Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 31, 1922, Final, Page 19, Image 19

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f Ain't, He a
fwe indoor meets eat
Fourteen Entered in Mel
rose Game T wiorrew
)j Nigh! Face Syracus in
'One-Mile Relay
unites en the University of Pr-nn-
nrlvnnln trnck tenm will tllnplny thr-lr
wares oil out-of-town trncku twice
during thlH wcpk.'thc second of (lie In
door pennon. Tomorrow night in Mnilt Mnilt
een Squnre f.nnlen, New Yerk, four feur four
fecn wearers of the llnl uticl lllue will
compete in Mie nnnmil Melrose fames,
vvhlio.en Snturtlnv nislit n number of
, the nth'etes will journey te Itosten for
jh'c nnnunl Bosten A. A. reiiics te be
stnscd in tue Ice lalnec there.
Saturdny nlijht Conch Robertsen's
team ushered in the ncnRen ever in
Brooklyn by winning the feature event
of the Brooklyn CoHcre grimes, the
oncmlle relay. ButRcrs fnced I'enn
Hid was defented through the brllllnnt
running of C'aptnin Lurry Breun, who
beat out Hay. the Bulgers Btnr and
anchor man, nnd nnether ninn by four
yards In n thrilling battle-down the
Tomorrow night' events in the ("5nr
den premise, te test the cnlllier of the
penn team mom than did Saturday
rjcht's race. In the first place the com
petition that will be met in the onc enc onc
mleo re'ny clinniploneliip will be Werner
than it wns in the Brooklyn gnmes. In
the fcccend place Brown will be ferr-wl te
run the three-nunrter liiup-ppei'ltil luiil
ilse carry the baton en the relay .team.
.tit injury te (lilt, flic sprinter,
uncovered by Robertsen last spnny
itll meiii that the lied and lllue
flipper tclJ he forced te run in
fice races. Robertsen, the coach,
intended te save Larry for the
three-quarters and run Oill in his
place en the rclau team. Yester
day the latter reported iclth an
infected feet that fill keep htm
Idle for about a iccck.
The remainder of the quarter will be
the Fame as captured the nice nenlnxt
Tlutgcrs, Geerge Meredith. Johnny
TleUIcn and Lewis, along with Brown,
will start the mile run nsninst Syra
cuse, which lias another record-breaking
team this season.
Sjracuse Is Speedy
Tnt( rnnr Hin nunrlpr. Kliei'tine (lie
Orange covered the mile in the relay
enc f-ecend hhert of Uie world's record
from Huffnle High Scheel nbmg with
Cepplfih, from the sailic school and new
nt Columbia, who Is regarded as one of
the best quarter-mile dashers in cel-
ICgO raniis luuuy.
for the event indoors, wliicii In held by .f"r." 'r""V.'". ,n,e r"ieminatinr feature Ing te the Mas'iicliusetts mlttmnn be
an all-Buffule .team and which was Z ft ynlpm"'.! tiTtf? i''S '" ,in,lll-v VCA ln: Prison suf suf
mnde back In 1020, in the nuffnle ift-iiandr win l.e -t-i (joe.m. ..- Yrk I fered en unmerciful beating around the
championship games. One of the quartet !,f 'Vil,ielBT-V,..i?r?r-i.1.:rl.'0 "'". """"in Jue body nnd Chancy finished up by rocking
new running for Syrncusc wns a mem- ten tV f mcrt i'i.!?rv (Kid, h?ew, 'M,ni r,X'lIInrr' wit1' M,v(,ni1 ,,lexNS " the jllw
U. .( 4ttn tiritii nt Hint tlmn. rnnnttii ' nf local seuilitmwt. Itntthv it, .-..... '.! . iKnTnt'i, tlw ItnutntiiMe '! ctnu'ntl iiwm .
Suttncr is the lad upon wliem thei5""L'"' ?: '" r, 'nihr V,?ysr- "
Ss-ractibe students nre banking 'te
Ut In breaking the record, lie, like
Brown, will no forced te run two rnres
Saturday night, which might maka the
race mere even tliun wan at first ex
pected, with only Brown running In
two events. Snttncr wan selected only
Inst week te take the place of ICarl
r.by, the former Penn flyer, whose
business prevented htm from trying te
win the coveted cup in the Melrose
"000." Suttncr recently ran within one
second of the record for COO yards In
doors, which makes him n strong favor
ite te capture the event tomorrow
In addition te huttuer, hyrucusc will
have three of the four inuii who wen
the one-mile, event at the Penn re-!
lays last jear after a thrilling race
when Allan Woodring swung down the
Hretch n victor by a few feet. Wood Weed
ring, who wen the 200-mutcra chant chant
plenship at the Olympics; Mooney, a
forty-nine-hcceud quurter-mllcr, and
Lceiiiiid, who has done under fifty sec
onds tnerul times, ceiiiplctc tin strong
Orange quartet. "
in winning t lie event In the Penn i
lelajh, the Orange quurtet negotiated!
tlic distance in :'t:'JU. Tliej expect te:
Je under that tomorrow night te break '
the record of :.'! :''l 'i-fi. I'cnn holds!
lie outdoor record of illilfl .'I-.', ninilc
In tlie Legien games last yenc. l'by. '
iireuti. .Minum and Keilgcrs composed
"the quartet thnt established the new
UusaachuscttK Inilittitf of Tech
, nehuy, in addition te .S'iiucihc,
nu an excellent team for the one
Mife ri'ciit fomerroio night, and
inujht surprise with a victory. The
A cie L'nyland collegians have n
fpeidy iuartet that has beta set
ttinj thiiiyi afire up in their tcni tcni
teiy. In addition te (lie rclav team. Itob Iteb
jrtnu has enteteil Needs, in the high
Jump, Lexer in tlic 10, .r0 ami (10 ard
"ashes: Kerr in ihe twe-llilrds-niile
wee, M.l.ane In the mile ami a half
"ml a freshman relay n-ani in the open
Wile event. The freshman quartet will
be composed of Hayes. Jensen. I'isher
ind Mitchell. The jenrllngs are also
nteied in the Krnsinus Hall games
Ntturda. night, which has drawn en
tries from all ever the Kits I.
Heets IiCier In Sprints
l.exer i 111 mm. , ltn....i Ai'nrA.L I..
the Mrtropelitan eh.imple,,. in the' IU
ami u() Mini dashfs in bi events. Par-
Jll. II Ilroekljn collegian, is also ell-
ternl in the sprints, along with a goodly
number of picscnt ami past college
sturs. Heets has been training diligent-
I.V fur the eients ami nIw.uI.1 fn..,. the
eiuru-r in priini, condition tomeriow
Mci.ane, the Oklahoma lad. will
"wt .leie Hay, the brilliant distance
iir, tn the lLj.mil,. event. Judging by
ms perfeimniice in winning that event
"n the weekly games last Krldav. Mc-J-anc
should Kht. n,u veteran Hay a
HVl'll IIUIlll.
rv. i .. -
ii- rejii party will lenvn irre le-
"row aftcriioen at li o'clock, and
iirt-,.. .. r. .. ...
