Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 04, 1922, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 6, Image 6

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What Is Really Meant by That
Oar Lives
SOME weeks age In this place T wrote' power of au inlliiltu leve binds ever te
Bemethlns nbeut trouble und "these comfort us. '
tW mourn." and what there te be j tf ND one bhnU be ' ,,,,
tot out of denth beMdes pain. And new ( A pnce from the wlmli nnj ftS
l am ge.ng te print e short, rnther covert from the tempest: ns river eC
bruaque letter that I received from some i water In n dry place und in the shadow '
no -who had read the nrtlole. 1 print, of ", rent re,k ' weary land."
. !.. ,ii, i..n ., .... ,,-..,. i-1 '! then, one sure way for our numbed
this letter rather than one or mere of hruUt t0 fwl ,l0 m,,m ()f 0(, ls
the ethers that came In response te through the broken mid shattered bar- '
what I nld, because tills allied for uii,rier (hut pain has thrown down, blessed
answer: ' nr'' these tlmf mourn, net for their
Mr Dear Sural, I. t.nwrk-1 don't ' tl!' ,,.ut 1,nt .!'" f'.,1"1 '' .
knew l,.n u-lmt ..... I,.c. l..i the '
nail en the head when .ten ay that
,. ; . . -. . .
our dead ran spenl: te us In ways of
their own. mid that. tee. without the
kelp of mediums but I don't "vet
you" nbeut where Ued eeme.s in.
tVhore de you think fit" helps, since
jriethinjr run bring back ttlmt wns. or
takp away the pain uf want inn what
nee was, back once mere in the old
feed way? What is jour idea of
'Comforter"? Yours tery sincerely,
.1. 1?. '
AVbr.t 1 saall new write is an ntiMter
te Mr. .1. 15. It U wliiit 1 think, and
uliat I feel, tee for 1 bate been no-
attainted with srlef- en thp whole sub-
jeer of pain mid what tied decn for u
human in pain, physical or uivi.tnl.
I.VOUliK Umtll.t witb .1. I'. Tli-
pain tlm' Uer.th liriiiK. the shntii"
that dlsBi-acv" 'ntlicie. uud the i-r
memory or ii'rysleal Mifferliu- leave '
scars ere earii-i te the jrare ler
jrief there is re ivnipeiiiitln. 1 be-
lleve. Suttcring is iu(Tcr!iiR and leatu-
eruel mark Tain can darken tli-
met radiant day.
Slr.ce our dtud are 'iet our alne
tnl we mourn them with eut'triTilud
mm '.-minn''! iiuii.. unfi mere is nniniii,
'nit in fnp's is inr ineir no
Hence, and no eonse'atloti that ( of ef
ffrel tettclies the levs. wJmr. thei I
3J te m.W-lf', 'llilt oiufeil ttliieli,
wmtne te th"n tin.' moevu. .-jn tinku
them bje 'sen '
I FIX tn; ni.nd en tbar ia'.
Christ fpent ttlt.i His ti-ieii(i.
n.;i t
He went te His execution mid f leek
firv at tht-ir troubled, perplexed, al
most angry faces for His talk of death.
ttiMead of ai eartnly triumph eter His
nd thejc r.j lena1 fees, nlat-nien rind
Pleadl-ir l.rliic.ii.lnn,M..,..f.,i,rfi,;
h.re tas ,e be witlimr fltn, l.e
sense, mid tet with Him in .u.-'Ic.r
Jense that rh-v had never v. r known
..i t . ......I.. ... '. : '
rln? tt eid Comferter:
' Tttl t h..-filiia 1 tin t .. ..,, ! .. . .
-.i.i no t- lii.i g
unto you, sorrow hath 11' led tour heart.
"Xevertliplrt T t..ll ,.,, Hi., -,.i. . i.
Is expedient for n t'l.m t ... ...;, .
far if I Pe ,,n .Vnv h. .' .. V :.' '.'
will net come unto ten';' but .; I dciv.it
f will send Hltn nnlr. M
'These things .have f spoken nnfe v
bing yet present v !th ten
toniiertcr. which i the Melv Spirit
whom the rather will .send !n :fv i.auv
He i,hall teach .ten hII things arid bring
te your remembrance all things that T
env .-iij unto Teu
..f knin. ,...;; i .. "...Vi ..;".'. "".
..,...., v.i. uuiiijcu iu ivn uur irignt mid
nef and hurt in the shelter of loving
arms, of blng seethed and reassured b
wise nnd tender words, of being hearteu'-
m te go eacit te Dd or play or llttl" tusk
itendled with the knewledse of the apart
of love that has nen-r tailed us.
"As one whom hitf mother comfer'etij
ttl'l I comfort re'i. '
our first memeri un.l reiua.us
lways in the haekirrimm .-.' .,.r
minds as our test of leeim- !t.n.;Tiva
Tt eem'd strange te me at the nine. ),,
I have understood It sin tlnu eat r.en
n old f'ail ladt that I knew- lay dvm.
and was unaware which of her cbildr-.'
or srandchildren came map 1it b.-.l ;
every time the iuirlc leaned ..vcr t"
diust her mere comfertabl.t en her
pillows, or hob her srendt in M.e p st
lf-nes of great fut.pue, -i.e cmec bncit
out of the far-off hotizens toward which
lhe was drlftinc t.- miv some word et
loving appreciation l:ut always she
thought it was her mother who twi twi
etndinjj ever her. She 'tn-. seventy
years and mero when she died, und her
methpr had been dead since she wa" n
ihlld of nine, and she im.l hud :i h.vii.
nd eared-fur life and hud bren herself
a. (ioreted wife and mother.
let out of
all her memories of let, rh.it Hr-i
knewled;.; of Its comforting JtreiiKth mm
Ollcifude remained with her te the end
lids, then. Is the blessedness ; net
that we cease te mourn, but thm mere
has come te t;s one who under-im . ,nid
by the strength of that wisdom at.d th-
Paul and
Jt iv a beautiful, surrounding word ,Kn l u,,a,: "", ' ' ' V ' i, "'
rhat-Comferter: And it immeiiHtelv hln' ,ip,' ,,le ,,0,,,,,t l s" "'"'" lik", ."
brings a blessed rcemerv of childhood of m"" ,."1' ", 'tml h'"'I,J """"' ", '"
being picked up. gathered te -he W t"r!M .' ,,, ,. ..,..,. ,,, it
Of one Stron- nnd nr.,l..rsfn.1l,r . " ""' ""' '" . Jen t. ml it
I In- Theorist
' s'lVp
wl at 111 the vterl.i -
vv nm Ktnd 1- i
he demand' d obi rly.
