suvti sv: 'WL IM SSft. I' l' V r V - I .5 Bf Y i y u k v if K4 Vw I'M ft A'hst :, v vxe r v;'''. BR mmmmmmm M.W?mt,l&l l - r-vi;'.;s!wi55r" oed Cafe as C7ue $ Xfi'la in Wilwn Carte. ifvli Mnnllnntil fram P One lit? Normand went, into tlie office of Im Dlmtrlct Attorney. He wild: M "Nn one trill ever knew hew I rr-ijret St terrible t rural v. 1 hnve t old truth fri, fnllv everrthlns t knew And nm very SjS5ffcerry Indeed, 1 cniiiwt offer nny coin cein "jjvWS't' Men whatever am te the motive which Kremntcd the terrible ,.t-eii. I unve attuned the I -os Angeles nntlierltle.x. both police nml District Attorney' office, that I knew nothing nheut the tnurder, nnil hnve offered my services or A statement nt any time 1 may be Ailed te hern nntirehcntl the tiMnsln. "The handkerchief and kevvii found In Mr. Tayler', apartments have been ' Identified an ether than mine. It ha I been established that I wai net, in love with Mr. Tayler, that he CNeerted me i A .mv nit., time nvnnltitr ntiil nliiitt,,.! AlAl ..... Ill" ............ ...... 1.MIIII"! V matll I drove away, when wc waved i geqii-by te each ether. "Please tell the public that I knew absolutely nothing about this terrible happening and that Mr. Tayler and 1 did net quarrel." It was reported last night thnt ti ' woman nurse, whose name w as net Riven out, had told the authorities' the had een a man watching Tnvler ni he wni ayhiR geed -by te Ml.s Nennand shortly before he was murdered. The nurse's description of the man tallied with that Riven by Mrs. Deur. las MacLean, wife of a film actor, of K man lurking about the Tayler epart- ' menri), In that both said that lie were a i ti e ml ituft1et I Fresne Clue Alse Falli A report from Fresne that, the Sheriff there planned te arrest today a man , believed te be Sands interested the District Attorney and the police. Mr. wool wine nld he would be very glud te learn wanils hail been arretted, ns. i fce considered it a "vital clement" in the case. The Fresne man, who was reported tiring in a snncK en tne eaiiKs et tne Bun .fenniiln lliver. nrciviifl tiwlnv. lin.v. I ever, te be a prospector nemsd Sanborn, who had been living in the t-hnek for month. Mr. Ada Deane-Tanner, of Mon Men Mon revla, near here, who lat week gave out a statement that she was the "de serted wife" of Dennis Dennc-Tanner, brother of Tayler, characterized the statement of Mrs. V. O. furnum In Chicago thnt Tayler never had n brother a "a big mistake." "I ought te knew," Hald Mrs. Denne Tanner, "for Dennis Deanu-Tanner, Mr. Tayler's brother, was my hus band." ASS NORMAND IN MOVIES 12 YEARS Les Angeles, Feb. 11. Despite as sertions of her physicians that she was in a pitiful state of health, Mabel Xer- I mand. actress, lnt night appeared at I District Attorney Woolwine's office in response te n summons te tell her sterv of happenings preceding the murder of Wiliinm Desmond Tayler, film dinictnp In his npartments shortly after she left mm n weeK nge euncsiiay. She ap- "I1 ' ;"' "C"""V. . i n is i-.newii inni me iiistrict Atter jininlng the blessed baby" and "dear lahy" lettew which he wrote te Tnyle.- 1 and for which, ncceidlnc te hep s-terr new, she called en the director just before the crime. Mabel Xermnnd has been known in motion pictures for mere than twelve yenrs, first entering this field in Xew Yerk after previous experience as a chorus plrl and model. Cemcdy-bui toque was her early experience, under direction of Mack Senuett, te whom rtie has been engaged and under whose direction she new is and has remained t radically tlie whole of hep career. Fer many years in the "slapstick com edy" she was a stage companion f Bescoe C. Arbuckle, Fred Mncc and Ferd Sterling. Yesterday's operations included the following : A visit te the scene of the crime hv Woolwine In i"cren. ncceinnnnipil hv K. O. Jesscrun, owner of thp Alvurnile ' trept bunjalew, and Amnnd Fiwhcr. t Woelwinp'B chnuffpur. where, cmpluv Ing Fischer te imporsenntp Tayler. ' JeestTun explained te the District At- terney nil of the rlrcumstnner under I whlch the body had Decn found. I Peelilne Safe Dcneslt r, , uVi 5 . "neslt Redoubling efforts en the part' of th , rtPtertivcs te locate a second safe dp- posit it is ie.slt box belenjlnc te 'Jiyltir, whicn ' r urneu muy ee leunu te contain i ...111 .11 wnlt nu lnllan n. ll I - 1 M? I , TsiU. n d?": ! inents that may furnish stinie clue te -i motive for the murder of the film director. Renewed analysis e? the letters writ ten te Tayler by Mabel Nennand. the fllm stnr. letters which se inyiterieuslv were found after having been missing from the Tayler Dungaiew for nearly a wteK. m.lmU,..rl !... I.H I i uilinilir uuuuuni, I HUB Ifll 11KS Iimeil I In fiirnisli nv mnfprlnl nnlntlim .1,'n.i. directly or indirectly te the committer of the crime. ' Specific inquiry into nil of the an- i tecedents of Walter Underwood, ah- Bcending emple.te of thp Pacific Clec- trie Railways, who aner his arrest jcs. i Urdny in Teneka boasted of his ac- quaintanee with Snnas and of having hobnobbed with stars of the film wer'd, Including Mabel ermand and Mary Miles Minter, as well as of ucquuln- tance with Taj ler. Tragic Scene Ite-enacletl Dramatic In the extreme was the cene enacted esterday at the Taj ler bungalow. Fischer, Woelwlne's chauf feur, lay upon the froer, Impersonating In death the murdered film dlieiter as be lay when found by Peatey. Ins Ntgie valet. Jesmirun lnnl been one of the flrat te arrive upon tlie scene when the murder was dlsceu-red en the mum in of Februnry 2. He naw te It tes- tcrday that the position of the ehauf- ry mat tne mi merer, inan or woman, .. . ii ... ..... W8h eenrealeit in the huiiKiilevv at thu time that Mabel Nermnnd anil Tayler were engagcil In conversation. He or hh may have been upstairs in the bedroom, have overheard tin- talk, anil upon Tayler's return fimn tin- i urh, whither he had ebcertcd 'Mabel Nor Ner inand te her waiting car, huvo'shet liiin down. This theory, untenable If the public Ktatements tnadn by I'eave an- ceirect, te the effect that he was then- nm) knew that no one elm could have ciitcied without his Uimu-lcilgc, CUM- rise nt MUmi, It. (Hy A. P.) Renewed analysis of the ntntement ' ling and Wahlreti ojiesttl Hums be-jPniu tmrinjiui.