wf'TmfSK ytST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE t , H? Vttn W3fnnc TeMi e the Death of Mr. Avery in, the m" SeuihShe Speaks of Mr. Ivkis Talk at the Print Club Tonight Various Bits of Gossip , V Tlin death of Sir. Daniel D. Avery, son of thtf -late General Dudley Arery ' aml Mm. Avery, of Avery Island, , ' ltils!nnn,,1nst Saturday brought sor row te Philadelphia, for Mr. Avery wis the father of Mrs. It. Winder TAiinseti nnd' a'1 brother of Mrs. Jeseph Bill Clark,, of Kate's Hall, Chestnut' mil. Mrs. Clark nna mm. .jonnsen left late en Haturday'ter Louisiana' te tttend the funeral. airiL-vCltrVfe .thr. General Avery, Vi I1U1 m- tibtiIpI Avert leaves four daueli tirs besides Mr,, 'Jehnsen, .land phe kn. Mrs. Dehaft. Ducar -nndMlss Ciitlicrlne Atry("of A-ery IsJarM, anil .. ,. t rntun Avaw-.'fhn' twn juargarti " w,"- - ,-..,-younger daughters, are' living v.tth tr.u Pin A Ihnd ..attending fechoet. Lnuis-c Is a pupil ttt.Elcn'.,flttll. Jetf rcsdale, and Margaret gee-j te-Sprlng- side, Uiesuim uiii.- . " iyVKS' tlieir brother, lives in Portland Ore., Jlr. Jehnsen made lier -tome; Bere taith Mrs Clark nnd -was educated In the North. . mllE meeting at the Print Club te. J- nlRIlt Will ee n luieresLiuB nuu.j. Mr. William M. Ivlns, Jr.,. who Is curator of prints at the Metropolitan Museum, New Yerk, will address the I... nn4 tlinlr frlsnilM nn thf Rub i.l f ....Inta nnH Jnnpnli Perinell will jcLi ... , ,"-,-,-;, v dNncree quite frequently with etheK experts, I expect the fur will fly, and" nn both are ikcmcu nuuieriuest should be an entertaining evening ter us nil. Yeu knew the Print Club has n most attractive club house made from a sta ble en Latimer btrcct. It 1h at 1014. Three of the houses In that block were tern down recently, and a club house or chapter house is being erected en the sites by the Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames, of which Mrs. Jim Stnrr.iK president. I think it is very sensible the way people tire turning te the smaller streets te build ttieir clubhouses nnd 'siiinll private homes. Yeu knew, the Albert Lucases hnvc n heuse en Cyprcw street. Nearly all the small houses en St. James street, alongside of the ine Library, have been turned into homes anil small shops of artistic tendencies, and Chancellor street, tee, lms borne attractive places there back of the St. Jumps Hetel. ' We are getting a tegular little Greenwich Village in our midst, when u consider Caniau street, with nil its clubs, and Quince street, tee, where the Mask and Wig has Its clubheubc. MRS. TOM ASIITON and Mrs. Charlton Ynrnnll were the host esses at the Opera Supper Club last night and there were a number of parties Mewing the performance of ''Den Carles" by'the Metropolitan (.om (.em panv. M'm. Ynfnnll entertained at supper and Mrs. Ashton entcrtulncd for Anne nnd Mrs. JnmeR Starr gave a supper for Virginia Heckschcr and Barclay McFaddcn. I SAW Mis. Harry Thayer en the treet the ether day looking very well. Yeu knew, .she hns been In Kurepe since the early fall and came Kick here late in December. While Mis. Thayer was In Londen she was a cuest of Mr. and Mrs. Dyre-Men M'lU her host being then treasurer of the rejul household. Since then he has liLcii mndn second civil lord of the Ail jiiualtv of Great Britain. Mrs. Thayer was In the British Isles during the imntiiii? sensnn. htiendine that time with the Aibuthnet-Leslics at their leiliK! in Scotland. Slip loeKed awtuii well. I thought, the ether day. IT WAS nurse's afternoon out. nnd mother hml te go shopping. She did net uunt tn take Louise with her, se hIu- told her te enll Aunt Mary en the telephone and nsk If she miglit spend the afternoon with her. ns mother had te leave hpr for tin hour or two. Louise , walked sedately te the phene uni mother wns uiuused te henr the small voice -njlng: Is that you, Aunt Maw ? Mether wnnt.s you te take caie of vis child while she's out." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES The wedding of Miss Kdlth Nelsen P:m'e, daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Heward Wuit.s I 'age, et 101.1 'Clinten stieet, and Dr. Isaac Starr. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Inine S'arr, of Chestnut Hill, will take p.rtic en Saturday. April ... at 4 o'clock In old St. Peter'a Chuich, Third and rine streuts. ene of the me-ft important of llw enily summer weddings will be that of Miss Sira M. Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Jeseph Harrison, nnd Mr. Phlllli l'rlce, son of Mr. .and Ms- ,,:11 Kiik l'rlce, of 17U9 Walnut street, which Mill l.iku place In June. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and their family, who hau In. en Hiienillnir thn winter ut the Kitten- lieuf-e, are occupying their new home n' Haverford. , Mr. nmlf Mrs. Charlton Ynrnall, of S- inii'ciith und locust streets, enter tained Mr. and Mth. Iteglnnld Jacobs. .....I . , ... A I VI. V.. V ' mm .ir, ami .ir. .uuauihici uap ih nall, In lliflr het at thu opera last night Mr. and Mri, Alexander Van Itens sel.ier of ISO! Walnut street, nlse utertalned In their bev at the opera last night. Their guests Included Mrs, Jehn V. Hrock, Mis. Themas McKeun, li- A. J. Antelo Devereux, Mr. Sam uel Hhuber and Mr. '. Willing Hare. Mis I'luuleti Wesley, of 1S10 Seuth r.itteuhuuse h iuare, luui Issueil Invita tions for a tard patty en Saturday, IMiruiiij ITi, In honor of her daughter, Ml-s Klinnur Wesley. . , '1 lie Wilmington Cliailty Uall will ln held en Tia-hdny evening, I-'ebruary' H Ri the Hetel du 1'gnt. The remmlttee In iliiiuje Includes Miss Vlcterlnc dli 1'ent, Miss KlUabeth Helliiduy, Mlris Killiet Ward, Mlsn Allci I'nndec, Miss JliiiK.iietti' du font. Miss Mary Ilndel- num. Miss Julia Klllelt, Miss Jane Mm !, M'f i Miuy ,Murel. Miss I'utl.erlne Arinstinng, .MIms Ilekn Udell und MIhh Lline 'fhompseit, Vu liueri'sllng debutailte of next sea S'Jii tvill 1,3 ail,. Helen Allen, diUIRhtel' 't Mis Allied Iteglnaid Allen, of 201U Mnuci Mi(i't, who will be prcMcntel by ner luither In thu autumn. Mr. Man JlaitwalUHtnni1,', f Twcn- llrst btreet unrt'lVe Lunuey place, will inmtalii at a" MflnTl lunelifen at the "'inriiib en Satnrday iflrltWen net, in huimr of her iiurns'MWMuh:Hrt.t ';in Ueiissela.'r I'nger, of Stw S'MIH who will arrUe eh KrldJy 'ilfft wrll' Ue ' auest uf Mrs. ritrdiu,' for rf"'ffi'' "js. MiH.s t'g-niellii Van Itensselaer i'tieng or Nrw Uiiinswlck, N. J a of Mr nnd Mrs. Ktreng, will 1,1 (J" 'sturdv nnd will' be t)ieir KUeut ever the weiiU-eiut. ' A tia win I,.. gHii in the Orpheus ;uh 1 1 mis, Kirtcsntu and (.'hestnut m. cttH-n Wediuxliiy liflorneoii, Keli , ? '"i ut t o'clock, by the pientbeiM ' the Cenimltley en Admission"' for, (he ii.iej cempmy. Mrs. Alfied Uegfn'iild imiiJJi 'L1.0 chaliman. The committee liUudrn M,H, Kre.leilcK Krnley, MlSn 'feieivfi .Sheeiuiikcr. Miss Kninces K'1 or, ' JJl'-.Jehn O. Hlins, Mr. Heb- rin " ' !,'c,,un' ' llul I'arrlsh f''l,Mr. Jehn H. Urudwuy. Mim VirHX ; A''e" and her daughter V .iMa,i' v r'nla Allen, of 311(4 Hprune X??, .. .V ''"j; been spending severll . wecim lit the Marniiirniiiii.nianl.i ttn. tel at Atlantic" City, returned te their,, home en Monday. J . . .'. ' '" Mrs. Arthur Mentaffue'lwlii. of the ueuevue-strauerd, nna tssuea. invita tions for several email luncheons te be followed by cards at the Believufc-Strat-ferd. The first will be given, this after noon, thft second en Saturday. PbrU- nlrv 11. and the third en' Tuesday. Feb- r m Btnjamln Franklin Mechlin, , jr., me izeb cnaruen street, acrman acrman tewnyMvllVklve a tea en Thursday, Feb ruary1 16, te meet Mrs. William M. Mechlin. Mlaa, Mariraretta Dlxbn, daughter ,of Mr.and'Mts. Themas F; Dixen : Miss Margaret O. Remak, daughter, pfi Mr. and -Mrs. GustavUB Remak", i and, Mlin Maiy'VT. Geedman, daughter Of Mm. Heward B." Heaver, will leave en: Friday feg'Lake.Placld. N. T., "where -they will atWnd'tHe ..winter apertsK ' v ';Mr. ; Hnfl iif rs. Heward' E. Seaver of Montgomery avenue, chestnut Hill, are spendlnjfYat fortnight as the guests of MK And -Mr. Isaac T. Starr at their place.'