jv; :v ?v f 'EVENING VVBJSIC LfcDGrfet-- PHiLAIELPJaA, FKID&Y, JXTtTAJlY 27, 1922 23 ; .,11 NEW YORK INDIVIDUAL BOND TRANSACTIONS 1 " . i I $8,310,500 St. Leuis -San Francisce Railway Company Equipment Trust 6 Geld Notes Series 71-A te 71-E, Incluslve DtJ January IB, 1910. te mature In fifteen bqusI annual Installments. Hn3tMab: ai a wliels, en anr Intertit date, at the optt-e of the Hallway Company, at 103- and Intertit, en Utr dare prevleua notice. Intiirtet payable January IB and July 10, Prlnelpat and interest payable In U. B. Geld In New Tork City. Coupon Nete In denominations of (1,009 cuih, reslatorable as te principal only. These Notes are a direct obligation of the SL Leuia-San Francisce Railway Company under Equip ment Truit ftgreements, between the Director General of Railroads, the Railway Company and the Guar anty Trust Company of New Yerk, Trustee. The title te the equipment under the respective agreements remains in the Trustee until all of the Notes have been paid. Through supplemental agreements, dated January 15, 1922, 33 1-3 of the Notes of each maturity, held by the Director General, are te be stamped se as te give preference and priority te the above offered unstamped Notes out of any moneys received or collected by the Trustee under the Equipment Trust Agreements In case of default. Upen the execution of the supplemental agreements, the unstamped Notes will be outstanding te the extent of only about 58 of the original cost of the equipment, viz., ever $14,303,500, en which they are Gccured. The original Issue of these Notes amounted te $14,383,500 Of which there have been paid off, en January 15, 1921, and j ttnunry i e i y&z ,,,,,,,, 191 7800 Leaving still outstanding f)i $12,4G5,70O Under the supplemental agreements referred te above, one-third of each maturity, aggregating $4,155,200, is te be subordinated te the remaining $8,310,500 Notes new offered by us. The equipment consists ef: 33 Light Mikade Locomotives 7 Light Switcher Locomotives 3,500 Deuble sheathed 40-ten Bex Curs 1,000 Composite 50-ten Gondela Cars Fer the eleven month a ending November 30, 1021, the St. Leuis-San Francisce Railway Company reports, net income after taxes, rentals, etc., available for fixed Interest charge of $10,108,637, whereat the fixed interest charges, including Interest en the above Equipment Trust Metes, amounted te $8,785,090 for that period. We offer the above Notes, subject te prier sale, if, as and when received by us, at the following prices: Maturity January 15, 1923 1924 1925 1926 15, 1927 15, 1928 15, 1929 IS. 15. 15, Price 100.47 100.75 100.95 101.06 101.07 101.25 101.42 Approximate TleM 5.50 5.60 5.65 5.70 5.75 5.75 5.75 Maturity rrlie January 15, 1930 101.59 15. 1931 101.74 " 15, 1932 101.88 IS, 1933 102.02 IS, 1934 102.15 " 15, 1935 102.27 Apprtmlmste Yield 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5'.S Accrued interest te be added te the above prices. ne Payment for Notes allotted is te be made in New Yerk funds at the office of Seever & Ce . 24.T.G w Street, en or about February 10, 1922, against delivery of Temporary Receipts exchangeable for def.uave Notes when received by them. New Yerk, January 27, 1922. SPEYER & CO. The Equitable Trust Company OF NEW YORK The nbee statement hae len obtained from bHlclal and ether source TrhliSi we tellevu te be reliable, but they are net cuaranteed by u. ranadl'n Ntlin, nn rets 2.... 10e 1. . ions a.... 100 Can'a rae 4a l.... 78 a T8H r -8 a 7R r. 78 n 78i tl 7 S3 78 n 7(1 m 78 UtAt.nsi l.v$1000 Cty Illy de .! nerle 8 i netd 1 PDJ Can Be'n It Re 3 04 M, "hlle Cep'r n .1 871' 10 87 10 87i 1. 2 P7i 1. 2 874 1. 11 87 ; 1. 10 87S B. 1 87U fl. U 87 1. 0 87' Chile Cep'r 7 a. I.... 101 6. '"hlneee Ueve'tiCuben IMC niy n 4 444 2 414 r 4i City of tlersen 8 reti 1 ... 