SMI bM'-i'TTtI J- , , I. - I I I- T-.-. , ..I MMM" ' ' V m Stbr Hern, 0 A. M. te 5:30 P. M. A- GlMBEL BROTHERS AH Fer We. have had Glmbels Hardwater Seap made better than ever far better than any n town. Advance orders taken for delivery February 15. 60c dez. half price. Furniturfe3wrices at Glmbels re Burerisinriy low ,, ( i F and there is a" nearly Million-Dellar Stock te cheese from. - I , Thursday - Thursday' MARKET CHESTNUT: EIGHTH t NINTH , t "i A. X ,. m ircp ftvgy MiMif. llrV Ifrf l IfeV I.- - IS' I"! I UJ, L ! ft hi? " ! Kb ", i.'. :' Lt Jv r '"a? F 'Y is. y' mtr iS8t s.VkE. Women's Dresses Mostly Canten !S Crepe 919.75 ?1P.7C $1P.75 Spring's Prettiest $25 te $29.75 Medels Worked $1 f 7C Oaf te Sell at . . 1 U. 4 O Canten crepes with cascade lace panels and lace sleeves. Brown. Mohawk. Black. (Pictured in center.) Canten crepe shot-beaded in band-cluster effect; and with the long Japanese sleeve. (Pictured at right.) Canten crepe with motif embroidery in matching silk and cut-steel beads. (Pictured at left.) Canten crepe steel-beaded in sunburst-motifs. Short sleeves. High colors, including canna. Satin-faced Canten crepe with flowing panels. Brown, navy, black. Canten crepe with irregular wing-panels. Brown, navy, black. Twe styles in Peiret twill, mostly navy blue. Sizes 36 te 46. .. . . (Hmbeli. Halens ef Drcas, Third fleer. Moleskin Wrap, $171 VjbJBbmMbvJ. BVBw'HfBVilKvBM flPESvvPHT' aIbVvbVRbvbWw wKtlmKrilWimt! BbWbBBBBbV IBB mini HttdMn Seal and Natural Squirrel, 9389 The Remainder of the Gimbel Fur Stocks te Ge at Cost fciixtsvfeur Hudsen Seal (dyed muskrat) Coats and Wrapa, in flve groups. Lengths range from three-quarters te 48-inches long. $329 '.( -.i.J. X.Xit " ?An IVIaV ,w, m av . tg, rf . ' 5344 I y .! 41 2Srattit . i and Kuppenheimer Clethes and Other Eirie , Reduced te Half J Price Men -are showing great appreciation, of these fine clothing value-.' aniJ eseryedly ,nel .-rttf ' Greup 1 Eleven Beau- 1 $1 OC tiful Coats at f lUO Greup 2 Nineteen Hand $IOA some Coats at J mm" Greup 3 Fifteen Coats $7C ...... J 6.U and Wraps at Greup 4 Eighteen Wraps $ and Delmans at . . .... . Greup 5 Eleven Medel $OOQ Coats and Wraps at . . . .. J . 07 Near-Seal Coats, only 1 1 in all. self or contrastingly trimmed, $1 Oi all the new styles 1 On! Near-Seal Coats, all of selected skins, handsomely trimmed, only $f "f Five Other Cost-Price Groups Mele Skin Wraps & Coats. $1 71 J w a Mele Skin Wraps. Seven $07fi in this ussertment ...... " Mele Wraps and Capes. Only 3 in this let Mele Skin Capes. Three in this group ..... $334 Z $390 5 in this group Mele Skin Wri Five in this assortment Nine Medel Wraps at Cost 1 Kelinsky Wrap new $390 1 Natural Mink new $762 1 Black Muskrat new $367 2 American Fawn Broadtail new $390 2 Persian Lamb new $387 1 Alaska Seal new $297 1 Alaska Seal new $395 i Muskrat Coats $119 1 1 1 Raccoon Coats $200 i 40 inches long; exceptionally fine I Fine dark natural skins, 40 inches dark skins; actual $195 values. ' IN long; silk lined; actual $395 values. The Entire Stock of Neckwear at Similar Reductions Ghnbeli, Fer Salen. Third fleer. ill yBIjI 711 if Mi I Mill gliillHilBIIiiMafaWaa Every February We Reduce Pfu Entire Steclt or nenra' clothing te'.half thtfarlyrseasen .price.