Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 07, 1922, Sports Extra, Image 10

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. iTiTf
r$:AT r , v .. j
mr' ' Pnitl rrnrl Vireinin
K . . zP
Mirv.t f sb-sh
The Eternal Urge
T.B oughtn't te 'lressthe way
they. de, frills and furls, I mean,
nj-geing te tnkc offense just
neeniis-c a man Hikes u
second leek nt 'rm."
Vlrnlnln dropped her
darning cotton n n d
Ftnred nt him.
"W ell, of nil
things!" flie ex
claimed, wide-eyed.
He grinned buck ut
"Well, Isn't It the
"Paul, you're
Wnthlna; of Hie kind," He hesitated.
I net that I civu 'em n Ieniser loelt
111 An.V ether ninn. t MimnntA lint
(Wjnjr Inte teun every mernlnc, can't
sWIn but "
,jf Vlrrlnln, blessed with n snsc of Im-
wr. mefcc Inte u jay laugh.
. ni en, you old Mermen. ou; 1
Just knew yen don't read your paper
t ad. I Just knew you're sitting there
"Well the way girls arc getting
thtttlselvcl Iin thfHiA tlnra t-iii nnt'
tlame a man. And the funniest thing is
that the girls seem te get an idea that
a man's trying te flirt with 'era or some
thing, if they happen te catch n
"I'liHitively, rnul, jou're fnMnat
"Itnt men aren't "
'.'And, goodness, the way they Rtare
nt a wi.man, especially In the street
cars, anil -"
"That's iuet what
I'm getting nt. If
tlin wemi'ii didn't
deliberately strive te
attract attention,
why, hay, darlln', the
men wouldn't knew
that women were en
earth. Men arc tee
busy these da y s ,
"Oh, you hush tin.
y e ii conceited old
am ; ."rr,ij"'i ',,aB
xaxa urji vi
t. ,,V X,. -W 4. 1- 4 ,"'VJ,W,VrW "' 11"
aTa V"
w ftf)(nt . tt
t - gteSf." Virginia giggled. "Hew Jeng has
u ! thla been ge'Jig unV
if " "What what geius en?" Le stnm-
. "Oh. thin sort of thin." She Indi
cated the wide, wide world with u bread
f ; wep of her pretty hand.
' ! Paul shrugged.
r j "Don't talk ret, darlin. Hut you
flew as we'l as I de that the way the
icirls are getting tiieme ves up Is the
'limit. Why, say dear, soine of
Ithem "
"What about the m-n?"
lMlll drenneil 111- nmvsrvmer In tlm
t cer and faced her.
"Well, nil tight. he raid with su
perb assurance, "what iibi'ut the men:
I'll bite. Whnt nbeut them?"
j "Vnln creatures!"
i "Vain creatures? Oh, come, hen-
BW "
,ni creatures, I say. Silly nuis nuis
Steches, and loud phirtinrs and abml
Jlinger-ring.-. and iiiul every one of
Jthetri trying te leek like the men in the
cellnr udvert'seincnts. Vnln crrii-
Their e.v?s met nnd ther Luizhcd.
"Yjii knew perfectly well, dear, that
women just loathe te have men stnre
at them. Ah a nintler of fact, if tm
wi.nt te knew, wnimn wpnr nrcltv '
I frecl.ii nnd try tn leek their bwt jut I
for th? benefit of ether women. New i
there. That's really the psychology of
I He whole thing."
I'nul scoffed
"Yes, I'll bet that's. It. I'll Just bet
(here's nothing enters n slrl's mind
when ahc buys a pair of $4 stocking-i
or n new $10 hat. She's Just trying te
make Minnie or Stella or Sadle jealous.
Hnn't ii hint of an Idea In l.er mind
that Jack or Tem or Jim will taken few
lvcxI leeks. Oh. vet!" His sarcasm
was Intense. '
"It embarrasses a tirl terribly te be
stared at, and "
Paul chuckled and iciimcd his news
paper with iin air of calm superiority.
"Hut 't dc. dear," insNtcil Vir
g'lila. "Girln don't care a fig whnt
men think about them. I mean, girl"
kn-.w men don't notice clothes and and
thiiiK? They "
Vn:l ra'ted the newiqiiippr, nnd.
glancing upward, Virginia ciuisht hN
merrj evi lnughiitg at her ever the top
cf the heet.
"Well ?"' the demanded uncer
tainly. "1 wl jut wenderhis " lie mur
mured Innocently.
"Wondering what'1"
"If eh, jn-t wenderins whnt alibi
Ev" had when "
I!ut tin1 lemniudci' of the brute's to te
liitniuy was str.i.thpp'd beneath an nva
iniiclic of vefa fiishleii' hurled down
upon him by u justl indignant spouse.
