Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 13, 1922, Postscript, Image 11

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:geed milk kEciPES
4 . i
, Use in Desserts Makes It
Palatable texAny
u . -,
VSturieM- I': V Urt u VTUsen. All
ffwvrw rteW rMtiMd
ITHE proteln value of milk compares
tI fverably with meats anj poultry;
t'tni is tiie material necewiary for bone.
kt' .t. .,1 mitaMa atmietiirrt. flu w11 ah
Kirevldlnif the necessary constituents of
m.W& ?,, ..
tfSlldi and should form a substantial
.VSJi of lil diet.
4 trn ihn rheaner cuti of meat nnd the
toirfe wholesome vegetables nnd plenty
itl milk desserts if you arc a busy
rtiw reir ! and note hew quickly you will
iitlin I" nrnuu. vju'ij j.mim.iu iii
' ml k met comes tne seim cum or tne
Hi. KnulWI tin vusinv. . j.u.n inn
Sreduct from milk forms the principal
fgretein content of the diet of many
' iny one who 1ms wen the immigrant
t"s'aj he cemett in te inm .country Knows
'nrt hew henlthy nnd husky he leeks.
,ii nnrv a slwi of kidney or ether dl-
rtlve troubles te rob him of the
; Mmn fll.l mlllf flAfiLArta flll.lJ
mix lumri: dwihv v.. .. .",.. ..!.,
t - . nMltJiLft' tf nVM I
, Sweet Clabber, or Junket
' M . AM MtlM.ff.lf milt? 1fiA .1a.
IMw'Fahrenhclt, and add
' One-half cup of sugar and one Junket
Hllet dissolved in three tablespoons of
told water,
One rrmboeit 0 vanuta.
I Stir Dun jiuur III ouieh win. IVl
I' j.4 In trnrm nlnrn for nnR.lmlf hour.
I' then chill and serve with n slight dust
" tat of nutmeg or llttle whipped cream.
Cup Custard
Place in bowl
Twe cups of milk,
One-half teaspoon of nutmeg,
One-half cup of sugar
Twe eggs,
Yolk of one egg.
Beat well for five minutes, then turn
in nicely buttered custard cups; set the
caps in a pan of warm water, nnd boke
in a slew even until the custards arc
mt. New sprinkle lightly with pow
dered sugar nnd place under the broiler
te the gas range for a few seconds te
Irown lightly.
Din nnd SUn
This It an old-fashioned corn -starch!
pedding nnd is mnne as ioiiews;
Rub a saucepan with butter and ndd
Twe cups of milk,
' ftmi.hnlt .itfn nt atifinr
, Seven level tablespoons of cornstarch,
Allotted t one-half cup of cold icatcr.
..J.! .1.. . ...et. A .1.. t.l ...til.
jew auu uiu Murcii lcj iiiu cyiu iiiiii.
and bring slowly te a boiling point;
cook for ten minutes (thin must be.
itlrrcd the entire time of cooking), then'
'eflt of tice eggs.
Twe teaspoons of vanllta.
One-quarter teaspoon of salt,
' One-quarter teaspoon of nutmeg.
' Bent hard and cook for Ave minutes,
ffhn turn til trlfim nntrlnfr .Ifal, nnrl ttrwrnn
with meringue, made as fellows :
mcc in dew 1 wnitcs 01 two cgg,
whip until dry nnd the eggs held their
thane, then remove the beater and
whip in one-half cup of granulated
near; new cut and fold in four levc'
.tablespoons of powdered sugar and pile
'Ufa en the cornstarch.
Seak stale bread in cold water until
oft, then turn in a picce of cheese
cloth and press dry; new rub through
a fine sieve nnd measure
Twe-thiids of a cun of the nreeared
and place In bowl ; ndd
One-half cup of flour dissolved in
. One and one-half cups of milk,
. One-half cup of sugar,
' Yolk of txee egg,
' One teaspoon of vanilla,
1 One-quarter teaspoon of salt,
I -PfntA of nutmeg.
Beat te blend well nnd then add three
tablespoons of melted butter nnd beat
, Main; turn in well buttered custard
eup.s mul bake same as for cup cus
tards. Serve with vnnilln caucc.
Floating Island
' Place in a saucepan
Twe cues of milk,
I One-half cup of sugar,
One-quarter teaspoon of salt,
Three tablespoons of cornstarch dis
solved in five tablespoons of cold icater,
Yolks of three eggs.
