Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 08, 1922, Night Extra, Image 13

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i MfcfiKH
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en te you" la rtmr
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Botanical Names Arm Given Beside the Various
Methods of Using Them and Odd Little Facts
About Ettch One
rSB three great department in
aature are univemllr receKnIzed
ihd commonly called tee mineral, tee
' vWtUble nnctthe animal kingdom.
iThe mineral kingdom la Inorganic, a
V - - tint la llk... Jl.tl.ta. '
Bag IUIVH . "" UWHIK.-
tlen of parta, " for example: A piece
of rock, if broken into many pieces,
still each of the pieces will retain ,the
(BntUl charactejrtstlca of the original
r The plants' of the TtgetaMe kingdom
are organized bodies, endowed vrithM
tallty, and are composed Atdifferent
nd distinct parts, eaea of wlilch ia nee
essary for the completing of the en-
The nnl'mal kii't3em; Ilka the plants.
It composed of organized bodies endowed
tilth vitality) and JWmpeaed of different
distinct parts; rre .one complete in It
Fclf; elejatad above the 'mineral and
vfBctabK'Wngdent'dnrMhelr power of
nef'MpWn. ' h if
Physics la.the nam glten te the ad
rncc of the , Inorganic, or mineral king-
Zoology relafts te the animal king
dom. . ' -. ..
Uetany fa tne science -or tee TvgeiaDic
' lit'if
In butter are the uutat methods of Mrr-
While th elrlpA .mnktiMnm. annri
mtuhroem and mushroom cataun.art
the method used te contert-fer! Attire
i' Tlllllll .. V '
Truffle are black or dark (brown in
color and usually come te tnw country In
cane or bottled la tUhs,' 'The truffle
fields in France. IMttum nml ItAlfr are
the inmeus for tne size and quality of the
irunre. , ings are uten te nunt for tne
tlnffflnm. . m !
Th hntnnlrnl name of the refutable.'
corrals, grains and fruits that are atalN'
flfilO as ft Kource ui iuuu ura iici-vbcw.
for n knowledge of the structure and;
content and also motnea or coeaing.
Bcalde tlie botanical name you will
find the nnme of the discoverer of the"
plant, ns for example: "Linn," mean
ing that LInncaus, the founder of bot bet
rnv. it the discoverer of the plant.
The botanical classification of the les les
eon today is Cucurbltaceae, Cucur
hlta (Linn). Squash, this word, mean
Ins vessel, is- used te denete that
(ruit or vegetable has a tough, leathery
sort of skin ttint, when the pulp of the
vegetable Is removed, can be used as a
vessel te held liquid. ".,...
Varieties: Flat squash, which Is
round and flat, and shading from pale
te deep yellow color.
Crocked neck or wartcd squash, shad
ing te variegated colors between the
green nnd yellow. "
Te this family belong the pumpkin,
a well-known vegetable, used in the
rnrly Colonial days as a vegetable and
Citrullus Neck Watermelon, well
known for Its succulent, cooling fruit
Citrul'lus Mele is the musk melon or
'the cantaloupe, a fruit that under in
tense cultivation has developed into es
pecially fiue fruit.
Anether well-known variety of this
fruit ! the citron, n smaller fruit, with
a thicker and firmer rind. Used for
preserves and candled citron; a sweet
meat used In fine cooking.
CticumR the cucumber, a succulent
wind plant; also used as vegetable and
for pickles.
The varieties are:
The burr or prickly cucumber.
The long fdendcr cucumber, nnd the
cress between the two.
The word Cucurbltaceae meaning suc
culent, climbing or creeping plants.
The 'Okra abelmeschua Mcdlk), a
hairy pod vegetable,. The pods are mu mu
dlaiilneuH nnd are cooked and served
for a vegetable in soups, stews, nnd for
pic!tle3. This plant belongs te the musk
family, and in also a thick-stalked plant
resembling the hollyhock. With the
exception of the melon and the pump
kin these vegetables have virtually no
ttareli and only tbp tiniest traces of
egctnblc sugars.
Methods of Cooking the Squash
Pare and grate the summer squash
nml use for fritters, biscuits, for muf
fins nnd pics.
Pare and stew and then season with
silt, pepper nnd butter-and serve as
The winter squash Is prepared In like
manner, and It may nlse be prepared
like the egg plnnt; ene variety of this
rq'inbh is known as vegctable marrow.
