' s 102.V 'T;!nV'- .' w "" -&, ; m JvJ ' ' "Tf! V p w i ;. ' ' iif' ' t v ' ' ui - i ; " ft u j i. V, - u.i t u t, i. i i . . '. '"'" 777-5 T ". V '" " ij. .'' 1 ... 1 1 ..... isiness of Heavyweight Boxing Picking Up Since Arrival of Jack Kearns in New Yer jj cv xnsVmw ' m r P" INTEREST IN ANOTHER WbEMPSE Y-CARPENTIER BATTLE Return Beut With Frenchman Probably Would Ge in England, but Net in America Talk of Third Majer League en Coast lty ROHHRT W. MAXWELL .sport Kdlter Kvenlnr Public I.edter Bl USINESS in the heavyweight boxing division Is picking up since the arrival of .Tnek Kenrns In New IetK. The manager of jack uempsey breezed into Gethnm Iho ether day, nnd mentioned in several bouts. The battle with Oirpentier has ceen revived nnd there nlse Is some talk about a. fight with Harry Will. Hill Ilrcnnnn has ceme in for brief discussion. Temmy Gibbens has been drugged Inte the spotlight again nnd In a short time ether heavies will be exposed te public ylcw. While this Is going en Dempsey Is in hi new home in Les Angeles taking things easy nnd paying no attention te the tight game N' matter what Is being said or hew many bouts are being ananged, the olnmplen H said te have no desire te get back into training and take en these contenders. lie told some of his intimate friends that he was tlred of touring the country, starting jmrades every time he stepped off the train nnd longed for a quiet place where he could be by himself. However, one never can tell what n champion will de, especially when there is an opportunity te gather In tome of these big purses. Dcmpsey can command big purees, nnd It Is doubtful If he would enter the ring against any one for less than S 100.000. That means he could de 'soma heavy collecting in bouts with Kicniinn, Fulton. Ribbons nnd ethers. William A. Bradv in said te have offered 200,000 for a match with Harry Wills, Dempsey te get $130,000. In L'ngland it Is claimed that n $."00,000 purse will be offered for a return match with Carpentler, and split the money the same as in Jere City. This seems te he the legirnl bout, if the figures nre correct. Cnrpentier made -i wonderful showing against Pemp'cv in the chnmpion chnmpien hip battle of .Inly 2 of last 'ear. nnd every one present admired him for his gametics?. He showed remarkable courage, carried the light te the cham pion nnd hnnded out mere than he ronive.l in the second leund. He went down with colors tlylng In the fourth round after taking punishment with out flinching. But Oeergeg proved he was no match for the champion. He gave every thing he had, and it wasn't enough. True, lie broke his hand in the second round, but. the public doe net believe he could have staved off n knockout if the accident hadu't occurred. Therefore, there can be little Interest in a return match in this country. In Kiiglund, where Carpentler has defeated tvery opponent, there prebabl is mere of a demand for the bout. In regard te the Wills match, Te Hicknrd de-lines te have anything te de with it. Mixed bouts are net at all pe'.tilnr. especially when a champion champien hlp is at stake. That sarins te kill the $.200.0(10 offer made lis Hrndv The chances arc the mutch never will go through. ... CAIIPI.S 77.'' lannet he blcmrd for xprrnni) n ttruir in mrri Dnnpuni mjniu. He irill he veil paid fnr his treuhlc, n id kid cjic ie in the name fei their health. Slictts Steamed Up Over Lccsbur BILL SHLTTSLINK. business manager nf the Phils, is all stemmed ii ever the tnvvn of I.eeburg, Flu . where the 1'hlU will de their re hearsing for the l'22 bnseb.ill lrrbv . Hill received a letter from Sam Payne htating that the ball pink almost w completed and the diunienil will he the best In the State. "They have n lire-wire Majer in I.eeburg." said Shettsllne. "He Is an old l'enn graduate and I- taking quite an Interest in ihe weik. His name is W. A. Maclen7le. and In addition te being a doctor he is president of n let of tempanies down there. He has written u a letter which contains all of the dope. Loek It ever." "Sam 1'a.vne is here." wiites hlzs-eiiuei . 'and the town already has Adopted him. lie is casting his eagle e.ve ever the vveik en the ball park, and It meets with his satisfaction We have tractor, teams, trucks, harrows and man men en the job. You'll be surprised when jeu see it. We will have the lincst ball park In Flerida in another seamn. The entire intleld has jieen resedded and the outfield has been spade-harrowed We will plant Het muda grass seen "The eitizeiw ,-ire coming tn hat in fine luiiw and have donated their time and labor. The fence and i lubhimse will l completed seen, because the Telunteer carpenters have been quite busj. There will be Ivckers for feitj- cfive men and het and cold showers. -"We arc nnxleuslv looking forward frcat welcome and a re.il Southern time It was S00. in five vclrs up will have fW&'5rJT W have HOO fresli-vvnter lakes r&C fislling Is great and fhete will be mouth black bass get as large as eighteen P'77.s.' jnhleil the I) In mid mnhed. " I he Mitytn ,intcs a giem J Ictlet." he said, "nnd I heliei e ivrifithinq exeept pesiinty