aWMi S?U Iw it yWN ,j EVENING PUBElfa' XpVGfilMiiEpfflir H :"mL$! ' L . -- arg H(i mjTm:- IDAY, mim K-LiW.;,ir-i. i'ffll TT( 'UVtti 'nV, LDZ2-" . "$ ,. ' ' i'Twjs es Made in West Against Collegiate Football in East May Start Investigation i ' '' ' i i i mOBE OF PL A YERS IN WAST MA Y BE SEQUEL li.W'X It 1 Wt Mj' W" 'Li'LJ Li MMMf If JL ' tfSW Vy FIjLOJ jLiV LZtMTliDJLJLl ffi :.m:ej Ili-VV"- jrsavj- ! -IViS-m' PENN AND TIGERS THAT GUILTIEST FEELING CRUCIAL TILI .4 ij!1 !!' rJ u- i m . i (,... m, . c Over 300 Students Will Fellow jsl f jmiw. nignur LjUuuiuiuii jur mucins in i nm ecciiim, nan c. v .. f lf mmIIaW -e-f--.. .. lffn !'- k ie iisu kjzuuuu line ion, rr uu i in 1 our in Amateur and His Mates te Princeton LEAGUE LEAD IS STAKE ROBERT W. MAXWELL t ft.....- WtU.aa. . aa I a- 1.. Ml. V s.t-K- Blrj'rpHEI'Rl!; getting excited out West about the nmuteur standing of their &''.' X athletes. Following the expose nt llli.iels and Notre Uame, which ruined KP!p the Chrecrs of seventeen athletes because they appeared n a let of Jehn , Smiths and Tem Browns in a hick football game, the ether colleges have dinted 'off the nearchlight and turned it en In their own back yards Theie vill be some startling developments, becau.-e everybody it running for cover and these caught in tbrj open are turning State's evidence. There is no doubt that conditienH are serious out there. Athlete who have been playing summer baseball and getting away with it are very nervous, and In a short time everybody will be accusing each ether. It will b a nice scandal te clear up. Grevcr Hoever, conch of the Taylorville. 111., football team, who played the fleck of Jehn Smiths iu the big game, hat. kicked in with some divcleiirei which mar start something. He claims that Gorden l.ecke and Aubrey I)c vine, of Iowa's championship football team, were net protested by Illinois because Illinois nthletes pleyed professional baseball against them. He ahe says Wisconsin stars played summer baseball. But here Is another statement which should be explained. It is a shot at the colleges in the East, which means that there may be an investigation iu this section : "I see that .Tee Stcinamau. who played for me in the Tajlerville game. has been barred," says Hoever. "But Jee should worry. If lie wants te play mere college football he ran go te any number of ether Eastern schools. t 'They're all filled up with them down East." Hoever pays that Knutc Iteckne, coach of the Notre P.ime football team. knew all about the game two days after it had been plajed. and "did nothing until the Illinois plaers -who were caught squealed." Iteckne denies tins and says he will Institute libel proceedings against Hoever. But that's nrdy a private scrap. Anether charge has been made, indiiectlj. regarding eligibility rules in the East. The following dispatch was shipped from Chicage: "The Investigation may also extend eastward. Juiulrle are being made about football players who have recently gene te take up higher education in three different institutions in Pennsylvania." rnn.rlnnli tlnneniiat . i HnnUlnirrr. I firm. I Miller.. eirrlln Kttnrri .. rrlnfftnn forward Jeffrlea .ferwnnl Khira . .rentrr Ilnlnrs . .Kiiiiril Wlltmrr Lert. W OXDER what cellegis they are alluding at! Manufacturers' Club Starts Training Monday Manufacturers' Club will start active training en Monday f. rriHE - international amateur euuaru tournament wijicti logins one week later. The club is expected te be in wonderful condition and assist materially in making the tourney a big success. Seems strange that a clubhouse should train for a billiard tourney, but sjich is the case. Je" Mayer, former amateur champion, who is en the Com mittee en Arrangements, snjs se, and Jee should knew "If will take a week te gel In Minpe the room Iu which th" teiimnnieiir is te be held," said Mayer. "Fer seven days the temperature must be kept between 7". and 74 degrees, se thit the billiard balls will become acclimated. The tables, tee, must become accustomed te the temperature. There an many things connected with conducting a championship teurnamint that the public knows nothing about. "Billiard balls are as susceptible te ;nldsis a human being." he nu tinticd. "The slightest draft K likeh te cause the ball te hump." and Hie player misses an easy' shot. The ball expands slightlj en the spot v. heie the air hits It and rolls out of Hue Fer that reason tin wn teinperatuic i maintained in the room throughout the tournament. "I lest an amateur championship because of a 'hump.' 