"in return en Thursday morning, h'er
10 gume in Hestun Saturday night
He team will lenve early that morning.
waukee Man Pinched for Trans-
Porting Carpentler-Dempsey
Rfmii..... ....
.: ""' !. .inn. ,'ii. federal
of-WB today arrested William Coeke.
"iinuilhce te li-ei-iui,,. i ,.i
Mth tmMi,n,. - .,...'
T, i..nh
'OJ-liirpentier prle iK,t at :.,'iA"rn1 - '"i .',--u' ., '!ni i'i "" "" V""'1' "" el,re "'"""" "
Civ. .llv i, vvi. .!,, '.,'' . '...iik ..inn THwnwiuliH. .,,.,,, ,,t? n m l-eei .
i khewin,. . I. : ...' , ". ."?:":.,. i. :.r. i .. ...!" :":vn! v.
Uisht - "'l ""'uuu BU"' I ll-Heuhcirj -, J Vto'e. -.-liHlrsr. r..r fn..." rrr.ldrnl lrll duuhl. tl,r value .if r,.
ft I, a,, n ... .... -I "' '. '" ' Ti ' .-.iirtl 1 nilli. hall. He lirulialil. saw tin lliirinril-l'iliiceten
the n.V c.'lr,,t ,lmp ,,ll,t liPlures of lj-ir-ei ' u'm;JJ jV" ii ,, Jf-T'lL: ... , . ,
" ight hud been illwpliiyed In Wis- '. ' '" Xm ' ' ins -M"" J"'"" ,kei It I
trn..wa.? w,lh " clinrgeil vllh "h .1L1"'' Ut . ll teas traded te Iloiten, net PhlladeU
iv '
...' v. I ' A! V 1 iiii. mm 'm m ii-' -
Game Guy,"
Only Three Lecal Beys
en Penn Track Team
Only three l'hiladclpliians are
members of the I'cnn track team,
Uie Btnalle.it number in many years.
Net se long nge Red nnd Blue cin
der path teams had any number of
local high and prep school graduates
llsted, but this year a- trio of high
school youths compose tjie City of
Brotherly Leve representation. IM
McMullen, of Central High, n lmlf
milcr and member of the two-mlle
relay tenm InBt year; Jack Frjcl,
who formerly sported the colors of
Catholic High, n distance runner,
and Ccergc Powers, at West Phila
delphia High two cars nge and it
hurdler, compose the Philadelphia
On the freshmen team Mcllugh,
of Wert Catholic, nnd Mitchell, of
Northeast, and Cullman, of Cen
tral High, nre the only local ex
schoolboys. Fred Chew, of Pckin,
China, traveled the longest distance
te represent Penn. .lennny Thitr
ninn, U12 pounds, is the heaviest
man en the squad, nnd Den Head
nnd Woedslde, KM) pounds, tic for
lightweight honors. Geerge Bron Bren
der is the tnlleat, 0 feet lf. inches
nnd Lever, I". feet fi incite, the
shortest. Fisher, a frcshmnn, from
Newark Central, is the lightest man
en the bqiiad. He pH the beam
nt 110.
Match With Bill Brennan en March
17 Satisfactory te Jack
Ii.s Angeles. Calif., J,,,,. .".l.-.Tnrk
Deinpsey. heavyweight champion, could
net be renclird te inform him of the
match rej.ert.-d practically arranged for
hint in NwWk. March 17. with 15III
. .iriiiinii, ei i;iiicilgii.
Friends ami sport writers, however
?clnred Dcniiisev "alwavs w" i sntis
Nl with whatever ring plans were
ado for him by j,,ck Ke nis t!u
anager" learns, his
TllO IOS AllCnles Kvnn.l.nn l.l....
printed the statement that UcimiKcy
plans le quit the ring within two a curs.
The champion wantn te take en nil
I'emcrh, prove his supeiierity and re
tire te private life an undefeated cham
pion, the newspaper ctnted. .
Scraps About Scrappers
i Uanny Krn""' iii!U!w "' t'' et-nr,
, ,l IVngiirr. innlrliniakKr of the National
. a .will ninlir no ehjncci in hh nreBrHm
SfiTJl.t!K"ti.Y?"il'ia,K'1 tiTJilXV.
I many acncauiru will lx held, an fnlluwa: i
Kid Wagner, Yeung Mtilienex v. Veung
Oeerge Chip, and Ty Tobb s. Johnny Maye.
Wlllle Allen rrccntly inadn Ills hit nt
SJcranlen Hi ;i linut villi Kid Willln nn
Haturdav night Allen will mint Mickey N'oo N'eo N'oe
nau at Ilroeklyn.
Chirk Innjnj. brother of Willie Allen, la
matched for a bout with Kid Willis nt
Scranton Thuradny night. Hebby Dillen
handles both Allen nnd Kans.m.
I'r.inkle Itllliurn liaa been booked for twn
bouts by hla innur.ger. Jihnnv fannlnl lie
will rae't Steve ranlln ut Allenn,i Friday
nigh nnd 1'rjnkle ilancre In fev Veili
February IT.
Jimmy (illilKini la the beat welterweight In
Phl'adelphlii. l th opinion of Hay JlrCar JlrCar
ne). 'And Olb will iiroe It en Saturday
night wnee ce lacxiea .loe Jarusen." mates
rtny After tlm Jacksen set-te. McC.irney
niitu te end uibbenn ngaiust the
I welterweight, of the .-euntry.
Matty Ilnrrrtt, a llrayx Terry feather feather
welght. Is tnilnlni dally with Ray Mulligan
flyweight, und Mickey Conners, Junier llghtl
weight Ilariett stored .l (If teen-second
knockout siv.r.il months age.
Tim .lunlsr Atldiltle ( llib, of Schuylkill, (a
elng rcpresenle.1 'In the ring by Temniv '
helm represented 'In the rlni; by Temniv
,. f...nnn fl I I f! Ill V( l!?h I l.ttl, la nl.n... ...
....,..,.,, .. .......-.... ...... .,uw iu
start a ,in It s bni'il t.iriir u ( onner hai
r.'mpelcl le about twenty nirntur innlrhc"?
iniluaiiiB inrie wii" uun u.min.
