SR6 .wrinH.' mpten: men mm EESEiJ ill) V n ! ii i' i iv n ' nil ' &. -I, ,-Am,. I i I I I I. I . I TOtilbRYI.M0r0MP' i f v A k tf I I IX lTT f t, M iV i I- Wfc W b. ii. m ir3S fjtt u I ' Kb. Htwv 1 !8V JB Daily Mevie Magazine FOR THE FILM FAN'S SCRAPBOOK SsasasasasasBBbasasasasasaMr' tBBBBBBBBBBBGBBBBsHijBBBW' Pi VVVVVVVVVVJPVHipr RODOI.PII VALENTINO We tcill be glad te publish the pictures of such triecn playm m we suggested by the ium THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX Bv HENRY "Curious" Maurice Teurneitr made picture productions of Stevenson's "Treasure Island" and "The Tavillen en the Links" (called en the screen "The White Circle"), Jehn Jobiteu made "Dr. Jekjll and Mr. Hyde" with Jehn Darrymere, and Sessue Ilayakawa Marred in "The Dettle Imp" a number cf years- age. I believe Edisen once made a iliert version of "Kldi.npped." Ne. "Markhelm," as far as 1 knew. has net been done, and neither has "The Ebb Tide." I have ahvavs claimed1 that the latter would make a wonderful ' idLture. In fact, there seems te me te I be an Immense field in the works of' R. L. S. ' Kate D. Yeu are quite rlplit. Con Cen fttance Talm-idge did appear with Douglas Fairbanks in one picture, called "The Matrimnniacs." That was kbertly after the success she nered in "Intolerance" tnd befete t.he wnt. (tarred 'en her own account. Inciden tally, It was one of the best comedies that either of them ever appealed in. "Cennie" made her debut with Vita rranh In one and two root rnmnillpH. Fer several months she npneated with ' tuny QuirK in a series or allege! runny Alms directed by Leu ltei;gs who, by the way, hns a role in "The Iren Trail." II. T. D. There were two pictured versions of "Alias Jimmy Valentine." but II. B. Warner, who created the part en the stage, did net appear In , either of them. That was Rebert War- i wick who did Jimmy en the screen . A number of years age, nnd Ilcrt Lv tall who appeared In it recently. H. B. Warner did appear in a number of pic tures for Famous Players and Trian gle, however. Tyrene Power nlf-e np-1 seared In a number of pictures, nnd I , nave just learned has higncd n con tract te appear in a Themas II. Incc apecial en the coast. Did you see him niOTOI'LAYS "KVV STANLEY Company of America, which is a H&fcujZu, J early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre ttmltn y J in vnur lnp.alitv ebtaininc rn'r.turfis throuerh the Stanlpv Cem pany of America. ADAI I r 62D 4 THOMPSON STS. ArVJLLVj M4TINKK DAILY WILLIAM S. HART In "WHITE OAK" ADrAniA CHESTNUT IL1 10TH AKL-AUIA je A. M. te It 15 V it. MAORI. tlATXIN In Chirlette Urente'n "JANE EYRE" ASTOR FRANKLIN A OIUAnD AVU. MATINEE DAILY NORMA TALMADGE In "THE WONPKMT'I. TIIINC." BALTIMORE 61EsvT.fl SfSffi CHARLES RAY In "A MIDSIOHT HELI." Dt f ICDIDrv Drood k Suquhunna JOLiUCOlINL-' Continuous '. until 11 ZANE OBEY'S POWERFHI. HTOFtY "The Myiteriew Rider" "BROADWAY "rSl" nrrciAi. fox I'RonrcTies THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" iADITrI "22 MARKET ST ,Pur lJlt i A. f. tn 11 1.1 P M JOHN BARRYMORE la "THE UHX'H KATKR" COLONIAL Gtn. 4k Mapleneul li '."HII 7 lllld II 1' 11 JACK HOLT ! "1TIB CALL OK THE NORTH ' K'FAIRMOUNT mVA.a1ly fij&-''u AMJtTAR CAST In I7b'. l,huc nrkMNiir ddicd nncu CZ.T't-I CT" TIIEATRE TltlniT BDrur. DO InOl. MATINEE DAILY THOMAS MEIGHAN l "A PRINCE THERE WAS'' GREAT NORTHERN 5w;V,B-,,..Ba: SPECIAL fox rnoiiimeN "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" JMPFRFAI. ??7 w"!VT -HF.. fj.a 'JMV,M .- jiinis, .aui ciaa. t v fH ! ' BAHIIABA TASTI.KTO.V In ' y Jimv. rw.A Theu r.v.(i m" 'VitflDITnKI CHESTNUT Abeva IinOAD iVinUIVM Diy, 11:30 A M te 11:30 IM1, ni.emcn. II. VK MII.I.R rflOIHTTION V? 4ATIlRnAV KmHT ,P1 ftffrtn.t niin'n At anil CC lhlsh Atenue HAMMERSTEIN IIHUCUC Of MANHATTAN M. NKKI.Y in ".Tnlin Needh.Tn' "Theu Shalt Net Cevet' Deuble" audi., j mounts up te the thousands. The long Waiting Yes, "Ternblr- D ivid" jj10'8 "'"' "KRreBnte only a compara cempara wlth jour hcie. Dick narihelPie.s, is lvp'y few leet. coming te l'hiladelphia very seen. I Herbert btunding, one of the vet- i ngree with mm met iieartuy. tie ims; r.lvj linK'ied another feature, a em- , edy. and K new making "Sennj." by Geerge Hobart , . Den writes "May I ventuie mj oninlen of Lillian Hjntt s criticism of Xazlmeva in "Camille .' Myepin- Ien, incidentally, clashes with yours, but you will forgive me. "1 hhnll hae te di-agree with our friend Lillian, and while it is net the best of that star's pictures. It is net nearly se bad as it was painted in your I rirMlent eelumn. ft is lmness ble te ' antireach an appreciation, from an . . . " American viewpoint, of n foreign nr tist's talents. There is a t ether rndical difference between the two modes of ex pression of emotion, and if critic, who are perhaps a trille impulsive, would pause te consider this, one would net read such n lambasting of peer Alia. Being of Spanish ancestry, I believe that I approach just a little nearer thnn the 'reeulnr' American te a knowledge of the means of expressing emotion. Therefore, is it net n matter of viewpoint? And isn't it Impossible te judge the two schools of art by the nme standard? -Is our friend an swered''" (Yeuis is an inten-sting letter and, of course, j en are quite right about Its being n "matter of viewpoint." (Jlad te hear from jeu any time. Frank Hughes What's all this about "hating"? If it wasn't that it would only bring up that tiresome con troversy again. I would publish your letter nnd let the fans read it and see hew foolish it is. Like one or two l'HOTOI'I.AY8 The follewincr theatres obtain their nictures 1 IRCDTV UUOVD L COLUMBIA AV Linc.rl I matinhi: daily "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH" AI.T.