FVyrv.-. fth Tyf 1 v. .t tf 'I? i T nT" u EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, .FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1922 e. f' T FINANCIAL , TKHrt ! .It J A f I Philadelphia Markets , "' KOTICK OF BKUEillTION . tHK UNITED OA.i niraUVbMBNT rhllKjell.hU. Fa. ..Dee. SO, 1921. 1 tt' holder at th 17,000,000 ijiih per t iwe xear uiupen uwa ;w ti.i,p.t imm imnfnnint c nninant ltd February .1. 1031. l"d J ("!?? 1 1""'''! nl tnn following tchedule of discount Agreement imwcen -in V.'..t..7 '.'"" ""'' e under red n'nltri Ke. 1 ' j New Yerk Curb 1tUAT.t1...lnl. 114 YAA l.A.I. ,1pp. It't le higher Cur let. In expert elevator it.S ".. 7'nltr, ll,18n,23! Ne. 2 red winter garlicky, 1 liWl.17, Other grade S revement company enu .." .-t 'lV,rB" I0 """or Xj 2; Ne. 4 wheat. 7e under peny. Trustee, bearing. like '''. .. Ne- 2s Ne. 5 wheal, 11a under Ne. 2. Sample It hereby Blen that. I":''?,"' V" acurdlnrr u quality. m of th Trust Artcment betwn ;'"nNHcei..ii.. r.1.700 bush. Firmly ted On Improvement Cempeiy Jia held. Car let In wert elevator Ne 2. '.H.'1 '-.""'.Vf.' Jr.u. "',V,,rrveni i .TV3f1 . eOftnlc: Ne. 4. BSQMir irr '?;" ler iecii trnd Ne s jeuew, uai tlc WlIM in a inter lS2H.i:.tt.- "" "J""".. in Feb- ruary 1, 1922. at 10.!' of Pr and i accrued Ohiette Safety Rmer.. .ls.1 C3C Ne 1 icllew. i;eH Mflte O.yis--He.elpt,. J8.47T buh. rirm but Jl'.'f'j ,lr ,et " e location Ne. 2 white. 'U wlise. Ne. 3 white. -4tFl4M-e. pleir - Receipt,. 1.3N0 820 rounds lYfi'SZW in ft.etrp M....I ....!.. ......l... r... lIUllSOIl V., . :?"" ,...fc -,1,7. u u'Jinfti.'ii', , ,-i I,,.. . ,r I'll Dm. ntcki.il in un.li, ,,. i..b.. nfi Hesdcii Chm winter strnl -hi Wte-n. .V7lrtr. 8.1. de. de, 'n.Pr.al l-obicce INIJUSTllIAtS inch Aem Ceal i 1,V 4?.Me. I'acklna 00 ,J.l "d Pucklnff Ml Ilradley Fireproof 02 Hrlt Atner 'lob coup 1UU Car MbIu ., 00 i-'hlCREn Nlnple !1 Celumbln. Umerald O.t entlnentai .Muter 0 Durant Mmnr. imi... in t.eerRjs Clethos II in lien A Ictei. r,ul tloedyenr Tire ... Oeldwyn Iicturei "e prer tarereit. nil of It then e'''?ndin',E ,,! Rr Cent Twe Ttr Coupon Geld Net M. mil f. total MMlierlMd amount of :";'S2?J Trutt Agreement! that Inlwal wl" $ '.!? it rW .n Ibe Nete hte!J " Jf '?r Sfl.mSiMn. trnm and nftif l'ebruar It laM.'tfc.T li.. rinlS. of enld Neus "" ,',f.- - ." ' A' .''. """V. ..'!" '." lnif tmhi... fluffed en February 1 . IMS. Je M ..rh, Ilrlu.'"."".? na.en ."? 10 llhlU Ceal Sale i ni for. jMemutlin and W"!1" iruMe ".M- 1 Umt iate.-t 7 r07 DO; farcy ;i"":u! .Moter A ntcyi ee unnnpiB .,.ru7fc . . Jn Yerk H',rlr n"0 " ' I nearby " : e 'tard"u inter 'trxlitht! !",' S5,,b 1""B aferefild. lit vV.r'E.rc,t. Neve Y;u fet' Kw SSS tfttw Pre "entiilen and iiurwn. P- efld NetiJ. with in ""JS'ifSwOT ,v itUfhed tVrete. at ld office a?",' "''& k mm.iii ,in i, n.il in tie holder OI " fll- t th rMtmiitlen w le K Hi' T11U UNITCP lH I.Ml'HOVEllKM paymtnt will ue.maee u. i- ":"" .;.,.d rr B. T liedlne. rr-Mtnt. Refsrrln te th for'.relnir no''i.",el'r lleldjr re reminded of the "li'1"Vl- f.i2i the Federal lneJma Tax fj 'Wtf'V entfd for payment bavin the f51JJ,,.,j IMA coupon attached tnuet l-e ".""JS1?:, by an ewncrallu csrtlflcat relatln te ie ?ilfc UNITED " wmOVBMBNT COMPANY .. , Fy S. T Pedln. PreWnt. nilll natent family brende, 4. Hi HVi f, s PS n( . n .100 .. I Lew 1A SO r.K 8.1 la'. 09 03 II 111 .,0 1 . fi OS 11 21 l en 4 3:l.. 2i Vll'.MlNTCi:iMI Hueeiai .-eure. ie '.terUUdder Jl: 4U 03 1 S 12 J 22 1 71) W 10UH lOOM, '4 ", ",' Minhattnn Trann Sff S 7n. Use flour. J.I. 30fr. 7,1. Mrr Moleri ... ... I'llOVrijnN? itieailily held. Beef. In ,j're-r Jletur elf . . . 'et am'Ve.1 and nlr dried. 4!e: href. Jjertli Amer Paper . knucltle ird tender?. rml!Cd and nlr dried. .ref.lel' . 0a"lb e pref -.Cc lVrk frmll. S.?t liimn. H. r r-.tn-d. ."a'.' e Cem oeio 2nfT!2c de rklnned. loose, 18W21e: Haille Coin Prof de. de ameke.1. '-'OWj.V: ham boiled, bone- I, "" Hubber 'e, anw ;iii nle neulrtrrs. .M. P. cured. Ioec. "J jicij-nein new li... 'He: de imeke.1. 17c. bellies. In pickle, l'l'lllp Merris leen 17c. Iireakfe! bucen. 21c. Lurd. ' .iRucnay P & P lUe l"JtherIl Ceal tt Iren . 1UTTTE11 - Afimnced 2e Solld-pneed ITenn 11 creamery, extras Sic, Jeh'.lnc pales of hlh- Tell l'red KXi 'rnde tried" l0O42r- extra flrt 3103,V:!t; H 1. ft II Orets KiHfine nscends. 2il!Di9c. eweet L i I. ( II rref .... rleamery. eiole t) fanev 41tfl.'e, de. fair ' eS Ship Cerp le reed. l.'PIPe. en.ral fanev brindi of j ' S 8team print tebblmr e hlh as 02ei extra. HO H'nltcd Profit hher'nc . 7e frtlr te Feed. 41 W 13c. I Culled Het Cindy .. HGfJK D.e'lned du, .nrbv ettri flrt :iiren llre tfimrtff m KrVSTtlNi: rOMPANY rOE,42p. firels. lie eecc.nd-. 3TW3..C! r icni ui no .Cell OtTir.h' Ol. JW...iV. iiiitiViiKS '.xlra Arsis 40c ftrals. 3HC. "mdi. !i3 Vet Knd Cliem ... . ' ;:.. gn rj...ii.A... n 'in tahhinif i '& nr rntid'eil' esss, fam '. , 'SSOSCc: fa'r te uoed. STANUUHJ OILS 4lir.4c . , ..... ' Ai'qle-Am Oil 17',. CHRi:SC Std but quiet .Ne- le"i nnnnef il U I IMI nhule irl.k. 1-.i. reney .d, 231, i:n. im ' I'r.ilrl 1 I. 233 freh. 20'4a2lWf de, fair 10 e ifld 1IHJI ; Cumlierland P I. 10 i'e. l.nii'crra 2l wj:ic. nni" wimi iiinhi P I. HI fe'jlh P L. , IST'A 1M3 rilnnd Oil of Ind . S14 Last CO n I3'i oe a C3 it le id n m n 21 V4 00 .-. 31 m 3S' in, 3'. 1 1 4 00 1 K 12 2-"4 I IM. 3sSi 10 t lb ottle rtll .emrunj 1 nut T I'niinuntviii'.. . . . " rnuiet eilnc f ir or acnlnst 0 Chest the rur- an increms 1 U.I niSli.1.- ,irt fresh. '"O 21 MiC 1.1 VU t Ul 1,1 111 I .'V m, mT I .