. jit' Benalr, Ga. ""Ml'sa Ntvncy T, Cepe, daughter of Mm. Walter Cepe, of 20Q East Jehnsen street, (lermantewn, who haa been' spending a fortnight at a house party at Lake Placid, NV'Y., returned techer home yesterday, ...,' ' , Mr.' "W. Plunkett StewaVt and 'Mr, Radcllffe Cltesten, Jr., -ate sailing today for; England.' They expect te be gene for jutVernl mntiMia . J''ldlNlJEhiiTy F. Mlchell' and her two aaugntr,'TWB Hoiert.Viiimerln Mlchell and Mlsa , FJorepce Hdnry Mlchell, of 3913 Chestnut' street; who have been spending a few days In Atlantic City, returned te their home yesterday. Friends of Mrs. Bryce Blynn. of cnestnut Hill, will be glad te hear that she Is recovering from u g&vere attack of tensllitls. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles B. Dunn and Miss Gertrude L. Baker, of Edge- cemue, unesmut Htii, are spending the winter In Flerida. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel TV nirlrilA nf pn-thc-Hlll, Glen Riddle, will Bhertly leuve rer meir puce at Berlin, Md. 'Mrs. Jehn S. Muckle and Mr. Craig Wright JIuckle are at the Hetel Tray Tray mere, Atlantic City, for a short stay. Mrs. J. Hewell Cummlngs, of the Wet Wet Hneten, accompanied bv her r ilnnrh. ter, Miss Kleaner F. Cummlng, whose 'jip,ucuh:iii huh een anneuncea u can Wlllnrd Jehn Masen, of Chicago, will leave next week for a trip te Flerida, whom they will rcman for a few weeks. Mr. Cummlngs is spending some time In Hdnelulu. . Mrs. Frederick J. Walter and her (inug-nter. Miss Eleaner Walter, of Thirty-fifth Htreet nnd Powelton ave nue, lmve left for a visit te Atlantic Mrs. Holllster Sturgis. of 7915 Scmt. nole avenue, Chestnut Hill, has returned from Washington, D. C, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Atwood. of 4610 Larchwood avenue, wilP leave the latter part of this week for a trip te Miami, ilenearsals have started for "The i-uuiijs ei i-enzance, uiibert und Sulll ynnH opera, which will be given early In the sprliifr by the Three Arts CIud. or Philadelphia, under the direction or Air. Htanlcy Muschamns. A nnlendle chorus of nfty voices is rehearsing .t. i, cuucnuaj evening ai me ClUO' house, 1219 Lecrat street. A series of eaka anil mmlv .gin ! being held every Friday nnd Saturday afternoon by the Three Arts Club at uieir Meuse, iziy locust street. The proceeds are for the building fund for new clubhouse. Sir. Fjed E..Denaghj-, of 2317 Spruce street, was the guest of honor at a. dinner at the Rlttenhouse Hetel, given by it number of of his friends and fra urnlty brethera Xhe engagement of Mr. DenuRhv te M(n nmmn T(tieu-ln of 5B43 LArchwoed avpnue, haa been announced, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn II. Hartley, of .1402 H street, North Philadelphia, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary II. Hartley, te Mr Raymond J. Kennedy, of Helme&burg. Tint Music Levert) Society, of Canv den, has begun rehearsals for the operetta "Treasure Hunters," te be given tn .March ut the Yeung Men's Christian Association Auditorium under the direction of Miss Marlen Woolston, GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Theren I. Crane, el C 100 Oreene street, will leave shortly for a stay lu Honolulu. Mn. ii. Nnudaln Simons, of 150 West Washington lane, Iub returned from a visit at Orange, N. J. Miss Louise Nevlns, of Birmingham, Ala,, Ih the guest of Miss Peggy Wat Wat eon, of 6401 Wayne avenue. Mrs. Prank It. Wtitseu Is visiting her daughter, .Mis. C. H. Worell, of New Yerk City. Mis. Margaret n. Meehnn announces the marriage of her daughter, Miss Lillian Cecilia, Mtehan. te Mr. Harry Alvan Nclmnii, en January 5, at uceau City. N. J. Mlsa Helen Itoblnben was' the guest Betrothed I'litjte uy Photo n afters MlhH MAKV V. PXTIT nuuliler etlr. A.'ll. PeiHt..f Ueniutntewn. whose ennement (e Mr, Meivin Harper ' Shrlver. e( CMitt UriiD City. Utah, bM Ne iflLggggggiiggggggggBaW kgHIBIggPlggggH 'av fq , lHB UiMiiiiK. iH ggggggggfl v v taLLr Jp;i..V Hh fa; ' i HF l ' Jf" ; E WV & i V. ' mWw- 1 V ( ' 1 U f'v ' t ' miH' - lu Z1 JmB UJ!Tjr' M'"r, L13 Li i i r & A CHARMING GROUP vLLLH ) a Sxal' svtxUilLLBTP m riiote br Marceau. MRS. WALTER 1IAYDEV Mrs. Hayden and her two children, who live at 0800 Orerbroek avenue. Overbroek of. honor nt a brldge