Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 30, 1922, Final, Page 15, Image 15

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f Hl
,Wiv. ",
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Snelhina AndHe&llna
I. T step Wruff and
lOSS 01 nair aiiu
promote a healthy
yabeln the Resinol
treatment today
Trial free
Dept. 13-T
Letters te the Editor
Frem Jiiiw upwaru
IS W. Chtlljn A.. Orrnynlewn
Save 50 en Your
rn.lt our enorrreoms mu rrun
I"" . ..!... i,i.ii.t mmlltv ateck.
Berger Furniture Ce.
5248-50 Market St.
ufm.nl 0280 Open Evtntnn
Car need
new curtains?
We build curtalne for any
tnake of car right here In
our own plant
Material and workmanship
are absolutely guaranteed.
Get Our Eitiniate Ne Obligation
Pheno Popular 4607
Laraon-Oldsmebile Ce.
800 North Bread St.
Age and Employment
Te the Editor ef tht livening Vullle Ltdgtri
Sir I would llke very much te sce
tlscuescd in your paper wuat 1b te be bo be
ceme of tlie mldd caged nnd old men
when they are given no chance for cm cm cm
iloyment ever the young men who nl
wnyn get the preference. I think thin
In one of the serious questlenn of the
my. i novo rcnu tnnt the r. u. n.
wns inylnff oil all the men In Us employ
ever forty-llve yearn ei nge. What li
te occemo of these men It is nil runt
when they hnve Bena te eunuert them
or where they have been able te accu
mulate suinclcnt money te keen tnem
for the rest of their liven, but the tier-
centage of such men is email.
A man who hna been actively engaged
until he becomes forty-five years of age,
nnd in the interim linn dene everything
te mal-.c hlmeclf proficient in the oute
ncss in which he is engaged, and tticn
after lie has become valuable, ia he te
be replaced simply becnuse he has
worked hard te acquire -the knowledge
he possesien, only te find himself de
barred from using it
Many of our mldd e-nged and old men,
through force of Circumstances, have
been unable te lay usidc sufficient money
for an old age prohibition. As for my
self. I was compelled te support my
mother, several of her sisters, and ether
members of the family through a mis mis mis
fortune that came te us. I was never
able te save n cent but " all went te
the rapport of these who leaned en me.
I did my part nnd have been given credit
for it. but I have new passed the age
of ferty-five, am without funds, and
have been lalil off en account of my
ngc. Who is going te support me a
I have supported ethers who were ue
.endents? I don't want te be supported. I want
te earn my living, and nm nuite able te
de se, and give as much and as efficient
work as any yeun" innn would be will
ing te de, nnd yet I nm told I must
go because I have passed the age limit
during which I have helped ethers along,
Instead of shifting for myself, looking
te the future. I should like te hear
from some of your readers as te the
fairness or unfairness of 'rvlnn off the
"Back te Pre-Wnr Prices"
Full Course Dinner
KKOJI S X TO ciairr
Dinner D'nrea. 7 te 0
n i mr rhn.
Shark for
sciatica t
weak bach
stiff joints
At atl dracttiti. 35c, 70c. 41.49
. DliSf urlnl facial
wickijr healed bv Dr.
Ointment. Geed for pimply face.
rnntlena are'
Hobeon'a tereiua
Ml' Jv V
qaickljr hea!
eCZema. Crn. ItpMnr nliltt. anrl all
JJheriilcln trouble. Oneef Dr.Hcbeen'a
timlly Itemrnle. AnydruscUt.
tczemaOintmeat. J
Chartered I836
Seme Thoughts
ter 1922"
The business possibilities of the
w your nre discussed in the
dlnjf article in the current
ue of The Qlrard Latter.
The ctery of the Philadelphia
wectric Company is anether
leure of this issue.
Upen request the Company will
glad te place en the mailing
" c 1 tree of charKe, any ene de
ne te receive this and subse
juent issues of The Cirard
"l&CLeilnutati., PbiUdelpUa
would be ensy te pns a slower car go
ing In the wtme direction.
The water could be dropped Inte n
tti'vert or sewer or at the right point
U could be passed te the aide nnd off
wltli n slight concave. If the HtaU
ml b for a Ixty-foet rendway It hnultl
be that, and start from the line (fence),
se that every feet of the read Is usitb.e
without telesrnph poles planted ten te
fifteen feet from the fence. OfWli cara
cut tie telcgrnph poles off.
