Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 03, 1922, Postscript, Image 3

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rii in
tAL rnuniDiMun
iHarcfyvard Association Told That
Unsympathetic Law Officers
P. Pflca Elimination
(1 T,.ttiiuate business will net be made
(f. J., hut boetloMcrs will bcvcbascd
&". ,. State, according te tbe Rev.
P Jehn T. DavlF, Prohibition Director for
Graduate Today
) M..Bt1pAntn
r"7 . ni. ..1U.i 1,1. nMleT nt
& Director .",". .r:
'As thlrtyaww snnuai uinnc.
S!.4-r. Merchants' 'and Manufnctur-
S.S";.riatten. nt the Bellcvue-Strat-
fVe legitimate business will suffer;
i ...,... .iniirfflHt has anything te
ie i"""""-. "",., i" ....
PG . no IPX t mate piijsicimi uj .
LfHe'b. "alarmed, but I iv hat he who
''" u willing te prey upon i,'"' "
firiSirffaBt se ion as I am Preb
atien Director In this Htate." snia
.,td at the left of the Prohibition
BtaStawwa. "jovemer Sproul. Turning
Erte State's Chief Executive, the Dl-?,-
"aid: "I have never ind the
rirnete of bclna n Governer of a
Et!"fgfc., T fl tenleht thnt I have
h biacst job for nnjbedy te held in
' .ll"e.".i. l'a.tf nfnnimirit Id
mat because the State is meat. There
K ever my 'wk cvcry thvce tme,,ths
fs OM permits thnt have te be
ffil. and looked after and cared for.
'Sometimes this great cause h mls
MDresentcd en our highways and in our
Itreets by indlvlduala who have ncr
wided themselves te believe the law
MBnet be enforced because they have
55 been caught. I want te say that
fllr withdrawals in Pennsylvania
km decreased mere than 20 per cent
within the last three months.
iTt k.ii.re ht we need mere vtrlct
' Uws passed by the State Legislature
relative te enforcement. There is a
continuous weeding out et tne-i who
ire net in sympathy, with law enforce
mint. Xe officer who Is net in sym
Mthy with law enforcement can hope
te beW In the prohibition work In this
Tgufftoe. that the Judges are in
mnpathy with law cufeicemcnt, autl
;J-... .l tlm nnneri vill will tllld that
K tlie reins are being gathered up, that
tie Judges nre KiviHB ""
icrve it that which they ought te re-
""Whcn I say thnt Jic who is willing
te prey upon the innocent line cause
te fear, I say it becnuse I knew that
from tlie Picrttlcnt down te Mr Mellen,
Mr. Blnir, Mr. Haynes nud the Gov
erner of our State, that is their wish,
and thnt wish will be curried out.
"Ge home with Unit moral lespon lespen
nWUty imprinted upon your pilnd awl
heart. Tell these who nre net Ircrc that
tills Government, this State, stands for
liw enforcement, and se long as that
responsibility is practiced, by Mich men
in are here, the law will be cu.fen.rvl
ir T"5' llT f'';nBBBBBTl?
it f 'w -" " 'IibbbbbbbbbbV ti
J ' ' Vi ' Jar " v4' -' rv! (, X
i9BBBBHI,'v iVTrnf "?Wl'H
BVBVBVBVS i ' I ''-;: m ?
i-.r, - , xm2am. ..
If-VbLbKV " " 'ytSkmil-
i' BBbV r 5p? " jt r ' ,?i
"-i-BBBK'';:: ,MMitv ,i!
Central High te Have Its Mid
winter Graduation Exer
cises Today
Isabclle Moen, president; Mar
garet Yeager, lce president, and
Anna Adunis , treasurer (top te
bottom) , of the February, 10-2,
class of the Girls' Hlgl, Scheel,
which holds Its graduating over ever
clscs this morning at the Central
High Scheel for Heys
Ffity.five will be graduated this morn
ing from the Philadelphia High' Scheel
for Girls, during the commencement ex
ercises in Central High Scheel audlto audlte
rium, Bread and Green streets.
