Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 08, 1922, Night Extra, Image 5

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1 1
f "1)i A-VT1
-tx iVf,!7 'y-y
immmaammrz r xuaa rsumimrm jsti" vjbax
b k tffBr "F . V. r J n fr .TT 1 fOTBBP -f - 1 1 . I w-mU
1Ce Sends Nete te Londen
y- Asking Delay for Three
Months- '
i '.-i.
I French Foreign Office said, today It was
'Jwwldcrcd quite likely thnt'lt would be
iiecisary te postpone the proponed
jHftnea Economic ueniercncc. it tic-
Jinn te th"! Londen Announcement that
Premier Pelncare's note Jiml Hiiuesteil
Mtttlna tr.e ueeMnj three month.
" Thfl French Government muintalns
lhat It la absolutely necessary te make
letter preparation for this conference
!.' i. itnualhli) n thi time reiiiainlnir
mt ' By the Associated Pfess
iana. Feb. e. umciai cennrmuuun
a bad been received from the French,
tawnment making Uren repreaentn
m for the postponement for , three
lentba owme uvuuu u.-uuiuk wui-
Tbe British Government's reply has
Fjwt Tt been formulated?, ' -
, V nt
(By a. I'.j'-rnr
than I
ttferc Jfairh S. The negotiations juVL
i.n bv Premier Pelncare's nole vll
tewilly require three weeks te com-
(9v. .'..... )n Minnon of mtnlstrv' In
Italy may even delay the (settlement- of
iitnda n month or mere since the
French Premier will be unable te begin
Defoliations with Ttaly until a new
government ' formed.
Foreign Office efncinla Indicate that
..int. Pnlnrnre wants mere thnn ab-
nelutc agreement between the Allies en
nerinrniiy iwtnncu ugcm;u. no tir
,m nKe careful preparations through
diplomatic channels and by economic
nd financial peclallsts te Insure the
mrccss of the conference us far us pos pes
riblc bv preliminary work.
Wrinkled Meat," 137, te Be Burled
Under-Catholic Ritual
Cms Lake. Minn., Feb. 8. (By A.
1' ) Funeral arrangements were com cem
nfctcil today for fla-Bc-Xah-Gewn-Wence
(Wrinkled Meat). Uhlppcwn
Indian, saltLte have been 137 years old.
-im ,iiiil ml. the fleer of his cabin here
jestcrday of pneumonia, contending te
the last tiiat a bed was no place for a
lituky warrior.
Services under the ritual of the Cath
olic Church, and devoid of ancient tribal
rites, are planned for Wrinkled Meat,
who otherwise also was known as Jehn
Smith. He Joined tne uinircn i-everai
ymrs age. for uni years ei ni urc
h &as married, having had eight wives.
The only survivor, however, is Tem
Smith, a stepson, at whose home he
Several years age, when struck by a
Mritch engine, he was" taken te n hos
pital, but refused a bed, peeking Instead
t "comfortable" place en the (loer. He
idled Inte a blanket and remained en
the fleer three weeks until he rccev-
Mcst of his life was spent In North Nerth
tra Minnesota In, the vicinity of Cass
Uke and his birthplace near what Is
new Pekegamn.
Negotiations With U. 8.. Expected
te Begin This Menth
lnrlnn ' Feb. 8. (By A. P. ) Ne
gotiatiens for funding the British debts
te the United States will commence
ibeut the end of February, it is ex
pected In official quarters today.
Belief was expressed that President
Harding will Immediately take steps te
((institute the financial commission, pro
vided for in the allied debt-refunding
bill, as It Is believed there is n keen
desire in America as well ns here te
come te grips with the question.
It is expected that the ltrltisn uov uev
ernment seen will receive nn invitation
from the United States te send experts
te Washington te inaugurate conversations.
Liquor Sellers te Appeal Frem Ver
dict Under Wener Law
BroekIUe. Pa.. Feb. 8. Claiming
that the Wener act, passed by the laBt
Legislature, conflicts with the Velstead
act. counsel for Leuis Fcrrur nnd I.
