Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 11, 1922, Final, Image 7

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' ' ' " " I" i I i I,
I fiancy Wynne Tells of Engagement of Miss Pelly Thayer
te H. Heffman Delan Fifth Actors Afternoon te
Be Held en Thursday Other Matters of Interest
. .. a nmfffvrra ... j............... t
R TjliNuAU&irj-i.c uiKJii uiiBugviuciiia i
SJ Today it' Pelly Thayer's. Seme
. tha wiseacres wilt env thev nre net
I-- Mirarlccd because they have heard
K' W"'"". A -J .nil l.e.l n hint Imiti
k lS'ancy herself just a few weeks age,
J when she said that an awfully pepu-
I! lip BIN WB seen Kiuug; lu uiiiiuuiii'u
ft hr fncasemeut. The lucky man. for
v I rrtaTnly de think be- Is a lucky' man i
f, (Ira't I'OIIT IUO lUTBllcni. Willi.,., .
!,' J. ...... tints n. nnn of Ml', mill Mrs.
I Themas Delan. of Deven, and brother of
' Rtra Delan who mnrrlcd Paul Dcnclrin
U and Tem Delan, wnese.wite was iauu
y Hutchinson.
J( Pelly l Mn Thayer's youngest child.
x flhe It Is who plny the violin se well,
"f ind who has said alie will take up it
f ' eenccrt tour tnm year, nne piaycti ns
ft "ThePlufc Lady" In the Charity Hall
,f niicant, an arcsscu in inim uuh.hu.,
P-? ..if- . If It tvna Hip denrest thin
ner.nuuic """ -- -r , - - -- -
n "'h.C. ?L- Z C fleer ni
the played, and her beautiful mother
ul . 1.. .1... UMlMAnM llhAM AllO
In a sent m iiie .i .""v .i
could watch Pelly as she ntoed there
looking like n rose. Pelly ha sister
ii ' if Thever and of Jehn B.
rri..ri. .Tr...who murrlcd Lew Ces
A '"'"'. i .i'fi'..ui Tlmver. Ne dnt
has 'been set for the wedding
Ne date
na yet. '
h ever
IX SEEMS te me that I have heard of
. great many Illnesses of late. Hath
iMn Bitter has Just recovered from an
ineratlen for nppcndlcitls nnd Is going
d SS te Flerida te stay with Per
Itenengartcn as seen as she Is well. Mrs.
Horatio Curtis Weed Is just recovering
from an operation,, tee. and peer Mrs.
Abri Wcthtrlll is quarantined out at her
Wjnnewoeil home and renlly quite ill
Uh chekennex. whleli she caugk from
?"" V.ii.1 ... l.u-l if. rather lightly.
Babs Clayten Is lieme from the hos hes
tilinl where she spent several weeks
Sltha badnttack of appendicitis, and
almeft everywhere T go 1 hear of some
M down With grip or laryngitis or
just getting ever It. But, cheer up
i . , JL .. in Un l.nrn In n feVV WCPKB nnU
V II fret wc hna a hnid wlntcr-
THE fifth of the Actors' Afternoons
Is te be held in the Academy next
Thursday, and I think It's going te be n
very Interesting one. loe. Kenneth Mac Mac
Gewcn. who was dramatic editor an.
editorial writer en this paper for scvera
years, and who Is new president of tlie
New lerK urnmn iiikub. w .w....B
.... . ,M, whlln Zoe. Akins. who
.- V.nV.ini.i. ." In which Ethel Bar-
rjmere nppeared here several weeks age.
VlU givi the playwright's viewpoint of
, Internationalism in the theatre.
ti AiUie'ia in he n cucst of honor,
together with Il Malr. O'Neill, who
Is one ei ine irin i)" JT""-
here in "The White-Hcaded Bey. ,"
Jlrs. Yerke Stevenson Is also te talk
about the Pilgrimage Play she has been
working se hard ever for several years.
After the talks there will be a reccp reccp
tlen In the famous old Academy green
room for the subscribers te the Uish
man Club afternoons. In the ubsence
of Mrs. Geerge Lerimcr, who is In
Miami with Mr. Lorlmer. Mrs It.
Emett llnre. of the Cushmnn Club
beard, will act as hestes.
The tnlks are held In the Academy
proper, instead of the foyer, nnd the
house is open te members of the Forum,
tint cnnlu mil resni-vi1!! fllP MIPL'lnl BUb-
l scrlbers (mere than 500 of them) te the
( Actors' Afternoons.
THE fancy-dress meeting of Mrs.
Wurts' class was held Inst night nt
-thcBellevue-Strntferd and a very pretty
affair it was. Mrs. wurts niwnys nna
one meeting in costume each fcensen
and the girls just love It. I enn't Bay
10 much for the boys about fancy-dress
Is It net funny hew boys hate te dress
up? They are net unlike their elder
brothers, who despise gettins into dress
clothes for an evening. I never can see
why, because I like evening clothes en
, a mnn. They give him added distinc
tion, I nlwas think. But, bless you,
thev rlnn't think sn und I really believe
,. it Is only their fear of being conspicuous
among etner men, ny net wmnnj eve
ning clothes, that fortes them te dress
up nt all.
A let of the boys were fancy suits
iMt night, though, and looked most
attractive. There were t.hplks, Spanish
mule drivers, clowns, sailors galore
and ever se many English noblemen In
dress clothes with orders ncress their
manly chests in the form of a red rib
bon. "Tlmt's the wav we men and
boy get out of dressing up for fancy
J wan, I.. W. J..et .nit n lhKn nnrrikfe
yaiur. liv juni 'ik . ......... .- "' "
our chpsts and there we nrc n Duke or
an Earl, or a knight or something."
Lutle Thomsen nnd Baba Mather
were dressed nlike and looked very
pretty in frocks consisting of purple
bloomers and waists and bandanas of
dark red. .lane Geedman and Louise
Wilsen were dressed alike tee, and they
were lovely pale green satin t.kittlng
costumes with white swansdewn trim
ming tliPir dresses, enpn and the tops of
intir saiin uoem. uiiraiiiu lunuu
Lewis, Mr. William Henry Parker, Mr.
Geerge Woodward, Jr.. and Mr. B. Davis
Page. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L'P L'P
plncett will chaperon the party.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nalle, of Long Leng
house, Uryn Mawi. will 'entertain at
luncheon en Sunday, February 9, In
honor of Mies Anna S. Newbbld, debu
tante daughter of Mr. Clement Buckley
Newbold, of Creck wicks Heuse, Jen Jen
Itlntewn, and the Hltz-Carlten.
Mrs. William J. Caner, of Hemlnole
avenue, Chestnut Hill, will" entertain
at bridge en Wednesday afternoon, Feb
ruary 16, In honor of Mrs. Tristram C.
Cellcet, 2d. Mrs. Colket was, before
her marriage, Miss Qeitrude Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Llpplncett, who
have been spending their wedding Jour
ney In Flerida and Cuba, have returned
hemn nnd are eccunvinr their home nt
Hcniiucle and Rex uvenues, Chestnut
Hill. Mrs. Llpplncett, uerore ner mar
riage, was Miss Elslo Du Puy Hirst.