On nne or both sides of the concrete
retul 1 should be a geed macadam rnnd
for horses te travel en. Streets uheuld
be shaped the same way. There should
lw. nn "iitteni with water nnd mud
Ntnndlns In them, mining clethcj of
iwople en the sidewalks as the vehicles
pass. The water sheu.d drop Inte sew
ers from the middle of the street. .
Philadelphia, January 23, 15)22.
Thanke Frem "Peer Richards"
Te the Edl'er 0 the Evtning PuMtc Ltdatr:
Sir 1 want te thank ybu personally,
and in the name of the Peer Illchnrd
Club, for your magnificent publicity that
you gave our recent dinner, both before
its accomplishment and en the day
following. I .can assure you thnt all of
us highly appreciate your gcnereUB co
operation, nut only In the matter of
spnee, but in sending your photeg
rapliers te tell tne story graphically
Chairman Banquet Publicity, V
Richard Club.
Philadelphia, January 24, 1022.
Get nn 6ld Mnid after Dim, nnd watch
the feathers By. A rivalry between an
Old Meid and a Widow would create
a let of fun. MAItY T. CLEMENT.
Philadelphia, January 25, 1922.
nlthlr aueh bende upon wiUafMtery evldenee
that Hi eacurlty ha tn tot Pf deetreyed.
Fer t)il form or lnurne a rtaaonaeie
chircre It made.
n ir tr."AMMiMtnr te the American
Meflleal Directory for 1931. there are WSfl
bnplUla In the United auto.
"W. L. P." There l etlll much available
land for liemeateadlna In Canada cot. bow
ever, very near (e cllle.
Questions Answered
Circulating Libraries
Te tU Biiler of lha Evening JuoHe Vtistrt
OlrX am a tranr In year city and
have read your paper and enjoyed It very
mueh attice coming here, alae have noticed
that many ptople are receiving tafonnatleu
threiKh your People's Kerum.
tVill aDereelate tt very much If yU could
.tell me trhere I could nnd ctreulatlnir It-
brarle. I de net mean the pudiie enen,
but rather the one that rent out boelu by
Ileplna this will n&t tncenventenre you In
any Way and with beet wlehea for jour
paper. MJ18. O. A. DIIOOKS.
Philadelphia, January 20, 1033.
We have very few circulating- libraries in
thie city, due te the fact that public libraries
are se liberally distributed throughout the
elty. Teu can net a Met cf the llbrarl
In the clnealflcatien eectlen cf a Bell Tele
phone took.
Language Spoken In Panama
Te the Editor of the Evening PueIW Ledgtr:
Sir I nm coin te Tanama te live. What
lansuere la ipehen en the tithnmaf
W. I. O.
Philadelphia, January S. 1023.
Spantah ta the efflelal lanwafe of Pan
ama, but Entlli It almeat unlvereellr
tpeXtn In the Canal Zene. It the predominant
lantuare of Colen and It understood and
often by meat of th noeple en the tethretw.
Bend of Indemnity
Te the Editor 0 the Evening Publta Ledger:
Olr Pleaae state In our Publle'e rerurn
what la the meaning- of "a bend of Inclem.
nlty" in Investment mattert. II. 3. L.
rhtlailelpha, January 10. 1023.
In Inveatment matter the common use
of the "bend cf Indemnity" la In caae of a
leit arcurity. Xt la a form of guaranty pro pre
tectlnc the corporation, firm or Individual. In
event of preantntlen at weme future time of
a eeeurlty which lia been teat by the owner
and the corporation leaulntr tne aame naa 1.
Poems and Songs Desired
Who Wrete the Verspa?
Te the Editor 0 the Evening Publle Ltieert
Blr I am very anxleu te knew who
wrote the versei cer.talnlnr the foUewInt
The trouble It nil of theee preachers
Of their tn' make aorr.ethlnt Immense,
Inatead of teachlna their elceplns fleck
That relleien la common Benin.
It deem't mean aackcleth and aahet.
Or the maklna- of llvlnc hard)
Hut Juat net telllnr your body or teul,
Tilch Is practical love for OeJ.
Xhlladelphla, January E2, 1022.
of tlfflfr llf
ea Found?
Ing PmMIj Ledger:
11 me where theee
are they cannot
mlddle-nged nnd old men te clvc their! you nre pretty sure te receive the seme
Only One Fault With Pedeatrlane
Te the Edtter of the Euenlne 1'nMle Ledger:
Sir The many letters pre and con
the people of Philadelphia prompt me
te add my own experience.