- ,,.... "--.' ' ' . .. - .. ,..,, "'"' "' " ;',., V ' ' V ,,. ,, made seveial davs age by UepMtt D-s ", use the former sX.nUiepcr helped ','"" l be 1'aid te the emplejes e ers of the '"inimin. w theut the nu trict Attorney Deran by M-fy Mile- Ce.gre'sman Connelly when Walde., ' the eempanv out of "rnlnB1( ever and , VVTr1! I ..JiVlVir,f h,,t1: Winter, the motion picture star, was trj ing te win the It-publican above Miitl 0 per cent dividend. , "" 'p, f l (" ,h" f'' Vj ly her own admission was madly in nomination for Congress, lie aUn be- "As the Heard of Directors is the nuiy hate 8Sued it), if .te new h'sh love with Tnvler. This statement. Upip- tlmt Waldren feared that Uunn. I only body which has authority te tie- and return the inclesed prex, L'-ai lag a leur 8 UOUJT Wllltr niuiini in every Uclllll , .I' , .... tl.,,l ... V.... .I.el... IIIVIIII'IHI l-nillll-w iiiiimniiiiiu .won't nniivvir it 111- Mli'l. KM et'r fiiri!it,w:5Sc;a :;:! .-' " . .'," -tt. -That By ...,,.,, rr f .r,. rv. i T. k ,, m VKLuhaabevnteuM Minlsrj. Mr. I'lnrliet tel.l frh-iuls In- ,i,.mlH is iinwarrnnti'd iiihIpp exletlnc own?" WoelVlne nlter mnir' the clevnst '""' net t .lefl.lml whether te be- a . lomlltlens in nppaicnt from the state. "I wll ? ve thp f-ame nnucr te that l-.nVrf Ien of tht irS S mn eS : f''Jlt'' 'fir lil'fr"OT' ' '"'" "f the liir-oine account of tin- ipii-tien. In- lcplU'il. tence" fet Wtlme theS' T -.--".'-. . I P". nM r,mpnny for the twelve , . 1'. U. , T. eleck ,,, , t he :"";. 11.- once iiu uiB eeiii'i tint ininrnuuien et '..."i.. ii., ...... i,,, .lutomebl'i. con- "pemtiens 1 upward of .',i)i),iitJ. i cpe nml, M'lrctnry nnil u-iiHiifr. nun a different nature had Leen wninir from ", . """I'V: "' .". .". '' .,...".. ' '. '. I n,..,.i,,i. vulil. tin. cltv in Its ex- ,iir,.t,u Vf ib,. rnelnt-er nir Teel Cor- the whin he was iiuIhciI bv ,! "' '"" J ," n.i . 11. in u , ; ;. ". -- - . 1 ;""," ,,"" then from anv iwl-. Ij rir lWT .Jr. iA into .t ...," will, n cjiiimVt.en with ;. "par.icip Lien in tin- ..( A ... - TTT , , (he efhe- and heard liltn n-k for n job. I ether I'. It. T. undHrtakiiiKK, rtspiire the cenipmn . A M- elver ,ils,Hs asked. "Dapper Den" Flees Miami v, ,i.n. t1l(. I1Hn,.,.m!111 siprM,i m, te hi, ., ' n equal expenditure of earnings during . i.',.i. Ju'. TI ..., ..,. . 'J ... , WJJ 'Depntr Den" Cellins, wanted In New VV3J,V "I'll l ... v.'l.lMd, ,.1,11, in 111 ,1,-1Y LjCtL Yerk In cnnnrctlen nltli the hhoetiiiK of pAfJehn B. ncld, wealthy inuiiufacturei', 5Swhe later recovered, and in I,eh Ah- !re by autheritiPH invrsti.atiiiie the lug or William Denuieiul Tajler, te Miami tills week, but lied befern tUaWhe trailed him here could -waniinjr ie me jiiami iter wcy . v"-wjf.- - EV f.; '.. t'nil ruued A T"nd"roed MAOKIi XOKMAXD Who was ipiestieueil for mere than three hours last night by Dlstriit Attorney Woolwine, of Ik An geles, in cennec Ien tilth the Taj ler murder case n r , r Blll'tlS LOSCS J 00 Trr r . . CfS W OltWIl rVOteSt Cenilnufd from r.ntn One Domerratlc C'ltt ( Ic C'ltt remmittee. had urged nimi.nV nt itni-iw the annul rV i)llviu u.n r,.mllllln.l that idersed by Dennelly lui O'Denncll ' 1-'0I1I1C"- Women Want Cleanup "Mr. Dennellj has sunk In nit esti mation since he indorsed Hums" she replied. "Mr. Dennellj premised me Friday he would ask for the appoint ment of Mrs. Samuels. Democratic women will have nothing te de with underhanded method's which is mere than can be said fur some of the se- called Democratic lcadirs of the mm. "I have no personal animus against I Mr. Burns. I never met him. It seems Philadelphia decsn t want geed Quizzed in Film Case ''aST's,'- 'yE.'Ari' . n BBBBBV i. aBBBBBBBY I mm j iAr 1 af ' V -B II'ibbbbbT n m I IIbbbbW '''' 'v Jill i h i 6fcSi .w" I LbbbbbI aaatf i. '-? I ebbbbI BBB ' f ! '' 0r BBBBB Hf '7 ?A-r M lf bbbbbbI ' BBBB ' 'i" JR - ibbbbbI 7;-:i mu mm mws M mm WW?' J$!r ' Wmm ?,V?JB- fi, bbbbVH Bbv H? ,''?''. IbbbbbbbbbbbbbH f- BBBWjilF BBBBBV i "BBBBBVif"? Kl ,7VT :.''' JK tBBBBVBBB .' . -Vl SsBBBH bbbbbbbMbbJP ' mB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbM'' MJUbW BBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBJ' Vp3 B mbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbfJfv if 3 vllSvf 5 HIbBBBBBBBBBi 6Y Jgrrt KanS5BRHt Cr py BsSSbbbbI bbWI n,Bistnite,nu,iisttlllln?,o,vn.!ew.n!of th, re,pn,. i, nl" clmlrninu of llln IMtld Women ule detcimined net . in s.mnil Tnr thnr sort of tliinz. Miner ' Moere 1ms t'li'iineil up the stret-f but remc of us tteulil like te .cu ether thlnfis clt-nneil up." Tlif dc-iri' et the t'cmerr.iiic tvemi'ii tn imm tmi of ilirir n- nnmed te Mir ceeil I'lvnbrettn shows ene side of tin opposition which balUftl thi iippeliit- nit'nt of IVirus. I'n'illnil rlvilrv .mil jeuleiis'v miike up the ether sule. Although Hums is n Deinnrrat nml wus inilerseil li thp DeinoPiatle "r- ganizatlnn. n 'littlp Idi'lUht thrown tedav en tin- uiimiipr in whleh tllP clt cembliip works hnnd In Klete OTth semt, Democrat-. ltccistcr of Wills Cinnpbill, leader of tw Twentt -lifth Wind. t"dat t iiIekIp.1 uUrns. nnd said lie Is nm- of the ln--t uulu i ' i .1 u . "'1 ?MZ .Ln;! II . le, ""l.h "; ; " man 01 inmi ""-' -"""' '"-, -"' Hint section ami one "'"" nine bepti 11 credit te the miner juilieinrj . Mr. ( amphell Mild Uurns 1m se popular that when he ran last tear as a minority candidate for magistrate he carried the minerit mik- in me Tttenty-fifth Ward. The UegP-ter 01 tt ins eeiievt-s hier !..... I.I I. ...M.I .... .. . ... 1I1I1L ,,111111.111 I. Ill III lIUll 1,11111. nS Illimi'-llUII'. nuillll UUIIH ill. .1 Miuiif; ....,.. U .,,;,. I,, ,1m 'Pliirlt .ln-sl U'mfiI and se weaken Wnldren's leadership Hums himself appealed a little injs. tilled today eter the sudden upet lie lhes etir a miIoeh at Keiiliiginu ainl I.ehigh .itenues. wlikh h- -dd a month (ije. The tmii-fer wint through ,us- tenia. "I am Mill a c.indidati- for magis- trate," he said. "1 ciu't understand whj Waldren is against nu-. He and I have been peismial fi lends for iv a long time " (lott-rner Sproul sail,,,! tedav from New Voik for Uiiwiim. He left behind htm a kln we. d for Iliurj MiipUii. Vnn. lui.I.'t- nml rlmiimnn .,f H... U.,!. .V (Wnunt.n.Ln ! (- I LiitT II 111 lllll' 11 (J "lllll' II -II l"ll ' 1 1 1 - I ns n piiidiiiiiti- ter iiowrnei. At tin--uiiit- tiiiii-, tliere wus u u-newnl of tin-ili-Lluratleiis thnt MikKpv i nuM ram mnml the Mijuiert nf vllliiiin riinu, vvim wus the Iloe-.i'vclt leailt r vvhi-n tin-("iiliitii-1 -went tin- Stnti- in I'll" It i ii-sirti'il tlmt riinn vvniilil lmi - - . .. ...-- -.. I Tiiuiin iii rfrri un vuin 1 inilMI3 nc 3HVCU rHinuuu' Policeman Arrested Four Men Who Hnnteri Jeh In Aute Itv iii-n-stiiiL' -l mini fur no mom ,,n 1 V ttn-C , 1 1 Hn te ini c ie iisiv nir vvuiu. i iiiiiiiiiiiiii m..i f ti...,ln nml Cl,..n- MnJ.ii .itlini. tlifi,, IlirTuri 1- III int. - -. . ..,.. r '" .:. " "''': .... i ' "V'lifrem earnlints for renewal account, n lie pii,relI of Ilredskv. lirelhci, woolen iiiiiniifii liners At neon today It was pnv hour at the Iliedekt fm tei iei ut the feet of On - nnd iir-kcd fm- Ills drivi-iV iic ease. Th Mill. IIHH ll l"l ...