BBSs mkWS$mms!9 greSSa WM W - hi I UNDStEY 10 NAME F HiS LEGION AIDES r j VV. 3 i. . atAJ .t0tt mt nmM at, ' lOMm T" !, art aM aH wb Appointment of Committee Memberships Is Awaited With Interest POST PLANS BUILDING McAbcra of all American Legien pests are waiting with great interest and some anxiety for the appointment that are te be .rfbfta. made by Elmer Of B. Lindslej. the newly-'-eleted county chairman. Among the standing com mlttees that it will be ln'TMr. Llndsley'e prov ince te appoint, tee en Employment, the Athletics Committee.' the 'Committee en Medical Aid and the .Entertainment Committee are regarded aslmest .Important; " The Charles: 'O; McMenmy'Wst, 178, 'is te build nt the corner er.Rhawn and Craig strcetsJlHpJmesburg, a' memorial building ttf.tte-used as a meeting place for the pest, and feri'public purposes. FlAns for'-the' building 'of a basement hall en this site T were, approved at a meeting Monday, night: rV' 2 . Harry Curtis, owner of ne let, of ef fcrcd it te the Legien for a' nominal, sum. Funds for the erection efitbe building will be raised by a-.cemmtytee Jieadcd by W. B. Clartf. A plan for the building will be contributed brT W. Battln, a city engineer. The movement te combine Harry D. Ineersell Pest, Ne. 174. and Benjamin Franklin Pert, Ne. 405, sponsored prin cipally by W. H. Du Barry and Dr. Merris B. Miller, has been abandoned f Our IOr U'O HUMS "1- ' ... . The idea of nmalgamateln had strong supporters in DOtn orgnniwuienn, ana bad the approval of Franklin D'Ollcr, past national cemmsnucr ei me vcgivn. Beth the pests are prosperous and draw their memberships from the central sec tion of the city. At a meeting held early in the week the question was discussed in every phase. The conclusion, Indorsed by a majority vote of the memberships of both pests, was that the Franklin Pest would de better te lend its strength te some one of the smaller pests, that for lack of members or funds are in danger of dissolution. N. J. ASSEMBLY ENDSMAB. 16 Senate Vetes $25,000 for State Building at Sesqul-Centennla! Trenten, Feb. 8. The New Jersey Assembly will conclude Its 1022 session at 11 o'clock Thursday night, March 10, under the terms of a concurrent resolution adopted in both branches of the Legislature yesterday. A concurrent resolution introduced just before adjournment in the Assem bly would petition Congress te pass legislation permitting the manufacture and sale of light wines and beers. An An other resolution seeks te change the terms of Assembly members from one te two years. The bill appropriating $28,000 for ft (state building at the Sesqul-Oentennial in Philadelphia was passed by. the Senate. A bill introduced by Assemblyman Moere, of Mercer County, would repeal the direct primary law and substitute nomination of all public officers from Governer down te the smallest ward of ficer by direct petition. A special message from Governer Ed wards urged passage of Senater Simp Simp eon's bill te restore the pre-war five cent trolley fare. GUARD OFFICEBS APPBOVED Generals Price, Miner and Coulter Among These Recognized by Weeks Washington, Feb 8. The War De partment yesterday extended "Federal recognition," as required under the army reorganization act, te six ap pointees as general officers in the Na tional Guard. The officers, whose ap pointments were approved formally to day, were Majer General Jehn F. O'Ryan, New Yerk; Majer General William Prlce, Chester, Pa. s Brigadier General A. Miner, Wilkes-Barre ; Brigadier General Franklin W. Ward. Albany; Brigadier General Richard Coulter, Greensburg, Pa., and Brigadier Ceneral Charles 12. McPherran, of Durant, Okla. Secretary Weeks also announced that among ethers selected for nomination as generals in the officers' reserve