Wat , it's en ii- ,
s'jiame - and iwfully
e..d cottseimjii.. te..;
t's home-made net
'ue canned kind.
He tasted the se ,p
Singei - und then -ui
back and ieg;ird.-i her
wit 11 serious eves
"'let any idea of
the protein content ':"
Virginia giggled uerveuslj.
"My goedneM, lietiey ; v hat is it th.
thne? Protein lentent' I'i' j'.i"t Let
you've been reading
"What lf J biiveV
"Ge en and cat y,n vi.ip near.
fe've get wonderful baked -ulmen
and "
He almost -iirifte.l
"Baked Fiilmen ' llmv mant cal
ories, I ask jeu, hat. baked sulnieuV
And te serve it with u thin soup; whj,
Vjrginia, that's almeii criminal."
Rhe handed Ulm the salad the crisp
jreen Iraves of lettuce forming u pic
turesque background te the chopped pi pi
mente nnd scurler paprika dressing
This melliiicd him.
"Well, that's better ' He de..urei
the salad hungrllv nd .iit.r u fev,'
derultery uttempts managed te main
out a geed dinner
"There's a let te it," he sighed, as
lie reached for the matches.
"Of course," agreed Virginia.
"I mean te n bubim-cd lailen Mir.
prtslng'Mhal It will de ter u num. '
She nodded
'Seme, people eat nothing but starches
And sugars and juM leek nt 'em
They're always grouchy and nervous
nd Irritable. They need solvents." lie
tnsd. "J Uilnk It's ijeltents tlmt
T'lVt -nA.I t veu knew, deur stuff like fresh
rSWUbles and- and- "
kl'il' x"Ot course I knew, deur
&-, ji 'ABO people ent ion mucu loeinu
) A uiciiu 0LUU iui uaa uu quo-
I w, it. raepi aen i mi neuf
?4Mr!lMtrMU JwttMk !
"Comforter" Who Cemes Inte
and Hearts
Mm"V,M' mere tire ..tlierttii.t., ..
! find! tie Oixl. but mercifully te these tthe
I mourn He comes. '
And se It w.itild be well for-all Mril-
, ert of letters of convolution mid nil
mlniRtcr otrielatlns nt Rraves and vJbtf
Inir parishioners in nfulctlen te bear In
, mintl Uint Christ did net prenilw; Hint
I tue pint who tteuld come In Mis nnme
the Comforter would divert the
disciples or tteuld urgf them te take up
'few Interests. On the contrary, they
were te be help'-d by the Spirit of Truth
te think back" and sre their Muster
at b ti imw tiien. I
"When lie. the Spirit of Truth. Is j
come. He ttill guide ei into all truth.!
!! shall glorify me, for He shall receive
"f mine and -htill show it unto .ten.
- (,. f.ta brlns nil thltn;s te'
jour reiiit'inbrmnv, tthfit'ei'ti-t I lutte,
said unto ten " j
T)AUT of 'l.e drcadl'uTacs of miff i
.IT the cotitemplatleu of n lone life .
dUpevsessed of de-ir couiiiunieii-hlpmid I
debarred of intercourse what we call j
Jenellne's !
i;t thi. fl.rit premised lll- din- '
.Iples. j,huld net come (.. them: tlm
i,rrier of deuib mis net te .cparntf '
them. And imv one ,.!,.( rtini: .lehn r
or the re1- for the vemninder of
their heroic lit os can ee for himel
flint denth did net separate them, but
tint they actually miw I" kimttledi
..ml love of their ISi loved IVi"!"'
AMI se Hie cetnii
has ti traiicemlei
ig or TiK. "tjiert' i
cut nesili,iirt ler ti
nil He reveals Himself te us ami wh
rl reiieii tlmt vision is there net u rei
,:itien of these whom . JjHVe loved
Intig mii.v and lest awhile. I ertnln .
it i that the only blesel trusting place
will b in the realm-, of the Spirit. If
--mm iMKniirr ii uiu-L Lie ' "".
" .". " Il7 'V'"1". ,V """.'T .Alx,l..
' ' "' n,!:""V.,.U, J'V,' 1" s. '" , "
the fellnweis nt Christ
""IM,,-, ..-.
.in" " V . ; , . . -;.i- -n.. .- ;,'.
words. They put it
, ' .. . i . i ;.....: i .Vi
into etcr.t
lejiil and liruvc and wie
T DI'Ml'M 111 It n
'--xl,-:viL,t'u ft
- there ir n fa
ItK.MKMLIlUt a geed many .will- age
tiieus preacher mid
writer in Scotland
whom mnnr mci
followed and mm.t a soul leaned greatlt ,
"l1en- 1,f" V'''11 il! "f,!l ,'n"vt1"1 disease (
mid had net n great deal te lean upon
himself thn men i-euld sec. cither of
ii.. i '.i possession'- or hoinetelkh. nut lie li
mit tllC ' !... (....! 1. ...!,!,.- i ., t.,....
fllil, I "II i iii. ' ii i'"nui, ... .1 ;vi vii' ,
hupp.t . n'siired v. nt .
I licuid that n man n-ked him euc
why. ill ns he was. and with worrle werrle
..f one sort or another, and kith ami
..U-l . I VO
.:.,, i"
.1.' ll 1. IaiW .'..
Things You'll Leve te Make
Reil I "Trimming
i ... .
-'"""''II--If tf
W: ..'".. i.,
wvrwt -j .. ; "'
t ei .an makt terv i-rfic t.- i.i,
'i.iiii.' .ei- i!.-lu '.- i j en , i-xc . u,u.
HAM. TIllMMIN'i fiet the wjiit0 In,',
trlninilntr hi the .aril It... ..... 1...11..
init brigi.t eolein you wi-l ijr.ui. them
11 an embrelileti.il or ni.til . ... .1 i.,.et..
