tv 'I'm' . .r Ji 'V'. VI" 1 .as; IW w. Raw, i W' A tc- 'tU V J,, " V ,. v . ut n ' r J V l. KvV U E?.' '5-i I-Tt' s f Yf,T ? J'H' ..trtVw K !. gAL MCNNl WTA-ra ireit sale V.i KNNHVtVANlA StlllDRHAN ''-u fall Choice bide. IeIn. Ht train nml LAtrellayi ISO UP! free, title Insurance! easy ivituiinii giieuiaa.3. iii uiaiiBiue iitnuaiii' :' payment il send for boeklot. Jt. T. Fergusen, vytent and Turk t. jPlrne Diamond lhO'l. ?.S'. tn( 6-room extra-flne bungalew: let lunx r.inuuiALjiuiiH t-nmuit-ieu : rrnuy lu iii'jv j ,JlftOi only IBOOOi 1 square te car line. Chan. i'.W. nilssell, son Real Estate Blilg. AMHLER E GENTLEMAN'S suburban colonial home ami '!' earn wun lawn, eiu ananc, ercnnrn. nign submit offers te James William en prem ises, Bethlehem pike and Ml, PlenaHirt ave nue. . ' nROOKI.INK flSBO Deinched 7-room home! thoroughly modern. H 410. Ledger Office. COI.T.tSOOAI.W COLLING DALE One fare, from city: end house! nearly new: electricity: laundry trays; Jet 10x100; Inrlesed front perch; 4B00. SWOPE A SON. CIO -Main street. Darby. cvNwvn , .. CYNWYD All-stone 24 -story detached dwelling, with nrua; all modern appeintments: 0 bed rooms and 2 baths; excellent condition! Im mediate possession, MAURICE If. MATSINOER. 428-89 Real Estate Trust llldr. mnnv 101 8. 8TH ST. Fine corner home, 7 large loems: leO-rt. let te rear street; elcctrlc- 1 tly, ote. ; reduced price., Swepe & Sen, 5 lit Main at., Darby. , nBFAKT, H11.T. DETACHED. 2W -story, all stone. 10 rooms nd bath; 1-rar garage: 100x101: excel. lo cation; a. T. Lynch. 112 8. 16th. Spruce 71)1 1, ESSIXOTOS 2M BTORT, frame, 12 rms. and bath, stenm heat. elee. lights: let 100x160: excellent for club. J. Nelsen Dick. H I-ind Tltln Hldt. rev CHASE BEAUTIFUL cerner: near station and trol trel ley: 0 roems: modern; JS50O. OOTWAI.3 SONH, 3337 N 10th st. relumhla 4112 1. OI.KX8IDE EIOirr-ItOOM house, het-water heat, else.. all cenveniences: priced low at f 80O; ether hemes from $3000 up: lets from J30O up. nsnnlnger A Kenntnger, rjler.sMe, Pa,, oppo site station, rhone Qgentz 070. BRAND-NITW corner Colonial dwelling, open fireplace, elec.. built-in tub with shewer: splendid opportunity at $S5tXi. Kcnr.lnger Ilennlnger. Qlenslde, Ph., oppeslto station, l'henn Ognnta 070. HOHSltAM lIKlr.llTS llnlldln-t Ixils hORSHAM HUIQIITS (Just nb. Willow Oree) 13800. C-rm. liouse: high & healthful loca leca loca teon: send for furthr Information. It. T. Ker Ker nusen. Frent and Yerk sts, lm. Dla. 10 (1LEXSIDB MODERN 7-room house, let 30x100. open surroundings,, J43O0: 7 rooms, let 40xlSO, IB500: 8 rooms, JOO'IO; brand new, SH700; modern bungalow, 17200: cdrner. Colonial. 87800: ethers, all kinds of prices: send for list. WM. T. Jl. KOnERTS & SON, Olcn- side, Ta. Open every dav. OWNER leaving- town, must sell beautiful 10-room H-stene house In A-l condi cendi condi teon: het-water heat: I7NOO; ethers from 89K) up: send for list. WM. T. II. ItOll KRT3 & SON. Olenslde, Ta. Oentz Ili2. IIOUMKSIUTKO NINETY acres; Ilelmeshurg Junction Sta tion, 1. R. R.: large Delawarn River frent: P. R. R. siding: must be sold ter an estate. 1L H. mTA. 713 Walnut st. I.AN8DOYXE TWO-STORY frame heuse: garage: beauti fully situated; Lansdewne; W acre; 7 rooms, bath. . irucu s. wALKcn 02.1 Land Title llhlg. MEKION DESmABLB lets, In sizes te suit suburban residences, exclusive area, near station. Hugh S. Walker, Land Title llldr. Spruc-j 42S7. MOORE HOUSES and lets for sale or exchange at fair prices. R. IT. Allen. Moere, l'a. Phene Ridley Park 111 W. . RIDLEY PARK ALL-STONE 10-room house and concrete ga rs en corner let 100x120: situated In best section of Rldlev Park: convenient te schools and trains. Write Bex 230. Rldle rrk. Pa ST. DAVIDS IIUILDIKO SITE. 7 acres: beautiful plece of gTeund; old shade, stream: southern lore; choice surreundings: S18.C00, J. M. FRONEFIELD. Wayne. Ta. WAYXE BRICIC and frame residence of 8 foems. gas and eleetrlclty: southern exposure; excel lent locatien: geed-size let; steam; Dos Des session seen; IOO00. Frame and ahlngle house ef 10 rooms, all ccnvenlences: southern expesure: near sta sta teon: 7 bedroems: let about 70x223 ft., with garden, etc.: possession In spring or befere: price 112.000. A number of ethers, all sizes and prices. CHARLES M. DAVIS. Wayne. Pa UEAUTIFUL HOME In Wayne. Pa.; 13 rooms and 2 baths: garage: large shaae. shrubbery: 2.10x135 ft.: price $14,300. Pheno WM. A. McCREA. Realtor, Ardmere 270. new jersey icnrnnAN ATLANTIC C11TV Building Txits FOREST HILL GARDEN LOTS In the City of Camden. N. J., are the peer of any lets ettered for sals today or In the future. . . . Buy before prices advance, due te DELAWARE RIVER BRIDO.E AH city protection at hare! and the reel conveniences which a elty affords. Deuble lets, 40 feet front, at reasonable prices. Small down payment: easy terms. Talc trolley or bus at ferry out Market st. te ilarlten pike, walk south te eff'ce W. M. llacNAMARA, agent en premises, or 540 Federal St., Camden. CKHXIXOSWOen UUNOALOW. 6 rooms and bath, het-water heat and eleotrle lights: corner property. I.OUI8 BLA9E. 400 Rlchey ave, FAIRVIEW Jr.OO CASK buys choice of S3 modern homes, brick or stucco, end or comer; clec, etc ; $?B00-4S1Q0. 1813 Olenwoed. Ph. Cel. 12SC BIVERSTDR TWO-STORY bungalow. 7 rooms, gas, elec tricity, oak and white enamel finish, extra large closets, automatic vacuum, steam heat and cement cellar stie of house; large open fireplace: sewer and cement sidewalk: cobble stucco; let 100x130: beautiful shade and shrubbery; corner preperty: $7000: $4300 building and lean first mertgage: worth $10,000; 856 Brtdgsbore at.. Riverside, N. J. Phene 224 M. Riverside. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE fVtSAM CITV M .T. rnrnp nrnnmrtv 11th A Central ave.. let 30x100; dwelling has HI rooms, a Dams, launary, nei-waier neni; $12,300. Three apartment houses with double garage, furnished; let 40x100. 122.' Central ave.. $11. BOO. Owner, BARON, 412 lllb St., Oeean City, N, J. ATT-AXTIO CITV 74-ROOM. fully furnished hotel, with 2 stores en ground fleer; let 42x150: centrally located and near the Beardwalk: price $40. 000; $10,000 cash required te buy, Arthur Armstrong ft Ce.. 112U Spruce St., Phuadel- phla: 2221 Boardwalk. Atlawle City. WE HAVE been authetlzed te sell 3 prop erties near the Boardwalk and within 3 blocks of Reading station; rented at $2700 per annum; price $20,000: only J.'