Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 07, 1922, Sports Extra, Image 15

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    '"-'.,-- .1 .liWfil,- ,-
'TJi .Myers servlce assures you the very
if in oeiiBo ffimm ntn uens ri.ni ana
tirnner and reasonable' 'chars. Let me
Jltc you an estimate.
tt'We Are Specialist In Iteune Wiring
V AIRWAY ftlrctrlfl Cleaner. Hensehsld
L Appliances, Laber-Satlnr Help
rI Phene. Diamond 1MJ
t XXI A T T r? k
lis VV A n I C U
M' A t'ARrbniLK
With Building Trade Experience
' The man tvp want must be able te
, rcopilze window and deer troubles.
' Ie will be Instructed In our methods
' of polling and Installation. A man'
with energy, ability nnd common
sense will find here a permanent
money-making business opportunity.
Agents wanted In surrounding towns.
Write S. A. Perineck Reading. Pa.
K "
111 Alld. A VII AJVS.MX JU '
is a 4-tnM vmi nnir im
What then? De you lcav the
rash you've collected after bank
ing hours te a possible pilfering'
by burglars? Make sure by making
I? I
1 a deposit every night. We are
open until 10 V. M.
1429 Ciestnut Street ,
Every painting
job a
geed job
Whether it's large or small.
The best paints mixed right
laid en right by expert
painters. Seventy years' exper
ience behind our work. We'll
be glad te estimate for you.
ww iWv
1 03 9 Arch St
.las. S. Wilsen & Sen, Inc.
End of Season Reductions
Thu Backward
Season has left
us with nuiny
unsold coats
te close out
our stock we
have slashed
prices in seme
instances le
cost. Call and
inspect our
splendid values
in our Phila.
showroom at
000 Waluut St.,
Roem 3.
Bay Seal Coats
Spert Medel, $45,00
Ktfee Length, $65.00
n.U 8KAI, DOLMANN. 03 up
Bay Seiil Ceat., trimmed with
Squirrel fm
Bay .sent Ceau, trimmed with
lirmer j 15
Bay Htal Coats, trimmed' w'lth
BKUtik 0
Natural Mnshrnt t'euln. ..'.'.' .' 115
lremli Seal Ilelmuns with
embroidered bilk llnlnc . . . na
Small Dtpesit Held Any Garment
If you like
Chocolate Creams
Asserted flavors pure,
delicate centers that melt
in your mouth; new re
duced te $i.oe per pound.
U20 Chtitnut Strt
America's foremost fine candy
4c iU
"White-headed boy"
Irish Company 'Gives Notable
Addition te Season's List' of
Olstinetlve Productions
Breaik-A little company of player
from Ireland, ever the seas, gave Phil
adelphia one of Its finest lessens in the
art of character acting last nljilit, and
mlUrn se much that was laughable
eml whole-hearted that the meanest -splrited
person could net accuse them of
being prosy or, for ene moment, unin
teresting. When the rati In taWen nf thn unit
of the year, the Irish Players' presen
tation of Lennex Robinson's r'Whlte'
iicaaca uey" must be Included near the
ten' of the list of the well written, and.
what Js mere strange, it must be placed
Just as high in the ranks of the enter
taining. Therein lies its originality
Us widespread appeal:
Thi first-night autllence found It, a
tWO-Mded creation, hilllr. hnrlinm In-
accident, for two standards of appre
ciation. These that approached it as
a study In character were rewarded by
a gallery of cameo-llke portraits that
never for an instant stepped from their
frames. These that went te pass away
an evening were rewarded by a spar
kling comedy that net only brought the
laugh of the minute, but left atmillc
in -the memory long after the last cur
tain fell.
The Gceghegan family and their
white-headed boy," at once their joy
J"1 their burden, wcre as amusing as
the individual members of the audience
cared te make them, or they wcre as
humanly real.
It took great acting te put ever the
real ferce of Mr. JtoblnsenTs brilliantly
Writ (On COmedv. and thorn nam shot 1,1.1.1
of acting In plenty. It is seldom that
ine city nas the pleasure of applauding
the ability of n mnll lltin 'Artlm Hln.
clair, well remembered here from eight
yr nine years age. ine man Is uncanny
In his power, whether it be for the
mere easily turned lfltlffh. nr tli mitiHn
gentler suggestion of patlies or slyness.
It would net be fair te say that Sin
clair dominated the scenes, though he
might have done se with an ordinary
company. Here, however, was the In
defatigable Meire O'Neill, red-faced,
Dueyant, capable as ever, a mistress of
me cemeuy art, in the role of Aunt
Ellen. "Sydney Morgan as Geerge,
peer, harassed, ncevlsh Oeertre. the
first te rebel against the spoiling of the
mother's darling, the "wblte-headed
boy," was another who put untold art
as well as fun into hts reie. Arthur
Shields was n most delightfully believ
able' youngster in the name part, even
in his mint selfish moments. And the
rest of tl.e family, and their servant, and
weir ncignners, were done, with a pos
sible exception or se, with a rare kind
of creative ability that startled the slug
gish, tatcd theatregeer out of his seat.