party of thirty followed by a "shower." Miss Robin son's engagement te Mr. Herace Koen, of Legan, was recently announced. A talk will be given in Carnegie Hall Vernen Park, te members of the Women's Club of Germantown und their friends en February 15. The subject will be "Sixty Minutes In Your Central .Office." Mrs. Geerge Jenes, of C324 Knox street, lias returned home from New Yerk, where she haa been visiting friends for a month. Miss Martha Berry, of Mount Berry, Ga gave nn interesting talk at the Oermantewn Y. M. C. A. en February 2. Her subject was "The Southern High lander and the Werk of the Berry Schools." Illustrated with exhibits of the handwork of the students. WE8T PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Ward Smith, of 032 Wynnewood read, entertained a few of their friends en Saturday evening In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Vinten, of New Yerk. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. JameB Tayler, Mrs, A. Uaft-ctt, Miss Louise Bryan, Miss Jesephine Mc Carthy, Mls3 Mary Barrett, Mr. Henry Censtantlne, Mr. H. A. Mentander and Mr. Jehn McGar.vey. Mrs. P. Edward Nelan, of 239 Seuth Fifty-third street, will entertain at a box party en Wednesday evening In honor of Miss Grace Radcllffe. of James town, N. Y. Miss Madeline wilt leave this city en Thursday, when she will join uer mother at Atlantic city. Mrs. K. Fralley, of Fifty-third and Vine streets, entertained at her home en Tuesday afternoon lu celebration of her ninetieth birthday. Many of her rela tives and friends were piesnt. Miss Catherlne Smith, of SOS North Thirty-ninth street, entertained a few of lur friends at her home en Monday evening. Friends of Miss Muriel Andrus, of 42ti North Forty-first street, will be glad te hear of her recovery from a recent serious lllneHs. Miss Audrus Is a Junier In the West Philadelphia High Scheel. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lynaugh. of 3200 Market street, left yesterday for a six weeks' trip te Miami, Kin. : Cuba, Ber muda and the Bahama Islands. They will meter through Cuba und will re turn te this city In the early spring. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Muckler, of 5621 Carpenter street, entertained at a Vulcn Vulcn tlne party en Monday evening last. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Breng, Mr. und Mrs. rhlllp Stcener, Mr. and Mrs. Leuis Lllllck. Mr, nnd Mrs. Hay Feerer, Mr und Mrs. Clarence GUI. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Shelble, Mr. und Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Henry Prothere, Mre. Henry Leach, the Itev. Heward Bulson and Mr. Walter Hurtshew. A farewell party was given In honor of Mr. Isadore Rey. of 3901 Wyaluslng , avenue, nnd Mr. Kmanuel Weiner. of His T)nrfn- utrfct inef Riiminv ihf nt the home of MrT Bernard Tvuin. of 2130 OlAbCUIllll BlIVCl. 4iiiwuk lliunu present were Miss Sherscn, Miss pearl man. Mis-) Gould, Miss Shunkrnan. Miss Weriman, Mr. Goldstein, Mr. Rosenberg. Mr. Selgcl. Mr. Shtren, Mr. Glass nnd Mr. Stein. Mr. Uey and Mr. Wclner will leave for Palestine en Saturday ne.t. LAWNDALE Mr. and Mrs. llangnaw, of T42S Taber street, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a son. Mrs. C. Mathews, of Levlck sti eet, will entertain the members of her bridge club at her home en Thursday after neon. The Ladles' Aid of Ilmanuel Church held the regular monthly meeting en Tuesday evening. t DELAWARE COUNTY These who took leading parts In the cast of "Backfire," a comedy presented en Monday and Tuesday eeiilngu by the Players' Club of Swaithmere ut the woman's clubheuse under the direc tion of Mr. J. J. Oeuld, worn Mr. and Mrs. CharlPii D. Mitchell. Mrs. Jehn C. ICastlake, MiB.s Barbara lllckilng, Miss Ornoe Stockton, Miss Mnrlei. Weeds, Dr A. F. Jacksen, Mr llelani, Ullmnn, Mr. L'mslle Plc, Mr Klmnr Mellck nnd Mr. (leorge Corse. The stage setting, which wmi entirely new, was devised and constructed under the direction of tllu elub'u president, Mr. J. Kirk McCurdy. Mrs. Pnul Freemnn and her son. Muster Alfred Freeman, of Meyluu, have ivliirneu rrem Atlantic