1054 1. 3. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. n. City Teklo c. 1 0BU City Zurich 8i 1.... 1084 Cubban C H cv 110 100 1(10 100 en; mi; , n , WIS . 03 S , ens oem no it 7flH 7014 7W TRW 7R4 7.1 7.1 754 7ft Vi 7.1 H Bt 7 72 73V4 fl... 1... 0... 3... Culm II Ce Sr 2 77S 77 , 2.... 100 Cuba riallreai City Heme Kj! Ce 7H 0 IOSVjI 1.... 101 City Uerd'x He. 2.... 101' G 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 10 1 1...., 2 1 1 1 8.. A.. 3. . 1.. 3.. 0.. 10. ni't n 91V4 04 04 i 04 S 04 H en; 04 "i 01S 1(4 H. 04M 04 DIM 04 S 04K 'J 4 '4 04 04 04 H 04 04 y, 04 4 04 V, Geve't F Jt H 1. 1.. 3.. 3.. 3.. 10.. 10.. I.. 1. h2li L'.... 101 H I 824 DenrmrK (.en S24 1 eel A Ha 824 a lenVi,1 82H, 1 100 S2 1 Denmark Cen 834' ct It 8 82V. 1 1.... jogs. 82i,D Canada '2(1 'ty Chrle'rt He. .1 07 4 1.... 10O4I 2 07",' "Ity of Copen-D Canada '2ft! 100i 1004 1014 100 lOO'J 100 Vi 100H 100', 10OU 1094 loekt 1004 100U IO0U 10)V1 100'i 1004 100H 1004 OrM Trunk of 1 Can Ot rcte 1. 1.. 1.. 10.. I.. 1.. 3.. 2. . H'.'. .:: 3.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 13.. 1.. J.. 1.. n 1.. c. 1.. 1. 4.. 3.. 1.. 102', 1024 102W ieay, 102 102' 1024 102 103 haren 64 2. 1.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 88 88 88 84 83 83 City Lene l 1! 83 R2 S'.'S 1.. R.. le . n.. 12.. 0.. 1. n. 10'. B. 10. 1. 08?i;Ord Trunk of Pfl 1,: (janaea 7 B8'.il U0'. 09 Jap Geve't let 1)8 Vi -' 3f B 2 87 non as 87 08 23....1 87 PM,'Jap Oevet 2nl tirtl W US, 'Jap Oeten't 4a 08'. 1 73U i: Ills-'m reta C 08 O.... 1011 Am T A T oil 3..,. 10O S 8V 1.... 10., n 8 1.... 10.1 2 80 1.... mr.i 1 80 1..,. 103 1 80 1.... 10.'.ft A Tel A Tel 3s 2.... 10311 27 01 1... 105 8 94 Klne-nam Den- a 03 marlc ct flj n 04 . .1 04 04 3 04 al) Oih 1 04 t) em 2 1 01 10 Ot C 04 2 04 20 01. R 04 2 03 , 4 04 A Tel A Tel 0.1 2 04 2.... 110 I 2 01 1.... 110'ii 1 04 I.... 110 8 01 10.... 110 1 94 1.... 110 8 01 2.... 110 0..... 04 1.... 110 S 04 3.... ItO 10 04 13 1)0 4 04 Amer Water 1 04 Works C 2 04 1... . 7.1 21 04 Am'n tv I e KInxTlem Den. y, , , ftiy, tnarl: ct 8 Ami Arbe' 4e 10.... 108U; 2 . f,2 1.... 108 ( Armour 4 1.... 1B ; ... ?) 3.... K 1 .. 88 1.... 108 AUBTtiJ 2.... 108 ie je 3.... JOSWlA T k H Te 4 Htl' cv 4a '?, Chlcare Mil t, 8..... Ii&fcl 7 83 C-oedyear T L M A 8tl M Ca Jlub'r "41 1.... It 2.... lllti M Htl' A B at' 00 tt nev, co 04 80 r,e ae (te 00 10 1.. 4.. O.. 10.. It.. 3.. 1.. 1 ChlcAtn Mil & Htr M 4f 2 B.1U 1 33 4 ... r.R 4 35 1 M CMcase Mil A Htl' m 4.' 10 81 r.'hlrnire Mil A nt T cv at 1 12M 2 (WVi 3 m 1 02 l(ia!) C3 C A Krvn urn 3 83 CM A Nth Wn , rm ate. 1 10.. .. 83li I CM A N W'n I r. of '87 1.. . 100 (J.... 112 1.... 111 3.... lll'i 2... 111H Oranby C Ml' 1 87T4 4 87 a Ken Illy 7 7. 0.. 3.. 3.. 1.. 4.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 4.. 1.. 1.. Maria Ka 3 00 5 08 M BIT A S 8te M OVl.i ret 3... iniVi B.... 101 -v. rt.,.. 101 5. .. 101 107 11 K A T aj 1 107 j 1 44 107 107 107 107 107VJ 107 107 107 107 :"i iuri A Green Hay Werfn D 1 7 1 7 C 8 1 8 1 8 Jtnvnnx B Lgti A l'vrr C 81I 41 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4J! 44 44 44 44 77 44 44 1 1 . 18 2. ., 1074 I 2. . 107i , N 1'aclfle n 3a ! 1 81 U racing It 4t 0 13 1 83 4.. .83 Nth S Pwr 8a 3 80 T, Ml' j 3 80 3 CO C 80 Oresen 0 I, te t 80 10 8 !Orpireii H Line l ruar'd l I 1 08 ! I .... Hf 20(a!e l8 8 07 8. 3.. 1.. 1.. 3.. 12.. e'. 4.. 1.. n 10!.' 10.. 3.. i.. t .. 8 44 prW It K Ce 10 ... 41 N'l Ce In SO. .. 14 73 Me It A Te M 3 8 T-4 '! 20 07 Vi 12 07 0 -''7'; 2.... 87 1 07 1 07 2 87 3 04 fc 'Union 1'ae cr 2 04 I J(aali) 91 y, 1 04 S I 13 01 4 Ill) 6 01 Union Pae fil J i 1 f.0 1 04 V11I011 I'ae 4 01 a t B 04 1 ,1 0 04 1 01 8 i 1. ... 01 1 !'4, 2 01 6 01 r. M 1 03 U'n Tan!: C 7 1 01 1..., 103 3 0li 2 102 0 HIS fnt'd Dru 8s 2 04 1,.., loc 4 04 1..,. iftn'i 3 04 8.... 