Jt would be futile te detail the plot of
such n play as this like aunty ine a
chemical test te a wonderful meal. It
Is really all explained In the title. Denis
Gceghegan is the "white-headed boy"
at the beginning, and he is still the sninc
person at the end. All the line plans
te bring him te bis senses and set him
te work go te naught, and the prospects
arc, at the final curtain, that he will be
just ns serenely spoiled by his wife, and
by his children when he has them; and
by their children, tee, which is about
as tar as the case need be taken, every
body realized what they were doing;
some of the famllywcre even inclined
te be bitter about it, but there seemed
a sort of fatality about the thing. Denis
was born te be a "white-headed boy";
they couldn't de anything te clianze that
state of things even if they wanted te.
And that's about the way the audi
ence felt about it, tee.
Author-Acter Introduces "Deg
Leve" te Adelphl Audience.
Is Called On for a Speech
Adelphl If a very loose! v con cen
btructed play with a puzzlingly dif
fuse fctery and unconvincing situations
can have much influence en the public
people will hereafter hesitate before In
vesting their money in a dej farm.
William Hedge's new three-act comedy,
"Deg Leve." formerly called "Beware
of Dogs," tells about n veryscstlmable
young man (Mr. Hedge himself, of
course) who. te nurse an Invalid sister
back te health, takes a deg farm nnd
gets into all herts of trouble net only
through the things that the prize dogs
de te each ether and the neighbors,
but through the unsavory reputation his
home gets by the bootlegging and steal
ing of his servants and the purposes le
which he innocently permits two of his
Lest customers te put it. Of ceurxc, a
perfectly nice girl gets mixed up in it
and he nnd she fall in love and all
that sort of thing and it all comes out
happily in the cud.
If one had never seen a real comedy,
this ene would prove quite amusing.
If one had never Fcin a genuine corn
median, Hedge might, and probably
would, provnke te very delighted laugh
ter. It'b all a matter of cempnrihent
e" unlnthitv or something of that tort.
Anyway, 1 ledge and "Deg Leve" cry
evidently pleased the crowded house
Inst night for they made him come nut
after the second act nnd make u fipcceh
and there vu one man In the back who
i r uldn't help laughing even when he
wasn't intended te laugh. He may be
better coached by tonight.
Hedee. who also wrote the show.
acted Just as his host of admirers have
learned te expect him te act. That in.
hn didn't act at all. He just played
himself, with the same unrelieved mono
tone of voice nnd expression nnd lack
of gesture. Hut with n show written
especially te exploit this characteristic
it went well, just as Uustcr Kenten's
fre.cn face is especially funny where a
Hinlln would Mil the humorous effect.
"Deg Leve" is se constructed as te
give Hedge n full evening in which te
say clever things in responte fe people
who come in first from ene side and
then from the ether, and most of the
filings he says nre undoubtedly clever
and humorous or clse they wouldn't
linve been used se often before by ethers.
Geerge Ilarbier in tltc dlfueult
"heavy"' part of the cause of most of
HedKc'H troubles, docs a cenurfmlable
piece of acting, which would naturally
lime been expected of him by Phlladel
pliliuiK. who lemcmber him as u de
pendable and efficient member of sev
eral stock companies. Lclghten Stark
in clever and convincing In his roir reir
stable role, nnd Gustave Helland is
i rally excellent as thu Italian man of
all work.
Other members of the cast are Mrs.
Charles O. Craig, Ann Davis, n charm
ing and natural young girl; Philip
Dunning, Edith Hlinyne, also known en
the screen, where her uneducated arniH
never liethered her; Jehn Webster, a
Pekinese and an Kuglish bulldog,
Gwyn Tuder, as the adventuress, de
serves special mention, but it is kindest
net te give it te her.
Order Reading Theatra Inspection
Reading. Fa.. Feb. 7, City officials
yesterday ordered an Inspection of oil
theatres and public buildings te dUr-
mine1 iyi7nT !"y nrc ifi rer isrgf
K4 91 V ' 1V
' Photoplays Elsewhere
AfcflAra'The Iren Trail," Hex
Beach story of Alaska; Ben Tur-
pln In comedy; Creatore guest
STANTON "The Ftfur Horsemen of
the Apocalypse," Bex Ingram, with
Iludelf Valentine and Alice Terry.
CAPITOL 'The IiOtus Eaters," with'
' Jehn Barrymore. a satire, directed
. . ,by. Marshall Nellan.
'ALtfAAlBR-A "A Man's Heme,'
with Harry T. Merey.-)
the North," with Jack Hett.
COLONIAL "The Wonderful
Thing," a comedy-drama, with Nerma
Talrnadgs. '
Hheba," with Betty Blythe and
Frits Ilber.