1 was placing in Xew Yerk and was making a long run. The balls weie udder cmitrid'and I had a very easy shot when somebody opened a window. I p.ild no tittpn tittpn tlen te It and shot The ball missed by an inch, and I attributed it te the sudden change in temperature. It is difficult te get billiard balls for iliam iliam plenship matches, and 1 nra new trying out fifteen sets in the hopes f getting two geed ones. Fer ordinary billiards they arc nil right, but one must have n perfect set for important games." The national tournament, which ends in Broekljn tedn. will furnMi four players and lteudll, of France, and Be, nf Helland, will be the ether ton ten testants. Hedden, last jear' champion, was expected te be one of the con. testants, but his withdrawal from the Brooklyn event disqualifies him Hedden suffered an attack of temperament and went te his home In Dewngiac, Mich., after losing te (iardner. Hedden claimed (Jardner deliberate distmhed him while he w.-is la Ing and said he would net stand for It. In ether word-, the .Michigan man Inst his "goat." . In a letter te J. P. Allen, secretnrr of tit" association, he chaiged (Jard ner with "conduct which I believe may be properly ierine,i 'shniklng.' iiispiic.l by low cunning, suggestive of cowardice and violation of the rules." nRETTY iiem7 rhniuei te tuakr in en nmalrin Innrnamrnl. hut thr effinali M nothing, l'lnyrrt nrc tnnprniiiirutal mul rumc timf trlrct thru- eicu ejcmrj te explain a ilrfrnt. THE crucial game In the Intercelle glatc League will take place tonight I iu Priiueteu between the Tigers, tin-, defeated In the lengue te date and I'enn undefeated at all this season. Conch Eddie McNichol and his team I along with some !W)0 Rtudents will leave this afternoon nt 2:50 for Tiger town en a special train. The Prince ton freshmen quintet anil the Bed and Mine yearlings are due te step off iu tjie preliminary game scheduled te start at 7:lfi. According te the arrange ments made hy Manager Zimmerman, of the Ked and Blue team, the entire party will return nbeut a half hour after the game. Princeton has been the surprise of the league thus far. After getting away te a peer start In the opening games before the league series started the Tigers started a drive that In- ludd among the victims. Dartmouth. .Cernell and Columbia. Hill Zabn. 1 '-en'-b of the Tigers, defented his brother Ctcnrge. through the medium of Hie Orange and Black team by a single peinl in Hanover. A victory tonight will mean the fif teenth in succession for Penn and leadership in the league. A victory for the Tigers and they will be en a fair i way te winning the chammensh n. That the student body of neither Uni versity Is ever-confident is evidenced i by the even money betting that has been i going en during the last week, , j Captain Bill Grave and his mates are ' In excellent shape and ready for the I baldest geme of the season. Several I of the plavers feel that any team that i i an wallop the Middles can also defeat ' I the bt in the Intercollegiate league. i Beseiiftst and Huntzlnger will start the j . . irue aSSm DO YOU MIAM Te f et.u Me MM WW, ST-'Vrf if D Imi I Arxt you eer of AAU Your ,' H-i Fw &, 7?w 1 Rf sNitsi? eusriA jTeFFetsis: L ! ' WX cS5S r'Z I k Ai&A.'i f Gw! aim T J 1 riLNU,? -'iTlBP m I NATIVITY MAKES game at tlie forward pests with Grave Whvn nil thr world is old, Ind, at renter and Pes Miller and Al Vegelln , At Kinpilcy used te rear. hen hcarlt arc preteina cold POP GEERS IS STILL DRIVING A MEAN NAG After Fifty-four Years of Competing in Championship j 'Field, Veteran Hess Driver Holds All Records j Ever Made Any Place , . ,. By GRANTLAND RICK Beyond the Horizon horseflesh, nnd no man ever knew mere 1 I... ..l r 1 11I..M n 1..1MCA ITU KAYOULA HUSTL E Downtown Victer in Exciting Basketball Contest in Sec ond Half Rally LOCAL BALL TEAMS TO HAVE BIG YEAR Big Get-Together Gathering Ap points Beard of Arbitration te Govern Spert DONOVAN NAMED PRESIDENT .. W1WTKW KIWHfra 'VT ATI.,NTHI CITV. STT laWli'tP zea fclk aJthnlic City'i life and tbmt made doubly tnitnaM.dZr. If mmtl'lherU knew, about ni,ti TRSMSiORE X Atlantic CiTy . itnii,ji iiuiki tJUCCtSi - at the guard positions. The first two reserves will be Dessen nnd Goldblatt. I both or whom are capnble enough- te he 1 playing en nftie out of ten teams. Ac. erdlng te last-minute reports the Tiger will aNe be In tlp-tep shape for the game. Al Wlttmer. the gridiron rtnr an 1 captain of the team this year Iu sin ce-i. ion te Mel Dickinsen, declared Ineligible sheitly