.neO cash required. Arthur Armstrong & Ce., 1129 Spruce St., Philadelphia; 2221 Boardwalk, Atlsntle City. AVALON" AVALON, N. J. Full block en ocean front with riparian rights; superb beach; renv. te train. H. II. Fritz, 713 Walnut stret. NORTH STONE HARBOR NORTH STONE HARBOR beach-front of 2 miles, extending back te bay: P. R. R. trains direct from property te Camderr: re maining chance te ebta'n an unbroken front en superb bathing beach with riparian rights. H. H. KTltz. 713 Walnut st. VENTNOR VENTNOR Beautiful home, 1 block from beach, 7 chambers, 8 baths, finished base ment. 4 rooms and bath; double-end let $21,000; sell furnished or unfurnished; muke offer. Address owner, 17 B. O&klund ave., Ventner, N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS HEAL bargain 31 acres, 2 houses, each 7 and 4 roems: fine barn for IS head: near trolley and town, price complete, $400; will exchange for small city heuse. HAPP, 30OS N. Bth st. IS ACRES. B-room house, eutbulldgs., horse, cow, hogs, chickens, Implements; $1300; terms, BOMMER, 400 N. Marshall sL CHESTER VALLEY, north of btrafferd. a acres with It-room stnne house, barn, HP. 000 J. it. FRONEFIELD. Wavne, Ph. COUNTRY HOME FARMS, 23, 74 acres: S concrete reads Inte I'blla.l 13 miles, Weit- Isy allium, wapie men, l'a. It ACRES, Chester County, Mate reads, geed buildings : terms. Call Baring 1 281. NEW JERSEY FARMS FARM 72 acres; 70 acreu rich tlllsgs; I ruwi ideal for general crops and dairy; owner cashed $4000 In 1 year; mile te town ard market: 3, minutes' walk te schoel: dandy 10-room house, geed paper, paint: geed bnrn, wagon shed, etc.: Plenty fruit; owner retiring,- sacrifice for $3000: extra-geed bur alii! possessien: ether farms. WALTER Def'AMP 2T Coeler st,, Woodbury, N, ,T. : E. SALE OR EXCHANGE KEAIJ ESTATETO EXCHANGE t HAVE several Investment houes In differ. cnt sections of the cltv that I would llke te trade for lamer property, cither In city, reuntiv or seashore. T nm a private- party ami win ifct nuicKiy. I" 2U2, Leaser umce, REAL ESTATE SALE OB RENT 120N CUTHBERT ST. Adjacent te Readln TermliHI depot and market homes will improve rer long lease. v. uruca narrow. .eu r-i. iin. Knfferlce Wnreheuae., Manufacturing Floers FACTORIES, sltis and deer space for ea,,) or rent at vvnyne Junction Address Mr, Darling. .T. LEE PATTON. Lincoln Milg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WILLING te outsider purchase of home In cvnir.11 section or citv. tuner rtrnlsh-'d or unfurnls ed nnil iargjlv Ilnanccdi will consider pethlnir but bt locatiens: In nn. swi-rlng give particulars. P 121). l.cdjcr K' urn. Ileal Kilnls MertEaces Insurance ARTHUR B0SWELL 2.T1 N. 1.1th st. llelli Phenes. Wi: Altr; HKLI INO for ethers. Why net you? llesults, net excuses, our motto; list ings wanted In Utn., Oak Lnne and Chestnut if in: puiern waning, ranter h Spaeth, .01 t'linlten av. oak Lane lltR. COTTAUK, fiirnliihed. wnnted ta buy In cniner. suuin 01 veniner no.. e Den rooms, a baths, het-water heat: state leweBt cann price, ji a in. Laager time' WANTI5D for personal use. detached or somi-eeiacneu neuse ann garage, within city limits; net ever siz.uue: Rlve full par tlculars and price. II 403. Ledger Ofllce. MILL JJUY eld-ptvle hcife In geed neighbor heed, cltv or suburbs. I'uli particulars de sired. Jiucm S. WALKElt. 01'5 Land Tl Jlldg. Hnruce 4257 WANT tj buy detarhM house, 4 bedrooms, 2 hatha an second fleer, bath and maid's itKim en third; garage: Wynnefleld, llala, Cvnwyd section. W 4S. 1'. O IItc .1443 IIAVK bUNers for properties between Mont gomery ne. and Cumberland st.. Kkd. and Qtn. nves.. If trice Is right. V 117. I,ed. Off. WILL I'UHCHA'K several geed resldenllaT properties for Investment. 1 12T, Ledger Office. . WANTIID Te purchase small tottage nt ec Hen. Ocean ''lty; description, price and leca- H 41. jjeuger uni rACTenY n.oen. about sone ft.; July 1 Reed light. I 114. Lcdser Office. . WANTED Te buy about 0-rm. med. hnuf, iltn. or ef-cr I'hlla tub. Pi. Pies. 3377. WANTED Te buv medv house, Otn or I'hlla suburbs, must h.ive i b-lrnn. l'h.I'res.3377 I'ENNSVI.VAXI StlllURIIAN DESIRE comfertnble (1 rooms and bath dwelling In suburbs: rent reasonable nn'l heuse modern. Hush H. Walker. 023 Land Tltle Illilg, hpruce 4237. WANTED Bala. Cynwd or Overbrnek heue. n or 0 bedrooms nnd garage. $73 te $100 per month. Phene Columbia 0s20. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 211TASKER I Sid NOBLE C02N. 21ST 2C47 S. 1ITH 3832 SPRINOI-IELD AVE. SDELSTEIN & BERNSTEIN g IS S 13TII ST. 3724 LOCUST ST. 3-tery perch front. 0 rooms. Open for In spection or kev at 3720. T, T. NEAI.ISj.nii) 3. 12th st. 1300 HARRISON ST. Oppolte rrankferd High Schnqi, modem all-stene house, open for inspection all day Sunday: near Sears. Roebuck & Ce. ie. B. Llelwrman. Colonial Trust Hldg locust Q4')4. 32D. N.. 1027 Modern dwg., 8 rooms and bath. 1 square from Park. Apply E. J. Elliett. 1112 Chestnut st. Phene Filbert 338. l'RETTlE.sT HOUSE en Roosevelt boulevard beulevard restrlctid; scmlrdetnched: 2-cnr enrage: SUM) pr reilh. BEST. Frankford 290-t A 033 FISHERS AVE Six rooms, bath: perch all medern: $00 per month, E. V. McPHAlv. 2024 Frankford ave. BEAUTIFUL b-roem perch-front heme: all rnnvs , m.-iln thnrnnirhfare: elegant cend.: key 2303 W. Ix'hlgh ave. Ph. DJainend 7(102 STORE, corner of two prominent avenues, northeast section; about 20x30. P 121, T,edger Office. WILL ERECT bulMlr.g. 30,000 te 100.000 square feet DIKTEItHJlt. 7; wainut st. 1IITH nbove Callewhlll Eight rooms, white plumbing. Smith. 133H Tt. Breeze qve. ei"3 nv Anirert st 123 Rhoads Realty Ce.. lsth and Husquehan..a Business Properties nnd Stores 1S1I LUDI3W ST. Three-'tery brick build lnir, suitable and most desirable location for contractor, combining shop nnd efllce; reasonable rent, . I. t-l'TLKU PULLER. 10 S. 18th st. VERY de3lrable showrooms and storeue space for rent: ailantame for automeDUe sales or similar line. Fjss-Hushcs Bids., 21st and Market sts. Sei Mr. Ollhert. en premises. XAROE STORE, 20x02: growing business dis trict. 10th & Snyder: alter te suit tenant; term lease. II. C. Slner. 