IMPERIAL "The Conquering
Power," with Allce Terry,
RlVOLI'-K Trip te Paradise," with
Bert Iflftell.
pBLMONT "Lessens In Leve," with
Constance Talmadge.
CEDAR "Conflict." with, Prlscllla
I;'.a,n..a.na Herbert Itawllnsen.
VOLIBEVM "The Mysterious
-Jilie.ll!,I! ,rem Zan Orey story.
BTRAND---'The .Bride's Play," with
Marlen Dftvlca.
, M.nJLp.h. Breaker," with Viela Dana.
LEADER "The Bride's Play," with
Marien Davles.
Lijghtner Girls and Jack Ner-
worth Feature Geed Bill.
Other Vaudeville Houses
Keith's The T,lghtner Girls nnd
Newton Alexander in a one-act musical
comedy featuring Winnie Llghtncr &
Ce., including the Gesraan sisters. Vada
Russell and Harry Jans, shate honors
with Jack Norwerth, the American
singer and composer, in leading the bill
this week. The ether acts en the card
are of unusual merit.
Songs, dances and chatter, plenty of
them and of the kind that go ever suc
cessfully, feature the Lightuer Girls'
offering. Winnie is in action from cur
tain te curtain.
Norwerth sings many of his own se
lections. Ills half-monologue and half
song stuff proves winning entertain
ment. Emma Adelphl was at the piano.
Grace Huff takes the principal part
in the one-act comedy called' the
"Trimmer," but Clarence Bellalr shares
honors In a manner that pleases. Ed
Lee Wrotlie and Owen Martin offer a
comedy gem called "New." Ter a
funny collection of rare humor it would
be bard te beat.
The Musleal Hunters furnish a novel
entertainment. Russell nnd Dcvitt are
acremedians. Janet of France and
Charles W. Hamp appear In a piquant
musical playlet entitled "A Little Touch
of Paris."
"Putting It Over" is a humorous of
fering of Chester Spencer and Lela
Williams. Lein and Senia appear In
terpslcherean tid-bits.
Glebe An nbundaurc of real enter
tainment is offered with "The Sheik of
Araby" as the featured attraction.
This Is enlivened with appropriate
music and snappy comedy. Florence
Ingersoll nnd Jeseph Himkins nnnear in
the leading roles. Wilkin nnd Wilkin
cornered the laughter market with an
ccccn'-tc comedy and dancing offering.
Other geed acts were presented by
juiiay Kcicty, singer of songs of today;
Virginia Hennings, In a comedy piny
let; Phil Adams and Girls and Henri
etta de Serris and cempnny.
Allegheny and Broadway "The
Queen of Hheba," the spectacular
pnoiepiay, w me steiinr attraction at
both houses. The story is unfolded amid
gorgeous settings and fully in keeping
with the period depicted. Betty Blythe.
who lias the title rek. is maklnir net-.
senul appearances at the two houses in
connection with the film. An especially
geed vaudeville show is offered, in which
songs and comedy predominate.
Cress Kejs These who are fend of
geed music ou n large scale were highly
pleased with the act offered by liege
man's String Band. This is a West
Philadelphia organization and was a
prize-winner in the mummers' parade.
"Gardner's Maniacs" provided thrills
with a burlcseue nhvsicnl mltiirn ant
The hill al60 included the Leightons,
blackface comedy; Frances nnd Ken
nedy, songs, nnd several ether geed
Keystone A miniature musical com
edy. "Juvenility," was an interesting
headllner. Ruth Glenville. saxophonist,
was featured, with a company of ten.
A comedy skit, "Roadside Flirtation."
was the offering of Kcene and Williams.
Gray and Byren offered a lively variety
sketch. A novel exhibition was gien by
the Four Casting Campbells. Florence
Brady pleased with her songs. Ruth Ro Re
land was featured in the serial. "White
William Peiin Dainty Marie Lee. a
Philadelphia girl, and James B. Dono Deno Done
van, known as "The King of Ireland."
scored a Ait in n characteristic act with
plenty of spontaneous comedy. Mr.
Donevan has a gripping personality and
Knows new te get tun vnlue of geed
Hues. The Elm City Four harmonized
successfully ; James Bradbury and son
offered nn entertaining novelty act.
Wanda Hawley in "The Leve Charm"
Is offered en the screen.
Nixon's Grand Chey Ling Foe
Troupe, a sextet of Oriental intertain
ers, heads the bill this week. Heward
Langford and Inn Fredericks, In u
playlet; Jack McLallen and May Car Car
eon, In the rollicking comedy, "Whoa
Snrah" ; Klrby, Qulnn nnd Apgcr, in
eccentric dancing, complete the show.