-.jiiijrii 17 ter. 1110 Ml Foreign Cardinal Mai ?e Aexf Pepe Continued from race On world mUslens, atitl in well ltnewn te all the foreign Cardinals. Cardinal van llesium, of Helland, la most prominently mentioned ns n neu tral candidate, nheuld n deadlock be rcnclicil In the conclave, lie is sixty seven jeore of nge and was raised te the purple by IMuh X In 11U1. The nrrlvnl of CnrdinalH Schulte, of Cologne; Ucrtrain, of Hrrslnu; Kaul haber. of Munich, and 11(11. of Vienna, today, brought the number of foreign Cirdlnalu In Kemc up te ten. In addi tion te the German and Austrian Car dinal", there arc new here Cardinals DubelH, of Paris; Lucen, of Kheima; Matirlti. of Lyenx; VIval. of Tarragona ; Iteip-ni', of Londen, and Gasquut, th IlrltiMi Cardinal reldent In Heme. Fer the Hint time In hlntery women will be permitted te be present in the quarters occupied bv the renclnvc. They ere Sisters of Mercy, who will prcslde nver the destinies of the Cardinals' kitchens, which heretofore have been su pervised by monks. When Victer Emmanuel occupied Keine in 1S70 the temporal power of the I'epe came te en end. The Papacy nnd the Italian Government have since that time held dhcrgent icvs. and the proposed rapprochement would tcrmin- 1 ntn n tl n I A rtf 1 1 11 P(l'l II I II t . . ., .1,1. .. .-.. v. ,...v. ...... rf . 235 I The Vatican has iiirsti that the In "J ilcpendencc of the Pontiff as a sovereign js7U I should be recognized and guaranteed by slT4 tile rimi'rs. hk tniiin ui iviniHJrui H nf ths Capital Sleck el mM i.enivi" """' , ' "', -.i. )i"i- "'" .r.Vii.T .tir.i I ""'' u' " l "", ',,u "" 'lower. However, nun luctiiy uccii UDan- H ;nvwin in fsjiOOO bv th c-eatmn and 'iitii et h lei in dluni quality. JtWJie, . . ..,. i . .1 IM l.-uan of additional .leek e tbu amount , e-u,,. -jSW'-'Sc faM White 1,-vhnrn. 22 . INDlU'l'DnNT OHJ deucd. Wt if ?IU0.00. te cSnS'st of lSJO nharcs of ' v anrlug .lnrk.n. fincx. le .slilnned. r OM 2a 2t .w. $ '" Secretary. .pMn-j . hleKens net Ltsh"rn. medium uual- j, " V iHI :i' a1 n , ' ardlnal Peglll. arrllbliliep of Quebec "A ( :t'.'.vv ?-inc r'ikk"ns. net l'ciu rn. , ,,, V.er.-icei 'old " ' ...K.7 lei id I arrived In cw 'ierk today en hii wny I ' . ZZZ. "'' ;;eSS"5 ;:!!!- ;',; "'t v.f?.: ijs jr4 IV", ' "- c wl" Ml1 " Ltt r'"'n M Arnunl Mrt'nr .,r, 1741. t.rks ?s4i.-, dueV- g ff., tlVj?e!v"1 . .-; je t? 101, ieJ tomorrow. i ..,,,.,,,1, tkl-t (OIIPANY IW.hl'I,c,1,p 3:,'f,:l'irnn wl e"ier,ln- U'we"n. . . , sS 2i 25' The Very llev. Jeseph II. Rockwell. Bnptm.itt TUt.T j.- X-r.;8??1 -nVffJIlKSr'.-Siir.i-"-:::-: si 63 b. provincial of the Maryland-New Yerk Irr pl,,1?depV,'',Jheirkhe'iJ;r. h' i'-- ii."'Mi:-. We!rhhu?i'4 lb- TiT'uii .- " pre nee of the Society of .Testis, today 1G nBATItH the for ihrte yean JOHN if. MrOl'LLV CHAHLKS lXiyu OKyitau e HAitrurt si 1VIL,l,lA,i u Jiw.ii.i nr.K3sD pep: 'rrtv rewt. frsh-ui'ied , "j-.jieited in ie i 1 tr.int 0 ium. nriet 'S3c. elshlrs 4 Hi, Rt'S.'c. welthlnr ,"H lb- . 2tl2"ie. welL'hlnc 3 Ibi. 22ft2"c fe-l. frh-lilllrd li bbl" . dr-pckec lUuiMn.' .. "---- r ..,.. .,.,.. a. .v... n.Mintv ni inti f.rerier aeiu .:iis ., ; , ,, . .... ... ,,.. .. i..,.,. 1 , - '".". ,.".'.- :r.. , . ..i,in .vcigiiinij in 1. 1 mi npi-, .--; '""B ay u loueivuiii h.im. v.w ..- .-, r tiv.Mc. w-iclun- Vj Iem. 2.r,'J27e .inlm II. MsCul'v Presid-ut & Trust Officer Themrs O llaw"S. l-e Preedent William c. PtliccU. Ji . Secretary and Treurer , V.'lli:ai. li AnJcmen Ass't Treasurer V.. .. TOLLOCIC. Jr.. Secretary. fSSTlIi: ANVTAI, MKl.ri.N OF THE " Tain Wenun' Ci ristl.ui AsrecUt.cn f Phltvleiph'ri will I lieid Mendny, J.inu ry SOih. 1912. at 7:3n P. II.. et the Ko Ke Ko tnrten Hr-ien. 174 l A ,ekj.,er.y Ave. Th balletlrir for 0i -lecfen of thirteen member te ti U01.-.I cf Directors wli! be held at tht Ave Branches. Memeera -n ill vet at the Branch threush wlilch they on en tared. Pell will fce epn en Saturday. Januat" J 8th. from 12 M. te 10 P JI and Monday, aeuary SOih fmm S 80 A jr " 12 M. MA11V Der HTIRISON fTArtV. t rtreerdlnc; beiretary. welihl-ir 3 lbs and lir.lrr. 21T124 r.)at 'ri' ciilcKesi- West-m. ir-ptekd In bex--.iflilnir IU.93 Mi" nnl eer finite'. 3"c we vim k' 4 lbi. ai'. j.'. 3-V vfiir'Une 14 Ibi tiD'tce 2HW.'Sc: welc , K 3 'h upl c 211 'iiltc- -nnsMiiK ehiCKem, v,i.rn I, r.c 1 1 ft-l rnfd. In hi I'., wtlihlrc 4i13 lh ill 0 ever apiece. 305T32c: rea-tlm; e-i-i keii. Went em icr-j and etntfv In hn-ris wrlch'nn I IV3 "' rd ever npi-ce 2iivs"e: rent:nu 'irunndti I ire Crude Huc.um Oil tni-rl l Oil ne rr'nl I'll pref . . Impe'liil Oil IM . Pit Petrel I Mrby I'ct I in 1 rec'i .... I I vn Pet Marutalbe Oil . . . . :i ' uil Merrllt-Oil MerlJ.ul let I'.tir s Mtltmrd . . MeMee Oil Me ir.talu Product. lulual oil ri.ICKi.np, 'l'mriii, nciKiuiK iu. ti iti-d, i ,. .... ;'i,jiV, brelllic chlcl.ens. W-.tern W1UI1-,$., w" ' Inr l't 'tJ P's npltr- 3234e: chlck-ns. i"' '. Ve.lern -lelrMntr V'i R3 lb, arl'ce. 22" I ,N'n ')?il Ic. roaet nit ch.ck'nJ. nearbi wi.kv.lng IS ;m"r,,V lief B 'b-. nnl (iter ariecu 32 17811c reitlnB n, .', ' ch' Kens, nearly . -Icllr.c 3'i lbs apiece. ' ?i, r, .-, " VjV n'l m2 1bj Hnieej. K.iQ3; i-'ilck-n-. nearbj. r11'1,.. ' " R fSpVTO Till: RTOrKIIOLDEIW 3 Jlinufactnrer' Casualty Cemiiinyi Th annuil me-tlna e' tre eloekhetder e! th Mannrnctcrera Caunl losurnnee Com pany elll t bed et the l.em- offices of the company. 023 tValnut sT--t. Philadelphia, en Monday, January 30, 1022. at 2 P. M.. te elecr. fix Ulrecters te -jrve for a period of tbre rear, one Director te ire for a period of en ear. and te transact su.-h ether matters a may properly come before tl iteckhbldcrs. ,, IrtOT V;reD. S?cretary. SSTO THE bTOCKHOUFrtrt OF "-"t. Munuiactnrer' Hr tanyi Th annual n-elln of ths stockholders of th Manufacturer' Fire Insurance Cem. tMny will be Mel at the home off lee of th th remrany. 023 Walnut street, Philadelphia en Monday. Jvinary 20. 1022. at 1 P. M.. te lecf four Dlrec'er 'e erie for a period of thre year, and te transact such ether mat ters as m-y properly cuice kefore the stock nelder. LeROY WOOD. Secretary. welu! Iit 2HWI lbJ aplecs :'.i'2. e.d lins'e--, dr -1 tkel. weitern. .4 i1', 110. Stiuthen , jlS-?c. sprlns turUe- n-irbv, I'anet. .'4 ifrn. fani- MTt 'ilr t,i koeJ 41 'ill" id Tem turl'ejs, 4 11 f lie 1 dfck f.'ic. RHi?33i de, ftilrtoced 2S - 27. tjeerc, fancj . 23U.Be: uc, t-ir w sv d. lusuninra TT VTOHS Wlilt potatoes. i- cwt . ' .uiiiiaiiiv .rtt,.t.. a,.at nnrntrMS. .T.rtev -r I sThuKht'l iM-l.et Ne. 1. 51 CM. -5. Ne. 2, I AUika-nrlt -...Tiie. , 1nr1je tin .... -"fu,,c' iu-hr Dhlde ... 1 llltf Ledse 1 MoMen !i .iinnianu. ' Mrnm" Pet I Heutheru P ' Teen j rid.il O-15T0 Vulcan oil . Wilcox Oil Y OH -1 1 17 11 '4 10 14(, 10 .. I'. 