ES23 r,'if "nrtlBI JET v.v'i ".i ,"-' iiftir. tPTay-gTM.-.."...- .. ' r ', t - -- - "L -. :.- - --" wrtktt kVA'i tnritof&tintekt mmx?Wni&Imm "irPii jMUtJMTATi;' rdm AM. ! M8AL OTAT VO AtaT WWJT PmT,ADKI.PHIA wickt rmtvAPW'Wti. cm- ' MAI MVAVBi M"MWt-aMI.' cm ' - ' i i " ' . . . SIX 'PEERLESS" BARGAINS Peerless Jeiiririg Car rilTIt BERIB8 irwrhnuled and perfectly ..Am'ehnrl. This particular I' rar Is noticeably smooth and pewerxui. i" " Mmest new. The car is net heavy- or bif?. The wheel base is 125 inches. The price is reduced te ?1250. Peerless Sedan TOURTII SERIES The upholstery in this car is like new. The rcfinishing has been carefully done te makethe car brand new in appearance. This luxurious equipment is fitted with West- . ingheuse air springs and will render service that will please the most exacting. The price is only 14Q0, Peerless Touring Car , SIXTH SERIES Overhauled and. perfectly refinished. New slip covers. New cord tires. We have made this car te appear like new. The price is $1750. Peerless Sedan SIXTH SERIES An excellent bargain. Has covered little mileage and leeks as geed as new. In splendid mechanical condition. Upholstery is geed and equip ment includes slip covers. A real opportunity in a closed car. $2350. Peerless Coupe " SIXTH SERIES Thoroughly overhauled and will be refinished te suit pur chaser. Fitted with new seat covers making en equipment that will please in .both ap pearance and service. The price is '$1725, less than a new equipment. Yeu can buy this car for $200 Peerless Touring Car SIXTH SERIES This is an exceptionally goeii-lookincj car. It has been overhauled "and refinished a 'beautiful maroon. It is equipped with Weshingheuse shock absorbers. This par ticular car leeks like a new car. It is a decided bargain at $1850. Girard Automobile Ce. Peerless 2314 Chestnut Street Spruce 1446 PABCEL POST IBER1Y ARMY NAVY STORE 304 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA Prompt Shipments SPECIAL Jut Received Frem the Surplus Government Stock 1000 PAIRS U. S. ARMY HIP BOOTS $2.35 PARCEL POST. ISc EXTRA These beet. ar. baelutely brand eir and a I r guaranteed Meney back If net .atlifactery. Try a nalr. 8lsl i te 11 SHEEP SKIN MOCCASINS JUST THE THING Fer The.e Celd Winter Night. Per Pair 'ercd Pett. fc Extra an b. warn In beet. sue. S te II NEW LOT Exlra Fine Mercerized Secki M PER DOZEN P1 FAST COLORS WORTH J2.00 Liberty Army & Navy Stere Jw Market St., PhiU., P. 1 ' V I'tM VIM. t . Haa. w" ' iiditiuti vI-: vv,vv1 OLD PARLOR SUITS MDK FOrAt. .TO NEW . IIhi unstructad upholstered a n I I ellsVd. $15 D " en I'lr.t -class work guaranteed. Slip Corers Made te erdrr. We carry a lane "in material, at price., American LlDheli.eiv Ce. V'I "nd Lamest Hellar or It. Bind a. second St. TMi wiT Formerly Z0S Arch Stmt sKitt 'jHtrfri H Other Advertiiinj? of FRANKLIN USED CARS AT REASONABLE PRICES LATEST MODEL DEMONSTRATOR 13000 , . PRICES ON OUR FRANKLIN USED CARS RANGE FROM $800 TO $3000 . Honest Value FRANKLIN MOTOR GAR CO. 2314-22 MARKET ST. J. H. DIVER, Manager Used-Car Department. DEPENDABLE USED CARS The whole world testifies today that the Cadillac realizes te the