Miss Anne "0. Adams, who is te be
graduated with the highest honors of
the school, will rend the salutatory
written by herself in Latin. There will
be nlse a fnlutntery written and de
livered by Miss Margaret Tcager. The
valedictory, also written ey auss
Adams, will be read by Miss Jsabolle
Lewis K. Harley, principal of tlie
school, will present the diplomas. A
prize of $20 te Miss Adams for the
highest average, another of $15 te Miss
Mne Kubscl (Jetty for the most marked
progress and n third of $10 te Mlns
Louise Carpenter, and the medal of the
Alliance FrancalhC te MIsh Clara K.
Fnllctte for superior work In French
will be given by Jeseph W. Catharine,
of the Heard of Education.
The graduates are ns fellows :
Adnms. Ann C. MoDeusatd. R. V.
Carpenttr, M, IOtilse Mlllrr, Plernc 3.
Cartar. Dorethy Ma.- Mlllrr. Thclma I..
',rlen E. Mem, Iiabelle
Decker, Helen Parltlnsen. K. v.
Demic, rinrenca V. Ilamaay, O. r.
FolMte, Clara E, JUiwnlch, 8dy
Frank. Mildred J. Hchall, Zlll.ih B.
ItRcedern. Allen f. Mchnalder; Hannah
Jenklni.. Anna, Ullza- Mell, Ilelan iu
ix'in iTancca
Kent. Lillian
McDAdc. Marat. M.
Meyeri, Margaret
Ixiiley. Sallln I),
llaum. C&rollne
Henncld, Manaret
IJerf, Merenre.
lllumenthal. Chart.
Howera. Orace O.
Hrewn, Helen
CIaan, Xottle
Olnaburic. I'. M
Oreenatone. Irf-ah O.
Hannum. Marlen J'.
Hauaamann, Hilda
Hlmmelrelch, O, I.
llvman, Mary I,.
Jnicn. l.uura K.
Estates Are All Dlepeeed Of In Pri
vate iequeite
Five estates were disposed of In pri
vate bequests in 'the wills of the fol
lowing persons, admitted te probate to te
ilaytf LlMic Flstaerlck. IMS Henth
Twelfth street, $G4,850; Isabella
Hrewn, 3037 Locust street; $11100;
Henry Coulaten'. White Haven, Pa.,
SiOOO; Virginia A. Crawford,, 4013
wayne avenue, stew; ueerginnna
Levis. .'!0 OHntitli 1'rntli xtrcet. h4700.
Inventories of the following personal
estates wcre filed: Matilda C. JL L'l
kens, $47,02i.'.0B i Martha A. "Walter,
$5541.75: Sarah Getty, $10,818.8!);
Charles Heinle. $8782.41; Fwuklln S.
McDnnlel, $1)110.60: Almcdn C. Kun
kcl, $iait,220.82 ; ltebert K. Sweet
man, $7203.H8; Jehn McCullough,
$47JJ00.08; ltebert Stcwnrt, $11,
8a3.17. , , ,
Letters wcie granted te administrate,
the estate of Jescpn Fex. 11)52 Hunt
ing Park avenue, $1'.2.027.
S1 00,000 In Narcetlee Taken Janu
ary 5 $1500 Reward Offered
fAntltiA ami Mcminn vrerth S100.-
000 were stolen herefrem a New; Yerk
. n.m .Tfinxurv Ki if htrame known
yesterday when the firm offered $1000
reward for recovery of the drugs and
$500 reward of the arrest and conviction
of the thieves. .....
AjtMa nrt ttrntnhfni fal I11A AnPear-
ance of the drugs In the underworld in
every State of the country. They were
purchased by the drug firm from the
Government December 0. The release
papers wcre signed January 5. A trucK
wrs sent for them.
i ..-n fniiml tlii truck could carry
enlv ten et the thirty-two packing
cases. Accordingly Hnrncy Pure, own
.iminrinii atrfit. en cxDrcsKmnn, was en
gaged te haul the remaining twenty-two
pnekages te New Yerk. '
According te Pure, lif was awny from
home that evening and In his absence
two men cnllcd and informed his wife
that they had been sent for the drug.
She allowed them te hnul the cases
dits from robbing his fatherVbVnk nt
,ou condition in St. Mery'a liespltal.
. victor, a younger uruincr, wue """
in the prlvntc bank and steamship oflice
yesterday morning when a man entered
nnd asked for a money order. As lie
turned te get it he was ordered te held
up ins nanus. r
.Tfist then Hlgmund entered, "f was
also told te put up his hands. hen
he attempted te run one of Uie bandits
shot hlra. , , ,, .
