' && fxf my m '. "JCC K "VI rsm&Q By RUBY M. AY RES fh.tt.BT of "Tht Fertutf Hunttr." "A Baihtter Huthmni," tie. "' . i-fc & i.i tekkAim V. . umIaI lUVrVr'1" " .. i..iwrii (vwf.wvww TBI BE&N- niR STOItV ! fri iru U JMPWi X cftarmlii If BX 'DaneirfiM. trtttw t around. Initrcnti. Mm, , She .mitMian. . a e inre. Tiu. It MireH of a ntarw hwu"m'wnmxi"Zi: Si Jft . efnltu Hf. .f ."""."." k :.. Kn. Fernnie. mi iMTJaKVu wllft . I.IHf. pnd . Minna ntr, dim. Tnitn la rr(i tau h te el .Mr new die, no. Biaqiy VuTi eh u'Mmeii imimi ... ., . iiip mrmr "Earrr.tu,:ri rfrt7; .. ji 'uMfl MOIIV J .sKKr,.ji-'.s!tt:s if" ". :- - ...ki... Hf m oerfu IMcitetrfif. jiii afer hnylP '" ",' tSiiaardm. Mr former I .- iiKM IT CONTINCKfl bn"" " ........ i- 1.111 ... tEO, ir ye wenv ve "'" ""' " W.'!5er!:i I.. Wk. think of It oil day nnd every day," ffiiughed brokenly. Pind I absolutely rciusp m ii" Anr. . -ii ft t.A .lrl ttln tn 3b (Irmly. "You're going te live for Sind'yesrs nnd leek after me. and Wluibeard till ou are an old, elil II t 0fi.etln.cs I think It's net such play sa tell me." lie W Jealously. La .... i hi hand away. V..Y ... unfnir meat; unfair Just ttV I m little civil te Mr. tfar; I, I nave Known nun c;i ixj .... i'i .Yii' as: ' Ui; M BOUlClllute n.viun .-. -b librl" She slipped a hand beneath iSdVllng h cheek .te lita. "loer Hf I Wntt W0UIU PIIO Mill niiu ...u..i you? Xou don't pay her much of imDllmcnt. Alec, If you think that LMmnllmnnt n r -,....- U IS I0U11BII abqut me, when Ai. A. fnnprv llr.ff iH loekeil away from her frowning. k"Htn nave mnrrieu, nn n nniituuiu L .l 1,. .nl.l AhutinntMv. "He It putting Melly ob a barrier be m himself and Heme woman who "beyond his reach." r.Llllth laughed. s"A t i. , .i. .i rv nice exn nnai en. nne rnia i a llgntneBB the was far from fecl "Ainl new we're net going te talk it him any mere. Loek nt these t roses Airs. Asmern oreugat. i put them In water.' I careiuny aveuieu mi rcicrcncc in and Melly for the rest of the lag, but there was a restless 1 ni ece In ner ncarr. it fine ceuiu see the vanity in her craved te read i the unwilling passion of his eyes; I would have given a great deal te i been sure that Alee s explanation l the true one. 'it a man'a way out of an Imnessl- I.Mtuttien. Was that it? Just a ki'i way of saving his own Bkln, of King a step te any possible ftcandnl. vim rernaiu was asleep mat cve t the threw a wrap ever her bead I went out into the garden. like heat of the day bnd turned te a m, lull evening ; there were myriads kUra in the dark skr : as she crossed I' lawn te the gate an owl flew tth the darkness, booting mourn- 41ith shivered; she' stepped and ltd back at the house, and the win I with its subdued light behind which t husband slant. IffWhen I am senc!" Ills werda in her heart with dread fore- uer. lie loved him; this weak, irritable a wis tne' one perhaps net ery It paiden of her life ; she could net tore a future In which he hml no ieej could net think of herself living uui nini. II went en toward the crittv her It iteps making no sound ever the t grits; when she reached it some I mefed ahruntl in fh lindim-. F,kMnf t0 ct iway unseen. IvLUlth caught her breath.. Ia "Whft la It? .Tnlin t" .h ,l.i.n....l ItHiMtn came back reluctantly; he rem sianaing in tne warm dusk Ter Bl tlm(. Innblne nn at- . Ill.i.i w, and thinking about thin wem- -infl tlARP hKa ma. 1... I 1.1. l.t 4iJ?M.V1,e,w.rden next deer COI"e the mti of MeUy's voice, anxiously raised. l?y' leu're te come In nt once, lieu hear? If un Hnn Sftni, T0,Ce answered cheekily : -. ; Huiceminj anu u we don't Wcin't make ual" i. 'Cln't I !" Melly eundl r.n.n.r. . i BLha.1.1.