sum of S.'O a
A stiff, formal little note accom
panied each of thcp donations, and a.
Christmas, time he sent an extra .Jl25,
which he said was te get something for
the little c'l
Hut te the
? 5w'-.fr
te assist the "authorities in unraveling
this unfortunate affair."
The abeve1 explanation came in rather
mysterious fashion from Miss Minter s
house yesterday. It came net from
Miss Mlntcr. nor from her attorney,
Jehn Met, but from a bald man who
was en guard behind the deer of Ihe
, - ... .-.... --1.I III. 1..AI1 "a frlAtifl
neme. J.HC iimu buiu n " .!...
of the family."
The fact that Weel wine has called
the little star for rf second examina
tion would indicate that he considers
her statement of the utmost Importance.
In filmland, where rumors en the
Tayler ease are thick, Mary Miles Min
ter Is the Hying mystery figure of the
Tayler case. There Is sympathy with
her In her association of the case, and
wonder as te- what she knows. IJiit If
she has any Iheerics ns te who killed
Tayler she has kept them in the back
,rjIUs- Mlntcr is net only the "dar-it-"
-f .imiikjinds nf illm fans, but she
Is also one of the favorites of the cel- j
eny itscii.
m l UaBiw.. w . iiBiw-iiiiiiia:Ap-- r
' - i kma .
s& - aVtmtir
iiiiiiW TvmBr
1 Early
vTA i . " . ' ' I V'.'
it i . - um. mr.
f '.vX-l'i
t -g
This chatmini Ensliih Inn heM. .
j warm place in the heartt of culdvated 1
people everywnet. une or the
, TT..u..r - fs teuna once
in while and never forgotten. Real
. SeuthernV hospitality, perfect service,
concentrated comfort. Open the year
round for pleasure and apert exclusivity.
Horseback riding. Finest of meter reacu!
rnreugn aiccpma uar Service Dallu
Frem Philadelphia "
Perfect Gelf in a Perfect Climate
Aiherillt Country Ctkb close te'Albtmart Park
Ixw Angeles. Feb. 10. Police in
vestigating the murder of W llllani Des
mond Tayler, moving-picture director,
are probing an anonymous report that
Tayler was killed In revenge b.v a
rival in love, who had followed him
fourteen years.
- In the days when Taj ler had ljr"ji
known as an art denier lii New rk
Under the name or iittam t unntng
bam Deanc-Tanner, husband and
father, se the police are informed, he
frit In lore with n bcfltlt fill TOtlllg .
girl that he met there. They were nt ; CTXjVWI I .T.CNIRF
luncheon nnd dinner together a (jrcfit VC W IIJ 1 0 IlliXO
deal, nnd Deane-Tanner wns moody Virginia he. ncsr.Heai.li. nunning water,
when net with her. She fell in levej $$$& hf"ul ! jcer.MSH.'Sfar.
Willi Htm, loe. ami nicy raneii ei nun -
ati AMnecrrv.NJ.
h-. SaSTaiiaMBitatataiiHMiaiiMiaB tern
iic'. .
t Cable Aildr)iV 'ttelel ii,,nV.Vj ..
Alan llnl.f lrAn. 11.4.1. ...ri"'?.
nfarhcfl l.y Ihe ocean-iteln lVim.V.'"."tt,'
lies'si .Mail. n. i'. company ,i lh-: 7,.M
i.in. - -'""
rlase. for Deane-Tanner hnd never told
her that he had a wife nnd daughter.
Deane-Tanner,, realising that she was
the sort of girl who would never let
him get a divorce, decided te disappear.
He left New Yerk without a word te
nnv one, believing that was'the easiest
way out for the girl, though hardest for
himself. He gave up all he had in
order net te harm the girl.
lt was perhaps n year later, the
story continues, that the girl happened
te notice, while in the park, a woman
and her daughter sitting nearby. The
woman was reading a book; the child
was playing' en the grns. Suddenly
the dnughter started te run away. Her
mother hastily threw the book te the
bench and ran after bcr. Out of the
book slipped a picture.
