K "f 'J- 've V." i ' iiiisr Adepts pregrawi r- l if Pnnnmii rcenal Tens nyi'- Development Urged Sessions are concluded ..t.-.mn. .Inn. 28. The Fanners' ISiitfcc, which ended lest ntaht, went Kara ns oppesta repeal of the ".." t 1-11 -eritur "the ncenlc ifrtVnlted States hnve lnvoited a I lift ui" ... in tlin Vnnnmn ,rt fiUffl 01 n""W - fe'.-mmondallens IneUfdetl : Tciepnfent of hydre-clBrtt 1c power A"te.fndtatK fl'ilnttncnt of n commission te work irtSl ln.l Policy, Including SUtUea, IrrlR-tleu, grazlnR and Sffien problems in co-encrn Ien teSlar bodies in the various esltlnn te the opening of any .I.i tnr fnrmlne mirnoses pending Kdjustincnt of conditions in agrlcul- I'-imlicr of representatives of farm- IL? organizations Inst nig it nttcnueii n conference of "the agricultural L of Secretary Wallace h confer !i! n-nvMnn of Immediate credit IM fanners and reduction of freight fcgieiiia n aam mmmmmwBmwg The finest butter in America! 1 Sold only in our Stores 1 EminmmmmmmmmmmmmU A !d 1 KU 1 1 URAL. 3 1 E.&L. Facterjr. Offlce nnd Stere Deltdlnci. Warehouief, Tower Ueuici, Mnclilne Shep and Foundries, 1 Etldrcs ana CekI Trestles iDtnltned, Fnbrlrtitecl mul Erected I rmnt T.Uht, J'lre Uscmies, 1 Ornimratal unil MlicclUneeuA 4 Iren. MONTGOMERY IRON & STEEL CO. imh St. Mniilk-elntT.Y Af I" H-rk st FINANCIAL UltAIIhU'IlIA K.U'in TIIANS1T COJI- 'AM' SO-U.AU 0 l'JUll t'lT Bi.iw INC ILNI) GOLD 1IONDS S'eir t h.nbv alum thii. euiuuant te t S.nlilnB fund prevision of the ttboe lerteme. dated sri.h 1. 1U1-. yreiwia. will U rece cd lit the office e th-i Com Cem MrcUl TrLt Cempti,. Trustee, -'lty lull suinre. Philadelphia, for the sale te the Truitee en JUr-h 1, 10J2. of e. mtllclcnt cumber of Ics le cunsuinu the sum of M3.B54.3i new in tha Hlnklni; Kunrt tit ft pric net te ixcecJ 105 per tent and accrued Merest. The right Is icaentxl te rejeu any a til .oreDOjal i in w'.iole or In part, l're- ?eli theuld be I'ealed and marked "I'm "I'm peult for tha raie of l'tilladelpl.iu I'.upid TTtrtlt Company S'J-Ycar 5 Per Cent Slnk.ng tunn uem uenaa," and w pruieniea 10 ww UKlenlBncd before l'J e'tlcrk neon, Tliurs iv, l'rliru try 2, 10'il. TULSTKIJ HENRY C. aillSON. Treaturer. ruuaapipniu janinr? iniu.- t?m7R7?tm i i trutnye. riri jirepua ibj will be received tiinr cinlnmrnt lllld net COmtf. ?!ilS,V' '".Vcbrti .r 0. WZi. at tl.e oilUe , "'f1" PXcle "tudent W In th !Thi,l'enniiy'ianla Cemiuny for Inaur.incca i Ot n Klncie finnrni w.i1 hi in iropesals sheul tin addrusBiMl tu the under- i !m rlliplnrpfl r.ea 4 iiuu iii jurii. iik v . .1 uiinniiv .ivn itiiiiidiiih m i riii iiiii- i n uti u lvmi Milan 30th. trem 8.10 A t m : m. i.Ii,ihm iVm niii.'itiltltnt.Oll RY Del'. IARItl",OV etSAUY. " Herurdlnir SecieiLry. ItWi epi'ici: or 'V,tt."i,:,'.'.'"v ""' I'ejirANV liIVJH-u!i1 llc.?,,ln. Sf,.,", Htoekh'eMerS'of Oufln. . ;"..":.'" "r "'""" tu "i-'rva - ..... cit-tUIHl. jinir. I, McCI.OV Serrtnr fi'ii: fl:LAi. .Mi.i;riMi or .skich mbt. V ,r." " . ' .'" I,,n".T l-all nn- ...j r ... -;.''.''" i-riiuirr mm for' h.T-.", rV. "" '"..H'C-"1."". t" "ie ,.H .. :. -" ?.', m.".' Ul .htM ut th0 "" u' uib ceinnnny aJ, TKADKNMHNrt NATIO.NAr, uii piiiin.ui..).!. ..::.!' . 'M '"l. .1 r 1)1.1 it . .. ' WKI'IWATION H . -!iu -"c.ulat' t en Febi.ary qu, UiL' Oie et ,,Jsl- Jry2l'1i 1022 A1IW-N'S- l'rldent. THE (.ll(AKI) (Alll) NATION II, IJANlI" ! Dearil 8 ."ua W. aabl I',, :," .V. " ltr 0 lirr foul .!- 1 IOCK- Oxcks win be'iusll.d VSJ C. M, ASIITON, B",raKHBm6 :4sps,kS'w& ft t?:ii te mJifidl """nr su, "lis. 'y O. HBLMUOtJl. MPV ll.n trin,n1.A., .-;.". ' ,....vv. .-. TM.Jntlt-nV ""' b?.neV .,l.t """r e'flc en 2 .ruMJay. l.bni.rr H. lUi,. ut 12 o'cle.l, t'k?n inI) hb "?nK ,ay nn 'lectien will I ua ite,0"1 U'9 h-.u.".,H lio'cletk n.. I th nr,-.! ' '"''''"hln. Jnnuary 27.' i..- a.Mi w ' ..''"" IS be " ,; rt , " --- i i iiiiit fir in ( ... . - ....... . .! 