Beat hard te blend; cook for teh
Bimutes after the. mixture reaches
Delling point. Remove from the stove
and add
Twe teaspoons of vanilla.
Beat te blend "and turn in a glass
fllsh; new whip the, white of three egge
until stiff and drj'new ndd .
The Man Who Loved
Geed Desserts
aid Mrs. Knowlten ns she nnd
Sirs. Winten were sitting en the
perch sewing ene afternoon. "She
and Beb certainly seem happy te- I
tether." j
"I nra sure tbey nre," answered
Sirs. Wlnten, "and that reminds
me of something funny that hap
pened before Uicy were married.
One day Edith came te me In the .
greatest excitement.
"What am I going te de!" she
exclaimed tragically. "Hebh
mother has just told me he could
live en cornstarch pudding and
blanc mange, and I simply cannot
make either one." I
one was se serious about It, it
as laughable.
'Never mind," I reassured her.
"Thcre is Puddlne."
i. 'Pud1,ne?" he questioned.
"What is it?"
"A most wonderful dessert-rich
nil crenmv nnd luscious."
Edith d yU mak lt?" 6n,(1
"V!ir vfti, t.teft- .J.i . ,
win. 1I1 " 1 J. auu euKr unci
C11 ' vncr fresh or condensed, and
0011 for three minutes. Out It
comes, after it's cool, a firm,
creamy meld of luscipusj rich des- ,
knew it " elghed Edith. "Heb's
mother is such a wonderful cook.'
I; knew you'll both like Pud-
2 ,J X B?Ui! "and lt cemts 'n n"y
numher of flavors chocolate, rose
vanilla, almond. spce and bevernl
"here. And then you con make
Sm.' WW pI nnd Cftke fil"ffs
Ith Puddlne, nnd you can even
make Jce cream with it." 1 1
I suppose you'll finish. Sow Sew
vcr," sul(l LMlth( by tp,n f mfl
b expensive and se rich one tan't
at much of it, nnjhew."
I told her that n 35c box scned
' people nnd a 10c box seven pee-
ul""') W8'' ery wholt'bemo.
Bh0ryy after he was married I
iff it ,,"'" lu "er again. "On,
f'dZ.r::, "" iMuuine is wen-
CL ' rSr J7" wut my des
Sn!iZf T'me1"' bu dea t j,
.:"""T " s-aeaina xremvTOBV
Om sugar,
yne-nair t
71m wen
end of eurr&ni Mlu.
nnd whip' until the mixture will held
ii" uvt ureJ ey spoenruia en the
float, and mask with whipped cream
just before serving.
Ye Colonial Rice Puddlnga
Wash one-fourth cup of rice and
rrei . e
kW Jt J
ki, i
plaVIn a pudding Dan, and add
" Twe tablespoons of butter,
One cup of hetting wafer,
One eup of milk.
Simmer gently en the top of the
stove until the rice ia 10ft ; then ndd
- One oier 0 milk,
Ond'half cup of sugar,
One-half teaspoon of nutmeg,
OrateM rind of one-quarter lemon,
And place in alew evn te 'cook for
one and enehalf hours, atirring the
pudding every fifteen minute, arid add
ing three-fourths cup of raisins forty
fire minutes before taking from the
ever. Stir but once after adding' the
i '
Deep Cut in the Price of
Pink Salmen
We are cutting the price for this week. Be sure te visit one of our
oieresouy ireely at this remarkably low figure.
R Te"0 Pink Salmen
3 Cant for 25c
Special for This Week!
yeint. Teu .t6 knew the h5fh fl"Hty of Asce Macaroni nnd Spaghetti, and
An actual trial ia the bejt .method. We are therefore cutting the price for this -week
. . ...uuvu jrvu yv ujf IUCIII.
Regiilar (Macaroni
9c r Spaghetti
Packages q( Elbow Macaroni
Treat the folks te a nice dish of Baked Macaroni and Cheese.
