Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 09, 1922, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Image 17

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r Soelhinq &nd HeAlinq
CfelifrAw&y Blotches
Vocation Red Records
!1 ,- ni.M.l1l.fc
Have lanen jrimuueipiuu
hv Storm
fleavThem Tomorrow
iS V. Cei1. 11th & -Walnut Sts.
I 20 S. 10th St.
f I
i "Diamond Dyes" add years of wear
Vte worn, faded skirts, waists, coats,
iteckings, sweaters, coverings, hang
liagii draperies, everything. Every
"pickage contains directions se sim-
pple any woman tan put new, ricu,
rfideless colors into her worn gar
il metUS or arycu even sue naa
AH i J... J !.(. T..-i I.... n!
1 Dye
if. , J T-k
ii, tiecause uiamunu JLycs arc guaran
Other Schools Decline te Sched
ule Indoor Competitions With
Dr. O'Brien's Runners
uctuic. juai uuy u-i ..... " -,'.. i
ehd Dyes no ether kind then . i, "'"",. ..7.7. ":
freur material will come out right, ' triw,
n- rAUL prep
pKNTRAL Hiail SCHOOL, for the
first time In its history, ! UnaUJe
te schedule n clngle track meet.
Indoor track comnetltlen ntnrtrrl In
the Philadelphia public high (schools
nbeut twenty ycnrH nge, Since then
Central High, with 'one exception, has
ruled sunreme. The Mlrrnrw wen the
linmml "Qiindi" eerv yeiir excent
mi i, wnen nest mtimleipiiia High
Hchoel cnrrled off the honors.
Coached by Dr. Mnttlicw C. O'Hrlen-
ene of the. urcatct truck thters that
or jnKtructed a schoolboy, the Crlm Crlm
keii nnd Oeld linn Hwnmprd every rival.
Very poldeni' has Dr. O'llrlen rnerheil n
learn thnt was near defpnt, eutvldc of
me jiii i aggregation. He has devel
oped track iirliir-tc-j "from the ground
Kvery boy who comet under his care
Ii nurHcd along from Hie elemental
stages te the finldhed product. This
means that when Dr. O'llrlen ntits
team en the track It knows every angle
et me sport, nnn. consequently. Is
ahead of ether teams in experience.
imhi year, ns iitmui. i;cniral wen Hie
i no
Irnm rnme
I through with cnic ami no one was sur
prised. But for some reason or ether.
- ulmn tlin Mlllii.1 lull, r'nittiiitilnn ....
illkti net te streak, spot, fade or run. Athletics of the Philadelphia Public
Tell your aruygist wnemcr me ma- Jiign m-iinem met last fall, indoor fnck
terial you wish te dye is wool or silk, was abolished. Slrnngc In ny. ccr.
ler whether it is linen, cotton erl fnftltinleii in the Intcrsclieliisllc
.tmUn poeds. Advt. League ntcd acalift the oiimpctitleii
plea goeas- navx. w(t t,1(, 0Jttrptl)n u Criltrn)
.-Neinin; lining
I However, the Supcrlsery Commit
l Ice's mllns did net state that the
schools would have te step Indoor track
.altogether. Only the nnnual "Quads''
I were abolished Therefore every one J
I Mippe.-cu me 4cnoeiv would arrange dua,
I iiicf ts. But nothing of the seit linn Imp
i I cned. .
i Vlilually cery public high school In
the city hn. an Indoor team, but when
, Central (rip- te nriutigc n meet the ether
i uhrels viv uethiiij doing,
i Iv. O'Brien hn ben linliiliif? his
nthlelex for the !;it month. He lias
I ecu sending the bejs through light
uorkeiith nnd Is vainly tr.iing te
rinedule meet.
Ne t'atrhcr nt West Philadelphia
t eaches I.ukens nnd WIN, of West
Philadelphia High's baseball team, re
ceiu' issued ii call for battery candi
dates. Out of approximately 2700
students, enlv six reported for the
pincticc. And, te make matters worse,
two of llic."e youngsters bad been en
the arsity wpiad last year.