1,1 M Trtwurir. sites were advocated by Sennter B. F. Ladd, of North Dakota. Government encrntlmi of rnii-nn.ia Was favored and the meeting went en record as favoring an lmmcdlnte reduc tion of freight rates te the level pre vailing before the passage of the Esch Cummlngs law. Must Share. Deflation The confcrcnce yesterday twice told capital and labor that they would be expected te take their share of the deflation which already has flattened the farm Industry. The farmer, although he bears no 111 will toward the mere fertunnte groups of American economic life, is first of all for the farmer. Ills sole thought new Is te rescue his industry from the dol drums in which It has fallpji. Ner docs he sce ied reason for capital and labor te wlnce at the prospect of the losses they must take In profits, freight rates and wnges in the price readjustment te ceme If agriculture is te imrvlvu. The fanners' wnrnlnir wnn rMixl nnrf written into the confcrcnce record to day after a brace of sessions marked by acrimonious debate In whlrli linth capital and labor sought te dedge any measure of blmne for the farm-nrlec situation. Samuel Gempers, president of the American Federation of Laber, nftcr winning apparent victory for the forces of labor In the morning's session, was soundly beaten in the nfternoen and organized labor informed thnt It could net justly be exempted from the proc ess of deflation. Wullace Urges Ce-operation Secretary AVallace In his closing address characterized the confer ence as "the most representative gathering of agriculture ever held." It has been a geed thing for the faraerH and the allied Interests, he declnrcd, adding that the farmers and the l dated interests "must co operate te put agriculture en n sound and enduring basis." "This conference," the secretary continued, "has gained ground, and I thluk we enn held that ground. We hnve presented coustnictive suggestions net only for the present but for the working out of a sound agricultural policy for years te come." IJofere adjourning resolutions were ndepted thanking President Harding and Secretary Wallace for calling the conference and expressing appreciation te Chairman Andersen for his fairness in presiding ever the sessions. Insist en Others Sharing Deflation Fer thrce days the conferenee has dealt with details and the discussion of specific proposals for agricultural relief. Yesterday the farmers expressed their real opinion, which Is. that the farmers almost nlone ate beairng the brunt of nftcr-thc-war deflation. The opinion was expressed in main clauses of two resolutions, ene from the Committee en Costs, Prices and Adjustments, and the ether from the Transportation Com mittee. In the firt resolution the farm ers voted as follews: "There can be no restoration of na tional prosperity until both wages and capital, which enter the production of commodities which the farmer buys, bear their mutual and just share in the I general price of readjustment." Training Methods at Camp Sherman Called "Farce and Fraud" DISABLED MEN UNHAPPY I uivimi By the AvsnrhtI Treas Cliirlnnatl. .Tnn. 2S. That vocational tnilntng at Camj) Sherman. Chillicothe. O.. Is "a farce and a ft and" is the statement mono by Judge Kebert h. ?i,M?z , nf the nisahlnl American Veterans of the world War, in n report prestntivl In Washington today te Martin 15. Madden, chairman of tl'f Committee en Appropriations of the 1Iiu.m e Repre sentatives. The report is the ichuU or ........l ..i.-t Mn.l. I.. li.flfr.i ATnt- I '.' ,: r'"" .. " ' " "ThP wl oelronms have been ".-.le evpr in a makeshift fashion." says. ludge Mnrv in thf ronert. "In the electrical school which has an enrollment of eighty there were only thirty-seven men actually present nnd of this num ber only two were doing anything." Tlin Miiilnni.nr lie said was fiticll ns U. S. VOCATIONAL 1 SCHOOL ASSAILEO Tfan,VV,,7V. "S'ViVTrnu I "1 he picked up around any aban- ".?..re. llRSr .'. COI.LATI.KAI. . . .,'.. ,lnTifj tnl,l li in Hint lltL.tr JHIKlGAdl-; IN. i iu,in;u taiuj. ui....... Under tle Slnlilner IMinrt i.rnln!ena of the lw wninn (hcv Wire net WOrltlllg With hi i.nts ana urnnt ns Annuities, 'iruain. . n umDine sciinm. uutuiiiuiM w uumn ihe sale- te it at the Iewuhi price ret rarrc 'i' here was n dearth of caulpment ny bernla an sij.oce -js ulll purchase All here n also was tlie eflbe in tne Dauery, i ...j. 1....1 1 1 1 ! rt bi.j.1 n1. i.n a ri.I..f ;MSNvMNgVa whoel." the re- iSNL'iTlES. Truitei peit said. "There were only two or 7 Cheitnut et iiiiin.ra . i three men who seemed te be Idle and Twn, ter a..M;igpFund neciiu "plri that Instruction was bei.K - -. . - elven." . . . rXnnimi Mm-iiiit , Tlin sliee rfpnlring school, the report gj?Tim ANNtAt. ju.uri.Mi or tiii; ..tnte.l. ui the b'iU-t in the camp. , Yeum Wemen'a Clirlntien Anoclatlen "We did lwt find U single student M"MIiJslphl will t- luld .Monday. .I.inu- ,.i.