.i -hewn in thu- musirmil, , Add nn
.triL.ield.-rMl or uenlinuei t,.uC i,.Viu ...S
ir.ire me rLiii:t is most ut.usu.it and
.riiklng U.M.I. TI.IMMI.V.; ..ei'l 1,.
found vert useful for n.unv deeer.iUv"
pi.rpesu. r.l it 1j e ii e.....M,.
V 1.(1 P. A.
ferefiiM.. ' I'i. 1 h , 1
JecrwlUi III.) elithiislttsi, 1
"Why tii.-y prii'Mcnli
eurse. w h e 1 ... -1, nn
r m.c zea'et
lbsllei 01.
feeds. Hunk of the
wonderful ceruuieii
bread they inusi hiue
hud. and b I ok e r -'
smoked hums mid
and "
'lioeij plain feed -a
I tt u y - Ii .. p L( 0t
co irse.'' ngi'ced ir
glnia mn til.lt . I, It i,
little nhteniij, I'i
'We e.,ll. .,
sehf x." he iiis.-r. ,
villi tra-hy. funcj t.-ei- 'I hut s v ,;
rich jh'eple nnd people who live .n e.t
pensiv.' hotels have thai t.asrv c..u,pV.
mn and far-uwuj. l.-m. leek,' I'll I-t a
dillur. I'reiieh .let"-. Wfullt fool feol foel
ih." II
titlii-e.l, hum i,i- p a .wiipt fn'
'W.U: '
h l..ivi '1 ' ' unv (U
JllL'l.l : lie UhlCell Cll.Mi IMfl! v .
Well- .- d Virginia turn-.d te
. --,. .
iiiii.i tne smile tn ncr eje. - 'we have
de ert. but I'm iitrald, Paul, jeu'll net
want any. uud I gue-s I'll net have
mine new."
She metiil In- If te -ii ulii bin. the
' Whin is it '
,sh" h"sitntd
"I'm awfully perij, dear, our. n s a
.hurletl" HHse. 1 knew It wns frivolous,
of nie, but I just happened te think of'
lice that evening.
Mnaiw fiijrft
111" -eiTvt. Illlt I Il.'lt I
a j
B . v
this ufrenimui aud I pltinccd reck- "'"!. ."". ."".::. i.... ..e tl... unrnrnl sun. Hlmninr slowly until the truu is veft, I """"" ; iiuA e,,,,niu ,,;r., .h.. t,:.,. , for the bui'uw will prefer tlm ceinfi.it. . w '--''
li I hiii ever te the store snd ", "",nK,J.r.Vi'v' JA f ,p tl,l res..., the then mid i r,,nriinln6 ' "renbtn tlv HhIul.- te mte 9' . tbe cUHlilened seats te the fuss und ' ' "s3t--'
n pint of thick cremn and niudc "r 'it ';"f 'these nations abound with, TArrc ,. uf sugar the 'alarm-of possible enmity. . ' L''1 ",1"!. :U
tu me iiiusi wenuiTiiii cane ier ir, " .. -' ,... ,,-nstlenH for the r use. f'nnV vnrv n ett v until vert Ih.dV ueuny. .. i-.u.. .mn, mu ivu.... .. .,,,.-,,. .., ,i, i,,,,. ,,, --""-' '," :
I made up half U dozen charlottes. ",'.'' ..""'. ...,t vr. tn ltnevv ttint sJmre I,, tbr i iisnnl mnnner nnd nl ' Pver exnieil nil injuri-i, uir. '-j-oeim n. r,-" ,;T, , n, 1. V.en ,11 .,. .'.,.'. ''. 33.
I knew jeu don't" " . n T ,n nations located in and , The addition of these very un, il . SlHn ser?.'l .l '"ff.rflild. uSdVll tl.e atmosphere ud .Vvv," ". C ' Ynil'll f,f t-U
le Interrupted ner with a cen. shout. n .i tl... Alcdlterranean. as well as dried fruit conserves will mid vurletv te .....! fhet never form te r.er forcet what e "tivu the ; usuul mtnifH .ma ,,, . '-' iuai d'CC
Veu vllliiln." he cried .rntril Kurepe. de net hate be.d.s en veiir menu und tln-v mii.t be used ec-, thfci reckon te be n sllBht." J'hd pieterb. niuiemi, unu uie loin iie.uiii , i, ,.
tf.p i,. I. ...I em. i. .li.. c. ..i,. i , t. '"'" """.'... .ii. ,..., i j ,.,.,. I.. ..ii i,,,. ,.,.. .i,i, .1... t i.i itntiiivi.rueh Vale Irltliui.iii. wear- cein.-r us, itn innov.itleii. 'linn v,,.,
V"-' .' "" "' cemBIIil' iiuuiii.ii.-. mi i-sn .. .-.in iiun. iu n...,....-, ...... .... in .... --'"-,.;- ..v. . :..i i ii. . .v.: . - iviiil.l luive nusti enu en tlm e,w... ...- .. ....
fessed. . 1...1 .i..,..,. fp.mi .me Miiii'i'iulim te frn la l inu hrlintuc rent wst te v.ur w n m m ii .iitmiih iui.i i ' - v.,;,.-. ,,. r.., ,""... : .".r."' '" " - sold eillv III Abi'e Meres located nil ni-
iiuiii.i-u .el'... .." ----- ----- - - ,-'-,'-,'--i ..--.. - -- . -.-. . .im, i,0 micrut invite an nna uunury u' si""fc " .w.ivmniieiiin uiuicmi or '. ..'.. ------- --- -- -
le hud been lendinp ;t all m u health , another by word of mouth, mid by table. ' a flBht. ''Wm'll thread en the Ull t eualr If you want the Oriental cff.et i eul I'ennsylvmtia, uw Jcmey,
.inr. .-. i ie n ui- hm ruAie i .. f in..i. nn Yit ffMTtr TCfimpn iit nit I'miii" iv neil nrirKfii in iiiLic nvii-nuiirn i .en .,.., n i.timiAumaii iimiArMu tiavi uu cream una cn.e. it te .i 1,. "a
Twe February Parties
tn-e all naii.t-made for nnj one
tthe wants lliem etieiiKli te send ti
hclf-nddreissed. stamped envelope te
the Kditer of Wemmi's Tiiee with
this notice, line Is u "Hearts mid
1'beters l'nrt.t" for Valentine's
la. and it tells you. tiniein: ether
things, hew te go ii-plckinc Uow Uew
ir in the middle of tt inter. The
etiic iv a "Truth l'art.t " fur
W ijitigteu's Ulrthday, and In one
of the games thut are part of it
.ion linte a chance t tell the real
truth about yourself at lut Invi
tation". dpeoriitletiN and refresh,
ments ate Included.