"Chick" Austin and 'Thil" Mower
.me two bejs back from last-year's
; team. Geerge. Pawling. Jr.. fermerl
of Kpiscepal Academy, nnd "Jee" Alt
house, of last season's Krcsbnwn team
ine the two ether premising candidates.
I All of these euths lire twlrlcrs.
1 Messrs. Lukens nnd 13111s nre won wen
, derlng what they ure going te de for
n backstop this season. "Jee" Bogart,
i Inst year's tuptatn, who did the catch
ing, has decided te play In the out eut
tie'd. Bogart injured his index finger
Inst season, nnd doesn't want te take
any mero chances. "Ding" Powers,
who rellccd Begait, ulse Is nn out
, lieldcr. and wnuts te go back te his old
I pest in left field. Heweier, if no one
is leiimi cnpauie ni iiehiiiic down tint
m i W-
Teach Children Te Use
v Cuticura Seap
Because it Ii best for their tender
iklnt. Help it new and then with
touches of Cuticura Olntmentspplled
te first signs of redness or. rough
ness. Cuticura Talcum is also excel
lent for children.
frhw, fleapae. Ointmant S3 and SO?. TaJcum2A.
VCuUcura Seap ihaTaa without muf .
Dry a Tubful
, i ' : J.
Main, tine Alumni Using' Straight-Arm E0eclivelyrCrdtvls te
16-13 Win Over Varsity Ftive Every Cigarette
Registers a Kick
!,, JuiW'w- "iry-MM
ir.t j ' r.' ivfc,!
r rnr v-r"'
jl i
"The Sir LmiHrett re'l'tinfrt Sir rer r'r nulrles IIS te
f-pnti. cri'jne MliimHl AUn-iitf aifl. tnfp I', ,,lj,.
htm uven I he Uchn or flvt-(ul-tu:mtu toepi." " "JJ1 '
hew much longer they hail
nevlaed Version of Morts D'Arlhur.
THATeld piece of unexcusable dogma
te the effect tliat "they never come
back" was decisively disproved last
night. Basketball stsfrs who have
twinkled InHhc'lInvcrferd College firma
ment in the wist enme back te the old
sod for n game with the varsity, and ,
when the smoke nnd dust cleared away
at' the end of the argument they
staggered out en the long end et (i
10-13 score.
The stellar aggregation which denned
the mail last night was gathered from
near nnd far for the event. The
nearest was "Weenie" (Invert, who
lives en the campus; the farthest was
"Beb" Burrltt. who holds down n Jeb
as executive secretary of the Ablngteu
Y. M. C. A. It muy be stated, hew
crr, that the latter Is no ten-drinker.
The ether wnrrler for the nffiriilutlve
included "Englebeak" Williams, the
noted jester nnd track performer; Nell
Cllmerc, former football captain nnd
strong man: Phil Corsen, the sterling
nil-round athlete, and ethers who steed
ready In fact, did jump into the
breeches at the vital moment.
Early Speed
The pluy of the alumni in the first
three minutes of the gnme was char
netcrlxcd by n brilliant display of dash
nnd speed. Their meteoric tllght around
the fleer resulted In the quick acquisi
tion of several deuble-deckers In a row.
They scintillated.
Then the varsity get busy wiUi their
short pnsslng gr.me, and things were
ecned up. Thcie was a short pause,
during which Cnglebcak. festooned
nbeut the neck of Corsen for support,
was heard te whisper hearsely:
"Wlu. eh. why. did I eat that last
apple dumpling?"
The game centlnuid, with no let-up
In the strenuous pare. Beth sides were
out for bleed, and there was u reason
ably geed prespp t of getting some.