The Pumpkin
The pumpkin can be used In the same
manner as the summer tqunsh nnd
ntiki's n plcnsnnt addition te the winter
vegetable, list.
' Melons
The watermelon and the cantaloupe
nre served as n breakfast and dest-crt
fruit. The thick white rind that lies
dose te the skin is also used for pre
serving and pickling. The melon con
serves and condiments are well known
nnd de net need describing.
The citron, which is n small species
of the melon family, is used for preserve
nnd sweet pickles prepared In the same
manner as for the watermelon and can
taloupe. Cucumbers
The cucumber is used as a vegctable
iinil also as an appetizer. Served in
"Hart form It is well known.
Stewed cucumbers: Pnre cucumber
and htew as for tqunsh ; rim through u
(leve te remeve seeds : beusen and serve.
linked cucumbers : Pare the cucumber,
jemevlng seeds, and lay in layers In
taking dish, ncasenlng ouch layer with
little salt, pepper and butter. Bake in
Jiiodernto even until tcnucr.
All varieties of the cucumber are used
for pickles and relishes.
Tills vegetable is used In veups, 'stews,
ceulahhea and in pickling. Popular in
oeiith end West. The Colonial house
wife believed this vcgeteble contained
wonderful healing qualities, particularly
of the threat and lungs. Rich in a
Wbstance of a vegetable gelatin-like
vuurucier, it was Ubcd as a demulcent,
te cook, wash nnd cut the large pod
4 wra; cover witn Demug water nnd
joel; until tender: drain and Bensen.
ie the water drained from the okra
ter soups, stock or gravies.
The munhroem nnd truffle belong te
" weiip of fungi plants void of chlor chler
W'Hyll, or the green coloring of plant
'. Mmhroems ene truffles contain
!" "or w'-t of their tetul weight In
nter, riie mushroom grows just above
Ji'O ground, while the truffle Is found In
ne ground, nd. does net acud-up stems
to.'lndicate.lts presence. They
111 . lI adjuncts or ''flavorings, rather
??" f,00(V Thc Question of being able te
identify thu edible fungi from the poison-
i.. un81 r"lu'rcs ajowledge of the va-
lpdgfiJfS te the fact that-the.plg
tmPStStoett the' trriKle , from -the
eIlvTifanir. splendid '"upeflrriens are
luunu naiiy. in me wTumerrni eaK ana
spruce feretn and in the fields-' Tne
truffle .leek very, much like a pickled
walnut, varying tn fire from n'small.ball
the Iavf a' marble te .that of n.Jlrge
Jilekled walnut. ' Used for flavoring,
ecerattng and garnishing, Aspics, melds
and set piece of cold meat, ctc
If TOU desire n rntlnr en thin lixann
write the following questions and the
answers en paper nnd tend te me. I
will mark -them nnd return, If you will
send en' addressed and stamped envelope
with the examination. . ,
Caa,Xea Answer .ike Following
1. Tb what kingdom de the vegetables
nsed for feed belong? And why?
2r Give the name of the science
which la devoted te vegetable kingdom.
3. Olte eeme Idea for the reason of
the botanical classification of vegetable
4. Te what family de the melons be
long? And why?
fi. Descrlbe the okra nnd tell some
thing about It.
0. Describe the varieties nf uitmah.
7, Give some methods of preparing
urn equnau,
8. Give some facts about the tnush
0. What de you knew about the
xne aicuenary and books en botany
will give a full detailed explanation of
tne batin terma used In this lessen.
Laboratory Testa
Prepare raw pumpkin as for raw pe-
February has no fewer than four gala
nays wnicn gieriry tne snericst mentn
of the yenr Lincoln's Blrtlulny, 8t.
Valentine's Day, Washington's Birthday
and Bhrove Tuesday or "Mardl Qras"
(Fat Tuesday), which comes this year en
the last day of the month.
Fer people who de net entertain fre
quently. It la reed plan te combine
two festal days, the dates of which are
close together for Instance Lincoln
Day, February 12, ahd Valentine's Day,
February 1. Invhatlenn should be sent
out hew trrr any mid-February dinner,
supper or dance. If It Is te be n Valen
tine party, that should be indicated. In
vitation cards may be had at alt sta
tioners' with blanks for names, date
and . hours.' An explanatory word in
writing, such as "dancing," "carda" or
BmB,,, will be sufficient for any In
formal affair. The conventional Initials
R. H, V. r. (rependes, b'II veus plait)
or the plainer "please answer" may be
written In the lower left-hand corner of
the card.
tateea, by peeling and gratings wash
the. grated pulp of the pumpkin in
water ; new let stand for one hour, then
strain out the pumpkin and allow the
water te aettlc. Drnln off this water
very carefully and then make the test
for starch in the sediment In the bot
tom of the bowl.