Police have sent out fliers for the five
men, who escaped in a motorcar. Three
were masks.
Novelty Dances in Today's Perform
ances for Actors' Fund
Society girls of this city will appear
in "Sports of the World," one of the
feature attractions of the show for the
Actors' Fund, this afternoon at the
Garrlck Theatre.
Several novel dancing nfunihcrs will
be presented by the slrls. all of whom
and the Natien and the State will bujlutve gained fame in local productions
successful." 1 before.
The Director was presented with, a xjie costumes will be t)picnl of the
souvenir, an nuteinatV jcvelvcr for nsi modern sports. The following .ull par
ticipate m the pcifermance:
Vochem, 1'lerenca .
Uetly, Mae Ituaiell
Bank, Mollle
)Iodaen, Mary J.
Ileueeman, porelny
liaraah. Ither I.
Humes, Drar
rarrell. M. F. .
I'ewdarr, Hlancha v.
Donevan, V'llen
Dnraev, Kdlth H.
rlaen, Annie M.
Jllnn. Clan
Haudleal, Hlcaner A.
OeraaH, Dnrethv
Jniinsten, Kmmah
Well. Jluth E.
Williams, Kuth V.
Yeaaer. Marsaret
la nretectine him from boetleggeis by
tie hosts. Governer Sproul was pre
tratcd with a lawnmower, te which he
replied: "1 hope te give mere attention
t my domestic management In about
aiyearj and I'll lUe use for this gift
at that time."
"Uncle Charlie" Diddle, the enlv liv.
irj founder of the organisatien giving
the banquet, was presented with it
bouquet of icvcnty-plsht ruse", cue for
each of his years. Today Is his birth
day. Other speakers weie the Tttv. .1. H.
Crowther, pastor of the Arch Stieet
Methodist Kulscepal Chinch, nnd Judge
Hareld 15. Well", of Dordentewn. X.
3. E. 0. Grlsweld. the retiriiiB preM
dent. Introduced the new president, W.
B. Menree, who presided.
Governer Sproul said the mct Im
portant thin:, iii his opinion, te get the
country back te normalcy is te adept
means te get transportation and fuel
bnck en a normal basis. The two leal
things te be done nie te set the mil
toads In such shape that thej can le
ttuce freight rati si and survive, and
Set the cost of mining coal In shape te
e business and compete with the rul
et the world.
8t. Luke and the Epiphany's Yeung
Felk Congratulate "Harvey," the
Assistant Sexten
The Itev. Dr. David M. Steele spiang
S real "cullud" wedding as n surprise
JDen 450 jeung people who attended a
ejnee Inst evening 1n the Parish Heuse
"l the Protestant Episcopal Church et
Et. Luke and the Kplphuny, Thirteenth
ml Spruce stiecK
Dr. Steele nlwnrs has n "surprise"
ter the young piMiple, hut an honest-te-foodnebt)
wedding, In which Harve
"est, assistant kexten and faimhaml
"traerdlnnij. of St. Luke nnd the
f'Plphanj'H I'rcsh-Alr l'aun, w.is the
511t Sam M. Harrison nnd Mr-"
Margarcttn L. Hairisen, who will
typlfv the speit of dancing: Miss
Doiethy lingers, tennin; MUs Mildred
W. Lengfatreth, beating; Miss Mary
Ernestine Appleton, riding; Mrs. Tlar-i:-en
K. Ciner, skatlnu': Mrs. Walten
Clark, Jr., hunting; Miss Theodora K.
Llllic, lacrcx-sc; MIsm Gcitrude Grnhiini,
iivliitlnn: Mi. Kalherinu . Ogden,
bc-jebiill: Mis. 'Jeseph 11. Itelllns, swim-
inlng; Miss Lathei-ine Ufissani, sKiing;
Mrs. J. Clayten Straw bridge, canoeing;
Miss Cernelia Ilankin, fishing; Mlxs
l-'leaner P. Slean, gelfing: Miss Kleaner
Dunning, basketball, nnd Mi"-s Jeanne
de lteus.se, pole.