theie rtghtein imum hhiel, hnn. Umirrei. it it an idml tnlinimi minii nnd I Knuw everybody mil hi. c it." Third Majer League en Coast NOW that the big miner leagues have turned dnvvn the draft, the ne.xt move is te npply for major league standing Out en the Coast they have been talking about ferminc a third major league, end probably will make an nt tempt te push it through before the winter ends. Seme difficulty will be i xperieneed if this movement Is launched. The standard of play does net wnirnnt t. nnd the fnn knew it as well a any one else, They had a leek at Cobb, (oilman. Hermdiv, SMrr nnd several ether big league stars m the winter le.igne. and noticed the difference In their piny ing. There isn't an ntlrlete en the. Coast who can compare with them. The following, whiih was printed In a l.es Angel... newspaper, ilium ilium seme light en the sublet "California baseball tan- have formed new e-tlimn,.. of what a rial w.ir is. After having seen Cent-go sislet thev wonder what possessed Manager jTehn McGraw. of the New Yerk (Jl.ints. ,n part with S7."i,000 te acqulie Jimmy O Cennell. The latter looked bad compared te Slsler. There even some doubt as te whether it wus real- honpt-te-E(mdnoKs mnzuma that Me Me Grew handed ever "t rdinar.v stage menev . If it was real menev the Pacific Const fans think M.Gnvv Is n f.t subje,., fop the nlienits "Having seen Cobb. I no Coast fuiw nl, wonder hew the Meusels Heb and Ltnil. ever get bv. nd if Hernbr is a .ample of hi- league set nnd bnse- men, what chance )a, ny caMer te plav the kejsteue hnek In fast .empnnv'' As the hrt impressions of th,. fan, ,.epl. of course thev will reallV.e that nil hrst-saekers a t Si-lers. - 1 1 eutfieldeis Cobb, and all hecetid- sackcrs Hernsb.vs in the maiers, b';t even se the impression made was deen J he- Visit of the qm.net f .,,-- was , greU, boost for maier leneeA l,n-,.!,ell In California 'Net enlv bv their plav. but thleu?li tliett t.er..M... ),.. t ..ll. t .. i.-n e f..ll .1. .. ......... . .. niui win kiiii interest neining eise mulu nave ihUp T rr ," "" " "" ""lfr 'faj"'r """"""i """' fill flat the draumq pev r, ,, el the,e. and tin, , pin,ftl l,c thr ehnmpmn.h.p , ,,, , ,,,.. , MW7 , (1I,,(,01M rf nr seaien m lhe emhll, ,,',, thlt,r. .,.i i.... .... .... , ... .. .if,.,. t r. ,....,., j ,,- ,,, ,,j sunntrnt lallhei Pji'yh ' 0UT-0F-T0WNERS HERE ' FOR MATCHES TONIGHT Dennelly and Salvadete Wind-Up Principals at National AH of the out .of-town bivei -ihed-lll"'l te appear nf the N'.itmnnl Kicjvcnth and Catharine stieet-. te- night, arc in town mday. unh in nt Condition te box in his ,. ",, They are Jehnnv Iennelj. of I MIen- town, I'n. ; I'lul Salviidere. of Cuhler- Ilia ; Geerge Chip (f Tiiinnquii I'n. and Yeung .Mnhenev, of linliiiunn. Uennellv and Salviidere are te in. kle each ether in the wind-up Heth nf thepe boxers, .vhe me i lever two- minded lightweight, have geed in local iimt i hex. "ti in.iltiug Chip mid Mnhenev are te aiear in the second bout This is i. be a return contest. Joe JnckMin. the licftj walleper of Seuthwnrk, will pair eif vvnh Jimmv tilbbens of (irav I'err.v. in th. netm' Jlnal, The winner of thw limit will1 claim the welterweight championship of l.'ennBylvniila Kid Wagner will be brinketed with! Al Wecner, mid the opener will be be tween Johnny Mnje nnd Ty Cobb I Jee Dbykhcn Awarded Decision tei knocked out euntf llarkett.iii ihe .-. round or ma aenii-niwu aiier ne nan flacred In (ha flrat eHl..n of ih.ie mil tha prtllmtnariea, Habi i-miili kn.K-k.'d Ma DieveiiH ,n inv secunu reunti auu Morien outpeinted Knl Jacksen. I, A w Yerk, Jan. s Jee Heylihen. 01 1?'" "V2. VrS.. . -.. ' rymiireitera. , 'I' PhltnUelphla a former eparriiiu pattner nf .""" " .. .mwiini cnamviena ' " r. liew John.eT.. wk. award. the I una.. i.. " ' nrB u'll!? Kroeired ready for the blir Vc r. ,' cWen ev.r.Jr le .'e.ia ..f liraiii. in ' V'-'J'TJ?; hr Ke"n" tlu,) """" 'hew ft 't Dm flfUen-reund reaiure IKiut at the f'lf '-' " ' jae Wr' J ui.th ltealment Armerv hen Ji... i-h. "" IS LACKING tdnee then the champion has been te veur vu-it Yeu will leceive a ()nr population is IlOfle. n 11)10 10.000. se von ran ec vvc nre prow. in llie section, an two are near here. lets nf hathln? fnr tlie bevs HIl-. pounds here "' ." . ' "" ' """ 'O 0 I east lans in iiijjur lenne plav as ' '" "" ntJl l''11l lilt ning nt ii tut I I s t in i1,h te nnd t..i th. ml, l . gnnie ni si I I """I"""-'"!, , f ,0 . irx. Nmlv.tj's '""' - 'Ki.'de.,dAlleKll.11)avp.,N In the nuual nmtest ,u St. An- '''e')'" Ilrll. Ixnveul.i w.m returned ii 'ner. bn ,n-g. , .san.N , ,nfi- dent tli.it Nntivitv will mrn the irl"k en the ilev. ntew nei in tl,.. hf.il lbil'n line- teams will huvi th. ir siienge-t W- i in vveiiiic.il. v evening Nativity traveled te Ir.itnai ulnte f'onceptien'H rill and lint tin in in the teunii game of a nei.es eliminnting Iinnuicubite Ii urn the Cathelii i liiiinpieii.ii;i series. The rme in the .North. ast League! loinpesed of eight Nitivitv loams, con tinues lee Last Siiudnv Dartmouth bent li in. nun and new holds first place b. a ungle game i.. tl. enn cM.