CalllbretiH announced today that an ap
peal would be taken te tlie superior
Court in an effort te set aside a verdict
nnd sentence of the Jeffersen County
Court. '
The men were convicted of selling
liquor without u license and Judge Cor Cer
liett sentenced each te pay a fine of
$1800 and te Bcrvc one year in the
By Lee Pape
Mr sister Gladdis was un in her room
Weding and eating rheekllt cnrmcls out
M n has. nnd I kepp en asking her te
Rite me one and she kepp en saying
he eny had a few and ceuldcnt bparc
jny, being a heck of n ixcusc, nnd after
1 asked her about 10 times without
eny geed result I scd, All rite then,
Bng, jest for that I in never going te
speck te you ngen.
Orate news, Im glad te heer it, sed
All rite, yeull see, I sed. And after
wlia Xera rung the dinner bell for
jupplr and we all went down nnd I
'! te everybody but Glnddis, and
pnttj spen I wunted some butter and
It was rite in frunt of Gladdis and I
"etched all the ways across the table
I weuldent haff te ask her for it, and
pep bed, Heer heer, wat are you doing,
"ting supplr or giving u acrebatlck
pwennants? Hew meny times have
told y0u te ask like a gentleman nnd
net reetch like a octepuw?
, n? w k?pp en eating nnd prltty
til I nted another hunk of bred and
at Mdit,rnjr was ,n frl,nt of Ctladdis,
bill lnD? ,G- l cant eBt without
ea, and 1 nint geinir te ask her te
imS n hcck- w'ch jest then I Umdia
ffl 11cc, Tsnin- "'fls tliat,.jUM), cloer
mh ilhcr i$ enybedy cits, sk down.
'VP- Mecntng me, nnd f?ied, O
Ai' ??Y Im "P. x nlte as well1 get a
In rVBr7,1n,..cJA'!rtM
Quia grabbed up the bred tray, saying.
there cnvtlii.,,, ,..,i.i in..i ,'"...
I n,l,iel,,e,, """' ns l' thing. And
IlaS . i ., b?ttem of the bred tray u
rerk.iJ"1 tl10 brei1 went ' 4 dlffrcnt ill
a ,tr? nH-i account pf each slice going
IllS?"0".. "ctlen and eny be"i.g
"lll'CS oil llin trnv e.wl .... i .1 ,.!..
non ii. .. "" """ """ "' iiiviii uu
iLln en. u!? nesc' Mn the werst
Jk .,"Ln,.nlI. nd I 'nd te leevc the
iin ' , . " 01U nisllng my supplr und
en ih, V mc n fcen,e 8lan "emewarci
' Service Today : Success Tomorrow
, j it
The success of every businesses dlfeciiy dependent upon
'. the service it .renders. We believe 'this and have built up our
organization upon this sound principle. Yeu will And here
prompt and courteous consideration, of, all matters pertaining;
te REAL ESTATE and MORTGAGES. We invite interviews.
; Every Phase of-Real Estate Service
17th & Ransom Sts. '"'tip'hen spruce mt a us
9 te- 5:80
?'.' ' ' " ' ' '. '" - J" - r " "r "." ' " J 1 i" Trir 'M"swMBs1aBl
iiBtiiciinjiiwi I
i 1 1
i ei
King of the Breakfast Table
a , Coffee ,ia justly entitled te this dis
tinction, for this beverage has wen an
enviable place en'the tables of American
Asce Coffee is a combination of Migh
grade coffees from the best coffee plan
tations in the mountainous regions of the
tropics. The economies effected through
our close connections with the sources of
supply make it possible for us te sell this
Buperb coffee at only 25c per lb. Its
refreshing fragrance and cheery goodness
will win you.
"You'll taste the difference!"
Sold only in Asce Stores located all ever Phila. and through
out Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware "and Maryland.