Dr. Broeme One of the Speakers at
Entertainment Given
In honor of Abraham Lincoln the
Acndcmv of Music was well filled last
ii,f nV nn pnterliilnment under the
auspices of the colored clubwemen of
Philadelphia. The program begun with
n "health play" arranged bv the Inter
state Dairy Cemmisslrm, Mih. L. D.
Dalley, vice president of the City fed
eration of Clubs, presided and in a
short talk Introduced Dr. Charles A.
Tindlcy as director of the concert pro
gram. . . . ,, ,
There were recitals by the Cruci
fixion choir, und Dr. Broeme, superin
tendent of schools, made a short ad
dress en education. Mrs. Duyse Walker
Hoeker delivered tlie address en Abra
ham Lincoln. There wcie several ether
speakers nnd singers.
Bodies of Rebert Ashenhurst and
Jes. Prlnsky Met by War Mothers
The bodies of two mere Philadelphia
soldiers who leRt their lives in Trance
In the World War nrriveu at tne. kceu
Bellevue-Stratford the Place and
February 16 the Date
The luncheon of contributors te the
Woodrew Wilsen fund and te any ad
mirers of the former President who
wish te attend will take plnce in the
Bellevue-Stratford February 10 nt 1
P. M. That decision, was reached at
a meeting of the Luncheon Committee
csterdav nt 1324 Snruce street.
Mw. William H. Piatt, chnirman of ,
the committee, announced that Henry
Mergenthnu, former Ambassador te1
Turkey, would be the principal speaker .
and that Reland S. Merris, former
JtinYinftcnrln,. t.i .tnnnn wnnM-iirnqlrin.
Invitations will be issued ti persons
who leave their names nt the head
quarters of tli'c foundation, 117 Seuth
Dread Htrcet.
Working with Mrs. Plntt en the
Luncheon Committee arc: Mrs. Kd
ward Drowning, Mr. and Mrs. Leenard
T. Hcale, Mrs. Arthur Diddle. Wilsen
Evre, Dr. and Mrs. Kdwaul P. Davis,
Michael Kerwlek. Miss Meta H.
Hutchinson, Dr. Charles D. Hart. Mrs;
Jehn M.irkec, Mrs. Arthur V. Meigs,
Arthur I. Meigs. Mr. and Mis. Geerge
W. Xerris. Mrs. Charles J. Ithodes,
Miss Careline. Slnkkr, Mrs. Jehn D.
Samuel nnd S. Durns Westen.
Apparatus Invented That' Keeps Or
gans Alive After Animal's Death
Dr. Paul S. Pittcngcr, an authority
nn-pharmacy, spoke lust night in the
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and
Science and described an nppniatus
which he has designed te rephice the
body of a living animal in experiment!!-
tiCM- . .
fly the use of that apparatus he ex
plained, it Is possible te chloroform
an nnimni, remove nn eigan irem mc
body, place it In the nppnratus and
keep It alive several dajs after the ani
mal itself dies. The machine is used
for testing remedies. '
Dr. Pittcngcr snid that a mnikcd
difference existed in the strength of
drugs which have net been standardised
by chemical or biological means. He
declared that in many cases life or
death might depend upon the potency
of the drug administered and that,
therefore, tests were necessary.
Going Back as Cabin Passenger and
Can Return Before Year
Antonie Derin. who came here en
.Tnntinrv fi fiem Xnnleri ns n stewnwnv.
has been ordered deported, but by spe
cial ruling of the Secretary of Laber
he will return te Italy as a cabin pas
senger. Alse, the rule forbidding de
portees te return within u year hew been
wni-n,l In TVirln'n rnne nnil lip mnv come
back ns seen ns be is equipped wlllif-
the passports. , , , f
These faveis, It Is said, arc due tt 5
tl c Intercession of influential mentis in
New Yerk. Derin is being held at the ,
. Gloucester Immigration station.
Youth 8het In Balking Robbery Still
In Critical Condition
SIgmund J. Demanskl, shot through
the body In preventing live meter ban-
HAVE you ever thought
of sending out ajbletter
each month? .We de.