before the star of the season, was in the Cnlversity Infirmary for several dajs, hut get Inte practice Wednesday night Klness. another reg ular who has been en the sick list, it-ported in midweek nnd appeared none I lie worse from his confinement. Th last na ued wits taken ill shortly after the Cernell game and was unable te pl.n against the Orange the following night. Piinceten will prnbabb line up with j.Ieffiles and Klness us the forwards, (laities nt center ami Wlttmer nnd I.eeb 1 al the guard pests. Wright and Jen nings will be Hie liist. string substi tutes. Md. Heets and Saddle. And 7'inir it catlina "Fere!" A few can stick around, lad. The way they used te tin. And cover worlds of ground, lad. At tcfjiiy-eiic or tire. You'll find in ;irtr or rhyme, lad. Among competing men. Hew feir run njecl; at time, lad. Beyond three score ami ten. Wherefore I spill these chreis. lad. Amid the jamboree. Saluting old "Pep" (teas, Ind. The Man fiem Tenncucr. Something In Sheet at A COMPETITOR amid the champion ship field for fifty-four years. S'tlll rnted high among the champions at the age of seenty-ene! That is the mark thrtt "Pep" f?eer, king of Grand Cltcuit drivers, is will ing for any one te sheet at. And "Pep." facing n new season, has no thought of retiring te think It ever. Se far "Pep" lias wen mere com petition thnn iin.i man Hint cmt iied. Bern in Murfieesbore. Tenn.. inan j ears before the Civil War broke out, "Pep" began diivlng back In 1 SOS. be fore "Pep" Ansen could beat out a PLAYS ST. HENRY .TONIGHT The Kajeula basketball team wen one of the .best-plaved games seen down town this senen, when Petey Kilpnt- 1 lick's passers took Nativity into camp nbeut the art of handling a horse. He , has had a phenomenal record for fifty ! four years, and he Isn't near through i yet. Before he is through he will set ! up a record for competition that all j r lie Ty Cobb. 'Babe' Ruths nnd Jnek i Dempseys together will never ap I preuch." Anether "Pen" ' Ht " -Antheny's Hall. Twenty-third REMAINED for another V.0)" I"'"' '"neuter streets Mst evening, lie baseball te leaie another target' ""nl "arP wn" -'' nmI mn.rkwl which the clan mnv sheet at for some I ," se,,n(1 timi' llmt laeuln has low- time in mn iTed the colors of their uptown rivals i one of the hotels eentrnllv "Pep" Ansen came along only a short while after "Pep" Gers. and "PeC !tt I 1 iu I U! Ansen remained iu major league lui-V-ball for twenty-six ,eais. Cy Yeung. Hans Wagner ami Nap T.n.ieie till took a crack at these figuie. en the home court this season. Nativity was very much In the run- but fell four or five seasons shy And. as we recall the intimate cir cumstances. Ansen batted ever ."00 his last season out. nlng in the first half which ended In favor of Kajeula. 11 te 0. At the start I of the second period the untewncrs even showed te better ndvnnlnge nnd grad- Apprexlmately fifty delegates repre senting some thirty or mere of the preminnt bascbtll teams in this city attended the initial gathering of the Allied Athletic Association of Pennsyl vania at the Benedict Service Club last evening, nnd It was agreed by every one In attendance that the seml-nres nnd sandlntters in thlse. locality nre in for the biggest year in their history in the 1022 campaign. Harmen.v was the kevnete of the gathering nnd net the slightest discord attended the evening's transactions. The resignation of Jim Benner, presi dent nnd manager of Shannhnn. was accepted, and II, M. Donevnn, of the Donevnn -Armstrong tenm, elected te the position temporarily. Mr. Donevan proved a live wire and while he only accepted the position tem porarily, made such a decided hit with these present that Immediately n move meve mctn was organized, festered by I he larger clubs, te secure his candldncy for the position when It Is permanently filled. Name Arbitration liean! The lengue is apparently going about the 1022 campaign in a business. like manner. The president said he believed that net even he, in his enthusiasm, was aware of the possibilities of the organi zation when conducted along proper lines. One of the principal items nf busi ness was the naming of n Beard of Arbitration te govern the sport In this city. Three prominent men were nnmed nnd their decision en all matters will be final. The heard Is headed by W. W. Iteper. coach of the Princeton football team, nnd the ether members nrc Judge Jehn M. Patterson nnd Rebert V. Maxwell. Sports Editor of the Evening Ledgkr. Anether matter that was widely dis cussed was the umpire question, but