r fTW ft; iJ. -Fyw'ri i. . .. H niUS':yi teAJ J922 ? - -tt I- j- 1- .j f i ' , ni m - a i (' ' . J BORAH AIDS LtAbt t 1 - - i a i m m w wmm BY ASSAILING PACT Slngle-Handed Fee' of Pacific Treaty Aims te Line Up Wilsen Democrats f0W FORGING THUNDERBOLT i - ii - k IJy CLINTON V. GILBERT UUff t'orrnDendfnt, Knlnr I'uMIc I,f!r CetvHeM, IS!!, bv rulllc LcJetr Cempanv Washington, Jnn. 27. Senater Bernli Is preparing te make Ills tight 'against tlie four-Power pact upon Ihgue of Nations lines; tliat Is te "lay, mortified Lcague of Nations lines jltLeut any articles. And, curiously, the leader of tbe "lrrccencllablcH" U becoming the chief advocate ler Amcr- lcn participation In world affairs. Even cancellation of the allied debt, tinder proper conditions, has no terrors for Mr. Berah. It la a remarkable indication of the weakness of Democratic leadership that i Ilepuhllcan should be furnishing 'the opposition with the grounds upon which It may stand against the pact. Take Berah's two proposed amendment te the treaty. In place of the agreement of the four nations te respect their rights in relation te their insular pos sessions and Insular dominions, Mr.' Uerali would hac them agree te re ipect the territories and rights of all free nations, grcnt und small. Mr. lierah would erect tlitw a little League of Nations in the Pacific. Mr. Wilsen, although net tuklng part In the fight for the pact, privately opposed It en the ground that it Is an alliance. Mr. Berah, In effect, with this amend ment, attacks It en the sonic ground. Net Likely te Defeat Tact League of Nutien3 Democrats who fol fel low Mr. Wilsen can join with Mr. Berah In wippert of that nmendment. They Urc likely te de be, but probably net enough of them te. furnish a one third vole against the treaty. Mr. lloreh may hnve another line of i Unci; In his second proposal, that when the four Powers, faced by the threat of aggressive action, meet together te core sitter the measures te be taken, they shall lie restricted te the tuklng of "peaceful measures." This again is an attack upon the pact us an alliance. It also squures ulth Mr. Berah's record as an oppon ent of Article X. Te the Democrats It gives an argit meut te he used against the Republi cans who hnd objected te the league covenant en the ground that It fore fere fore thadeucd military activities. The Demo crats may sav te the Kcnublicans: "Yeu re se nnxleus te safeguurd this ceun try against military participation in tterld affairs. Here Is Neur chance. Pat in the word 'peaceful.' " Air. Berah is an invitation te the Democratic party te function neutrally. He furnishes, them with their position ready-mudc; he gives them their argu ments, une does net tec any sign twit response has taken place In the Intel lectual apparatus of Uie Democrats. righting Slngle-Handed Mr. Berah is in a blngular position in Congress. Se far as there is any op position, lie Is tlie opposition. Single handed he counts for mere than the whole Democratic party. What is Sir. Berah's game? rs it body can, bce he has any same. Thtuc Is tec nig agricultural moo movement in the Itenublican Party. Mr. Berah apparently has morn brains and ability tnan all tlie rest et tile uiee put to gether. An ambitious man in Mr. Berah's plnce would put himself at the head of the farmer movement. But Mr. Berah stays In thu background, enc of the inconspicuous members of the bloc. The bio- muy nomlnate a candidate for President. Hiram Jehnsen is side tracked. His duy is past. But wheie is Berah? Net bothering about the farmer ete ut nil, but tinkering up the four-Power pact se that tlie Wilsen Democrats may llnd teme luglial ground for opposing it. Ktendlly Mr. Berah is becoming mere and mere absorbed in foreign relations. "The trouble with Berah itflhnt he likes tee well te think," said some .one rc- rntly. PercUn