W.AVB.TAT npn rr v.--xf!r Ta yy?' St'if-t' trrwj- ,n m fi eMJi bear STANLEY COMPANY OF .AMERICA THEATRES 'I 8 W for the Coming Week tfr WmtJUSi Kunf Attractions rWirvtrr "Mnln Street," dramatlea- V7tfin of 'bent 1Hng nervel hy Sinclair V Eawls.' with McKay Men I as -uoe" fr Jcennlcett and Alma Tell an Carel rnlniiltiff Alten '- ..... . ,lt?Atnnmn MtrntifrM' tnnt I :-,. - innui Mrffmnn iem(rlv. with aterge Bldney featured In the role olsldere Solemon. JpnBVBBRT "Clrcenwlcn Villain FOI E5. ii.. lust week of third annual edl- .iJ. nt rcvtie. with cast headed by Ted Lewis and Irene Framtnn nin "Tlin White. Hended TJOV." Lii ureelc of charming comedy by Tjmnex Kobltmen, presented by the ili-t DUuiN nt Itln AtltlAV ThftAtr. lU Dublin. 51 AnKLPItl "Deg Ixve," by and with Im wminm Hedec. The sterv of a city chap who unexpectedly acquires a deg ii, rarm. i l mdecit "Ornhnns of th Bterm." teectacular Griffith film feature, with iiii Runt an Damen, ana inn nmn llrters. 1't LYRIC "Ladles' Night." Turklah bath ; farce, by Charlton Andrews and Avery l.v Honwcrea, witn Aiiyn lung ana jenn Arthur. Stcck If 0J?MTEtfJ "Ten Nights In a Bar- fj room, xameua bibke uiuiuuruiim. if staging a thrill and pointing a moral METROPOLITAN "The Miracle .Man." Geerge M. Cehan's famous hit, based en story of Frank Packard. Vaudeville . Fi KEITIt 'S De Lyle Alda. "Follies" erlma denna, heading cast In musical .comedy, "Badle One of These atria," ' a satire en current musical plays; M Herman, blackface comedian ; , James Deyle, of Deyle and -Dixen, and Evelyn Cavanaugh, In "The Lebby," ilinrn number: Qeerse Chens. nre- '.' sentlng "Marry Me," musical skit, l ; with Guy Feyer and Helen Eley ; VJ D'Armcre Kranklyn nnd Douglas ! Charles, "vaudeville surprise" j Frank Ds Vee and Ilnrry Ilosferd, Jaxz , songs and ballads; BcsgIe Drowning singing ceniedlehnc, and ethers. CUESTffUT BTREET OPERA 110VBV u-Fle Bert and El Brendcl. Phlln. II dtlphlans, In farce sketch, with Bren. . del as "Ven YonBem," head Bhubcrt ' J VUUUC1141U Vdl, M lllil MI!"U UlClUUeS I". Geercla Price, sencrs. elanriMi nnH lm. i personatiens: Ernestine Myers and , company, dance novelty ; Mafcel 1 vriuitB inu cumpany, -aaiiy, Irene and Mary," musical novelty; Eddle ( Dewllng, songs and stories; Frank , Jereme, comedy turn with variations ; j Mme. Everest, presenting a novelty , circus ; Equllll Brethers, hand balanc ing; "General" Ed La Vine and ethers. JUV'jtt Feature photoplay Is "The Queen of Sheba," spectacular produe predue , tlen based en biblical story, with , Hetty Blythe In the, title rele und Fritz r Lelber as Solemon ; vaudeville pre- , gram headed by Blegrlst and Darre, ( hand balancing specialty ; O'Brien and , Buckley, Irish comedy sketch: An- , , pette Dare, songs and cemedy: Kclfei . and Albertsln, comedy singing and ddnclng, and ethers. QLOBE Je si 9 Recmcy and company, In "A Cafe Honeymoon." presented by , I'at Rooney.; Jack Koef, in ntinlature , musical comedy, "Over the Berder"; i Armstieng and Tyson, song and com- , edy skit ; Baskett and an akslstant tm.us,Sal W'f : J?,,n Jess- comedy plav- ti-rtcw Fr,cn'y Fe"J": Weed arid right, eccentric comedians; neb- i-i. "n5 "'Brd. comedy playlet King and J'aylen, skit, and ethers. ALLEGUEKYJem Termini and his band, musical melange feature ; Agnee Ayres in film, "The Lane That Had 1 anrerni'A VlMn' ant Wilkin ' B.TWri,'!0n' "evelty; Henrietta Ilfann Nn..,?nd t0'Pny.' models- ' ivS . Vt l.tl,,ane and Ward, comedy "JuSr?hthnnT lla. comedy Kit, just the Tpe," and ethers. BROADWAY Monday, Tuesday anf Wednebday. "Pearls of Pekln'' tnu- hvalvnJl,edyAab,ela' wlth caRt headed J) Wlliani Bcnce; "The Conquering . &ZS Phfteplay. with Itodelph :i"l,e.ntknn: BslLa,nd Mlvn- comedy MA,.Bairy, MoCellom nnd company. SS J'Va sklt wlth 80nffs : Walsh and efdbl1f'14hu8?sd3a8y.and dan0CS- C"anB' C&e'5T,Mday:..nday and - . j, .uuuci JKimicrre. staei ' :,. "I" m dramatic playlet ,i "' -ww j-niitxitrrri. ' burV'8 fTi' r. Jt0? of ltIl,y : Sea Sea KesD;Te8e M&. a.ft "eve.ty "WlU.lAlt PB.V.V B. A. Belfo and company, combination of band, danc - "L.t tl"S1"K: May MuAvey. ' .?thle5 for Sa," fl,l ! Art Hal '. svnnAbMS,haplre' 8klt w"b comedy ' fJ, U Wullane. "musical tcaR-j am" ' ew lles": Pal11 and Pauline ' dav henrt0U,y Chanf0 of ul T ' Mvrtii ,aided by JameB Certlln an0 Myrtle Glass, cemedy romance. "XON'S ORAXD Grace Huff, fermci ?? tv,orhe ,Vcrev ln farc Playlet ' ryfr J1,00 revue; c,ant Mly anl ' pvmu' ."""""y tr': Will Burns and ' S? Mr'' ,muc?' comedy favor- ' JV3; McOnald Trie, cycllBts; Bab- 1 vard"a.n1AMS"y' sl(lf' "" tIlc Ble nnfi ' Arthur and Leah, ventrllo ventrlle HUlal novelty; Irene Castle, film. XEYSTOS-E "Reel Dreams." satirical comedy an the movies, heads the bill also Newheff and Phelps, "tuneful . tones ; James Bradbury, Sr.. an I ffivn "Psyc'10 Jlm" : Maxlne anC nX1' '" 50ve,.tyi Su"y and Ken flfm cpmedy suit : "White Eagle,' nlm serial, and ethers. JT.YO.V Bey La Pearl and cempanv fantastta surprise" ; Angel nnd , Fuller, music and chatter ; Combe and , (jevlns, syncopation entertainers- Jeur