If you can ebtatn winter seuash make
the aame test.
Cook ekrn In plenty of water and let
stand, and let cook. What de you find
In the okra that hria been left standing?
Your laboratory Is your kitchen, nnd
here you can make tne tests after you
have' finished the rctrulnr routine nf thn
home. Don't fall te try this experi
mental work, It will help In the problems
te ceme up during the process of cook
I have trained man dietitians whn
are today holding big positions, nnd
they would tell you the ability te receg-
Advtnturts With a Putse
0 Courts!, I de net knew whether
you shore my feeling In the tort of
weather we had at the beginning of the
week, but always when there Is a hint
of spring iu winter, I Immediately be
come Interested In spring clothes much
mere no, really,-than when spring ac
tually, arrives. Be it IS only natural
that 'I should talk about dress goods
new, If you feel the same way, you
will be glad te hear that ene shop In
having a sale of ginghams and linen.
Til is thi Irish shrunken linen, me
dium weight, of excellent quality, and
in a number of lovely colors lavender.
grey, old rose and the llke, It is about
thirty-eight inches wide, and. has been
jeer u or
very smart tailored frock. And then
there are the new patterns of Amler
imn ctneham at I1.2A a yard. If I
were you. I certainly would atop In
and sea tnese tningr.
Attii tn zi.im a varii
less, then, you could have material for
Mftde In the dairy
paradise of the U. S.
Sold only in our Stores
w.Taw a aw - . u
' f
.--...,, umi aumacf-ideiitiBtf me
"Jum rrnm 1.A Jm.i..l-K.
you are
had bet-
m. Evcri
grown te?
Ud iu the
tr net attempt te zati
f "en many peopetra
"I and knnin .ll i. 2.
Jjrle of funirl. .Mnshn
, trade are perfectly aei
"": run nre the thiapc,.
Methods of Cooking tlie Miuhroem
IMth sliver knifeaad the fingerH peel
W, lI,l',, trlm "ll(1 PCUI UQ hem. New
toew'10 B,c,mH ,n nelll" water and
ion , rc "''nutes, then add the cups;
hen llv .,ive n,,'tcs i drain. They are
inn if i'ly tl dress In mnny wnytr te
i.'im. ,i'.l.M"' 1'fcpure us directed, then
ini - ' ' ln bl-'eiimi and add the
wisiroe,!!,.; mas and cook Mewly for
Jlt mlimtes. In Rauce, under glass
"..mi iviM, Minya. liaimcii
Pigging for Captain Kidd's
Treasure en Coeperi Point
Tliey labored long for an uncertain outcome.
Men devoting their lives te their family's welfare are
- working for an end just as uncertain if they de net make
a will.
A will is an instrument through which a man's better
judgment lives en te direct the management of that which
he leaves for his family's support.
Write for Booklet L-2, "Safeguarding Your Family's
Future." It will be sent free upon request.
(L - "
d& 'W
' e V7iv Tr
1 l!eiV iVJ-
f SeJHK?s
1 1 VV L.'i hit
7 r
We hear your
get married
And she was such a geed girl, tee!
But there are ethers skilled, intelligent, experienced
girls net out of a job through inefficiency, but solely because
of business conditions.
Yeu understand that.
Before another day passes we can give wide publicity te
your little tale of wee, and it will doubtless prove a godsend te
some worthy girl with, perhaps, a dependent mother.
Yeu knew the kind of homes into which these newspapers
go. They find a welcerne in YOUR home, don't they?
The quarter-million daily circulation of the Public Ledger
will carry your message te a great multitude of responsive
Phene that message te our Classified Advertising Depart
ment,and let us set it before our readers tomorrow.
Maybe the postman en your route won't wonder what's
We will mail the bill later.
Bell Walnut 3000
Keystone Main 1601
1. : ,
veWvV rrCit.i'rt
" W 'v'.liS
V , ,..t il JcxSiNSiW
r- . ?j ' suuettund
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stori
Pole Coats Are the Coats
. . .. . i j '
te Wear New and Later
----- - 1
They haVe the double merit of warmth
coupled with aft appearance of Spring newness.