- ..,.. v,i cnllafnrtinil with t!i( W Jtttb. 1833. at T:3'J V. M si tlie Ken- who epuMl aiuiariinii juiu tin 4al. I. t a ...' ' . ... ..!. .J., -.i. t,.,i..l.ltl ill HtlHl (IK AiilirLII wSuWttSi nSarTef1 uireSte "i,tb ''f tnUn'SSien !rWnS '''jhv'.,;1, ' m at thi nve Hruneiies! MembsSi will Marx taid. "Many of the ftudent.n w at tha nrancU thruush wiiidi thuy en- waiitetl te go hnme, but were afraid te II'SU j .. il .... . .nil. lift lfrmnn,! trmii PeTi. m . Q ., fi-I; fenrms they vunilil bp (ireppeii lrem :.-"! 'v"t ii.iiuiuay. Jiinuni .!.. i. .....i wnci iMi in . from 12 M. te 10 ! M. Kitl Monday. tinillinR CHlirult . Mill init iui-.uu im- RADIUM '-'CURE" UPHELD 5 P. C. of Cancer Casee Seem Healed. Docter Saya Atlantic Cllv. J.m. W. Dr. .Tair.ci T. Ciif'O. or Uattie uitcc, .mu-ii.. iki dr'iitMriU' the nniiu.il fosIeh of the Aiuor Aiuer linn llneiiiiren In Society ycstenlay at the Aiiii'(is"'aeuv. uvciuriii unit "np-irnu-nt eiii'i'V me belni; ciTeeteir In r unrlt lii this country, "Kohedy talliH ahetit n real cure in I'incer," he declared. "It Isawell-knewn surulcnl principle that rimes are net l..wl Kii' and tree 01 tini.im. Dr. Tuke Called te Lansdowne The llui. 1 Jr. ChnrleB Kdward Tuke, rector of l- t'lt'inent's Church, St. Vnul "Minn , has hcen elected rector thV Cliuu'h of St. Jehn the Kvan- ,.ntln( Lailiowne, 1-11., iiiiii it in un Church, Hmlner, Church Bedy te Held Annual Service Tha Trce and Open Church Ashoel Asheel niitm will held ItK niiniiu cervleeu to te to m'er'ow nlKht in St. Plillln 8 KlUjceiml ii.iieli. l'oitv-bccend htrect nnd llaltl mnre nveiu e. The Hcv. Ollhert U. iSer, rceter of St. Michael's Church, CJcrinantewn. vrtll preach. "U-rtlH l'nila lelnh hi T1-. .....,"".: . f-.i.,. "II TO .l IH'l -i ll l i.lKI UI L. IIL'L' ti'Ztr ? J."- " is oVictVneoii. Wren ted with -rnv aim rndluni. (bKJ 1 HOhwun uti HOl:.snoe" , tr--L1 Mie.iUcr. v.he directed the X-rnt ' -?----ZLarZ' w,ti of the Aini'iieun e.vpudltleiinr.v iHiiifiniK ' ,.,, Vianec. i the dean of this an extra ilut infi nV t 1 .?r H,,l,lin" I pniiMliiprca ruii-'u vu jciurt nnvv w ijar. criln7.tnn Ih,efrat,ne' ' ul "j ,,? TZ Ken of the cases treated with ,BI'1Uvi'L0lV-llc "".'-" "leui'if Mali v.Sw nntl wtUum me mere than three SS&.P"efalft: efrLk? ' .. fcic'J":, ? "'f0 n" eW. 't after tlmt period there JMwry 31 10-2 "' eleau of ujinesj J J"rft t0 e-, j,Pr cent of the cases that . i:mi?j a wiw.TAMH fi,.i,i- I , ..1 "..MMnnl liepclcM that new are ulive outeod 1' will accent nun lane nit. I ..w ehuiK" b t' I'eB'nuInK of Lent. 1 , hti'c'edH the Itev. CrewcII Mdieu l!L whh cU-ctwl rector of St. David's EYENING- PUBLIC- IjEDaEB-FHirABELPHIA, SATURDAY, iAiipiMfiinDDn GENOA CONFERENCE New Returning te Philadelphia Frem Buainess Tour of Eurepe DECRIES RUSSIAN TRADE Bpeetat Calle DtipatcK CovvrieM, lit (Reprinted from tcday'a 1'ultte Ledger.) Varls, Jan. 27. "Yeu must remcm-J eer J. am n locomotive builder, nnu nec an expert political economist the weeds nre full of them nevertheless, I am pleased te learn by thU morning's newspnpers that the Un'tcd States is net likely te participate m the Genea conference." Such was the greeting from Samuel M. Vauclaln en the cve of his dcparlure from Paris for Brussels and Londen en his homeward voyage te Philadelphia. Mr. Vauclaln was In trecd hcnlth and geed humor, desplte the thousands of mncii covered en all Kinds of railreaus In a business tour of Central and Northern Rurope. Including France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Poland nnd Austrln-HunKarv. He will be In Brussels tomorrow and later In Londen, and will sail for the United Stntps en February S en the Olympic. Mr. Vauclaln was interested in the senatorial situation in Pennsylvania and expressed n hearty personal ap proval of the appointment of Geerge Wharten Pepper. He even forget the