-i f . ...u.s iii.iiiibiiiiiciioraiiew Xleru thiin 00 enlrle. Iivm lun i. -. for the open hi breed ihnv te l. held by ih. ICen.lniiinii K.nnel . lub at odd Fellow? Hu'l KenaniBteii uvenug mid i' umber land street, thle ufe-rnnnn Aiiiiina me entriea jack Werman Bexes Tenlnhl - I 'os. VVerninn the I'luinh Is er who 11 p nUm 1.14 h n in 1'hilud.lphla, will meet I .vim, a....ie.i, e. m .viitjuiuj equi ai Urauie. -N. J , leminu " ' " '' " .rrvr". i-sf tip - :- As.,,.h-,K;rr i'- "' ra- "n,1,n2 "' ",,iI1 M'r" t.;,,;,,;; nkV.r. l : Ii. ;,w I.. "- r,.lr'KrSSSn,,,ii.b!.r '-!rm "n ?'!lite.e:;:T.:!f,, ",'l . ' ,.' V7, n tenm. s,., ,.,v mark i individual KAYfllll A AWn MATIWITV - - '"ut UBiiiiur. "'""""''" ! UOOIS ana aaaaiV sceiim; n. n s nS .. contest when he rvIUULA ANU NATIVITY leuw Ilebby ,,, , ,h,lht I I was new holding the upper hand. 1 Jln.nde ai ilm. In ii game a week age. TD PI AY CCnnilln PAIC . under the tut. im if i.-.jib lireen iieh guess, because of the three knockdown;. , 'Thin rniniii i-td 1" field irnnW and ."i fn.i. IU TLAT btLUND GAME .u open te mee- -. ,t me tsft is'umier" The result wan the fifteenth leund rolled ' A rich Make Is offered fei ilirre- I r ''""' " '" " '" '"" """ " fl" nrmiiwl nnil the referee, who was Dave vear-eld today nt New Orleans in a U ,,' . , Downtewners Captured First of , '""fcJv'V" ' 'hr ',,.'... Vu L" "'..S 1 of Nevv Ila en nvn"del met hve nnd 'a half furlong ilnHl, for S7.',n). ,. lhe te,. n.e nnseus te meet nil r - mjl ct,zMrarrii ?! BSi a "' bJ"' MSs,ssi?.2!SS6a.',w?nJ5.a ; f rs: Vn.ivnv ,,, I K.u.i. larla.n im, eye- ffiiS'ind B'". ." T." "ur,man ,,in ' Tem Hare, Jr . aie ether Npeedv ones. "; r'"; .. ,':r ifc "T'-'- ''"'- P. G. A. OPENS UP QUALIFYING ROUND 64 te Enter Match Play Frem' 29 Sections, of Which East ern Penna. Is One LOCAL TERRITORY LARGER Hy SANDY McNIIlLICK RADICAL changes have again been made in the method of playing the championship of the Professional Golf ers Association of America. Last year the system used was that the thirty-one highest professionals. highest meaning thoe with lowest, scores at the finish of the V S open championship qualified for the P (i V match plnj. The tltlchelder nlse was te qunlify. This jcar .itv-feur, or twice that number, will enter the play, the first two rounds being nt eighteen holes, after thnt the matches being nt thirty sl. The U. S. open will Have no bear ing en these qualifying this year when they will qualify by sections ns erigi- nally. ' Hereafter the National P. G. A. will) be made up of twenty-nlne sections Philadelphia is In the Eastern Pcnnsvl- vnnla branch, which includes Delnware. ln.ntnH.t n .l I... i.. i.. !.. v.. ;. .mi liiuil lliei t iruiii; itisu. it. I9i therefore likely that the professional golfers of Philadelphia organization will change Its name nnd boundaries te Include all that territory, since the national body hopes te divide its ad ministration in twentv-tiine sectional bodies, of which the Kastern Pem yl vRiiin group will be one. It Is net known ns jet hew many men this sec- i tien may qunlify for the national cham-1 pietiship, but the competition wieuld lie mere than keen with all thnt terrl- I tery involved. Mere Meney It has alread.v been nniieum ed that $s.00 in prize money has been ndded for the extra thiitv-twe men who will get $2." apiece fe-. being beaten in the first round. The liampienshlp will be held evir the Oakmont (Pittsburgh) course, where the national amateur was In lOlK. It's n real test The natives around Inwood bad inc treat of their golf lives last jenr watch ing the match plav V, never hope te see mere' precise golf than that played bv .Mm llarnes nnd Wnlter llngen In the final round A perfect drive, n perfect lien or brnsie right nt the ntn If ou get the first long putt ou wen I e hole if both took two putts it I ' th was a half. Ne mistakes there. Hagen swamped Unrnes because he was getting ine mng ones in his met beautiful nagenesque manner rhlludc-tnhlnns vvlie i-.it l.fe.i In Pin? nurtt Inlelv or are thr new fellow nurf .U 1?'"" ana ,,nll Jlr - Mrs Ralph A Olbb-i Cvrelvn iml Nuney Itlbhi vir nnd Mrs. Oeerire It Alhcrheli Kpni.er D Wrlitht. Jr Mr and Mr William A. m..1";,!'1 Mr'.,- J- Ul'Ule. Jehn C. Martin and Jtr . W nck. Jr tl Is rumiii-fil thai Sicnten ui stun ok' enti en k nv reur- with rlft..n l.n - nn.r, th new en; are new and three around the Ei'uB,wfiV,biS08Sil ,hat -1 "w " It Is riiniernl that The Phil-.de, phla -eun- ,j u, wl' "cqulrn new srevind for a eon-I future '" la0Ut ln lhe nc"r ' Alse that: Pen virhnii. ..-in i.. .1,. .., , prrM ,11'A1ren'miiik Thut ,Iarrv NaM.ir ..-ii.thlid rounds one of my seconds begged has idni abreVd erge Carruth"s' "e ' me te allow the contest te go a few mere rounds in order te give the large ..."'LVi'fV ? r''ie ciri.i m ex-natienai . crowd present a run for Its money. rrn'eJ'innadeirhi; fti"? tt . V'nl ?", ,7 t,,C th,n, wl'l ent.r tournament! here representing intention of letting lip Oil HOSS for a Pine 'Va.iej- f,, rounds, just as I had been further .Ik.i: i-..un, n i. r,T,, ,., instructed. However. intcnd of me rlns flnanxn: Tneenv Preek as the i te for ' J-?,.'H";,ub.lr "''l1 """ xh" "re berth nt ?u'JId-t,eW?P.pAn-'hy..1'aJ?.'''S"'n.'