- ....... ' ...- ' jehhr mnn wan iinnhle te i rnducp one I -millf, lllllll ,.." HI I' ," miliivi- "Hi I nnil Selulexer nm-sti-i! him nnd the ether jeiiiik men in the car They enve their irimes iih Hviiii I.c Mnrr, Feveiith street ik-.u- Spiitis tiaiden: imwaru .u-.n liter, n street, Kensington ; .lenn rarrity. , Btrrcc.iieur xweutii, uuu .jeun tiw-chet-kjL Eleventh ttrcct near Celumbiu aveau ....I.. .,.,.., ...,,1 S'l.ll i.u.r ..-nu Klnml. IlllUlllilll llll-H'llM'il ii"-' I'-iin ' "-V "I afficreKassBB m&nwmm. - - rf? taW'.w,"Vi IMHIIIIV -it 3'.-,M.MH - JJNWNU - 'VJM p . 2. 7 Me1 i9uy (nntlnnril from I'use One of them te vote the said slimes at the nnniinl meet lug of tl"' stokehelders of the 1'. It. T. Company called for ed nesdax. March le. Ill--, and nt any and all ndienrnments theieef upon nil mat Iters coming before the said meeting. ' Ts Iteply te "InstirBents" ! The netlen of the 1. It. T. empleyes .today was regarded an a reply te the action et i lie nisiirfii-ni. tuici-itui at n hurriedly called meeting in the Land Title HulWing jesterciay ui which I Maver Moere was present but did net ! tote. Had the Mayer net been present 'the meeting could net hove been held there would have been no quorum. At tlie meeting plans were made for 1 h call for proxies, and an amendment 'of the rules was discussed. s0 that di rectors representing stocKiieiners weuci have the right te receive proxies as well as the directors representing the com- The insurgent directors are William I. Montgomery, chairman of the beard; .1. .T. Sullivan. William V. Tripple. Frank Iluck and C. .T. Matthews. They have senl -out n statement te all stock holders outlined the nlms of the re re teltlng members of the beard. The statement follews: "Te the stockholders of the Thila delphla ltapid Trnnsit Cempnnv: "In our letter te you dated Fcbrunry 3, 1022, wc requested you te withheld tour preie which you had been asked te give te certain officers of this com pany, and te await our further com munication. The Heard's Resolution "The undersigned Directors, all of , whom were elected by you at the last annual meeting of the company, are the ,nnl members of the beard elected hv Itlin" stockholders who are net snlarled etlicers : the inclesed proxy is sent pur suant t a resolution of the Heard of Directors, reading ns follews: " 'RESOLVED. Thnt the Beard of Directors lierebv authorize William .T. I Montgomery, chairman of this beard, te , send te the stockholders a request for ironies, in the form .submitted te this t meeting, containing the names of Wit-1 inm .1. Montgomery, Ftank Ruck audi William Y. Tripple ns proxies, te he used at the next annual meeting of the C0111P.UIV en March 1.", l!)'.'. or au.v adjournment thereof.' , "The communicntlen which was sent ten reeentlv hv eflicers of this com- which indicates a falling elt In revenue, panv. tequcMlng you te semi proxies as compared with last .tear, that Is a te tliem. was sent without the authority matter of some considerable concern te of the benrd and the active propaganda ! the management.' and canvass for proxies te be used nt I "If these statements arc correct, it the next annual meeting, new being i Is improbable that n dividend can be tarried en by officials and etnplejes of paid during the .tear 1022. The un file cempant. without the sanction of dei signed directors hope that conditions tl;e Heard. The three persons for whom ' may improte s(, that dividends mny be proxies were requested, namelv T. E possible, hut thej would he untrue te Mitten, W. (' Dunbar nnd ('. A. Rich. , their trust if they did net make these ardsen, arc efficcw of the company, who j facts known te the stockholders nnd te ii-c new di awing compensation nt tlie ' the public, who may be misled into buy rale, in the aggregate, of .?10S,000 a ing stock in the expectation of receiving tear ' dividends which may net be paid. "The undeislgned directors nre net I "The undersigned dirt ders, repre repre eflieers of the cemfinny and would, nn-spntlng the stockholders, have net en tler no circumstances, accept any office tered into nny contest for proxies nnd or employment in connection with the 'de net Intend te de se. They consider futtue management: tne? nave no in- I teict whatever except te discharge their iiliities as directors te the stocklieMcrs own intestment in the nronert.v. "After mature deliberation, we have reached tlie conclusion that it is our duty te edvie the stockholders that we have found the present method of con ducting the business of the company unsatisfactory. One of the by-laws of the cempnu) provides : "The president, subject te the con trol of the chairman of the Executive Committee, shall have general buper buper tisien, direction nnd control of the business and affairs of the company. Mr. Mitten Is Assailed Themas E. Mitten, who is president tlie ceinpanj . is also chairman of tlie Executive Committee. He has in i y. in nctirc con-trueil tills bylntv te citt' liini authority net only te tendtict the mtllnaiv of epprntiiiff the com- without consultation with the beuiil. hut te commit the company te inieitniit linaiuial obliRiitlens and policies in advance of any knowledge thereof en the part of the benrd. "'I lie company has been committed en tn tlnt tliey may work together for the (pitHtiens of public pelic.t, rates of fare, ,0mnien geed of the city, the men and questions of valuation-, the nctpii- tl(, stockholders. Mtien of property, negotiations with "Sixth. Te institute e'onemlcs in t li the flty in connection with the rrnnk- peiatien of the cempnn . Including a ford lease, nnd ether matters affecting consideration of the compensation paid tin- financial pelicv and development of ,() tll(1 president, which, se far as jour the cempnnv. without previous anion ,ireeters nre advised, new ameunls te bt the heard. This is in disregard of ,u least .?ir)S.(MI0 a .tear, nidinnry procedure, nml is in our "Seventh. Te resume tlitidends se OMIIHUl IMIl iru PIT llllllllllisil Ull-lll "L 'he affairs f th.- company, and is net i in tin- interest eitlier or tne puenc or ,,, stockholders. "On .lanuarv :10, 1022. Mr. Mitten "We Inclese u pi-eNy which ou are made t-eitnin statements in his tall; te itquetetl te M311, ttltli one subscribing the men which have gitcn the linpres- witness, and return 111 the inclesed eli sion te the public- thnt a dividend of 0 t elope te William V. Tripple, KI2S per cPtit 011 the stock of the lMiilndel- Chestnut street, l'hllndelphla. iihln Kanid Transit Company will be "We are piltised by counsel that th- . - I -in. a. a 1 iti Ulll.l I '"II. I ........ ..... .......... -. l .ll....lnnrlL llin 1 1,1 ,1 l-rtni- Pi V nf Stll'll i lull- in, nu nu-., . .... r. -,...-.-.- n slnti.miMlt. without liri'VlOUS ton - ten - sulfitien with the beard, is manifest, 'Moreover, the statements have given a fnKe impression which the uudei signed directors desire te (errect. lhey arp themselves heavy owners of stock of llie l'lilladelphia Itaild Transit ( eiu- , and an- unxieus as anv stock- I, elders thnt the -company shall resume the imvincnt of dividends at the enille-it pess.iile menieiu t e nope mac t iivi- dciuls m:i lie pain miring tne tear 1.1.-. but thire Is no certalntv unit tui win b the case. The Rapid Transit Cem- pany. nleng with ether public utilities euiiaiiles, is sti'i -iiusgiiug wuu con- .litieit, bruucht hImiiic by the war. and uh.l.i tlie lliiniKinl CO till Itieil of fllG ....... ...v . . eiiimiiiv U iiiiiirevlnc, iliu- te tlm in- 1 1 .1 1 -l. ........ 1 (!) ii ml tlinf ii rr Ii nnnl iYiyi Liitit- rtl I hi- tlin itfii- ma-t' in fun- bv tin- I'ulilie Si'ivlm cmiileji-H. Coiiiinlkiien le m-vimi I'eiiti. nxninst Mr. "Tlmt i only n f-ninll proiiertinii nf Mittun' niote-t ami nrtive i-fferU In the cenipnny'h 000, 000 shaic,-, In- ru--li'-ioMtlen tlinicte. it is net pe-ili i- te plicil. ferei list with nrfiirney when tin- n-- "Hew nuich I men I inrtlen steik tl-i imptlen of (livIili-iKls rnn In- miiile. ' hhii ' ;; w ,l,n afflePN ,f , ll.n ....mnnnv .TillllllllV 111. III2L'. Ill i note te this statement, u-ferring te thu InimiiiRs -f 11)21, It was Mild: ."t llicnmu in .-i,c-i,-.i-.uif im n e.pended for iements In ac- . B1 C.A" (H0 !f 1... . - . ...i ..,ii,ii.1, iimn.iKr-nieiit. IniTi-nht-il iippiopriatlens i 'lulred in eiilcr te make ncccyary l.n- pievi-ments In the condition of the prep. "rty. net only um-,1 up all the moneys , '-'V,''1 thrmiKh decrcahed wmtes, but in iii-- i Colnman .7. Joyce, Esq., jjenernl . . l.l'lll ceuni-el ler tli tlen jireceedl fore the I'm this company, In tlie valua- IIiirs new being Heard lie 'ubllc Hervlca Commission, mai'.e the following statement en Jan- nary 21, 11)22: --.Mr. .Jeyce: 'leH, sir, I mar say. tee, your honor, fee jour informa tion and for the information of the city's representative that jraUs 1e emhwl IPPP nnr ..I. I1II. IP- 1 1.1 llllll I'a t llUiiLU't niuinn i'm.m hh-hhi- ?gngWK5l 'iKVSM I - liBDQ Friend of Tayler (r) mtern'itlenal MISS W1XIFRED KlXfiSTOX Miss Kingsten's photograph was (he only cne of many film stars In I). Tn ter's hnmn that was houeied with frame. She Mji tliey were only goetl friends ... , Hie, decrease in revenue, ns con pared with last jear In December showed 2.14 per cent, the deciease in levenue for January, fe far as the dally reports compiled indicate. Is 4.05 per cent, tney nave perlermed tneir ten uuty in luting thee facts befeic ou. If th stockholders, knowing the facts, ilesli ic e nrcsent. they have the power te de it We have every confidence, however, that you will send your proxies te jour di rectors, who, with etir support, will exercise the power vested in them for the following purpeses: "First. Te continue the business of the cempant under the same officers se far as possible. Want Changes in Ry-Lnws "Second. Te make changes in the by. laws se that tlir tin- Iteiinl of DlrtTtnr'. iuiip.'r shnrc in thu mnn - shall have Its ngement and control of the affairs of the C0V:Wi V i I ,.,""" I J" cu .ue ,,,, s , y ; tne iiclnhs and of the public, se as te make a prompt nprepincnt for the operation of the Fiankferd elevated. "Fourth. Te develop plnns for better service te the public. "Fifth. Te continue the piefpnt working agreements with the men and te continue nnd strengthen the co-op- catien lietwcen men . ml S00n BS tni' llliailCCS Ot U1CI t'O lip.l It , justify it. with. he hope that in di. - time emitted ilividenils en tills stock ma. i,0 mn,p ,, (0 tw sto-khelders. . IUtC!' tlnlC. t 11 r 1 -1 1 I'tTT t TT T CCTIIVIV ' ' .1 l.lkLi.tll.t 11 ,1. ML ljj.1 .t. . "Land Title Iluildlng. "WM. Y. thippm:. "1H2S Chestt.ut street. "C'HARM'.S J. MATTIIF.WS. "417 Aich strict. "FRANK RIVK. "l.'O," North Fifth stiecr. "WM, J. MONTGOMFRV, "Northeast corner Second strict aim tJirard avenue. "Phindelr.hia, Febiuary 11, lii2'.'." A Question Unanswered Mr. Tripple, uu attorney and ene of the insurgent directors, was tern tin nfternoen of the URoreUS : mevrm'Mt nf tlie V . 11. T. StOf'U tW Ot UlP IlKl tmit ' 10.000 hIiiuus lnnl lircn DmiRiit Dj tin- .... jeu own.' no wns iif-urii. loll t'nil llnlV III-' lii-euuii, inn 1 in... tli. of .000 slinr.-s cm 1. ll. lit 'J.'P -j . U'.'i'l 1111(1 liS. Allnllll' block of 10IH) hiuireh went jui-t neime desliiK at 2H. The epvlilllK pi lie was 2IIVJ, cniupared with IS'.'C, hi t niKht, but tin- stock wan quickly bid up te 21, or within V of the IiIkIi price of the jtear inniK- lnt r-iiturdii. Ask Receivers for Teel Company An injunction Inn. been nM.ed In f'euit of (Vuniiieii 1'lens by Frank II. .TennliiKs and ethers aputiiht .lehn A. Hawthorne, presiiieni, nun .riuur i. Dr, Pearcc Bailey Dead New Yeilt, Feb. 11. Dr. 1'carcc Hntlcy, who hcrveil as colonel in the Armv Medical Cerps during the war and was awarded a DUtinguihed Serv ice Medal by President Wilsen, died today of pneumonia in his fifty-seventh ear. Dr. Ilalley. one of the leadtni; neiiiepathlsts and ryciiiatPJts jn the .United Htates, ,whh n ineuilpr of the State Cemmigsin- fns yMWJ-4e, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. , IbBBBBBBBBBbKAIw BBSr BMBMBBBBV -, -'-:'l BBBBr ' " 7BW Wm ' X,! Hs l&x3MMxmm Xtt DOCTORS OPPOSE N.J. BILL TO SAFEGUARD MARRIAGES Realize "Impossibility" of Enforcing Health Certificate Plan S"fHal Dispatch te Bvertltie rM Meer Atlantic City, Feb. 11. Physicians here placet! themselves en record Inst night ns opposed te the bill new bcteru flie Legislature requiring that couples applying for n marriage license In this State mut present certificates signed by a reputable rd'slclsn stating Mint -the are net suffering from a conintnnicnb'e disease. A heavy penalty would be im posed en physicians found guilty of sii. plying false certificates. This action was taken at the tuenthlr meeting of the Atlantic County Medical Society mjm nt the Chnlfente Hetel last night. "While the society Is thoroughly In nccerd with the spirit of the prein.sui law, the members also