0. 0 3 I A ll-n rt 13' 1 lli t-.i is 13', 3 V I . 0 p.! 12H 60 2'i 32 MIMNO Columbia. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Clilritte. Jan 27 CATT'.T; rteee.r's. 10 11) head Be-f ite-r steady le etrenir Tep Js 7 v irt't. 110d pjiu-ls, bulk bee. stte-s Sri0d7riH. she rteck. slecVe' and ..pit rs ard c tcjd , b'llls -ak HOGS nclpti 2.1 een hend. TssIIn sierl te ht-en? w th a;erdi'K uer.c Tlirl f... in. hlc?li..p. hlir tiaek-rs bnldlntr betC! In.urancc tern- i0,. f ;, 10 for 140 te 10 pmind nveraue. if tow v r iv; euik. eimi iti, pirfs iJy U ZSv hisv.cr, b..U desirable, J3.00 U1, fe-v 70.10. SII1.EP Hecelpt. 11.000 bead Mostly lad." Fit lambs top cirl.'. SIS 01. bJlk n 2.1 15 13 73. shorn rxae ear Inita ind wee. U 30, medium vrelsht fit rwas, S7& 7 US, drslrabU fcider lambs. 12!;i2.&0. ? S ilOiji.l. nrkcra rlttklmrcil. Jsn. 11 11 head ni.nfp lleale 'ni erl'-rs J") 01U0 70, lltht am 1 ts. 1111 ir 10 1 htlFI.P AND LAMMS rtelptt nun ne-id sfafiy. Tep shc.p, JS .10, ijp its :h 40 CALVES P.ecelpts, 30 head. S'eady Tep. 513 50. WAUW1CK IRON .t; STEEL COMPANY Th Annual M'etlnz of ih? stnckhild'r -elhj IVarwlek Iren & ateel Cnmwny wl.I be Held in t'.ie pnuad-.pnia iimce or the cemrany. Ne. H2.1 Cne-tn.t street Tnesdjy. Febnury 14, 1022. at 2 o'clock 1. .11.. for tin election of a. Loaid of D. rectors le serve for the eni.jlrcyi.ar i;it riiiffile. V. V., Jan. 27 CATTLE Tranfer book of the nrtreny will close ' nfcelfti. KM' Mead ''tow. low Calven January 23. and rcepci. February 13, 10i2. 1 lee-lpti 1' 00 head 51 hlche-. J31TI0. H. V HALlHAN.Sve-i.tary. HOGS tt. ...ii -r. Ojiii) hed 2.1e hlch-. ---------- IllfcfW. ' tVjf 1 ., Tl'TPfV S'l 'l"iirt!l r". ..n-lp. I.rn i ii'l'ii llr t de ind n'i; '710.23: 1'amd.i Co:ie-r eps Ceppe- Mlnlns i"i riea hiher '"re-son Oe d "I Si'.viiriir .. . . l'ureki Croesus .... 'lu.dneM Fior.nee .. Hard Shell lT,,llln-.. . .vttetp.--, ...... . . 1 Hew e-eund lntlepindnt Iad . . . Knox U v'de XtK.ma Copper .... Muhlrnn Cupper ... Wither Lode clt ... Mitlenul T'n Vevad". OnMr New pemlnlen . Nl:.rinr 't.i v llercul" .. , tiOC.1; rt'-eelnts j Ilix-heitc- -Mlrea ... Tey I 'S'ei-ird Jlln 1 T'lnnpah Pl1 .. . "en pih Eitenslen Tuel-jinrr. ''Itv Ce'd -I.r.'t tlssteni . . . ! West fah , XV st End Ce-i . . . 1 Yuken Ge. J . . 2 II', 1 2S 11.1 2d IrV Sil. 2 a 4 27 21 at 14 r. 20 37 1U Ti4 S.I 2, l"i 8 I CI "I'll C.I '.' 2 1 II 80 l'l t 11 Uts 0'i 1H1 IS', 22 'i .1 ' 1V 13 'I il "s 2s ,a-. 1 U-J X 43 12' I ill 2'i 4 2f 21 2R 7ih 1?" ,1 2!) 'i 37 8 et 3d 2'', 0 .1 17 U3 cJ," 4M 2-, 14 70 1'. ntifi: e ectien. up iieneuiii-ei ns tin- . triii. reoertt. liubllHhcd in IahkIeii nnd - I'ntei printed lu this country, te the ef ef e; I fret that the society wns seeking te bring !! ini- nliu'iitlen of a iire-tSerninn. "We hiill pray for the proper choice as every lirlcbt in the world Mill de. I'liat b a", no iu i" n lonnei btate- 1M-4 71 2JI- 3 1 lis1 1 se ' 2S 131, 3',. OH li) 12 N tn 2l ment. BALKS AT SALES TAX ll'a "k 01 .'0 ll Sll 2t 33 1J 20'. 37 s's f.3 3d 2N .'" 17 :7 04 m ut 4'4 2M, 11 SO ivi ne.vDs t-sT. errur. of ieu"1i. S5T r.n-.m:u'iiL iiasr company ! nr.f and T, ' ,H.1p.1iIu Ti..,...p., - .AXV A . Ili-I' A l Pil.'idelphlm January 102 An Annual Sleetlnu of the atockh'eMrra'of tht Cerep-ny v. Ill be he id at their office en Tuesday. February 14. 1S2I. at 12 e clock IL, and en the sjime day an election will be held, between the hcui of 12 e clock m 2nd 1 o'clock p n.. for Director te mrie urine the eiauluz year. H L. Si c C LOY, Secreta ry head lower. Limbs at 1.07 : ur 1.1 SOW 4 .1.1 LAMPS Itee-lpts. 7100 li 1 : s ii p sl-"w: eweJ. 23c . c.hc-s unchanuel. Eat St. TxiiUs. III.. Jan. 27 CATTI.V Hecelpt- I'iOO hejid Ster mers active, rener 1 ly el adv mete strenir. $0 8.1 fe- 13ns rounds, liprht veanlnp, a.ew aNjut iid . ciui and canti-rs steidy bulls slew: ceed te inntee Unlit i"jl (..il.ee S 1 Tt 1 1 .1 lewtr. Hookers snl f ders urchanced. HOOS Ilr-.-eiDts 14. .100 b.ad. Slew, un iveny siead v.,ik und-rtore Tep. $0 31, bulk, llu te 180 oeun.1 av.rai:es. 19 J." lulV. 210 te ."'11 pounds kinds ll.niws in. aeker sews wak te Kc lone-, sn 33nl K.I. ttrenu- te 2'.j r.u-ncr. jbwe duality , I I.I.L4 (.cod tl.lH n. .-.. - ., .1,. ...n.... ,,n ri .T. - ... f,ft iiiw diphla. en Tuescd,iy. Felirujry 7. 1022. at 11 t'cleck neon, uen an nioctlen wl.i m titut ler (J;rruei for th. ensuine year. J. D. GOnillJCY. SHi:CP ltee-'Dts 300 head S'e v. Secretary par, lamp pa.eB 13c lower, ethtr- and sheep - ni,. .. ..., ..... . -tead lambs ten 111 3.1 fcr elm ce 7H-Ib OT?piL.Ns.lAL.1ILETlN(l r STOCK- Westerns u k -if ni'-l urns. J12C12.30: ewej Leidera of tne llrpllsH Leather Cum- stcaii W 30il il for hcavles. ranr. and an elect en for director te Vrv. ' su.vi u ...v vuiiii'uuj, 4ii.i una VWhrrnnri . land streets. Philadelphia Pa... en MVrtnl. - ...... v .vwft. (. i-.Vll.l, S'Srutai-.. c BAR SILVER Domt-tle bar i-llver was uncinate.,! it. New Yeru ledav at O'JHc per line eurce. tereicn e.i"c uncnium' 'i. in ixinuen the jirlce waj "id lower at 31'd perlsl Meetlnc 32? nEI-MONT TIICST COMPANY X emu' u. r-i.r.iii jiretlnc of Motklieldrrs Netico la hereby wli en that a treeia tnettlnt; of ttie stockholder of the Belmeni Trust Company will tn held pursu.? 1 resolution of the Peard of Dliecturs ai 11 ofHee of tb Telmont Trust Cempanv ii"., Ilaltlmore avenue, in the Cltj of Pi,",ads. phlni en March IS. 1022. a 1 l ft ""V, the purpes- of vetluc ter or aevnst u" nr . pored Increase of 'he fapllal st.'ck of U, ment Trust Company from 1123.000 tu nui tner than Kin 00 Uvt V H.I.IAif DIGNAN. JR . OKL H. DE VICTOr- Secretary. Bellettnr. S1H Ileal Estat Trjst Bids. nivldrmU p -..- "- ... .. KEYSTONE COMPANY FOR r.UARANTEP INO .MIIUTIIAf.tSJ "' 1420 Chestnut tftrect At a meet Ins of tl.u Beard of Dlree-rr bi ii)is vuiiipaiiv iic.u en 1 iniukry 20 lu' Ne Seap Better Fer Your Skin Than Cuticura Esnp's each (!"en. Ointment Tslenml free of 0U cat I-.Urtrl.i. Stpl. S. llvMai, Uut. 53SH ? di&5M0 ,0Up C,"h.!. - i7,-j m Buuid! reLruarv ' 1", "XJ wll"- g i, U. tillANT ISOOSER. Treasurer Tlw follenlne officers wcre electel bv ih. Beard.. " lne President. Thnma H. Edwards, Vice Presldenu Jehn V. Basford On.,,,, -"MakcYear Jeb Oar Jeb"- Oer Office, Shep and Storage Yard Are Central Our Motertrucks Get the Men aad end r.McrisI en the Jeb Early THE HI BUILDER Mli "I Picr Cs ... Vlum njn" 7- et 23 . . . . mn Light tls Mm, Te fls of 22 Arm 1. 