Mrs. FrederUlt Jest, of 1904 Pine
street, has Issued cards for Wednesday
afternoons after 4 o'clock In February
and March. ,
Mrs. William Ernest Geedman, of 140
Bethlehem pike, Chestnut Hill, will en
tertain at dinner en Saturday evening.
February 18, and en Wednesday eve
ning, February 22, in honor or Miss
Lindsay Weed, daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Waddy Weed, of Washington, who
will arrlve next week te spend a fort
night aa the guest of Mrs. Geedman's
granddaughter, Miss Mary Ernestine
Appleton. Miss Appleton will give a
bridge party en Thursday afternoon,
February 23, lnhoner of Miss Weed.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright Balrd,
of Navahee avenue, Chestnut Hill, who
have been visiting tlielr son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Josenh Minet,
at Portland, Oie., will return te this
city en Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ualrd
will visit their ether son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jared
lmtersell. nt their home at Fert Wash
ingten, before returning te Chestnut
Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Hall Rankin nnd
their debutante' daughter. Miss Cernelia
S. Rankin, of Deep Run Farm, Penllyn,
will salt today en the Empress of
France, en a several months' Mediterra
nean cruise te Palestine and Egypt.
MrsA Arthur Mentairua Liewls. of the
Bellevue-Stratferd. will give the second
of nor small luncheons, te be followed
by cards, at the Bellevue-Stratford to
day. The guests will Include Mrs. The The The
odero J. Graysen, Mrs. Geerge D. Watt.
Mrs. .Samuel A, Beyle, Mrs. Kane S.
Qieen nnd Mrs. Reland R. Foulke. Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis entertained at dinner at
the Bellevue-Stratford en Thursday eve
ning, followed' by a theatre, pirty. Their
guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Jam fa
Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Themas
Cever, Jrr t
Mrs. Edward Troth, of 3118 West
Penn street. Germantown. will lenve en
Tuesday, February 14, for a visit te1
New Yerk, where she expects te remain
until the spring. The next meeting of
Mrs. Troth's dancing class will be held
at the Germantown Cricket Club en
Friday evening, April 7.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Rebert Lesley, cf Les
s?ln Court, Havcrferd. will leave en
Wednesday, February 16, en the Baltic
for a few weeks In Europe.
Photo by flachraJh
Miss Thayer's engagement te Mr. II. Heffman Delan, son of Mr. anil
Mrs. Themas J. Delan, of Deven, is announced today by Mrs. Jehn U.
Thayer, of Redwood, Havcrferd
A spring wedding of Interest will be
that of Miss Victeria Read Davis,
daughter of Mra Joel Davis, of Lans Lans
dewna ,and Mr. Lawrence Dunbar' Ed
son, (.en of Mr. and Mrs. William Dun
bar Edsen, of Germantown, which will
take place at 0 o'clock en Thursday eve
ning, April 'It, In the St. Jehn'B Protest
ant Lplacenal Church, Lansdewne. and
will be followed by a reception at the
home of the bride's mother.
Mrs. Hareld Paine, of 114 Rechelle
avenue, will entertain at a luncheon, te
be followed bv an auction liHrtc. ..,..
at her home en featurday afternoon.
I'ebruary 18, in honor of Miss Gladys
Brown i McCewen, daughter of Mr. and
Jlrs. Emanuel 11. Mm ,nx,,.ri n.
Spruce street, whece marriage te Mr.
,e0eK,JeMertnFri,,:' " will take place
rh.Z0"''5'. Th0 euests will in
clude the bridal party. Mrs. Paine
will attend Mlaa McCewen as one of
her bridesmaids.
i(.V'i,!!ilU .M,r,8- S1Ins M- Tomllnsen en
teitalned nt dinner last evening nt their
home 400 Seuth Fifteenth street in
TemHn tne,p d,auShtcr. Miss Jesephine
Tomllnsen. and Dr. Themas Klein
tedav i!Tr,f,,0.w,"B,a,,e rlnce at 12:00
r hhn ' M?rk H P'-etestant Episcopal
C urch. Seventeenth nnd Locust streets
Iho wests included the bridal party nnd
several out-of-town Euests. y
Miss' Tomllnsen Marries Dr. Klein.
Football Star Weds In Villa
nova Chapel
A wedding of Interest took place at
12:30 today in St. Mark's Episcopal
Church when Miss Jesephine Tcmllnsen,
daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Silas M. Tem
llnsen. of 400 Seuth Fifteenth street, be
came the bride of Dr. Themas Klein,
of 1717 Pine street.
The Rev. Frank Vernen, rector of
the church, performed the ceremony.
The bride, who was given in marriage
by her father, were a gown of white
georgette, with a girdle of orange bles
sems. Tne long court train extenuea
from the shoulders, and was of cloth
of silver lined with ruffles of white
georgette. Her veil was tulle and had
clusters of orange blossoms. She carrled
a shower bouquet of white lilacs, gar
denias and orchids.
Mrs. Heward E. Tomllnsen, of Pitts
burgh, attended the brlde as matron of
honor. She were a frock of orchid
colored georgette, and her hat was of
horsehair straw, trimmed with blue and
purple flowers. She carried white lllncs
and violets.
Miss Lucille Elliett Merris attended
as maid of honor. She were n frock
of lavender georgette and a hat of lav
ender horsehair straw. She carried an
arm bouquet of violets, roses and white
The bridesmaids Included Miss Helen
Bamett nnd Mra. Ralph A. Glbbs. They
wero frocks of gray georgette and their
hats were gray horsehair cloth, trim
med with blue nnd purple dowers. They
carried roses, white lilacs and violets.
The bridegroom was attended by Dr.
Geerge Merris Plersel as best man,, The
ushers Included Dr. Rebert O. Terrey,
Mr. Geerge K. Helbert, Dr. Russell H.
Beles, Mr. Heward E. Tomllnsen, of
Pittsburgh, Pa., and Dr. Paul H. Walter,
or uctnienem, x'a.
A breakfast followed at the Rltz-Carl-ten.
On their, return from a wedding
trip, Dr. and Mrs. Klein will be at home
after March IB at 1717 Pine street.
A quiet, pretty wedding was solem
nized In the chapel of Villanova College
thla morning, when Miss Ann E. Battln,
daughter of Mrs. M. F. Battln, of this
elty and formerly of Scranton, became
the brlde of Mr. F. Lee Lynch, a former
Vlllnnava College football star and son
or Mrs. M, li. Lyncn, of Bethlehem.
The Rev. Kather, F. A. Drlscell, presi
dent of Villanova, officiated at the cere
meny. The brlde was attended by her
sister. Miss Ruth Battln. Mr. Antheny
R. Lynch, brother of the bridegroom,
was best man.
Immediately after the ccremenv Mr.
and Mrs. Lynch left en a wedding trip
te New Yerk City.
Letter te the Editor
ilZ;nZrl?rJ- " I!'?", of 6015
KSL0'. "S'r !"' Miss. K.t h-er!
fh..n. .I"."' """" A""1"".
.. " V..?".rV nneunce tne Hibhkp
iknir '."S'-r 'it??- Ml". Katherlne
n of r, :.:?v,,.",T.?""nP.ra wis
?nten',- Jl Mls9 Lakoff la a gr'nd
ni West Philadelphia High Scheel
and of Drexel Institute. Mr. Lewis Is
?rH0r,ya!;t, Krnt,at. class of 191 s
wS- . -Jed everBcna during the Werid
in .hnn.w"B ?nimlsenel a lieutenant
J" th nnvy- Mr. Lewis Is a member of
the Progress Club In Trenten.
