WZJ tJ fA fay','" mjif&Swn 7 '5Km; " 'TS'wjaK. '.tv.rf .-.min 5fS-' ??.! n BVBNlNtfM LglEte-MIIiADBLpikl, MONDAY,. FEB&UARY 5wi 4 M4 WSS'WAFi i -Auther f "Tha FMuni -Wr,V'A Bmthtt Hmthimfih. rcmrwr ifH w wnuitr Ntvtpattr ainMeat) W tins wmiwb wra oteht jiM Btrn w ,5SSJJ'1J'"i-Si1"S i unitary. Silt S JWW. . al. sW.aWrM . .J. MHW la. m .4 MHnm0 ,. irafswa- l, fnfvrv;fiVT'W. vf sft"r-y Ztjmxrv .eee: alto. e hoiie w wi.H2A 'T"fi,i a 'ifrs: Vk ss "isrfltfR- m km wm ."; w ."'i' i Unit Jfr4j Ml vewj ei T,t Mr: Ftmm.'rr- ,. . AND IHBiTvvn nw ft CHAPTER IX r,f ....... will St...... n !! "niw "w 1BT went some Httw r in alienee, :' Harden aald abruptly:- M'tfive you rr thought of sUlag ltd, or " w- ,--.. felly rsliM unwa eyM. Sitting married!" she echoed iJSfi .s If her childish rereU laTef hi quettien annoyed him. Fnt is whit I ,," he answered fmirrieil even when they are only elf. dVt they?" ' Wetr-W fwJ5?IK?.J .- . It ICIC Siupia, ucr "u " , was he asking her thee qu'es-1 I'-. ... .. L.-l.ltll.lJ.l.. It looked up m mm nan airaiu ;. no I staring down, the read, a little w between his eyes. E'liuppeM. he sua presently, "inac Met twenty inn w " Sewn age, eh?" He looked down I Mr. I HUppeiC tliat u n man any ,. ... " fie Drene en; running Btr evening ; a hrcathless voice fl lfter them urgently. "Melly ?!: . I .....J T...1I. Dan.,. (Oily Turncn ruuiiu , "" y""" l) wax rncing Blier iuni , u wn Kcand breathlesa; it was eeme sec- ri . 1 ......1.1 aak&ail niNAH It at Dtrere no ceum 'i"--" ". ltd them. Melly ehoek his arm in miittT. ' f?'What la it? What haa happened? i there eern an ncciueni- mm It? Ob, why can't you kl" Ifjehn Harden had a restraining hand H Per IQuuiucr W'Ore him time have n little pa titet It anything is the SVeilie found his voice then he broke Mt isiplngly. "It'a the guv'ner rYather he's dead heard a telegram et te come back, un, W't Just - you've get w .lut Melly had broken from Jehn inia's uetsinmg nann ana was rac Blkaek up the street like a mad thing. .TmiIU followed with Harden ; the boy ifll very wnice, ane ue wow as iic attke. i'Hr. Ann't knew hew it hSDOSned jfe i v - . . f i ' the wire eniy just ssia mac ne Mljtld. Oh, it can't be true it can't lttres " Plirdn did net knew what te say: fi. V. . . .. . .A Muted scenes; ne knew tnac it ne irsit te the White Heuse he would be. tt ler semetning unpieasani, ana yet n Mi (mnesslble te leave Melly te' bear Ai'Ju'the gate Leslie lift him and rushed HUUQ. I'i-:itrt tBe front went in Un followed siewIt: 1 ter was wide open, and he Want bsina askad. i'.'Hart everything was shabby, tee; the Lwete waicn cevsred tne fleer was Mrs In some place into belea that sMtitl the beards beneath: the one sre ornamenting the walls bad n ;n (lata; the batrack had leat a ana been prepped up witn a child s NCK. em upstairs came the sounds of a Mll'i hvitrrlral Trrrfntr and anh. MM. and Mellv'a voice raised In an- mm. -uh, it can't be true it can't ;trui." : Rirden did net knew what te de ; he nii into tne ainmg room, wnere tne ll was Still ifrawn with th ten UiaSS. hut It vaa AtrtA. anil hi mn. Mm out into the kitchen. " NebOdv there cither, and h vaa lutl Jsadirlng whether it would net be bet- NT te Pn iffIT aftPi- all vhan Mnll Mm down the stairs. . Hr face was drawn and tear 5 ! ahe was sobbing quietly. ""!" i"ne saw naraen, sne uid her M In the curve of her arm with n Mh gesture; she looked a helpless, Wthttle figure. Hjrdly conscious of what he did, Hirden went up te her and put an " areuna ner soeuiaers. T In an tnrrv tnr rn.i I (I,... I. UytMijg I can de knythlng I can de lp you please ask me nlease let LP if I can." Oeked un at. him .h ,,n. aewn ner face her voice was a he Id if I c.n. oeked up i wn her ?! with, sobbing, "W lj.n.J 1.1 It -i. ... Iia.