city, vlieiv the wure guests for several dayn of .Mr. Krteman'u mother, Mrs. James A. 1'rco 1'rce man, of Oermnntewn i The guests who attended the lirulg I nnrty given en Snturday nfternoeu b ' Mra Themas H. Merris at her horn lu Lausdewne In honor of Miss Clui'Ieui Meyer, daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Jeseph H. Meyer. of Oermantewn, whes- lusrrl.ige te Mr. IMwnrd Ddgers will tnlce place en the lSth of l'ebiuiiry. In-' cludrd MrB, Jeseph S. Sleyer. Mrs. j Newton II, Jenes. Mrs. .1. Harbison Haiius, Mrs. Charles H. C'.irsen, Mr. Jebeph Chehterman, Mrs. P.lclianl It. Ferrest. Mrs Albert 15. Wosteser, Jr., Miss Murgaret Blckley. Miss Kllzabeth ' Drlpps, Miss Dorethy McBrlde. Mlsa Dorethy Pryer, Miss Deberah Wllllumn and Miss Janet Yeung. MOORE8TOWN Jits. Wllllnm C. Wullc. of ( liestnut street, haw been entertaining Mrs. Cieerse Sehwaru, of Ucrimintuun, aa her BUtBt. Mr. Parry and her dnughter, Miss Lydla. 1'nrrv, if Halneniiert, hae gene te Hpend seme time In Atlantic City. Mrh. E. rtuimell Perkins, of Had Had denfle)4 terrace, tfuve'u large luncheon en Thumday. Mr. Herhert rteberU. of Chester avenUe, haa goneiabread. Ha will wna Ring iim,ij'JMuiee $ m ! WILL WED THIS EVENING Mist Meea te Become Bride of Jehn P. Mathieu, 2d Miss Marie Paul Mees, daughter of Mrs. Harry J. Mees, of 3114 Diamond street, will be married te Mr. Jehn I'. Mathieu, 2d, this evening at C:30 o'clock, at tlie Church of the Hely Communion, Twenty-first and Chestnut streets. The Itev. A. Shenck will per form the ceremony. The brldcsntaldn wll be Mrs. Gerald Hansen, MrH. Themas O. Bretherton, Mrs. Donald Danenhower. Mrs. Charles K. Gibben. Mrs. Oscar Geedlcke, Jr., Sirs. Hareld G. Paine. Mrs. M, Tianermehl, Miss Adella Michel and MIsh Kthel Mathieu. Miss Betty McOuIre will be the flower girl Mr. Charles K. Olbben will act an best man, and the, ushers will Include Mr. S. Harvey Kreuse, Mr. Wilsen Piatt.' Mr. Fred KelllnM, Mr. Balfour Nrehinnn. Mr. Carl Mlddcnderf, Mr. Henry Mlddenderf. Mr. Hareld G. Paine and Mr. Herbert K. Webb. A reception at the Bellcvue-Strntferd wll fellow the ceremony. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mathieu will be at home after March 15 at Mont gomery pike and Stephney place, Nar bertli. NORRISTOWN Sir. and MM. Harrv Anrlr;nn rt Jeffersenvllle, entertained at dinner at I their hemi last Saturday evening. The' guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Custer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Hen dricks. Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Greve, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cleorge Jenes. Mr. nnd Mm. Albert Hartman, Mrs. H. Andersen and , Miss 1311a Gallagher. Included nmene the trucsitn nf .a tlma. ' tre party given en Saturday In Phlladel- I Tallin U'vrA If f.nrl fa T,r.l ' tfUhlman, Mr. and Mrs. James Mac N'elll, Mr. und Mra diaries Daub and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deyle. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Bauer, of Powell street, gave n family dinner nt their home en Saturday. The event celebrated the birthday anniversaries cf their twin daughters. Miss Clair Bauer, and Miss Klealne Bauer and of Mrs. Bauer's mother, Mrs. M. L. Wag ner. Miss Mary Beyer, of 1210 West Main street, has Issued invitations for a card party en Saturday afternoon. February 18, In honor of Mrs. Henuld M. Heebnur. Mrs. Heebner before her recent mar riage wua Miss Arlene file, Mr. nnd Mrs, .T. PlAVAlnml Cncl nP the Franklin, DeKalb and Oak tre'ets, j nn' icuciviiiK i;uiiruiuiajieriH en llie birth of a wen en Sunday last. Mrs. Cassel before her marrlage was Miss Mary Heed. The Rchwenkfelder Church celebrated the eighteenth anniversary of Its found ing with special services en Sunday, ieliiVli ll the n7er qtrit mi,i ,." Endired byP thirty number? e? thl 't"rer5u "'.. ""rir memeers or the I'curuury 0l x(10 jiav, noeen j. uett. 0ln JhurchesV ansUale and Tcwn Miss Kathryn revering, of 114 West Main street, entertained en Saturday at u card party in honor of Miss Myrtle Batten and Mr. Charles Brown, of Chicago, III., whose