vswmmm KKiftjKt'Cif rv-('M? .'wJCJISCAH -SKfW9! : f M i-:'Mit- BRIL t v "?f, - - ' h m r n- m m aww . n ?j " .iam m t jrje.JULiAJLJcajjurjti.xxi a.i.u dl. ii $ -i a ..4 A .ten.... .4 11 WEATHER ' Unsettled WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S i at iw,uBi ii WANAMAKER'S Stere Opens at t Start Closes at 5 ChbaM at Rmi W ".WWII W9mtyNWMtm&wmJWKNi Mtpv' A'iCr4 ninm mLmj.A. X f fi if Ift- A Single Idea, Shaped the Life of Abraham Lincoln' he worked it out day by day in war and peace, inating as expressed i pedestal in Bosten : ,- "He gave freedom te a , Fer years, three score iceived anew kind of a ok ever the A. T. Stewart century age have had ie the standards of commercial life in the United ites and be worthy of m we have te de. . Signed fibruary 11,, 1922. Here Come Charming Capes and Wraps IS Belivia and duvetyn are the ma in the delightful new cel lie ladybird red, Kremlin caravan gray, pine cone land Sorrento blue. fj . mmkk aj Una InHM AifAwat fVXlV WAp vae iae vn& ivtciei (First Yes, There Are Even New Spring Furs Biff, fluffy fox scarfs of platinum gray and dyed blue, charm charm te wear with Spring costumes in the delicate pastel shades. Ices are $60 te.$90 (Second Beautiful Jacquard Sports Satin at $2.25 a Yard I ' f Plenty of white, black, Jade, . U1. J VI..- .All AI UK, gray, pinit ana uiuc. aii w IhIim wide, of first Quality, and socially priced at the very low W. Flr, (First E IK New CreamrColered Cheviot ana Flannel IS 17 w. .-r vfleth have particular interest view of the fact that white Vzi ! x-1. i. xi. i- $Tbe cheviot is imported, is 54 (Flrit Here Are the New Silk Knitted ,v' Overbleuses w These are the newest and mutest waists designed te wear With tweed suits and snorts skirts. I Tbey are loosely knitted of vari- iwerea silks in fancy horizontal- intvs patterns, and in hues that I fill blend with skirts of almost I (Third Women's Beautiful Silk Stockings Frem Paris I W think frinv km ntinuf lin ;west, sheerest chiffon silk stock- is we have ever seen at the pree. Thev liavn nnnn rlnMcu ten. Celers nre Kin Mr vi.littn . ciimeis, champagne, taupe, pcail I (Main New Dress Trimmings in Levely Colorings . AnV VAman nnM mam XI. Mnnni LMMties of these new band trim- rnp with their beautifully col cel col rea embroideries of. silk or wool yw cnemue done en net or filet I, bends will make effective sleeves, . TMIS nnrl nli.tlnD rru. J. .11 Si bise. xncre ure uuu, (Main Fer Women Who Prefer Clothing Made te Measure we maintain a Custom Tai ', "ring Bureau, where suits, t "esses, topcoats) cape3 and pe-and-dress costumes are made te order in individu ; ,Uy selected materials and de- '. "MS, at the most mnrieratn Prices that can be quoted for (Second Levely New Spring Embroideries I?j & J-, . - iH from St. Gull, and the dain nt imatrlnnhle Jint come th'e festoons which w used for cellars as well as ifgff trimmings; they are of B"hbve witn neavv evelet and mbreidery, at 14.60 a yard; "juie organdie with met emoreiaarv at. tnin LTi .-.: ld MV -i" '""'"- l, ,-.s p- ,; , , -, J-teSl' 1 il ?Ult hiJ j. ,.i t t , w s f te en the bronze statue and ) race and te his country and one, these of us who store in Philadelphia and foundation a quarter of but one idea: namely, te the confidence of all with ffifewfc for Spring another has huge sleeves with close cuffs; ethers have cellars of" natural caracul; all the wraps are loose and apt te be caught in with girdles. Prices are $125 te $250. Fleer) JTloer) figure of $2.25 a yard. Women who wish sports skirts of this fashionable jacquard-weave satin will note the' opportunity. Fleer) inches wide and priced at $4.50, $5 and $5.50. The flannel is intended for skirtings, is the same width and nricpn nre $3.K(V Si. SK nnrl SK Rn a yard, Fleer) at $13.50 any color. They are hip length, and girdled with a braided tic sash of silk grenadine. The flat round cellar and the cuffs of the long sleeves are also of the plain silk grenadine. Priced $13.60. Fleer) gray, linen, African brown, ba- nana, silver gray and nude. These steekincs urn nn finn fVinv run hr drawn thrnunU e Anna vlnrr Price $8.60 a pair. Fleer) soft colorings and gay, bright colorings and every dress' will find it3 suitable harmony, in cluding the black and brown ones. Erice3 go from one-inch bands at 70c te six-inch bands at $6 a yard. Fleer) geed materials and superior . workmanship. Suits of tweed and home spun at $65, of Peiret twill at $85 and dress-and-cape cos tumes of English worsteds at $65 are specialized in; but all ether made-te-measuro .re quirements will be met. Fleer) - V v - Then white ergandie insertions, seme with color and some show ing the very desirable new cut out work. Prices 60c te $2. Organdie edgings for cellars, mostly white, a few ecru, some with color, and some showing the cutwork. Price- 75c te $1.85 yare, rt r u - ' r . I - .rJ. by 'cnntrfiMfti ,U ,.