It-HI i" 'W t,-n ftf- . K- r IS" It !- WiJ1 r Ir' f' I R I. rf "x - .i . . . s t- itjafesW'w ' P '' - - ' jy mi ,jwb..j.-. je u pju VeUn(y Heme for $alc lleautlftii Colonial aletle mansion. rr- s FtrMIr divided for owner and tenant, un concrete rnnu. iwe mucs wesi wi u'iv . Berks Ce. Fifteen large rooms. Med- plumbing In bathroom nnd kitchen Ir wM hull. Drtn stairway, white en- -.,mel and mahogany finish. 'Four ern Are- ?t .... . .. ,,.. ...... ami nftlnt . liiTiJf, AAJia Ul YYl"JU. ,SVIT ' .. ,....... ilAAif ( In ll, Attn Cnld cellar. ,' . Maple shade. Klne yard. Fine grove of . ; hard weed, Tlie soft mountain eprlrc water ripen te house and barn tini ee surpassed. Twe iprtnci and sprlngheuse, Conirele walk. and troughs, Large apple erchiirO. Many pear, cherry and oilier fruits. Eighty sight acres, t.lmostenn uuarry Iren ere Large atone bnrn. Twe cerncrlbs. Twe wmn sheds, straw houses, etc. Large workshop, Flr.e place te make flan dam. l'rlce low for the place. Address Owner, Vex 88. It. Hoyertewn. Ta. TYNWVn C'XNXVTD XV All-atone S-stnry detached dwelling with srarace; all mddrn appointments; 6 bedroom and 2 baihe; excellent conditien: Immediate peeseeslen MAURICR It. MATSINGER Ileal Estate Trust Bldg. (ll.ias'SUlB COLONIAL, brick. 10 rooms. cement perch, (late reef, het-water heat, flreplace; a por per por fect hern: IPSOO. also beautiful 8-room bungalow let nexl&O. het-water heat; $S.10. Wm. T II Roberts & Sen, Glcnslde. Pa. Phene OTent 1DBAL home town, buy new befere sprlnn advances: fend for home and let Hate. Ardsjey Ieta, with train and trolley at jour fleer S40" up. Wm. T. I). Reberta & Hen. fllenetde. Pa iJlOHT-neOM home, het-water heat electric. alt conveniences; priced low at S'lOJOietner home from $3000' up. let" from $500 up. rknnindur ft iir.yNiNcinn, eienside Pa ii nesiin sittlnn. Pbnre Orenls Pin BARGAIN Att. r..lenlal dug., with bed rooms; nil lenvmlencc. rcd'ictd. .le JfilS ter enlck eat" UENNIVOKR & REN NINOBR. 01euli1e HATBOItO 'i ACRE n-room irame buncalew wun bath, electric llchts, heat, ev-cn flreplace. earair: prlce $5700. ... n WAIUIEN II CenNtr.W.. Hathore. Pa. lllOIIKXNI) p.nit MODERN frarre duflllne, 8 rooms and bath. het-water eat lui C125. $2."i0. Oe.i. fi Parnea 101 chcalneJVaJniUjRSS. HIGHLAND PAllK Modern hlnj:1e buntra- low, 5 nema and bnth let jnxlin. $77.e. Cee. Ii. Barnes, ll'iil cheatnut.VnJnjit4illS. JKMilNTOWN FOI SALE Frnperttei ranging from JOnd'i te JI1 O0O. In thi ery best lecatl"ns thur migh y modern, wners are leavlnir this eec t'i'n and the pre.-eitles wilt be sold with pos-l-sslen st fair prlc-s ,..,. .IF.VKINTOWN TRUST COMPANT QVEKHROOK '. rm.' ? i1,0" j'BsT. 0017 2 stv hatH aramiM, 1ml twirrli. nit hardwd fTrs. l ; tms. s,ie wesmei. .uj uimii t'", RITTI.KIIflK Reduced te I080O med. S-rm. stone-stucco. ', J1S00 cash. Spackman Swarthmnre 217 I iriNrir.i.n DETACHED heue near train and trelley: garage price US.eijlp, superior nnl'thLer- lioed. S. Sutherland. JJale-Cynwyd. Pheni CynTrd H2. NEVJT.IISF.Y SUmMUUN FOUR LOTS, 50x123 at Mardeen, N. J. v.. . ... f. . k V-tawm 1-v neTr'rgnd trellVy. MUSS Eth I VAIRV1KW 1300 CASH buys choice of SO modern 4 tp 7 room homes. f2riQ'i i.'M4 .' 1'h Lel 1J88, RIVEKMIB TY.'O-STORY bunslcw 7 rooms, gas. elec tricity, oak and white enamel finish extri large closets automatic vacuum, steam heai and cement cel'ar size of house larpe open fireplace: eetisr and vment sidewalk cobble stucco; let 1U0t1.Hi. li-autlful shade and shrubbery; corner property S,000; 14300 building and lean Ilrst mortgage; worth IIO.OOO; 83! Erldeebem st . Riverside. N. J. Phene 224 M Rherlde. ISiilldlnc Let FOR BALI? Twe rne i.ernr lets Wlldwoed nnd Lakewe d ve In center Ocean Oste nnst hm sold te clesp an estat: lets 20x100 ien FTeaiicK Hifrmann. exoeuior. nu rust st Phlla''e'nhla. Pa NEW Ji: KV SI-- RO RE Y-FRONl property at 3th st.i 1.;..-. P-I.,rt- h.. 7 Iwwlroems . hIh. corner .... -"" .- - -, --. "- ---.: am neai, hub iiu wn iuv. nuduiiK C! Dl.uaru rueiu. niuiu'wrnm. i,;,.-, enrs court. Owner Apartment 001. 4332 lestnut st . Philadelphia. 1USE. 3 bedr. ems .. nd bath en d floer: ivlng-roem um ng-roem, maid's room. tchen and laurdrv 1,1 tlrst fleer separate raae. First street 11 1 fx-etn ave.: exeer- "nal bargain. OO0U. OTIS M. TOWN- ar ' i?T erjl ders. llXltVEGAT .1 ACRES. eceHn w bay. 514.000, "nsh, railroad station en premises WESTNEY, 203 Llherty Building half EGG llAHHOIt )R SALE A let lfinxlln fer. centalnlnit a 0-room bungalow, at Egg Harber. N J "ly te JAMES HARGROVE. Farm Scheel irks Ce, Pa. PENNSYLVXNIA FVRMS SUNSET LANE FARM T? acres en corner two main macadam hlgh wtivj,, productlie e 1. woodland stream lake 3-story st .n mansion heus- with 'rawing room. HUn room. library, d'rng -00m, pantry and kitchen wth double Spear angel 9 bedmens. 2 baths, 4 open fireplaces, mrdwoed floors ol'ctrle lights, heat, old hade: large perches One barn and eutiulld- iigs; cement nalks and drves, IS miles r'em City Ha'! Vj mile te station; an un- suai opportunity WARREN M. CORNELL. Hatboro. Pa V IDEAL commuter farm IS acres, close te station, town and Siste highway. 11 'oem stone house barn geed outbuildings. erlce 12800: $1000 cash required, immediate nossesslen can be obtained. 1LVPP. 300. V th st. 'O.MMERCIAL fruit and dairy. Southeastern Pennsylvania A O'lil Leilger Offle-. NEXV JERSEY FXRMH 61 Acres, Stock, Toels & Aute Truck Included, Only $3500 Ti-n acres e'ear and ready for p'antlsg 31 rrw umetr, eray i mue 10 lawn, Slerej, churches, schools large 4-room house, barn, . parage, peu try n m e, pigsty, wagon she. 1 horse, cw i iirs.'' wagons all tools nnd everything en t e place for ?3500; enly $1300 cash nerded. JAJIES PALMER Hammonton. N. J. ri"AT?lVyt '" acris, all til rble, en concrete I rVTuVl rqid; r.ear town, markets etc , bus passes deer, well fruited gred house, Southern exposure, barn and ether buildings ill reed shape. $3300 terms posseaateti, ether farms WALTER DE CAMP. 27 Cooper st . XX'oedbury, N. J. FIVE-ACRE poultry fruit farm, en trelley: T-room house, li-at gas, elec.. set tubs, new barn. 2 large mud poultry houses, flne 'peach orchard apples, pears plums, grapes, elegant old ehade, price $0000, $2000 cash. XVrlte for details, also new Illustrated Farm Catalogue. Bray & MacGeerge. Vlneland. iLJL , UAROAIN, 20 acres. $100 per acre: near R. it. I term, u'l'l divide TITL0W, 15.13 ARCH ST. vmniNi,rARxiH VIRGINIA FARMS Ihteellent 175-acre farm and home; 100 tn cultivation. 10-room dwelling, tenant house barns, stables, orchard; convenient county seat, schools, railroad and town fine si -lien geed seli and a real bargain, price $7uei en reasonable terms bul. dings worth this, write for booklet Of ethi r. MORTON O THALHIMER Farm Department Richmond X a. B. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE STRAFFORD Pa. Twe modern houses. 18 rooms, 3 baths. 5 acres; sale or exchange. KSNN FDY l"B 3 Van Pelt st. PENNSYLVANIA SIRUIHIAN STRAFFORD, PA Twe modern houses. 18 rooms. 3 baths; 5 acrns; sale or exchange. KENNEDY. 