Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 04, 1922, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 2, Image 2

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1 .
LV-T "
I Sitmm'4M.mm ?, wfcJ. .. ...i i .1 1 I 1 1 -. 1 . ...m.
Si lAWtPAik mi Kin a i MMaaj
"" .Vt vra vjbbi bbf - m M I H H V
!! Ill III II l" I II I Ball" n I "II II n I II I II 1."
eimin guLoiiuiie mw ivihh uinte
LrlWAh" ,'VVI-1
ST1 IflifWi
' 1" Li .a ri i' .it . -i. - ".! v 4.irT tT - cv ' -.. r . . mh
iatWS3n V?ri&Wti&
V-iW 'MjV
Eight Millions for Improvements I Sam McKee Declares He Won't
Instead of $1,800,000, Says
City Solicitor
Give Up Heme te Make
Way for Span
.'The Plillnitelplila Rnpld Transit Cem- ' "I was born here nml nm nevi' te
fmnv spent $8,000,000 en improvements slay till mv life's ended."
n 1021 ItiMemI of tl.e $l.MW.0i)0 tin- j ,snm McKee, seventy-five ears old.
8eTffi8mrthlN,,,n,, gl h"'1 '" ,ftP ,,U yC"' uU,'r0,,
vThe expenditure f funds derived from ,,l;, ,,0fai,cc " Je t?1 i? "? T"
vthc increased fnre granted by tbe Public'" Ilis '0'e. S North Irent street.
Service Commission Is one' of tbe !( i Within earshot tens of brlcka were
jnentn In the battle for control of the clattcrinjj and the sound of felllne; Mm
''e m7knll"3't,',,, ' ,,,,wler'bcw could be heard as workmen blazed
"Our information Is flint Instead of."1' Pa" for the Delaware Kivcr uriuge.
putting ?l.W)0.000 surplus Inte im
prevements " m ri Mr. Smvth. "ns de-
tailed in the Inst official statement of
the company, the company put $3,000.
000 Info Improvements.
"In the peurc of the valuation pro
ceedings we have been trying te jct at
Aeme of llicje licures. Tin- cdtv lins
made formal demand upon the company i built like a little Reck of (Jibraltar, ns
ier iiie iiRures, out we imve icreivru no far ns dependability Is concerned. Its
satisfactory rnply. Like the five dl- sturdy walls nre of brick, laid in Knc Knc
vecters who are protesting against the , Hah bend fashion, and have withstood
management or llie I'. 11. l.. tin city the ravaces of time. The house was
The McKee home is directly en trie line
of the proposed big structure, but Saui,
who lives In the Frent street house
with his brother, Tem, declared that
no bricks or timbers would fall from
the Iteuve of McKcc.
The McKee hnme. of Colonial type, is
wishes, te have some definite fncts te
judge the operations."
built several jears before the stalwarts
at independence Hall penned tneir lime
message te King Geerge.
Heuse In Family Since 1720
.. ' -n . mm
' Irt ', iff
Student Frem Massachusetts Ge
8tlmsen Award at Academy Exhibit
After the art jury "had viewed the
117th annual exhibition of the l'cnn
Bylvania Academy of Fine Arts yes
terdny it awarded the 8t,ln"" Prlz of
$100 te Miss Mildred H. Sarlcllc. of
Wcllesley, Mas., a student. She U
the rst girl te have been se honored.
The Wldencr geld medal for sculpture
wag given te Miss llcatrlce teuten for
), NAnwivut V..iii.inln flip Temtilc geld
medal for landscape work went te W1K
Ham li. Lnthrep for his "October hvc
nlng," the Jennle Hcsnan menai
Ocorge Obertuffcr, and the Meek geld
medal te Miss KUcn Kmmctt ltnnd for
her portrait of the Jlen. Donald 1.
Albert Lcasejc replaced Charles
Oraffy, head of the Academy s depart
ment of sculpture en tne ;ury.
Klvr Dinrtert Flfiht Mitten
. The five directors mentioned by Mr
hmyth iie William .1. Montzemcrv , Sam McKee has tinners te show that
Frank Much, Charles .7. Matthews, Wll- the house has belonged te the McKee
Ham Y. Trlpplc and Jeremiah J. Sul- family as far back as 1720, when l'hlla
llviin. They lme uppeiilcd te tiH,k- delphln was a country town and lighted
holders net te gle the proxies or vet 'itself te bed with the tallow-dip.
ing powers requesleil by T. V.. Mitten, It Is little f.ender. then, that McKee
Iiri'Kldent of the P U. T.. nud W. '. doesn't want te think about a moving
Jiinbiu' :iiitl (! A Klchuidweu, viee day even though It has been decreed
Ir"ddcnu I by the law of the land that no hand
. Drexcl . e.. UiIil. bicnme iden- enn stay the march of progress.
tiJied with the P T. T Cempanv In Seme years age the McKee brothers
"OH hen the he-calted StetciUun - ere enndymnkers. Their goods, neigh-;
Mitten management took chnrce of llie hers said, were just.as reliable as their i
(empany. Itns ihiiiic out en the sid" heu-e and they finally made enough te
of the Insurgent directors who oppose ' retire and take things easy. The spot
whnt thrj rail its ene-man'' rule. "where their home stands will just clear
li. T. Stelesbutv N head of the bank- tlic uneherage. but It will be necessary
Ins Iieum of Drcxel .V: Ce The an-!tD errct supports for the bridge np np
lieunctnent esterdai was the long- I Preach, and the house, according te
exported outburst caused by rewntment , I'r'dgc engineers, eventually will have te
tlmt lins been wiinulderiiis since Me. S-
ritetesbury drnmatii-ullj revbtied freai i ,. ;ll07 ,1'1 was. .8U5?cJe t0 bam
the P. It. T dlteeteiate. , McKee he cave vent te his defiance.
