Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 09, 1922, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Image 3

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jncie 5am n obi, oe uei
,Busy, New That City and
State Have Acted
,f 1
FJ The'ncllen of 1'Iilladi'lpMn in showing
"J( for the Bewiul-Ccntcnnlal 1'vpexi-
iitfen I tellis ri0M?, ""-11" " ""'"
BVJen, llCCOrulIlg " rviwria uuiu mu
: capital. .
ricncl9 of tlie fulr la Washington
live lccn wnlllnR for the city nml
t 'coiirtrneJ, flnd there seems te be- little
''JOUDl IHUl VM-wv - i ........
-in his dut' toward the exposition once
y&t city and Slate have acted.
i Washington advocates of the fair
Ifttlnk that tl,c proportion will require
i'Wrdltl foreign support, and Hint new
Vh- the time te strike. But the main
i.i at tlie moment is action in CItr
..-.. .-..... n.,,1 n f'nnltnt Hill If....
n Itrn.lrl rnintinlllrt ill tills l-llv lire I
I aaunlincdi.v in laver ei tnu wicetien
l T1.- 1, UmalJi ..ttn frt.. II... .......!.
Mine jmiauihui,i, p V,'.v, ' ,
I' Ccntenmni i-.m,0"1u"( nui, .lenn
ti a' Tumor, secretary of the UoTberoneh
Bwqul-Cententilnl reiniiilttcn, mi-
& futnncnl ut the KOCOIld of II Ferlea nf
;, lite hearings held .TCsterdn.v nfturnuen Continued from rime On
MWww"Wiiiiiiujmw;j MaBi
BP'R' "'? CTfiTA-rAtHff't- i VH JHilH
UMtArs'U wSnWBWmT 'm '''','?'"', ' GtS '','&'" ' Vlifc ' JB1''wMb
tVvnnLH' ' !? 2' Jrl'' 4JB'J ' 1; ?'? C'ti
Hr5?28HSrc; I ' $vT& -A !K,C,4'TP ' ' v 'fe I
.fl 11 Shm-H ': :tHB k ", : ;' f ?;!9Ji
BNUukiu- .HV r " H ' y '1HKjK iHarfBHli
wifli "' HLLLLV-LLhL' -"" :,; 'hi
hjjuh ;X'.--1 ViBmKA "r ' i!IBH
H R iKiiBiS j' jJHL,B
H jLBMiBW , ,:Hl
kM RPH v ':'i:'H
lSI 'siiV
iHIBK P ' tHkW ' ' l
ImIIHHHB ' Jv i,ffv)Ri '-''' :''MIVH
HH " 'TV' f r .'.''
'" ' BB H0 ".x'" ;;f-r
rl -y , -,..r Mv E
EjiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMlMK 'Si' MWmmm' AiMiMiMiMiMiM . 9
FHB' -- 7 H '" 'W '-" '''" ;- vi
t9H ' H 7 Bt v .''' ''iJ?
f H v , H. '' HPa ' ;
B1H ; - "' -, 'LL;' ' . VBV : ' v -!
,'KB v' PKl. iPt:' r -' v j;.;--S
" . '1 ' fA
y v
AnasUse and Ills
lietrcss bride stele
trvm the Hetel
Nernumdlc. this
morning, by the
side deer, te avoid
a curious throng
"parked" In the
lobby, eager for a
gtlmpfle .of .the
"much pestered"
pair. Upen their
sudden return from
Canada yesterday,
they found the
"hne nest." at
Itldley Park, un
ready und wcre
compelled te pass
Iho night nt n.
held here, where
they registered
under the alias of
"Mr. and Mrs.
Anastase Hides
in Hetel Closet
ia hn Majer's rcccntlen reunt. Mr,
;i Tnrnpr ill urslng the iidontlen of the
j Boxberoiigh tslte eald that he lind tier-
..1l ..i.ifArpn1 trllli Mnlnmil linn
1 president of the Penny lvunln Kallrend.
'-. find Agnew T. Dice. vrcMiilcnt of the
Fhl.sdeip.iia ami noiiem? Hniiway, nna
doth officials told htm Hoxberuiizh.