casting Campbells, comedy no- fobatle act; Jean White, dances I ''" !Be,IanuV , "'. with Neal Ilnrt Pu !i"n?n T ""lay, nr- bill, with father Tem" ns film fenture. "WALTON HOOF eet Horner, nievlr star, and Billy Ta ler, head the eri tertalnment program ; Florence An drews, the "glad girl"; Hdna Still well, comedienne, and Klmmey nnd Harris, dances, Iturlcsque OAStXO- "D&Vfl Mnrlnn'd Ml ,1 iinmnnnn no i..nnu or the IinpeHslble," In twf fiilu5n'! fe,Hrt?,ei' M'nes, with cam an nil ;Sii,U! cllrus of twcuty.feur an added feature. TROCADEHO "The Aute CJIrlH." with cart of favorites; also Helle Helenn, daiiBcuse, with new tepeitelre of Htens and ether feature. I .Minstrels OVMOXT'S Kmmett Weli-h nnd plav rs in tmvcbty en "OrphaiiH of tin "form ; nine "KikIh mid Follles el Mether aoeso." w.lth nbt headed by Heimie Franklin ; ethers. ,t-.. ---......... x.Ttll --J,li,dJ MATS.. 2llB KVtiW.. 1 1) fet Week. rrt Time ut I'epuhir I'rlrcn B. A. ROLFE and COMPANY iMli.teri",J!,,,,r M'"-'"l lMrnniinii 1I!!J2 jJwaMVliM ',"n ' e Veny g! HltAPIHOJJKRAXIt Vi;i.l.AK JWlN Mill, 4 KDNA PA t'7.TxK JWAY McAVOY 2!!?ynlaf for Sale" :fi ChaatM Thursday mam GranD nuOAD ANDittONTaOHEIiy ATB. r. MMn-lrfllliier, Gen'l Mgr. ut Uve. nmir, JUS 17e tit. Inc. TM. Iijffl te 10i4-Mc tt, tan. Ti 81ie Hsl, Kve iSO NEXT WEEK 1MW1H and OORIIOM Preienl GRACE HUFF ft CO. lB '3m WBgf b' H Mcdonald trio ARTHUR it LEAH BELL CRANE, MAY A CRANE" 7 acts wr B. F. KEITH POPVT.AK M VAUDEVILLE i Will-IURNS k LTNM-EMU LAURA A BILL DREYER BABCOCK Be DOLLY IRENE CASTLE In Three-llwt Drama "CONVICT Ms" Cheater Comedy, "Fatltnsr fee ranny'i rathe -Stmni Teptea ef the Dnri Aenap'a rabies. wlU AMI I.OOURT STB. f. MATINKK DAn,T AT lite ft NEXT WKBK RUDOLPH VALENTINO ALICE TERRY AND SAME CAST AS NOW APPEARING IN 4 HORSEMEN apocalypse IN BEX lNORAM'K OTHRB ORKAT PRODUCTION iinPOWFRH 3tm SPEND ST. VALENTINE (O) DAY WITH fBv $ 9lefil RUDOLPH VALENTINO jEHtt 7tc)ceiw 52D lie). MARKET Daily at 2:i Evnlnrf. 7 ft 5 ALL ACTSB" VOD-7T VIL 9 AND INEAL HART in "RANGELAND" .VJIt ST. AMI SANMI.M III Mr .it I ae. 3i 8i4S te II P.M. NEXT WBBK KKANK SIIRRIDAN IHKNK IIOVI.K niCIIARD TKAVF.R3 AMI 111(1 CAST IN "The RIDER of THE KIR6 LOG" tfXBBBmmmBiMM tttQjcU Jlat l.ancuMer A. 1.30 te A:00 7 te 11 MONDAY. TUESDAY ft WEDNXSDAY JACK HOLT "The Call of the North" Aildril llnrntd I.leTd. "New or Nr" Tlitim.. Friday ft Hat. AK AVREH "The Lane That Had Ne Turning" Metropolitan ONC MATIM1I Wednesday Aft. s te3Bw. rajlhlsl iHISlH IMPRma inn imisiBB iiiflmii ElkKss MMpSLa P CSail1flMl IsHRjT'sft sk. BBmBBBBr H laSd I sVILrX IVsrssW IrsruW StiyalBfOtlFlfJIjySTllJlRtFiA TM 'ViyiRKiWvffn WAHHINOTON'S UIRTHDAY The met norseeua JTnlli production rrtr en any fjp. OwiiJ Ballet. The Keart of ltf. Drtn"-. of ti .Tesea. I'nntemlme of til "Old Weman In the Miei"" KxtrerIIn.iry rn.mnbles. Montleua dancing. 