relations liave bc bc bc come immensely interesting te certain minds in this country, and Mr. Berah's is one uf tliose minds. Hard te Find Foreign Issue But hew de seu get yourself ever personally by devoting yourself te for eign lelatiunsi Where de jeu liud an issue In foreign relatiene? come men think ene w 111 urisc. l!ep-ftcntutivc- Kelly, et Michigan, is going nte the nriniurlcs nzuliist Senater STennseud this jnr fm uiins American mrueipjuen in the economic rc-estnii-Ishmeiit of Bureno men te the cancel. Bat Ien of the allied debts. But few me se bold. The best interpretation of Berah la that lie has n keen mind and likes te occupy it, mid that foreign relations five hlni an opportunity. He is iso lating himself politically all the time, hilt Without mnk-lnir 'iirinlrsi. lie in Hfurthpr nunv fi'.itu lir IPentilill.Mi n m -....-. ...... .'! IIIV JtUIIIV4UI arty than anv of its nominal members. )Ut without cutisms iinv hard feelliiL" niuens the legulnrb. He puis his bralni I the sonice of the Democrats wit't- llt. hePptv f'Pttlnr- iinv flrtvni. tn He Is KnlllL'inc nwiiT ifrnm 1h Un. otlea group in the Bepubllcun Party Jwtheut gettlns toward party partici pation in the world effnirH en the IiiRhcs-Hnrding Hues. He moves to te Mnl th League of Nutieus without pttlng there. Uc is what has always been. Impessi- I ill American nnlltli.nl llfn n lit-ll. llint llllllvlljllnltut ivltlinnf 1, .,!.,,. I.nle.l for his individualist policy au La Fol Fel lette has been. (AME MITTEN MANAGEMENT S "GOING-CONCERN" ASSET "Medel System" Werth $38,000, "00, Witness Tells Commonwealth i AchIpenif.titj r i. f!n Cm of the Pljiladelphia Knpltl Trau- Ia e I "i, "c" rrvicwcu uciore 1'IIU " iCrice r!nnmil.uLi.. r'l.... ....?.. ns a mentiM .tf atim..i.. .i.A .. ; has eiilllliil fr, nun nm !i 'TMn'.'. Ul,l,lc lu itB cnul valuation. Ml, i . BCt" lU0 cmcl bU"Mi fn. Vir "B" """"(J iue last few clays, Kt,.nSinronse.n Umt ie l8 Jsarded as tiei n Vm 'nueumte ey tue city anu eai organizations. luBlsinnf 1;tt'1rcl,il,1. J-.. nn executive wltSei q. V10 ce,'lna"y. "as called as ;he ,,' 'uuy. no lern in detail et fcnH ' '"l,"u .el lun mauagement fm cmplejes ,,f the I It. T.. Snd by ktm ,i :'mNllS the general content centent flltim, ft? "icn "ml Bt'bstantinl con- iint !, ' " i.i emu lucre nan I L en ? ,trlke '" tllc ll,st 0' H'urs. Wf,.i i m"1"110" or ettlelcncy he e- i d inJ-uw ipts fiem ailverllsing 14 VtnnnA,1 ,r"" ll-','W III 11(1(1 "0 Stnleil tlm I 1( rn .. -.. ,..., M " model system."- ' """ riKurulu MOHP. invv n.,n.. fh them. il,ev2 the m niiui. Thla la thlh belKew2?;!.V","A Mn' Way," ' 4'.ii0 LSiia,i5;, ,n ,l,e Paster Dies . BBBt' - JaBkBBBBI bIbt -iwTfBB BBM" , 'LlJlpZsM ! wife: "w I BH Xl'INiiBBBT' - BBBl ( "BBBP! HHHHHIW. s' . BBBBl. ' A'Bjl BBBBVN2BBv TUB KKV. JOSEPH It. T. OKAY of Old KadnerM. U Church, mic- climbs te heart attack. He lias tcrvcd nineteen congregations ia Philadelphia REV. JOSEPH R. T. GRAY DIES WHILE AT DINNER Paster of Radner M. E. Church Vic tim of Heart Attack In the midst of n pleasant chat at the dinner tnblc last night, the Rev. .Te- seph It. Tayler Gray, pastor of the Old j Radner M. E. Church, suddenly sunk bnck In his chair and died in the par sonage, 1003 Old Lancaster read. Bryn Mawr. A physiclau who was culled within n few minutes told a daughter, Mrs. Rebert V, Hunter, that her father died at the moment of tlie hcnrl attack. He was born in Berlin, Md., September 12: 1843. In the Civil AVnr T)r. Gray was chaplain of the Fifty-third Pennsylva nia Volunteers. In 1804 he liecame a tnember of the Philadelphia Conference and for jcars was Its eldest effective member, carrying the conference cane with pride. He'wns married in 1808 te Miss Kll7.abtlh Nmll, of West Philadel phia, who died eleven years age. Of the ten children born te them six survive, together with sccn grandchil