. from a trnnkportatlen Htniulpelnt. win
V fir meM acceptable than uny ether bite
. ittftesteil. v
Sir. Turner quoted the officials as
;' Hjinj that the excursion traffic durlns
r.rts sffelr would be tremendous nnd
tilt it would far outstrip the fucill
Stle of the downtown termltialfi. A
ipeclil station JutW feet long nnd noun-
lug etgiu irncKH weiiKi nnve te no con
itructed. they cald. nnd beenute of the
unlimited spare afforded lir the ltox ltex ltox
kerongh tlte. Mr. Tuener t-nid thev lind
declared In fnver of the plan te heue
: ts worm inir en tne iinuslen cstnte,
: lMrderiiiz en thn Schuvlkill nnd the
Wfssalilclien Creek.
if Mr. Turncr'a statement followed
flUllIP rtinillll.. Thr tiniir.nnni.nr.rj
Imitated the enslii. nnd Mr-i. Veti.'-iiit'
iky jumped Inte the tenr.raiC AniislnM
aimed n l.'vk at u iiliolegrnplirr. The
hick landed.
Once In Ihc rnr. the linrk nnd hldn
Mindrs were muiijci1 down nnd tlie
imiterrnr sped te l'owe'ten uvmiiic anu
turned rawt.
The boiK'.vnieoner.s hurried home jc-h-tcrday
te their love nest nt 505Swnrth 505Swnrth
merc avenue, llldley Park, te find it
chilly nnd mifiirnislml. There wnn't
n chair In the heu-e und It wnxn't nd
vlsable te elt en' thp stairs. The inliit
ns tlill M-ct.
Half Heur Heme lSiteirsli
A Jmlf-heur's .vtny In the unlinnl
neft was enough fur Aniixtasie, he
has n j(d lis chemltt npiiri'iitiee nt t lie
ISnIduIn I.ocemotixe Works In Kddy Kddy Kddy
ntone. It s-remrd enough for Mrs.
Aniihta-in ale.
A yvift rnli vns innilD te u motor
car nt the curb. Curlnut niglilims hud
lntln- nreuments nrrspnlr.t tn ii,r. f.' " memeiunr. guuipM anu iiipii tin- car
,X Cmnmlt"t 'efhe1 SpS ?,',: ' " .!'V l1.'? Vn,.nn VY "
eMintnl l.v Ihn nrnnnnentM r-' . I, T?r. I "K- '."' " '" ""euivr ilisuppfaiuncc
.DoreiiRii t-itp. 1110 iioxberoiieli udve-
..-. 1.-.-I....I.L .... ll.-l- .4..f..l 1
j ,i.c- uiuiijn gi iiii'ir iuiiu in n very
jr rnrviivc in
' Roxberoucfi
trerc grpntly
.' t-ulliR.laffu M..II,,,,
' " illmf l.ntlil'U rli lldtl 1l 'itilu tt 1tli.ti.rit in I
1,, . . niai uuiu,. vi vi iiv.ii 1.1 11 vu 11 iiiifvi vu
A in pfllHO fe tlipm frmn mi nnnmnAlml ,i...i.. .1 l.
- - 1 iV; 1 . ".iv.iJv inuir 'crvt
quarn.r, wiicn n w..!c--nnirc(. woman
AT OVER 1,500,000
Breker Nervous as Clients Tell
of Inability te'Cet In
vestments Back
Anastase Has IS ice,
' Assortment of Names
M'lien net running for train",
dodging Interview uw nnd eluding
fiholegrnplicriv Mr. nnd Mrs. Anu
Mne VonsInl.sKey-Voiihlntnky nre
thinking up new nunies te spring en
meek hotel clerks.
At the Cliiiteuu Frentrnne. Que
bec, where they went from New
Yerk after the M-eret marriage cere
mony In the Itusiuii Cathedral, they
were known ns "Mr. and Mrs.
At the Hetel Nermnndie, this
city, when, they pa-sod lnt night,
they urre registered ns ."Mr. und
Mrs. Alexandre Hratz."
Pringuu and P.rutz me nice short
nnnics mid don't take up as much
f-pace en the register iik the jeiing
UiiKiiun'H JiMihemited niitne would.