-STAR TACT ORIENT Wwxllnnd Aw nt 02d MATI.NEi; DAILY AI.I.-!TK CT In "BLACK BEAUTY" OVERBROOK "S euu ALICE LAKE 111 l M'HAKTKi) SKW PAl ATC 12H MARKET .STItKCT r.LirAvC. ie M ti n in P M LIONEL BARRYMORE In "IIOOMritVNO IIIM' DCrrMT MARKET ST llalew 17TI1 KLULIN 1 11 A M tn 11 P. M MARY MILES MINTER . '" "TILLY" Dl A I TO 'iEUMANrOWN AKM II rl-Vl.iW AT Tn.!'KHC''i:. ST WILLIAM S. HART JnJ'HIIITK OAK" SHERWOOD Bv "v-t;;0 An MARION DAVIES In "TUT. llltlDl: s i'I. v STANLEY "ffi-l!".."-HAROLD LLOYD InJlA --AII.IIII-UA1IK JIAN" CTAMTOM MARKET Aben 1UTII j l riy i ji u .in a t m it no p. m "THE FOUR HORSEMEN or rin: aimm maim;11 333 MARKETn'f 7, NORMA TALMADGE In "TIIK W0IIKIHTI. THI(I" VICTORIA fnlVV.' M'H'IAI. CAST In "Ten Nights in a Barroom" P R A1T i)" Ol'm Ae Mat. Today VJlvrAls 1 'ir' n nn.1 ii-,'n Ilecltnln WILI MM VOX I'lUiNKW' WILLIAM FARNUM i iiw fim:,TrT MTi:i:pirrK "PERJURY" 1 AT OTHER THEATRES. MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A, Ambass -J Ualtlniore Ave at Seih ilUUf Cnntlnunus 1 30 te 11 20 Tednv and Centlnulnif AM Next Week DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "TIIK TIIKI'.i: .MINKKTKKItf" Next Attraction W. (IRHt'llll'H "VA DtlllN KAST' "' nQn'...n B(1I0 llermantewn Ave, uermantewn matiSkk daily hprciai. rn rnnni'CTinv "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" ether?, you have entirely misunderstood tho.nttitude of this department. "neth" You're en the ether side of the fence from the average, and al though I ngree with you, I really can not open the discussion main. We'll publish pictures of lleba Dnnlcls and Kthcl Clayten toen. Dorethy Tlmnk you for the clip- pins, hut why the harsh "welds"? I think eu'ri' just mad becnusc you're afraid "Uudy" Is net free. v ! A Crowd of Mevie Fans That's a Krcat'nnme you sigh. Anyhow, that picture you ii"l; for you'll tind en thib i la go today. C. S. Stelirs, Jr. Miss Mlnter's ngc H given in Hint directories as twenty, her birthday as April 1, 11)02. Wp have been informed ey apparently reliable forces that she is nearly twenty-six, and from our own memory of her ap pearance with William and Duct In Knr- i limn in "The Littlest Itebel." we would say she was about twenty-three or twenty-four. Take jour choice; (.he t seems te be one of these perennial curly- headed mN-i's who forget te count when 'it comes te bitthdays. N. I. The Toenonlllo trolley pic tures were made In llouweod ; tlieM! cenes in "Tim Queen of Sheba" were taken in California. Ksitlialeen The scenes in "The llridc's 1'Iny" were net taken In Ire land, but en I.mij; Nluiul. 'THE MASQUERADED HAS VERY REAL SETS, SAYS CONNIE IJj CONSTANCE I'ALMKK Hollywood, C.iUf. RICHARD WALTON TULLY'S pro-dur-tlen of "The Mnsqucrnler" Is coins te be a delight te people who knew the ccirecf thing. Wlldred lluek land's technical direction Is authentic te the lnt detail. The room of I.eder (one of the star's two roles) Is musty, untidy, diity and comfortable a typi cal writer's nest. My lingers fairly itched te clean It up. The huge Par liament st they ate wetking en new l n man el. The mace, the leather benches, the reporters' gallery above, the chair, aie all reproduced in de- tail. The very carving about the room hand-done. The cost of such a set. i inciudine Hie par of the ncter n It. "" ""'; "" imu up uu a bnd cae of bronchitis, combined with Kleig ejes. I can't Imagine aujthlng that would make one much mere mis- erable. Hut In bpite of his illness, he came te the studio. That Is part et fin actor's duty, of course, especially during a time when scenes using scores of people are beinc shot. But when one remembers thnt Mr. Standing is a man well ever seventy, the effett he made can be appreciated. Lawsen Butt was In the scene, tee. i"cn.V lne ,mm company sheeting at !