1 Workmen who are gradually reduc
fiets Third of Proxies i ing the neighborhood of the bridge site
Mr. Mitten, It ns refwrted iedu. ." bricks and dust say they will net
has obtained proxies fr l!()0.000 of ' bother McKee just yet. but after he
the 000.000 shares of P. It. T. stock, i receives notice te go well, that will be
The climax of the fight Is expected te j different,
ciime next month at the annua! meeting Find Ledger H2 Years Old
0t Vradfne snurUn P IX T stock fel- Tl'1' marcli'ef picks, axes and shovels
lViMrn5irra '- Keing merrily en, .Yesterday one
tatataHtattataESatatatatatatatatatatataKtataH V -tatatatataHBtataatatal
atatatatatatataHtataVtatatatatatataHtatatatataH -::v 1H '- A' tataH
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLH 'X?I9 &&&k : H
BtatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatataHatatatatataBBH '"': V&M i'h" , tataH
LLLLLLLLLLLlHmaan3Raal'':::'Bm it't v? ILH
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaSaainaalfaaVBIilHHaaaal - iB'lf " :. iaaaH
BBBBBBBBBHaBBBaaBaSiHBIBHMalBBtaBm ?: aH? wi&? - -s' ltataaB
ayaw'llZ79HaaaaaaHIMits!n3KHIaH&.3i2r '$'' StaaaS
eaiaavauaies!MH'p4iMapKivaaaaaaaaaHaHffltaHa v aaaaaafl
it vnKlaaaassaaaaSaK BaaaaaaaV
'sbSlttBCKMrSVlBKtBaHetaPwK'' ltBBBBtal
' 41sS4kkfaS3a1S!HtBBW?vlKk' 'BBaBaH
' ' : i
Descendants of Moses. Coates
Seek Share in $45,000,000
Trust Fund
Nine Powers Adept
Far Eastern Treaty
sireuueiH pick unearthed a copy of the
i't nr.ir iiKixu.li et December 15. mw.
Despite Its eighty-two years it still had f
a geed complexion and mta-h of It was
It Is twenty -four by twenty-two i
. ... i lllitM.lL IAIIII lltlltrth. II III! Ill U 111 mill .
co-eperatlVLMllvli end !""-"- '"" '";':; ""- ' . ' tern
lilh ! Mfj" ' 1 li".-!. !.- V V M ,
I ITTti Ills
if a contemplated dividend. Seme sales
of stock may Invalidate proxies gained
by Mr. Mitten, nltheugii the full effect
of tlie stock movement can only be conjectured.
Jlr. .Mitten nise anneuncvii ins pur-
nose of clvinz a
te empleyes of the company. IIiIh plan
"has been held by Mayer Moere te be
a violation of tlie 11107 agreement be
tween the city and the company He
plying te this criticism the P. It. T.
officials siitd the "co-operative dlvi
entlniifd from Pace Onr
I'nderwoed said, understniid fully(why
uie vnrieus 1,-ewers represciiieu mivt
agreed with China en the tidoptien of a
treaty relating te customs.
'In tbe twentieth century treaties
reaseel te be compacts between Powers."
said Senater Underwood. ''If they nre j
te live they must constitute understand
ing between the people." '
Jn considering- the Chinese tariff
treaty Senater Underwood salil it was
"well te benr in mind the background
of events that placed control of 'Chi
ne.ee customs je lnrgcl in the hands
of foreign Powers."
"I iiiey ny." Senater Underwood
continued, "Hint the prehcnt svstem has
given verj great satisfaction In Its ef
tielency r.ndtn Its faintest te all con cen
reriied." "In the negotiation of this tieaty
there was general and universal .-entl-ineut
nreiiiid the table that en aiemiut
,c( the dNtuibed coudi'iens In China,
unsettled governmental conditions, that
It was desirable, if agreeable te China.
that there should be no (IMuiImiicc at
this time of the present customs .
'lfefeMiCi; n' 'il
Koe Appteu's Plan
Members of prominent Delaware nnd
Chester County families liepe te Mharc
In n $45,O0O,000- estate In old lcasc
hclds and cash tic, up In New. Yerk
banks. t '
JJf they arc" able te prove their right
in the property of their Revolutionary
uncesters, the descendants of Moses
Centes expect te make some big cor
porations "step lively" te keep posses
sion of valuable lands in Philadelphia,
Jersey City. Atlantic City, Phoenix Pheenix
vllle nnd Ceatesrllle. '
One of Philadelphia's big department
Meres is said te be built In part en
land for which no clear title could
be given, because It was owned by
en ancient member of the Coates fam
ily, who let it en n nlnety-nlne-yenr
lease, new expired. The Rockefeller oil
interests also may have te pay luind
fmely te acquire clear title te lands
they new occupy In an unnamed pait
of the State.
Replete With Remance
Tlie whole matter Is tinged with my.
tery nntl romance, as stories et unex
pected fortunes should be. Fer n cen
tury the money has been piling up In
trust companies', drawing Interest,
doubling . nnd . trebling ns the years
passed. Fer a century lands which wcrr
open farming country when they wcie
bought bV the canny family ancestor
have grown crops of 'stores and elllcc
buildings, worth millions where they
cost thousands.
The hidden fortune was revealed last
fall when one of the descendants of old
Moses Coates died In the West, lie
called his son te his bedside nnd placed
In 'his hands certain yellowed parch
ments. "These are worth a fortune. 'I said
the dying man. "Take them, and see
Legislature, Backing General Weed,
Authorizes $22,500,000
M.nll. Feb. 4. fUv A. P.) The
Legislature has passed' .the second of n
program of legislative measures rccem
mended by" Governer Ocncrnl Weed for
w.iinMiiafnn nt Pliilltininc finances. It
autherises Immc of $22,000,000 of bends
in the United States.
"The purpose of the bill Is te estab
lish a currency reserve fund and te 'take
treasury certificates, peso for peso,"
says Governer' Weed. ,
Will Alse Be Mild for Week-End,
Forecaster Says
The weather for thU week-end will
be in strong contrast te that of last
week If the observations of the W cathcr
Murcau are correct. ......
Today nnd tomorrow will be fair and
the temperature will be mild, accord
ing 'te the official" fereenster. There
will be slight change In .temperature
from ivcsterdey, when the mercury
ranged 'between 40 anfl 40 degrees.
Deaths of a Day
Father of the Irish Peet and Per
trait Painter and Auther
New Yerk. Feb. 4. Jehn Mutler.nu
fliimiMiM i jiiii
aiumix mm
Jury's Vete of 10 te 2 feri
victien Surprises Beth
siaea i
Above is the home of Themas and Samuel McKee, i!28 North Frent
street, built long before the Revolution. It just clears the site of the
Delaware River Urldge anchorage and for the present will net be
molested. When work en the approaches starts it will have te go.
Melew is a Colonial doorway at 223 North Frent street, with the old
fashioned fanlight above the deer
, i . !
fiends" would net he dividends In the' man's pick digs lip a clutter .of old
I'....ll, I. ....I..., .)..... I 1. Til Ml... (fill II
rIIKl"li nuiir uau-u jiis wci m.-n ,, . . . , .