VltttVt kUUflltUk,UU,h.Ht kfchfthftfc ktt,tfi.kU,vuU , UthUtAtlt.t.fthkttthh&l . t.tt. ...... ....A. ....... .u ... .kt. fc i
Mail Orders Filled !ia Charge Accounts In-itetiIflM i
Mel sfV
1215 Chestnur Street
Illustrated Fashion Felder Sent en Request
In announcing these spe
cial values for tomorrow
wc have ignored our costs
and profits entirely.
In accordance with our
merchandising policy
numerous items that Have
sold down te a few of a
kind have been taken from
our immense stock and
drastically reduced te
effect an immediate
clearance. We advise you
te shop early in the day
as some of the lets are
rather small.
Buy New Fer Next Season's Needs:
A Small Dmpetit Will Rcurve Your Purchcum in Our Storage
Vault Until Next Fall. PaymmnU te be Continued
Monthly Through the Spring and Summer
J All coats arm length. Wraps are full length erJ4
Formerly New
3 Marmet Coats 100.00 44.50
,6 Russian Peny Coats 100.00 47.50
5 Leepard Cat CeatsSeal Trimmed . . 1 40.00 67.50
8 French Seal Coats 140.00 69.50
4 Russian Peny Coats, Op. Trimmed 180.00 89.50
9 Natural Muskrat Coats 195.00 94.50
5 Marmet Coats, Raccoon Trimmed. . 195.00 97.50
6 French Seal Coats, Skunk Trimmed 195.00 97.50
2 Moleskin Coats 330.00 165.00
4 Moleskin Wraps 400.00 195.00
5 Hudsen Seal Coats, Skunk Trim'd.. 400.00 195.00
5 Natural Raccoon Coats 400.00 195.00
4 Hudsen Seal Coats, Beaver Trim'd. 490.00 245.00
3 Hudsen Seal Coats, Squirrel Trim'd 490.00 245.00
4 Hudsen Seal Wraps 550.00 275.00
4 Natural Squirrel Coats 550.00 275.00
2 Alaska Beaver Coats 800.00' 395.00
2 Alaska Seal Coats 900.00 445.00
2 Natural Squirrel Wraps 900.00 445.00
1 Taupe Caracul Circular Cape 900.00 445.00
2 Natural Mink Coats 900.00 445.00
1 Ermine Wrap 1200.00 595.00
1 Broadtail Wrap 1200.00 595.00
1 Natural Mink Wrap 2000.00 995.00
Extra Size Coats and Wraps Frem 46 te 54 Bust.
(lluiien teal it rfirrf muskrat. t'rtnch Seal it tuti ceney)
Fur Neck-pieces at HALF PRICE
Formerly Neiv
Natural Squirrel Chokers 10.00 5.00
Jap Mink Chokers 15.00 7.50
Natural Mink Chokers 25.00 12.50
"Stene Marten Chokers 30.00 15.00
French Seal Steles 40.00 19.50
Blended 5able Chokers. 50.00 24.50
Natural Baum Marten Chokers 70.00 34.50
Cress Fex Scarfs 70.00 34.50
Hudsen Bay Sable Chokers 90.00 44,'SO
Dyed Blue Fex Scarfs. . . . . 130.00 V 64.50
Platinum Grey Fex Scarfs ..?.'. .-V, ... 1 50.00 74.50
This is but partial list. Our entire stock .is reduced te
one-half former selling prices. "
:mmtittkyPurcBanng AgehU' Orders Acceptedm mtMWm
A Great Sale of Wanted
Underwear and Hosiery
Large Special Purchases and Lines from
Our Stocks at Extraordinary Savings ! '
Net in many years have we held an event te equal this one in variety or in lowness of prices. This
Stere carries, the most. extensive stocks of Underwear and Hosiery of the better grades te-be found in this
city and is, therefore, the first choice of dependable manufacturers who have'special lets te dispose of at
price-concessions. In this Sale we have included many such lets at notable savings, together with lines
from our regular stock at substantially reduced prices. This is an opportunity well worth planning te
attend, no matter whether you dwell nearby or far away. Here are the details
Many Mere Fur Coats
and Wraps Reduced
Many new opportunities for substantial
savings are new available. Single models,
which are the finest of the seasen:
Siberian Squirrel Ceat new $550.00
In 48-inch length. Beautifully blended.