-"" '" going te star mm. .Mr, !. ,.t .. .1 ,, 1- . . Jiutt is n dependable actor, nnd his many friends will be glad te henr of his geed fortune, especially In thee days of hard luck. Yeu should hear the tales I hear! Samuel J. HlmK piesldent of the company which makes Hinds' Heney and Almend Cream, was having a lark as one of the members of Parliament. Last week the company used his estate In Pasadena' for some exterior garden scenes. James Weeds Monlsen "Jimmv" te his many friends is going back "en the fetagu next week for n time. The Community Players nre putting en "Enter Mndame" nt our local theatre, and he has nh important role. They've premised my n ceupln pass's, se I'll go. Subtle, nrcn't I? But if Jimmy is half as nice en the stage as he is I en the screen, en future occasions I I shnll probably go s0 far as te spend I ..... n...n .,.. f .1.1.... . ' ,.,,, u,,ii uiuiii-j lui liunlls. Last minute news! I've just heard that Edith Storey leaves tednv for Aus tralia, where she will fulfill a two years' starring contract with nn Aus tralian film producing company. Here's luck te you, Kdlth riioTen.Ais threueh the guarantee of HorePlAYI, . C8MMNY V prAMIWCA 'fft TheNIXON.Ninni.INir.FR jm. IU THEATRES jj BFI MPlMT t:t' AROVi: MARKET Jl-llVlV-n l 1 HO and 3 00. O.30 te 11 MARGUERITE CLARK In . l.llll t'li li'tHL'ut. CEDAR OOT?ae.?iEaD7li,fi'li:NLME .lAMEsrKNVMOKEioePKn'V '' "The La.t of the Mohicans" CO I9FI IlVl Market bet GOth & COth WILLIAM S. HART In "TULTIirUI. TOLIJVKH" JUMBO I'JIONT ST. 4 OIRARD A E Jumbn June, nn KrjnUr.ini .m." l'rlicllhi Dp in and llrrlwrt Hunllnten Iu "tunmtr I FADFR 41ST & I'ANCAHTER AVE. 1 l-rlSLl 2 30 te 4 30, 7 M 11 p. SI I'rWdllu Irnn nnd llcrhrrt Itiiwllnsen, In "CONFLICT" LOCUST 5; AM) LOGUSr .Sl'RKK'13 r.10. 1 On i:as. U.30 tn ii rKfcD STONE In "TIIK Ill'KK or tllLMNKY IIUTTK" NIXON 52D AND MARKET 8TS. RICHARD TALMADGE '".""IK I'XKNOW.S" NIXON'S GLENSIDE M S.AW- I'rlxllla Iann anil llrrlurl Itiwlln.un In "CONFLICT" R1VOLI D AND SANHO.M SI'S i ') a n r, 10 ii ! M. MAE ALLISON In "Hill OAMi;" AQTUI CT Theatre, Opy. "I." Terminal 07 1 II J 1 . "O 7 and ti P ir. JACK HOLT In "llli: TAT.I. OF TUP. NORTH" CTDAMn Oltn, Ave. at Venanee St O 1 rxMtNU jie ii xu te ii p ii JACK HOLT lu "TIIK CAM. OI' THIS NORTH" JEFFERSON iuth A Dauphin Sis MATINKi; DAII.V ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In "MANnCfri'H OR KISHES" DADkr RIDOK AVn. A DAUPHIN ST. rrtl Mat, Hiin. Kvr. 1:I5 te 11 EUGENE O'BRIEN In "CLAV DOIXAKN" TANGLED THIS HKOINS TUB BTORY . Jiwa Cunnlnnham In rich nnd ruth; I.m. He turnii down the pti of n Blrl he hi) n claim en him nd klcki out n man who y Cunnlnnham mth him n ihnre en n bunlntia d'l. Shell tn Inter of Wlhl Iteif . a rldlnf Rlrl. who tll her nlitcr'H trouble, te Klrby f.;n, an upnlnndlntr nhd chivalrous eo'hey, Klrby tnkes up the matter with Jack and James, hi. two ceuilni, favored rrotegei of James Cunningham. When ha net te hla uncle's apartmant ha flnda the inan chloroformed, bound and dead. The murder htd bon remmltiad by a left; handed parson. Beth Lane and AMId Keea ara nt the Inqueit. also a woman uhess photenrapjh. signed "rhyllia. was in tha dead mvi'a room. Lane I; arrested for the murder, but releaeea en ball, Resa rereals aha also had he.n In Cunnlniham's apartment tha nUnt of th murder. Hull, the man thrown etif of Cunningham's apartment, JacK ant I'hyllls, a society Blrl. tn whom I'unnlngnam hnd bcen enganed, are alae known (e hava been lu lh room tha nnht et the murder. Lane nnd his cowboy chum. Sanborn, discover that Olsen, a ranchtr, who hart a irrudKi" against the dead mn, had bacn near tha npartment. Lane discovers that the Seunser James Cunningham had married I'hyllls, sacratly. As the dead man as about te disinherit Jamea, suspicion be Kins te point nt him and Thyll s. San born finds nnd marries llesn'a slater after discovering that the younger James was the BUllty person, riot his mux dercd un:le. Olsen "splits'' te Lai.e that tha murder was commuted by Hull and his wife. AM) HERE IT CONTINUES CHAPTER XXXV l.lke a Thief in the Nlslit FIIOM 10,000 bulbs tlie moving-picture houses et Curtis street were fllnciiiB n glnw upon the pecked side walks wlien Klrby came out of tbc hotel nnd stntted uptown. He wilfecil te the Wyntlhiiin. entered, nnd slipped up the stairs of the loom-Inc-house unnoticed. Frem the thlrtl thlrtl uterv be nsn'cmled by n ladder te tee flnt'roef. lie knew exactly wbnt he hnd com.! te Investipnte. Frem one of the windows, of ths fourth fleer et tn Paradox he hnd noticed the clothes line which Mrctclied ncre?s tlie wynu hnin reef from one coiner te imetlicr. He went straight te one of the pests which supported the rope. II? jnnde n careful study of this, then wnlked te the ether upright support nnd examined the knots which held the line fast here. "I'm KOme geed little gueM:r,'' he murmured te himself ns he turned becU te the ladder nnd descended te the fleer below. He moved quietly nleng the corridor te the llre-iicnpe nnd stepped out upon It. Then, very quickly nnd expertly, no celled a rope which he took from n paper parcel thnt hnd been under Ms iirm. At one end of the cell wns a loop He MMing this lightly round his head once or twice te feel the weight of it. The rope snnked ferwnrd nnd tip. its loop dropped upon the stone abutment he hnd noticed when he hnd been cxnm ining the exteriors of the buildings with Cole Snnbernl It tightened when he gave a jerk. KIrbv climbed ever the rnlllng nnd swung 'himself lightly out into bpnee. A moment, nnd he was swaying bexlde the firc-ewnpe of the Paradox. He caught the iron rail nnd pulled blmselt te the platform. Hv chance the blind was down. There was' no light within, but