-.ii,u"? 1,n, ,ue 1( broken breken lWtedly. 'Tye all loved him theurh lla IJ iLl . . -. JTZ - ctaiu ininn annnr h m mm K M didn't knew blm as we did." ;tsraen knew the kind of things that r'a father: Id Am list true and merited, but In the face :iron knew the kind of t fit. ft. .iq "" Meiiya father: Mw that the majority of them had WB true and mrUrA hnf ln !.. ... af'thia Vi.i. rrJ;lc'' J'Y? 'a lD0 "c. til ik." ,f,v "" ",l angry wun rti,e ?cepL6 who liad criticized and gwwing te leek for redeeming quali- .And new there's nobody te leek after . OlOIIV vrent nn ituiupii.l i.X'. leek after mother and the beTs An nUa .! .. - ' i fB2S,0?!fed from hcr trough the Pdoer te the street beyond, and there Sta !neM?0U 'ndclIen In his eyes, jSnl h.! i.Dce,,be took hl" urra tram atad h.uiV,dlr8Va?d flndln her JW. Md it in both his as he said Sir j 'I HAnJ4. 1 ... lif 6u in u ,ou -C0UId tru" m KlAy?'11 h,ve ma for-for a friend, n.8i5-?But0?tdlBtr"ed te realise what I sW.'iut hef 80bbn lessened. kind" k,tTw out B "e wa very ....a'.J.hat Bhe was verv Bratefnl hi.f itfers h?fI! uMa': Bhe had neve? with fdaVth" -SSyfJ?' nt, actual contact ft'se0eUh1a,.,i0.t.i.b,neve,'tbat ahe W Ud n?f..im' theuJlh ,n er heart she SiSaSbfiTO him, but it seemed WTta J&I Bbe,.1weu'd "ever again tit.1?1 3,'"' of his Jovial laugh! or Meaie of him..i.er,t? explanatiena and BUlble. b,mielf when no defense was W ihih0ht'.ni.d,'.,ela.t.e " A'"", in Mether, hv'. .?.R,,i ""tenlngr te her l.li'v It Was a n ahtmaV. ihl. I.. 4r.reLwl''"s..'f'j Wb,ted tedlea; he would Sy Impossible; . ",Df w" l&Wrelfevedn.h.V the en the Urffcld dihUn,,Jeni they were gralti.c.,i ".! .fwred-leklng: there pniiewT;: 7.11" y. . be CS beTweufi K "S.SSI SR1? ne kept a sob considered un he struck ' Ned with In awful' sense of less that he would never again" be able te ears TBJBGUMPSQh These 4fn ava till boxed bv-tha irata. narental kaad. 'Mether wanU you, Melly I't.he acid abruptly. . "Jane la with her. but she's no use,1' be arfded with a tart of con tempts for the geed tempered, cheery hialdref all-work. who had stuck te the Dhnge rfleldB Inr seite of small and ir regular wages, aid ever-work; , , Mellv.went upstalw witWut answer ing; all her lift aid .buoyancy seemed te have gene; and 'Harden looked vafter her with comnassienate eyes, -' Ifwaa IrrlUUag'te-feel wi helpltaa: ha wishtd there were something he could' de te be of real. use;. he gave a quick .algh aa Melly turned' the sharp bend fn thestalrcase and dlappeareu. t She went .en across the landing te her-, mether'a room ; the, deer wai wide eped,., and Mra.. Dangerfleld lay face downward en the couch where ahe passed most of. her useless life, aebhltig hysterically. Jane, with cotton sleeves rolled uy te her. elbows, waa standing beside ber with tears in' ber eyes, and a cup of tea in her hand. v "Don't take en ae new," ahe aald ever and ever again. "He's better oft where he la, peer dear it'a net