full, the high criterion of absolute dependability. With substantial reductions in the price of new Cadillacs, we have available a fine selection of used Cadillacs, priced at low figures. Alse standard -FORDS. VIM.TRUCKS G. M. SCH0&R' tlill M4WVT T FAHCEL POST MIZPAH i.c Ol w. you a ftellnf of ml com fort and th. assurance of pre fact protection whll..xTeiilnjr or etaying niui ef any kind. All la.tic. P.rf.ct fit. Will net ehaf. Per fect pooch. Patented cpan. Inr In front May be beUi te eleante. TWO WEEKS TRIM. If net Mtbfaeterr return and meeay will b refunded. Hailed en recelpf of print, f 1. Stat wai.t nwunnnih rat waltiii r. wi eJB2M1 tOM Sarins Street (aa.v Ha.) PMteMeM , FtrU mUt mtSferUma G dtmui Prut Str Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found Advertising will be found en Page 24 r" ff I ,,,t,l m It LAiKST MODEL DEMONSTRATOR--$200Q a number makes. of used cars NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY , .1 42 North Bread Street Phene, Spruce 0210 GOOD Cars GOOD Selling OUR RECONDITIONED CARS OF MERIT. Conclusively Shew That There Is New a Place Where Used Cars Can Be Bought Safely and Reasonably An inspection of our stock will convince instantly of the advisability of purchasing new, asjit includes even a few new cars, for sale at used-car prices. Terms If Desired. SEND FOR LIST E 'lrkpatrick eyler and)rettyman 1834 MARKET STREET BMMIilMIillM . mmfflmwmmmwmmmmm MACKS li ALU SIZES, WITH BODIKSj nC I I DUILT AND OUARANTEGD 1,1 MACK INTERNATIONAL I I 2SOO Ohntnui nt 9 i 1 Ne. rnuvncK Demon.trater, SStt i.ductlen; ruaranteeJ equal te new, B.L.P. Moter Ce., 502 N.Bread Poplar 0243 All Classifications See h r." . iv i..'HytiA.V,.r. ?fVyW LAii2C' M X , of ether mwmmmmsmii Terms GOOD Service - OPEN EVENINGS Phen.t Sprue. i5 iiiwiniiniiiiHiiiwiiii,!! DUMP TRUCKS ..M.i DlNt) MACKS P-A-S AUTOCARS, ETC. ALL. HIZKH. AS LOW AH tSOO MACK INTERNATIONAL 2300 Mn:81N I 4 ' mmmmmmmmmmwmmmm FOR SALE 5 Underwood Typewriters Hpclal at .140: meduli never Ix-fore of fered ut thl. price, with 10 Uaya free trial .md s. year'. auarantr; thoroughly ream Mructeil. 1005 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT DS74 BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. . KA ... 2-KZW M te. ji. -a L1V VlcQatchy's New Hemes 5 Only 25 Minutes NFrem City Hall CrWWMMMMM4WM41UMUMMMMMMMM4MH ffOMTtt 99r mttr iini. diagram tell, you the story of the eonvenien -.. ccetaible location of the new McClatchy hornet new be'nB bxxi" en Kenmore read. Take Market Street blevated te ej-a, iron transfer on'Overbreok car te Lantdewne avenue (800 Nj?'")' then walk 2 block weat. Or Girard avenue car te 63d. Or Car 44 en Arch .treet and a free transfer te LaSsdewne avenue. Price, $5450 $1000 .Cash Fer interest, taxes and water rent you pay $32.35 a month. Add $12.50 a month for reducing your second mortgage and you begin owning your home. Yeu couldn't rent the samr house under $60 a month, yet for $44.85 a month you are owning your own home and paying off the mortgage. A big saving. These new hemes"rmve semi-detached perches with ! ! reefs, electric lights, built-in tub in tiled bathroom, het-water heat, electric