mmmBmmisamwmm,jLammmM&mmmK6 !".& e.v e&ia it. W ;.,.. Br" l iJB ft' - P?'yP tu t;-sC't( mm J M ! & taf' I mSk T FsHFflJj iwVBfl' lr--Oaff' ' HsV-1E' Wmfrw FI I:- firs ?& i &m Ti fc &3&F Oft APARTMENTS T DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT, 0 nOOMS AND UATHl RNISHED! SOUTHEASTERLY KX- RE'; N. E. TOR. MTU AND SPRUCE AFPI1 the PENNA CU 017 8TNUT ST. ROTH PHONES. . Of Of -MT 1V,a.A ,um. t,.ll- anil 1233 mm lU'4ta a ff kitchen; attraetlve, renovated througheut: ',,'l . snenerate rent: 1K33 spruce at., a roema, t V f..tll Atirl lill,.!..,, Mimnlftl a1 , n,,4..M 'j?V thrnntinllf f nn nnnrtmlnl nf fhe ttl.tirir f-lM.a pt-fr J. Cutler Puller. 10 H. ISth at. Spruce HUM. BPRUCE. 1109 (Helmehurat AnncxV Bach Bach eeor nptB.. 1-n r.. with private bath; beau -Clfullv furn.f med. impr.t ehnne. maid serv-Ire- noun hkpg. npts. Phene Filbert 4181. WALNUT ST.. 4822 Cor.. S large rms. A bath, perch, modern, ll0: western expo- ure. C. P. Baas, in N, 12th ft. Spruce nffiil. APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartment a specialty. Sherwood Apartment Agency. 13.14 Walnut at. Twe desirable ivpartmenls of 4 and 5 roema and bath: Reed location, l.cvlck t. Wel dew. 707 Wa'wit at. THE ENOt.EWOOD. 320 S, lllh st. (ltlh A med. Is, A. Taulan?, nallnr. H. Walnut, D FLOOR. 1018 Vf. P...yunk ave.: 0 room, and bnth. Slnnex. 1010 W. Paseyunk. nprucej aiea. iirm. apt., rerieci renu . 8417 ANOOR.V TERRACE HtMUtlful, entire flret noer. Janitor, rremisee, DF.SIRADLE and bath. unfurn 3d,-fl apt., 1701 Diamond St. I mums 2250 N, HHOAD. tl-rrem apartment EDELSTEIN ft irr.RNSTEIN. 213 S, 13th. rAIRMOUNT, IOI1NT. 1(115 New. modern house. keepl nn a.its. McVt'LTV. 17211 FHlrnieunt. ......... ...... .... nl. WEST PHILADELPIIIA Real Ettate KenJltiir Ce.. 41th end San em sts B6T1I ST.. 133 S, Unfurnished apt . rms ft bath, for rent, neiment himi-j FlVE-ROOMEn nelv furn. apte.. until Julv or lenger: J10O. rhene Predien 4S37 W, OERMANTOWN linn An unusual heu'ekcplna np,irtment where the work Is cut down te a mini new and moeern. ui uie-i eatn penNEn nf school lane and Pulaski ave rmi. nnd bath, apt.: possession April 1. rnt $115 per me. Apply 337 Bourse Hldg.. Merris Lang. 182 MANHEIM ST.. large nnd small furn. or unfurn, housekeeping ante, PENNSYLVANIA SUBPRHAN ' AKDMORE IHjrn, or unfurn, 0 te $125: stene: large garage. iicKer. . r.. im-HtLr nv.-. I.ANSDOWNK r ' .. . immediate 75 uwens av VERY attractive it-room apt possession. T W. Scattergoed, HOTTSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS tVTH inr-iTST st sixteen.stnrv drenrAf X,,..i..r.inir urartment house, nil mnri. vhbs . - - - :-- ---- WEST rilliaiTKLPHIA UNUSUALLY desirable; private perch. 7 moms S bedroems: screens, awnlnes. oak , unnra. janitor, -ti e. euiu. --- FURNISHED APARTMENTS APARTMENT, furn., near 10th and Drewn 2u noer: 4 rooms ana perciv.near. t and light' . ft Smart, 1328. . Included. HO Per menm. neyneias 524 Walnut t. l-none urnrare APARTMENTS WANTED HAVE seu anv te lent? We de It quickly, exceptional facilities-for getting ou r. ults. Write us or call Poplar 8335. AdM ta Mortgage and Security Ce., 1(112 N. th at Mr. have a Urge demand for tlrst-clasa ' apartments, furn'shed or unfurnished V'hat have you te offer? Merris Apt. Ce.. 1203 Pennsylvania Hltig. i.ecusi 77.1". FTt'E or 0 room modern unfurnished apart"- I "town nr -convenient II 304. Ledger Oftlcn. T HOTELS ment wanted: uermani te Market st eievateu APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE irjH AND PINE STS. ABSOLUTELY 1'IREPROOr APTS.. FURNISHED. UNFURNISHED LONG AND SHORT TERM LEASES HAMILTON COURT 83TH AND CHESTNUT STS. 2 room and bath, with private hall: rn rn heusekeeping; unfurnished; yearly lease: din lag room. R. If. THATCHER, Manager THE DELMAR-MORRIS W. Chelten Avenue GERMANTOWN .,, M MINUTES TO HROAD HT STATION Metel or unfurn. sulns. housekeeping ants Tim SHERWOOD 38th above Chestnut. ' 2 and 3 room suites, with bath. nrlv. hall, also s'ngle rm.: American plan Bar. 714S. KOTAL APT3.. 1208 N Rread st Fur nlshed and unfurnished suites, lntr-d for its fn table and service; references required. SANITABIUMS PtNE ST' 4SS1 -Delightful unfurnished ;, p,'hn9' ,."1 7eV a$"-a raiVtl i ni.JTue ' le'e Vr" i" TarVef" age " Call i-itlto'KiVSedtVn8 It'yeu'thlSk SunSf5 theTanf,pre'"iV''rv"f.rn. Hprue 04513. te arrange for Ji1: 'Hnit. 'nlealan ; aurreundTnga" lin our nr1 le,"r' Addreaa Manager. Suite '!lVr,','wj medl.t, ioase'salen U""Um". '" 233. 2U30 Amsterdam ave., New Yerk City. .HAUS y.WlA.y An unusual opportunity for medistf possesaien r-rr. : r. t ...... TTZT. T. ,.....- d -Jressed Intelligent saleswomen, te j 'iirBTViT ..'i' ,1 rnnmn nnn nmn. Ann v rji prtbr,-.v riimi.ipm p .fir r ,usiiiiik rpiirp.fn, n ...m... .,.... .. ,.... .n... ...t inei'.-i- ;t .. jiii-. i.t n ,mi . n m it. !."' i"-" v,, ..!. ...... ""., "-,niiiraernpii, married women net cons derecl. v ..i iW. liV .. mn nn'ri umr line iinnwisneg te uispn' "i inis pari you mut l footloose' rnllrend fare and B b.:i, K11cjm t-i,i,; lir wJtnmSin'n l"f the buslne.. unu.URl eppcrtunlty for eeme ,aar te atari sJ.' Mr flegera 11" E ft Whitley. 400 t.mplre Hldg. Walnut 0-. I ,.. tr vry ren).enabie General .Man- i.ibertv Hldg Monday Sr Tuesday ( HIE HARTUAM Old gent euld split lux. ager lck llht'nin, iMlslleld M'e. 1 q1.;, '"f'-; MOn,'la ,.erur", "V, r-z ' B furn. 3r. and bath with rcf. man. JSS: cot ,.... 7. TTT I s'V;Ii.h .V:"I!'.,1 ,0 "ndl, line of line , B ll Erniia Preiton 4250. lJLSHNEfS needing capital te cecr expan- .nressss In the cltyj goej opportunity. P 1 .- . ' t,7rV.'.ri.i..,1hi7n len wt "" '''"eh " Preferred stock at IL'L.l'lgT Ofllce. 1 S W. PHILA.. cornfertablo furnlahed n,v lw,lev v,, 0pperlun,v 0 bu STENeffR.VPHi:n wlth'knledge of l,n,.l. 1 den and prlvate balh. 1 hone ..te w . tock ,n tBDl,hll nniI hlghlv su.cess. heiping prod ' e.lueiiinn nnrt .f?Sfi v2?. M Woodland. . . 1 f ,iutry with unquestionable future: f bu.lneis "Ti..rieneJ . .," .A1. .' . DESIRAHLE apt. unfur.. 5 room- ft bath. rlte an.l secure brek.r-s commissions by nrv V l!vin T llc?? 0?" " ' " le 40lh and Walnut It 224. lxnlser Off dealing direct. Manufacturer. 11 311. 