dren. The surviving members of the fumlly are Dr. Jeseph R. Tayler Gray, Jr., city bacteriologist of Chester; Mrs. F. R. Grugcr, et Londen; the Rev. Frank M. Gray, pastor of St. Ste phen's Church, Germautewn; Mrs.Rob Mrs.Reb crt F. Hunter, who lived with her father '.yMrs. Harry Baldwin, of Ches ter, anrl Mrs. II. D. Megary, Louden. Dr. Gray had been pastor in nine teen congregations in this city, Lans Lans dewnc, Bcthichcm and ether places, and had been secretary and district super intendent of the Philadelphia Confer ence. ASK TEMPORARY RECEIVER FOR KOHN'S IN N. J. COURT Counsel for Phlla. Receivers Alse Asks Empleyes Be Restrained Application for appointment of n temporary receiver for Kduin K. Kelm & Ce., defuuet Walnut street broker age concern, was made1 today te Chan cellor Wolcott, at Wilmington, by counsel tot tie Philadelphia receivers. Counsel for the receivers also naked Chancellor Wolcott te issue an order restraining empleyes of the company from Interfering with books, papers nnd records. This order wns issued, as was , u rule te show why u receiver should jiet he appointed. The llrm s lialiiliiies in Wilmington nrc estimated at ?.'!00,000 and assets at' .$.'000. gated. These assets are being investi- AGEE URGED FOR NEW POST President Asked te Name N. J. Man te Federal Reserve Beard Washington, Jan. 27. (By A. P.) Appointment of Dr. Alva Agec, sec retary of the New Jersey State Beard of Agriculture, au a member et the Fed eral Reserve Beard, was urged upon President Harding today by Senater FrcllTigliujbpn, of New Jersey, and Dr. E. W. Keinmer, professor of economics nt Princeton University, tin; appoint ment te be contingent upon paswige of pending legislation increasing the mem bership of the benrd te eight. Senater Freliiighuysen nt the White Heuse (le ctured his belief that the legislation would be passed. Dr. Agec, u native of Ohie, has been u member of the New Jersey beard for ten years, and previously had held important positions in the Stale agri cultural bervlcea of Pennsylvania nnd Ohie. 300 RUSSIAN WAIFS HERE Are en Way Frem Siberia te Dant zlg Sail Tomorrow Frem N. Y. Mere- than thrce hundred orphans who endured suffering and hardship in KllbSia, will arrive ut juu.iu siict'i sin- Vthsmids'ef ether, these eh..- ' drcn were driven into Siberia during the llnlslfmihtle uprising and becume sena rated fiem parents. A large number weie near death. Through the aid of the Polish Com Cem Com nilttce in Jupaif, tltcy were bent te Teklo and later, through the usstunce of the Amcilcan Ited Cress, te San Francisce, anil then en te Chicago, where they were cared for by the Polish Nntiennl Alliance. They will be met here by workers of Iho Polish Chapter, American Ited Cress, nnd will lenve late today for New Yerk te sail tomorrow for Dautzlg. Clean-up Sale 3500 Pairs of Our Men's and Women's Shoes O.90 J.90 JT.90 Were 8.00 te 12.00 Are Mail Orders i N & 39 Se. 8th 930 Chestnut i HARVEY TO MEET E Appointment te Discuss Gonea Conferenco, Set for Today, "Is Postponed TO ANNOUNCE U. S. POLICY By the Associated rrcss Purls, Jan. 27. The conference be tween Geerge Harvey, American Am bassador te Great Britain, nnd Premier Peincnrc, which had been scheduled for tedny, was postponed until Monday. Mjren Hcrrlck, United States Am bassador te France, will participate In Monday's meeting. The meeting is looked upon as un usually important In view of the state ment of Mr. Hurvcy last night thnt be bo be fere returning te Londen he would mnke clear te the French Government the American viewpoint en the proposed Genea conference, as well ai the world's financial and economic position gener ally. The decision of President Harding as te United States participation in the Genea conference Is thought te hung largely en the results of these con versations. Mr. Harvey is expected te inform