Tentani'Vt Nerves
"The Marriage Gambler
Covvrteht, 1J1. b'j rul'ic Ltdaer Compeny
BnHnni; -flWjffj.y ,!ggggggB
bbbbbbbbbbVHbcHb1bHbhbv5Ibi bbbbbbbbH
Bm ' -aBBBBBBBBBBBBBEk!' " ' 'v';1jiBB
BgVal bV !:'":a'i1bbHbbbbbbbbbHbbbW'' 'V'' kaav
SS aV Bffl wr JWUkS W$i
I'hultf hy Underwood A UndcrebJ
Isn't it pretty? Yeu can mnke It jeurself, following the directions
given below. The "Jack Hemer Pic" In the center holds u favor for
each guest
FOIl the light trimming make n circle I of the hearts, and a large bow of wide
of idx wires, using them double, and "inline ribbon Is tied nt one side and
wrap with a narrow strip of mea
green eicpe paper. Attach ribbons te
heart and Cupid cutouts and tie te the
wire hoop, ever which the fes-tenn Is
arranged. Sprigs of artificial maiden
hulr tern may be tied en the ribbons.
Ter the fenterpleee use a box with a
lid and cover the .sides with red crepe
,,,.t. mc u.rce .e. 10 wires or fop thc bascp. Vasic feathcr-shaped
em-ii 01 nt iwe .urge ncaris. winning , of lwj 0 0 ,lpart8
ihem with narrow strips of red cretie 0 Rivc the pffcct 0f quills. Twe small
paper, und bend into heart shape. 'I he, re(1 crepi, pnw re,eH nre arrnng(.j 0n
wires i ,,,.. pum e t iiearis are , the ,.timdardtli nll( narrow green or
extended through the Id of the box ,... .,,,... .., ntlllr.i,pii. , ..,,!
a Cupid with bow en the ether Mile.
Ter the place cards, wind wires with
nnrrew strips of led crepe paper and
fasten one end between two of the
three-inch henrts. en one of which a
face is drawn with India ink or crayon.
AVlnd the wires ever n pencil te make
thc spirals nnd bend Inte flat' spirals
wmiMMmVy ?&&
4y.wrfi.lJli,itB.UJ,. .f-
BajuLii.) W k &&jtaat&aJmL
Girls Who Live A Way Frem Heme
Very Often Get Inte Seme Trouble
' h
There Are Enough Girls Who Have tpLive Alene or With
Sertie Other Girl These Who Have Hemes
Are Better in Them
F', WAS the old, old atery that of
the girl whrt had been caught steal
ing from the department store.
Sobbing nnd Insisting that she was
n geed girl, that she had never done
any wrong, she waa brought before the
And then it all came out.
She had been living away from home.
Yes, ehe had a home, and both ihcr
parents were living, but she wanted te
get away, wanted te be near her lace
of business land-wanted te be mere in
YOU hear of it all-the time. Seme
girl gets Inte some trouble or ether
nnd her atery gets . into the news
papers. , ,
"The girl's mother said' she had been
living In a bearding house' for several
,, .,1MiA..ali ti niMntt nrft llvlnff
and have been anxious te have her come
neme te live."
"She declared that she was net al
lowed enough freedom at home and pad
taken a room in another part of the
town se that she would be mere Inde
pendent" . '
"The prisoner's mother and a sister
and brother live at 127 Seuth Green
street. She has net been living at home
since .September, but has occupied a
room en Park street with another girl."
THERE nre cneujh girls In the world
who 'are forced te live, with some
oilier girl or else all a one indeed they
consider themselves luekv if they can
find n girl who 1 friendly and con cen
gcn'nl. te live with them.
Tlirlr parents nrw uead nnd tnelr
families brekep up, or else they have
te go te work in another city.
Why should a jjlrl with a comfertft-
sometimes sisters and brothers want te
give them all tip and go te living In n
small room by herself when she doesn't
have te?
ISN'T It Just because she has a will
ful desire te be free from the watch -fnlnrm
rt th.it mother, the discipline
of that father, the crltlcnl eyes and Im
pressienable minds of the sisters anu
hrnfWu. nnd the responsibilities of the
home? ...
Isn't it because sue wants rreeaem,
l.j.H.t.MM 1a nnnn4linltv tn in-
riuira whntersr sudden whim may come
renK' . ... . i.
And just en wis very account isu i y
dangerous for her te go off by herself
or" with wme ether girl te live?
Why, of course It is! If nhc has no
one te whom she Is responsible for any
action, bhc Is bound te make mistakes
when she Is getting' her "independ
ence" willfully. m ,. , ..
The very motive for bcr going nwny
from home te dangerous, nnd ,hroyen
only knewa hew that will grew when
she is left entirely te her own devices.
The courtroom asunlly hear
about it.