ns the arbiters are themselves plniining-an organization of their own this subject was. left In nbeynncc until later when n committee of the Allied Association will wait upon them. Committees Are Appointed President Donevan appointed a mini- i bcr of committees who will report back I at the nexl gathering, which is sched uled for Friday night. It has been de elded te change the meeting nlace tn ' the hotels eentrnllv leciiteil. It is aimed te secure every team in the city as members, and a committee I Leaded hy Art Sommers Is new at erk milking a personal canvass of the ub-cn-tecs and these net members te lime them at the next gathering. A constitution nnd bj-laws committee i has also been named, and It Is likelv that a new name will he chosen nt the next meeting. The report of Trensiiier Themas Turner showed m l,e,ilih li:ii TLANTICCT Directly tm the OceaniW TifaPlMHofcleflMftctqi Phillips Heuse MautchuKlli Af . nrar Ilnth WILL OPEN I'RIIMY. EKHBUAHY teft nr cxlentlte Iraprutrmrnli, AJilmj prlrlU bilhi nnd running ealrr In HnZL A. 0. A E. II. McU F.LIjW ISOl'B-IWISUC .V.":ff,-ll!;!i,;;:e'iS ittiimlnril In culMric nnd xcnUe y- tinny. rppriHi wreKiy. j llAnSlu tlotlmeti. pJ; Virginia aa. near Deach. Running wiian Anicr. nine. $4 per dv ue. AM HI, LIS. Ownr. N. !. COLLINS. Ha. nvibb s-vit iaL Writ or phena. iew lurk Ae. nTu A '"'rlci. Alxaya open, always readv: termj tnedfi. M. WAI.8II DUNCie PMFsVrFP IMN plan. All rnnptlp)iew. MHS. U. Westminster runnlnE water. Open all year. KNAUEIL Ave. nr. UeiekT inui natlii: KOPf: A. V, Hbtel Boicebel Kentucky Av. nr. bete. . . .... excellent table. vj. tatca. Am. & V.. plan, rii. 117. A.I3. MABinfi SHORFHAM V'lriUU,, Ate. nearlUMk ? r, . , . KUROl'EAN I'LAJT Bpeelal reiii?rd winter ratta. A tela OraW. New Clarian Kentucxy Ave. Jailej asiik.vii.i.i:. X. c. AH1IKVII.I.K. N. C. Write Cliimlier,ef Commerce for III, FI.UKIUA FLOniDA for Infer. ."'rite Ir.fer. Duma, 13sj w nay St.. Jackienvlllc. Ft, - enEKN revB rirmxnw. n,A. THE QUI-S1-SANA GRl'.EN COVE SPRINGS, FI.A. The Oul-SI-srm la a me4rn, flrrnrecf trusren. Ileniclikt. Northtrneeolilng. Ideal mrracndinn for thma acr king rempltK rwt or rll diet The eildaat and lrct Salplie-Marne a irrlrri ,,.L,0T,I,LW, 2Wate ami Public Wef- l"(M gallon boiling Rew per minute). l:crcatiene: Swimming, (ielf, Tennli. aluntliiE. Flslilnc. Dnnclnir. Popular rattt, apply KOSCOE A. MARVEL, Summer eeanen IaJcef Pnrme-e Hetel. I ahe Durmerr, Vt. TOI'RS w HAT tj pes, such as these .1,.fitillit , nun timv in tlin linlil Or is the competition tee keen for an entry te cover se much time without cavlnc InVJehn Hull has been a battler The Kali- r.reuniN ..resents ., n. . . " " "'' "'" ":" " '' ' ' in cif championships for forty-four i.suall, nttiache card tedaj. lcaturcd 7 '"""" ,iV, ."i,-'.! in ISflS le .vars; and that is another target no one U the .' IIan.lle.ip. at a mile and fn l"".., ,'5"."i1 "n: Pceui beat out li ' :'' ''- -'""'"'I' "e wnH l-fO'-cigl.t asKtecntb. for a purs,, of SlT.fli). ,.. rjp..., L'cfere he "r "i as nm bewbn ,nr' 0,,, wh 10 wnt t0 tU" tewth !," -1 -V .--nl.l Ler.- of lack l'h.l- ' Xw . hlCl ' "e ball ren'.d of the la. IlrltM. championship lips. gnn;l nt am dl-tnnee en nnv kind ' , iin,i ,.,. i,,.,,,, nl.nteil 'and he will likely be en band again at of track and unbeaten at New Orleans. " vu ti,,,-,-nr,l nmi Prim-nimi liu.l ! 1'iestwlck this coming May nppcais best, even conceding weight nPV,,r mt., the-grldiren and no t.pert- .. .ill I l.i i.lliniiL 4 ii tlin t i i.n I '!. ..I ' . . .. . Play e.n Opponent's iSeries AVL' t u r... . .1 . p l -t .t - i.mi .ii iu mtuiiir iiiisnuich ei piu,er ill Hie green cloth game J OH tll( te nlnT en tlie nerves of their opponents. A billiard nlnwr shenl.l imve ..,. temperament, should be annoyed bv nothing and act s if he were enjoying himself at all times. When 0ne player makes n long run the ether is fe'i i te sit in a corner, take a firm held en his cue and lefrnin from falling asleep' Nobody pn.s any attention te the man en the bench. If he should rea"l a book hf would net he noticed. Hut some of the plajem rui the bench haie a habit of pulling little stu. te nhnkc the nerve of the man who is sheeting. While the (.pectatefs jMc Kllent, intcnM'ly inti'te.sieil in a certain shot, nnd the plnjer is stmlvin- what he should de, the opponent might decide the tip ,,ti his cue needs tiviiur and start te Mnoeth it with sandpaper After that K. takes a file am smooth's "i,e tip In an entirely unconcerned manner, ns if he was the enlv one in