' Nixon Mnrmc'ln Sisters, assisted by
Ruth Merris, soprano. In drama and
dances, with Frank Marley directing,
are the hciidlincrs this week. Other
acts nre: Harry Rese, "King of the
Nuts," comedy; Gene Troupe, nov nev
elty: Flo and Ollle Waters, "Twe
Sunbeams"; Paul and Pauline, nov
elty, and Infamous Miss Rcveil.
Change of bill Thursday.
Trocadero "The High Flyers"
form an attraction of excellent merits.
Mile. Dazell has a repertoire of unusual
(Inures, nnd the east has such delightful
comedians as Raymond 1'njnc. Rene
Vlvicnne, Sid Rogers, Alphla Giles and
Care and Charley. The singing and
dancing end of the program nre also
well taken care of by nil concerned.
Shows That Remain
WALNUT "The Skin Game." Gats
worthy drama, built around class
distinctions, with June Grey.
QARRtCIt "Welcome Stranger."
Aaren Heffman comedy-drnma,
' with tloergo Sidney.
SUUHERT "The Greenwich Vlllage
Kelllts," thlid edition of annual
VOUREBT "Orphans cf the Storm,
Griffith spectacular film, adapted
front D'Unnery'fl "Twe Ornliann."
Itttiiv ,-J-iaaies
Nlsht." TurktHli
bath, farce.
Charlton Andrews
and .'Avery
llqpwoed, WW Jehn
"Four Seasons," "Carmen" and
' Lloyd .Comedy Vie Other
Pictures Open
Stanley The city's harshest critic of
the photoplay should see this bill. It
would convert him if anything could.
There arc se many geed things thnt
a first choice is difficult, but "The
Four Seasons," a remarkable nature
study, comes pretty near te carrying
away the palm. Here, Indeed, is the
screen novelty of the year. The con
ception, credited te Charles Urban nnd
Raymond L. Dltmars, is worthy of
high praise; its execution Is just as
Animals. Insects, fish and birds, in
cluding some of the shyest species
known, are the actors in this remark
able drama. Their stories are enacted
against the changing background of the
four seasons. Ludicrous benr cubs and
awkward fawn le fpr our sympathy In
the spring setting, and the great
awakening of Nnturc Is actually out
lined en the screen In a series of fas
cinating views of voedlnnris nnd
meadows. The dramatisatien of a
thunder storm is the feature of the
summer scenes, and the comluaef win
ter and Its effect nn wild life feimsn
scries of pictures that arc revelatory
and all tee short.
In addition, there Is a condensed ver
sion of Gcraldlnc Farrar's version of
"Carmen." But don't get the idea by
the word "condensed" that the result
Is a jumpy, Jerky hash of a (crren
classic. Instead it is a compact,
smooth-running, spirited unfolding of
Merrltnc's great tragedy in lyhlch Far
rar gives an unforgettable portrayal.
Accompanied by Bizet's strains this
film is ever a delight and the girls the
"flapper fanettes") can have an oppor
tunity of seeing Wnllace Held with
"slders" and a spirit of revenge.
Then, there Is Hareld Lloyd's latest
comedy. "A Sailor Made Man." It is
longer than its predecessors and mav
net be ns continuously amusing, but it
is easily one of his best. Where the
fun pauses for a minute nn Interesting
and coherent story with thrills nnd an
attractive background take its place.
Hareld is show as a youth with
plenty of money and mere nerve. Told
by his girl's father that he must get
te work and quit being a loafer, he en
lists in the navy. He and the girl meet
again en the' ether side of the world,
nnd when an Indian princeling kidnaps
her Hareld stages a breath-taking and
laugh-producing rescue.
Altogether it is one of these rare bills
in which there are no lagging, boring
mement1). There Is something te please
everybody always en the screen, and
that, combined with nn excellent musical
program headed by Cacsare Ncsi. make
It pretty nearly Ideal film entertain
ment. Arcadia "Jane Eyre" is another ef
these screened answers te the chnrge
tnnt mere is no art in the movies.
Huge Ballin. the producer nnd'dlrecter.
has taken Chnrlotte Brente's famous
novel and, with a depth of purpose
that is very apparent, has translated
its. very essence nnd ntmesnherc Inte a
pictured story that ranks among the
Mticcrcst cnerts tnat motion pictures
uave given us.
v Inevitably, "Jane Eyre" lacks the
"action" quality se persistently de
manded of stories of tedav. Most ill
rectors would have interpolated action
of their own and would have rewritten
the book se as. te conform te latter-dnv
Ideas. But the story would net have
neen urente s ".lane Eyre." Ballin
has faithfully preserved the original,
only eliminating such material as could
net be included in the allowed length
ei mm ami, in one or two places, run
ning separate Incidents together te
bridge ever the gnps thus rnued. But
he has taken no liberties with the
Sccnicnlly. the production is delight
ful, the English countryside being
uuniicniea amuzine v in ihn ftTtnrinr
-locations discovered by the nreducer.
The interiors, tee. are notably faithful
transcriptions of the period of the sterj
and the costuming is quaint and charm
ing for these who admire the hoop
skirt styles.