" .... i....t .... 1 1n.intiiiiw1 tlinn iImiiI . Din
found. These were turned ever uy i "'' V, ,. ,. . "V" .....V.
Charles I), llenvey. the roiitracter, te ' Matciij-nt t.. the lar has tern Ceiiii i
ICC iBYJHIIIMer IVUIi. "ll in-llim vl ii.iim.
I declaring that the Chinese Government
huil no desire te disturb tlie present an-
the llridgc Commission.
Kver.v once in a while some weik-
gcnerally necepted sense, but would be
extra compensation cnargeauie ie oper
ating expenses.
hones. They might have, been these of
Itevolutieiiurj soldiers or of Revolu
tionary cows. Milt ns iheie me no
paleontologists among thexe men of
brawn tney don't pause te examine,
and, furthermeie. the have no time.
miiiistratlve system.
"Spefikiiig only for myself
I nderwoed continued. a
tl..it In the net distant flit
may have the opportunity when Here t.(.en0m:e development In any dilgnated
Is a parliamentary gevernim-m -'" , iruien of China :
countenancing action inimical te the States wll ltrnntmit te the ether eon
security of such States; I tmetlng powers a certified copy of the
"Article II. The contracting Powers . preces verbal of the deposit et ratilica
agree net te enter into any treaty, tlens.
agreement, arriingeiiieiit or understand-' "The present treaty, et which the
lug either with one another or indi- Kngllbh und Fremi texts are both
vldually or, collectively with any Power authentic, shall remain deposited in
or Powers which would infringe or lni- I the archhes of the Government of the
pair the principles stated In Article I. ! United Stales and duly certified ceplea
"Article III. With a view te up- thereof slmll lie Iriin.sniittcd by that
piyifg meie effectually the principles' Government Ie llie ether ceutiiictiug
of the open deer or ecpinllty of opper- I lWers.
tunity in China for the trade and in-, "in faith whereof, llie above named
dustry of nil notions, the contracting plenipotentiaries have signed the pres pres
Pewers, ether than China, agree that 0nt treety.
they will net seek, nor support their "Ueiie at the Cllv of Washington,
i expert ive nations in seeking: ! tle sxtb ,iBV of Fehriinry, one llieu
Ma) Any arrangemeiit wnieii m gi;t , Hn,,,i lllne hundred and twenty-one.'
Yeats, clghty-Uiree years old. father of
the Irish pecti iiiinm iiuncr mm
died yesterday In his home here.
Mr. Yeats was born In Ireland and
after graduating from Trinity College
Dublin, was called te the Irish bar.
Afterward Mr. Yeats attended the
Iteyal Art Schools and Slade Academy
and devoted himself te painting nnd lit
erature. He exhibited, at thcv Royal
Academy.end wrote extensively for Irish
and American newspapers
His particular te
minting, and among
portrait of Sir Herace
-. ,u
San Francisce. Feb. 4 "Rtim
neie neuut" m the minds of hee ruj
and Clem Mrewnsbergcr. tv0 of?
ju.u.b, Bnvca xtoscec Arbuckle frcmi
victien en n manslaughter M,.
connection with the death of Vl3
finri,to,ltt;..fer. conviction wiJ
5tii t,and."0' .'" iorers when at Ml
e clock yesterday mernlnir thnv vJl
a nope css disagreement nnd werTl
F&'ft.itt. ""! udfc
ill i ... ncic iimcn. ,i
Arnitrhln will l, i.t. , , -'M
te...!.lT' Atte'rne'yMVtl
t'liuiii i iii urn inn t in iui..i i .
U will probably be nt least a Z
before the oeiupiI In.. ni.. ..." "I
a .n ."..".""" mrcs ii,
'K-i-uiuuiK ie me jurors, nine' of il
unber voted stendllv for LlJ3
lirct l,.1l. .. li" .s"ilO
from the f'irsf Imllnf ,' u. .!!T1.VI
the last taken. nnle ..!, tm
&r,.:,00,, w,th "Vmn'S"
What Guided .Iiirv
.......... i.Miaiuii en tne tenth
let, bllt Said flflpiuvnr.l ,i,; i.'," '
iie(l !)fa. be.c" cast net ,r"" belief1!
Arbucklc's Innocence, but w,..lI
U'lKllPM t lin iiriu.ltiA1.. i ?'!
-v. . 'n"m.v 'unvinrM ,
fore was portrait l1''.'" l1,1f"S "f ',teatltneny gs,
,g his werks'were .tjJl- e for c.nvieten The J
portrait et Mir Herace x-iiiiikcu, which , k . fnihire in fni-n'M, v t
is in the llarceurt t.Met nailery. In ,cfk e defen L,fc,f,tani H
Uublln, nnJ of Geerge .Russell ('A. tflft"u tlliut nr-ument " "
and Catherine-Tynan, tlie novelist. hlck et retlmcnt hv ,, ,iV '""J
About eleven years age he came te f(,s8J0U of WPakn(. while ether.T
this cetmtry te live and pnlnt, ami here cIarcd (1flt argument weW
wrote his "Essays, Irish and Ameri- mB(p no difference
can," and at the time of Ms death was Arbucklc's own sterv. the tr.tinvi
engaged en his own nutoblegvphy. ,0f Cy Prevest and Alice Mlake
story told by Jesephine Kcza and t
iraaLnniu 1niln ..,! I... l.. i , '
tne aytng man. i.aKc tnem, anu see .,,., rn.rir MaH of Carneale
that the heirs gctvthe wealth that islsteel Perate''' Head of Carnegie
u-nlllnc? fop tliem."
The young man has worked since at
the vast task of collecting the data
necessary te prove the family claims. It
is whispered that he was offered, by
some unnamed Interest? nn income of
$1000 a month for himself If he would
Ijust "forget" the old parchments.
The werK has new progressed te n
point where n meeting of the descend
ants has been called for next week'
In this city. ,They will form nn asso
ciation and employ attorneys te push
their claims.
Among the direct descendants are
Charles Mather, Mrs. Samuel M. Pan
const, of Mroemall ; Mrs. M. Hays An An
dereon of llaverferd Tewnship: Mrs.