Then time was lulled again, and the
majority of the invaders dreped Hat en
their backs, expressing feeble ln-
Wllh one minute te go In the llrt
half the nlumnt assisted one nnether te
their feet and 'plunged info the frav
again. There tins a med scinmble nt
the start. Ollmerc appeared nfler a short
line buck, two snappy passes, three
fals, one stumble, four shetM, nnd the
alumni has garnered nnether basket, just
as the whistle mew. Mcere nt tnc cnu ei
Abe Lincoln Said
' "Ged mdst fove the Common People ile rrmdc se many
of thorn." He also gave them enough sense te leek out
for themselves. .Se they hnve sturtcd a BanK of Their
Own. It is bucked by thelLaber Organizations. It has
nil Modern Facilities Day and Night Service, .Safe
Deposit Bexes, Savings Department paying A'e Interest
, ANDln addition it ih a Cu-epcrutivu Bank the
. Depositors Share in the' Profits, Come in nnd let
us tell you ubeut it.
.. - -1 m
the urst nan,
Carried te Sidelines
In the period between the, halves, tliCre
was some spirited conversation en the
sidelines, whither the iiiumnl squad hail
been carried. " '
'Toe much smoking," observed
Corsen, 'with ghastly facet ltleusncss.
"Yeu really uh must cut It out,
Jehn." , . .
"Oh, shut up," returned hnglcbcnk
faintly, clutching' his diaphragm. "If
T ever get .out of this rtlhe I'll
take up embroldcryfer exercise."
The second half witnessed one of the
most titanic struggles lit the annuls of
basketball. Ne tp'artcr was asked, ami
none was given, beyond the two Inte
which this period was divided nt the
earnest behest of the ntiimnl.
With a demennlcnl light In their eje
thc graduate battlers hurled themselves
at their fees. If they hit them, we
and geed. If they did net, they fell
down and rested.
Carries Ball Well " 1
There were remarkable feats of prow
ess. Nell (illmore wns particularly
geed nt tarrying the ball, using th- '
strnlght-nrm with telling effect,. unJ
"Weenie" Craves fixed his oppenetf
tlme nnd again by dodging between theli
Perhaps the piize coup of the evening
wns thnt by .which the points were
scored which placed the alumni in the ,
lead. Corsen had retired memcntarlij
from active participation in the fray,
'anil wns balancing himself under the
opponents' basket while the tide of bat
tle surged te the ether end of the fleer, i
Suddenlj the ball cnnin flying from
the Inngle of nrms and legs nt the;
ether end of the court. Corsen accepted
It without comment, stepped te one shk
nnd dropped It neatly In the basket.
The game was'en.
927-929 Chestnut Street
Jehn C. O'Callaihin, Preudent
Bsnj. B. Bewmsn, Ait. Treasure
Stever C.'Sneek, Vice Preiideat
Graham C. Woodward, Secretary
Open a Charge Account
Any responsible party in Philadelphia may open. a
charge account here, and arrange te get a Gainaday
Washer, Irener or Cleaner conveniently. You'll find
none of the "impossible red tape" at the Gainaday,
store practically speakinj;, your terms are our terms.
We Are
Net in
the Price
Cutting Class A
Square Deal
for All
p Irener
It's the
Real Way
te Buy
That Run
Yeu Need Only $5 and a Geed Name
Gainaday Electric Ce.
107 Seuth Uth Street
1336 Walnut St. 517 S. 52d Sf.
Banquet Fellows All-Day Ses
sion of Association in
Hetel Lerraine
Dates for Fair Meets
Kutztown, August 22 te 25.
Lebanon, August 29 te Septem
ber 1.
Philadelphia, September 4 te 0.
iteading, September 11 te 18.
Nazareth, September 12 le 10.
Allcntewn, September 18 te 23.
".anraslrr. September 20 te 30.
Yerk. October 2 te 7.
Leading Players Petition for
Championship Systems ' J'S"
Ustfd in America
at a Time
Londen. Feb. ft. Chnnges In the
regulations governing both the English
men's nnd women's nnutcur golf cham
pionship tournaments for the ceminc
season appear probable. Petitions or
suggestions from players of both sexes
requesting extension of the iuallfyiug
rounds hnc received considerable sup
port nnd will be considered at coming
meetings et the national organizations.
In part, these proposed changes lunu
developed as the result of the interna
tional piny between English nnd Ameri
can players during recent season.