M. Pelncare that the United States may yet consider being represented at Genea, provided France will consent te full participation lu that gathering. mjt' t;'TUy fulher InstrueUonH8the mat view was exprcs.swi last uignt, Ambassador may receive from Wash Inglen, ns te the course te be taken toward the Genea conference. The extent te which the United, States will participate at Genea and in Euro pean economic reconstruction generally nli-e Is considered 'as somewhat depend ent, nside from' French participation, upon some solution of the reparations question and upon n sincere Indication en the part of European countries thnt they arc trying te balance, their bin'",cts by reduction of land armaments .ind ether burdens which nrc legarded ns unnecessary by America. Mr. Harvey, it is understood, will make this plain in his talks with Premier Pelncare and ether representatives of the French Government. U also was learned here, in con nection with Mr. Hurvey's visit, thnt the special committee which the Allied Powers nppelntcd tit Cannes te draw up the dcilnite nnd final agenda for the Genea conference has delayed its first meeting pending the outcome of Mr. Hnrvey's conversations with Premier Pelncare. it was pointed out that the Alllca de net wnnt actually te frame a final program until America's views and desires are thoroughly understood. YEAR 4619 STARTS TODAY All Chinatown Is Ageg With Holi day Spirit Business Steps Today is the first day of the year 401l. according te the calendar of the Chinee, nnd the settlement here known as Chinatown, situated en Race street between Ninth and Tenth, is dressed in Its party clothes. Living in this country, a great num ber of the Chinese celebrate January 1 as the New Year, but when the Chines New Year, which was revered nnd cel ebrated by their ancestors, comes around, they slip back into the cus toms of their country. Gay-colored flags dance a merry tunc te the sharp winter winds. Amcricnn, Chinese nnd various striped and multi colored flags give the suggestion of the ile),lliy spirit which began last night and continues until February Business is almost nt a standstill. Attired In their native clothes, rich in ,.,ier and design, the staid, bland fnced men sit in groups, drawing en their long-stemmed pipes, blinking sleepily upon a weiiil which is he dif ferent from thnt of their ancestors. Chinese make geed resolutions, nnd also carry lliem out. tJnc unfailing custom is te start the New Yeur with nothing en thu debit side. WOMAN AND SON HELD Accepted Donatien Instead of Sell ing Perfume, Is Charge Mrs. Annie O'Connell, forty-live, and her eon Richard, twenty-three, of 2123 North Eighth street, who solicit orders for perfume for en Arch street linn, mude u mistake when they accepted a donation of ?1 without accepting a per fume order. The orders thnt they take for perfume benefit a Baltimore hospital. But yes terday when they saw Isaac Marshafsky. Seventh nnd McKean streets, he refused te buy any perfume, but gave theni $1 for the hospital. Then he becamo'sus became'sus becamo'sus picleus. mude a complaint and had the woman and her seu arrested. Muclstrute O'Connor held them in $1000 bail for another hearing a week from today. At the hearing today a representutive of the perfume firm said they were allowed te sell the perfume te benefit the hospital, but could net accept donations, according te an or er rangemenf made with the Department f Welfare, TWO CAMDEN HOMES BURN Fire In Cellar Spreads te Heuse Next Doer A tire started by an overheated fur nace badly damaged two f'anidcn houses this merulng. Firemen were cnlled when it blare was discovered In the cellar of the home of I. A. Weltnmn, 2000 liuren aveniK. The flumes shot up te the reef quickly and then spread te tlie house next deer. Thlslinuse was owned by 13, A. Fritz. 