New Orleans Entries for Wednesday
First rai". purse Jli0U, tn-jear-e'd
maldfns ihree furlongs' I
Jesephine f ... .110 l.lliu" Tlni" .. .. 10s
Chief l"lnn . lnT.The Miilesklnnci .III '
Heck n ll" l0'1 Piitriilineii nil
Margaret txretta.l 10 Dardain'Ma 110
t..id Iliftlcnlum les l,ili McCtay ...KM
llluulenlst Il.T Athlete 117
Miss I ..idy 10 L.auru Uaffney ...107 .
KeellU 10S
tisinml race, purse llOOO. threo-ycar-elds, .
n furlengs: .... . '
Cllmhlleld . . 10.i Imare 110
l.lttle t'ntsi- ... 11.1 'llnpiiN- Iluxten ..10s
I li'ii bv l'Aebn . . lis lIlllHd.ile in.
Veiled Colleen ...10s -Creck o'Ueld ...Ins
Stamp 11- llermls Komble 107 i
l.iilv Itechesler . ln:i Wllfes l.'i
Alierld.i HID
Third race, nurse JKluO four- ear-olds ant
,1 fll. !,MI1
1 ,',h0 HI Mldnlclit Wuu . Ill
!iu,." . . ion The IicUIeii .. IK
Sill-it' i. 1'' ,('el Tiivlnr .. in
TUkllsh ..Md 'Jehns lJmm.i i''
I Knurlh 1.110 purse $1000. four-e..r-elds
and up II fuilengs- .
i Abliie .. -Ml Jiwk Scot ... I in
b,e'l' .IH -Klruli .. IOs
' eakl.iwii Jlilla ..101 l-'i'ly hu)"v !ni
I Ocarpoletle 1"S "May Ujdlnn . 101
I 'Iierlc I'll
Infill luce purse J1300. four-srai-elds
md up. 1 inni: . ,,,
i Kings Champien .10. Vete . ... "
llliirinw Sinn.) ...10-' Lucky 11 l'l
Sllppciv Him 11" Hne Uavs ..Mil
SIMh rac purse 110UO, four-ear-elil
nud up. 1 "'l'0 '""l- Tl1. "r'ls: ,,.
iiimiiii,- Tem ..in."i Clinnuirren . ...1"0
' ii,iL..ni
' -..-" - ,,., .pi,.,,,,,. i
, -itunz.it
s.renh rair
i ,jl.;,rnl,.,ra""i')eMi
i iiuiim ,
I IlJV'Ll?,?1"1
.lV...i, xtaiv
107 MNsterleus mil . MO
1U7 Hep IO.'i
$1000. thri-c-sear-
ml ripen Mnker
ina Cli.trline
.ti" l.ui-kv Hirl .
. ' Kute lliuiinnel
, .10-.'
l',... t li.ie 'hlllfl V
trncl; licav
NpplOUiK'f aintwiiitte umiiin
Havana Entries for Wednesday
Te it m-i imme J70O. rliilinink- fr H" cc
Vu-,m -; -,,,..,. ,1
fnriilds n't ,U"UB', ,.,,,.
vv luhiipr hie I IIi-mii
.(or'"."? .-!! Sim -.nil
i-iiV.M r, I11" I.ukii , ,
'(.nl,,..- . I l .'mill."-' I-"'1
in n
SjIMI 1 litliuilin
'. .V...r fil.lw iitul imwanl. l rinieiiB"
:Vmuw . 102 K..t.m
. 1 n.l ,
-.. nilni.
I II 1 .l)i.eiiu
llll. INIHI-I
Vnicrli .in
1'hceIii .
.107 llienklii
,107 Ituiueaii
.110 Jlujer I'.-illm -.
. IfJ
no? Tim I'mIji.te lluiiilli .ip.
i old, nml uiivvuiJ. I'Jurw J'.'QU.
ilni ii'ii
fUllimU"' , , ,. (ille , ...111
K!S li .'a.Jju -.i-ble cm
t-nn . I .. Imliicf . for
l-.iM. in
anil upward.' I iiiIIb und fiO
i thrfe-l"!-0'1'
i J.'-'.... ... T.ii .. nn CHimite .
. . n.i
. mn I
inn ,
fin- line -
i " ,vv, .. .int 'ubi -
. $V',"k. 'nmeH, J
i -. i. .11" fiii. 'I
ttiirMi. I wv'i -..
l.ii'iuri'H 01 nn- i.nrui! " """." lis .,..., ,.. , L. ,,, ,., ,..,
1 ....I 1 III 11 llllll .Ml 3tlU
ftrB2te6 PUBLIC
Say Fans of Harry Carlsen, Who Takes Lambasting Frem
Geergo Spill? the Beans for
Bo3tenian With Left te
the Jaw
Evening Ledger Decisions
of Ring Benis Last Night
(II.Y.VIPIA f:ni-ir,. t'limtr fctnlinpil llnrrr
I ( iirlnen, flftlit I'ntsjr Wiiltnrc trchnlciillr
1 Kiierkril out .In Hurt"--. Ilftln Je Clnine
iw-en from Jee ICIlrliVi t'hlrk Knnnn (tefenlnl
lmniic ueMrri n
I . IIAItltlKIU Il
II, Iminril dinil.il Itcddy
c-trr Itutlr wen. from
. Artin .-Mccniini nil v (liinnen flindrd nnrrr
I tlrlni Iery IMicimnn wen from Johnny
i rnxnn.
I MUNTIII'.M. Iteil Oni VIImii ilffcuted
0nr IlfM'niniiK.
NEW MIItK llm Coenfy nn from .Tee
l.reunldi ltanny I rril eiilniilnlnl .le-y Ient
MM rerri unnrkpd out Hen wnmn. icniiii
lllllv Mnrrli drfrilrd Hilly I'llnrri Happy
Mnlinncy uIiIpiipi Mck 1'elrv.
1'ITT.sIH 11(111 Jnclc llnrke knerhNl eul
Je" Dmiwr.
IlKTHOIT-vSId llurbnrlan en from 1'ctc
M:V llKDFIIRU Jtmnir lrnde nleppnl
jl IVrry. sfnnd.
HUSTON- Mlrkfy Tr.tfr dffmtrd 'hnrlcy
' ln.1.l.r .... ...r..i1. InLnnM
TJAKUY CAULSOV, of Bosten, was j
added te the Ions string of KnoeK KneeK KnoeK
entM credited te (irenic Clniliey at the
lOljmpiii Club lnvt night. The Bustln'
'ilamblne of boxing caressed Hie Httb Httb
Itewn lightwrlglit with e hefty left en
I the point of the chin In the fifth round.
I nnd the bonus were split. This time
them was no cr. et "foul, and I lie
Baltlnierean lived up te his reputation
of being a socking secker.