OF COURSE there- are girls who live
nwav from home and have sense
enough te keep a certain restraint en
themselves j nnd there are gltls who
live at home and are just as bad as any
girl who was ever found guilty of a
. But when you see the number of sir's
found guilty of criminal acts, who have
been "llvinj nwey from home," you
feel convinced that this fact has n great
deal te de with their being .bad.
If tliev nan neon living at neme
thev belonged they might net have had
cither the desire or the opportunity te
be bad.
" mnmrTm
Use plain, heavy paper :n blacki
trecn or brown, such fts Is nsctl, In
schools for conitruetien and art work,
Instead of fancy crepe paper for hid
ing flower peU and cans. The same
kind of paper will mnke vases of any
size or hcljrht for temporary decoration
nt school and church nffnlrs. Any kind
of receptacle for water placed inside will
krep the flowers frch. The paper leeks
better In lt uniformity than nil serta
of borrowed vtiw.1 would. It may be
purchased nt mert stationers' stores,
and at all school-supply houses,
nnd is net erpcnslve. Thc Mieeta come
In vnrleut slac. Modern Priacllln.
foundation nnd fastened en the under
side with gummed cloth tape. Cut pieces
of red ciepc paper about eight, nine
'nnd ten nnlics wide into strips of
! square petuls, which have the corners
I curled by lolling ever a pencil or knit -
' ting needle, crushing them up e!oely
from thc centerpiece te the standards,
with place cards tied en long ends.
Sprays of artificial maidenhair fern
may be udded te thc roses.
Tltc nut cups are made with btrips
of lote petals pusteii around the out
Arrange these strips of etais around! side of the cups. Strips of green crepe
the hearts en thc top of the box lid, paper, cut In irrcgu'ar points te rep
with the Inrzet lit thc bottom. A resent cal.vx. are arranged ever the
cluster of a dozen red crepe paper roses I petals, and small Cupids nre fastened
Carel Rathleurnc marries JN'i'cfc I Liking te Carel meant trust, interest In
'ffracw icithaut levinn him ler the 1 the same, things anil the same people
1 reiwen .that she ennnet bear te ice 'She liked Nick, but he had never aroused I with long stem-, is fnstencd nt the base1 at one side with a touch of paste.
s r . jl ., i..-. , r...vi: ... I i... .. I... n Wl... ....!.l..'.- I
; ji runt n ic mreuyn ih;ijiuuiiu iie'iing in nur. inn whj ; i u) cuuiuu i
j for Daily CaUlcten, of "The Jelly j she feel for Nick what she felt for this.
siranger.' j no wneic uiing was tee
Hevelert." Xtck learns thc truth
end ii fearful that she hits met the
Man who has the peictr te mcaken
; her love in Jcrvii Britlon, tche is
$ te play opposite Carel m a draimi
t given for charity. Carel hctsclf is
atrengly attracted by Jervis, and is
restlessly unhappy. Ilritten calls her
' tip en the telephone one afternoon
gmni.asks hrr. te have tea n-lth him.
tlt'ls the first time she hai accepted
M invitation te be icith him alone.
Postponing the Issue
S CAROL sat there nt thc
ml.xtd up for her te understand uhd her
i thoughts were all at sea.
When Jervis Ilritten turned back te i
! Carel his gray eyes were eager and i
I burning, but the minute he looked into
i.ers he saw that a change had taken
I place in her. Her eyes were no longer t
starry, they were troubled and a little
I bit frijhtened. j
ISritten knew women rather well, and ;
'he knew In u minute that Carel's con
1 science hed bceii' troubling her. He had
'gene tee fust for her, he had taken tee i
much for granted, and he would spoil
Through a Weman s Eyes
JTierf De Yeu Bring Your Friends?
Ilefere she came ou were humming
a song. It had seemed geed just te be
alive, feeling that "Ged's in His
heaven, all's right with the world."
That was before she came.
After i-he left eerythiiig, from thc
tnvte in renr mouth te the sky ever
s' e nmui jiiis
isn't n borrowing story that you can
oxerleok net If she knows It.
And the sum and substance of it all
is; "It's n hard world, my dear. Lite
Is Indeed unkind."