101) 1.. .. 04 1 ... I0O 20 01 'era my 1 e 3 04 p Kran Be 1 04V, C 78 Sn Illy Miiblle B 78 A O Ctfa 4 ,u B neallty A 4 13Vi Impt Rs Stand d Oil oil 1 (1.1 Calif 7a I 7. ... 03 1 107 U fl HUM. r i. 10C' I.... 10dj .S!l Tube C ' of A 7 ! . . 88 I C A Nth iI'hcx-1 vft. 4Vi,Me 1 A T 3n'lOtl Hteel ltt , " . 10, 1 s3 1 5B i , 1 10.1 1 ft.. .. 80 !' RO:'1--." r"'i, 4 107 i:tu,i A Men fl.Ue It A T 4r & T. CM A 2. tfwn 100 IB. 3. 6g Chi IlT Be tit. hSl J.... 88 1 38 I 83' 10 8S! 1.... r. 1.... 1.... 1..., 1.... 4.. . n r.0 tin 1' M 77 It Italy OMm 1 01 1 OS Klnrlem Ngn, - way ct 8 3 1.... I'd!,. 1.... 108 ' 1 J nueuen in 'Atch t A 9 l'e! 3 03 1 cv 4a I 1 03 I ia 79 j 2 5" A Ccuit I, clt 3 00 , 1 7, CJunelM rlt'I ia 7s , '" n C,.I",.. Ia1 Coast L, 4 f hlcse Unfn ..... !") 10.... 87, ntn 4t ""'Atl'e Fruit 7e 3 00 3. 1.. 4. . (i. . 1.. .. 2. 'I- ..'; I A T Ba 20. 1. B. li. . 3. IS 4. i. I... B... 3... 6... 1... 1... 88 87 87 87 87 87 83 li C 74. . . 7S 4 74 Ie T TMIai 20 74 1 1. . . 78Vi'M K A T 4 w I 4 04 1.. 7Ki 1 64 , racfcird Mote- nhir.l 78 4 ci 78 a 0. 70 'Me Ktn k Tex 78 78 ct 4 it 10. 03 Tex A I'ae la' . . 00 T Ave .1 Car Ce 8s j ,in ' 00 a .... can, 1 l'N Tfclr.l Ave 4 08 08 ,S V H Hub 7e 08 I.... 10B oevlt: n Hmn n a 09'f I Mln'tf 0 00 ). 1 .... 03 X... . fi f Vtah rowef at ,J jiJ I.Uht Ba $ ,'iJ.U n t', 'Mr. 3., .. 01 e Ipj Wnbaeh II Mv 'it i 1 & '&! West'n KleffM .. -i,! M.4 ISM 2..... fH, . 4H n.,,,i 04 H a 0V-';fl 1 tttv jBt Wrts'rt Mi4 , M We'll J'ae .71 ,: t 1 H -l i ,y 1.'.','.'. m k m ' 1. . . Mil " W Union rfJde ',1 n.... lit 9 ', 4.,.. KMtl J J A Mf 7d i'J ft.... I0VI I ,' 1.... IC4 ?'? a .. m 1 . XW I I 3.... lft&Tfr ! . a.. . iS 1 ' v.- a l, n 1.. .. B4; Wllwn Ce or a . a... . 84 98 2.. 84 1 a .steel 3iV,'llen Ce3te 7TH ! Kud A MHn lr. M It A T Be w 3! I ,I'an A 77 77 77 10. 2. 1.. 82 D Canada '31 hj 82 S2 82 4 1".. 1.. 1.. 0 0 07V 07 ! City Mare'e Oi'Dutcli 17 I'h 0 2... . 83 1 1 04 88 I 2 04 82 : 04 ' 1... . 82 (love 1 Trench , 1... . 82 IK 7 ret , 2 82 I 1 82i - f2'il 3 82l 3 82' , 8 n:t I E .. . 82 I 7... . 83 I 1 . . 83' n.. it.. 11. 1. 1. 1 1. i . T. 01 0 4 04 J 1-1 III .1 1 04l 10. B.-...I r,. 04i & 04i 10 .... 73 1 73 it Ualclum Oe 03 03 I 03 ' 03 03 , 0.'. 03 I 03 1 ' ItfP CllJI m I a., a . 11.. XV. 3.. 1.. R.. 1U"V. 1 30 .. .. ig ''' 1 2 sn 1 r ... 00 '',, 1 20.friCae fnten "'' I 1 2" Si-nt u J05;, 3 2'J,' ' - 113! 100l 1 in . r. tin 1 ": 1 nat lnnN 1 2:m 1 11:1V. 0.. 0.. 10.. 34, 84. r.4 34 31 r.4' 34, 31 3-4 I 34 B4 ' r. 1 tt r,i t. 1.. 1. . 2. . .'. eJ e 23.. B.. 1.. 1.. n in.. 00 rrtim I A T Ce 7 77' ' " I 77 rv n i; 4 '.s ou 4. ... s... 1.. 1.. 83 sn 4 a I .. 87 I .. 87 I "I: i 77U, 4 77 ,p r 77l 10. 77' 2 77 1 1., 77 87 77' 2 ... 87 77 ilVr.tia II It 3t 77 j ...... 0 03 I 00V-C Cli rid"ntr Oil 4 01 i-t ct a '- 102 ' a a iu.i 1 1 1.. 2). . 7.. I.. 100, 100 JOOKj let I00 74 l4 I 01 04 04 1. 4.. 4.. I.. :,.. 4.. U4i 03 03 08. 04 H 04 04 102 IV ny Cn Ce 1Q-J 101 101 10.. ... B . IE.. CO 0(1 Vi 00 00 Wtleen Ce 7 1 81 1 03 3... . f)B 4.... 03TA VT C fiup A U Dlv A T 4a 1 7 Tetil. 87Z.O0) --,' ' xl.SHS.OUl;, 10.173 000. inttfrCav. compared tvIMi Sit, Ttiua ff.r thle week. ,1 ...... ... -n . i . . . . .iitvj .,.. llli jAtlantle Her'if CM A W I ! ,' Ills Central M ' J?'ictc.t iw 7? 1 1 M;ir J?0:', 1.... 104, 8 72 Ilia Ct'I 4 T.3i X.. C. 10. 3. 10. 11). B. It IJels'm "'" 3 104 JOOS; s ... 101 100 'A Powder 7i '' 1.... tunu r.4 it. '11 K A T r.n wi'P""i It (11' 2 01 5.... 11W' 1 Pacir.e 4 I 73 10... Itep Chile 1 41 jjait A Ohie cv I.. I 7 I 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 10: 101 2.... 101 1 ... 