" Rich, Creamy Cheese, ,b 25c
4f 25c
A Pan of ismtSmKV&'i.S
Victer Bttad tfg
Big Values
Par Hen . . . . : jr 17c
Sentkwtrk Jiai. .'.,.. .tig jr 15c
Apple Batttr can 18c
Apple Sue '.....can 15c
Grapefruit. tariff c, 8c
Flerida Orant.,..'.dez 33c, 45c
Eatisf Applta 6 for 25c
Haw. Pineapple med can 22c
Sliced. Peachta '..tall can 16c
Oregon Plana .'. .big caa 25c
Pearl Tapioca .lb pbg 10c
Aace Cerattarcb pbg 7c
Vaailla Flaveriag .bet 5c, 12c, 20c
Aace Jelly Powder pkg 9c
Quality and Economy
Calif. Pranta lb 12c, 17e
Calif. Etap. Peacbaa lb 19c
Calif. Erap. Apricett lb 29c
Aace Black Pepper..1, i -lb til 9c
Aace Bale. Powder can 5c, 9c, 17c
Aace Cattep big bet 15e
Aace Mains Cera .....'...caa 15c
Mixed Vegetable 3 cam 10c
Beat Oaieaa lb 10c
Nera Scotia Herrieg. ...baach 20c
Cake Specials
rrbm- the National Biscuit
Ce. Oven
fChotelate Fingers Ib 27c
Seda Crackers .lfc 12c
4 -' irTa
emier xn America!
The finest
Every pound of this exquisite butter contains the
pure rich cream from 10 quarts of milk.
Richland Butter, lb 43c
Pure creamery prints.
14c can
Have you
Tender Beets
served Buttered Beets lately?
15c can
Fulf of flavor.
Lima Beans
Most every ene likes Lima Beans
asce ..
Coffee ,b
Always uniform always geed because
we uBieiuny teat every snipment received.
Asce tall
Evaporated Milk can
. Better than ordinary cream for your ceffea
or tea.
.-lb. pkg. 23c; Lib. pkg, 43c
Five delightful quality blends. Compare
Asce Teas with any selling from 75c te 90c
you'll prefer the quality.
Orange Pekoe India Ceylon
Old Country Style
Plain Black Mixed
Sliced Bacen
Dry, tngar-enred.
a entl
Aace Sliced
Dried Ileef
Geld Seal Eggs :;... 52c
Selected fop (heir eli. and weight.
PeeltlTelr new-Uld. In alrd cartene.
Strictly Fresh Eggs, de. JC
Net quit e larre a the li'l Geld
Seal cage, bet pealttrely freah.
Iteaated with pare c.ke
heat, bjr the original Scotch
co enng out the true
Asce Farina, pkg 10c
Minced Corned Beef " "" 8c
Asce Buckwheat ' pl" JOc
Asce Pancake Fleur "k 10c
Asce Gelden Syrup "n 9c
Calif. Suniweet Prunes. . . ." 12c, 17c
Geld Seal Fleur.
Whole Grain
(M Rice
' Made by Master Bakers who
take a rrenniriA nrirlp in fVipir
art. Bread of matchless quality.
Victer Raisin Bread l0B 10c
With-big fat Raisins.
Asce Oleomargarine 20c
aweet Sugar Cern ....
Tender Peas
can 19171. t
-- J
Asce Sifted Peas c,a 19c. 25c
..w.ttbjt .vnc.ci. . . . OC jc lKc
w f
Big Tuesday Specials
Peer quality meats areensiveajany pne Oumeathe very choicest and our prices
Perk Chops or Roasts 18c cy , 23c
Milk-Fed Country Veal "
Cu.Ue !J48C I RibCheps ib32c
Lein Chops ID 38c Riimp Roast lb 28c
Yeu should always be careful of the quality when buying Veal in particular. Buyine at
an Asce Mniket protects you. uuyu,e aB
Milk-Fed IS Chickens 35c
The cnicKens offered at this price weigh from 2 te 21 lbs. each
Tender Calves' Liver lb ,4Sc
Calves' Liver and our Sliced Bacen make a toothsome combination for breakfast.
The price effective In eurPMlm., Cmmden & suburban Storm 6 Meat Market
New Spring Hats
Are About the Jolliest
Things That Occur in
Most people are getting tfred of their Winter hats
nnd it's a joy te see and wear the fresh new hats
of the coming season.
A great many 'have gay,' flower-trimmed brims,
ethers are smart with flaring quills or bows of wide
ribbon. Here and there a glistening pin is thrust
through a turban.
Of softer line are the bread-brimmed hats
adorned with ostrich.
A point te netice is the variety of the straws ujcd,
many of them auite new.
Excellent selection at $8.
Best $2 Umbrellas for a
Leng Time
The covers are geed tape-edge cotton taffeta.
