Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1922, Postscript, Image 13

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    4 tnkH'IIHIWr:r1IMK,tiV
SiL ''" -fe' "lihiivim
nWilf' pn
(fclWIIIIIi MJf MUaWMIlOTr ll li MM ! T SMaai
!a wiftrJMw, ItTi iiiTVta tWimii mnrt
Mammm am a .nm MiaakHiw
Pw .Ma 4w "
reHfC ma, ty Wiaiant JUtZjmA
m acecnims staav
t-'.. Jiain C3rlnhaHi la ftelk frt rati-
P tit. Ha ttrna uowe i km r irl
I . w4.i kit et3s i iuii
amt Xicks ret
. Ut.r of Witt -. rMtea strt. who
I I'S vlta"w cMralreaa eewt-ar.
.fflrty lljtv u .ai.ava raia.1 es VUIX
fVtn. Hit two cwnltu. trl tract
M Jw CansSnaSaeu Tlt-m 8 w ta
kJronferc. teiat.f nj tend. Ti
Uirttl U l-mt. UN I ireman
."..-.a. UMIIMI .re .'! MI .rT----
prltSni t "J " rwm. Lai- u
l? .; fir ts manlr. bat ntunl
. T'.-l. T1MJ
;a ntS !. : 1 6-a
su t!krB
iMat-"' ?rt5et ttw nltrtit
ih mir-JUTa n'Jai. la a
of tb
I Fhrin,
LfSf of TeatacSai" apartDnt. Jit
I ' 5. tsin- Mx-tclir 1H. ta ntvrt
Jv fSnlaifian ha J l"i tuawi-i. r !
V 2iwae a" a '" wm tS-
"f'iSfiw.- eaxn. Saaera. !inrrr that
I Saen. rsrfr. wse 5i a trvU-
' tftlslt IS "": " 0-r
jm etrt3Me- im cuwnrt teat tt-
Err,.. rattr. A tft l5i mn
I Turn te j:taarlt Jiiw. uptvi3e s
If Se W Jlt t htm tad P&yiB-. Sa
I;, Lira RU 31 Errn Rai-" Ur.
t Tilt -w. 0(ra.sT.ats' t Ijm
4er cci.
i't Si tl m-irtrr we raniint! y Hutl
lei, u4 hi wu". T6-r rt inn- try n
iT Ttr ai.t hj aLAl3i. t crin!atrr Wi
jjixjr Jet dBaiii&ia.
(Ull aJaaaE tf Wll.1 ta afcg
O the Grill
fjK SPITE ci the fact that tl sd
' I tuA xt tlcses betwI toward hlciaia
I- i . .nv!r at tM iimtu'lnti. IT
2r!nH te !a a: Otva. pertures te
I; ee tB Sect of It tirea h.tn. !
, JTbl tt siUit. but It UrttJ !
fi Idrby. Jer just a lstant tbe Prr.
: v1!t ranzFa: 3 rjis unu iic wua-
J Ueuttd it. 3 plainly as word could
tratk Q
t tMB
3-J 'VU'" -?' HMbm
- - - - j 1 JCT
r ! u
"at m tarv or an na
T km. Oar efadk i
rartir wWItt ww I
iMKia' dewa tk strict.
"At tfla or at kiat"
v "At Wat- I BKt-
' "Caa't tfdk te hi vn. itery,'
"A liy of th tmfze. I
"And Jark u. th larfr vn tar
.or four aisstts Mfclad atai" iavarft7
I rettera:-.
I "Was yr deck exactly ricatr
f "May b 4t auaatam fast. It galas.
"Ten kavw thy taraa U at th
AU tfirw
" - -- - a- .tii iraa te mm
.Cj aa. a.aaa 2aaa akaaaA aaBm tKltfll ! ! MlaWK &
Bata 1. ti- -, -- - . . jj- our
4? SaSJfa'U - tii atV(V t f J
e ti way ?i
"fCer&s te m it
"Meld ea." Klrby
- - - "t ,.Tnt cut aar
Cll . rfak WV.-H a KZ
..t s. ; Vcwi ah tatt
yectt rimsia Jaatas wtat a' B
rnaa.t. A Bat'. U! stay kagr a
Vmcs and rtati fete Nraaraa am
&.. tv. finii.ii , aaaaaTr ami
IrrW wHa tlwa e ta aahapw
a Bkias t taafcaata. - "
"DM ya at aay tlan ltar tte acta
fftaftatr . . M v .