corps were the following efficers: Brigadier General V. B. Mctts, Raleigh, N. O. ; Colonel Jehn H. Rice, retired, Wash ington, and Lieutenant Colonel Lincoln Andrews, U. S. A., retired, Rye, WOMAN KILLED BY 30Y Corener's Jury Decides Sheeting of Yeung Wife Was Accidental Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 8. While playing with an automatic pistol at the home of bis uncle, Russell Stein baugh, en Phiialelplila avenue, Monday evening, Hareld Black, fifteen years old, shot and killed Mrs. Stcinbaugb, twenty-two years old. Mr. SteinbauRh iiad taken out, as he thought, all the cartridges. One re mained, however, and when the boy picked up the weapon It wun In some way discharged. Mrs. Stelnbaugh lived but a few minutes, Mr. Stelnbaugh nnd the boy were locked up overnight. Corener KIntcr held an inquest yesterday , and the jury returned a. verdict of accidental sheeting. 'JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH'aiiimiii'ira You'll taste the difference! Va :? C lb 3& i 43 At all our Stores Mil ' -yn "' 'i .VK.f AXJTOMATK Jfe -CD yH 'WmW lkmx sl We have fifty different styles of Automatic Rivet Setting Machines. They are used in a hundred industries te assemble a thousand various articles ether than containers. MhtV L II MBSJBBw TSfitS1 Bran Rivet -"J Third (V Hi Cerpera dclphla. Perms Xpcfl i RiV'it with Penn Rivets K"Mai 'It Pays te Pay Greatest FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE This 4 - piece genuine walnut bedroom suit will be sold for ? I ' I Come and hear JT li markable price. location out of the hieh-rent district, and k a you the following drastic reductiens: 10-pc. Dining-Roem Suits, tmv SALE PRICE, $150 te 700 4-pc. Bedroom Suits, A SALE PRICE, $125 te '500 3-pc.Living-Roem Suits, wZta SALE PRICE, 75 te 350 Yeu can leek everywhere, but de net buy before you see our bargains. There is nothing tee small te save money en here. GORDON'S, 2100-02 Columbia Ave. OPEN EVENINGS '"It Pays te Pay The 'Most Beautiful WHEN it was introduced, the Paige 6-44 Sedan sold for s2945. Today you can buy the New Series Medel for '2245. This means a cash saying of s700, plus the added refinements and im provements of a full season's development. But the real satisfaction of owning a Paige cannot be measured in dollars and cents. With its flexible, silent 50 horse power, six cylinder meter, light in weight and hung low, it is as fine in performance as it is beautiful in appearance and appointment. Yeu need just one rideene experience en the read te learn for yourself the superb qualities of this really fine closed car. Then it will be your choice, irrespec tive of price. The New 6-66 Prices 131 Inch wht ban-70 hart power (-66 Lake weed, 7-Pais. Touring $2195 4-66 Larchmont II, Spert Type - 2245 4-66 Dajrtena, 3-Pass. Readttsr - 2495 6-66 Sedan, 7-Pass. - - - - - 3155 6-66 Limousine, 7-Pass. - - - 3350 t-6 Coupe, 0-Pasi. - - - - - 310S Cord tlrtt ttamdmrd 'it. m&M$m uigt VisMindem 6R9AD STReer at vine. PHUAeeiPHi ICALLY J sf3l WJuUM IT Wm Service Station ,L a sBiynStjCMcafi stTligf iMStNwVerk """ Cashuvtt t0wm our re- strictly cash termft. enables ur te eive OFEN EVENINGS Cash" Car in. The New 6-44 Prices 119 inch tvfawl bm$t SO Jure power 6-44 Touring, 5-Pats. ... $U65 6-44 Spert Type, 4-Pass. - - 1595 6-44 Roadster, 3-Pass. .... M65 4-44 Sedan, S-Pass. - - - . . 2245 6-44 Coupe, 4-Pass, ..... 