Detailing an account of one's miseries
te one's friends Is nbeut as considerate
as it would be te einpty one.'s refuse
1 1 .. . .1....V I..... n
... . . . . . . . I I I'J II. it?. I IIA I'LVIIIII
ming win mi impetuosity it ne .... , tllp world! Yeu couldn't help ; can Inte their gardens. Te hunt around
WerP HOt IttT'Illl I ,-,,,1,ir.(, wlnit u-n ivppe tint lnrn fir. frtr ml'.nnlliinenn,, fl!btfica t-n 4tif1ftt ..
pWHHl'"'h " " - - " j-..- .... - .- -. KU v....,.,v..f 1(1-1.1. VV llHUl.1 1111 V
her? There had been u certain sig- had found nut nethln Vs fnr ws ' ' """ is ner own ucun u s0IH mr us. nuen we nnisti we arc
& & them d Sen y I .Spffi r w&D Wtab . ,,,,il,, ,,ml ,,ITl,b - V,th. wWph h C re J-tItll te sit In the parlor and watch
.. frM iTn ,niie,t ,,i .. ' '. V I .V ,".. , " . , ,""1lI:, al",0VB.,i ' cnles us. Hut l she happens te run.the sunshine n n.lnc ever the tchpm in
Please Tell Me What te De
Quilt Reevtint a SpteiaUy
v or p n't"r
JeIIet Ivanufacturing Ce.
fOt S. 6th 8t. Phene, Lembm-fl t4(IB
Painted Dining Roem Fornitere
nt lUmHrkablr J-ew Trices
Suit of Amlnu Chlnn Rml. l)eerll
Sldebenrd. Drep Lraf Table nnd .live
Slde Chain. Regular price, lisu New
A, L. Dlament & Ce.
IBIS W"lnnt Street
and at Strafford. Fa.
. 4 4 i4
Imported and Demestic
Germantown Novelty Shep
In addition te our larga assortment
a email let of unuaual motifs haa
just come tn. French Tapeatry Weel.
Ueade nt all kinds.
Phene Qermantetcn 4965
4 4 4
e If -. - s - . --, ",r ,.
n nav. BjjBaiM mm.
tlndtd Ua A PeckMbOAku renal!?
OM mfrf U'
ae-a s SiAnarathAAUa k.TLvV"..
'Mtrunr ffnld A fillver MmH naTVrlftT
1810 CneMnnt St.. Ppraee ItH
"Only Shep of Its KiW
We aim te asilit woMen and tlr'la a(
rellncmetit le dlepena of their' altthu
used wearing apparel, and also have
an unusual line e Qoedt, tetlutl$
of artMts of Ukt natur
Cema In and let ut, explain our Dlan
which la dimmed and reliable. p "
13th & Walnnt Hts. Fhone, H'alnat IJU
ria.. ar.. a
By the New
Warcel Waving byUtn Exptrts
Wa tpeclalla In transformations aad
all kinds et hair work.
S3 SO. 8TH WAt. 8121
" iiuiii " riwrni ana cel.
or rtsterad te erldnal beauty.
Oreaae spots and atalns and dirt
antlrelr removed. All without In
Jartn tha flneit.nnr or carpet. And
at a coat se little) It will amass
you. .Drains; te match any color
Anten Derfner & Sens
Writ for Information
Poplar MM
Walks Nearest Curb
Dear Cynthia Kindly tell me where
a yeunfr man should walk when no
company!! two "EDGEIUTR
A man ulieuld always walk nearest
the curb of the street, whether v.lth
ene or two ladles.
Take Advice te "Marie"
Dear Cynthtu I am considered
nretty by overyhedy. And I, nave
blende bobbed hair; my age la sixteen.
Thore 19 a bey who tails me en the
phene and sends me otters wWch I de
net like te answer, although mother
likes mm very uivku. ....- - :
boy of whom I am very fend una de
SSeut'me and Itaw net the nerve te
apeak te mm. -.
-- i ..., u hAv rhv net sneak
te him? Ve net be'rrylw abeui
Wtcr-wrltlnB and being In love. Yeu
nre tee young te bother ever levers,
nre w t .i,. -tv.n in veur friend
rake me bui.u ..-
A Werd te "Just Kathryn"
rirar Cvnthla Would you be fe kind
ase print this In your column for "Just
e up
)" . .J 1.1... A
t i,n.-n iunn lonesome miu UlUV, U..U
.. . ui, ..ia lut never env
inn- iiiiw ciii. ,. -- - i .
KninB. for I Und "the nlht lis always
l-hed." The romance that had(tc.l &? common knewledse tha "le 4 $ there nre nlway. her frieniW and
bout her a moment before was Bene. i,u,l r.'fusu.l te luarry-hlm until lie hail hc "P1" sl.lc,Lnw 0L1f,0'ne 0,lc "hti
fjlie did net want him te say nuvtulns tmnfil fnr ran.n!iiiinn nn ,.iri f,nm .n hns licanl et te draw irem.