Kelinsky Fitch Wrap nW $325.00
Cape effect; trimmed with tails.
Alaska Seal Wrap-new $750.00
Brown Caracal Ceat new $225.00
Natural beaver cellar and cults; 36-inch.
Persian Lamb Wrap new $175.00
Handsome cellar of Japanese marten.
Fine Caracal Ceat new $500.00
40-inch model. Black lynx cellar and cuffs.
Hudsen Seal Ceat new $595.00
An elegant 46-inch model.
Hudsen Seal Wrap new $575.00
Fine Moleskin Wrap new $325.00
Natural Beaver Ceat new $435.00
Fine Nearseal Ceat new $195.00
Nearseal is French dyed ceney.
Hlrawlirldge ft Clothier Second Fleer. Filbert Street
6000 Yards of
Smart checks in blue-and-whitc, green-tand-white
and recf-and-white, ready te
'fashion into the pretty dresses that have
captured feminine fancy from little Miss-three-year-old
te her mother, including all
her sisters, cousins and aunts. These
Gingham; arc 27 and 32 inches wide. The
quantity is small, se we suggest that you
get your share early in the day, at-18c
La yard. Strawbrldxe & Clothier Aisle 0, Centre
Muslin Underwear
Specially Designed for Women
Who Wear Extra Sizes
Showing that Lingerie in EXTRA SIZES,
of the best in design, quality and trimming,
is moderate in price. A wonderful collection
of carefully selected models from which te
cheese, te-morrow.
Nainsoek Night Gowns $3.00
Trimmed with hemstitching and embroid
ery. Many models $1.25 te $2.50.
Envelope Chemises $2.50
Of white nainsoek, daintily trimmed with
embt-eidery medallions and lace. Other styles
$1.25 te $4.75.
Cambric Drawers 75c te $3.50.
Short Cambric Petticoats 85c te $2.75.
Leng Cleth Leng Petticoats $1.00 te $7.50.
Nainsoek Combinations $1.75 te $3.25.
Corset Cevers 65c te $1.75.
Batiste Bleemers, 75c; Satinc, $1.50.
Silk 'Underwear in Extra Sizes
Includes dainty flesh pink ENVELOPE
CHEMISES of crepe de chine, lace-trimmed
or tailored, $4.65 j BLOOMERS of crepe de1
chine, $3.95; Jersey Silk VESTS at $3.75, and
navy blue radium silk BODICES at $3.50.
$$ - Straw bridge & Clethli r Third Fleer, Wm
Fer Mere' Than 17 Years
We Have Been Selling
Francis Bacen Pianos
- and Player-Pianos
And te-day wc de. net knew of one single
dissatisfied customer among the hundreds
who have purchased these instruments here.
The manufacturers of Francis Bacen
Pianos and Player-Pianos have always main
tained a high standard of quality for their
products, and every instrument curries with
it an iron-bound guarantee from both the
manufacturers and this Stere.
Women's Underwear
Leng Cleth and Muslin
Women planning the making of muslin
undergarments and ether household sewing
will be delighted with the lower prices this
year en Cotten Domestics. Here are a few
Leng Cleth, 10-yard pieces $1 5
Nainsoek, 10-yard pieces $2.75
While Cambric, 36-inch 25c a yard
Bleached Pillow Case Muslin, 42-inch 40c
Bleached Sheeting Muslin, 81-Inch 75c "
.-. Straw brides & Clothier Aisle 13. Centre
Sold in Philadelphia exclusively at this
Stere, and new at the lowest prices for
several years.