. paen tht a v nitrate h airepdr after iIip I p Jh-J'f Vr J,V"?3u?tr.V enht l ,S ' Phi aiiphia te take a pre inh here Ulllle .1. Hunter. Hrltlsli iimntir rhin, I pi .n his Je'ned up with th hirh-i.:..r-li ,t mere ' 'ib in N-w Verk. 1 mm Armnur ex-Scetrs, p-yl Kreneh amateur tltlehelrtr ha heen mnde a rrwtsry of this clut. New , If thev hail Jei Guilferd Trenten lout nut In Its bl.l f. i tie vM. I Trm. nmi.li nr iimrnnm.n. rh,H .. n. ,. i. I be I ul.l at Vornc.e.l Country r'.ul) h.ih 1 Ijni iiuiijwuuii Scraps About Scrappers (jennet f(iif will ue en In the sth r mit " n ivinan'i iiruiirin .i rrN nsr r r irm Au'ilterlum innUht Phill"li'hla Je U. I'm: Will hM tM rwirartn At ihe .-. a ..... . . " -.. - ... j--i u i i in 1.11.- nstes v. veun i. iuu r i-' .',,' cLTe &!?.;: Jil,'" n " llu-rj TarUen. of Rmifn I i. H t nmh eeiiriimeiit for Mend i iht lt ts ,yD l.nnd t oppeie Qeeriie i han.v f r ..iji,, -num1 nt thn (iympl an.t thnt n rirch at, Whila'e la In fine fnr.e f,,r s . m.-itrh with Billy Masoett In thn smi-flnai "iihVp heute J'n c haner v .1 It n hie, c hkk Kinr.u Yeunr Cener in 1 R. My Jackun b K O I.-enarcl ' The nmteli between Mi Ke w.,,(r sf'ller HHrltleld Ht the I , P I a e Tu-iliy niKhi l t he a return m e. nu They re. .erirj nut en a r.p-teannir mix t,' the ami. IP .re It in te 1. one of fuur licht-rnun. bcutj nthr numtsire lwin ', rir ra. I ii Jehnnv Meftlev, Hah.. It- imi v. A me Runt and Phil O Det I mmi Mmde i .iri . iHiKi.il. v i.i-.-K v -i ,. nn-.iner .Elr 'n.iith' ..he Is tot betni: .nv.ed by any of 'he tun hers, hie p- ai ,... ,' t .i .,,, Mel riHiitiin. of Ilr'. u in di i in" e k n e-i f.t . . . . . ,, . Kildl heinmerk 'i at br.nerj ,. beine V' .,'.i'.j"T.,mmJ'ri1 'ra; r Johnny n . - v,c,rU .. I. rt (it s immern Ker.ngfn te.nhpl. u ' vv ii,. lii at the fain. ,l.hl ,J'' r-ebrunry rt " t. i Kid i stran al Willie drein 1 miner. In tu 'e brla next I r 1 1 Willie l I" n , the elympi i ,Ii ( res. in i be n a. pinc Wkllv Hlnckle lunii ruularh out uf ti.wn I aet week VVnily buert u ten round drnw ith S.eze I.alZi, h ll.,xi..lnn Au a ....... ". vhU fnatch 11' nlc wiv tlijnel f ir n myelin with Johi ri ltili at hhen.induah neit Thursday r'!-1 lltihbj llnrri.tin la drllUnK dilueni.j for hi. eticeunter w th Danny Kramer "Ihure re a let of i. Bine hu th.nk I h nn t no th. limit nun im hiumir' MnU-d Ilu inrtn tn de ' 'I'll v mi- n fur h mirprly. Uunin went Un. i. . .i thuiK bn the i)0 rlnite 1 i in ther. pun. tunc .nut u, hard an h Vlnrrle Denrkert llessmiin ha matched Willi,. meet uumr Hher eek at ihe IIIJeu next Wednesday nlnht ' Hurrr Munwll. llnzlinh hunt. hae re- turned te PhltaJelDhlR .nil Ih unlnu- . m.i... ' h.1'1 h?m' hr" "" '" "C"'1 ,u mt any of ', '" HO-pnund-rs. preferrlns tu atait aValnii l dt"y allare. , . Alirrn ,e u IITHT in lll l.periH IJepart- m u. u.g i.it,.nu i-UULIU ..ElAJKH I(JP Al rtcken. k Delaney Defeats McCarron I'ell lllvrr. M.T.. Jart ''g Jack Iialan.v of Jlrlditenurt was ir'ven a refurei'a d 1 .Kluii evei Ja k MrCarrun of V.l utnwn I'n In a ten round middleweight buut here Pelaney wag the ags'iireetur moil of th. way. ..j ,e, .- ..-,- . ' i-i rer iM,i . . ., , i,i,.f,.i ,i -. n..ni. Hmn.i i. . n -ai .,y, ,, iesi. ........... "-- ,,nies and th s wil he the fn si (,f the UH -,n""' ntinuier ei games, tie reserve VVeJneeday nlhl it, u,- , , hew at the nuested him net te de se. and .lust then I Mlm M ann n"M "'" ,u "" "' ' "' nit l,,i, l,. .i..,..i l7. .1. ONE OF THE v- . ,sV2?zs:Y7srsrs' r . .-7'. . 'rr ii vj?mssAs' 3 ... I CntliU H, V. Trikm l. The Hardest of My Broken Hand Handicapped McTigue; Still Harp Get Decision After Stormy Session HAD 3 KNOCKDOWNS It MIKE McTIGl'K T . ,I- j.. ,l. K. I was just ACK in the early part of 1017. when branching out as a boxer te be exact, It was en the night of January 31 I was given the hardest battle of my ca reer. Never will I forget thnt event ful evening. It was up at New Haven, Conn., and my op ponent was Hugh Hess, who bailed from Texas. The bout was sched uled te go fifteen rounds. Fer two rounds I hit Hess with everything but the ring pests. When MIKi: McTIGlE I nine into my corner for tne minute lest between the second and letting Up Oil the Te.xnn Mr KOS.S started right ill en me. Cnfeitiinntcly I hrnke inv riirl.t hand In this third so-.meii. ami what pain I wah subjecteu t0 ! Well, fmm that third teiiuii until the tenth yeund, the tall Tejui lli.nper hit tnc with every thlm) iiiKKjinahlv in. the hnxing name, hut he irus tinnbfc even te hneek me cietcti. He cteied my left eye nnd had try nee ami right ear lileedimj. It certainly urn very stormy ji.r mc during this period of the hat tic. .etulr'Urnd6"! neVecrHm0;"! vvas I about all In. He artunllj tlred himfeelfl . . n,lt freni tti0 uentlllR HO tttu nunnnis- . t. ........ .. ., Ttslu fnnt ili.l t,. ,t tmivl ' i ('line- iii ill!