400 S. Xan Pelt st. BEAL ESTATE WANTED Real Estate Mortgages Insurance ARTHUR S0SWELL '288 N 13th St. Beth phones. I XX'ANT te rent a small house or bungalow In suburbs of Phllad. iphla or New Jersej or will buy If price Is r-ally uttractlve. pas. describe fully and state price. M 211, Ledge; Office. WANTED Te rent, wltn privilege of buy inr. large house suitable) for n sana torium, within 5 miles uf Langberne, Pa M am, i.euKtrv.iiii v. IF .YOU HAVE a factory preiwrty. eulppjd ' nr unmiulpped t r.i you dirlre i0 cell or i If you tuuv a factory fleer for rent, consult flheslsr U. Reltner & ( e 1421 Chestnut ilARlCKT 8T. llKALTY w. anted, from Del- Bware ave te B2d st G, C. SEIDEL 4 ' CaTl.NC Ith ami Callewhljj, "L WANTKi-Medi'i n 2 Mury house In Leg"an. ' . lend tmrtliulais G C SEIUEL 4. te JU!?"'LHiyl c" ""''111. I ULiViNT baa $tu0 ueu te invest In cltyrm I , estate, prefer bustnem- lunpei lies e C n::ilViCl I CO . INC ljjiand Cnlle.hbl USJItMANTOWN " XV Phiu l'Moer ,'i ' ' etury hjuse h front, med rn, n, . stjite prU unJ b . A Ule Ledger en $,BT U3 wsi veur . i, un i or rrilt , - Wm ri-elcr'a h i.s Columbia ave. ivLUY V list, Juur piuiMrtlv. sale or rent I'OWiA. Sadler's Sens, I3. Columbia avs. REAL ESTAT3BSALB OB BENT rrrv TIIHEE-BTOnir commercial bulldlnK, 2d and Drewn, modern, ntwly bulltt aultnble for any line e(bvalneai, 4000 r.iiiaie fceti peai. JOSEPH FKLDMAN .09 Lincoln Wdt. . . Hnalnea Pmpertlr nnil Hlerea ALLEGHENY AV.( block fr. Kens, av.: ault. ,for auto nccess.' una rnnk Installed; rent I'M; prlce 18.100. Mani. Allegheny and O t. HOTEL HTENTON AIT . Btenten avt . Chestnut Hill 13 bedrooms with baths: beautiful situation, new, modern! for sale or rent Apply 40d H, Vanpelt st. Hpruce IU78; PENNSYLVANIA SI'Ilt'lHIAN . ARDMOItK AIIDMOHE. north side Fourteen-room home with Rarane. poultry house and fjarden, geed conditien: lerce lawn, old shade: con. entcnt; geed nclnhborheod. J. Y, DILLIN. owner. Phene Ardmore 140S J. BEAIi ESTATE FOB BENT f'lTY !02 N. 21st st. 2M7 S. 11th st. i!1 1 Taskar St. MB Njb'.e Ft. M.I Raoe st, f(l32 Sprlnefleld e. 800-08 Arch. 1st and 2d flecr and basement 101-03-0.1 07 f.rnnl e at. EDELSTEIN & BERNSTEIN 21.' S. 15TH ST. WARKIKU'SB SPAC'C. w'th heited offices cenneetlnir: approximately ISOO sq ft . It R. aiding, free use of elec trio elevator, modern otflce censl-ts of 4 large rooms. 2 lavatories, het-water heat: furnished: very low rental Immediate rsesalen Phene Poplar 7011 I'ertolnteed Products Cerp. 33d and Master sts 4314 ROOSEVELT RLVD (opposite Foulk Foulk red st l ?' perch front, twin heuse: containing 5 bedrooms 2 baths, gnrsjre, het water and e'ectrlc. LAFFERTY BROS., V st and Allegheny ave. 1308 HARRISON ST. Opposite Frankford Hlrh Schoel: riedern al Mine house open ter Inspectlun nil day Sundav: near sears, Roebuck A Ce. GEO P.. I.IEHERMAN. Colo Celo Cole nlal Trust Ulrtg, Locust 0404. JS07-.'S3P KF.NSI.Mir. N v. Deuiile store with basemert and large srennrt-stery workroom. t.cTt te e'exated station; $73. 11FCK. ir.O.I N. 3th st . IinAt'TIFL'L nr-v co. hem. centg. h rms hath, per li mill 2-car irnr . vearlv leasi. SHOEMAKER 7th and Erie Tiega 7ns, 1038 E NICETilWN "LANE New rerch- front h"ue. het-wat'r heat, electric, rent I ir.O. MrDermett 31 I F st. , EIGHT re tns r'TCli front, modern, main thoreughfare: eWnnt conditien: kev 2Ti05 I W Lehigh aie Plien" Diamond 71)02 CHNTHAL 1O0O sa ft. let fleer 1200 sq I ft. 2d: will r.'tit s.-r R.-ar big. 228 N 15th. . HOUSE FOR RENT. Apply 1S18 Pme st long or short term Tlnslnen Preperlles and Stores 1811 LUDLOW M' rhrr.P-,t,rv ti-l, k b'dc . -uitable and ion' I. .Ini.l lr--' en fei "Imp or buslr.ers p'jrp m s re.son.ibie fill ,i i Fuller, ins in. ST, iiJE. 2003 W Huwiuehanna n.v. -iill- nble for optician, mill, net or any su 'i h''Ani'''ve,.'ei,DI'ilmet.d,,4l2r - --iii.,,'i; neat Includisl 11(20 W. Su-u-i- 3 NLW sttlospjem and eeri'n- station. 30S-U) UN 1.1th st , r.lT'-O ft err. fleer. 2.1t30 f H irrv T Snundrs 31 ltli t 121 S FRONT ST V .ur-sterv i-.mmcrckil bldg with elec. cleiat r imtn, poss : $1"0 monthly. It. M. Ge'ch sep Land Title Hldg SLIT .inv business." m. off I . 0 re PV 1131 Race tt . nnlv 71 nierthl: ercllent cen.j Apn v 022 l'he"nut si s-c hd llw 130 S. FRONT ST FIve-sten- commercial fflff,. wy 3 i BLBVITOK. GAS ELEr. STEMHFT jL'-'iii- ' " oil rilESTM T ST Farterles. Warrlinusrs. )l inufactiirlng Floers HAMILTON ST. 1223-27 One-7erv new bui.iiing. iixST- ciil light, beitlng plant. etc Harrv T. S.a'inders, :u K 18ih at WIL1 El'.':i ee'inre feet hurdinc 30,000 tw lis. Outi T'1 FRTCH ,37 Walnut st erncKs nuiNiH Renais.jrrc WILT. sytlLET eV-equlpped office In large office building cen'rally lecat d te public stenographer. Teiep lone Walnut 3760. U te DESK r 0111 In we l-eiiu,ppcil lei.trally e- cit d , ff Ice suitable for real s'ate ag.ii or lawyrr Call hit ween 12 and 1. 1111 i-rnen ii rar 1 nwg. UU4 WA1.MT ST Feu-th Het. centaln'ng 1)30 se ft., suitable rnp stiHin op itcht manufacturing: rent $00n per year. Estate of David M. Hss 001 Walnut st ofcreoo . .. .. ... .. '.''V'"1 '"r " .' -"n """ "Ji. " ? - rr sq J2 per squire feet per annum. ROTTNER 1121 Chestnut. HEED 1IU1I.DING 1211 1213-121.1 Filbert st. Frem fl 7.1 te 12 10 square feet rOR RENT Desirable office. 20O square f-et In the second Jmr Bread and Chestnut M MO ledger Offlce 22 S ISTII ST Desirable wel'-llghted roem: suit Offlce e- studio, rent S32 10 per m nth J C Fuller 10 S lth st DESIRABLE floors for rent: light manufac turing or efflc.. Include h-at, low rem. 1018-10'jn A.-ch st Applv ewn-r en nreml"s I'FFirE sniw. "ght reas nrlc.d . centnil offices Wlllls-Wlnr'esf- Ci. 2.1 S IRtli WF.ST PHILADELPHIA I 69TH ST. SECTION Twin 3-aty stone res. with heated garags; I 4 bedrms. h.-w. heat, hdwd floors' 1mm 1 nes. . tash required te purchase. $1'.)0: prlc. 9700; opposite terminal. J. H. JtENCKE. Jr . OOt 1 1 and Ma-ket Phnne Lans l'.'8B, 3SJ3 WILLOWS AVE Seven rooms and bath g'lrage electric, hardwoe,! fleer'. het-watr hi'.t, 0 months or yearly lf.ase eulrk possesslon rent $0 per month Yar nnll Br.ih n. Mil Flnnders Hldg Spr 74.'0 1 131 N 2D ST Three story, 10 r .1 1111 . ' bath eitrlc eant jut) vr month I Jam s r Cot & re 1303 Real Eblat" Truai 1 l'ld- Wilnnt l'in ' 431 N 32D ST 3 stv 1 vacan' $00 pr me 10 rms bath, elec : JAMES I' CON A CO 1303 Ral Estat,' Trust Hldg XX'al 1001 r.fTH N 330 0 rn's , c ec . h -w ht suit 2 fnmlllsa J H Shelter. Bel r.7.",r,. rENN'iVLX'ANIA TBrnil.XN ("IRELAND V Twe new houses, modern; 0 and 7 rooms, easv terms KENNEDY. 40t1 S Van Telt. FKP.N ROCK Bnslnesa Properties and Stores STORES for rent excellent Ii catien for heuse furn.. hirdware 'mke'-v g-ec-'-i and produce etc $33, $10 an.l 03 HER- HERT HOPE 5001 Yerk toad X'-yem ir,37 FOB HENT FURNISHED PENNSYI.V XM X slIirRB XN Kf.KlV PARK RENT, furnished, te resp nslble busln ss nun, heautlfu hem 3 tvd-jema 3 baths servants' quarters eenr'enf te train an 1 trolleys, but un lines U'lHurpassed, for the season or ear I' r parti jlars or appi. apply te Parkr ft Spaeth 2012 Chelten ae. MORTGAGES W H HALT, ft ST)N 4S9 LAND TITLE BLDG. FUNDS TOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES TAMES D. WLN'i'HELL N. W cer. 17th aril Sanson, eti, MORTGAGE MONEY Funds for first and senrd mortgages; prompt answers en desirable applications. DANIEL H ELLIS. 