Adventures With a Purse
7")l.' vlll ndore the perftune, bottles,
lhe.t rrc nbeut the daintiest.
fetnitiitie-loekitig tilings , think I ever
iiiiiesc'!!. 'ime inuociuMDettm sets In
fi -.vf iis iw'iuIh miptiiiii' tn mntf ti tinef
-. i- n .- ...V...V. .. US.UI.
jit i mm ui 1 1 1 -. t in- iiiiwnj cum i' ill
1... 1......1.. MM... il.... t
t'en" In
Invcnder. pink or blue and the steppers
,.f the bottles mutch the lleuers in
l(l;,ir nnd linve nerfume drentiers. nt-
(,,,.,,1 te them, us de nil the newer
oertie-., iiu'se iietue- lire win arc
" .-n.-tiw. pc
rfumc In.ttles ntid ave
liriwl ut JS1-
Ter nnmes of .hoe. -Lldrs w.u,n..'. l.
imht r i.hnne Wsin.it anon 0r sisiu 1'iei
,rrrn thr heuit of l and A
-, t-v , r r .
Y mi I )nn t Hni)P fn
. ,r i in
. ,
lirwu reaches uud Apricots
nnd Dainty Spices
Tl.c dried fruits can be made hi. into
pilatiible s-.t.fts. The prune, the dried
thcrrt. npricet. tieiicli. pear and raisins
all afford ti wide vnrictj te cheese from.
lf teu watch tUc shops you win unu
i.iviiMiinnijy pecim uneT
lruH-. se that the housewife
udt nnt.ltte of then .
Itlued lVatlics
in these
mn take
vV'is.i .hi tieund of
pein-ne- .u pientj m tviirni n.uei. jmis.
n bowl mill cover with one quart of
I... I line water mid -mini awn.t te seuk or
...feit r.xemishi. 1" tin menilng.
turn Hi :i sieve te uiaiii unu iii.ii ii.ul-c
be water drained from the peaches in
-m.e.'pmi und add one tind u half cups
f s icnr. eringimr n l een unu .-.. u ..
-.mites, then add the prepared peaches
mid - r back en the stove mid let im
un r Mevvly for one hour, udding
I u teaspoons ej sharp elder vine-
hi - fruit ttll' plump Jp and be de
li, i" I"
Splccil Te.-uli Ilutter
V,is, mid soak one pound of ewjp.
1 ..r.,,..i.- .iternight : In morning
'"".' " '.. - ..... .... . .. 1.
"Mi nKV Ter' t
sieve pleasure und add
I ice-thirds cup of sugar or ctct,
i.p " pnlf.
Oi,,' teaspoon tf rmnamun.
One tcaipoen of nutimg.
One half teaspoon f allspiti
One-half teaspoon uf Cioti'.
Tic the spices in it piece of chee"-
leib b-fere addiniT te the peuche-. Add '
7,( teaspoons of sharp tlrfrr vimgat
nnd 1..0I; -lewlj until the mixture is
thiel, like jam '
Pour 111 steri.u'd glaspj and ('"ter
,.itli melted iiaraflin.
April et Prcsi-rtc
Wash one pound of driirt apricuts in
iileti't of tvariu water ami place te
snfteri in siitScii nt tviiim water te cover
und let stand overnight ; in tli" morning
t.t slettlj te boiling point mid add
One pound of aujJ.h.
fine pwknge of sieded raisin.
r.,k -lowly until thick lik- .mm.
, 1 -ter-' in the usual manner for jams
. 1 jellies.
Apricot eusel te
In- recipe come-, from an eriental1
tii.u-rheld. It i." splendid and ndds a
1 lending variety te the preserve closet
Wash tn plenty of warm water one
......1 nf nnricets. trever nun
Jiints et boiling water mid place where
tl et will simmer siewiv unu. -en.
.New- rub through a sieve and add
110-fiiriIi cuj) e.f
ii of apricot pulu,
One-half cup of aj
et auii'ir ur ei'frj
ystalli.cd 'iinqer,
hopped fine.
ihie rup of ti'.tir, rhnpptd tine,
One paeknge uf uiiiiiiv.
(jiic midlutn sUe bottle of mara
lurries cut 111 pirn 1, .mum,
,,. ,, IM., . - --
the ;... Kith tu cntnus.
Teel, slowly until llh jam-
fill into nil Kla-s Jrfc "" w'1" "uiie
f aiding het.
Ueimin llcmiij IVult lliilter
Pult huc- for years been the galheniig
r.i'ne of the Dirnpuin trntelers, nnd
e'u will find a litt'c of the feed pecu-
... ill .. I. 'f L ...
hunt es 01 "ten """ .' "-
c..,.....t .., the ini'iiuH tirrmiRctl in the
h.ilcli The liriemui leuuiiie-. imv.;
T. .1.1.. ... --- - , .! I ....a
try the art of preparing tbe national
Enrr jrotnuc-weBUUJ, lt mttttn e
i: tilts. M. . M,stN whin her station in lu. ina.v be. when i."... "" "h" . ;;"V , ,V ' ;i l n7l, "?w, n ,c" ,l P08"'0".""'1 ' i.tii in m- ilm . nr.wi., twos c ct 4si seiiiii dk.u nimi,
......... i s-d., in the time rirrives must icni'iliit herself uatl'w"' nm spoken of it, Carel weud gladly welceme n. word of advice - p "
;w" "V.t '"..ncj " vi li t , , I, , rlk i i u i . t ' ,rt'""'I"lW'l ,re"lJ' that Xick had from any W. Tl.N is my preblem: ; AhvaVC Tl43fcl Si 4fc O 1
, T,: mid-wimi,' Z2 of .,u r ;Kf t ,"u,",r &j -ffi of fe that w vtt'"! mm1 Always ueiicieus !
var;!, rp '.r'a: -,,ni;;:!ed,HdevJiri,fr:;,, ?& ; !H?K Always Refresnins :;
fumllv H ever t.. be considered. .' lf ,.... s,epIM nt lt, wonderful ''reuni ln his bedroom. She knew that net bilnglng me renl ImpplncsV Ever i Vi ;
;..- i the virtues and wonderful i'". . . i r;.v ",;., ,.- i,,,,;,, ,p.,i,,r i ,.ie fn.i. I many ei iiiem, n u imny win no slew. 4 . Viwaiw?- "
t s.
l u.