Mabel Ballin's Madenna-like hennrr
is excellently fitted te the role of Jnje,
through the passlvenei-s of the character
as conceived by the author does net give
her the chances te score thnt she has
had in ether roles. She is. however.
alwajs a nleasinz ficure. nml nren thn
poke bonnets of the Eyre decade cannot
oiue ner attractive personality.
Nerma u Trever is ideally cast as the
somewhat forbidding lever, Mr. Rechesji
ter. Ne girl of today would think jf
being in Ievp with him. but he Is the
lever as Brente conceived him. and both
Mr. Bnllin and Mr. Trever have been
tee faithful te the original book te -attempt
te modernize its here.
Emily Fitz Rey, best remembered for
her pnrt of the mistress of Anna Moere's
bearding house in "Way Down East,"
does an outstanding chnractcr part in
lie role of Grace Peele, guardian of
Rochester's mad wife, and the maniac
herself is cleverly handled without tee
much gruesomeness. Crnuferd Kent
makes an appealing St. Jehn Rivers,
and all the ether characters arc well
Karlton-The plight of n society
woman who mnrrics her chauffeur and
has an "L" running by her window,
and a fake piano thnt turns Inte n fni,i
"S LCi '" h.r lm.rlep I" contrasted In
"Saturday Mghl" with the equally
sad case of a washerwoman's daughter
Who marries a society mnn mwi ii
pected te talk astronomy te savants,
and falls asleep eer her wine at a for
mal banquet.
A guess that Cecil B. De Mllle is
responsible is perfectly correct. This
usually trustworthy and artistic direc
tor made "Saturduy Night" and, su
pcrficlally, it is an entertaining, often
amusing picture. Mr. De Mille takes
the two couples, marries them, as de
scribed above, shows bejend all doubt
that oil nnd wnter will net mix, and
then proceeds te unscramble them again.
Interlarded witli scenes of gorgeous gergeous gorgeeus
ncss nnd poverty are thrills of n mere
or less mechnnlcnl nature, hut real
thrills nevertheless. One of the heroes
saves his sweetheart by hanging bv one
hand from a railroad trestle while a
train sheets by : the ether here does a
rescue In a tenement fire which would
seem te Indicate that he were asbestos
clothes. A realistic and rough-and-tumble
fight between the badly twisted
characters is another enlivening fea
ture. "Saturday Night" is a grossly ex
aggerated yarn, lighted by artistic
Nothing could be mere beneficial te the
establishment of the pert of Philadel
phia than the locating of the Sesqui
Centennial Exposition en the League
Island Site.
flashes. It has the faults that he has
been se often unjustly accused of, and
It would seem almost as If he had said,
"New I'll show these people what a
real het-house superficial type of screen
feature 1 can produce."
The nlleied humor of the Saturday-
litght bath is-used twice. The' audience
laughed, wite a en ei peme Dorcuem,
but It seemed rather like rubbing It In.
Cenrad Nagel, Jack Mower, Edith Rob
erts and Beatrice Jey, de capable work
In the leading roles. They cannot help
It If the parts they play are often
Idiotically Impossible.
Palace The Idea of a reformed creek
doing one" Inst crooked deed te provide
for a girl nnd her invalid mother may
sound most banal and unoriginal. In
"Boomerang Bill," Lionel Barrymerc's
latest starring vehicle, there may be
unerlglnality, but there is little banality.
That this rather hackneyed plot is as
interesting and as believable as it is
must be due te Mr. Barrymerc's indi
vidual efforts plus the dlTectlen of Tem
Tcrrls. The supporting cast is by no
means inspired, but remains generally
Barrymore has the role of a Chicago
gunman, who reforms for the love of a
girl and then tries a Inst "Jimmy Vnl
entlne" by robbing n bank te get money
te provide a home for the heroine's
aged mother. He gets caught and serves
a jail sentence. Thcu comes the rather
unmdvio-like touch. He gees at once te
the girl, expecting te find the happiness
he se richly deserves', and le nnd beheld,
she is married and he is forgotten. There
is bitterness In that ending, and It Is
all the mere poignant and appealing in
the hands of se skilled an actor as
Incidentally, "Boomerang BUI" Is a
story within a story, as it opens and
closes with u scene en a park bench in
which un old detective tells the story
of the gunman in order te save a young
man from a life of crime. Jack Beyle is
the author.
Victeria That old stnge melodrama,
"Ten Nights in a Barroom," finds ade
quate presentation en the screen in the
directorial hands of Oscar Apfcl. In
certain photoplay houses It should be
Immensely successful, ns tears and
thrills nnd laughs of the most patent
sort fellow one after the ether.
Included in the hair-raising parts of
the film arc a leg jam and the burning
of nu inn, both of which, be it re
marked, are splendidly photographed.