1,. e 1,M "g'-r Office, g ""K ""';"":"' "'";,; ,",,.,t, ; ' oeu te iin.ueu te Di-cenv nctieiy atfll- MUiiAN I am oek ne for a particular tvpe built-in tub. shower, fepaie irch, re- ,un with a local going business real eatat of l.idy. Industrleux. clean record. '" frifeUlt?r r,,,.r.e.nnr?v ni,h m,i t.iJ security lr xeur meney: returns should be e.u, ntlen and geed pcrsenaiuy. these quail- fid ehade: 1 square te euntncuhai,d golf mens thar, , ,,r nl anr,aV Mtheut nHtlen will eccure for her n permanent Vfav S 'v V cer Itread a ceM?ui" r?Vjbll,,rv ?' ,le- closest (nveMlgntlen In- connection with an Income that will meet VAN ft CO.. ?. I-., cer, ureau ane t nestnui vltfd. nrlnrinnM only. 11230. Ledger errire. her h ghe rnwini.! .,i, rn equipment: separute elevator for each , suppljlng a genuine need, prepositions con- S;?"jl10" ",,a management, resilient and . iit of apartments: apartments from 3 rooms ' enlv from concerns efficiently or- f," '"Wfe ceurses: pergenal direction ' and Ltth te 7 rooms and 2 baths, or 2 or ganlied and edeuuatelv tlnanred: no stock Helen M. Woodi. former employment mana- rne'r. apartments" may "-,' jeined: ii.per"tle pjometlojisch.mej.Jli.30J LedgerOff Ice. , gg Vu?f j-'f. lairet heltl. Write for invited. Apply te Superintendent, en prem-im.n or veman effce or executive P?"l8t- a"'" lx-- 3J . -I-U t New Yerk ie. TUBERCULOSIS Camp suitable fnr people minimum of he-U by maplpulatlns the draft with tuberculosis or the needing high, camper mil che V. pnpertj rembuatluii i-.-ilry climate. California; rates revifenabln irt, Rnem 2' I. -Ml Arch ft. Address replies te aiu u, win si., wnesier i-a TJSED AUTOMOBILES BUICKsuff., 1020, beautiful cenditlnn. krrlce right for uulck liuver. terms Royal Moter Car Ce,, 020 N. Bread. Poplar 6086. Open Sunday. Open Hund.iv ad evenings 131.'. Weed BUICK. 1018 tour.: summer 4 winter top. See .Mr. Hunter, stutz Arn-v mill N. Tfread CADILLAC Jamt'trho,p.,)eeixJcefUen'tOUcte?r! tire ee.ulp carries new car guarantee nle mechanlci.1 londltlen price J22i Nell caaiuac co . ft'.'S Market si., caniuen a. VrtUIL.'uA'w et ,)aint khep. excellent cord tire equip; carries i.-vv car guarantee as t" mechanical condition, prlge -.'2(in Nell Cadillac Ce. B2.1 Mnrkei it f'Hinilen N. J rADIF I AT R Tr.urlrc. prfei t cendl- Sunday and evenings l3l.,nefl rADILLAC . eUa, very cUs. Moter Car Ce.. CO N. Hread .'oplnr.eaM wiifcivjtuijt.1 , lam muai diu- rnruin; ii-i. trnr. 131T WoeJ Open Hun, and eB CllKVKOI-UT 4IK. a'd.n ?!" U1 r-' range tpunn. We U.-' J Mr. Murray CLEVELAND? Sedan, beautiful leb: run i,rt little- iimiill amount !ewti. Rojal Moter Car t'u , U20 N. tlread. Poplar tiOJIl. Open Bunda. D0DGETturlnf'1()'sic. a LVJlVJU, ,errnl). 0pe1 Su, una iv. 1190: Sunday and eve- rungs. iai. vv e eris t RSSFX'n, lieautlful Jeb. run very f"- little; small amount down Rnv nl Moter Car Ce.. 1120 N tlread Poplar 0030. FORD Coupe. 11120. self-starter, demount demeunt nblt rims, very geed mech-inlcally. has small commercial body, ultable for sales man's samples or light delivery. Can be en at Harsfisld Moter Cerp. Uresd ut the geulevard Open Sundays and evenings. FORDS Wt are headquarters for used a viiij perj,. ;5 ur. terms arranged. Open Sundays and eves 1315 vV FOR SALE at a sacrifice. Owen magnetic i ltnetlalne: tlnlhrnnlr hnilv run A000 miles. I nivncd and used by private family. Apply te Laurel Oarage, l.akewoed. N J. HUDSON reure. 1020: beautiful Jeb; will JlUlOUIt .acrlrlce. Royal Motorcar Ce . Inc.. 820 N. Rresd st. Poplar 9030. HI 1PMORIF F roadster. wire wheels, ,nUrmuDILCir,..,lv Dlnted. first 1401 takes It. See Mr. Hunter, Stutz, Agency, uUf pi. iireaQ sv. HUPMORH F J&l8 touring, practically nurm'JDiLJznnw. mal( en-ar; ,rn .Qjn Scnde.y and eves, Weed. DUlVr first reasonable offer takes It See j ROSEN sold his business. 2131 E. Chc-I- i g"el opiertunlty for bright, nccuiate man' Mr. Hunttr. Stutz Agency. llt N Itrnad st. 'ten ave. te Cvrll I Karalln. Creditors ll-rly In own handwriting, strung full pr. .t n,,r ' present bills at one te S It. Lasevvkk. 312 Mc'uiars. reference age nnd salary desired BUIC1C JBI " VB"' ressnnable. Se- Jc'al Ksiate Trust Bl lg. LJ)3 P U Bex 3-Vhi ,re"- Hanter.Btutz Agenev mm N Hmad vc,;-can Ollvvr t"yp-wrlt.r 3 ment"he CLERK Quick and accurate'at (IguresTgeTd EUICK touring, lull) unusual bargain J75 (or 17 perfei t mar hlne Oliver Tvpcwrlte- penminslilp ene familiar witll c-lasslhci Jl ill If l.ltlie u-a'.tii.-i i-Juiii! ,l7 .-'.' --- ----- - .. ... uitiitu ,n .' "I .,,.,,,.,,,, . , r. R.rilnn '$$ lORDAN ln2" H.pwsseneer ellheuette. iT.7L. Axtrasf absolute firiinriintee nanve aa new car r.'. ... deDreclatlen en tlilu car for u bear, bar SWIfeVfaln Mr. Ganley. Poplar 8271. "'-R &'V KNIGHT 7-pnss.: excel. ;;. UfiJf-' " ' " ' 'lv,r lent cend, J1000. m rep, aate, Mr. .MCMicnaei, i;nn i-epiar. ;CE-ARR0W Jiuay-sa!, Kii! ,H Ui J. ......... . .. , . XilL .Lr ' iiv.-iiiiciiri, iuv rp'i s. .! touring si. nrst-ciess rargfaw . ' rmir wn siric li M9At."mw.. n-j J'J".""iHelf. excernt.. USED AUTOMOBILES STUT7 teurln nd roadsters, all models. m . . . thoroughly overhauled and r finished; exceptionally low priced! caah or terrna. St Mr. Hunter, Stuti Agency, 0S9 N. Bread at. , STHT7 ! I't ter sala by ewner: it T .b,W bargain In Phlla. Be Mr. numrr, rtuia Agency, nun n. iireaa at. WE FINANCE eia by Individual ta inuiviauaia en term suitaDie te purchaser. Phen Wei. 1200, tyu cheitmtt. noem 208, WKSTTfiTT "dan, In wonderful cendl- ' ' t0n! wit sacrifice. Se Mr. nunier. murz Agency, N. nreaci st, TRUCKS and passenger cars, new and used, many styles and sizes, for .ile with email cash payment weekly. Guarantee Finance 1 run, imi vjnestnut st. WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR S3 TOR PUt,t. ft COMPLETE COURSE 125 RAY AND NIOHT CLASSES, Open Sundays. SATTLEIfS. 1B01 t0 if, snrlng Carrien at. AUTO.MnliII.RS Tnirk ilTTiii'An -rnifi-t.- ......... -. - .. "w."v. i.,?.vi-t .Blii!,,LurBU "4 frau ,,u vi. , iv lull-;ii UUCH i;u M-!1." If?n cemptMAlv rconrtltlenit!, rp. (palmed nnd In a remarkable barualni thi nme7alrmTnra.f,l.leVlVed?rPrAuUaUr! Safe, nd ScrMce Ce.. 23d nnd Market eta.. Phlla. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I IF YOU ARlT a hlch.crr.lde hll!nea trrnn. t I .with s'tllng and organizing experience, tilth J2000 cah (secured by merchandise) I ... . ..iilr. ....: . ..V v ......-.. nr pxciusne mate agency Htid our reier- ricrfni money-making opportunity for the sale ,,f our product, advertised In leading maga rlnes and trade Jeurnals: wc pay office and nna mignt give certain in - rnachlre l.uslneaa: Olea. tools, stock, rat - ents, etc .machine ha been en mariMt dur - SAVE Incorporating expenses, organize your company under the Common I.w. chekper i than corporation. w offer -ervlces for n 'cemplde organization Including stock cer- tlflcatea. books and seals Information free , inn nt , c D OAI IT-U VIlCSinUl Ol. rOOm OUI .- . EXCELLENT opportunity for man having DELAWARE CORPORATIONS are best: Incorporate under liberal law of Delawar. low cest: prompt, effli-tent sen Ice CORPORATION CHARTEIl CO. 4 0(1 Almar flldg . 1033 Chestnut. Wal. 5240 MAN rxperlenced In Interviewing business men and In directing work of subordinates, leslres te act as l-nuaaeipnia representative iKr AM orcanlmtlen or connect with vultablc huslnfss. S3OO0 available for Investment, eerv. Ire available after 3ft days H 3ia. l.d. Off. nnen npm'pnv HiNiTsn ,i, ,.,r: GOOD URtH bill JlLSlUSS, doing about JrtiK weekly: 5 rooms, bath and store. lcc trlclty. geed opportunity, for right party In tierthcast section of city can arrange satis factory terms. Murphy McCleshey. 