vrl . ". W Parkway Fafy Site Jk4 from Paw On ' thn runosltlen. Aenln n fine. per- nint building, with no wrecking and .inff ilnwn nt thi close of the fnlr. E'Anethcr great ndvnntejc Ik that thin tii. Mtilil lm tn.llv fenepd en both Rides Kf (he HchuylKiil mvrr. Heme land na I. I.u. VAUniAlinr TYafrt Al1f1 hi! Ait Ired for urejn connection' with the RhMitlnn. ntid fills would be a per- Eawnent addition te the 1'arK. It would Letlon of ether niter would mean the fate of private property, which would ;...., i. tn the nrivate ewnerH at the clone F T .. .1 ! it i aw1 lm An itrtti1f 1? ...... ... ...... (it- uMiiHnlnffA tlpe llttlC r 1IU Jiuiliiaiitin ttmniiHun ir. I'.rnnumy in cnscuimi Uf "I am told that etie of the proposed dies cnlN for the expenditure et about J111115 uiiu ifiims "" , en private te the pri- . tite ewnerH. . , "It Is net rey purpose te crltlctea .'.11... ninnu. hut it Is net ninKs te HBV Htt tile !?lti,0n0.000 whleh would liwherc he used In work that would dbe temporary could be upcnt en this pirkuiiv-riilrineunt Perk site in audi H -,nn'nr Hint the Doenlo would reap ildvntaKe for alt time te come. y "Heme 01 i in: eiip" "l '"- "au ul ii.tpmnnnt Park ax the Kite for the ex- position rbv that it would be necessary 'te cut down trees. Hut when jeu upend ;Till.lHBF.IJUU 111 !! iwii-Miivuwii vt. uit WI--.- --.... I.ll.. .. PMM"P""flaiihMBMMBllBiMHihiti " 'n "Tli& W.'mt W C tP-ffi smummafirm wMHrW"- ftVW' v KlBaffZlafTy ",A'f",-fli ' dlts call' for lUC uxiiriwiiur 110,000,000 In, piling and f 'Jthl money would be anpnt ,'prepcrty and would go back 1 apoMtlen you arc certainly prepaied i nnil something In restoration or repair of any damage done. 'It weu'ii net rout mere than $20. nnrt e.-in.nnn or 310.000 te rcnlace all if the trees that mljlit be destroyed." , Would iieip nicrcuams Mr Crawford fald that the central rite would net only bilns pcrmniicn: Improvements and new hotel", butweiild lirin the merenaniH it 1-miuiinpinn, 11,11 . .1.I...M ...1,1 .tin Avnnb Mn.i cr. e innnv Yiuur?s nu iw iai'ueiihiu e. tlwe te the heart of the clfy, would find Halph 15. White, an architect, while faverlns the l'arkway-Falrmeiint Park rite, Mid thnt It would be n mlsfikc te erect line buildings, intended te be per manent, en the banks of the Schuylkill River. u ih foolish." he Mid. "te talk of ilelng In Philadelphia with the Schuvl Jlll what Purls did with the Seine. We ein't mnke a Seine of the Hrhuylklll Wew the dnm. It would nlfce be wrong te'liave visitors go te 11 low, het tiluce when ether and better Bites are right at land." Mr. white men cxniaincu tnc ncivan taics offered through the use of the Illiher portion of Fnlrmeunt I'nrk, toward Glrnrd- avenue. rA-lllflHBWRM'H' lntM-inirin.n-r, n ,t,.i ., , ' t a.-nf tj--n-TT"rrr V rif 'tui ii'iiAiiiiin7TBniii .-limn iiMWmrf Chnrlcs Oiirland. Bosten millionaire, who Rained prominenre by his frank practice of "free love" doctrines, passed tlireusli Philadelphia with his wife today. Mrs. Garland is hiding her fae te avoid ' recognition lt Prominent Persons Present At the tnble with the nyer wcie Jehn II. Masen, Alba B. Jehnsen, ,t. 8. Vi Holten, Jehn Frederick Lewis, Jehn Oribbel and Richard Wegleln, Council president, .all of whom are membcts of the Fair Executive Cem-mlttce. At the right of the Mayer h table naf incinbcra of Council, Including Councilman Hall and Councilman Unft ney, who, for the time being, burl 2(1 thti rpelltlcal . differences with the Mayer te consider