Upright Pianos $350, $375, $400
Player-Pianos $550, $575, $603
Small Grand Pianos $700
Reproducing Upright Pianos... $900
Reproducing Grand Pianos $1600
Easy Terms
Of payment may be arranged if desirtd.
A liberal allowance will be made en your
old Piane or Player-Piane as part payment.
7 - Stratt bridge i. Clothier Fifth Fleur, West
Many New Lets Jein the
Clearance of
Men's Clothing
Thus adding fresh interest te the
collection of fine Clothing ne,w here
for men te cheese from at the lowest
prices in years. Outstanding features :
Overcoats $47.00
Fine English and American tai
lored Ulsters and Ulsterettes of
Scotch and Irish fabrics reduced
about one-third.
Overcoats $59.00
Ulster, Ulsterette, Raglan and
Chesterfield Overcoats in rich Crom Crem
bie and Montagnac weaves reduced
about one-third-r-new $59.00.
Overcoats Nf)w
$27.50 and $42.00
Overcoats of popular pfaid-back
fabrics, in youthful and conservative
styles reduced about one-third
new $27.50 and $42.00.
Suits $37.00, $44.00
Suits in a variety of styles and
fabrics including all sizes new
reduced te $37.00 and $44.00.
reduced te $21.00, $26.50 and $31.00.
Four-piece Sports Suits $31.00
Ceat, vest, long trousers and Knicker
bocker 'trousers, of all-wool tweed.
Spring-weight Tpp Coats $19.50
Of knitted fabrics and herringbone
weaves. One-third under price.
Tuxedo Suits $36.50
A smart new style, silk-lined. All sizes
in this group.
Odd Coats and Vests $7.00
A number of these, for which we have
no matching trousers.
j- StrawbrldKe & Clefiler Second Fleer, Eat
ffl&jggj$nt 1
vw rUUj 111 r
ifujl If. nl C lr
pJrmLy II iV-' wJ
rapnl III
At Half Price
Overcoats $12.50
$20.00 and $27.50
Just about 150 Ulsterettes of all-wool
fabrics, that were formerly marked
Men 8 Suits New
$15.00, $20.00, $27.50
Just about 150 men's und young men's
styleh of fine smooth and unfinished wor
steds. Fermer prices double
Fur-Lined Overcoats
Half Price, $50 $100
Handsome Coats, lined with fine fur
and with fur cellar.
Vests Half Price
About 75 separate Vests for day or
evening wear.
Trousers $2.25, $5.00
Of suitings and ether desirable fabrics.
50 Raincoats Half Price
Ribbed Cotten Vests 20c and 25c
Lew neck, no sleeves, and bodice style.
Regular sizes, 20c; extra sizes, 25c. Sec
onds of a quality worth nearly ene-Tialf
Swiss Ribbed Lisle Vests, 25c & 35c
Lew neck, no sleeves, and bodice style.
Regular sizes, 25c; extra sizes, 35c, 3 for
$1.00. Seconds of a quality worth much
White Fleeced Cotten Vests 50c
Leng or elbow sleeves; regular sizes.
Vests and Ankle Tights $1.25
Ribbed merino; low-neck Vests, and
ankle Tights; regulur and extra sizes.
Gleve Silk Fancy Camisoles $1.00
Pink Gleve Silk Bleemers $2.15
Gleve Silk Ankle Pantalets $5.00
Ribbed Cotten Union Suits, 50c, 60c
Lew neck, no sleeves; tight or loose
knees; regular sizes, 50c; extra sizes, 60c.
Ribbed Cotten Union Suits 95c
Fleece-lined; long or no sleeves, and
ankle length; regular and extra sizes.
"Nu-Shape" Union Suits, $1 & $1.25
The 3-piece style. Fine ribbed lisle;
low neck and no sleeves; tight or shell
knees; regular sizes, $1; extra sizes, $1.25.
Union Suits $2.50 and $3.00
Ribbed mercerized and merino Union
Suits; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle
length; low neck, no sleeves, knee-length;
regular sizes, $2.50; extra sizes, $3.00.