-. i ui-i iiiv i u iiii .i r uui i " " '" l" ""..,:"; .' lu " ," .:,- .. r. inv bieken mitt was simply un- 'beatable Nevertheless, 1 mnnnged te Keep him I nvva.v from me with my left hand, and. in this manner boxed en the defensive until the thirteenth round Then the fireworks began I caught Hns with n terrific left hook after one tnniiite of he t urieeiiin leuini nau ex- pired. nnd he went down for the count of nine When he arose I nsnln sent . .. l t,u-.b n.wl n.ipn innpn Iw. . ,i.. ., fr nine. A "Bin I... nt'im. ...-III in, ..it .... --.. --- . - i c. .1.., .I.I...1 lime I si nt I :m te tlifi line ii. i .... - - i anvas. 1 W..1I 111 make a lone sierv short. Well, te make a V. .i .i i . . V Hess get up after the third Knockdown ,., .(..ran unntml tn sf.m ihu nun. Mini i ... ..-. "" . . r .---"" Ii it matter u imi, tins ituatly kin prised ut the iliminn, ' iimI thought the KOI it Hhi should hate hem given uai n dime. Hull Murlln will U'll Hie Imrilut hatlle of lil rliiK urrer In nexl 1 nriliij' edltlun of the l.vrnlnc 1'iiWIc IUafr. ' Y's Krax JIM.MIi: WII.DK Is said te be spend lng money experimenting te pee what n toddle top will de next ..in. i.'nev la ae enthuslaatii ever buwlin. that he even takei a. roll for brealtfatt. . . ..v r. ,n n,. .Th? rill ; 'n"1"," 5J?tln Ii who have trouble in BellliiK areu l.nlv nt... nnd (lie Kelf lynile Seme folks think the Ice Palace U a hotel, because it's a great place for a flop. t , , Ire Is water with tiie pneumonia. Kemn clrls are he why they won't ""-- --- ... .! even accompany a. uy en a. piano. .iililiw. 'tsF sB !. " ' '. "J r I bMWMNMMMBWM4wMMlJ ... ..f ..... , . ... I.,,.... 1, , i... .. tnw. ..ni..l.. .e ...ill, , - ... ..."...in, .. , Seme gents mind then P s and Q , Hainan. Medusa. Hatraek. Third- t Mickev M011K of Wllmingie f 611 pay no heed te their I. O. Vs. Athgarven Htenewall Kelle Wrack, the second tune ,! th tl., end .'d ... I I'eurth-( herrv Tree. Llewellvn. I'lll-,,, diavv. The ..iher ie. ,lt . 1 .! Iliir Uftily (Juesslng Centcht What IVi""' l lfthM','l( "W0Ll '' ,''n'!.r nml I'"x"" ","1 ''i'H'idelphl,, .!,,,. Well I sec ion of the town" Is called Wnt TllinT" "K ifr W"h-T-". I l"- JTI,5'J'" ,"" fr,,,, '"' I'l.lladelplila? lJOO,1 UepP' f . Lgan. a id llebbv 1 son , Mopped Venng ""' 'lern .McC.i.vern in ihe feiiiih. It was DIFFICULTIES OF Battle Ring Career y Many Cities Apply te hntcr Pre Grid Bedy Cm Km. .. .Inn. 2S. Applica tions of a score of mere of cities for membership in the American Pro fessional Foe'tbnll Association arc scheduled te be noted upon today at the nnntial meeting of the organiza tion. The association Is new com posed of twenty cities. Charges against one member of the association that It permitted plnjers te participate who were eligible for college athletics will be henrd, and if proved, according te President Jee F. Carr, the club will be ousted OPPOSE LOWELL'S VIEWS Yale Alumni Weekly Favers Meet ing of All Cemers New Haven, Conn., Jun. 2. irad uate opinion sit Yale en the views of President Lewell, of Harvard University, ucently expressed, that intcn el'eglate football Is evcr-cmphaslzed. inclines te agree with that of the undergraduate, which opjieM". Mr. Lewell's vir w point, according te the Yale Alumni Weekl. in Its athletic review 01 the week the weekly says- "Th campus finds) it impossible te take seriously the attack which Presi dent Lewell, of Hurvnid, has directed against modern organized intercollegiate football. It Is evident thnt football has attained an importance all out of pro portion te the curriculum. "However, the undergtaduatc Knows, that the; irutel lccclets nt. the football ' Lumps' lnnl:eH it nesvibln fin tin nth- I U'iie anisoelatlou te nialntntn tlir lecn '." mnn- ort- in w hlch the great m- jerlty of the student body competes. ''Furthermore, Intercollegiate com. petition, the meeting of all comers, wiins te be mere tvplcnl of the Yule spirit than the seclusion which Presi dent Lewell's plan would neccssitnle lit would be like twisting around the iveIl-kaewn words 'Yule in China' China in Yale.' " ' TIGER P0L0ISTS HERE te Princeton Plays Troop A at Armery Tonight Troop A. First IViiiis.vlvaiiia Cav- .alr.v. vv 11 meet Piinecten Cnlverslty in Hkyld .eert.nd'Lmi' , nveiine. It will stmt .itiltl... Troop A and Prineet.m eiiginnlly u ere scheduded te meet la-t Snttirday afternoon at the nrmerv. However, Princeton wired just belure the battle was te be staged thnt its t.im would net be able te get te Philadelphia en lime. Captain Hoepcs. of 'I'm...,. A. upon i receiving the wiry from Princeton, im- Il.rwllntelv f-Ot III tOllell With till TIl'I.P trio te t rv te nrrniice another l-iiiiie. . - . - - , , ArrlinL'i'lllt'llts It null were nunn eted. , -.-..-, -" ,. .--. .... ., ,. '. . . rue i niversuy ei I'ennsvivniiiu s team prebabl will meet either the First City Troop or the Second Clt Troop In the iirellininarv game. The lle.i and Itlue Is nrrnnging a number of pinctice 1'em Hare, .Ii . tarries top weight of 122 pound, which seems te he tee much of a handicap 111 the bad track condi tions. Horbe.s well plaieij in ether tines nie; Kiist race 1'rluce K., Jenes entiv. Daniel. Second -IMcter. Hidden Jewel. Orulegge. 