TO MEET $290,000 DEBTS
Nete Helders and Brewers Present (
I Claims. Against Late Lawyer
According te the Orphans' Court
j records In the cstnte left by I). Clareiue
' (ilbbeney, one time president of the
I Law nnd Order Society nnd erstwhile
fee of liquor Interests, he left personally p
valued nt only $31,214.78 te meet elnlin
i aggregating ?L1K).O0O. The e!nim te,
I which the udmiiilHtrnterH iiutdu no pie-te-c
umeiint te ?2l.'!.00O. while i-ou-1
tested clnlms will reach $70,000.
Tht' clnlinuiits include brewery coin-1
jinnies, mill individuals holding (!lb-
honey notes. Oibbeney was active in the '
promotion of ccveral small hotel von- i
tu res. mid Inter In the reorganization ,
of the old International Lumber Cem-j
! puny, which held n large plnulnlleu In,
I .Mexico. While there with ethers of the,
(.empniiy en a tour of Inspection Jlb-
beney nnd his nhsevlulcs were dreuuud,
, in the liulf of Mexico. 1
The llnbllltleH of Kdwin K. Knhn
& Ce.. bankrupt brokers, will be SI,
500,000, or mere, according te n rep
resentative of (Jcergc K. Wut en d
Ce., accountants for the receivers.
This testimony wni given nt a hear
ing thin morning before Magistrate
Carney en two cemplnintK ngnlnut l"d
wln K. Kehn. bead of Iho firm.
According te the accountants the
hooks of the cempnny nre In such n
chaotic state thut no definite statement
will be possible until Tuesday, when It
wJII be presented nt the hearing in City
Hull. This hearing wns set for today'
but was postponed.
Mr. Kehn was taken from jail te at
tend the hearing before -Magistrate Car
ney, but did net testify. Ills ball was In
creased by SfiOOO. hnlf thut umeiint be
ing pjneed for each chnrge.
Lee A. McOulgnn, of VMS Dlninnnd
street, tcstllled he originally' Inxcsted
$1000 with Kehn & Ce. Then he sn.is
he ordered nil his holdings) sold mill
went te the nflh?e nt I'iL'S Wnlnnt street
en Jiuiuury 10 and demanded payment.
lie snys tlmt the cashier told him then
vAtOAiLfe Watch '6iflfir
Weman Went te Bermuda and Left
Timepiece eh Bureau
A wrjst wntcb valued ut $500' hns
been reported te the police ns missing
from the home of MrH. 11; Ilremlcy. nt
Yerk read nnd Lakeside nvcuuq, Oak
According te Mrs. Jlremlcy she left
for fl trip te Jlcrmtidn December l!l
forgetting te tnkc nleAj the pliitlnum
mnlnli ,l.l1 liinu 1tf- ttit lillHmlll III
charges. Ills wife nlse wits nt the near- ),,. room en her return the wnleli was
.iharni had be money and needed
tlinei , ' . , ,
He received a check for -MX) later,
but eeuld net get the remaining $(KK).
Charles Keller, of Norristown .the
ether complainant, said he had invested
$400 in Middle Htntes Oil nnd 4SO In
Krle Itttllread shares. He asked that
his shares be sold nnd January 10 tried
te get u settlement when hu charges
the cashier told him "c won't glc It
te Jieu." , , ,
fkelm'B ejes and mouth twitched ncr-
veusiy lis tlie cempininnnia nmuu i,-,
l,i. Hhn ntiniireiitlv lull) net Ct te-
cohered from her illness, and wns at
tended bj u nurse. ,
New Mether Doesn't Knew Man
Was Killed by 8tray Bullet
Mrs. I'ilainenn Olerglu, whose hus
band wns nccidentnlly shot nnd killed
Suiutey n few hours before bee baby boy
wns bem, has net ct been te.d that
(ilergla is dead, but It hns been decided
te tell her Iti the near future. At her
home. 111.'!!) Thompson street. bc bus
tepcatedlv expressed the wish, since
Sitndnv. that her husband would come.
nnd tec her baby. Hhc thinks that he
was slightly Injured In nn nccldctit unil
Is In it hospital.
This lietlen was imented beeniisc It
was feared the fheck of learning of
tlie dentil would be serious te the wife.
(ilerglii will be burled Saturday mertilug
nt 10 e eleek. me man was sirueK
In n stray bullet when pelleemen fired
several shots during n struggle with u
disorderly gang.
