pp?-a P" wwm m-? (WF5T7r.7''.MBI ;-.'..". t .I''sFTOaVJSHW V1! .'.'.A l-. il ' IW1BBW ' M I ' I -. X'i .TIHC w. .t,'G A. w.'ixaj &a&& t.-A'. uvi." . :-.rjv?.f.ri7. v. .var. ";" icaBar'i : 21 & 'XIC3 PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, ,1922 . PBraiiMst ' mmmw : - :immvimmKmwammammmam ri-l,i4. -f .w-.ITtM.ir KKfi ' jWTTflBP -T vhffiF'rJMlABrW 1i,TpJ.Wlfc(yaW,W j' j "; r, v-wra-iY i .: ' x tel reaRK?' i in till m iih n i im n hip m inn mVWrW ESwr EVENING t IHEPPBp '.j M .J. rVK, Bir sT n- p : . Bltt.H' nr "r . e w Ii. P. K-S fx- Varl x 't lefc OWifi if ktn, i-rfitjiii M -. v-!iV F- ' 1 Weman s Life and LeVe 3l Ily WINIKKf-D . "Fit te Marry' a Man! whnt nrclinle, medieval . led Mm out nml shot litin ilcail, In rulj j still have nbeut women ! ; bleed. , nice; supposedly modern , i lmrFiiB' 1? PW ' se mysterious, se exquisitely cold, thnt the here Is In llesltlve tcirer of lier. He dares net te speak te her en an eciiin liner! ft Have ou ever. been en a ship cre-slng the Atlan it . TirtWtcriM " KARfKlt COOL tic ' Mine j en ever any woman who was net ullllm: te make friends with any decent, ie-flncd-appcarlns man, by the end of the first day out? Vnless, being a snob, a Ctrl la cleK-tcd in her stateioein with H maid, she llsunl v is tremondeiislv K M..&&.,w ' 5p ? "y l0 t,le ""-"Ibllitles of the good geod goed ?t .? J- !V looking mnlc passengers. Indeed, it Is 1 ieir r net 'unique te timl several matches miidc .'..! ,".!... I ' 1 ..!. ....... ..i u,niuv ,u iiiiii M-teriii iiuu-iies mime luring the week or ten das of Inti mate and agreeable preximil. Scliein- lng mntreiis have been known te de liberately arrange a trans-Atlantic vo ve ngc, mid buy pretty clothes for a ilaiigh ter ralculntin? rlie 'imoreu effect of the Idleness und nearness, net te wnU et moonlight nights en the top deck: But this heroine wa- different She was French She had biM'ii bieiuht up te avoid the genus male '.ike poison ivy. The particular jdet of tin- cspcial novel would net Interest iih, were It net prop aganda for a reaction against the mod ern freedom of the American woman ! As sucli, we think it ret. riinti rencn bcneme et isolation ana mmt-vvs. . . .. X exclusiveness und aloofness from the active world, of the jeutie femme, .the unmarried maid, seems te the nov elist something precious and old-fash-lenctl, and te be copied by Amerba. Then the terrific problem comes tn. AH through the book, the reader is har rowed tip by the ir.ster as te why Bernellne (sounds like a face cream 1 1 cannot accept the address of the model lever, who t teats be,- with reference. Toward the very end. the awfu' truth comes out; the gentle heroine, a daugh ter of the French aristocracy, has been ruined by a (irrtr.an etheer. and ba had a baby. Her brother- haw forced the officer te marry her, and then have Paul and By HELENA Thc Concrete CtGINLV laughed when Margaret OEjCnldwell gravely faid It e ap "ii very well." t-nld Margaret. "te laush; but you I knew, Virginia, that , there are some ctrangc .i.iu iir,..,.n " i,.... ,...,.,..... Of course. Mnr- i caret was engaged te Biirei us iik'ik-'u hi Dirk - and engaged -Iris Ionic nt thliiCN queerly. Virginia re membered that the had. She laughed again. "I can't help but laugh, dear," she said. Murgaret held out her cup for mere 'tea. i "J suppef.e you don't bcli-'ve that i there really is something in telling for- N.tllni, liv rnril." sniil AfiM'5-nrpf JvVS:pIiila tweaked her fueud's pretty , Check lplayfullv. "Ydti geese','' fche f-aid. "All right. then,' said Margaret. "Tell W iv It is. then, that every time any of the girls tell uu fortune IMqk nlwas beli up right side of mi-V New tell me that." "Dick bobs up right beside you':" "Absolutely. AUuijp. Never fails. Shuffle these silly cards all jeu please, and It's alvnN the same; lirst. my face card come;!, nnd tlien ,in-tty se-'U, uieng c-Ofics the jack of hearts." 1 "The inch of hearts':" ,' Mnrgarct -starred. , '.'Cerrnlnlj, thut'H Dick the Jaik of j If carts." v"Oh, ou dear, deliglitful I cutinien- t ttu, terrlbly-lu-leve darling, jeu," cried Virginia. Slie patted M.argarel's nlin der hand. "Hut ncer mind. dear, the girls" needn't tell jour fortune witu cards. 1 knew you and Dick nr- going te be just splendidly happy. It'.' ipnie all light te believe in superstitions; the ones that m-iKe us happy, unywaj." Margaret coniidere.l this gravely. "IJilt the ether ones cenV nut, ten." she said soberly. "I knew th.it afier Jlmmin Ik'iulei'stjii raised an umlue'hi eyer Ilelcu Winti'i in the lieu-e at ll.e week-end p.irtj down ar l'eur t'.iki. well, things were net or the nue after that. And they just drifted away freui each ether." "They wcreu't engaged," said Virginia, The Weman's Exchange mtllr T je Sell Beaded Bags liell tijC(Jiler ut irenum's Prier: "tcV Dear Miul.iin tieiw tueu .irn - .. C. . . ,M ..aii .