A OUlet wetlfllnir tnn n1i m
llnv mnrnlnir I.V.K., .. H "r .."".. u?.8"
minster Presbyterian Church, , Thlrty-nfth
and Baring streets, when Mrs Ls
Hill, daughter of Mrs. William H. An An
dcrsen, r.m Locust utifet. became the
bride of Afr. Alfred L. Mountford Bebb
former i' nt nvfnr.i i--i , r uu'
...... .. w.i.ii,. IjlEini U. 'in. IA..
UOOIH. lliri)llliu l l. ill Ir., ,,-,. -,---"""- ,ir nrv,
looked Hwect ns nn old-fnhlilenel girl ."fTeV the nenv a Sadrtin?'1?
In a white flowered dress, an.l ulth fellow. ? f STTnt. Ln.?..renl5'ast
flowers in her Unlr. A certiiln jeung'nn extended wedding trip Air and m
. -.1 . .nTln.....l I... n..l llakK ...111 . .L.i . ' ,ll "' ".
iun causeu Minie e.uiii-iuviiL u.v i'
pearing In a beautiful wig of jellew
curls and Mis sister's sweater nnd skirt.
Several Indies watching from the bexps
ere positive it wus wild sister anil
were persuaded te believe the contrary
only upon closer examination later en.
Hq whs se pretty, jeu see, it was net
even funnv.
Dinners were- civen before the class ft '.w,, ",' ,"L". XV", "". "i.
by Mr. 1'hlllp Dunn, who entertained nt ' ' """'"'
the Acorn Club for his niece. Anne 1 ....Mr?-JvIa'r Kcnnerly, of 4608 Chest-
Bebb will make thnlr hnmi T. xt"..:
Rechelle, N. Y. ,DW
The marriage of Airs. AI. E. Lank, of
Lewes Del., and Sir. Trank J. O'Don O'Den
nell. of 0S4 North Thirty-second street,
took place at 4 o'clock en Wednesday
afternoon nt the Nerthmlnstcr Presbyte
rian Cliuich, Thlrty-nfth nnd Baring
;;"'".. "'"' il uuiiib inn jir. anil
Mis. OMOenncll will be at home at 634
Wethcrll: Mrs. Lewis Audenreid Be t Kiciiburi nH TihrnV tA?, "nK, ter
t dinner for her daughter. Wllliamlim rZf fr"ecta a' ,i '...n "?re
Wentz: Mr. and Mrs! Corbet LeverlliB we me tl & ' Airs J " p? "li leg" "Mrs
pniprrntneii tnr in mi iiniipmi'r uiiriiiiiv: cnnnAr v'u fin nrii(at ..!. i,.
the Hnrry Mclntlres gnvc a dinner for guest for several days, Una returned te
Gwendelen, nnd the Henry V. Pages her home In Johnstown, Pa.
jave n large dinner for their twin '
daughters, Nrincy and Kvelyn. ' SOUTH PHILADELPHIA
I wiw Xnn..v nn.1 Evnlvu at luncllOOIl ' ... suu ' n IUAUbUPMIA
the ether day looking very smart In seS.nih rtreet intertainM3 uUih
coats nt H.p ipu- snrt of fawn colored ???.,,1.Je.e.n.,.li.?l'?e.,i.5"tc.r,n.,nca at dl"ner
tlier dav looking very smart In a "? M,nry. Ke"J'' of -6-r' Seuth
e 'the new sort e : fawn colored Seventeenth street, entertained at dinner
pi me iicxv seit "i iiiwii ""lK en Thursday evening In honor of Alias
il or agnella wool which is be- jJclly jtcSerlej.
S se smart this jour. They are
cernine se smart t lis
very geed looking girls mill arc always
uresseu alike.
u ' rniu: s
f A held
Saturday livening. Class will be
the committee In cluirKe included
Mrs. Ch'irlten Yarnnll, Mrs. Oeergc
Btunrt I'ntter'-en, Mrs. I). Mercnu
Barrlngcr, and Mrs. I'ercy Clark. The
cotillen will he led by Wllllnm Almy,
DKftlHtlfl hv Unltnct Tf lnrre .7n .Tfiirtem
f M. Castle, Jr.. Rebert N. Downs, 3d,
I nd Frederick M. Dunn, Jr.
v a v v v v v v m
L ..Mrs. Jehn 11. Thayer, of Redwood,
IJ ll&Verferd. Iintiniitipen llin pmrjppmnnl
; J her daughter, Alls Pelly Thayer, te
r JJf. H. Hertnuu Delan, son of Air. and
re. -1 nemas J. Delan, or Deven.
The giiPBtn who will attend the thea-
. IF tmrtii .. .,i 1. 1 . a ..
7 WfS. J. MPllrum l.liinlniit 1111 u...
Kf dobutante daughter of Mr. nna
y et lianas marr. win n Miua nneK,,
Kliffffi5"!f."MlM Isabel . Fraser,
ttui. H n.7 ifeuW.er,' .,.IBS
iln u.iiVi."iTi;"1"1. ibb aiien
LM,.,c.J?lch.51' MIm Lydla Merris
liA?r,lT?f. Jyn. M". Andrew
bihv u a .. ii'.m:- i"iz" 1
WkitirQi KaTv ISXJrEPtfL
&ri)ffiVKJpr, T rsS5t57
I'leparntlens are Uclnir mucin fn. 11. a
"Sheiks" dance te be given en Saturday
afternoon, February L'O, at the Alillne.
The fifth annual dance given by the
Dol-AIente. Country Club will be held
at McCrea's Academy, at 1517 Snyder
avenue, en Kildny evening, Fcbruaiy
17. Among these en the committee are
Air. James Hengs, Alt-. Wesley Cherrv
Mr. Owen Kaney, Mr. JnmeH Blnnde.'
Mr. aernld Ueggs Mr. Raymond Atunce
Air. Ldwntd Alaglnnls, Air. Henry Ale
Nell, Air. Eugene AlcCaun and .Mr. Hugh
The members of St. Alenlen's r
lenterialned last eculiig at a'recentlen
I .1 .In. .... n, llml.i ..l..l. ... ' . .
miiu 1111111.V ,,l .i.vii i-iuuiiuuse nt I7,,(i
Rltner htreet.
Mrs, Charles A, Keder, nf 2-1118 North
Sixteenth stieet. left yesteiduy afternoon
for -AslfNllle, N ("., where Bhe will stay
until Apill.
Air. and Airs. Andiew Wnlil, of 4S33
North Fifteenth street, I.eriui, nnuounre
the cngagemmt of their daughter, Aliss
Hilda Josephlne Wnhl, wid Air. Harrl Harrl
ten Huhn, of this city.
Miss aiadya Murphy, of 3648 North
Bread street, entertained Informally at
her home en Sunday evening. The guests
Included Miss Anna Sheridan, Miss Klea.
nor Qclger. Miss Madllne Dutten, Miss
Catherine Atber.'Nr; Uoern Sewsrs, Mr,
w"T iur, Mr, mi-
Cenllnned from Tage Oar
history of the society It was net neces
sary te mnke nn appeal te members for
additional subscriptions se that the or
ganization's work could be continued.