the exposition plan Which towers above municipal polities. Mrs. Hudelph Blankenburjr, widow of the former Muyer. was present, h was Themas 8. Heblns, cliairnmn of the State Scqul-Ccnlcnnlnl Committee, aad His. Iteblus. Kern Dedee. an mlvecntn nf thn Pennypack Park site, announced that lite Ne. 1 and site Ne. 1 have been withdrawn. He said he and 'Council- ?m Hern will speak tomorrow at li:30 . M. en bite Ne. .1. which iiiliriwM er Itoescvelt boulevard and part of tht Pennypack Park nite. Alfred It. 1 1 11 1 L- (-Hill Iir. U-IIU unnnlr Thursday en the Iloxbero nltc and Coun- nirann inutney announced he will nd- ecaie tnc L,eugue island bite en Friday Itcnrc-.cnliitlvpM nf tlu. li.n,.u,i, ..,! Bailread, the Philadelphia nnd Heading jad the Ualtiniere and Ohie and the .. if. i. Company were prepared te laviec en traffic problems linked with sue unner consideration. A u".c!' ,et c0'01' waM Jg'vcn by the Id-brailipl) nnlfnrme nt Tn A.l..i u ten. cnmmnndaiit of the Navy Yard, nil of ( enmiundcr Simpseh, his aide. Karland Is Here, and With His Wife 'Uniifil from Vage One urned aftir a stroll te Bread Street i.1'i "Ilc,.'e thfy l,ml 'unchcen. Ne me paid much attention te them, though 1 1 a hit unusual te see a man garbed i .,9"ln,,!i:i?!' ?M "'0 Bread Street , ' I ''","'" U01"- niiu they ate Wy chatted urn cnhlv. I'l.el- i.Ti." .. tiMi?,1'' "' nndthey did net waste --.. ...4IU un:r It. ,7hJ, .ft HSr?ttl1 Strcct Ktlen for nn bcr stroll, however. tl.en. was u ram M c&cert un f no ti.v i,n... '"i "' t round that the notorious ulveeat" fewn with his ri'inilnr. .f .i hey walked the crowd grew behind etelCLr?!!Lr '": ."!. ?0Wd outside fmdmeifnd I'S' "".."'S t a natrelinan hew te reach thn Itemi. I -- I'HujiuMtja eiiu pur- OArTnnrl lP i.t ..t. ... fc "wfftaTSn'tSn'll "eiilPSS CXnciHMnn nf cn... ..,. iim . went it is s ,r "., v. v: eealnst his having paid a v iL it t I 'iniiA.I j. m . Psrt . T v'ii "I i(-' PORTUGAL GETS ITS EIGHTH GOVERNMENT IN ONE YEAR Ex:Premler Sflva Again Takes the Reins and Picks Cabinet Lisben, Feb. 7. Portugal's eighth Government Mince February 24, 1021, nnsuined authority jesterdny. It was led by Antonie Marie Sllva, who headed a Ministry for a brief period in 1020 anu was minister ei i inance in the Ma Ma chade Government, which reslnpil M 21 last. Barbosa de Magalhaes. who was diimsicr or justice fn 1014 and 1015, was given the portfolio of Foreign Sllnister. t Liens Hear Expert Talk Rldridgc W. Stein, handwriting ex pert, Kekc nt file Liens' Club luncheon today nt the Adelphia Hetel. He aid that experts could trace typewritten matter te the yritcr as well ns that done wih a pen. Kvery typewriter, he caid. has Fome individual point in printing its letters. Erwln Cummins Named Judge Ilarrisbmg, Pa., Feb. 7. (By A. I .) dowrner Spnml today nnnnunced the appointment of Erwln Cummins te be Judge of Washington County te fill the existing vaennev nn llin lmiw.li (1,.,... Cummins is District Attorney. Elkton Marriage Licenses Elkton. Feb. 7. Thn fnllnwlnr mnr. ringe licenses were granted here today : Nell Burns nnd Mnlipl Itrmvn Wnlnr 8. Ilnniiu nnd ildi K, Junier. Peter Patcrne und Francen Mnnc'i'er und Jehn Qulglcy and Mary Inesmcr, nil of Phila delphia ; Ralph Celelln nnd Erna Shep herd, Fernwoed.'u. ; .Tames W. Ander Ander eon nnd Emily It. Miles. Chester: Henry Jeffers and Marlen Helme's. Quaker town; Gcnnure I.csctene nnd JJIvn Zam helln, Norristown. nnd Charles W. Kane, Summit Bridge,, and Elsie M. Lewis, (jiuymem, uui. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICEN8E3 Adelph ailllird, 1137 N Mnrslnn t.. and Adolphlne A. Scliule. 1111 N. SP.tmten. Franclii J. fillr.sen KlOl X. Uutfhlniieir nt.. (.nil Constuice A. Orelwwnlil, 3310 Luncus- ter ae. Hfrnmu Wnre. '.'200 nilswerlh nt., anfl I)enle Ware. 1.107 New nrstna ave. Jepeph Teclo. Us Visa t,, and Mildred Hmullm.1.. 021 N lth hi. Frink II. Carniene. 1WS S. 15th at., and Emma Mnrkiey. ir,14 JteKean at. Jewpli Whitney, ratctxen. .V, j and Marien i,. .eiiner. lL'l'.i H. 40th at. Hereld G. Barnett. Camp Dlx. M. J..' and l.llllnn .Sellcrn. 1110 N. 12th t. r.iibrt C. Woodwerth. Shleaen Fall Mlns.. and Kdni M K. Lance. 4012 Sal Sal eon nt. Rey P. Ileyd. 202i Kllawbrth at., and Sarah D. McCu. 1541 Ouenther at. . Hi nry Jehnsen, 2110 rerteral at., nnd Lucy Andemen. 211H Keriar-tl at. " Oudel Warier 142(1 H. Heee at., nnd Slova 15 te 20 Dead in Fire ih Richmond Hetel Continued from Pere One escape. Mes of the women nppeniet' at the windows and seeral of the gueti- jumped. I de net knew hew many were Injured, but I think there were a great many." Ii. B. Pcttus, the proprietor of the hotel, was overcome by smoke and was taken te his home. Stllmnn. 1420 H. lteeaa 'at. Samuel Hill, Media, Va., and Rials B. areen. M'dl.t. P.i. Oferee Wall" ftnn Hrewn at., nnd Tlllle Hnmeaky. 330 Hrrmn at. Harry Pnnllnc, 1312 W. intli at., and Mar- enret Walker. 000 H. lKth at. r CharlM K. Savi. 30 nudlcy at., nnd Vanlta William Matteraen. 301S Iltheew at., nnd Mary fiitler, SOlll I.clthcew at. Jehn McLarklln. isiu fermvald at,, and Man Frem Yonkers Missing Envly this menilng an automobile drove up te the hotel containing u man who mid he wns from Yenkcra, N. Y. The maciiine wan ettll stnnding in front of the hotel enrlv today, nnd it Is be lieved flint he le"-f his life in the fire. A man giving the name of Paul Brl Brl penl, who Kald he was from New Yerk, jumtcd into n. lin; net from the third fleer. Ills back. was splotched in manv places with solder' from the reef whlcL had dripped down, scnldlns and bum lug him. He Mid that he had left his cousin. Jee Martin, en the third fleer, and did net knew what had become of Urn. The plant of the Penii Laundry, which is located en the Twelfth street side of the hotel, wan praetiea'lv de stroyed. The offices of Branch Cabei & Ce.. located en tke west Mde of thn hotel, were damaged by smoke, water and fire. Bodies May Be in Ruins The firemen have net penetrated the section of the hotel ruina under which they believed most of the bediei would be discovered If these who are listed as missing failed te escape from the burn ins building. The wnlls of the SavlngH Bank of Itlclimend and of nn ndjnlnins building rccupicd by a brokerage firm eellnpeed" during the morning, nddlnj te the dlf- ncuiiy or tne workers. The wires and vnult.4 of the bank nnd the broker of- pficts are believed te be Intact, though nicy p.re uuricii unuer me uenriR. The Arc swept toward the Carev street section, and It was only by con cen centrntlug nil the available fncllltlen befere it that the flame were presented from making their way te the whelcfcal.i district. Se rapidly did the flames spread through ths renr of the hotel that ail nvenuets of escape of the guests lu that part of the hotel were cut off. The clothing of (.everal of these who jumped was en fire. ppT3 f.