1010 W. Passyunk. MERCHANTS' BLDO.. 44 N. 4lh St.; very desirable offices; heat end light. Apply Roem rt. 44 Nrth 4th st. UO.DOtl SQ. IT-.. Bread st , N. Phlla. Sta tien: it. n. siaing: smtaDie ier auto or mfg Industries. Dleterleh. 737 Walnut. 122S-30 RACE ST. 3-STORY MFO. BLDO.: ELEV . UAS. ELEC . STEAM HEAT. PENINA. CO.. 317 CHESTNUT ST. 103 N. 4TH ST. Stere nnd cellar. It. W. LLOVD. 712 Walnut St. Factories. Warehouses.. Manufacturing Floers BO.OOO FEET FLOOR SPACE HEAT AND ELEVATOR POWER INCLUDED WOODLAND A"E. WEST OF 32D ST. WM., P. BENKERT 1421 Chestnut st. MERCHANTS' BLDQ.. 44 N. 4lh st small room for light mfg. : clec. light and power (meters supplied); ery de;lrable location. Anelr Roem 0. 44 N. 4th st. OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. 001 WALNUT ST. Entire third fleer, consisting of 2 effices: rent $1000 per year. Estate of DAVID M. HESS. U04 Walnut st. OFFICE. Chestnut st. front Real Estate Trust Bids., fourth fleer; BOO feet fleer space. Apply Roem 120. WILL rent half of office In Penna. BIdg,. 18th and Chestnut; Including telephone and stenographle service. Phene Locust 7730, DESK room In des. central odlce for sils man or account. 1001 Commonwealth Bldg. Desk Roem WILL OIVE DESK ROOM tint! use of type writer te public stenographer free of charge In return for nttentlen of our of- rW. P 203. ledger Ofllce W1T PHILADELPHIA 410 N. t!2D ST. 10-room perch-front dwell- ing. jaw. .MciitEA. ia-j.i Arcn si 721) UNION ST Cor, dnc . 12 rooms. Mc- Cunlv. 4003 Lancaster ave. pros, 20.17. OERJIANTOWN OTN Greene and Tulpenecken sts,: best le catien in utn.; attractive nemas, with a-rngt-s. Dreby & Evans. 1007 Lincoln Dlrtg. LOOAN DESIRABLE HOMES at 472S an 4733 N. Warnock St., C rooms, tiled bath laundiy, sun parlor, garage; all Improvements; rent $"S. LEVICIC ft WOI.DOW, 707 Walnut st OI.NET 321 W. I-'ISIIEll AVE. Six rooms, bath, ea race; H5. S1NEX. HUB W. Pussyunk ave. I'ENNSVI.YAXIA SI'IH'RIIAN FERN ROCK STORES, apartments, furnished heuke.,. IL Hepe r.UOl Yerk read. Wyoming 43.17. C.I.ENSIDE REAUTIFUL dwelllnir en Easten rd.; 8 mln- utes te statien: all med. cend : 75 per me. Rennlnser & Rennlneer. Qlenslde, epp. sta. THE KERNEL St i T- 's HOWS -TrAv- I N firirSlFj COfeSTOOND . 0E?RTv.e 1 e STICK -FO Per U ) SISTER. US? e-J SfeceS-uS- lv E SVSTeB. UL? CORRECT 6RiMmED jm mt j j AjL"" mfri HaTN - ,-iK;.JssssW.ti..H. .,-. ' i I. , FOR REkT FURNISHED' BEAUTIFllI COUNTRY.1IOME for rent, fnrtiiahi.i. for six months from April or May: li minutes from station, or 40 minutes' autdmeblle drive te City Hall: 3-aterv Cel enial stone heuse: 4 master ami a servants licilroems, 2 rams, large living room, nurary and dining room and sun roem: Immense I..,-. h,wl rtnwnr frnrilenf li'Rn PIT month. with care of lawn and flowers Included: ar rangements ran be made with farmer en plare for milk, vegetables, chickens, nip,, and 2 line saddle horses can be rented or bought, If desired, phone Poplar 4Hn, ROXllOROcnit NINE ROOMS, bath, front and side perches side ard, up te date- April j te Oct, , 1 rent $100 per month, JOHN J. FOBAN, 1410 Cressen st, Manayunk H70 NEW JElfSKV SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITV . RETIRED LADY living In Ventner Cltv will share her beautiful home year round with reOned party of ' or 3 adults: every attention and service of finest hetel: garage privilege, or will rent for summer or yearly. Fer information apply Guarantee Realty Company, Ventner City. N, J, - MORTGAGES WE HAVE n number of well-secured first mortgages for sale, running In amounts from $1000 te $23,000, nil bearing; Interest nt rnte of 0 per annum, some of vhlh expire In the very future; reasonable discounts allowed for quick action. ARTHUR AR.MS1RONO ft CO.. 112!) SDruce st., Philadelphia, 2221 11-iardivnlk. Atlantle Cltv. ARE YOU under foreclosure? Have funds te protect first mortgage foreclosures of $23.0011 and ever. Principals or their attor neys only, Brokers emit. 42 Moravian Sta Sta Hen, Bethlehem. Pa. WE HAVE a $100,000 fund for geed first mortgages; submit full particulars with application in writing. J. T. JACKSON COMPANY Rising Sun nve, and ltoeevelt lilvd. LAROE TRUST FUND for FIRST MORTGAGES Centrally located properties preferred. 1 HORACE H. FRITZ 713 Walnut st, WE REPRESENT 0 of the largest building ar.d lean associations and desire applica tions for first, second and split mortgages In nny sectlrn of the cltv or suburbs. WILLIAM JAMES KEOOII. Land Title Bldg. FUND9 TUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT BUILDING ASSOCIATION MONET DEMP3BY ft CO.. 27 S. 1TH 8T. MORTGAGE FUNDS TOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES ON PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE T CUTLER PULLER. 10 S, 1STH ST, MORTGAGE FUNDS HARRY G.C. WILLIAMS WALNUT MORTGAGES Any ;, amount promptly. Write or call STADLEN, 120S Peiuu, Bldg Sprurn 3302, MORTGAGE funds. 1st nnd 2.1 mtges. Gress, man & Murks. 2213 N. L'Dtli. I'el, 4413 1130.000 FOR lmnied. Investment. 1st &. 2d s. ,u.i? .. i-crcv st- no ga li.ttiil. Pt'NDS for 1st ft 2d mertgages: nulck reply M. H. Mntslngcr. Renl EstatA Trust IlliK MONEY .for 1st & 2.1 morUages; straight K meriKaKPs. m, u. Auernetnv. 1H2S Chestnut MOIlTCtAGEH a. r BROWN. 311) I.lnce'n Bldg. W. II. HALL ft SON 48S LAND TITLE BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN. J 1000 te 1100 000 en accounts receivable, notes or acceptance-!; jeu collect ur accounts; nlnn STADLIN. 120s Penna. Illdif. Spr. 3302 tsetute. - -t- ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT. 1024 Furnished rooms, all conveniences, near bath CHESTNUT, 2009 Slnsle nnd double roems: southern exposure. GERMANTOWN 110 W Sharpnack st : 2 rooms, sunny; bath, heat nnd llcht; cenv. t train and troll, v; J23 tier month. GREEN S-T 1317 Clean, wcll-furnlshel rooms ier ineuscKeepinc; or slnsle; hot het water I eat, Pher, Poplar S4P4. LAItCIIWOOD AVE.. 3I0S Beautifully fur. front tin, ndjuln. bath, overlooking park, het-vn,tcr heat, electrlclty, continuous hot het water, convenient te car lines; married ceu- re or two eenueinen preferreJ, Phene Weed. 7(102. LOCUST ST.. 301.T Attractively furnished room In modern home of refined American coup'.e: ekctile llcht. het-water heat, hard- ' " - " - " "t-l i-)th. vv.v...ui r-i , i'e vM-iurn. rooms for heusekeeptns; runnlns water; all con v enlences. near elevated. WALNUT, 3330 (ciirnr) Unfurnished atT! 3 larce rooms, bath and perch; J00. Bcl Bcl ment 7753 J. WAIJUT.3')0 Second fl. front, smith, .in. elec h -w. heat, seml-prl. linth. e-c meals. bTH. S.. '.'OS Nicely furn. heusekeCplnj rooms, nlfre slnslu rooms reason ilile. 