The photoplay version, while' following
the original, has been brought up te
date by the skillful pen of L. Case Rus
sell. Regent Pela Negri appears In still
another picture which shows cither that
she Is working overtime or else thnt she
has a storehouse full of films Inid by be
fore she became famous ever here.
"The Last Payment" is a modern
story, capably directed by Geerge Ja Ja
ceby. but never risina above limited
heights. It concerns a woman of the
Latin Quarter who flees from a wild
life in I'arls te exile in Seuth Amer
ica. Later, after an unhannv mnrriaire.
she is overcome by a longing te see the
old haunts and returns te Paris, where
her guilty past rises up te block her
longca-rer happiness.
LiOCUSt rr'ed Stene Is Keen tn ktppI.
lent advantage ip "The Duke of Chim-(
ney Butte," which Is a comedy with
drama interlarded, with its scenes In the i
Bad Lands of Wyoming.
Amidst a background of cnttle-rust- i
ling and cowboy antics. Stene performs
his many popular feats of athletic dar-'
Ing. smiles a disarming smile and makes
love like an old screen lever. Voia Vale
is the principal lady in the case, and I
Jesle Sedgwick is another who assists
materially in the unfolding of the plot. I
"Three Faces East" Proves Popular
With Patrons of Germantown Stock '
Orphcum That "The Bat" is net the I
only thrilling mystery drama which '
can held an audience in tense suspense !
and complete bewilderment until the '
very end is shown by this week's bill
by the Orpheum Players, "Three Faces
East." It is a swift-meing story of.
the war, and the clash of cleverness be- '
tween the British nnd German intelli
gence departments, nnd the local play- '
cm were seen at their best in it.
Ruth Robinson plnycd the part of
Heleue, supposedly of the German of ef
fice, the pan made famous during the
three- ear run of the plaj by Violet
Heuilng. Dwight A. Meade plnved
icais. me icauing male role. May
Gerald was Mrs. Bennett, nnd ether
members of the company who did ex
cellently in miner parts were Melly
Fisher. Uertrude Ultcliie, Edmund i
Carrell, William Davidge. Arthur
Ritchie, Harry Wilgus, Jehn W. Lett i
and Bernard J. MaeOwen.
An interesting novelty wns the nn- '
neiinccmcnt by Mr. MncOuen tlmr I
during the week of February 20, the
Players would present a comedy writ
ten by himself, entitled "Step Lively,
Hazel." He also recited one of his
own poems in memory of the "Lest
Battalion." called "The Ironest-te-God
Mae Desmond and Players in
"Which One Shall I Marry?"
Metropolitan The question, "Which
One Shall I Marry?" nsked by n young
woman who has offers from a number of
men Is the basis of this week's plaj
presented by Mac Desmond nnd her as
sociate players.
An unusually plaboiute and beautiful
production has bren given this drama
by Knlpli T. Kctterlnc. There m-n
eleven scenes, with ouch fanciful name
as the Iand of Sham, the Terre&t of
Doubt and the Land of ncnlltv. In
many respects, it rcicmblcs "Kvcrv "Kvcrv
weman" and shows the i-nme interest
ing otniRsle between vices nml virtues
about the chnractcr of the heroine.
Mae Desmond docs excellent work In
the main rele nnd ether fnvnritpa nf n.
cempnny have cengcninl roles.
Fay' Polie's "American Maids."
with hinging, dancing and eemedv. Iml
n varied nnd interesting bill. Will 11
Fex, eccentric pianist, eveked beiu
music and humor from bis instrument. '
Kerr and Ensign offered a novel nnd np-'
g reflated talking and vleltn apeclaltv. ,
engs and ramie monologues were the of- I
fering of Sammy Mann. Leretta nnd
nrether thrilled the audience with pcc
tacular gymnastic brunts en the bar. i
Pisane nnd Ulnelinm offered fun mwi ,
melody. Tlie nhotenlav wns "Slinmi. ."i
n Chinese story, featuring Itesemary
M I 111
Carl McCullough Alse Featured
in Excellent Vaudeville
Program '
Chestnut St. Opera Heuse Norn
Hayes, with her personality nnd her
delightfully clenr enunclntien, is again
the bright particular sfnr at the Shu
bert this week. She Is fortunate in
the support of two gifted young men.
who add net a little te the success of
her new act, but after all. the thing is
Norn, and nothing clse will de.
She suffers, like all funny people,
however, from nn ever-obliging audience
when she becomes serious for the nonce.
All and sundry nre hereby warned net
te laugh when she sings her dutt with
the Seller of Fans. It Is serious.
Next honors go te Carl McCullough.
who adds te nn excellent voice a fine
stnsc presence, nnd experience en flic
iniislcnl comedy stage, fe say nothing
of n half quart of tonic or -something
en liis liulr. His telephone monologue
was pnrtlculnrlv geed.
Ship-stick temedy takes a new lease
of life with the appearance of the
Lunatic Bakers, n troupe of reugh-and-tumhln
ncrebats who are far abeve the
awrnge in this line.