1995 AH FrUxt F, O. B. rfrj, TmnSntrm izft CE nm ii fi ri r M Greatest f t ft 0 $t i I t 0 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 w 00 0 0 Offered J With the proof before the eyes of all who take the time te leek. What we have done te make this Sale of Furniture grand and im posing beyond comparison, is shown at every turn by its immensity and grandeur. High quality Furniture, net high priced, although you can pay as much as you wish or as little as you planned. Fer the values are here, no matter what the price. Reproductions of the Old Masters, Modern Adaptations, and Plain Line Furniture as sturdy as ever was made. fl It is net difficult te assemble a fair-sized Display of Furniture at geed prices, but te collect a display as large, as handsome, and as trustworthy as this, at incomparable savings, filling every avail able feet of space in this six-acre Factory-Stere even crowding our spacious warehouses te capacity is an extraordinary thing. tj Net only because we believe this the greatest collection of Fur- 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A Walnut Qaren Anna Dlnlng-Roem reached Its reittet dl.tlnctlen. A Suite et and dainty ornamentation en Buffet, berver SEE THESE DINING ROOM $143.00 Jacobean Oak Queen Anne Dlnlng Dlnlng Dlnlng Xloem Sulte, 4 pieces jr..'3.00 1 410.00 Antlque Mahogany Sulte, 10 pieces, S273.00 125.00 Mahogany Queen Anne Suite. 10 pieces $375,00 JG7G.00 Mahogany Suite, 10 pieces. . .$450.00 $725.00 Florentlne Walnut Suite, 10 pieces, naio.eo $925.00 Mahogany Chlppemlale Suite. 10 pieces 72.1.00 $950.00 Walnut Queen Anne Suite, 10 pieces, $825.00 $1075.00 Antique Mahogany DInlng-Roem Suite, 10 pieces $050.00 0 0 t 0 t 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 t t t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 t t 00 0 0 t 0 t 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II I' T lli,SSl I i ' EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN RUG3 Great reductions, based en the prices prevailing in the current market. Many thousands of dollars' worth of Rugs and Carpets in the trustworthy weaves, handsome designs and rich co'erings that have made our Fleer Cevering Department popular for the quality of its stock and the economy of its offerings. Many designs exclusive te this Stere, with Demestic and Imported weaves from which te make selection. Every Rug and Carpet perfect, with savings that outrank any values, we believe, new offered in the market. $202.00 Royal Wilten, size 11x15 ft $165.00 $185.00 Royal Wilten, size 10x13 ft $147.00 $165.00 Royal Wilten, size 9x15 ft $126.00 $110.00 Royal Wilten, size 9x12 ft $89.00 $100.00 Royal Wilten, size 8.3x10.6 ft $79.00 $89 Royal Wilten, size 9x12 ft $67.50 $85.00 Reynl Wilten, size 8.3x10.6 ft $65.00 $95.00 Seamless Best Velvet, size lUixlGi $76.00 INLAID LINOLEUM REMNANTS SPECIAL Regular $1.75 and $2.25 Quality, New 75c Per Square Yard Twe yards wlde. Sufficient of most patterns l'er nlmest any size kitchen or bathroom. Bring room measurements. ENTIRE STOCK OF ORIENTAL RUGS REDUCED 25 TO 33y3 PER CENT Reductions arc based en today's prices, averaging half the prices of a year age. LACE CURTAINS $1.30 Hemstitched Marquisette Curtains, new $1.20 per pair $5.00 Hand-drawn designed Scrim Curtains, new $3.75 per pair $11.00 Irish Point Curtains, new $7.00 per pair S12.50 Applique Net Curtains, new $8.00 per pair $14.00 Lever Lace Net Curtains, new, $9.00 per pair PORTIERES $0.50 Madras Portieres, new $5.50 $9.75 Madras Portieres, new $7.50 $15.00 Madras Portieres, new S 12.00 $21.00 Velour Portieres (Deuble Faced), $19.50 Drapery Fabrics at Proportionate Savings i 0 t 0 CLOCKS, LAMPS, BRASS These who ivish te EXTEND period of several months can NOTB Thr ar certain lines et Turnltur en In SBlfi J. B. Van Selvw Manufacturers, impertert and Retailers MARKET STREET FERRY, CAMDEN, N. J. Stct, OP0nM,t8:3OA. M. Ttl.phen, Peniuieiia. Call Lembard 6200 MarA.l Sttttt Fr, Beatt Clew at 5.