Samuel hvnns. of .Springfield Town- ,...,., -vr- 'r.ivini- n,,tn.sp.1 n lai-.e
1 .. 111! T . i" I . ItlllVtIIIOi .! jt .....",.. . ...n.
iMiip, muKwii; jiirruiiiii, in iiiisciij, ami fert,ine. He retired Irem active par
; iiurry ami r.vuns j.oeo, ei .tieiiia. i tjcipatie
Here Fund. Was Bern Here
Pittsburgh, Feb. 4. Chfirles Lewis
Tayler, sixty-four years, old, pioneer
Pittsburgh steel operator, business
assecintc of Andrew Carnegie nnd phil
anthropist, died yestcrdny nt the home
he maintained at Santa Mnrbara, Calif.,
according te n telegram received late
Tlmrsdy by 1 . .U. Vt limet, sccrciarj (
mm iiuinuB-yr ei i.. ," '"v' r.,vi ir " wn,; i" ouvleus MirprUe. iUbueli
Fund Commission, of which Mr. , 'la ler llilml.lt imKUtw Btunni'd. '.Mrs. 2
weakness declared by the jurors tot
lstln the defense efforts te prove ni
ural cnimcs for Miss Rnppe's deH
appeared te be (he deciding factors -
The announcement of the liepela
deadlock cumc after the -jury Imd bM
out nearly forty-four hours. ti
It was net until Assistant Dlrtti
Attorney Friedman, the first te t I
news, announced that tne ten had vel
for conviction that the real surpi
Rcvei8al Is Mlg Surprise ?
uuu "" i.vj.., ..v ...- .... -..-.-. -.DU0KC di-ekc down ter a brief instsa
by Amliw Cnrnegle, in April. 10 04. , t , , , tl, "J
Mr. Tayler had been in lll-heallh rinrej, , , , m.sband's treuW
last September, when he suffered " UCBnn ' J
attack of hardening of the arteries. Atternejs for. the prosecution l
Thteugh his association with t .he , f i0eUm1 at e.irh ether with p
Cnmeifle seel Interests una Hher Kteel l ,.,..., ... ... ,.. ,..., 3
iivu ci tn, kii mn tin- iuiiiiiuuui wm
If. !seiiatnr p,u.,0,t t0 establish In favor of their
mid desiring i jWCat8 any gLneial superiority of',
iilure luna rights with icsjiect fe commercial or J
Started by Moses Coates
Moses Coates. an Knglish Quaker.
came te this country In 1717, and lived
in llaverferd Township. He bought a
large acreage in Plieenixville; later went
, te Ceatesvine, named' niter mm, and
t siarted the great Iren works there. Ills
I son. Samuel, inherited his wealth, nnd
' 1..C. t. ......til. it.,ntf,wl t t.l.. ....I..
ON CHINAS TARIbtn. Moses, who married twice and
had fifteen children
i.lnntimi In business III l'.IOl. Ills
thorough knowledge of chemistry and
the metallurgy of steel enabled him.
while superintendent of the Homestead
works of the Carnegie Steel Cempanv,
te be about the first one successfully
te produce soft steel for the manufac
ture of pipe, nails, ship plate and
structural steel.
Mr. Tayler was born In Philadel
phia en April It, 1S.17. the son of .lnhn
I). Tavler and Sarah Potts Mutter.
Ills father was treasurer of the Penn
' li.. i. .... ... I'lii.ie . i.iirni.ni l ill hit ii.'iiiii.. ..... ... i
i. I.- ..hi. ..... ,i,i,.Mm.. tlmt kniiie '"""" " "'"".."-i'. ..." . ..'.. "Mil Am- sncli moneiiolv et meter- .- .
...,... ;"-"""-. "....- te exercise lull HUiiiiuisiriiuve iuh- - ,,,, ,, ,-., .u ..f l
niiinikiiiiriiiiiiinirkiin-niiiivriiiiiii. . . .. ii..riiiL- en iiiiiini iiiniiii, kin iihiikhui' vi .. ... ' . ..i..ai. .! unn i iiiiniifiv i i-iiiii inii
e , n w n" I aae,,P Ier1ollews,,i, suinm "A the . c 2 HELD AFTER INJURIES 'he Umref Msth'lu 18S0r Pre:
Only One Weman Drawn In Panel "kln at e-, North Frent street te- , m,t "f ll'stal,t '" ' ,' iir tak ng liny legitimate trade or Industry Heie fellows a sumuui. et the new ..... r.enii ptii i ileus te that time he was prom nelil v
, F.r.r, .., ,5S ;.M-ri.i,. TO CHILDRENFROM STILL ;,!S&'!Si,'!tL ,,,! :.
,. "ss'ft ,sxi 'Sjsa"? rTS&ffifc S-" watts-a&a as ,-s g&l Eihs:w?t:z;. : .asr-i 'tbm,?-?k.!S! - --- , ,
a? Mass 'Sf "&,:: 3 H,r s &sn JST'fSSAEs', '"" '"""'.'" ! STl ":". .,, , mKSErtw
Rosier. She is accused of murder nnd I "p Uleve the loer was an old- "f H"" representatUes f the f him se ..Qt!,,' of tll0 niintlpli' of quul opper-I Article I provides for a revision ' . .. ... . serving with the .ll.ith Infintrj. will be
of veluntas and Involuntary man ff' ' ;. ,A. 0:n '' , cks Ne 1 Pne Ooveriunoiit." , ,, , tunltv .ouu.iissieii te meet at Shanghai 1m- " nerc ct, ',rI'1 '" !1U0U b,u b buried here today. Funeral services, will
laughter in connect leu with the sheet-; "hl The audience applauded roundly. .;',,,,,., ,,..,, ,i. f(lr,.eelnc mediately, and te revise the Chinee .Magistrate Dougherty this meining te be i.a nt 1 o'clock. In the Central
iJiiiii-Ees ave ueen ere luree in mr, - - . , niiinir inline inc cjhsuiik n-.- . - - . - -. . - , . ......... ..Hn,.Hvn ,-,. .....i.tiiu inie
I .. i ....I.... nml.. ,I1A .."-rf -- . . ... . ...I..,.. .....i(,int..i(il l.tilllLpm .l.v.w...i ..... . .. v. ...... ....... ,
n. .ni, kTr:tiiirp 11113 U.Ul H.I ...V
Tilctrii't Attrii'npv'M eiiice nnd nre read.V
for nreseiitatieii. Witncsse mav be . nelcliboihend
called early In the week. () a window nl 20'J North Water
The trial of Mrs. Rosier maj take ; street, it Is announced that "I.euls
place this month. It is belieied preb- n,.i, the broom-handle painter nnd
able the rase will be tried before Judge , polisher, Is absent." Other lettering,
Rogers. As jel no Assistant District I which evidently explniuVd that he was
Atiertiex litis been assigned, but it is I ,eng business elsewhere, had worn
tumercd this appointment will be made aWnj.
h'lna's appreciation of the work of the ryement of Invention and research.