after his eyes hnd become used te the darkness he tried te take a squint nt the room from the sides of the blind. The shade hung an inch or two from the window frame, se that bv holding his eje close he could get mere 'than n glimpse of the Interior. He tapped gently ou the glass. The ui,a iniiie Unshed en. Frem one viewpoint he could sec almost half the room. He could go te the ether side of the blind nnd see most of the ether Amnn sat down in n chair close te the opposite wall, letting his handH fall en the arms. A girl steed iu front of him and pointed u paper-knife at his head, holding it ns though It were a revolver. The head of the innii fell side ways. Klrby tnppcd en the window pane again. He edged up the sash nnd step ped into the room. t , The young woman turned te Ium eagerly, a warm glow in her shell-pink cheeks. "Well?" she inquired. "Worked out fine, ltese." Klrby snld. "I could sec the whole thing." "Still, that don't prove anything, ' the ether man put in. He belonged te the stnff of the private detective agency with which Klihy wat. dealing. The Wyoming !" smiled. "It proves my theerv is possible. Knewing Olen. I'm willl'n' te gamble he didn't sit still en the lire-escape nn' let thnt drawn blind shut him off from what was gein' en inside. He was one mighty Inter ested observer. New he must 'n known thcie was n clothes-line en the reef, l'rem the street you can see a washin' hnngln' out there any old time. In hN place I'd V hopped up te the reef an' cot that line. Which Is exnctly whnt he did, I'll bet. The line had been tied te the pets with a let of knots'. He hadn't lime te untie it. Se he cut the rope. It's been spliced out since by a tiiere of rope of n different kind." "Hew de you knew that's been done hlnteV" the detective n&ked. a fn!i- nuostlen." Klrby nodded. "1 don't. I'll find out nbeut that when I I talk with the landlady of the Wynd- m SI a .!. l .. -. 4 Via. ham. it i m ngiit y m m-t uim cut lops his puzzled her some. She can't figure out whv nny one would cut I tivrepe down an' then leave It there." 'Tf veu ran show me her rope was cut that nljht, I'll nay you're right," ih, .InrnnMm mlmlftsd. "And It you are rlsht, then the Swede must 'a' been ... --.1 ...... ..nnl ...nn 1tllflil ' -1l.4- Virtfft n'hnn VfillP linP.P WflB Klllt?(l. "My "": bien'" !flrb?; ce";,,ctc,, "We haven't nny authentic evidence i Jft nb S.c.tBCliY:?e.SL"-S,S:!I,i Killed, iu if fccLun 1. .....w ..... . . .. down. It was between 9:.10 and 0:50. We knew that." , u , .. "Hew de veu knew that?" the pre-fe.-lrinal sleuth nsked. "Accerdln' te our story jeu didn't jjet into the uiurtmeiit until after IU e clock. It inUht 'u' been done nny timr up till The eyes of Klrby nnd Hee met. They laid irlvnt' information nlmut who"n In the room from about 0:55 till 10 :10. , .,,,,. The (iittlcmau corrected hm Htnte- Uncommon Sense uy jeiin blaick "rVTrAOAItA PALLS tumbled ever its! IN cliffH for thousands, perhnps inn lllXest brvke te "human reins BllClltest Ml lie I0,"1',"1"; ........ . LV'nfTercv Ve the eifew "hen the white men of wSrld ea e6. d d t uerld no geed viat' - "ere l.arne.s,l,,,r th.lrs. And their de ever till lt waters were harnebscd nml holepmeiit would have been far differ converted Inte eleutrle power. i ,,IC' New It fcuppnes nsnt uiiii iirm uiui I waters inake products which nre tut oil ever the wenu TIIK ha a IiIl-Ii l,arnclnK of Nlnwr- i,ulrc.l liifli order of inteniKenee, ana n leug eourse of trnlnliiK. It began wl en Ueujamin Irankliu difrevercd thnt electrical energy was ui e fill. KxperlinentH with dynamos nnd meters, conducted for ether pur poses many miles away all played a part In the final convcisien of the mighty cntnrnct Inte products thnt Rive feed nnd comforts te the people of the world. , ,. While Niagara was pouring ltd waters uselessly ever the rocks, n race of nav nge men were expending the rame tort M i.. In. Inivnr nnnntlHas- In r,ii.iin nml killing of wild animauu W,H . m .NOW It fcuppnes iIBiit "' '"".ii ""'t'rniTI.' power te cities for mllen around, and I '"' the power units bupplicd by Its niHlilnijI Mil TRAILS "Wiy, you bljr, fat stiff, I was stnntlln' wntcliin' jeu when you knoclied out Cinuilneham" mctit. "All iljrht, Fny between 0:i'.0 nnd 10 '05. Durltur that time Hull may have shot my uncle. Or Olnen mny hnve opened the window while my uncle "lny there helpleiy, killed him, Mopped etita the window njnln, an' Bllpped down hv the flre-ccnpe. All heM hnve te de then would be te walk Inte the Wvndhnm, replace the rope en the reef, nn" next mernln' leave for Dry Vnlley." The detective nodded. "If he cut tlie lope. I.emme find out from the Innd Indv whether It wn cut thnt night." "flood. 