"ire. a a afatw huh .
ht t-aM I eetaaat awyM it wa a.
tit is ti strwt b&rwia et. Bat ccm
te thlak of It later w Scrt it waa a
rett Wt karw fcr aw.
"Well, caaa t that I Z jea't nebs
I . Xt t aay fc certain mxi."
A.aaa H'l.U il fllMll !lt th
ri tM' ?":,liViU!wi"W&.ltJI
ui; (i a.tt
v. .u&a. .ta aaaaPMaaY-t-;
. - .If.-. W 7 . t I
.aaa aaa. a.TOIBW amiBB- Bm
Pir kT W aatr feaartaa ea
tar aacta'a atatar'
MX. air. ttne I alaa't."
Otaan ahet a rtlw at tft saa e
th 3tiL "Dni yea kill ths Ja? serr.
aat tee. i trn a feia bsJ
"I dMa t kin tier tn- one cr ,
et&r. se Wj ."
"I y kaeir aaythla at all ah?tt
for aay afecJ. VaJaa. ya
trnta at'a tfctr
te a
Ast - -r' -"
"V !. Xatiln afeat.
T. raaa rnJtr aiaaaM tia taai.
whka .aaa frcttaaj taa lak at, U Set
.- kin mutl. t cm a taal
l I.W !. a.-a-, - ; ' fTH. ... .
!acUa a4 taa tt psarv S&r $ -f ,""i
"Drira t th rrax Apartawata." j tna e Via. . r haad mw
Klrby dlcta. K v Vi 4 tb w cjc
.. t k. te t9trriar kid .'A. Tk. T at na..-a
- -
thai." Xaa eataHaa, yw wtra
HsS laaOaava a tea !a te bt
rt-Mt btfeea aa caaaaitwa aaasea.
v TfjfetJHf MBaawMaaa.
andt "Was batwaaa tta tw trtfa wi
Irrater. yea aaaaa.
"FcUaw at tat eakar m saU.
- 'Tats yea. Untlr Jaawa!" kiaaa
sraffUkr, I said Ys. "
"Y, air. It kpt rlafiax-. Flsalfcr-'
the wife aid te acsrvtr it. pcttettdla I
x". Cctsiltajtan. We was klada
searrd seree one ni?ht bntt inea c.1.1
Yenr uncle had said he tfu espectla'J
.AM.a T-
aH.nu; iv(A9
'What did yea ieV
AUrs.dene. Uf aaa txpevrcu tst as-
rr frea Uell. He had spcM it
I, tieaBK he. tei. had raea te btlifre
si tie awn's lip U'ted ia a sseer cl
Lafiarr. IIP Wall WICtlUA Saa a .a. .-. H.aaf
Iff.Vir.- -a,-, t-ra i Tn tit,J m.' RKOwja- wcat te -ay. & i caitw ea.
. -imv "'- -r y r- " "-r -?".".: tr-j..-.T tt.. i.v ..t. 'ti.,tii.:
i ue eucx :e. aia 1 tt: , i tk v- .." -. -- t
abai li A Uwba UUa
And taeai '
TVe talked it erer. the wife aa me.
"1 took m thrt re5!iTr as listsa!-
Then I aaf. "UGel FeUe-s- at ee
ether end said. Tills yx?a. Ctsde
JjewV Kiad.1 xrulPike. I aid. 'Tea.'
Then. 'Jaaes taliin. te said. 4WVrs
ea ear way erer new.' ,
I was struck all ef a heap, cett
. act de te F1
. Snppe Ta tell u the whole story. '
Mell' the Wyataiat waa said.
MM. .. aaaaaa V.l inat lflt T 4 Ml a f
IK It aaaaa .dU VUS la.,. u. a V a..
mbtance. "OIen sere ays he wen
!9f . ...1.1. .la. K
f my sua- new d:d he see tee?
"TVhere e - clalsi te was when he
V "I ws staadla ea the Sre-eicare of
'fie Wciltaai- acrM the alley about
, ten or "fifteea feet away. I heard every
word that vrai said by Cunnicshart aa"
' wife. Oh. I've tot you Fced.'
1 " liall threw up the sreate. Be was
'' ctnjht aral rsaliwti it. Hi only chance
' tow. was te aake a cleaa breast cf
what he .ct.
! 'Where shall I hcia?" he zati
, aeaklT. hi voice r.uaveriac.