337 U Lehigh avev . SPECIALTY SALESMAN desires agency for a geed product or a legitimate service . ... - i.i tr.vlning fj- Imn-ntHPt position with el I , Phllarlelpr I i 'out?; invesinii-ni ei nv lejhl X.-.11110 requireit ie assure ryrmanency anu in- -.., ...... . ... teres! Tt 212. Ledger Office. wanted night man. with JSOnO cash a ndi ,,n. rnr nusiness oeeninc in rn anr nnu i"j - . - ... -.-.... .-.-- ; J350 a month ana expenses, ana snare or profit., largf 'concern Manager. 023 Lum- Ler Exchange Hldg . Chicago. APARTMENT HOTEL, fine location, 2t rooms. 3 baths, very well furnished: filled all the time kitchen and dining room fully equipped, steady trade; geed class; $4000. fi 'Ms? f Afleal fifTleA -" i'.s . MAN with $30,000 te Jein the advertiser In tance which has a wide ' M1 of application. , Tt 231. Ledger nrftce the very profitable production or a sub- MAILORDER EXPERT wants te wiltc cat- alegues. booklets letters etc. that will brlngVck -nler. re-tasl-Ker appoint- ment write M anil 1 -A' nntr. .CAPITAL SEEKERS rut .,ur project be- fnre H30 live-wire brokers, cost trifling under my system .msier i-enaru. r ir.i National Hank Hldg.. Chicago, MAIL ' ORDER EXPERT want te write j raalegs., booklets letters, etc.. that will I bring h-chlerdarj .fee has , IJr appoint- m!n. . "I."" lnL.S "..".---.r U.MIAUE new punning capacity.. in cars. with M.roem neuv adjoining, an modern Improvements, for rent or sale Guarantee Te--fu7a-d: i Finance Trust. 1011 Chestnut a .ska CAPTAIN fitting out shin I Ing voyage te Par North, rtqulres 20, oeu support. I) u- i.eeaer uince. NEEDED 125.000 for 3 months. Interest and bonus lS'e. ample security. Address Security n ai-j imager vmice. FOR RENT Storeroom, ready for oecii- :iels Pa unlit . ji, iii.e luvaiiun. .. u ...wc , -u WANT tn heat from owner having grocery, or confectionery business fur sale Juhn I I'l.rlr Chlmva Vil'- Wl - - lAPITM. uvellable for any goed-ru ing legitimate buaines, prep B 235. I-d Off BUSINESS PEKSONALS WE PAID A WOMAN fi .".n for ti let of Jewelrv she had been of frd t0 for elevvhre hrluc mur d. i mends and Jewelrv tn us we Furirant i fu.l honest eaah value evtaeijsne.i in . THO'! u LEE i O 712 VV ,i nil' t Tlie Essentials te Burn Ceal A furmce, exv.ti'Hst. damper ami i-h-r I. wiih iheie v, u cn lnve (he malmum ,r DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETO TOR DIAMONDS KELLY f. e.. l32 Chestnut st. Suit 2-22. se.-nnd fleer, ever Chllds' Rest DlAraDS'BOlJGHt in walnut & mm walnut "Hii. .Main .Mwn ROOFING drFTl-hlCL orneonne,b our perfi.rniance. will land veur contract and save ;,ou mrj e DONOVAN. 7uQ S. e--i . STAMPS AND COINS JTAMi'a'. Albums eti , for coller-tere. list free Plilla Hiamn Ce '.2 S ISlh WANTED un i imi nnTtnvc. i n ,J,l -rTV , s cer' $$ "'"il IllKh one, paid Mlchtly Mfjrn btrret mid i lnbrlfl6 Mn Phlla Ta! Li'lT !," .. .tt i in' ir ut ii'inici w 1 1 ti i ii n i i i "vi .! iv i DOGS AND BIRDS TOR SALE Hnstr.ii lull" 2 fr-male, 1 mate puppv 20"iii Tanker st DRESSMAKING AND MILLINgBX McOOW ELL'S course seen makes veu an exr-rl learn and double jour Intenir- lia and evening school 10JJ Market st. THE KERNEL T i COOMTIK' WSre MONEf ) Z I I i'i -t-A 1 I I I " J J I j I I " j - Us 05OXV.. POOR S.STER( '00-"- f ' (TlFJZTTX ( . ' '. '. , ( ' ' " $ US'. NO WONDER. ST -H "'"!.. WHO'S RfiOuGWT HOME I AS ADDtNQ VESM'.t lt f ' : .. v" ' j, rJ loaeM- ) J I , MACHINE FROM r7r?cL SrTa.l' 0EV-VM TfettttW S-v-' "1 rT ' THE OFFICE: JJ S'NG9i! I MOiSEV MITJ 0 POT CVSEUF TO I S ' i ' , FOR VOO J l ' 1 i-tv , -yri :: r- ( 5.ttW tOOHTlNG V ? t -PV'vf?i a) .tssssssssas AvcbL eUl- 4V fffffffM.:'X-nv(l " 'TtllM' r an . Msasa ----- :'r W y r - I amasisjsasfasjjBfafm. FSVUfs.4. LJ i ...-.-.- in ii YfllWMi-"77"! '- i r-tf r - -" fcFTM'- M . '-Mtsli.!- I :, i,i.Mi.'. ,;. iJfff.'JlAi -. 7' .Ueivti .a-.---- IIbW-M - J..y-.vv.... ...; wv-iv .. ,.rir.n:-ir.:rM.w---.--'''-ur'.w'' .ruru,:-., EVENING PUBLIC HELP WANTED FEMA1B BONNAZ OPERATORS, experienced en all Kind of work! geed salary nnd pleasant' surroundings. Apply Smith A Ramsey. 1840 """"! at,, second noer. EQOICKEEPER and competent atenegrAPher: ,en "he can stand the pace of a builder' SJ, 1? I?2 T WfK " nrt. Huraell Weed, t. ,, iiiirum iane. uermantewn UOOKKEEPER D..E.I must be thoreughb' JwrUnced, and understand conlrelllns c '?.un'! IMe exp.. reference and aalan de- '""" iieura n te n:a. h zzb. Lrayer enice CIiKJl,ICAI' WORK Lady wanud bllllna; ireiiVJ" Wil b'. JU;' ' figure and a geed writer. Kelin. Adler A Ce.. 720 Market at.. nf ,KEUCATED REFINED WOMAN 5i.Jif.lns nPPcarance, aged 25 te 35, for iJ.'llnr position requiring personality and energy: prefer one who through mUfertune -.."ni,.?c,n! reereea finds !t necessary te enter the busliie. werM; mltlnn resoen- albft i.n,iftnen."nn,1V',iri ?,' "Sua bushiJI. eri.iSS. n,n0i , at meMjTn?MFr'Xr,.?&,V t require rre- ilt. In.,lmnl Ili-rtmaM. '-...:'""' vt '" .-.. ---rL- for quaiineii i.,;L. ".." ""' "go, education nna anv eincr , '"'""nnllen that will help ua Judge your qualincatien. R. W. Ixavenwerlh, 112 U. I ft' 1'irt.r..; '.. '..". z:nr t - - -, - t ' 'emimi .nmf . aiRL.s Twe wanted for RUdevUIe . gegl N. nth nt ! "eFsIJkeTHZw j keeper at 5e a 11 act. anted, a working heusf ,m-,tt, vnn i.AAllln0 AM eentlrtl. nersnnnl lnlrnl.iv iipaiii,v. Aril. mere 1713 .1. ItOt'HEWOHK, plum ccek: neat, reliable: .?,' .neuse: etiburbsi no washing! a In fimllv fin f .tni. t ger Otllce. SALESWOMEN There i n mm. i ihi. i.. ..mi.,.. i.,. "ni-c, Hntl Veol or teachlnc school wTie leea !'i J"'?,v' !"' r..?' "erk, earning 13000' per ,,,, Vhl... ""lcm te us we wilt offer 1 ",. ...... a ",e l'eeuir.n iieume ner in; 1 Inter-late buffie. muat have a geed vif. 1 snnallty te 1,0 able td meet n selected llet of ML.SpartAPHER and benkkcTer. ther- rd "t, ,A? , err r "'"i,,"' t" Timrli nseV iV ", in Muridny lAJmbard 0S94, fiTiTTT-i. ; ,- usnii- laiiiiimr with work in contractor'! "' '''" of commercial branches and pen. ' - """"hip. Ire portion. 5 nmiir.nii, i r,- iKimien. m m;i Ledger en. waitress nnd downstairs work, white: gend hemv With nrllufA fumlU In .itKiirh. A""lv Monday. 11 A. M. 11132 Spruce si , O.MAN for light nurslnu nnd household ! auttes, Pretestant: oily s In family: If!" P" month. Pheno Mrs. Thes. Fester. TJ2,:a..3,,i,. for appointment, or call at 3311 N. 17th St.. Phlla. wff!M ,""trl te tell coupons for our Philadelphia studies: several attractive of fers te kelcct frem: returns up te J2 each. Lislland Studies, 014 Chestnut St.. Phlla, YOI'Vn M'llMAV A.t. ....., -w ...u.. K.. - -..u ........i,, cuunicu cA-iratiin, i'i .- ferred, unusual position salary J1.VJ0 first ienr plu.t subsuntlal benus: transportation "" ''"" kuupuiihs nenus: iranapenat en raid, perm.inent Dent M VuHnnal Heme rhri,l Association National CRy llldg nw Yerk. national Lit uiag., General I TEAROOM THAIVIM1 rilllll VIVtATlOV Wonderful epiwrtunltlei for ambitious "omen in tearoom, meter Inn nr.d. cafeteria nri'i nirai nn HELP WANTED iv nman ttn-t.,i l . .. .. . j . . , j inerii. n .11.1. leuger OfTlre. -;:" , '""" .J" L'tW' ' .urr.'"?i "!?ul,... I .. Rrt nr th. lt.,e r-.vuv; mint --uje . buuu yayi i earn ai nuiiie reed pa whlie St,Tnp.n,,m' ':"". Vnli".,e."""s.i "!?! inrr.. ini...n..M .. .. ... :.'.. offer including free "turse-iequipraVnt: writ ier lull paitlculars. Chit-age Scheel e Nursing, bept. F. 421 S. Ashland ave. itiiuuiii. .iniuraPMn.iiiiniiin.Twriii Chicago. Ill MAKE MONEY AT HOME Teu can earn from Jl te 12 and Heur In .vur spare time writing show cards- quickly and easily learned by our new. elmple esAA t ....r....i . .i. ... ' .r. i(...j.y. iiu LuiitAtmmH or seliciting: we teacn ou new. all your work and pay you cash Write today ,10 American Shew Card Scheel.' --P vrl Hldg.. Terente. Canada. rt" weei. inir particulars and booklet free MJ-u us yuer spare time We will train " 'e wine stiewcarda for us. no can - " ng or e licit l: e supply, you with .-......., .". uini-.itg n-v uujci: vmii ry you (j DePtlu JV -it Richmond Tcnn J .;..,. ,pi- ui- a,t "'"imend. Terente i .-in fi., m .,u a vve?K. vviisen iwe-.neas. ,.-,,, . COSTUME design, fashion Illustration, et-f) .. m,lfflnfdrr'fJ'.f-nyu,"1- ,?ngrJlliP,n? JftH' "i'xpertS 1 ur57sln!U1hr.0,?,,nl.,: prSVi'lJrlS!i Acidemy, Dept. L. 1432 N Hre.d t. WANTED ImmNn.h-r.. h.J ...,. --'li. vi .- r:?:- -,,v ....w.v. maLy GueT co!"7-erp.rmo'uu,'h.r''o VnJ"a A, erers. crecheters, henistltchers, 0 furnish IICMEWORKERS wanted, rnmnln r.n . e-. rents an hntlr. nm? nrAfliKi. .-.?. .-i United Shade Ce., Dept. 3. 4b Uend it Te-1 nite, Cinada. EARN S25 weeklv. Hnar tin... .. ,.in ..- newspaper, magazines, exp. unnec. details Mir, riHi ..YIIUIC.tlF, I.J. t.t, ,outs. Me CIVIL .SERVICE examinations. "MJrr,h nrf April many vacancies, salary JI400.lseu write for sample testa p 14"" I d n ,,,.,..... m-mvi.-i- .... .".r.-'. 11 M.Nt-.h.s rtlHiv n L ' O . 1114 Land T rl, ,M' CRATE STKX)S.. IfKPRH , Saleawemet ' """"""'net HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT and credit man inmpetent te I 1 tak full ihurge of cfflre. single H " l-lcr Off Ire. "'" " "s' GKNTS 11100 mere aciils wanted, white and colored, bv a wei: knevn !mi ment company, te sell gr lets and 5 acre 'a' inland at our fat growing towns between Phludelphl-i and Atlantic Cltj . if veu are a huntler .vnu can earn from J50O tvajlOOO rr we,k tn commissions, some of eurVgents are, earnliig mere, we cru prove it. Ker mero In i formation write te our main office MIKPAH LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANT I lnea N. "th st Philadelphia. Ta. ARCH ITEtri'l'RAL DRA tT..IAN Iarited , at one", an experienced, neat and rapid worker en scale and details, ability for geed design essential: work prlnclnalu. ai.AAt. vvlth miscenoneous; living condlUens geed. position permanent! none but a geed all- around man need apply. Edward Z. Schnll "- " "' ""'"" I,a: l -n "' rR-' imhwhv operating cxpnis . ami sinru tiutuyuie i-irn-Kcti; HUVISO llUriilfi , it 01,8. references and e-ilary desired in iippluHtlen. Seretars, Rex "V,,p Atlanii N. J. CePPEK .SALESMAN nf unriuestlened iegnv nt preEeni residing in faiiA nt U fnl.nv.lnjr titles: I'ettsvllle. UlRnuburg pa . -vnd enje.jing the cenfldvnce f the re la I and wholesale precers, will find per m.nmi emnlexment w,th a larce mrr. mmse lillliai -, "WIJ- MU, PIU-I ex- Ii,i Address, Htaung full particulars . ..,.,:, , ... , ...a . -'" en- r rninj age, j,rr.iii nipiever and earn ir- i ipirlty. tn J. O . Posteffico Bet 76u ( iv Hall Station, New Yerk City. u.MHINO section ha ndan anted. for 5 nichts M'v P Ha. Idcr Offlcp. ( I'TTKTl Ai 'XLHr.enceil nnrl . .. m..-...! .!.. -j ... i.i '. . " '" cuiiTs mier tii j inii'fr, n ii-i ij iekt cnarfin nf nhnp. must be a man of tact Hini undei-1 stand clvlllm .n wcdl us uniform work,. i ,ng te iI-j some alterations and make him- ' seir gr-nerauv ui"im, nrni-ciHs ieterencei iwiuliel. posit mi is out nt town, iKirseiul ,ni iviw can be had at Herman Uniform . empany 27-2! Seuth 7lh at., Phlladsluhlu, i XJ,i:Jar' -Aih ., LiiMTnR Olie who hns mnde a specialty ef1 llhheiea te tuhi' i".urg or sanamriutn , utm, fet deinils fluting partlculais. .M 3uu I., de. r Office . . .-.- .-,mmm-mm. LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA MONDAX uniKairiwiiiaiiiaiiiaiiiiiiiiiimiiMi;!! $100 Fer the Best Lest Line te the Incomplete Limerick Printed Belew RULES OF THE LMERICKjCONTEST J ?!? A' rtt rails or personal call Z11..V "nneK bailer wui D jKr. lt.lU"2l8.l, of ,,ne .Jrl .be .bo Ien 0In 0 dl(CU- Contest open te any one. Only ;.'lmrlclL . "'" ,or convenience. -lyiS," .bo'ew. though thl I net 3 ii."-an?w'li e eday Limerick must be recehed by the last mall Wednedy THE WINNER OF TODAY'S CONTEST WILL BE ANNOUNCED ONE WEEK FROM TODAY s ' Cut Out and Mail TO THE LIMERICK CONTEST, Bvenike Pudlic Ledeeii, V. O. Bex J063, Philadelphia. LIMERICK Ne. 2 There once was a fellow named Shinn With a sort of an Andy Gump chin; When they asked if he'd tried Raising whiskers, he sighed 4)1 Xamc .a,.,( (Write your answer en thl line.) Street and Xe W S ss City and State i BL-i Watch Out the Kiddies Don't Beat Yeu te It! Continued from rage One year's Llmr-rick Ne. 101. Ills letter flews as fellows : "With Limerick time licrc I feel just n though I had en a red tlnnnel shirt l.lmerlckitis sure has nic in Its clutches and I am fairly itching te get started. "As I write I have beside me a letter from the Ledger snying : 'Wc have creat pleasure ln handing you here witn our cheek for S100 ns winner of 'Limerick Contest Ne. 101. Signed, CerdiaHy ' yours, J L.rvid K. Hmllcy.' "I am net sure that I shall be se fortunate ns te receive the same sort of a letter this year, but I am going te give it a try. In Inst year s con i i -", a eviu h v j-a w.i, w, - .. This year I am going te try 100 per cent; am going te win, lese or get my nnme , in tuc paper just te ec con- bistrilt "At the company where I am em ployed there is an enthusiastic bunch of Limerick fans, each one hoping, te dtiplleate my feat of last year. 1 wish them luck, but they will have te sharpen i P their pencils if tlicy lire going te keep step witll me. "The ijimcrick l wen inn year -was ' nrim,t n lnilv with wonderful hair. (1 , n?"ULni L Vlir?.. W wlthnnf- m-fi. can still rave about her without inak ing my Kslfc jealous.) Fellows my liinpin' limerick: '"A lady with long, flowing hair, (ied exi't: .'Vm M "P,J." thc nlr' r H I don't 8 a. trill In the pictures wl.y I'll W. th' switch and just shock ' Threw the switch and just shock 'cm for fair." ..T think that this should be the grcfttcst c0test of its kind in the world. See What's in the Mevie Fan's Letter Bex! Every day in the Evening Public Ledger, Henry M. Neely, one of the best informed writers in the Mevie World, answers a never-ending list of questions for - movie fans like these: "Did Wesley Barry have a part in 'Bits of Life'?" "What is the title of Jehn Barrymore's newest picture?" "Who played thc paralytic in 'When New Yerk Sleeps?" "Is Gladys Hulette married?" "Who plays the mother in 'The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come'?" "Hew old is Alice Terry?" "Where should I address Charles Miller?" Start at once looking into the Mevie Fan's Letter Bex every day in the Evening Public Ledger. Turn te th.e movie page today. HELP WANTED MALE DRAUGHTSMAN Experienced In lajlng put detailed vverklnr driw-lngs and making nters: steady position and geed pay te the man who l.neA's this werk: give referencj Mt.-n ii". "'"" -; -.i .-; ,h, '.mil "" ".""" '....! , Tlnhrivf A t ", Vi'.Xmy 'TiTlll.'re. '.8 "" ENGRAVERS J'cinianent position ler a rM!KAVl.Ua I c, Jiiuiicnv .. ; l, ture maji. script, and lttr man and n die sinker: all must be A-l end will 1 pal" accerdingly: erresrwndence strictly con- ... KV.T.IM -if" ledger Office. fldenilal M 3I- "" """ . EXECUTIVE WANTEU We are ng an erganis. .. ...,'"" men. vv in "."""."Si'-iaJ', V.m"ffl win rumuitiB rcmirr ,- - vv e neea executives, irrrmm', ,..... w-Uh the one-call system. W. need a sales anager. e e' '"" -"iie....i;r:' managers. vvriie, Kiving h u,.v. ,u.n. P 102, Ledger Office. "foreman-hint7ne ' working foreman. vvHe knows type and bow , handle men te obtain maximum preduc. ?en1anrnust be thoroughly famlUar wfth and qualified te P en linsh-grafje catalogue and color werk: this In a geed, steady pesl- tlen, wun spienaie tuuuvie mr "'"J."1 ''" , stnie age anu iuu irn,v.mi- . .,, Ledger Office. DAILY Supplied by Any Reader evening. B rfnl aend te Poi Pei Poi efflo Be given In ronpen. Ne an wer wlTl l recelved at thl emce. All muat be mailed. The winner of each 1y' .ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR PRIZE will be announced one week after publication of the Limerick. In rase of tie vets ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be awarded te each uccessful contestant. The prlz will net be split up among them. 4)t)attf ,, ttt ?" I'""2r?:L..c.0l,V'I?.?.,,,..Ln5L0 J!" 43 (A 2t(.-ai I1C J .WIIH IIX-Sj t,A OUK gest n few Limerick-time "don'ts" for the general public. ' "Te policemen If you see a man rambling along muttering te fiimself and apparently unconscious of taxles, trolleys or Income tax, don't arrest him. He is net going insane it's just Llm- crickitls. "Te married folks 'Jf a wife or hus band should seem te the ether teJbe pre occupied or net talkative, don't think 'that it js the proverbial chip en the shoulder. Ne, It's just another case of Llmcrickitis nnd both are probably thinking of what they arc going te buy tne ether with lie 5100. "Te levers If' he forgets te call ns usual, Uen t accuse him of being un faithful, for he's prebnbly up in his little hall bedroom doping out a Inst line te a Limerick which will enable him te buy thc ring. And if she doesn't feed you two -thirds of thc box of candy you brought her or if she forgets te tell you hew. big and handsome jeu nre, don't mentally accuse her of being 'gene' en some film star. That faraway leek Is a hum sign that she's gene n-glim-mcrin' In the Limerick 'celyum' nnd will spend the $100 she may win for a nice scarf. pin for you. "Te bosses If you see n fellow in your employ sitting nt n desk appar ently absorbed in some deep mental struggle ever one of your business prob lems, don't get excited ever the idea that you arc going te have te put through a large increase for him. Ne, for In all probability it's just another case ofiLlmerlckitis. "An4 don't anybody forget te get the EvENiNd Public Ledger and take a whirl nt the Limericks the greatest sport en earth." New, people, you see the spirit of one of your fellow llmcrickers. Let's all get it in tiie dioeu una go te it ! ! ! HELP WANTED MALE FORLMA planing mlllroem. capable of taking charge of IB te 25 men In a mod med ern mlllroem, cutting, ripping, planing. K,.Vg cki geed Jeb for right man: an swer, stating age, experience, salarv eg. pected and references. P 1B-13. Ledger Office. INSURANCE SALESMEN vvlth clear l IN?UnA:iT'K Mi:N are rartlcularly adapted te handle a department of business et a hanking Inftltutlen. Call 10 A. M. and " P. M 1338 Wldener Hldg. "U ' LINOTTPE OPERATOR. 50 per week sleady work, with written contract for one ear, te first-class man who cun qualify after two weeks' trial, open sten- Ualllmere, Md. Addrers II .120. Ledger Office. MAN Yeung Jewish man, experienced In Interviewing prominent people. Write full letter of qualifications. M 800. Ledger Office. MAN, high-class sales engineer, te handle a line of fans, blowers and ventilating equip, mints. 1' 11)0, Ledger Office. ec- i.,.r,'. v riiniiej, win ue given oppor tunity te Increase their earnings doing epe. 5W 5l;?r,lJer Iw financial Instltutlun Call flj AVelghtman Rldg.. 7 te S P. M.. week. Loleque Sundays' Ak for Mr. FEBRUARY 6, 1922 HELP WANTED MALE . 'MAtf A xncVhcy new'exlt In the" Phlladel- I C"'. office of an old. nation-wide estab lished Investment heuse for an cxptrlenetd man 1 1 ATPiicant should be, about SO year of aga, thoroughly familiar wlth'erdlnary. bookkeep ing, wrlfe a clear hand, quick and accurate at figure and absolutely trustworthy. An etlAriretle. (iMl.nmua,lH .rRn. ..r. with former experience In bank or bend house pre ferred, but nut essential) salary com- uciiaurnui wun experience and ability, ana advancement when capabilities prevet.. Communication should be addreated In own handwriting and will. te considered strictly confidential i no inquiries will be made with out permission of applicant. Address O S05, ledger Offlc. MEN Most Of US Want IIMit ...A-b .l.n. fcAiira nothing te think about ani geed pays thl la Pet that, kind of a Jeb; i. .- "Ml w.erk' !en hour and require Intensive thinking, but pay accerdlnflyi It II ft njirnr anrl Kl - IaK than ma! reader of thl p.ige leek fer: an exceptional genius Is net required, but a very ordinary man wen t de: he must be ever 23 and under 40, pessesa a aunny disposition and be capa hi ass It trlendhlp and respect of ttJS ,?ie..reid,r .wstln ffert In gome geme thing doe net afford a future and ha """a. te try for a 10000 position, he I Invited te rail ...... BhM.ji.i.hi. rriM Roem 436. 1011 Chestnut street. I lease de net answer unless you can re main for a .thorough examination. Ask for Mr. K. M. Wlshrt. f'W YORK corporation manufacturing an article of merit for drug and department store want reliable selling agency te rep resent them. Address Trnnspare Ce., 14M3 Broadway, Nr-w-Yerk filly. OPERATOR Wanted, thoroughly experl- need monotype combination operator, able te take care of plant of 3 casters and 8 ky- uvaiuei no muii pe a non-union man. witn bst of character and references: steady po sitions salary )49 nat. plus semi-annual dlv- laeiia piu jrem proms. Tn uuuel Press Rochester. N. Y. i iw.iiu tirii.ciang atone nana, en .airiy mi nr wnn nign-grftde caiaiegue and book work. Apply Ulnfiham Ce.. 1341 - uuiiigjer tit, PLUSH FINISHER, EXPERIENCED. WANTED ON. ALL CLASSES OK SILK. ARTIFICIAL SILK, WOOL AND MOHAIR FLUC.ME: ONLY THOROUGHLY EX rERIENCED MAN NEED APPLY: APPLI CATIONS HELD IN STRICTEST CONKI LENCE. ADDRESS COMMUNICATION TO "FINISHER"' CARE HUESSMUTH, 40S nil AVI-;.. IXJWU ISL.AND CITY, N. T. SALES ENGINEER te handle uln nf In. sulatlen material In district, south of j-nnauciiHii&i me man wun aeuna engineer ing experience desired. State salary, ax. perlence. when available, M 311. Ladter Ull ICO. SALES REPRESENTATIVES Western manufacturer of a shock nhserber which has proven It worth un nil makes of care rime 1014 and protected hv fnllr hneln nat. ent requires men with automobiles a county rwiirceeniauvcH m i'ennsivania. wow jersey, Delaware. Man land. Virginia, West Virginia and District of Celumbia: also salesmen for Philadelphia.. Apply Holten & Ce., 1OU0 Finance Rldg.. Philadelphia. Ta. SALESMAN I am looking; for a. particular type of man wl ci Is Inherently honest, who can eafely icpreeent un organlzntlenof national repu tation and record; regardless of your present occupation Sim may be that particular inn whom I can place In a position te cam net less than 17500 a year. Call Spnoe 0413 te arramra for Interview. SALESMAN Have you the qualifications and experience that will enable you te sell an established Institution te It own customers? ' If you have, this Inquiry wilt Interest yeu: a man between the ages of 30 and 45 years, of geed address, and one who can command a hear Ing Is wanted: state age. experience and salary expected; replies confidential. IJ 21(1, ledger Office, SALESMAN wonted te call an the retail drug trade with nationally known line of preprietaries and cosmetics In Philadelphia and Camden: liberal commissien: no order takers: enlv real men with selling abliltv will address W. F. K., Roem 1211. 50 Union Square. New Yerk City. SALESMAN FOR LEATHER TRANSMIS SION UELTING: EXPERIENCE NECES SARY; OTHERWISE DO NOT APPLY: GOOD PALARY OR SALARY AND COM MISSION. P 1B2S. LEDGER OFFICE. SALESMAN wanted who can produce, sell- Ing direct te users, loose-leaf systems. blankhoeks nnd steel eff'ce furnltum, t,. febure ledger Company. Cedar Rapids. la. aALta.MAr. r.xperienred specialty sales man ncnuatnted with retail grocery tra-'sj: Phlla. and vicinity; give experience. P 152t,. Ledger Office. SALESMAN Every town In Pennsylvania J50 te $75 weekly: pay every Thurs.: expet a. nr. unnec: full Inst rue. furnished; writs new. hi .ommenvvPMun mag., ixewarg. w. j. SAbESMAN Estnb. lnvestm't hank's; house. handling only the highest grade bends, can use a first-class bend salesman: com. basis. Write full details In cenf. R 302. Ledger Off. SALESMAN te sell reefing In Seuth .Tee v position permanent: establshcd,lrudei geed Income. P 101. Ledger Office. SALESMAN, stock. If able te finance self; can central sales. H 230. ledger Office. SALESMEN In the development of our bustnevn v nnA I that the old saying "There are mere geed . positions In llfq than there are men te flu thorn," Is certainly tee true: all we nsk for la a man of average Intelligence vvlth koed moral character who Is willing te work for geed pav. and opportunity for early promo, tlen. If you nre that man and a gentile call Bulte 1108 Land Tltle and Trust Build Ing. SALESMEN Permanently, two successful salesmen, exp. In secur'a pref.. but spec ialty: real estate nr Ins. ceneld'd corporation paving large dlvld's: salesmen making from line te 7U0 weeklv i ctmmlsslen basis; no Balaei no advance Write Chas. E. Dod Ded drldge. 010 Flsk Rldg.. New Yerk Cltv. SALESMEN experienced, -vranted for estab lished terltery te represent our Hue of manufacturing' must be a man of geed imrfect uporlence; will give geed Induce ments. Rojal Apron & Petticoat Ce., Allen, town Ta Apply h23 Arch St., Phlla.. Pa., ask for Mr. Kami. SALESMEN te sell ns side line patented platform fnr lilt trucks, new bi'lng used by tha largest concerns In New Yerk: all territories epen: commission basis; large in come te wideawake salesmen. Spring Valley Metal Stamping Cerp.. Spring Vallev. N. V. SALESMEN, who are salesmen, wanted and wanted at once te erganlzn and open new auto uccesBorlea stores and agencies en sal an' basin and commission. Call or write. Roem 810, 1411 Walnut ft., bet. 3-0 P. M. SALE&JIEN Insurance men are particularly adapted te handle a department nf business of a banking Institute. Call IV A. M. ami 2 P. M,. 133S Wldener Rldg, STENOGRAPHER and luokkeeper. thor ther thor euehly familiar with work in contrac tor's and builder's office. Pheno Lembard UMi. 0 in 10. Monday. STEWARD and superintendent for country club In suburb of New Yerk Cltv: one familiar with club and hotel methods. Reply, naming salary expected, giving references and prevlnus experience, H 203, Ledger Office SWITCHBOARD INSTALLERS. STROWGER EQUIPMENT l.xperlenced men en Slrnivger equipment for work In Seuth America: liberal salarv- and ex ex reiine allowance. Write, gv lug age and qualifications. E. D. SUITE 104. 41 PARK ROW. NEW YORK, WOODTURNERS, ri.ii, only. Lnmp I'n. Ml Green st . Apply Plilla. YOUNG .MAN, above 17. ,K, aL,,en aduca aduca tlen commercial pref., desiring a -ltlen vvlth a future. In a elty bank, nnd who Is willing te work hard'te obtain It, and have un interview- by uprising for an appoint ment: only one willing te work long hours when necessary and who iv nmurallv quick and well munnered will be censidered: apply In own handwriting, giving age, schooling and salary expee'ed; ref. for character. Bex P 105, Ledser Office, Bloeie! Sister Lib's (?IIP HELP WANTED MALE tOUNO MAN wanted by banking heu Ter making deliveries and assisting with Inside werk: muat be capable and 'willing; aalary 114, per, week: atate aga and qualification. i- in, imager emce. .TOUNO MAN, preferably with atnl-mlll . nerlenc. for stsnegrarhle and clerical po pe po siteon: slate aga and experience. P 1529. imager urtic. . , weherai MEN WANTun Trt nRpmtR nnAtrrRMEN Salary $250-1300 per menth: chief drafts man will train you at your home. ale fur- men rn&K an loon; training given unui Placed In position at above aalary. Address CHIET DRAFTSMAN DODE.. 4001 Broad Bread way, Dlv. 232, Chicago. ' ELECTRICITY tatight by experUi , earn while you learn at heme: electrical book and proof lessen free: your uceess guar anteed and position secured. Chicago En gineering Werk, 2144-A Lawtonce, av.. Chicago. BRICKLAYERS, enrpentera' . and .builder wanted: end for free book ."Hew' te Read Blue Print": no charge. Writ today. Chi cago Technical College, 2114 Tech, Bldg., Chicago, HI. YOUNO MEN. or 17. deslrlr.g aevrnmint positions. 1180 monthly, writ for fre list of positions new open. J. Leenard , (former Civil Rervlr- Emlncr). 903 Equltabia Bldg., Washington, V. C. MEN wanted te qualify for firemen, brake . men. experience urneccssary. transnerta- tien rurnisnea. write w.. Begge. m, uian, EARN 123 weekly par time, wiitlng. for n free newspapers, magailneit exn. unnee. I detail I'res riynnirte. waw m. ijtuis, ji", w GOVT. POSITIONS OPEN Men-wemen: her.estv renulred! srned rtav te atart. writ T. McCaffrey. 81. Loul. CIVIL SERVICE examination. March, and April: many vacancle: aalary tWoe-ttBOOi writs for aampl test. P 1422, .Ledger Off. J BITTJ ATIONB WANTED FEMALE COMPANION Traveling companien: lady of experience, middle aired: will go anywhere with any ene: United States, Europe; rtftr- enees. R 2rt, ledger Office. . COOKING, downstairs werk: capabla white woman wishes situation where no ether help ts kept;, no laundry; city or country. B 30ft. ledger Office. COOK, chambermaids and waitress, Pret. ..sisters, dcs. pos. smalt adult fam.: Main iine: n vrs.,- rets, can Men.. tnea marry. COOK. exp. American: geed cooking and baking: ref. 373 B. 10th st. Phene. DRESSMAKER wants sewing by day; terms Teasonaeie. Address n ana, looser ernce, EXECUTIVE wants position with a pre. gressive nrm: nave nan in years- busi ness exp. with large firms; thorough knew). edge of all office routine. B ?4 Led. Off. HOUSEKEEPER Ls"dv vfhn thoroughly unaerstanes care or country nom. garden, poultry, dairy: large experience! likes chll dren; no menial Werk. B 22R, ledger Office JOURNALIST v. A position as staff wrlter, assistant editor or assistant executlve Is desired by woman of wide experience In Journallstle werk: ere- fer connection with publication devoted te home life or woman' Interests,' would net eblect tn subordinate position at moderate salary u prospects rer .mere aevanceu posi tion with enlarged responsibilities are offered. Phena Poplar 4073 W between 0:30 A, M. and 4:80 P. M. LADY'S MAID Competent, refined woman, Norwegian by birth, geed needlewoman, wishes position In geed private family; tub. urhs preferred. Phene Poplar TBH7 J. LAUNDRESS, cel., would Ilka te have fam llv'a wash te take hemt: reed reference. R 2S2. Iedgsr Office. STENOGRAPHER OR CLERK YOUNG LADY OF REFINEMENT AND PLEASINO PERSONALITY. WITH YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN CLERICAL WORIC, D E S I R P 3 POSITION: RECENTLY GRADU ATED FROM. STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL: AOE IS: EARNEST. EN- , THIISfASTIC WORKER. M 134. LEDGETR OFFICE. WOMAN. Protestant, experienced, can take full charge of Invalid lady; city or coun ceun try. B 211. Ledger Office. WOMAN, colored, wishes day'a work; 13 a dav. 7W1 N. 4Bth st. TOUNO LADY, high school graduate, with 2 years' practical office experience, de sires position. B 136, Ledger Office. YOUNG WOMAN with hlgh-clae credentials seeks position where executive ability, energy and geed common sense are requisite: qualified te art ns confidential assistant te executive,, msnager of stenographic depart ment or as pergenal manager; services avail, able Immediately. II 3U9, Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, office manager and execu tlve seeks an engagement, high grndt, te take entire charge. B 185. Ledger Office. BUTLER or heuseman: neat-appearing cel ered iiieiii cnu lufnian vest ec city rex ences. 1182 8. lftth St. r CARPENTER and cabinetmaker wnnts vurn. ui7. wrrn. 11 ai. i.cuyrr Ulrica CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, white, desire pal sltlen, yeera' experience: will iVa en plsce. Phene Chestnut Hill OfllK . en CHAUFFEUR, eclered. .wishes prlvate posl pesl posl tlen: 12 yearn', experience, vvlth refer- ences. Phene poplar 1482. CHAUFFEUR, marrle,'. 44 years last place- Main f.lna pref.: best ref. B 814. 1..J ns' COOK, Japanese, desires position In nrlvata family: has long experience- annA ..,. II. W. O. I.. 008 Pine st. Walnut 7281.' COOK valet. Japanese: take entire charge gentleman's place; geed refs. S. E K i 30H N, 18m st. ' ' '" COOK AND HOUSEWORK Japanese wishes i"r.,ii", ,., ,,. , i .imi. i.en;. ne COUPLE. Japanese, want positions; man cook, waiter, table: best reference. Teml 1133 Perter st. i"" EXECUTIVE desires connection vvlth nn established and reputable coecerii. preferably manufacturing manufacturing new the head of a cemnrnv and r ia have accumulated experience In finance, pre. ductlen. sales and. genetal management: mv- leasens for aesinng n change are of the best and available te vnu: tn ..,) i.i..i." a family, perfect health, unusual education and reputed te possess reseun-rjf ulness. bdiVii and initiative vvlth ability te organize and develop along constructive and profitable lines. M an. Ledser Office. Promaeie FARMER and gardener, practical man: mar. rled. Bex 35. Bryr. Mawr. Pn. HOUSEWORK Yeung Japanese des. nes i ,mnn.... ...... ...., nu y. inln if SALESMAN, reliable, experienced: have own automebile: location Immaterial: local ref. erences. B .110. Ledger Office. ' " ref SALESMAN Will represent standard mam ufactured line en strict commission basis- -. TiAi-lnltlati W 'HH T1.a- -4Wi.. '-Jest, 11.1 - v,.t.-. . -..m. muari VU1C. YOUNG MAN. 22. desires clerical posltlerT: experience; best ref. SH.I.I Mt. Veriim YOIJNG MAN. WhartonScheol gradT. vvaiit. pos.: pref. with bank. II 122. Ledger Off? AGENTS YOU CAN MAKE 18000 per vear or 11000 I8V In, spare time and share In our profits besides; no Investment or experience required: you Just take orders, we deliver and cellect: get a FREE rainceat: our R?5 Reversible, the coat of a thousand practical uses, Is the newest, biggest seller. Wrfts Vls"'al'hy.lgenC.ll. ABent"' ,n" 4" Jf8 NO DULL TIMES SELLING FOOD ' People nust eat; Federal distributors make big profits; 13000 yearly and up: no capful or experience needed: guaranteed sales: un. sold goods can be returned: our name en ireducts builds our own business: repeat orders sure: excluslve territory. Write I via - - ' ,, ". . .fWIJI,. Aa,W, LsTiin;r,n?"" .KS,n,;j r manurir. . --..-I ,.: '..'.. -I'W,,L "ciisauenai seller: ; 10a g ex- in son, AC-LNTS Rich-looking OUxHO Imported rugs II each: Carter, sold 115 In 4 days? i??fli ir,7; jeu can de same; write for sajmila efcr soiling plav: exclusive territory; sam! Pie rug, pest, prepaid. 11.35. U denffl importer. Stonlngten. Maine. uonaen, Wealth Equals Naught l. pBckagfti ret Ucj we furnish evervthiii lie Liruiii 111 sifh pn rnneniiie .-ructions $87.30 Hhafer Ce . B'TTacU Chicago "l 'KtiLXittZh, TiV'l:' Tx ., v. ; m a AQENTSK WlVTVrt bluu-i ...tlqnt calling en garage trad1:"". -!W sir.VieSr?xcT.Kfirnrnr.g5t.1,irri5j AGENTS wanted l t,.nji. ..... . machlnt that. has. mc uaV7f,MD'2 alt ethers: retail for llOOt big SIS yeui machine fully aruaranteed1 JK2 ttrritery at ence. Plttsfle d xt.-t,! Teel Cel. PlttsfieU. Masi."a ' Mlttetl MEN WOMEN Get Inte buTin.t. et . Mlft rnaka biggest BreiltsT iSiiiI.'Wj mprevta cenvertlbla shopping biufi iSM territory. Utility. Preduitstfg'pe Hennepin av M nneapells Mi5-,,Ce'r. BARN 110 dally silvering mlrree. . Ing and rsflnlshlng maisi..vllr,?'1d i -f - chandtllert. .btdstaadai antflta hSl ' ' ' r-V-i- AOEN1S Cfnh'.f ri.l . . InunniialK Interesting te yeungtt.,.!1 eat lellirt: tares PrpfltskexciuBiw'tE, StSTfAJftt -'-"L" i?ciT une Bldg., New Tork. c: PRODUCING tailerlns; agents wsntsdr; ..w,.d't?er,.r c!"hTnrJrunleii rnsJihl tjful. materials: tewast prices: .-" J ChicVim. ,IM T"r- Lwa "R Chlcsge. AGENTS WANTKTJ te- advertise m,.7 and dlstrlbuta fre. ..mnil. 'f! "Wl 90e per heuri wrlla for full DaViuS Amtrican Products Ce., BB2 jSH RM-.. Clnernnall. Ohn. ' "D- Atntl SALESMEN Wrlte for list of lines T tiMVltnlaea, urn Iftvnri .. ..'i"fS an blf majid for men.' ln,p,?l,VCfa"0 J snetd, city or traveling. . Vvi alL" ananiiri,.",jr ",mn "wt WIDE-AWAKE MEN1 tu lake chare. . local trade- IS te C8 a day .f..J5j experience required! pay starts a2 w nie veuay. AniFricanl'rOdUcts Cri American ftldg., Cincinnati. Ohie v'a'' AGENTS Make a dollar an han7 Mendeta. a natent n.l-h. EL, JUST. leaks tn all utensils: sample free ri? Ce.. Amsterdam. N. T. ' tl EMPLOYMENT AOETJCT-ft' M. MCCARTHY. 2020 han.enr.-. - for asveral lst-blass cooks. chnK..,fl waitresses. several ist-class laundreiiS -we:-k A laundry work- Vh-iil k waltln: also .cveral'iel'J de chamberwe; cnsmoerwerK 1 cera coesi ytennay. MRS. M. KANE. Rtl H mil. .. Spruce 8401; positions wanted: cenJT chambermaid want places tenih.SKJ nrst-clasa cooks, couples. chanib.Vi waiiresses. euuer. Chlldnurses. heuiS girls; all white help; best refe'r-JPy E. O. HARVEY. 19URlttenlie,i.TTr" liable neie aupplim and wanted"-, capacity; . Pret. cook. Pret. ,.i,mL ia:BawiMM'fa?s tn xrrs-ttvrar i JL" e mviiivuuet ion is, eih at -.n-Ti. -. .. aillFQ, LOST AND POUND IXiX TF.RRIER Lest, brown fox (.! Reward. 11B W. Hertter st.. nij"? CERTIFICATE Netice Is hereby elven i Cert float Nn 0X91 f.l Vii.S..'1!- lara III000) PHILADELPHIA. WILMn! IS-y.ANeJlALIMORE RAILROAD s-TY iivuni uBK-riiriUATB. due July t i registered in the name of Sarah B Bli well, ha been lest ne H..i,n : fi'. " ?fp,a?h.h,S?.e,,.f0r ,h9 M'mcn' " "& SB .?ARA" : C. BLACKWELL. "J B4 E. BOth St.. Nw vert, nfty r, "CT0."-'. 8".. ... betw- i. cija AMi.:na7Py..lsrB.ii? s- aump. epruca eiruu. tr itellver i.i' express office. 83d and Arch, and rtetla NECKPIKCE Lest. . I,.. , ..- Piece eA Saturday afiernnn., n-Jl0 P main line train from Wayne. Reward Ir i turned te 211S t-'pruce ,t PhlladelDhls1 ' " rm i " ""';""" ngnv, iaay s gr old ring with larre. llirh. ...u' V" 1.1 Mn I.a. TVUI...J... ..l. . . . the entrance of Angera. Statien: reward aia SEWING MACHINE falsi. In ... v..Z Phlla. and Llnwoed Heights. Del." Ce i U...V.... - ..v..v. &.b, -.i.wm U. PEHSONALS MICHAEL BOY LE Sister desires te ysy'. 42 e: 23d 'XT JUSaSFWl ' LADI8LAV I Mether made 111, pleats heme: all forgiven. Father CleinenL FOB SALE vJtlEi.MlLAU VALVES 'rtl llned chemlcal valves; HO te ISO each: tS Vail'., n .A MA.U ..lit. ..I..l . -'., M .h... .w ,.fc ..., v.iiuai vags en SI JAirEa p. wrvnn ueiavtvi a . 230 N. 4th St., Philadelphia JM ?1 RE 8TA URANTS. Btnrea. hn.rain,. v....- Iarr Malhe mtatees. $i.6 bush.:. sacKS meaium notatees. ii hn.h . en .. small potatoes. I1.B0 seck: onions. i?.TXhS ,.. . ... . ..... ... : --r- i . wTV '" Kv,! fSu ""i- " lrnii ;..w uum. , ihjiujt uriu, apples, 12 dui ,,u. nvr-. Illttigeif, tl.0 DUsn, Ph.. city delivery. 40 S. 30th. OFFICE FURNITURE 1 7.9.,,0ie?,i:dk''i.'.e''"L"'Cabln,UlJ -...-.. Vf 1 .... tr ' mmwi iiurei, ,! we uuxi tinii ana exenanre M i PATTEN FURNITURE CO ' "I" w -..-. -... w. .trty.m zhb. DAVENPORT Six-feet mahogany dan pert: genuine herschlde cever: uratcnes or Diemisnes; owner desires kl utlllzs space and will M rcusenably. CaT be seen at 8514 N. 11th st. Felding ChairsED" 75c Ea. Brand new. strongest made, tin a,, a S.hA'fi !"'" Jnted for all occasion!? i-riiiu i.u, UT1I AND VIHJ ANTIQUE RniTIRM miss Unique private collection of old and rrt l'ngllsh and Irish glass for .ale. p.r,i.,,i..rf of Messrs. Cnrbeuld-Ellls & Ce., Solicitor," lift .-!, .V...... tn . ...... . T . .. . a .... . luwuun., nrjiiicni, i.uuuiin, .ngiana. i-iA.-vu-CHUCitiiTisw baby bonnets. trv Plane cans, tnmeshanterfl nnri hru.htjv wool hets reasenable: fourfold worsted ysntj,; Drusnen wool, S.,e0 pound, B 222. Ledger Office. FUR coals, used for showroom purpeatfJ enly: every description; sacrifice; sMlij cnata 45 up; just a few mere left: simsw an. km. I. l.n-la- ...... ........... nnn .,,.,... .,'1 iv.iw.h nviua n.i I.U.IUQI1V. uw viaiuuveH, noem u. MUST SELL carpets, furn.. cut glass, Cv tains, dishes, glass-deer mahogany vwrjr robe, antq. bureau, urt. rug. 1838 N, llti" REFRIGERATORS tjSSg$ n T nanrlalt Cn . snl TO -M .1 f.i VERY' BEAUTIFULLY and fully furnlibtlJ tremlng house, central, goetl nelghborheo-C': goet business: 111 health. II 20S. Ledger 09, i.i,n r-AB, MaerlOrA inrr.m,, ...I . .1.1 skunk cel. 4 cuffs. IllOialse 40. In. tealcetW S0.1. Mrs. Ltcvy. ieji fn. i-arK av. Meaur, SAFE with buralarproef steel vau't 5 fkifl high. 30 In. wide, 28 In. deep. 1123 WhlPfB ten st STONE Foundation stone, any quant!tJi quarry in rterin i-nim. ii. i;. Ainni.i-r 3717 Old Yerk read. l'linne Tiega e,v?.m POOL TABLES bought, sold and repalrefjj L. Klefer. 320 W. Olrard. Ph. Kens. 2.'1 HARNESS and wagons for sale- ches-3 1 H21 S. fith st,. Camden. lty Kt95X.f rw-krvT. rr.llT.l.:R hnncrht. nlil ami rena iw,t. . 1- ... rt, . ,. .. n.lSrl I,. Kleter. ;i.'H vv. mrarq. I'll, lyrnn. .ac CLOCK Maheg. hall clock. 14.1: perf. ruft, nlng order; creat snnp. Ph. Wcr. 1691 i': MACHINERY AND TOOLS J RALE 1 te 20. ten refrigerating nn-tA:' chines, 1200 te llnOO: refrigerating supJ.'i Piles. 1-4110 II. P. Cochrane feed wtttr I beater., l-ivu ji. i . iierryiiiaii nraw.. . 185 one Goulds A Davis pump. Still tachtf cine fi K. , generator, steam eriven. new. J200; ene Sturtevant fan. 25 " outlet, new, ,T5, Refrigerating m. t Rerrvman's MachUiery Exchange. ReurNi I i"",. I "mbard 1612, warehouse, 8078 Htlfg." J SURPLUS- TOOL EQUIPMENT for saleTB?;, J it S. Mills, grinders, handv latlies. Smlttlj I and Mills shapers, boring mills, etc. R1edItUi En. & Teel Ce.. lllh aii-l Dalzalle tt.f , Detroit, Mich. J,i i ELECTRICAL MOTORS. MACHINE TOOWiJ O'nRIF.N MAClllNi.iiT i;u,. hi .-v. ou ".i NEW . second-hand mach'nery bought, sejAfS exc.i plants dismantled, qrevv. 1806 N. H - TTjS STORAGE AND MOVINO VJfll VICTORY STORAGE J .q.:.'LI1SliAprSe0C'vB.'nrnt im f8i 'ni.i.. .- Trt lehn Rhoads Ce.'.'isravi 41 57-415 4 u...... T.rklnr. Moving. Carpet CleinIM wkMM&"n$&&!mi PACKING. LONG-DISTANCE Jiuviw jj OLD GOLD OLD geld, "silver, platinum, plated war, "-wv svjle j..v ry. -eth iilaies Iwug 1. 1 'rfW e.l'wn i I. u ark. liiliicr, Mi7 P'JUXm cASlT'imiil ler old geld." tllvcr imj "."ilxffi clocks. Kegtis, 4.1 h. 17th st. Locust l.Wft l.POAI. AnVKHTISKMBVTrt. JS-THK BEMANUI5 riUNTINlJ. Ol NATHAN na,- """J".7U., iliara, from suliL flrni aiiu WQ,J?uf"5 U?i! mm Mlt.-LV.'A t?i251