About a year uge I left the environs
of New Yerk City te make my home
in a small town near the City of Broth
erly Leve. On many shopping trips te
Phllndelnhin I have found the sales-
rxvinle rnnrteeua And helnful and often nd k new security in ttt ntead. The usual
when lunching have had pleasant con- ,way of ebtatnlna euch a bend of Indemnity
vernatiens with' several acquaintances, t te npeiy ieim. ""' nr,n"jr I
.v'.h. L V.fi. company" which makea a bualneaa of fur-I
Ul leU HUIUU vwve
Human nature seems te be pretty
much the same the world ever. Meet
people with kindliness and sincerity and
Te the Editor
Blr Can any olio -
line tre te be found!
'Meed de4i Immortal
Unscathed by emrleua blleiit or wlthertns
They live nnd bud end bloom, and men
partake, ,
Still cf their freahneis, and are atren
11ns. vr. u iionaseK.
Camden. N. J January 22. 1023.
Who Wrete It?
Te the Editor of the Evening PutHe Ledger:
Kir I would like te knew the name ef
the author of 'the poem containing- these
"lie works en the wrens; elde evennere.
But werkH for the rlcht tlde ever.
It's only whfn the weavln steps
And the web ti leeaed and tumel
Tliat he tees hie real handiwork
That hie morveleua skill ta learned.'
II. W. ClltW.
Phlladelhta. January 22. 122.
nlaccs te the young men. instead of
compelling them te de ns I did. fight
their wnv through. J. L. M.
Philadelphia, January 16, 1022.
A Letter of Appreciation
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir The space you hnvc se kindly
?iven In your paper today te the annual
meeting of our society Is deeply ap
prrelated. We realize that through your
'nrge circulation we shall become better
known, nnd the work we have been
"nrrvlnir en quietly but successfully for
the last forty years will gain mere sun-
lertcrs, and we thank you hcnrtllv for
Secretary. Pennsylvania Heme Teach
ing Society.
Philadelphia, January 27, 1022.
Building of Public Reada
Te the Editor of the Evcntng PuMie Ledger:
Sir Klnd'y permit nn e'd man te
express his vlcwn in the People's Fo
rum en read making. First. I want
te my that read building has net kept
pace with ether improvements. Net
only in read material, but in the shape
of the read as well.
Te set te my point. T am coin? te
use the Lincoln Highway as an illus illus
trntlen, as by many people It N 'oeketl
upon 'is n mishty fine mad. I leek upon
It as 1 dlsjrncc te the Stntc. showing
the peles-ml ignorance of Its ;URineprs
Why? Becauee it te danperntiH te
tmvel en it, as you must run your r.ir
en n 'itt'c narrow rlde or crown. It is
almost Impossible te pet by some of the
lnrge tricks, as they must ride this
tldge r crown.
I have seen teurinjr cars blew thlr
l-.nrn fur hnlf n mile for tile truck te
turn aside no :hey cculd pass. Ter If
they should hnv ntteinpted te pun the
would have run In the ditch or ever the
I prcclpi'i and upst. New. mind you.
I the State -la'ls for a sixty-font highway.
Qhe ethw night I miw n enr drop into
the ditch anil masli the two rear wueis
while passing n truck that hosged the
crown It la net fit for a horse te
travel en.
Hers In ths Old Man's Idea, and I
hnve been n driver frr fifty yeurs: A-t
0(1 per r?nt of the trnve' Is automobiles,
Ihc ("Miter rend heuld be tnnde from
the hardest material that can be oh eh
tnlnwl (cement;. The shape tdieuld
be nearly level, with a Might conrave
(net convex) te the ccnter, se thnt
water would run te the center of thp
i nnd. Tills cives you two driveways
instead nf one, s each enr would keep
t. the Hjht. And at the Mine tunc it
treatment In return. Sometimes there
are cxcentlens. but net often. One and
only one fault I have found is with the
pedestrians en the sidewalks. They
loiter, walk slowly in every nnd nil
directions; the idea of keeping sharply
te the right never seems te have en
tered their minds, and when ene is
hurrying te catch n train, as has been
mj experience, nnd hns been delayed
needlessly nnd missed the train, this
trail of Phlladclphluns is exasperating.
Am I right? A. S. H.
Philadelphia, January 23, 1022.
The People's 1'erntn will appear dally
In the I'v.nlna rehllc Iedtrr. and also
In the Hundiy. Publle Idter. letters
dliteua.lnr tlmrly topics will be printed,
as wMI requeated poems, nnd auet auet
tlens of erneral Interest will be anawercd.
Is Uncle Bim Saved?