'llic American opposition te the Eng
Deuble check let
tcr nnd number
celluloid tab
name folders
writing space
i ii, fltt0 .fl!.?,:' ,::' i .. . ,,. , u wx
The remainder of the team will be !,,',,'
syhania State Association met
I mPiM iMlT PMf Ort ,1 V nt tllf I In- rillllliri ill" imini u llimriru in lia trwir
-ETTE takes. iilSIIS is'Tiss.r.n ..w,.:iJ, tel Lerraine. Bread street and Fair- with results. A petition heavily In
out of wash- Toek, wi-end base; "Pet" Elliett, mount nvenuj-. I 'resident Marry y, into, ayer m reusing r imp ; com .tlens ler the
. kliin fulfill- Pnekpp flilpil linvn- I'lf.it. '" ineinnii. ".. muiiiMi mi; u in roil- -- iiuiiiu-ui' I'liiiiiiiniiiiMii i 1:. ri-uuv iui-
as the drudgery. ' ', ",l''i.'i . fl ,,"?!'. . l" l ,.n.sp.:' , ., "r.; Ine with nn address nt 10 o'clock In the., presentation te the championship en-
clectric washing "peweis left iTcld. " I morning nnd there was action aplenty mittce of the Iteyal and Ancient Gelf
until miunignt wnen inn cuesrs pui'eu vmiu. .
the messincss
day, as well
Fer this
machine needs no wringer.
Yeu simply press a feet lever
and the clothes are lifted out!
of the water and whirled dry' Philadelphia Boxer Disqualified In
without touching them. i Beut at Atlantic City
Just think wash, rinse. L At.,nn,lc. ''(?':. Js!-.''.". l'c!- TwAF
blue and dry for the line-
without wringing them
tub te tub and without
ing te put your hands in
Ai! . . - . .."? w- "..' ---""- -.:" ui- uui'tiri iii'i niu
most meuern ena clncient lni. ueierie iiarry i-ulc Uisqunuuctl ( imt nj,eu starter A. i:
f.vfe ...fin ...i14km T . .. j ill.. I'm Mifimtin in invnn .... ...
their feet from beneath the banquet
The banquet was a big affair, for nil
banquets which horsemen glve usually
are big. Lieutenant (iovcrner Ticldlc
man and Senater A. 1 Daix. Jr., were
among the speakers. Sir. neldlcman re-
tournaments, without
Petition Heady
The petition, accompanied by n cir
cular, was sent a month n?e te ull
playcr.s who took part in the amateur
championship') of JIlL'O and 11)21, ex
cepting the American competitors, who
were known te indorse Hie reterinsstig-
' lllllllll.l 1, ,'111 lil.lilltlll 1.1 t.Mlln.l 1,111.. r 1 .A i.Ml.Mlit nM .lAMI .Itn A.n, II... '
Plmpu", of Atlantic nty. In the second he would be the next ioeruer. lie E',i. . ...?.. V i"nli ' "s '" .". '
from rim nd of their scheduled eight-round did say that he was opposed te squat- n,,nif.n- , mnnftltien ihlrt .'fuenlnv'- i
hav-1 TZtVvln;lL ZTl W i ,, e .Ist' tlne Mty oft the map te make . te'quulify. followed l.v mntnhe-oier I
het nigiiinetit in the llrat frame. Ilanleii I n' mheeates for a State fair iittcnded ...!mn'niiin,,,in.l)!'.',.ufn.ir i,..0r'..,..!. i," ..in'!' I
-het ii wck,.,l light whirl, struck the , banquet., nnd, excepting th- semi-linaK nod flu- '
is the , V;i' .attI'r .,,eleu the be t. and Pimpiis ,Tenl, u. K. Scott was supposed te ,,,,. ws 1Ver i-ightcn Imb-s. The Ihm
i-i llic ildiihleil ll'i in u lieiilinl i-nrnep f ivmi i i ..e .i. n. ..:. f i. . ..i . . " ., i , .... 1
hi ,'i inu i-i-imiK. . iie I'einifis wpru iiKMCti ei'r iiu run '
j v.vn.v. !, i.ci us ucm-. : - -"; i railed cm te ine wire ii was discovered
' enstrate it at your home be-' ''''." ."nl10!- et Atlnnt'l.'1 ,liI; w.en that Mr. Scott had been drawn.
fore you buy. Ntw iew "r Mickey Conners, of Philadelphia, There wns music nn.l songs for evciy
price convenient terms, fl" Uhniie Ci v"ber ZT"f m,-l be(,-v- M1s Vl!!abc,,' "e-'-Hck, the.