-tl-.nn in'.. 1-whnrrri- fh XOs1'll '" .,HUI , ' , M " V. 0audrc3 OI a IJiacu imuu urn i.m i-'-'i W HAT'S WHAT Ily 1IKM Dl.f lh r.3 I'- .01 L'W sr.t',v. rr ft-AftfTN The "garne of the live, tenses'" must Allew the rulea of fair play. Just as no one eheuld Irritate hla uilghbrr's hear-1 Wkje a. ' tfu sn. Sa wkpjfr LTll ." "" "" 7r Ini J ! In iiniliiln In iiil t 'i !!. in L.J. (.'. . 'fk Atl& lULUIIJ MJ itnejiilj wu net Ml t-J Ult f 'ViM1 uone effcnil Mnether'H pprceptln l of odors by eating garlic or llinburserj S0 ar even raw onions cccpt in .privacy of u home, and ..-. en.y -- thftHQ in.ll Oil' ruUlI feOllJ arc IlCt etlenabb) te ethr membern of the ? .la very bad manner; te impose e ,r tl tnatca en ethcrd who de net tMre our uccullarltleii. Thus no our, rV'iv,'w1 ' te iv Mt.M .-.- lk(n U'hnfiu lpin Hi HttfrAfU tlin tiflttliiic. 9yS;ritaerH noteu nueve, fiieuki k' into a l&.vtitratt -car or train, a church or a then- fiSh t'. 'without fli-Ht rlnsine the meiitli ther. ri'-Miahly with black coffee, which Is said ! ?i',.Ki a?oierani n wicse cases, the I Who carries a pound of llmburger nta .crawua car eugnt te no far -uflftuk and battery of the i-.vi B9BHW' I kr-V-nJ-MBlM ! IIAIU'I'K COOLKY noiellst whose for-I Tt is a little mint te fa new me inrr books liavc.X marriage ceremony, which gives te I been i(lllte np-te- 1 1 110 'rnbv a (lenmiu numc, hi loathed tho-mltiute, giving, by llie Frenchmen. Improves Its status, lie a r h it pseel y ' In ter. conditions arc abnormal, and nheut 11 heroine j cert" Inly no Kane person ever ceulil at who was se aloof, inch the tiniest blnme te the peer, chaste, suffering jeung girl, who was a vl- llm of the atrocities nlwajs lnsep arah e from carnage. II re, then. Mi" was ft widow, and nn sweet and pine as a Illy, a delicate, llffl'i tloilltte IT'MtUr'S tllllite I'll (lllg- lug, and a unlet tliiiiitic life. It Is net 1 .-'car te the mind of common sense, whj the Anieilciin man shnu'd net wed her ui"iii he adores. Millions of men have married widows with children, and n Irs .or number have wedded clrls who had never been through the ceremony, hut had been victims of u jeiithfu! error. New, however, this ho'elne re- gard- hertelf as defiled throughout etcr-1 lilt, and net lit te wed a fairly decent' man! lie, after a little futl'e heroics. ,i,i,u lin. Irlnn nt Itnrfirtlr n if tmllirl, lin "" ." ".' "." ""n;. . wer-dilps her. It Is incomprehensible! Twe lives spoiled ! .lust, hew pure is 111, that he should require a parugenV AS A matter of fact, the here gees hick te Americi and weds a pleas lug. onipanlenablc girl who nlwavs has hived him ii the only martyr Is the exquisite Trench maiden, who never cenn litted the tiniest little fault In life. T1 Is book refers te a bigger problem, that of the intellectual and social uris uris teeracy of America, the college men from old families, who have let slip thei" inherited opportunities te lead their country, and who lime drifted Inte making fortunes instead of holding up ..LI.' Il'll'll 111 tl. ,...1. . C idealism ter tnelr wonder- 'flll ,,,, TI, reM1iti ,1P mltiinr thlnk.s. hmoveo I;? in nml ,t"0koh..,fu",ef ... .i...k ..r ...i.l.lt tn... ..l the leadership. It does net strike us that there is any tragedy. In a democ demec rac), for the big middle-class or work ing men and women te meld the life of t''c Itepub'li. If n generation of nrl-t'ierais wnste.s lf-elf, it is no one's fault but (heir own. rrr .0 xj woman us, concerned with the niMMIeu, th" win-te is in miii in ill'1 ami luippiiii'.', trout laNe tanilard' that call a plrl impure anil mill tn wed mi ordinary. t-iniilii5 man. se'i-lv became the tut- been an innocent' lctim" I Vi irsima s HOYT GRANT Superstition "Ne but I think tiity were en the verge of it. ,"" " 1V,"-VT. ' '' '"' ' '" 0' nipcrMitieus at . really. Hut hat Is the w-e of takini i,.,.. .i, i-.i V!. . - vti c i ii s . Dirk Is awfully sensi- i. ,,,, ,.-, I ; Ji0.?"1' ' P,V " "Jflt ."""p ,,m. but Vir- mm. lu wen 1 il n t dream of deliberately walking rlybt under u bidder." Virginia remem bered with n Midden little stab that I'aul was extremely averse te this very risk. "Well, " she murmured doubtfully. Margaret went en : I think It s mi silly for people te ' preienu te ,au-h nt thoe suporstitlens, .nnd then, when it comes rlsht down te ' tll,,v boliew in tlifm jiirt ns much as am body el,., "Onu outwear-" them r.f one grews elder." said Virginia ery practically. Margaret legnrded her friend out of the tn 11 of a mischievous ere. U.Ai ... ill ..r . . ell. she sighed. "I dare say I that'' se I cpe. t that lifter one is inarrl-'d em gets si-nsible. Of Course. i can sec. i e.ir, jeu u never l)eleM in tlflt ,.11,1111-, I, III, Ik " 'I'll. i.l 1.1m ...n.t... I forward sudil-nl and lifted Virginia's' j left 'wind with her own. i ...... ..'i . 