200 faiclnntlnc children? Won Wen dcrful truiinforniHtleiin, SritK und tee at 1ISS Clieatnut alrret dally 9 A. SI. te H V, M.t Mr, 7.1. .(10, BI.S0. Ttlrpliene erdira, Ulttenhoufe 2288. Direction of C. Ell weed Carpenter. 1 HaiMI I -auiursj k BR fCjRl VMLHUTflTelalTH-rl1HttnMC', IleBlnnlnr Monday Mat. The lilt of lilts DAVE MARION'S OWN COMPANY WITH EMIL (JAZZ) CASPER & WILL H. WARD ,11 AIlt.MY (If MUHIC SAT. AFT., FEB. 25, at 2:30 CONCERT OK JIUSIC FOR PIANO RACHMANINOFF Tlckti new, Hipm'i Acud. Des Offle. pirplien v. remy. nuinway rimoe fjahdl HERMANTOWN ft VIWAWOO BT. MONDAY, TOWinAT ft WKDNIWDATf TUB OREATEBT DRAMA ur DOMESTIC Mn KVKR SCltKICNRD A MANS A MAN' nn IIBASM mvwHBm i,nrfi A" wr, wc it thboceh THX BVB OF HEAT.1TT. Thanidar, Vrldar ft flateriar agNes ayres "THE LANE THAT HAD NO TURNING" O. NIXON-NIRDLINOKH liO-NIOHTH AT eiM TO MUUff NlflHTB AT eiM TO 11 T. M. Ctdwi nth St. A cdar Ave. iMv. a, i mna a p. M 2, Frank Maye in "DR. JIM" fT Wednertar anil Thg radar niu.-e. Ann xiikn, nuiiwi-urie in "Hllent Ymi n" HOOT filWHOV In (-rr'i FTBK" Celiuum, Murketiiu bet. 80tb i:ae s; Men. iSA AW14'. H "SILENT YEARS" Wt1i"iV' KHlrbn.?i" ln ""' nrdr " " - - Tirim" tUU CAN HARk HEitf .ST. THEATRE in itwiTK TKBMFXAT. Kuth ' Utrtftjwiw. OMiralt. AGNES AYRES in "THE LANE THAT HAD NO TURNiNsvi The sterr of n ir who uncrl. iS hr ennratln ,,""" Thim.. trldnr ft sturd7 POLA NEGRI in "The Last Payment" .J.,JldA"nd.,",l""' terr of St. ab. Mart,.. -du,d:v, o.-seto II MONDAY. TUESDAY ft nrnvvc. . .. sit t a r .eu.ii unnnLU KAY "NINRTEKN AND rilu.I& Thurdar. Friday ft . - "THE TRUTH ABOUT nueBAiNDS" Opera Heuse bbbbVSJbbb K bW Forty-seventh Annual Juvenile Secial Event CINDERELLA AND THE Little Glass Slipper February 22 kilTltOPOLITAIJ ! I. -! " BEGINNING TUESDAY MATINEE DesmeKD IN CEO. M.COHAN'S FAMOUS PLAY mmm 2-EXTRA FEATURErj Motion Picturtt showing Miss Dit mtnd't Partxetll te Girmantewn uill b ihewn bttwctn th acts at tvery prernwnc. ' MATH.. TIES., TIHHS,. SAT., S.ll 1000 Scats 25c R!r?tJl,M,r TIIIHH.. FHI. HAT! Kl'KNIKUH loeo Smu 60c RJl:,?.5,oer Tickets at Bex Offlea and aimbels' SRST'?TiRBRCB!afS'aRBRViRBRBQlRBRBRsCjKaUH smMfHIKy LTr xWWiWflRLt A TH1KD faU,qNTOKT-"PUTlr10 EXCLmiVtlT