The girl of the story picked up the
photograph. It was the picture of
Deane-Tanner. She learned in a llttla
while all there was te knew about him.
this was his wife, this was his daugh
ter, he had deserted them a ycar age.
simnl.v dropped out of sight. Net a
word had been heard from him.
The girl went home, stunned. She
told the story te her brother, and then
went te Ceney Island. One morning
men scanning the beach came ncres
her body, floating in en the waves. .
The dead girl's brother eenllded .in
his friend, n man who had loved- her
as much as Deane-Tanner. He hud
been a rival. He had tried desperately
te win her. nfter Deane-Tanner tied.
Jle had e:cn tried te find his rival for '
her, when she convinced him that life
without the man would be mockery. '
This man, tlie theory has it. it (he
man who en the night of Wednesday.
February 1. shot nnd killed Tayler. He
had. according te the story, tried for
fourteen years te tind the man who had
broken tlie heart, of the girl. He de de
etisl his life te the titirsuit : he came
pretty mevlne-nlcturei nn nl.l trnrls in Colerado, iii Alaska.!
Always epfti, always rrarty: terms meilcrnt.
Write or tfienc. it. WAJ.sllI DU.NCAN.
M0'lrn In Conitruetlen an. ess-,,,,.
L'30 SultM with ,Ttath-i!rip?e0,la"
AccommeflHtiotin tn .
Concerta by IlrltlgK lllmnri
i uaDie AitdriiV "limn ri
Frem Pier 3, Se. Delaware Aye.
Fer Baltimore and the Seuth
On Tropic Seas te
THERE is no lovelier spot for a winter -I
holiday than this "Island of Enchant.
ment." A climate soft as June; cities and
harbors vivid with the glamour of Old '
World life; mess-grown fortresses;.
graceiui muunsn arcnueciurc.
16-DAY CRUISE $10A and
JUST the right, umeunt of sbore-pelns te lend in. 1
M tcresfte the entire cruise. Yeu make thetrinen I
larce. lo.eoo-ton steamers, specially designed and
luxuriously nttcd for service In the tropics. Wide
choice of accommodations ranging from comfort
able stateroemH at minimum rates te suites with
private hath. Steamer Is your hotel for entire trip
and rate covers all necessary expenses te and
around the Island nnd return te New Yerk. Peck
colt and ether nniucments. New renilailn.Vin.
dcrbllt Hetel at San Juan, 'tlnest resort hotel la.
tne west inaics, new open.
A .Sailing Kvcry Saturday
IFWte for Descriptive Literature, etc.
actress, during a period of bcveral
years, there wbh scarcely u single check
ter less than $100 and sometimes there
were several of these in the same month.
In the hope of obtaining some pos
sible clue, detectives were sent sys-
. temntically te Question the occupants
of nil of the various houses and bunea-
nwycr, 0wb constituting the court en Seuth
adjacent te Tayler's
in Klandcrs and I-'ranee. and linally he
nicked un the warm trail.
.mere were no names inenuuiii-ii
this recital but the man who gnve it
te the police sajs lie is the brother of
the sirl who died for love of Deane
Tanner, nnd the police remember Tay Tay
eor once said. "1 was in love once, but
the woman died."
pergenal piijsiciau te me rresiiient: Alvnrade street
Admiral UeDcrt J-., i.oentz chief of bungalow. They were asked partial- j ctvc r, CADCn AC CI APWCBC
nnval operations; Hear Adnurnl W. A. lerlv concerning persons who possibly FlVt ULkAKbU Ad oLAVMine
Meffctt. chief of tlie Aeronautic. Bu- mijjht have been seen in the neighbor'-I
reaii, and .Maier ueneret .lehn A. I.e- 'heed with mere or less frequency dur- ' War Department Finds Four Served
!. i i.im-iririrlAe it lie f ntilun a t..., 1. . .1. . . li i.l.. 11 .1 I
ji-iii"-- nnn.ini.i ... uv .....wiiu v-eiti-j. ing uic ween imuicaiaieiy preccaing tne
Tomorrow evening the I. S. tirnnt tmireilv.
livt. .e. e. if. A. H.. will held n rally I lleteelivee vesterdav continued their1 The nr Department leilay an
nr ine ii. .. n. in-iiiniiiarrers, i.',, .search for ii. I). ("Ked )
rtren xircei. i in- i.iueeiu einncr or me owner of the bleed-stained cun
was worn by alter 'Ihlcle. railroad
switchman, arrested liere la-it Friday.
