Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 08, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Partisanship Is of But Littlj
$' fZnH I nlecG t Zr-rckt.inckrtV
pure motives and genuine consideration
X tne Deneiu ei tuc puuitc.
If politics be simply for selfish interests.
fmust surely "lese gut5 Lseme day or ether.
I The sun will certainly rise some day en
jmes net farrdistant and,we will turn off the
a and diew out tne nine canaies ana taper
rhts or private interests servea ey tne
mey of the taxpayers.
r ...
mbruary s, ies
1 Among New Fashion Silks
Are Many (Specially Priced
(i They nre of great interest te every 'woman who is planning
erinc and Summer dresses and the numerous sports skirts which
rill need. .,, , ' , . , .
,' One ei Uie most important ei mese suks is piain-coierca ucorgciie
pe in nil the Reed colors and an excellent quality at $1.50 a yard,
lncnes wme. ,
Anether is a fine all-silk radium in various fashionable shades and
be flesh pink for lingerie. It is 40 inches wide and only $2.25 a yard.
' Chiffen-finished taffeta in henna, turquoise, Gebelin and many'ether
ders, 36 inches, at $2.25 a yard.
Printed knitted silks for sports .dresses or blouses, 36 inches wide,
1.50 a yard.
- Plnin-coleccd tricelcttes, light and dark colors, also henna and
Vie, 36 inches wide, $1.10 a yard.
; Sports satin ier skii-is, wnuc, iicsn ana Diacic, ou inencs, at Z &
rd. ..,.. ...
u.eii ,me niiu xirm rioer)
'eung Women's New Tailored
Suits of Tricetine, $48 ,
These are for yeunsr women who wish the simplest of Vtailer-
lits," without frills or decoration, albeit of geed materials oxcel excel
ntlv tailored.
F the tricetine is a fine, firm weave, and in navy blue, caster or
lack. There nrc several models. rucli lias a fairly long and slim
ned coat, hugging close te the shoulders, narrowly belted, caught with
Be button below the long rovers,, and lined throughout with a geed
ihty crcpe de chine.
Altogether young women of 14 te 20 will feel very well dressed in
(Second Fleer)
Much Braid Is Used en the
New Paris Gowns
Ribbon, buttons und caloen braid ure mentioned especially in the
test Spring fashion notes from Paris.
Every Kind or bruid tnnt win ue worn, wc dciicvc, is represented
this rcmarbablv lanre assortment in the Dress Trimminsr Stere.
ft doubt whether, even in Paris itself, you will find such a collection
the new braid fashions.
Black silk braids, plaid and fancy and many new circ effects go
cm 6c' te $2.15 a ynrd.
rancy anu piain ceiurea Draias in siik, woei, mctai ana cire irem
! te $1 a yard.
Every Weman Wants
Strap-Wrist Cape Gloves
This Year
This is no oxaircerntion. for thev arc the popular cloves of the
Rasen. Mere than 2000 pairs have come te us te sell at $2 a pair ju3t
Deut 91.00 a pair below regular price.
iney nre a benutitui, soft, beuth African capeskin, sturdy yet flexible,
hey have 4V inch tens, and arc in just the browns, crravs and tans
pest desired. And they arc washable.
In addition are strap-wrist glevc3 of soft white lambskin at the
ne undcrprice 2 a pair.
(Weit Aisle)
New Wrap-Around Skirts
for Women's Sports Wear
Perhaps you have heard of them. They are wrapped around
the figure, fablcncd ever en the left side with three large buttons
and then left loesu from there te the hem.
Usuully the material has a striped border which makes a
Pretty flnlHh down thc'slde und ureund the hem, which is often
fringed. m
Anether new feature is the single pocket at the right hand
i ?. t,ie niP Ifercs which give such u snug-fitting leek. Seme
or these skirts aroTnadcffem twe'sdft wool or camel's-hair scarf3,
Um, ff'em wWte impojftjed.rbreHdeJolh or..basket weuve.
v- jiricua go ironi'is.eu 10 3ue.. n(
fl'Irnt l'loer)
omen's New White Buckskin
One-Strap.Slippers, $14
' iliey bugex-st golden hiinshine and blue sk
llcrnoen frocks. And se they will be worn in
skies and the daintiest of
the beuth. In this less
pi is fliniatu they will be kept for hecfid occasions.