Peer Uncle Blm
Te the Edtter of the Evening Public Ledger:
I Sir Let me sny te your readers why
I find fault with Uncle Blm? He is de
serving of our deepest sympathy. He
may be n boob In nppearunce nnd cer- J
tnln of his actions, but, believe me,
Mr. Smith haB him in nn nwkwnrd po
sition, for he must tealize that his at-1
tt notion 1 his money en both sides aj
case of 'between the devil aiul tne
fioep s.en." If Blm were wise he would
drop both schemers nnd hie himself back
te Australia, get his equilibrium, nnd
then come back heart free te n fur
ther conquest. We don't want the
Widow te land him, nnd neither de we
went te see Blm remain single. But
what is the geed soul te de. when he
finds nothing but scheming all about
him? We cannot wonder nt his be
lie. In the frnl'ty of women, the way
Zander and Mln hnve been pulling
wires, se let logical Andy engineer his
re'utlve hereafter Inte n sane and safe
course. D. A. SYLVKsTEK.
Philadelphia, January 1M, 1022.
An Old Maid for Uncle Blm !
Te the Edtter of the Evening Puelic Ledger:
Sir Your cartoonist, Mr. Smith, ,
should write a Sherlock Helmes story.
He would no doubt pteve 11 grent suc
cessor te that "nun of mystery plots."
He is certainly keeping- us guewinff.
We rush for the Kvk.msq Public
Ledger every day te sec if we are af
forded the oppertunitj te pick the win
ner. And te our disappointment the
plot seems te be growing thicker and j
thicker. The Widow Zander has!
proved "herself te he unworthy of our
respect, se if Mr. Smith insists Jn add
ing te the discomfort of the Gumps and
especially Min. then he should work In
11 ilv.tl for Blm henrt and fortune.)
Surely there nre designing women ether 1
than wiilewi). Why pick en widows?.
liSheppacd & Sens
Philippine Underwear Specials
Corset Cevers hand-scalloped $1.50
Nightgowns hand-scalloped $2.25
Drawers hand-scalloped $1.50
Envelope Chemise embroidered $2.50
Chemise hemmed bottom hand
scalloped $1.95
Demestic Underwear Specials
Nightgowns jine cambric high neck,
long s'eeves $1.50, $1.75 ; of nainsoek
low neck, short sleeves $1.50, $1.75
Envelope Chemise $1.50, $185, $2.00
The Sheppard Brassiere of Skinner's Satin
white, flesh or black $2.25
Outing Ftonnel Nightgowns
These Prices te Clese Them Qui
$1.95 styles, $1.50 $3.75 stvlei, $2.50
White and Celers
Black Sntine Petticoats
Very Special at
$2.00, regular size $2.50, extra size
100$ Chestnut Street
Who Is te Blame: Mistress or Maid?
De They Want Toe Much?
I Je the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
I Sir I have been rt-ndlng ull the let
I tern in the Kvlnine PuiiMC Li:P0En
regarding the domestic quCftien, and
many of the maids have expressed them
selves very strongly against being com cem
nel.ed te sit In the h.tchen and enter
tain their friends there, and that they
hpvc te ue the rear instead e' the fient
deer. I hnve been wondering if they
de net u&pcit ,0" much. In fact, I
feel sure they de.
If the mistresses would give In te
the use of the front deer, nnd the en
lout but two nights n week, nnd I think
tee much of my hen'th. disposition ind
euprgv te stay out se Inte. Yeu say I
Imvu daytlmiH well, except te shop
nnd market for my home, which is
work, I'm net out for pleasuie any
mere than my meld.
Net until maids improve themselves
nnd make Ged proud of them let alone
we ordinary mortals are they entitled
te the front deer. I let a colored maid
use the front deer she then wanted
te sic at the table with us. She wild I
didn't llke her any mere because I refused.
.Seme of my mauls hnve ttayeil a
tcrtalnlng of "ccnt.emen friends inthe;,ny. Reference, yea, but the woman
altling room, Horary or puner, imgni iie canH. frera Went down te tne very
it net be posslb'e thnt before long scrv - bottom in my estimation. What a ter-)
nnts would nk for the privl ege of ,.,ble state of affairs when a girl haa i
using the piano te tnke music lessens, or eked ene year, let alone ten years.