Lament te Speak at Forum
Tliemas W. I.itineiit will discuss "The
Itiisliie-s Situation 'J'eduy" before Hie
Philadelphia Peruni ut the Academy of
Music tonight. Jehn 11. Muheii will
yTTFysMVS-'?'- WKXW.X... vw" ...a
gpne. All tlie ecrvniits new ncen Willi
her for jcars, she said, uhd nre net
Trelley Kills Man; Motorman Held
An unidentified Negro wns killed nt i
o'clock this morning, when he staggered
in front of n lloiite .',7 trolley cur ut
Island -teml und Dicks avenue. Jehn
Penrose. Sixty-first street nnd KImwoed
avenue, motermnii en the car. was held .Atterbury
under $500 ball for'
Magistrate Dugnn.
the Corener tu
Mrs. Emma Ceatss Dies at Het
In Chester Heights rj
Wist Chester. Feb. I). -Mrs.
ITeutes. aged 100 eir and twe.rtibut
died Tuesday nt the home of her
In. law. Dr. William Mattsen. uf I
ip Ilelffhls. -with whom she lind'
innde lief lietnc. Mrs. teatcs leaves t1
daughters und several grunuclJllurea'
Brcnt-granilchildrcn. ,
Her sister. Mrs. Kll.abctlt Yerkl
who MirvUes her, Is 1011 years old,
Schwab May speaK-at neunian
The llri-t rcuiiieii of the Quarte
ipr Assoclutlen, composed of etl
who served lii the Ouurtcrmnsters' Ce:
...... . - . x . -
during tlie war. win no neia temRht.M'T'j
.1 O..I..I f-I. .,!.. 'I'l.n... ..Ill k-.' -'t '''''
till! JUl,'l lliujv'ni. ...,j n., uw
dinner, ut wnleli .iinjer (enerni
distinguished guests
inudu addresses.
nre ex peetcd t
ii...i.... e u..i.. l ..u-"r'R ;
vnui iun .,. uimuif anuviiwr e?i -
r G6ld Mesh Dags
Exclusive Designs - Plain or Jeweled
All Diamonds
Sapphires and Diaxnends
Ojtvx and Diamonds
iskjs hud added another
te their record.
At ", e clock yesterday nflernoeii the
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Calls
for Defeat of Congress Bill
Pretests ngalnst legislation tending te
i manner, and the chances of "i ,UlISMl,l,,n T M 'V',C''nn Hrt'1" XU'";Pi I'nwenw the tux en the snle of securities I !
eitgh for wlnning-the priced fair '.T."""! ')lX u nn ,7 MS - Wnhlnsten by mom. I
Kn1n.CC,1 U,U n'SUU 0f"-''""'i 1 t ""hat VildUnnbte wim"hln: l'- "ic I'hlladclphiu . Stock Kx- j
ltcfiises Dante Invitation
The Fifty-second nnd Market Streets
Lulled Merchants Association held n
This movement was bUggested bv Wil
liam (J. (iinngc, jueIdent of the ex
change, win) uihKed inembes te pro pre
leu, either In wi"e or Iptti.rc in .Tn.nni.
dunce at the Neimnndie last cienlug IT. l'erdney," chnii'iuun of the Ilnnse
nnd several inrinwrs: learned the lilen- i ' ns and Means Cemmittee: Cenuress-
niuii llenrv W. Watsen, Senater (icerge
y. Pepper or Congressman Geerge S.
Ieiimk l:nlj f rrflninrnt in.il plrat-Inu-
nrrMiniilllr with three jrntV ex
prrlrnre In rltrlrul mrK ilrslm
pnklt'en. Hccfntl) crmlunlrd train
rtneiriiptilr srhoel. Ate IS. lJru
rtt, fnllumlnsllc uerhrr.
. ;si. i.edei:k uiiicr
tit.v of "Mr. nnd Mrs. llrntz."
Ait invitation te the dunce was scm
the bridal couple.