Defends Klngslcy
Referring te Councilman Wcglcin's
flinz nt Sherman O. Kincsley. cxecu-
five secretary of the Federation, Judge
Martin itald :
"It Is true thnt Air. Kincsley receives
a salary of $115,000 n year, but he is the
srcntet expert In the country in wel
fare work nnd In worth what he is be
ing paid. It is net true thnt the Fed
eration has given Mr. Kingslcy n ?2ef)0
automobile and that it pays the bills
for the upkeep of the car.
"Mr. Klngsley gets only his salary.
He Is net even allowed traveling ex
penses. He was gutting $12,000 a year
in Cleveland, where a strong nnd useful
Welfare Federation has been built up
largely through his efforts. We hnd te
pay mere than the Cleveland salary te
get his services.
"Mr. Klngsley drives n $000 meter
car which he bought in Cleveland with
his own money. .Apart from his salary
he pockets no fees, no incidental emol
ument, no honest graft."
Leeking into the future, Jude Mnr
tin expressed belief that the Welfare
Federation would eventually be able te
open great warehouses for the storing
of supplies bought in great nunntitlcii
nt low cost for all charities, hospitals,
institutions and relief organization,
and then te distribute them at cost
heti needed, thus making n dollar
given In charity go further than it
does new.
Sees Misunderstanding
Judge Martin explained thnt there
had been n misunderstanding concern
ing the statement that only i! per cent
of the people of Philadelphia give te
"We nil knew," biiid Judge Martin,
"that there arc few wne de net give te
charity. The 'J per cent referred te
meant only these who contributed te
the support of charitable institutions.
The facts nre: In the jenr before the
Welfare Federation hs' organized 25.-
000 persons subscriben te charities. That
ntlen is disbursed according te the
budgets prepared before-, subscriptions
were asked for, nnd r.e changes nte
mnde.i This rule Is enrefullv followed.
The fund in the keeping of the Federa
tion must be disbursed in the manner
outlined nt the beginning of n yenr nnd
no money may be diverted from one Ubc
te unethcr, nfter it has been allotted.
"Knch of the 123 ngencies in the
Federation hns Etatcd wbnt will be Its
needs through this year. Ench month
It receives the part needed for thnt
"It Is untrue thpc CO per cent of the
money subscribed te ergnnir.ed charity
is consumed In overhead expense. We
have succeeded in reducing the over
head expense te 2 per cent und expect te
mnke it even less. Interest received from
our depository en sums held for future
disbursement probably will eventually
meet all overhead expenses nnd mnke
It possible te devote nil of every dollar
subscribed te the actual work of the
Calls Overhead Story Fiction
"The ster.v of the creat nverlieml nwi
of organized charities is lictlen.
"We are net trying n new experi
ment in Philadelphia in the work of the
vteunre j; uiicrauen. JJefere our Feder
ation wns formed, federations wern i.
tnbllshcd in fifty-two cities nnd we have
1110 record et successful achievement
elscwherc te guide us in our work here.
"It seems thnt it is net generally
known thnt much of the money btib
scribed in the Federation's drive was
given for charities mimed by the sub
scribers nnd must be put te the desig
nated use. But that is the case. The
ndvantnge te the agencies, organiza
tions or institutions is that the Fed
eration adds te these gifts from funds
net given te n definite charity and thus
icllcves the agency of thu usual wor wer
iles ubeut finding funds with which te
get through the year.
"The 12Ti agencies receiving the
money subscribed in the Federation's
October drive represent many different
lines of charity hesnltals. hum nt m
elck in their homes, nursing, cure of the
ugmi anu inc crippieti, relief of families,
playgrounds for children and even min.
eatienal ami recreational improvement.
A Friend of Animals
Te tin Sdller tl tht Kvenfne Putlle I.tdetr:
Sir I think I must be rather dull In
understanding, for se many things seem
se nuzzling te me. Fer Instance: Se
many people will any of the meanest
person living, "He Is nothing but a
brute ; meaner than a 1I03 a regular cur
a drunken beast," etc., when every ani
mal en enrth rides the wntcr wagon.
A mother-in-law is sometimes called an
"old cat." New I would like te knew
If there Is (anything mere Innocent or
harmless than the above mentioned.
Dogs bite sometimes, and small won
der tbnt they de. Oftentimes tbey arc
klckci around because they nrc hungry,
and fats also. They cat and sleep where
they can get It. Tbry nemetlmes run
mad for lack of feed or wnter, withheld
by fhelr superiors.
'Forgiving? Why! they will lick the
hand that struck them nnd caress the
feet that kicked them. In ether words,
"they turn the left check also." I only
wish the human race (generally speak
ing measured up te the brute creation.
I wns never one of the kind te pet nnl
mnls much (except the horse), but
hcaven'knews I have n heart thnt gees
out toward the speechless animal, inno
cent as a babe, or a deaf and dumb in
dividual, and much mere dependent. De
liver me from hcclng n faithful beast
nbused. kicked or made ta crew hungry
or thirsty. Te make a long story short,
witii the brute creation 1 nm n tnor tner tnor
eugh sympathizer. ELLEN E.
Philadelphia, February 5, 1022.
Benefita Resulting Frem the War
Te the Editor 0 the Evenlne Public l.tdeer:
Sir I cannot sec the argument that
In put up by your writers en the sub
ject of a deferrcd compensation for
these who served In the army during
the recent World War. te the effect that
Ihey "saved the country," and but for
them there would be no country, njiepc
country did they save Their own.
Who were benefited because the United
States is still Intact, due te their ef
forts? Themselves and their pnrents,
their brothers and sisters nnd nil tbec
dear te them.
Were Ihey out fighting for some one
elsc'H country? Nn, they wcre lighting
te keep America free, their America.
They were fighting te protect their
homes, the homes of their parents. They
were net fighting for some one else's
protection, but for the protection of
their own homes. Frem their letters
you would infer thnt it wni net their
buttles, but the ether fellow's, thnt they
were fighting. They should step te con
sider that ethers, mere than themselves,
would liave been nffected had we lust
the wnr. Why tlicn should they be
paid for protecting th"lr own home.
It wns for n mutunl piotcetion for nil
Americans that they were fighting.
I nm net opposed te n bonus or,
rather, for the Oevirnment nnd the peo
ple te be willing te pay for these who
hnve seriously suffered, but te make it
gcnernl and pay these men who suffered
In no wny, through the tnxntien of the
people, who nre new hardly nble te henr
the strain, I nm opposed te that, nnd
I r.m sure se is every self-rc-poeting
soldier, sailor or marine. I hail two
sons in the service. I suftcrcd. of
course, through their nbsenee and the
anxiety, but I was very willing that
tl.ty should go te protect my beloved
country from being forced into the slav
ery that would have followed the threat
ened invasion of the Hun.
Phllndelphin, Februnrv S. 1 !)-'-.
Te Secure Bim's Fortune
Te the Editor et th" Evrnlna Public T.rdecr:
Sir I like te see the Gumps, nnd
leek at it every ilny. I nm se afraid
that tf you don't de something for
I'ncle nim's fortune, the Gumps will
be utterly ruined.
I suggest that while Illm is wnlklng
with Zander In the eitv her wig. hy
ehnnce should come off and Uncle Dim's
fortune will be snfe.