In spite of this. Woelwlnc denied em
phatically that Dnlley was thought te
have tiny direct connection with the
The effort te locate Dailcy hnd given
rise te the report that the police were
in possession of the most likely clue yet
developed in the Tayler case. Dalley.
I firtj-siisl t ti Wrtnl nil iin n nil t nil tt
Madried, l-'cb. IS. A new machine !,e n,.- A.,i,nriie u -nnt,t fn,iN.
Pattletie Order Seus of America will
take place the evening of February 21,
when a number of Male officers are ex
pected te be present.
Has Weapon Firing
Shots a Minute
In Army or Navy
I'nr Department K
Dalley, ' neunced tlie reinnvnl of the name-' of
which "ye men. who had registered with I'hll-
ndeipiiia urait oearos. irnni tne nr or
druft deserters. Heeerds showed that
four of the live served in the war.
Vincent M. Diedatl. registrant at
Division Ne. Ill', enlisted .Inly 10. 11U7.
and was discharged as a captain Octo
ber 27. WW.
Lorenze Brethers, registrant nt Di
vision Ne. 27. enlisted November It!.
U17. nml was discharged July 211, 101!).
Themas Merris, registrant nt Division
21, enlisted November 2.1, 101
Mm J . , A
JM laWWhV tTZl . SUP.
1 l. .7 WmmfL IHL V llllrW
ill ' tat HUB r"0 m kv
SS llrneilna.v. N. Y
nr Lecal Acfnt
..mi ..n,.iiit.. ..f (irii.r. "-.nn l.n.a r...li i.- n'i. . i.i-.i. rpi.i.i. v and was discharged July 22. 1010
minute, has been Invented by Gregorle lowed fr'eni him does net correspond te L.I,a. U-rJK'in rt" ilnavv'f ."en . j'u'ne l" i
me uevripuen ei tnai worn dv hik ,v8 nr,li 4. mm. i
tvttnc. n tint ItA.l ilnfrn rilin nf fAMinmi
.iuil9,uiriiM-UiivsiiHUvivuiuiiimi , .'!... f tA..1D l..r ......
it waK reported yesterday by the nens- cavlne (Iie Tnyel. bungalow shortly
paper Imparciai. after the supposed hour of Uie sheeting.
The gun is composed of fifty barrels. ' The letter's cap wus of a plaid pattern,
each capable of tiring seventy shots per
minute, and it is designed te cover u
front of a kilometer in width. Us op
eration necessitates live men. but
change-, of position ran be made rosily.
The leading apparatus is automatic.
The inventor is presenting the gun
said Mrs. Mael.ean
The District Attorney announced his
intention personally te question Mary
Miles Minter, the film n tress, and te
have a further Interview with Mabel
Nermnnil. He uuve un hope of holding
the latter interrogation yesterday when
. .v.. i!,.nni.i, ..,- -.... ..,.,. i f. lit oceanic Known tnat .mbiici .Aermami
operations in the Albuccmus area against emc BSn") Is.ln a htate of scnens col cel
the Moer.hjrib. j-J ftVJjgrtS? .TffiS h"e
JANUARY EXPORTS SLUMP ?&&?. nurics WBW nllh hcr a" lla:'
Uiehard Themas Stack, registrant nt
Division Ne. 112. was listed as a delin
quent when lie failed te return a ques
tionnaire, but the drnft was cameled
before he wus due for induction into the
.. nave m in iiiii .... s ., eu , mrim ffler( , b
are our en. uiiei. . ,,. hey nie. nnd , , npptuent. The effect it will
1., -miildii t the be a e nc a - ,,a,0 , , , f p , , f
thins I" leek fi.iMird te under he lend- ,, impertam.C( 0 fllr Ub the ,,,.
nioemshlirg, la.. Feb i:i Mtheugli
no dellnlte inl'i ruiiitinn i- laalhilile, Ir
IS ueliveil nere llint rep" i'iiis .t. in-
rectly. was rem-eriied in the feuudiiu-
the lllueiusliiirg llepiiai. one et the
'S largest ill lli'i -ei Den of the Stale.
fy'X in t
m' . . . t i. .