outlets in all rooms, large, complete kitchen ALL-COPPER CUTTERS AND RA1NSPOUTING. Lets 104 feet deepi auto driveway and garage privilege in rears houses set back 43 feet from curb, giving you a long front lawn. Fur nished sample house open 8 A. M. te 9 P. M. Eaay te Get Te Ea9y te Buy NO EXPENSE TO YOU IN PLACING YOUH MORTGAGES JOHN H. McCLATCHY . BUILDER OF HOMES PENNBVI.VANIA WPDURnAN Suburban We have selected these few places from our larere and varied list et Hemes. Let us show you Stene-and-brlck residence with garage attached j sun parlor open ing Inte 1 1 v l.n k room ; -3 bedrooms nnd bath en the $8500 Overbroek second fleer. Mod ern conveniences and ntttngs. Geed value. Stene and stucco; detached; medium-sized home In geed sec tien; living room, dining room, n n n r V. kitchen. $17,000 . .H..... --. . Lynwyd laundrj1: 3 cham bers, bath and sleeping perch ; 2 rooms and bath en third fleer. Modern. Owner leaving city. Your Real Estate Problems Are Our Problems - - WM.H. WILSON (SL CO. 1617 WALNUT STREET . ' CITY BEAUTIFUL HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IS THOROUOHUY MODERN APAJIT- Turt nniahrd nnd never been eccupied: Impeslns cntrance: llvlnv room, Iwdroem tare kitchen and bath: all llsht. airy, eut.ld. room., half of the suites ha"lnir Dacleu. hrlclelumned perches; hard- weed noers. vapor nruniiK. "'","""';" het-water service, full electric equipment, with console nnd celllnir UshtlnK nxtures: numerous basn plus. In every roem: tele phone, connectiens: private serlte stairs te each kitchen: private leckers; re- loe. etc. Apply Apt. B, Steward Zuber. l828TBr'KPHONB DIAMOND llT? J, IXJCATIO:; 1821 1821 N. PAltKAVC. west pniinET.riiiA APARTMENTS ONE AND 2 KOOM3, WITH nATU P. J. LAWLER 89T1I AND MARKET PHONE LANS. 831 HOTJSEKEEPiyQ APABTMElTS NO. 257WS 16TH ST. (N. E. Cor 16th & Spruce Sts.) VlVteen-stery flreproet heus.kteplnf ..?!.( heni.i 3 apartm.nt. vacant. SS!WWmS. Apply te .uper- lnt"de-'t en premise.. NO. 1530 LOCUM bl. (S E. Cor. 16th & Locust Sts.) m ln.merv fireproof heustkepln apartment heuse: .everal desirable apart m.iUHl?. Apply te superintendent, en premise.. BEAL ESTATE EOB SALE CITY 330 NORTH 56TH ST. BIX ROOMb AND IVATH. $33 HO GOODMAN &JV1AYBAUM 005 COLONIAL THUhT HLPO Belldlne let.. Facter -i i !.t-. 500 Sq. Ft. Modern 2 u rj urner 40x110 tt . BUltaMj for machine shop, .factory. ; w. ae; ' neu.. maHIni nn'y IOW MIVD "i i" '-. A. B. CASPAR nnTir ST. and LANSDOWNK ATO nnslness Preperllew and Mere. . AN UNUSUAL OFFER 1524-26 NORTH 5TH ST. Let 36' wide x 190' Deep Extending threunh te Randelph at. This represents nn Idtal Bite for Oar lis faerlce btatlen. Aute repair, or palntlnff shop. This property has a. 8-story house, with h.-w. heat, Sectrle llnhts. etc.. , rentlnit at 4S: also il small properties n rear, rent in nt $38 per me , besides large S.atery brick bulldlnir and cement fleer. BUltable fei business purposes. This preperti ,IU be sold en very ??a"?t.rerTr.cle?"ern?uX,pra?l?cu.anr,. "P KERSHAW & CROWL C215 CHESTNUT ST. CHURCH PROPERTY ltlTH AND OHCKN 80,000 mt. ft . BUltttbl.i for manufactur-Ins- et any kind, earage. sirvlce station, mevlns plctu es. no nstrlct ens. JOSEPH FELDMAN srai Lincoln mi i.nivn KENSINGTON THRU TO REAR aisui w a. JOHN T. DOYLE 3. ft. en Ituth at. Kensington nnd Lehlsh aves. ements Set )ii2. r ... rJ. .!' 