engagement hns been announced. Among the gursts were Mr. and Mre. Frank Legan, Mr and Mrs. Victer Whltmer, Mr. nnd Mrs Clnrcnce Pratt. Miss Kllzabeth Ktlles. Miss Betty Chambers, Miss Gertrude Sclah, Mr. Raymond Detwller, Mr. Hay mend Chamberlain und Mr. A. l. Hull mun. IMPORTERS. DESiaSKRS OF THE HIGHEST GOWNS WRAPS SUITS FURS BLOUSES LINGERIE HOSIERY Dresses Weiiderful Selections 25.0035,0045.00 Fermerlu 49.50 te 115.00 Styles that arc correct for spring and for' every service. Differing from the usual, offering a latitude of choice se wide that descriptions are inadequate. New .Jersey Spert Dresses 15.00 Very effective with leather cellar and cuffs; the pleated skirt harmonizes well with the leather cellar and cuffs. Sizes for women and misses. New Fiber Silk Sweaters In trliBtcmng belid colors untl Perslun fiber. Peter Pan cellur and cuU'h, or cellarleaa effects with round necks. Celers include fuchsia, buff, henna, golf green, French blue nnd jockey. . 9.9510.9512.9514.95 We Speciqlize Rw B-'. i-,7 H V Moving Picture of an Man at a Tea Partu tlANDGRS into party with vague ? T r misgivings. Ue la staggered by preponderance of females. Decides te back out, but finds exit blocked. The introducing starts. Man disceven that some women shake hands'nnd seme de net. Never can tell which kind It Is. Sometimes finds his proffered hand accepted, sometimes It is left dangling in the nii;. Finally keeea It te himself. flews and mumbles "Glad te meet you" thousands of times. Gives up all attempts te remember names. Has ahunch thnt later this will preve fatal. SOMEBODY hands him a cup of tea. Somebody else nesscn cakes. Tries te handle tea and cakes and lighted .cigarette. Steeping te pick up clgarette drops cakes. Teacup balances perilously. Nearly spilled It Inte a beautiful satin lap. Turns weak te thlfck of what might have happened. ANOTHER beautiful creature comes with sugar for him te take. Balances cup, saucer, cakes nnd cigar ette while he takes sugar. Beautiful creature followed by gor geous thing with lemons. Balances cup, 'saucer, cakes, cigar ette and sugar while he takes lemon. Delectable apparition approaches with candy. Dlstrnctcd man balances cup. saucer, ItMi-M n Excess Weight Is JJaneereus . TN'HUItANCK Companies regard THU rroeen U logical their leKenfxI rpnlntunrfi render thorn Kunceptlbte te relds, rheumatism, "hardening of the arteries" nnd Increase the danger of heart affliction,! nnd apoplexy. 8 u n Ot'It Natural Metliedn bedr of all Imniirlllea. nttendania. Ne rlanen. Visit Our Institution for Trial Treatment. tVe Obligation. COLLINS INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY Bellevue Court Building Phene, Spruce 5481 1418 Walnut Street y KtaMT'MBVr43BlB&T'eHffjUrn'nBlB SIBKireMlilWtUsiBBfiBOiJ Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Featuring Millinery for Immediate Wear A distinguished collection of the very smartest millinery for early Springwear. Hats for miss and matron for every purpose and occasion. $10, $12, $15, $18, $25 New Showing of White and Colored Washable Dress Fabrics David and Jehn Andernen Scotch Glnghama, In the sma-te.t nf wanted checks and colors. 31 In. wide. yard. ' ei Kngllnh ainghamn at SOc nnd "Se yard. SI In. wide. Beautiful Line Colored I.lucnn for Suitings. SI In. wide vn crushable finish. Hl.oe erd. ,ee' AOn Imported Kmbreldrred Dotted Swim, In nil the newest co'e-inir 31 In. wlde. $1.50 yard. In ull white. 73c te 42.00 jurd. b" line I'luln-Colered Vellcn. Leading .Shades. 40 In. ulde 8100 xH rialn White Vellen. 