-. - k" - . . J.'i. 4'.Ti. . A. i .' .v J? .. 'i .. Vll.kf'l m'T'. llli. 4t-i If ifcT .1 I '' ." " 11)'; .v - Tvrt '4.i ' . rt. . mm. . , v.!. i it t .. v v I .LAr vmt. Furniture That Makes the Sale The New t Gay, Sparkling Millinery is certainly net going te hide its' light under a bushel this, Spring. It is the most shining thing in'Fashlen's realm. The new1 straw weaves' are bright and Bhiny. The new satins and "bagatelle" ribbons, of which many hats are made entire, fairly glitter. And new from Paris , come the shiny new lacquered flowers and leaves, te add te the general brilliancy of hats. - (Second Women 's Frecks in -Levely Gray Tenes Afternoon frocks of the various silk crepes from crepe de chine te the heaviest Canten, and in various delicate shades of this most refined of all colors. They nearly all show the tendency te the low waistline; scarcely two are alike; some are tailored and some heavily embroidered; when they are beaded the beads are enchanting in color as periwinkle blue or bronze en the gray.1 The heavy cut steel belts are among the new features ; se are the long cape or winged sleeves, the tucked girdles and the deep crochet laces. Prices start at $65 and go te $210. (Flrit Fleer) TIT OMEN'S fresh Spring suits are of tweed, home heme rr spun and' novelty mixtures and appear in the most charming shades of rose, stone blue, tans, browns and grays, priced from $32.50 te $105. (First Fleer) L. I Aft 1 V? Yeung Women's Finely Tailored Spring Suits, $68 The exquisite tailoring in these suits, the beautiful materials and the effective styles leave no manner of doubt that suits will be worn this Spring, atjeaat by young women of 14 te 20 years. Fashion approves of them highly, when made.en these smart lines emphasized by Jenny and ether Paris ceuturieres. Nearly all the coats are lengthy and loose, and some are like Oriental sacques, with their widening sleeves and their ten dency te swing loose from the shoulders. One, long and straight and deeply slashed, is lined with vivid crimson crepe de chine. The eight new models at $68 include very fine dark blue Peiret twill and tricetine. brown velour check, and black or blue twill-cord with white hairline stripe. Seme are satin bound, a number braided, ethers strapped with self -material; and there is accommodating variety in cellars, packets, coat lines and gen eral cut. (Second Fleer) Yeung Women's New Silk Knitted Crepe Dresses, $28 A Bimple and girlish one-piece sports dress of this smart new fabric, in ladybird red, bobolink brown or the rich Italian blue. The sleeves are short, and the cellar and cuffs are of white crepe de chine with pleated edge. In sizes 14 te 20, priced $28. Sports dresses of the new silk-and-wool jersey in effective blues and greens are also $28. (Second Fleer) Elbow-Length Gloves of Fine French Suede The short-sleeved gown, the wide-sleeved gown, the sleeveless spring cape, all demand a glove that covers the arm well up te the elbow. These new 16-button-length gloves perfectly answer that need. They are an exquisite quality of fine French suede, pique sewn, and in nine beautiful Spring variations of gray, tan, beaver and brown Priced $7 a pair. v (Min Fleer) Women's New Flat-Heeled Pujnps of Patent Leather leek as if they were intended for children, but are. really for the up-te-date young woman. The short vamp, full round tee, buttoned strap, and low enameled heel are as juvenile in appearance as the bobbed' heads of the young women who wear them. A smart feature is th pronounced perforation of tee, instep wuatB wwynm avuv Mir. Millinery and Irresistible What with colors se bright as never before, and all this sparkle and glitter of orna mentation, any