1 th.,V.., ... UM'nmrchym nemm m ESaSaaSiSl I Stores i . as Mmvf ll v 9 r gram II rB. ' fr II Rent T PfTNHYLVANIA SCIltJBnAN specials these or ethers. Stene-and-brlck resldence with 7 rooms and conservatory en the flrst fleer; 5 rooms and 2 $18,500 Germantown una s rooms en the 3d. Modern conveniences. Should be exam, ined. Detached; tile and stucco; with center hall, living room, dining room, pantry and 91 flflft Wtchen; 3 bed- mi,uuu roem3 and bath Haverrerd with shower; 2 bedrooms and bath en 3d fleer. Modern conveniences; double ealc floors throughout ; garage. Let us take you out. Fncterlea. WorehemifB. Manufacturing FIoeth Factories, Warehouses, Ground E. S. TOMLINSON. JR. LINCOLN BUILDINO FACTORIES & FLOOR SPACE J. LEE PATTON. 404 LINCOLN BUILDING WEST PHILADELPHIA EUGENE L. TOWNSEND REAL ESTATE AND MOUTGAQE Hl'.OKER Anneuncea the epenlnc of new efflrcs In the MORRIS BUILDING 1421 CHESTNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA The business .at the P. E. cer. 40th St. & Iialtlmore at. has been taken mer by Mr. Hermen Andersen iiffliiinnmiiiiiniraiifiiFiiiri'iiiiiiBMW A COMPLETE MODERN HOME .AT OVERHILL ROAD SOUTH OF CHESTNUT ST. (60TH ST. 8HCTION) TWO hlORY. SEMI-DETACHED INSPECTION 18 INVITED APPLY ON PRKMI.E' en TO ROBERT KILLOUGH fnannBtimtmiEmBminmiininnnnnaiiHinniiaiHai'irii tuutCHiiiniiimimwaaS - - v BEAUTIFUL HOMES Everjthlne new: ppy 1200. mec In Ini medlately. make easy terms, IS min utes from City Hill: 3 or bedrooms, electric, hr.lweel. Bas ranee whlta enamel kitchen table fn-. JS-ft frent: prlcoSelBO. also 1 nt Um. ener nl ways at simple house. C512 aexner st. Take Ne 12 or sub cars Noh, 11 or 3. te Woodland iv nnd 05th St., walk half squire south 1102 PINE hTHEET Seml-detoehed. txee'lentlv lecited. modern RESIDENCE in A-l condition 10 rooms. 2 baths, hot het water hmt. electric: sllslu alterations would make Three High-Class Apartments R HOOT1I. 1421 Chentnut St. Locust 437B Woerllind 3103 J. 69TH ST. SECTION i' T.iree-stery residence, with hetted eara.s. 4 bedrooms, hel-wlRr heat, hardwend floors, electric, lmmed nte possession Cash re- I quired only 11.100. Prlce SU700. J. II MM(. .lr.. nuth und fIlrket Bts . Terminal. Open hunday. Phere Lansdown i S8B WIDE MAIN STREET - Het-water heat, elec'-lc, parquetry fleer.. Inclesed eutcd peich, tlle r-nd eliower ba(h; IHS00. Jehn M. Enburg, 5207 Balte. Ave. 206 JEFFERSON ovnRiirteoK DISTRICT Larae. modern. 2 sty . !) rms. (4 r. and h.irt, en 2d t ); special fintures are Klze, construc tion, loc. nud r'Bht prlc te quick purchaser ADOIPH B. CASPAR L1': e.t: TWIN HOUSE Six rooms, bath, n'l medtrn cenveniences: let 21x100, price IMO0. ARROW REALTY CO., INC. nss elnp.v avi: MODKUM BRICK PORCH-FUUN I HOMI.'rt 4nu0 I.10DO. IIIOOU AND Ul': ALL CONVKNinNCKS. ELEC TKICITY HOT WATI1R HKAT. OLNEY REALTY CO. HinjvnisT WTO 1210 in. Small. l'vW. S.TO & .i)mi t . . j Lrr . mjc s Ferrest Bread, frlpal iinn POSSESSION MARCH 1 1 1 ' " a n m m v 0tv i m . A