.; 'we very dainty styles, ouch with light hand-turned soles. One has
I" ""t vnnip, rounded tee und nigh bpapisu heel; the ether a longer
ii ami narrower tee, with baby French heel. Beth are perforated.
"um w 7fii a pair.
U'irvt flour)
That Could Make Such a Furniture Sd
7 k ia
Is the Furniture Back or I
i ' '4RS
'J ? " iWp
S '.A', L .J
Don't Be Surprised te Find
Sports Capes With Ruches
tcOR that is ene of the J&Xfe
rl very new Spring fashion
They are knitted wool sports
capes and the high-standing
ruche is made of wool, 'loosely
crocheted and very soft and
becoming te the face. And, if
one does net enre te have the
cape fastened tightly at the
threat, there are long stream
ers te tle loosely.
These pretty new capes are
in plain colors, stripes, indis
tinct plaids and two-tone
effects. They are $30 te $47.50,
including some in knitted wool
without the ruche but with u
long wide facing down the
front in which are pockets.
(Flrtt Fleer)
Dark Brown Is a Geed Celer
in Millinery
THE old idea of matching
one's hair with one's hat
has net totally gene out.
All the rainbow of gay-colored
millinery docs net eclipse the
very smart hats of walnut
brown and ether dark shades
of this becoming hue.
In taffeta and grosgrain
and straw there are a number
of particularly geed shapes in
this color. It invariably leeks
well with tweeds, or with
toilettes of cither brown or
dark blue. And the brown
haired woman can almost al
ways wear it effectively.
Brown hats at practically
every price will be found in
the Millinery Salens.
Novelty Fur Coats at Late
Season Prices
EVERY one of thorn is
marked 25 per cent low
er than the regular price.
One long nutria coat with
wide straight sleeves and muf
fler cellar is $400.
A Hudsen seal (dyed musk
rat) has a cellar of kolinsky
and is new $350.
A black caracul having a
deep shawl cellar and cuffs of
dyed squirrel is $600.
A black caracul with deep
cellar of kolinsky is $525.
These arc simply examples
of what may be found among
the individual fur pieces. All
our fur coats and small furs
also arc reduced.
A Dezen Geed Patterns in
Sterling Silver Alene
THAT is the remarkably wide choice one may have when
selecting the necessary knives, forks, spoons and ether
serving pieces for a bride.
They arn all period designs of recognized excellence, and
the various pieces may be bought by the dozen, half dozen or
singly, just as ene desires.
Washington Fairfax
Hcppclwhitc Hamilton
ClevcUv Uranden
Dorethy Quinccy . Mary Chilton
Lady Mary King Albert
Portsmouth Clerment
(Main fleer)
Pictures Are Among the Most
Important Furnishings
A well-chosen picture is like the magic carpet of the fairy talc.
It transports the stay-at-home far beyond his own walls.
There are many pictures in thl3
February Sale of Water Celers and Oils
that can, in an instant, lift one into the quiet of a noble forest, or te
the serenity of a lefty mountain peak, or almost within feel of the
seacoast's dashing spray.
What a wonderful thing for most of us that the artists have cap
tured en canvas these beautiful glimpses of Nature in all her moods!
Some of the most satisfying paintings in the collection are very
little-priced, tee, if chosen during this month of special sale prices.
(Fifth Fleer)
The Newest Ear-Rings
in the Stere of Inexpensive Jew
elry include black and white ef
fects, imitation pearls, jade, lapis
and jet, in novel and charming
designs showing tassels, rings,
and long pendants. Prices are
$6 te $21.
(Main Fleer)
Elastic Girdles
In Letltia girdles you get the
best quality of firm English
clastic. They are cut very low or
altogether topless, and include
two slip-ens at $6.50 and $7, and
five models of different lengths
and laced in the back, priced from
$7.50 te 10.50.