Te Carlsen, however, must se the
honors of being n game guy. if they
mean anything, llefere the bell rnng
starting the fuss ii number of the fans
started te help llieniehes into their
overcoats, lietirlng that the bout would
end in less than a round.
They were disappointed. Seme mere
? "", "PWin'0" f" renuy in ucp in
,,"rl,,R ,i,( i"c!;li-si,', hetwecn the
M.rht. nml BC7"ML r',,,lmK S1n7 m?re
( "Il-0M t,,00(' nfr ,llu ,,,rrl,'V hanging
(., it, looked like "curtains"
or the spectators gei rrndy te oepnri
surely'hi the'third round, but the Bes-
Ionian's gamencss carried him through
that tension, tee.
And It wurf net uniil after 'J minutes
7 seconds e the fifth frame timt
Chnney finally get exer the well-known
wallop, and the crowd filed out of the
Ilread street arena with the "Ain't he
one game guy?" compliment for Caribou.
Carlsen ltcatcn Itadly
Chancy administered mi awful treunc.
Carlsen tried hard. displaiug a let
of grit in his effort te stave off a
knockout. Net only did Hurry' de his
best te go tin dlsttuici. but he nlse
came through with n volley of punches
set, era I limes with the intention of up
setting Mr. Chancy.
In tin very lirst round Carlsen
brought the spectators te their feet when
lie crossed it powerful right en Chaneys
chin. (Joergc was knocked back en his
heels, being badlv shaken up tempo
rarily. That was the only telling punch
scored by Carlsen.
After handing out till sorts of pun
ishment te his opponent for four and n
halt rounds Chnnev sent ever a mighty
left te Carlsen's juw. Harry quivered
md almost went down. It looked us if
Heferec Jee (JrlfTe wus about te step
between the boxers, but Carlsen shook
Ills head as it te mean mat lie wasnt
hurt. ,. ,
I However, Carlsen was hurt net
; only hurt, but very much tired at the
same tlllie. .v icn serumis liner inuiicy
lnnded with his vicious southpaw en
Carlsen's arm, dropping him. Harry
took a count of nine while ln u sitting
position, get up nnd after retreating
.' ,.. i .1 : i. t,..i.i
llllll W 11 Uliillllil nil' nuh mi' Diilll-
liuui'lill s it'll ngiiiii ri'iiriieii uri!uii,
this time tltisli en the jaw.
' Carlsen s legs gave way under 1,1m
. I i I. 1.. .. I. ...... 1 . .1. . ..
. ,,n ii le I ll a neap iiKui'isi. nn rnues,
. 1 . n e , nr n i il
dett ""' llM" l'f''rce (.riffe didn't
Iinllier ceuilliug aim no moiieueii 10 lue
fallen man's comer for his handlers te
help their boxer te his corner.
Chancy weighed n pound mere than
Carlsen, coming into the ring at IMS
Wallace (iets K. O.
P.itsy Wallace, 117. si-eicd a tech
nical knockout ever Jee Dersey, 1120,
in the lift 1 1 round of the suuil-tinal
when lieieree r ruiiii u urien snipped
. ! i. .-v.ii...... .. .
the match te save the latter from
further punishment. Dersey hud been
beaten up badly, and he was out
classed. Dersey substituted for Hilly
Muscett. who i,s suu'eriug with influ
enza In New- Yefl.
.lei: I51tchie,wl',S, put up n grill v
battle against doe t'haiicy. 1!5. win
linished a winner. Uiti-hie's left arm
was hurt in the third round, but he
continued battling gainelv, using enl.v
one hand in the last three rounds.'
Chiik Kansas. l''L', wen from Yeung
("osier, 1-1. and K. (. Leenard. 1-1.
returned a. victor against Itcddy .Jinl. .Jinl.
seu, HS.
Will Play First Game Tonight With
New Line-up
The A. O. II. basketball team, of
North l'hiladelpliia, will pluv its tire I
game, after the ricent shake-up in the
pciseuncl of Ihe team, tonight. Vex
Cliilse A A. will be entertained in the
Imil at Thirteenth and Spring Har
den stieets.
Last week A O. II, defeated the
speed; Adenis Club, .III te 'J I. How
ever, the iiiaiiager was net pleased with
the work of his pla.vcr.s-, and divided le
l"i-l a new learn. Ills quintet will be
watched chiscl.v tonight bv the fnlhivvers
i nf the 4-1 till . and It il vviu& lie will tie
vindicated for his ad ion.
ys Krax
O.Mi:ilOIY nskrd .loe Tlpliln if he
liked cafe iieir. hut he said he was
inover in tlie joint.
77ic ncrf hiy Initial l tmuiiey hcic.
trill be fcutiiitd by a Ileudil's umud.
Our Daily (.uessing Contest What
I tliice colors n re in the ll.ig hiievvu us
I the Hid. While and Itluc'.'
lta-eb.il I managers could gel a geed
receiving staff any night at the light
ILnil I UV !' I" l- V"I' ..-.- w- - - .--.,-.
VY;lr' " . - , sHr
miAA' HliACK
L'plewn hey who lias been sinned
by the World's Champions
Lecal Basketball Star Will Have
Hard Time Sticking With Champs
Billy Black, the uptown boy, who
is well known both ns n baseball and
basketball player, will leave with the
New Yerk (liants about 1'ebruttry 1.",
when the world's champions start en
, their 11WU training camp trip.
Black, an inliclder. is net expected
'te. displace (icergn Kelly. Dave Ban-
i. . . ..,, ... Ur,u,,p ,,
, croft, 1' rankle i risen or Heinle oreh,
, nny of the Olnnt regulars, but hm
'friends have every cenlidcnce in tils
ablllty le make such an impression in
Jehn MeGraw that will result in Ids
being kept with tlic team as n utility
Illack. who is only n youngster,
started iila,lng with the A. J. Keacli
club in 101(1. covering second base. In
11118 he managed the I'utterwerth club,
of the Manufacturers' League, but fin
ished the season with Harrow gate, lie
was with Karl Muck nt Merchant Ship
in the spring of Jlllll nnd en June
15 joined Suffolk, ;wlicrc hi: also played
the following season. ,
He started last jear with Suffolk nnd
a few mouths later was sold nleng with
Teddy Kearns te Portsmouth, of the
same league. He was acquired by tlic
(liants after four ether clubs, Detroit,
Cardinals, Brooklyn and Washington,
hud bid for his services.
Itlucl; led the shortstops last season
in the Virginia League. His record
fellows :
British Isles and Australia In Line
for Big Tourney
New Yerk, Jan. .'ll. Announcement
that the Hritish Isles had challenged for
the Davis Cup adds a second nation te
the world's tennis team championship
for IDS-. Australia hns already mailed
u formal challenge. Prem eight le ten
additional challenges are expected be
fore (he entries close en March 1.1.