'We'll wait for you nt the corner." Ten minutes later the detective joined them In front of the drug store where they were standing. The hard eyes In hN cold gambler's face were lit up for once. "I'll say the man from Missouri hns been shown," he f-ald. "I let en te the dame nt the 'Wyndlinm that I wns after a gntic of young Btienk thieves In the neighborhood. Pretty een I drifted her te the night of the SRd snld they'd been especially nctive thnt night nnd hnd used n rope te get Inte n tcconil tccenil tcconil stery of n building. She woke up. Her clothesline en the reef hnd been" cut thnt very night. She remembered the night en account of Its being the one when Sir. Cunningham was killed. Could the beyn hnve ut-ed It te get Inte the store nn then brought It bnckV 1 theunht likely." "Hully! We're one step nenrer thnn we were. We knew Olsen was loekln' lit the window from the lire-escape just outside." The detective slapped his thigh. "It lies between Hull and the Swede. That's n cinch." "I believe It does." ncrccd Hese. KIrbv made no comment. He seemed te be nbserbed in speculations of hH own. The detective wn reasoning from n very partial knowledge of the facts. He knew nothing about the relations of .Tnmes Cunningham te his uncle, nor even thnt the younger Cunninghams or nt least one of them had been iu his uncle's npnrtmcnt the evening of his denth. He did net knew that Hese hnd been there. Wherefore his deductions, even though they hnd the benefit of being trnined ones, were of slight value lu this ensc. "Will you take the key back te the chief of police?" Kirby asked him us they Hcpnrated. "Iletter net tell hi:n who was with you or what we were deln'." "I'm liable te tell him n whole let." the detective answered with heavy irony. "I'm flgurin' en riinnin' down tills murderer myself If nny one n&ks you." "Wish you luck," Kirby said with perfect gravity. CHAPTER XXXVI A Itide In a Taxi Kiihy was quite right when he said that Hull would go with them. He was en Jiis way downtown when the taxi caught him nt Fourteenth nnd Wclten. The cattleman jumped out from the ninchlnu and touched the fat man en the nnn us he was waddling past. "We want jeu, Hull," he said. A shadow of fear flitted ever the shullew eyes of the lnnd agent, but lie attempted at once te bluster. "Who wnnts me? Whatjnwnnt me for?" "I want you in that cab. The man who biiw you In my uncle's room the night he was killed Is with me. Yeu can either come with us new an' talk this thing ever quietly or I'll hang en te you an' call for u policeman. It's up te you. Either way is agreeable te me." Vends of perspiration brele out en the fut man's forehead. He dragged from his left hip pocket the familiar bnmlannn handkerchief. With it he dabbed softly nt his mottled face. There was a fulnt, n very faint, note of de-llaii'-e In his veice ns he answered. "I dunne as I've get nny call te go with jeu. I wasn't in Cunnlnghnm'i rooms Yeu can't touch me can't prove n thing en me." "It won't cost you anything te make sure of thut," KIrbv suggested in Ills low, even tones. "I'm payin' for the ride." "If jeu get am thing te snv te me. right here's a geed place te unload it." The mnn's will was wobbling. The cattleman could see thnt. "Can't talk hcru. with n hundred people passln'. What's the matter, uiniiV What are you afraid of? We're net geln' te hit jeu ever the head with the butt of ii six-shooter." Hull Hung ut him n leek of startled error. What did he mean? Or wns there anything significant In the lant Ki'iitenceV Wiis it just n shot in the dark? "I'll go en hnek te the Paradox. If '' Your Eerey With Intelligence Tl.elr energy wns nheiiiidliic. Out It vas acieiiitinnltd by little Intel iaence , with KurepV; thew alne, VeuM invn InnriiPfl tn )inrnfs tbeli- ni.rvlna energy that you employ in your eik nnd In your ulnv is .ours bv i inneritniicu. it is the product of tlie loon mat you eat, tne air you iirenthe I nml the warmth that is created cheinl- Vf , ft' vevr ent , , .. Hint' cnm, but uiiIcm you hnrnebs it nnd iiee It Intelligently it will be utterly waited. Heme of the meet energetic people In the world accomplish nothing useful, while ethers with linlf their nnturnl en ergy nre pf tha rfntckt value te them fcIvch and the world. It will de you no geed te be' n N'l acarn unless ion, or somebody elhe, by empleylne Iniman Hklll and knowl knewl edire, nhall be able te convert that en ergy Inte productive thought and ac tion. 1 CmrUl M. iltt, bv Putltc Uitw Cemganu te. By WILLIAM MacLEOD RAINE Auther of "A Mtrn Four-Square," "Gutuight Pats," etc. Copyright, tilt, bi It'Wtam itaoLteA, Ralne you want te see me. why, mere s as geed n nlace ns nny." . "We're choesln' the place, Hull, net you. You'll cither tjtci into that cab or Inte n pntrel wagon." Their eyes met nnd fought. The nhallew, protuberant ones wavered. "Oh, well, It ain't worth rhewiu the reB ever. I reckon I'll go with you." He stepped Inte the cnb. At sight of Olsen he ghewed both dfemny nitil surprise. He had heard of the thrents the Dry Vnlley mnn hnd been mnkUi(t. Was he Ntnrtlng en a journey the end of which would be summnry vcngcanncc? A glance nt Lnne s face reassurcil mm. This jeung fellow would be no ac complice nt murder. Yet the chill nt his henrt told him he was In for serious trouble. H? tried te plncnlc Olsen with n smile and mude. n motion te offer his bend. The Scandinavian glared at him. The taxlcnh swung down Fourteenth, across