1 Hi of 21 Anncenda lis . Ar cende 7 nf 20 . . . . A-jrl , Ann 7Hs rmnur 7s Mirnrd ill 9n He-h f-t-el 7s of 21 'leth ieil 7s of 33 .... 'an Nst Ry 7s 'an aPc 'Is font SIpI S9 "ei Orjpl ss epner Eipert S- of 21. i'i iw- 1 xnert ss of 24 i"epp,ip Lxpert Ss of 25. " ns lias ss I'ens 11 is Pnlte 7s '"uhan Tel 7ls few 1 '"- S-.1-0 j " 'Ul n 7 (Velrlch Tire 7 'llrand Tnirk 04 Iflulf O'l 7s '. Heed Rubber 7s 1 Ir.frhnrn Hh of 22 , I ar eile Gas 7s I I.lbhy McNeill 73 'Mmlinbi Power 7s Vnt Cleak 8a 'Ni. Leather Ss V Y N II 1 11 Is .Phlla Ce 0 1044 I I hlli Elce Iph'llpplre "-8 ' Ull Heev IrL N J 7s . . . . 'Ulit lal' 7s .... - -Hrs Reebu"k 7. 1022 . . eirs RO"buek 7s, 11123 hiwrhet n 7 - Ivr v 'a "euthwst Beli 7 O V Y 7s. 1021 .SONY 7s. 1027 1 ' 1 1 N Y 7s 1030 1) V V '! j" oil 7n 'uifi 7s. 1025 a" 7 131 1 xas Ce 7a if l.i I Onse 7a 'Te' rdl-in 7 I'm Oil Pred S . . . 1 11 Itv Havana 73 . . . ' mm 7s . w "' rn K'ee 7s . ... 'Virnr Pi car 7s . . it Pic C j ' r'-enilnf 7. 1023 ... r 'v Aleirre Ss 1 , ieri of Selr.e 7 I'H ."" 1 . 1 na Cs N22. Se.MOLE ST. Beth 1 uuue- . 70 70 70 , .101', 101-4 I'll', . .1101, .,V4 J )1. , ioe me 1, me', .I'll 101 in iv , . ti OS', IISl- ..102 ini' mi', .103 103 101 . ..10J', 102'. lnj .. 1's'i 01H 0s' ,.100', 100', 100', ,.1'Jtl, 10114 111 I, 101S 101', 1il1'4 , .inn, ion, nut, . . 00 s, lifts, lilts. ,.40 31 3S ..102 U,2, Jl.Jl. 1021, 10.' 102 . .101', 101 InV , iem 101, 1C1S ,.inii. inn. mi . ,.1011, 10T, 10", , . 01 3 -ni, in ; ,.102 111-' 1"2 . 117 '17 1. 071 .mil,, imi, in.!' .hit, imi, 101 , . enVj I"!1,, oe', ,. SI hi SI , . Oil', Oil fid , . 01 4 li'it, l'0', , . 01 110'j HO1, , O'l'j bin, 001, . or, 1. !ii'J oe I .71' "2 71' , H4 14'', fit', .10' , Ti1 mi 104", 10l, ldPA . 071, 07'. 1'7-S . OllS 0''.', I'OS inn ion iert ns', -is', Wi ln'j'i mi'7 ti'2V, im jut m.i 101'i lMi 101', 1 11 10.1 mi lOMi P ".1, in-, .1"7, H'71-, 107s, . I'M", 11. 't '.' 0'lt, 'ill -1 00'A in 10'iT, m 'i in.1 Iu2 in;i .1 US P'1V4 101'i .10.1 lflfl lilll I11T, 10.-, 101 01 11:1 01 .10114 101 'i KlUl M7'J 107H 107'. .in4N mi'4 1011; lull, t,f(l nf;l, .10 1 ion me . Ill 071 04 . r'.v. iit 00 Vi . nm, "04 em, . f'71, 07 07V, 2d .23 .20 Representative Frear te Fight Such Means of Paying Benus Washington, Jan. 27.(ltj 'A. P.) Netice was served en Ucpiiblican lead ers of the lleu.se by Itcpicypiitntlvb l'rear. of Wls-enain, a Republican uptiibcr of the Ways nnd Means Com mittee, that he would light any at tempt te authorize 11 Miles tax as tt means of raiding revtnue for u sol sel tilers' benui'. CeineiiKnt with announcement by Mr. Frear of his btand. Keprci-ciitatlvc (iiinier, of rexns, 11 Democratic incut bt r of the mni" committee, which wns instructed by Kepubllcan lluusi; mem bftb lu caucus lut niglit te begin fram ing bonus legislation, issued a Mate nent uropeslnc a ttraiRht nnnrenrla- 1 tien for a bonus, sUcb appropriation te be paid out of the interest te be i eivcd by the Government en the allied debt. Representative Frear predicted that I a whole let of members would let.p ! their M'.its in Congress If they voted I for 11 -sales tax and declared that it would entail tee heavy a Lurdeu ec the public. CHARGE PADDED ACCOUNTS Stewart Administrators Sought Half Millien Commissions, Is Claim I aew ions, .inn. zi. ijjy a. i) LO'itider 11. 1-n cjiiunec. et tjhicace. md Martin Tiyler. nf New Ycrk, to te d.iv were charged with padiiin;; tie tie etints and multiplilng trnnt-actieus In inler te Increase their con iiiissleny te half a million dnllnrs as administra tors of the citate of Jehn K. Stewart, -perdeiiicter nianufactuier, who, after rising te power, fast off hit. original name of Terenee O'Hrlen. The charge was made by Rebert B. lloneynien eeiuifccl for his d.iughter-11-lnw. Mrs. Rebert 15. lleneynian, Jr., of Chicago, In nppreving a motion be fore the appellate division of the Su preme Ceuit te make permanent a stay igalnst orders recently issiied bv Sur rogate Pelletreau, of Suffolk County, removing 1 .11 Chance and Taj ler as s'lenlians for Mrs. Hene man, who is twenty years old. The court reacried decision en the motion. MAY CONDEMN IRISH TREATY World Cengrc3 te Vete en Reso lution This Afternoon I Paris. Jan. 2t. (By A. P.) The I world congress of the Irish race, In the lat day of Its meeting here, will vote this afternoon en a resolution de- . larlnc the Angle-Irish treaty in 11 de nial of self-determination for Ireland. The resolution further pledges the delegates te use every means in their power te (.bruin complete independence. It is legarded as meiely malting mere specific the telms of th" Irish Independ ence resolution adopted Wednesday. Temple Glee Club at Girls' Nermal Music by the Temple Glee Club, from tlie Baptist Temple, featured the rc- ......ftlen nli'mi nl the N'nrinnl StoKertl l"e 'Thirteenth and Spring Garden streets, 04 1 by the alumnae of the Nermal ujid tb5 tlOV. I . . . . . T,l..1. 17..!. ..nl. l.ft HInl.ft Yt- V 2." I. iris lllllll ft-i-uuuin iusi infill. ur. .1, JI71J IWurreii Ilanna directed the (Jlee Club. ' Mae t'.urev il"l "n im- nuiuil.l, UUU Frederick K. Starke the pianist. n,WFN-T-nt ' J(M'N A husband of IEL ' Adelaide L, Alten, in hi 80th year, H'l aervlce Fri 2 P. M 322 N, B2d t. wl'l'am 11. Schneider LeJce, Ne. 410. V. and V,mji and ltrk Guard' Association Invited. mt( J-ernwoed Cem. 105fKSn. At Plttsburh. Pa., en Jan. 20. 1022. MARIA E. ltAKBR. Relative and V... !. Hre Invited te tha service, nn Hatur day afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at th Kernwood cemetery Chapel. Interment Fcrnwoed Cem civir, . UA8TCnT..