Merry SVltie't una
l'he girl who it, planning n late wlu- '
ter or ettrlj siirine Wtdding ls surely
starting new te think about plans. Her
,-",,,, f"- UUlllf ttl'II L IIU IlillU "U 11 JllOl
..,.t.. I...... .. .,1j I.. I...-.1 ..l.-Ml 4..
Mildest itself for thu frock. Hut th
liitj ! Te evt vunictliiiiir boceinliiir
m. f. .1 1
I'VI'rVUUUy, MlKHLlt' Willi W1U UrV!"1
, .. .1 ...i., .. x .t. j ...!....
seaMinabie-whnt u task:
l she'll appreciate the old offered ubove In
i this callerv of charming maidens, each
u,.iirlni n" nl.i.rinliii- l.nt. Thntn'u tlm
lnej- one trimmed with flowers, the
L'eerL'ette one wit i neniiU'S ll ling irera
' its brim, the net ene with u feather
drooping nbeut it. nnd then, for the
home wedding, the half -brim, halt-
'" 1"V"L ....""...1. "i. -i .u "m
, "titnmeru. Which kind de you prefer?
i"""1 '" V,'! T ,' i ' . l . . ...i..!
w . -, ,-.-,.
Wait inr hrpsh hruitfi
e jr rxr.i
Can tie Lsed. H ilh Uates, rigs
An Old Reman Reality
beautlfvinc newep.
Tl'ecl. 1. 1 ... en.
water the lell.nting dried .fruits;
One-half pound of prunen.
(tnC'half pound of apricot.
Three-quarters pound of peaches.
I'Irtce in a large saucepan mid add
Three pints of boiling tcatci.
One cup uf honey.
7 ire jieiuids of sugar.
.Cook very slowly, until the fruit is
ft and thick, new rub through n line
sieve in te a clean saucepan and add
One pound of imlnuts, chopped fine.
Unc-half peuwl of candied citron,
chopped fine.
Que quur(rr jnn nd nf candied nvatise
One-half pound of candied ginflcr.
7 ire tiackaaes of seeded raisins.
Three-quartos teaspoon of nutmeg.
One-half teaspoon of allspice.
Cook very slowly until -very thick,
-tir te prevent binning, then fill in nil
Jurs, tilling the jurs while butter is
het. Wlim oeld, cover with a thick
layer of incited paraffin, uenl
.. .. .1 .
..... i ,.i ..i...i.
''"v.."" . '".'" "
This rceine can be cut In half for the
small fanill.v.
Old folklore tales irltre this butter the
redit of beautifying the skin nnd giving
. - rti 1-
uster te the hair, lie young women
1" thu cemniunitv would rather give tin
dress or some ether luxury than emit
th's butter from their daily diet, par
ticularly in the late winter nnd early
ISu Ian Cherry 1'resene
Wash in warm water the foxing
dried fruits
Jae pound of j.iJtiif cTidivie".
One pound of pea re.
Place In saucepan and add
One qumt of bnillnif water.
One and one-half pounds uf suuui
Our package of seeded raisins.
Orated rind uf one-half lemon.
Juice of one lemon, cook slewl.v until
thlf'l;, store in glass jurs us for the spice
peach butter.
Riimuniiui fruit Hetter
nsh and soak In warm wiit r. using
live cups of water te soak the fruit
One-half pound of apricots, 1
One-half pound of pitted cherriri. I
Place in saucepan and add '
iS'1.1; tiicdim-5f:e apples, pared and
cored, then cut in slicct.
Cook slowly until soft enough te rub 1
tnreugn 11 -sieve ; men reiuru 10 tne
saucepan, after measuring, nnd add
7 (l.u iewnu.v uj sugar,
One-half teaspoon of nutmeg.
, Onr-quarter teaspoon of mace
I tea xaniespoeiis ey snarp r,,trr
f,, u,ltn thJci, nnd then store as for
j,,uT or jnm.
lUE.n1.111 uu .."ir
I'aic and cut in slices
Sir apples.
Add two cups of water and cook un
til feft New add
OiiC'tjiierter pound pitted clicrrtci,
One-half pound of pitted dates, out
in bits,
One-qitailtr pound of figs, cut in
,nm,. 0lf(,r,
,T"'1" P.,rr,V'
One-half pound apricots, cut
.glasses they make splendid gift for
I ILa fl.lt. k a. V r A fl.tlM' Iflfl.&
I Hi" ei wu ui mn uu) uiiva
' enette or
.buiiacM woman.
Rri'infl l-i Included "ar"- Wll was dellberute y Stifling her J"ur ce'Uinn ier n certain numuer ei '" ' "' """'"
IXtupe MS intlUUCU conscience, which nt her mother's words J'caru, I nm going te try te see If 1 J
hud stung her with a knewlcdce nf cat tlm'l place in It nyiuli. I "t'er S10m ni;n.T TOITKINO CAll roil X.ABOKST JUMIE or MAT.n. tea pjicU
lier in.., 1, f Vi,.i- XV...? Ji ,.lB$r.? expected "te ceme te you for advice, but mici; l.MIS. 100I KMIiniT. H. i;. COB. 1STH ft VIIIMTNUT STS.. SDFMl
.... i i nil iiiunuuL lui niikiun tviii iu iiuiid iiiii .. .m .i ai j . - ii ss BimaBir- i
"The Marriage
S1 1 1 ft
Ccputieht. lit!, tu Pullle Ledger Cemganv
Carel Rathbeurnr marries Xiak
Tracy without levinp him for the
rtasen that the cannot bear te ace
him ruin i' life through infatuation
for Vahn Vastlcten, of "The Julln
Keeehm." Kick learns the truth,
and in fearful that another mun'tnau
awaken net" fore, lie is afraid that
tttrel has met this man in Jcrvis
liritten, tche is tn play opposite her
in a drama piven for chanty. Carel
herself it strongly attracted by
Jervis. a icelina that is hrnunht
1 i6ei by their forced intimacy in the
Mether and Daughter
TTiM'iil'TJNG for that one night
- whtiti
llriri.,,, i..tr in.,i !,... t...