T.i...T.il enmmittee. DUt said lue. ,.. A A. .n u..in.,iea
tur,nr. ..--..-. ,nrrtl 1.I11I1U rtjillTS I.. ....v.K."
proposed arrniiBeiiii-iii uuum u . --
enlv ns a temporary measure looking te
finu'l Chinese tariff autonomy.
Approved Without Debate
...... ... .ii iA i n tnvitr trenrv men ..mi ni-tiMief-nu from i.nvemmcins nil
ATnmllil. t i.l ,.,.ln..,i n. Unl... ttrppt ' ltnOUI. uruum mv ....... . ... -," ,,...... - . --. . ,
Ln the lis, culled for jury duty a,.- ,,',. Yi'n partluHv obliterated sign tell- ' was approved by the Conference. J nc i.atlennls of al rorewn .sunt nes
pears tl.e nnm- of one woman. Marieii 'rc 0," 'who pass that "Going Out ' . caution rewmmendiiig better pre-, whether parties te the pieauit triatj
nebliifnii. a clerk. 1.-.PJ North Klght - White Wash ng Is Dene" by Geerge , tectien" for the Chinese hosier Rail- or net.
e'entb street Net less than fifteen of I Washington, ft wns learned that the way. previously adopted 1 the ar ..Artll.e '-The contracting Pow Pew
the twenty-four tnlesuncii drnwn can Kieerge in this case had nothing te de Kastern Committee, wns glcn iennnn(,ls agTVQ )11(l u pert any agree
serve. tithers drawn are Willis .i,vti, the clt' earlv histerv and whs. Conference nppreal. ments by their respective nationals with
Alsever. .'!':.' North Fortieth street :.,.. fa,.,. 1)f eiitlrelv ii liferent "complexion I The committee Mnleiiieiiis et tne c)(h et,1Pl. (1,.sisnw te create spheres
William S. Ash. bookkeeper. 1001 , . the fjeorae'whe shoved the Ice I Chinese and .lapaiiese "S?' "S f Intluenre orMe provide for the en
tile twenty-one ucmeiiu-. '" """"". jeyment of mutually exclusive epiwr-
yA .
Rockland si reel : .lames Alff. driver, n,i.ie mi his wnv across the Delaware.
180S Tree strwt: Archie Mrew-ii. dealer. ; Altlleucll thp workmen are
2-A-il hharswned street : Uell l.ehcii. alenK , a g00i Ba!t they are frequ
...'.,. '.,,,;. ," V.. ', bothered by the interrogatory
.1. f.lllem. manager. J.J1 North Eight- ,uters. Among them ure long
nentn sireei ; n iiiinm neignis, macinn- ' ,,, wm, nttlr fat green bags, en
isc. -uii .erni inirien street; rieu tr,.,v :T11, ersens with oblong
heepp, printer, K,i North reurth an, be-spectacled, long-haired
street; .-sum i.nne. maininisi. -"i'.i ,u..d with long pole. The-e
heithgew stieet. Themas I.yster. res. afHI (!,, llnries of antlquarla
taurant. 12 North Ninth ,tn...i. .unl ,juns .,,.H ften nnthpiatelv
.leseph McCleskei mu1,v (,f them nie daring.
weuldii l hesitate ie hang hea
wind fnuii the reef of a oil
linn thought the could get Ihel
jii nn old penny of 1 i its.
These briiw hunteis are a liune te
ihe weikineii who often hae Ie slop
suddeill.v when all set Ie dlep a Iluek
nt lnl'ks in order te snie the lues of
the relic hunters
Tml:i ihe men will stun te lenr
down en Delawaie inenue. beginning
at the Ajer A; McKlnney butter es
tablishment. 1""' North Delaware avenue.
"u,"i ...... ,, ... -..,.. ,.... mnhi nl l.tileLHnl ril
China received from maritime i ''" ' ',","ZM't"Tu'n,?. Article II provides for n "special
Minister Hze. et tuinn. -i""' Ji" "."?'- 1 '.'..,":'". I conference" of the signatory Powers
China's appreciation et tne werK l ,t'.ii i ""1""" "" ' I t0 ,eet in Chinn within three months
' te Tevlse elstinc txreatles te permit im-
China undertakes te be guided by ' position of a surtax. My Article III
the principles staKxl In the foregoing , the special (enrerence nise would take
stipulations of this erricle In dealing ' steps toward abolition of the internal
with applications for economic rights i Chinese "nkln tax.
.. . .. ... I I I i.Han A. if.. in l ii.tAltn. ..ri..lLln.i i.r
Impert duties Is uutherlzed as seen as
the first revision Is completed, and
periodical revisions would take place
every four jears,
Article V pledges the power et effec
tive equality of treatinen and of op ep op
peitunlty," in nil that pertains te the
Chinese tariffs.
I nder Article I the "principle eL
Seltzer street last night.
The children, according te the police,
were plnying around n fifteen-gallon
Mill fitted up In the bathroom of the
Celafutty home when a coil broke nnd
they were sprayed with scalding mush.
Physicians at the Kplscepal Hospital
say that little hope is held out for the
lecevery of Calafatty's son and Charles
Wright, fourteen months old. of 1010
Fast Seltzer street. The ether child
burned Is Edward Driscell. four, of
2747 Jasper street, who will recover.
Sergeant Lee. of- the IMgrade
nnd Clearfield streets station, swelled
mash en the children when they
reached the hospital. lie sought
their home, which had been buspeeted
for keine time, as beusing a still.
the bcnlces.
Funeral of J. W. Baldwin
Funernl services for .Tames W. Maid
win will be held this nfternoeii at his
home. 20fl."i North Twelfth street . In
terment will be made m Hillside Ceme
tery. Mr. Maldwin. who was seventy
venrs old, died Wednesday. Fer many
years be wns a newsdealer. He is sur
vivd by a son, Iliury L. Maldwin.