Atlantic City, N. ,T February 4,
Who Is te Blame: Mistress or Maid?
Madam and Maid
Te the Editor of the Evenlne Public ttdetrs
Slr-L-I hnve bech n servant for sev
eral years. I encn was n madam, se I
hpenk en both sides. The mistress of
today thinks mere of her nails and hair
than she docs of her home or her family,
the mistress of today feels she should
1 .Tv'd e sleep In the lap of luxury
wnlje her bnblbs nre rocked te sleep by
n hired tnnld of nil work or mnybe a
nurse, nnd if madam is around she
forbids her child te be rocked, as it Is
Tile IVnmilH nt lirnntll vikikh nnn .i,1a,1
the home and children nnd wns niwnys
n me jen. sue had plenty of friends
te talk te ever the back fence, with
riethespins in her mouth or a carpet
bentcr in her hand, nnd the bread In
the even. Hey, boys!. They were the
days !
Hut today madam sits In the living
room or leltcis in bed and thinks she's
1 H . because she wns n feel te hnve
Children. Iiml ulin tmnrrtnnu nnln In
Jha kitchenette has it better than she
uccau3e she nllews her te make n
rendezvous of her 7-by-13 kitchenette
te entertaining her "friend" or mere,
with the Nink, a tabic, two ehnlrs, gas
""'SV , dresser nnd cnblrtct te play
Cuiiid between.
The trouble today Is the mndnm's
nerves. Shu knows what hardships her
mother went through nnd te handicap
them she won't de anything mere thnn
were net lighting for some one else's
opinion. I blame the men of twenty
M-nrs nge, who nre the lleau Briim
inclls of today, lending the youthful
Hnnpcr astray nnd filling their heads
with vilencss, nnd tire young wlfe te
keep her husband must play the flapper,
tee. My heart aches for the married
J'0? of tedny. Hebby Hums wrote
.Mnn wns made te mourn." , The
truth of these lines nre en the rising
man of today. He lias te fight nlone nlene
nine times out of ten.
Whnt flapper wants te be n servant?
Ahere rnn jeu find one woman in
twenty who wants te de housework
sixteen hours, a day? Well, nil I have te
say, nil feels nrc net dead yet, se I
happen te be one who works thirteen
hours, from A. M. te 7 P. M be be
cau;e I nm old-fashioned nnd I don't
knew nny ether work.
Philadelphia, February 0, 1022.
Impertinent Maids '
Te the Editor of the Evening PubHe Ledetr!
Sir I have been employing aervnnt
girls for the last twenty years, nnd
there was a time, In my early experi
ence, that yen could find the real true-
blue servants, who were willing te earn
their wages and knew their place and
would speak with respect te their employers.
Hew different it is today. The change
has probably been brought about by the
war and the higher wages paid, but I
think the real reason for much of the
trouble is the mevies and the deslre te
de just an their mistress docs and dress
equally well and engage in all sorts of
social pleasures.
It is impossible for many families te
get a decent 0 o'clock dinner these day,
ler the girl will rush things just ns
much as possible and make just n?
little variety as possible, te conserve
with the dishes, In order that she will
get through In time te go te the 7:30
movie performance. She rushes things
en the table and rushes them off, eats
u bite herself in the kitchen and makes
the whole family uncomfortable at
their evening meal, the main meal of
the uny.
Resides, my maids lnslct en dressing
for the evening in the afternoon, in or
der te leso no time, nnd I am afraid te
ask them te de many things after they
have en their geed clothes, for fear of
having them soiled, and if J de ask
tl.cm I nm given an nwful frown if
net some suggestion that I de net knew
hew te treat servants.
It Is n most unfortunate situation in
the home when jeu feel that everything
you ask of your servant is den with
n bad grace and in frowned upon, se
that instead of having htippy surround
ings, most mistresses rind themselves
miserable threvgh the unpleasant atti
tude taken by their servants. If I mnke
up my mind I tun going te be mistress
in my own heuise, what is the result?
I am compelled te spend several un
pleasant days visiting the employment
offices te get new help, only te find
that they are of the same caliber, until
I nm n nervous wreck through the ex
perience, nnd I knew tl nt many ether
of your readers arj laboring under the
sumo unpleasant conditions.
MRS. E. B. T.
Philadelphia, February 0, 1022.
Questions Answered
The Peet Laureates
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledgrr;
sir Who nai liecn thu poet laureate et
nncland since 18S0? READER.
Philadelphia, February 8. 1022.
The thre poet laurcnt. who have held
office since 1850, nre Alfred Tennyson, from
IS.'.O te 1892: Alfred Amtln. from 1800. te
1913, and Dr. Rebert IlrMircs slnce 1013.
The Knighting of Lauder
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir Was Hnrry louder cer a member of
Parliament? If net, why waa he knighted?
O. W. V.
Philadelphia. February 0. 102 J.
Hnrry Lauder, the Scotch sinner and
remedlnn, has never been n member of Par
lHment. He wns knlshtcd en account et
hla public wrvice In cntertalnlnc soldiers
ilurlns the wnr.
was nbnut 2 per cent of Philadelphia's Mere than 10,000 persons nre reached
population. In the October drle of the
Welfare Federation en, TIM persons sub
scribed. This increase te nearly 00.
000 of course meant Hint about 3 per
cent et tne people suDscrlhed,
i "There is no doubt, however, that n
great number of persons who gave noth
ing during the Federation's campaign
hnve given and are giving generously te
tlmrlt.v. Tni'c Councilman Hall as an
example. There Is no mere generous
mnn in the city. lie and ether.,' like
him give much throughout the year
nnd de much geed."
Judge Martin then discussed the
amount raised by the Federation nnd
the uses te which it has been put.
".Subscriptions during the Federa
tion's drive," he said, "amounted te
$2,028,010,11:1. Of this sum, $1,100.
J2S.7S hns been paid. The remainder
will be paid during the ceuisc of the
year by biibM-ribcH who hute preferred
te divide their subscriptions into mere
than one. payment.
4 Per Cent en Depository
"We are getting some additional
money through the pas incut of Intciest
ny our depository. This dcpoaiteiy
pays 4 per cent.
"At the start Me have been handi
capped because our fiscal jcar is te
correspond with the uilendar jcar,
which means that wc must go for fif
teen mouths Instead of a jear before
asking for new bubscilptlens. The drive
was in October, and we hnve se fur
niuda disbursements for October. No
vember, December nnd January te the
i.) ngencies or organizations ler which
subseiiptlens were made.
"The total sum paid out for these
four months was $0i:i,7D0, but thib
does net represent un average for four
months. Disbursements will be larger
during thu next few mouths, uud we
must, before the enil of the jcar, raise
nn additional SI, (KM), 000, as theauinuiit
subscribed in the October drive was
ubeut that much short of the total sum
of the budgets prepared by the 125
"It Is improbable that an appeal will
be inadu for subscriptions te rnlse this
.$1,000,000. We hope te And some, ether
wny w raisin j me money nnd have only
one ivi ler funds tlila year, la Ne.
vtMN.")? MM,iuUtr it ittr.t M
dally by these agencies.