' f "At the beriananr. We've ret plenty
, at tlttf." Kirby replied.
5' "We J . you ae"v cevr yore uccie eea;
In that Dry Va'Jey schcxe of hi.
51 first place. I didn't ksew he eeuldn t
ttt water eaen;a. it C s:re ice tana'.ra
etw&ed ii. I hada't a thine te de
with tha. Wha I talied up theiden
Fthem I was actln" iafvi faith."
"Lie number one," interrupted Olsen
"Hadn't we better M him t?U his
ftery ia hi era way3" Kirby sus
(ested. "If we dea't start any arsu
eats he ain't se I.afcle te e nixed a?
ia M facts."
" "By ny way cf Sruria he owed a.
about' four te sis thousand tieUars I
wouldn't p.r." Hull wnt en. "1 in'-:
gt him te . ir riiht. thinkia' at
fcst he was just bul.-haded. But
pUy . I set wis-' te i: that he plait
.tended te cV it.. 0" course I wan"t
. ifcln.' te stand for that, an' I told bin
v E "
', "WJiat -'e you meaa hca you saj
you wcr'a't p .a" te stand for it. My
nc!e "'d a w.aes that you said you'd
jlre hita ?we day, then you'd cese at
aim with a rjn."
i The fat man n-Tped a persplrin? face
aitu bu tin'ianrj. Ha eyes tic-it
"Maybe I tli hs se. I don't r.-c'.-led.
When a's e-re a fellow talk- a
Jieap e' fcilahces. I wasn't lectins
for .roubae. theizh."
'Ne eves aft-r he thrsw ycu down dewn
rtaln:" ' "Ne, sir. H didn't esaruy threw
tne down. I k.nda I.pp.i. If id l-'f'n
Mpe"tit.' ret.bl weild I bar- It Mr
'Hull ze up te his rivals will. v"i''
', Kirby had h.s own ricv a that
joint, but he did net 'iprj it. He
, rathfr theueht that Mrs. Hull bat'
driven her husband upstairs and i;a.i
tone aieiu te see that he steed te Li.
pin. Oni" in the presence of Cul-
alnghara. sfc had taien the bit in he
own ttrtn, driven te it by temper. Thi
He tnw te c.sat be
We dida't knew hew cleee Jarse. a
he called hiatself. was whea he was
ta!iin'. He tuijh: be at the lrz store
ea the next ceraer for all we kaew. We
were ia one hell of a hole, aa It
dida't leek like there was aay way cut. .
We decided te beat It rlx.: then. That's
what we did."
"Yeu left the apartment?"
"Ye. sir."
"With ay uncle still tied up?',
Hull nodded. 'We ;et paai-Scy aa
cut our stick."
"Did anybody see yea yV
"The .lap janitor was la the haC
firin one of ths window-, that was '
"Did he sky aay:hi-V
"Net then."
"He com te se alter the murder
was discovered next day. I reciea it
was. la the afternoon, just before the
Inquest and said could I lend him
&."0. Well. I knew riht away it wa
a held-up. but I couldn't d a thin;. I
dir up the money and let him have
"Has h- bothered you since!" '
Hall be-.tated. "Well no."
"Meatus' that he has!"
Hull Hew the usial flay of distress, a
rd bandanna meppins a perspirinr.
apoplectic face. "He kinda Mated he
want! mere mosey."
"Did ye; give it te hits:"
"I didn't have it risst handy. 1
Tha:' the trouble with a black
mailer. Uive tray te him eace an" he
set yea in his power." Kirby said. .
"The thin? te de is te tell hita rtjit
off the reel te se te Halifax." '
"If a fellow caa afford te." OUea
put in s-jctaiticantly. "Wli-n you're jus:
pet threajh a little private murder of
yore own. you ain't exactly free te tell
eai of the witnesses asaisst you te 50
Mt7 far." I
Tt.1 you I didn't kill Cunnlnsham." '
Hull retorted sullenly. "Seme one els;'
nut 'a' come ia .an' did that after
1 left." 1
"Sounds reasonable," Olsea mar-
mur-d with heavy arcasm.
"Was the hail lit when you cema out
of my uncii's rooms V Kirby asked sud
denly. .
"Yes. I told you Shibo was werkia
at one of the windows." j
"Se Shibo saw you and Mrs. null
"I ala't deayin' he saw u?" Hull
renlipd testilr.
"Ne. you don't deny anything w$:
can prove en you." the Dry Valley i
man jeered.