bne u room set aside for them us an an(j canaet de geed, clean cooking and1
art studio, In which they could tnte (.leaning. The peer girl is net te blame, j
pulnting lessens? 'it's the wemnu the wemun in whose
People de net hlre servants te be service she has been employed. Let me i
ornaments about the place; they hire mvc your maid and I'll tell you what1
them te work, and, while I udmlt thntijeu nre used te ; I knew, as de thou theu
ihey have long hours, yet they nre kinds of ether women. I
much mere independent than the store There nre few jewels of maids. Yeu
or factory girls, and nre able te savo.ein dnss help two wajs: Maids
very much moie money. Contrast tht ir nemcthing superior te servants. One
i-uudltleii. getting $12 and $M a week, i0 has earned the right te respect nnd
nnd their room and beard, with tlie ' tlie front deer. In Philadelphia in the
ttcre girl getting ?10 or $12 n week, three years, thrce maids came as
tvhn has te nay the biggest bulk of servants net even servants, (ust
1 this for room uiid beard. And hew de i,crubs 'from households, and three have
iiiet of them have te live te get through pene away (wept for;, but some one
en thlh suinll wage? They must ec-1 ms three high-class innids who can
cum- little rooms, poorly furnished and i reek end nerve "for n king," and seme-
i liudTy heated in n cheap ledclng or times r'.ean nicely enough for tt woman
bearding house, nnd If tlicy have te go nil( has always lived In clean surround
out ter their meals, they get the poorest Jugs nnd cannot content herself ether-
kind or roeu, wiuie inc uemestic wuu wiw. j
supplied by the family Is just as geed The Gelden Bule is beautiful, but
as hhe is" nhle te prepare it with the winehew I believe cleanliness is next '
plenti provided. I feci sure thnt the te jour religion or a puvt of It. There I
nreru'uc domestic is far better off ut the is another phase, tee u mnlil pesi-
venr's end than the store or factory lively costs a person $10 n week mere
iirl. M. l. U.
Philadelphia, January 27. 1022.
I Classes In Maids
I Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger;
, .sir .We ere what we make our
! S(,ives back deer or front deer, high
! class or erdinnry. And there are few
' maids with Intslllgcnee enough te make
than her salary, nnd ninny of them i
lest you much mere. If I pay n maid.
S12 te SM a week. I knew positively '
thnt she costs me at least $25 a week, i
1 have proved it week after week. lTn- J
'ess you are beh'nd them nil the time. !
they will net save for you. And there
Is no reason one should be around n
meld te nvhem jeu nre paying real i
The troutue with
In spite of clever machinery, there is
geed handwork in Pierce-Arrew. It
receives many touches of craftsman
ship, of intelligent individual atten
tion from workmen trained te im
prove and carry a bit further the work
of the machines. This personal, exclu
sive, comprehending attention adds
the power of human intelligence te
make better a car which, even if left
as the machines finished it, would still
be remarkably geed.
Fess-Hughes Cempawv, ist and Market
Streets, Philadelphia. Wilmington,
Reading, Bethlehem, Lam'asier
..w.nm 'I'hA CaNTttt till. eilt-K 1ia neltniA I
.1 .A.i.u riiiril r I flint nr filPY WUUKI UC , lliwnvj . v n"'M'v Time mv t'LiUKt i
IllfIiirl.'iV(M,ev.'f. - -.- . ii . t i. .. ii. i. . il ..
hMi pins nnd any woman w te ins ' main uiey e uai i-enmer Hint tuuy
h? Inad's0cln"ty(eur "yir con .ay : i hUeul. de their best for you. but just'
,' i,ew there- wcte se many or- enough te get by.
i.n, feinalci en Ged iartb." ' Wlmt about the mentality of the'
'"".'.Vi 5"?.?"- .Ill, v"hl don't nvernge maid? If they had te hnve u,
i nv iViie te Ueht their battlee. Ged uicntiil examination, und scre paid lie- i
'tools a fte ' llS truly faithful. Hard kerdlngly, many ueuld hi.v. te pay
hu'k fellows the indolent. Maids and their o.upleycrs ter ins ruetlei.. ifew v
Pierce- A rrcm
! i
Income Tax Return Blanks
Ne. 1040 Individual Incomes ever $5,000
Ne. 1040-a Individual Incomes of $5,000 and under
THESE official forms may new be
obtained at either our downtown' or
uptown office. We shall be glad te assist
our customers, and ethers, in the prepa
ration of their returns; we make no charge
for this service.
Philadelphia Triist Company
415 Chestnut Street
Bread and Chestnut Streets
Give Your Child the Greatest
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HkBniHnvf7IIGlv;7K 2Mwaaal
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiBBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AtfiaaFSsaaaal
V9VlaHMHDnUii.:'7 jb r7UaaaH
sViXSfKaMlil .-Afe'ite . vTMHaaaaaaaiSI
VMtjSiJnfMW(VitM '"f aaaaaai
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express train 177 years te travel from the earth te the sun, if there were a railway
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