"Our selection of Mr. Klngsley nnd
the payment te him of u salary of SIG,
000 hnve been amply justified by his
Hnll!n..iiliiiinAn .. -. M
ni:iiiv.-iiii.'liir,. .miy one 111111111111' With
What Strangers Expect of Us
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir hen I return from n foreign
country I nm convinced that America is
the finest country In the world. When
I return te my home town after visit
ing ether cities I finn" Hint It Ih the best
city in tne universe, vt e cannot help
Crep Conditions in China
Te the Fdlter of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir Why does a dreunht causa a famine
In China If the Bell of thnt country Is se
fertile?. JOHN D. IX'KES.
Philadelphia. 1'ebruary 7, 102.1.
The poll et China, while extremely fertile.
Is tee porous for successful Irrigation, ani
the treps depend entirely upon favorable
Judge Owl Weatherman
Robins anel the Blue fclrli'sH
frrtm fh term, th CfOWS l
and Judge Owl brought Beris
an ne cenw wnicn raaue
happy except the Grews,
(Next week wllj fcTteU haw
plans te t rich.)
csiz mrrretx ttnfkWrmA-
rin MiMvaat owne-si.
Mr mm br iatlu all sat mtjf
papular fletkin n tne sjsst
tn!k4 f bOTka f TraTtl, mt
larr, BMtrapl, ate. rnjl
ervlee t eteaa mpm,
15 Seuth 13th St.
Boek Sale
.Bread tnd UerK l. (1000 N.)
. 8000 Beit.
Hern of the Orace Paptlat Church.
Wm. Dyre SfcCMrdy. Ameclati Paster.
J. Marvin Hanna. Mualcal Director.
Frederick E. atarke. Onanist.
Mr Conwall praachea 10:30 A. M. anrl Tt4S
&.MJ J"lPla.Cheruj alnfa both Mrrteaa.
S!nS.' "ep" will be the nt aelelatTR
TfiK.T,mpJe Cnerua at tha avantnc aarvfaa.
mble Scheel, Jera L. Craaaa, aupt., 2rT
Orirlntlun Endaaver at ae P. M,
Prayer meitlna- Friday night at A.
nthleal Society
.. .Tri-i1'""" NEUMANN Will
pkeiimsm i.v Nrnv hhttines."
(Jack nnd Janet visit Judge Old,
the Weatherman, te ask. him te
hurry spring along. The Crews send
a false vxessage te the Robins and
the Jiluc Birds, telling them te come
Aerth, and then Judge Owl learns
that a blizzard is en the way. The
Creics tone ic Robins and the Blue
birds will perish in the storm.)
Satur.luveV.nln." vXZ.'l'il mir.nm-'. P
o'clock. Mr. Vail will alie aptalc Am" .,
day. February la. n A M.. at tha MraJ
Aaaociatlen of Hplrltuallata. Twelfth i
Tliompnen itreeta. en "Tiut siwvtSamlS
Immerta ty." nnd nt 8 I M .."if
JttSrVr? ; PfefvVA4
peak at the Y. M. C. A.. U2 Waat Tli
tenheuee street. OerrnanYewn XHniS!im
Admission of German Soldier
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Plr will nn o-aelrtler of the Herman
Army be admitted te this country? Thla one
wishes te make his home here.
Philadelphia. Tehruary T. 19SS.
In order te tome te this country an ex
xnldler of tlie German Army ou!d have te
obtain a passport from his OeSernment nnd
lime It lel hy the neireit American Con Cen
sul. Hm num come, within the new quota law
mil mut meet vlth th Immigration require
ments at th pert of cntrv. paslnt mntil
nnd nhNslcal elimination". Ne cuirnntce
can be clen In ndanc bv the Immigration
nervine, that any ImmlBrant win be ad
mitted Ne Compulsory Military Training
Te th" Editor of the Eirvxfg J'uhllc Ledger:
e If CJre.it Ilrftaln com-
Judee Owl's Wisdom
JUDGE OWL wns in great distress.
" IUnckie Crew had sent a messnee te
.the Southland in his name, telling the
Iteblns and the Ulue Hlrds the weather
0?d hl' wi"? nt tlmt vor-v ,nen,ent
freL. .Vlnter was sweeping back
sr? Vie fNerth Vth " blMar'i that wan
tne wnrm .Southland.
te JZl? time Judge Owl raised his voice
te start n wlrolevj .,,.,.., ,
' .. i. u li ... """-"si; ui wurninir
'SilnS fcb,S ""I1 Blll Bir,IS' tI,C CrOW"
Jud? fW-V" d;eV'lnR out u' voice.
Judge Owl was heliiless.
T c "i'1 ,Tnnet wanted te help peer
dece1v,.dUiV ,n,nd thcS wnntcd te &P 3
deceived Uebina nnd li uc Hirds. What
ceiil.1 they d? The first thing was te
get rid of tlie rnscnlly Crews.
nfrn'nU ,lia1 hcnrd that Cre "ere
nfraid of a gun, se, whlbpcrlng te Jnnct
te cemewith him, he began te eearch
for n stick that looked like n Rim. He
found n round, black stick. Givinir tie1
a ' dozen-"!"6', '" . I'" B5kc.l .n.,?.WBTTEBIA.V CHVMCM
,.-n t..i.."r.-..."'.' """""i ."? urews
...u u, ,, uguing nt Judge Owl they
never noticed him.
-.r.'.'V.IviIrrl("1"' .. "rne Individual aJM
gnelal Klghteeuiness." Vlsltera walcema.
LJ'MCEH ARE HKIJ) a,t H o'clock arary
Flrrt-dy (Sunday) mernlri at the T5S
2u-"Vr Mp"1"'! "u" n MenS'mSy
Pike. Mrrlen Pa. Thla Meatlnw -aa aata.
wet.hlpcd. Virltera cordially liiviTad
Mr. Albert R. Vail, of Chlcaae. wha
...'"' v"."a eaui nana in Palcat
will speak In ths parlors of tha Par
xieuse et ine, rirat Un tarlsn ruHiST
flnal sermon In the series. "'Tha dradSal!
At B, Lincoln's Illrihri.'
I.lnceln a Christian?" """. wa
IVS:dalr."?.rr W . Kebruarv 28. clfy.
T- WIIBW-. The'publ J" ".""nvYt'W'aS
hlpers who have ln follewlnr th. ViST
rem evening to"n,ernlnS: "l ""'
1'eke the .Stick tlirnnnl. !. I !.--
"i- (.IlC Vi"s V"1 thi,,U lt ' sun"
lack whispered. "I'm going te give
these rascnls a scare."
lanet did ns lie told her
Tlfflfl.fi AFlil ninmAn4 i
" "nv-nwiiu 111,
;.iu aaDDHin Sohenl
I0 J Christian Endaavnr.
746 "The Uplifted Christ. '
RKV. UltlJEHl IIKOHNK. or Al.tandSS"
i... will conduct tha acrvle.. .t i?..J!S
i-resbyterlan Church. lth n,f -r..'SZ.
at 7:4,-. o'elaefc.
TT.. H f . ,
Sllllllfx.l I....1. I l. , . r. hts., en r!undsv. Reh in .. . -Tr.zr-
""""' .. .......... . iiiiiiniiii Mrilll- -,.,i ,rv hnv In ule nerled ef'hls life ; '! .""'". mm uu let nv with a TTr ' " '' eciwisi.
gera arc directing nt s through the Cm mVa y trinlnc" p "leC, te" the World '"v. The bn" H1 right for VafJnSt "HJrTS
IVpnle's I'eruin. ,.... n. v. V. Hiiickle Cre. lilnckic loek-cl nnl iipv 2t I-vAvrTi" ..