renllzc the Im possibility of enforcing it, nnd for thai reason object te It being placed en the statute books," said Dr. Richard Bcw, president of the society. i The Legislation Committee is consid ering plana looking te the recall of Cor Cor oner Arneld DeRrler for his netlen in furnishing ball for Dr. William Hrickcr, convicted en one charge of criminal op eration nnd under indictment for an other, while holding the office of Cor Cor oner. They will make a recommenda tion nt an early meeting. SAYS RAIL PAY IS TOO LOW Expert Declares Freights Have Risen Mere Than Wages Washington, Feb. 11. (By A. P.) Existing freight rates are 11.1 per cent nlieve the schedules in effect In lHl.'l. while wages of railroad empleyes arc only S4.ll per cent above 1010 levels, Frank J. Wnme, statistical expert rep resenting lailread labor unions, de clared today before the Interstate Com merce Commission. Mr. Wnrne as seited that as Insurmountable obstacles had been picsented te attempts te fix the rate of wages of railroad empleyes prier te 1010. his comparison between the rates and labor scales could net be brought te the same time bais. "Mnt assuredly these comparative percentage Increases of freight rates en one hnnd and wages en the ethcrl" he added, "justify the statement that there call UC new n reiisiiieniiiic reuuciien In transportation lates without any de crease in the wages of railroad cm cm plees, "The Great majority of empleyes en railroads today are net receiving a wage sufficient te support themselves and their fnmilies in decency and comfort. In many cases their present wage does net meet even their absolutely necessarj fixed climges for feed, clothing anil shelter." HARDING GETS MARKET BILL Heuse Accepts Senate Amendments and Passes Measure Washington. Feb. 11. (Ry A. P.) Bv a Mite of 270 te 8 the Heuse today accepted Senate umendmcntB te tlie Farmers' Ce-operative Marketing Bill nnd sent It te the President for his approval. The measure, long before Congress in one form or nnether, would permit or er or ganisateon of marketing associations among humors for co-epcrntive dealing. Accuse Four of Election Fraud Ilarrlsburg. Feb. 11. William S. McKay, B. M. Africa, C. W. Blsljep and (ieerge Hemgarteii, members of the Third ptcclnct, Third Ward, Harris bnig, have been held for court en the charge of conspiring te make lalse te- i turnx. TtvMity-tttti voteren nllccu tlirv ' ' vetP,i fr Harry (.'. Wells, for Clly! Oeimril lif-t .Nnvfinecr. Diilv flevpu' totes nnncar en the tally for him. The dpfendants will nek that their returns be verified from the ballet be'c in court. CTANNERING JH Vmir Speech Hefecta Corrected 5 " THK KINT.Sl.r.Y PLAN t "Send ter Circular Phene lValnut 109t fTTiiH J2I5 M'nlnut bt., l-lillii. iTrriTiJT? waMaMMMn3rxaMvMBHBvHBwirw Come Along! j Save Meney! Buy New! Egg Ceal . . $13.50 per ten Steve Ceal . . $14.00 per ten Nut Ceal . . . $14.00 per ten Large Pea Ceal, $10.50 per ten Cash Price for Short Time only HANCOCK'S COAL IS BEST! Since 1866 ALSO WOOD! Hickory nnd ealc legs (fireplace' length) rine Kindling woea Indies long;, uy leau or cera. 9th & Master Sts. Y 26th & Washington Av. 0T'7n AAil ?, Mocte- file Belmont -row . iiiumvi s... 02.70 MB CATERING 22and24SeulhRfthStreeh PHILADELPHIA CEIL PrWKE-lOM5AnD5530-KYJTOHE-MArH 1327 wmm When next you contemplate entertnininKi nt your request, Mr. Wiener will he clad te call Upen you in person te nscist in planning, and te estimate the cost. We serve every variety of function, no mutter hew large or smalls Weddinp Keceptiens, Afternoon Teas. Card P.utles, Banquets, Mutlcnlev Dances, Children's Parties, Etc, Our service is new and beau tiful, and under personal man agement of WALTER W. WIENER W f f A .,.-4 :,Ti u'a.'.jmrfAiM.i il!R''IK"-i JT ,, - - '- ii HOUSEHOLD GOODS KIT.Ct.U, THIS UT.KK "hUT"'. .??". S 140.00 .tul rwflvfil contents of a Urtre rrMticr. Kvtrythtng must l9 Held rtsaMlfss et test. MORRISON STORAGE' B!t9 MAItKRT BT. . Guticura Seap The Safety Raier Shavind Seap Cutfairt Be hw wlthmtanr. -Ttrrwturt K. Pavement Lights Pavelltlit dceri, Pare- nent (tlnil all makei , ta'ttaelt. Itepilrt a llVIHt,. f ! CIUBli rttlrway and Orlll e'. Structural iteal. Mltcellineeut Iren. Bhapet of all ktndi In itec'.t, Montgomery Iren & Steel Ce. 918 Berk Street Have Your EYES EXAMINED nv a Reliable Optometrist J.E.STRECKERCO.,Inc. 3017-27 Ruth St. Kenalnuten and Orleans) llilrty eura' tuitrltnce ITS? BEST COAL WE SERVE YOU RICH! Owen Letter's Sens Lergttt Ced Yard ra PhilaMpU TRENTON AVE. & WESTMORELAND ST. WRITE OR PHONE NOW! I Bell, Frankford 2150 I 1 Keystone, East 7754 FARM AND GARDEN BURPEE'S The Best Seedsthat Grew Burpee's Annual Is The Leading Amer ican Seed Catalog. It describes the I Rurpr-e Quality Seeds. If you nre in terested In gardening, Burpee's Annual will be mailed te you free. Wrlte for your "Annual" today. W. Atlee Burpee Ce. 485 North Fifth St. Philadelphia IN MKMOKIAM BALFOUR In Invlus reine-nbrance ROnFRT A. UAI.FOI-It. vihn den Ihle Teb. 11, 101S. Thy memnr ever chcrlsl catljs I ASHr.VHFtST. In France. ItenH Aenii.Mll-lt.iT, te H. Till Miehlne liattallnn, will be bulbil in the Phlln. Na HARTRAM At Crarsnlrlcs. V. .1 nn ih 'Sth.lnat, CLR i: HARIRAM, In ber 07lh M-at linatlves und friends Invited te funeral setvlees sni n I" .I from t ifsldence nf ler ceu'ln Chas M HimtlnT. Cinssvvlcks. N J. Ini Oitliodev Hurvlnc and Jlammli et, ate invlict iii'Vi". ri ral fr m Un I m lesldince ." --, v i.i .',' Caindrn, N. J, Mm, 11 A AI Vlevvlnir , Mt. It.illy r.-in.-terv u.iu i- j " f nie.V ( all l-undav evening iiiiium Bprlius. t'el. JIldUKf. V.. son nf Mien " and Kivlhiulne Carey He ailvm and frlenda Invited te attend funernl. from the re.i" deneei of liu f.iher Michael" Carey. rl Laurel, Moerestovvn. N J . Jlen Feb 11 J.dO A 11, IliKli mass of requiem at" Our UAl.Lil Itl) (1. 111''. at ft-.i. jSm ' wfilwttltl V W'MMi I .' WW ll P)gBtHHHfJ7?i J 'AiCTBPMCMMMgl iienni i-ni.. uermantewn Mnn.. L- 1 it ,i ,..ifA f w-iiiinm i inhnu, .'".:.... i rnxIIKI.Mt.i. ekcii HAC1IMAN. IMi, it WALLACH I:., hus- KnVnds nnd nieirN-i, , f the Cnlun La. i t '" eV "' Andrew J Hair S. MB. bund of Laura Hurbmnn Relatives and M ":. nViirch Invited tn funeral kitvA- Arch and Iblh .,ct.. Mnn it A M . h' friends nvltid te funril bervlrts nn Sat., at vnn an P M "100 Celumbb. ..I ie!' tl.e serv ccs will b" held. Int rrlvite. ?&.!:?""" ?."'. N' 0rln'v " '''MpVHa'te: Frlinds may cnU Sun0.'. ",X,'n Int VAUOHAN.