12TIL N., 130S I.arBn furnished nnd unfurl nlshed rooms; cur passes deur: cenveni ences 12TII, N. ID Twe llrst-ftuer lieusckeepliii: nn... 11 30; also large He-iind-llr. back. J3. 16TH. -N 130, HOTEL R URIC Central. near station and shepplnc dlstr'ct, beautl- fully furn. rooms- else : spetless: med, rates 10TH. N 013 Attrac. newly papered furn. rm.. run g vvat er. eiec. . suit l or -.rnp.-s . t i 3STH ST.. N., S02 Nicely furnlsn.d hecend- tloer rooms; bath. g.ntl-m.-n; $3 VICINITY of 40th and Walnut sts , l.irue attrnctlvelv furnished -oem: nrlvnte fjm. Ily. references r.e.utre.1. Pteten 3',lil. ATTRACTIVE furn. apts.. some heusekpe. Shervvoed Apt. Agency. 1334 Walnut st. WEST PHILADELPHIA BEAUTIFULLY furnished slnple or en suit. private or semi-private bath; vicinity e' 21st and Walnut; adult family. P.icn friruce 40S1. W. PHILA, Nicely furnished room; hernn comferts: beard optienal: emnleved cnuet-s or gentleman: prlv-tin home. Weed. 10!I0 V, YOCU.M hT., 3312 Nicely furn. room for Bentlemen In prlvita family; all cenveni ences vvoeillard S3 ,2 J. 3STH ST . S., 1723 (1 mi nhove Cluster ave) Iirse front room, well furn.; every con.. private family- lrfiard few doers nwnv. teis bOTH, N , 1331 Wurin furnished reum for gentlemen: electric, private; IS per week liflment BUS It SIXTIETH ST.. 1132 S One or two well.. furn. rms.: n l med. cenv.: shewer: erl- vate family. West 30S3j , 55TH. N.. 1723 Large furnished room with light houtekeeelng privileges. 43TH. S., 42') Attractive slnsle loom In re- nng't nome electric, pnene. I1ST S.. lOil One ulmile room, next bath, centalnlnir het-wuter. near "I,." 4431 BALTIMORE AVE. Entire third Heer, . 3 rooms and bath, furnished. BOARDING 40TH, S., 323 Owner will rent comfortable rm. neme ceuKine; bus. woman or man, APARTMENTS 101-1, ( HI.bTNl 1 -Most modern spacious nnd pnnin etelv enu nned new i 1-- apartments In Phllndeliihla; 2 rooms, be.iui' ful tl!n buth with shower ard n. vt-rv unlnti kitchenette fcafre. rentals. $70 te Jlifi, 2111 i pen ier insptctiin until u r. m. ticnard J "eltrer. 142.1 Locust. ,'. lyinia, ., ....v.,. VERY PESIRAI1LE HOUSEKEEP1NO APARTMENT. il ROOMS ND UAT1I, i ni-i'hnimhed; miu rm;Asrj;ni,Y ex jenuur- Ir,fn3l;UK;,'. i:' ,9P.'.V V,,r,!L.A-ND SPRUf'E i7,?.-D.A.'.i1"Yn, ".'J'V.11.1,'..0-' 5l" rilESTNUT ST BOTH PHONES it p n 1 I lTt rt 11. Or. lUill dim JCIICrSOn OlS. fnr1arn unsrirnanl rt fl Inrirn rnnmu nml ill-. both with shower, electricity, hardwood tloer. furnished, Jli0 monthly. Applv premls-s or uince vvinucrincru iiuiei, uruuu aim i.ecust. MIHMIIIMM $100 DAILY for the Best Last Line Supplied by Any Reader te the Incomplete Limerick Printed Belew RULES OF THE LIMERICK CONTEST m 1 "0 mil felettlinna ..II. --.. n i.- i-. ,'!"I,2.."r prrnnni rnus imiSiJ1!" ?n of. ,,' Juries r Is. nbse- $ " "nu et "Pen te uncus- "' ITSLl!" etfn t0 nny one. Only WSr.r"let" '." I "'"a .'" 1""t I"'" O ini nickl ,u,nfTv ter convenience. Mscmial ,h0Jgh thl" '" no' '' hi' i-15JR,i" ?? n,'" Limerick must be received by the last mall Tuesday THE WINNER OF TODAY'S CONTEST WILL BE ANNOUNCED ONE WEEK FROM TODAY I Cut Out and Mail TO THE LIMERICK CONTEST, Evening Public LrneEn, 1 P. O. Jlev 1C23, Philadelphia. M (All lines MUST be sent te this box. Lines atltlrcsseil In nny ether g way are net eligible.) LIMERICK NO. 7 jg There once was a flier named Small y Who wouldn't take'ehances at all Till he tried, for a lark, I Te go up in the dark (Write sour answer ou this line.) A'amr Street nnd .Ve. y City and State !rjrn;:!;a;;ii ' WitlllPV FflHpH 111 MtKCI M.' UllCU III Every Lim'rick In Last Contest ! - . , Cenilnueil from rase One ', cvpn wliqn f-lie Culled tls lip nt tills -u"any was in ICTRUO Wltll tlie ueys j aim liaa hliirteil lmr call le the Penn J Mutual instrail. Uut he ought te be (convinced, new that lie lins that first I chti'k for ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which was mailed te him jestcrday. Funny thing about this ca-c is that it proves what wo've said n mnnv times 'before; DON'T GET DISCOURAGED. ! Jfr' 1i''l'l answered EVERY ONE e the Llin'rlcks In the Inst pentest nml ' dlJ "?' cvc BCt honorable mention. i Ann ncre. en ins vet-v lirM: Mint this time, bu finds himself in the Hail of Lim'rick Fame. The winner-was born ferty-tlx years age in Harrington, Conn. He came here twenty-six years age and hns been with the l'cnn Mutunl all these twenty-six venrs. He in quite a noted ninatein' b!!llaid!t nnd has token part in many tournaments. The liuhlwins have two daughters, Marien, thrce jears old, and Limerick Fans Here's the Most Com ical Laugh Medicine in the World! nTHE Six-Pnge All-Star Comic Section of the Sunday x Public Ledger is prescribed by Doctors of Geed Cheer ns the most effective means for bringing en a series of gleeful shouts, with jerky sounds, accompanied by move ments of the facial muscles and mirthful feelings. Lese no time in meeting these joy producers "The Gumps" Andy, Min and Little Chester. "Gasoline Alley" Walt and his baby, Skcezix. "Deeb McNutt" always in a peck of trouble. "Hairbreadth Harry" With Belinda and Rudelph. "Mutt and Jeff" love each ether like wildcats. "Betty" she's "just se like a girl." They're guaranteed te be the most comical laugh medicine in the world. Place a trial order at once. Start tomorrow and read the clean, bright, sparkling wit and humor which appear every weck'in the Six-Page All-Star Comic Section of the PUBLIC .xOrdcr Your Carrier or Newsdealer te Deliver Your Cepg APARTMENTS SPRUCE. 1012 (Helrnehurat) Kail.eler 7i.,I;Bli'!hr Ivate bath, "reiXE: npartrnentB, l-.l rooms, witn pri l-.itifnllv furnlaheil. nil modern irents, oheno, maid tervlce; some 1: inn nDnrinienia, ONF ROOM, kitchenette, bath; completely ; fiii-nuber). mjdern elevator uimrtin i.t.l beautiful locntlen, Id minutes from st dnwnn 1710 f "ewnn 1 1 m ,i. vni (iinnn AV'iy Twe rms.. tile bath kitchenette, thoroughly renovated, electric llrhts, hardwood lloeis. het-water heat, rent US te tin. O. Perry Pox. 2324 Olr.ird live . ... r,,,rr rrr. nrir MniiArn mpn, .,f HNtS .. OUy "7 ..... ",. , ,, , " ,". ",;?, tints. rhlla. Development Je.. UUJ rranitun iru-i nm. ""- , - -"-- WE HAVE seveml S-roem-and.baih ap.irt- liients in best sections of West Phi.ndei. phla Merris Apartment Ce. 1203 Puinsyl - II nla Irlfltf. iOCU9l t ier Twe deslraWa Apartments of 4 und 3 rnnm, imti iiain; n"u lutuuun, v nvt - nur rtew .'