-n'"v -' ''ijy 'H ? TKKflY ' ' Three Biff Leta of Women's Pine Undermuslins , Tmkn Right Oat cf Rigutar Stock mnJ DrmtHcalfa RtJuetJ for Quick Ctomrmnce Dainty Lace-Trimmed. Gowns 98c "nd $1.50 E"h' Slightly mussed models, exquisitely firie and lacy, re quiring only a tub bing te restore them te their orig inal freshness and beauty. Various styles some charmingly simple in treatment, ethers elaborately lace and ribbon trimmed. One pictured. Fine Satine Bleemers QQ Well-made bloomers, trimmed vOv with pointed ruffles edged with lace. Philippine Gowns of Fine Nainsoek, Each Beautifully hand made and hnnd em broidered. Choice of several exquisite do de signs. SNELLENBURCS Second Fleer VV.-f77JA4g' - T ' I ) V? B wvJ - V'V'V' a a ,''11fr. STundar Vlrury 7, 192J, 8r Opcati at 0 A. M. Cleact at OlSO P. it, M " NELLENBURGN ENTIRE BLOCK-MaBKETMnl2T STREETS LL M imxfjrtm'fih A Great Sale of Men's Athletic Union Suits $2.45 and a: Iir. u, uenrni . of 'iTOe m,.ii, u.i iftBl Rfrnnf .! . . ... "J,L" irT cm ; ;. gi 7V ?. ,,.0"', 'v'-' nri , . uuj iviicji iem uar and xiiu in i,iim,, . .iir,i ,.- I L n r,,,ln0 "P llcre t me nif." Inlhnni-flar'nd hat alene during her fcni Ls nbeence. She refund te lm i rV.nn-'S' I1! emphatically hrlahd.'" iwn; vm .me. rSf'W affair first burst en the WW as a triangle, but Peen developed ermn K. uarnnR,10 ,wl,Pn :NIli", ". S i1 Mnnl et Onrlund' mother ft mi1bl,clr ,KT rJ for the umateur farmer was mere thau sis- Miss Bensen ftSFrW'-'ture liarn ...." ",,I,.'.N "lI,e l'ntph Ullil he ni.i ZV i UJ. ",or Problems" with i of, lle "foul mufe," reuld wl0sS Sr,? ll0ver, Miid lie 2l.nSMV nipa,r J,f 5fflcl,, CJ8 " ",l! the mu- Ventiens l0 ,he ful1 llmlt enreling Oabrlel 131 Wraer at. Dnnm N. Vlcura. lS.lil Lenjibnrd at., Rebert J Hrames En-t Willow Qrevc. Ta.. anrt I.'l!lnn HanJ, B022 Wnlnuf it. Marcl A. Inunclewkl. 430 .S 4lh at,, and Muv 13, ciiiix. .n, i; i.ir. Mtii and Walnut. Ravmend Jllcharla, 210T Ilrld,, at,, and Marie M Coatrlle, S072 Welkel si. Ravmer.-i J. I'latt. T.'Sl Marline at., and Hflen S. Drlnl.wnter. 1R7II Melle Bt. Aileir Strenlak, llien .V. lth at , nnd l'rcda Hiliudnr. lOUfl N -llh at. Julian replel, 4705 Tncenv at,, and Peter- enela Krawezalc, 47? Mllner at. William Mcllenrj. 2rtll) N. 24lh at,, and Maiy K CnmpUll, 2(133 N 24th Bt. Cheiter Katll Catnn Dlx. S. J . and CJa- br'olle Ward, 1230 SpilnB Oirden at. 0ldln d! Maitlne. I.vje H. ISih at., and t.lettu Nlnn . 1017 S. lllrki hi! Sldrrv O. Miller New Hrunalck, f. J.. and Haiel R, Miller. Akrnn. Ohie. Joaeph Jablnnaltl. 132 N. 23d at.. and and ter Regent (By A. P. i Cheese Cheater LerH Albany, N. v.. Voh 7 nor nVenS-,V,''d' of Uroekljn, chun. iw Ynrl'10 . '"JvcrtUty of the Statu if d.uI'0?isV' n1. til.. imity-H can- IteYei.ia i l t" T"": l"e Beard Lelin. . ' V.. " ""'" euwh of the Wlslature will mwt jelut setslen Fall Kills Carpenter Sri''Pri'ay. I" the (lernmn. tanirV T, la, ' ."? u" w" fractured Kntnrlna Jaio. Ill Pemberten at. Renald n. X)r'er. in fi. 40th St., Gwendeline H'phardaen. IS -V fi'JH ul Alex Rlmkiia, 231 N 10th at., and Danlzela Mithbnll.. MOT Melen at. "im Ilemv -llenil. NewHeld. N. J., and Iela Schcfl. Newflald. X J. """ Jullun Ileai. 721 H. Wnrnnrk at,, and Her- edetta I'lzze. 721 S. Wurneck at. Thniniisl8ppra. 271 N uth at., and lMnu M Knight. 2(110 (Jlmrd iim u ' Ornegn JenH. 2.1411 Morten at., and Clara V. VeunjKln. 2543 Morien at Ooerao If. Allen. 238 Diamond at,, nnd Caiollne Macklnteah. 