'in I'.ii-. , iit-ii iii- i i-:i i-ii i-i i "What a .i.... r.. .i. .. .. . i ,-.. . I'., in i ui-.ir mar w ceiling ring is, isu t it. irgiiiia? sb"- coeed.1 Mi. .... Cull.. .... .1.., fc . .... ... ' .h i tin .iin.i .-.!. i-i. - ,i vuuri-, it a I'll- Si lived inside, isn't it?" n leursi. ram h munis and mine and the dale." ! "De Irt me see." cried Margaret.' Suddenly sln grasped the piccieus cir- I i-let of lilatinum and began te tug ut it as If te plui'k it from the fingu-. VirginlnS lie.irt leaped with a ter rible fear. "Oh" - Don't:" she , rP,;. And .s'i- pulled her hand away rough i , musing tin. cndting'ted talisman with both hands. Her ees met Margaret's unashamed, though. " I'h.it' nut superstition," she -snM siernlj, "Tliat " and 'in- stnmmereu Tin n betli jnined in the iicneu little laush. Tomorrow Mat?- Trust feri'--. tliirg a-id I m-.i wend'rii.g If ou would pleu'e tell me tin address of this nl.-ii ,. iit.il If til.-: wuiild ""Il bendeil hniidbig PKOfiV H Tl-i- ndiln -oil w-.mt is th.it of the V"iiini's 1J Iwifri- 111 Seuth Si-vn-liririh stive- "I'.il i n '.unpin ,,' Vnur work ihete I,. I,. Judged hy llie in- mlii rs nt fi. cem-n'tinn If thev hue u.-.llre.-dv rrec.v.f teu many lieiuird ti.ig" te be jnld I rim sure tlmj win he glad te tee -iii She Has Talent I 7e flu- rt"e- of tl'nuiee'a Vaw i I'.ar Madam l am .-. g'rl nf fe-iit'en Fiimmers and T, tcet 3 Inches; my weight Is 1 2S niinil Wh.it should tin. the errcit weight ' Ai I ain a tee d.ihcir' a-id an sth tie dancer. 1 would like te Wne-v if I am tee h.ny for th.i kind of I ilanf tig Hew can I reduc- fut legs Ia s hipl.- methods. ' Hew can I get en the stugu? I Vae talunt ANN IOCS. I Yeu should weigh lit; Veur daneiui ' ought te reduce you If anvthing wilt l The exercise will make your legs thin ner, tee Jein the dramatic association at in,- .sieuinwnrK .Ni-ighborliued Ilouse lul Kllswurtli street, if you want te ha""! '' "ens in aanelug and ,tse the op. ',ertw""v' "J ,;e "J H,ab") wUh tt Ink Stain en Shoes Te c.e r.! ter et H-uman's rn0c: "'ar Midam Aa I h.ive read our ,"1,, ?.," ai7 n,T . l.rlf f.H-:irU If-e 1 li-.v tnltt.,l . f.... .1. ...... - : '' ' '"' ...s-e,M.ii.u r t ru 1'ik new nalr of tan I, a.ilirl ilil p.rs ii it tee nottce-uiite te Itft go, ' . . . . -. . ' i se J cuiie te ask what will take It off ' As these are iust new idlppirs. I am' very .in.Meus nheut tl.em ' D' Jlllk will clean leather beautifully. i full y tains "V" , Therefei and will also take out ink st er jeu wl SUrOIJ llUVe semij luck If you use milk en your new blln nern Of course, f the sta n hun ln-en en for very long It will be hurdcr te get off, but thin will make. It lighter at least. Alter mat. you an cover it with tCBJBk. I CBBBBBD'tMrfW THE HEARTS AND FLOWERS GIRL Vnl- BbbV It Is 111 honor of St '' -at she has denned '" "',K i"""''11 "" It.s gai lands of flowers und 1 Its fringes of hearts. Deuble I ruffles of plain red paper add I touches of decoration, but the icd and white paper it I self is dressy enough for nny imptactlcal purpose and " The Marriage Gambler" By HAZEL DEVO BATCIIELOR Cevtrleht, l'Jil, In I'ubl'.a Ledger Ccmpar.y Cnvnl tfnlhhnurnr. marries Xick Traci viHieul loving him for the rcaiten thnt she cinttet Iriir te sre him ruin Alt life Ihieurjh ii- Infatw atinn for Dnltiii Caitlctan, of "The ,1 nil II llrrclcrs." Xirk xispccts the truth, und Is fearful that another man may awaken her love, lie it ufralil that Catel An' l'-'t this man in Jervin ISritten, trm sreii te cicrt a ttrnnnc influence ever her. Carel is te play icith llritten in " diamii .-jftrn for charity, and the in t'tr- iiiucA cxcllcil ei-fr it. The first ' hearsat, however, finds Acr very iclf -conscious and awkward in the part. . .... rilAI'TKIt XXXII Alene Together CAItOL had told Nick earlier in the1 eveninp thnt she was going te the first rehearsal of the pln and he had said nothing about calling for her. At I first she had been glad, but as the rend- lmr of the nlav went en 'lie w shed vaguely t'uit Nick were coming. He I represented sifctj. something te cling te, nml she wanted time te think, te I na.nla ... !.... .,llr.n 1 4 .V 11,1 llllt tl rinpn ;,,.., ..... ,wliriI. Tint when tli- Inst act wai reached, thing worn better .Tervls llritten did net appear and Parel played alone with Tem Si-cli"', who was her stage husband. She lest her sclf-conse'eiisnes.,, and read ''or lim-s well, and afterward when refrchini'-Us were whei-lcd iptn the It t , nn -...., .i i, ...... liril nil I IV.1 ,ilM,,U. iliU i- It llil'il.