William F. Merrill
I'lii Infield. N. .1.. Feb. 4. William
F Merrill, eighty jears old. fermeily
vice piesident of the F.rle and the New
Yeli;, New iiaven nun nmueru nun
mi incredulous buzz. With the jury t
the first trinl standing 10 te 2 for
ipilttal, and the rumors of prejudice tie
followed its decision, the complete n
vcrsal was unlooked for. ;'
Arbuckle nppeaicd le be semewb
downcast by the disagreement. Mm
bcrs of his family weie se vllbi
pcrtuibed that It was some moment
before they greeted him or his atter
ncjs nftrr llie result was known. )
"In this life jeu've get te take .
punch new and then." said ArbucUjj
"I'm ready te go te trial again. Ifei
sure that I shall he able te prove at
Innocence of this charge at anetkl
"It's jut fate," Mrs. At buckle
plained. "Since his: Saturday I ba
n. piemoiiltlen that things were gebj
ngnliist us."
The jurv was out one hour len(
than Ihe jury in the first trial, whk
Imd nnneunced a iin.il ballet nf ta I
two for acquittal.
Jury woman Nervous "
Wlien the jurors icturned le ces
vesteiiluy they looked haggard it
worn and the lone woman juror. Mf
Men' II. Seineis. wns visibly nervec
A crowded eourtrnem heard the rew)
"In spite of my own pcengl ctj
vletlen it wns my . intention te',1
guided b the opinion of n majority
Ihe "urx." Dlwlrlii Atlerney Tlril
said. "Had the majority of Ihe jm
l.,ii in fimir of nn aciiuittal I wen
i have asked for a dlsmhal. As t
Uiry teod ten ler conviciieu wn
for acquittal, it is manifestly my de
le try the er.-e npiin."
40c Luncheon
UlRO A. M. te 3 I. M.
820 Walnut St.
teyf m. I'rntt.
BRAKEMAN dies in wreck
Fatal Smash en P. R. R. Fireman
Injured en B. and O.
Pittsburgh. Feb 4 lp, . ,
D, D. Dillen, n bruki'iunu en the .Mmi.
engnhela division of the Pcuiis.haiilu
Itnllrend. wns lulled ami two ntlu r
trainmen were injured in n wieik near
Dravosburg, Pa., today. A southbound
freight train buckled and n heavy
northbound train, druwn b two engines,
.crashed Inte the wreckage 49J Deaths Here Durng Week
Ceniiellsville. Pa., Feb I i Mv , A decrease in deaths in this city as
P.) W. T Whitman, fireman, of reinp.ueii .with the mortality here last'
Cumberland. Md . was -erleusly in- wink was iliewn in the weekly report
jured today when westheunil passenger or the division of v ital htatlwtlcs. Uur
llie i -iii.. - v..v. "-- . ierin.nr. in iniiiiiiiii.i rt menv "i'i. i .... tY.ci.it v .... I.. ...i nu n... it I..... I i . .. .., , i i . - ...I I nm null in in f nun- . jiiiii-i ii-ii li nil i
- . ". . . ..T l.n ta.nAI.U "- w . - . .... .!... ....' ".. ....... ...... ...... .L....V II, . Wn ...I ,!. 111111 IIHfl lll'l'll 1." Illllll' I 1VHO "- .. .. . . . . . .. .. .
...... .Innans nDanuenmeiii 01 i . ";., ties in i es.snatis. naitH or v. nitiese i ,,,i,.rj it r,i ,,. . """' "" .'.:",". V. ",.., ....... 1....1 h fhlcaee.' Ilurllnsteii and Uuiiicv .miin . .'
ihViu. . ' .1 !.,,. )ia t'OTifil i----'---- - 1 - iieiiiiViis n iihi'Mi nn Fmaiii t Ha hnliuik niiii iil 1 IUH llllvh 1 till ' i"u - " . . . t "
ently ' "Greup 1 ve. - - territory. , Article VII fixes -"... per .em ml ,.; "". " ' f m,.. Calafattv was 111- I Railroad, die. yes,eriiii,. ue vv-iik a
,.. I.t Seeretnrv tltllthes, , ti a .:,.!. . V I'll nn nirrees tiinl .. . , .. .1 . . Clisappeureil. .'ii. t i.iu.i.i... .... .. 1 1. ,..,., ..( Amliersl Ce I eim mill lie . .,,,
.thV;."Tl.y.rfcH.We. " ' "-ftft
".' '::?"-" ",.; I knv and a rese-, '. :j,llml- "T ." .""l. " ...... ".' b' .1 Article III inviles otliei- Peweis ,0 f)f f... M0I1. Ili(i ife wns located at a ''": .. ' .' .'V ....;"" V, ""V",.,U I SelCCtCd tOl' inr Size
satchel. f ';'" ..", ,.."". ,. ,1,,,,, ' nut uniiur iiirtcmuinuueiiii . u..j .... t.. ,,.Uiere te the treaty. ,.:i..,it...v l,ni.u m Second street and -"T" ' ."'"'"V ",.. i.'.1 .-.... M . ,i,i
en. HV"" J I I.,..JU.' :.,..''. purtlculur thcr. sua de no u - Arte. IX , .,,UH , . ly "' ' ,.- ,lVeuue. She said that she and 1 mlsen u.v -r '.. O
atteutu- '"" "TV"', rtn'ut that olll-atiens te Tliniilliueu vvimievr. unvc u. ... - ,lmU (1V.rrlll(. n (.,,iilciiiig pievieu , . bwll M,rned when she leseued the " "i " ,,, v v ' 'J fjk AttB
11 uinbl- tens a right te Inlst tlmt eiiin''"" uvt, n respect of charges or of fat ill- ,.,...,,.,m,.nts 1 1! i ,., ,hB liniliiimni when the Middle pert, N. 1 . .4 m MvfiB
".nlrSu.lferrtW Investors In the .1 J- 11e,'ell the ground of the nationality el "r ScleX , eutuiiis HiimimmI prevision S&'loll burred. , , A Tl fifedfflJSEeM
Seme tilled also Was ailepted 11 mini e ush, ,llllsen lir the countries from whlc.i f Mrlluimiimrs- nitllluitien. '?; L L ,1 he hesnitul for treat- L- "rvlng Handy g AJfiWUi7hVfTtM
d.dewii- I"1'8!.1' ,5c 1 1 J "f."1 vhWl tl,"l' !!lf l,r?cecdl?s'.!r 1! " men. She was sobbing for her child vih.il.iRtim. Del.. Feb. 4. I.. Irving 3 MfVlj&2ZMMr
lldlng if neunceineiii i'""l . "'. " ....... ,.. .,n origin or ewnersiiip 01 gu.ms .1 .... .icnc RCMCDAI 'O nAllfiUTCU .,.. hreiiL-bi le ihe lieiirlue this morn- idv. sixty .veins old. former Deme- P. TUSMtlr W
r tiuuers iigieeil en n lerm 01 ". - ...nti-v from which or te wiiicn uit'i.ivbutj wi-nuiinu u unuu1111.11 - - . lnlIlllllI. .,( c,i!ivss. died lnsi S .Uaf,,
1 1 . 1 1. .. (.,.... I . I '.i In i".i 1 iii ml 1I1 'nil 1 . 1.. 1. 1 Mm Ifiiiii v uik 11 i.nlinil IihihIihh . tI i
i 1 111 iiiuiiiiu iiiiiiitiii.i inniiii,. .1 it: . .ni, ! " " " " ii'"i 1 v m. ni 1 T3
the Shantung dispme.