(Third Fleer)
The Best Variety Ever
Here in Andersen
And every woman who knows
what a geed assortment we usu
ally have will understand that
this must mean a very large num
ber indeed, of these well-known
D. and J. Andersen ginghams.
There are many new color com
binations besides the faverite
staple ones. There are medium
and large plaids, checks, stripes
and plain colors, as beautiful in
quality and clearness of color us
usual. They nre 32 inches wide
atl $1.25 a yard.
(Flrtt Fleer)
High'Necked Nightgowns
Ne matter hew much the sheer
low nightgowns are liked, there
are always some women who want
sturdy warm things in Winter.
Cambric nightgowns, high and
V necked, $1.65.
" 'Muslin nightgowns, high and
V necked, $1.75.
Cambric nightgowns, V necked
with embroidery, $2.75. Square
necked, $2.50.
(Third Fleer)
Schoolgirls' Fine White
Jean Regulation Dresses
at $3.75
Well made, serviceable and ex
tremely geed-looking for girls of
(J te 14 yeurs. The jean is of
fine texture, und the one-piece
dress is pleated from u yoke back
and front, and finished with
braided sailor cellar und cuffs of
navy or lighter blue. There is a
front lacing, and an embroidered
chevron en the sleeve. They ure
very geed Indeed for $3.75.
Other regulation drcsses in
various materials chambruy, un
bleached muslin, cotton und linen
at $4.50, $5, $8, $10 and $12.50.
(Ueceud Heur)
THE one reason why there is only one such sale ;te lf
found anywhere is because there is only ; one ;suc:n
stock k)i furniture te make it. .". T ; ,
The stock of furniture back of this sale is supreme
in everything that gives merchandise an interest for
the people.
It is as clear as can be that these assortments are
unrivaled in the field they present for satisfactory cheesing.
It is no less certain that the quality and desirableness
of the furniture itself are as real as the varieties are exten
sive and that is saying a great deal.
Dining -Roem Suits
Italian oak suit, chairs covered with blue leather ; silver
trimmings in antique finish; buffet, oblong extension table,
closed china cabinet and cabinet side table, six chairs, ??20.
Queen Anne suit with selected walnut veneer drawer
fronts and tops, chairs covered with tapestry; buffet, oblong
extension table, cabinet side table, china cabinet and six
chairs,' $600.
Chippendale suit, neatly carved and finished in dull
brown mahogany, chairs have slip seats; large buffet, two
long and two small. drawers, two side closets; oblong exten
sion table, closed side table, double-deer china closet and six
chairs, $690.
American walnut suit, veneered tops and fronts, chairs
upholstered with spring seats; buffet, oblong extension table,
side cabinet and china cabinet, six chairs, $552.
Chippendale suit with melded and carved edges, chairs
upholstered with slip seats, finished in brown mahogany;
ten pieces, $739.
(SIKli Fleer)
Ml .
W' 'Hi
". JCSi
A New Nevel
is "Vandcmark's Felly," by Her
bert Quick, illustrated by N. C.
Wyeth, price $2t The strange and
splendid story of Iowa, of Mon
terey County and of Vandemark
(Main Fleer)
$3.50 Will Buy a Man
a Geed Pair of Shoes
At this low price he may cheese
from the following styles, all ex
traordinary alue:
Ileavy dnrk tan and black calf
skin blucher high' shoes with
bread tees and double soles te
the shank.
Blaek kidskin high shoes in
straight lace and blucher styles
with heavy single soles.
(Main Fleer)
Office Furniture
Opportunities the
Best in Years
Our entire stock of office fur
niture is offered in the February
Sale at substantial reductions and
the selections arc the best wc
have hud in years.
New is the time for all geed
business men te leek te their
office needs, as se many of
them arc doing.
(Third Fleer)
The Oriental Rugs in This Sale Are
the Finest of Their Kind
This applies in particular te the recently unbaled pieces Kermanshahs, Chi
nese, Araks and Mesuls.
The Chinese rugs are Mongolian weaves exclusively, and net only that, but Mon
golian weaves of a very fine kind, remarkable for their weight, richness of texture and'
splendid color effects.
The Kermanshahs are among the best specimens of rugs of this type that have
come in here in years wonderfully heavy pieces, combining marvelous wearing quali
ties with colors of rare beauty.