Ask us about it:
The Helmes Press, Prinim
1315.29 Cherry Street
Last Day Tomerroipfi
5:30 P. M. is "closing time" tomor
row! It rings down the curtain en
our great sale of
at lowest prices since 1914 j
Steel Lockers,
Shelving fie Sheet
Steel Specialties
Established 1854
1922 Qermantewn Ave., Philadelphia
TeUphener 'Sure, 1
bought a Moen. It's a
pippin, but you don't
want any testimonial
from me. Just take a
leek at it then a ride in
jt Yes, there's
plenty of room in my
garage, until yours is
Prices (F. 0. B. Factory)
Open Can. . .$1785
Cleied Carl .$2785
riMiiu ii n i innim n 7mni . t a I
....,, himuu u iM-iHt'jniuua uu, i.. rr.iviirtni intn esTrnnv nirninnen.
an tLl P""B pe?pl0 Rsembletl te i eper t 7lMlc ti11(S.,iraped caskets, vhlch nr
thefarm mln , "; KKOO for riv .' in Nv Yerk aboard the transport
In full J n0.0'.1!"11.' i"n J1 (lunclns "nstf i b la January 17. remain the bodies
,nJ" LIT1"?. ,lt ,,. eleck. i"iiUl ' nbcrt Ashenhurst. Company
Ri 'n,)S ,nar(,l' from "Lohengrin
WIUUItBIleOllslv Dp. Nfenln iiniuiiin,1 nt
ene end of the hall, in vestments, nnd
ey and his hride-to-be nt the
ether. Miss Cuthcrlne M. Derscy wns
tee bride. ,
, Everybejlj in the parish knows
til , 'v ",ll "'" "iievpectPd appear
w ,tne rel vt bridegroom nreiiM-d
we enthusiasm of the jeung people.
JLj ;, scrvlfc was read thev fthew-
S.. . i .brlde nml bridegroom witn
deratien Plans Twe Weeks' Spe
cial Services te Gain Members
1 OM rSiclli',a lm' npprexlmately
Cm, $T, ' retestantH. and only ail2.
MtL l lem ,nrc trolled in the Pret-
nan Xyr- ht - -burdock, chair
in of the Committee en EvniiBelism,
Shi? vVnu? meciln? of t,,e I'hllndel.
nlnt ?edfrnt'n of Churches last eve
2? l tl Central Y. M.'O. A. The
'te Ss.repert ",rll,K ""J" church
Kwid 'et(,sn"h into rlnirrh
""mberijilp ns adopted.
. fr Hev. l)i. V. a ! 11..1 i..
a j a ;iiiiiiniihi
i A, Secnth Infantry, und I'rlvnte .Te-
sppll l'rinsuy, company n, iiurn-eniu
Anlienhurfit s father. Jehn Ashen
hurst, lives nt Hnlljkeel, lielnnd, but he
lia a Mstcr living at ubei Vim street.
1'ilnsky lived ut 430 Sigel street.
The bodies wcie met nt the station
bv a delegation of war mothers, who
placed wreaths upon the raskcts.
StrR. William P. lteehe, Mrs. Hiua K.
Kelp und Mrn. Kdwln .1. ltalley each
placed memorial chuplets upon the ens-Uets.
Chamber of Commerce Asks Other
Civic Bodies te Aid
A call has been sent te the heads of ,
nil of tlm hiibincss aurt trntle organiza
tions In Philadelphia by President Alba
U. Jehnsen, of the Philadelphia Cham
ber of reminei.ee, asking them te uwist
In the'foimutleii of a (ominlt,tee te per
fect a plun te place tlm peit of Phila
delphin before the shipping public of the
United States.
These nxked te ro-epeinte In forming
the new lmpeit nnd cxpeit body nre
William M. Coates. prcMiicnr et tnei
Beaid of Trade: Kmil P. Albrceht,
picsldent the lioureo; J. S. V. Ileltun,
president Maritime KxcIuiiikc: C. Her-I
bcrt Hell, of the Commercial Lxclmnge ;
.Tameu Hewitt, president (5receri and
Iniperters' Eschnnge; ltebert B. ltay
ncr, Lumbermen's Exchange; Geerge
P. Sproule, Director Wharves, Deck
nnd Ferries; Jehn Klsler, president
Manufacturers' Club; J. O. Williams,
president Heal Estate Beard, and Iveire
linex, prcbiuent expert wiue,
PLANF0X-TR0T contest I
Lawrence E. Delaney Legien Pest I
Completes Arrangements
Plans hae been completed fei the I
third annual dance and fo-tiet contest
of the Lawrence K. Delaney Pest Ne.