Anil tlK-n then' arc the pupers
Uefinlte situation. Her theuzhts nbinit
ilm. thi resneiihp that he hail stirred in i,
ier were tee intangible for her te Braii. hail married Nielc for some reason ether s"c n'1 tlmretiBlily familiar.
a.u...u..-..n t.v .......v.. ,u ....,. "" , inun love, it Mie ievcu mm &ne wa nut
ream some mere; she did net want te;ti. jsln(i 0f weranjl t0 be wen lightly
Jbe breusht down te earth by any clear- . Tt Un ti.e .-en- fnf ti,., ti,
14it'slluot.len bc.t.wccn. tllc.,n ".' lciJst was 'different that had piqued his intcrevt
in tlie tirst place, nnd afterward when
the garden,
And unles Uiere is something we can
de te help, unlesH there ls h poed con-
sirucuve reason ter it. we are net going
Ilritten put two und two together nnd Th"f !n l a "'-' "'7' ? , "' ,'ye the hand that yanks s nway
.d come te the conclusion that Caiel kl,lJ et n '""'n1 played up with which ; nnd forces us into ether people's back
There , yards.
ictll she knew whnt she wanted te de.
I Did she love Jervis Ilritten? Was
this 'the love that she had heard about
all her life that she was experiencing
J She asked herself these queBtiens and
VMrcbed her heart carefully for the an
wers which were net forthcoming. All
4hst alie was sure of was that when hii
es met hers she felt a sudden glad
Jlftin; of
be had seen that her blue eyes were
i'iik filing te meet hW, and thnt she was
ill nt eae with him. his het bleed had
been tired and his heart had iulckcned
te a deeper emotion.
Hut he must net spoil it nil by going
loe fast, and se te Carel's great relief,
his next remark was casual und ever the
tea he led her skillfully en te tn k of
I Adventures With a Purse
TT IS nn Imported French pewden
the heart, when he touched her herself, interspersing her own re
she felt his lips en her hair with incidents of his travel and r,
d during the scene .11 the play. llm,elf intensely interesting.
hand and
alie had
be nnd feu a terniic ininu se te iesDen i in.. ..nv.... ...i,i i.:. t...r- i..
le him. It had frightened her. and hejw,.rc Hilleil te re-t. and yet there still
nan lenineu irreu wf i, aim jec ji a? , remained te her the memnrv of rhee
soft as down, just heavy enough te
go en the face nicely and "stay put,"
and eluslvcly scented with n frngrnr.ee
that will please you. There is just
one shop In the city that has the ex
clusive right te sell the powder in
Philadelphia. In order te let you try
Pointed Skirt Gives
That Uneven Effect
He truth and sue mid Dcen compelled
face it.
Away from him die thought ubeut the
a?t time she would see him, und yet thu nuark.
Ke earuiy mien una man -, mil- iiiu net
,ew whether she liked him or net. Tomorrow
ussi .iiate words he had murmured
earlier In the afternoon, and she knew
that isei-ner or later he would icturii te
-Daisy .Makes Plans
The Weman's Exchange
f Te "Most Faithful Reader"
Yeu arc net under weight at all. The
proper weight for your age and height
fis 112. The ring;, under your eyes may
Lima from eye strain, Indigestion, luik
pt freh air and exercise or putir
rculutien. em had better cennult a
rrrmvsssssm'Y Junier sm
Things You'll Leve te Make
ureFrame Valentine
Ht. Valcntlne'j Day lll suen be here.
'AVOU is easy enough te make, and
Ice for a tittle gift or te uce at a
artv for a favor nnd nlace curd. Cut
WO heart-shaped pieces et cardboard.
acn nve inrnea ionic nu tour uicn- a
cress tha top. Frem tni center et one
tart cut a smaller ueari, leaving u
ree-quarter-lnch margin nil around.
iia reriilH tne upper pan or ine irame.
ir .It with red silk or satin (or
. ir ailK l.'l loe expensive;, i.tnu it
red paper or thin cotton mn ferial.
r tha uncut heart with the snmu
ttrlsl you used for the upper part. ,
fll, miue .1 Himwi piece ei reu no
, te tbe under side of thu tippvr a i.
as enewii. uiue ine two iiiecej
U 1 .1... ..,... ...1 ..,..
rt fhiuunu ilia uunri vijgi'H uiliy
-,'OHl iret the p'cture of eac; ,
place it in, a I'lCTUUK FIIAM ,
iTlMU f'AveK. ii net. writi I
iiwwwuw?ere a? jjg ur '
physician about thin, for even If It does
run in the family there must be ue'me
caus ter It which might be corrected
b the proper treatment. Iliush your
eyebreu i Inte a fine line everyday with
a small brush llku a toothbrush, se
Ui.it they will learn te giew that way.
There Is nethintr dip you can de ,
mahe them ym.illtr unlejs you pluck
I Don't Try te Diet
Te the lldter of Weman's Paue:
1 Dear Madam I am a young fjlrl thlr-
' teen and one-half years of age. What
I would like te knew Is thb; I weigh
about iilnetj-ftve pounds' and am four
reet and nine Indies tall. Hew. much'
should I we'tjh? I am rather stout, se'
I wculd llku te Iefq c,r at lean stay ft '
'he Faniu weight I am. Hew can I dot
tn-s- i try te Keip away from potatoes
and bread as much as possible. I also
go te the gymnasium A RKADCU.