(Illiciuls of (he United States Lawn
Tennis Association, as custodians of the
international trophy, said today tliey
i looked for a challenge from New Zea
land, which for the lirst time in manr
i.ve.trs will be in a position te act in
dependently of Australia
Linn a ycur iike tie leiinis .isse
.,,.,,. ..r iim A.,,......". i. ..ii ,
n'"ii " i"-iini"'u.- i'iuun'iii-ii no
dcr eue head und the team was desig
T. ;'.'... "' . " "" .,""N "' -
IIICIll WUN IL'l-llllllllieil SI1IIIC llllll llgll mill I
it was then decided that New Zenl.iml
ami Australia should act sepnratelv in
eiileriiiL' for the D.-ivis ('ml nml ..'tl,..,. '
iiiternatiiuiiil comiietitleiis.
' Madisen Athletes Net Involved
.Madisen. Wis.. .Ian. .'II. --The alb-!
let ii council at the I'liiverslty of Wis-
1 cousin has barred no athletes- from coin. '
j petition en teams of the school. Coach
' 'I' 1? .imies. ililerliti- nl' nl lil.ti !.. ,1...
i-larcil tedll) .
Se far us the authorities have any
evidence, no pla.vers have , engaged in
professionalism, the coach said. i
Beets and Saddle
IIei'scs which upiiear best et New
Orleans tedii. are:
l-'list race. Sun Time, Censul. VUi
nellu ; second, Helen Atkin, Ornlegge,
Ace of Aces; third, Lady I.iiMiry, An
ticipate. Ltlahe: fourth. Commander
.Mc.Mcekin. Ashland. Itirdin (i. ; lift!,.
Uouiee, Kinih. I'icter; slth. Lucky
IL, lirny liable-.. Translate;' seventh.
Attorney Muir. .luhu Arber, W. II.
Havana l-'irst ran, D.-intlv Van,
.lap .Muin.i, riil.le 1'iinej ; '.second,
Keltel. Old Felks, Mtirgurct Nash ;
third. Ilill.v Hoeti. I'eggj Itives, I'jtts
burgh; fourth. Hareld I.. Itepesita,
Sheet Awn) ; liftli, Sir Aiisiim, Nuvaje,
lMantarede; sixth. Fair Orient, Fair
and Warmer. Little Dear.
.Mr. and Mri. Waller .leflerds, of
IMilladelphia, are in Lexington te .lese
a deal for HSS acres of lllue lirtiss land
en the llaggiu estate at Mount I'e,al,
wlierc they propose te establish a llior llier llior
eiighbred lieise iiurser, making it the
home of (ielden ltrewu and their brood breed
mares. Whether it is a part of the
plan te transfer Man (' War am the
marcs owned b.v Samuel 1). Kiddle te
this farm from llnj lands has net been
stated. The land Is said te be lirst
The conditions of the Kent nek v
Derhj. which is te be inn en Saturday. '
May lit, have been se changed that the j
winner will get ?l."i,00(), with second
money of $(1000 und third money $.1000.
Kntronre feen heve been Increased
from '-'e0 te .$.-(10.
I Av fix Hz,
v.fJ t f J r$
i nwffim?wi(7Mmmi2iWi&2
c r
Track Team Hit Hard by Grad
uation of Three Stars
P iff VDKI rillA lllGiI '
tl)li Will l0n HIMPCMI Wri,,
athletes when the mid-year graduation ,
takes nlnce In the nuditeriiim nt Feri J-
eighth nnd Walnut streets teulght.
Virtually every team in the institution
will lese the services of nt least one
The track team probably will be hit
harder than any oilier bv the gradu
ation. Three jeuths m 111 be graduated,
tiraliaiu Krazlcr. captain of Inst year's
team, is, of course, the best-known of
Ihe trio. KniJiier Is the "MO" indoor
nnd outdoor scholastic champion. He
is one of the best runners ever devel
oped In Philadelphia public high
Dnvld D. .Shat star sprinter and
member of the relay team, nle Is well
known. Shut, will enter n prep school
nnd then go te Syracuse next full.
Klain, n distance runner who per
formed for the cress-country tenm nlse,
will be lest.
Twe Swimmers Ixist
Shiipley lllghley. eantain. and N
I.ame will net be among these present
en tue swimming team next year
1. . , , , ,. . ..
Ilgliley is one of ihe fastest sprinters I
in riiui,,, ,.- cncics ami nii, penernicii
en the relay team. Lame nlse was a
member of the relay team. ,
Uvar Herghelin and nlner arc the
only two te he taken from the football
tenm. Herghelin was a stur and played
at tackle and center, lie wns the hard-
est tackier 0n Coach Welllcr's eleven
this seiiseu. Wainer played a hacklicld
(.ross-ceimtry lfts,w three hnrricis.
two of whom were regulars; Jee Hee-
buck, n member of the championship
team, imil Klein, who was mentioned
in connection wiiii ine trade team, were
tlic regulars. Maxwell, who ran for
tliree years without making tlic varsity
squad. Is (he ether youth.
Kiscnhiitlt (inidtiales
ltuseball nud soccer nie hit lighter
than nny ether teams. The telal less
of both aggregations can he summed up
in one iiuiieti. .nw i;isenliutli. Jin
piayeu center lerward en tin soccer
tenm and was the regular shortstop en
the nine,
Geerge Hreadhcad and Jack Huss will
be ' lest te the tennis team. Heth
youths were stars and helped their team
win the championship. They will be
missed next year, when the raiipiet
wiehlers take tin; courts against ether
The basketball squad will be minus
one youngster tomorrow morning. Pat
llalpcrii, who has played en the second
team for the last two seasons, will be
graduated. He was n geed lloer worker,
but was a little elT in his sheeting.
This wiis the main reason for his fail
ure te meke the varsity team.
Ne Wire Huthheard.s
The reports being circulated in Phila
delphia te the effect that wire back
boards are used en the basketball court
at Passaic, N. ,L, are untrue, accord
ing te a member of last year's team.
russule s court Is regulation in ewr
way," the former Passaic basketball1
.in- cni.i (i.i .....-., I,,., i ,.. i
hoards are made of hard weed nml are
highly polished. Se far as 1 knew, Pas
saic's court never was equipped with
wire backboards, and never will be.
"The court Is, approximately speak
ing, eighty-nine feet long by twenty
five ffs-t wide. True, ine court may be
a littie long, but they an mostly all that
vvu.v in North Jersey, se none of the
teams we have played tins year
felt lest."