The object of printing them, and Phi.a.iripi,i. rebnnry f. 1022. startled. And jst as he looked p the ' ""NiSTAJfihXA'SDi:'K cer.L. d. d..
doubtless of writing them. Is te Inspire Nn. of tiie n oeo.nnn put in the neid from wiewbnll hit him in the breast. Over' BlZirXfZ,u:.avnJr:r- assistant, i
improvement. Altheugn persennlly 1 1 Enilmd. Scetinrd nrd wie, s one.nno vel- went Hlnckle. kicking nnd Miuawklnc EveniSk- Subject "The "ii.mIi""1 .0W&. l
have net been aware of being discnur- , untarily enlisted. Th conscription lavvvya. 1 lc Crews thought that nes the InHt of J'l?mrhlncv?,.n' n"1 ' Aultud.0 TewIJd
teeim I mean te nrest hv their lulvcr'P""""! t" nr mere veurs nftei lh beEinnlns him. "Huii!?' kh,it.i r.;.i. "...!. lv 9"irc.h' . "ward ,
criticisms and see that my children 1 .' the war. It l a a.nBul.tr Met tha, for , , . - .;,,",:""",". '. f.S' ""Vice. 7S0 P. M,
i4 .ncnnn nnn il aw w n en ren n . . . -... 'huhimii. uvcr ..it""t . r. . .Aih.nn,rei'nuu
IZ-l AflV ItlsHecaiil en . -; ''!
it' .iw.il ,,,!. I- .,.. i' i : rrnturif
13 niiiui iiium ii. mii HipiiC'S in nn i.i u,m,.
inrnrlably grnclnus and considerate of requiicd mintury eervice
ethers, no matter who they nre. I
When our friends visit us tliev henn
compliments en our city, but these
Htrangers who encounter u.s in business,
en the streets, Mn crowds, cp another
Bide of us thnt is quite ni ruc. Would
It net he mere enmnieudnhln In us te
make a city pieasanr ier strangers In
stead of glaring nt them nnd saving in
our Forum "Why de they stay here?"
Poems and Songs Desired
ren i . . ....,. ,
law which ""''" ! "etner vrew. The Crews saw
I the black stick ami thought it wus a I
I 5,,n- ( ,nvi"e ""'I breeching, they fled
,i ef'n,0'10r ee the Crews gene than1
he nl,ius and lllue Ulnls began te '
i.wv-u l.nu 11 I- imcKCt. .n,l ns . ,.. ..
.Mev n,i ,.... ti'"!., : iscnesm
Acnus Del ..". .nacnmanlna
instrumental tries. mm
1O.00 A. M.-Sundy Scheel aa D,b
visiTens wm.ceMB.
Preteatnnt Kni.ri
thee,,nrrhb,,r.7nr,, W" f"'" Cli7B'ci,C0y''8l?."JS',iSTA,IKIV'A;
the .North, snowy wilin S rli iil- nn n, Uth nnd Mt. Vern.m .fL T,IK 1
gale. " Rev. James Cepe. Creisen n ...
ie .id a m "Tin; kFiiPi'v-P tT. 121
OAIIDKN." eHXl..NT l.V x
"Institutions that WCrn hnrnusn.l k.UV.
dlfflcultics in getting enough money
with v,hlch te meet cxnensns nr nn..,
receiving money each month nnd these
"Hall Philadelphia"
Te r.e f'diter of the J'venliig Publlr Ledger:
Sir In our Ieenlei Verum of Kehnnrv
t, there was rcqui-stnl a eenc entitled1 "Oil. Judge Owl, )ou Ijave fooled
People cannot always live ,Mu,re, ' i "' J""nZ"H;.n ',0,,Kn,r ' J"i : r") thp l,'rds. "Oh. jd
cheese. livery person before he has, entltled "Polk henus." complimentary conies i iT .": .'.. -:," '" "lrc meswige. ou
pregresspil tery tar has an nccumilln- 'of which were Blven nut a few scars obe bv J;, ' ,.,Mt ", v
tlen of troubles, large and .small nn,l nne of our department stores. The flrsti ,""' uuj.e i.
.. i, i,..i . ..M,,wi. -. ... i Innnli urir.l.iil
the myi inns ei nine ones nre hard "" "lnvl"
. .. '.. I-. l. .!i. ..'"".".. I0 "irall Phil., lelnhln Pltv of r.nn
here friend und pavase meet as fellow
what has been done, would indorse the 'bear, se let us nor be guilty of nddlntrO
action of the trtwtccs of the Federation. un unnecessary cloud re a day. We have,
"TnsHrntlnnH tlinf i.nn l.nH.,..n.i ...t.t. innnv Inst linrl ei'ninim Plillnrlnlr.1.1
linui.v jvifi inn. fc.iiv.iijii.-i 1 iiiiuui'ipuians
and wu should mnke that list longer
thereby shortening the list of rude ones, i
Strangers are asking nothing beend
February S, 1)2'.'.
'Te the Thankful"
in charge are abie te devete all of their imeie civility. l. jj
energies te nctuni service te these who rhiiaueipnia, icurimry ;, ipLV
need help. There is liiudly u charltublu '
institution in I'hlliidrlphla which dur- ! IVU AT'i WHAT
ing the past few jcars, has net been V ttLl 3 W HAL
troubled by a deficit. The work of the My HKi.EN dkcii:
,. . . ' 'v u"". lllLbu iroueios, te
elimlnute waste and unnecessary ex
pense, se that money given in charity
may be put te its fullest use."
.ludre .Martin nld that the IS00
elunteeis who sered in the Fcdera Fcdera
t'en's October drive net only served
without compensation, but paid for
thtlr own luncheons when thev made
their dally reports nt the Uellcvuc-r-t
rat ford.
Ofhiers of the Federation nie:
Judge Martin, president, nnd Jehn II.
Masen Horatio Gates Lloyd and
uiiiin-i i-vie, vive prcHiuents.
The trustees are: Samuel T. Bedlne,
Mrs. Kdwnrd W. Uok, Geerge llurnham
Jr., Colonel J. Hewell Cuinmings
fcolenr?, 'an! .". D;e---. Mb- Mary
wmui. Ti.': " :: 'V,U . ... "roeme.
A birthday party for children may bn
arranged for the Saturday iiftfriioen
neaiest the actual date, se that It will
neither Interfere with school hours nei
keep the veutigsters out after nlchtfall
invitations should nnme tlie hours
say .' te r, o'clock The heMcss should
huve arranged a program of entertain.
me it 111 nn.ninu. KiiuccH SUItllll e li
.V .. V. i."",r; " "urnsen, Jr.,
tteorge Mel-nildcu. Mrs. Leuis C. Mil
deiru. Jehn H. New bold. Geerge W
Nnrrls, Senater Geerge Wharten Pep
per. Louts. Wolf Dr. Geerge Wood Weed
ward. Ilenjniuiii II. Ludlow, Illclmrd
h. Norten. Clarence M. Warden, WIN
iiiiiu .vi. '-iKiiis, .1. . m. willce. Mrs.