Ii',! j neverai jeiu-" age .10 epu liniti, u
!'vH paternal uncle or the I'epe and a prom-
Vf' lni.nl will ti. . .mi ffu. I nt 1. 1. ..I' tl.lu ..It..
ii... n.ii, 1 .... 1 .1 . 1.41. 1 n ,11,-1 1 . . ,1 .
cherished the hope of establishing
er-dilp of men win. -pc; eexerilj te d
.tins v li.ir we have been eleven car-.
"In heaven'- name what de tlie-e
malcontent'! wuntV
''nn It lie that enpilal doe- net ''
knew it- own mind' That it iiIkihI.
lui- tired of pj-are and 1 uncerd, nnd
shls for 11 return te conditions of
which it once complained -e bitterhV
Is luctlieiency and ileineializiiili.il reallj
prc.'eiable te the pre-etit well et'deieii
slute uf thin;
Aggregate $375,000,000 Belew Same
Menth Last Year
Washington, Feb. 1". Kxperts in
January aggregated .'527!),000,000, the
lowest Iii seven months, and umeunted
te a decrease of about $13,000,000 from
San Francisce. Feb. 1!J. William
Fdwurd Tayler, twenty-nine, who de
clares lie is n en of William Desmond
Tayler, yesterday declared his inten
tion of claiming half of the Main film
director's estate.
He will go te I.es Angele.s teuay with
WA '
K "frSiSi" ,ea ,l" il'-urn'm; ''-;l'-;'"l";- tf Nimt co,..
ftJilflv .1 ... . .. .. cei-ned vlt 1 linir-eO lit ni; iINeilnsIe us
JivarrtW i"e my mr 1 nr purpose. .Mr. , , . , , ,, " .
HJi?kl7... 1 .11... 1 1.. iiiliil ...... ...,..; of iiiiideinii' fet miilus, If secret iiuincii
-fcarffiSV-'ii'i" :.. .. "' . ' '.':"" " '"U-rs are .elmt forward, engineered
UWf?T' . i' "I" ' '.vt- . (i(,-.i.
RSa5i'T0 bciMI
L.--" j"'J " ' ..,.. .
smb intentions were mude known te his
.'UlMl nt!.. ,.t ..I !.. I...1I I l.
l.en.n, .ii.. til tiiiimi in ii!-n.-i .-ii unu I.I
,euiiie uatti, new riu-, ,l,
hiibsequeiitly deeded the
1 a lieMiltul asioclatien.
Mfeniied after Mr. Haiti's ilculli. and
"MA from lt has "lOUIl tin- tn-e."eiit in-titii.
.1 th-,u
a .jjvii,
Wi' I. 1I..HI t . 1 . .. 1
01 1 ue leuuii
id ullheiigh .il the head of
city s chief Industrial
4-lint, little was known of him lieie.
fejY'lly' hpent much of hN Slme 111 New
,.uuni wncie ue nun mho ie utile nail a
i fr'ldn l.ttulti.i ...... net.. I
. IVIIHIIi U, 1,111" l-R 111 'l..l .II...III i'.
bllrrll, lVli. 13 OVTTI.i: lie. (Ii.ti. '.' ,' , ' i
i ,-iiiV, HO: 1 '" '
Vv Jeseph ICiitti wns eni.
E.wjVf of the llloem-biirg Silk Mills
W ibJti'nd ....I.I I., li.l... 1 ..l..ii... 1..
. " j-iiiii in
F'j&ew f the
is concerned.
"Men who go out of their own accord
nnd buy nearly a quarter et a million
dollars' worth of stock in their employ
ing iorpetatiuii aie. certain te be better
workmen and te have the intcrc-ts of
that irirporiitlen mere at neart as .stock
holders, Te my mind the purchase of
stuck will go a long way toward the
elimination of any possibility of strike
or walkout.