"Passaic will ploy anywhere." he re
piled. "We haw nothing te be afraid
of and will plav anywhere Hut. of
course, we can't 'day when we have
ether games urrangnl. That is tin main
reason why we haven't come out of Pas
Miii. The guiir.intees are pretty big at
Pnssaic. and must of the teams would
rather come te Passaic than have Pas.
sale go te their neirts."
j Amateur Championships Start
Saranac Lake
Saranae lil.e. N. Y.. Jan. .".!.
! weather cenditliuis and perfect
tilenl '
.... ...
I n,...nln.l ft, n n....,,n, i.. .i.1l.' in .1,." flfkl
i ,..i:., ll lit"; i.uillli lli'.i -. l-'... ,. ... ...- i.i.i
of the iiitcriiatiini.il amateur sKutiug
r. .,i.:;i i. ' ,
-"' '"I" " I'-. I
Senior and junier rvenf.t cempi-Neil
tda.v s program. Ihe senior -"jn-.vnnl
lllld three-niiurtcr lii'b events wire i
nectcd te be niai-k I Ih c'ns,. sirinru'i" ,
i the enlrics incbnling Hey McWhJr
ler, of Chlcagii, iiiiieiuil cjiiiuipieii :
Moe .Mi (ere, of New erU, Inu'i iiiiiieiiiiI
i champlr-n. and Cliarlu .lewtravv. of
n Luke riacld, who 1.-st the niiitiin.il title
I te McWhirter nt l'luttsbiirg last weik.
Scheel Court Standings
and Today's Schedule
t'lllli.lii llicli . ..
SI. .1eph I'rep . .
Villain v.i l'rnp . .
W, m I'lthulk HIrIi.
.S.ilesiunum lllcti . .
ren.vv .-
VV'e't l .ilhnlie llls'i
S-. , eii.i H,-ttinrni Ai.n
ftU8iueti.innii tivrmn-
si .loneeli Trei) v
Villnne. .i l'a . lempli-
iu:.sl:ii i: i i. via i;
1'ithel .- llls-li . .
VV'mt 1'itlielie High .
Si. .Ii -n-pli 1'rip. . . .
I S ipi iiiiiin lllili . .
I VI'lane.i I'ri-p . ,
vvvst i-iitiii-iic i iiuii
s. i mid K.-.-lniunt Arinei
I Suii-iui-liieiiin MV.nue.
I Si .luii-'ih I'rep
Vill.nii .i, l'.i . tiimelii
OTIIKIl ilvti:si
llivprlerd Sclienl nt l'i itikfnrd lli;n
rem, ul IIIkIi nt Ulrm.l i'hII.-kp
Hiirli llitfli nt Ii hi.. In i .- 1 1 lull
"win tlnmiii I'rep hi It i lunr llluli
We.dlilir-, lllllli nt llrllk'.im llicli
VIiiiKn IIIbIi at ilrii uii-iwn rnen-ls
rulllnHvvuud lliuli ill Il.iiiiiuentuii ldbii
lU'.WIO.NT l.UAill i;
l'ciU.is-- llicli at ljine.l.uii
llIHI.b' li.V.MI.s
VV'niiilliiii. 1 1 lull al Niirl-p'tli ll,i.li
i,ul- llmli nl VVIInniis'iiiii lllf.i
VliKII. HIUH11 lllk-ll Ut lllld I'M lli-lulitK lluli
Paul te Jein Braves
SprliiElilll. V S., .Inn PI I'lurl.a I aU
left liundtd plt.lier of the lieinlniun N i
inuii. "f Hi- i up" Ureten I - .i.ii- ul i ,,,
I tli.i HiiHten N'ulluniil l.tuiiii" leMni un n ,
Seutliciu luur. uiLnrdiiik' U iipuris.
' Navy Wrestlers Win Every Beut
Aiiniiiinlla. Md.. Jim SI N'av.il V-...I
..my wn-HiUm urtca thflr iten in wini
wind stld Is tulilni every bem fieni Uruek
Itii 1'ulyn-clinle Initltut and winning by,
r euro or 20 peind te 0. Ttia match wrh '
nrriinKrii ler niviuraay pvenlns but. pest 1 1
Pulled liccuiise tlie Bturm dlad thf vlnltiira 'l
' ! Y I l
ttt rir i w i i mnlriirii'i n i ini fH--i- -, - . . -"Li I , j. n Lu 'Jtiwi.i..'-'jJjAJm
' 'r
Seuth Bend Officials Started
Investigation of Athletes
, Six Weeks Age
' .Seuth Ilnitl. Ind.. Jan. :,!l. Noire
111... ! . . ' i !..'
w,m,n iJJiiVfTHH niiicinlH leiny imnn
- - , ,.. .. Mj,1.1 UV.fn-n niillnffiH
f - nllln iittentlen le the threat of pre-1
fesuletinllsin in cellc2i athletics nnd usk-
nig co-eperntinii in u concerted move- '
inent te clean it out. I
The letter was mailed en December
mi, six weeks hefere there wns any pun
lie hint of the football M-niiclul Which
has resulted in ilKomilincatlen of liim
Illinois and eight Notre Dame men, und
today's nntieiinectnent of II followed en
(he heels of an announcement in Chi
cago ,vnterdny that lie Western Con
ference planned h wholesale Investiga
tion. While (he letter was sent te seventy
schools, only nine replied, it was nu-
neunced, and two of these were Wet-
crn ('eafcrencc schools. The letters
said Hint while Notre Dame "had nl-,
most .eneluslw; eOdence that prefc-
HiuiiiiiiMii was making serious nucmus
Inte our great college sport, ' it might,
be difficult te prove the charges In court,
but Hint an invc.vtjgimen would sepa
rate ilic; wheat from tin chaff.
.Started I u estimation
'I lie letter explained Hint Notre Dame
..r II.. ....... n,. I liiLnuHirnlfiil I Iw, .....
VI lll mill linillil jU,M,lH"l I"' l'
mll .j,,,, ,..,, ()f Jtf( . ,,i,ij,.d p,.
I,.,!.,!,, .Milwaukee, Wis., and that
,l(. men (Jarvey. Andersen and Larsen
,.w(eyl.,.i nn, vrQ ,11-piuIllicd. The
Ptrl. u,, yili, : '
conducting this iinestigatien the
members of the fncultv heard have been
confronted with a situation that merits
,ln s,.rlelS attention of tin' facultv of
eyerj college and university in Ihe Mid-
,(. Vcst. We have reason te belie.
n,ut u iim,er of ether plawrs from
Puj,1B colleges and iiiiiieisiii.s of tin"
Middle West have partli:lpale, in nlini- ,
ni. gnmes. Indeed, we haw almost con-
,.iUviv( ciidence that pro.-ssieiinlisin Is
making serious inroads Inte our great
cellcge sport, and that it will require
close supervision and mm,v watchful cure
te prevent our college tenib.ill plajers
from competing as members of prefe
slenal teams en Sundays during the
football ferusen.