1704 N idtli at, Hemer ( Kerhtel, niO Waltrn ne.. and Arum Kuc ne'lu. 15 N. IlliH at. Cenrce T, Hanenln, nil Wulluce St., nnd Mary A, Cele. 2312 N. 7th at. Reiter Yedar, 12.12 Clrejleck at., nnd Katll- ryn Jonas. IIOilO KlngneHHlin; ave. Ihemaa J. Klelda, 2341 i; .Mlwrt at,, and Ida A. aianacin, 2311 r Albert. Cleerue. 3. Welrer. 1414 N 27th at., nnd Martha P Denoan, 1011 W. rhompaen at. i it'ii ji, i.itini'i, t aiiiuii, kj , nuj .ti.iiy u. OeMpr, 2MM5 Snlmen at. Alfred I. M Ilalili. 5.131 Leruat it., nnd liuia A Hill, ,11.11 I.ecunt st. Jehn J TurnecK, 210,1 II. I.lpnlnentt at., and rnu.ili II. Ilalley, 2.'l.'h II Nnrrla at. Jeseph Hlma IIOHO Oikferd at., und Uella lliiiklnr, Jil-JM wilder at, , i:. Nocellii, mm ri Dili ft , and Amelia le. colelln (leu S lllh at. Fred Wilsen, 235 H (juli.e bI.. and Mai- muet I'lnkney 1013 r) 13ih at MIKi Ili'iiMUl 1715 IMuutnii at , and Yuslni IVenke, 1715 Dnuntin nt Heniv T. O'lld. Atlaiuv Cltj, uml Mny V. llernian, 213U Klklljs ;u. Jereph FIeuh. 152S Mumni'T at., nnd I'd- ninillft llliillac. 2700 13 Onlirle at. Jehn Ul l''nrillniiiid), Ardnieiu, l'a.. und Itua.i tlitlhiid, 521 Weed at. , ll'IIIK.ni A s..lilltlnfT. 'lO'tn M l,...Ar. .. und Aucurtu A, Mnn., 4023 .V. Marahaii t. Earner) Cehen, llioekljn, N. Y, and l.llla Kliih, 3175 Tltal at Crlln An'hnniieln, 21180 Tliainpwn at , and Mary Zeinhvak . 2H0S IMcurinnt at. Thnim-a A, IIbb.iii. lillil N I'llelliern h(,, and Mary A llaiunin, 20.1S j;, Onuule at Matthew hVlilie. 71lf N' I.'' I t., nnil Deunhy rei anu t i,i , h.ii ai LLOYD GEORGE CONFERS WITH ARTHUR GRIFFITH Critical Situation Prevents Him Frem Hearing King's Speech Londen, Feb. 7. (By A. P.) The critical stage which the IrNIi negetia tiens have readied prevented I'rlme Minister Lloyd Geerge und Aus-ten Chamberlain, Government leader in the Ileiifc of Commens, from attending the opening of Parliament today. It is un usual for the Prime Minister net te be in aMendnncc while the King's speech H being lead. Lloyd Geerge attended (lie afternoon se.len, hewjjvcr, and nd dletell ihe Commens. , Arthur GrlQlth, president of tlie Duil Kirennn. wns in conference with the Prime Minister nnd Mr. Chamberlain nt the Prime Minister's residence while the myal precession was passing through Whitehall. Blllle Burke's Mether Dead Hastings, N. Y Feb. 7. (By A. P.) Mrs. Blanche Burke died today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Flor ence Zlegtleld (Blllle Burke.) She was bem In New Orleans nnd had made her uuinu iicre lur me msc Illtcen JClirS. mnuiKi You'll taste the difference! MU lb A Particularly Fine but Limited Let of Women's Smart 8-Butten Length Imported French Kid Gloves Formerly Sold at $4.25 New $2.19 Pair Made of fine quality kldskin, evcrseam sewn, the backs embroidered in various styles. Complete size range in white with self color embroidery white with black and navy. Broken size range in black with self black with white tan gray and cham pagne. Only 226 Pairs of Clevoa te Sll at Thit Lew Price Early Solmetien fa Strongly AdvhabU bNELLENBURdS First Fleer Women's $5.50 Heavy Quality Silk Petticoats Beth Regular and Extra Sizes at $3 ea. Beautiful, well-made petticoats, finished with shirred, ruffled and pleated flounces. A splendid va riety of colors plain and changeable effects te se lect from. One pictured. Women's 53.95 and S4.50 Silk Petticoats and QO QJ? Pantalettes $ VD All of excellent quality silk the petti coats of messaline, the pantalettes of satin. Attractively made and carefully finished. Women's All-Jersey Petticoats and d- Apr Pantalettes at if)JLUO Serviceable models, prettily