the plncc Anether stunt is te get up, walk te the water-cooler and take -i drink All of these things nre likely te take the shooter's mind oft Ills. ,,rk and if he. Is the least bit nervous he might just as well put his cue n the n,i The eafcty plajers thee who use lets of "nil" also nte numerous if ,n feel they cannot make the point they spread the balls .,n ee,- the rnble and make the next shot almost impossible. iOn .1 YEI1 .ie; nil l the centritauti m thr mlr, nl ,l ,,. (HPllf iciVI play according te Heulc nnd their v,ll hr ,, nriim f CM ft durinn the matches. Benny Leenard Boycott Off i win nenn.v i.eenniu oeyfon ,ui he .Ieeliueil ,,ff nei KipIim nighi Ilenny himelf takes en Ke.-k.v Kansas at .Mndlsen Snii.irc iii"nen will be a cbnmpinnsblp match for the world's lightweight haiiuuensliip Tcj Ilickard is the promoter ' bus the hanhet has been buried, hut n somebody's dome le all til" etliers in tlie I nltcd Verde and Hgene Days should furnish the rtintei tien. although Slippery Kim and IS intra Huck have big confession ! In weights. The Whirl purse for n distance of t ."'y fui longs, the secondary feature. , should se ie High Cesi op ,is last showing "eiiiinii'ier and Muh-lher me ntbiis ih it should make a geed show ing I buses well placed In ether races inc. 1'iist ini'i Prince K . Daniel. I'etir I'.i'.iwn; second- Diana. Ticklish, Ciciiiiibe : third Swecpy, Knet tiiass. l iiiiiiipe'cut sixth -- Walnut Hall, .Scotch Virdict. (Jeneral Ilnlg, seventh Hcrmi- Kciublc. Censul, l.uckj (iirl. i Havana l'liM nice Hazel It.. High (ilvmpiis. 1 ekcj H.; second Sun Rese, Midian. I'lasccelii : third Win or IJult i I.m-ic, The r.u'piiicr ; fourth CJuv'ner. I'.clle of i:ii..lliethtewn, The Itey ; fifth Diwisin. Stonewall. Kl.vcast; sixth I-'iitr aiiu Wanner, Stir l'p. (ieeige W mg page hail ever carried a nne Known as "The Standing of the Clubs." Thcie wasn't a thought of n golf .eurse. and tennis was merely an after noon's fad. Yet heie is "Tep" still up among the champion", still the greatest driver of them all. the larest marvel in the field of sport. The (iiand Old Man Wi: WIIKK disitissing the'i nri-er ei "1'ep" f jeers a few dns age with I'lank .Tenes, the well-known spoils speils man, for whom (ieers has driven for main jenr. "There has never been aneiher like him." said Mr. .lenes. "His ability lias been a phenomenal thing, but his integrity has reached te even higher heights. When 'I'ep' (Jeers make. a ; gei, .I'lTSlM.MONS. still in r al the age of I'ertj -six. the was the eldest fighter of class te exchange (rliluvvs. but Heb did net get se early a start in the ring ns Deinpsey, .TefTries nnd Corbet t. lie wen his tlvre at the age 1 where most men ense firing. "poi'" I -t Kit, (iKKUS. "I'ep" Alisen, Meb .minions, Jehn Han and a few ethers have all shown hew far cer tain entries fiem the race nt large can go when they refuse te let worry and neiveus pressure break them down, being content te give their best te the game and leave the rest of It te fate, I unlly crawled tip until the tetnls were deadlocked at 1."i, The figures were also even nt KJ. hut two field losses ny iMipatrici; sent laetila Inte tie1 mice in tie irensurr i. . . .. lean never te be Headed. I The uptnwners were held te three IO!' . flelil trn.'lls llfillnrrlinr H.iiifl.iks nn.l Temple nil hitting the net for one basket, while Ku.veiiln registered seven two-pointers. K'lpatrlck and Stevenson each nuking a pair of twin tallies and 'Ink" Kegau contributing three. Sam Moereliead. who has been setting scor ing records of latc.falled te count from tlie field. Tonight at Natlvlt.v's hall, at I'.el giade street and Allegheny avenue, a series will be started with St. Henry's announced for tlin uptown basketball championship of Philadelphia. Consid erable Interest is being displaced as te in Hie Amine, aid A I, minister Avenue tlie outcome of tie dimes'. :. -. i:;.eii a. i St. Henry recently wen twenty-six straight foul est s and since that time lias udded Andy McMnhen nnd Charlie O'Neill te the team and expects te spring a surprKc en Nativity, which has been beaten enlv once en the home fleer, and that by Seuth Phllly Hebrews by a single point several mouths age. Included In the maiiiigcis present, weie Phil Haggerly. of Nativity; HIM (;(.n son. of North PhiiV; JJIII.v Whitman, of P.rldesburg : Chappie Jehnsen, of the New Philadelphia Stars; I.arr.v Sum mers, of Alpha ; Art Somers. of the All Americans; Kill Weber, of Media: J, McCnugliiic.v. of l-'leisher: Wld Conrev. of Philadelphia Terminal: IMdie Celt- lleb. of the Sphas. nnd Phil llnrth. of THE tlie l uban Mars. COLLEGE POLO Breckln Riding & Driving Club vs. Pcnna. Admission reserved scuts. ;,V' unit SI, lift. iirniTiii .iiiiiiciKiiin. ur. iiri.eis en su Ulark i Cruises by C. P. R. Stcamew CLARK'S 3rd CRUISE, JAN. 23, 192 ROUND THE WORLD Br the Specially Chartered Superb C. I'. R. . ' Empreaaef France" 18.481 (r-utea , fle,'il" P'e for the whole trip. Heutfi . .f k' p""n-. San Franciice. Iioiie lulu, 14 dn in Japan, Ghinj, Manila, Java. Sinjipere, llurnnli. Option et IV dais ia India. Colen, 4 data in Cairn, Nipl, Havre, Southampten: lalep everil Ouebea K. le Montreal and New erk. , 4 MONTHS, $1,000 nnd up Including Hetcla. Driv es Cuidea. Prci.elc. CLARK'S 19th CRUISE, FEB. 3, 192 re rrirrr nn a nr i it ITmmilLftKAHilAN .... "' Specially Chartered, Sumptueua S. S I'.Ml'ltliivSef SCOrHNir' oil burner. 25.0M lroiiteni;rj5 DAA S CruISP. $600 and up! I9diil inblypiand I'eleHlne: Spain, llal). Greece, alt' KtJROI'R l'alen I'lay Teura. $100 ue. Ilurllrl Tunis Ce.. 'Jtltl . Ililli s, (llli'siile, KliinerlH & llr-rd. III.! Wulnut Ir.inklln I'lrld. lilmlirls' Uniirlns Vllrr Hi li at nnd Siuldlnit's. li.unr B I'T, after all, "Pep" (ieers hcildh the list. He expects- te round out statement you can put it down as beinglMxt.v consecutive sciimjiik of competitive per cent correct. I.vcn If sport in the cliampinnMilp arena, and It exactly 100 per four or five ether witnesses saw the ineldent in a different way. the Geers verdict stantlh unchallenged. Ve man ever Knew mere about any one can pans that mnrK i'ep i willing te pus along the laurels without complaint. ( efyrtglit 10''' W ri.uhis I!cseivct. DUNDEE GETS DECISION Johnny Awarded Verdict Over Jee Benjamin After Fifteen Rounds New' Yerk, l-'eb. !. .lehnnv Dundee, world's Junier lightweight boxing cham pion, la-t night defeated Jee Henjamliu of San Kranciscn, receiving the judges' decision at the end of their fifteen -round bout In Madisen Squaie (iardeti. Dundee wen eleven of the fifteen reiindK, three weie even and the final round went te lienjamln NATIONAL 1 1 1th & Catharine Sis. " "Ml IIIMY i; iniiNN MAYO vs. .IOIINNV. MAHONEY M. WAGNER .iiir. JACKSON inn, vs. vs, lr.ll. I COBB vi. vs. CHIP Mil WAGNER -IIHVIV GIBBONS iiiisn SALVAD0RE vs. DONNELLY llrit-.rranurd Mum of Mir Sciiseii Come llnrlvt Krsrrvril SraU. a I. All, a I, nil, din., AUDITORIUM A. A. llt.Mil.l l'111'I..Mt v-s. TONIGHT TONIGHT MIKE KEARNSvs. JIMMY JORDAN 5 OTHER GOOD BOUTS I Preston 6108 as rresun eiDS wait lull CE PALACE mi&TH A MARKET BTREEIS , TONHGHT U YAI F vs. Hfrinceten liilfri-nllrcltilr finine) . I lie Miiitlri:: fler l.mnr It . and 'i In The Hardest Battle of My Ring Career .iin amiaii------ ava AlllllaA 'AIIIIIIA ' in w v. mi ii am ii hi -v "- " " - uiiLi iu iTinuiiiniie i HI ' ICE SKATING Competent Inatructera at All SeiiliU T1IB SCISSIONS QMI.. Lnr, HO A I'D Hi" Tiiiimi hiire huird lnh.rr enlilr. He xi ill hate leu en I ndan , (.eini ahi lift hi v-ihlic i r, n ud fli a n it I'lli! ID hr in i i Innl mill Jienld it in ,-i. BA, I Is III Itv 1 1. 1 J I. 110 7 h'latik r.nglej matched tuiiud- lies Chic I'eistell FISTMEN IN 3 CLASSES AT NATIONAL TONIGHT Lightweights. Welterweights and Featherweights Paired In Bouts Lightweight, welterweight and feath erweight matches' will be the ire of the weel;! show scheduled tonight nt the National A A . Khvniiu and 1 Catharine streets A pair of ne e'ev- & , erat 33fi-peiindcrs new In tlie Kasl pfsr'ar te jab al each ether in tue -'ar T' haut. brlnclnir hiucther .Inlmnv L. ' ..! S'ki Rnlv: well matched The welterweight t-et-te te be Le tween Jimmy tiibben, of (irn.vs l-'errj and Jee Jacksen, nf Seuth I'bllndel plila m V V ' ar illy, of rnlontevvn. I'a. and They I'hi! Mil! STATE COMPLETES CASE AGAINST TEX" RICKARD February 11 Set for Argument en Dismissal of Girls' Charges N'evv Verl.. 1'i-h li j;,. . p 1 The Male lis ,KJ , einpi.n., ,1n'"'",,"1 '! "w" iig.illit l.i'iu-gc I.. 'lex" Itii-knid. spnrm pieiiHilcr. charged una having as. unit, , .ln c Unci;, hfteen .vcais old, uud Annn Ilcss. eleven. Ma I). S r lcl,;ird (nun-el. , then acked diMiil-iii of the ilmrgcs en the ground of liisiifljcunt evidence The Court set rchrunry 11 as the dale fei .aiguiiH'iits en the nmi ion The attacks, Anna tcstilicd lasi night I vvi re made in the lower of Madisen Square (inrden. where the promoter U Siinlir for twelve I knocked Slmlei out out III mere vvnjs 1 1 1 n ii one. for I iin him s,, hnril en the chin that T dime him through the ropes and into the I n ph of t h c sporting writers at the ringside with I minute (1 seconds te go 111 the twelfth heal Hut before I hung my right h a ii d en Chick'n i nliln In. lrnvn me s4 ..l,,,,.. i.u linr.l II jB 1, Mil,, ,i .,.. IaiKSi v licipaicd In. Simh'i wa going gient gunH then. Me had lust given Henny T,eeunril nnd .lehnnv Kilhline tough fights, and wn estnhli.hlng ii reputiilieii for being an "Iren-jawed' boxer. Anvvviiv. shertl.v after Hie hell ram ! M ' & ' i l,z.,.