Phene Spruce 5817. ndC "while the'uukeTci y' J? Kr1 !'L?iih .!5 "T,, ,ekc' sa"B ,brce
IIVUnniA ts ivi.iwiii't
The m
MS '" "'""l '"1 l" M's-,ena """I" When It came te real cntei tainment
,m"Kl ii." V .'.- ., .,...,.!.. ' Heward McNnb. en "Hew te Make
JUIUU. IPlllll. ... lll.nill,., llllll . .1111.1,1 ... 1I., TInn, " . ,1 ,.
Liir iiviDvuikii .,..i, iuvv, u tuei
! Daly, Father Penn's entry, fought one ".j
of the meat scnsutlenal bouts seen here . u ,!?.'
In some time. There wns Utile te . ll'
i-hoese between the two boxers at the
I finish. '
Lift Off with Fingers
Dutch Cue Star te Prepare for Bit
Hard Tourney Here
e report of Secretary J. F. Scl-
demnuge snewca me organization te ne
in a flourishing condition, including
practically nil. the local bodies of the
State. Jehn C. Simpsen, of Spring
field. Mnss., gave an interesting dis
cussion en county fairs. Betterment of
thirty-six holes.
A total of 217 phi en weie can-1
asscd by the petitioners for icfuith. '
Of these, 14S iine replied, 12!). in- i
eluding a majority of the lending timu- '
tours, being in faier of the suggfMcd
new conditions and nineteen opposing
Agitation te rcfeimthe Indies' open
championship along similar lines, pie
riding for qualif ing rounds nnd longer
mnlr-hes. has ulse much support.
Miss Cecil Leltch, the present title
holder nnd leading Internationalist, Is
reported te be promoting n new tournn teurnn
meat plan which she will propee In
the form of a resolution nt the annual
council meeting of the Ladies' Ceif
t aafat aZZaTfHabalaaaal
Heavy ijrayi WQ I (I I Ml llll B
prrssbeardV KBB III l III illl III j J I I I I III isgsSl
Index te fit your
the trotting sport wns the siibjett of a! Union, en February 10
talk by Man In M. Smith, of HuOnle.
, general discusnlen en liew te henvht
p mi iiii
Mass. Aggies Here Tomorrow
The Maasacbusetts Acslrs ene of the lt
collfite Icp-IieiKpv tPuniM In Naw I.nitlnnil.
will lea Ainlicrtit. Mans , tenUint for
riilladalphla. lpre lliev eieii a twu-ariinia
kerlcH ut Die l( I'iiIucp lemarrnw- iituht. Tlie
leIIpbc uevs will pluv the BlrenK St. Xlchelua
and Quaker Clly tcuna.
I'nien Tnittlng Association, en the
"Tretting Herse," closed the afternoon
Arv Hes. of Helland, the amateur our county fairs followed. The address
balkllne billiard champion of Europe. I ?.' A I1- Cosden. president of the
will reneh here today te put the hnlsh
ing touches te his prnctlcn for the
nmatcur iuternatleuul 18.2 chnmplon chnmplen
ship tournament which will begin ut the
Mnnufaeturers' Club en Monday.
He will be accompanied by Percy X.
Cellins, the former national champion,
who finished fourth in the annual na
tional Class A tournament.
Eileunrd lteudll, the well-known
French slinen pure, Is new here, se
thnt by tonight both of the foreign
plncrs who me in this country In
quest of the world's title will be en the
Ites iccently was the.ietim of nn at
tack of giip which threatened for a
l line te develop Inte pneumonia, but,
with the exception of a slight cough, he
lias entirely recovered.