TRFATY IN FULL n-sc railways.
1 nnll 1 im ' "lv" ..The centiuctlng Powers, ether than
are consigned, or the nationality or
ownership of the ship or ether means of
ieiiv eying such passengers or k , ;
fine or after their transport en tue cni
China, assume a corresponding euiigii-
I tl.... In reHlM'Ct ill 1111V of tllO IlIerClUlKI
-iiim the Mritish Lmpire, China,
T'runie, Itnlv. Japan, the Netherlands
nnd Portugal;
Nnitrals In Time of War
rticlc VI The contracting parties.
Lieutenant Richard Lee Marries
Martha E. Price at Chester
Chester. Pa.. Feb. I. Fashionable
St. Paul's Kplscepal Church was the
scene of a brilliant military wedding
today when Miss Martha Ijyre Price,
daughter of Majer (ieneial and Mrs.
William 0. Price, Jr.. was married te
Lieutenant Richard Lee, of Recky
Mount, V11., n graduate of West Point.
Dean Francis M. Tnltt. the Tccter.
officiated, before nn assemblage nf
prominent military attaches'. Miss
train Ne. li en the Haltiniere and
Ohie Railroad was derailed ai Pin1'"'1- '
tten tunnel near Mnrklelnn. P.i. The
train. 11 fast passenger Irem Hit limine
ite Pittsburgh, strut k 11 huge I Ider
which bad rolled down the mountain -aide
and ledged en tlie irarL. Pas.
fengerH were shaken up. bin none se
riously hurt.
the week ending vesttrday Hi
deaths were reported, while last week
die deaths, totaled ."il. In the wee!;
eliding I fin unrj I. 1IU1, there were
lil- (li'l'lhs leperled. I ntliK ti.fl cauwd
llie ileilll s t III.' week of ki. adults am!
lv e chih'.irn. ihe division leperled
Mayer te Hasten $400,000 Projects
', te Give Werk te Jobless
( Sewer commits nuieuiitins In SUM.-
J 000 M'ere uwaidrd 1-mI.ij In Mnrer
V , Moere. The orntrurllen of the sewis
fKii wl '"' hastened in elder te die work
10 unemployed.
The bewers are te be laid In F.vcrcti
,- Btreet. Cninsfeisl r.veiiue, Ashdale
street, T11U11 treet. Mliii'huiii street,
vi jFlftv-HCvnth street Itlitui siieet an I
I ' ..IFIinilliO llllll. I rinrii,
ifillif. ml... IT........ nluit ulnit...! .. 1...... ...t.l.
Ctrl. INI ..,....'. ...-" -..... m . . t..' ...1,1
IMiUh. . .,-...1 I.-....I. i e i..
r!)iK-.llie Ulllini llllll t .hiijimm; hit inr
fei'Xe. 0. N'er'.h Wharves, for one jear.
leWdiiUnR from I'eliruaiy II. ut a .vearl.v
PsWytBtal of SLM.OO0. Offices en pier Ne,
PjVwrt'werc leased te the company for pue
f?krnth at a vnu of IfliHJ.
?tS,w-;fia aierns Annual tteiuge was
WMrwM centrnrt today by Mayer
jc. Hi'IieMiit ei mth) ram, jur
mm receive 3000pr the work.
'Grandmother s' Crumb Pic
f Oman's Gift te Harding
Indianapolis. Feb. 4 - illy A ,
When Senater and .Mrs. New leturii
te Washington ihej will tnkc with
them n ennuis pie. te be dellveied te
President Hauling with the coinpli ceinpli
nients of Mrs. Mary Moere, of West
field. I ml.
Ill a recent speech at Neblesvillc,
I nil'.. Mr. New saui the President
often had expressed n wish he could
find some woman who could make a
crumb pie like bin grandmother used
te bake. Mrs. Moere said she had
been baking such pies for twenty
live jenis mid was certain she could
pleace Mr. Harding.
Te make sure of Its safe delivery,
the News volunteered te take care
of the pie themselves.
,. .. , , , oiheV than China, niiec fully te respec Martha F.yre and Mrginln Kyre Price
"Desiring le r.iiepr a " "l'- """"J"1;" 'China's risbts as a neutral In time of were brldebinnliK Lieutenant James
te sfHiiiiwe ceiuiii.iiii. '" ""; ,,iir le which China iK net a party, ami y, jervey. ,ir.. acted ns iiest man. 'nie
li. safeguard the rights a .1 in tcrestH of, w p m ni when Hhe is a neutral ushers we.e Colnnel Heward C. Price.
China and t" proniete liite cnuw I- lb wll ebwve the ibllcntlens of nen- an iinele of the bride, and former Lieu-
tween China and the ether Powers upon .she will eD rv iim ((iin)t A)rj(h VfU ( . )(,
flu basis of equiilitv of opportunity, "'., ..,, ,,.,. ,,llinf.tinir Pew ' Lieutenant A. W. IVre mid Lieutenant
"Have 'eh:';';,:"7lll'l"d,n;ve ers ,,"re' Hat whenever n situation I Otte Prager.
i.i iiii'iii. iiMUM"' ii Hi.i......--" - niiiju e nuLL.uiu
(j .....
"li-? MIP .1- nam" -f -he plenl- stlpidaUen, of .the , lsent treaty
petentaries.i ' i "i,t.. n.eis. Khali be full and frunl
ether ,tiful"pew.Ts:' found'tel In ioinnuinieatleu between, the contracting
noeil mid due fern. have ngreed as tel- , Towers enncerncu
lows !