-Jftn. 24, WILltEI.MINA It., dauahter of th late Oeeme J, and Wllhsl. mina Fouat Baslert. Relatives and trlnndi jrs Invltsj te attend fitnural rcrvlcta. Frl.. la A. M , chapsl cf Andrew J. Bair A Ben, Arch and 10th st. Int. private. BENDER. Jan. 23. GRACE, wife of Mar. tin Bender. Relative and friends, also Teu tenla Sister Ledge, Ne. 1. P. O. D. II. H. MX."" te services. Sat., 2 P. M., residence, 12? Fltzwater t. Vlawln rn. cve. Int. private. BLACKnURN Jan. 2S. I.AUBA V wife Of tr Int l"S.,plen A. lllnekhlien. blrert Cfl Relative nnd friends are Invited te attend junerni services, fat., 2 P. JM.. at rer late tesldenre. 2300 Mldvale avc. Int. private. HOYEIt. On Jan. 25. 1022. MARY A. BOTE 11 (nee Hennelsen). wife of Linn lleyer. nzed 87 :enrs. Service en Ainday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, nt her late residence, loot Ridge nve,, Darby, Pa. lnterment at Mt. Zlen Cemetery. BOYLE. Jim. 23, JA1IE3 P., son of late Jehn nnd llrtdicet Beyle. Ilelatlve and friend Invited te funeral, Sat.. M:30 A. M residence, 213 S 24tn at. Solemn hlph mivss St. Patrick' Church 10 A. il. I11L Ca thedral Cem. nRIf.L. .Tn. 53. 1022. OROnnn n . husband nf Graes Brill (nee Illtlonheuso'. need 47. Relatives and frlund. also Pot Pet ter Lixl-Te, Ne, 441, P. and A, II., nnd alt 1 thcr decilities at whle he was n. liirtiilmi'. re Invite 1 te attend funeral vervicv. Sat., - p. n., at ni laie resiucnct, iiau v. TlfBa t. Int prlval Urecnwoed Cem. Mriends maj -jail irri. ove. IIUTTON. Jan. 20. at her late rcslder.ee. 20.1 E. Cliveden ave . Oermintewn. LILLA RANDALL, wlfe of Jeseph Butten. Funeral Sat., Jan. 28. Services und Int. private. COf.K. Jai. 23. PJ22. CAROLINrt At.. daughter of Nellie and late Franlt Welitht- ran and Wlte Ji niwarn j. 1,01. acn 31. Relutlve and . friend nrv Invited te f u. neril. Sat,. 1:30 P. M.. resldencs. 0017 N. Sydenham tt Int. Ile'.y Sepulehrp Can Remain may be viewed 1 rl . a te 10 P M. COOPER. At Mount Helly. N. J., Jan. nBATiifl nmniB. K. C.; Interment at Wlltnlnaten, K. C. en l,1 of t elali Martmret "e.w',..n,,f; Saturday. , tlve and frlail are Invited le attend fu- DURK1N Jan 4 MAtlTlM 1. .!,.,, rural, Sit., SrftO A. M from the- rcaldenca s tlliltllSIVrl ..J Oil 1 1 al .1 I lieAK fini"! UK.VTn member invited te funeral en flatnrd ,, 0.30 A. M., lrem.hl Iste reslWee? J11 Sprlncmll! ave. Solemn l'lcli mas, 6f V.. nulem nt St, Malhew'n Church. 10 A 1! Inlsrment HI- Mntl lieip' Mp, f-.i;.Ji' ' . ....... .... ............ . .,n -ci,ivi.jT7 mtmntir. urn minaii irt ttftap.., ... , .... ?:30 A. M from hi late rerlirnee. r.i?s' fjarnet .at. Solemn reaulem i.eny of Jiercy Ubureli 10 A. 11, mass at Our Int. Hely Cress Cem. IStTtNfl Hi,,1.".1 T n. p.. dauKhter of Jehn and 'AnVa R, Eit'inc h!'allv.1' ejd rljnd liwltrd te rinirnl iirvi ift.-p, nub.. . r. iA,, ,t ngr Parent resldenee 2rt Stnwoed '... Pet cWee. Int LawTli levv Cem. Friend may call Frl eve EMORY. Jan. 20. 10231 StARY DttAKIS, widow of Itarrv Emery, at her laie .rial, lenee. The Coulter Inn, aomamewiL liu tietlc et funeral will li clvin ' UD ENTAEdS. Jan, 2C. aEORBC husbsnd of Mary Entre.. Relative and friend In Mled le funenil, Frl.. 2 P. M . 1004 W. Erie eveVlni?1 ,,r,va'', .'"J" may call fhuri! ESIIERICK. Jan 21. LIZZIE, dieehter of late Jeseph ami Elliabeth A Eaherlek Ftmernl service Frl.. U A. jf., 'at her ati omit'Sewe?;3 I2'h "U '" wlate. Kindly EVENS At Marlton, N. J,. First Menth. 25th, ELIZAIIETH L..' widow of Jacob L. En;. In her 81th year. Rela IIV and friends are Inviti.i t .n..j rn. tieral, Seveth-diy, 2 P. M resldence nf her ren, Heward Even, fctsrlten. IJ. J, ute will m-et lStlB P. M. train from Market St Ferry. P.illu... nt Marlton. rtf.L Jan. S3. nitfliKVi eioem r'tr.i (ne Carey), wlfe of GierRO li. Fill. Dun notice of the funernl will be elven FOIUIIIAVE On Jan. VI ifAliv irnll. GRAVE. Ilelatlve und friend Invited te funeral service en Saturday, at 2..10 P. M.. at Ilia residence of her sinter, 40 N. Ithan St.. V. rhlla. Interment Mt. alerlah Cem. every. I1KI.LN T. Uarr. nelatlve OARR. At IJrlatel. P en Jan. 24. 1022. in tend the funeral, en faturdav, Januirv Beylo). and friend Invited te nt- en Ffitliritnv. .Ijtiinrv 1 at O A. M., from her reaidenee. 3tM Had. cllffc st., Bristel. Pa.. Solemn reciulcrn mass m. MarK s unurcn. Bristel Pa., 10 A .11 Irtermenf St Itark' feniiferv. lrrl-tnl Pa Ul 1.1.1 a. Jan. e, jfiUWAnD, liushatid et Mary E. Gllll. aired 47. Relatives and friend are Invited te attend funeral services, Sat., 2 P. M. precisely, at his late residence. 2411 Dudley avc. Narb-rth. Pa. Int. prlvate, ,1 tittMHiiKiin .:it nreri se. IteUtlvct nnd frltnda r InrltiJ te utend funeral tery- lee. it.tne Baptist Heme, mn ami .,ern, ip it . e t t int. tmisiii Cem. liai-i. i.n "i. nmiA. widow of Ernest HELENA 1 Issel 8r. Relative and friend Invited te (unarm, wenuay, 1: m.i jjiu . JJl" ' Int, private, Oreenmeutit Cem. Frlcna rna call Sunday evening until lp o'clock. ... JACOBS. Jan. 2.1, BERTHA ZlfrtCMAN. wlfe of Solemon Jacob. Itelatlv and friends are Invited te attend funeral serv ice. Frl.. 2:80 P. it. prec.laely. at her late residence. 821(1 N. Bread t. Int. Adath Jethurun Cam. JACQUART. Jn. 21. 1022, In New Yerk City. BERNARD, husband of Manrarel Jac nuart (n DleU), id 02. Relative and fiiend re Invite) te funeral, late residence Seuth River. N. J.. Frl.. 0 A. M. Solemn hluh ms nt Our Lidy of Victory 10:d0 A M. Int. Helv Sepulchre Cem., Phfln, Fu tiernl arrives tt North Phlla. Utnllen rrl.. 1:30 P. M. JOHNSON. Cn Jan. 23. 1022. HENRI ETTA V. JOHNSON (nee Ann), wife of Maurlca Jehnsen, eaed 22 year. 8ervlce en Saturday afternoon, at 2:80 0 clock, at her late residence. 432. Lancaster ave. Inter ment at Firnwoed Cemetery. Vlewln Friday evenlnjr. JONES. Suddenly, Jan. 24, HARRY W., husband of Anna B. Jenes (nee llchr). axed 40, of 80 IB IV. Lehigh ave. Funeral serv Icen Set.. 1 P. M., At ths resldence of Mis M. Kurheck. 