101 ' a 101 ' 3 100 a.. . ioei s 1C0 r.ep Chile '4(1 $9,000,000 City of Philadelphia 4V4 Lean Dated February 16, 1922 Interest Payable January 1 and July 1 20-30-Year Registered and Coupon Bends, Due February 16, 1952, with the option te the City te redeem at par and accrued interest at the expiration of twenty (20) years from the date of issue .of this lean, or at any interest period thereafter, upon sixty (60) days' notice by public advertisement Free of All Taxes in Pennsylvania Free from Tax Under Income Tax Act of Congress Legal Investment for Trust Funds Bends of the City of Philadelphia enjoy a high investment standing. They ure owned largely by savings funds, trust estates and conservative institutions. Negotiable Interim Certificates will be issued, if desired, pending engraving of permanent certificates. Lean certificates interchangeable as te form from registered te coupon, or from coupon te registered, and re-exchangeable from one te the ether from time te time at option of holder, and coupon form may be registered as te principal. May be bought in denominations of $100 and its multiples, in registered form; and in the sum of $ 1 000 in coupon form. Sealed proposals will be received at Mayer's Office until Wednesday, February IS, 1922, at 12 o'clock neon. Bids must be en form which may be had en application te Mayer's Office, and must be accompanied by cer tified check for 5e of par value of the amount of lean bid for. The right is reserved by the undersigned te reject any or all bids, or te award any portion of the lean for which bids shall be received, as they may deem best for the interests of the City. Full descriptive circular furnished en application te the Mayer's Office. J. HAMPTON MOORE, Mayer WILLB. HADLEY, City Controller DAVID J. SMYTH, City Solicitor Special Service in Ohie Securities Members New Yerk Bosten Cleveland Detroit Chicago Stock Exchanges N. Y. Cotten Exchange Chicago Beard of Trade Extensive Private Wire System OTlslfc CO. Cleveland New Yerk, IJosten. Detroit, Cincinnati. Columbus, Teledo, Akren, Younsrstewn. Dayton, Denver, Colerado Sprinji $1,000,000 WC7-0 MISSOURI PACIFIC R. R. CO. Equipment 6 GeM Notes Dated Jan. 15, 1920. Int. Jan. 15 &July 15 Maturing Jan. 15, 1924-1934 By Supplemental Agreement one-third of the Notes of each maturity will be stamped sub ordinate in lien te these above offered. This equity has been further increased by two an nual maturit.es paid January 15, 1921 and 1922, making the total equity in the equipment 42 of the original cost, leas depreciation. The financial structure of the Missouri -Pacific Railroad Company is conservative, the ratio of funded debt te s'eck being reduced in re-organization from 79 bends and 21 stock te 60 bends and 40 stock, or 3 te 2. Bends are outstanding at the rate et S31.300 a mile, and stock at the rate of $21,460 a mile, the total net capitalization figur ing $52,310 per mile. I'ltlCE FOll ALL MATURITIES Te Yield e.SOCi Harrison, Smith & Ce. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 121 SOUTH 5TH STREET PHILADELPHIA LOMOARD 6100 .1. 1. R. 1. 1. 11. 1. 100' 2.. 3.. a.. 1.. r... ;z c 73Ti .v 7."-1, l'Mlei 101 . .31 I l4 iw TH 'C V V 7.-.. Til 71'; 7(1 -', 7gL 111 Cent'l fls 2 HBU 1 HI'.; Ill Cent'l :h 1 lliUli' IIIk Htfcl 4H,A'0 ''e I "23 10 8ft ' C. a., a.. ft.. (10. i l tiOHl 1 "n., -no vi i -. no', r. t;iu, l'enra II It 7 CO 1 ... 10.'. Tere Marqt In 3 .... 77V. V ier,i Liberty "Vi" . 101 14 Liberty 2i 4 I"" .Liberty 1M t'-i". )'"' I Liberty IM 4Vi". mr.v 'icriy itli -I'.s KM1 HI eh lrtj.ll? 1)15.(10 117.00 11C.S1 H7.r,(! im.it t IiW 011.1:4 1115.00 07.ne Hfl.eir 07.14 Ht!. 10 C!e en.:; i 00.00 07.00 00.02 JI7.11 00.11 IVi.-t'y Notes .'('',?'. JOO.'JS 100. U4 100.21 iVict'y Nete .p,K.ioe.B 100.20 100.S4 Financial Briefs iesiriuit'i:'b nv' f : .n v 100 100'. 1ue , 1O0 10CSJ, IO'i . Tin I ml III t. 1 J ,-! 