2001 liuren avenue. The Iesm lu esti mated at between 1000 nnd $5000. 203 N. 8tb POINCAR MONDAY Real Detectives BBBBBBBBBsBM&S9ErIBbBc!BBBBbV7OT bb(bbbSbb7T JbbbbbbbbbbbVk bpxbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh6te&4'-' A PAJBMBBBr ; vv,njH XH IbbbbbbPT x '$ ,, 4- ABRji BBBBBT 7 .MV J BBii2$ BBB V3bBBBBB.W:V iHf? BBBv 4 ?' W1" wTJBBBBBBbV Vy BK bbbbbbbbW. bbbbbbbV $ jbbbb1 BBBBBBBBBB!BBvP7MftiMBBBBBBB IHbbbfvbbbbbbbu bbbbbbbbbPbP'VVK 'IIM5MMftlMrtlWll1Mmt MRS. Ml'KTIJS I-15WIS LAURA M. MOYLAND Attractive sisters, llvlnff at 12i!D Rltncr street, who foiled t iree men attempting te enter a neigh bor s heuse SINGER CONVICTION UPHELD. BUT SENTENCE SET ASIDE Court of Appeals Rules Boetlegge Cannet Be Held Second Offender A scntonee of three yenra in the Fed eral I enttcntlnry nnd n fine of ?J000 imposed upon "Sam" Singer, reputed "king of bootleggers," by Judge Bedlnc In the New Jersey Federal Court last April, was reversed today by the Court of Appeals. Singer'u conviction for selling whisky Is sustained, and the .case is sent back te Judge Bodlne for the imposition of a sentence riot te exceed a tiue of $1000 and six months' im prisonment. . The reversal was en the ground that Judge Bodlne mode nn error In sen tencing Singer for a second offense. Singer hnd been convicted 'before for selling liquor, but had net been sen tenced for the efTcnsc, and the Court of Appeals, In tin opinion by Judge W. II. S. Thomsen, holds that a second offense docs net become existent until u judgment, which is u sentence, has been entered for the prier conviction. 'H0KUS-P0KUS' INEFFICIENT It Dldn'tx Bring Back Husband. Fortune Teller Is Held If Alexander Mackey, a Negro, bad returned te his wife, Mary, last week, everything would huve been nil light, but in us much as he didn't. Mary ap peared in Camden police court this morning nnu, cuargeu '1 nemas Aleuns, another Negro, with obtaining money under false pretenses. She said Medus premised te return her husbnud te her by "hektiH pekus," but the method failed te bring results. Mrs. Muekcy was longing for her husband's return when she heard of Medas, the fortune, teller, 1123 Walnut street, Camden. She sought his nd vice. He told her, bhc said, that for ..tO she could get her Iiusband back. She had .$3.50 and borrowed ?11 which Medas accepted as the first installment. She wns told te return in two days with two pairs of her husband's socks, She dlil nnd tlie necessary rites were per formed. Medus told her then. Rhe said, thnl her husband would return within two weeks. Nic returned home and waited, but nothing happened. Furthermore. she could net get the money or her liuhbund s rocks duck. Medas was held In default of $300 bail for the Grand Jury. FINE FRAMING . Etchings Prints Water Celers Paintings TEE ROSENBACH GALLERIES IStO Walnut Btrt ?nn 91 STENOGRAPHER OR CLERK Your IjiIt of retlneincut and leoi leei Ins irenalltjr with three yearn' ei perlrnre In clrrieul work Uculrtu position. Itecentlr craduaUd from nlrnetrnphle arlioet. Ate 18. liarn tit, cnllinlaiitp worker. A 731. LEUUUB Ol'FlCE V r-.....mimmprr'. 1 GOOD advertising print. iny will simplify your selling problems. Tiuj Helmes Press, Trimtn 1313.29 Cherrv Street Philadelphia v I .C.r-s-TK cSuunt 1 TWO GIRLS THWART WOULD-BE ROBBERS Qotective's Daughters Didn't Need Father te Bring Police te Noighber'3 Heme 2 CAPTURED, ONE ESCAPES Twe attractive dnughtcrs of a de partment store detective, Jeseph Mey land, 1220 Itltner (street, prowl they had Inherited nome of his police Instinct Inst night when they caused the capture of two young men who were trying te break Inte a neighbor's house. . , Laura Moyland, seventeen, nnd her Wedding Gifts,: pjfififJ!UQ Jewels - Gilvet - Watches - Clocks China-Glass and Novelties Distinctive moderately priced 'Gzta Been tipped off! Sale of men's 'suits! Sale of men's