35 In. wide. 30c te $1.75 yard. ' ' inipuririi x-rriiiuiiQiiv wide, 81.00 yard. Ulniltlen, I'laveim, Nlterrettes ui! Inches wide, 03c, UOc jurd. Special Values in Underwear Vanity Fair Silk Vests, $1.85. Vunity Fair Silk Bleemers, $2.50. Vanity Fair Silk Sports Bleemers in Brown and Black, $3 50 Vanity Fair Silk Pettbeckers in all the Spring Suit Shnie' $1.93. Full line of Kaser Silk Undent ear ranging from $3 te $b" 50 Lisle Ves.ta with regular or bodice tops, 35c apiece or 3 for $1 Petticoats of Messaline or Changeable Taffeta in all the Spring Celers, $3.95. Pure Irish Linen Huck Towels The Usual $1.00 Kind at 65c Each These Towels are full larRe size of sturdy weave. They are Ann hucl; towels with damask borders In Heveral patterns and li'mtttltched mild. If you are In need of Linen Towels uf the letter Ui.d veu will tlnd these- wonderful value. u "" .IA MAKERS O' WOMEN'S .t.VU OlILDI.'EyH API'ARl.!, CHARACTER VOI! MORE T"HAX TWEXTY-SIX YEARS & W Chestnut Cerner Twelfth in Styles That Slenderize the Larger Weman i tUAWlt Unsophisticated : - - MEVOV cakes, cigarette and lemon te take piece of candy. - Somebody Jostles his elbow. TEimiFIO catastrophe barely averted while lovely lady at left is asking him many questions. Levely lady behind him is asking him te turn around. ... . ,. Beautiful lady in front of him is dis tracting him with large, luminous eyes. Man trlc3 te drink ten, eat cakes, nibble candy, smoke cigarettes and carry en three-sided clever repartee. Emerges from ordeal a wan, devas tated wreck. SUB-TITLES ,, Rags Are Royal Raiment When Wern (for Virtue's Hake. Get Clothing for Children . Cast-off clothing for children who cannot attend nchoel because of poverty is being collected at the headquarters of the Compulsory Education Bureau, en Cherry street west ei ruiecntn. raeMdine Hetel Chestnut a 193trtieta Ofifers ttceptianaJ facilities ter private entertainiitf. fteceptiens, weaamga, Cards, Dinners. Dances over-ateut lemons at, tmdculr I "1 Umlnate all Kxce l'at and rid the ' Individual arrTlre by (killed women I I 1 urifiinuirB, A.eauing CO;0r3, 45 in In cheeks and strlpeJ, All white, SWEATERS MILLINERY SKIRTS PETTICOATS CHILDREN'S APPAREL NEGLIGEES MWIlllllimiiliH iiiniiiiniisnwiaiiiniaiiismii ll Ri Htvn Attn saatttt?ivli hani and CUBDAinCBV il m'Tr. z-:z iiftiKiiiiHniK i Here.tltchlng WML Yem Waft AH strle nnd In pel.an4 silver, tlenr-nrand Weel all rotors. fLewers EMBROIDERY CO. N. K. Cor. nth Chf.lnut (W.43.1) D Kvm&EK&ffiwmzmmmmBgaaiBKi Tfie Tulist J J. LawUr leWrJnutSt-',?-,, Beautiful New SPRING HATS $7.50, $10.50 & $12.50 i Charming jeutliful Hats nnd sinnrt Hats tnr the matron. 'irinixHp.JiiinaTmniTinnrm.i.UjrT'niiwitiiuniuiirrn'rauunuumiinnrniijrrTjnaTiiT-e The pick of the nests i Sold only in our Stores PHil.A. S I.UADINU riiKATm:h DIKKCTKiX OK i. r:i: I. J. J. aininKnT CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE SHUBERT,; lirE DAILY MATS AT 2 15 LVES AT 8 15 13 TRIUMPHANT OITURN OF AMtSlCAS re?tt101T SINS1NG COEOIttlNf. NORA BAYES WITH A MW COMPAW IH A NtW CYCLE Of 50NG.T AND All ALU STAR BILL OF SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE. THE MeCORMACKSLl ThVlUNATIC BAKERS MAMA LO POSING CO. I MORTON 6-LaTRISKA AND THE. MUSICAL COMIOV STAR. CARL MeCULLOUGH Ull lit MIGHT BITS Of TAVl3Ty III) "irwiiDe uir ft. WILLIAM SEATilsAT.MAT ILSO HODGE IN DOG LOVE 'DOG LOVE. 15 A LAUGHFEST OF REAL MERIT AND A DECIDED TREAT' nrjiifrrr ?SHUBEKr eves 5050 Mat. Today, Best Seats. $1.50 GREENWICH VILLAGE FOLLIES AI.L.STAR CAST TED I.RU'I1). IISKNK FR.INK1.IN. .ItlE V.. IIHOWN. 11.1 llAltON. UUKUUN 1)01)1. KV. llllll) Ml I.I.MAN. W All Nil 110,1.7,500 10 51.00 JOHN GALSWORTHY'S JtAbrtltl'ICCB THE SKIN GAME THE 3IOST-t.T.KK!l-nr PLAY OK nn: season LAST .MAT. .".AriltllAY. eOe Tl) 51.30 Nr:x-r wrt'K.-fah, vow sr.i.iivn cjvMZWayA H 1 1 V-C 71 JSlLJnQI M in luxnian bath bj AVER HOPW00D & CHRtTON ANCREVS ALDINE THEATRE riifetiiut ut ttitii lllrrt thin (if Trril. I. A M. H lilt r (.ei 'umeuM bheutiiB u r M it .Sr TIMKS UAI.A Tltll'I V. HILT Rei lt"The Iren Trail" Beach' i TDC ITHPE ni rr cesnt'fTuit m LivLAlUIXCi h urn. in .sim At OMHN11 n Tt) HO Ml'Sli I.V.Nh blU. LlU.AH'HI. HINDI I' Id A I 3. ID " 15 AND U.'O BenTurpin in "Bright Eyes" COMMUM'INU Ni:.T MO.NUAV Nazimova in "A Dell's Heuse" j-iteir ihhk.n"h iim:T nit m ALSO l'llll.A.'s lAMIItlTi: IIAKIIOM; c Mti.e ri.imi.i ri B. F. KEITH'S yiiimi limits E JACK N0RW0RTH In -'m an- r.MM V ADIILI'III limll GRACE HUFF & CO. PriB.nllnit TIM! TUlMMI'tt" i Ed.Lct WROTHE&.MARI IN0wea In n 0..m.l. N'fiW1 3 Cbeiter-SPENCER & WILLIAMS-Lela g 1n "I'l'TTINll IT OVl-rt ' S lllll Al.t-.SYAIl M'ltRuL'NUI.SO g fllOW AND 1 THE LIGHTNER GIRLS g and NEWTON ALEXANDER g Anil ( 'imiwinv , Miii-ii' (' miti RlllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIlllHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHimiillii SWARTHMORE CLUB HOUSE swAitriiMenu, in FRIDAY EYE., FEB. 10. AT 81S mffinAlNAnn nnrni vitn i. in. ii i i. m lncuuiivE. arij&Kimi t-.'al. il Ml, nn s'lli' it t ("uli Huuna AI Alir.M III' Ml'slt .MUTUOI'dl.n'AN (II'IIIIV I'MMI'AN'Y. N V f. FEB. 14, TRAVIATA ft' MniM. anlll-Curcl. Ilnlll. 