"And Shibo didn't let up ea you. He
kept anneym you afterward, the cat-
BBa-MHBBaaBBBBaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- I
I -.. --
a-kt.aV - .
aa . It
JskTbur Grocer
Wouldn't knew hew te
Never had one ia my
Bt a chance te prove that,"
,".m. fir.
fork one.
Olsen jred.
. 'He Hrc-n't have tn prove it. HL
ftatrmuit i a-urr.e'! te be tr'ie until
it-Ik proved fal" Kirby answerel.
Hall's f.TfS isnalid ratituile( He
ts nlire li n-ded a frier.d Ividlr. H
"tKt'd be w t tits te rey aIrr.e. any ,
he aims te be
Hull said uneasily.
What's changed hi? ;
"as his gutrvj.
""" , ... -.:..,.?
."Hut I knrw hew violent he was," . :1il,rVllT v
tin f. ..,, . ..j. i .1 ,.i ell. he I reckon
,V u. Wdll HCW, VUa a'lj A -H.IV ,i. .-...-..1.1- w
"What k'nl of a r-m:" Kirby askel. iT:.' ,. ,,, w.., ., ,. M.I
"v .) ; I The fat man loosed again at this,
'rV,. a, :- .--...i-v. ' br..wn-fa,-ed yeunter with the single-
.. - " ".'V '! a1- a fcfla- rrfnH h nin ni1t till ha, aiTf 1
a.MV-a aaa. aa,v aa v a aa aaaa a. 0 a
what he wanted. Why was he shaking'
the bon-s of Shibo's blackmailing? Did
he knew mere than he had told? It'
was en the tip of Hull's tongue te t!l ,
em,th!ng mere, a .damnatory fa.:
against himself. Hut he stepped in i
time. He was in deep enough water
already. He could net afford te tell i
the dynamic cattleman anything that
would make an cnmv of him.
'Well. I reckon he can t get bleed
Pnee for Lane's help.
'Cunnlneiiam had !ft the deer
open, I reckon bcae It was het. I
Ktsrted te puh the Lell. bat Mrs. Hu'l
If walked ridtt in an' of course then
I followed. He wasn't in th" ittin
room, but we eri bim vmekln' In the
jmall rirn eff'n the parlor. Se Vic
Just went in en him.
'He acted mean rieht from the start
-hollered at Mr. Hull what wm w
epln' there. She up an' told him. real
tivij, that we wanted te talk the bui
Jess eve.- an' fee. if wc couldn't com
w tent agreement about it. He kep'
H'ht en in'ultln' her. an" one thin;;
Hi te another. Mr-. Hull i-he didn't
jet mad. but Mie told hirn where he'd
irnve te heail in fit. I'nct i. we'd about
fade up our wlnd te ue hint. Well,
he went clean off the handle tli'.n, an'
aid he wouldn't de n thing for u, an'
.Hull paued te wipe tlic email hweat
Beada) from his forehead. He waH net
"Jeying hiniKelf. rcM terror con cen
tricteil Ms, heart. Was Ik- slippin? a
;uee ever his own head? Wn h t.ll
irem a turnip, as tw eiii saym is,
the land agent returned. I
Kirby knew that Hull was conceal-!
lag something material, but he saw he
could net at the present moment wrin
it from bim. He bad net. ia point of
fact, the faintett idea of what it was. i
Therefore he could net lay held of any '
lever with which te pry it loose. He '
1,.,.1'avrt Vlaa trt finnfV. Yltil-af I
"De you knew that my cousin and'
Mis. Harriman came te ee my uncle'
that night? I mean de you knew of
your own eyesight thfit they ever
reached his apartment?"
"Well, we knew they reached the
Paradox an' went up in the elevator. '
Me an' the wife watched at the window.
Verc cousin James wasn't with Mi
Harriman. The dude one waa with:
her." J
".Tack:" exclaimed Kirby, .aston
ished. lit .
"Hew de you knew? Hew did you
rccegnii" thent?"