styled the I petticoats with pleated and embroidered flounces, . the pantalettes finished with shirred cuffs. In black and the fashienable new shades. bNELLENBURflS Second Fleer An Exceptional Value in $1.30 Non-Evape rating Ink Stands Favorite athletic styles, knee length nnd sleeveless. Carefully made of geed, Bcrviccaeie woven materials, iuii cut, strongly sewn ana well rc-cnrerccd. We itcurtd the mjll'i entire $teek of thtte Union Suit eenttquantly w are the only store in Philadelphia or elsewhere that can offer these inducements. $1.50 Athletic Union Suits at 70 Of striped madras, plaid or striped lawn, woven colored striped madras ' V and pongee with color stripe's. i $2.00 te $3.00 Athletic Union Suits at QKP Siik-and-cotten mixtures, mercerized me3h and mercerized figured effects. &'' bNCLLENBURcS First Fleer Women's $1.35 Silk Stockings On Sale Tomorrow at 84C Pair Twelve-strand pure thread silk stock ings with mercerized garter tops. Black, cordovan and gray. Women's $5.00 Lace Silk Stockings, Pair. . With lace ankles, in several patterns. Alse some fancy Italian Silk Stockings in the let. In black, white and Russian calf. SnlTlcnbUrcS First Fleer $2.95 Brand New $55 Snellenburg Special Full Cabinet Sewing Machines it" n 14- - rn i uu r? $3.95 5 Special Tomorrow at $49.00 Built by the New Heme Sewing Ma chine Company and especially designed te meet the needs of these requiring a high-grade machine at a moderate cost. Sold en the Club Plan $3 when ordering and $1.25 weekly Liberal allowance for your old machine when taken in exchange. Wonderful Little Hand Sewing Machines Guaranteed te De All Kinds of Sewing A Splendid Special Value at FOURTH FLOOR Carpet and Rug Department $24.50 9x12 Reversible and All-Fiber Rugs at . .tM A OK In dainty patterns and P A.esadt9 colors. $65.00 9x12 Best Quality Heavy Axminster Rugs... CM O pTA A limited auantitv of V W closely woven high-pile rugs in pretty patterns. $19.75 7.6x9 Re versible Rugs. This Sale of, Men's $2.50 te $3.50 Shirts Affords Oppertunltu te Select Geed' Leeking, Splendidly Serviceable Shirts at an Extraordinary Price-Saving imr $1.65 a A sale comprised of broken lines of stock from a p r p m i n e n t & reduction lets of our own regular merchandise. Materials Include If'ercn Madras, Silk Striped Madras and While Madras Every shirt absolutely perfect in every detail of making and finish. In exceptionally attractive patterns and colors. Sizes 14 te llVj. bNr.LiXNB'JRGS First Fleer IP $10.75 Best quality wool and twisted fiber: neat. well covered patterns. $110.00 9x10.6 lm- R7Q KA ported Wilten Rugs w Made of the finest all-worsted yarns, pretty patterns, guaranteed colors. $45.00 9x12 Seamless Best 10 Wire Brussels Rugs (ROK HK In neat, well covered P&JelJ designs. Well-known make. $67.50 9x12 Best Quality Wiltana Rugs &A 9 A A Closely woven rugs of V vf well-known make. Made of all fine worsted yarn. Pretty patterns and colors. $1.25 4-Yd.-Wide Best rjn Cerk Linoleum, Sq. Yd. In a large assortment of pretty pat terns and colors. Big Special Sale of Men's & Beys' $3 Seft llats at $1.65 Each Manufacturer's clearance of high grade h n t s sample and dis play numbers d slight seconds. Tomorrow's price is about half their real worth. The let includes plenty of brown .models in all sizes. SUeIlcnBURGS First Fleer $22 Each Made of the very best materials and fully equipped te de the same kinds of work as a larger machine. A popular model for these who have limited space te devote te their sewing, and very convenient for these who travel. SneLLE,NUJRG3 Fourth Fleer J $2.25 2-Yd.