"Merci : iiiuKXnen. non. non," Ann
itase replied. Then teeatling that Kng
lisli would meet the situation better, he
i explained lie nnd his m Ife bad jut ie
,,ln the audience requested leave te make
", the first public address of-her life. She
(Mid she was Mrs. Jeseph It. Waln-
i, wrignt, nt IU.-I., apruce street, und
Broadly confessed te fourteen grand-
: PllllflPPfl. Stlin nrnftttilnil MMnL.t !.. . -
p.jctien of a downtown tite, und uracil
?;FlritWIII Be Held tomorrow flight 'jj " l len jo,irne-v aml
.1 In Bellevue-Stratford , Meunwh'lle. n enretnker at the Itfd-'
t Consldewilile Interest is being tnunl-i,py ,l,n,'k T,","-'0 ls B',!1tl1l's ''"' ,"lu,c ',
ft.l in n - i , i V , , ready ns quickly as possible. The heat- '
fwttd in college and musical clicks in i,lg ,Mrm wil be given a tryeiit tednv. '
ttnc fcrics of concerts planned bv the1 : : ' .
( combined musical clubs of Hahnemann' JEALOUS OF SOVEREIGNTY '"
Medical College In connection with slin- '
liar organizations from ether inbtltu-, Belgians See Infringement in Parts,
Uens- of Pact With England
Three nf tlie.e frrn4 Mill l.n t.nl.l t.. . l,....t TAK n ,.. . ,t t. ..
f tUi city. The first will be held tomer- rieus dlverKeiicie.s 'of oiiln'leli tiuukcd !
eu'iutig in tne llose Garden of the the discussion of the proposed Anglo-Wlleviip-Strntferd,
wlien the Hahne- Helgluu mllltnry pact today by Hie For Fer
nnn lliibs will have as their guests eign Affairs Commission of the Cham-'
tlie muicnl organizations from Haver- ber of Deputies.
tort College. Objections were bnsed en the alisenee
ice fecend concert here will be the of clearness as ugarils the duuger
jwnlitg of hcbriinrj L'U On this eeen- against which the pact Is deMgncd te
ion the clubs from Suurllunore wlfl guariintee llelglum's secur-U. A ina-
fri. r ' "" uu'" 'n iinniieinniin. ijnrnj of tlie commission rteemeil It iu-
Etchings Prints f
Water Celers Paintings
ISSu tVMlnat Strwl
LAINE is a masterpiece
of language and litera
ture. m It's sale in six
months has surpassed
that of Zela's prime
sensations." Stoddard
Dewey, French Corre
spondent te The Independent.
ifm ifs
mm ri,i ,
The development of
business-building ideas is
one of the features of
The Helmes Press service.
.$2.00 ut all bookstore, 0r from
C4-6G Fifth Ac, Cw Yerk
liiehiiul concert w 111, taj.e .place en the dispensable thut the treaty s,ulil Maiv
"Wing e March ,t. when the misenl definitely that the giuirant is hkiiIiisI
fluesnf lennsyhoiile State College will anv possible attack bv Germunj. Otlici-
... .uiu iiiucu ut iiuiiiipiuauii ler uie wi
It is held, the part would lie
eqiihuleiit te a iirltlsh protectorate
ritiiier iiiuit protection.
JURY flllT RIVTY-CIWC UOIIDC '-The clause prohibiting P.elgWini from
w- ... . . . ,k. HWVIIU COIICllllll
The Helmes PuEbS, "-Printer
1 J 15-29 Cherry Street
Fills te
lug uny ether convention in ceu-
tlll'l wllli till. Ant'lll. tti.'trlflll l.lint I. rn.
Agree In West Virginia I garded lib u rctilcilen upon Relgium's .
Dynamiting Case I sovereign tights. In ether winds, it r
r.iieHnliin .. i.-.i. ,. ,,.. I was nrgiied that while recognizing the
I A. 1M Ti... I....V 'i.. Vi."- f i. ' 'ndvanliiges such n treaty would bring
' i i.'lT' '"- Jl,,-V " the m-V of alter . , ii1,i.111 i, i. ,,,.,., .i.t,, ,,,,,1,.- ? .
-w . '. I " V- .'"rf '
'Vi.l..,.'KAN ar
nirrwni i.k
Micnsf.iciiM utak, tlii'il. l.reliPti
ernitfcet. rnlses fallen ardi
i iii.ruiiii eesmnn, rerreeiH
.-iiiiHiHeierj , en In
"T bnil eusrH. Itr.