- ut, ..,ir Tl.nr.. ", nn ..mfcnnnl momenr when U ,..,,,. ,im,i In lirrnk mi. ninl '(fl.- Imil net appeared . .. . ... . . . ,' V"H u'k t0 ,,a11 fm' ,0"-' ,,r''K0 asked. ..... .. ...... .. . -. ............. "rt. ni u-nrj t iiTitinrsi r ivnmw tn- night." Carel returned iiuickly. "I'.ut I'll be nil rlghr. I'll hop into a t,ii and get I'ght out at nv own deer." "I'll see that Mrs. Tracy gets home all right," Urittniv put in at thnt moment, "ihsit Is if 1 mnv have that pleasure," turning te fa ml. ' "Why, thank you." she faltered. "Rut it really isn't necessary." "Suppo-4- we don't put it that way," he said in nn undertone, and a moment inter, sin- was going down the front steps with him and lie was hailing a taxi. The b nckness of the taxi seemed ti elo-e them lu teti'ther. it seemed te rob the situation of erdin.iry companion ship and te inxest ll with an extraordl extraerdl mir intimacy. Thev weic alone, mid the fact that , they both ichipsed into rilence ni.ule ' the situation lneie intolerable than etcr. In desperation. Carel plunged into conteri-ntien , "1 don't knew whnt cime ever me, tnnlglit, but I never felt se stupidly awkward. lie turned toward her and she caught her breath. In spite of the daiLncss, .slie felt hi' r'es upon Iit "It was a'inest iih if jeu were nc-lu-i.llv afraid of Uie it-ige situation, wasn't It?" he sali' lightly.' "Or eisc-ef me. whleli of ceiir-e, is absurd. " C.ind iic-cr inev wliat impelled her 10 answer him as she did. bur the welds leemed te ruth te her lips as though te keep them back anj longer were an impesslbi'lty. 'I'eilrips It isn't se absurd." "What de you mean?" his question Twe Minutes Hi IIKIOIAN Is Your ISanui rpiIKUK i n sterj about a chap named J- in the world of business bj doing just mite mure, .Vew, SmitheVs wrs a lensisteut 'ort of chap, and this idea of "gi you give" hud become a habit with him, flue Sunduj lie went down cellnr te feed the furnace, 1'er some iiasen or another, or majbe for uu reason at nil, the was a little oDsirepereiis. Smlthers decided te dicker with it, me IIUSS his 1: Se he opened the deer, get a shovel of coal, and salil te the furnace: I """ted te go te the picture show a fw !,s'tH ti,nt t,cv ,ifnil.MV ,h " ' L0' 'New ,ou give me heat, the,, I'll give JOu this .en...' --V- hec0a,;l,8hoiumeS;,e"1eu';se0r,: '- " 2 Hours afterward hniltherii was found by friend wife, his teeth chnttn,!n dav." Her work was all done, in ,.,! S" or judgment. 'ITielr entlmlsm lu nidi shivering, nlmvnt freren te death. I , the result nf ambition and determlnn. And this was la-cause Hiiiithers had net yet begun te realize that the first i law of man and of nuture In that you must give before jeu can get. I If we wain a hur-ivt, we must lirst plant seeds; if we want mere mnn.t. ,. mil.' I lirst give a heaping measure of service for our present weekly pink kIIii ' lm jeu want u i ali-eV ,p,lh um, f,mm u, a fi0,lsh (imMieu bl)t ,,. nr(, yet( trj,n; (j If M'U think thhiSh out a bit. you'll nrebabh llml ih.ii .mi ..,.,,, t' Smlthers and It Isn't und can't be dene lt is trite, but right, that we get mere only by doing mere and being mere than wc urn paid for. There ure no crop failures in the field of service. In the linal amiljtis your boss does net dctcrmlue your salary. Who does' Uii'ler.Noeil i. Underwood ou turcly don't want a fancy cos tume like this for nny practical iibe. The best thins of nil Is that the wearer made it all herself very eiislly and with very little cost. She's t'elng te wear It te that "Ileartsanu Flowers 1'nrty" which the editor of the woman's page will tend nu en receipt of a ielf-uddresscd stamped envelope. l&LW wrm sharp, the tone no longer llsht. ' " Un ii ..r,.;,i ...,! ..i J.'l, ,l,,t,,1, ,'l IJIU . "Of ceursu net. whv iJienld 1 be?" ! Carel was fencing desperately. "I think perhaps I'm afraid of you." i he returned. Ignoring her emphatic de nial ff1TVi) ff-t-fi-iAl il linh- tlMln Inn.ifi "An.l' that is really absurd V she exclaimed. ' I He made n cesttir' of dissent." It's (piilc true. I'm afraid of what ou might de te me if I should let j en creep into my tlieiifihta." Inte his tone i had conic a deeper note, and involun tarily Carel's hands clenched In her I lap. Something in his voice struck I lespensc In her mil oho found it tin- possible te mnLe light of the situation. I ler voice kccmcd htuclc in her threat, she could net speak, and then with a asp ei relief sue saw that the taxi wn.s drawing uy before her own deer, She wiintd te s-ay. "Yeu mustn't tan; nue tnat thing., te me, ell mustn t bay such but instead she heard herself saying lightly. "Then, of course, you lmve only te crowd me out of jour