1'ue C) II., u 1 ni a . i'3-n 1 10 si " 'c' " A H' . t- .... . ..., la-'ll Ij.-vl'fi HtMl 4tilMwifk lwr f,r, '0 01 '4' 7vltI AlUcIi. of rtitltr-hynett , i"e4. I J 07Vi! I us I'ertrj itwy a lOitnpnny. hnfi bc-cn elmtcd a director of m'csi S 07 ei I Lisht Ttjn I the Ui'iiublij Trust Company. ; . 104 Info Met 4Hsrentf'l Trum-' J 10"-" . 104 I 1 14 wJ'3 S i 1.... 10i " iti i i j4. : b?,i; 1.. leav; . The A.T.rrlran HrnB.i Cumpttny for, the r.iji t'lila 4 4' 7(!, ll.nl.l mi I IM C.n Chi J 10. . . lti alt . Oh.e 4k cm 4n ' Int M ct 4ti.,jNtlcr. 1 1 7i , "J ... T?H ' 7h 1 tl Cm (.lil . 2 77',' St I. 4V!,H 8 78 I lu SC 1 77 i 10 . .. M 77 H C1M ''In uhl 4 n euta r. -e Halt 't Ohie r.' at i.euit 10.. 1.. 10.. HG l'.m-e of Uru.,na)t & oh)e 0, cun,' Ol i 10.T,' , 1. 1. en'; i lid '4 2 J9 )7W I' 7 fit! "j fill u, Intt.'e It 1V 12 tan 12L, 12 lj 1-' 12 11V T fl fl2ii, Mx 4'in 'en f.T-. Pub l"' cerpljenr ended Dt'eember .11 01h)th net Ions. nil1.1 Jv B alter tnxc. of Sl.nSl.H.V.. aealnst net ,;" ; : ' 'preat of ?.,i,5i.nc4 it. 1020. - .''. 1 ;m,,,j;'"rtltl CO in :7 :e ; Y Cent'l 4-1 82 1 VIU ' h- 1 . ... ! Ilep'c I fi S .V .1 .... fif.. I 2 tvts, T Ctl en 4i t'-'l'l 0 70. Pr-k It'll A k btriti Itle O'' 1 i:j. n Otu C i 3t De Sul 81 I j., . jkji Le Ciilre 4n , ' mi'iln 4 e : i, e 1 sn, I - Gl & V Vu 4s Cult, & S'n l Etati of Ua i a ., . 7, II .. . 61 '4 Paule ct S 'IlMt'a Ohie t Cole'i. J 4'i. ' 1.... lOlT.I-V'nnii. IS.... XIV. esy.N Y Cent'l n. I.. It. 1.. 1. . 2.. 1 . 10.. 1.. 1 . 1.. :i . i. ... i "- ' 2. . . S7 1I'i rn Tlrphet,e; "1'4 of I'-i 7.1 '!. . . 101' 102 101', 101 ldl'j I'll '4 1S1, nt 81 n 1... .1 . . 1 .. . n. . . .".e . . . l " . . . 1 . . 1 . l l 1. . JJ!!'1,1''"!' Steel " ' ' "':' 1 02U 1V1, I'll''c' I"'1, 10... i'j i iei ,,. "v.- ..", I E I'orte Iiue -4, -" ' ' - I , rl;1" 1. . RflV - 1S Itl v.lr .. . ... Del 1 ... 100' , in.ii., CelmiiW. i.l . .iSi-j Klu W liif. 1 SO i 101S C''fl !!' 7- les'.i i.... ier.-i 10s 1.. 10H 10rl, Ceim rtall'y A 4 :a .... 70 i OSij.Uel A Huil . Ill '" 10. 10.. r.3U tl'J'i . '12 '4, 0'.". ' 12 I 02 . 04 1, ' C2 , 1.2 ' U2 02 (11 iei; in.. i.. 3.. 1.. I.. 1 . 17.. 10. . f.2 il'i (12 U' Nl I 10. . .. 8" .l" ay L A ip rr 1.. a.. .. ni .. pi .. in .. nt .. tu !Iu1 ' . . m .. b'J It (, ' 4.1 II ft.-, " Tl -..l'.'n l ' ' 2 ter,1 iDm t- -.il'.'.u1 ,n K'"" f 7: i. Snlta'il O'n Mi! , ietj 10. ' ,l4 t. . 107t,iU 15 O nt ct V". H '-' 107 .... 100 ki . .ri iiriim t,,,,, t, In L It ( I ct 7 f-ta i - " S7 7fi I . . . . 7.1 n.. I ie . 10.. 1.. N Y Cent'l lilt 1 AC- C T,s 2 I Oil", 1 72'4 1 ... 10111 I M Marin- 0 1. . . . lOlfv, t 02 :." Y Oil i. st 1 . . !U V, l.nuis 4s 1 P2 1 .... S". :.... m, N'T lldlien Ce r.. ... ni , et re's ' . . IU1, . ni ', -"ntn'l I'urpr ' " icti 1 . 4K 1 . . . . - t t, H . .. MS 2 . . . . MS' 1 . . . M Iiul'a 4n 1. l , 10rt. , A- "'Stl. 1 J!t J. , nwy 4a ' 1 C!l fill fw-- I Il. bit (in !')'. l"i f.f ' a. I . m. e r. .1 . w a. t in ! Netice Im Riven thut the I'liiUilelpljla Klectrie Cernpnny fraetlenii! wnrranls for iireferred stock will be Issued In liftccnth.v. t I'lttphnrcli rllrmitfliAtt tr. tVi 4mX4 ' 4." . ca" fr,nl Mnrltct ycMterdity expreK'Jrfd I41,' the opinion that both preirabed steel il uiiTKirn were declared off. M ..i.i 1 1. The nverfisri. urlpi. nf f!if ItrAnlv mm. st"i ivfT I ,iv 'ndi'rlMl ."teckn icrasrd 1.08 pr ir.iu'civis cnt H'Teirtay te Kl.,14. v.-hlle the ... 7ii. ttmj ruiiieaiui diriiiieil U. 17 per cet ... 7(1 ij te 74.S8. II ... Tri H ! '-,c,ir''r '"1 !"' KiCett'ic (Viraptliv t. ii y ,j lw.4 n-inih nrrmiremetits for payment fit .. 74 mettitlty et 52.tKij,(fO() two-year 7 nit cent notes n:uturlnir March 1. 11 r.m, , rinati"lal fttntement of Anneenda l' i n. 3. . C f.4S 2... . B4IJ 11 .Mi. r.. .. r.4S "'' Ft I. tk Krai. ,,, if't'PP"r Mining Company, for tlie :ilrj ;,.' riientliM enrltxl teritcinber A I'll 1D22 60.... 