-30 P. M. Connection ) Ntu Jtrity. Cad Camdtn 280 Uai Onuiii "suii r-&H Wir- TT r""-"BTTSMm T T nWISTT TT tT TTlt Wr JdWT""""";;z;;iaffl IK l & Ml i m m WMB 1 I I -v MW mmmm-m-m--m-m-m-m---- -t.t Furniture Anywhere niture ever as- sembled under one reef, but because we feel certain, Suite for Suite, Piece for Piece, and Quality for Quality, the savings are such as cannot be equaled anywhere in the February market. Illustrated Frem Our Floers finite, medelrd en the simple linen that breame pepnlnr in the dnys when cabinet maltlnc had hnndaeme denlifn and direful construction, the clmrm of which U enhanced by the elmpla and China Closet. An Inexpensive Hulte and one et the many great value en our floors. ..y REDUCTIONS AND SAVE 5113.50 Walnut Suite. 4 pieces $102.33 $2500 Mahogany Leuis XVI Dlnlng-Roem Suite, 10 pieces $1850.00 Proportionate reductions In Buffets. Serving Table., Dining Tables, China Closets and Chairs. LIVING ROOM $123.00 Mahogany-und-Cane Suite, tapestry covered sprlnir seats, 3 pieces 87.60 $109 50 Italian Renaissance Suite, mahogany backs, tape3try-cevercd spring seals, 3 places 93,00 $193 00 Mnhogany-nnd-Cane Suite, tapestry covered spring scats, 3 pieces $150.00 $530 00 Overstuffed loose-cushion Suite, spring seats, covered with mohair, 3 pos., $480.00 $85.00 Seamless Best Velvet, size lUixl2 ft. $69.00 $65.00 Best Axminster, size 9x12 ft $49.00 $62.00 Best Axminster, size S.3xl0.6 ft $17.50 $15.00 Seamless Velvet, 9x12 ft $31.50 S43.50 Seamless Velvet, 8.3x10.6 ft $33.50 ?39.00 Axminhter, size 9x12 ft $27.50 337.00 Axminster, size 8.3x10.6 ft $26.00 $29.75 Seamless Velvet, size 9x12 ft $22.50 Buy Office Furniture New Reductions That Arc 40 Per Cent Lewer Than Prices a Year Age. FLAT-TOP DESKS Sizes 3(5 in. te C6 in. In Oak, from $17.50 up te $246.00 for line Mahogany. TABLES Sizes 30 in. te 120 in. In Oak, from $8.00 up te S300 for fine Mahogany. REVOLVING CHAIRS In Oak, from $9.25 up te $80.00 for fine Mahogany. ARMCHAIRS In Oak, from $6.25 up te $65.00 for fine Mahogany. SIDE CHAIRS In Oak, from $4.50 up te $28.00 for line Mahogany. Fifth Fleer East AND ENAMEL BEDS, ALL UNDER PRICE PAYMENTS ter Furniture or Furnishings ever a make convenient and satisfactory arrangements. our fleer very day rtirounheut tlie year that are marked se fl'JJh as this they ennnet be marked lower. 1 Savings i v V 'I. ! 'VJ 11 iii Years '. -im Hi 3 Orerstuffnil. vm-liaek. Flfslde, ncellnlns. Windser ana Wicker Chnlm nnd Jtecker. O.mlrs In the various Period rilKn. nil nt Inciimparnble incK. from h lieldcn Oak Hecker At M.1R t" mttcnincnt ropred'irllon of un l!nitlih Eaey Clialr Ht SJ35.00. V? 0 ' ' J '! 5".' i! 1 z. v. i Hi . I I I 00 i 0 0 Ji 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 0 $325.00 Mahogany-and-Cane LIvlng-Rtjerrt Suite, loose cushions with spring seats, cov ered with blu velour, 3 pleci3 $28.1.00 $422.00 Overstuffed loose-cushion Suite, spring seata, covered with brown mohair, 3 pieces $308.00 $608.00 Overstuffed loose-cushion Suite, spring f-ents, coven-d wltn wool tapestuK... a pieces .$330. 00 $893.00 Overstuffed loeso-cushlon Suite, spring seats, covered with newereu uesign m frle7. 3 plet-es 8838.00 $1360 00 Overstuffed loose-cushion . SUlte, spring seats, covered with taupe velour. 3 pieces $1200.00 Kquully Grcut Reductions in All Ucdroem furniture. Colonial Cleck, .Jj.00 Haiiilonie iTuhenaiiy Ha'l Oiuk, with ifuar anteed Amcrtcun wetuht movement n. n il Ner- 'lApiKllal with plalhJSSMblan numeral Jin h Ueri-d background. HeUlit. 7 ft. One of the tneet ehttely. hand. BemeRf n-nd I est Clooke we knew et at the price. 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0ti 0 V .H 0 0"j 0.0'i low In price that even 0 0 0 4 0 0i :: r$ 00 0 0 at 55' F m S'SV 0 0 IlivC'-r cBI w. V- ffl.nir mmwrnwrnm v Vi. fV i . j 6 'l tt -1-.'4' !' instil, LtfkA: !&& .A,-MMA!i.!&tM Mti i''1 J.V?AMkM k.uda'1 kf rttArf.- V. .1 H