Ariiele I. The leniruriing powers
nil.er tluiii China, asree: ,
Inst. Te respect tne sevuicimii.t
renders desirable dlwniarien of : eucb up- J LancaBtep Man Ball(lu.H Fata,,v
Wounded by Farmer
I- i Pewcrn enncerncu. Uiianen, Pa.. Ieb 1 Fted Smith,
, "rtlcle Vljf Peweus net signater.i nNPMty.flvn ycs ,,, ()f jancnHtPr.
s. te the present treaty which have itev-; W1IH Kler ,! pethups fatally wounded
(inmenti' recesnizeu e.v i"s- r.j......... (nr .sciianerstevvirinie ins! niglit. Il"
Powers .mil which nave irea j u-i.i n wflN hnM , JmV(. UOi, ,.milt ,bbliig
i ii.si, i ii "i"' :".
the Independence and the territorial and witb China, shall he invneu ie .uun-i .,., ,UN. en the farm leiidiited by
administrative integrity of China; 'te the present treaty. Ilnj-ry Heist.
".Second. Te provide th" fullest and "Te this end the Oeveniment of the jert h10t tm neged in.iraiider with
most uneiiibnrranKd opportunity te, United States will make the necessary ( Hi0,un Hiulrli js In the hospital
China te develop and maintain for her- coininiinlcntlena te noii-slgnatery low- h
and stable govern- ra nml wll inierm me uu im
self j n
incut ;
stable govern-i, rft nm will Inform the contracting
In......... r.i ti,.. renlles received. Adher-
I ii....... l.n1l liAniiiA nffeel tve
KqutU llppe.li.nlty for All I en receipt of netl- t I.V'rebf by tl.e (Inv.
Third. Te use their Inflame for ul.nment' 0f the United States,
the niirnese of effectually establishing .., i
and maintaining the principle of euel Provide for Katlflfatlen
, i... r,. the commerce and in- "viieie IX The present treaty
.insipv of '.nil nntlens throughout the hnl lbe ratified 'by the contracting
tenltery of Chinn:
i.. ii. 'I'., refrnln fiem takine ad
vantage of conditions In Chinn in order
te beuu special ngnis or privileges vu.n
i.. neenrilancu with their respec
live constitutional methods, and shall
yjn ..front en the date of the deposit
of 0.11 the ratification!! which shall take
euld abridge the rlghU of aubJecU eclpWe. at Waton aa apea ai poa pea
tlten of friendly Stat, and freifl ' Jjble, The Gefpninent of tbe United,
Alse Seme Fair Weather and Ner
mal Temperature Premised
Washington, Feb. 4. (My A. P.)
Weather predictions for the Middle At
lantic States for the week beginning
Monday nre: Rnlns ever Southern and
snewa or rains ever Northern portions
.i (. hefftnnlnir of the week, and en
Friday or Saturday ; otherwise fair
with temperatures near normal.
credentials te show that he is n solicitor
for the Volunteers or Aiueiiea and miner
ills army coat was tlie uniform of that
seciet.v .
He said that he used the still te make
whisk v for his own use, but had never
sold u'ny of It. The police (entiscated
three gallon jugs of whisky.
Measure Less Drastic Than Van
Ness Act te De Offered Next Week
Trenten, Feb. 4. The nW State Kn Kn
fercement MUl of the New Jersey Antl Antl Antl
Snloen League which is being prepared
e inhe the nlnre of Ihe Van Ness act.
(leriared utieoiistltutlemil, fs expected
te make Its appearance in tne i.egisia
lure next Monday uljht The dry
league has summoned te its assistance
in draft intr 'he bill Prosecutor Charles
A. Wolvcrten. of Camden County; As-
sistant I'rosecnier ueerge -i , v icsers, ,
of Hudsen County, a'tid Assistant Prea- ,
ccuter Wilbur A. Mett, nf Kssex j
County. i
It is probable thnf either Assemhly
mail (leerge S. Hebnit, of Fssex, lendei
of the Anti-Saleen I.eairue clement in
(he Heuse, or Senater William N. Run- '
yen. of I'nlen. who ii being gioemeil
as the dry candidate for the Republican
nomination for Governer next fall, will
father the proposed vtatute. Itayiccins
tiuite certain that the bill will be mucn
less drastic than the Van Ness law.
1100 "Yanks" Leave Germany
Antuern. Feb. . (My A. P.I The i
United Htutes Army transport Can
tlgny. with 1100 officers and men of the
American forces In Germany from Cob-
enz en beard, saueu irem this pert last
evening for America,
and practicing attorney in ihe city .for
t went je.irs.
H Willi I'eU I. NDI.I.Ii: V . ulll. r
PeMirKI" SHters. 1111)1 ll.lUSlltl! nf the lull.
WtlllHin unil Allce Itnsi. ItcletiiK iti,u
frlmils also Munliu I'.mne'l. Nn sl il. m
II of 1. invited le funernl irrvlien, Mnn
rtny. 2 1' M . at the nurlers of S. I'
rrnnlvcnflelil H.ns, ,13011 Vhw si. Int. I'Vrn I'Vrn
vvneil Vrlsmls r.ill Nunilnv evenlnit, H Hi 10,
HTOKHH. I"cl i!. nuddsnlv, nt hU lain
rsR'ilsnrit, llnhitrnburir. JAMI7S MAUTIN
STOKVJf Hsrvlf nt lilf liem.t nn .M'inil.iy
a-15 P. M. Inlerment nrlvnle Trnlu Imvlnit
llrend 8t Smilen 'J:a7 1'. M . will be met
III nmniesiHirK Jim.-.
UST :jS J'nt'NJI "" '
yjiKI- 1.nl. Irsn Killre ilng. tntiii., nnd d
,lri' till eellni. icwnrd, I'lmne lIMineiil
(I'JTi W.
Strictly Fresh
of twelve
Sold only in our Stores
Itl'.NT KWAKTII Vlllltr.
VMI.I. SIIAIli; liirite limine wllh nuirriil i mi 1
III Mllmble fur llulil li.ni.-ki.eplni;, rem I K
rr rensimnlile. II mlliulrs In rtiitlr.ii. t'liun. 13
Hwnrtlinieir. 177 M , 111l;-n,
tW--i--- i .i . -1
. idsfS
iiim adrtrtlMA.
leaiy, en pal
in tbe Hem
13. Adv.
for marriages, social entertainments,
public ceremonies and ether
occasions requiring
Stationery of Faultless Femi
and Execution
Jewelry - Silver - Statienhtt
Chestmjt and Juniper Street
-F . ,
'- IV.
.-. ...ii, wwm
BB..-V.UM.3.f.'y.rK v v
Jf tX
a. . .?iAfi,s.s,tj:,;iv.A?t'i'A
fl' ttiii. tr.
. ..
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