800 Finance Bldg. gpruc 2032-31 LARUE TRi-ST FUND " (or FIRST V JRTGAGES Centrally 1 aied r" I'-rtl-s preferred. miui'i: It FRITZ 7UI XX alnut stci't XVE REPRESENT !i ut the largest building and lean .iHsoclai'ens and desire applica tions for first e cend en 1 spl t mortgages in 1 nv section of the clt- ur suhurbs. XX'ILLI.XM J.xyES KKOGH. Land Tills Bldg. THE KERNEL LA5T tSiCaHT SHE COT I Biuw t-Oi ifa J ,1, KkSTOCKNGS. WHV nr. I UP SEVENTt FWE JUST M-.OrAENT, J ' J -- e T ,. .--r I 7 VOU ASK? "J -TrtOOSKO VD UKt-TO KERNEL I'LL CO ) 1 , ' V . ,Ji Jtt J ! siAt SEE HER BANK ROV.U IM -TUE OTUeR. ( l. IWbNtERtOai-, C . j fv roei ano'eEe IiS ii v ''' LC'm'' i$l ' j ' ' ' ' evening' vwMs HOBTOAQES FUNDS FUNDS IN ANY AMOUNT 7jr.MEDI.VTn SETTLEMENT nUII.DINO ASSOCIATION MONRT'tihiY & iju.. 27 . unit ea.t" FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTGAGES VAtfTOtlR AMOIIMTH Chas L. Drewn A Ce,. 217 B. Rread st. 1st. 2.1 3d MTOS.. en property easily obtain. ed Open eves., Strawberry Mansion Realty Ce., 2330 N, 2nih. Diamond 1807. FIRST and second mortgages money nvalf; able. Walter A. MrClatchy. 1030 Land Title lllilg. Spruce 2084, MORTOAQE MONLY. 1S00 TO 1000.001). JAMES H CLARK. 405 MEDICAL ART 11LDG. IQTlt AND WAI.NUT Sl'R, 31)72. seeTiaurice lichtman RUILDINO association fuiids for geed mert- gages: qulck-answers. P'PiBex-SJLJ'-Phll.?j Fl'MDS, 1st and 2d Phlla. and Del. Ce. migs. b. t l.vncn, iia a. nun, npr. mn, T HAVC IKn tii tm n-al nn M'nni) mert cages; city' or rniintrv. II 107. Ledgei Oft, lim Den Eni i.mT.I lniilmant. lltt A 2d mtges. Little. 3tir.t N I'ercy st. Tleffa Ii30'l MORTOAOE funds for lat and 2d mortgages, alto Installment mtges Kern. 4010 N. Ttn. MONEY TO LOAN $300 te $10,000 Te lean en first and second mortgages; build ing and lean associations H R HAGEN, 1012 V lull st Poplar 83S3 USED AUTOMOBILES 150 CARS sMgM's' oTce'ij: Jf.6. irtinoeujn; HUICK 844 roadster. 1018; geed rubber, me- ' chanlcally perfect; slip covers and top. ' beat te m itch. . . AL.CN C. IIAI.K:. Aritmnrn 830. K ( K leuring. OTrciient cenu t en: li.ia DUILN open Sund.u- and ees. 1315 Woe1 .t, pi Ilfl' Little 4 3-Passenier touring, 1919: I lJV-'i-1 nrst ,unihu r,rr .. tl ) 1 K,' ,"""'" B'-u-",ncy- n"9 N nr(""' "' RI W Six Re.idster with Rex top, 'le- Dui Bnm voi.dltien. like new; iV.'i, terms open ."undiv & eves 1315 Weed st. RI UCV 101S coupe ery reasonable b" y reasonable b"i Hunter Stutx Agencv.OflO N. Rread. IiUICK nils tour., summer 4L- winter "tops See Mr Huntr. Stutz Agy.. 060 N. ttread PAnTI I AT 'vle,I'1 !' sedan; ery clns will -irrlltrn Ilrti'il i hooks, open, close una i'fv' ':. S3 D IIP V coupe, 11)20: beaullful conditien: stnteimnts income tax rent.rtsi"; Royal Motenar C . 020 N. Dread. Poplar I n'P"t jan - ",. , u i Mitirfarre ii"0 v iirniiii ivnier nnn terestlnu illustrates stories pn negs, nunt X, r..-,J.-i. ?.. -,- " '')lar nn-n inB fishing, etc Sportsman's Digest. 228 II KVPI ATi '''din. lienutlful Jeb, run :i,i'er Hldg. Cincinnati. O. V.IYCUIU, little, small .amour,' w XNYlfrTPupr'l.raTdgTowrdegs. highest down ReMi M,ter Car Ce.. 020 N. Bread prl.'cs paid. Call or write 1783 Thompson. I 1 'r IjOV'l . 1021 I"it)"JE cot. re fully equipped; perfect u,;""din,V" J""n n A""n- T24 Pr"'" PQQPY S.-.'an. beautiful lob, run very 1-.O.JL-A II, Ce. srti''l nmeuut down. Royal - Motoi Car f,. 020 V. liread Poplar O02H FfiRnC We nri' heidnuarters for used, I VJILJ lird. J73 up. terms arranged. eien Sunlas A- evs. 1313 Weed st. ! LH incnM Coupe. 1020: beautiful Jeb: will l l-A-l. wll bh.mIaa TIh.i.I .n.AV f n ? lnr 020 N llri-e.l at PnnlaT fiO'n OiKLAND 34-n touring, Just repainted: new ' tlre. In nerfert runntnc shaei 3RO. Allen QjV i ii lie Arumere van. r .. T . . '' ----- HJ. Sdan llk n- ; real bari-'aln; terms; open Sun- , dav and pun 1311 Weed st. OLDSMOBH F "'' pert meJ"l! ""0O JL,L01V1UDIUI rM p.plar 3245 Mr M'-Mlchael 1841 st. PAIGE tPJrt Roadster used short time; ex cel ent condition all equipments. ery rea- n.nI''JPh"re HirlncJMjj PAIur-I ARflLMONT sllghtlv u-ed abso abse lute v flrat-'ia"S cend . eleg.. nev .-rflll will sac , going abroad, no dealere 2U"I Walnut. I PIFRPP APRHW38 town car. 1817. rifV-C,-rtIrVJW .j,.-. n,. v an i-op a. -te Jir Jicncnaeii3iii repst. ' 1111), J)i.UU, rtlM l l)lrtrEi SCUPPER 3333-43 MARKET Ci If l. 1020. 7 pass., wire uii.iune iiiiiil .h(,,,. ,TC,,,inl r.,. Poplar 3:43 Mr McMe-hasl! 1340 Poplar st ' -- , -""!. 1 elUlL !""I'l;,",i,"S'1 IT '""" model a. 1 finished. .lSS5,S "e.h2u,,, an,u " nnianeu; exceptionally low priced, cash or i-frnm. ree iiunier, atutz Agency, 009 N Hread fct. STUTZ -Pa"-5 lft for sale by ewner: t . bc"'t bargain in P'dia See Mr. "lHlL,iyiL!! Agenn... nne N. Bread st. WESTCOTT ""'an. In wonderful cendl- , . . ,10n' wl """'Ace See Mr Hunter. Stutz Agency. iiriN Bread at. Ind iduai. in ,iZ.". S.J'X 'n?ll,!!l' PheneWir.M)0 1.11 ch.stnut: Roem 20'V Vhnkr.....V"'r. , 'S ''.' m.'n rail.: Reamer Ce.. biTVi. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES FOR SALE SACRIFICE rimy equippen class Lettlo factory lersi.rf in Southern California- wonderful ODremi- nlty for practical business man with bread" rful oppertu ..i.i. . ...e iiiKii -jie nreaa vision te aceu re geinc i..,n 1- ....... growing section of United Mates whl". In f..aii in lasiesi r .. ,. " ,r "OW'n and exparslen are practically un"mlted: ether business Inter" srs cenunal ,1 eiinem' tlei.. t-n,,n - ...u. ing M 2-l.X Ledmr Offi... r c" WANTED, high class salesman as district manager larn motion ?.i-,,t- .. ...-.. Ji"tr'u s "boleseme, enlerta'B pictures fe- FOR SALE DRUG STORE Town of 3.ine in Penna. ell stocked for a live wire; uei! located- delrur nice , easily can "e deub-aS I geed!er! tn lob" a radius of 19 te 20 ml'es areM w"h te retire stock will lntenterj J 13 000, wl'l sell rig in. none nut uuytrs need upply M 21rtLeder rrtlre. DELAWARE CORPORATIONS Prm Ki? Im'Aprvira (a iit-i1e 1 1 1 ... i .,.... . . Ee.a-are: le.v cost, prompt efti-ient service COtlPOltA riON CHARTER ie.MPANV 400 Almax Bldg ,1033 Chestnui. Ph Wal 52J0 SYNDICATE deve'eplng town In New Jersey Is about te ercanlzij bank, ere-t homes, ete . has opening for man who can invest $20,000 te $10,000. able 'e manase bank, 'meiem'nt s cured- snd.cata has capital an opportunity for active nun Fer Interview ad lress M 223, Ledger iff Ice ALL .MERCHANTS. Hhes.ilers. retailers are prospects for new pt n'ed neiesslty. creates new uuanrpi, isij s ier USt-ir. (lis XVANTED XVeuld invest $1000 asrTTs- eat toward purchase pr with services In a business preposition bearing Inve'tlga- tloneu. qftwn '""s deredMai (),, u f' ',& 30o'i,e1p1purtn",1rfror"..vo: Zr??, Improve. PnitT 4 ".h. 2012 Chelten ave Open Sunday. Oak Lane 1118. LONG established mfg. company requ.res I inn inn nH.micnil .. ....... '. pending business. Jehn S. XX'sstney, atty"" 203 Liberty Hldg, ' Fun RENT Stere room ready for eccu- -'' '.v - -. -.',, i" iiniiei. I?, pnncy; in one iocanen. 1.U.1J IJltUa. Dubois. Pa. XX'ANT le hear from evnr havlrn- recrv or cenfecMtciery business for sale Jehn J Black. '"I in eva Falls XVIscnaln. eXX'INU te a d sire te rvtir. win aii lent my lnrgi cer. store and apart'.. Ger. mantevvn ave ai. 1 Tiega A u'.'3, L"dgr Off. it Ul 1..-3, fil()l. CIVIC urnn 7 I rpt ji, ' ....