Chance for (ireat Geed Seen
"If some way could be found te apply
this measure te ether industries it would
1 de nn immense amount of geed. Take
the building industry, for Instance, in
which I haw been particularly inter
ested. There are many problems te be
settled here that are net settled because
workers and employers see things from
different points r.f view. There might
be differences of opinion even under a
nii'tlnul of co-operation such as that cv-
Ktinc In the trnnslt cemtinnv. be. en,.h ......! coo eiul 4u ,....A.i ...liu c"'f
side would he better able te' understand G()0.00b"lii January. 1021. while experts MARY MILES MINTER
the ether's aim-, and purposes." totaled SMW.000. against $2,700,000 the ,rr. ICr,Trr, Crr imrima
All purr-bines nf stock made with the -ame month a jrnr age. Imports of J U ltjdU Lj Ol Al tji'&l J
1 purpe-e of swinging votes te, one side geld for tlie seven months period, nggre-
or another In the battle for control of sated $172,000,000. against $i't,000.
000 for tlie seven inenthh ending in Les .Ingeles, I eb. HI. Tlie spotlight
January. 1021. while e.sperts for this of invctlintlnn in the murder of Wil-
peiied totaled SIS.OOO.OOO, (empiucd 1'sm D. Tayler has shifted again te
wun miiii, turn, inmi iiiiiing the
ihe month of December. InipertH for n lawyer te nlnce proofs of hut paternity
January totaled, !J2ltl,000,000, against before the public administrator there.
.X2Pi7.OK),O00 the previous month nnd 1 According te the young claimant's
.S200.OtMl.000 in January 1021-. Hxperts' story William Desmond Tayler mar mar
cempnied with January. 1021. repre-'iied Olive Kundall at Wullucc, Kan.,
sented a fulling off of mere than half, in 1SD0. Later they moved te Laramie,
or $.i..,0fl0,000. These hgure-j ns to'Wye.. where a son was Hern. Hubse- '
the foreign trade of the Natien In the qiiently Tayler deiprted his wife and,
llrst month of tlie new year were mndc fhlld. Mrs. Tayler died in Cheyenne,
public today by the Department of Cem- W.ve., in 1002. 1
meree. Yeung William Edward Tayler, se
Fer the seven months endin? with ' '.'".. wa.s taken by his grandfather, I
January oxpertH aggregated .$2,230.- ;,0l,n ""'"'. t0 " ,Iarm near Llnds
000.000. compared will. I? 1,030,000,000 ,erK; " 1AL?,W "A'0,1!
during the corresponding months of '.ta" ldMrJ A. . ?'! ty .J.1:
1021. Fer the seven months ending fi"'.;Tn 5m. i.nnM.n in in
with .Tunuary .minrtt aggrejated $1,- "?,c?Tn ? Sj" n"''0 n 100(1. He
.Mffin te !- Angela en Tues-!
, in.,. ' ' '"" .day nnd I am cenlident I inn establish
" '-' , ,.l.l,,i "
Imports of geld last month nggre
! my claim.
.licail. At-tle
lOlfl COM a,
j. fly. iSfiuty
jn iiccviiuh
Hie. r
II 'llft.'i
Tun. i;
i.iiii. Iinui.
CaUts, i.
sSI0ff tll.'.'.'i, lii-ii MUKrm nnil llsrht
a.- II0.T.IQ le tut. iils fin j.-ifriiinn
r.J- A.-N1J I.A.llll.s U'CI'llltv, ll'OII
Miiilitr. Tep slifi-n j'i tup lamb.
Inteie.sts ideutlheil with the infaiiieui
brcnd-nnd-teii du,s of jenrs age, then
labor will ask for a show-down.
' Hut, "-ay these gentlemen in the
fifth clause of their public statement of
I'Vlirunty 11:
'Te continue tile present working
agteeinents with the men, and te lott lett
t i It lit anil stientlieu the io-iipei',itiell
between nn 11 nml tiiauageinent. se that
thev mil) weik together for the com
mon geed of the (it), the iin-ii ami
tile -toeklielili'ts.'