Ilcs liiiiiipillatnlv
i KTiiiii and un
natural ir'"i"ir "in In liln. Ne
ii'etnl. Lltclu w, lulu, lomfertablo
In any bliev. Special ileilrr te
r0r for every font ciindlilnn. Dnr.
mrs preserin" it. rnt,
' II. A. I.KHI.S CO.
it n. iniii si.
1 I'Piinn Sprue n .:ift40
The t'liitadelpliin fintrqnee te Paris
:?$$s. . i.
i jji -i m wr u ,"w '.' i ii: . m
wkyw-ni'W w y-t
lt4-?lfj PIFTH AVENUE .r'5b5? ,sjts, X. Y
, EttCarlten
ClearaWay Sales ,
All Remaining Winter
Stock te Be Closed Out
Regardless of Cost
C. Item In,. wn j, , i """' ,le llelgiuiu It is umicccptanlc miter
Wlffliir. ..('.' ,ni ,,",s,,n """. fc" H't ',,l!,1 hu susceptible of c
iicnien with the iljitninitln of a coal i I)rmui,llr iielcium's Inilenenilenee
(cmpany stutlen nt. Willis- llrnneh din- I ' int. iKigtuni s imiepemicnce.
biB n MrlKe a jenr age, was dlselinigeil
iwiay, si; -Jive hours nUer the case
as given Inte its hiinds.
The jurera told .ludije .T. W. Kan-
jnat there M!l ,U vinlb'llly nf tin
MWciiieni. They repotted thai thei
WuOU IX'len fee iinnnlltnl .....I II... t...
Int I t .'...... .III., I...' J".
, 'onvlctlen, i.ud that there nviurd te be
"" "eiiue.iii et chunsin:,' this align-
Banquet Tonight at Manufacturers'
' Club Causes Migration
Dwellets In Uceiiu Cit.i nre inigriit-
lug te Philadelphia today. They utc
I going te hae it big "booster" inciting,
nnd liflllem I tiinli'lit nl tin. 'Mtmtifiii'.
Tteullnn li nt lll.nM, I.... i i lit. , Hirers' (-lull. Kunin nliiie.1 nn imiiK
tfiijl was the tirst tulicn te .-iftcr hft - ' tmltia nnd some will get here this after- I
Udit (lefpudniits In euscygrnwiti" out ' "011- '" 0,ll li'ty there will he nb'itit
Jf (JlMtiiheiui'sat Willis Itniuch eTected 110 hundred und liltj, liteluilliig sucnl.i
te he tried separate)). , members of the Ocean City Kiwnuls
1 i - JCIub. In the pin ty are Samuel P.
400 THDniAM HUT nciliem I l.ecds, president of the Atlaiilh- Clt) '
WU IMHOWN0UT OF WORK IChamlKu' of Commerce, and .lude .
N' ' " , Clnrcuen Cele.
navy Yard Empleyes Here Affected ,1'nuii Bread Street Station the part) ,
by Washlnaten Orrfer n'" I"'1"1'!'' te the Miiuiitncturei-s' Club, i
Alimi, Ann , . . liewieil hy tluiuniel s baud, wlilcli will
nliin V....7. - ""r,'eu in tne i nililiiei- meet them. .AleiltiJ
.-". .,,. ii. uni no till,... InI I... II. . ...I .... . ..f l.!..
fp; i:. ,..:." r '- ".- i.min ill iiiin
Ulctllics will be '
ither liii-ideiits of.
It entn. .': ..,'.'."" "" i-i.,ii ey mi' taken -et tins in
?' T ,i',ul. "''"ii'iiuten stepplug work the "hue-tn" da. hen
' Sh,i- i..V',l,,uV011 ''"". tllu Lulled, .Speakers at the baiuiuet tonight will
linn !.-" IL LU,1Hls under coin-true- iueliide fnniier (ioiciner ltuii)eu
A ,1... ..m i- t..
i."' " "" " "ear .Mimirai .Milten,
: "' "7" ,'" " . Mated some of the
Ti-cuHtiK-r William T. Heed, Pioshleiil
I.uiii-.', of the Philadelphia and Ue.nl-
nig Kallwtt) : Mii)or .leseph ti. I'li.iiu-
THe,,..t i,,'"",''.T,,,J ," elllpr ,u,,1' l'iul1- "f 0''1'"'1 (,i : ThetiMs I". Arm
l iblvu i, . r ""' b" fiirlotjghed preb- stieng, William Mi-I.iiiighll unit I'riuiK
' dene nl, !'i '"'v; ,'""" ""rl ,,ns 1','t'" " Slewait, Philadelphia bti-iness men.