4IJI. Illell. jj l.uc. Uadu. AliHiilnn. renil . Mnrantenl. I n". m. lUli."!. w ".IKW m iiiii inir m I 1 Strictly Fresh g .Eggs f'nrfnn bWI 1CI j of twelve 111 1 El ii s I 9 J p w II l STQhbTs iffQ Ma I hmn ii iif VI'I lii!Maii!i:!!iii'iifii!!j,iira!mr!iirairj'iKriiiu'i;iii: rw-BviHA PALMA TELri r McKAY MORRIS X w Mmzsssm tMiM'PDrtarHn 4 m Dtr """ tactien Stanley Cntri' ti V4'l NiNHTnnNTit and maiiUbt 'itlji Y 11 A. M. TO tl P. M. ..A COMKDV. NOVKI.TY. MUBtn. DrtAM HAROLD LLOYD m i.t. txf tMitttr r.nrraWVTATtn ma KAiinn Bji4nr imAMti r aJiiiL4si-iTjrfcE-r.L hihi ,( 'ys Alie r ninnun .iiitrit iimu nn rni - yj n ij b A ueraiaine rarrar tii AND WAI.f.Afn TtRID IN "CARMEN" a frr.Ntr In nati'mat. "THE FOUR SEASONS" , Trulv Wnrtli n'hl nin'i'llhinm)t CESARE NESI TUB ADjnUAIIlit: TUNOIt hakki:t at sixteenth tumid vi:ck lli:x 1NOIIAMH horsemen efthe Apocalypse Tiir: m-ept nnir.MANT cast i:vi: ahsi;muli:d is vrns-eN-s in:Arn:i dy Rudelph Valentine DAILY 35c, 50c EVENINGS 50c, 75c PaturiliH ium! HiiiMMV Hwn ni.' l'rlrp 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9i30 V) BROAD and CHESTNUT 11:30. 1:30. 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 FIRST PRESENTATION Ol' LEW J'AUAMOLNT l'ltTUIlC CECIL B. DE MILLE'S LATEST "SATURDAY NIGHT" A Mammoth Entertainment and All the Beauty and Thrill of a Lifetime CONCERT ORCHESTRA DAI KCV '-m MAHKKT I ALALt 10 A. M te 11:13 P. L "BOOMERANG BILL" NHW l'AHAMiT'VT WITH LIONEL BARRYMORE AKLAU1A 10 a. m. te mis f. ii "JANE EYRE" S. V1V 1 UK1A u a. jr. te mis i'. it. "TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM" rADlTHI sin ifAHKKr LArllUL m a. m te li-i.-. p. jr JOHN BARRYMORE &?$.. REGENT 17 nt & MAKKP.T l'OUA NIIQRI In "TUB I.AT I'AyMUNT" ii nnr jl.Nu i.jw iauivi.i' KiLAJDKt 11 TO 11 CONTINUOUS w vaudi:vii.i.u Julia Kellety i M'f(ii,i, inuL.-- OTHIllt At'Tt. UHHT1I WIIIMI RROAnWAY CUOAD It, SN'YDUB AI I PfiHENY KUD- L Ai.u:ciiB.Nir ALLCbtlCll ALL THIS Vi:ClC Great Northern 'ae "Queen. of Sheba'' T umnuw w and Ar.r,mm:NT BETTY BLYTHE Tin: si ah or tiii: wrTL'iiu si .it or Tin: 1'ii'Ti (HERSELF) r i:vi:nv i-riirnitMANf" BROAD pep-MAT- today i iim.iij L)ii-r.ir4.ii r pihmihi The Irish Players iiiu thii Aebay Ti .tn Dull I i In The White-Headed Bey C r. 1 ivelt Ifn'iilHv ln' Mkimlay F ORREST THEATRC TU'tl K DAILY .' AV.D S f 5TH BIG WEEK MmM D.W. Griffith's Dramatic Epic -Wtl'HUNl lifllP Garrick Pep. Mat. Today k; "llit Teller t Ii ti t .ij 'Tiilk It ( lienii,' neier lilrixl n liirr " .i.vln nf holi heli iniili In WELCOME STRANGER With GEORGE SIDNEY Mr.iuoi'ei.iTXN nn i!. nut si; K5WJ FEBRUARY 14. -t 8:15 r"' r" .1 O II N MCORMACK Ticket Sl.00 8l.S0.4.lM).!!.r.O .N.nv at Uvrn lleii nnil ITevnunn'ii. IIIH riien)ut ), AI AI)I.M III' Ml Ml' SAT. AFT., FEB. 25, at 2:30. .ii I UT I il.1 M I .li I ill in . ... . j.-i ii w .ww. tun rinu RACHMANINOFF TM. !- llxl l" & Acid, llux Omc. Hi .(II n t J I cli-l Hlyllivvav I'Unn STANTON iH A rH I ORPHEUM ''nrT.ini'.affSl 1 ORPHEUM PLAYERS mfiMV I TU.M I?oAe c- .j.m Three Faces East" nTnnllAI IT AM .lur liilimr liin lC Vk.kd MtlRuruwimi fei.iii, i i 'Ti ,ii,35 Rffl MAE DESMOND m,uVl'Vl 'nrkiMn .i "mm nun uimhftia 'i,UKM",ieN,:i,,it,i5ViA,i:"-B,, v, i C. DAV1U I'liiis. Tener rf&t3i ' fl.i.U. m.lO. l1. HemwV tV'lliriM rfft!i'J DUMONTS V. A'w"r:yi:i. EMMETT WELCH MmSM gttlrt-r' iw iinrnii urtliB i ,h.Wiuut. Mac.'? A- ym fir i rt tv IIL l.l urn A fc.1 'f. te. i'C!i tMM M- "I i hi t ! -T f t r 4-'r. ti1 . 2.I-phM ' fry mii?mwfflsum i;a, T " ......'X: ;s, ,.,. ' ' 'js&6tt.v. .... &.,, ' 7TTTT5 " Tl . . l i - - - - 28 . ' .. . .. J &M&miS M&teM,,..&M&mimfa L.l, .,..S&K&'!iSii nnvTUKW