-1 8h11 te Mr. Har- Al&:z.M ed thLS"1!!"18 of derisive liughter an- rd her. i fti"K.''!!i-:. ?' irrled t kim'i.T ' lul ou- l0,y. iii'Xl!.r?n.be 8 err.T hh teii like." Mfflftn'lW.-'W! Perfect dear!" ,al,uu,-,li JUSt lS'. iTeke mere like an nfrecilen Rkl. V.. .ai woman ,n love, but the -I niiue iip . irn ,,j i..,i SnfrSlth.e..??leA wy from the taotatle i hn ou uierc' aw"y "" .Phlm 2," J??""' "nee had .""L"'"". Wc - - w aueivur. 1 CIIAPTMW. . I .u. .inn If A Resnttft r .inu.. 11....1 1 lf. 1 l. - ziMiicn Lmm 'irf 5-J. been right when Ittirrln in t.V.i 'iVV "nrden would i few ?diraLU.t,.1ncI,)ten' for wlth IhmIL. y a0.. the nnneuncement of n thil .1. ,l .f cemran knewl- WRt tile Wftdtllnt ,..n,.U .i K Quietly Len,,-,,. andunt"c WlbLI,i.eipt0.li1,cs wer dl"PPelntcd. IS."use .they WW8 dlsappelntwi i-i"w uncnaruaDie. WTSn h:$7 J"lL h' . - - , nu ivuimiT iip L. "V0 Ix)"ln nd tied the Way rrem AVItrv Ann wAi. (...n... It nenr man 9 ... t. . tl i7 J. .' . " tuur',Bi no nan i2L iwllS,ft '?mllyl Already It 1 rumored thnt ha U.i ,.a. '.. 5dKtnt.'i,er,n t.h8 bJ-8 ,0 Se te a ".n, cool, and had paid off the ii5? en lhZ Wh,te "e"8' 80 that (1 mrt LVrfle,,d. ceu,d 1,ve "'"e tl HUJ of hr f. .,! j.i.i. ... .....i. ul .. - -; ":f mini un iiiiiuii W "? he liked at his expense. iuii.Zi 1.11""0.10 Knew new they HICa it," sad t,n iKnnnnln.n.l W 2f "L".9 duhtera. spitefully. JHJ course, he's been hadl" "T. Ainrnpii iii.i .Mn. I den'f (M-t. r i"i' . . .. khi.j . 'i r. imrcien is nt ait ?: ef.ln,,n t0.b ',,ad'' ns .veu pt 1 .3-R." '.Bwef"y Ana really you MMffVln'fft.M0,,jrl'tW0rt,,,trac- u'if1" ' eloquent, If unladylike, went round tli vienmuA irtrtn-. Reniti1 M' Asn'erd changed the .'Hey were se lealeus thev dd net What te de with themselves," she her husband nftcrwnrd. "Peer I It must be rather imllliiff nfrer y, they have always fuiubbcd r aUll nifet fnn.ll. huBIIIA A... nl. -- ;- 11 liuw iie jb quite Uie first lady in Little " x wenaer nnic attmnm hn wilt like with them when she Is mar ried." But Melly wai net worrying her head in the least about anybedy: th wai much tee busy and happy with her own affairs. Harden had given her a great many present, and had had a marriage set tlement drawn up In correct style. "Yeu really needn't have worried about itt" Melly told him when he tried te explain It te bcr. "I shan't want much money te spend: you can buy all ray clothes, and If I might have Errhapi ten ehlllrnts a week te spend?" he made the suggestion apologetically 1 ten shillings seemed such an exorbitant sura te have mentlend. Harden lauched. he lauahed much mere frequently lately, and Melly's mother declare that he was looking younger already. "And he really Is a most distinguished looking man," she added with a shade of condescension. "What n modest little girl you are." Harden said, laying his hand en Melly's. "Ten shillings a week I Why, whatever will you de with It all?" he a iked mockingly. Melly' flushed. "I can give some te the boys ' "I'll leek after the boys, ne told her. ' "You're such a dear," Melly answered. He looked away guiltily, "I was telling Mrs. Fernald this morning hew wonderfully geed you had been te us all," Melly went en simply. "It all seems like a itrttam tn maVm still afraid that some day I shall wake up and find it s never been real any of it." "Yeu won't de that," he said. one moved rlnmr tn him th .... !,.." ,Vcther in the garden of the White Heuse a garden tidied new out of all recognition, with a lawn smoothly shaved and paths Innocent of weeds. T.. V..iiJJ .U iL.i v lucky eirl." hn nM him "HI,, e.l.l that she wished she was hslf as bsppy as I am." Harden mnde no answer. Her IniNbnml linn hepn lit ..in you knew," Melly