Yeu should weigh eighty-three pounds,
but d t worry about it. Olrls who
I are stout at thirteen nearly always
lengthen out and get slim nnd "sjlph-
,llke' later en. And above nil itiin...
j de net try te reduce by dieting. It Is
uui nam ler u gin or your age te de
this, unless a physlc'an orders It. Girls
h.ie made themselves verv sic); trying
this. He en with your wcrk In the
gymnasium and Just forget about belng '
stout. Ten pounds mere than the rec
ular weight Is net much. With three
mere inches In height jeu will have1
grown up te your proper weight, and i
ou cannot de that If you starve your-1
self. Unless ycu are absolutely fat you I
neid net worry about your overweight. I
iT At!.
JflfB .
It hrst nnd mnke sure thnt you like
it although, of course, you will the
shen puts the ponder up in packets
costing fiftv cents nnd ficvcnty-ilve
cents, liut, of course, after you have
used the trial size you will want a
whe.e fu-sy box of It. It comes in
all shades and taking it by nnd large
Is most satisfactory.
We are told tliut heat dries out the
furniture and incidentally dries out the
air nnd makes it unliealthful. Oil the
ether hniftl. It stands te reason that
we must hnve heat. Well, here in the
uay te make a compromise. There Is
a new appliance that tomes for keep
ing the air moist. It leeks like a long,
narrow box with slits In it. It Is
ciiulpped with wicks that are damn
died each day nml the box is placed
en top of the radiator. These boxes
come, in bronze or aluminum finish te
match mir radiator se that their np
penrance Is renl'y most unobtrusive and
are priced nt SS.50 and S3. They are
highly recommended.
Fer nrnifi of hnn pild'f frnman' ri
tiniir or nlinni. Walnut 3000 or Slale 1601
'.rtnvn the hour, uf u.arid S.
knew hew she feel?
darkeu Jurt before the dawn." which
rcmlmis me ni ,i iu ."":, .;-. -
help, called "Never olve Cp .
"Never give up'. There ure chances.and
Helnlng the hepeful a hundred te one,
And through the chues of High Wisdom
arranges ,
Ever success, If you'll only hope en.
Never give up! Fer the wisest Is
boldest, , , ..
Knewing that Trovldcnce mingles the
the writer and proof will be foTUicem-
nAm nn orphan, wnn making 20 per
week when I married a returned sol
dier. . . .. . ..
I am still werxing ana payuiK m
expenses of housekeeping.
-.,.. Liiuii.... tlirnnpli lnnvlnE? hern
Rasrcd In Krnnce, Is net nble te de any
laborious worn una un.iuia iU bcvui
any ether kind of employment. I pay
j..z.. ,. i.m j.nntlmi'ilK' Tin nnt r,.-
UUCI.UI n wi v........rf- w ..-..-
celve any aid from the Government or
any one else, uuring un nunuiicr i
supported six persons, and I still man
aged te keep our home together,
I de net tell this te recetve sympathy,
na the abeve are my duties, and net
burdens. Our home Is always cheerful,
young folk always glad te come and
visit us; we are both still in love with
each ether. After the. day's work there
Is the housework te be done. And I
want te ask Normy can his foreign
Htlti.. lM.fi ,Vtl T un, n ntnnnffrtlnliftr.
4,. uvn. v,.,w. . ..... . ...wove,. ,. ...,
and my sister was told by a doctor some
time age mm iimuiiH uusiiicph incii 4
am known as the girl who Is always
imlllng. WILLING.
She Broke His Heart
Dear Cynthia I will herewith take
Geerge Washington
Whb known te be very partial te
truth. Whut mere appropriate ns
a party te celebrate the grent man's
hiitliday than n "Truth Party"'
Th're Is one all arranged with In
vitations, decorations, unusual
games nnd refreshments. Yeu can
get It by sending 11 reipust for It.
Incleslns a stumped, trlf-adilrc&scd
The skirt of even length nil the way
around it almost extinct. Of late this
unqienni'ss is produced often through
the medium of points rather than of
panels. Sometimes these points ate nt
the sides. At ether times they nre
back and front, 111 is llliistiated by the
abeve drawing of a fuchsia colored vol vel vol
vel cordage vith chilfeu skirt of the
wime tint. The chiffon Is traced with
geld In large motifs, mid geld bands
out Ine the wihlliilneus sleeves nnd the
yoke. This lust feature Is one which
.,..,..!, ! u nil tvnes of collies. Indeed,
the off-tlie-sheulder yoke is a feature
of some et tee latest rans uiuu
The Question Cerner
1 ., . Tet,'',y'', '"QU'rles
1. "hat is an attractive party for
Washington's Birthday?