'I bird High Cost, Knet CiniHH, St. .vllclmcl I lltll I lilted Verde, (linger. Iluiigit Ituck. Sixth Verity, .Marie Happold Little Kd Sev- enth (Seneial Haig. Our Ulrthda), Ls- carpelett. . . .. . l. . .1. ... At Havana: Fust race Trui I'liei. J.erena .Mareeua. rjetb Lemen. Seiend, Busy Season for Wildwood The Wlldweudi Athletln Annntlallun ivnuweiira Ainieun yvrntiit lallun. uf (font la plMinlnp te ti-lce an nrlive iurt ehr.1 mU truck athletics durlnu the if irlnif. and will h.,v , nfl'-chi". luiiKlijni is filiviinilll II L4( cemlnir fall. The aelectlen of elflrera resulted us fullewi: Prealdent, Htinley Ilraker .:!? team 10 reDreuent 11 t.n ih. .rMi.nh m. rrtildent. William Keler, .relar (1, fliifner: treaBurer. n Duffy, bnrd if oil ricen. N 1reU.r V Ifeil., .r uu.. im", ... .iuiiuici, ... ..liner, i', fpniirf. - " n T.I.V1-- ... ..,. ' -Z eii.ni- ine uonre raunea the nainmlntment of W ( hallcretn ae m'lf user of 'In. rueltali nam Mll.l llr .. M'l. .... n.lta l.i .1 I. . V . - - -. - .ii,uii'i a.inn-r Wl'2J.?,i!Z- Wi:'V :" f . s? . ?;. jSbn. 1... 'evi1; mill ..in luiium e, 11 Untn the next mettinr, WINTER .GOLF nmiMn I v ie mh I STUDENT AT PENN UUIWULLI I0I1U Uniontown Boxer Has NeveripONNIE mack is wondering new Taken Up Medical Course. Says Story Is Untrue STATEMENT BY McKENZIE H LOLLS II. .iaiti: I JOHNNY DONNELLY, lightweight tJ boxer, is net a student in the medi cal department nt the University of Pennnylvnnlii. nor Is he euiolled In any i tUher branch of the local college. ' Furthermore, Uennellv never was a scholar there, nor will he ever be. j An ever-zealous press agent sent out i n fleck of matter together with pictures i of Dennelly, lefcriing te the Uniontown. i Pa., boxer ns "the medico pugilist," ami stntetl mat lie was a third-vear student in the medical class at Pcnn. As seen as the matter was luetiglit before the attention of Dr. R. Tnlt McKenzle, director of phjsinil educa tion at the University, an investigation of the rolls there was made and the name of Jehn Dennelly could net be found in nny of the records. it was believed that the 'niontewn lad might liuve been boxing under u nein de guerre, but tednv it developed thai Dennellj was net a student at Pcnn nt all. "It's all a mistake." said cue nexer. wnen ashed about the matter in the sjinits departnient of the Hvn - jM.Mi ri isne i,i.iH,i:it. "i did net knew that the papers were cenjiectlng me with the University of Peiinsvlvnuln until I arrived in town last night." In ti statement issued today by Dr. McKeny.it', lie said : "My attention was called te a pester advertising u Peiiusjlvanla student ns taking pan In a professional boxing bout. On Investigation this proved te he untrue. A caieful search of the ice. erds of utten.ltuice failed te show nny such student. "Owing te the ncent levlval of tiexin;' ns a cellece and nn inlet I , , .Knur spun. Mien liieitients us tins aic -..i iiun.i iiiii.ue. kiviii' tne inipresHien tint the I'llheiMlv c.f I'eiiiwvlvnnin gives its i iiunti'iunie te profe.vjlornl prefe.vjlornl profe.vjlernl isiii iii bevlug "The ebiect nf the Intcic ellegi.lte Ilnxiiig Association 1, (0 fester the amateur spirit, and iihii tigid uilcs luiv.. been ndepted te pitvent tiie u buses that have killed boxing en mere than one (Miasien us a college sport." Ieniiel.v explained that until a few months age he vvns. u student nt the Nivviiilt Nermal Scheel of Pli.vsical IMin it ion, whieh .'uiiideil u course in I'stvpailiy. Thnt is hew. Jehnnv be lli vi the student sterv get out. "Hew- ei 1 have novel told aiivbedy that I was a pupil at 1,'enn It Is absolutely II tl 1 1 lie " ViESTVILLE GOING GOOD ...Ith i..- si..u u va -r Seuth Jersey Club Has Wen Twenty two Games This, Season I i . "'' "estville Club has two of the 'I'll' U'estvill fust, st i idependeiit lives In Seuth Jer i - ve. I In first team has plnved twenty. " 1t"'w" K'"1""', ' fal" tM' M-nsnii mid '!"' '"'"'"d twenty-tvyn itiniiis nnd ! 'r"l'l" d live The se, ,,iid teain has even "."Mr "'"' '" s "miK ' aitlclpiiiliig in VICTORY FOR PUGGY LEE Has Slight Advantage Over Yeung Mulligan In Cambria A. C. Wlndup fhfirlim I I'npe. I I .... .....I - Miillll'MII wele tl... ..ri.w.l.,,,1., 1.. .1.. 1 eiulit -1011111I wind-un .t tl. r,..i..i.. A C. InM ev. ning nud nfter the hm-des klml nf milling Lee wn. iie.llted with ih,. dei isien en Mm nblllty te land the harder punt lies. The bout was fast throughout le the M'tni-wmil-i,.. .11.., neeees.i, r, , vv iv .,, ,, viM( ,i1(, ,.,,. if ".'"" '"'"i""" '"r lepairs 10 bis eve ' ','"" ""!"" "! h-uiiih te hill evil when Medeveiu opined It with n I.;.. nnh in tl,.. Km......! ..... " "' BnSM "' ,llc M'"ml "tlllwu. ........ 1 .... ..,..1 c , . .-- D-irlmenUi nn.l M 1 I Uartmeut" antl "". I te Resume ' ll.initier, V. 11.. Jan i'H 'ihnrha n lir.-n.ii of fait 1 aiialnut the u!LM 'l .ii.i.h ,i, ..' "","'"" '0B .Dartmouth ihleil, uuuDcli lT ,he tu,hu." t,. Tn itute of 'Imr 1 k h. 0Hrlyu ,,!'" '", ila muiith have ' 1. ..r,,. 1 .Ii..'...."." "' Dartmouth ' siit I ".".