thn viaduct te Lake place, nnd from It te Federal boulevard. Hull meltencd his lips with his tongue and broke the silence. "Micrc w gein'?" he asked at last. "Where we can talk without bcin overheard." KIrbv answered. The cob ran up the steep slope te Inspiration Point and slopped there. The men get out. "Come bark for us In half an hour, the cattleman told the driver. In front nnd below them lay the beau tiful valley of Clear Creek, llejend it were the foothills, and back of them the line of the Frent Range stretching from Plke's Peak nt the south up te the Wyo ming line. Grey's nnd Leng's and Mount Kvnns steed out like giant sen tinels lu the clear sunshine. Hull looked ncress the valley nervous ly nnd brought his eyes bnck with n Jerk. "Well, what's it nil about? Whadjnwnnt?" "I knew new whv you lied nt the Inquest nbeut the time you snw me en the. night my uncle was killed," Kirny told mm. "I didn't lie. Maybe I wns mistaken. Any man's liable te 'make n mistake." "Yeu didn't make a mistake. Yeu deliberately twisted your story se as te get me Inte my uncle's apartment forty minutes or se earlier than I wns. Your reason was n geed one. If I was In his rooms nt the time he wns shot, that let you out completely. Se you tried te lie me into the death cell nt Canjeu City." Hull's bandanna was busy. "Xethln' like that. I wouldn't play no such n trick en any num. Ne, sir." "Yeu wouldn't, but you did. Don't stnll, Hull. We've get you right." The randier from Dry Valley broke In venomously. "Yeu bet we have, you rotten creek. I'll pay jeu back proper for that deal you an' Cunning ham slipped ever en me. I'm genna put n rope round jerc neck for it. I sure nm. Why, you big fnt stlfl", I was stnudin' watchin' jeu when jeu knocked out Cunningham with the butt of yore gun." Frem Hull's red face the color tied. He teetered for n moment en the balls of his feet, then sank limply te the cement bench in front of him. He tried te gasp out n denial, but the words would net come. In his threat there was only a dry rattle. ' He heard, as from a long distance, Lane's voice addressing him. "We've get it en jeu. Hull. Come through, an' come clean," "I I I sweur te (ied I didn't de It didn't kill him," he gasped at hist. "Then who did jere wife?" de manded Olsen. "Neither of lis. 1 I'll tell jeu-nll the whole story." "De you knew who did kill him?" Klrby persisted. "I come pretty near knew in', but didn't see It done." "Who. then?" "Yere cousin .lames Cunningham.' Te be continued Monday ' LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pape Tlie I'nrk Ae. New Weather, Fcnrhe. Big JIectliiB. A convention of pot pet (1K0 stamp snvem took jilncie In Ptnls Slmklnws dliiins room Inst Weii'-duy memlnR. AmuiiK tli preinliient collect era present nnd swapping wns llcnnv Potts, Sid Hunt, Skinny Martin null Lew Dnvl.s. Kxter! Almest n Duel! Hxter! Tn n fergetfUl moment lnt Hntlddny Sum Crc-s cnlled Heddv Merfv n lilg hunk of cheese nnd Iteildy rlinllenred him te n duel with fmtN rite nwny lint Sam lxplnlncd he lnent it for n compliment because lie liken rhec-e nnd allwnyn hns nnd offered te prove It by h'ja mother nnd Iteddy sed Ills honor was satisfied. Pome by Skinnv Martin Its Up te Yeu If you cnt loe mutch It makes mid fntirss. ditk i- i" And If you dent ent emiff you Ret thin. Se use your own judgement wen te I step, Depcndinj; en wen jeu llCJjill. Spenita. Last Sundcy nftlrnoeii I.e I.e rey Shoester nnd IM Werniik had n nrgewment about wleh one. Iind the meat frcckclb, nml licnnv Pette klmliv vellnteered te be imh-e n,l ,.... IT.. " by milking n llllllk en everv freekel wit I Annual report. Ulectlen of il'iectere nivr his feuntuln pen k, he vveuldent count Sm." un'd je?nk jA5n,Jr?viT "vti!" each freekel mere tlimi once, but I.erey a i:. sciri.i:ar;r.MW.cir. Sejy. .1llnn lilfil Mla .m..,...1 Ss. l . . . . - .-n i,ti. viiijih iiii'iiiiiiitveviv UDICIIl. IIKU llll1 Sl'llNlltlOll nnn l.U (lllll'llt HKe tee itieei, he liiu contest is .still Undecided. I.ent and Found. Nutliinij. PARCEL POST PIPELESS rin i As i re t JsluLJU )3dUsA 9 are heaviest furnaces made. ' Nete the Weights and Prices 19-in. Firepot large Casing, very heavy S87.00 Each 22. in. Firepot, 50-in. Casing, 1400 lb 10S.00 Each 24-ln. Firepot, 54-lu. Casing, 1G00 lbs 110.00 Each 26-in. Firepot, 58-in. Casing, 1800 lbs 130.00 Each 28-in. Firepot GO-in. Casing, 2100 lbs 169.00 Each Delivered Anywhere in I'liiludctphia COME AND SEE THEM SWARTZ MFG. CO. Offices-234-36 Cherry St., Phila.. Pa. WAREHOUSE-116.118 BREAD ST. War Mothers te Take Place of Ril atlvea at Serviced Parents nor sjstcr nor brother will see Rebert Ashcnhurst, who lest his life in France, burled Monday afternoon In the National Cemetery at Germantown. Hut he will net go unmeurncd, and In stead of one'mbther lie will hnve many. The bodies of Ave soldiers were brought te this city Inst week In the belief that relntives awaited them, but there was no one for Ashcnhurst s. Captain Geerge (lelger, Head of the grave registration In this city, began an immediate search for relatives who nfey hnve expected the body, hut the Inquiry proved unavailing. It Is thought new that the man's father Is In Ireland. Tlie facts were ureiigui in me iuii-ii tlen of the Philadelphia Chapter of American War Mothers nnd Mrs. Hltinche A. Relink, the president, im mediately offered te nttend the funeral in company with ether mothers. The Hreen-McCriickcn Pest. 270, of the Amcrlcnn Legien, will conduct the military ceicmeny. The funeral will be nt 2 P. M. riXANTIAI.. NOTICK OP RiaiBMlTION Tn holders of Victory Notts nnd ethers concerned! ' Nelle Is herebr alien ns fellows! 