LrViienr"1'""1 Vnv"1 "mI net mb ,..IaiUheaw.Tpal?
.w SI..'. fi ... , . i i i . . ' . , i the penalty for making believe, as
mps, ays often wondered ttlmt she would there's net a night gees by that r de
i in no it lie asked te sec her. She knew, net cry mself te yleep, At m age
, tv
I - "fc -" i1-' r ji.:i. enu Miuv
lint she ought te de, she knew that it1
fluid It. t,1.. i !.. .. lit. ! .
. would be ti1.'iln . i,i, e.. ..
Invitation from him. but she dallied
i wun t no t leiiL-1 r.ckleHlv nnn ih,in.i,
she knew it was wrong.
I ' Se little did she think nl.nnt Vlclt
during these days that It. struck- l.nr
I 7", ," "S. "" " Bl "strticK tier
I hud dropped in te see her mother te
i '." ,H p" , OI)0 atternoen when she
"car eir.s. itututietirne wpeuk of Xick s
i appearance.
! "Carel, i't Nick well? '
'Why, yes; why?"
lie tleesn r seem wel! li.i L ..urn
. . , ,- - ; f " e i-'n "
thin, haven t ten noticed it?"
e, I hadn't noticed it: he seems
te be nil right."
"I'erhups he's working tee hard.-
"Oh, I hardly think se. mother.
Nick was never ovcrcenscIcnUoiiB mn.
renting his work." Carel's voice wns.
. . vllc" "vu uu mi; iigni ey ins
..,-., t..u ivilil ..111. ail.LII.1'1. I 111 HaiVll,
but, because she felt there was nothing
she could de ubeut it. she had tried te
forget it as seen ns possible.
Mrs Hntlibonrne v.,u l.V...i,i i ..
. in.,li?;..,'i fni ci 'dying her
daughters face. She found It ns tn-
scrutable as ever, mid yet thcre hnd
been something strange about Carel of
' late, something that she hud never no-
tlfiA.l l,nf-,f iP)iaA ...nn .. I. 1 1 1 1
i in hep pvph. nn npMeMnlii,- ,.i,.,. i, - i, -
mnnner tt tpn..l.l,.,i m,u 'n.ti.i...,,.l
nm n.., r;,.v ..i.i;,L" ." . i ' '"
" .'. ...'. e i.uniMi;Of VlVl J1UU.
stie leaned terwnrd suddenly.
"Carel, are you anil Nick h'uppj? '
mil enrel ttas en ncr guurd.
"Whalcrcr makes .ten ask that qties qties
en ':" she queried lightly. "Of course.
tte re Imppt, a-, much se us the average
1 "I asked because I've never been
1 sure, mill yet I cuu't imagine whv
you tteuld marry Mck unlets, teu loved
Carel shrugged her shoulders Impa
tiently. "Oh. love, love; that's all
that people tain nbeuf. of course, 1
1 rare
for Mck; tlmt s why 1 married
"Yeu don't lete him as he loves teu :
jeu're breaking his heart," thn tverds '
were en the lip of Mrs. Rnthbeurne'H
tongue, but bhu did net speak them. It
I IllllfJIISI WV UV WH IlUk ujivhh lii"!U It,
1 would net de any geed, for since her
marriage, instead et growing nearer te
her mother, t'arel had grown further
away than ever
1 Mrs. Itathbourne longed for Carel's.
confidence, s-he longed te help the girl,
1 she would llilte steed bv hti- in nnr.
iv.... i...i. r... 1....1 .... 1 . v. ,
I -fce "n - " Z , : ,mV"
I (rented her mother like the most casual 1
outsider. She left her that afternoon'
f.llnil iril 1 pp tntlnn nt lw. mn.l,...
...',V ...... .....H..U.. WW Ml., .WVHL Ct
iiuestlens, and when she reached home
, she flung oft her things Impatiently and
began te pace the living-room fleer rest
' lessly.
I The telephone interrupted her and
she went te unswer it, but the sound
of the voice across the wire set her
heart te beating ttlldl. This was the
first time that Britten had done se
personal it thing as te cnll her up en
.1... .il.inlin.ie .mil ctin fnrniit mi-a..--
tung but the pleasure of lulklug te him.
Menibiy An Invitation
iu juxi; ririK
I 1 ' ....
home neenle occasion themselves and
all who knew them unnecessary tieu-
ble by their toe-lnslsicnt demands upon
the cfmslderatleu of etlurs. Always or,
arn.ptnc.la cemnared with the "touchy"
nersen morbidly breeding evr wy
and bmm of restntinc Imaginary "tub.
1 v... lA,,l.m. a lulilu .1,,-ir.L i.nn.i n . - - - -- --- .'i.u i"f I
I' '-
Te "riandieme"
Ne, "Hndsemc' yeu've laid n8l
claim te . beauty already; Ne further
news of your charnm will be imbllnnea.
The column cannot be dovetcd te claims
for ex affalnst beauty after this wceK.
Write te Him, Qlrlt
'Dear Cynthia It Is te euRgest a new
tople for discussion In your column that
I writ te you. 'Here's the "depp :
What is a bIH's fecllnflr In reitnrd te Iter
first Iove7 Dees It mean much or llttle
te her? I am much Interested In this
mifMBtten fer.rnnunn whlrli I will dis
close after hearing some of the replies
wnicn Ji nepe tins question win ""iik
ubemt. IjcI'b go new, yeuntr ladles (old
ones, tool, and let us hear your opinion
In regard te the ubove question.
Be Nice te Him
Ucar Cynthia 1 have known a hey
about a year und though lie ban made
swcrnl advances, I have discouraged
him because well, there ls another KIN
who runs te places he frequents'lii order
that he might take htsr home Tie has
often denounced tills (jlrl in front of my
brother and, in fact, the whele crowd,
but still I feel that It is net my place
tn Interfere.
lately J discovered that he wrote te
some paper claiming be liked us both,
but admired enu mere than the ether.