- ui iniz-itvitii iitinte ima- it, iihhihw nxil4VI n hid iiiwimiik ufil uiiwyiuei " Jin.l nvtil rr lAnt finnil ranmrnrli . i.. . pay you Jj.X.Oim yeirly; no " n"c III T'"- UNOLBXVOOD. 820 . 11th st. (llth.ft entei the bu nc.s world; position respensl- ua Pnd w will exp aln iiur preposition. ?JJreU XXVlTeir wire fer'deta'i. ""fl!?, must have 42.X00 te back your i,n i ,i.. .iprucei .Mini, ii-rin um ii;-rit-i. mnu , uie rcimaneni une ueca nei reruns ler- iii,j'.ji ... u l.uJlluir, v-u. ' Inestment r' I1I lnml,Fki.u u. State age txp. local uftt an i?.fs"?i"i"j"i med I. A Tauline Ren ter Old XX'alnut. vleus buslnesa experience or the Investment lu,3 N. 7th st.. Phlla- Pa. s".,m?w ash" Lumber Exchange Bldg., ,i.,i union l-aiia Hlil-.. li. ij.. iist : . r.n4 I . or nee iron roems: hath, "i "" ' ... pi'.eu.u u,.!....,,! .. .,...,,, v-. inci m.n.urr wuiiirii, rpijuir" nn te J73II rnnllnr service. XXaldniin. 1110 XV Glrarl capital, offering $5000 pessib.lltl.. next six ...i"nll"Lr iies ' W Ulrar'1 mes Marshnll. Cth fir R i,t Uik ChlLace '-... . ; rr- r- TnTiiT' iitOT'OSITlr7s""f r . -.. ii-. UNUSUALLY desirable ; rival perch: 7 UuuD PROI'OSiries fjr man with light rooms, servant's room , r-ens. avmlngs, car and Jen u, .-iv,t in e.ecti' t e's nsk floors Janitor. 41 P '.nth st. this business Is new and geed; no experlnc, .--..... .,,-, ,., -'.. 7-. ., , necessary; lnvestlaie. free demonstration ly,I"nIl0VM8A-,' 'i i-J ih",' Bn-"',r"'n'' I a nm (if'ic nuiiuii ,,0(, ref ,rnces P 1 .05 Ledger Offlce. imm-isihJ,ej4Ammj: . t-:m BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES MANUFACTURING FlhMeffera for sale . harovef recently deceased associate for I30OO. Address A 015, I.edger OftlcOj CAPITAL, 110,000 ,nr mere, avajlabls for meritorious preposition, A 081. led. Off. Wmitnl SAVE Incorporating expenses; erganlie your company under the Common Law; cheaper than corperation: we offer servjees for a compMe organisatien. Including; stock cer tificates, iK.eks imd seals; Information free, 1420 Chestnut St. Roem 801 CiAItACIB In Wc3t Philadelphia or let sult ablr for stie, must be renscnahle 111LUW, e3 AKLn ai. '? - - - - J OI'J'OUTUNITV for man with goea connec tions who has dene bite things; unusually real. A P.V I-odger Office, BUSINESS J?EBSONA!t,S r WE PAID A WOMAN $08 f,e for a let of Jewelry n e had been of fered 140 for elsewhere, lfrlng your diamond niid Jewelry te us: we guarantee a full hon est cash vnluu. Kstabllahed 1805, TltOS. R. LEE & CO.. 712 Walnut at. DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS KELLY A CO.. 032 Chestnut st. Suite 2-22. second deer, ever Chllds' Real. IF YOU haw any acts for collection either local or out of town, we will attend te the collection of same en a commission basis; 11 It. and S. S. claims a specialty. Call 1130 Real Estate Trust Uld. or Pheno Wal nut 1830 rfccTsiXN - Successful 'buslns.. man. . . rnr'sent American llrms In buy- ,0lilnit. has hrst-class references. B m i,edr Office. . rrzzrzrr-z7X?r ...m .. rhr. of set of ,n mi .iiiu.i, '""Y ."-"- -nii fmm Tlnse Drajxen. 88 W. Qlrard ava. . i ;,. ;.ii Vi J Keftler ion v li J frf-mern call at J- bonier, loe N, 13th. before teb. 8. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ifllinV W SMITH. TIT HANKOf n YOU can rent an OlUer typewriter 3 months for 17. perfect machines. eller Typewriter Cf. Vnlnnt & 10th. Walnut 0101. Main 5080 IsitES. rubbish and coal removed from" eel- lars. Pheno Market 4421. 818 Duttonweod. DOGS AND BIBDS ARE YOU INTERESTED In dogs? Bend 2ffe imatnin or coin) tedav for 3 months' sub- STlpuen Bl'OllFm! a uixrvi vuMiauin in- -- - DRESSMAKING AND MIXLINEBY McDOWELL'S course seen makes you an expert learn and deubl jour Income. Day and "enlnc school 1022 Market st. BOOMS FOB BENT j CimrT ST XOSJ-rurnlihed room,, all l-iUAT". N 1324 Des.rabla rooms, 'fur nished and unfurnished. Poplar 2110 J. .OP1 r.i'O Iurnlshed rooms for hetis. - keeping; 2 room suites: nil cenvs , heat. STILES 1334 Uem and beard, also table besr.l home cook ng, geed loc Pep.8i'fl2 W. WALNUT ST. 5003 Twe well-turn, rooms for heueeke-Plng. running water; all con cen enlcncfs nearelevated WALNUT 3003 Second fl. front, south exp. : elec. h -w heat, eeml-prl. bath, ex meals 10TH. N 13U. HOTEL RURIC Central, near station and shopping district, beautl- fully turn r e nis elec : spetless: med rates UKAUTIITLLY furnished room, private ninut home; seml-pmate bath, vicinity -1st and hpruce 4081 LARGE furn studio steam heat, fl Waahlngt-n ft). Phene Baring 841) flreplace. LARGE furnished studio; steam heat, fire- ATTRACTIVE furn. apts.. some heusekps. SherMe id Apt. Agency. 1334 Walnut st. WEST I'lIILADEl.n west I'Hii-inni.riiiA W. PHIIA. ".c-ly furnished room home cemfyrts; beard optienal: emplevad eouHe or ;.ntleman private home Weed 1000 W ATTRACTIVE warm sunny front rm.. ail cns ; Mc. 4t)th & Balte. Weed. 8181 W EOABDINO 210S WALNUT ST. Ecnlng dinner 0 o'clock Sundays at 1: single or by the wek dinner fl Sunday 2.1, 23TH R f ? N . 890 Large room. 2d fleer, next bath, prl fam . for 2 gents, country coeking: t! nr week. Poplar 0402 J. 4TH. b.. .32-Own.r wll' rent cemft. room """" c"el"ng! business werrnn or man. APABTMENTS CHESTNUT ST 2101 te 2117 The meat modern and completely equipped new house-1 keeping apartnvnts In Phlla A varletv of hinnt. at: .naetnua and bright ranging I from 2 or 3 rooms and tile bath with shower ' te an especially attractive 3-room duplex. Eacn apt. naving a very uinque Ki.cnenriis ' feature. Rentals of $70 fiO 83 100 ud ,1S0 "r men,h' 2111. 0D,n ',rJn!?ctlen ll." Spruce 7882. s r .11 iw-iiuru j. ciici. i.u uv,u,i hi. -..-. -.go rmnin r)nr? N.. 23u9 Beautiful front room, Inrp nerrh. linirenv. haMlVOOd floors. steam heat elertrlc lights continuous het water: 140 monthly, unfur J"0 f urn sheib HOI'.CKI-KEPIVG APARTMENT J43 Twe rooms, kitchen and bath. Immediate nerrh: near Park: S33. Intruding gas for lighting nnd heating. APART-XIE-Vi" tuv.iiNi Aim; f,,mral apartments a sp.-lHH. ! Apartment Agency 1334 XX , put st APARTMENT HEADgi'ARTERS Mncrwoed 1030 N. FRANKLIN Four-room-and-bath apartment: $50 te J33: elec light nnd h -w h . inc. Agent en ryem. w ie s apruce -lea ,-Am'e,n,sI:OwVb?an"3m0eertOV"rr VeU'enn..: .xunviua it i . ' ' i"i !."i'i ' SECOND-FLOOR unfurnished: apartment, het water heat, electricity 131(1 N. 12th. .',417 A.NGOP.A TKRRA'1-Hiautlful, entire nt nepr .lanner. premises CHESTNUT. 3020 First-i lass furn apt., 2 rms ft bath first fleer front Bar'g M02 -000 RIDGE AVE One 2 and (TToems. kitchen A hath- seasonal.! iM"Pep. 27,10 2000 RIDGE AVE. On. 2 and 3 r., kitchen and bath, reasonable e Call Poplar 2733 xviT riiii.xni:i.pni.x c,"ECTNU,TV,",h2"iT. ,"":" Vi'.' ptin2 rms. and bath, 1st fir front Harjns S402. THREE desirable nt" . ' " Mr -n me UeecKle 725 S 3g,l. XV. -1 and 2'jlip PENNHYLVANI t--rnnni.N APARTMENT. 3 rms kitchen nrlv. bath: elec, heat 131 Sumac st XVIssahlcken. ' -irnv n(l if 1 X.IV. Hits I. TERN ROCK Med 4 A X r apts : $7 30 U i 1B0, II. Hepe. 5001 X', rk rd xVvem 4,',37 MKHIO?s OXVNER having large I., iia will rent un furnlsred apartmciji s rooms, bnth and kiichcnt-iie te refine! i eupi,, or lucheler. irnK for car. P 1517 garaui ier car. i ,n 1.. dger OffliH. nar m NARIfERTH One 5-r.em apt.: bath and Idy.; near station. P 1510 Ledger Off. noiriepHion. 