complexity of European problems te discuss the prospects of the two com munities, Philadelphia and Camden, which are te be -joined by the Delaware Klver Bridge. Praises Philadelphia "They say we de things slowly, but we can point today te the fact that Philadelphia Is the first Industrial city in America nnd it alwajs will be," he said. Turning bacV te Europe via Wash ington, Mr. Vauclaln said: "I am glad that President Harding decided net te attempt telling the European nations hew te run their afi'alrs. They can settle thfirr problems among them selves. "It seems te me that President ITard Ing is one of the most sensible Presi dents, and as a statesman Secretary Hughes is unrqunled In any nation. We hnve one of the ablest world finan ciers In Secretary Mellen. They see Nearly as te the conference of Genea. KiiEsia Is In n fever that will run its course regardless of the conterence, which will net have the effect of mak ing it a field for trade." Mr. Vauclaln it convinced that It is felly for American firms te de business with Hussln for the next few years. He declared that Poland, Germany nnd France are the most prosperous nations he has seen, but declared that Tranre Is I rlin ninsr rnrtunntp. ns hpr riresnerltv Is genuine and net due te low exchange as is the case of Germany. 1 "1 wna Impressed with the German I industry nnd methods of caring for their expert trade. A recent Itusslan order for 700 locomotives was distributed pre rata te nineteen German manufacturers, I according te their capacity, by nn asse- ' elation of manufacturers theraelve3. i This sort of thing Is encouraged by the ' German Government, where In America j It would be rmniJicit as a combine. In every country I visited I found nsri- . culture improving, which is :t token of, future preperity. but in Francp I found the most belitl luunuatieas ter future wealth. I Says France Is Better OfT ' "In many respects France is better . off than America, especially in the mat- ; ter of labor, bne lias every reason te !j-rvn net show her imnetency b7 demeblllzln! a single soldier until she has absolute assurance that Germany will pay in full the sum of her reparations. "Of the northern countries, Sweden is in n 'better condition than Norway. eWCdl Sweden has contracted fur 1000 loco- motives for Kussia and has the adan tage of being close te Itusbia. but ethei industries are net &e prosperous Norway is affected by the cctieral European disorder and her exchange Is falling, The resumption of hT man ufacturing experts depends mere than that of most notions en the genera rehabilitation of Europe." The activity of Poland impressed Mr. Vauclaln. moreover, as he told of her tecelving 3125 locomotive j ordered last far en u ten-year credit. "Poland is destined te become one of the great nations of Europe," he said. "The Government Is growing stronger and the labor situation Is ex cellent. The alue of her currency if increasing and her geographical posi tion between Russia and Wertcrn Eu rope, the Baltic and the Black Sea. insures her future. Her coal. Iren and weed resources, together with the in dustry of her people, will lead te rapid piesuerity." Mr. Vauclaln left the United States In December, and taid lie was net faml'iar with thf Industrial situation but was of the opinion that It Is mere u,lrInS ls tour he has bPcn received . ,.. hlgh Gevernineu officials In vnrleuk roulltries nd jn Ilelgium he talked . . . . r t or less static in the 11 Itlwln industry ... Klllir Albert ntul Cnrdinnl Mctcicr -- - . - He visited the Kru.ipa nt l.S'ien, untl i dccleretl that iIeplte the Industrial pretpurlty the standard of living nmen , Uerinari wericeru wnu ewur taiiu in any ether country. CO-EDS MAKE THEM WIN, SAY GALLANT COLLEGIANS Girls Ineplre Athletes, Sr.ya Jack Bryant, Newlywcd Chicago. Jan. 8. (Uy A. P.) Ce-eds are net u handicap, but an in- t-plratlen te the college athlete, tei 'lar football mayor i utri.ired today in .cplylnir te tlie cliniKCs et N'ertliwe-tern , I'nlversltv .ilumnl that the cennNtentlv peer liiewins made bj the hchoel's team I was due te the dh'titictlnff inliuence et Miss Northwestern. Jack Urjaut, Chlcajte halfback, wli was Due et tee ipusemh wjiy