The newest Araks are as fine relatively as the mere expensive pieces. These are
exceptionally heavy and serviceable, mostly in rich, deep blues, reds and ecru shades.
All the recently unbaled Mesuls are fine Ramadan pieces of the most desirable
Araks, $270 te $050 for sizes 10.4x7.6 ft. te 13.11x10.4 ft.
Kermanshahs, $575 te $895 for 7x10.4 te 8.4x11.10 ft.
Mongolian rugs, $175 te $675 for sizes 5x8 te 10x15 ft.
Chinese Rugs
11.10 x 9.2 ft $379 13 x 9.3 ft $387 12.2 x 9.2 ft $370
12 x 9 ft $265 10 x 8 ft $175 11.11 x 9.1 ft $245
Fine Ilamadan Mesuls, $33 te $55 for sizes 3x4 te 3.6x6.6 ft.
(fce)iith Fleer)
"TOOK ends of mahogany,
D bronze and brass are te
be found in the Boek Stere
for $'3.25 and upward.
(Main Fleer)
Spring Styles
in Imported
Socks for
The first shipment for 1922
brings the follewing:
At 35c, three pair for $1,
arc cotton roll-top socks with
all-ever stripes, white with
fancy roll tops and plain white,
brown and black with roll tops.
At 50e a pair are all-ever
striped mercerized lisle and
plain white with fancy tops in
color combinations of butter
cup, reseda, tan, sand, cadet,
pink and sky.
At $1 u pair arc fine cotton
with all-ever stripes of rose,
champagne, violet, pink, bky,
black and tan en white ground;
nlse lisle with fancy colored
(Fimt Fleer)
Attractive New Bed
Of unbleached muslin, in four
new designs of applique work and
embroidery done in geld, blue and
rose, all very novel and attrac
tive effects.
Double-bcd size, $10; single
bed size, $8 each.
Alse a new let of Italian silk
blankets in richly colored stripes,
all made with cotton warps, five
patterns in the group $-1.75 each.
Mth Fleer)
Seamless Chenille Rugs
Deservedly Popular
With their chintz puttern borders surrounding plain centers they
aie pleasing te the eje and they are uncommonly serviceable.
9x12 ft $77.50 8.:i.10.C ft $04.50
0x9 ft $44
A geed lower-priced rug is a reversible model in two-tone and
figured effects which is very durable.
axl- f- SM.50 7.0x9 ft $25.50
S.UxlO.G ft ai.50 0x9 ft $21.50
( putli Fleur)
"All the Comforts of Heme"
Must Always Mean Geed
Mntties&cs, pillows and bolsters aie furniture of the most impor
tant kind.
They are the furniture with which one lives about one-third of
one s life.
All our stocks of mattresses, pillows, bolsters and bed springs are
new being offered in the February Sale at real and worth-while reduc
tions from the latest low market prices.
They are die finest goods of the kind.
(M(li Fleer)
Mere Pretty
Handkerchiefs in Celers
, at 25c Each
Fer women who like a touch
of color with their sports cos
tumes, and they may have pink,
blue, rose, tan, lavender or green
with white hems or white centers
with these colors in the hems.
We can hardly get enough of
these handkerchiefs for all thobe
who want them. Many women
take advantage of the pries by
the dozen, which is $2.75.
(Muln Floers t
There Are Just Twe Ways for Any
Stere te Buy and te Sell Phonographs
The phonograph business in America presents te these dealing in retail sales two
is te buy and "sell off" "job lets" of nondescript machines of uncertain parentage, of
varying degrees of repute and reliability, te sell at 'most any price and en 'most any
teriEc. 'rius plan results in dissatisfied customers.
The Other
is te buy and sell only dependable machines of standard makes, of positive worth;
dealer guarr.-'-e of a responsible maker and a responsible
Our Phonograph Stere long age chose the second way te de business. Result,
satisfied customers, a service whose fame has gene far and wide, and a standing invita
tion lrem us te the public te investigate the reliable machines whiV- are sold here
under the Wanamaker guarantee of security
Brunswick Senera
Cheney Victrela
All sold en convenient terms.
(Second Fleer) ' '
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