Yeung women find thorn particularly smart and
. like te wear them with plaid skirts.
$12 and $16.50
for an excellent group of ceatn.
$12 for navy and brown mixtures, lined
throughout with flowered silk.
$16.60 for tan pole coats, herringbone weaves
and darker he&ther mixtures. Seme are half
lined, some are double faded and unlined.
$22.75 te $43.50
for the finer pole coats. Meat of these are in the
sefi shades of tan, and all are lined throughout
with silk.
The coat that is sketched is a new swagger
model, hanging loose from the shoulders and'
possessed of very smart lines.
' In roso-celor double-faced coating at $32.50.
In homespun tweed in black-and-white or
flecked with red ahd green, $4.50.
All-Weel Suit. $20
Overcoat. S27.50 '4
. Beth Wanamaker quality and cxtraU1
value. ,
Sulta are for young men" and are
made of fancy mixed cheviets in lemi lemi
ceneervative style. Just the type' that
young men like for general everyday
wear. Mostly gray and brownish mix
tures. Sizes 34 te 42, though net all
sizes in every style.
All' Weel Overcoats
are of thick coatings, double faced with
contrasting backs. They have convert
ible cellars and are in ulsterette style
with belts across the backs or all
around. Originally they averaged a
third mere in price.
Sizes 32 te 44, though net all sizes in
every style.
Men's Flannelet
Nightshirts, 85c
Striped ones of geed flannelet at the lowest
price we knew of for such quality.
(Gallery. Market)
Philippine Underclothes
Marked Down te $2.50
Levely soft nightgowns and envelope chemises made by hand
and suitable for Southern and bridal trousseaux. Hand embroidered
in Ecveral patterns, and each ene daintily hand scalloped. All are
threaded with narrow satin ribbon of just the right shade of pink
or blue.
(Cndrrclftthet BIiep, Central)
Anether Shipment of Fresh
New Rag Rugs
and we're mighty glad te get them !
It's been many years since rag rugs have had such
a vogue and it is a satisfaction te see this widespread
appreciation of the sturdy durability and wholesome
cheeriness of these typically American rugs.
All are in the hit-and-miss patterns of our grand
mothers' day, made of clean new rags woven en strong
18 x 36 inches 40c
24 x 36 inches 55c
25 x 50 inches 75c
27x54 inches 90c
30 x 60 inches $1.15
4x7feet $2.65
6x9 feet $4.85
8x 10 feet $7.50
9x12 feet $8.50
A Peny Ceat With Cellar and
Cuffs of Skunk, $90
That's a fine value in a fur
coat, 40 inches long. The pelts
are soft and flexible, admirably
worked up and prettily lined.
The coat is sketched.
36-inch length, in the same
coat, $80.
Peny coats, trimmed with rac
coon cellars and cuffs, are 36
inches long, at $67.
Mai-met coats, $78 te $108.
All remarkably low prices for
fur coats of Wanamaker quality.
Fex Scarfs
are in animal shape and are of
full-furred glossy skins. In taupe,
brown and black. $18 te $40.
Steles at Lowered Prices
Of nearseal (dyedconey),melc.
Jap mink and Hudsen seal (dyed
muskrat) at $45 te $93.
Half-Price Sale of Fine New
Skirts, Only $3.75
We've never seen such skirts for anything
like $3.75. Many of the materials used are
worth almost that much a yard.
All of the skirts are box pleated and care
fully tailored.
Of prunella in mallard blue with a checked
stripe of black-and-blue. Or in a darker shade
of blue with a checked stripe of brown.
Of very soft velour in beautiful block
plaids of cream and tan, rose-rust and cream,
black and tan and big mixed plaids of unusual
charm. The block plaids are about an inch
square, while the plaids are at least 4 inches.
Every skirt new and Springlike. Sizes 25
te 32 inch waistbands.
Unbleached Muslin, 15c Yard
Just new there is a great vogue for unbleached muslin it's use
for draperies, table covers, bedspreads, bags, etc. Its soft, creamy '
tint works up wonderfully well with color. 36-inch width, 16c yard:
sheeting widths priced in proportion.
Full-bleached white muslin, 3G inches wide, 15c yard.
Geed Turkish Towels, 25c, 38c, 50c
25c for full-bleached white towels, thick, absorbent and of eta-'
creus size, 19x39 inches.