went en symna- ineucaiiy. "Hue was up with him all InRt nlsht nnd vht Inntt.1 null. .... out this morning What did you 'Nothing I didn't speak." Melly leaned her chin in her hand. "Wouldn't it be awful If he died?1' she snld In a hushed voice. "Whatever would she de?" Harden row te his feet. "He won't die." he said roughly. leu knew what they say about creak ing hinges he'll live for years and years and then die of some thing else altogether." He took off his hat nnd inn his Angers through his hair. "Se It's settled about our wedding V.0.?' ?9 (,a,d w,,n a change of tone. leu think the twentieth will suit you quite well, de you, Melly?" Melly nodded nnd her eyes shone. ' I cnj't believe It's true." she said. "That I shall really be railed Mrs. Harden and have te manage your house De you knew I shall be sim ply terrified of nil your servants?" He smiled. "You'll get used te them, and Mrs. Barnes will help you with the house keeping; there won't be mueh for you te de except amuse yourself." 8he laughed happily. "Oh, I shall be able te amuse myself all right. What did Mr. Wharten say when you told him?" "When I told him? When I told hi in wnat" "About us you knew." "Oh ! I forget eh a matter of fact I don't think I told him at nil but he knows everybody knows by this time." "Yes. I suppose they de." She walked beside him te the gate. "Hew many mere days te the twentieth?" she asked suddenly. He made a swift calculation. "Nine, I think and, Melly, if you want- any clothes perhaps ou had better run up te Londen for a few days. Mrs. Ashford will take jeu, I nm sure, If your mother doesn't feel equal te the journey. Melly mode a grimace. "Mether never gees out. I should like te go with Mrs. Ashford." And se It was arranged, and Melly went off all" smiles and dimples one afternoon with Mrs. Ashford for three days' shopping. Harden nav them off at the station. "Take cure of her," he said te Mrs. AJsbferd. "SIie'h hucIi an excitnble young lady." He looked at Melly. "And don't lese your purse or get ruu ever," he admonished her teaslngly. "As if I should! Oh, are we really going?" Her gay voice dropped; she steed up, leaning out of the window. "Geed-by," she said. It was Impossible net te kiss her. Harden touched her soft cheek with his lips, and a moment later she was out of bight. He walked out of the station with a fe.ellng of relief. He was free for three dejs at least. CHAPTER XIX Melly Gees te Londen Melly had the time of her life' in Lon Len Lon eon. She lind never stayed at n hotel before, nnd had never hud any money te bpcud. New she had te much that she did net knew what te de with it. "It's a dream, of course it is," she said tlfty times a day te Mrs. Ashford. "I knew It's ten geed te last. I'm a sort of second Cinderella, and I shall wake up one day in rags." Mrs. Ashford laughed. "I think It's very real." she said kindly. "And I hope it will last all your life." Melly wrote long epistles te Jehn Harden. She was a little doubtful hew te begin them; she was net sure what manner of address he would prefer. Finally she left it till Uie end and added it with n rush: "Dearest and Best " She theuclit thnt was a lovely way te begin; she had copied it from a book she had read. After all he was her dearcht and best the most wonderful man in the world. She told him hew many frocks kIie had bought hew that they were nil cither black or white, and thnt she hoped he would like them; she ea Id she had beugnt ever se many beautiful shoes, and that she never knew until new hew nice her feet could leek. She inclesed the menu of their first night's dinner at the hotel, and marked it "glorious" ; there was only one thing wanting for her complete happinesB, sue teiu mm suyiy en me MLm'tekMum ESifSIS (ft tic Uttt Ip & i POL-LMtjfll jit - I .) mwj ?WJmw. WMJttk Ml I ! MMT mmm. emMKM4- vmi fftffTAlNLy Mtt A trtMMIL Mnnvw ;ftr!ttL Hit NKW WW 7 ri'tWj t?j it -Wi?