VAUPKVIIU'S lMt" ! KamiMIA UltAl W H HaUdBViLLI1 QX&i)mBBBBBBBBBBB$B& SRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRsMHBiRW ' RSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRViRSRSRSRSRSRslrVT' WmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmLyi: XBBBBBBbW MmBBBBBBBWl&mW mbbbbbbbbW0bW wm VtXAM WHAT .IILI JaiaiBiaaBiBiB - Betw CIIAB. ATM8. yianl.t Special Mutteat Peatnrs GUY VOTER In "Marry Me A Mualcal Cemedietta Tntrnduelna- special Danes JAMES DOYLE MEETS EVELYN CAVANAUGH IN 'THE LOBBY" With Pnn and Chatter TDK KLWELT SIRTSRI PAT JULEE LEVOLO Jeat Different PATHE NEWS TOPICS OF THE DAY Extra Added Attraction! THE BLACK LAUGH Matinee (Exi Satardar a. HelMnrs: Utst Entli aeau. obi e, laeladlna Tax. Bveediutst Entire leTadlna Tm: seei urcneetrm eeaie, ai.iu ana i.ev. Dally. 2 and 8 V. M. Seats One Week In 2 Shows CON'IINCOtK II One Week Oily Beginning Monday NAZIMOVA IN A Dell's Heuse Henrik Ibsen's Masterpiece As "Nera," the Great Russian Artiste Reaches New Heights of Emotional Acting ' Added Attraction -CARLO Favorite COMING FEB. 20TH CVMf1 111 I ICO GEORGE ARLISS DANCEdeDANCELAND alal, Amour aan ta taiima Mend&Y. TeeidaT n set nd thundiT alaati end elx days eaeh week Wednesday Feature Night KINGS f HARMONY TKTV pa'FFR .M HTB "S BtRTNAWFRa FrL Surprise Night Sat. Rettptien NighC 12TH AND CHESTNUT STREETS Finett Danee Palace in Heart of City Palai5 ae Amour; P2EACADEMY OF MUSIC mm TONIOHT AT 8I5 PHir.DEIJTIlA ORCHESTRA BEETHOVEN, Hymphenr Ne. 6 BACH HANDKn PHILADELPHIA ORfHFSTRA ACADEMY OF MUSIC Men. Evg., Feb. 13, 8:15 BACH HANDEL BEETHOVEN TirKKTS AT ACADK.MV and IIErrK'8, 1110 CHESTNUT ST. SPECIAL CONCERT METROPOLITAN OPERA CO.. N. V. k. FEB. 14, TRAVIATA a raj Aimea. unui-urci. mill, aim, digit. ni UB Jicit, UHiK, AnaeilD, von. Rn Meramenl, OB Heala Acad. A Heppe'a, 1110 Chestnut!! L'llt.M'MJl' M. UI'P.KA HOLSt Milt. Tmlay. TenUht SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE AMj-HTAR Wll.I, BAM QHUBERT "AT. TODAY"" S. O EVES. AT 8:1B GREENWICH VILLAGE FOLLIES LYRIC MAT1NEU TODAV l,,n,v' TONIOHT AT b LADIES' NIGHT IN A TURKISH HATH ADELPHI Matinee Today W I I- M A M "DOG HOD GE1N LOVE" WALNUT LABT5AN?,K;inx,I,AV" "THE SKIN GAME" Willi .MNK nnV nnd KTcmilenal r.t sfU AMT THEATRE "ijlla.ll 1 40JS G1RARD AVE. Mats. Monday, Wednesday & Saturday Extra Added Feature Next Week WORLD'S GREATEST SENSATION Pref.C.WaJterWalIace The Noted Blind Organist will preside at h eruan all uerit. Uurlna the hnwlng' of the plciurei """" MONDAY AND TUKHIIAY ANNA Q. NILSSON in "WTiy GiirU Leave Heme" Wed. Ilurk Junr. In iar MniilNrj'. Thur. Shirley Masen'EVKN Ati vZi rrl, Hat. "SHAMK" " II13COWM ACADEMY OF MUSIC sUfflgiiJj IV H W III II IH Celer Views iiu i f iiiniiMotienPU,... ,IW,IUU--OrTlUCHLAnU W& JrWfPff iQffiMff tfjM IatRKJrRsWA -jRaSaWaVRtRMai J NKWtBT RBADMMBB EYLEAIM 1ATB PRIMA DONNA or ZIEOFKI.D rOYXIRR In "SADIE ONE OF THOSE GIRLS" A Batlre en th 'Meaoen'a Blase SueeasaM EDWARD TIERNEY& JAMES DONNELLY "RATAT" I TO THB MEOtTTMATin r" I TO THB MEOtT LEbNVAVAftA iBWaialalalalRllMa The KvelutMl iluttAn of a , Planlet Feature sseelal Novelty Feature D'AMORE FRANKLYN AND DOUGUS CHARLES IN "AVattderffle .' Surprise" Aeeleted bv Telia flwtdmnn AESOP'S FABLES AND Extra Added Attraction t AL HERMAN ASSASSIN OF flRDSF AND REMOMB WITH A BOMBARDMENT OF BONOS AND RTORIBS ). 1000 Daleear Seats, eei 100 i. iuuu rnnr up si . aaaa iuuu Orel IBs heetrn First Balcony. Wet Entlra Seeend Balcony, Inelndlaa Tax In AdYanee Phene: Filbert 8S0S A. M. TO II I. M. FERRETTI, Philadelphia's Baritone 1S ,,,S WW TRICSD?H the ruling passion BBBBBBWimZZM&lkWm BBBBBtWWrim LiiinnnnnnnnnTn!tuD'flDJinWUia alnsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnWxjf&iMwJiBiiBB BBBBBBBBBBBm'SBBBBBBBt mBBBBBBBBm'i0mBBBBBBB PalRsnnnnl"TKT 42beTBBBBBm nBBBBBBBBmJXtimaBwWBBU BBBBBBBBBTXmBmimm BBBMBBBBBWti&gm&3& 20TH AND MONTGOMERY AVE. Fineit Dmncm Pmlaem North of Market Tuesday Night Special 2 ORCHESTRAS 3 M0NARCHS of MUSIC vaie Aeler'i-t Xeledleju Chaei" rred Baner s Screnaders A Titeiday Mrtt Feateat Fri. Cantiaoeas Danct'sf f Sat. Rtceptien Night uw nn unae, Klrhtln - n,tuimtmetm CHICAGO OPERA COMPANY Metropolitan Opera Heuse Ilread and Poplar Htreets Entire Week, Beginning Feb. 27th Six Eeentncs and Saturday Matlnea SPECIAL SEASON SALE CHOICE OF ANY THREE OPERAS Prlceai CI0.M, 10.45. S8.H0. 17 05. I5.40. Sll.le. ."P. M.0S. Bezast 1302.50, H?0, S1ST.50. 877 (tax Inel.t At Weymann's, 1108 Chestnut St. Thie tale begin February 7th and end February 13th. Single Sale begin February 16th. Ne Seaien Ticket told after that date. REPERTOIRE! Saleme, 1 Jonsleer da Notre Diuae. Ilomee et Juliette Pellens et Mellsands. Sienna, VennsI Tan" batniaer. The Jewels of the Madenna ARTISTS! Oardeni MuratereT RaUai Maeeni Bnldaneffi Tan Gorden! Rlralnl Jehnnent Kchvrartyi Dutrnnnei Ument rasxarl, PuTley-Oukralnsky B ! Pelarce, principal conductor. ALDINE THEATRE Fred, D. & SI, E. Ttit 11 A. Jr. Continuous Shewlnr 111 p " IST TISIES TODAT 5:.1cn,"The Iren TraH" CREATORESneTeWK; . AUOMENTED TO 69 MUSICIANS B,UC.R7OACNOSD0TS BenTurpin in aBright Eyes" COlUlKNCtNO NEXT MONDAY '" Ntximeva in "A Dell's Heme" FROXI IDSEN'S OREAT DRAMA ALSO VUILA.'H PAVORITR BARlTilv- CARLD fKRRKTTI T0nB MinKeriii-irA.