1O0 A Ti.... 1D1.3hm.'.'t...i'.. 3... 100 U K Ort Hrlt1 ti I'd 1023 100 K.I I, a . r. . r.. . 1 '. i.. 11. . 10 . l".. Ocn a 1: f.. Cfn I v ' Oh An U" It (1 1 ; 1 1 ,F,t !'" Meli.ei ',,-, 1 Fl l 4a '.1 2 . T'i (I Ai 4 r 102H ine'.-r-ti loe i 1 , loom, 4 ieu'I i-, ". .... r.7 iiie( ctT, Vl t,Rj u, L,,t j, ., ln 10l),' 2 . hH,, 5.. .. 02 100 't - 3,. Dtt ESI 11.. .J00'i 11 v, 1 . loot; liOS 0t, n ,; Jt. s, rf. Tun'l 41,7 100SI n .j.-.n. 5 S4 .lc,.?':j!c a Ohie m.ix v n h Iowa Cfnfl V 2. t 70 'i 1. Kan C Fl S i' 2 Mimj 4a 1 3.. .. 74', 1. ICan C t ti .1- 1 I C4 Kan ij i H ;, . ' "i .. 1.. .. K"i 1 . 1 snij' 2 !:". ti)r!r.irM :,- TX T're 8' It cv 4.. l"i.f. 1 1 . 1 0 1 .Veir Y lOfii.,1 iiiOl, lOlii. lOOli 100 1 lOflU 1(1(11., . lOIV, lOl'.v, !' lO.'l 117 1'. I.lehi H .. . ff; fi'. 1.4 1, 04 in, 4 . .. . r,i 1 f.'i; 2... . UHl'. I... . (IRK 1 . . . . 0 , 2. . . . n 1 f.s 2 1- ftf I. I. a 1.. iv,,1 Sun. n 2 S2'4 1 f-21, Mi, Ht I. U S Kran r!m C 3 . . f.:.' i . '.n 1 mi 10. JOL'l. fl.'al 1 v.-.tli t.i' rew lerk Slni-k Kxchnnji), sheuw deficit after charges and Federal inxea, of SS.uTiG.;;'. Ketithern 1'lpe LSih- for t'.ie year eniJ- c.l Dei ember 81 pretltH $1,000,006, c'li-nl te $10.00 a h!mr- en SIO.000,000 .rnplrt.1 hte'U. ticnitibt $1,815,181, or ?Ki.ir.. in lll'-'O. The War Klnnnej Corporation an J m uiieen that iti eutMai'ding ndvitnce of Sa.S.'i.'i.OOO te the Seutni'in UiiilwaV ( .iinpany, tnnde en December 30, 1018, I'nd.r the war powers i,( the corpora tion, b.is been repaid l.i full. re Kf(i)u: & Uea, I uu" "r,ll 1. . r3k, u iuei r a n ..! jii. 20. . . Personal Equations Character Is lite chief asset of any business. And the character of any business In made up of the characters of nil its executives and person nel. What de you Itnew about the character of the men who govern the business where your money is placed? We Itnew the business and pcrmmal history of evcry ex ecutive in all of our indus tries. We knew that back of the physical assets and earning powers of our com panies there is the geed faith and moral courage of it heads. That ia a comforting as surance te our investors. The R. L. DeHings Ce. 1421 Wnlnut Street Phlladalphla Secured by An Underlying Closed Mortgage en an important part of the Pennsylvania System Terre Haute and Indianapolis Consolidated (new 1st) 5s due July 1, 1925 Bonbright & Company 437 Cheetnut Street Philadelphia New Yerk Dotten CMcei-e Detroit "A Ten-Year Price Range en Listed Stocks" If There Is a Market We Can Find It We held sales of blocks and bends every Wednes day, charging $1.50 en trance fee for each item. Our weekly cntaleeues mid rmsta! card service reach even- mar- l-nf Wn Inl,. !.... l furnishint? quotations. Barnes & Lefland Slect Ilrnhrra enil Aiirtleneere 117 S. 4th at. I . 1 "Z ; ' j. ifiMi 9i e1"1 ie.... ei( ' !is,; ,;; f'S'Chee I- O 1 . . I OIK, i,j; I de Xfmeuri Iin, os(; Kl ss i Hi'. ;. if I'Ur I. !lra:!t nm 1. in A newly published book which contains a ten-year record of high and low prices covering every stock listed en the New Yerk Stock Exchange, together with the par value of the shares. Thlt book alie (v tin due ind amount of the moil rrcrnt divideiul pyntnt and the datci upon viMch dmdendi are rem lerlr paid A limited upplr of these becV hl uit bttn iccelved frrnn the prmitr and i available for fiea tllitilkutleu te theie l.uerestcd. Tall, ttlrvhent cr u'rlte for n ret row e booklet i'-Dll) GE0.A.HUHN & SONS HTOfK AMI IIDMK Mrmlierii of the 1'liiliidrlplilu, Net arU n ml Oilman Nf'jrk Ii'iine: New Yerk Cotten Kxilinncr Commission Orders Executed In All the Principal Markets Libsrty Bends Ooueht and Sold lleUt-tiie Court lllilc., 14 18 Wulnut M. N, V.. Ill llreadnuy We Own and Offer Current Rier lit 3'j 1927 Chaltanoeja Station ltt 4'i 1937 C. C. C. & St. I.. (C. W & M. Div.1 lit 4't 1991 WlDtHla BtftC, PHtVADCWHIA AAmtmrrUhdJitiJ cJ Mho tot SfecJk raiu MtWYtHM tUiaatTM. KJL t' .s 1.. 