--t&B I M ilfr'iiflHb -1 'JZZM1 m m WI .Ml. at l he bell the beginning of tlie liglit. I eresei iiuiiiitiiiii nn nflice .ind an aiiartment. Anether local (entest w lib Ii hah been nnd in nn apartment en West I'nrM- the talk of the town Is that betvveep 'ivetith sncei mar I'lfih .(venue. -l Wagner and Kid Wagner. Thev rndcr i niss.,.Nl,lnnalien bv . IMinel aru featherweight' ami Seuth I'hila- r.n- HicLnni tim iri in-..i.-n .i.... i s- ""JPi"' r,vn'8' . , , wept when ipietluurd iclative te an- jrh0 -..rC.,,rn c"'"B''nr,l' between I ether ca,. In which Mie had aii.earr, e i0"" M"hewsf.'. nf tlinere. and 11N ,iuplaimitit iigainst twr ',, Mm- $k- 'Jeunt Geerge Chip, nf 'lainariiiii. is a j,.v ..harge.h She told i..un.. -he f" ill . Illallatlllallnh (llllli.ll . . . W' 'ifn ri II I r I -VI , IIHII t l lllellllier flll.V t lllllg a'lell I lllelwe i?-y Cobb ami Johnny Mnj, pnncl- , , ,,, ,,,,,'Mleti. When the niieruev SilS'.iiiiU in the nnenlne uuinber. hare been i i ...- ...i.i .: , - --' . . ,--i ---- --- - i pri-ssru iicr ,jin iiiii-siii.u4 in jiu ei - WBtewn rivals for a long time , ferl , r,.frPsl, h(,r lnlnd. ,ir. gr .nil. 0fb J. . 1 nn liillilfil' iihtil inn in..' mn ii .nm if! 'a-tal .a a ' "'HI TSPvmnny uoraen seats pugn i the two men named in the ether ''?.. JtWndeah. T I'tb. I, II-iiil- ths ac- I I nil t reillciilber aiivlllln" nbeut 9.;;ufMer threuiheul, Jabblne pff.'lively with i )..,. J ". t . hat nila Maiinai IntilAal xr I'lillMlalnl.l', - ; V 4 I J ajajrala lall4 llllll u IIVU l Hlbl'ITi'lln a rigin in turner n j "i"-'-' him I'vcrv epe in the heuw juniped up and veiled for n knockout. Chick vvn" vvel.liling around Ihe ring, but he. knew eunuch te cover up and managed te stick the itiiind out. lie recuper ated ipncklv, and came nut for the M'cein! leiiiul as fri'hh as n dalny. Anxious for W. ). . I wn- nnxleiiri le M-eie a knockout, in I tore from my corner with my guard down. Ah we met In the center of the ring. Slmler brought his right hand from the fleer, and it caught me right en the button. I think it was case, he hardest punch I ever received, f lr .hjfAnWd ft popular (, ever Temmy J'nah r.4teAitati. In thn tfr.rettn.l wind mi nf ih '' x --'-'- A ,.1. I ( .,!. ,. l...... Ira k.. TfSVal ,llllta VM-A -" Mat Pll' 111 III" lal-i ar.aa4Cl aaliiiaa taa tttafe ajahihtlaal n .net Atleu. In III" ler..r,iin.t wlpd uu nt tie r anew in in. ,inlvvlndiin, aiepraa liar- in ine InlM U'a auditorium. , In th ban.Jilanrisr. .nf Hailelnn .-"...;. I --... : .. LQI'iaiai innv- LIIV 'av1. whirlwind baitl. Kid Beebe's Boek Out Tonight "ttivrn T'.n .Senn '-a IH mry nn 'ii li'i-. u. u. rnier of Jbl'l He. In . veteran of nun III, in ' cm iKiiilxiylll I. iliatiluii i nl ilic Niiiiinuj A. A. UilVTavtiUuc.. I 5 1) .-urn sugaci, anything became a Mur before my eyes and I iheuyhl sure J irns geinu down. Hit I I didn't, I staggered aieund the ling for scmal srcuiuh, pro pre Uvtiuu myall ' -" "' f'd. Jt KsUN I infill 1 the bell ithifl. nnd. hcliete im ii n ii.i ii n eli nine inund. I ran back te my inriier and a I sat down Hee I Ingle) . who wa furious be cause I wa .n careless, took tils open hand and gave me a icseunding slap right nn iiiv mouth. "Yeu want te lie lilt, iin jeiiV" he reaied "Well, If you think veu i an win a tight by blocking Ins with jour chin. I'll help .veu i a bit Take that" Then he pre- I id the smelling sut, and started te vvml. ever me. I was still weak in the third and Slnder had the edge when the hell rang. However. 1 was coming around and the i e-i hi t ween rounds did me a world of geuil T was m.vself in the fourth teiind and boxed rings around Chick.'