.97 " """ '' , THIRD FLOOlt. 1018 W. I'.iHsynuk nve.. H roeirs ana i-aui eiiiua. j-i- ... wmiu. , evening. Be rarffiil le sena te Post Pest office Bex given In coupon. Ne an. swers will be reee ved nt this olflce. All must be mailed. 4. The winner of each day's ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR PRIZE will bj announced one week after publication of the Limerick, B. In case of tie votes ONE .HUNDRED DOLLARS will be awarded te each successful contestant. The prize will net be split up among them. ..i ' t Beatrice, fifteen, who attends the Oak Lane public school. - Tlie 1itry met in one of the buildings of Temple University, 1815 North Ilread Street, te be exact. There were twelve girls who s'lt in judgment en the ten verses, and, ns they were studying English composition, we felt that there was every chonce of n una nimity of opinion, 'Rut there wasn't. The winning line get four votes, three were enst for Mr. Furlong's line, nnd one i'nch for Mr. Jenkins,. Air. Wcnner, Mr. Harris, Mr. Wolstenhelmo nnd Mr. Mulford. Se, you tee, there's no denying the assertion that we linve made f-e fre quently, which Is, viz. nnd te wit nnd 1. e. there nrc few people, even among the most intelligent, whose senses of liuii-er ere nlike. The inuiies. of the .iurera follew: I Genelva French Gainer. ISlfl North lireatl street; Arlene K. IIelT, 1'Jl Main street. Lonsdale ; Edltli J. Gllmere, 'M'e North Twelfth street; Helen D. Shanley, Ridgwny, l'a. ; Mnry Ostunn, eia Green strict, Norristown ; Doro Dero Dore thy I. Murdoch, 1811 North Urend street; Mnry Leumc Hammend. 1S13 North Rread street; Dorethy Mueller, 2l!00 Se'itli College avenue; Resale M. Flvnn, 1'eckville. Pa. ; J. Marguerite Smith, M. Emily Dilg, 24 Wostview nvenue. Germautewn ; Evelyn McClnln. M2L' West Ontario street. SUNDAY S LEDGER APARTMENTS I 1Ji.n rNULEWOOI). 321) S. lltli st. (Mth I Niruie) Mr d. r,-rm apt.. lVerfett r. nil ! I'.":0 -S,-A T"u"""'- "03l"r' ''" ""'" -'J:'!!.iJ' .-0 f.H Second. Iloer apt., e rooms , . h- -,."--,--. "-.' ,'".". " ll!-tu3y Sjmnuehnnna n'v.' Diamond -IP's' n -r.ii v nV. , n cfr-rr?.T.. T- .- , r.DELSTBI.N' 4 HERNSTEIN ''IT , s 13th ' WEST I'HILADIT PHI -ln' nniilil.l.llll.. COMPLETELY fiirnlhn,1 .1 . .-,,""n.: mi-nl, kitchen, diiiln,- rm. hedrm. nnd llv. init rm. lemblned. Owner, Sherw'd OHUI V JJEjlMANTIHVN '"' .'-m. 's,.'.a 1 heuf-M-ep tiff Bivutnielil I ....n ... . : . "ii-i nm Mem is cut down hi ii minimum new nnd modern vvlth tlltd bath, built-in tub runwer, s'p.irete pertn "vor nn ucm of lawn with old shade: i-'iuare te cnuntry dull nnd golf Units: , ' te Htatl.m. MAUIIAN DOLMAN ! ' "' ' '.,' I'"', ' im'i Tli II wuun ti i PENXsvl.V.VNIA SI'ltl'HIIAN W HHARI'NAt K. 1HI Ttine larce teiiik nnu sunny bath, second tloer: heat and I ll-bt. convenient te train ainl trolley; must 1 its teen te ue npprcciateu; J.i.i per mentn. HaBUqRInMauHWrJ'. iTVint','efV' 1 , .v-t-jfiS- ,t vjiVTr, APlRWIKHTr' NEW JKI18KV SlinURHAN CAMDEN AND HtlllUHHS Apartments te let. furnished, unfurnished! modern, Call Camden 2083 W. . HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1330 LOCUST ST. Sixteen-story, fireproof housekeeping npartment, house; all mod ern equipment: separate etevater for each set of apartments: apartments from B rms. nnd bath te 7 rooms and 2 baths, or 3 or mere apartments may be Joined; Inspection Invited. Apply te Superintendent, en prem- irji V . WEST rillI.AlKf.rHIA UNUSUALLY desirable, private poreh. rennu, 3 bedrooms, .screens, awnings, oak noers. .lanlter. fl. fiOth st. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FURNISHED .APARTMENT WILL RENT UNTIL OCT. 1 MY BEAU TIFULLY FURNISHED 13200 APART MENT OF 8 ROOMS AND RATH AND ulellVAK'Tfl OUAItTEnS IN A NEW. rVTIHCTLY MODERN APAnTMENT I1UILD- INO: CENTEH tlie tUTY! BI,BVHURS POSSESSION APRIL 1 OR llBEORE: nE- QUII1E REFERENCE. 7 V tin. T.EDOER OFFICE Wanted HU8INE8H lady dejlres nicely furnished apt. In center of city for 2 months. 1 124, Ledger Office. APARTMENT HOTELS HAMILTON COURT 89TH AND CHESTNUT STS. 2 reerrrs and bath, with private hall! njnv housekeeping; unfurnished; yearly lease: din Ins room. H. II. THATCHER. Manager, THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W. Chelten Avenue OERMANTOWN ... 20 MINUTES TO RROAD ST. STATION Hetel or titifurn. sultfs. housekeeping . rpt. tiie HitnnwoeD flBlt, nl.n... rhalnilt. 2 and 3 room suites, with bath, prlv, halt; also single rm.; American nlan, Har. 7148. THE GLADSTONE " 11TII AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF APTS., FURNISHED. HlNFIIRNISHED . I.ONO AND SHORT TERM LEASES HOTEL WINDERMERE I1ROAD AND LOCUST Urn-id St. front rooms, S10 up Reems with bath, $13 up Suite of 2 rooms and Inth, 123 up I'lOTEL CAMDEN. 2d st. nt Pcnn.. Camdj dni rfnit en Ce-iper Hnuare: n truly nrst-ciass neiei, with 130 rooms nnd 7v baths: dally, weekly and mommy rates restaurnnt, wun nm home cneklnac. Telephone Camden 1330. HOTEL HAMILTON. 1334 Walnut; St.. (cast 1 l A m..,- nnHA-n,KA lintel! Ill lrt!tll iV lUlfl, lui.pci iim.u .....-., beviullfuliy furnished nnd well conducted. USED AUTOMOBILES Rl Iiric" coupe. 1020: beautiful condition; uuiVyiv.,,,.. riuht for nulck buyer, terms. Rejnl Moter Cor Ce., i;n3(l Open Sunday. C20 N. Dread. Poplar UUIi'lv, model 48. larue ceupe: driven S300 miles; perfect In every respect- 2 rpare tires; prlvnte owner. Fer Information phene jt. i;. Hpringer, Ard, n:hi. RI lTPiV L.Utle 4. 3-pnss. teurlnB: 1018: Ilrst t' resannnhln etfer takes It. Pe.e Mr, Hunter, Stutz Acencv. ndli N. Drnael. Dlipifl!)18 coupe, very reasonable. Bee rJUlVri,,,-,.V. tnt Aeener. 000 N Bread. Dlltnie ra ..u-u. . ..! inlnlap Inni SeeTr. Hunter, Sluts Ascncy.flOtt N. Bread. UUtCIC, IC 4T, 1020. tour.: prlv. own.: wll! pell: rxtrm: rfff. crnJ.: demon. H 410.Ij.O. niTTnTr BA.Inn idol trv Inw nrlri. Oer- ceii'b Aim Exchange. 