Mt I'M m V H
Women's Hosiery
Mercerized Lisle Stockings 50c
Black, full-fashioned mercerized lisle.
Seconds of a quality worth one-half mere.
Mercerized Lisle Stockings 55c
Full-fashioned, in black. Sizes 8l te 10.
Seamed-back Silk Stockings 68c
With cotton tops and soles in black,
trray, cordovan and Russia calf.
Full-fashioned Silk Stockings, $1.15
Black, mercerized tops and soles. Sec
onds of a quality worth mere than one
half mere.
Drep-stitch Silk Stockings 75c
Seamed backs; in white, navy blue and
cordovan; net all sizes.
16-strand Silk Stockings $1.25
In black, white, cordovan and nude.
Silk-and-wool Stockings $1.45
Fine quality: variety of fancy mixture.
Ingrain Silk Stockings $1.85
Silk te the tops. Full-fashioned; in
black and colors. Seconds that average
double this price.
Men's Underwear
i Short-sleeve Shirts, Ankle r
Drawers 45c
Gauze, cotton and balbriggan. Seconds,
worth mere than one-half mere 43c each.
Balbriggan Shirts & Drawers, 50c
In black; net all sizes 50c each.
Ribbed Cotten Shirts and
Drawers 85c
In ecru; no Drawers sold without Shirts;
seconds of a quality worth double this
price 85c each.
Shirts and Drawers $1.65 each
Of heavy-weight gray merino.
Athletic Union Suits new 60c
Of checked nainsoek. Werth much
Athletic Union Suits new 75c
Of striped madras.
Cotten Union Suits new $1.00
Fine ribbed; sizes 38 te 42. Seconds of
a quality worth double this price.
Merine Union Suits new $1.23
Fine ribbed; sizes 38 te 42. Seconds
of a quality worth mere than double this
Gray Merine Union Suits $2.50
Ribbed merino; seconds of a quality
worth mere than one-half mere.
All-wool Union Suits $3.00
Heavy-weight, gray ribbed. Seconds of
a quality worth one-half mere.
Men's Hosiery
Black Cotten Socks 15c a pair
Mercerized Cotten Socks 25c a pr.
Black, with unbleached soles. Seconds.
Heavy Black Merine Socks 20c
Mercerized Lisle Socks 25c a pair
In black and colors. Seconds of a qual
ity worth abeutitane-half mere.
Colored Silk Socks 45c a pair
Full-fashioned; seconds of a quality
worth mere than double this nrice.
Heavy Ribbed Weel Socks 95c
English Socks, in black and colors.
Children' 8 Hosiery
Children's Underwear
Beys' Athletic Union Suits 50c
Made of checked nainsoek.
Beys' Union Suits new 85c
Of ecru ribbed cotton.
Girls' Union Suits new 75c
Medium-weight cotton; long slccTcs and
Girls' Vests and Pantalets, 30c each
Medium-weight ribbed cotton; long
sleeve Vests and ankle-length Pantalets.
Children's Vests and Pantalets
29c each
White; fleece-lined.
Children's Gray Sleeping Suits, 85c
Drep seat, with feet; smull sizes.
Children's Socks new 25c a pair
Of meicerized lisle; white with fancy
roil tops. Seconds of a quality worth
nearlv one-half mere.
Children's SA Stockings 33c a pair
Three pairs for $1.00. Of mercerized
lisle; with bread ribbed roll tops. Sec
onds of a quality weith about one-half
Children's Cotten Stockings, 12jc
Ribbed; in wh'te and cordovan; net all
sizes. Seconds of a quality worth double.
Children's Lisle Socks 20c a pair
Of mercerized lisle, in white and colors;
plain with ribbed tops. Seconds of a qual
ity worth meie than double this price.