-. In what unique slinne is a quaint
bag for sewing made?
3. After the teetii have been brushed
whnt Is n geed antiseptic with
which te rinse the mouth?
1. When a boy is fifty-six inches
tall hew many pounds should he
weigh .' Hew; many sheujd a girl
this tall weigh? ri
.". What Is thc new feature seen en
a sweater of the high-necked vu-
0. Describe n striking looking
Yesterday's Answers
1. Mrs Mnry h. Tedd, a widow
with two children, is the first
woman te held the position of
constable in Newark, n, J.
2. Te cover n wooden table-top In
an up-te-date and canltary way,
glue te it a pIpce of (n'nid lino
leum and llnlsh.-thfi surface with
puruiflu wax shavings ironed Inte
it with 11 warm iron and three
cents of varnish.
3. Shaped and colored like a true
orange, en the lid of which Is a
bpray of blossoms, is a tiny and
charming jar for marmalade that
would tempt tint most fastidious"
pei son te cat of the geed stuff It
A hey llfty-five Inches tall should
weigh 75,0 pounds. A girl of this
neigh! sneiiiu weign 70,
fj. Changeable tirffeta is just right
and extremely .smart for a
"turncd-iip" sports hat at this
season of thc year
(t. Tnn wool fashions u fascinating
pair of hkntlng gloves which have
lavender and yellow stripes en
the long cuffs.
tha pleasure in answering the knockers
ubeut American ladles, who say thnt
foreign glrla make better wives. I am
a foreigner myself, only ten years In
this ceuntrj, but I had the opportunity
te meet milte a few American ladles,
and there wus ene lady among them
(you can't find them any better, no- mat--
ter where they come from or whEroyejl
E7 iimi, 111 njv juugjnem inere ere
geed and bad all ev.-r the world. I
will here tell you what I "think about
one lady. Hhe Is an American lady and
a geed wife, aa I knew, because 1
bearded with this lady for four years,
se you can jtdge thnt I knew what I
am tallttnc about. Weil. In short words.
cup. .. 'she la everything, and can de anything
And of all maxims me uesi, na ui tn,it asked ,rem a BOOd wlf6( Rml x
elues". , ...
Is the true watchword of novo' give
ui) V
Dear Cynthia, I hepe you will liave
room for tills llttle piece.
Anether. American Wlfe
Dear Cynthia Having rend your col
umn for quite soma time new and en en
eylng It very much, with your permis
sion I should tike te write a few things
ibeut American girls. ,.,
1 agree very much with the Pieii
who signed her name "Peggurna M. 1
believe that he Is a very true Amerlcai..
I knew nothing whatever of the fei
elrni girl as a housewife, but I tim qulte
sure they ure no better than the
'lterw natural thnt all should stand up
for their own, and there are geed ane
bad among us all, although as 'Peg
gums" fald, "None of us are perfect.
I nm a veung girl seventeen years ela
and married almost a year, I have ni
ways been used te a very line home nna
most all a girl could wish for. I also
almost loved dancing, If you would
call It that. I knew nothing whatever
about cooking, but new since I am mar
ried I am very happy trying te de my
best for the ene I love, and he In return
Is satisfied and loves me for 1L I am
also very fend of dressing well and
having lets of pretty th.ngs, which 1
think most any girl would be, but when
I it cemcH te running aewn our own
merlcan girls, It is net lair, rer we uu,
t am sure, try te de our best In what
ever we cheese te undertake.
I hope I have net written tee long
.1 lMter. dear Cvnthlu. nnd I thank you
very much for your tlme I have token
Supports Six and Smiles
Dear Cynthia In answer te Normy's
letter, my opinion Is that he Is entirely
out et his head und en the wrong track ;
uny proof needed, leek up the history of
De you drink
There's n, distinct difference in favor of
It Is net correct te write letters en
ruled paper, and even for correspondents
who cannot write straight ncress the
page, lined paper-Is net necessary, since
a blank with heavy black lines may be
found In all unruled tablets and boxes
et note paper. The line-guide Is slipped
beneath each page of the letter te be
written nnd the lines show through
faintly, but sulllclcntly dlttinct te keep
the wrltlnn straight,
Excepting In emergencies where pen
und Ink are net- available, lead pencils
should never be used for writing letters.
I'eople are Judged by their loiters quite
as much ns bv thelr clothes cr their
conversation, The combination of ruled
paper und pencil writing Is In the worst
possible, tuste and class lies the write!
us Ignorant of proper correspondence
maimers, If net Illiterate. Plain .papur
costs no mere than the ruled variety
and the smallest rural postefflce fur
nishes Dn and Ink arra.tla. Th.r. 1.
nr esresjse-ter-wite- una pattella letters '
bellove there are very few men who are
in te nave a lauy for a wite like her.