"This communication is being sent
1 te eery college and university et atn
letlc note in the Middle West. We
nre of the opinion that you will he glad
te receive it. se that you may exercise
whatever preventive precaution you
think necessary. I ruin our experience
In Milwaukee (en the (limey, Larseti
and II. Andersen nises, we knew that
witnesses are unwilling te j;i,i testi
mony that may be used In cnntlct a
college player of professionalism. 1 1
would therefore be difliciilt le prove be
for a court what we bellow te be true -that
the promoters of professional foot
ball are rapidly professieuuli.lng our
college piny crs. The situation, how
ever, merits our very serious attention.
I Pleaded for Action
"ll is hoped that this riuiimunicatlen
I will reuse the Middle West colleges
'and universities te concerted ad ion
i against the promoters of professional
i football. Our co-operation with any
I such effort may be relied upon. '
A btatement from lather William
' "','' .'" -"
said that "there seemed te hi
an in
sidiens propaganda te keep alive the old
uperstltien that Notre Dame does net
observe eligibility."
"As a matter of fact, he sal
"since lflli Noire Dame has observed
the same rules as the Western Confer
ence. -Trcshiiieii are net permitted te
play, every nthlnte must he up in his
classes ami most of our athletes have a
very high guide and every hint of vio
lation of any rule N carefully investi
gated. The fin t that a number of our
men during t nt years have been ills.
qualified for laying 'professional games
Is looked en l many le mean that we
have many professionals here, whereas
it really shows only that we are iinln
nig ill our i llerls (e combat I his evil
and that we nu without leniency "
mere binnts Sinn
New Yerk. .In ill Slk'n-d . i
from six iiiurn i.lmtn h,i. I. n r , .
linidriu.irters lir-jmnu ihe nui.il. i
drflit.-. n. Oll' w - -it ill- lul' . n A
ilrfstnii nnd V i. I lltitirw lui.. h en
with the Hinnis i r i.- I h- mi h w
rrutik isainlde. t t li . w li.js.- t ..uiu ih
' li-nii-r. iel.; Kl I Uinwii. .i ihir. frn
I.'i-"ii. li nml - mi sli" m aud J, lit, .
, , .
Hn.li.n. Jnn. :n
mll -, of I llU M
Tl , lm)iBv wai a-
- " " c -aCWLiSHBS - I
.ii r triif.nin ih r m r. i - - i..ce ' ( . i u -tctjw-t i s, i.-?rx
Boathouse for M. I. F. Si " Wz.VgrSli -4-.'..1 1g.
. ihiiih ins ,, -. ( . &-?23rm, J " i
i ' fiiici.in .t i t rf r5? l5KViJaS3 "-i mmi-
i.it'r.n ..r niu iin.t.. i ' i vs .1 m 'TVT tS& e?MQvA .--""f. A . WlMm'
l, .ii-... ut I .niiliuii i "i - i WwKlftJhTt?ii,-f? 'MfiSfl i A & stm
'" .ri. s,. ,h s. . 'fWWVHaiSs&L. 4rtMiiu v'l jT
w i. i- 3 HHDflr wmHbi i r38 yi-w&rw
"I mm iflft 1 f s '
"' I HHs! LJBHr I A siisvf $ ELSIE FABRY
- I'.iiiiuii," H s- I IKilKKi WmHW tl c ft fv ' ' '""' u"' " w " "st.ei.
im,i ,i . i , I jm PtW 1 overt Lewma " i"'riii.fi. h.-iis, i,u iruI liy(.ar
il'unv., l'i i U C(ffB9l OUW a 1VMl -O ""' lh ."' ''i-"'" c-m- at tHnir.
D flBSHL 1 b1 (3 V '' I'nlir. n I.-1 ti -I . Bvisieiis et
m MlKuiiHr fll WSlB , R iOs ""r' llui-n-- r i nn" ,.1ir hiiiI
I , 9H. IB DU W '' '"' '"' '' '" ' ii"i'lu.leil en
:i l i,. n U lWIv a U C CT n.ti.i. i .;, in.'l ll.-i .tupi.nr Innrrantil
, i H ' B v) li i-iltii. in I-'' ii v-.K nu Hint new. nt
e I i mi K K " v""'" e"r" "' "' ll in i.irnlinr 11010
Ill-Dl'lt. U rm -I 11 1-4 1 1 1 B 'Q "J T El) ' 'l''''""-tlve .- ihe - nn j uriH and heyB
.MII..I,.- Ilis-n ,, U KJUl allllUcll I 7 II 11 V ',k ",'.T ".'' ,V iusin..M Colleen
III, j. 1. 1 mipi-i ,. 1 1 "... u 11 lui n llir u.i -. 1 r. i.iiinnif ,. letul
I men'S VVillter j ' ADMIRALS J Strayer's Business College
I I J t 307 Chtitnut St Phene W.lnnl 03S4
clothing starts J fe 15 niPfll an nnniiiiri"
;r TO-MORROW! B fe OH NUhOli NL ,
H K 1 LlbLNLOHIl'S V g UKJLltJ EJI Ltfll ill 0 J
I Tlim le pane 5 1'9 MASrERCE & Personality Confidence
I M lllll IU IIUU. U Uf Pci'fCLtO SUC -hurt ...i.r.e I .uul.l l l,r ,n , ,
I for full details V3 2tovLScent ir.,,a.'i:,!i,..!,,,..-?i,;l,."i,.,s,!;,ll8 '
g 16 . $ NEFF COLLEGE n,.A i
HOi 1 . 1 .. Hi n-.., CJ shorthand s l'
i etrawDnage g " UKU3-1INC-
I & Clothier 1 1
U. 0;710 rJLXVmiOUMljr ,51
Misses Ilellins, Stirling and
in Tennis and Others te Upheld National
in Sports Field
WlISe,'. ",,,,nTe,,!i.rn pmi'ietiet!
Hiat HIL'l' will record the greatest ad
vnnce .et known In the feminine realm
of coiiipeflilen, ns upded especially te
t ll t . ft'i 1 . 1......
nit i fiiifri ninie. J urn nu ivni a
..lf.,1 in.,u n..,i Amnrlnnn unliintl
who, upon Ihe general itvernge, are
till n few strides linel; nf tlin British.
nut the gap Is being ratiully neseii. anil
by ilext full Ihe two nations may lie
upon even terniv.
I ,.. ... . .
Miarge anin ountcr-unarge
li . i il il l t if iiiul eii"n ji"i-
1 i u - . wemcti's coif clinmpleii. nud
Mrs. Mallery. women's tetniis cham
pion, will both make another Invasion
of foreign fields, nlily supported by
tlrs-l-chiHs talent.