Five Speed Kings Meet te Determine
America's Skating Ace
Lake Placid, N. Y Feb. 0. Sknting
events which will, it is anticipated, by
Saturday night decide who is the ama
teur speed skating ace of America, be
gan here today with live contenders, all
Women Plan
It Is understood that the Executive
Committee of the union contemplates in
troducing tin amendment making the
following alterations In Miss Lcltch's
plan :
Twe rounds of medal phi en two
separate das, Instend of three: llilit llilit
twe players te qualify for the matclv
play ; each match te consist of one
round of eighteen holes excepting the
final, which would be eer thtrty-si;
tics in the medal pluy te be decided en
the tiitt eighteen or nine holes respec
the), according te necessity.
The ladles' championship, since Its
Inception in ISO:',, litis been derided b
matches eer eighteen holes, with the
exception of the final, which. luce
101.", has been ecr thirty -six holes.
u is neiiCNCd acre that the pre
of whom hne wen at least thirty points
in previous skating meets this season.
The men arc Uey MeWhlrter and
William Stclnmctz. of Chlcuce; rimrlfw
.Towtrnw.ef Lake Placid; .Iqe Moere, ' pecd icvislens would he popular with
or .cw xeriv, nnu t'liarles lierman, et i tne American entrants, e whom there
St. Jehn, N. It. The men will com- are tt number annually.
peie in two events cacn utternnen of
the three-day meet. There will be no
preliminaries nnd no handicaps.
Doesn't liurt a bit! Drep a little
'. 'Ketene" nn nn mliLn ..-., I...
at,i i. u" a" -'""K tern, in
'Iff"7 that corn steps hurting, then
'ita V0? lift rifiht off with fin-
;..ur drV.K85st sells a tiny bottle of
Lf feiene" for a' few cents, sufficient
JLmev cverv hard corn, s.eft corn
i2in beAyeei' thc tees and thc
: witneut soreness or irrtta
AdvL - -
Australian Mermaids Set
World's Swimming Marks
Wellington, New Zealand, Feb. P.
w In the nntinnal Hwimining clinin-
'lileiishlps lielil here Mnudiiy, Miss
Ilecft swam fifty yauls in 2S.'!-!"
second. Ye-leiilnv Mlsv- Slmnd
swam 110 iiil- In (I minute-. 21! 2-"
seconds. In both Instances weild
lei-ntds weie ci ei) ted.
1 tot li the nbeve tecenls weie held
by Elhchlu Ulelhlicy, who swam the
fifty yurds in 2D2-." sicends nnd the
IX) yjtnlH in 0 minutes UU seconds.
Meadowbrook Boxer Leses In Finals
of 125-Pound Class
New Yerk. Feb. 0. Dan (Jertln. of
the Meudowhreok Club, of Philadel
phia, was beaten hv (Jcorge Flfield, In
the finals of the 125-pound class In the
Intercity nmatuur boxing tourney, held
at the Midlsen Square Garden last
Tin Canadian received the judges de
cision after u spirited toc-te-conntcr l
of three leunih. tJurtlii had defeated
Hen Latimer, of New Yeik, in u pre
liminary and Flfield wen from Stephen
Smith, of lllrdgcpeit. i
Westminster Leads Heckey Rtfce
IKMten. Keb. 0. Weatmlnater aUpptd Inte
the lead In the IJaatarn a tot Ien of tha Unlwa
Htatja Ileekty Lau lajt night by totting-
Pere Urqutlf I te x In an evertlra
Lew Prices en
Office File Systems
Perhaps you're looking for a
highly efficient, simplified liling
"system" and yet want te pur
chase at lowest current prices.
Come in or 'phone for a sales
man. We have just the thing in
our Allsteel line of supplies. Up-te-the-minute,
simple, efficient.
yet se triced that these "sys
tems" are truly remarkable buys.