Xetv as I have net seen him for the
latit tliroe months uud urn giving an
informal parly seen at which he ttlll
be present, Hhall I be Indifferent or
shall I encourage him? Alse hew Hhall
1 go about Inviting him te call, tin I
am posltlve that he Is only Waiting for
aome excuse and I de really UKe Iilm.
Plcase, Cynthia, don't think inc. tool
Ish, but I mn iie se -well, I den t
knew, de you? Will you try te help
me se I can ence mere bi
Of course, be nlce te the young man.
If you like him mid he likes you what
de you care about another girl trying
te attract him? He'U probably usk te
Writes te "Lonesome"
bear Cynthia Would ypu be se kind
as tc print this in your column lcr
"l.onesomo's" bcuctit? Thank you se
much if jeu de.
Dear Lonesemo - Here's another
tl.iit'B inlirlitv libit', but no ene knows,
net cit injsen 10 ticLiv .vt iu. .ik.
(which b: seventeeu) 1 should never
t..A... ..!. ..n.M A...1 iinbrii.t.lriulU i
Ic new what worry and unhtiDiilness
mean, but X de, eh. se very much.,
They eay If one would keep her f.ice I
toward the biiii Uie Hhadews would full i
behind. Yes, 'tis true: it works well In
the daytime, but ut night, when there's
netblnir but blmilews, no inigiity naru.
There's :i consolation In honing, though
nnd aome d.iy X hepe te find happiness,
ami when that day comes I'll appreciate
far mere ttlmt true happiness means by
I-.. v, ...... ,..i...i t u tit., t,. im
'otherwlso. .1U.ST KATHRYN.
Trv te leek ut the silver lining .te the
... ; .., ..1..1.1 .. ....11 L, i... u.... it.
Please Telt Me
What te De
T L'lOllUJ' Ul II. (JUL un vn ua win nun ... i 1 llljy neil L iffc null IL'ai, UIIU l.Ji'J i ra
th daytime. Dcn't cry yourself o'lle)1't Hi,rin; fjUek in shjness when &
' sleep. Make un stories, think them out, I stl..,,li:crH nnprencli them. p
i plan pletrt mid make people tn act in, ,.',,. , , ,j trflll ,, g
then, and you'll secm step bel.. lern ly. c,2,,;t?b?IIrltiJ? conductor a!skcd her ! &
I n ,t Bl whether he had taken her ticket or net. i jig
uen t tiepc i nv0, iiSt jilnP JOu enme through." hi
1J.t Cynthia Having fell.,w..l up
since J. can l'ememuci'. J. nau never
L.L.L-M AOi t PIllHl i-wil ill. ills' ii.nil.v
'sex, but new 1 havu fallen inadlv in
leve w'th, the Idel of my heart, lie 1-
wonderful. If you could only see him.
"0!ir v-'ynthl.t, and eh. what Jey It Is te
have ,,,, tell nK. lle leves 110 as ,
, ove uim! f would ttladly go thruumi
nnvthliiu. for him, But only ene thine
sta'ndn ln the way of my hnpplncES, and
that In my parents' opposition. Thei
iln tint fllll.lc 111. W.llllll lrtf.k., .'L ll t TTl.ttn
lfor lfer me. dear Otnthlu. because et hl
lob, mid he hasn't any education, but
' outslde of that Iil. just Krand.
wants me te tun off te KlKten with him
and get married. .Shall L de It. Cjiuhla?
I tteuld de It tomorrow If you would
only suggest ll. My heart lit almost
broken, us I lete ecr piece of his bead.
Ne, dt-.ir, den t mn efi te lllkten
De l0t m,irry without join parents
cenbent. ir tins man iv.inj imcs uu
he'll be willing te wail (1 t-nt-. "i . .p
you, and te prove himself weithj in
that time.
The Weman's
Net in Boek Ferm Yet
10 tt.e Editor 0 u'enimi v rage.
U I'lEiilUlVj i " "onto 1 ' nvi.
I Dear Mndum f rend rHi,-bj Phillips'
aitlclmen cnaracter rtaniug mm would
, lllce te knew It they are minted In
uoeit xunu. 1. .1. 11.
Ne, these articled ur.- net In Tu.elt
fOIIll UK Jet. I'OS-lblj 1,'iej- lli.'lj be
published :i. 11 book belne Ume
He Has a Cough Medicine
Te """ ""Pf "' " ""'"'
? .M2V"rV..,yj'.' rW "'"
CIIUUKU iuhie ;'" ""i" u.101 iii.iiiui. .
"I have discovered soine nn cldlne with
which I can cure an cough such ns bron
chitis I have cured 11 fivv us a trial
nnd .u the piesetit lime mn curing :
a ludj- who has suffered for three ; earn ;
nnd bus siient hundreds of dollars My 1 -ciuestlen
Is this: Shall 1 piesent It te , ..
the American public or la there 11 chum'e ,'
for me te niulte money out of It'.' It . .
enlj taken four works te euro the dls-1 '
eusc bronchitis or 1111,1 ethtr ciugli. ; '
. -r. , ,
Is lids . medli'ini whli.li ou h.tvel ,
coiis-ected jeurself or la It semeililiig '
that j-eu buy? Tf 1 Is jour own ut-1
ventlen you could net mnkn much money I '
without getting 11 iiatent from ttie 1 ...
Patent Otllce, W.ishiiigieii, . r, ter j. A'
without that anybody would be fice te 'c
tuke jour medicine nnd sell it as bin '?'
own. Of course, It would be wiser 10 ' C'
cell tly modlclne than te. glte It attny,
ir jeu vvuiiL iu iiiuie' peiim. inoiiej' en u; -r
and if you hate cured iifrsruu', it surely
must hate some table. Write te the '
Patcnl Ofllce for a lepj of thu Hulen of ',. '
I Practice, which tells ten Just hew te if-t '
'your patent I hope jeu will he tery ' ''
' HUCCCUSfUl. ,,
, A Turkish Party 0
Te the Jt.l.tnr of tFtmnn'j Paat: ;i
i Pour Madam Your daily suggesuens I 'u A
I are a constant ueureu of interest. i
1 If you were entertalnhiB' a rnnall com. . $0
I puny mid wunlcd hangings, cuslileiis, I ' p
I etc., te make u Tuiklsh atmosphere,1?
hew would you entertain? What situ- 'iO
'pie refreshment would jeu bate" The I Vi
party would Include intimate friends ! ';
, about tw-..ty tears of age. Would bej a
elljej' mi-, aviu u. . iHeriHiiunfiu ,'
What de you ihinii ul lei tuilu-tellluc?