-'? i ; Ne Sale Like ThU Becaiub iuppenrielmer and Society 'Brand Clethes, can bd "had in PhlladelnWl only at Glmbels. And in, this FcbruaryiPale at Half price! KetabU'l in the. group at $25. i- Suits Overcoats, $17.50 JVsere"$3S '' Ketably:! v i Suits Overcoats $20 . Were $10 ( i" ----- Suits Overcoats $35 Were $70 Overcoats $25 Were $50 Suits Overcoats $40 Were $80 Suits Overcoats !KXI I t Were $60 Suits Overcoats $45 Were $90 Men's Fur-Cellared Overcoats Reduced te $45, $55 and $75 Men's Separate Trousers at Half Price New $3.75 New$5 New $6.50 New $7.50 Men's Raincoats new $7.50, $10 and $15 were $15, $20 and Of double-texture cassimeres. Tan, brown, green. Gimbels, Second fleer, Ninth St. Beys' Clothing Half Price Fer beyn 3 te 18 years . Suits of fancy mixtures and blue serge, mostly with extra pair of full-lined knickers Overcoats of up-te-date fabrics Beys' Suits Overcoats $6.25 Frem $12M0 Beys' Suits Overcoats $7.50 Frem $15 Beys' Suits Overcoats .$10 Frem $20 Beys' Suits Overcoats $12.50 Frem $25 Beys' Suits Overcoats $15 Frem $30 Beys' Suits Overcoats $17.50 Frem $35 -. f "r...- .! Sizes 82 te 86 inch chest measure, many with exlrs DOyS LiOng- I rOUSerS OUltS pair of trousers; new $12.50, $15, $17.50 and $20. Were $Zb, 3dU, 936 and 940. Glmbl, Third fleer. A Pest-Inventory Let of 700 Pairs of Men's High and Lew SHOES at Odd Lets of $325 Lines $8 Just a matter of picking your size, te save mere than to day's new clean-up price I All sizes in the let, though net necessarily in each style or leather. N a t u r a lly first comers get widest choice! $3.25. GlmbeU, Second fleer. Tomorrow, 21,600 HANDKERCHIEFS Save Third te Half Men's and women's. 7200 Women's Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs m 1 Values 25c c eacn te 35c Sheer linens heavy linens corded borders. Beautiful quality. A few heavy threads or slight size variations class these as "seconds." 1200 Men's Irish Linen Hand kerchiefs, Six for $2.25 Werth 50c Each rfbmBtitched; hand-embroidered initial. And such fine linen! Women's Handkerchiefs Half Price at 122c te 50er-S&mples Linens and fine cambrics. Lacy styles, hand-embroidered styles. White and beau tiful colors! , ' Subway Stere's $1 Sale of Muslin Underwear Twe Nightgowns like this Fer 91 Twe Nightgowns JJke this Fer 91 Women's Irish Linen Handker chiefs, at 35c Each 'Dire for $1 Werth 50c te 75c Each Hand embroidery; hand-drawn de signs; hand-hemstitched "blocks"; spoke stitching. These are sample values there are many ether groups! GlmbeU. Rerelar Section aad Grand AUU, STnt fleer. February Sale Specials in Chamber Suites rt -V f. W.,' ' ,.' fWlll Mm . '11 W wnv MmWmi SI 'a W riW ' M ' 111 fa e e g kv 'se.' . '. I 4 PIECES AT $200 5 PIECES AT $245 Beautifully figured burled walnut veneers or antique brown mahogany veneers. Large bureau; semi-vanity dressing case, three sliding trays; bedstead, full size; finest construction mahogany drawer bottoms, dust-proof throughout, beautifully finished. Four pieces in this Sale at 5200, Value $260. Or, five pieces at $215, Value $300. (ilmbets. 6UtU fleer. Brass Bedsteads : Special at $25. IP SM Twe designs are pictured. .,, 2-inch pests, 22-inch filling reds; full alze; satin-finish, $2u each. CiM nAlitMWMii Da.w3 A 1 Garment for ) dj m im8& 2 Garments for f P !f 3 Garments for I 1 Siv Or 4 Garments for) T" J Average Is Half -Price sss And the pictures tell the story I SL s -, a Mostly 6otten. Mostly white. Sorae l w 'ujfk silk. Seme pink. Seme printed. H fr W& Arranged for the quickest selling : a j jf y y table te a sale-grouping. 1 Satin Camisole Fleur Camisoles ,1 I f n Fer $1 Fer$l if mLJ Mail Orders Filled ll ABB ilSchv f'ffl Amim aVL til W- .'jmrNwyySBiA 1 lSBV,' vwL aS m Iv fcrSftflpI r 4n aeSsSiSa 1 irS "tJ a ' 1 kw?3kKxSP8 ijir NRvm Tir lilfWii'Mat' aV I i I B hr-F aB Wll it bV aal I f " WH - f jOc?TWj ! ' ' P Swywif '1 V MrSr tl"" l i i T Twe Petticoats Like This Fer ?1 Twe Chemises Like This Fer Windser Crepe XNigntgewn Fer $1 Value $2 ' Twe Petticoats Like This Fer $1 Kkf' CUmbeU, KubwMr B(or. . ,.& i'A'B" f BKWn.V.'V .' "i A' hgp- ,, 4 - ' ... . '-Mf -TK - "T1 4m . t. Ln-"j'i Yf t'S'As&s. . .. V Jls& immhmMMa. , br 'QuMMEr