-Wide Heavy Inlaid Linoleum, Sq. Yd U1 OJT In pretty, hardwood, tile DL&0 and parquet effects. 95c 2-Yd.-Wide "Pabeelin" Fleer 65c geed as Cevering, Sq. Yd Famous for its durability, guaranteed te wear equally as nneieum. CARPET SPECIALS $3.25 Velvet Carpet, Q- 7fT Yard P-L. i U 27 inches wide, suitable for rooms, halls and Stairs, pretty patterns. $2.50 Standard Quality Tapestry Brussels Carpet, Yard " OP In neat, well-covered ffJA.efJfJ patterns. NELLENBUReS Fourth Fleer Sale of Beys' Sturdy 75c, $1 and $1.25 Blouses at 59c Ea. Well-made blouses of geed-grade percale in attractive striped patterns, blue cham bray and squirrel cloth. Made with cellars attached and soft cuffs. Sizes G te 1G years. Just the kind of splendid, serviceable blouses that boys' need by the half dozen for school and general wear. Better take ad vantage of the very low pries and lay in a geed supply! bNELLENSUKUS First Fleer Fer Red and Black Ink special at 50c Size Derin's Compact Rouge, special at Bourjois Java Rice Powder, Special Coty's L'Origan Face Powder in small metal box with puff, Special. special at I t)..XMl.. XT- t . Goed-lookin dans tanrl with M-htl """.J"" an descant race OTwArlSl V -...Jr .'.. Set " " - February Sale of Toilet Articles & Drugs We Reserve the Right te Limit Quantity Sold te Any One Customer Mail and Phene Orders Filled Unless Otherwise Specified Creme Angelus, The Lemen Cleansing Cream for Theatrical A ff( I Profession It Alse Whitens the Skin, Special at te SOc-Slzc Derin's La Derinc Compact Face Powder, all shades, special Off at ZOC Linens At Substantial Savings $7.50 te $18.00 Pure Irish Linen Pattern Table Cleths Seme With Napkins te Match $4.50 te $12.00 Each An nHi! inf tlif ...., j! ., II from our regular stock. Various sizes and qualities rich, lovely patterns. 19c Rigaud's Un Air Enbnume large size Cem pact iace i-ewaer, with Puff, tf -t Q- K X &4J C'l.itilii II Trlu. ,lr , II'MI .spirure nt and fl II HI.IM II AlM'nUfll 1.1 I Sliril.'u el -': Ai thm S nnblnmiii. L'Tl'i) ", i.iimeiici t nnil lliiltitr M. KiMliti "lO'J N. Lellhicuw nt. Anluiile Vurru iSwi !I.iIiiIi1'Iku ( unil Aniui PniriO. lll.t Ilnnilirv .. llprninii Cliirlt. nib'.' L'fillnwlilll Nt.. anil Anna At all our Stores lloelahun, 14S'J N, l'Vlten nt, CJeiirne 1.. rarney. 2120 Hii.i miKAbeth Derimin. 21!. Hhur mcni ijorie. IT Klnitinil t Fer. SOlt 0, Dtncrett n, an nt.. nnd Hhnrawoed at. M iMrniea $6.95 79c 55c Powder, Special tee Zlli' whe" '", Ml 'rem " InUder !bv 'yrajPentrywerk. He la sur- Srwuwiiy ' rh0 funcrttl W,U b Plnnud'a I. Hue Vege tal. Special, equ Toilet Pumlcr, Ce caltc. Special . . . . O S nf II enburK'H J.m Clinrnie lemon t'rrnin. Large tin. pe- Bne clnl ey fitted lids set in an oak or mahogany case. Snellenburg'e Commercial Stationery Dept Hcaquartera for Loese-Leaf and Bound Account Beeks Corduroy Bound, Leather Cornered, Key-Leck Ledgers With two hundred ledger, sheets and re-enforced leather tab indexei. A special introductory price, Stationery Specials $1.50 24-lb. White Weve 6 Envelopes, per box of 500... . . 69c White Typewriter Bend Paper, 82xll, per ream. . . . 29c 82xll Manila Second -j e Sheets, per ream AOC 82xll Genuine Leather JQ - r Price Boek Cevers, Each tpeJsXD 8'2xll Price Boek 0?O CA Cevers, Each ibsU.ul) SNELLENBUROS Fourth Fleer m.?,! sp cci'ST 8 7 "TTT N' SNELLENBJJRG.