100 E. Roosevelt Blvd. Int. pri vate. Hillside. KAYSER. Suddenly, nt his residence, 2.18 S. lllli st. en Jan. 20, 1022. ANTHONY, beloved husband of Mary K. Kayaer. Rela tives and friends, nlae Inteirrlty Ledes. Ne. 187, F. and A. M.I Columbia Royal Arch Chapter. Ne. 01; Philadelphia Conslsterv, A. A. S. R.; Hi Lu Temple. A, A. O. N. JI. H., and Philadelphia Ledge, Ne. 2. II. P. O. V.. are Invited te the nrviee en Mendiy mernlni?, nl It o'clock, at the Oliver II. Pair GRAY. Huclrienlv. nt Mp i..mn mol ntil hi 70th year. Relative and friend are TVa , i. ".' . V ?v,.v.JO?,V'.p1;, u TA,Tl.,,l ,'ft.a.u, w. (iiv im f jvauiivr ..i. e. neuncement of hi 70th year. Relative and rrlend are invited m nticnd funeral, from the residence of bis aen, Harry I. Cooper. 17 Washington at.. Mount Helly, N. J.. S.U.. P. JI. Int. PrDE OAN.-Jan 21. MARY C. deuahter of E Merrlii De Gan. Relative and friends, alto 'Hamilton Chapter, Ne. 110, O. of E. H.. and Mjsslncer Auxiliary. Ne. 30. A. U. 8, iv. V., are Invited te attend funeral cerv ices 1'Vt . 2 P. M. treclwly, residence of er 'father. 152U N. 10th at. Int. strictly PrDE SA D. Jan. 20. IDAH W., wlfe of Ella G. De Saad (nee Lance). Relutlve and friends are Invited te attend funeral. Sat.. 2 P. M.. from her mother' residence. .141 W Berks st. Interment private. Norih Norih weed Cenieury. Remain may be vL-wid Krl.lttv 7 1' .11. DITTMANN. Jan. 23. SISTEn WILHEL MINE. Slsler Superior of Mary J, Drexel Heme end Philadelphia Motherheime of lcaconese, aged 72. Service Sat.. 2 P. M., in chure . 2100 Seuth College ave. beHEH-lY.-Jan. 24. 1022. iTl.LEN. w fe of Alexander Dehcrty (nee O Kane). Rolu Relu tlve and friends are Invited te attend fu nral. Sit , 8'30 A. J?., from her late resi dence, 1411 S. Rlmrtteld at. (24th and Reed tt.). Solemn hlch nuts of requiem St. Gabriel" Church 10 A. M. Int. New Ca- '"DOYI.En Jin. 23. 1022, at the reel deuce of her brother-in-law, O. D. VanDer. ree. Jr.. 4300 Walnut at.. Phlla.. Pe.. FRANCES II.. beloved daughter of Ida C. and the late O. W. Deyle, of Wllmlngte;,, uiiAi. pastor or tne eiii 111 Church, lu his 70th year. Ann xunerni later. ORIDER. Jan. 23. at 1320 Brown t. Ifulldlnpr. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment pri vate. Friend may view romalne Sunday eve- KilERLER. At ItlverMde. N. J.. Jen. 23, MARY A., wife of Benjamin Kcebler, tn her 1 0th year. Relatives nnd frlend, also Lad e I. O. It. M., of Riverside, are invited le attend funeral. Sat.. 1:13 P, .11.. from lata LINKER. Jan. S. MAnY VIRGlVfA wlfe of Oaerse D. Linker, late of 110 N. 1111.' t. Relative end friend Invited te funsriii .ervlce. Sat . 2 P. M. Precisely. late ,mS! dnce. 1214 Shackamaxen st. Int. lIUlsM, tm. ICrl.n. mev npll tv.1 .... -'S.O. ru... . ..b..B ... w. .... o,e. MATHER. Jan. S3, MARY (n McLn.s. In), widow ; nf late Jvime. Matter. Jt2j: tlve nnd friend Invited te funeral. h,i 8:30 A. M.. 1803 7larrlen et. Heltrnn K aulem Mas nt St. Joachim' Churcfi. je JteCLENAGIIAN. Jan. 24. at Portland Me. SARAH, widow of Jehn McCliihlr formerly of Atlanlle city. N. J. Itelatll?. and friend Invited te funeral rvlces Hat 2 P. M., residence of tilece, Jfr. nieh,, Cox. 030 W, Bllver L Inu North Ceda? Hill Cem. Vlewlnr Frl. eve. CMf McCLELLAN. Jan. 20, 1022. ANNIE M. CLKLLAN. .diugMer of the late Jehn arM Catharlne McClellan. Relatives and fries. re Invited te funeral terviee. Sat.. 11 V M . at the chapel of Andrew J, Hair tt am Arch and 10th t. Int. atrlctlv private ' MOLONY Jan. 20. JOHANNA, wlf, of Daniel Atoleny and daughter et Bridget Si the late JvtmM Donevan. Relative K2 friend are Invited te attend fuueral. Men 830 A. M.. late retldence. 23 O. Itowar'e t. Solemn mas nf reaulem St. Phllin'. rv, .pelt 1A A. M. tnt. Ilnlw ,.pA.. e.."' ..u.w... .v --. -.- -,- .- -.waa .CIT1. ,pAT.v'cu UUtJlL,. un ean. 1:0. IA)U13E. daughter or Jehn IMP . asnu J car r ueerui en 1T dtp. p n 5M,. parent' residence. Montgomery arberth, Pa. Interment private. "" PETERS. Jan. 24, 1022. WILLIAM If PKTERS. nited 02. Rcltttlve nd frtinn. and organUatlen of which he w a mim. per are Invltcl te attend funeral service, late residence. 1132 K. 8th t.. flat.. "p. if' precisely. Int. QrMnwoed (K. of P.) Cem Friend may call Frl.. 7 te 0 V. il. era" TiAPP At. Atlantic CIlv. N. 3.. v.- . KATHERINH ELIZAllETil. widow of Jehn Ilapp. formerly of Tacpny. Pa., aged 61 Funeral twrvlce. nt .Magnelia C'emetsrV TUiOIlt'. en naiuruay, j. e cieck. neon. TtrciN. Suddenly. In Coiiihehneltin. inm. W. REIN, en Jan. 2B. ivged BO. husband of Mary (nee Schroeder). Relative and friend. also H. O. It. M.i Macanepee Stamm Trlbi" , anu uerman aki necieiy of Centhd- aiu ,ii,,p,ft ,w u,.ft-uu mnsrai aer. Ne. 03. hneken. less. Sun. ilence. - 2:30 P. M., Faj'ette t.. from hi. i.l. V.".: consnehocken. int. mi. ea... ..!.. t. .,,. iiuiii .n.u ri.nM i! i.fLvena .,,. (.DmnDnipv.fi ,.. csldeuce 17 Peik st.. Riverside. N, J. Serv-1 .(,: mn, cem. Friend may call flit M. u. unurcn 1: . int. 1 betwten 7 nnd 0 P. SL ice Delance Itlvernlilp. KELI.EY Jan. 23. JAMES, husband of Sarah Kelley. Relatives und friends, nle member of the Church of the Reconciliation. Invited le funeral service. Sat., t V. M., 1U0H Montrese nt. Services at. the church, vlted te funeral cerilc. ffit Tl'I l!aJ ii-Iew Johnsten st. 2 P. M. precisely: Falnnnunt Jiv-e. " Bat" J ' ' w" l JU Int. Mt. Merlah Cem. Remain may be Kir.SBL. Suddenly. Jan. 23. CHARLES C husband of Marie It. Klcsel (nee Gaut tei). aged 00 Relative and frlrnds Invited t funeral oervlce Sat.. 2 P. M.i 1221 N. 10th st. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. Friend may CHlIFlflTH. Jan. 2.1 10"?. .toils' Gltti'. FITH. ngel 13 Relatives i-nd fnends nie Invited te attend funcrul. Sat., 2.M P. M. from hi tate residence. I'"i ni.tta nvc. Am bler, Pa.. Int. Bcehms Cem.. Unto Bell, I'.i Friend may call Frl.. 7 te 0 P, M, HARDESTT. On Jan. 27. SAURAll TO. HAHDESTY. nged B7. Funeral service en Memlnv at 12 o'clock, at l.istnn. Md IIEIT. Jan. 23. 1022. WILLIAM HEFT, aged 73. Relatives and frlcndir also Chesen Friend' Circle. Ne. 30. II. of A. of Ph.. ere Invited te attend funeral services, at his into residence, 2.13.1 N, 20th tt.. .Hen.. 2 P JI. precUely. Int. North Cedar 31111 Cem Friend may call sun . 7 te 0 P JI. HILL. At Kllinbcthtewn. Ta.. en Jan. 23. 1022. HENRY IL. son of the late Henry C and Sarah II. Hill, nged 72 )ears. Rela tive and frljnds, also St. Jehn s Ledge, Ne. 11.1, P nnd A JI., are Invited te the serv ice, en Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver II. Pair Hide. 1320 Chestnut at.. Phlla. Intirnient private. HOOD. Jan 21. 