1T07 Mnair i - rt:;irT .;;si i-.i irnar..i.rv n 7"-:..iT.i - j:: :. : ... .."..,-- w.t. "' u,,"?, jtuihb. cn-ciperniiv- employment 1 en u Rf.TII JT .T1. n nm h-lthi mn... 1 -.1 n. uui 11 . ----. .' iiiiiuciii A?ABTM$NT HOT-LB THE GLADSTONE 11TII AND PINB STS. ARSOLUTELT FIREPROOF APTS., FURNISHED, UNFURNISHED LONO AND SHORT TERM I.BABE3 HAMILTON COURT 80TH AND CHESTNUT STS. 2 rooms and bath, with prlvata halli iron housekeeping; unfurnished; yearly lease! din inn room. ..It. H. THATCHER. Manager. . THEDELMAR-MORRIS W. Chellen Axenue GERMANTOWN ... 20. MINUTES TO UROAD ST. STATION Hetel or unfurn. suites, housekeeping apis. HOTEL WINDERMERE nrend and Locust . . .... Reoma facing Hread at. t weekly $12 te llji rooms with bath, w.eliiy. I17.B0 upi aulta of 2 rooms and hath, 2.1 nnd up. THE SHERWOOD 38th above Chestnut, a nd 8 room suites, with bath, prlv. ball! ) s'ngle rm : American plan. Par. i!48, also 1IROTHER and sister desire suit of 8 rooms. . bath and kitchenette! centrally located! electrle light; about 140 per month. A 027. imager enice, ROYAL AITS.. 1208 N. Bread St. Fur nished and unfurnished suites; noted for Its fine tabu and service! reference reQUlred. HOUSEKEEPING APABTMENTS 1030 LOCUST ST Sixteen-story fireproof housekeeping apartment heuse: all mod ern equipment: separate elevator for each set of apartments! apartments from B rooms and bnth te 7 rooms and 2 bathe, or 2 or mere apartments may be Joined; Inspection Invited. Apply te Superintendent, en prem- ises. SPRUCE, 1109 (Helmcnurst Annex) Twe nnd B room housekeeping apartments, fur nished or unfurnished, also bachelor apart ments with maid services. Theno. COUNTBY DOABDINO MODERATE-PRICED bearding for these seeking permanent home or rest: Ideal lo cation; geed feed; finest mineral waters; open all ear. The Maples. Akren, Pa. ST0BAOE AND MOVING ONE MONTH FREE. ESTABLISHED 1880 THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1420 NSTH 8T. PHONE DIAMOND 2471 SEPARATE ROOMS; PACKLNO & MOVING CALL AN U INSPECT OUR WAHElffingg VICTORY STORAGE 6200 FILBERT. Phene Belmont 4070 for estimate. Plerce-Arrew vana. MAN with Meil truck will work reasonably by week or month; reference. A 831 Ledger Office The Jehn Rhoads Ce. , f.tnrace. Packing. Moving. Carpet Clean I ng! MONARCH STORAGE CO., 3870 LANCAS Tl.R AVE. AUTO SERVICE STORAGE. PACKING. LONG-DISTANCE MOVING. LOST ANI FOUND GRIP Lest, at 3d and Mifflin sts., a black grip containing valuable college notes, also package containing brief case. Ne ques tions aaked; $10 reward If returned te Thus. H. Jehnsen. 3021 Catharine. Pheno Wood land .11 M J, NOTICE Is hereby given that Certificate Ne II.1J1 for One Thousand Dollars (11000) PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD STOCK TRUST CERTIFICATE, due July 1. 1021. registered in Him nf fl.r.h Pi. rtlnrltw,..!- has been I lest or Jealrcyed and application made for j ibe payment of the nrlnclpal thereof. diV.lIl U, UI,(lVl..'""- B4 E. BOth at.jNew Y.irk.jtjr; PURSE Lest, geld purse, bet. Wanamaker'a and Locust st. or Chestnut and 13th sts.; name of owner Inside. Reward If returned Pheno Chestnut Hill 12B. HELP WANTED FEMALE A SERIOUS-MJNDED WOMAN of personality and assurance, accustomed te meetlni. people of breeding. Te an energetic woman willing te deete time at her com mand te a high-class, humanitarian activity I offer seclai and financial Independence ana permanint success. Whole-hearted co-epr-ra-tlon and assistance mailing the undo, taking easy te master. Tree course In practical psychology and the science of character analysts at sight Included as assisting equip ment. Address in own handwriting. B 1U3. Ledger Office. CHILD'S NURSE. Protestant, experienced, take charge of 2 girls, ages 4 and 7; In Jenklntuwn; convenient te trolley and train, wages. J13. Call Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon tt 1010 N 13th st. CLERK The Accounting Department of the Public Ledger Ce. desires the serv ices of a yuung woman with a high school education or Its equlvulent, must Knew hew te operate a type writer, some clerical experience is necessary. APPLY 6TH AND CHESTNUT STS. ASK FOR JIR. WIEST DANCING Instructress for day werk: muat be geed dancer and knew hew te teach. Cortlssez Scheel, 1520 Cheatnut, EDUCATED REFINED XVOMAN Of cliaslng si in ara nee, age 25 te 3.", for and tiaveiing pesiticn requiring persenam- man. Stte age. ejutatiuu and any etner Information Hint will he p us judge jour qualifications. It. R. XX'. Leavenworth. 112 E Preapict St.. Cleveland, Ohie, I GIRLS We have several permanent openings ter girls 10 and 17 years of ace who can qualify ns Junier clerks with a view of training and fitting them selves for mere Important work tn a very short time; previous experience un ncceanary; k.ndly bring birth certificate. SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. Roosevelt boulevard. GIRLS wanted te learn te aew baseballs In ra c t u-y Apply irJ7 b. Palmer st. GIRLS (2) wanted for vaudeville act. N. 11th sL ' 2020 IK1.XIEWORKERS wanted, female; 60 te 83 cents an hour; new, profitable profusion United Shade Ce.. Dept. 3, 4b Bend St.. Terente. Can m KNOTTERS Experienced linen rujt fringe knetters wanted te take weilt home. F. XX'. Maurer ft Sens Ce , 4311 XX'ayne ave.. near lSih and (lermantevvn ave NURSE Graduate nurse te assist nurse In chirge of small heupltal. state age. salary exp.cted and earliest date avnlluble. 8end uil unsvvers te 3, ""'per, nirectreaa, Hellwoed. Pa. 1'enn Marv Hes OPERATORS en Uuluii Special deuble-needle machine wanteu. Apply 1830 Germantewn ave OPERATORS Experienced nn silk dresses; call all week Rand Mfg, Ce.. 033 Arch st. SALESI.ADY wanted by wholesale millinery house, one experienced In modeling and selling trimmed hats, Kehn, Adler & Ce., 72n Market t SALESLADIES between the ngs of 23 and' 40; bright and Intelligent women te take e-dtrs for a ladles' article- pleasing per per eonality: conscientious workers can make I geed reinunerat en salary or liberal commis sion. Apply lH'JO Chestnut st , between 10 and 4 Roem 21, SECRETAHV-.STENOGRAPIIER, experienced I ene capable of liMndllng correspondence; I give full parttcularH us te qualifications and I references. M 22U Ledger Office, . si ns- ret n n nn ir.rniijn m taini uiiiii w nn . cinnii . n..i ts anu r rii- ran. . . . - --- --- - -'s .- -s v ,m ' llEI. WANXED-ifil!A SALESWOMEN If you ara a woman et ceed peraeraillty, normal or college educa tion, ever 25 and under CO; desirous of making an Income from-$1800 te 3O00 a year In n hnneat, dignified manner, willing te atudy, work hard and fellow. Inatructlens, free te travel as directed, call 1212 Liberty nag.. Tuesday. I) te 12. 1 te 8 P. M. SIIOEH. tt-IMPlariMil -vn.,. ah Mlnltl bind i-- 7'''"":"-".".'""'