"This i. icl'reshing. inilred. A frank
indersement of Mitten basic pelicj.
with an equally frank nveldnnce of au
refiicnce te or nppi eclat Ien of the geed
milk alreiuly acceiuplislied by the iiieu
in the riinks, Slgiiiliciiutly enough, the
.... ..!.. .. ,11, ,1.1,,,,. I .,!.... t.
I l'l-.fIUl lllll I' llili 11. , lljill.l JIIUII s llllt
InrluilHl in tne piniierm et incse gen
"The voice is Jaceli's nlce, but the
liiiiuls are the hands' of Hsnti,
In its pledge or .lanuarj ,:e. the Kniplejes have slgnilict) their iiilcn- 1021. while e.ietts aggregated $13,. ", statement will be given out seen
nuinci in mis i;..iiiinii.i cMcuui-u tneir non or irying 10 tine up stocuneuiers uuu.uihi, agninst .vift.iiuu.uiwi during the 'width will esplnin Mi" Minter's rmsi-
a.baid ,
Overcome it
A veil gives only
temporary relief
Resmel Seap and
Ointment luvegetiile
corrective properties
thai usually clear
away skinlreubles
5oeihinq and He&lini)
Under Contract with Bermuda Government
Fastest Steamers en the Bermuda Reute
The palatial iteameri of the Fumes Bermuda Line Und their p
engera and baggage directly at Hamilton Deck, avoiding the diacenv
ferti, inconvenience and delay of landing by tender. Then
teamera ute oil fuel.
Sailings Twice Weekly
IVore N. V. i:fry Weil. S.U. Frem llrrmndn 'Krrry Turn. 4 Sil.
Ticket linnil un Kltlirr Stramrr OtTrrlne InwiinilKl Kxprrku frrlr 'i
Twin-Screw. 11.000 Tens 111 l.icimeni. Tn tn-Scrrw. lt.OOO Tnnn IMHiilnccment,
Imlinllns lijilt. IVuiiN. Nalllnc. IliiUilns, rinlilng. Illilliic. lriln. VAr.
Ilrrmuriu lliirn Trniii Ciinmiilnimlilp March n. Open Anmtrur (ielf Frb. !
Ne rnnniierl Many Jlmlern lletrln. Write for nltraille lnlnln rntrs.
l'liriifss Willi A Ce.. Ltd.. rtuurac Hide l'lilla,, or Any Teurlat Aafitt
ATac;t indies
mW F L
A Dc Luxe Cruise of 25 Days via New Twin-Screw
S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" 1 4,000 Tern Displacement
Sailing Frem New Yerk March 4 This Cruise Includes Bermuda
Ideal Vacations Among Enchanted Historic Islands
Teiiiltn will lsit t)i iiualnt Hlnml of th" Went Indies. Ineludlns SI. Thuiyt'
ami St. Ti-iiU (Amm-lra'a new Ulnml lie8eslnnH), St. Klttn, Antlsu". I';
niliilcii UJiiKlUlii. Uuiuuleupc, Martlnlque (l-'reia'D, at, I.titla, llarbadei 11
Trlnld.Kl (HiiBll-h).
S. S. "Fert St. Geerge" Ideal Oil Burning Cruising Steamer
'IH13 STi:.iri:rt m our hotel fm- tlie entire prulne unit etfera eT' luxury an'J
i-omfert nr a niinlnrn hotel. Orrtiertra rur ilanclns alirt cencertii.
It.ileN for Crulae SII.I.OO uu te S8.10.0II, Ineludlns 18 room with prlrate halhi.
Ne ramperta rnjulrril for tlili Crule. Mfinl for literature le
FURNESS BERMUDA LINE st .,i.e.,..i. street NEW YORK
Inrnri Mllliv Ce,, l,ld Ihiurkn lltils., PI1II11,, or Any Teiirlut Arfnt
the ttnnsit eeinp.tiiy must he nitiile long
ene'iigh hefere I-'ebi miry "I te get the
tiiitisfer leeeiileil en the hooks l.y thnt
'lute. Heeks will lie elnsptl en Fehnmi-
-I. nml enlj stoekhelders of reeenl then
will he entitleil tu the etltig power.