overcoats 1 Winter weights! Spring weights! Staples! Fancies! Mere ihan half arc Rogers Peel Clethes the ibest in the World SUITS! Were $35.00 and $40.00 4 $22 Were $45.00 te $60.00 $30 ' Were $65.00 te $80.00 $45 OVERCOATS! Were $45.00 te $60.00 $35 Were $65.00 te $95.00 $50 Ferre O Ce., Chestnut Street Juniper. Agnt8 for Regert Pett Chthts Geerge Allen, inc. 1214T-Chestnut Street 1214 English Weel Hese v fnc IVithHand-Embr elder ed Clex Warm as can be and yet, UK all products woven from purest wool, deligh'ully light in weight. The soft cashmere finish of these stockings does 4tfiway with the annoying prickling and wrinkling that has spoiled both the appearance and comfort of many a dainty feet. Full fashioned, with hand-embroidered silk clex, in all the smartest heather mixtures, they are re , markable at the above price. Yeu won't see Anything like them again SO COME EARLY. married Bister, Mrs. Myrtle Lewis, twenty-one, nrc the heroines. Their alertness nnd pluck prevented -what tlie police bclicve was n carefully panned attempt te get several hundred deImrH In rash from the home of Miss Mury Mycra. 123.y Ititncr street. It was Lnttrn who discovered the robbers ut work. She is active at the James KvniiH Memerial Presbyterian Church, at Bread street and Moyomen Meyomen Moyemen sing avenue. She surprised the robbers en her wny home, entered her father s house, and called her sinter Myrtle, nnd told her te telephone the police, nnd continued te watch the men frm a win dow until the police arrived. Twe of the three men were captured. They were Jehn Brcnnan, tdenteen. of 2510 Seuth Twelfth fctreet nnd Jehn Callahan, twenty-five, of 2033 Seulli Rosewood street. The third man escaped. ' Though Dctefctlve Moyland, the girl's father, wan In tbe house, they did net bother te rail blm. feeling competent te liandle the situation. He ciune down stain when he heard them moving ex citedly, nnd they asked him te leek at tlie nicn te bce If his mere experienced cy: would net confirm their suspicions. Departments ii 1 , .- Loek in at Perry's en Saturday! You'll have plenty of company MID -WINTER REDUCTIONS in SUITS and OVERCOATS $ 23 $33 made te 6ell at $28 te $35 made at $40 IT will pay you te satisfy yourself once for all whether or net our values are what we say they are unmatchablc. SO here's a Saturday suggestion. Take a leek at the values offered in ether geed stores then come te Perry's. BUT hurry. Time's short! V E II R Y ' 8 Trousers Reduced in Price Handsome Patterns Splendid Styles. PERRY & CO. 16th and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men VDsens en the Seles of biv Shoes is Guarantee tlvit They Are Right January Sales Final Reduction ! Patent Celt Black Calf Black Satin Black Ooze Fatent combined vith,Black Oeze Chic anil charming brine out the slender lines in a most effective manner. THE BIG SHOE STORE Four Fleora With Seating Capacity for COO Men, Women, Misses, Begs and Children 1204-06-08 Market Street Specials in Hosiery Safe Deposit Bexes te rent. Open from 9 A. SI. te 11 P. M. 2 Interest en checkinR accounts. ,-"'. "O VFWM Ul V 11.11 . Metropolitan Trust'Oe, OF l'Hn,ADELPIIIA KW. Cerner 18 and Market Ste, PERRY'S MID-WINTER REDUCTION SALE 4 3 te sell te $45 made te sell at $50 te $60 A Buying Opportunity Each WeekiVatch Fer $7.75 $5.00 Belew Regular Price High Spanish Heels Lew Spanish Heels Covered Cuban Hcchi the buckles irrace of its of Quality Interest Allowed On Savings Accounts It will surprise you hew quickly small savinffs ac cumulate in our Savings Fund Department. Make a start today. Ne matter hew small the be jrinninjr, we are interested in crntririfr vnn ufn(n-l m U1 r ' i. -,trf ' -", V4 A'3 i "" A i i .'J r ' -if '; i t I H 'ffil H 7111 3 ,tu Jt .1 .a r.2 . M4 e ' ' ' - S V frtufr - N tgVj W . IWaaA-fr Jylj ,v wA.wm'ji I, if ' v ' v' " Hf "