The nmiable shade of Ed Wynne
hovers ever the proscenium during the
Regal nnd Moere net, which is remin
iscent in many ways of the old carnival
of Immortal memory. At the sninc
time, it is geed, very geed.
Hilly McDcrmett. the only survivor
of Coxey's nrmv, has some very puss
able tramp Muff, and his explorations
in the field of grand epern border en
the excruciating. The McCermncks
present n geed dancing act. although
their1 Vecal efforts in connection there
with arc sltnplv net-.
Horten and La Triska have an un
usual clown and dell novelty, and the
show Is closed with n faithful imita
tion of Dresden, china figurines by three
comely and shapely young ladles.
Casine Hairy Hastings' "Knick
Knack" show has a combination of
interests which would appeal te the
most critical nudlence. Heading the
cast of forty is Tem Heward, n Phila
delphia boy, who proves himself an exp
edient comedian in n "wise boob"
role. Ircne Lenry. Mattic Blliie Qulnn,
Helen Ferdyee, Phil Peters, Maurice
Cele and ethers have supporting roles.
Twelve song hits arc Interspersed.
Wieke experience uualiMe him for
rnliinhle .rMl- In Centmrtlnr nr Y.n
Klnerrlnir erciinlrntlun, or In the Dr-lcn.
'oimlniltlen mid Mnnaernirnt of Munii
fnrtiirlnir I'lant. mm ntuilnliln for new
ronnertlen. Minmful record In terh
nlcal work nnd In nrciintxlnz nnd Imml
llnr men. Fer nn npfiilnic "llh u future,
prvirnt rempensatlun can m ndJimteU te
suit condition.
II 3.8. I.KDCF.H eri'H'K
MFG. CO. .
forty fn&
The best place in Philadelphia
te buy them
S. W. Cor. 11th and Walnut Sts.
20 S. 10th St.
Wash and Dry Your
Clethes Without
a Wringer
washing machine
it is unnecessary te use a
wringer, for the clothes
are raised out of the
water, whirled until all
surplus moisture is re
moved, then ready for the
line. Ne handling of
steaming het clothes, no
buttons ripped off or
clothes tern through! ;:
nationally advertised, it is ,
n n n r.n v 1 Vr n A i
.iwavatc(Jillg UI1U Kuar"
. anteed by T. FRANKLIN
MILLER, thus assuring
you satisfactory service.
Terms if desired.
J5 bT'
of continuous
conservative banking
Foreign Exchange
Quality and Quantity
Sold only in our Stores
Well, We Are Oil Again
Itenl Clear Barsaln (Stere, or Phlli.
CINCO $3.00
Tin.11. Corena A, 1S lxe. made by
Rem; Lant.derf. nmnufartnrcr of
the Nat'l Known Glrard Clear.
Be S5.00 p'r Ue c,ar n"'
','w 100 In the V. S.
LABEL'S 4 Busy Stores
II S.lMhSt. N'.W.Cer.lStli&AriliSL.
G003.M.irkrt St. BOOH Ccrranntenn Ar.
s ATLAfaTiccrrv N I
I Directly ei the OceakFrent i
I CAPACITY eoe ... ., , i
I earage TtfzteTtZJJuzAvl
ass)'ssi MiiasisS)isiiaisiisiissnssiiisi1sf
I Worlds Greatest Hetel Success
The le.dlpg reiert hotel end gstherlnj
place of America'! pletture tecLing
teciety. Amrrican ana European plant.
Famous Restaurant Trarmere. Sea uater
baths with cetr room. Flteptoef.
wpen su ear
Chelsea QW. A HeardHnlk. all modern P
pelntmuntn: It per day up: I'J.'i per nk up,
. includlns meals. ISAAC HOWEIt.
Hetel BeSCODel Ijfntucky Av. nr. beach
tatcs. Am. & E. plan. Ph. 117. A.K. MARION
Iutwl thirty susseit?' TjIijmiiHi.
Ths Qpl-81-Ssna U a mAm, SmreMf ttrastm.
Jiein.lik.. hJertl em feen. Ideal sarrautftnia
fjr thMs wetina eemplct. nst or wxia dlit.
,,1.I,'r(?"l.!.h J'rat. and Kblle hP
(1000 a!le belllri (low pwmlruU).
Reersatisne. ) Immlnsr. Gelf, TeaaU.
UnntliiK. Fishing Uanclns-.
Popelar ratas, apply ROSCOE A. UAKVSU
Sjmmer staten
La rmrmerit Hale, LaWDnnraer., Tt.
Oyr 1M) e(n" throiiKhetit l'ie ueria.
Thes. Cook A Sen. s5 (,, r0iid St..
IUe Walnut
1 ' ' J . T Tffli
W .aB rsfHCBBsWj 111 ' I I I '" HI
iSPwS l! tSfe 2S
Br fa.230.6oe.ooJl
a mjSJC Ml
ivi Lii vrtljj
ATtAXTin CITY. X. .1.
i I
I M.......... .... ..,,,
'. ' !