assemblage of smartly hatted women is likely te be a gay-topped affair. Te be sure, there are soft colored, quieter hats for these who prefer them. And the new flower-trimmed hats are especially lovely. Prices en Monday's new mil linery assemblage start at $14. Fleer) Parisienne Corsets Frem France Certain new topless models of elastic with long, straight lines and reinforcement ever hips and back. In 14-inch length they are $15. ' In 16-inch length they are Parisiennes of heavy silk elastic are $28 and $35. A pink elastic topless corset of perforated rubber, cut very low in the back and ideal for evening wear, $40. (Third Fleer) strap, top and heal foxing. And This the Greatest of EVERYTHING is here te g'ye the greatest of February Furniture Sales a splendid i new start-off Monday especially theP' furniture, and the furniture is the main thing. . In the "main thing the Wanamaker Sale is always strongest," and en the strength of the main thing it is going ahead wonderfully. One might be inclined te wonder "are these just se many words en paper, and noth ing mere, or have they any relation te actual facts and conditions?" We might print columns of words by way of answer, but we de net have te depend en words. Our one best answer is written in weeds and in workmanship, in qualities and quanti $148 for a four-piece wal nut veneer suit; triple-mirror dressing table, round-end bed, bureau and chiffonier. $187 for a four-piece wal nut veneer suit, Colonial type ; bed, bureau, chiffonier and dressing table. $202 for a four-piece Queen Anne mahogany Voile Dress Patterns The sort of thing that ia much wanted for graduation or confir mation dresses, net te mention mere usual white frocks. They are machine embroidered, but the drawnwerk en them is done by hand. Each pattern in cludes 2 7-16 yards of trimming; 2 7-16 yards of flouncing and 2V6 yards of plain material for the waist. Each pattern is $10.G0,, On the same counter are ex quisite hand-embroidered robes of net, organdie and batiste at $25 te $42.50. (Weit Aisle) New Beaded Handbags in Celers and Black Geed-sized bags with shell-finish frames in square and oval shapes and with fringe around the bottom. Most of these bags are in rich, bold colors and striking designs, but there are some in all-black. Price $16.50. (Main Fleer) 5000 Yards of Marquisette at 20c. a Yard Of geed quality, in white, ivory goods of this kind have ever reg. and ecru. ularly been sold for. tt, ., : v . , A fresh, new purchase, 20c a The price is about as low as yard. (Fifth Fleer) Geed Mirrors Are Seldom Se Lew as These A favorite mirror for the dining room is a five-feet-long buffet glass in a dull silver f r a m e with rich - colored . flower-and-fruit panels in oil N.at each end. Its lowered price for February is $75. Fer the living room is a wide three-section mantel mir ror in a particularly effective Queen Anne frame of dull gilt and silver. It is new $78. (Fifth New Spring Petticoats and Chemises White wash satin with double panels front and back; hemstitch ing for finish, $3.85. White tub silk with double panels front and back, and scal lops round the feet, $2.85. Envelope chemises of pink crepe de chine, tailored with drawn work, $5. Pink and white crepe de chine, lace trimmed, $5. Tailored radium chemises, $3.85 and $5. Others with tucked bands at top, $5.50. Other radium chemises in orchid and flesh, $6.50. (Third Fleer) Coarse Filet Bureau Scarfs "Imitation" re in eight different sizes from 16x27 inches te 24x76 inches-. Mi.T priced at V-25 te f,7 a unni hi) , . Lew Priced and Medium Priced Bedroom Suits (Separate pieces can veneer suit; bow-end bed, bureau, chiffonier and dress ing table. $225 for four-piece Hep pelwhite suit; bureau, bed, chiffonier and dressing table. $284 for a four-piece Queen Anne walnut veneer suit; bed, bureau, chiffonier and dressing table. (Sixth A Delightful Choice of Hall Runners in the Oriental Rug Sale The choicest let of pieces of this particular kind that we have had in years. Hall runners of such a fine kind are very scarce and very much sought after. If you are anxious te secure one of these, we advise you te act quickly. They are chiefly Hamadans, of a most attractive type, in pleasing colors, and all are priced below the regular prevailing rates. Sizes 