vn'cac" beat Princeton lust fall, and Henry PtntieUl, captain of the 101!1 North western football team, in n. etatinicnt te local newsTiapcrs, took Issue with the (hnnres nmle by alumni land edlteilally In the college unner. "I never knew hew te nlay football until I met a certain Jittle co-ed, ' fnid iltryant. "She furnlHhed inspiration .enough te innke a utnr of iiiin one." llrjant iwcntly mil married te n , co-ed. "It U better te nave the inrls here than te hnve the men ehnsins' iifltr them," nald Penlleld." "Oura arc real Kirls and nheuld bhaie in our activities, for they ure u real help te iih." Te Address Travelers' Aid Society Miss Virinlu M. Murray, general secretary of the New Yerk Traveler-' Aid Society, nnd Arthur W. Sewell. of the Heard of Dire, ters of the Society for Oiganizlns Chailty of this city, will speak at the nnmini meeting of the Travelers.' Aid Society of Phllnde'phla, te be held tins utternoen tu tne i.iever i?!';! Roem Pi tne Jlellevue Gcerge lI.'Fraalcr will pre.: After-Dinner Tricks I y y Ne. 71 Adhering Cigarette- A clscrctte or cigar mysteriously ad heres te the tip of the forefinger. A tiny bit of chewing gum or beeswax la all that ismcccsaary. It is previously affixed te the nail of the forefinger nnd the cigarette is pressed against it, near the end. The cigarctte Is removed later and the end te which the gum sticks la placed in the mouth and the- cigarette is lighted. CetvriuM. list, m rullta Leiatr Cemecmv Publle te Name Shero Tralna Persons traveling en the fast aea shere trains of the Philadelphia nnd Reading Railway will select names by which the trains will be designated in the future. One has nlready been checn; the 4 P. M. train from Phila delphia te Atlantic City will be known hereafter ns the "Boardwalk Fycr." Cards are being distributed through the Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce with n list of the seashere trains nnd twenty-ene name9 will be eclocted from suggestion!) mnde by the company's patrffns. Call Prohibition State Convention H.irrisbnrg, Jan. 28. The call for the Prohibition State Convention, te be held In Pittsburgh en 'February 22, was Issued jesterUay by B. E. P. Prugh, State chairman. PARCEL TOST DONT MISS THIS OFFER U. S. Army Officers' Raincoats Gas - mas c'.eth, "Ooedjear" rubber. Tallor-maile. Guar anteed waterproof. New. Sires 82 te 3.' Only $!, 9 Jf efficii ejr Tferth S12.S0 Army Moleskin or Heavy Duck ants Ceisldured meat eu't eu't ble for all Ulnds of erk. Teush and ery ilurable. Vlnl proof and guaranteed net te rip. Well made. Htrnnc pecketi with f.apr. Bot Bot Bet eom cu"9. Hlr"$ 80-30. PARCEL POST. lOe EXTRA Send for Our 1922 Cut-Price Catalog 0. gHjjgfJBi ADELPI WW r Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found Advertising will be found en Page 20 FOIl SALE WINTER BLANKETS rLCAllANCn SAI-F, MO PAIRS AT IllO CI.Vl.WO . . $2.25 TO $10.00 PAIR W. H. SMITH & SONS 914 WALNUT ST. TYPEWRITERS RENTED VI3I11I.U 3 MOS. 10.00 AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewritera "Seq Our New Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Ce. f02 CHESTNUT ST. Walnut 2 Main BTOHAOE AND MOVING ESTAHUSHUU 18T2 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING IVlUVlnU O lUrWWE. I n-rirV TELKPHONB T.OC'l'KT 1CC0 4tk vtWnwwrTPNrV 1 5h i f'K i 4 'VI i n w'A w ml NOTIC ynra YTOHIPMFNTtf LADELPHAm :LJi tApr:.0ther Advertising of All Classifications See Advertisements Set in Small Ijpe in Following Columns STORAGE AND MOVIlfa L- , T . . eng-Distance Haulms O " Wthlnten. Pltttburth. Albany and Retten. WftkJy peel vanlead asrrlc for tmaU taif nitntl 10 lipininurt nnu ithsiiiiikiuu. The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 7TH MARKET flTB. TH. DARIKO 1800. APARTMENTS 1414-1416 Spruce Street Richelieu Apartments FOR RENT IJaeheler apartment of en an! two room with bath. IIeueakMplnr apart menta with three rooms and bath. Actet en premica. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE citv AT AUCTION Estate of William S. Ci-ethera, Deed. 1015 ARCH ST. LOT 23tl70 FT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1922, AT 12 M. AT VHi: REAL ESTATH BALESROOM8 1519-21 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA. i'ull Z'irttcuUrs In Ilandbl.l Ilj erfler of Stsvenaen Cretlnri, Exe-uter SamuJ T. Freeman & Ce.. Auotleners 1310-E1 Chestnut St . l'hr.adelphla Only $250 Cash te Buy a Heme Anywhere m rhiladelphia T r.i mni in imv n KntT-.A rftm nnd mm n t .. ... uKri if. 111 inel'a tAil n fm tn J hour. I A. M. te C P JI V ? 2011 PINH ST .. . 1814 Spruce it . .. I 203- le Chestnut kt 23 S. 21st et I ISlli I'tne Bt 2007 Pine Kt 12 rooms. 2 bath . .IK rooms. 4 baths 17 r . 4 b. , each .10 roemn. 2 baths . .Apurtment house . . .12 rooms, 2 baths J. CUTLER FULLER 10 S. 18TII ST. Spruce C954. 2226 SPRUCE ST. Let lsxOO, 4-story reldince. 11 rooms. 2 bnthroemn. hardwood floors, open fireplaces: prlce $18,000. C. F.SIMON, 112 S. 16THSI Fer Sale a Keal Opportunity 132-134 SOUTH 15THST. ccrner of MeravHn St., south of Chcctnut HORACE H. FRITZ 711 WAT.NTT fir llnlldlng l.et. Factory Kites. TAe, 1 sairipi !Kiffl,':!im.,mii':mimin'nin!n!i:i.iiinLii:,nii!iiiyiii!nfi1!i,mnn!!irLt'"fa!;ii!iii 1 i rvn; far ri in nFRS fWiU 'A tVW.. H V Iiiiye a cholie list of semi of the beit locations en and near the Roosevelt boule'aid Si-veral pan-elj ,,h nil .tPMtt ifnnrrtvnnt!nt;l L'ltftrtftl 1 R at pe. Ill prices for quit!: a'. Cull W erirf Jlr. stett i I'"l I UV MID. (.OKNER I'.ISir.'O 8LTN AVL EiiruiHUfLii.ni:iii!tiiHi!aaitm,wnijuii'jMji!iarifrdiin.!.'ffiTJLJi.tflU3i!rjLiJFins3 limine l'repfrtlr and Meres I'll fiMraiii DirnBiii uaimnraii iiiiimraimiiKiiiira FILBERT ST. NEAR 13TH Well located and In c no nptuhlor nptuhler nptuhlor heod: let 18x01, a lu-'.rvja prep-ity with I al vtilue. Xgeg CHESTNL'T VT 1ST7' Xi iieMirdwaLuiiifflia'ii!. hiuwii1! j srn cram west rnii-Dixnn SF New McClatchy Hemes Kenmore Read, West of G&th St., North of Lansdowne Ave. Price, $5450 te $6350 See the Tastily Furv;shed Sample Heme Jehn H. McClatchy Builder of Heme.; Take- Murket Street ElMntcrt tu CM Htrect, tm iaas en tI3J s'.revt cars t Lanoilertno ttenui (bOO north) walls wmt bletUt or taite Olruril uenuti or Arwh htret cnri tu rt'id stieet thin Jreu pasn te l.nntduwne uenuc. ialli C blot 43 i A GOOD CHANCE FOR HOME SEEKERS Vfe e.'ier thi follewlni Mai en nny terms: ten (lui h uses fjr 2O10 S, Devcy C21 8. It ! I isen 2000 " .M 2111(1 S. rioblniieti 2U11 M. Itnblrien L'rtlW R. rtubinseii sSSS : S.htr sSS2 &. T1intm h mi .) nr lr thn line l1.mil ifen. ! dm, of tic rVltv and nil in "5xc llent Je. J rtlt Ien. bui.t et ths liB.t m.liirlal. ulth vrv .. -rhU Vh. ,Ji, h" " modern impreement ana convenience weru bunt by undo Hum durlnir Kach heusa has 0 rooms and b-th Htutlen en tubs ann eiectilc llglii We will flnnnce the purchase et thee heusfn upon nnyment te us et t3 hundreJ nnd fitly (1230) dollars cash. A TltU Policy I will be clven te ths buyer with each atta. I'fhe Philadelphia Heme Building and Development Company r.ecnt r.ev THinn fleer ok thh key- j STONU AID SOCIETY llfUII.DINO I S. E. Cor. 1 6th & Lembard Sts Philadelphia, Pa. Tlephcne OrcKen 02 I Ortlce hours. U A. U. te S 1'. M SlfHTSECTION" Three-stery residence, with heuted uirnne i i bedrooms, liet-wilcr heat, huidwend doeis' olectrle Immcd .tta ncsesilen c'ash n niil.n.l n.1.1 CIOll ll-l.i- MTm. T L, I i me. '- ni nd MMicn itiv eir.;0."ei -,rmmal open Sunday. Pheno Laiiidewm i I'hfl I ftHh. ti ".r ueuVer iwiVX'"'ma11r an DOLMAN & CO fOMPANY. Jloem 305. Keyatone Aid Se-1 , r. Cor. llroel and Chsftnut ill. clety HldpT., H. K. cer. lBth and Lembard rTTT Fti.: l'hlla. Telephen. Orien 0'JI4. O.llce , JJLN 111 IS s 11 i. t.M ! & tzzmi JANUARY, 28, 1922 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WEST rillLAIlKI.rillA I MinnM IH WEST MIILAMBM'IIIA PJTOIWW De Yeu These Picture both sides M MM 1 .11 I ll I New is your opportunity te purchase a home lower than Spring prices. THREE BEDROOMS ORIGINAL PRICE $10,500-NOW $8800 : FOUR BEDROOMS ORIGINAL PRICE $11,000 NOW $9300 The interior Jfl most pleasincj all-white enamel nnd mahogany, large heated perch opening into handsome living room through casement doers. Hardwood floors throughout, tiled bnth with shower, het-water heat nnd large bedrooms. Heating, lighting and plumbing fixtures unsurpassed. These homes ere completed and ready for occupancy. 