. : . .- :.. .j.- ---Lr--.m---lF-rZ-L7'C. .
XXaXJhjlSjLifcJlyiJtfeatfSlfe',r J . J ' jffTrjTTfTFTjS
Where "Every day
England's Quaintest Wstttrn Celenz but a WtMk.and
;:; from New Yerk only sight hours from Flerida
::::$. S. ".Muiurge" of the Munson
::.': Line sails from New Yerk Feb.
::; It, 18, 21. The P. & 0. Line
:'.;: leaves .Miami (Ha ) en Men.,
VjWeil., Kri,, Feb. 6 le Mar, 8.
The Development Beard
Nassau, lakamas
::: Mvnisa S. S. Lias
........ -,-f 1 1 ijj: iii r rn i f in i mi r ishmhh
C.lt. s.f--f.. S.H
Secial Life ,'
Centers at VSI
World Famous Artists
Entertain Guests
i New appearing in the
Coceanuc Greve
Leonera HUGHES.
27 Musicians at Daily
and Sunday Cencsrta
T.AKKwnen. y. 4.
Lakewoed'a Lnrge.it, Forement Uetei
I.nkewoed. Nrw ttntr
Fer Iteaorvatlen. phone. J.akawoed set
or N, V. rioeklnr crnicc. l'arclar 7048.
Write for Illustrated Pnmtftfst.
(Undtr Contract with Btrmaia Gevt.)
Special Easter Trip
Palatial S, H. "jVOKT ST. IIBORaF"
Y. April S ArrlTes N.
April IB.
Fastest Steamers te Bermuda
The palatial ateamcra of tfc
JurnM. lltrminta I.lne land thrtr :
dbmmitij and haccar. directly
Sf. "yn'Hen Ileck. aeldlnc the
dli.cem form, Inremrnitnre and delay.
?.U"Vd,J" ? tendtr. Then ateamer
u e'l furl.
Sailings Twice Weekly
Frem N. Y. ETry Wd. & Sat.
'IW Brrmudn Kvrry Tue. A Hat.
n-TIVht" SoeJ. en elthrr .trainer. '
"K'rlmt 2liiW f xnrr wrrlr. a
Tjyln-"erew. 14 ene ten i1lplarirn.nt
Tw ln-cnw. 1 1,000 tena displacement
Bermuda offer all outdoor sports.
ili,5!'il?'n.'i0,r T.nnla. HalllnS.
110"!' r,"hl"t. RMInrftrriTtn.a? ,
Ilrrmndj open Tennl. Chnmplon.hte !
J" 4,B' 0l"n nmatenr Gelf Feh. SB.
a lVulteliall St.. N. Y. rim...
Vtllhr tb
... I.til.. Beurae Rids.,
lOrnnr Ten Hut Atvnt
A De Luxe Cruise of 23 Days,,
M. Kltta. Antlciia. .Demlnlr.!
Ouadaleupe. Martinique. Nt.
I.urla. Iturhndek nnd Trinidad.
Al.e Bermuda I.land.
Leaving New Yerk March 4th
l Palatial Twin S.-ew Oil Hurnlnc
11.009 Tors Displacement.
e Pan.pert Kequlrrd for Trulae.
Rate. SJ70.0O up te SR3O.00.
Including 18 room with private hatha
Ter Further Ptlfntnr rit
SI Whitehall fit.. N. Y. Fames!
With y & Ce.. Ud.. Bourne Btdi"
rhlla.. or any Tourist Agent.
16-Day trip te and around Perte Rice
and return te New Yerk. $180 and
Y?cvers Bl1 necary expenses. Big.
10,000-ten steamers especially equipped
for tropical service. Comfortable state
rooms at minimum rates; suites with
private bath. A sailing every Saturday.
S.ncf for illuttfttd littatuf
I IS Broadway n.w Yerk
or Lecal Agent
Geinc te California
This Winter?
Then why net go en
CRUISE, a delightful trip
through the tropical GULP
OF MEXICO and th
Sailing Feb. 18
I text r-eniniii(l,itliiii Mnny (lnir
r.iiirlnn Kie-etliln Arrungnl
Hrltr, cull r trlrnlinne
M3H Mnlnut'st. nilrt .1801 A
is a day in June"
e m ..,s.i. - Jit:
! wg
mwV- MM -. UjOH
::: ft-ir
leave frequently durlne Feb. :?i VKa
ruary and early March. Delight. ;;;:
ful climate, outdoor snorts, exesl '.'.hi
In Ihls plctureseue country. :ii?.
WaHnai Cs. Ratiak t C
'.4 -i
i ? $m
trjttif -m
av 1 1 ': , . .. ; .. . ..v. s j, . v.-Ki r.? iT? RVOTJa