Leslic'Mann, of Cards,
framed Football Coach
Uloemliiglou, hid., Feb. 0. Twe
mere men have been added te the
Indiana University football coaching
squad. They are Leslie Maun, out
fielder of the St. Leuis National
League Hnsebull Club, and Kenneth
W. Hrcwcr", of Iiridgeimrt, hid.
Mann, m grnduatc of the Spring
field, Mass., Y. M. C. A. College,
has coached both bmketbnll and
football. He was nt Amherst Col Cel
lege for two enrs and since 11)10
has been connected with Hlce hibtl
tute at Housten, Tex.
Hrewer Is a former Indiana Uni
versity football star nnd has had
considerable cxperlente In coaching
Filing Supplies
The General Fireproofing Company
Complete Line en Display
Warehouse Stock for Immediate Delivery
'Recerd Filing, Fireprebfing and Waterproofing Engineers"
Bell Spruce 5837 Keystone Race 2704
IIOMi: OI I'll II. MJl M.sunt N, OHIO
'' bmm aataaii
1 February Furniture
& Bedding Sale Specials
Yeu Man Avail Yourself of the Convenience of Our' I
fas Payment Club Plan J
$200.00 4-Piece Bedroom Suit
Fiill-HI.c Hcd
H W4t fn '
W? I.tirtri. II i.t.(yfjf:
EsQj.- L' -zfi wrcssir Vjj.": "JzJXi
Bkiifpr--'' ?-- vSf ' e oil a' rJt
's. f -r --, .y ulla O F, i
t - - - - if i ni. L.. A-
' 1lj- WaBrmL i yj i-L
- Ji H chiffe- lliriL-lr ".j
$ ft Illustrated W
$100.00 Library Suit, $49.75
' Three pieces; ninheRiiny Ilni-.Ii; uplielstcrcil
leather; four-inch frames; large chair and rocker.
in Gaftunian
Full-Length Davenport
Beds, ttqq HK
Opens Inte Ucd
2r.. $11.95
2-inch Colonial-pest heds w it h
massive caps and eight 1 '4 -inch
lilicr leds. As .shown.
i!'Ml'i5'TynH ---a
$()5 Oak
Buffets R1 Q 7
50-Inrh Sizf Pltsle'
M0 -gfej- " I K
Plank top, ith large cup
boards, diawers for il or and
linen As. illustrated.
$10 Rell-Edge Seft- 0K QC
Tep Matlrcsscs... DO'Ut3
$16.50 Cotten-und-Fclt
Mattresses, HO 3Q 7K
l'eunds....- 0.3
$33.00 Pure .lava Kapek
Matlrehses, Streng,
Art Ticking $1Q ije
All regular .sizes.
$30 Enameled Beds
i I
ter .size.
constructed; hcbt baked
full .size and tinec-quar-
2000 S2.00 Pine Feather
Pillows te Be Sold QK
at, Each VOk,
Foldaway Cots, Formerly $6.50,
These cots aie all new
- in wr Ik i n u-i il they
can he u cd us- tin" h.ise
' I a da bed a.s twin
bid-- or as an eineiguiicv
li 1-the ends are of
niiu-inch )ehts and can be
leldul up any (juuntitv
te (icaleis-n ne t' O 1).
$30 Colonial Mahogany
Library R1 ft 7
Table... ... Pi-0.iO
20U Gray & Blue
Trimmed Wil- d7 QK
low Armchairs V J
ff-.r . Jiff
$22.50 Rockers
( O V ( I i I
in 1) r e it
1 i a t 'i . i
tti ; i i
i t in f u 1
1. 1 in ii 1
F1!?& )
Upholstered seat and back of
tine cretonne. ,
$6.00 Brass M
Dull or hiight finish;
well biaced legs; with
numeieus lierk-.
$50.00 Larire Wing Rocker,
Covered Willi d- Q rrr
Leutherelte. . Pl".lD
bHCaL-HBURi3S Fifth FJoer
5 .
tt 1
if " -
14' " ' v' - i ' : "T: n : 1;1. y. snellenburg a qe,
HWf j,,
r..T , -. i . ., . J- . . ",. . s
MtetenslMfm?. raw a, r L 'u&x&U.