'Iheinas J. Delan. Frnnk T. Grlsweld,
J. Heward I Ie,y, Arthur W. Hewcll, W
Iliucklu Smith, K. T. Stotesbury
( l,ilrJl,i'h " KP'' (''"'rles J. ltheadcs
and Charles 1 Vnughan,
Concert te Aid Orphans
r Ti10 VenK, People's Auxiliary of the
Lutheran Orphans' Heme, Germnntevvn.
m MrrM,e" for ,h9 """ual concert of
... iihiiiivii vjii-v viun ier tnis a.
ist.lleettkh Kite Hall, Tin '.-
I Wi I'
I ?ii j I
in in ie i crisn in ,i
; Owl hilnl.'n.l nt , l.....
mucli worried.
I "Ye u are a who Weather Man," said'
Cocky Keljln. ' Tell us hew te live,
through tills lvliwtard.
Judge Owl blinked nt the Ilebins: he
blinked nt the lllim Illrds; he blinked
iu .iiil-k and juiici. ana ns he blinked
Te flu Id.te, or the Evem a Public Ledue, "",..'" "',,""" ,"'1 '"''0 llgllted tip.
Sir ran ou or one et Miur readers tell . ,, ,",:,, ,10.! " ",'U ,e J-0" (' In a
me where I can Hnd the, name of the author .,;','., "0 "noted.
and the ether verses or a poem centulnlns ' ' " hy, wc stay indoors bv the fire "
thin verse , Answered Janet. ' '
"Te the thankful in spirit the sweetness of I "Tlien take tliee Ilebini nnd lllue
--- .- 'Sffi cW "Voun'vhe-ni'le coule
With I rl.le tbey endure. In the midst of !"u'k rem thc s,n,lta in " hurry, and
ufiiictiim here they nre. He geed te them, and
I'nruRliMl In mind, while lemunberlnc ever " bring spring ns seen na I can "
That forth from these woes tlmv the well And what did Judge. Owl de but iinn
back into his snug house nnd shut the
deer. He hnd leaded all his troubles
nn J.u'k and Janet.
Jack nnd Janet thought fast. Their
homes weie net large enough for all
tlwu... kli.,1.1 'PI, or. Tn.li .'..' ""
i.iw.-i- k.,,.,.. .iiiii (.-V Kur ail 1IICI1
'Iltirmh ! he shouted. "I knew
i.hP. M. ORGXl TJFr.iT.T ..
w'brVSr; p.
.I'liitiur. r ri.
13TH vi-rrsfi...
"KOP.KA AND ITS Pneiir,EMSA. 0iw
K?3uH WSiilW -.TV.
sprlntis of striiKih
And mlm en tlie veiEe of destruction con
That ecu with Its spirens Mfe still Is be
loved' U. S. HALL.
IMill.idclphla, Tebruary 5, 102.'
ath. BVEriYUeiiT cbnDiAiJr.Y invitkB:
heart and the bed ; buMt mii?d'i "'
ine.usmamrl.',M f th -"- "rfSSr".!
.in Hen I'ine sis.
'Vvn'ia,i?Ta ,V',Jt"Jy. H. T. D n...
Ien. -.
by the Recter. The thelr win .iS7,rmsn
Te Deum In r .. .. -.
1I.S8 A- J5'-!Jol'1t'e'"munlon:
t.lft Up Your lUads" .' fcSi"1"
h 00 I M ilrief Ssril ukV-V'.'WWn
and Recital by the Choir. l Aaaraa.
Van Dyke en "Werk"
7 1) the Editor of th' llvinlne Public Leduer;
Sli l'lease print In the poem section of
our People's 1'eruiM the little poem en work
willten by Henry vivn Iku s, H q
1'hll.idalphln. iYbruiii 7. 1P22.
'Mils, prebvbly. Is tlie poem ou are loeklns
Let ine but de my work from day te day,
In Held or forest, nt the deik or loom,'
In rearlnu market-place or tranquil room
rt me but find It In my heart te say, '
When vanr.int wishes beckon m astray
"This is mv werk: my blenslne. net' my
Of all vvbe live. I nm the one hy whom
This work can best be done m the rleht
Then shall I see it net tee kipuI
'. ' r-
.ni. tilm.i, flu.. ...tlimil !. .. I
..... i-... . ..... r. tiuui .un u snug at
tie. There is a hole In the window by
which jeu can creep In. There you
will be nice nnd eery until Old Man
Winter gees back North und Spring
conies from the Seuth. And every (lay
we school children will bring j en 'feed
Hurrah! Hurrah !" '
And thnt Is just what wns done. The
"ThJ That de Down te tha s" .
"BeuIh ut the Hialu.eus , a 'trwa
"Te rveuni in rv ...... .ItOOIa
"l.erd Oed of Abraham".' .".'-V.VtWa
TatlJ mI ssT
21 M Chentnut t.
II A M. Mr. Orlfnn illl nraai-n,,Ulr'
Pnhjec;. "Ahrvham Lincoln " K
(Ireen st. and W. Chslten ava IArfwB
i.u nnecii u tnrn.TUlrn. .".Il A. ' v.LS
U linnet v CmI.amI Ih T- j. i. .. jJ'V tVi'Sl
Auukiig'nWfrW "ew " $m
t " mmmm. r .
("aaSSSsssssslJSSjaaaaaasjaaaaaBjatajaaaaaaBaaaaaaia s339BBM V' A
IIQr am . II
cnimrnn such as IIIckory-Dlcheiy.nncU ... "d,l,mv "I"r ' Bn'' ,0 Prove my powers,
fthe Cleck Uaiicb), Morry-Oe-Uounu oil ",(',5 Hl""' ' -rrul srect the laberlns :,
Dan Tucker, etc, and musical I en mil . . J,eu7', '
llke Going te Jeruvnlem, Peas PerrUlc;.1 A"'1 cl''f,rful ,urn' w,1,n th' len shadews1
Celd anil Fiesty Metnlng, ninclc iiiusii.'l . .A . , i
orcheatM. etc., will be feilnd inueh n ero !' '.""'V'i ,0 piRV anJ Iew nmI r,'.
nioyabe than any Imitation. ... r" "l?.r. . Mwus I knew- for me my work Is i.e,t.
I '
up affalis. If an elder boy Is iil S."
hie perfprrnance will dellRht the thl?.
dren. Refreshments aheuld ha erviil
v,... . i It ' 'I'Sl'SMSsMWiMIMiaaaa. I I I I I Nf . fiema
i T,.T 'fnPle-'a Forum will ininenr iliill.
ii thr Ktenluc J'olille JUw". and Aiii
I" , Sunday Public UsIcVr. Iiii?!
Tomorrow Afternoon at 3:15
Feund.r of Church Fad.r.tlan' Mev.mant ,V"
Subject: "The Incoming Christ of the WerW'DmerCT" '
THe proftresHlve mnn Is keaklnir Bann.thin. i,.,. , . svj
epvn te that which unllftrn,Bn,n?,!ie,i,'n..V.?'tr n,) keP his mludU,
t9 2-30. Or.. W;-sv Ll
,i m ,'j
,:mnwjk ' t
V We
U'1K .-i. , WL.lulUU.ft. M?. IkjJ . . . -viBOF . L . - T-f