-Feb 10 HMILV STREnPEB. tument Nonhvvi.ed t'emeteri. ' KELLY-On Tel, S. 1022. MILDRHli r- v Ife of .limes D. Vaushan. Re'atlves inl RACHMAN. Feb. 10. LL'EI.LA M. vv Ife I beloved vvlf- nf Flank A. Kelly, "f i.V.. friends Invited te funeral ren Ices. Tuei.. I of Wnltcr S Hechmin due ltnrlwt) Fu- mjr.i. N .1 . and daughter nf (ieerxe nn,l P M . at her tate residence. OI idftSii,Mn: Peru! services Men. 2 1- Jl . ;23 N. rasenlstay Vnllmci. nRed 25 vears. P.M-itlve" nn Itemeiv Ce.. Pa Int. private fn'"''" at. Int. prlvnte I friends n.e Invited tn the funeral, nn T, .... t.i Ardmnre for train leavlia Hreid .t, SUV ..""J Tr0,,MU '?, J A ill en will nie-t n,iHes and tileniln lnvi..,i tn funeril .:.; nt Helv Cresn i em. 11';,3,ri'JR.,I?m.M'"'1",l St lerrJ'- ,hll- ' ces nn Mennu. t L- I". M , nt li', r iiemV ! M'CllI Wl' 1". HANMi:!. G, end 12. IS train trem Trvr.ten, at Hurden-, ,,idenee WIS N. Stillmnn Bt. lnter,n"m I ,i, late Jiimes un-1 Nellie Wnush of Drta;. ,0ttn N' J Nnrtti iViliir, lllll CemMerj n lends m"j ,!l r l-nrlsh t Inver. County Ier.en . Irj I1AYI.IS. At tier lexld.ree, Vine nt.. Uall n''r 7 e cleik bunil iy evcnln ,! ,.!., rtelKtlveH and friends ere Invited Milln. 01 IVI. .' 1-.2J. MVHY n. .lauVh-1, ,'-v' , nfJ i., a'1 i "Ite" ?."' Hsm. .tend fungal. Mnn.. fan M. ren ter nt thn lute H'lilimln M nnd .MurBnrpt "'"Pe,"!-' ,??i,"' ' i',:r,', l1,:mnurK f hln untl- Dan III II aillffhr. 3J9 . Hvll. Men Ice nn Mind iy Hfteinnnn, the W1UWJN. 1 "'"I" of n'","1,'?''" H. anil the -7tli st Snler.ln rennlem maw nt tM 1-Jtli Inet . nt -J n'.lerk. at thn le.ldence of Ia' ,3'! JJ-.LVvYe'. nS si, " -PI? f.,.len'1'' ' lircli nf Our I-edy nf Victory 10 A. . hir Iretber H M Hnjlis. Levvee. IVI In. "? 1,?,1'c ',5 " r lids is'V.,1" Kt ll t. Hely Peuulclne Cem, ,. lerment at st fl.-erk. s i hap I (Vmtterj. ' Jl" !,n erlvi'te c"'nut wri HV I'-li 10 1U22, nt hii lat? rerf- HHCKHTT -AI her re-l.lenre. 7H'. .V 1'ld ."u-irtK- Tt tlan"e City V r r... ,, .r,... sin Hrnmlvvav, Cnrrden. N. J. t. en IVI.. 10 Hi.-.-. JITII.HA R widow M All" U . v lllev v "f 7.-1 ndKirl, 1,'L 1'WI 11. hu-tmnd nf Kit. M VMtt nf rinnlilln h ireekftt SL- jn,,re Hela- nf'i." ie City, In her 7Stn vear sIrvT,r.V 'lire Venl'-iflle) nEe.l 117 I iiernl "!" , tlvcs and filendu ni nulled in the service t,h ' V. M. leHd.'nre at hi, cr ) " I 'l iie 10 :m A M . "t apnrli ,nn of W. B, n Mendi at 2 SO n'elecli, nt r , '. V H, An "3 1.V ' Im1"1'"1" m ll'urr.11. 4'-'T MnrUni-t IMmden. S.; the Oliver H. llldr.. m.'O Cheslnm , n t ' rU-anl M .U IVeS i ' ' ( R"fclnl J,, ' prlvatV. j'tai lelKl. Om ft enJ.s mt Iiiter.nent private NICHT - At Clmilernl. P . r-,, ill nt Huriell ApartinuntH. .Mnn,, i Ut ?as:SiS E3fir-t? 'MwssBr?-,Sf- fcJS: Julia and the late Hilam II. Herry ItM i-1 " linrTCSl 11 --r.l. i in 2 nn' ee . fJ-Hlnenc-. 0H I-'"-'",t Bt' ,nt- Vi'aST' i'JSi "Mm.""';"!!" fV",,';!,? "!'Tnd ' level 'w lie 'of Jehn J ' limiri g ' InuwS gn. Heinalns may b. viewed BUf :,SS!eri0,,A.',S nl &&S H&: fiSsnli nVVnnne1 Italian W, "mJIKni.Y-I'el, in Si. ,:MMA , ,ffl -unjlBv .lenlni. i. o'cleiK. imer,nt N'Wf.rgj,, "TI'L ' VeK 8. 10-2. CABR. .,.7;ilan l-.'n ml Ver, e. M m I 'a ,"Hr J", in" - 'm"""' J "' ml3 ",u- ,vulllm Wlnbiri. need sn llelntlv.s rff at 2 I' M at her iniMiiH e .l.'i.n Ttiini n Sl"' ' 8 . - ( ?f nnl i.rViivllc-1 le ..'tend funerelstrH imilu. N J -Int .I n.Hfc. .V J i-rB, LYONS. ),eb 7 1022. HMMA II. , widow I V ' ,. her lole lesldeme. S-'10,N. - ,! 11181-iillMin -Iter 7 1- M ' " U ' of d.erB" . l-vene I'ltnernl eervlreJ nn U'.' "' ai I- M preclti-lv Hit West LaurSlJ HOVHIl On P. -, n ii2J ANNA Vlll. I Ndtuid.ij. at 2 I'. .M . at the r-HldenJ. n? ' Nm 'cm ' .. . i.,J OINIA. vvKIea- nr HlH.rd llnyef lieHti',', ,i "T Maushu r lln, Jehn Jr. Mahsney, (1I1IT I '"ll AinV Keli I. HHII'OIIT "lfe of IstsJ end f I len Is an Inviiel te the mmIc en Ma"'r Bl liju-nnent linvvne. Ceil ete, j, , ,V,'v' Ini-' Jlurlln) rtelfltlvcs " .Monday (.vvnliiB m s n ( i0u5 nt her Inn. I llenn. ns mav he Vli vvej I'rldny ev mlnK. '".""J. invited t i attend funen I JIea..lM IreMldeiue. n.Jj Um IIomeii n'e iL jradlllllt - Kcli. HI. HIS.-, MAIIY ANN frlfn?S t her lat " leal leme 1227 S. Duck inent nt Pert I'.liilnn l'a , en Tucslii ' lf ut William J JlncOirr ' Kunernl Hum" A-M't H.ilemn mafl nf i.-nulem at . imOWN u Hn.i.ltal, ivh a I J neon reldenin of son. Almander Jl "e "ll ,"nVs C urcli 10 A JI. Int Hely Cresfl 1112.' , WIU.IVM'K IlltiiWN Hbminn C.lrr, IH'II Havhrnek Hve. Int nt llreen 1 1 111 A"'non s : Hnnilv.-s.ind fi.l.nil" 1 1 linbl., r Ji.i J . ''em. WIlmlniHen, Del. WUinlmrieii Daiiir, e .vt A.nmln Cltv. N J.. Feb & Nn 117. r. rmi A Jl 11 .u i- v.-,- .;,".:,- lteasncniiy Yl."-'"": ..:;,.,, vimhii-.u Hen el MM HL'CK. - In New lrk rjiy, j-..b In prlv.ili '.". .Irlvate. ' jh MAIIY KHOHI'.ItUKIt wl.iew nf J ,;,,; ,,' MAliHi: - l'eh 111 HTHHHPEH hi,.i,,n i l,'ll PlT-lVli 8 1UJ2. WH.UAJI Ar liuck nmeral In -hll , IelH.1 , .M ''r5?ther "f , -IU'I M'f (neS Vvilllain.'.lMU? v.JinVlVl '' hTllbind of I he "'nte llaner. , TjjJ, ""USm,1," K ,S ." "lu sn W ''''"""' copy. lUlatlvea and friends, ulse Washington fir,) ell (nee Kitenl Uelativea and tr'iuli sr. "t,.'.'.,JiSH r' "'' ." ' ' ' MXAIii.'! i I Ce . ut I'enslinhinken, Pa., und llniij ?,V.ii?,l le attend f'jnera , Jlen . a 30 Ai gj', Hl-Illl! .SK lu ri ln, a I- M ,.',; Hoebters- AsfeelUInn, invited te funeral lit. I'ite reVideiv ". 2SIH Haul at. Mif ('ft the pirler of m A Timauy 1.12H Wallace st ! e, 'lii- . '-' I', M. at Ute residence "nm 21'-, St, Ann's Church, 10 A. M. 11 wr ware m i ii i ,y i - l III HlTfflMIWMfffll WMMMMMMiiSHMMMnWMMa -fPKATMB Jl.uhtr et .tehn and Kllea Ctilmp (nM Krirtt, d 10, jtelnitvca sn'J trlentl;. "e Ht. 0brrr n. V. M, Belllty. ar lny" te ttend funeral. Men., R-.JJ Ai Mj.'.J.? hr paMnti' rliliec 1H32 B.' 8tf',,J Beimn ht.h ma of reeultm t St, 1W " Church 1 0 A. M. Int. e .!?'' tjftlWY C'OOPEn. On Feb. 10. 1022, jtAyBl Dn e, Vr. rtlstlvfg unit .Jrl-nJ i are m tllM te thp fuiifinl un A.-etlili v mernlnit n t J:aa o'e'oclt. from the rejMertce .of m father-in-law. David II. Herner. uL,,iJ8il! at. Solemn reaulem man at Bt. rtnea ae u1m. .lI.L.J t. . i . ,i tnlnrment ai Hely cmm " WtViv. iftienrf. mny vlew rtmnlfta Sundav etenln. . ., ., ,.. COX. Feb. 7, Kt.l.llN. 1,WJ0' j "IX J. and the lata Jehn J. pox., lt'v1 ,,n'1 frlcnda. alee Knlphany II. V. M. BjdaMjr' ara Invited te attend funeral. Mnn.. 8.80 A, M.. ir.ether'a reldetiee.J Velt . ''11nln maaa of requiem at the Kplphany Church, ie a. h int. catnuirai vim,,...,.., . . loved hunband nf Mary Cunnlnubam. I1" IITVMIVnitAXI Frh. II tVll.l, !,., "C- ININnif AM. Fell. (""""4,.wf: ilp una friend Invitrd te funeral ana rrienan invuea ie iunci.. .i A. M.. frn, late residence, COU e nu ,. mt iruiii ii"- ' -' "-,. t CnrllmKc'i Church 10 A. M. int. Hely CrfAfIRI.B. PiUHenly. F.t. tl.in2J.Virt. OINtA widow nf IMnanl I)nlel. ?,", St lumen and frli-nili are lnltrt ie '"'.! W. Qlrurd nve.Men., 3 P. M prsclrely. Int Mcnu-rMit. Friends my can nun.. i DAhNRMt At MMferd, N. J.. Becerd Menth 0th lP2i. AAHON DAINHlIA. 