3.9x12 te 17 ft. marked $75 te $150. ,.. The sale also affords a splendid choice of carpet-size pieces of remarkably fine ?J?a,!.Ityc15.?y' Araks richy colored, heavy pieces, $270 te $650, sizes 10.4x7.6 ft. te 13.11x10.4 ft. Kermanshahs, splendid heavy weave s, $575 te $895, sizes 7x10.4 te 8.4x11.10 ft. Mongolians, wonderfully fine rugs, $175 te $675, sizes 6x9 te -10x15 ft. (Seventh Fleer) Handkerchief Valentines for Women are as dainty and sensible as any that could be sent. We have the prettiest imported handkerchiefs all colored, or just a bit of color at 50c, 75c and $1 each. They include both Irish and French. (Main Fleer) An attractive panel mirror in French blue and dull cilt frame is new $8.50. Numbers of geed little panel mirrors, some with picture tops, some with decorative hanger tops, are new but $3, $3.50 and $3.75. All the mir rors in the Picture Stere, in cluding every kind and size, are in the sale at lowered prices. Fleer) The Subtle Breath of Flowers imprisoned en her dressing table in perfumes and powders is one of the necessities of a dainty woman's toilet. One of the most .delicious fragrances is Fleur d'Or, a French Claire perfume of famous quality. It is most at tractively bottled and boxed, and priced as follews: Extract and toilet water, $6.50 each. Face powder in various tints, $1.50. Sachet, 75c and $1.25. (Main Fleer) Quality Is Everything in Mattresses and Bedding All the mattresses, pillows, bolsters and bedsprings in the February Sala Wanamaker goods, and our whole stocks of them are included. . xrnces m nearly every lar figures. This is e ne of the two February Furniture Sale HI1 - : H 111 F, ' mi m i! liLP H I AS ni I ,w vl & 1 1 ties and varieties and economies unequaled anywhere. It is here for all te read. Fer our answer we depend upon the main thing the goods, and we will let it go at that. be had in most cases) $301 for a four-piece ma- hegany veneer suit in two tone color; bed, bureau, chif fonier and dressing table. $311 for a four-piece Queen Anne mahogany veneer suit; bed, bureau, chiffonier and dressing table. Fleer) Men's New Silk Shirts in Spring Designs ' Seme in the narrow pin and hairline stripes and ethers in cluster stripes, all en white grounds and all beautiful, clean-looking shirts. Broadcloth silk of geed weight and fine quality is the material in all of them. Prices $6.50 and $7.50. (Main Fleer) New Spring Styles in Men's Lew Shoes Three styles, all of them fine in fashion. Plain black and tan calfskin oxfords with unusually trim lines at a pair. $9 ?ta?n N?mes:ian calf3Wn tiens at $8 a pair. (Main An All-Inclusive Sale of Office Furniture Our entire stock of office furniture is offered in the February Sale at worth-while reductions from the Jatcst low market prices. And men of business who knew a geed opportunity are making the most of this one. (Third Fleer) New Shipment of Axminster Rugs coleri Standard BTad8 ,n an unusuay Sd selection of designs and 9x12 ft -.$48.50 and $56.50 4.6x6.6 ft. . ir;n 8.31.6 ft $52.50 36x70 if. " i::.';: ?S875 69 t $32.50 27x54 in. .""".V.V..V.V.". .SG (Serenth Fleer) Turkish Towels Geed and Big 50c, 75c and $1 Turkish applied te towels means bath towels woven of geed, cotton $1 each". re th be5t t0Wel8 f that Wnd We knew &t EOc 75c 8nd Theyare full bleached, well woven and of geed yarn. ends?" B In B Ch0,C f 8trlpe- aS Wel1 aS pla,n white' with hemmed At 75c-.goed, heavy towels that have a rough as well as a wmaaih surface and will .wear long and well. Size 21x42 inches. At $1 each geed, absorbent bath tnwi win, v..m... ... very soft and satisfactory te use. (First case are 20 per cent less than great opportunities of the year $323 for a five-piece Co lonial walnut veneer suit; bed, bureau, chiffonier, dressing table and night table. $335 for a five -piece Queen .Anne mahogany veneer suit; twin beds, -bureau, chiffonier and dressing table. oxfords with wing tips and perfera Fleer) Size 21x46 inches. ' Fleer) are our own latest low regu- in geed of thk kiarL m JQ fi . j i 'W '-1 II ltrt jit .-! 1 1 91 m 1 vr m i, Mi 4 mmm l''V.(tt j.-it:,., a .. ' thd-wi, -. JTffBWWl aiffiAwtflfs1.': at". ". ' l ff.fl?V airaj.w . - i i'uu.T .i iftJ! rMifiw-..- fArs!irx &smiLx. 8&rF iaplM ursy Jiiii jtyLL-jrj-.-a.vr1 r tn mmmmmmmiMMmmm&m .. ., , .j. K .