The three best women golfers ill this
eeimtrr new Keeni te lve MIh lletllns.
Miss Stirling and Mts Collett. whereas
fJrent lirllnln. with Miss I.eiteli, Mis
Jneksen. Ml"s WethereI and six or
eight mere, hu greater general strength,
, ,, , ,,v,,n Mrv
Mallerj, iilidlspnted chuniilen of tliis
country nl tennis, lias net been able
te muke nny great liciidwnj nt Wim Wim
bfeden in the way of Keeping p.iee with
Tilden nuiiing the men, Itm there 1
at least Miliicicnt tnlent new te imiKc n
be'd bhl at both international games
and carry no siigiu I'liain" piiiniin
, ,
Three (inlf Sl-n-s -
,','''. T, ' , , .,. . ,
A MOM. vlhers the I n,n, Males ,ns
XX three outstanding golf stars in
Marien Helllns, Alea Stirling and
(5bniiu Collett.
Miss Helliiis ha, just come into her
own after a steady uphill pull,
Mi Stirling will he mueb belter off
tliis jear with less golf, us l.is, sum.
nier she wns badti eierplajed
(jny a few dins age we had the
p!,.siire of an eighteen-hole round with
Mss Collett. the eighteen. war-old
frevidence .-ill.
If she lsn t en her war le hampien-
.,j,, y,,. miss an nm guess Playing
(1(, I'biimpieiislup course at P.elleulr.
i,i.,.(. both distance ami directum are
railed for. it was amazing te see the
length and .iceurney of her long game,
,.y(., though she hadn't swung a i luh
f ,.pf,rl tliree ineuths
Miss Collett is new lip te Miss II."-
lins and Miss Leitch when it cone - te
distance from the tee
They tuny have just a shade upon her,
but it' isn't enough te count. She was
frequently abb le carry a full -lid or
mere yards, and this distance came
from ii natural rhythm and a pcrfei I
liming that will grew in steadiness with
linre experience.
Certain Champien
Til 10 Providence girl
te teach champions
II IK Providence girl
is abuut as sure
hip l.eights ih
I'.elihv Jenes or incent Itichurd'.
, Shi hasn't quite vet reached their
stale of sustained brilliancy, but she
has stepped forward in the lat your
le such a great extent that olio can
no longer be overlooked, even in the
fastest llebl.
hi addition te an almost perfect
swing she has power nnd poise, and
l. s?Ai !!
-v k. VTP"Talall'sT.
" "- KtSFuSlllik '.-Z!s? 1 IIK TION l.
lV,?''1 .. Irvial "" """'" Until "exrH
l,v L B -a I 1
I h TSV'.,v-.-r..r-."-5Si.l " J rfW"-' Tfcffys
n . rvMiii i t ,,. j. ; 'z&. -Svir?E . i . si. s?.
. 0. Chanej
Cullett in Gelf, Mrs. Mallery.
all this combination needs is fcxperi"
In fait, even nt the nge of eighteen,
with very llttle leuranment cxpcricnce.
comparatively, she will glve both
Jenes mid Bicbarda ft racx for the
heights. ':',
Beth must get up nnd move nleng'l?
If Ihey expect te get there bofero she
Cnpuriaht, IDS!. Ml Tttehli lieserved.
Seek 1923 Bowling Tourney
Tnlcile. .TAtr. 31. MIlw-auk'Q nmi Oranil
flmii. ii are necUlnit the 1P2,'1 tournament nf
the .inerlrnn Jlewllns eintrpni". according
in. A I. t.tttiKtri, Herii'tnrv nf the A. IJ..G.
wni) hern riejilng mm tlin entrleg for thnsa
liij.' tniirnment te bn liefd lipre. utartti-
i -iiruary j,, i,ungtry ipitrAteil his belltf
thai the Tolpile teurnuni'iit will have 1000
lentns -he larc-iit in tlie hlMery of tli4
cetiuri'Pii, .
Anillnqe h DI.i, Dll......
..Mu..,na ,u r-iajf nunwdy ",'
.iin yiijuinaa naKfimii tfani will tJley
I'hlliKl.iphla Mimufu iurra' Lcaitue tonight
at Ih.. ferniir h Imil in LlirlitAi-ntri and Mer
,, ,,r, ,,, ,, eiOTU, Aauinan will play
Tmma'ii ,in Cnn. -i. n uli.,, nt t,cir ,emi
ii.ill l..f r. ii iliinniewiierii took
l!miH ( i.n'Mri, of the American
'.efu' Inte i .tup
rrrslne Olllil
"" est ion p
jr,TH a mkm:t itiikhth
Trust Snlil He Could Set Kun
We Will Hun
Prices $1,$2,$3,&
.. !:V;,"y l,0"t mrrtuHy nrruncrd.
Miether natrens knew boxer by
niiuie or elher.iUe Our Ilepulullen
Is for rrndilitlnii nf llenl CniKe.ln.
K. e. run
Tlrkets at lr l'.ilnet u.i' u .
sq i ( iinnlnghiiin. Ill ,1. rtjdi C'ru'ndal'a.
Sill S Mill i.'Icniller's Milliard. 730 Jlnr.
... i .'.... '.. """kmi i-oweiien
III .. Ill hi The llnli. .-. N". i.tih
Bread and Bainbridfe
ii,inii)i r.f... ri:n. i
iixns. s net ms iieiinY
J OK ltll Ms (.KO. Vll.
i.i:w h itei mi. MKr,
I'llll l. M. S-'. SX NO IIICillCR
eatN nn h.ile M-lmtt's ( life. T'th und
Kllliert sin. I'hein- l.eeuat l!)00.
te take ever new golf course, 30
minutes out, offers opportunity
for golfers te join high-class club
at moderate expense.
i itinw i i mm,, i i. it. mi, urn
vviii.n: I, wis ,,.. vMi.i.n: (,ui;i:n
t eriu.it M'i. iieitsj
lllltlull, $13
!' i. li unit n
in in v. ii i" ' Hi - udy favored
,, ,11.." m. I in- mi- a I lllllllrd ut-
i-In ' ' ' " i - tpiiiif. Mmrlr
rtiil h. in mn ei Hun ii .1 Adifilii,rmlei,
,, ii ui Hi.- i..it .--i i,n iimj uvriHHj
u HKlull. Cull, wr.ce mi pileus fur uatuliu.
rt.nmi llihilii-i IIUiiiil 111 Heulli tOtli Htr-tt' '
mu-r .iin nml ller
Tl rilll Ijivv. .Ofntul ,.nd a. I'rtlluX.
JiittrUcw im ab!l.3tKBt AjrtT, lJiit"tflgi,
lMBMMBMBaWMMi- in . - " ""