71 nelntlvrs nnd rnnrtj re Invited te at- i tend f-murM. tn Herenrt-day. 2 V, M,..vy Orthodox Friends- Meeting Heuse, Medford. "rinRMKll. On Feb. (I. 1022. r.STr.M.K 1 MVIN'flHTON. wlfn of AUIn 0 Pfnc'"-.ri .H243 Rpruc nt. relatives nnd frlendM Rre I invited tn the pervlce, en Monday Bfternoeti. lat t o'c!e;l. nt tlin Oliver II nlr Uldg.. 1820 rheiinut st. Interment nrlate. IUCItfiON At her reldence. R15 VV. I Tinnier St., C!enr.Bntevn, Tell. 0 1022, ni.R. iTINtA wife of -Audrey t.. - r,iAi..AH ... .i...Hkin. t 1 Wallnrn And I'll.nill 1,1111 UAI'HIIiri in t " -'.,... Ucitlnle Hallenell. Notion 2? '".'.1f,ral, lRter lRter liertllli:UTY. Feb. 8. JOH'M'JI J-'.. n nf Wllllnm nnl falherlne Dciuyhcrlv (nte role) nlatle and frlenda. nlsn Isabein Cernell. Ne. SW, K. nf C. Invited Je fi nernl. Men , 7:30 A. M.. from nirents real Unce, ansa Arnmlnne ne. rvilcmn requltn mess nt Ht. Ann's Church I) A. M. Int. at Hele Kenukhre Cem. .... j i. HUFF Feb. H, 11122. MAIIY. beloved wife of Samuel Durf. Relatives and friends are lnlled te attend funeral. Men.. 8-30 A. SI., rrum his late reldence, 2102 N. Of1"""' ''.. HlBh reqilcm mass Ht. Kdvard's Church 10 A M r-e-lsrlv. Int. llnlv n'1fhLn t'!1m. khickseNi Feb. n. nAitn.nA c.. wife of Hie Inte Tehn Q. A. Hrlclnen. Ttelnllvcs and trlendi.lnvlled te funernl aerxlees. Men.. j .ii. prtriFPiy. limn nci "i"-"::: , . 'residence. Hnrry brudin. 2Hd S. Ipth. Int. Ml. Mnrlnh Ccm. Ilenialns may be Mewed Hun eenlntt ... . . lV.NIMnju:. At rtlveralde. N, J., Teli. ' 10. MARV l.. widow of Jenhui H Fenlmere Funirnl serxlcea at her Hts .residence, 7 .Teffersea st , imerslclc, N. .t., lu.'i., 2 1 1 M. riCKr.N. At Iterlln. N. J.. Feb. 8 I SARAH J. FlfKKN. nurd 80. Senlc nt residence nf her dauRhter, Mrs. William ruber l'erlln. N. J.. Pat. 1 T. M. Int. 1 r rlx T- Northweed fern . I'hlln. n.CMINO. Feb. 0, at his lt rrrUUne. North Merchantvllte, N. J.. flllOROB p.. I husband of Ida D. Klemlnit (nee Deebly). Services und Int. ut the convenience of the finny. ., .., .... (HU.HMAn. i en. ii. in..-. ''-., loved hunband of Mnllv (5eldnnn RelatUM nnd friends nlse William II. HackenbUM Ledge, Ne. 703, F nnd A. M . Samuel Run rtn'l 1.0dm.-. I. O. 11 H.. and directors of the Jnmei H Ilrr.dl-y IV nnd L. Asse . Invited In attend funeral rervlees, Hun.. 12.3(1 I'. M., nt Lite lesldcnce, lull H. 0'Jlh St. Int. Mt. C"&-?1, 0. Ct.ARA KI.I7.A11F.TH (IiCHHII.'). dnuuhter of Oeercn W. and Hirih t:. (Joed. Relatlvca nnd friends nrn Invited t.-, nii.n fnnAnil sprvlres. Mnn.. 2 P. M.. at parents' reeldence. 0342 Haverford nve. Int. private. Remains nuy tn viewed bun' tiRAHAM. Feb. 8. MURTHA. tylevd husband cf the late Bbts and falh-r 'f Rev. Ji-ines J. Orahnm. Re'ntlvcs and friend, alfe Dlv. Ne. 44. A. O II., are Invited te funeral, Men., 8 30 A. M... from his late residence, 1S40 N. 2d St. - Solemn reciulem irn. St Michael's Church 10 A M. Int. i N'ew Cathedral Cem. (IRADV, Feb. 0, 1022. MARY, wife of tha l-ite Themas Orndy. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited te attend funeral. MOn.. 8-3H A. M . from 3130 Q st. Solemn requiem mass at the Church of the Ascension 10 A. M. Int. St. Charles' Cem., Oakvlew, CIRUCISON. Suddenly, at Atlantic City. Feb. !l, ANN .TANK, widow of Himu-l aiegen, nired 03. Fureral services Men , 2 P. M . at her late reldenre. fl S. HeicrelKii nve., Atlantic City. Int. rieasantvllln Cem. HEHNANHF.7. Feb. Ii. ISIDOR11 M. HFRNANIJEZ, In his 02d year. Relatives nnd friends, WnshlnBlnn Iedge, Ne. .1-1, F. and A. M.i Harmony R. A. Chapter, Ne, r.2; l'nlestlnc Ledge, Ne. 271, I. O. O. F.: Corena IZncampinent. I. O. O I. Invited te attend funeral services en Mendav. at 2 V Jf., at his late residence. 1714 Columbia ave. Inter ment private. Iledv may be vlewtd en Sun day fiem 7 tn 10 1. M. HOMAN- Feb It. LILLIAN I,, wife of William1 Hareld lleman nnd damthler of An drew and Harab M. Leckhnrt. Dun neilcn of the funeral, irem parents' residence, 4708 IVnn st.. Frnnkfnrd. HDRNFR Feb , KLIA KLTZAnKTH. wife of Mam len l Herner. Uelitlves und frtrinils nrn invited te nttend funernl u.,v. 2 Ices. Mer . 1 F. M. precisely, lute residence. K r-hiireh reid. Oirent7. I i. Int private. lllll lllliv;. I eu. in, .viliilAI.I.. son or v lih he vvei a meinner ale Invited te at trim funeral eervici-s. .iien. 2 1'. M.. daimh daimh ter's residence. n-4 Ler.u st.. Oeimantevvn. Int. iiilv.ite Filenls may call Sun. eve , IRWIN. Late of lllll Diamond St.. sud. d.nly. Feb. 0. JICTA WnilKH. wife 0f Jnmes Irwin, the ad. Relatives nd friends are Invited te attend funeral i-ervlces. Men 2 I- M prec Isel', at the David H Schuvler I nulldlnc. Ure-vd. and Diamond us. int. iirlvate. ' IVINS At Miami. Fl.i Feb 30 10""' F.Ftll.Nr. IV1NS Due notice. ' JAFKSON. On Feb 0. 1022. MARV. wife nf William J. JacKsen and daughter of .Tnseph and Katherlne Wilsen, Scilc en Monday nfternoen nt 2 e'llcclt. nt her res.1. iii-ni-u, my ... .' ,, , iiii-'rrneni prl day mernln5i nt h:'10 e Meck, from the r-sli iienen nf her parents. SSiiO v. ie,h wi c. emn reiiulun mnss at the Cmbedral at 10 o'clock Inteiment private. KL'RTHR Ffb. II. KUlVAIIll p.. fen nf i.inv.uu un1 '?"." .ii ' Ul -''tn eftr !J 1'iilrlilll t till i.rUnle 'V, ; .v,u .: ..------ ;.--,-.. .. ......nuiill l,.ll JleAHLIS'l'lHt l-b l. JIAItUAHPT M.. AMjlh I EU. HelatlveH and .friends are In! vlted te ailend funeral. Jlen. hjiia.M from thg funeral apirtments of Hareld it I'ri.nii. mn uuu . N in in I, .. - ..:":...;..'...:.," ..-. : ".v .i "nv"r-r'S-,;iur?rin; McDOWF.I.I,. Feh. 0, JOHN, husband nf inrii una inrniH inyiieil te fttfn4 funernl ;;:-. ' -Zi -.- . r":v.".v :. " nr? in. 8021 u it. int. wnuts. wii.t LJuiiruiil. IPrVlfltN. fAfll. 1 I l n 1.1- I.. i I ' --.".:' .-..-. - : "i- i-iu rtiftiutinrt l.i. tiatrli.1 nml Vlnri' llniitfliln.i l.,..i.... , Franford.r0msen5n"'rCee,u!1eni-,,nS,,r-aht fe !!-7.JTi v,K!,?,,B',i n".!!?.!-! .Imrhlm's Church 10 A. M. Int. ut St. , ,iV,Y . 7 Deminie's fVm. m-avt nit Feb 10 MARV A TAYLOJt lLirF.-F.ib. S. THOMAS C II IFF .. (lT0An.Vle) wife of TheoderiP. fallRYSB tlvis ami frlcndi, nnd .ill erKanUTtlens rf ,i, , V,,i friendn Invited t services en T of 10 o'clock. fc "' lives pnd friends invited p funeral en BtU llf. ,am..u i-.h. n. in-. nv I at 1l' A. M . front resldence of dwhtafcrf .ed. .M-MlSr- R lallve,' and . f, lendT invl e,l Vn J "'. . l'n",! W.! ime e ." Tme rn .ntTO.. funeral services .Mnn . X p. M preilsly r-.m.ierv Whttemarsh. late res'dence. 