T lirlK.t nttAPC arte, ll, I.ntrA n rn..1 11. . .
' """v v'v" """ "'" ?.?,"- '..' .",,!-
lt ,V(,ui,i be better te b-iv.. luVt ,,.
I T.,rl:ii. .'erner ml hui,i veir n.n J
. ?!.'"' ' . nn " ' huVf ""' ,, ,',u ".'
- '' . - : - - - '"m
than anything cUe and always in ,',,,.
Ur. I ha th tfiicRti -win ii.:' .'.
wrmuehT -"r,v "
One Little Girl Toek Herself en a Personally Conducted
te the City Without Any Fear or Sclf-Conscieusnctf
S1IH cntne Rllp-slepplnc nleng the
street In her big rubbers currying n
huge umbrella ever her head.
And It was n case of "Helle, Um
brella, where nrc Jen going with that
llttle girl?"
Fer she couldn't have been mero than
eight end alie wasn't very Mr for even
that nge.
She were n loose coat without any
belt, nnd it was just long enough te
show two pink knees nbevc her woolen
stockings. . , . .
It was n nasty, cold, rainy day. but
she tripped nleng as unconcernedly as
If It had been a sunny dny In June.
Reaching the railroad station she sat
down placidly en a damp bench te wa t
the' coming et the train, find when It
arrived she get aboard trailing her um
brella up the steps. ,
There wns no scat left, se riie steed
cnlmlv in the nlsle until some one get
out nt a station aud there wrs a place
for her te slide Inte.
FOU the rest of the trip into the city
she sat there with her head just
reaching tile top of the sent, her hands
folded In unruffled dignity, n bundle
resting en her lap and her head down
se that the double chin came into Fight
antl'the dimple In the upper chin was
very prominent.
She was by far the most serene per
son en the whole truin; no seasenqu
eninmntpr could hnve Bene about the
whole business tt 1th less fuss and mere j K
U7IIAT n difference from the child of HSSSSgWWiSSSS&BSSSSissMM?
" hrr aire In rears cone b.v the child
who hnd te be seen and net heard. ' if
In thn. first place these bare itnees: gj
"I'liey would have been covered with scv- B
eral thicknesses of wool. B
Tlien there would have, been "lip- E
pels" und things around thetieek. init-
tens en the hands and some kind of wool ' g
ever the cars. , E
Kven after having been nil muffled 13
up se tlmt she could scarcely walk, the B
little girl of olden times would never fe
hate been taking herself into the big gj
city nil nlene like this. K
he wouldn't have known what te de 'M
mr liew tn de it.
She would have been frightened well..
,, WOul(ln't have been alone, that's .
.. I
"" . .
.. . , . , ., .
. in l.h.h huuui mc mun-. v. ...
present age. but, after nil. It is
much simpler and mere natural than
eter before.
( hi drcn learn te tane euro or tncni-
'selves in these days; going about alone
i lias no terror for them.
1 nn .1.... 1.1. A..,-. 1 4I...-1.
si,e replied, with a cheery Hinilc. p
Sold in sealed aluminum packets ei
neverin euin,
jjKssursxr 'v
The Jury Decides
The Judtfe: Ladies and gentlemen et' the
jury, you have tested the well
known Asce Coffee. Tell us yeut
decision as te its merits.
l'he Jury (composed of hundreds el' thou
sands of discriminating coffei ceffei coffei
levers in Pennsylvania, New Jer
sey, Delaware and Maryland ) :
We have tried Asce Coffee and find
it te be the most delicious coffee
it has ever been our pleasure i"
Our unanimous decision is that it im
justly entitled te its indersement as
"the best coffee at any price."
It is astonishing that such a high
grade coffee can be sold for enb
25c per lb.
Ii has a rich, rare aroma thai
arouses the appetite and a nie.V
delicious Uaver, as mellow as the
tone of an old violin. Our advice
te anyone seeking a real treat in
coffee is te try a cup of Aee
Coffee tedav.
' P.
, i
' "
,W. J . ,W.. ' 1)1
I rm I rtk I .. A I'L yt
UIl M Ull. VUlt JJ Ji llCfflj
TT MAT 'be the independent d
- ennurcn inemscivca under tlu'l
ent way of brinalne fi,.m " J
brought about the sltnpk, X
J t may be the lack of iS
lues n.t, i., .. " "'. m
hut blftt nrhsf lu'n... - ..
. ....mv .a ..7.cr?.iiry lAkita
warm and cemfnrtnM.. 'zArf
or perhaps It Is just the mei.j
tl.nf linn rhnt.D..1 l.lif. "" nlMttI
V- -""- IMflll,
Whatcrer the .. i .
t - -. ""Y"' " i D
Jiini. lift iilliit iiiNd nt. iin lf.
taking herself into town wi.i
!,!.... nf -.ill... i, ." Wltl
sclenines,. """" l"8"C 0r
The UrtMt
u" n r
'rnrnpn Id
r.ll ... .! y -"Pun.
.... -.., ura ana mine your u
Lnrvi U.V
Frarrn. rt ll
i2 Aiwii kt "rmr;
Mmwrenm Oprn a. M. p
Jehn S. Trower's
tt T.uiuiHevtn nf. n,l Otrltftl AlBl
nANQtiKTM, inc. ';
Ulnnrr 1. M. te n pi
A U Carte 11 A. JI. u' pV
Hew about a
Nice fat
for Sunday dinner!
We liave an unusually
choice selection el
i Fancy Fatted Geese ad
I 30c per lb.
m At nil our Meat Murkei
i.imiii.iii'.miUi'i'iuii ui nu linn 'n inmi nuinininiiinnn k.j
difference !"
nr Phllu nn.1 lliri.Ueh'
Delaware and Maryland.
wis. Wf -
tv5..nvi .s.uxr4S..s:tas
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f- ' s-ift
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