- I'fiW wsmmm j&m HHHUmIKLH pjryt, .iji'ii-$.,wr swswsm I KEMt QnA9tt tttr46 rX TN4N6- I MAX WM twtm k LOT tun tTALVlWlttUAW N0Utri T6 Mt- Gtfttt M A icr ou wtunjr- vett- pAittN6 ; Alt 1UGHT- fWT VeHEM A FtLlCW Htt Af AAAVtA ?60l Ot HIMtCLf tr eirrcctiM'rnUid.p THE fZOnX IW "WE nAtt ak hntniMc. MIM AH TMC MHM A . . . . A. a' ' . A . .v.'.r. HWUV AKf. IAUWIN AT WM- -riMiiaiaHnmv -7PrMri i" 1 . -.;. r vti.'JH ; v. i . .A..A - - v I 'Wtti.- wwuirse i ','' 1 WfcWE VVl.t' I ... -kiu- i- I. I 1 r MLLb.rlaJ fJ immmm VU 1 Mtur Atr I -V 7 (wan w.) -1 wVww ' y MWOttrwu a'hjsj M xssrs s i -..-. 1 ....... . ,. SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Bem Seem$ te Have a Hunch riM'S OAI HieR WAV BACK FROM PALM BEACH-' OOR UTTLE HEIRESS Cepyrlaht, 1922. by Public Mditer Company By Hay ward ,6066! Bess: 3055 !, What S (T- ?f Vb COMIM' BACK : 1 - isintl ' nui iAfs ' 1 - WX & ms. VaJ em : 1 rv J ' Q - I BET SHE'S SO C0AICE1TED TDU CAAIT 1AI.K KV ri.r r TIER jEALOUSVEAiUS T BET SHE. UOO5 Cme 1 1 .' fiEE .10,000 pleuks: -7 MOT l-rA fiX fi Jk9) HOT WrsTd m1- 1 W ?. X rH 'ft00tf' Ge&'. WILL I AJEVER HEAR THE LAST OF THAT FORTUNE. WHEM IVE SEEA4 THE. EAJb OF IT LOMG ACjO r A-H. -MA.YWA.RO - ' -T ly ' " 7 1 r 1 v,,J w The Yeung Lady Acress the Way kOiW & "- The young lady across the way says weed alcohol is still causing deaths, and It does seem as if a great country like this ought te regulate the kind of weed used. THE TOONSRVILLB TROLLEY By FONTAINE FOX J66S AtU AKO Of CevKSB. HBATS ALU jsgg' I 5e ip Yeu tivt the. Village, iri jSgr . ' ItOMt iMPeRTAr Te tt 0 H6K Geed SiOE.. j SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG 22 PETEYTlie Prize 0 By C. A. Voight GASOLINE ALLEY Financial Futures ---'- - .-. - WO 5UH'f AM J)OESO KEEP OM SUefflM' OSfU UEt3BEr. cr DAt? 0 all's get J)E IOeTMEST SM0t?E0T S AW epiWTimee TbeTs EMCMEEtTRlMKSXE PAVlCEl? AHCAD AV STOPS OETf?Am (T- .Vtfe - Le It last page, net with I and that was that he was her! He Hluhcd and smiled as he read the letter; she was se young something in its wording, with Its childish delight in everything, made him ashamed. He was net treating ber fairly he was deceiving her, leading her te be lieve that he loved her, whereas he had nothing mere te give than a man'b affectlonute toleration. He put the letter away In his desk nnd answered it briefly. He was glnd she waaenJeylLg herself she must be sure te let nlm knew by whnt train fhe would be returning, se that he could meet her he signed him jelf Yuurs ever It seemed tin easiest rt'ay out of it, and entirely noncom mittal. CONTINUED MONDAY IT would be Sear' OF Nice TO LffAVe VOU AN E6TATC SOME OAV SkeesuK! A Littlc feseuCHr NOW WILL iMCAX A LOT Te VOU I SOPPe&C I DID IMVgSr A HUNDRED And ir should eeceMe 3S",oeb! 1 IHAT WOUUO KDUCAre YOU AWD 7AI CARE OF YOU NICELY J By King A 'Ofc;iFiSrt0ULb MAkS" IT(TOO ANP ! --. A ITSHOUL'DIRUN UP TO tlTJTOOOAS MR V,'F E OMtA kJ I ?t.8 TfeLLSi'Ait PRFecT?y Peste ",NaUTCa.9.l CJs . tmmtr b bvbtk M j. u. r . ai - . .- - r. i .r skas V THAT UOULfY tee A- Aflf P Lrr-ri s: MRCr:;: le " w,fc1 '"&. fts " 'mW s "j i 1 FOR Veu. we rC A3reSfc-p ''KlMtBVSSSJBHSj w ,? "yffJi "w: .Ai jV &$ . A' ' ' I ' v r I '. ft , . lt . A..:felsffil? ".IM& B. w &Mmvi ."it 1 j, 4':1 . te&k &fe&i M&TsmW 4v .wi-., M.-!i'- .:,;;1aaa:i.-:,,;. -t rt.j-rf-fu Mii-iV ' .-."W. (.HSlUtI1' I MraSBH' ( n .a lt.fs.ML5J.M'ifii hF'35'! afSWSK '.2-. J Tm .--.t a.,..... , (