1022. WILLIAJt P.. husband of Aufuatu V. Heed uiee Ilhe.U). Relatives and friends nre liivitsd te aitenl funeral service. Frl., s P JI . t h' late r, r',i -., "022 N Ln-ntr-' 'st m-i-t HOWARD, Jan. 23. DANIEL JL, litis- en I Frl. even. KOCHER. On Jan. 24. MOI.LIE. wife of Emll Kochar. Funeral from her late resi dence. Wert Itexhury. Bosten. Mass., Friday. January 27. KOLLOPRATH Jan. 23. ADOLPII. hus bind of Loulse Dlerelf Kollefr tth. aKid u3 Relatives and friends, also member nf Her mann Ledge, Ne. 12.1, F. and A. Jt. i T. 11. reemsn 1 napier. .se. si,n icinia 1 em- mnnil.rv Nil. 70 K T.. and Lu Le Tempe 1 . " ...lit-- and nil ether organizations invited te funeral , "" ,ervlieB S'indHJ 2 P. JL. 1130 N. 20th at. 1 - r Interment Mt. Pence Cemetery. i.UACH. On Jan 23. 1022. J1ARY L.. ' wlfe of Jehn P. Leach, aged 70 year. Rel atives nnd friends are Invited 10 the eervlvM en Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock nt her late risdencc. 280 N, Horterr st. Interment at Arlington Cem-tery. LEAHY. In Conshehoelren. Jan. 21 1022. PATRICK J., husband of the late Re-lIU V. Lenry (nee Daly). Relatlvei and friend! ind nil orcanlzatlen of which he was ti nOWAN. Jan. 20. SUSANNA D daugh ter of Llda T. and the 'ate William H. Itnwan. itd 2T. Funtral services Men.. 2-30 P. M., at Gleria. Del (Old Swedes Church. Phlln. ltemaln may be seen BuiL ave.. at resldence of her mother. 023 Sprues it.. Camden, N. J. Int. Old Swedes' Cem SCII.M1DT, Jan. "3. 1022. EJLMA, wf, of Yest Schmidt (hee Walter). KIatlre, and friends are invited fe attend funeral Sat.. 8:30 A. M.., from her late rrsidcnce 1232 Snrlnir Garden t. Solemn requiem mess Church of the Assumption. 12th and Spin Garden 1 l" A M. Int. pr vaf. SMAt.l, (nee .WATTK1IN) --On Jan. 23 1022. EMMt ELIZAlETH. wife of William y. Small Rslntlvi nnd friend. nlee.WI'. Ilnm IT. Rehade Circle. Ne. 37, Ladles of 0 A R.l Saklma Council, Ne. 101, D. of P are Invited te the service, en Satttrdty afternoon. .Inn. 2S, it 2 o'clock, nt tin. rest, dence of h-r son, Danlel Small, 2228 s Hit It st In'erment et West Laurel Hill t rmei"ry iieuu. my vievt reirain trl- a XJNDERTMvKKS flUYLERS BROAD aVid DIAMOND What Happens When Twe Women Leve the Same Man? If Eternal & W Iriangle YU BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE a. Altorfer Treasurer, titcretary II Grant Beeser. Jeseph V. Murray. WLUS IXHIUII COIL AND NAVIGATIOV ( OMP.l.N V JUVTIU. Phllade.pnm, January 23 mi, DIVIDEND NO I7J U- The Heard of .Managers this day declare.i k. Quarterly dividend of two ner tini isi 2 mam .kuppl An lh ...Itnl ...... -.".l tl. tMJ I mv Yerk. .'-I 27 isi'TTER Barely I TODAY'S lYlnniMuri uii-tiNata idv. P.ceelpt,. 12 HI tub" Cl'ani'D, '...k n i-.rirfllh I aniberte'i V 1 ,, e.ir.. 02 Hi-nr-. 33'v(3 39,. ntg. bS te 01 'j;hr j.packer LaVe.la. I'i J" Br"1 ' 'neabnMUM. HT-lnt. j;s ,.. Victer O ,3" luVeVftrS'"" anJ white flrati de eMniH 40ff ,2c. iirnrby and ,''2,, shores, c'eatesvllle Pa und Florence eany e-i in ii-iiiipi. 1 ..nm .eirie nn.p Turner. CeatCBVinc, I'u -in nenrbv uith-rnl ur ." nnd mixed lel-i. .'?'" i,rne. B14 Cantrell st . ,nfl n.. . and Eliza- FINANCIAL PriipetiW .narel en ine Cdtiltal .tort. . ..:. 'r.-'4 ban, imyabfc IVbruury 18. te:?, Ve Vtec Xieldr as rtKlsiered en (he bueks of it.- VUHlfltll M V S,I , ,l. 133 Odd nonetoH ei- p.vL'i.sneRO TESirOKAHY SEWLIt IMPROVEMENT ilOMIa Scaled proposal i. be rerelvud b- the Her uuli ' l. rk of Pie Horeu-h of Pauls- eiu u; 'ii. v.,iiui.ii . iiuitiucrs or ths r r- 111 SIS ie ciirnL CISEE1-E Irr'ttular. P.eeelnt- 1171 boxes. Stet'.', i.hii.i.-rnllK, flatH fresh, spec'als. ii,c t He whele-mtlk. fresh, twins, spo spe i lils 20'iI20v7'' de. u.vir.ie run. 16V4 e. U. U M . U V. IV i . .11.. . fin,,.... n. 1822. Chtek. vrlll be mulled te lkhX.,,;i .ii'e'i permanent dividend order wbe have tu Council .eruuan nt i-aiipoero until I ehruarv r i.ji... rri. is..- rri-..i Pi.2 t H e'i."K P. M. for th purpe.n ! inuiii i-v.. uii, r iiiaiibing f r.rnperary K,cw"r.I",'p,r0'e:nt"t c0'"ls of! Indian ipells. Ind.. Jan 27 The Public the BerO'lKU U I 'U SbOru tu an ln.xin. ...,,, . Pnmni M.lr.e l.' nlplit ntill.npl,. .v.. .......,i,,, ff.1 non .-,. , .,r,...-, -.:;:-', '--"" -....-. ..v., ,,,.. nut rv m -. """. . i imi urn r.ieciric corporation, a. mercee mm ft. J.C-V.LI ,1. .'l',aftT .. . 2 vt, ,..-r;.M.,t -HHZz- T"wi,rai.i..iSS,lnl'1 trm the rany composed of seven electric utilities of i' ollN:iT,lA,rliteP311'A-NY iJ"' of "I1,?, an J. n"? thn ''nni- Me rlinte. ie l,suc S17.4B0 Odd In S'culrt'es '" B' 7..or.. ?1.1' rl''lnut St.. I1, 1 ,H het , w ie i?J n?1 , y."""" I te pur has- properties Included In the mer- J. Philadelphia. January 12. ie ui" f,1.?, 'te i Z li man r,.'!ai.-"Vl ''bruary i Ber The uetlen of the Comm sslen censtl- P The Beard of phecter. of p,,m Trl'mr ,S-.c IJVi blar 7n'erest Ph.llj' u.'"'v 15. I lute I , approval of the nierter plat, and Company hav , till day declared a semi 10:!8, .S,n..m Tie innim ,?A.V." ralv nt 0 I tlnancliil tran-aet ens outlined by the com- A annuil dividend of 47,. paal,.e i ri,rn ' !'-r J, fi" iShr'uri Ya of Piifh''. en Auau.t ,,any ns lnel.lert te the merer The case ' ' 3i, JDM. te stockholder, of mird Junu.E -.?l wli li 1uetl from fin L .'"'. ha' I ""' "' betn contested before On cemmls- I 1 lth, 1022. Transfer books rimau OD,ny ! meniy j need- l,y th, AiV ti.nw' ' "Ien A prev eus petition seeking approval . Checks will be mailed. "au f "f m,en.,'14nnce.,,." l.?,'ifwl,Uer,.ugh i f the t'sujms of 121.000 loe In securltl.j 1 ALintED Jf. ORAT. Treasurer. ' S'Ahln enT'.ir fVeTth, 5a?e' tr ',"s"rJ d,n cd bl ,h cernmll..n. a inixea ni- i. . ., . t A.... 12 47c. refrlnerater. ',SV'" - i 'amru'l .OL.rn.-ld IVIlfcen, Sii5 v mer r.t Ijelh IUM -'0 It Ktter st iPaluirla Kmiffmnn. 210) J Lawrence at . nnd .Miry F.-ldiuan 73u l.ml y tt. .James 0 PU'ds. ?.. . I.-mKrt t . and ' Helen E drewi. ?1M3 ptzwa'er tt iLavld L Kun, let'S hnut'i st . and Rem i'eih. 2012 W. Culumbli nve i Kelvin E Welnlatid. Ill N C2d at. 