""J nil l lilt nsiil.,...., ...... I..I. ii ait.,.. .
him r i '"" ,,a e .mid i tie-' nun vi liliam l
"ve et deereaseil imn-..i.i-i.ii.i,.. I..
tnd& Insr ,'',,r' '1'lie Ulls of the
"iltcru are partly ,-einpleteil.
Masse), of Ocean City.
rUBAY'S MARRucr i leeueri- Uniontown Banker Leses Suit
..Nerl a.l,ctEW.1...l"! -Mills.
IMTO'iI 'i""S. "
I' i.r.1. "r.
. . ,uri:nr
IM.. uue Against Bankrupt Estate
C. Mi.iJ.nV.'rfe.H,,!u N- ,!"'1 ' nJ Starr I'lsmiuwunce e; inu lun-iei- in naiik
""j: o'-D,-Uei "IVri "sV ni .. liiipfy of the eslule of Jeslah V. '
'EVrtrtMir?i.n!:Vm,,8.a-,i''1-' n,lU Thempsiui, tlie I'nloiilewn banker und.
fvte"rW fiVa,Mnv,l,u.Me'H l1-' '"'J l-cttl ,,l''l '". ,,f ''"s "f ii'-nn M.
1.:env,,Ic,.l:t "i Wait, m.. i,,i r.-.u. ' 1,",u"im Kt the estate for SHI'!,-
RtrVrVAeJ.-. 'et.n Wnicn'.",;;' "" l,a"l50l, was sustained by the United State
ebS?n, While. L"J0.V Iirllipe hi M" u,ui I Circuit Ceuit of Altpeals. Jnrksuli'
,'W u.uJll, ,?if?.H.,.,B,!,1n,,'Mll5 " aiuiclnlms were en notes given by Tlieiup
ClJ C. bri "V "('inn n i'v "v- , . "' "'", itf lmKriijil.
'2m.n,a,j J,V 'n-iKSnPuiiBiinm. n" ."'"' The claims weie tillewed by Hefere
.-r. . uiau). innnninii. ... .... .:. .
KWrA.JL"".'..?'. OevTiinBrnn' v!' r
hn: ns ,iV.2.i..'2m,I?'" "' '""J Mty
T. (J. Cut-roll, of Pittsburgh,
matter was Inter 1 uracil elu-
hut the
te ltef-
VMVJV lajar r,", V,' ri' . . erce niiinnii ii. niuii, nun reiiiicueii
tbW?' f'"1 '- J-v'-iiiiMtf !' ' u" ,Mt" Ithe eutlie ireccedlngs, i'ecrsc.l the de de de
tltW(inoVri'!0?,,;,,":,.7,.?,sw.I''i!0,llel'i. m.. nuu. frees of Iteleive Carrell and iIImiIIemciI
'uti lA "l3tt'jiiS IMh'Lr'n.Vi inn U" ''"""H ,il''11 ''' '"'I"-"".
?li5V'JMVK. -'O'ii " ' min" Ui-fi'iTe lllnlr held .lacks,,,, had net1
4MVWK.tdi!25?rerK,?...Si J,,,K.lm " willielently established his chiiuis. J lis
t'f.?ter y. IlezV n ?.!?rW-:8i& .','a. '" . .I,...1kIihi m,is khmImIihmI l.v l.,l.ll
.lliS.,i Ja.WmUr T2 rU bt" "n1 le1'' .Ineksen took nn appeal. Circuit Indge
s BiSfl'Wa ".r'J'. N. j., and UuffliiKten (lellvcrctl nu opinion tedtty
Jte.rS. 2H & lioeliv.it boulevard, biistuinlng Uie, dtsallewaace of thai
"VJtvtuur, geas ChiUtUn at. '" ClSinw, -
A birthday is net of great importance te any
one but him who has it except that when a
man or business has outlived the natural span
each added year becomes of interest te an in
creasingly greater number.