thoughts te be quite safe." Ilefere he could answer, the tax! driver had opened the deer, and llrit llrit eon w.is forced te help Carel out. She asked him lightly if lie would conic up, but he murmured an excuse, bowed, and left her in the lobby. As she stepped into t lie elevator her thoughts were busy going ever everything that hail been said, und her heart was beat ing wildly. Had he meant what he snid or hnd he been flirting with her? And why wiv shi- se awkward and ill lit ca'u with i wus niiiii. warn an iier uic sue nail ueiui able te carry off lightly any kind of n situation? Tomorrow Emotions Things You'll Leve te Make 2dJ Looped ribbon with hemstitching nukes a ery attractive I'OIJir-i: AND hI.i:r.VU TIIIMMINU. Iluve two rows of lieiustltthlng, two IiicIk-k apart, down the front nf the lir.llrift n-i.l ...I.Ii. - the sleeves. Derlda en the width' of ribbon jeu with te use (two inches Is .i uu.- iiiuiiu, iiivii em through the hemstitching en c.icb side for a lemitli a Iiiiii- mere than the width nf .... forms nl et e,V.i,r0lilV' "'V "ebliiB forms picot edges.) Hun , . it.i.,.? of Optimism J. SUCH Smithcrs? Smitheus. wlie theucht he could climb whnt he was paid te de, and net one just ns he was went te dicker with that uni. PI. ttwdPI T ym? I-iiewi 'i.Ke it se. u men uiun i purchased n supply of clasps of tlicl Alna Vemm LtMMilMA l''ck "I1 Klr,s ,ll,,re ""ld cease t0 be exact co or of plallniim ouch set -nl, ,, " 0QIC6 OieeVC iTUlVn tlO any te be plil;ed up. Se I hope from rraI diamond Tie nJ ,. V - i I imVV """"3 the. bottom of my hear,t that every fel- i ,,, "'",',, L , fhrnikeeper I -5vl l low w" l3 tal enough te go with that , Xn. i.in of , ,u n,mI ,l,e" '-,ir I Afm lYl&Z I ..in .... r..,.....i ...,., ,i .,.i .,i.., I alongside of it a L-ennInn , nmnn.i -... V I fik W'(V. I IJ JU lli fci ' Jl'.-vi.-;,. hvuu uu ,, I ICA -i. .1 I 11 . mm f ff! )ry .. . ii S '" y 1 1 ,"4.1a-.. . - J-tj (tisN S i ;'r,0"1, "' f ,,' lave three griniuiitcij well ufl I could that s.n- was likely te v n ,' I , MJlre?,lnellOH be-.hae a much werse time- trying te gt ,Tl , Ca- ' ",'lr nnti nn. I along alone since, he- husband Isu t , vav'u I? ,v10';ett.n71tl!',,'' '" tl.l.s, nallv a bad man, only when he drinks bedKOiiTid S,,f- llk0 "lc",t tern ' t-'i'V-r vr-T i en r,i'is '"Mm AND girls, married for a home of her own ' Hlltt fiei-k eniHrtri.- ,t pla!ri Tlley rle ,10t SCem capable of undo. "" ' I'LuitA. i-tnnillng our illusion of love. The-. There Is a Very Geed Reason Fer the Fact That Prices Are Still High It Gees All the Way Back te the Raw Material Frent Which Finished Products Are Made and the Expense of Buying Them fTIIIKY met In the market as they both prodded and pried among the heads of lettuce te find one te their liking. "Isn't It awful about these prices?" exclaimed one. "It certainly Is." agreed the oilier, settling herself for n geed chat, "They keen snvinir Hint nrlces are point? down nil the time, but I can't cee It, eon 1 JOII?" "Well, some things seem tn be n lit tie I cheaper. I pet a dress the ether day 1 that wasn't se bad but what I went 'te see Is a general reduction of every thing, and I don't see why It doesn't come." They are probably still discussing It, I If net with each ether, with two ether I people. PRICKS went up with such a whizzing bang when they started that It seems only natural for them te come I down the same way. I lint they won't because they can't. , The reason gees all the way back te I the manufacturer nml his raw material. I He get It when he get his labor, nt a time when ever thing was high and scarce. 1 Natural he had te charge n high price te the whelesa'e dealer who lmiichl hi finished nreduetn. If fie 1 wanted te make an thing at nil. He did want te mnke something nt all he wouldn't be normal If he didn't. The wholesale dealer is u human be ing, tee, and when he held bis wares te the retailer he had te boost his cbnrpes in proportion te xvhat he had paid for them himself. And the retailer, being of the same make as the ether two. hnd te put en the prices that we all balked nt, fret ted ever nnd nt Inst tried te pay, dur ing and just after the war. "TOVV, things are gradually going down again. The manufacturer la Just beginning te have an cnMer time, und If he Is Please Tell Me What te De By CYNTHIA Te "A Reader" Veu de net hay what you wrete about. . te there Is no way of telling whether our letter wus received and answered ' or net. . I Writes te "Centrlbs" Dear Cynthia Thin Is te the writers of veur column only, te whom It may ceneern Al ! tintl(?1l pcrmen-llli' let me Bay te heJ"c. '..?J" pirii;.0.M.,J?i ,tJ.l,irfl.nnn.i nH ,ii-u.iiHslniifi about "Handsome and "her" svinputhlzer, both likely the same "fe" males (troubled with nn ovcntrewtli of the brain), they are Ihc ones who are tnklni? the bait set forth by "Hand some" for that purpesle KiLirrew." "II. u. Li. ami eincr foolish cnen take heed and don't ici yeuvsclvcH be his target New. dear Cynthia, ns flne ns your column Is, It would still be finer If wet roeu- leek Inc. but I have never heard had mere such contributors ns n "Trever I pt her threatening te leave her hus hus ef Nuture." serious "All Alone" and "A band and go back te "mother." Lever of Music." CRITIC. I All right. "A Veunff Man," T won't - worry nbeut the sailor-boys nor nny XXXX" Answers "A Yeung Man" De.tr Cynthia May I answer the letter by "A Yeung Man," please? I have had experience with foreign glrls and women. nut when you speak of American glrla saying "You'll buy a coat or n ring ier ine, -iuu v juv. .. . sure veu nrc net meaning the kind of glrlH I mean. Yeu knew hi my letter I h.ild 1 didn't mean the frivolous "un - reared" girls that I understand cm be "picked up" In any country; but surely r nir for me. won't you. acar: i in thev cannot be seriously conreunueu with the "standard." Yeu must knew as well as I that no self-respecting girl who has had even a little proper training would suggest that any fellow buy anything for her. And I'll bet If the foreign girls de net inniMbi mil. tiiivlni-' tMncru fi,' thrill. ((. nilkhVOL ..Ul,. UMJ llin D. .'.. ........ 'Man' you m henm euit way. ,1S t'tocec I'such gld'h- going i 1 . t . .I X' kVllnlK tl.iu l with them when there nr.- se many nice, Belr-rr-iptctlmc girls loneseny for geel ncss or ew .,,. cc Av y (. , company. My whele sympathy Is with , evc j , l - . ,' ', ii., 1 ? these girls, because I think If th-rc i. .,inn A? . ""'s fe1' ve" were mere "real metlurj" there would l,1'!l t',".n- -s jeu knew, every cxpen cxpen be no girls of that type. Did it i ver ''' string of pearls these dnjs has a' occur te ou that the reason thru- Is diamond and platinum clasp. Well. that type of girl Is due te the fact that New It scrns te nic that a true i ..i... i ' American chap would leek up some lllieritai! Uliai huiiiu hjii Ul miiiiu mtr , 1rl for company Instead of idling his i Inie away with girls who should bu , I! llm .. . ..... .'...... ....... uceui-ageii in uieir jiuiu waj ei uviiik. New let's take up the nice glrla. thes- , who de net suggest te strange men that ' they "buy" things for them. The con- c union reached rrem my e.perience with foreign women and rlrls is this: In a ierv short time they get their ejea open te the fact that In this ceun- I try our laws prohibit cruel treatment rt ri'l fa ffilii ll tillu1fi lift trwl tliAit 1 C-Lf b IlltU IIVIII till HU'I'UIIII, unit IIH ti I they ulll hUinil much less Iicciuwm of I their supnresbPd hunter for kimlne.es about hf-r domestic troubles und said thut lu the "old country" a woman has te Keep ner ihduiii euiieu, nut net eer here, ami that she was going te leave in-.,- im--h.-mrt I -mi .-tinmi tn i,..f ..u consider an illusion of respect and duty , will answer That, tee makes It easier iwies lear iniii 1110 real I girl will net stand. American. 11 1. Here nre two noicneors of mine 1 1 Remance Tender and True farks the ticircut laic story by the popular irriler of srnlimeiitul fiction, firm M. A) ItL'N. ft is entitled, if A Man's Way" Start it today. It'i en tite comic pate. und freedom than our own American have te pack It after veu have nw.,1 u .'. girls. I have heard ever se many , It is sure te cot nirnlin.. , n,7- ! ' 0 times from ferrlgn women who are'fL,,-; nr l.lmisn ,, l ,, ,a ,0Ur 'K',''t , ti t married: "Ifa dllTercnt In this country. U- ,, il "I"1"1 make a mark. ' $ i We don't hate te stand it, and we ,,"'' ,?neu vi here you eun buy fold- f. ( won't." ' ng tee hbrushes. When net in ,JSe'8 A Only a frw weeks age a foreigu-bern , J.1'" " ' J Jjwn oier the bristles. . $ u. 'I away for soine probation which tliey person who refuses (., he .til, , ' , H -1 either de net understand hew te handle fr th" kl n 1 '.. ' I " i ,"I''0,l,reK','. A $ W T ,,or becauB. they don't care te. j h. , ', ,Vi ,ipA .,,J !iT"?n, ''"'f he does 'j U m lllexe that the tire of unjust suppressle,, "' t,"1 '' T?1 trlTO,' 'f' B"lnV" f f '. '.has been iimeld. ring sc long li, tb.. ., ' ''" h,.' n,f lis menlnl ehriraclerlstlc ti W TCalr I H.injn ,.r..l l.A..i.,u .-.r .ii r..-..!.1:. . lieu 111 hnniherlll,in ie ., i.