Beys' Stockings 15c and 18c a pair
Heavy black ribbed cotton; sizes 7Vt te
8, 15c a pair. Sizes 8& te 10, at 18c a
Infants' Lisle Stockings 23c
White mercerized lisle. Seconds of a
quality worth nearly one-half mere.
StrnubrlilBe . Clothier UIkIuIi (md .Urket Mi.
An Unsurpassed
Selection of Rugs
Beyond a doubt, this Stere holds the best
selected stock of standard Rug.s te be found
in this city te-day. Typical prices:
Royal Wilten Rugs
6x9 $15; 8 3x10.6 $07.50; 9x12 $69.50.
Superfine Wilten Rugs
912-$97.50. Rugs, 8.3x10.6 $92.50.
Seamless Axminster Rugs
Hugs, 9x12 feet Uul's, G9 feet
$45.00 and $56.50. $28.75 and $30.50
HiiKs, 8.3x10.6 feet Rugs, 7.6x1) feet
$12.50 and $52.00. , $37.50 and $39.50.
r StruslirU!i;e & I'lethUr r-iurth rioe Next
Transformations and
Switches Reduced
Boeclovers, Please Nete
1 These Lew Prices for
I Slightly Damaged Beeks
Just a few minutes spent in the Boek
Stere te-morrow will rcpaj you, for you are
sure te find some Boek you want AT A
Mark Twain's Works 50c volume
About 2500 Nevels De Maupas
sant, Balzac, Dickens and Scott in in
cludedeow 25c te 75c.
1500 Miscellaneous Heeks Fic
tion, Juvenile and the American
Natien Series 18c te 75c.
A number of slightly damaged
copies of Men of Iren, by Heward
Pylc, at 65c.
ry Straw brlrUe & Clm'iler Semml I'tnnr
n.lwrt Street, Wen
.lns.r U'hnt s.n ninn wrminn nn.wl fr. ,.i,1 .. . KVIlllcrl KHlP rf f. I
.1 h ...i .. i 1 . I rll.t I. n , M nn.ii ii.Iii .....1 l......u! 1-- v. ..... a . '
ui.u..h...K ihb nun aiiiuiu.Y aim UUCUJUNIiy, I
They will be glad of these remarkable
Wavy Switches, three stems
In 22-inch lptip-th. S2.0.ri! 'JF..iiiM, Slet;
and 26-inch $4.50.
Full-size Transformations new $3.95.
Side Puffs and Curls $4.00.
Manicuring 50e
W-Straw liridire i. Clothier Tint r.ner
IliilLOiiv, rilburi Street
Queen Make Heuse
Dresses, Unusual, $1.55
Sure te be a favorite. Fer women will
like the smart effect of slender, straight
lines, plaited and belted. The novel side
fastening witli pearl buttons, the becoming
cellar and little vest are unusually effec
tive. As for the material it is a quaintly
sprigged percale, white ground with figures
in black, blue, lavender or tan.
vdy HtruwbrUee & Clet'.ilcr
Britrht-hnish llninn Mnnlu'm-n w.,11
Bearing Reller Skates, in adjustable sizes
for boys and girls. Geed value at $2.50.
Plain-bearing Skates in adjustable sizes
$1.25. 1
Straw bridge t Clnthlrr I'nurtli 1'loer .Market Hi, .
A Flutter of Ribbons i
Under Regular Prices
New 25c te $2.25 a yard
Ribbons, plain and fancy, of taffeta,
moire, satins in pretty fleweied designs and
stripes, in a variety of shades. Widths from
l& te 10 inches. Taken from regular stock
anil reduced for quick clearance new 25c
te $2,25 a yaid.
Straw bride & Clothier AUle 11, Marl.et St
Third Fleer
Kllbert Street. Wct
Men's Shirts at $1.25
Shirts of woven-striped madras and fine
percale, many of them formerly one-third
mere in price. Slightly rumpled from han
dling, they are marked at this clearance'
price, $1.25.
fctrau bridge A Clothier East fltc-re. KIkIiII, Hum
, I-
mrx. ...A&&A
4 v