him we've 'get te cry for " Melly went forward ; ahe waa always a little constrained, with her mother, but she knelt down beside her, and put her .arms round her .with unwonted ten derness. "Oh. -don't cry don't don't!" she said with a sob. "I'll leek. after you I'll take care of you." , Mrs. Dangeraeld'thrusi her daughter aside; she raised a flushed, disfigured face. t ''Loek after me!" she said shrilly. HOW can VOU leek after mi. 7 Wa'ra ruined ! We haven't cot a Denny any thing your father had dies with blm. Tuere'a nothing for any of us. Oh, my peer boys!" and she began te sob again. Melly sat back en her heels; the warm sympathy in her face seemed frown; she stared at her mother with blank eyes. Aa yet she could net realise that this noisy sobbing waa net for the less of a husband, out because there waa no money. She bad believed that her mother and father had always been fend of one another; new, for the first time, ahe wondered. ' Waa there no such thing as real love in all the world ; no such thing aa love that can live without being con tinually fed bv the thinca whlrh menn en buy? Hhe rose te her feet, shiver ing. Jane, set the cup qf tea down en a table with a vicious bona. "Such carry Ings. en !'r she said in an undertone; ahe cast a sympathetic leek at Melly and went out of the room. Mrs. Dangerfleld dried her eyes, and smoothed out a tumbled pink ribbon In her loose gown; the sight of that pink ribbon seemed te touch a fresh fountain of grief. "And I hate black ae." she wailed. "I leek a sight in black ! Your father always said se himself." Melly turned away. "I shouldn't wear It then." she said shortly. "I shouldn't make yourself leek a sight. Just because because father father. is dead." She bit her lip hard te keep back the sobs that stifled her... Mrs. Dangerfleld flushed. "You're a rude, undutlful airl!" she said sharply. "If your father were here you wouldn't dare speak .te me', like that; if your father 'she broke into a fresh wall of grief,-and new there was some sharp pang of realisatien in It; something in the sound of her own words that brought home her less with all its reality. She would never see ber, husband again; never aubmlt te bin rough af fection and alternate bullying any mere ; abe rocked herself te and fro helplessly. Melly went out of the room; she knew It waa useless te try te offer comfort; she knew that ber mother cared less for Tier then for any of the ethers; ahe went downstairs again te where the beva were standinr nllent. and a little afraid, grouped round Jehn uarden. He came te meet Melly when be saw her. "I wish 1 could help you," he said earnestly. She shook her head. "You're very kind, but there isn't unytblng te be done, thank you." ane tonewed mm tnreutb the encu front deer into the garden ; ahe wanted him te stay, but wen afraid te say se : fh dreaded finding herself alone in the house 'with 'nil the responsibility en her shoulders. At the ante Harden looked down at her hesitatingly. I don't like leavlnr you here alone : if you would rather that I stayed." nil eyes wandered ever ner flushed. quivering face. jueuy pusnea tne gate te between them with a little Jerky click. "Ne, no; you're very kind, but but there isn't anything you can de." But still he hesitated. "If you want me, you knew where te send. I will come at any lime." 1 She nodded ; she could net trust her voice she fled back te the house te bide her tears. CHAPTER X" The Spell of the Enchantress Harden had only gene a few ateus down the read when he heard some one calling him; he wheeled sharply. Fer a moment he thought it might be Melly; he could net quite distinguish the figure coming toward him in the cray evening light ; then be caught his breath, for it was Mrs. Fernald. Bhe came up te him flushed and breathless. I saw you leaving Melly's. Oh. noer child! la it really true that ber father la dead? I've heard all manner of wild aterles. De tell me." "It's quite true." She gave a title cry of pity. "Oh. what will they de. these dear boys and Melly?'" He made no answer; something in the soft tone of her voice waa treach erously waking that old pain In his heart, leading blm back down the al most forgotten paths of bygone years when he and ahe had walked together os levers. Ever since Llllth had come te Little Helpten he had been telling himself that it waa Fate that it was useless te trv te struggle against the tide that had brought them together; that tt waa meant te be that be and she were Just puppets, playing the parts allotted 1. tnm. nAVr ms 1.0 reaiac. "If what people say is true," Mrs Fernald went en, "they haven't any money at all except a small Income that ,ilf with the father. I wonder if Melly would like me te go and help her If there la anything I could de." "I think it weum be kind 01 you 10 eiler," Harden said. "I have done my best, but a man ia no. geed in a case like this." ' She raised her beautiful eyes te bti "I aAytyi remember you aa the kind est maSHj.ever met," ahe aald. Ilardefluahed. "But even se, I could.net heM you wlth.all my kindness,' ceiM I?" ha said with ' teueltar .Irony ia his velca Bhe caught her brtath'ea a. Bight A COl-OMrV, AND.A.WA,LP' OF SUctared'-reDAV r,.,. TUty ;sNetjt 'put thr mekssv rwciNU, STOCK MlfKBT AND MARftlAGC. i.CEN6B ALL ON-J-.TUt: SAm DA.r.m All it ' TffE GAMBLING, SECTION , Abe THtjire aeis iTHertfd an' U GtfcL POUTY FIV6. '- VOU CAN 5&T THAT'6 N6T WITH ALL THE,1 Kiairtnp,ei,f, '-CJVUK ywHjj THeY..FfALL POR 'ns,. main r ." 1 vT7 I- mt' 1 V .V, , VK ". i r u i rwwnw.DKK ukunp . . ? WatLLl rr WAY8R TBralOT THEM TH SAHiWAY YOU dOT ME, WITH THAT' .MUSH ' WOSE P.ROTvllSES K' MeM'USaie'-fMC: sAt& TACnfcf. .iMteOjaMNESS .ffeAT TH6Y DO TO Wltf A WIFE THCYP OB AffrtESTI OBTAINING MONSY UNOf -AUSal.-FTaiETErOES Vnri Aai .: I "w. .'5. viuirxu iu ,TIEA,TvtVE. U.KtiA Hi 1 lue.. .NQ-CL. 6, 1922. 3MM "rT ; . ' . .By Sidney SmttkMK t 1 - . . . : hi Msasi T" f . " i'ii' AS Vn 1 N -WfiZMR ." and havn't -, ( 'Avk' ; 'mm 1 aT '.I I ..... r , i(7iiavi I I TREATED YOU NOTHING TO EAT A 'MM r utkre. an and less j mm iP VOK. J . ,, , ANOtL f r ."--" r -M$M .B. .-m " w s I r bm "S, 'Lfet .t$MSM g II I a-... - 1 - aW I . r-Oa 41 M1 I XtVCSH m kml . jt . kF r m '- 1 I W I " J J BSSSI I . - . pat ltBBBBSSSSI -V-'f I '" ' ' " vTaw I V aw hiKIM rjL n ' ' aw m n mmm a a 1 1 ' 7 -V- R ? I Hm bBbbI 2J .fiiF n 1 Cm & pM . v - 3! SOMEBODY'S STENOG, Shepping: IO,OOOI Copyright. 1822, by Public Ladser Company By H ay ward Palm beach for aa.eth6 WfiftK '. AM EXOTlMfi LIF4.1 A PEW WUtWS AtO IA POOR STCAJ06. THEW WILLED "3000 AM AB5COMDIAJ6 PJAAIK TatLLtBJ fitrs KEit '3oeq Wrr She Gets io.eoo for (Servus hia AMD NMt'LL fiET THft Willies if . ME bOtiT SOOAl PIMD 'A WAV OUT OF THIS PlJT .' DAVE BEUSCO help: . I Well! woiLhAi'T'teij-rHiAitf r tua-t iEj -;v r. .. ..v.. wi ri&rtci iunn ecw-n Htu CoeJ Set some clothes A LADY COULt WEA? ? GOQb SPACIOUS. WHATVtEAf dOAJK : rigaW ff A szp: ;?