-v opera nnn. Syga FEB?vt?Y ,4 M 8 M c TlckiU t.OOJl.MJI.M.fS.BO Nw mi OB- Hua nnd WtxmiiaM!, net Chi5I.2pW t '"" a i, AnnUClIM QermnniMuH . . Wrn,iW" Ms, ,". Today" -.,. ORPHEUM PLAYERS in "THREE FACES EAST" I1ROAD I'OI'ITI.AR Ji,T. TOIia. ..-t.,A'JKlS?i JA'.mi'-ln Extra . I.lnoeln'. niHhde M.tlnt u... CORMACK L I UAKHICK POP. MATINEE Hsrl&T9l PiTM SftgSft? (attEii Ba TgcT aVBaiBsaavrr 7'.V:;U'- BdBRbalRaRaRVjBWl!E2a nBjrjnlllllp rBWtfA9BBBBBBBBW3BBBBBW?W alP' .atRaRaRaaniMiBHar " ' ' mSmWmM wmHMPtBBBwihmW MMIbbbWMjL mSMm i tae inurrau miu appear in wxsm Hlendau. Wednesdau and Fridau at FEBRUARY 20 HOPE QCO: JUNIPER V MARKET ST9 11 A M. TO 11 P. M. BIG VAUDEVILLE SHOW AT LITTLE PRICES NEXT WEEK PAT TIOONET PRESENTS HIS LITTLn SISTER JOSIE MONEY and Company IN "A CAFE HONEYMOON" Extra Added Attraction JACK ROOF and Company IN A StUBICAt, COStHDY "OTTO THE BORDER" ALL liOCAI.. FAVORITES' I VAUDEVILLE mwttAivi UUmZ.TCrVfKAHrVQHVMti .':15 T AND II 1. ST. NEXT WEEK ANNIVERSARY WEEK FIVE ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE in Conjunction with AGNES AYRES IN "The Lane That Had Ne Turning" a rARAireuNT 1'icTuni: VAUDEVILLE T I BROAD ST. V SNYDER AVE. L'ilS n.:ni ani Monday. Tuesday & Wednesday THE SPLENDID CHARACTER ACTOR BARRY McCALLOM I.ATE STAR OP JOHN FERGUSON. ASSISTED BT CAST OF SAME COMPANY. OFFERING A ONE-ACT PLAYLET ALSO RUDOLPH VALENTINO IN "The Conquering Power A METRO PICTURE I VAUDEVILLE I HftMIWI SIXTIETH A MARKET STS. '.' 307 AND W Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday DISTINGUISHED SCREEN AND STAOE STAR MABEL TALIAFERRO HERSELF "ROSE OF ITALY" A SENSATIONAL TLATETTE IN FOUR SCENES "nOELFTH f MORRIS STS. a:iB ii no and ii Monday, Tueday & Wrdnendsy CESARE NES1 Celebrated Itallsn Tener IN CONJUNCTION WITH AUCELAKET mBmBBBBBmBmBBjBBBBBBBMmBBmBmBMW0nBmmBmB . J0g - - fV XyJTF sf " I VAUDEVILLE I rll 1 1 ril ii I e rl bIBbbbWU lINtTCENTH AND MARKET s. llfcae w&mx&H mm& WA4izaz,:j. pt ' 'aR fcJ'Ji-AT''' Sf 1 niurrau if? : 'f'ZW yBBBBM -. yt'SffM In A .rirtVrteniielil cisrlaA Avium f " M$w the niptKliife, of Paris and TleMj Jerk. X rs '.J'y 5 A ?, . Trgy- a.'ai;1 WH' (VaV 4a-at va- Ailte -' -- w BP?-ivr''-vK-;aM afnfA Kt?aS0OK aiikii HANlHTuh IN FANNY nUHST'b blOKV "bl AHUUbl" JTTnninrninniTUiHttrinnTiinuuunuuuunnninuniunHnnii ttnuuTinuMi luxiuuiinnum vi t uuuuuunMumJ a S ZBg8aBMBB3BBl AT 1l!30. STANTON 1:30, 3:30. g 5:30. 