Just what the natural span of life for a busi
ness sheulcl be is net determined, but en Feb
ruary 8th, Crane 6? Ce. was 121 years old. On
February 8th, 1801, the first Zcnas Crane se
lected the site for his paper mill, and there new
stands the group of mills known as the Crane
Mills, all engaged in making paper as geed as
they can make it.
Se the Crane Mills arc 121 years old, and they
knew no better way of celebrating that fact than
te keep en making paper as geed as they can
make it.
100 selected new rag stec
in years' experience
Banknotes of 22 countries
Paper money 04 j8,oqq,eoo people
Government bends of 18 nations
MacDonald & Campbell
Reduction Sale
Men's Fine Suits
I Icaae bear in mind that MdcDeiutld l
Campbell garments arc always nest satisfactory
investments unequuled in style, tailoring and
dependability. At reductions they are incomparable
una ittitiO
$18.75 Suits Were $25.00
$22.50 Suits Were $30.00
$26.25 Suits Were $35.00
$28.50 Suits Were $38.00
$30.00 Suits Were $40.00
$33.75 Suits Were $45.00
$36.00 Suits Were $48.00
$37.50 Suits Were $50.00
$41.25 Suits Were $55.00
$43.50 Suits Were $58.00
$45.00 Suits Were $60.00
$48.75 Suits Were $65.00
Alterations at Cost
Conservative, Street Ulsters,
Coats and Fur-Cellar Ulsters.
Ulsters, Gieat
At Proportionate Reductions
1334-1336 Chestnut Street
We're selling
Conservatively valued at
$40, $45, $50 and $55
for one uniform price
WE'VE made strenuous efforts te
make this sale the greatest value-,
event of several years. AND
of men have satisfied themselves en
thaFpeint already and have bought
suits and overcoats for $28 that are
worth $40 te $55. Every garment
leeks its worth, tee.
J y
mmP" V
CE r-J I '
1 J
ii ,
OVER 2000 garments were here
when the curtain rose en this spe
cial uniform price sale last Monday.
There aren't that many here new,
but there are plenty te make yqur
trip worth while. Yeu can easily
save from $12 te $27 by buying new.
WE'D ask you te shop around and
compare values (as we did with our
SUPER-VALUES), but there isn't
anything te compare them with'.
That's saying a great deal, but we
mean every word of it.
i i: r. n y s
' 51
aic in, as lirsh and
licautiful as Sf'itrii Itstlj.
Handsomely malchtd uitr
plaids a. eaves that u ill sm -ptise
you t;V the dkcisit
of their colerhnj und style
Perry & Ce.
10th & Chestnut
in Clethes for Men
I -sftHHsKsHLBHBwl BH MM BV " fal''&V(
-1 l4
Frem Plantation te Cup
The story of cefl'ec, from the lantinp
of the coffee trees te the moment when
ou pour this most delightful beverage
into your cup. is an interesting one.
Coffee is u product of the tropics.
Krazil, our big Seuth American neighbor,
.stands first in the order of production, but
the finer grades of coffee come from Ven
ezuela, Colombia and ether Seuth Amer
ican countries. Java and Arabia still pro
duce, but net ns much as formerly, and
Central America is producing coffees of a
liner quality.
Mere of the Story of Asce Ceijcc Tomorrow
v.'i trO ''Cw-.
You'll taste the difference!"
Sold only in Ahce Stores. liKated nil ever Phtln .. !.-.. l
i i j-, ..4 ii t . ". .' -- - .--. -sswumn
u y uv tcnnsjivaiua. xcw Jersey, Delaware and MaryUid.
s ippifc"iis.r:;
I' J Mr,
lit. .' ' 1'UlrlwAr t y,tVX ,..? fr,fl, , . -vLwswp ki
'"", i ' ; T-Mwim
sssMITM i TMslsl isssirnrisslii 111 s "--"" -- . ..-.. -- r .t-av- . ...-.-.-.t .-, ,-,- '1jV-iLta'dBulBU
,k ... ,je&ii?t&i.
.m i
V A J ' ' - :
f i .. U . . 'r
, ftvA . i ,. '
H ji''WW3i!TJ ,