1 fall fe redemiillen nf UK I'er 1'ent lrtery Net's, All ut ths U"t per cent Hs Hs ries of Unltea'Htntes of Amarlca Convertlbls Oeld Notes of W22-WM, otherwise known n; 3"i per cent Viclery Nites, sr hreliy cnlled for redemption en June 15. 1H22, pursuant te the prevision for redemption contained In the notes nnB In Treasury Department olrou elrou olreu Inr Ne. 138, dated April 21. lain, undi-t which tlie notes ver nrlBlnully lu1. In terest en all Victory Notes nf tlie 3 per rent series will tease en said redemption date, .Tune 1.1, 1022. 2 S'iwnleii nml Termlnillen nf victory nte converMen nrhlleci. in vlsw of the cnll for the redemption of all nVi pr nl Victory Notes en June IS. 1022, and pur sustit te the previsions of paid Trrneurv De pirtmmt circular Ne. 138. the prlvlleue et rnmeMen of Victory Notes of elllvr eerles Inte Victory Notes of the ether series is h'riby suspended from rvbruary 0. 102J. te .tunn in, 11122, lieth Inclusive, nnd en June in. 1022, will tsrmlnate. Victory, Notes nr nr cerdlnily cesie te 1 Intercenvertible, effec tive Tebruary 0. 1022, at.d en nnd nftr that date no conversions tf the notes may be msde. II Detailed Information as te the presentn-' tlnn nnd surrender of .Ti per cent Victory 4 tea for redemption Is lven in Treasury Department circular Ne. 2", dated Telirunry ti 1022. ceplit of which are Rvnllnlile at the Trcasuiy nnd the Federal Reeerv Hank". (Slimed) A. W. MKLI.ON' Secretary of the Treasury, Feb. 0, 1S22. TIIK IIAItiWIeri lll.KfTKIQ COMPANY riiiT ani iirri'NniNe mokteaoi: .in-Yl;K SINKINO l'UM) OM COUPON iieNDs. nun 1012. Pursuant te terms of MerUtngiv dated Mirch 1. 1012. the undeielgncd Invites ten ders of abeve bends for Hale and delivery ns nf Mnrrh I. ID.!?, at less than 1()7U,T, nf per value nnd nccrued Irtti'rent te the extent! of sum new avnllnble In tliel mnKing i mm. SealeJ tenders, stntlne numbers of bends offered, nddmssed te (llrnrd Truit Company, Trustee Hlnklnre Tund The llnrvvoed J'lectrl" Company, rirst nnd ltefumlln? Xteiti-nuu liendv will l-e received until 14 j Febru ary 17, IM. (IlltAltl) TKL'ST COMPANY. TrtiMrr THOMAS ,'!. HOPKINS. Trea-urer. I'niinniMpnm. I a.. I enruary u, 11122 NentT. te inii.ur.iiH of f.iiii; meet. INil CO. riRXT MORTUAUK 0 SIMS INO FIND WINDS. Under the terms of thn mortsace a1ed rrnpesils will be received unHI 3 P. M.. February H, 11)22, nt thn ortlce of th Truetee for the sale of ns innnv of said bend as can be purchased with the sum of J3.,004 70 at the lowest price net exceidlni! 103 nnd accrued Interest, All proposals should be nddreesei' TltH SI' II PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOP. IN it'UANCns ON LIVES AND granting ANNUITII:H. Trustee S17 Chestnut HI. Phlla.. Pa. "Proposals for tilnklni; Fund l.'rle Ushtlns rEIIKI.'AKY 1. 1J3 Norn T, TO noi.n nei.n l'.KS OF H Put CI.NT aiOKliMiiK iiemis or iiiK rnei.Nix iken ell; Under the previsions of the Finking Kund M-nlcd proposals will be resell pj unill A o'clock P. M. en the IStli Instant, nt the nfiiri. nf tie Trustee, for the i.n.n n i flftene (Ml nt the mid bends nt the le- i est rate, tut In no cafce exceeding 10.' with uccrued Interei't. ( TII12 PENNSYLVANIA CO.MP.VNY I"OR ! ,N';it,.Mi; i i.n mvuh AND GltANTlNQ ANNUnillS. Trustee I I Ul I wlir--siUi di,, I lilill,, I'd. - 'riiimiiU f'OI'NTY OP Ill'CKM SlfiO.OOO I'tNDIMl HOMm 10J2 Sealed prepuxnls will be received liy the undHrtlreinl at the elllce of the c'euntv Com missioner, Court Heuse. !e letevn. Pa, until 11 oMeik neon. 1'i'hrunr.v si, l it ; . for $161)000 County of lijclcs I'undliiK Ilends 102-'. The above bend) will Im lalv JIarch 1, 1IL2: will b"ar Interest s-ml-annually nt thn late of 114 rer unnum and will be payable as follews: :i2 neil Mirch 1, lin; $:t.'.(iO sr.irch 1. ilia; 5.1.' nnn March l, 1H4J :W,n(i() March 1. 11H7 $32,000 .March 1, ln.M) Thn benils will bu coupon In form, l.ut mav hi- renlstered as te principal. The bends will also be tat free In Pennsvlvnnli mes e en ari-niiiiiHiiiiu ey Crimea checks for il'J of par vilue of amount b il for The opinion of Messrs. Tnvvnsend, Elliett I and Munson, of Ililladelphla. will l,0 fur. nlehed by the County te the Micce-sful pur- uihip.'i , Tlie Ceuntv Commissioner reserves the rluht te reject nny or nil ht Is. Ter furthnr tiiformntien apply te Allen Zalhy. James R Cooper. T. Helms, Co'nmles'imoiK ' WAS111N01ON CADWAI.LADER. Dnvlwleirn. Pn. CI,rlt' NK.AI.l'.U I'KOI'OAI.H Wll.l, Hi; ()P m m l.y the Supt. of Lls'itheuses. Ilaltlmere Md.. at 2 P. M. March 1. VJii! for ,i"e bA the Unlt'l .Stales of lemlcr .IsRsamlne sri Relief .!