23S N. Rr.'an. CADIF I Ar Medel 37. sedan: very classy V.ttLIL.LrtV, cnr. wlll fncrlflce. Royal rnti's An. T-t.Hn OlQ V? ft . A Moter Car Ce.. 020 N. Ilread. I'QPinr ouae vCADILIAC 37 limousine, beautiful cendi tien, car llke new. uorsena auie . rhature, 23S N, Dread at. fl FVFI ANHSedan: beautiful Jeb: v,LLYJ-Lrllli;verjr little: small am run - ntin- iraii amount r"ew-n. Revnl Moter Car Ce.. 020 N Bread. I'epiar iiiian. open rsunaay. FSSFX Sedan, benutlful Jeb: run very -WL,' tfe! Bnini amount down. R"! woter car ue.. 2n n, nreaa. t-ennr p HIinSON coupe, 1020: beautiful Jeb; will -... BRCrince Hnvnt Aiemrrar v-e inc., 020 N. Bread st. I'epiar nu.ia. HUDSON super-six ndiiii. 7-0. 1020: used very little: nttractlve-loekln must Ixs sold this week: sacrifice: terms can h.' arranged. 310-12 N lllth. Lec. 4331). JORDAN0;0 0, 0-passenBer silheuette: ew nalnt: cord tires: lets of extrns: nbselutu Kuarnntee same as new car; no depreclat en en this car for a ear; bar Ealn. Mr. flanlev. Poplar S271. OVERLAND 83-4 teurlnir. in perfect condi tion ready for nny trip: pay J1B0 down; hal. one year. Auburn Agents, 041 N. Bread. REO teurlnir, leeks & runs llke new: time pam"nts. Auburn Agents. 041 N. Rread. STANDARD 8, 1920, SEDAN Perfect mechanical condition; Just traded en new c.ii". former ewir'r was cend driver nnd e.ive car best of care. Call and make offer W I LLIAM STEELE Poplar 8274 OTI T7 teurlnir and roadsters, all models. Ol U1L tlmreiiKhlv evcrliauled and re finished: excentlennlly low priced: cash or terms, See Mr, Hunter, StuU Agency, 000 N. lfrnidnt. MFCTfTTT Sedan, in wonderful cend llL.uiv.ui i tlnn: will sacrlflc See Mr. I lunter. Stutz Agency, nfln N. Rread st. WE FINANCE cars sold by Individuals te Individuals nn terms suitable te purchaser. Phene W-l 1200 i?11 riiestnnt. Roem 202. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SALES MANAC-ERS or DISTRICT AGENTS for cities and country In E-.istern Unlted States; must maintain office, hire and con trol salcenssn: Arms or Individuals with suf ficient enemy und experi-nce can make u IK-iminent connrctien, with nrs Hnnnelnl returns. Don't call, write. Frank Whlpp, suiierlntenilent of hales, 1321 Chestnut nt Pliilitdeliihlii. ELECTRICIAN'S OPPORTUNITY Fer sale, In a larce IlucUs County town, an electrical contracting and supply bust reps: practically nn competitien: ewnet leaving Stnte nnd will sncrlllce for quick sale. Sale Includes nil contracts en hand, stock and eiiulpment. C-tll te see Lee O. Needles, 72 M Main st.. Dvlestnwn. Pa. WILL Ku.irnntee party 51.1OO profit en In vestment of $2000 for 0 mouths; real estate security: closest Investigation invited. Jl I'M Ledger Office. DRESSMAKING find MILLINERY MCDOWELL'S roiri-e seen makes seu an ,.. nm, .In. .1.1a .nil- I......... nnd evenln': i-ehnel. 102'.' st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS ELECTRICAL MOTORS. VAf'HINE TOOLS, " POWER EQUIP WENT. O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO., 113 N. 3D ST. OLD GOLD OLD Held, silver, platinum, plated ware, old. Htyle Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1817. -I. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. STORAGE AND MOVING ONE .MONTH FREE. ESTABLISHED 1880 THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1420 N. 8TH ST. I'lltiNi: DIAMOND 2171 SEPARA'lE KIMJMS. PACK INO & MOVING CALL AND INSPECT OCR WAUL HOUSE VICTORY STORAGE 3200 FILBERT Plume Iklmuiu 41170 for eMtlinnte. Pie n e-Arrmv vans. The Jehn Rhoads Ce. LiVncJave. Storage, Packing. Muvlng. Carpet Cleaning. hVi'YWKMkim. 'IWVffiUi: fB5 5i:r7ip"'., ' .;. ..-.'. - . - -m- v -. , r , -.r .,y-m---! MMAMMMiaWMBIMaiMHIl " t r Pips i heus: OUBEMAJD. whin, tinder 49imtit llw I". Appl Office Bldg. Ne. ntrard Collet, , HOUSE WORKairl for en, housswerk In Pt. Apply Mrs, Llbermsn. 4410 Walnut, STENOORAPlTEn for real tt office! hours 0A. M. te 5:30 P. M J et.t talHT. experience, p 804. Ledger Qrlne. WOMEt Old-established bend house dsslrei te engairs services of 10 ntelllent women for nil or part time, capable of presenting te better taa Ae i...inn aeaaened se eurltles: permanent, prefltable iseclatlpni experience) unnecessary: excellent schooling given, n 421. Ledger Office. WOMEN WANTED, te sell coupent for our Philadelphia studio; several nttraftlve of- v.l.l0 lt fremi return up te 12 well, Eastland Studies. ti chestnut it., Phlla. flrnerV MAKE MONET AT HOME Teu can earn from II te $2 n hour In your Pnre time writing show cards: quickly nd easily learned by our new, simple melnedi no canvassing or soliciting; we teach you hew, sell your work nnd pay you cash each Te.?! .f,.m Particulars .nd booklet free. wXlll ,0'1' ' American Bhew Card Scheel, 220 Ilyrle llldg.. Terente. Canada. , COSTUME design, fashion Illustration, aid pattern drafting, cutting, fitting, drapln nnd millinery design: lean from imminent, practical experts In surprisingly short time: munificent enlsrles etilcklv earned. Fashion Academy. Dept. L. 1482 N. Bread st. SELL US your spare time: wa will train you te write ahewcards for us: no canvassing or soliciting; we supply you with steady Werk! fitatBtiA , -ivltl ntkv VAH from 115 te IB0 a week, Wilsen Methods, Ltd., uept. 24. fl. East Richmond. Terente. Can. HOMEWORKERs wanted, female. CO te 83 cents an hour; new prefltable profession, united Shade Ce., Dent, 3, 48 Bend st,, To Te Te eoneo. Canada'. CLERKS, typists, stenographer wanted te qual. for Oevt. pos. : write for sample test and rates of Instruction. P 1422. Ledger Off, HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER General office man te .." ii se 01 i-miaueipnia, entce, cnecK credits, etc.; salary te start 133. with geed ft tin t-SAASSI re-IBS aaj-li.iB anA,Mm,k. A . Ia A . Au Apply by tetter only. Rlvliur full de 111 nn In tiMulatia -. !. i m n.i.Us Ifl W. flifri t . KTsiu Vs.t rlii i.nnn Mr. Kdmr. HOY or yebnr man with reed reference, for iiAPli nnd Mnarnl ntfXtt aI In InuiKAi'a ftf1rt tnw tin ft f0 r,. II itX ..Atmm Office. -"" "' """ " "" "v"' CAPABLE SALESMAN WANTED By Inrge well-known oil company le sell luhrlcatlne- nils In Inrfnatelnl nlnnta In tha vicinity of Philadelphia and Eastern Penn sylvania: must have previous soiling experi ence (net necessarily oils): age between 80 and 40; applicants must state qualifications fully. .11 411, Ledger