- thl nm .,i me wayu,,,, , f, ,;";'," 'rW". -.,.., . . mi. llll I " l.illl , I ,l ul 1 1 ll I i.r. ,n . lnrn..u.h .athl.tt. ..' '".S': '!id" , '" it ...1 .,, .... zwrAirAz ir'si Wttfs. $! lurther compatitien would ha carrlud un. 1 JOHNSONAND CLARKE HA VE DURABLE ARMS Washington Ace Has Been Putting Hep en Fast One for Sixteen Years Fermer Phil Catcher ,'j Tivenly-erie Seasons in Harness Uy GUANTLAND KICK WALTER JOHNSON, Washington's grent pitcher, li complete proof of whnt form means ln sport. Others can nt times get by without it through n native knack, but they can rarely last ever the long route. Jehnsen, using terrific speed, has lasted sixteen yenrfl, because his pitching motion was perfect rhythm, with no jerk or strain, the Inst word in top form, as form is used In this connection which means the easiest way te de n thing correctly. And Jehnsen isn't through, yet by n number of strike-outs nnd hops te his fast one. JESSE GUILFORD, amateur golf champion, happens te hnTO the three essentials for fine nutting an unemo uneme unemo tiennl nature, a firm, unmoved body under the test nnd n keen touch with the fingers. Thcre Isn't even n quiver te Guilferd's body ns he hits nnd putts. Ills dexterity with the hands is shown in certain carvings he hns made of miniature objects calling for rare deli cacy of touch. Only Travers nnd Travis have had this te any greater extent. BILL ROPER, of Princeton, is authority for the statement that things can leek entirely tee well in ad vance. Last winter, nt this tlme, Reper seemed te have enough Mar ma terial te build up two winning teams, only te find the mental uttltude of his squad badlv adjusted in the early fall, with this followed by a series of un kempt blows from Fate. New Bill says his sqund will tinderstnnd ln advance that only hard work and hard training will get anywhere, and thcre will be n better chnncc te get somewhere. rJht hardest thing ln the world Is te keep the right sort of mental nttltude, meaning grim determination, with tee innny things looking all your way.' J w-lint Blnle dill) he enn bent out this next season te keep from skidding again Inte last place. Seven years nt the bot tom is bad enough, without cracking nny mere records. Slack's case is the most remarkable in the history of sport. In 1014 he steed out as the greatest mannger of them nil, with six pennant winners and three world championships. aim II U Inn I lUll I Undefeated Teams Meet in Mid dies' First Foreign Invasion. Red and Blue Favored CAPTAIN AGAINST CAPTAIN rrniilmnls I iimM"?nr sr"e Nii VIe It re Hirst Ault l.jmn I'arr Time tern aril ferwnril renter Biinrd k'linril i ;I,P'" ,' Kef.r rec IUnN(iii. I'ntulre 111 an. 0-mliiiile li. lives. ONE of the most Important basket ball games nf the sensen will be staged In Welghtman Hall tonight be tween the University of Pennsylvania and the Naval Aentlein.v quintets. One team Is certain te have its unsullied record mntred when the whistle blows ending the contest. Eddie SleVlehel's Red nnd Hlue tenm hns scored twelve consecutive vltterles nnd Illllv LushVi ! Middles hnve icglstereil nine wins with out a defeat. M'l... t......n ..r i... sit. i. it.... nM . i " .i i-r.-n i- in ne- liiimi.-n nn t. i fmeign fleer wil be the first In the histeiv of basketball nt the academr. The Middles have never speii action away from home, except at West Point, in all the history of (he court game. As n result Intel est in the game Is nt fever bent In l'enn nnd Navy circles. What the future cnsiirns will de nw-nv from their own bailiwick Is lireblcm- i ntlcnl, in that they are unused te, stepping en foreign sol te (lcmenstrnt" their plav. In Pcnn they are meeting one of the best teams In college ranks,, champiiins fnr three consecutive j ears' mid new lending the Lengtie, along with , Pilncit.iii, with two wins nnd nary a defeat Heb I'elwell, coach of the Middles feet ha 1 1 team and one of the most famous athletic sons of the ('Diversity of Pfiinsvlvnnin. will head n tlcnulii- tien of naval officers mid former nib - lefes vvhi.h will her sented en the Mid- dies bide tonight. Commander Itieh iirdsnii and u party of frieuda arrived1 heie this 11101 ning for the game Se leniiiiitit nre the inldHhipmen that! their faviiiiies ure going te up-et the lied ami Itlue that the.v arc offering even iimm v and in quantities, en their quintet Liger l'enn Ktudentu have) gobbled up what lemuliiH ln the Mid diet,' pet.ketbii.iks after the l'enn WtatO defeat in foethull lait fall. ' Ciiptnln will oppose cnptnln in the1 game, Kill (dave, of IVnn, mid Ault, of the Middles, fining eucli ether 11 1 the pivot peM The latter Ih a veteran of. two NciiKiiiiN anil is rated an one of the best pivot men in the hinter) of Nuvv biihketbull. He halln from Oregon High Scheel, where he Mt the coast afire with bin brilliant phi) lng. Mclxee. of lam jear'H Hebe team. Ih ' the foul-goal star of the Middles. Hln nierd this hi'iimiii, nuich beffer than that of (Jrave fn.m the fifteen-feet I mark. In addition McKee. who wcIl'Iih 170 peuiulK, is hkillful in reciistcrlnu two pelnteiH fiem unj part of the lloer within Hhoetlng distance. Hirnt wlm (nine te the Academy fiem Ht. I'nul'm Scheel, Ih the ether forward, with L.V011 nnd I'arr ut the guard pestH, The, lant named ia a product of Topeka irigh. The Nuvy averages