'haw 'ein as they passed under the
Nothing but the best will de
N mere than !. i-lieitld? He v.Uhed "T6, "eat ?be twenty feet fren our
Hs wifc wire here t.. give I.tm a hint, window W e eeuldn t a been mistook,
hheliad the brain ns well m the eanr. . ! h" dude fellow. Of course we
ie and audacity of the family. , "en ' ""V.i rriu.au, uut tne
Well, sir. I claim Mlf -defense." ' emn VIkiin vT-iit ,hA yeun ';
Hull went en presently. "A man's get 'ew 'Vre1 .i"iH Vfce one '
"e call te stand by nn' Me his wife shot tlntt ut the inquest when you was
5wn. Ciinnisnham reached for a ' testlfyln bow you found yore uncle
wawer an1 st.irted te pull out an auto- ld ' ehtlr - en whan you
Ucgun. Knowin' bim, I was scarH. ' 'ld ' he eet te aevin a picture of
beat him te it an' lammed him one , one of the young fellewa sunnln their
OTCr the heflrl i-ilh rnr mm !r- ,nm UHCle
?"i te head him off from drswln' r.n I "One of them.
I hit him
It knocked
Jits. ni,u, j,ut j r(.,.i;en
frder thun I'd turned te.
u"n fensciexs."
."And then?" Klrby said, v,hcn he
Mated. .
"I was sinick all cf n heap, but Mr.
"J"" tiic didn't leso hi-r prsenee of
ainij. si. u,,,t te tj,p xvlmlew en'
Plied down tint curtain, 'llicu c
UttllVd. seeln' lie ljr.iv iva'.I r,nt In h,
. r. -" " " "v ".."-
Yeu jst said James
, . 'r, we might m will try n bluff, fore tln-y get
&;f N'''1 i01--' u,l".Je tin; chair, in- (that t-ettled it
AjJflln' for te niake lilm fcign a rhcek "Can you c
' rl-- ii iu liiuni! iiiiii ni;
m Stt"?i we 'urned him loee. Hiahl at
liTTM"'!'' uie teiennenp ranc."
".'III.1 :..". .1 . ...nail
wan't with her.
"Ne, he ceme first. Maybe three
four mlnuti'n before the ethers."
"What time did he reach the Para-'
"It luigbt 'u' been ten or tnnjbe only
five minutes iiftcr vie left ure uncle's
room. The wife an'-me was talMn' it!
eer whether I liadn t ought te blip
back upstairs Rnil untie yere undo be
fore tin-y get uere, incn no come air
,t. 1 ceumu t go. "
give me the exact time he
rcirhcd the npartuieut house?"
"Well, I'll say It was a e.uar(cr ie
At 8 o'clock at tha
Metropolitan Opera
Heuse. Mr. Kern
Dedge, well - known
consulting engineer,
will tell in words and
picture why Penny
pack Park is the ideal
location for the
bring a
It should be located en upper Roosevelt
Boulevard, and in Pennypaek Park (city
owned), because it is Philadelphia's ideal
location and because it fills every require
ment for a most successful exposition.
There is ample level ground space for
exhibition buildings.
The landscape is ideal te make the Fair
one of surpassing beauty.
It is easily accessible from every point.
The cost of construction and mainte
nance would be less than any ether site
Ne center-city congestion of traffic.
Think what it would mean te the people
of Philadelphia te be deprived of the use
of Fairmount Park for a long period.
Think of the great damage that might
be done te Fairmount Park, which is new
the finest in the, world it would take fifty
years te replace the trees that would be
at Metropolitan Opera Heuse we are going
te tell you in word and picture about Phila
delphia's best location. Mr. Kern Dedge,
the well-known consulting engineer, will
present a report with photographic views
taken en the ground.
De you realize that an exposition of
this magnitude must be located
where success is possible?
1 ' -: - ' ' 'I.
New Lew
Tan Cuts for
Save S Cents
Save 6c
Save 3 Cents a Can
Red Circle CeIIee
A Can
Save 10c M
l Tinalt'fr
Imported Direct
Frem the Choicest
A trial will please you and make
you a regular RED CIRCLE
Coffee drinker.
Heinz Baked Beans 7;? 10c
RINSO - - - pk9 6c
Mothers Oats - Pk9 10c
SUCCOtaSh Bra can 13c
Life Buey Seap ..... 20c
Strained Tomatoes &;;d can 8c
Wheat Farina 1 S
10c Belew Other Advertised Brands JhL LF
F5vaIsD -T I Rscmary "
iced 15c I Sandwich 27c
Tht WrMi Largest GrMt.jr Hause51M Sterw te tfca .,
K aj
J. -. '. 1
l.t.-A 'I
ic a
1 ?. t.
t. t . .. '
- V' Y, J4 '" ' ' . K : , : aV 1 aaaawBBBjpai.