7:30 g & 9:30 n SIXTtLNTH ANf MAR.K.E.T V&k FOURTH AND LAST g-lllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllim FEATURE AT 11:80. 1:30. 3 30. &:30. 7.30, 8. SO Bread NEXT WEEK SECOND Sln mvm, 'wizxz mc? 1 1 LMBW&m S SLlBaHB laV W EiSlv " MljMII jf 1 1 BB -Xl5' MBBBbM Si I A rfT . I s B&LBsB5LSSaHBBLLLSSiiLSS.ai3ILB fjarlten BBBBBmLBT' felaW. emmmmmmm -i ;ja, a- , a - ": m Saturdal I ALL PHILADELPHIA IS SRjflE 1 .4 COG OK2 TZS viSsMlS I PRODUCTION -3a&UMBmBrIm& ALL PHILADELPHIA IS AGOG OVER THIS PRODUCTION ARCADIA si.ti:evtii .,t. tt--"7 S1-VenFM1'.r.F."E"tNU? ETHEL CLAYTON NEXT WEEK "HER OWN MONEY" COLONLAL OJMIMAN TOWN A inUM .L'JLTiSN " ?." . Li2ft MURE w The LOTUS EATER INertherN .""? " NORMA TALMADGE i""rfi lll'HTKIi HKATON In "THK Iiiiit.. 333 "J'. .tre ...Uu.j.ir, iwMy, Wdni.lay IIKRT "THE IDLE RirH' I.YTKl IMPERIAI .'L"jl' I1U SMaiatVaMBll " sH.'.U s- tV IITKTt CV I PALACE A I VICTORIA 1TH AND MARKET T NINTH AND MARKET 10 A. M. te tl 15 P M. kiiJ A. M. TO 11'IS P M. NEXT WEEK"J SITOND AND FINAL WEEK r FIRST V!T I , PPESENTATION J Hi BM. i i MiIbH IV II i'ictire IvImH I MmM i M N A Story by CgBI A HsW Fannie Hurst. TM II ' H JA Auther of JBLmA I BK fl "Humoresque" -MWf ' ESaftA IC "UKHSJill ?r CONTINUOU9 MAM TO II 5 PM f DAILY 35-50 EVENINGS SATS AND HOLIDAYS 50-75 One- Week Only, Commencing Monday nOIIERT Z. IKONARD Presents jp, njpV y afaLfc -i - m ' ' "- 7:30 and 9:30 PM. WEEK RS 57A,e APOCALYPSE Rudelph Valentine IC'enun-licInc hob. I'll "Theodora" Dal1' .15c. 50e. Ie , Evenings, Hat. IS Mat. nnd Hell. IS ., das, 60c. TSc IS S C&ZBBbWSV V$S1bbbbb vB I h ''S ' "aBiBCi b I S&mVm II stir. t-''4Mr7 1 1 rv55w2n. aU aaV ami aAaT II c : t'EATUHE AT ii ae. 1.30, i-3e. rs.8e, 7.30. il.'JO and Chestnut WEEK A PARAMOUNT PICTURE WW "The moral of the picce docs net prevent its liuving drninatic appenl, und a num ber of stirrinB .scenes are produced with the full effect of modern realism." Bul letin. CAPITOL L'KIIITH .MARKET WllRir fin MtHT WALLACE REID and LILA it RENT FREE" LEE in REGENT BEVENTEENTH Ji.tiiiiarr .NtiXIWKKK- A 'fri" AHsSlssK!sH ROOM MARY fi H 1! V n .-&i rtSffl iK . a ' 7,.nii"l,J "U' ' 'Bf ThI ?.rW,f r;A- L "'"'1V1 t W,i AUbiW yiyswT wwfc ""W I HHmiH'tiwiiiinvmtfTtri'rwiitrj,nntiMwiriit!mi'iiiiiiHiHHtHmi'rtt iniiwiiwi J I 'Jjy JSl'STr ?.' lyrTz!?-.. tj5St I WtUTasmtfti rewfF I TIm1, It' ""''rtAja)i,iBIMrtl, JdMBBWOta JX ff,: M: , -v m wik" IK" t I "Svk. NT JM nr t'Oi -A" I rl 'V: AVI. 1 . .v: . -Mi&sij&imukmm fftt