. v." : t-a hi iiincnine. Apply Airs, A, 11, Jving, ."v.. nan anu iirewn, STENOGRAPHER bookkeeper, cashier A moderate-sized corporation, lust being or er ganised, desires the services of a bright, snappy woman capable of lining the. above positions! a. very excellent opportunity te grew w'tli a business; salary te start 23 per wk. Apply, giving all references, etc. In jour Ilrst letter, te A 030, Office. STENOGRAPHER in laW'efilcei stata age P loot, i-edgur QfOce, ana experience. TELEPHONES OPERATINO . de retr WANT A PERMANENT POSITION amid pleasant surroundings. with excellent opportunities for advancement? The Belt Telephene Ce. hai a position of this kind . for yeuneT women between 18 and 25. Apply te Miss Stevenson BELL TELEPHONE CO. 1031 Arch it. WOMAN I am looking for a particular type of lady, .Industrious, clean record, fair ed ucation and geed personality; these Qualifica tions will secure for her a permanent connec tion with an income that will meet her high est expectations; advancement en merit. A nil, Ledger Office. WOMAN A, old-established and well known Phlla. Arm has an opening for a well-educated Weman ever 25; one who is depending en her own resources preferred, experlenca net necessary. P 131' Ledger Office. WOMAN or girl of refinement: upstairs work and assist with child, attending school. Phene Xtedla 015 J, or answer, T. 1813 Led ger Office, stating wages desired. WOMEN wanted te sell coupons 'or our Philadelphia studies! several attractive of fers te select frem: returns un te 12 each. Sastland Studies. 014 Chestnut st. , YOUNG WOMAN wanted In clerical capacity: also te nsslst telephene operator, private exchange; some experience necessary; state age, experience andtalary desired. P 1014, Ledger Office. General TEA ROOM TRAIN1NO ORGANIZATION Sulte 1C22. 38 West 42d st.. N. Y. City. Rcsldent nnd Correspondence Courses Intensive training In Tea Roem. Moter Inn and Cafeteria Organization and Management. Wonderful opportunities for ambitious women. Training under personal direction. Helen M. Weeds, former Employment Mana. ger New Yerk'a six hotels. XX rite today for booklet. . HELP WANTED , XX'emen wanted te learn nursing; demand greater than supply: geed pay. learn at home In spare time; earn wl.Ha learning! entire tuition can be earned In few weeks: special offer. Including free nurse's equipment. Write for full pnrt'ts. Chicago ftchoel of. Nursing. Dept, F, 421 S. Ashland blvd . Chlyiee. 111. COSTUME design; fasnlen Illustration, alaa pattern drafting, cutting fitting, draping nnd millinery design; lean from prominent, practical exivrts In surprlalngly short time: munificent salaries quick earned. Fashion Academy. Dept. L. 1432 N. Hread st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY experienced hand embrelderern. crbcheters. hemstltchcre; we furnish material, paying liberally for making; stamped envelope brings particulars. Under- ivdeu rt .loons je. ren.muuiii, mim. HOMEXX'ORKERB wanted, femnle. 50 te 83 cents an leuri new profitable profession. Unlttd Shade Ce., Dept. 3. 48 Bend at., To Te Te eoneo Canada. CIVIL SERVICE examinations. Feb. and Mar.- many vacancies; salary J1400.J'00. write for sample tests. P 1422 Led. Off. BUSINESS SERVICE CO. 1114 Land Title Bldg Rapid stenographer bookkeepers. HELP WANTED MALE ARTIST, experienced In small lettering. faces, flguves, flower ornaments nnd scroll. wanted by manufacturer In Dayton. Ohie; permanent posit en, pleasant surroundings, geed salary. Address reply for personal In. tervlew M 218. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPERS, accountants make S13 te S40 weekly extra, without Interfering with regular positien: legitimate, permanent: re plies confidential. J. R. Browne, Urea., 7 W. Madisen. Chicago. BOSS SILK DYER Experienced en knit silk Jersey fabrics: nlsj silk and cotton hosiery; excellent oppertunity: clve full par ticulars as te experience, age und salary requlred. M 222. Ledger Office. CLERKS Hav you ever used en adding machine? XVhy net sell themJ Sec our nd. for saksmm. Sundstrnnd Sales Agency. iTMlrwiTrr U'lVTl'll. flrst rlASs. for open-shop verk in a Joe snep: 11 interest wrlte Bex 41. Cohoes. N. V.. statins wages 1 expected nnd experience. DhSIGNE'R. tlrst class, with wide experi ence or. l-'rcncn Wilten ana neay urusseis: we requlre one who .a capable of producing hlgn-grade work. Apply giving full par ticulars In flrst letttr. te MOHAXVK CARPET MILLS. INC. Shnttltwerth Bres. Ce. Branch Amsterdam. N. Y DISTRICT MANAGERS wanted by an old established land (loielopment company te se( our lets and fltt-ucre farm land between Philadelphia and At antic City: white and colored, llxe wires, only thest- that can or ganize sales forces of ugentrf In every State; ue have enough land te supply 10,000 agents. ir veu are a nusuer. you can earn irem I WANT A MAN I want a man who thinks he can: a man who does net work for the dollar only, who con elders Bcrvlce tu mankind paramount; the opportunity I offer h m means perpetual Inde pendence, seclai and flnafial success, plus a free course In business psychology and character analysis as assisting equipment; application must be mads In own. handwrit ing te receive cons deratien, stating past ex, present activity and compensation expected; the greater the past educational uuvantages and experience, tlie greater earn ing power and advancement. Apply today, 11 104, Ledger Office, MEN If you nover Joined an organisatien In its inception you nave lackeu an advantage uMch innnf -ecc.ssfiil mn hi,H, l,l ..-.., ."." -----. -.-'' ''" .".. HIID IHU..U, niariis me Dcginning 01 a bUMlness In this cny mat is national in scope; men are needed I,, l.llIM II, M.H ..',, 1. ,lll 1... .-....,... ., w,.u ... , i.n ,,, w I'uriiuuiuriy etiractlve ti these who appreciate per manency, congenial environment nnd proper rimuncraileti If seu are fit for an uskocl uskecl uskocl utieii such us this, call at Roem 435. 1011 thektnut at., at 1 15 P. M. sharp. Please de 1 ut unsvver unless you can remain for 11 tiioieuith examination. Ask for .Mr. K JL XVlshart. MFN XVHO HAX'E HAD EXPERIENCE IIANDLINO MEN. XVE HAVE SEVFN POMTluNH OPEN FOR HIOH-GRADU st'PEItviseRS IN OUR MECHANICAL AND , ELECTRICAL INSPECTION DEPART- .in.. i euiii,, neiiiu au ;, EX PERIENCE, EDUCATION AND SALARY LXI'EIT KD M 221 LEDGER OFFltri: PAINTER Sign painter, first class, ene who Is capable et taking charge of shep: ex cellent opportunity for man with ability. XVrlte or call In person en or before Satur day. Delaware Publicity Ce., 4 K. 3d st., Wilmington, Del., or phone XVIImlnrten 1500 J. HALES MANAGER Prominent New Yerk llrm with offices In principal cities has an opening for the right type of man. Inas much as previous experience tn our business Is net essential because we prefer develop ing our own mai.ngers. only such quail I, catiens are required as lire commonly re garded as necessary among men of affairs remuneration will depend upon ability tu make co d we want a hlvh-urude man. Ad dress p l.iH, I.t-dier Oflke, V I V ifET, WA-ffTaiMAM. nftPRBSENTATIVB . with established trade,, wanted by rtew Yerk het l?e fer"Vladlphl". Iwwf"" mlaalen basis, Bwlia organdies, etc JI 32. Ledger Office. SALESMAN BELL SUNDSTRAND ADDING MACHINES AND CASH REGISTERS The "three-ln-cne" ten-key machine. Every merchant Is a prospect for the SUNDSTRAND CASH REGISTER National advertising and national user Guaranteed territory This Is a. chance for geed willing men te eatn big merey In a legitimate way! no in vestment! iteck of machines furnished. 'Call and set District .Manager 130 8. 