411(1 Mfnnjunk ne.T He-1 . ?4 V 7,i nnv -. ,n.i; leimiirh lilt prlvnte ' '" TRHV7. Feb. 0. IIARR. son of th. 1J JARDHN Feb. 0, RORHRTA VAN- Adam and Catherli.u 1 rev, aned 48. I I.F.F.R JARDKN daUKhter of Mr. und Jlrs i h0' f,rn c(1.''n uji K V' ,fl,rni, :riT Walter II. Jide. ,,r(d IC jears! Service J '"' , l"nr,y S, hoe.l Am rinn nml interment nrlvate. Cambria ft. Int. otneoll tem , i .lllllVSTflN Fth. 0 1-MII.Il' t-. t ... 1 rvi.y r-. Jr.iw- .- MarOHl.C.OH 1'eli II. in-J- A, i.i . . HAHll ..,.' J "V,.,i i,-,rv ll Vareer and htf deme Hill , huminer kt.. , I-hlla., Hatha" fru',,J J jy A.hbumh Yerer. IWf'ia umhand uf Annie M llreivu SIacllriii.ii tan. frlei id aia Invited te attend fun; aurd in Ilineral ervlcn at Kirk x& "j "iVlice, Hat .2 P. JJ . ai ula mother '. l.,el (H-rmaiiievvn uve.. Men.. 2 I- i ' ,... "IVf iVY vv unill. llerinamevvn. PUUt) (,Wic -flvi -VKF 'sr M,v-r,rbi; !,.. s?u.s ffititiWv&fism in iiinit'-"- - v.uuura it. :i ... ......,, .vuiunrjr f. "! i ifelV-trtlfr .. ... v Atlanlle Cltv.' N I Vf1. ".''J m.kmiAii"' "i !' Feb. . itiTMSil frlinii. .ii" ?"A.T5."". .nelaiiJiJ VetirTn fSrnVlwSrA'J.V "' fr V e? OSSSL l sf.'.';.i 9J & r&. M '. Itiitrrnrrit Srlvatn. "' Arclti4 1 AICI,AUUIII,IN. Feb R Kin, nf the . Inte Sal In ,'i h.hhlt- JiMl and friends, also trii rK?- "lUi "',Wa sg XIIHOI CCH.-Feb D JmiMl"l"lrI ! H I'abeth Mlsereih. nD'hli7Iie' " TS tefHs3T63 rTiaflAufcj. jr ' mav ' Rltlve nnd friend's aVB invlih .M0RK funeral j ervlcesi Men V - Pi, t0 "l r?1-'.0'" "fJuriin ..T:vey;i sJ-J&ftJiJ "" U.i'.'BSS;1- w Laurel Hiiir- a red 24. te nttend ...v,,i.ic3,.i.H.n n itniv, . ....:.'?-.i precisely, at her late reilden i 't "' si. ini. .in. ana n.m - ,'i ;.c?reTfbo'ncev fey-VaS flenee. B3I Wnlkln. ' hIiJII n, "It M Jiilem Church of th Sacred ilear't si Alli- n-.tti.--, . !"v!'C'A- M-. tfl ."- '."" n-- urpen . nAifti" PaWiath fchedi. lnvltii t -.,.i-i'nur I 4Ti -.-- .:". .""vi ires. mm i. ii. rPKiiir rife. "' c -t. .' art'e'r WW" f'vti,$h .,JLTT"i AJAh' hon'ef his sen-lnJ .Hint, lifll tJ Jrlln HI. fn T J022. WILLIAM It. FOTTrrt! R.Jtl'.b'. inenas. aise vvniiam, n. Ward.rf ni,a Assn. nnd .mn nv.. .t- aii..h. .m-v111 nre Invited te thu service en Mendiritl inweii. euiiip nnuun (IVP, mt, Mt. I pm Trinr1 tnni u.tH ... n.ii.,..i nn-t . - . QUIN.Nt Feb. iO.HARAII C.; widow 'j : " -'J,' ,1l,, 4 nuiice irem reildtH 7W IVnnnek ave,. Rvvvoed Mannp t. RANDALL. On Feb. 10, 1022. t'APrita WILLIAM O RANDALL. sjJd 84 v3 D-I.IIiia. n.1 ..I.. J- ...... P1 .Sin funeral. Mnn.. 1 1. M.. fXU, ,u "!H of his son-in-law. rjenrtre 1, Monre. W 0th st.. Chester Pa. Sen ces Ii Faul-s P 13. Church '.in p. m" V-. .!.? New Yerk Times and Washington Star bS cenv. " ..e'll-,rr.b-HA"T.A.W...wlal P. XF.. nt th roftidenra nf hai- -,.. Hurry H. Wolfe. Morten. Pa. Int. pAm Morten. u . Ilipnn. !Vb. 10. 1022. at inN r!r,wi 31i Winona avc, aermnntenn. THOMAl fni"j'w -. e. e iws unit mi. Titm i ,",".. ""l .-. turn ana Bffi fleM, Ma., imperil pleane cenv. KPHM1TZ rt-li. 1 W1M.IAM A,, loved hUMhiml of Acns Rrhmtt7 (n- Nr l-ern In Krremt. Grmnv. neiBtiviti tfll ecltle or which lie wn- a mtmher. I tinltnl te funrrnt. Men.. K.fie A. M., i nulpm mns St. Henlfatlua Church 10 A.' int imiv i-,i?t'uir. , Ltumr fv. a mnn 'J ptuiiiii i. n, iu.., m iipr nerne. n lln.tten. MA.. MART F.. R. SMITH, w of Rebert Clinten Smith acid 7.1 SI'llI.HRINK. Dleil Feb. H. rilEDi trivA W.. wllevv- of Gerhanlt Stielbrinv .. 71 leirs. Relative and frlcnii nn invlil te nttend the funeral services Mendrl .. ..... ,.... .1. ... .n . cnix-iu.,,, iv.ll Orlcnns st. Interment private, at BsIti cemetery SPOONF.R. At Beverly, N. J., Fib. AI.HAN Sl-oeswi, in his 7Hd jevr. Rite tives ani mentis nre invucu te attend nerai s"rviccs. .-ion., .;in j-. .i,, at nis j lesleerice int. private. , STAINROOK. On Feb. 0. LINDA vvlfe 01 l.ewis ntainrneK. icistivea frUnd. nlsr, Letltla Pftnn Rebeknh Ti Ne. 173. I. O. O. F. invited te funersli vlnnd.v nt !! P. M . frnm late r..lit.n. iajn ?$ n-.H t. Interment nrlvate. Fri.w mny call Sunday after 7 P. M. STRAUSS. Feb. 8. MATT1K M. wliew of Leen Straus nnd mother of Efflv Droefc l. ,iil nnd nttn Straits'.. Relitlv.i l friends are Invited te attend funeral int. Ires. Men . 10 A. M. precisely, at her ith r. sldence. 2005 N. Mnrvlne st. Int.Neitmv Iny Hurvinir iireuna.. utilising mir I viewed Sun . 7 te II P. M. SULLIVAN. F.b. H. 10S2. HUE nnVAVIITR. widow of Jehn fi. RullM Relative" and fi lends are Invited te funtVS Sat. 8 30 A .vi . irnni in rciaence ei fl .(.for. Mrs. tlnbert Malr. 4'J-I Hnnsberrv! ciMamn r.milpm mass St. Francis Aulu Churcn 10 A. Jf. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cm -I,... -VnrU rjiners nleasi. ennv. TAILOR. reb. 0. 1022. LOUISA C. TA LOR (nej Ilbb) widow of Ira II. Ttrlef, Relntlve-i nnl friends n-e Invited tn services. Men.. 2 V M t hfr late r rtenie. 23 13 Mountain St. Int prlv l'rrnmii, n-av rail Sun.. 8 le 10 I- M Al l.l'iv.--ri-e. iv. .ii.vivvi.viil.1 n,. A it fi I Merris st . (icrmunlewn. Interment nrlvt,l THIKMlLll. ree. n, in--. uilULCia nl TIIinMR'H. Ilelatlves and friends, also I plnves nf American Stores Ce.. Invited IT attend funeral. Men . 2 P M . from th 11 home of WIUKm 13, Helmes, 711 Re' land fit. inv. invnif ivuninuis iiiuy m levied Sun., nfler 0 P. M. ' lONFR Feb. 0. Rev. ftr.OnOB tt TCS'HIl (Dleese of Wheellnp. W Va.),'ji of the ln-e Denis and Resnnm Tener. Bff rAnri nrffi'. relative) and friend, art u. Mlert te funeinl. Tu's.. from Church of 01 Mither of Sorrows. 4th anj uuicster snVi blilne efdee at 0.30 A. M. Solemn reiulw'J mess .it Hi A M. Int. Cem --4 TOWritvri l en. n j-i.-. j.i.i.n. -Jiiuiim FFI'HNlIIRMim Feb. 0. LOUIS J. Ug 1.1. IViJIilllvr-, nm um,4 I Hen ,ut IMS P M. .i. u inn.. Minv n WAJlDbl nelAthM ami frlemN iiuiih t i"" "it s:i A M.. from hr utA reidenflfci WAIUI run n. '. "" .--. nir. s Nf n r?wi-.Mi "- ..."I, niiiMn at St. Chnrl Church iu . n. tnr." Hely Kenulchie fen I C ' lINnKKTAKKRH inns, i-s-.'e Chetnut ft. Interment UtiL FRKI'SS. Feb. In,- 1 IM MAttr! fHBUliM. Relatives and friends ar.lSfl te nttend funeral, Men., a 1' M it" rr.".'.d.,T.rur,' l!?r.)lr. Mrs': L Miivnr I-. M . tit late renia-nce. ih ......... ... w mi Tni.ra. nu,. tl'.. !(,! ...i., u.milenie 1 em. .11 - I , -.-., arffiiiur ' ' . f ' fcii h 'prtte j. est"" ter- -: -.mJiWi" i ' r - ( A iUW Jtiss"4iek: iufr,&, . utnt .- fifi ,AS,'ir yji j. ..