'f, SAMPLE HOUSE FURNISHED I'ass north ever 52nd street (Car Ne. 70) te Arlington stroet, or drive through Fair mount Park te 64th and Wynnefield avenue, and eeuth thrce blocks. I. HARKER CHAD WICK LAND TITLE BUILDING UMiifite M'samummmwaajS CiKIlMAXTOWy $4500 118 narln-jn ter (cer. Arrticr) rwrn st v.. O rnis., uaui; new pipir and paint: Inrffn let fc5flfiil 2-S W. Clapler rt. Uep It. aDOw 7 mi., bath, het-water heat. '7C-i 230 V,'. Seymeur Rt. Mx q0JJ rm, jtn, laundry: all med crn tmite bt cend : Intlejed percli. tQfifV Merrtj at. (near Lwnui :. P"1 Hten re.. 0 rra.. bath, li -w. he.tt, e'.e".trij t hardwood Boera threusnj Inclese 1 perch and a nlce Rarae J. RUSSELL WINDER tnUi -n'tyrn nv WvemltiT 7B(K).TS0t. $26,000 NEW, DETACHED An unueunl ten heure vrlth 2-car KaruE and luriM lavm: ljullt of fliiePt rnaterlnlB and arranged te reduce hoimewerk te a minimum: Ideal locations with finest (.urreundlnic. lull I nhpllmiUrn It mflll. $53.50 Monthly Expense AltT $500 cash payment. Beautiful Heme and Garage UNEQUALED VALUE UMU3UAL TEIUI3. Three laree bedrooms and alecslns perch. eaulva'.ent te 4 bedrooms, naraits and Inclesed front perch (hc&ted), Perch en leel with llvinc roem: French doers between: unusually lare kitchen, 3 ivlndewi; wlilte enamel finish, til bath, with built-in tub and nbewer. brlclt rlrcplace. etc. The Finest Heating Plant in Legan Separate laundry In basement: pUstemd wall In tilth cellar: heater, plumb ing, reefs and ccraintlnc guaranteed. Tenth above Courtland St. Just above Boulevard and Hunting Park. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. S. C. ABERNETHY 1328 CHESTNUT ST.. 4624 N. 10TH. FRANK FOR, FRANKFORD BEAUTIFUL HOMES ON PILLING ST. bett.-n Orthridnv ) ' " 't ftn 1C00 neith. in that end . i Verthn J ee ti"a. larce let'-, perc'i lcljrure. sirnc. het-water hiat, hnr'lvu'el floats rn1 : ee thv furnlinU Hi i I. u heui. . tKO Iteute 3 en 1 nth :t. DREBY & EVANS i.iNreLv nr rr. i'ennsylv m .vmnn.N MmmmmuummnwK&tma.mvsi MELROSE PARK g! Al'-stnne dwelllnr car e. larm le. en of thf bvt hun-s n this delight ful ,'ertlen. rlirnt e.t Ter red alii sjrreunded by Lenutiful hemss li JPfetl OAK IANC. OI" .iTAriON .iTAriON .iTAriON Phone Oik I.ar :M2 te iiM'iiw wnii' rafflt' n-nnuru ihw imiiii urcirawx j ' T linn,, niiinliii ril.UWn.Bin.i'iiiim mw i.nn,rn,i. .iniii.iriniiiinKri.sniimn-j L ' " ' - ".'' J '-h.HHIM M tU.,lim II Ntl(UI 'fl1..b1.M 4!tKl 1 B EAGLE HEIGHTS Kael read. ! eauarea north of r: fe Cr.eitr iike, I fare from Gl'th ut. fe2 Lets 50x120 Feet Terms: $5.00 per week or liberal discount for cash. $ nevr.ri new rvriET. cvn. ruuc- i. iu. V. O. VON lII:IJFK'rt! ' S ira-i n.,.vi dstate trl r 1.1 a If ri mn liiiwiiwi'iiHiwiiiniii miii ara iiiwMiii'igiiiwii, hi w m AN OLD STONE HOUSE r.-rnund-d I. nisftninccnt e'i! ifci' cm tii1 1 ut 11 rueiri bath, he'- .u r leit. fKetr'u UrV ecllet t erdir. I'l'ins, -.hard ;ur.'n iiutlful lavm and mm r '1 '.s icrei r'-.e Hlnwhli-Ueii rlev s tl.r ji this prepcrtv sin nnn HERKNESS & STETSON UANI) t'ti n nr.pr. M'tV MAUK BRYN MA Wit t'eneni, n ' leutn! i i,. rei 3 htl,s 8 chatn"??' " or arn.e. about 2 acres "f'efd i..1s. ary reasonably urlcVu I11KST & McMULLIN , $30,000--IDEAL SMALL HOUSE .. . . J .""?.' "e".! Si19 KH!9 ..V'P.. "'"r K .S1-? ""' "'" '".w' ' "" .l. "' Lnest mate rl1 '" "nJ rninired tu inlucs houseworl. t I ,l mlnlinuni IJel location with tlnert sur ' reundlnus full iart!-ul.irs b mall. MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. V V fi"1 llread and Chestnut Bt DVKIIY CUT OUT MAIL 'P's wrlte with pencil) Fer Special Suburban List TO SWOPE & SON 316 Main St., Darby, Pa. Nuir.l er of bcdioems needed Cens.Jer prlce up te Can n about c,n IleTinrKs ', iiia Vildn Tv - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ir..ii . ......,.,.,. ... ffK.1T I'HILAnnH'HIA Want a New Are Real Bargains ure nn nrtistic brick, porch-inclesed Heme en a beautiful terraced lawn en of a bread Avcnue (70 feet wide) in Philadelphia'!! most Convenient Suburb. 