11th st. SALESMAN WANTED . XVa have- an opening for a clnn-cuJ'.,RfIM slve salesman who Is new successfully soil ing te manufacturing P ants, bete s. in stitutions, etc.. in Philadelphia and vicinity; our line Includes disinfectants, llqu Id soaps and allied products sold en a quality basis of satisfaction guaranteed!, the salary will be moderate te start, but with our liberal commissions the right mans should realize a reed Income with sxcellcnt future pros pects. Give are, experience and references, whldi will Ih. held strictly oenfldentlal, Address M 223, Ledger Office. SALESMAN te Bell Durant motorcars In Phlla.! te the right man. who Is willing le start en straight commission basis until ha proves he la made of the right stud, we have a real connection te offer wun one 01 the greatest In America! stata are. "jrrled or single, nationality and give a brief his tory of your past wiling experlence. 1 1518, tery of your pa Lsagcr umce. SALESMAN wanted ta handle one of the finest Ilnea of steam raid hydraulle pack ings en the market of the U. S.! territory. Philadelphia and Eastern PennrlY''l young man, unmarried preferred: splendid opportunity te mnke a permanent connec cennec connec tfeni commlaalen only. Streng Machinery and Supply Ce., 203 Church St.. New Yerk City. SALESMAN, hlrh-clasa brush, te finance himself te sell a new advertising brush te hotels and manufacturing plants, etc.! splen did pessibilities: unlimited territery: liberal commlss'en, worth Investigating. Fhlladel phla Badge Ce.. 042 Market st. SALESMAN Wanted, nursery salesman who can sell rustic bird baths as a alde line) prices medernte; commission liberal, XVrlte the Relber Bird Reserve, XV. Webster. New Tork, for Information. SALESMAN Side line, a hlvh-rrada of men's auto driver nnd heavy work gloves and mittens; state line carried and terri tory cexered: references. II. J. Moere Gleve Company. St. Paul. Minn. SALESMAN, with knowledge of printing and ruling. Philip Hane ft Ce., manu facturers and designers et manifelding and loose leaf equipment Bex 307. Holyoke, Mass. BALESME: MOTORTRUCK One of the eldest and well-known motertruck companies has nn owning for 1 or 2 sales men at Its Philadelphia branch: un.'ess you are a hard worker, geed personality, fair education and proved salas record da net apply. P 1S03. Ledger Office. SALESMEN Leading publishing house needs 2 salesmen (net order takers) for Eastern territery: college or normal school gradu ates, willing te take the usual hard knecka while becoming familiar with the work, capable of opening territory and developing a, sales force, made up In tum of high grade sales people, getting maximum results from their efferts: we can assure an oppor tunity just as blr aa the Individual, Call 1212 Liberty Bldg., Monday, 9:30 te 12, 1 te 6 P. M. SALESMEN A hlrh-rrade automobile safety-first ac cessory, never before marketed, with no competition. Is row available te a few real salesmen owning cars. Fer Interview ad dress, giving telephone number, A 024, Ledger Office SALESMEN wanted te sell Barrett adding. Hating and calculating machines. Interview at 1210 Race st. Lanston Monotype Ma. Ce. SALESMEN wanted te sell silk shadea aa side line; liberal commission, a c.l te rlterles open. XX'rlte R 100. ledger Offlce. UPHOLSTERERS XV ANTED Must be thoroughly experienced: geed wages; pleasant surreundings: only the e ab-ve average will be rensiderrd Pheno Employ ment Bureau, Lembard 0200. for appoint ment, JT. B. VAN SCIVER CO. Camden, N. J. ., . . WANTED FOR ALASKA Machinists Blacksnriths Electricians Carp ntera Steam engineers Timekeepers Gas engine operators Celd storage operators Bended warehouse man Storekeeper Bookkeeper Head sawyer XVoeds foreman XX Ireless operator Laborers nve years' employment; geed salaries; free WANTED-Severa! young men of goedap- pearance te yerk all or part time for an automobile -i- --....; . "'! necessary. F'.' J?"S."," N Moter .q iunii.ii,.c4,rrnrB nni Company. 001 North Bread st. XVIIOLESALB GROCERY Arm. established 40 years, has an epenlnr for a live-wire salesman calling en hotels, restaurants and Institutions In and around Philadelphia: for ui;ii a man v uuvn u nuienma opportunity ' musf have an established trade and be a weraer; state experience ana saiarv at. reeled; all mall held confidential, il 224, Ledger Office. CARPENTERS, bricklayers and builders wanted. Send for free bonk. "Hew tn uetiu iiiue iTiiiia, i-He cnarge. vvrite te- 'day, CHARIdS XX MOREY. ilV.w- 2114 ., -- . ,,M '-" "i". '"" Ch en go. AGENTS Any ambitious man or woman can I ... .J n. ... .....,.,.. ..... .I earn $40 or mere weekly seltlnr h.i.. direct te wearer whole or part time; best vnlnea Inwaif nrntm 1nt ll.u... an ;,..-'. .'.; v.:ri,..:. v. wi, "i"1"""" '" -"i"""ii. YOUNG MEN. ever 17. desiring Government positions $180 monthly, wrlte for free list of positions new open J. Iyenard (for mer clv.l service examlnerx 002 Equitable Bldg,. XX'a shlngten. D C T uuuauie CIVIL SERVICE examinations. Feb n"nd Mar.; many vacancies; salary $H0i)-S1koe write for sample teats. P H22. Led. Office' SITUATIONS WANTEDFEMALE COOK, exp, all branches; any locatien: ref 273 8. 10th at. Phene Fll. 4170. CULTURED young woman. English, French". Spanish, excellent musician; will give serv ices evenings In return for room and beard A 033. Ledger Office. " GIRL, colored wishes day's or halftlme work city, suburbs; ref, 8022 I'owellen, LAUNDRESS, white tlrst class, wants work day or at her home; excellent references A 823 Ledger Office XVOMAN, refined, trustworthy, ds. pos.; exp' growing children; mending some duties'' school lem. Writ or call 701 N. 20th st. YOUNO XVOMAN wants position as efflej rlrrlt: some experience as filing clurk: can furnish reference. Address E. II.. 225 8 3d at. ' V" Pa Learns as He Grews Older KTVAmMt wji ii ACCOUNTANTi 'thorough erl sUUmsnt, ........ . ....... . ....... m m. A Mln CHAUFFEUH. vears' .imr KUH.'iejl, cet-jredi MrtsrTMrirl experlenca all rarai Viyi 2If,VI chardsen.. 821 N. leth'; a'in J. XV. Richardson, aiAUFEUR. colored, wishes rTrlwTuTr: tleni 13 yers- exp.) with wfs "p"a'. $. :.......,..: . . "il uiuiiuau ADiwiiAni' Exeeull.7 secretarial, .ability, preparatory" graauaie, area e. excellent eximrUeTi." production, shep..nnd . general office r"ti des res conne-lferi wllh ethn. .""til mpon.alen wcenda-, hlf , , ref,0tJ- '-. t , . ; J .uuiv-iiuueii,.iiam aaranese ttleheiTsSrJ tlnn In clly.fer ceunlfy: has g"5"i J$ nci. r-eii rt. A. n una -1, "i. rirSi Bell Locust 3433, ""'.l 'trtr no L -- .hy-iswni-""- ' wxr- .Br;a,,.ii,r."".,:rtr,',p"H . .e?iencer"Nlpp.- 003- 'pine't.'"' "" MAN AND XVIFE (no wlah peliii with Drlvate family: have rone iJ.,.u.1 man can handle any make et carl wit. .T in nousewerK, Aqaress u, u, w.. sril 3d St., Phlla. "" "" "Vj man a.u wirs, nceicn PretestanuTiir'J , cook, butler, houseman, d.a. peaTi 'SRli rf. A 023. ledger Office. w '' r41 MR. EXECUTIVE, hew would you ltr" te pick un tha detalla sua rule? one who has had vsst hnbin s ence: a hustler! desires an Interview? a aTf"..! Ledger Offlcs. A ".J ru-iiiu. m ivKBiunKten repressnttth- wanted by man of excellent character wlS long and creditable sales experience In ? 3 -"'".v""'.. ".- r:"ii!"s,-".'nvinei rci-eru ttii.i iricmiivsi- sisiirdiq lreDrUsr rim xV.VhVn'gte.