- it Vesstl N',, y. vessel, i t?,n bj ,1!llrat'lnn."rtt'n,0Uth V"- Il'for'''tlen en Annual Meetings KXi" nilbLlTV TIlt'M COUPaSI . . . Phlladelpiila. J"ebiuury 2, inji. The stated annual meetlnis of the iieck. ??" .''. company win be held Jl iR efflce. 825-331 Cfrstnut streat. I'hllidai phla. en Tuesdar. l-ebniary II? I02i. i is o'clock necn. for the election of a Beard el Uliecters for ihe ensuing jear, ancf rSJ thi tra.jsbcllen of sum ether bus nen as ma U breusht before them. ,""'""," 8TANLKY W. COtlfiLET. gcreisry. l',IIII'M,MK,,'!'l,l,, v ?'Ki-sT ceiipany lllledelphll, durlmr the inxulnt; yeer. terv H. 1. McCI.OY, Jf'crelurv. KJ5J I.KIIAMIN II. I AHse. -. . ... Ann"nLi'l,',ln.?. "'. "I'lcUbi'.iiers next I ,.""""?. TJ.r""'" ...".'. w- w Cor Street and Susqui'ianni Avenue. PARCEL POST ill. L'lriurnK lirniiicht tn your li"mel If jeu tire ullllrtril with rlieiiiniitlhin or i klilnry iilliiientH iiiiniiiuiilrate wild me. " Nn expeime. m an, i.i:n(ii:it errirr FURNACES . An Anium .vieinne cr Cie Hteclh,.!,i;?I- lilll iiii v -i 111 i IIIiIb rempanv will lie held nt their effl.n en i Tiiril.i . lebrimiy II, tun. t i j " 'C!rci" I M, ami en the hame day nn elonlen will tie hld. between thu hi Mrs et 12 o'Ueck i and 1 o'clock P. M. for DlrecierJ te lervi At Lewest Prices MANUFACTURERS SURPLUS STOCK Prices quoted include: Regiater, Poker, Water Pan, Regulator with Chains and Pulleys, Belts, Cement and Triple Inside Casing, Furnaces have One-piece Radiators Cast Iren, and RAW$?STtiWs?Fi8l A 8PBCTALTY. ',,,. STi ZEISSE'S HOTEL1 JOHN O. II. MKVBRH, tim '- Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found Advertising will be found en ' Page 18 v TJSED APTOMOBILE3 IIIHraillWBIMrJBHMMilW MACKS aU. sizes, with hedif.8: nt- 11U1LT AND aUAKA.NTEED MACK INTERNATIONAL 21U0 Clieitnut nt. iWHHHUm DUMP TRUCKS INC.r.UDlNtl MACKS P-A-S AUTOCARS, ETC. H Al.t. HIZIWI, AS I.OW AS, 150(1 I MACK INTERNATIONAL S 21(10 cmiHTNITT ST. Faiiraiii'iiiiJiraiiiiiiiiraiaiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiinaEim! FOB SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED visinu: 3 mes.. to.ce and up Factory Rebuilt Typewriterei "See Our New Machine, the CcRtury" American Writing Machine (V na LHIiiflAUI ST. I Walnut 2)30 Main 4291 Leng Distance Moving,' Washington, nttsbursh. Albany end Doite weekly peel anIend service for small ship- nietilu tn Ilitttn -n nnd Wnshlnctnn The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. S7lh and Jfirknt rts. Thenn Ilnrlni 1M0, j APARTMENTS 1719-25 NORTH 33D ST. PLAZA APARTMENTS OPPOSITE PARK KlKht larin rooms and 2 baths and percb, newly papered nnd painted; Imm. poll. H. M. OOSC11 Ann T.nml Till" llldi 7-R00M APARTMENT NEWI.V PAPERED AND PAINTED Open nrcplaees. har)lvoed floors, electrlcltf, j meilern hint, tire tower, etc., refined ne'In- ; Imrhoed 1707 Master st. Apply Jar.ltet. ,vit i'iiii.m:i.riiiA a i-i a r t r m t c a r n r l m e. n i j tcl ONE AND 2 ROOMS, WITH 11ATH P. J. LAWLER fiOTH AND MARKET PHONE LANS. Ml' HOStEEPINQAPARTMENIB u NO. 1530 LOCUST ST. (S. E. Cor. 16th & Locust Sts.) New 1U-sterv. fireproof heunekeeplnr apartment house. Heveral desirable apart meius left. Apply te Superintendent en preinKes. NO. 257 S. 16TH ST. (N. E. Cor lGth & Spruce Sts.) SKtecn-stnry fireproof heusekeeplnf npartmivnt hense: 3 apartments vacint, en i frr $1H0 n month. Apply te super intendent en nrcmlees. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE A CITY Te Clese Estate 4515 NORTH BROAD ST. MODP.RN 3-STORY HTORU AND APARTMP.NT PIIOPURTY Immediate possession. Deslrsbls bajl n.'Bs locution In rapidly irrevvlnc '. nf I.OBnn. combined with up-te-dat" ; liv liiu quarters In attractlve '""eundlnei lese ti Roeeevell Heulavard Cenllnuea Jovnlepment of this locality '"It';,,,r.,ll1lJ Keed leal estate Investment, sure i" enhnce In Value, as well us a seen bunliK-iM location Albert M.Greenfield & Ce. l.llh CIIi:STNUT fT. 23 11 -23 13 RIDGE AVE. Twe Desirable Stere Properties at Tin: iNtr.nsixTieN of UlUar. AVK.-COMJMHIA AVi:.-23D ST- Geed for Any Business WBM. riNANI'KU SAMUEL COLDER iis fa. 1'i:nn aetJAnu IMMEDIATE POSSESSION" 27.1t N, IJtli t. 1 renun nml bath. IRL'S W. NnrrlB nt 1'.' remns, '.' I). SIS K, Wostmeri-lnnJ Ich . r.. . ne.1 II, YerK t. U roeniH nJiJ MVt. 3111II N 7th n. I'euhf 7 looms, hjth and nhed DONNELLY & SUESS OKFtMANTliWN AVH and I.BIIIO" Only $250 Cash te Buy a Heme vnAreJ!!- ( O . Itnein im.'V. I H i:. cer nth Tt'luphnne Ore.ien A M te r. I' M n;:;i i uu". D. E. DALLAM Itciil KHtnlK nnd MnrlKsueJ ll.m niuve'l, hU efTlcus Ne. 709 WALNUT STREET I'hllBilullihlu, Ta. New tHli'phenn number Wulmil .llllll ANDREW P. CLULEY REAL ESTATE BROKEI OOrt S. 4th and 411 P. M Jleni C'ulKrllehR Hpremuy Anyvhere in Philadelphia If nu uanl in Imv l.nif iw and ? Aji lr you Iinig '-'.-.(i vv will mnlte j"U , fflj , n ihu Iml.mre en vnur hji w .jt-r llOMi: Ill'II.IlINd ANU BVK W AlftS' ,( Vl-rf. A . i vr i ... -mm msirmMtBmA r J i AI.M i'J..' :j ,.lffW Tt V!U KV,iA,it I . ,JM 0 ffsV :W.Vt I