'Naemi A Adams. SS1I Harel ave. Carl K. 1 aub.T, Jr.. 1011 N S.'d at l-ttrl ' . ' ... !,. ... , tnft I . ijerirue . " "' - ' ...".': Themau N Then.ii. 2307 N. 20th St.. ShIIie E. Tlndell. 2J2H N Pawn t. Ri, i in '1 i V. N'i ' '-,' " , ,. H-t -t,. Illli (JIHAKD NATIONAL BANK l-ili.delphlu. Jan. 21. i" The Beard of Director ha thl dij'H tared a uuarterly dividend of e nerJ.!; .. L ....... lu vi e iidr of. record at the clewi of bul int.. January 24. iu.'S. " - i;u,ea win V9 ISIIHQ. C. M. AbHTO.V. iasnitr. "crued Iniereitt paw Ly tne pjrehaeer Ar .n,.i i,,, u rrcm na nun t..... .- . ."- '2 ' .:.",t.hu..p OV4 ' jilltj W !-- vs the All blddais shad deposit a certified ehee'- pir i.eniuni ei ir.e amount of Len.t r0i 2 l J for. drawn upon en tmerpurateij b,S r trust company te seeure ihe muni. i. .,!!?. asalnst any Kss resulting from the fkriure f ih-. biddur te comply with the term of tils bid rnicsa "ii uiu ",'J rejeneu said bend. i rut r,iniit n k a.i -..-. r, i .-"" i Vui " ; tOMMKRUlAr. TKIJhT VmiV.i ! JTi'; n u wl.h the' t"-rm of "Ksl?"SK5" e'rf.'r ,. . aL,J"i?WA'-Jf."I.SI-,.2u.J.'. na'V.Pay nil less than .aid .uTf, U thl day a .quarterly dividend of 1VV (?) , ut'd In a inultlp e of 11000 and ..; rj"at Vi--.. -:tr. "i 7:' 1M3i te rbareheldfrii iutnf.1. ... hufhftt ""-IIlS&ItT C OIION. Treasurer I " UK&U?T fi!fl-J- -riLlI.TRt'hT.rkVlN.TsCOjrP.lkl "k" "j" ""' ? UrU'h f PaU"bOf0' ng te pay nil less than said um and te akertherefere thu leu,t amount of nal ...,..! In a inullle u of lifliin ....i .7nu VIJ.S!1 ,n 'yi"" -te'k w or mere bidders offer te t.ik he Vaine .rlynrb'f.n Kcbr"ry I. amount of su-h bends th.r. ie the bfdd"? er of record en tt:e 3lt ..r bidder offering te pay therefore tn. , highest utdltlen! prl-e "' and and and unit A,,... hAvar. t , N Jtu'l.all st. Jehn V Kcurney, Ha? 1 Pa., und Mar- Buret A. Bergen. ON ,1i,tl at. Irak. I Deeka. UJl) O'-rtn i itnwn ave, and Sephia Ureda. 18411 N bncrld in t, Jehn 11 Hill. 201)7 W. biu-r at. and Viela lie 20.17 V.'ebster pi. Wenley 11. Enteff. B0.U American at., and MirUm Kite, fllll) N IStli it. L uls K Hrunner. rorrerfale. r.. und lle'cn Slckhiuse. AnJalus a, Pa. rteerLi r. Kirk (130 N. It- n et . ind Chrla- Liverpool Jan 27 Ther-i wa ei.V u! tine VJllance. ain yv A.hd.ilest. limned demand for ret prleeH today vtih , Tbe.n.iu J Cahlll. Narherth. I'u . und Allcu prices en a basli of 40 pe'.i ta decllre t r' Uuu . 24J' . eyiieri et imu'Jiuuf ii i' 'i'i (.na pai'H were l.al .. ThA ....In.- u.i. 1, nee ft.n,.. cludlnir li oei tal-i Imerlen. Spot u'rlce. Jehn SIHIiltit'W'.ltl IStO Callow hill t , un,i Amer'ciri. rn Mil nx. ir lir.i,' ,...,! 1; xaueiti dehuii.,. fi . ainnvnui st. . u.ti, n, , 111U i s jja at. idlnary. 7 Cd.1 nd ordinary, 0.3ld. Liverpool Cotten f . ' Oil li , -,0.1 ie"vri n iim' Jacl'ln f blniivk. 210 N I,, ' !'trxa.i, 203 Oucen .1 riei. Jehn Slttnlwltl 1S40 were Amer'can, middling, filr 11 r.'id, " d liiuaufiii '"""""' ,' inlddlln, 1" Old, fullv middling. 0 Hid mid- ' IUimit T-'"' J'Jie?'l .HI117. 0.2'ld low middling. 8 3ld; uoed I Jlnude L. Ihome,. ,2J' 3eail)S bth St., nnd Mary Market and Fourth .treets. jiuiuary lit. Slump In Spot Crude Rubber New lerk Jan 27. - During the pat up 1. epet crude rutbr ha slumped a1 out 3 ..lit a pound te WW cents Tin hru il lu .' r billed te forced telllmr a nnl, it.ut I il ten- ugi' ( 1 r'lbb-r In I omlen by holder whom laid' 1 il e Ir.d te mrrv anj lenuir. ( record January 10.-2. ' l. b. KM.., ernci:, iwi.mim,ien, di,i 11 ,1. JI.. Jsu. 30, I Or.', and tnen opened. ler A Sliiaricri uiviupii.i 01 iwe per Wilt tXVet ' e'' Poie.i. win i- r ' Jl.vu iiwie unt i vaei inwaiTO, j-,.km mruruary 4, iVmJ, te ajawiieiudri, or receru CKulHl will b? mailed, ,. te IB 22. O. HELlinOLD. Trtuursr. Nt-w Movements of Vessels erlj, Jan 27 rrlvrd Tlvivee. or dredilnu- Muiderklll River. Del,, und iCartusenu. Canada, Marseille; Zealand. Ant nland WaUrwav WlWMn Hshebnth Bay and I wi rp, Sailed! Alionso XII, U.Jen. ii Delaware Bay, Di! application. Furtntr Information en I Httirt, Jan 27 Arr'vedi Pari. New jerK. eaiud; :ui, ltousmiiea. new Ye.-lt. AARON'S. Hn. 23'. ES11IER AARON'S (nee llenden). akril (..1 lleiu'ivei and friends else Lady womeflere Iyidee Invited te fu. neral trylce. frl . It a ,M pruclsely. at lailer of Merrl llnKniil4r Sen. 2000 N, lfruad st. Int nt Adiih leshurun I'em. SDyilElD At Ventnnr, N J, Jan. JI (ilARLEi li hurbind of l.llzibetli Ads I cud. Ilemtlvts i.nd frlerds. nlsj Frank ford Lodie, Ne 02. V and A. J!.; Kadesh Crinrnandary Ne. iO, K. T.. and Lu Lu Temple, axe Invited L. attend funeral wtv lc. Sat.. 11:43 A M at th chapel of Oakland Cem , Philadelphia. Ruby Ayres' gripping love story, "A Man's Way," which starts in the Evening Public Ledger Wednesday, February 1, deals with just such a problem as one meets in the realities of life. Jehn Harden, thirty-eight, with an attractive personality, who has wen his way te wealth from peer beginnings, comes te the assistance of Melly Danger-ield, the pretty twenty-year-old daughter of a large, aristo cratic, but poverty-stricken old family. "The ether woman" is Mrs. Lilith Fernald, a geed-looking and net ill-disposed woman, te whom Harden had been engaged years before. Te guard against a recur rence of his old love for Lilith, he marries Melly, who really loves him. Melly realizes Harden's purpose in marrying her. And Wharten, Harden's secretary, pays obvious attention te Melly, think ing her unhappy. Lilith'3 hus band dies and complications come thick and fast when she endeavors te restore the old love for herself in Harden's breast. Which of these two women found happiness? W-xs there a reconciliation? What is the answer te this "Eternal Triangle"? Be sure te read "A MAN'S WAY" by RUBY AYRES, a great favorite of Evening Public Ledger readers, and au ther of "A Bacheler Husband," "The One Unwanted" and "The Fortune Hunter." Start With the First Installment Wednesday, February 1 Aliening p ub lie tbixzv CYRUS H. K. CURTIS, Publisher Order Your Carrier or Newsdealer ie Deliver Your Copy Every Day f. V 'iHH ft.ll ..