Ids peundt) in weight and fi feet HVj inches in height, which given the vlulterH a de elded advantage ever l'enn, which aver ages around 100 lu weight and 5 feet 1(1 in height. Kddle .McNlchel will wtait the same1 uuiutet that Iiiik been nilllni' 1111 vic teries all heaseli. Kill (Jrave will held clown bis old punt at center. Hunt inger mid Koseun8t will be the guard nnd HuiitziiigiT and Iteseuaut the for ward. Swarthinere lVep, nn undefeated m huelhii) tenm, will oppose Danny .Me .Me Nlchel's iiiidefenU'd IVnn fre.shmau team in the preliminary game. The llrt-t year men have captured eleven htralght KiiuieB this Heunen. The visit visit ern ai 11 fenched 'by Johnny Ogden, for mer Hvvaitlunore all-around htaf and pitcher en thn llultlmere Internntlennl League team. Illnrkstniip Jr a fat It lfl-ear-e.l te,,tn would like te . heclule Kainea with all leanm of Ha age havltnt halls ami paylnu fair euarantee Ker names wllh )lack atone addresi B Hchwarta, 10U H l.awr. ence el. PENN AND NAVY IN GAME TON He was Jhe sole mandarin le stand h. Vend Mrni-nn, nt II, rll..i m c this amazing record followed' by scmJ ,...... ui ...;..MM.,iu uimiic, seven vcfirs i nt the bottom of the list, only gees in ' show hew ntticklv the tide pn .,. J: times if you let it get under much head. 1 way. The hardest thing in the world te ' "'"i1 nun-it uusccul innt nas nt- i tnlned n certain impetus. If seven venr of failure could attack Cennie Mack i only think of what might happen te nn J ordinary mortal, .proving again that ; mom than one great ball club has imdl4 n great mnnngcr. "' J "VTIG" CLARKE was catching fa. .t. t A,Inn" ' ine;1' .He came Inte the League with one of the greatest iu.uv.uiK nriin nny cnicner has carried into battle. When "Mi,." ... ever fe Cleveland nrettnd 100."; be led th i League a year or he later. Since that I early stnrt Clarke has bren pegging -them en a line te second for nearlr !' nineteen venrs. inlHattm .,t.. i.i. . . of service with the mniinerf during th ' war. He writes us new that his arm is i ns geed as ever. "I" nil that time, he- ' tween 1H0.1 and 1022, I have never had n sere arm, and." he adds. "If tfiPt' Is any dlfTercncp from mtitc.-ti years age, ' I can't tell where it is." This nt least is close te the record for durability. Clarke had n low snap threw, much after the mnnner of Jlmmle Archer. And It might be mentioned that before plav lng with Atlnnin he had served tw years In the Texas League, extending his period of durable service (hat much longer. A I.OKKO STAGG made n p ,t -7T -" "' I'Hnreteii of proving that ' mi l "wm ' ",wn.v Be In for a wild forward inisslng game nnd (hat It Pan show something In the way of de.. feiisp. Stagg believes the Western de fense Is ns strong ns anv in the conn cenn tr. In the same way. Coach Yest, of Michigan. Is confident that he had a defensive machine thnt could held anv type of attack pretty well in hand. Notre Dame's defense was certainly stanch enough, mid sn vvns Nebraska's . nnd J. 'ebably bad the strongest defense ln the East.. If-net ip. the conn cenn try. There was no ether niaphine that bleeked the read se consistent Iv in Its Important games. "1ATM, stive i...- , i -i i . I --- .., una .,.,, ilUimjCS, Clllt- ! , ';li,', of p:I'ib. which with him is ln ""''''J' "" "ell as a business. One hunting and the ether is golf. Minx is- ii line snot mid u great l Improved golf plnyer ever n year nge. In all three sports he has n mixture of un. ruffled poise nnd determination that I carries n long way. Upsetting Mnvs Is much like pushing ever one of the p'vra , inltls. It enn be done, but with no soft. I easy-going shove. Copvrielit. IBM Ml lliehtt lUsmttt ALYMPIA Bread and Bainbridje MeNiiAY i:v.. ,i.. an. m;j JACKSON vs. LEONARD CHICK YOI NO KANSAS vs. COSTER JB .in i: CHANEY vs. RITCHIE 1IIII.I.Y R mil'MW, 'TM MASC0TT vs. WALLACE (IPO. K. II B ROI'MIS HMIKV CHANEY vs. CARLSON Pricea Reduced Bal., 50c, ?1.00. All Arena, $1.50 SPECIAL SHOW WKIINKMIAY I'.YIl.. riCII. I IIANM HOUNDS IKIllllV KRAMER vs. BURMAN HAKKY KID 8 Itdl.NDS IKWl.tK BROWN vs. BRITT J(1K 8 imi'MLS DIM V TIPLITZ vs. ANGEL0 I.KW 8 UOL.ND.S Vi:, TENDLER vs. C00GAN ritici'H. ki. si. sa. no mciiii'it Kent en unle. Hrhntt'n I'ufe, IJtli nnd ruiHTt-rjis, i-nenr ijhiisi mini. HAHKIiTIIAI.T. A1.I1HKIIIT n. HAVICRinilll lliivirfuril rnlleee (i)iiiniisluni Suiiirdii), .liuiiinrv UHtlt. 8 I'. VI ADVIISSION, rule ! ....,...... . . ,..,...,.. .v . ' AUUUUKIUIV1 A. A. Vim-i "it VtJ. TniMinMTI Tnixlir.HT! 6 LOCAL CONTESTS 6 40 Rounds of Geed Boxing MATIONAI llth & Catharine Sts. " TOMGIIT, 8:30 NIIAIII' JOHNNV 1 V MAYO vs. COBB JOHNNY VO (.' MAHONEY vs. CHIP WAGNER vs. WAGNER jiir, .iivivn JACKSON vs. GIBBONS IMIII, .IIIIINNV SALVAD0RE vs. DONNELLY Klllvadnre wants le iiieel Teiiiller riekrrvrd t-'ratd, Si, no, HI. III). Aihn .W - : tuiHiiniiiiiiimiiirciimiminyirtiiiminiiiiiiiiBi'iiBiiMi. S Pure as the snow en ; n mountain peak Oleomargarine rt Sold in hundreds of our Stores and nowhere else LurM.'ri stores caH llll IIWl osce Ah ftlPliUMUW iiiiBnwiaiinuiiii'iiiiiii I ..) '1 i i.t f M . , f rf. 1.. ty. , &t, Wkfre tik tiai