54th and Arlington St., Wynnefield CITY mwjii!re''w wwr!?a SALE J0 -N. paiii: AVK WIH N. l'AUK AVi.. 1BUO N. 10T1I ST. 038 N. imOAD 3T 3018 N IJHOAD tif :'2fi3 N. 10TH BT. J6S'I N. 18 ni ST. 314 JJ. 19TH BT. i'.IOS N 10TH ST. 1Ur. N. 19TH PC 1BS0 PAinilOI'NT .VK 152-t N. OltATZ ST. :32-40 K. UANCKOFT ST. C. Harry Jehnsen 1420 CHESTNUT ST. WW'MMM 1.0 (UN PCTEP Three-Story Stene Houses ROBERT D. HAMILTON BUILDER C30C NORTH BROAD STREET rMIUjWMIllliM UiwibviI Frem a large rKXNsLvxiA-MrnrTtnAN: i-KNNHVT.vA.vrt wmtranAN prises only the very best and all beautifully located. Stene hp(1 stucco; detached: garar;e attached ; sun parlor epr- liiB into living 100m, 3 bedroom" $8500 and bath en tin- Overbroek second fleer. Med el-n cemenience; Geed value. and fittings. Stene and e.tucce ; detached ; medium-sized home in geed see see t.en: IHIne roen , 4il7nnfl 'I in in u room, l.UULf pantryi kttcher. Lymvyd laundry: 3 cham bers, bath and ElccplnK perch ; 2 rcema and bath en third fleer. Medem. Owr.er IcaT Ins city. Your Real Estate Problems Arc Our Problems . H. WILSON (EL CO. 3617 WALNUT STREET I'llKI.TrN'HAM $5500 Ncr cemp.t. sump.e house ren for tuvpo tuvpe tuvpo 'len in the br&utlfu Cheltenl.im section. 6 renins and Latt , h)t-wa;e heat, el'tr'c Mints, laundrj . Med. u. fruraelKl a range, trriared anl s'une perch irentu, mahuunny rid hlti fnli.h euraji1 prlxlleue. carrylmr htrse 53U SO ixi munth 71"u Khelteurne rt ; tolie ie . Ch-e ur t Tilneuu tt.. j vallc WM-.t '2 Mecks ern e enluffs. OTTO STEINACKER1- WJ' ' tl.VHVI) New Single Stene Hemes at Cynwyd lUcClatchy-Built en Cyn wyd Read Between Bala Ave. and Highland Ave. Price, $14,750 With Garage Tel. train te imwvl gtail.m, heueH 2 blocks awns, lry trolley r'riated te fi2l Mreat free pass en Mala ear te City I.lni. walk east en City Linn te Hrwi Mr am-iiu te lllk'hlaiul ivonue and Cynnvd reid, ei uutu out threuch iaii muunt Park err Uryn Mavr niu bun te HlchlanJ Sec the New Furnished Sample Heuse Jehn H. McClatchy Builder of Hemes I , p MJKKII1V fir nnAVTiKii. Xv & si urnBAN hesiu X Ft ",',,'',, rr tn north Me ther- V W iiunhli ninil-rn c .ni.ilniri: m W Vr'."T . .Kl,n." nI" " 'hnir.hTM H H nil ih t intrrlur U'-p I ,. nr H rl firsi-.. reus lab'v nr c . ij O i HIRST & McMULLIN ff WKST t,ND 'fllL's r IIMJO yO' 19, REAL ESTATE FOR BALE W1MT rillLAPKLriHA " "' "" f j J nillillllli IIH HI HlliilllllMHIIIIIIIIHilM llll'l fflM liiliHy IH Heme? CITT CC12 If. lETHUr. B3 nOOSEVKLT BOUEVAT.n V.'IS WAONETl AVH. 4881 N. WA11NOCK ST. WtT WAYNB AVn. S0(1 W. HOIlTTKn ST 1B3 W. LOUDEN ST. "13 ItOYAI. ST. -M'J y 41TH 8T. 'H) W. OIRARU AVE. .lis cuA-vcni-LOii or. 12CB N. OISLVN.VA ST. (MILL) 'f LOOAV AT Bread st. and Semerville ave.. .1300 north. All Yerk rd. trolleys pass this location. Legan Station is just 2 squares below. 0 rooms, 2 baths, garage and inclesed perch. PLEASING outlook ever the Widener Heme. THE price assures the purchaser a secure investment and every accommo dation in terms. aaaa Offering's list that com Ptene-and-brlcl: tesldence with 7 roerr.T and conservatory en the flret fleer; 0 "til ft flO rooms and 2 qie,uu .th80nthe:. UcrmantOUTl and 2 rooms en the Sd. Medem tenvenicnces Should be esam- ird. Detached ; tile and stucco ; -rith center hall, Uvlns: room, dlnlnr room, pantrj and $21,000 lcltcI,en: LJ c 1 rooms and bath naverferd ixii 8h0wer: 2 bedroema and bath en d fleer. Modern convenience ; double oak .noeni throughout; arase. Let us take you out, . , JKXKl.VTOt N DETACHED DWELLING EXCEM.RVT ririTiTn n---.i. . .-.- .. t. -- si A(2it beautiful view at 'nri n-vi v-p,a iuuiih, DRinn caraa umnr LIUD HERKNESS & STETSON T ANll T. TLB TtT.DO VII.I-ANOVA VILLANOVA and Viw-Dri;Kh "sldenc. "te of iwA. WJ', ?bfJU rooms " bahi1'yn.t'nln. 1? reasonably nriced J-iSha.m;,l'" ucatlen Br,ceJ- censlderln. the JL-..i.- . . . HIRST &MpMT in tm Wl.Q-. -- --ll iv'"-' -" TItUST MLDO NEV JKBKKl-M III'IIIUN CAMDEN WILL BOOM I'jy real estate In Camden. N J . In art. jiutca uf tie new Camdmi.I'nlladelDhl lh:ein,rrrnUcr,P.Vs're'n,ypamdffn r"' e D. T. HOWELL U28 linOKDWAY, Ni:V YCIIK CITT Taleplunu Flttrey 2700 Mj5UCII.VNTVII.IJ5 WAVERLY MERCHANTVILLE, N. J. IT MPJUTKS ntOM TUB TKIUIIES i: HAVE 8KV1.HAI. WKLOj-LO-( ATKD ri'U,r IMI'IIOVKD LOTS YOV. vi.r. AT BARGAIN PRICES IT WII.I. TY X'A! TO IN'VKflTtaATn WAVERLY OFHCE 1.1 'It ai(.k avi:. anu rei'LAn bt, :;cr.t'!iASTviM.r-, r. j. i i A n , 4 '1 fi w -rjifeW ,