1 .. ... 10.V, I ,,. . . 10.1 . " . .. ion-, ,; .. te:n, ; ... im' ,' 503' chit ... 1MI, j' 103' 103'. Mixlce 4 ... 41i. 1 I 1. .... .... ,0 :::: A : .... ii ti : .. . 4lli i li'f ii Mexlcn .i- ... r..M ; r.ssi r, ".is ii.-i tell 3. .YM, .15, (5.11 fc A.t a1.-. i 4 .... ::, i.. .. :ih a.t ii u'ni K3 H8 i Q II 1. . !,i I ;v lfill'i 103S in.tj in.v, 10.JI. !0-l. ln.l'rt. '. Melina Sn 1 H) I.acl: S'.trl ' 10 . . en 0.. 100 1 . . . TT !' 78". Lake Sher M U'n Ii '21 r. . n-.'', .". . . . f'2v, .-, .. . ; I.I. i.lure ,M S n 4s -31 111', Ft 1. fit r. sew'n i i 1 Tin, :; n 3',H 40 r; :i is '.' . . 44 ir . i ?." 'Pt 5"-il & K sn' l . .. TT '.nt t :; ir Hart'd Ca ilfies.tt litineviiediv it :n i-.in.Ie (hat at h IH-,la! in 'tin of lturl'nKtnn Mteck l:nIf!T4, .Jiimintj IS. a new 5'JO.0OO,0O0 U"i'l f.y.v n-us rntitieil wltiiuut onjio enjio onjie itiun cf .1 slnjle i-liuTO. a The (It's f'rel ("VininttTiv fnr ih nna St v evr'n li-euths eniUil September .10. an suj. j initteii te the .cff xurit Mteck Ex Ich.iiiz". reiierts nrt le.i nftr clinirei 10 i tbii i Tiu; f. ilu Us : .. 10.'t,t li ? ( e I '. Ill', l"-.l r. 1" !.!., Lrti'ul' '. i:r Jffll l.li-n !1 4t ' ' 4 1 ' 1 . . r 4i e . i' . 4i :. I. . . 4'.', I.e.". Av t . .41". Kcrr .'.. HO' ri.." 1 l CO 1fl N Si TS foil Al.tuiile & A P ly 4 . . l!3 , . . fl-.' . . . . f.'i .... 0i .... 0.' ,. . . . (121,, . . c Rlrj ct 4 S'At.'.l A . -.'T ' f. -l) J A S 10 I. a; 1 '.II ': lnm, lil. 101 h . -. i ..... t. 1 1 N Y e.'i Itlyn 41,, Inn'. l e : -t, m v 44 71, 2 81 4 IV, 41 . It , fill (LI '. !l (Ml Ol. ;r,. mi'. :: 44. COS Nh i:. 1 f. IC II WE OFFER PENNSYLVANIA R. R. 6 EQUIPMENTS te lir.i.n .vhh', I'lllt.AIIKI I'lIM IM AN Samuel K. Phillips & Ce. Member l'hllmlrlpliU Meck Keliunce ftfll 4'hi-Htnut Street " CO. C. S. PATTON & 31) It tllKMTNl T iT". BAinKtUS Nneiea,erH te MI.KIt ii S.TI-.VrAON llnnili Hd IimI, Imurlit nml nlj. Memlxri riill'-. siiirli I'teliniur .-.ft. Tn H MeiU-e I. until i, .1 .".2 A ilu.'l .'.'. n A 1 10 AM It Ivl V-lll 4n lux . W"' WM.H.MCKENNA &. Ce. Widener Dldg. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Chlcate I'hllsJelpMa Palrraen Plltlbuuh Sc Company 'a S. Penn quare, Pkllt. NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Stockwell r ...ie uu lutcler etn luat u tiuiutl lillUKUIll Mr llilef.Hl uu unv ...... rlly buuslit of S. w. Mrmia A Ce.? Vtrlu (or our liueklet 2.(1 and Unru (lit rectos R. W. STUM'S & CO. block i:irhunsr Illdc. rhllmlelutjit AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE . I.II1IXTV Ml'TCAI. lNJVltAVCK CO. DAiirn c-VAen e. LT':.".!1 " i-h t. ""! rii- CK Uf. ',- I.Mid T lie llulldlnic. I'hll iilelnlibi New lml Olllre, 2 Ilritnr Hti-eet IHrrct 'Hfilte Tfleiheuc fcrt Olefj S2 -, Am A t i'u In : . . ;. Am n Airr'e 4, Chni 7s '-' . . . H2 , Syracuse Lt. ii J'ew. 5b, 1951 I Empire Gun & Fuel Gs, 12G "j Luzerne County Gns & El. 5s, 1918 I General Gas & Kli-i-. (5s. 1)9() I Standard Gna & El. Gs, 1926 and 1935 8 .. 1(12 1 I011. I 1 U I ' , a. . iM '.'. . . im-, i . . . l e t , s ... inn .' . iii Am i'ct Oil ft i . -, Ainu rt t it ., f. Mi, 8N c h i; l... t . . i . . 4. . . 1 10. I I. . If :) Krle i . ,1S, 1 g hi,, kri i unij , " Irt'lu '.rli1 r 10il. S 10IIU I'll!'," " Knli, J -' luni l ""Hj ,.'; lout, ''rl f. 'M' n- ;h, j i'i 4"S tl .'. . v A "'S I'.)'. r. ( v ii .is :: r .10 '., "i I, & i" itvern :. '. . i'.e, . . . :i i iu r. ,'. : :... . Tf a l.er'lij-d :i . . . pi I.erll.jrJ C 7e 1 .. II." i, 1 11," i, 1 Nali l I. .. HO', 1. NMh .-.'v IC21. 