W afc Leases jlgfljgNgggnWMKllMMmBtn&m&M S. W. Cerner 15th & Locust New 6-Story Office Building Contains 10.7G0 sq. ft. 2,160 ft. en each fleer. Every modern convenience and 100 daylight. Excellent location for high-class offices. Reasonable rent. Alse 3 attractive stores en street fleer. JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 CHESTNUT BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE PENNSYLVANIA SUHCBnAN. InaBaaaxxBiii icawwwiiiaiBniiiiw LONGACRE . PARK 15 min. from Bread St. Station A Suburban Community of Beautiful Hemes Price Range $6500 te $19,000 Send for . Illustrated Booklet SMULLEN&BARRY 1206-11 Liberty Building Prlv Br. Ezc. Locust 7100 JENKINTOWN Stene Colonial Residence 103 SUMMIT AVE. Spacious .rounds with shrubbery; well hi ranged cheerful rooms, open fireplace. I baths and shewer: excellent condition, convenient te statien: 43 trains each .lay, with connections for New Yerk nnd Buffalo. J. STOCKBURGER 82rt Lnfaette Hide. nRnv AVOID SPRING RUSH! Get sp c ' n lat new SW0PE & SON 510-18 MAIN ST. nvr.nv. pa NEW JERKV SftirKRAN FAIRVIEW KiinrauiJiiii5;iami!!;ran.u;iO,ine:n:iiii!!;iLmD'intinjntii!iTi!0!ifin!iiB FAIRVIEW Seeral C-room brlek houses, nil corners; located In the heart of Falrlew. e ectrle 1 dits station ary washtubs, excellent heatlne syntemi ur1 troed-slzed jnrd.i; these beaut ful homes can new be bejsht en terms of f300 te I40O rteun and 133 a month, and leave a geed-sized balance en principal. Let us explain this plan te reu In detail. Office open Sunday. Fairview Development Company omens- lase colline read FAIRMEW. CAMDEN N.J. ON ALL UUt. nnd '1HOLLEY LINES kj Pillln!lii!IBI!!ii!llll!llIII!l!!'IP!in!I'1iii1l!!!!l! NMV JERSEY FRMS Fer Sale Mum .raiiiiimifflKa This attractive 84 - aero Estate. Medem conveniences. Near beautiful lake. ONLY $16,000 Fer this farm completely ulu. ne.1 horses, Cletrae tra ter, all Imple ments S acrej fruit, terras. LAHGi: OPSN riltEPLACES The old-faBhlentd. homey kind, with plenty of weed te burn, hei-wmer heat, crystal iprlng watei piped through the heujc, bathroom and toilet fn'Mlltlts, Ideal for children, suitable for all kinds of farming. Public school bu conveys children te and fim larir modern wnoel one half mlle una), at township's ex pense. I.M us preperts show you thl. attractUe Write, Call or Pheno The Braislin Farm EDWARD G. BRAISLIN Camden Courier Office, 3d & Federal SK, Camden, N. J. or Kancecas Read, Burlington, N. J. PHONU 23 It-2 jitiaimuiiii BEAL ESTATE WANTED Ficturles. Wareheuiiea, MunnlHrlui leg Floers TO BUY FACTORY 1 1 or 2 story liim.niNe, with snne TO I '0 000 HQUARH KKUT OF FLOOR SPACE AND GROUND FOR LWTUNSION Preferably With Siding I SEND PARTICULARS TO U 323 LED, OFF. Type in Following Clume . iKm ffl&m M i'-rw 'Ajift xwcucj. v. Theatre Bleck Walnut and Sanson. Business Location .i T T i wnprp inp ramr. is - '.'i II..V.W m w-- w rr ASTBAUM BROS. 'j and FLEISHER EVERY tme knows that the leading cigar chain store organizations pick their locations. The fact that both Schulte and United Cigar Stores Ce. each, have a corner of this property proves the location is desirable. Other merchants should capitalize this experience. 1424 Seuth Penn Square BOLE RENTINO AGENTS Factories. Warehouses. Manufacttirlnr Fleer. BENT FLOOR 1214 ARCH STREET 6000 square feet: will dlvld. Reasonable rent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1BTH ft CHESTNUT STS. FRANKLIN BANK BLDG. 1417 SANSOM ST. Entire Fleer 2600 Sq. Ft IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 20,000 SQ. FT.. NEAR 2D & POP1.AR NEW CONST.. FRT ELEV.. 2 ST. FRONTS ARTHUR B. FRASER. 21 S. 12th OFFICES. BCSINEHH ROOMS. ETC. 1210-1212 ARCH STREET REDUCED RENTALS DESHlABLn MODEBN BUILDINO 11230 12230 iiw.e !430O A300 9600 OFFICE? BUSINPSH ? LESROOM3 CRES5E. 1828 CHESTNUT ST. VICTORY BUILDING . 1001-13 Chestnut Street Made New Frem Cellar te Reef Eereral Deslrible Offices for Rent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1BTH PHETNi'TT STS SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street JUST A REAL OOOD OFFICE BUILDING BERNHEIMER & SUNDHEIM 2se s. nneAt STORES. OFHCES & R00RS Central Location Lew Rentals JOHN G. WILLIAMS ,. C WESLEY teqs WIDENEK. MD WEST PniiaDELPniA 69TH ST. SECTION ', Rent, brand new, with carac. lnolesU heated perch, llvlnx. dlnlnr. br.akfaat rm... Kitchen nnd perch. 4 bedroom., til. bath. 'arlsUe.ase' ,8 P9r month. J. H. Mack., Jr.. oath and Market at. Pben. Lan. Lan. dewne 128B. Open Sunday. MOBTaAOEB fORTGAGK Large funds for investment in 1st and 2d mortgages. Central properties preferred. JOHN H. SINBERG 12.18 Chestnut . JWNEY ON HAND FOR FIRST SECOND THIRD ALSO nLDO. AND IX1AN MORTOAaES CAMERON & BARR3 5, HRST MORTGAGE MONEYS In amounts arylnir from CHAS. W. MILLER S1B0O te $800. 1. 01-07 Common wealth Hide. fcCfl Heai tsiatb security. Heai ettl immediate pjJ settlement Interest en estate. TO bought. Cash nt once. $2000 EDW.M.M0LL 183 H. 12th (t. 1 BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE ' riTV ' L120 N. JUDhON' Very ntlrai'. home, poreli, (Jr. & bath, laundry; poss , 13 no. in eie. rend It. a Prick, ludsen Ik Indiana ave. 'ONLY IW100. 2205 N, 17th, nlee , pap'd 4 1017 Columbia, painr. moil, plumb, (llnnn, 2018 N. HAILUV r . bulh. real barKaln Prick. Jud.en perch, & Indl rch, nc: a ana ave. 2027 PARK 12 rms. (2 baths), elan, lights: 20x100. noed erdr. Ilenn. 1B17 Columbia, TANEY N . 7U2 i2(,th t lirewr.) 0 r, och. L. M. Sanders lain Uind T II Uv 3i(i, ,HU N illiril leu'll buy this med hera uer pricinK euiers in row, uia. OBB0, ,3'I8 X isril 4 baUims , IIL'UO. Uetwal. t gen, -.'jji is nun rnnne i elumDIa iKii :'l3 N. CAMAC HT. HT. tlen. 15 H. 1IIDHI. 12 roems: best cendl- laim euumbia av. HJH HALIJ. 3 slnn. Apply Dank si, 2J10 Mt. Immediate Desses Vernen st. lb40 1'ARK Hi rms.. tear percht eleotrte llchts line Inc. Olenn, 1317 Celli m bl , 1T1K N 1BTH 21 rms, a baths: steam ht.I aoel location. UI.BNN, 1II1T Columbia av. UAIU1AIN. 1521 Nnrrls; hwat: fine loe. Ulenn, flOB. m DMUJB I1,-1V. 1517 Columbia ay.. F. 1 XT tlftl Una -m. ........ k.. .lu & I II. II, Wilsen ft Ce., 2122 Uennuitewn Y'. KM i. l 8Mi.lJPffi,T 'Mi w J KW,F iW,iilWlU"tf. L--T-V 5 US1 "T. i' . -v ' V .f if T 1 jf -JL 5 If 'KIT .. ft ( mm "tit A'fiV ArW i 1 1 fjti :WJfzu?r&i i.TllL-.-.T itJIN" aVa.4tC is,