. Itcghis Forging Ahead I-'ieui the fourth en I wen eveiy round Most of the time we steed In the cenlei of the ring and slugged away for dear life. The fans were wild. Hats were tecd iu the air and the applause was deafening, I had the betler of virtually every exchange, al though Simler sunk home many a tcr rilic wallop rinnlb. In the last leiiiul. I iressed my right te I be jaw and dropped Simler for a en ii i of six. He arose and rushed nl me, but I met. him with a perfectly timed right- hit ml nnd drove Iilni from the i enter of he ring clear out Inte the nudlciiie The sperl writers lifted him up te the ring platform, but he vn dead te the world and never stirred while the lefeiee WIIH counting . I picked Chick up nnd carried liltn te his corner, where Ilia seconds worked ever him for fully frve minutes before lie wan revived. The newspapers claimed it was the best fight held in Bosten in ycais. t knew it was the toughest nne Willie Jacksen ever engaged in, )iytcny, nirlilr Jlltrliell vvlllj riniim nr nis rme raa eUUOB ! Ul JtTU UNDER CONTRAC I CJ L. . a E have MrrMru a vq n a re h P UlNINtK Al IVIB al allM I A IV .1 I UTT K .... . .. . ar Ama1 Mam - aunuAT areciALS rll alxiul Ihe liurd-al In nrtl Tiieuy faMit) taxlftr. Nine Pitchers Signed, but Ralph Perkins Is Lene a Catcher in Line CONNIE PRAISES' BARRETT SUIeen of Cennie Mink's nlhlelc have .penned their name te I'.t'J'J con cen Inicls, but lifteen arc still holding le the hope that the lean leader will raise the ante before scatchlng I heir Jehn Hancocks te Ihe papers. The pitcher who have already made their peace with the boss are Charlie Kckerl. the llariewgale star: Ilr,v an Harris. Heb Hast, ISrynn Tar Tar rlseti, Kreil Helmnch. I'lank l.eftus, Jlmm.v O'Neill. Mill 1'lersen and Jimmy Sullivan. The inlicldci'H ale Johnny Walker. Mill Marrett. I'rnnk Mraz.lll, II.,,.,... n. L-e nmi Kill Mi.ill,,.,.! ..iimii). ........- .... ..... ...........,,, i Here's a list of these who nre jell unsigned: Ca'tcher ruihiuan. I'ltcher Acesla. Moere. Nnyler, Meminell and Keefe, Infieldeis Hausei, Callawa. tlnllnwav and Schcercriind flutfleldcr Tillv Walker. Welsh, Witt. Miller and , Metievvnn. ' Mack Iiiik a let of geed hall players , still unsigned, but he's net worrying. "I lived te worry," said Mack in the I ! lower of Shlbe Park this ineining. "but , I've gene beyond that stage. Seme of' the claims my players have made for' I salaries are ridiculous, put I think they will be reasonable befere the beginning I nf the training, The first bquad ttarta Seuth en February S!i, nnd by that time I I hope te have a number in line." Four Mere Yanka In Line New Yerk. Feb. I, Knur mere Tankeea. I nne of them it newcomer. Iiave irl'irneu" 1 tl.rlr I'siifil Tli8 am Klnwi; , Mlllr, Jnhnni- Ml'rhell, F"re4 Huffman "and I "itlnw" Maine, s - X I Lebster Dinner, SI. SO Halt In mini 1. 1, Inn i . Drilled cm I lift nf Stil, lurte.r .Sit ir Hurheriiiil Uutrr llnUal I'ntiiti Chicken Platter, $1.50 ' Halt II, mini fhich-i.i I tiitltlnu er nn rfm i Snrr.dl I'ulutn l.rtll'ir mill Tlinltilius Kofjiu'erl ( hci tr lif4M,iy Sirloin Platter, $1.00 l.t.iihl SIiJiii. of lliil J,; I, lu,liraem, iivseir Polntecn Jitrili,ilirt Sinn! Tmntiturn 62D & WALNUT STS. Meenehari Special, $1.50 l.nhltr lliennitlet Hi !(! I i nl. I 'III a) Suit 'I aumr Snnrr I Inmi rn( ii Snriiinen J'otnteci Duckling Platter, $1.25 I. nail lluil.iiij IW.II l'utiiti,c l.'lluir Salad D e I ni't Sa,lrr 1'icrcli y'rri- rf.itft VresNniv Fish Platter, $1.00 lllihlill flerldn Shad i i (it Filial, u , , ( nil Ulna S' "in h Lebster or Chicken Salad, Fried Oysters, $1.00 IPC WI Pin' flirmt. Helii , ,; ;.,IJ(fi( Are Bn,i(lJ hy (). D e ALYMPI Miin.l.vr I rli. Ii r .(.chic Oi ( HiSOESO BOXINGS Bread and Bainbridgc jb. a Mil N. .fllllNNY SHERC0CK vs. TULLY nmtv (Min uu I"' STEWART vs. GREEN Miivi: .mj: PAULSON vs. CONN XI. h Kill Ml 1I.HHV ZEIMER vs. McHUGH Mill H lllll Mis '""i. FITZGERALDvs.TlPLITZ ulh .in siIh, . hull's ilc I"'1' "-rillii-rl Sis. I'lnine l.niiisl Intnl. liMiiieaaa ai lenea ' aaaai aaa-aaaaaTr" life I laSsfnirv'' vv - I; k a VV 'Y Isla s e, r Min'e" Rr ass A Most Nourishing, Delicious Feed Centninlnjy u liifrh MATTHEW J. RYAN ii ii i "'."l ,or "" rmeu WL l ."-'" Oyaler. Wholesale Only Frent & Deck Sti. a. . l i.einbard 102-10 "" ' rnenei ,'liiln 1W0 V .v ,...., .....wV. ui HLILIlLlVf. VI. llln .A Aim nit1 iesmiiiii ica or servinc in innim,n,..v;f ""' , We specialize i the famous HebbinH IaTanSJand Ok V e, .Vmnl-VcrVVenViU . Imsliitful nnd If f,,r nt?y i"HHen wllS""'1', ,,B0 ene v M the rest return tl,"..,, te u7n. d;.Vi' :5'..yi1' l',t want J cnnrBe. ,,a, ;yMAVAV''AVvVm ' ' -Sv rf MWW.UM'grasS :l!LIiMil,ll!llllllll!l'lllll'lllll!!!l!li!llllillllli!IUI!tlli:in'in!llM The best in the nest J I Slrh'lly Fiesh I 1? mm. -a i.-a n i i - Jj 1 Eggs ! Carten CfC ! h of twelve F saaaa-- --aaa-" s- Sold only in our Sterca Tm iirnii ii -AVi -s , r f ail " "j, ' : .jay. A Jv A i& " . ' ' ' '' !a ' -"a. "'V'ir Jl-ifc ltr. 4fi