'Women's umbrellas have handles, tips and ferrules
of bakelite with ring or wrist strap. Men's um
brellas have creek mission handles.
i (Ontra!)
French Ratines Like These
Are Fashionable
just new for the smart new "wrap en" sports skirts.
These are in the most attractive colors fancy
blocks of color and white, and will make stunning
skirts., 36 inches wide. $1.50 yard.
Since the newest skirts are fringed, it takes
very little material te make them.
(Ontrnl) '
A Little Special Greup of
Men's Overcoats
All-Weel Only $25
Yes, plenty of plaid-back or contrasting-back materials among
them, which are unusual at $25.
All of the coats are in the ulsterette style that men like best,
some with belts across the back, some with belts all around. They're
double breasted, have convertible cellars and geed deep pockets.
Sizes 33 te 42.
(Gallarr, SfarVet)
Wonderfully Levely New-
Dresses at $25
Inexpensive Breakfast
Cleths and Napkins
$1 each for cotton damask breakfast cloths in
round style with scalloped edge or square with hem
stitched edge; full bleached and 56-inch size.
18c each for cotton damask breakfast napkins,
hemmed ready for use, 18x18 inches.
Dresses of nearly every type at this very
moderate price smartly tailored cloth dresses,
afternoon dresses of heavy, clinging silks, beaded
dinner dresses, gay new taffetas, frocks of all the
fashionable materials of the Spring season.
Especially noteworthy is the assortment of
dresses for women, gowns which are smart and
new, yet possessed of a certain' degree of dignity.
Youthful Dresses. $15 te $25
Yeung women will like these drcsse3, for they
are of bouffant taffetas, crepe de chine, tricetine
and Peiret twill.
The dress sketched en the left is of navy blue
taffeta with pleated frills of lese or Copenhagen
organdie trimming the skirt, cuffs and cellar.
The centers of the roses which adorn the waist
line arc of organdie. $22.50.
The ether dress is of navy, brown or black
crepe de chine with hemstitched folds en Georg
ette crepe trimming the sleeves and skirt, the
Georgette just peeping through. Red Georgette
is used in the black and navy dre3ses, cream in
the brown ones. ?10.2e.
$5 te $10 for 200 Special Dresses
Tltaaaaa n-f tmr -infant ..1 .vi1H .. x-.i l: !. i i
.wjtiv. vi Tuu jciecj, iyuui yvyuu, seie, iriuuiuie, sacin, veieur ana
crepe de chine nearly forty different styles and all of them new, youthful
and delightful.
Seme a third less in price, some half price and some less than half.
In the group are tan, navy, brown and black frocks, in sizes 14 te 44.
Geed Scheel Shoes for Girls
and Beys Special $2.90
and the shoe has a spring heel. The ether is Blucher cut and has low heels. Sizes 9 te 13 A
(Uallery, Market)
and ceXta b&k"dildn.ls1dt0t2.eS a"d haV thick '-wearing soles. They lace high
Central Aisle
Gay New Hats are $3.85
Seme show a brilliant flame
color, ethers the new periwinkle
blue, orange and ether shades.
One very striking style is
turned down all around, has the
narrow back that is se becoming,
the brim of crepe de chine, the
crown of straw and as its finish
ing touch a wide ribbon bow
across the front.
Bleemers and Envelope
Chemises, 50c
Pink or white batiste envelope
chemises finished with colored
stitching and floral designs in
hand-done French knots.
Remarkably geed pink or white
"pebbly" crepe bloomers are
made long, as most women prefer
them, and have stitched ruffles.
Ail-Weel Pleated Skirts
Checked wool veieur or striped
prunella cloth skirts ves, at
$3.75! Made in the favorite
pleated style, tee. One of the best
styles te wear with sweuters,
meuses or overDieuses. Ulue,
tan, brown and ether colors.
Linen Handkerchiefs
15c te 25c
Women's handkerchiefs of plain
white linen. Colored linen ones
with embroidered corners. White
linen with pretty borders printed
in colors. Alse men's plain white
linen handkerchiefs. All are in
cluded between lCc and 25c.
Bath Seap. 80c Dezen
Square cakes' in three kinds
cocoanut oil, palm and violet
glycerine. Round bath "tablets"
in rose, violet and lilac. The
maker's name is a household word
among rniiaueiphians.