HO. American Legien, in .Mercantile
Hall en February J3. Patt of the re
ceipts will be added te the funds of the
Fifteenth Ward Mcmeiial Heme, Cj7
North Twenty-second street.
Tn charge of the arrangements are
Jehn J. Meare. 701 North Twenty
fourth street; Francis J. Burns, 1120
North Twenty-sixth street; Lniest T.
Atkins, S47 Perklemen street: MUhnel
Celeman. 1017 Pnrrlsh street: James
Owens, 802 North Twenty-third street,
and Edward J. Bedding, 1018 Slitmekin
The next meeting of the pest will be
en February 14, at 037 North Twenty
second stieet.
Moter Cars
The Car of the Ten I'reien Units
834 North Bread St.
Made in our three im
mense sunshine bakeries
W.lll Teh City Club Hew Stock
, Creeks Can Be Ousted
Methods of ridding Philadelphia m
stock creeks will be discussed by Itleh
ard Splllane. editor of the business and
financial section of the Public Ledger,
In nn address before the City Club today
at its neon luncheon.
"Financial Fly-by-Nighters" will be
the subject of Mr. Hplllane's talk. II e
will review some lit the methods used
by the stock frauds and is expected te
gfve some constructive suggestions,
Sold only in our Stores
Anether $5 for Destitute Widow
The Evening Public Lkdcseu ac
knowledges the lecelpt of ?." from "a
most humble Christian Scientist" of
the Colony Club, -with heade.uarteiH in
the Bellevue-Stratford, nnd designated
for the relief of Mrs. Mary Trainei,
who was left destitute by the death et
her seventeen car-old son. Lee, the
breadwinner of the family, mete than
a week age.
Etchings Prints
Water Celers Paintings
IKO Walnat Strtt
Pennsylvania Company te Aid li
Administration of Estate
:. :.. ,-,......."""-' wumiii. lie i -en miwiiiiu Kimiium ier in
Lenten s' .i ' v 1'""a"',, ,Il""K' l' ! suranees en Lhes and tiiimtlng Annul-
Here They
.hi ;",.- .rc'l0,m.".. nnneunred that
I"."' .'"I'lrau in ,vlll riiildlltt lienmlnv I
Kv t, ri U "llfm"i wie mane
the Ti,r ii"r' V?1"8 ' Wnsliuurn,
Vh..'..11.- -Maunder MaeCelI,
I-fc? - K nh''y. f hej Welfare
edcrattun, nnd ethers.
Ir.M..?llo.V1,".,emeorfl "" elected:
ilnM 'i4' th.1 Rcv w y Jon Jen
out.' ,"" s-crelary, Dr. Palm
end ,.ii"8UrTi l:dwrd H. Bensnll,
U.ru. n i" " representing tne
"; Dicsunt; aeneininatipni,
ties, of this city, linn been granted un
ciillaiy letters of administration en tin
estate of the late Senater BeIck Pen Pen
lese by Justlee Hit, of the District
of Columbia Supicme Court.
This wuh lu compliance with tlie re
quest of 'thn Senater's three brothers,
who nre named sole beneficiaries of his
estate and executers under tbe wljl. A
bend of $10,000 ht been jlren by the
When the
biggest mag
azine pub-
! Ushers in the world recently j
discontinued their photo
engraving department, three
of their expert men chose te
come te us.
The CHETNur Street
Enqrhunc Ce
That fashionable
young women are
wearing !
sat la 'Iii i
Jfa Ui9. Shet Stcu
1204)6-08 Market St.
root Appuc
r Diamonds !
JVavette - Square - Pound
Pear Shape - Emerald Cut
Engagement Rings of Distinction
Annual Clearance -Sale
Sllrer -PJatf China - Glass - Ceekc -Lamps-Leather
Dafa -Umbrellas -Canes - Pottery
Stationer?- etc -Endirg Sat. Feb.th-
OF THE SEASON at this store
or any ether.
$19 $24 $29
made te sell
at $30
made te sell
at $40
made te sell
at $45, $50 & $55
' Founded In 1894
1204 Chestnut St. 11 Seuth 15th St.
1119-21 Market St.
Half -Price!