Members of the heard of live insur
gent illrecteis who arc trjlng te unseat
the "ene-iniiii innnageinciit" of .Mr.
.Mitten hne snhl thnt they 1I0 net intcml
10 hny up nny stock for that purpose.
iliej lime rested their ense en the np
penning lnentns 1.1 me previous jcni.
Silver Imports during .lanutiry tigxre
gated Stl.eOO.OttO, eenipiired with ifl,
Sdll.OOO in January, Iti'Jl. while ex ex
lierts aggregated .$,(MHI, 0()0, eetnpared
.Mnrj hles Minter. the blemlc
iitnr. who was his eln.se friend.
While District Attorney Woeiwiiie
prepared te quetlen Miss Minter per
sonally, though t-he hns been examined
Oliee 111- AKslhlnnt- lllutflr.. All..n..i
with ?(I.7IK,(J00 the snine month a ye.ir Dernn.'nniinuneenipnt was made at her ' "
home thnt the pelley of Ellcnee that
nan governed tier and Her adrlscrs
IUM tmueUltiDl hotel tn
let btulb. Kimini slntle 01'
n aitr. nttli and nltbsnl
hatha. Raretiean plan, 11.
iaatratH baeklet sa r
O. T. WKldlOKIt. Mr.
tige, h ver imports ler tie seven
months totaled $4'.',(Hni,I)00, uempHreil
...1,1. CI1- tlt IUI1 I.. .1... . .. 1...1
8KIIHI.NO. 1'fjt.
pi-ni ie niiii-Miiniifre iKsin-ii en n.iuinill.v. nun ij.ii ,iniu,inni in nil) mine prriefi Ol W0IIHI pe eiiangcd, it was sain : i fYU
I'!inn1iil i Imvii sllfllitleil tluili Iiilrii lll'JI. U'litln iim-l). in'irrfifrntml !C.'tf. - Hi . ....-.n... .ltl U Un r...t hA... ."el
. ,...-... . . . -' ''.'""".'"' PlUWIIItlll .!
hitnij te Mic owners, it was a rpinnrk- In support of tbe Jlltten management, "even months ending .Tnniiui?, H2I.
I Hen
plan Is new
twVmVzw&fme coir.
TStY?' thr0lJ-hut the OldWerld is a most de
lightful experience when one's tour is planned
nnd arranged with a full knowledge of the
most interesting places te visit nd a wide experr.
'Z.7 " s.6.i wuyai ei aeing unngs.
.ii .Cxpern.lncc r. Jh03, Cook & S00 tn travel-aiding people covers
f. t? ,r ,. ?f th iWerld and Mtends eve- 0 yrs. Let us co-operate
,yu? t m,makinK 7y moment of your trip a pleasure.
withn.l P,an ."-- itineraries for you or your party in accordance
yn "r ' wfn dea a"d the amount you wish te spend; we will welcome
sn?I 7 "cwted teurn. These leave at frequent intervals and
are of varying lengths and a great variety of routes.
I aege 'ickeufer the best available stateroom, i.sued by at) tramatlantlc linen.
Official Agenu for ihe Pauien Play at Obcrammcnau.
n,.ullnl ,.iher cu"e"s programs include
225 Seuth Bread Sirect (below Walnut Street)
Telephone lt'aliuit o.jeo
ami t63s
nwn rn iwiin, riANAbbR ,
-r - fc
f "- , M". ..' - , n:JrtAVJ(iS
yifcsxfiiw !'. . . W
I t -MJ- -,m't4rU-f",T-'r1
v' .
2Jmmi".wf -' m
. ' . v -.,. -.- '...i':' 5i
...... j :tu
.0f,,t.'.'Er.J .. .t-j .... JJ
. '-
i ;(- .
?- 'iariit irv.wi ."ie t', s ' sp
i:f fh' -Jt.-,ilW fy,jljlt'.
Cr ..tI
hit., atwrj ,-I'J
' ivi