That Is saying n whole let. isn't It? I
will tell you another thing, Mr. Knccker.
net that. I want you te think that I want
te praise myself, but when I was four
teen years of age I started te work
and gave every cent that I made te my
parents until I was past twenty-one
years of- nge. As by my Judgment, a
child can never repay cr de enough for
his parents.
Since then I saved enough money te
start my own business any time I feel
llke doing, se I am thirty years of agr
today, but still think 1 nm net geed
enough te have a lady for a wife like
this American lady I am talking about,
leu can't And them nnv hotter 1 .
also going with a foreign glil with the
intention of marrying her. She also
told me that she loved me. This went
.. 1 tV '. f weaning wasfcuppe.se
te be I found she was net true te me
.Se here I am, sttn tingle, as threugl
fVaerthblMfe8m,edayart ' haVen'' h
.w..5nere ara the best ladles in this '
wuuinry et Eomewnere else? I think
there are geed and bad ladles as well
aa men all ever the world.
Read Your Character
Vy Dtgby Phillips
The Sign of the Orator
In two previous articles there have
been described methods by which you
can tell whether the person you are ob"
'fl'crels a third sign.
atch Jeur subject's gestures.
There nre. of mm-en e.i ',
with well d veleped ablM ties" a p a?e "
who are qu te inipnivc m their bear
Ing, and seldom if ever lesert te ges
tures. But they are very rare, and!
even when you de find them you will ,
find that occasionally they de make ges-,
tures te emphasize n nnini .,.i Vi...
when these gestures de occur, thev nre
most opportune and forceful.
The ornter depends fundamentally
upon n tense of thc dramatic. It is his
nt. Illy te cnplta'ie this that dlstln
gulshcs him from the man who Is merelv
n geed conversationalist. And .gestures
go naturally with the dramatic1. Their
absence Is 11 handicap te dramatic effect.
80 then, If you wish td knew whether
n man has n natural aptitude ns a pub
lie speaker you really have three aiig'es
from which you nmy measure him.
First, leek for the girt or language In
his eyes. If tllCV nre nrnmlnnnf .....1
ing te form pockets underneath In mid mid
d'e uge). you knew he 1ms It. et
leek nt Ids lips. The test is te ebservi
whether they are medernte'v fn ..-.
If they are thin, .-ou knew that though '
he may hnve the gift of language he is !
net an ornter. Third'y obscrve his
gesturer.. If tliey are appropriate, de
scriptive nnd forceful, you knew he i
a "nnturnl-bern" ornter. even though
you haven't heard him "orate."
Don't Experiment with
your Baby's Feed
BORDEN'S Eagle Brand Milk
is the standard infant feed.
It has been used for gener
ations. Countless mothers
have found that it builds
strong, robust, healthy chil
dren. Physicians recommend
it in stubborn feeding cases
for Eagle Brand Is easily di
gested and supplies complete
Eagle Brnnd is net a "pre
pared" feed at all. It is milk
pure country milk combined
with pure sugar. It can be pur
chased wherever you are.
Berden Building New Yerk
Makin ah tf Btrjtm'i Evtentti Milt,
Berdin't CkoceUf M'ltti Milt and Btn
Jin' i Ctnfictlnirj.
II '""hSeTtm smmuw I
II "m r. I
tffikaHrslalSaWt&X " "" i''S9i9!sxBHaHaVBjH
D! iWiaatfll Mi lM
HHUsH . 4dU."' K2SKaiaBEal
An Overwhelming Vete
We can only ask you te try Asce
Coffee. After that, it remains for the
coffee itself te make you a steady user.
We sell millions upon millions of
pounds of Asce Coffee yearly.
Every time a hound is sold, it con
stitutes a vote in its favor. Doesn't that
prove rather conclusively that there must
be something about Asce Coffee that
makes se many folks like it?
Tomorrow The "Excesslvlsf
Valentine's Day
Is the time te tell the feelings of
your heart with (lowers, A "Hearts
and Flowers l'urtj " gives n line on en on
pertunlty for this. If you want te
give one en February U, send a
M'lf-mldresM'd, stamped envelope U
the ullter of Weman's I'.iuu for nil
the details of invitations, nnmch,
decorations and refreshments.
Yeu9 IV taste the difference!"
'' Rnln nnli- In Anin Ctit-nx l..iA.i ..n . .. .
j out Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Murylanq. R
i JIKJSSK!ffiS!y.4S?Vv
Ik 1L.
yft2wv. ...
ft v ,, U . .'
j. r ' Ati'Aj.: