J.UJHJ UJ MHHffiPSMHHsHHHHHHIHHMHH i" fO.V K S m awwsv IMfe iCW VENlNG PUBETC ItEDGER-PHIEADBLlteAV MONDAY, FEBRUARY , 1922 3e Daily Mevie Magazine & LvV f F&R THE FIM FiVS SCRAPBOOK i ,v -e 3?&v.' 'V 'ft.VR'1 : "'s'5;s ?' ....? ? ' X ' 'V ' & :.:: r &H$$"M ''K" :- - iViv '' " ?W S.SS.V 'i .' NV VJ ?.;& f?i-, feiHi "-' ,: A-V "i -"?SV HELEN FERGUSON IS KEEPING OPEN HOUSE TO CHILDREN Bv CONSTANCE PALMER Hollywood, Calif. EVERY Sunday nlternoen Helen Fergusen holds open heuse for the kiddies who played In "Hungry Hcarta" with her nt Goldwyn net long nge. The Totingiters were fe wliolp-eeuled nnd cntlrclr natural that Miw Fergusen uae her heart freely te t lie entire let. Uut Instead of forgetting alter the com pletion of the picture and the rubtequent dljbandlnp of the group. he instituted n vecklv meeting. At these gatherings tliev liiake candy In the Fergusen kitchen, iiwiitcd ly Mr. Fergupen. Helen nnl her younger (-lter. and then adjourn te the freut nid. where they Illustrate te the family nnd neighbors the latest uppercuts as effectively utcd en Flguerea street. When llclcn tirst became acquainted with them they uerc net versed in the gentle art of politeness, but new they aver thev arc going te grew up gentle men. One young hopeful tnld his nm nm liitlen was te become a director. "Wet if dey won't letchn?" asked one of his companion". "en. iiry Kin gire mn reiencu ine htm. tlme. He thought. And he thought. Finally he announced lth great deci deci seon: "Den I'll be n, plumber 1" I'm Invited te attend the next gather ing Sunday afternoon. It's going te be very Interesting, I knew, nnd I'll tell you all about It If you'd like te hear. TheSenae Finance Committee Is new nrennrlnir n renert en tnn Fordney tar iff bill, which is causing such a etlr among the film magnates. It imposes a 30 per cent ad valerem whatever that Is thity en foreign-made motion pic tures imported Inte this country. Ttir. nrrnent national association of producers an.d distrluuters Is opposing the 80 per cent tariff, fearing retalia tion by foreign nations. They nrguc (hnk American ninnutacturcrs', then would have te produce abroad te enter the European market en a casis cquai te their foreign competitors. This, they allege, veuld threw American ncters, directors, workmen, artists nnd laborers out of employment. On the ether hand the actors favor ft CO per cent duty based en the Ameri can valuation, nnd through the Actors Equity Association cnarge the produc ers with desiring a low duty In order te take advantage or cheap labor and iTintednlt In iirefliirlnff films abroad for tise in this country. I The motion picture directors favor limiting imported ncgattves (exposed) te a designated percentage of domestic film production, this percentage te be divided among foreign countries In pro portion te their respective volumes of film production. As nn alternative measure they sug gest a heavy protective tariff ba?cd en production cost In the United States at the time of entry. I thought perhaps you would be In- Wet If.tere-tfd in getting the straight of the ' ' . ' - ft , . m imm Imgk LITTLE 'BENNY'S NOTE BOOK ByJ-fe Pape v ,lcv wen'teu give n n ehnnct?" That I matter, ns It Is n very important devel seemed te fleer tlic timbltleus one for nlepment in tne muusiry, T rein nmtrtilnv home from tkoel te day and I came te 2 tuff looking kids hnrlnv fearan nrrnTnint about wicll one could wlssle threo their fingers the I loudest, one saying, Aw go en, J can wlssle twice ns loud ns you, you sound like a deef and dum fish nlongside of me. Jest because you say se that dent prove nuthlng, holey smeaks It I ceuldent wissfe eny louder than wat you can Id dry up and blew away, sed the 2nd kid, and the ferst kid sed, O all rite, nil rite, well III jest bet you a cent nnd we'll leeve this heer kid held the stakes nnd be the Judge. Mecning me. and the 2nd kid sed, Fut up or shut up. And they both took n cent out of their pants peckit and handed it te me without me saying weather I wuntcd te be the stake holder or net, the ferst kid saying, New, Wd, if you wunt te heer n wlssle like you never her before, ltescn te this. And he put 2 lingers half wnyB in his mouth and blew n fcarse loud wlssle sounding like the werld was coming te a end, and the 2nd kid put 4 fingers all the ways in his mouth and blew a wlssle sounding like the werld 'had al reddv came te n end. Me thinking, O, he gets the 2 cents. Wich jest wen 1 was going te say no the ferst kid sed, Well I gess that proves I can wlssle louder than you and if this kid rajs diffrcnt 111 smccr him one across the fnce. Me thinking, O, maybe his was the loudest nftcr. nil. iprjf GLORIA SWANSON We icitl he glad te vublnh the pictures of such .vrccn players as are suggested hy thiy fans THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX By HENRY M. NELLY Valentine Net Divorced We have, en several occasions, re (erred in this column te the divorce ireceedlngs of Rodelph Valentine and llft'wife. In tedaj's mail came n cllp lng from the Chicago Tribune of .lan tarv 29, sent in te us by a fan or 'anette. Said clipping consists of a etter pent te an editor of a film nias ifclne bv Jean Acker Valentine. e luete it In part, for better or for werse: "May I nsk you te kindly inform lie Answer Man that my hubnnd Rodelph Valentine) is net a single atn. nnd that I. known en the screen ta Jean Acker, de net wish te he spoken i as having been married te him, but )"And I herewith wish te add further hat I knew of no divorce proceedings, i e this being the facts, would your nagatine from new en Inform its pub fc fan admirers of Mr. Aalentines bat he and his wife are perfectly geed Hen'ds, nnd. ns far as I am con- i 4rnA, expect te remain married te t . inn,, time. Sincerelr. 'JkhlS. RODOLPH VALENTINO." Ht !. ihn Fnmeus-Lasky pee- lie-have sent me another correction en Valentine's name. They say that hcre- , ifter l.t will be spelled Koaeipn. 7 ''C B M. F. Se you think the Letter Bex is "the cutest thing" mm gw one. but. anyway, i m k '-'""." . i Then you wani ie ...... - lente ll lie. iif ""r """. " 1 in a hundred if a novice of that age get anything. Wallace Rcld does net IKte hl age in any of the directories, lie started noting shortly after leaving thi- New .leriey Military Academy. I Mmlee Kviiiis lntet tiioture is "Heidi." Vnli'titimi was cilucnted in an Italian military and agricultural school. Fihate II. O. Serry, but we can not undertake te answer nnv letters personally. Miss Gorden Is en the Keith vaudeville circuit, and can be i cached through tint organisatien or by looking up her bookings in Variety or uny ether theatrical paper. X. Y. Z. That was Jehn Gilbert in "Lndies Must Live." Address him. cure IVq Studie, Holbweod. Calif. I'm sure. J haven't the slightest netidu v bother Vnlcntlne smokes tee many cigarettes for the geed of his heart. I shouldn't think he would. What de j en mean. "Will the play 'Mickey' lar again wen?" If you mean Mabel Nermnnd, who starred in that picture watch for her in "Melly O.." her lat est. Perhaps there is n slight similarity between Mabel and Bebe, though I never noticed it. Addicts Bobe Dan iels, care of Famous Players-Lasky Studie, Hollywood. Calif. We've get n picture of her geluj thrrugh seen. .1. Arthur Comerford Address Brtt CmtipMut, rare of Famous Plajers Lasky Studie. IIollweiid. Calif. In In ceose twenty-live cents for a picture. Twe Pals Yeu may be right nbeut b Hub screen vehicle Jk.H. Mnnla Rlllp 1800. according te the film directories. Cl'j.. .ii. ,,,f it lias recently de al uraiiuirai "v I T-Jten nml is me i ai "'i i". '" Cloned that he ia. part Indian nnd is ,,Th(i P tunp Hunter, tehly regarded ey nis u-iui.iu' '; Ay res. . . j , W who re use te have nini p.. , ,? Ag A am, R de, h Valentine M. Il'':,i his screen ripe- I J" think w. why .Ien -t jea mc wiie ier iitu i.-". - ..,,., .-..if. vtueiu seurscil, or eise 10 ai-t'iiarm i.ui iencc includesengngemcnts wit urit Fameu- Players-Lasky Studie. Hollywood. That wuld 1 better than writing te any director. Yeu must ienl Ize. though, that no such story can be iiFed for screen purposes without first ebtninlns permission from the holders jef the copyright. tth, . Pathe. Triang e, r a.rp.. ana voeu ..-";; wild and from Painted Test"), wl h .Mary i-ick-fed in "M'liss,". and "Johanna En- lits " and In ine equuw . , tTed'in the Hills." "In Missouri rj.?''!!,'" - Tirle " "Evervwemun JSfrA.T..r.H. mmmandment." "Toe , Much Jehnsen." "Petlgrcw's C.irl. A ' juiten F. Address Wallace Reid. Inmber'nnd Remance," "Something te rnr) et rameiis Players-Lns.kv Studie, Sink About." "The Juckllns," "The Holljweod. Calif., and Charles Rav. fSntuckiajis," "A Perfect ,'"' 1423 Fleming street, Les Angeles, Calif. vn.nhmi of tne cienu "y - - Alley. The Inst named is in support , Anxious" Wallaie R"ld irj. . - . -., ... mm ht. .. nnrt una iinr mil ruii'ii in vprv V DP ' . . J i ...1 .Ur.iit.ti T 1 -1 ..III. i 'ncilflinn Vflrrnl l.t ttl'O '" , '. ... iei r.nf1rinntlen. that .if the rarieH of nictures she made under Isnewn Paris, where he is te make 1(. direction of Cecil B. J Mille I. Oneen of the Meulin Rouge." He Tu.v wriv "Carmen." "Maria Ilesa.' ir feet two Inches In height, weigh" -Jean tlib Weman,' ".me weinan nn,.nrla UTlll ll.lS DrOWn r .-- ,i, .. n.. Vtlu nietnrp in es. VC Will irj iu i"i "'" " " r; In the near future. The name - 4 f the actor you Tcfcr te n Camille 1 1 Rex uuerrynian. 1 H j A. I'm nfrald the fact that , ,-..J r.i.n.l i "iust the Image of lareld Ueyd" cannot obtain him a 1 Iee en the screen. There are hun- , j. Se. of se-called "Mary Pickford deu- i I lea" throughout the country, you knew. f your Irienu is ri-imy I'"'"" v' "" lltentlen. he sheul.l go in .cw ieni ind register with casting directors and dtli some reliable agent, but as I have e often stated In this column, the phe- - ' 'play business is in very bad shape i Sibt new. nnd many cTpcrlcnccd actors 2nd actresses are out of job". Hareld ' 1 Seyd's address la care of Hal E. lleacli fi. ftudie, ijeujwu"". v-u,... Vc1- p i hv A. McCUnten Address Gleria Swan W ion care of Famous lMnerrt-LasUy i KV tudie. Holljweod, Calif. Swnnsen is ir right name, uui. i-. ; ...-.-... i : - ., rnn mnv op mav net knew t SW-"'4 lat she is married te Herbert K. Som Sem lPf lern, from whom bhe is at picsent sep- K ted' . . . vr .... . . .. i Sf r E. J. C We'll have a piciuie m , i& ' lareld Lloyd seen. These comedies , JS'L . Iitu-Ti.l.. rinniole ns his lendini: worn- ffl- '" " '"""-.": ."iT. . i- i flte ins ate reissues OI llims uu inaue wn-ii S&tMN age. ... PM'ttWaHIng Gareth Hughes was born was? -t.B'i"'' v.,"ri "... i:i.i.i. i.; i.. KM 5Sil Ineliide "Eves of Youth." "Mrs. iW& fw " the Cabbage Patch." "Wern- I!')' ir vfrJ. n.ll. "Ronllnientnl Tern. ffig' l" "The Chorus Girl's Remance." WS ''Lure of Youth," "Weman in His Ut ttit IHUUKi ..... wiMlin ... .... MK Hunch." "Little Eva AFcends' and U1 IfaU hair andqn,at fied Forget" and "The Devil Stene." That was Pedre de Cerdelia who played with ber in "Temptation. " Theodere Roberts pla ed the role of the Impresario. DIES ON WAY TO FUNERAL j W. Bruce, North Street, Falls Dead in Buffalo , J. W. Bruce, 1102 North street, who, went te Buffalo te attend the funeral of his mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce, fell dead upon his return from nn automo bile ride, and there will new be a double I funeral at the Bruce home. Bruce was tifty-feur years old. and was emplejed by the Philadelphia Rapid Tiansit Company. j of Kxi UA t v .J.: 8s tS! fStay Heme." Address him care etre Studie, iiouyweou, uaiu, I Be6ud The cast of "The Conquer- ' Power" Included the toiiewing:, leh Valentine. Alice Terry. Eric Kifajne, Ralph Lewis. Edna Demaury, .J T aa ITall Afnrl ItVntnn Wn rrl FwClflac. Andree Teumeur. Eugene Peu- BwW'j1IvVi j ... ri..i. i M.. lt.n.. ".fcwMl oblige seen with pictures of Jack - "Fr 'i i ST.. WkA' Fan-The "boy of four- you mention would liarn little ' or Kcctuii mie me movies rigiu HcalWildge, te New Yerk, res- I jUMMaMr,e( caning directors, . (, 4JP v wav an ite- Increases the action of the intestines Hundreds of men and wo men have already found freedom from laxatives by eating Fleischmann's fresh yeast. Doctors are new agreed thit preperellmi na tionef waste matter should be brought about by feed. One doctor comes right out and states plainly that the indiscrim inate use of cathartics Is one of the causes of constipation. Physicians all ever the ceuntiy are recommending Fleischmann's fresh yeast because it is a fresh feed, rich in these elements which keep the intestines healthy. In one series of tested cases, normal func tions were restored In from 3 days te 5 weeks. Tryitoutfer yourself. Begin to te to daybyadding2er3cakesof Fleisch mann's Yeast te your everyday diet Keep it op and see. hew nor ner nor mallyandregularlyyeurintestines act. B aura it's FleUcbmann'a YMitf-tia? amllar tln-feU pack- wyaiww lam. Flaca a I ppwmw ywv (fMsW BA3Y- Clethe Woolen bootees, little encquc,flan encquc,flan encquc,flan nclpctticoat8andehirts,8heerfrecks and piquant benncta all are safely washed in the silky suds of Colgate & Ce.'s new wash-bowl flake FAB mmmt''fa I I 1 BMb Rta.u.a. pat.etf. Feb is different from the ordinary soap flake because it dissolves completely. Bits of soap must be rubbed out of fine garments and it is tbls frequent rubbing which wears out baby clothes. Bui Fab Is thin, and soluble even In hard or cold water.Fab contains just tba right combination of oils cocoanut oil and ethers. This perfected formula is the result of ever five years of Colgate study plus the Celgate seep-making expe rience of one hundred and fifteen years. COLGATE & CO. L,uioea NEW YORK SAFELY WASHES FINE FABRICS I JilinfiflM "WP &Jk Lt-1 n 1st :; I I l I ' f II ' I ' f II ' I ' III I ' 11 1 jTn?7ri III ytsi uV mL. V "''Sf l M mm Stout Weman's MeneySingSale -New in Progress SBISBBNG Te meet the requirements of present condi tions, this new Neme Self-Reducing Corset is new put en sale in all geed stores at a price way below the regular prices of Neme Corsets; se they remain as they always have been, within reach of every woman, t In quality, shape and durability Ne. 444 is tn every tespect equal te the best Neme Self-Rcduclng Corset ever made. Fer ever twenty-five years the merits of their scientific reducing and re-shaping features have been se much appre ciated by stout women that they need no further comment. $ 1PIRCLET t The Lewest Priced Circlet for Stout Women Ever Sold Before was Priced $1.50 This model is self-adjusting and does for the stout wemsn above the waist what the belt-Reaucing i- . A L.U. . TUw.akMild.be worn MflStncr vmp rwmwrw& ...V. .-., i,W " T.T-- And I was jest going te ssy se and tbe 2nd kid sed, If this kid alnt get sents enuff te say I wisseled the loudest 111 poke him autch a crack in the Jaw he'll wake up in the hesplttal. and the ferst kid sed, O is that se, well if I hit him he'll wake, up in 2 hespittals. Ms thinking. Heck, geed nite. And 'I sed, It wns a tie, thats was It wss, heers your sents back. And I gave them their sents back nnd they wuntcd te have the contest all ever agen but I sed, Ne, I half te go semewarcs, 'I bad te se,' Im going new. Wich I did. Sailors Fight Fire The quick action of several sailor en their way te the nary yard st about 6 -30 o'clock this morning proba bly saved the home and realty office of James J. GKray, at Fifteenth and Perter streets, from destruction by fire. The tailors saw the blnse starting be neath steps nt tlje rear of the house. nulted ever n fence and extinguished it before the fire companies arrived. "ttJ metmm TKe '1900' CATARACT Ntte Hsw Thsrsafkly Clsus . WHY? Because the exclusive "1900" DOUBLE OSCILLATION keeps all the clothes In constant motion. Ne machinery en Inside te tangle or harm clothes. Ne heavy cylinder te lift out and clean. Powerful water action, makes these unnecessary, and the "1900" Figure "8" movement washes mere thoroughly and much faster. Ires demonstration or booklet. Alie etay CHAS. W. EMERY SOWS, 1304 Diifaeiia St I- .. lijijiVMUiiiUiityiniivmvjMi HARbVICK MAGEE Cb. 1220 MARKET ST. , "" EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ARE OFFERED IN OUR MID-WINTER SALR Wilten Rugs & Carpets Fleer Cevering problems are easily solved in this unequaled offering of Desirable Designs and Lowered Prices the two features that specially appeal te the thrifty housekeeper. Size Sale Price 27x54 '. . . . $9.75 36x63 15.00 4.6x6 26.00 4.6x7.6 32.00 4.6x9 39.00 4.6x12 52.00 6x9 58.00 6.9x12 77.00 8.3x10.6 85.00 Durable as Iren Size Sale Price 9x9 $77.00 9x12 92.00 9x13.6" 116.00 9x15 128.00 10.6x10.6 112.00 10.6x12 128.00 10.6x13.6 145.00 11.3x12 128.00 11.3x15 160.00 We specialize in unusual and irregular sizes from 6 x 9 f t. up te 10.6 x 25 ft., enabling you te select a suitable sized rug for the extra-large, room. Beautifully colored in shades of Taupe, Rese, Gray and Mul berry for the bedroom Persian and Chinese effects for the large living-room, dining-room, etc. CARPETINGS RE-PRICED Our mill sends us a choice line of extra-fine Wilten Carpets in asserted patterns that will net be made again. $3.75 per yard reduced from $5.00 $1.75 per yard regular $3.75 quality (Plain colored Rcge Wilten carpet slightly uneven in color.) These carpets can be made into rugr shapes cither with or without borders and offer splendid opportunity te economically furnish Hetel, Ledge Roem, Church or Heme. 'jn "FHOTOrliAVB l'HOTOri,AVS PHOTOPLAYS ' jAGnuu The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com pany of America. "tHOTDfUVf &. tSfAUUKA A T5-M 1 r KD THOMPSON ST8. APULUJ MATlNEU UAIUT NORMA TALMADGE Id "TUB WONDEBrUI. TIIIMi" ADPAniA CHESTNUT Bil. lflTH AKL.AD1A JO A. M. te 11:18 P. M. MADGIi BAIA1N In Charlette Brente'n v "JANE EYRE" A OTOD 1'llANKLIN k OIRAIID VE. AOlUrx MAT1NBU DA1I.T THOMAS MEIGHAN In "A I'KINCK TIIEBE WAb" BALTIMORE nl3PSS!$Z: POLA NEGRI In "ONK AKABIAN NIOIIT" OI I irDIDH Bread fc fiuiquehannn IjL.UllDllAl-' Continuous 'i until 11 WILL ROGERS In "DOUBLING FOK HOMEO" BROADWAY Wrtjf .TO2: SPEC'IAI. FOX 1'BODITTION "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" I IRFRTY bheXd & cekumbia av. 1-IJJ1J 1 I MATINER DAILY METII. VOX I'UOIHCTKIN "UVfcK THE HILL" u:'j ORIENT at. Woodland Am. at jratlnce Dally M'KCIAI. I'AST l "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH" OVERBROOK eaDA,irJx,aD MME. NAZIMOVA In "CAMILLE" PAI ACT 12U MARKET 8TBEET LIONEL BARRYMORE inMJCILN(IBir REGENT MAKCT ST. Ilelew UTH ii-vjc,i i 10 A M tu n p M POLA NEGRI In "THE UhV PAMET" DIAI TV UEBMANTOWN AVEKim if-ll- i vy AT TUI.I'EHOCKEN ST. SPECIAL rOX PBODl'CTION "OVER THE HILL" iSi MABKET ST. 10 A. M. le 11:1ft P. M. CAPITOL JOHN BARRYMORE In "THE LOTUN EATER" rrl fM Al Otn. Maplewned Av. CVJJ.VJlNirJ 2:30, 7 and 0 P. M. NORMA TALMADGE In "Till! WONDERFUL TIIIND" FAIRMOUNT 20th 4 aimrd Ave. MATINEE DAILT 6PECIAI. VOX PRODUCTION "OVER THE HILL" CATUI QT THEATRE Belew Spruce 30 1 rl OI. MATINEE DAILY MARSHALL NEILAN'H "BITS OF LIFE" GREAT NORTHERN WJWSi! BFECIAT. FOX PRODUCTION "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" 1MPFRIAI 60TU WALNUT 8T3 llVlrn.rI-l. Mali. 2.30; E. 70 RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "THE CONQUERING POWER" KARITON CHESTNUT Above BUOAD IVMrvljlvn nix. hub a.m. te una p.si , CECIL B. DeMILLK PRODUCTION "SATURDAY NIGHT' SHERWOOD ""' nl'nere Ar U1 ,1-lx -ft-f M'AT. 'J. EVE. 0.3( SPECIAL CAST In "A MAN'S HOME" 5TAMI CV MabketTat umi '"luul II A. M. (ci 11 1 r. I. f f7ln nixenI iThe NIXON.NIRDLlNCERn JHtATRES U BELMONT f-D ABOVE MARKET CONSTANCE TALMADGE IJSMMtNS IX I.OVK' ' In CEDAR r0T CEDAB AVENUH tTT :3 an1 3' 7 and u ' M Irlcllla Dran S. Hrrbfrt Raw Union In "CONFLICP' COLISEUM " bet. 00th t co v-UWCUm , :30 an,i 3. 7 and 0 ,., j,, nne Ory'ii Pnnrfiii uA "The Myaterieut Rider" JUMBO rilU.M P MT M. mutnr. um Jumbo June, en Frmnkferfl "If DORALDINA In "FASHION FRUIT" LELADFR 41S,T Lancaster av. MARION DAVIES I" "THE RRIDR'H ir.v HAROLD LLOYD In "A HAILOR.MADK MAN" M. STANTON MARKET Above 18TII "THE FOUR HORSEMEN OK THE APOCALYPHK" 333 MARKET tuketthiIatbe JACK HOLT In "THE CALL OF THE NORTH" VICTORIA MAnKW ST. ab. OTH V lv,lUIlrt (, A, ,0 n.JB ' SPECIAL CAST I.. "Ten NighU in a Barroom" (jKAN 1 VZ,.Y r."a A,e- ' Today . iU,, unn i)rBtt necltala MARY CARR In "THUNDERCLAP" L0CUST:2D AND LOCUST STREETS LUVl;J1 Mnta. 1.30. 3:30. Evgi. 0:30 te.ll FRED -STONE in "THE DUKE OF CHI.MNKV nUTTK" MIYOM C2D AND MAnKKT 8TS. lun JUS. 7 and 9 ALICE LAKE In "TflF. INFAMOUS MISS REVELL" NIXON'S GLENSIDE Sr;si0.AM BEBE DANIELS . In "THE SPEED I1IRL" . RIVOI I C"D AND SANhOM STS. IUVUU Uie and a: 0:45 tell P.M. BERT LYTELL In "A TRIP TO PAR DIHE" 6QTH T Theatre Opp. "L" Termlnil In VIOLA DANA "THE MATCH BREAKER" STRAND avmywfl'nXW!T' MARION DAVIES In "THE BRIDE'S TLAY" AT OTHER THEATRES, MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A. IjJiiavk PalarA ntewniAve. and -" "' tit..,. AMBASSADOR ,Ba,!!mer9 Mt-,l Bnth imuiiuunuji C'nntlnueui 1.31 In 11 "JO Our Prlws, 10c, "jee. 30c DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "THE THREE- MUPKETEERH" P. W. Orlmth'e "WAV DOWN EAST" ,$.,. VIOLA DANA i J ". Bp,,, " '"" Germantown "Jtin'BXilV Bpetjil Wn TTt4imM JEFFERSON 20MhANgBupDh;nLT, ' ALL-STAR CAST In "The Sen of Wallingford"" PARK e? m i, MSI ' P JAcr ?l il i i'.i.nT:t j " HVIW. . T ll'Ht '' JP,Bf?i iiyjsv t . n .AT A