office. CHEMIST AND ENCUNEEIl Well-established and growing concern manu facturing large quantities of small metal goods has an opening for 2 TECHNICALLY TRALNED TOUNQ MEN who are willing te begin at the bottom and crew up with and In the concern. Must be a graduate chemist, possessing a thorough knewledga of analytical and re search chemistry and le conversant with methods of testing metals and ether ma terials. TIU3 OTHER. GRADUATE MECHANICAL . ENGINEER Business experience net necessary, but net objectionable provided men have het become se ser In their Ideas that they cannot work In harmony with existing organization. State educaten, business experience If any. age, If married, salary expected and any ether particulars, that will assist In making a choice. Address Public Ledger, 300, Madi Madi eon eve New Yerk. COMBING section hands wanted for 5 nights a. week: geed opening for right young man. Apply P 103. Ledger Office. LINOTYPE OPERATORS, competent, want ed: open shop; 0 nights per wok, J41: Permanent werk: central Pennsylvania city: special Inducements; fine shop conditions and no trouble. M 32(1. Ledger Office. MAN wnnted with a thorough knewledge of pyremetry. capable of repairing and re building pyrometer Instruments of all types. Address, giving full particulars of experi ence, etc., also salary expected, te P. Gels tharp. Pittsburgh Platet Glass Company, Crelghton. Pa. MAN and wife, white: well recommended; vuiiuticui, uuuci, uuuHfimin; wue took, housework. Apply 0337 Drexel rd., Over Over hrenk. NOTICE Is hereby given that the C'vll Service Commission, of Philadelphia, will hed examinations for the positions shown below en the dates named. Fer detailed In formation npply nt the office of the Com mission. Roem 873, City Hall. CLERICAL SERVICE Mnrch 0 lilll'tig Machine Operator (Bur roughs nnd Moen-Hopkins), 13.30 day. Mirch 7 Bookkeeper (Promotion). ilBOO, February 23 Clerk (Promotion), 11500 March 14 Correspender.-ce Clerk (Pro motion), 11440. EXECUTIVE SERVICE February 21 Chief (Char-Cerr), $4000 M. March 7 Deputy Chief (Promotion). 15000. March 14 General Superintendent of Horses, $3(10 per month. INSPECTION SERVICE March IS Inspector (Building). $2000. March 8 Inspector (Construction), J 1200 $1500. Fetruary 23 Weigher and Assistant In spector, $1000. MEDICAL SERVICE February 27 Anesthetist, $1100, March 2 Child Hygiene Nurse, $1000. February 21 Head Dlagnest'clan, $2300. $120e0b.r$T30y0jrHeai .NU"8 l'- " C" D--March 2 Medical Secial Service Aid (Wemerrt, 1 1021).$ 1 200 and lunch. 'March 10 outdoor Physician. B40-$720. March 10 Physical Theraplst, $800M. .,.'Xr?h 10' I,eaa Hydretheraplst, $1400 -f M. March 10 rellce and Fire Burgeon (Promotion), $4500. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE March 8 Assistant Dietitian, $720- (Po0meTiny).2$72-o'oUrat0r In- $900ri4'lO1M7 "end D'e'" ntHi&V",''.-Imcs"0,r (Compensation Claims), $1500. February 23 Legal Investigator, JSOt), , POLICE tSERVICB ' March 13 Drlllmas'ter (Promotion). 11000 TEACHING SERVICE ' March 15 Assistant Teacher, $000. March f Principal (Promotion), $1800. TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL February 21 Assistant Biochemist, $2000. $27IM)-$3000 -1 D,atl!,man- Architectural. March 0 Draftsman, Structural, $2400-.ToL'-nn3-Sccend Assistant Surveyor, ENGINEERING (OPERATING) March 10 Marine Engineer, os per ordi nance, 1M)0-J210(I. SKILLED LABOR SERVICE March 0 Assistant Operator (Sewage Treatment Wka.), us per ordinance. $1400. March 14 Aute Truck Driver, us per ordl erdl nance, 12u0-$1500. February 27 Blacksmith (Wagensmlth), February 24 EUclriclar, nance. Sl-$5. as per erdl- JlSoe-VibOO -1Llnenran' BS e'' ordinance, March 10 Moter Mechanic, as per ordl erdl name. $3-$il. March 13 Technical Mcchunlc, as per or dinance, $5, ..Vn'0" 2 T'nsmlth, as per ordinance, $4- ir-ry 21 Upholsterer, as per ordi nance, $4. .Muruli 7 Window Clcaner, as per ordl erdl uance, $1. CLINTON ROGERS WOODRUFF. CHARLES W. NEEI.O. LEWIS II. VAN DUSEN, . .. . Commissioners. Issued February 11. 1022. ". Pa Has His Little Jeke ' r -. -i.' .. .1 IZwIi I An ell.taMI.5"ru"iTT '. VI ail ranee company, flue te the ;J IU business, reeulres a. iiiV.fKr, . -. i-r-""- i--- .vivwrmmwiwA married men between the ages of ef for permanent salaried mit en Jr. ' ilmjted earning capacity! Ml" J? I win no given a course In the ai.. ' of writing' life ineuraV.. ,Z I l""r"' . employment and ,,l,r."J m - .:.T --"" '! IIDItf StJa'l i' iuu, imager efnee. U B'mnnimnn, SIOCK, exnarl .. TTTS nl.,a.. . . . ..Fl I'M-. .ll.P'.'f'ese of ,,,ie STILUS fiich i.i csmeiisnea and rrefltshi. a lib a -Ahelesala .... ii:'.llaDie p, l 7n" J-1C'M? i'ltji wSrvM!', x.iK7K2:r"i.K:"' r?'r nuansViyi .7VZZAiZZ V"."r.""S?'J ?win aeeetl bffici ' """ n' B wad ofluTOjinn-vvneiesate grocery ! open territory In New Jersey -".""j perfenced salesman wlUt Sem.I?,lM -Wholesale trade I lieerai commission for the hmT.! Apply by letter only, with refer.r,eIJ,J t.naf nn eiki . ?-. Jcl.crenees. i - "" rHij BAiiraJiAM wanted, ipeelti T calling en drug trade in '."'...k llnei liberal commission te nAS '.".M man. Address, with particular."! waguire. naia Hnerlflan read, chie.a'gl Ai,K8jiAM Experienced bhsrm.I salesman te sen te pnys c atis In S3 Phla: established territory. Il " a?.1. Office, "''. I BALE8MAN. cigars, local and lebbiS"L. g ve references. iarriin J"r.D,nlsl imI.imi. nf i.i.ih... .. h.-. -everes u.u...a u. uu (lirBH. I. MIK .. i -., invr,, . m i ,:mi .,,, a wi,.',, .. B... . . With large eractlcn! evinJ Py-v-W yrung man with net less than ,i2 education te atudy law; salary abeffl week te start with. AAr... i f'erhce""0" Uli ??!! YOtrNn tutu YOtrti nrnviTi'ritMt'w te locate successfully m the second t.J American Industrv- tha. ai.r,,?r. " It. 10 .tar .r.;.ftSS,i,.l Is second only te steel: no ether buiiiSl fords such unlimited flaw. ...,, by the automobile Industry; brlit(7?n ture awaits these who are desirous Sill coming connected; .with th'a bustiMta J the Idea of eatnhl ahla- -.-.i"".- nectlen and taking as much ii Is 21 Wn have openings for young men iTOJ nppearanee wne can nualiry sj Junle-V J mini Mrlnn .anrtan-----.. ."...l't SI ........ -. ...w ....rcM.1,, W1IFI lent opportunities rer advancement Apply te Hales Manager WILLYS-OVERLANI). Bi"-c 01-' PHILADELPHIA 111-11 aih;ii mt. YOUNG MEN wanted, of ability inr. iu nru unr policies in in run time- vnu can earn renm t n.- mnre a menth: successful .;. district managerships. Write liT, Inn-i uepi, uenerui Assurance, i04 Philadelphia. vvainut weneraT WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND 1 AIITOMOniT.Tea " ' $2.-. FOR FULL A COMPLETE COUR8B1 DAY AND NIGHT CXaSSES. Open SuSli. BATTLER'S. 1601 teOB Spring Qsr.? YOUNO ME.", ever 17. desiring itevrnw posit ens: SI30 menthly: writs tn. !2 of positions new open. J. Leenard (fnJ civil service esamlner), 0112 Equitable SI Washington. D. C, CIVIL SERVICE examinations. m.v April: we qualify yeu: salary 14e-lll vvrive lur mm, inun. -- i-, LAQftt 1 SITUATIONS WANTED-FEi BOOKKEEPER, esrp. exD.: can. or cntlre charge: A-l ref. II aH3. IdenTl DAY'S WORK A REFINED CAPA MJiiiu e "ij.,1 i a. i r 1A.l a WI OV ANY KIND: CAN IIBPORT AT ni liriiiTi- ii'iix sk.T ii' r-ti - a stM n ir ixr-CsLirjUi juhj wiiti UUUD RSF A-tJAAs 4U J-ip iUVUUt JtrMT4jCJ, t , JOURNALIST J A position nn staff writer, assistant ti or asslstnnt executive la desired hv m of wide cxperlenee in Journalistic wcrkil fer connection with publication deretM home life or weman'a Interests: would I object' te subordinate position at model salary If prospects for mere advance! sltlen with enlarged respenslbllltlM 1 offered. Phene Poplar 4973 W betweea'l J. Al, nnil i'flll I'. HI. NURSE Cultured refined Encllnh 10 years' ixp., desires position as nuns) high-class family; ene child of walking i enly: best of credentials M 314. Ltd.. fl NURSERY GOVERNESS Tnime- arlrl position as nursery gev'ness. Ph. C. H. ifl SITUATIONS WANTED MAIj ASSISTANT PURCTIASINO AGENT,1 4 2H, Chtlstlsn, single, capable, efrtcUny years' experience, new purchasing J mr;hnnlcal engineering department of I 000,000 recen, nnd chocolate manufacturer New Yerk, desires similar position In Phil salary $30. Rebert Madrtan, 243 Coeptri Bienhlvn, N. Y, i' CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes a pest in city or suuurus, in .years' expeni drive any make car. Ph. Preston 421T 3 COOIC and houseman wishes tionltlen: Ji nese: ceed references. Call Sada, SOI intn si. i.ecust jutia. CREDIT ard collection man, thoreufili pcrienceu; goea personality, witn aeill get resuus nnu neia accounts nest llH ence. f.lll.1 Osage uve. Sherwood 048$, DRAFTING Wanted, mechanlial or ptlsi eruce araitniffi reierenccs nnu expense) upon application. M 307. Ledgjr Offleev EXECUTIVE -I desires connection with an established reputable concern, preferably manufsctnrh new the head of a cempr-ny and for 10 ni have accumulated experience in hnancs. M ductlen, sales and general managemeatTl reasons for deilrlng ft change are erl best and available te you; In early thlrtll a family, perfect health, unusual educefl and icputed te possess reseurcefulneis, IM and Inltlutlve, with ability te erganlMaj develop along constructive and prratM lines. M 3'I8. Ledger Office. - FARMER and gardener, practical nuniM rli-d. Bex 33, Rryr. Mawr. Pa. ; HOUSEWORIC. gcn'l. Japanese wlints wun pri. tamuy; rer. iv. i.. m MASTER MECHANIC or mechanical lntendent. technical education, havl '! tensive experience In the operation am ninlntf.nnne.A nf iviillnmpnt of Industries. Ill Industrial buildings, their alteration) M repairs and business pertaining te nine, J fires Phlla. rnnneellnns. B 410. Lee. 9 S A LESMAN, experienced, wishes a BOBBI excellent reference!. R 404. Lediirw AOT3NT8 AGENTS Every woman buys Hawkins til and household necessities: you make It per cent: eenil 10c for samples. v. Chemical Ce., 031 Penn ave., PUW EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES! BROWN'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU I class help. Spruce 2777. ", LOST AND FOUND PIN Lest, dlamenll platinum pin. TW day evening. In Beaux Arts. RewaM returned te 1415 Wolf t. SEWING MACHINE. In case. bWJ .-niiaueipnia ana i.inwoea "'""""j-jT ware Ce,, via Chester, Pheno Bel, 483 PERSONALS WILL the gentleman who met the ladf Bread St. Station Feb. 3 and took ner see the "Four Ilorsemen," please wrlu), Peggy Tarsens, Newark. N. J., general jive iy7 De net knew meaning of Pin-1 WANTED Mnn who was conneeltu n E,n M rannriv wnaiavnr wun m. i or III inn, tviiia lull -, .,,.,,-- .-a Luemmle. Universal Films, 1000 BreiJW New Yerk City. ' In 1871. Write full particulars BUSINESS PERSONALS, DIAMONDS BOUGHT a -. a sji.T fri rtFrna Will TlIA' AAU I'rt1! lV4tn ! ws." KELLY It CO.. 032 Chestnut if Suite 2-22. second fleer, ever Chllei hTAiwnwnc nnnnuT ,ii HARRY W, SMITH, 717 SANSOM BtJ YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter 8 rael for $7: perfect machine. Oliver Typjjn Ce . Walnut fc Kith. Walnut IHOI. Malnj FOB SALE jj OFFICE FURNITURE ul , .4 Large let of d-'iks. safes, flles. cablnill general office furnlture: store fixture.. We buv, Fell and exchange, ,j PA 1 I -, ruiiiiiuiu, J., Kim coats, used for showroom purpi enly: e"y description; ?"'"; Sewgit TitjWs BW garment. WO WalnuM imTTmr CLOCK arandfatlipr, maheM i."i m. --" . ..4.., Kit-train tn nil PK hU VtT. apH.lnti.icnt. evyn tw or Sunday, pi tl'. ..mlnrr 1 1.11(1 .1 .-r:,:,..n" eim.i. nn pnAia. ftirriiturn. cut fftf wV"la-.- Vii.ti.r Iftr .inHhesany W rnbS antlMue bureau. Oriental rug. N. lTthM. r" trrn i lining frvtrti riirniturt. i U gradi' Hell ene or both reasonable , ..K" ' dealers" Belmont 70S3-M. L crcMi-Jirniindatlnn stone, any flutnll ".'..:; In North Phlla. II. C. AB ..if ni.i Yerk read. Phen,. Tleis NVnONAL CAH HEaiSTER: prjcUl) new; cheap. Johnsten, Walnut 8Ml TVPE, presses una cuihtibi -. i'hlla. Printers' Supply. 14 S, Hlhl LOCUST 4070- '1127 ARCH ST, IUCEIM HAND-CROCHETED baby bonnets. Ml Diane caps, tameshanters and brtalj wool huts reasenable: fourfold worsted n $1.R0: brushed wool. $2.1.0 pound. AM It '"'2. Ledger uiiic" :'i MEW JEKHKV SUIHlRIt IN iTkaTIJI'H- .. PlPleai. las: time V .vm" sea t rta s,l r-lrffj a-.MQKmirTmyy fvuPft t'lA'iv.P?lM,,T.l2 .B'i " J1 f-si uwgs. vna jan acres sna LJ C.J,..' ..ia-tii ' .A..fci( air. 1.1 nnd I JMVWBb Sill MMICUiJS WUI, IN.-llM.'U ruS"i.A?"uZ. ""..T'Wk,. L r "-''TJ,'. 'MM A Riricr, UiV T Mirii ,- mmL ,,r,,JXA,Ahd tiU3jL-&& ' tt t - j . .t vlfflBsBB.",V.W iW. la --iLBBBBBBW'.V.V. ,v 7. ,' . V' .: u, . .... - .