-D. a K"-" --el WA-fCItMAN An aitlv man. B8 yiniil BUm, who unucniuuiai Doners, wi ! 1 nosiiien nn wiicnniRn or .at-ii-M iii-a M, T. F.. 223 8. 3d at " n"n.S YOUNG MAN. 23. expert Inspector et -si chine and sheet metal shop predetN; knowledge of forging, psttern and feuaaril practice, also routing; and purchasing aZjI sires nosltlen In small tilant n. In . .TTTfl tfflce. A t)08, Ledger Offlce. " ft YOUNG MAN. college, graduate, knows ehsw 11.n1 iiiiiinvi. in H-iun uuimu, ana Will .. tend Lelezlr Fair: will be clad te -.-" I.uanless connection for American firms: out lunusn A-i reierences. 11 110. iedi, eif YOUNG MAN, 25, desires work et any klaii haa trad. A 834edger Oftlr.. rn s?s TOUNO HAN, 25, desires work 1 i MAN, 25, desires work of any klasi trade. A 834. Ledger Offlce. :"!. nave YOUNO MAN wishes pos. aa butler or eeekl wlth.cltV ref. 1500 Cambridge st, Jl AGENTS our customers and take their orders for ' lameus corner au-weatner coats; blr. nu, manent propesition: spare time or full tlnTii t: no capital required. XVrlta quick for eftw uui win put you en tne reaa te success Tb, Cemer Mig. Ce.. Dept. G-1273. Dayton, n ft AT.FHMRV .ina in fann m.i.i earned demonstrating wonderful 8-lb. diftri uuuing macn.; sens en sigm rer 110; eaaala T' work of costly machines; speedy, accural!.!. miiy guar,; uig aemana everywhere; aaeril nieus. profits', protected territery: exp. uhilV It sells Itself. XVrlte quick for trial eflir I'angbern Adding Machine Ce., Deak ill.''.' Grand Rapids. Mich. AGENTS Make 130 a week and up In taller. ihk uu-iiicB., net uur uig nwaicn aaraat i retail at 123, 27.60. 34.50. J37.50 per aaltil -in le ! rninnir man .n- si.... '.. keep S3 deposit en each sale: we dellvar acd' collect balance. XX rite 202 8. Green.- Dept. 101 nlVc'v'",,,r'u' wireless umbrella orders. 8 rev... ,7 l.n-HI 7AI1 Mimkln-tlnn- ..ll.,-. ' i largest line; no delivering: pay you dalbVl samples rrte. 1'aiikbk SIFO. CO.. ieT4- PARKER llrel at Davten. Ohie. .v u. up .,,..,vi rutin tl PeeDla must eat: Federal dlsirihein.. 3 nn nTTF.T. tiiipb airi i ., .. " blr preflts: $3000 yearly and up; no ca.itTi 1 or exn. needed! guar, sales: unnnM .ft.....! be returned: your name, en products butii. jU your own bus.i repeat orders sure: exelu. "I V" i! '" -"" wu,. nicsxn. r -VrltA iTiiapai I'iipa IfertS r .... '. 130 TO 130 XVEEKLY In your spare tl'' doing special advertlslnr work amenr Sr iniiiuics v -w -'' " -jrienca av t saryi wrlle today for full parUculaVs? AiSsK' can . Products Ce.. 6005 American Bid. ' Cincinnati, O. laf" . AGENTS wanted te handle, electric waahlnl'l machine that has exclusive features : ' all ethers; retails for I100- big profits ti ' you! machine fully guaranteed; write for tar.'; J."i.Jc- "niVi;M""it """"'"" ana Teet i,lllllJBII ns,m .'i-eei AGENTS. CREXV MANAGERS Make linns menthly: hlgh-rrade combination sheprlni. hag; immense proms, ractery prices: frsei circular. Pelletler Manufactrlrr iIt"? ' Dearborn. Chlcae, "t'?i AGENTS Ninety cents un hour te advertise'' and distribute samples te consumer, write quick for territory and particulars. Alberta Mills, general manager. 5004 Amsric Hdg.. Cincinnati, O. 'tl AGENTS G-t particulars beat selling arti cle ever off red mn- hie- profit". ci-t 5s, ij Bees iur i iu uiuuD usij. D- one nusuer. swem statement. C. Lerey, 2033 N, Lawns aa e. Chicago. CHEWING GUM Sell te stores; profitable J business duiii up quickly; spearmint ana peuplar flaxers In novel Packages: write te- .I..., ll-lm.i f-A t?lnlnnntl r, '. PRODUCINO tailoring agents wanted: men'i made-te-order clothing (union made): be-J tltul mater'ls. lew't prices: new spr'gSwatd J Ilnready, Leeqs woolen anus, cnicage. SELL HOLMES TIRES and tubes; no clrU tal required: J100 weekly Income, BfleaC, sells th m: quality gets re-orders. IIOLUM," RUBHER CO.. 1500 XV. 15th. Chicago. '., BIO PAT Man or woman of character u': dlstrlbuta religious literature: chance ts make toeo or me-e: full or spare time: nt'i cap. or exp. nee. universal mine lieuse.f nils.. EMPLOYMENT AOENOIES MRS. M. KANE. 011 S. 10th at! Spruce"Tlfl ." Situations wnntra, nrst-ciass iTeteatui.'M cooks, a couple of butlers, waitresses, Ner wegian and Engllah; chambermaids, parlor , mains, launurecnen. Kins luiuiy urnvcu ier- I 1 .l.n.K- vnp nnri iiltln" Tret heii.,AP -,l 'i''i'.u ... ....-...... ..-.,.. r. ...-. . clrl rer ceuntry: ail reierences guaranteea., 1 EXP.?"L""r"SiV Z ' , wltn "?,"",," nite ceupie. rreieiis.i. references, wanted: (Int cln cenus. -waltresies. nantry bav. butlara. ....--- .-"-.: .-..:..- ..- ..".i , m 1 My""""-E-"." I and governesses supplied. Madam Jehn. HOI Christ an si. XVANTED. Pret cooks and chambermaid!, for ceuntry: valets, 2d men, couples. Ufa. Rowers 817 S 20th st. . FOB SAEE OFFICE FURNITURE Large tot of desks, safes, (lbs. cabinets tn general en ce iuiii.iuic, .mrn uxiures, We buv, sell and exchange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 407O, 1127 ARCH ST. RACE 4W .t!t. iOTATn8. $1.50 sack- mcdlum potatoes. $1 bushel; large potatoes.,-1 ' .... , tl ...m!.. II n U ... I ...I .S I bushel: small onions. $1,50 bushel; Danlaa cnbbnge. $1 basket. J4 barrel; free city if ,","?. call or pest I l.fryi - ' " OllUI PI. , -rr. ii Kiihtiv tp f r-i L.ic4inrv I nnire. ;,-:.- yie farn I isiuu.e ..... useu - -,wv. . tv.n a n,iv. tmngest mnit fin Am chairs and tables rented for all occasion. k H,AIU l-.Ai m iisi.r.. 1.1111. 11 1 ii Ami, vinrj COUNTKR8 shelving, showcases butehtrs and grocers' refrigerators cases accepted. Gmi-nlierg 1401 Ocrmnntewn ave. Kens. llt$T INVALID CHAIR, ptactlcally new. also la- vallil cusniun. wu t-uucri iiai stisr n p M REFRIGERATORS .and n. T. Randall A Ce.. 8X1 N. 2d at. 'CAHINIVT WITH 400 M1NKRALH RABli'. (lOla.l'.l.Tiuii, -e. ,-isn h. n.nai. CLOCK Maheganv hall clock, J5: perfect-' w run'g erder: great snap, Ph, XVye, lfl.t) J. f. TTI'H preasea and cuuers nu .arseiaa, Phlla I'rlnle-s' Pupnlv W i th s' inirivnnn Invalid's chair. $00: will sin "jrjjlce Phene Baring inn. J 45.10 LpcHiJ I1AI1Y lUAtili uniniiuuMiiinwil $15. Cnll Hherwned 11 in J. BUl-'FALO ROBU. extra a-xe, geed cenJI- , tlen. P 1515, Ledger enice. xv AGON'S and harness for sule cheap. 1(11 B. nth st . CarndeiK , iTrim ' n-Aiu.MH bought sold and reestrsC U. Klefer, 320 XV. Qlrard. Ph Kens. ll MAn-HITTERY AWD ioeil'i -.T., Tnnrii with us nulckly If IntereitelA" iwELmeBf- "',!." hlllUAN MOTOR wri" ." fThih ave liesfw-sms m I ,Tih mills, gnnuer.. . '-.-. ,i ic. Uieai'" A Mils hJP'"'. S,'."lHh arid Dalialie .-.. KLUCTRICAL MOTOIWjj-j.jjpjj- NWh8?ffi:nT.aVpwVr OLD OOLO uu-ry 'iSffSSiS'a, .rY.-fn.rk. reflnsruijaas- STAMPS AND COINS dTAMl'8. "Albums, etc.. 'ercS1C?h,, !! 'I ffes. Phlla. tltnrr '" " H ""n' -111 WANTED ACCEPT THIS OFFER If you want ttil'-t meney; Uwect made 11200 last month? Rewe, $003! largest company of Its kind ? America: your profit 13 te (8 per order! .' furnish full euulnment: all you de la c.n .. XVANT TO BUY a second-hand 'l5r"B beard: inentle,. price and cend tfn-.&fc'M Clappler. Frent and Chestnut sts., ll"lm LAI IV wishes tJ buy hiarit Pin pi r' - i asenuble. I'h'ine Ortlieii O'JOl XV. jTI Its M f f 1 -.- ;l. . . -...j,, ,.,A-i , .. (VMe.., ii.'au V 0X J '0i .f - X i. :- ,- .. vA '.f'e . r 4 . .'ji