-nie y. m h k m h h , iiiueie .in-, imiin i.i in. - ,v,ii-ihii n,ini .j, " -..,iih ii im, written ?3 w "r ii that they ure likely te explode fiem "'pi "hint upward te the right vim hnv,. r I much less provocation than our Anie-n- found the man or woman ten nV, h, ! ' s ' can women, who have- .some cone-ptun, ' ing for. nuni- y . BBBtefc. of what freedom means , .. .. , ., '"' .n uu- iiiiiiiiii-r iiir ill lllllliril 1 CIlCM-rrul nn.l i l,r,n. Jeeui te "n ashing Urn disluM and lin n. heneful illsne'ltlnn ti, i ! nl t before L . ,,,,. ,n nri,r-. ,aH ynlJ .', J ,Pb" Li'J'X ' "f ,lfB w '""'' ",,n" 'te doing anything .Is,, te help her htl. , '', , " , 7 n of Jifp- r 'y com-ei, hand. It's the ownership of body ,md ,r ,, u,,t" Il-n-nt ineinerle.s nd for- j- ur.nl (lint senin mm llie. tn nv.l.-. ,i,i.. Igl't I lie Illlll'eilSnnt. Tlmv lnnn 11...1- I ." r i. it amlnlr-il A iMiirln 1 1, ,.11 ni. m iiirnnna . ' ....... ,.-.,,.. ,..- ,. ..-.. , ,, iiv iiii I finn in rretn ine "ultl rmnitnv.'- (jim l. n man who cares nbeut the difference between right and xvreng. he will be gin te be easier en the wholesale dealer. The wholesale dealer, unless he Is a profiteer, will let down en the re taieor, se that the retailer can put that Joyous slrrn In his window "Reduc tions" and really mean It I But that Isn't going te happen right away en ever thing. There are still some of these articles en the market thnt were roade nnd bought during the hlgh-prlccd era, nnd 110 wise and sensible dealer !h going te part with them for less than what he paid. If he can help it. A ND that Is the reason why we have te wait se long for things te come back te pre-war prices. Perhaps none af them will ever quite reach that level, but it i certain that they will come down from their lefty height and be almost normal, nt least. Of course, there arc still profiteers, just as there hnvc always been unscru pulous dealers, dishonest merchant, nnd, ns fnr as that Is concerned, peo ple of all kinds who hove lest their consciences. People llke this will always over charge and keen their prices sky high. But you have te expect this, nnd If Is net fair te Judge everybody b them. Wl SBKM te have forgotten that we ever had a war or that there Is anvthing that we have te recover from. We resent the fact that the world and Its prices and Us privileges and its conveniences Is net going along in a smooth, even path. It can't. It ha.H had a shock that has jarred It out ei Us course and changed its whole outlook en life. And it will take nultc a while te i get thing.' entirely back te normal again i Quite u while nnd quite a let of na Hence. she lind nelhlnir lhat had te tip done that day. and Just Mt llke beln-,' out of llie heune for a while. Mho has a fam ily of hx te work for. Her huaband Rees out at any tlme he carea te. whether te see a friend of hla or Just de dew,Ti street, .".'he told me that i-he UHed te kep quiet when he would tell Iihi- nhe couldn't co out : but new she doesn't. Shi Ju8t izoen. Then fnr QOVHtlll llfll'e lllnl' frisitl im nlifillt In sullen silence. I thlnlt they often wonder ii.ki. iiiie liiiiii; is uiui iiiey e.iu "love." My ether neighbor Is nn An.erlrun Kirl. She has n husbanil who Is net streni? nor umbltleus. 1 mean he is nuppeseil net te be able te work v-r hard. Thev havi- a dauehtei- atieut ' nine years e d. Thl wlfe and mothoi - methoi - mothei - mis fcnerhJcTlSa ever heen newral years. She Is yeunK and u.i''VeTerfW of yourselves- and coming through all i right because you arc out in the world ' i of experience jylilch gives you tin In- t ".'"J1 L ar-mrH that should protect you, And besides. I think u man just nat urally understands all about the "skin . game. se hew could he ' be fnnlnd-'l -j , :, "" -i. ': --wi,.-. n.i uu iuuicu . ' Just llie same, it leeks te me almost ns lr every one of you g. t skinned right ' along all the time. If you are net ' peing fleeced, you arc fleecing yourselves . "y mistrusting und suspecting some . ""-;, nenust gin. tee bad. Isn't If XXXX. Adventures With a Purse TF YOU nrc a constant reader et the'e -1 adventures, you knew that cverv 1 .mux in n wnnp j oerno ncres a rrn1 I --'- ''''"' rnietl,ln qui..- .traerdlnary. trnin tlie standpoint of either unusual men. mere is n shop in town thnt has , i nlflHliltm ntncii n.nl f e .. . ; IV , . ' "'.". ' ""' 'raiiK 10 say Hint I CCItllll llOt tell t'ntlm.. fr.i.i ...1,1.,. n,. , . - - - --- - ..-in lvim-il. ' '"op will take our pearls and re- -'ring them, putting en one of these 'l 1.. .., i. . " ." nnrj i-inspi an ter the amaIn- price of !?(1. I kn,nv the shop well" knew that it is reliable, n.nl n,,n ,.A ... ". tlli.-i i'l OIIC of IllO lnnsl pnmnrt.M. tlilm.s I i,n.. , i,i ., , '"""' ! 'RS ',,lin1p eI1" "" a "' f"r some , " " ,lf Jlcrp ls n' doubt In jour I"'1"" - bj nil means step In nnd see the clasps, - i , ou Knew what nuif-Qncp "riu is when also protects the bristles. Yeu can Imv ,...-.