38c for a similar towel, size 22x44 inches.
50c for extra heavy towels of a thick, spongy quality, in all
white or with pink borders. Size 22x44 inches.
Chambray for Spring Tub Frecks, 10c Yard
Mothers will want some for the baby's creepers, dresses for the
youngsters and their elder sisters nnd mnny ether purpes-es!
Clear, pretty shades of tan, green, blue, pink and lavender. 24
inches wide.
Household Linens Half Price at 10c te $2.25
Seme are odd pieces and sonic irc mussed. All marked half
price te clear them out. Doilies, centerpieces and scarfs of white or
colored linenc trimmed with lace, embroidery or scalloping. Alse a
few all-linen tray covers with real Madeira embroidery in several
different sizes.
"Peter Pan" Sweaters, $1.85
Styles villi the straight-across neckline that adapts lUelf se well
te the popular Peter Pan blouse. All-wool knitted in block effect
with "braided" woolen girdles.
Bluck, navy, brown, buff, henna, jockey red, honeydew and Hard
ing blue.
Hand-Made Batiite Blouses, $2.45
Extremely dainty ones of flne white butiste end eery stitch
hand-denel Trimmed with hand-drawn work, hand-hemstitching or
hand-embroidery. Peter Pan, tuxede and V neck styles.
Meire Taffeta Handbags, $3
Navy or black ones of heavy, lustrous moire taffeta silk fulled
en fancy silver-plated metal frames and smartly lined with contrast
ing material.
Cellars and Sets, 50c
Gingham in pretty checks, leatherette trimmed with colored
stitching, imitation Venise lace, eyelet embroidery, linenc, pique and
many ether materials are used in these extremely interesting cellars
Hundreds of Delightful
at $S, $10, $15 and $16.50
All have come in during the last few days, bringing an air
of freshness and Spring. There are silk dresses and cloth
dresses in dark 'blues, browns and black, lightened by gay
touches of bright color. Seme are embroidered, some show
pleated inserts of colorful silk, ethers show elaborate designs
worked out in braid.
It's amazing te eco what altogether charming dresses can
be had for small sums.
$5 for dresses of plain or checked velour, wool poplin and
serge. r
$10 for frocks of crepe de chine, taffeta, tricetine and wool
$15 and $10.50 for a wonderfully varied collection of Spring
dresses. Ruffled taffetas, soft Canten crepes and crepes de chine,
and many interesting dresses of Peiret twill and tricetine.
A Complete Change in the
Exhibition of Spring Fashions
New modes will be shown and everything will be full of
new interest. You'll find this charming showing en the Central
Aisle of the Fashion Sections.
Jaunty New Capes
for Junier Girls
Real Spring capes, in lovely colorings.
The cape sketched is of a meat unusual
velour, which leeks almost exactly like
duvetyne. It is in n creamy ten with a
rectangular plaid of red and black. $23.50.
The same model in tweed of bobolink tan
r French blue at $20.
Beth capes are lined through the shoul
ders with silk. Sizes 10 and 17.
Bright Red or Green Flannel Skirt
The most vivid red and emerald green
arc used in these new flannel skirts, box
pleated across front and back, and trimmed
with square nickel buttons. Sizes 28 te 30
lengths, $e.
Gingham Bleemer Dresses, $3.75
or erv Se,no ?r.esh new llU!e frecl arc in red,
3.50 green, pink or blue checked gingham
trimmed with white pique. Sizes 0 te 10
and sets'.
Pelly Prim Aprons, 85c
Pink, blue or lavender percale piped with white and made with
deep scallops instead of a prosaic hem!
Jersey Silk Pantalettes, $3
Something different! Made with deep accordion pleated knee
ruffle withe conventional pattern stitched en in contrasting narrow
ribbon. All wanted coleru.
Uncommonly Geed Shoes
for Girls of 6 te 14
Lew Priced
Wcll-shaned. carefully made- shoen nf ivnii.n. ln
mean real comfort and service. Seles are welted and, of Rti
Tan calfskin shoes
Black calfskin shoes
Patent leather shoes
Black calfskin shoes
Patent leuther shoes
Sizes 8V3 te 11. S4.2H.
Sizes lltf te 2, 4.75.
i9 1 a
.. . j
Sizes 2K te C, $6.75. I J
I (Chcttnut) 'Plii
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