Our Entire Stock
t s
Suits Reduced Frem
Previqus Super-Value
THE very best of Suits, tee. Substan
tial fabrics, substantially tailored. Wor
steds, cheviets, cassimeres in every
wanted model. Compare them with
these shown at ether stores
$23 .$33 $43
Perry & Ce,
in Clethes for Men
Frem The Kirschbaum Sheps
The original prices were
30 te 50 and closely
marked at that. Yeu
may new make your un
restricted choice at exact
ly one-half.
All Winter Suits One-Third Off
i91 KWi
The 4900' CATARACT
Nete Hew Thoroughly It Cleans
"U HY? Because the exclusive "1900"
1)01. ULE OSCILLATION keeps all
the dethes in constant motion. Ne
machinery en inside te tangle or harm
i-luthcs. Ne heavy cylinder te lift out
ami clean. Pewnt'ul water action
make?, these unnecessary, and the
"1900" Figurp "8" movement washes
mere thoieughly and much faster.,
l'lmne Ilinmuml uKHft for informnllen.
frr- deinonMrnllen or lioeUlot. ANe tnny
CHAS. W. EMERY & SONS, 1304 Diamond St.
Founded in 1865
The Heuse thai Heppe built
Inaugurated the Onc-l'nce S-tem in 1SSI
C. J. Ilcppc & Sen Downtown 1 117-11 If) Chestnut Street Uptown X V. Cor. (3th & Thompson Sts.
Draslau, the eminent con
tralto, enjoying California
eunahine. MU$ Braslau
makes record e clusively for
the Vicltela,
A Victrela from Heppe s will
give permanent satisfaction
Heppe salesme.i can net sell you en imitation of the
genuine Victrela, as all our talking machines are Yie Yie
trelas we sell the Victer exclusively. As music experts
Ave knew it te be the best and it will give you complete
A Few Heppe Victrela Outfits:
jfc Kfanre 3f. Miller
Victrela Ne. IV, $29.50
llh 6 10-Inch ileubl fni-i rccenlt
Pay only JOc icteU'j
Victrela Ne. 90, $13,5
with J10 worth of Kcenlt.
Pay only il'S KteUy
Victrela Ne. 50, $5.'t.0
Willi C 10 Inrh double fin ri.erfl
)'ny enlii 1 xrteily
Victrela Ne. J00, $2ti.r)
with SIS worth of neuidi.
Pay only t.' ueeKly
Victrela Ne. SO. $110
ii li $10 irth of rrcenU
Pay only Sl.JO tcerMy
Victrela Ne. 1.10, $375
with '.''i worth of n r-erdi.
Pay only W75 tcetlly
This is the age of the
. Reproducing Piane
The piano of te-day and of the future i
the reproducing piano the instrument that
actually repeats every touch of expression a
played by your faverite pianist. The greatest
of all reproducing pianos is
The Due-Art
This latest development of the great Aeolian
Company is made only in the Steinway, Weber,
Steck. Wheelock, Stroud and Aeolian pianos, all
en sale at Heppe's Prices are from $895 up.
Nete :
Reduced prices en Victer Records
83c 10-inch records new 75c
$1.3r 12-inch records new $1.25
Among giand pianos two
make, .-taiui out as supienie
P the Mnsen & Hamlin and
the Henry 1. Miller. Wc
are the exdiiMvu agents .for
both of theiG pianos as well
as for the famous Weber,
Steck, Kdeuard .Kile?, Heppe
and II. I
The Heppe
If It i net convenient
for ,veu te inn kc full pn.v
inent t purt-haee, you
mil) lent nn j- plcinn
plnjer pUnu or Vletlelu
thnt we uell nnd all rent
villi h npplled tewnrd
tha purchabB pi Ice. Yeu
are free te purcliai the
lDitrumtnt or return tt
nt any tlm.
I i I Pi ict a r c f
;i .iaii 'jnis Ceup.j. for i-ull Jniormatlen
C I llenne.; Snnl"""1"0"" -' 1 17 JO C'heMnilt ht. , i,tll.
c. J.iicppc A son j l ,,t0 ii eth a i iiiimpkeA mi i "oil.
Without any obligation en my part picas '
send lull infoimatien about (inaik X below):
HI Pianos 0 Player-pianos 0 Victrela '
!, a-i.;
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-&VAI '.
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