- lu, nuij.im. cents each. Per haps you knew a man who travels who would be delighted with one. i-.?i'l,r n'"n,"i of fJ! uddrm. Wemnn' Pni. I illtnr or phnne Wnlnnt neon or Jlaln icj5l '.i-twcen lh heiim of u and 6. ' I t Read Your Character By Dlgby I'hillipe Itkinr- wviii., .... .... 'I he people whose writing risen in tiilc i0U8im IIXr" "I'en the chances of sue. 1 . . n . - j nn Liii'ir ces. net upon the fear of fniinm Thin docs net nocesmrliv ,nn.', n... A.. ...A ,...K t . .' . "." "" r tien. There in n ternilnn Constant. lrrr.i.K.II,l ... j l - ... ..i "leHIIIIJ nidi, iii iu-.ru i.fiipiv te Keep en trvln- tode better. They are never uulte 'sat" ished with any piece of work thev have ,denc. 'I hey nlwnjs feel 'thnt given the opportunity te de It ever ngnii, the, would de it better, and they welcotne the opportunity te prove this te themseiien as we'll us te ethers. ., " K, ',"', wheu ,l") Purd slant of ,he writing Is very marked nnd uuusiml that jeu want te watch out for sucn an excess of optimism and ambition as1 makea a person Impractical, vlslenarv ud extravagant la ha ambition i a teeth- ' :J.SY jeu are trninllne .....t ''.-.'. Hairdressing Marcel anil Hatrdre, 75c Shampoo & Scalp Treatment. S1.00 JENNY SFLTZFR'S SALON tWO CHESTNUT rilONK WAV. 7147 Roem 413 Permanent Hair Waving 23 (-URLH. Sin Entire Bobbed Heidi, $25.00 fipff hi precr m fnr jrrny faalr Den by Afft Exptrti MME. B. L flECKER 2fi SOUTH G2ND ST. Open fire. XVerl. Bt. tQAlGmm ie Fex and Wolf Fur Scarfs LATEST 8TYIXH The Ooe'ln Wera. ttl L'P On Our Hanm ier A Quick Cash Hscrltlce FRIDENBEROS,37 N.lllh St. SftTJiU KHSBSBKBi8S38BSS'KiaSBa IB "iK&ASP EMBROIDERY Hernitltching While Yeu Wail All rtrltft nnd In sold nnd Utr. Ilrer-Urand Weel nil colors. FLOWERS EMBROIDERY CO. N. K. Cor. 17lli ft ClirMnnt (txic.1217) E A D S KaxasKSKHairssifisaBJffffBsasBi Safe Milk Fer Infants & Invalids NO COOKING Ttaa "Feed-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch atHeme.Office.and Fountains. Ash for HORUCICS. 10-Avoid Imitations & Substitutes. a 'Jt-M Beauty Is Mere Than 1 FOK ii tlin ou run "innlte up" te leek well bill tlie woman nlie nrBli-ets Iter Health KreH old premuturrl.v. Just no sure in the negterted inaeblne heroines runty and wriim out, Otu'It IliitliH, Mnieufe unit U.tpert trrattnentn ellmlnute all Kxcen-i far Kill llie body of nil Impurltlm, Induce oed illnrntlen, lniproe elrrulatlen In short, rmters llie Irady te leoreus Health the real nerrrt of Heuut.v. Visit Our Institution (or Trial Treatment. Ne Obligation COLLINS-INSTITUTE 1 ' f f'- s yi FOR WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY Phene, Spruce 5484 'sTi 'sTi 'sTi ' uasmMaamsssmsasms f L v The finest little shoes that the best of leather and workmanship can produce CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut k- S' -XeCj &; I rM fj H A5CO I STORES CO. I isp i'M LriMUMMI K5 M & P j R P? it $ I Mether Says: "There's no uae baking my own bread any mere since I tried Victer Bread. I used te de my own baking because I wanted te b'e sure of the quality of my bread and because it was mere economical. "But one day I heard several neigh bors praising Victer Bread se enthusias tically I determined te try a leaf. I haven't baked bread since. "The big, golden brown leaves of Vic Vic eor Bread arc se deliciously wholesome, se white and flaky, 1 knew I could never hope te bake bread any better. And the low price and generous size of the leaves make 11 b '- . i' 1st- & rJO r it as economical as Victer Bread is i $ Am TiJWS' mlr Big . 'i VI Ml fi wrcuv -XKb ,,r- -r 1 ,,i sunshine bakeries, where cleanliness reigns supreme. Even the air in our dough rooms is scientifically screened, making it dustproef and germproof. A M A in f N H Held only in Ahce Stnrnu 1,u-uj out Penn8v,van(a, Jrj I i . . ,ma Braids. Silcs FRAMES! and Flowers Fer Sprint) et 1912 - . WIIOLKSALF. AM) RBTAIt, Milliner's Supply Heuse 62 N. 8ih Street Hrrend iioet rDE.AlAW VJKJLTI 1 0c bunch 1 4c per ex. I'mbrnltkr. Knitting and run- ftllk tlrnM'ng llfmiilllrlilai nmilln-r I'lfnllnn nmbrelderr . Nrallenlni riottens Cetrrfd llottenliolfs NOVELTY EMBROIDERY CO. ,1007 Filberl Straet-aaaa-aw Red Circle Coffee Reduced te Quality Still the Hiuhttt THE GREAT Atlantic & Pacific Tea Ce. I n Skin Deep if i w Bellevu Court Building 1416 Walnut Street Coffee JdO i. Infants' Shoes Sizes 2 te 6; no heel Tan Russia $3.35 White Buckskin $3.85 Sizes 5 te S; wedge heel Tan Russia $4.00 White Buckskin $4.50 I'acsjssmesiwS ASCO M I B I home - made." Bread made in nt, r,t a; . n .... ... tm war ? ..m mlJWK3w rPVn1! """nses. tun auoe peusn. IMHAi ASCO T AiSTsiJrrtl Tomorrow--The Cruel Ej'e li ' ssjwwrc &fiti' t, ,f -sX&T-A k.lV'"S ,r,h.', u. s. . . ,2 .. .... I J.J'i ...il A.j." W rf.eiwi". Yeu, de. ,.),, l 4 . 1 i . 'dd'US.'K. Vjflr-,A,,.