Sateen Petticoats
85c te $1.50
Black and colors in durable
petticoats of extremely heavy,
silky sateen. Some ruffles are
tucked and ethers are accordion
pleated and trimmed with colored
Btitching or a floral border.
$2 for sateen pantalettes in
black and colors; the deep knee
ruffles are stitched with ribbon
jn contrasting colors.
Strap-Wrist Fabric Gloves
Extra Special at 85c
Seft, firmly woven fabric in
strap-wrist style with buckle or
nament. Cafe, white, covert,
beaver and brown.
Bandeaux and Brassieres, 25c
Web cloth, poplin, cambric and
cheeked batiste-a wide variety
h A wch a low price. Uses 4 U 42.
Seme Much-Wanted Petticoats
Have Arrived, $2 and $3
They are kinds many women like te wear petticoats of a non nen
w 2 we"-known. cotton taffeta. Generously cut and well made,
they are geed, practical petticoats for general use.
and underlays " petticoats flnished with hemstitched ruffles
52 for extra-size petticoats of the same material in black or navy
$3 for petticoats with tops of cotton taffeta and flounces of
unusually geed taffeta silk. Black, navy and changeable colors.
Gay, Pretty
Girdles. $1 te $6
On dark frocks and simple
dresses these new. slender girdles
are amazingly effective and it is
small wonder Dame Fashion is
smiling se sweetly upon them.
Geed Cheesing at $1
Glistening metal girdles, girdles
of celluloid, girdles of weed
beads all these are in the col
lection at 51. The designs are
as varied as they are interesting
and the colors include blue and
gray, greens, reds, browns and
black with white or a color.
Novelty Girdles, $1.50 te $6
There are even some imported
girdles in this group! Jet girdles
in rope or cabochon effects, metal
girdles, girdles of imitation cut
steel, weed bead girdles en elas
tic are all here. There's a won
derful collection of girdles in
this group!
Surprisingly Pretty
Cretonnes, 20c, 25c and
30c a Yard
20c a yard for 34-inch cretonnes.
25c a yard for 36-inch cretonnes.
30c a yard for 30-inch cretonnes.
Terry Cleth $1 a Yard
This is se attractive!
M.iyi1 tw-t?ncd, ejects rose en one side and gray en the ether
blue and brown, black and tan, and all nre 3G inches wide.
Cotten Voiles in Dark
Celers, 38c Yard
They are all in the popular
dotted effects navy blue grounds
with white dots, brown with white
and black with white.
. The dots arc of varying sizes,
the voiles are '08 inches wide and
they are all !)8c a yard.
(( riilrnl)
Linen Huck Towels
50c Each
Heavy all-linen huck towels,
hemmed ends, size 17x114 inches.
Damask Napkins
$5 a Dezen
Full-bleached, all-linen damask
napkins in a geed asseitment of
pretty design?. 22x22 inches.
New Heuse Dresses Special
t m ta.
Sf .,J "jr I L Sirf
i ni T!n UBir- i v in i i
(sff ' muGr .- 'Wi fc-i
ii lttv wa ill jt 1 1
M I h i NsiW TT fT t I III
Vt Y t I ' 4-1 ill
Bw p::::: v I
JLv u w 8Sc )L3
I S1.35IU. 1 i 9ft
I t tVMIfM)
'"- '
Net only new but fresh and clean and se
attractive any woman will enjoy doing her
household tasks wearing them!
At $1.35
are one-piece linene dresses in a cool green.
Conenhnppn lilim nml .. . .. ..i i ,, !
back and front and smockeil Imln.v iv... !,..
Alse $1.S5 are plain pink or blue percale
skirt, sleeves and neck. "4
At $3 and $3.85
are di esses of clean, fresh ginghams in pink,
"Teen, black, blue and lavender effects. Thev
have Tuxedo fronts nnd fine white organdie
points te make them mero attract!
"Bobolink" Is a New
85c Apron
and there are thiee hundred nnd fifty new ones
just unboxed. They are in pink, blue or laven
der percale with white dots, plain pink or blue
ra'S-ST. QrW p?rca.lc' . ?hev llve seal.
.r- ...., wiwcit, jjijjcu wun wmte and are
generously cut. "
Mf irOWil
i Mfci
( 4&
- f
h ti
. w;
T.y : 1
rrrvwywjuw, , -., -.
w "Vf.. . . fc i . ,:, w it : nf.
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iSJHMlTi HLt TIlIiT W w I f W A - ' "VJ Ul.. ., Jl