& "" rX S 7e6 'Wv I 'glUt BLaMr ThERe 'Cemes 0 1 Saw Her Ocwe A COSTOAAftR 5 pa IaJ. SHE 5 OUST A "RtOUCEft FIEAI5. T WaIIU 'fAA A MILt OFF -SHt'LL FIMD HE, WAY OUT, GO OH WITH THE. 77 STORY - I (K J ?&Zm BatraiT- z-r SayMahaT is this .a f'e . .' - . . . . . .. ', -- rr- AAI TEAl" .' r-iAVtiAt i TOU OO AAIWTHIM6 BETTSK 1 MAAI . "THAT STUFF IN. IH&J VIA4DOW m .vted (L r A ix vbHHRbbV V gfaLatJagflgfl gsgsHgsH ItBJBTcMalBUa ? ' YOU CAM SEJ4b THOSE. THREE rfffOWTMS UPAT9AICE! AHb I AM6HT REMARK THAT THE. TEMPERATURE OF THIS JOMT SB.ti.MS TO WARMER. UP , COMSIOERASLE SlMCE. I cameia. -IS" -S. i -(.' Sn 1 vW 7llrea r?v3fe "e V I06 The Yeung Lady Acresa the Way f I aW B aV ft. lraMr kJ IllVvaBTsBTk. l J ii I S3J &J y 2-4- TaMafk J have Hrted Hi rSrae?brln tl'at hi ass af n.vjr?7?T ! "".'" rawsMfflaw The young lady arress the way says she certainly believes in the 6-5-3 naval ratio, making only 13 battleships in all. THE TOON ERV1 LIE TROLLEY Bu FONTA1SE FOX sti ' :J .or' oe v bkV c t .0 &1l $ i y e JW.isr aVF- i7V. iLi i (11 x v . . e - f r. -r.W .? , vM 1 I M i& - ir r .d j. X.M H" 4X . v:ai L-uTaTaTBaB Jbrk IIiJlJ.I.ri II TMIW k -"-"r- mBmEB'r- Ir " av" UWr WHW THeKl is A 916 TrIAvJ WHICH fkoeDS fAtXef rtic Track, FotLewee 0Y Pttttl6 ,THt SKiffEK efre.fi WAS Te MAKE Trig fASSBMGfKS CCT oeT AUD POSH THE CAR eVR A HAtVleW JfrtlP Of ICB . SCHOOL DAYS Rll DWIG U TWUStiTx kW , rl.f. V" raiWaVw 3en ye. eip Ii aBBakB?l?n55-iN Ji frir JMySS,- J BmlnABmBUMm SUftF gagag9& jEsBam aBgflfaVlaff gaaK.'LHrwLry trtkO CHBjKg. .aBaflgflBBm PETEY Using the Brain Demonstrated HBIP." PSijUMf KAUMTieS Fauien iL, i9 C. A. Voight GASOLINE ALLEY Meet Mr. Glib, the One-a-Minute Oil Ce. ( H0W3ER EVET5 De JOCH A W MfW S wP ifHRlHB 5TUPID STUklT MHV PONTCHWrsWif?4r SmlF USE VJHAT UTIIESRAIU NER GeV.'i MjJjJJ, i 'JmKT:W JIMtl I (OH.1.' J If llfim PCaa9afeBBBBBlSBrQByV 3f rStBk HO, I'M NOT -m-feizrsTee. eve HAO PCIENOS ' THAT INWKTCOIM OIL - BUT THCTR6 L STILL IWORfcftft. P" 'Manaain I '- TmaTS A bejudicbt die Aieer cvfitvuHEKc. This pbopesitioh lb PIFFeBENT OU PROPEPTV WA LOCATCO BV A MAN THATi flEVCR HAOA'FAILUR RNDIN6-. OIL' i ASSOC fNUESTMCNT 'MICHTSI EASlLV BECOME 15,000 MBS& Almest ever nwht. v0u Have te wake a let op j Yes r ! CAUS fe EARN THAT. Oncrr! D&'r l J HOW OUf PROPEBTw IS SlTUAieD RICMT OH A LtN DeiWEEM TuO OF TetE RICHEST MELDS (M TME NOeLO l 3 - WITH 1VHVT'S ME en These lets SOLO I COULD SCRAPE UP rOO BUT I'D NEVER, rJT IT IN OIL' J wzzm. V M Le . & LwCK? ALL UVfc ! RIQHT ON A ' r T ( W"P BUT ,HAT r- v , -L,) v yeN'i rKevt IiTMU-J (F-ScLasw TANNTHIN6. V Te RlbKV ! 1 1 tl "h fi'i7lgflgflBK l J "IL. XI I " I I BBBBgflgflBgflW. By King z&iS. Vv y t? :l : a U'.-Jffl 'V'vJS3. ".Ml &, mtz&'&H&m '9k. itt?x&&,MhWrv&. Km Ll-l IKS: ''v"r iv Tr,tvV STSE aa?0RS CM3 m&s&m !."iiii R--i3aK.fJtefflfJMgj sawajBHamawHBHMWBBBaaiBi Bal'.iTBH "W an aua.HLHBcaa. ,'. ima wais- ; .'. . I ' il 1 1 laBBsasjIMP I III asasaajpi i I I I i i l.f .V'.VV IV 7-,Ul BBBBaBkBBJaBBBBBBBBP 4 - i.. "-aBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBB, -AA' V .". 1(l .TiHEX Mi-aaVaaV.rt t.vf-fcs.utt