&CO. 35c 29c 19c 37c $1.00 59c Snellenburg's Hard AVaterSeap, Dezen, We have sold he liuicii of this soap that by new the people of Philadelphia knew this is the best cake of Hard Water Seap in Philadelphia. It is a bis cake and comes in Almend odor, packed one dozen te a box. Snellenburg's Cucumber 1 Q( Jelly, Special., lO I.a c 8 n e 1 1 fiihurur'ti iiiurme t'ulil nn Crtam. Special.. ,t 1'rrexlde of Hjilre-".rf-lb. bottle, t e bpeclul IOC flnrllenbnrff'H Then!- nvui leiii ireuni.oeo i Speiliil OO JerceiM IVItcli lintel simp. Mnde by ninkvrs et U'ueilbury'H Soup. S p e e I a 1 Jr caKe 9 KirkN'Oinnlhtia Soup, Lhi'ke cize, 5 qq dozen ,. Lsmif l.in 't ene dozen u imrtliaser. Olhlle Seap, Special te 8C (rem raiwfllA snnn I' a r k c QCc b.ir JO HI Almniiii Cimtlle Senp. Special, rnr larpe bar Ol7 ''''" Vnacenlnl soup. Spidal, i ri nt Yd, llll l'liiiitlriL- (',, iiii- neup. I.arBO ear 39' Snellenburg's Dental Cream, Special riHSJ Willow Fr Powder. Special Qlje nt OO falDen.ta'...15c 30c All-Linen Crash Toweling, Yard Pure linen Barnsley-wcave crash towel tewel nifr, absorbent finish, designed with neat colored borders. $1.75 Mercerized Table Cleths, Each... Made from heay retten damask in a half dozen geed patterns. Neatly hem stitched. 2 yards loner. $2.25 Mercerized Damask Napkins, Dez. Cotten damnsk napkins in a grade. Several geed patterns, ready for use. Sine 18x18 inches. 39c Heavy-Weight Turkish Towels, Each.... Woven from geed grade yarns in a splendid variety of plaid and striped cflects. Finished with hemmed ends. $1.29 $1.49 splendid Hemmed 25c SneuZnbUrcS First Fleer PATENT MEDICINES 2 34 Ilerllcli'N M ii 1 1 e il Milk. Hospital SV30 size rhllllpi' Milk of Magnesia... V Must lluTf.a UannleHs Cern He. merrr. A for Off" Special 4 t nrlSTBU' C O II B II Hemeily. Spe- A Qe clal W riiiklinin'K Veajrteble i empuiinu, .n). clal 1'liriml Se. illque. Special 85 39 Maatln'a Vita, men TabletR.. 75 Olyre Tlijniellne. 89 75 31 85 75 25 Ylmutleu'i Mn.rU Talcum I'ew- y fe ler. Special 19 Ne mall or phone orders. Limit 3 te a purchaser. Large size. nn. clal ... Nuxuteil Iren. Special nt Plute Weter. SpeclRl at Ilarle'i llypo llype llypo Ced. Special... TunUc, Spe. clal 1'reetene, for Cern California Syrup of rigi. Speclsl. Al9 t HU Cm.... 1 .. ..nnaiii,,, ne face Tewder. Spe- fyc ciai i i Rlr. Powder. White nnd Flesh. Special Ill Jup Mlne TI- 1 qc cum. Special... lO Onaaamer Vnet l'evriler. Spe- gc clal 1ST Snellenburg's Spanish Castile Seap, Wrapped in Tin 1?A Feil, Special IOC "rrircant' llaui, Itemed;-. .Spe- tseii cial OO U'atklnH' Muliltlrd Caceunut Oil, 2Ae at J4 lllre'ii Km rihumpoe -L. Cream clal . Spe 20 White Dental epeciui 17 S. 8, Cream, at .... KM - Vhene Teeth Paste or 1'iin. f rf ler. Special, each O IientMii. for the Kums. Special a rv ai 45' SNELLENBURaS First Fleer I This Is the Only Stere in Philadelphia Where Yeu Can Buy Tep Surface Cowhide Bags at $9.65 Made of the beat top sur face cow hide ob tainable. All hand- ""-superior quality jeather linings goed-lookim? locks and catches strong uouble handles extra large sew-en corners. " ,bn"vni mahesany and black 18 and 20 inch sizes, Tep-Notch Bags Frem Every Standpoint- construction, Materials and Finish Remarkable Valuta at Thit Pricm .lin rT.,n,n-..C ItL M. .. unburBur(u mi. tuaesti M J .:. ' - tv3 i 3M n 1fl i i i r a .5 ' m ii' :N. SNELLENBURG ft CO.: i j- SN. SNELLENBURG ft Op. f A.v ' l f" .CMPlgP fflM.. lftA.Ji rW-r -JjflB' ,iu .... MiwKimmsj.KMmYr mmmmmi