17 71 i4 '''"' Hub' i ie 711; N reta 3.. . ."j 1.. "IS 71 . "lb 71i 71 'k Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchangea 1410 Chestnut St. CERTinEti PVBUC Wilsen & MMnrAm Linvill t Lt4 Title Bldf., PUT. MUNICIPAL BONDS YIELDING 7 V. W. MILLS & CO. Flark llxetnnce nidr. Phllnrteliilila T LHE, gJlGGlHSOy & CO. IMablUlied tdta N"W TOlih 130G l'inaiice Uldc, Philadelphia i). 1 1 .li, l.'V 1 .", 1 ( - . . I" I . n, (1'ie'a :: e.m l ' Hl ,i,. S . 71 " M i . 71 .,. " . 2 . - ( '-'l l-l ' .. .1. 71 .-' H.4 CM t W 1.... On I . . . . U0 ., t7 ', 4 . . i.iii. iltp.xljrae : .t L It-jb'f -3 j 47 C. . 6. . il. . '. , l ID.. 10 a in i : v I 1 4 I 1. N ii Y Uni. ',i, l.lEGNER,R0CKEV!.C0 Ccrtilicd Public Accountant Drxel Cuildin.PhiUJeptk . Arrerican llefc (Si n ! s . i . a., v.. Oh I liul Hwy Si 4 Lfll ;n,i km . te , b"imJ 4 ; i 4 .... .ia... JJ,, 4 . can " ChUa.i Mil SUtfi ,st IU 4, 2. . . 75', ir, f OS fictile 94 V.' st r W I s.. nSM' 1.. 08 i 10. . 07', 3.. PTWiChlcaru Mil 1 JT'.' Ht V 4a '25 flT'i t l 0 .... aii.i Mil i . . BIS' . r.itv . .".1 'i I . r.4'ki I ItStJ nv-, BR. IS ' ll, ' "?. i 08 tlS I OS i, ' "'S , , , llMl ' Od". . ObS 0S I '2 1"2 1 .' .'Il 101 '4 101 ". 101 101 . 't '. 111', 1014 j " . ie;.,, - Mrk: fl lllv J ' i l-rn lt ' A ... SI 4' t "1 . , M OH w.r h j,., j mi Max tell ''lint lri Is 2 . . hji., Mi Teir'tn . M' flu 4 e:' '4! . 102'. 102". . 11?'.. in.'4 . li..' , . H24 . 1 1 .' 'n 112S . !2S 102 . 1..T. . I02S . 1C2S 1 02 1 ''. 102 i . 1J', . 1024 112', ''', 4i' 4 Mnc'Hl rp 7 4" . . inn I' n t.' i' 1 1 ni ui'", 1 Mil ICID I'll, 1C04 ICO 1."H, i i 1.i loin i i'j ii... l.i li. , lift ., T) I ii , . hut before (lei)verlntien cf $1,214,050. Tentative rrl'totlen of fhp Snuthern linilv.ay t'.iniiiiiny in Mlhlitlppl an of Juiii' .",!). lll,i, iinniiiinctvl by Inter Mute ('eininfce ('emiii'KNlnii rt A4,(17S', ."1." ami New Mcifi IVtitml U'lllread nt. or Juue ."(.. 11'tO. nt !?l,:H0.",02i. In ann'mnfiiiK bonus .'Uti ilmtlen te cmplejpi of Kndlcett J'thiiien I'orpoM I'erpoM I'orpeM tin. I. I'l'isillttlt (ioei-jc P. JolitiHen -tntiil that t'li! ruuipeny rsrn'il 5' ni lien t:i l'.'-l afif i-.tymcnt of laxtw his liitik'tiiN of S7 en prefcrrtil Htbck nml ..'." a sharp en cointnea fcteclc. i Aucru-nn WheVvuli. Corporation fpr yir rii'Icil Di'mlifr :;t hIiewm nt rnruiniEH rftcr r.-.I".al fix of .?:i7O,0(ti, 1 i-qunl fi v1.72 n nhiii.' en $7,858,000 nn-f-rri"!. Thin run; nrc with net '6t iStWr..774 :ii.tl nft": iluilui'tlns 7 pr ci-iit .n "V rrvil dlviilemlM, t. lll'ty-nlne cents a cli Are i-u einui..uii la 1920. U i'm . VI- Sin l'ail.!.. f.l 1 . S4l. t?4 s ,, 1"! 4 h u I'ae , u '"i. !n'n it,tr. The lnili-rt ritit-j: I'mmuittef of ntr rte.'U of tlie AJu Uiihhi'i- t'empany stnies tlii-t vlrt"nlly uttlrc effcrlnj: of L'Mi.OUO -liaies imi. taken b Me.-k hoi J -riK of t!u rurperatlun. The nvv share fe elTertil nt $12.50 tnch. i The dnllj m !?( eti proilnrtlen In fhe I'nUed Stat.'B In the mei'1, endrd iMlh .I.timnij 21 min 1. 11.', .200 liar ie's. in dunlins te ti. An.erlran l'e truleii'ii Institute's tlKiir. t, a decline of r'.."lit a (ii v l'reni tlie uveme of th piM'dllug v ccl;. '. 12 ' j 1 k 1 tn I'kc S- . ;, :i.m; i " Sn F.ull. sir 2 4 71K. 79-,. ('. 4 irni'l an, .(. . . Nfk H ti a. ... i . . i i. l n.. i . t t!'. Mlvll A. . A.. lV'l't lO'ii, 1 id v, 1 hi' I )u4 loe joy T.I ; 07 HT . 34 4 34 . .l.'V . H4 ar. I'wr'iln 1014 rt An B4 2 . no 3 . . AM, Sn nllra - w,1 l'.. . rut, !) . . , A . . id jn iv ,i i " .!, ' i"4 Sn Itu 0 4 .Ml: W ev .1 !()' I.' fl'Ji, J C2 K2 . U'. (12 IIIS '.IS nt 4 ri.., 2 Tin' Wstern Knvlnx Kuntl KecIetV. in Ha -hvi nt j -rift Ii nnn-tal Ktntetnent, hlini ii"i't'. ! of .Inniiury 1 hit vlrijf a 1 pur va'uc of .V.il4().IH)!i ami chnrjcpjat 1 5."r.'.'Mi.'l.i4!'. Air.iutit .Im. depositor en Hint lint.- v.n. 5t7.270.2ni. Society 1 lis .1 spi'i'lul ri"ervi' en uoreunt of Jj pirrliitlnn In iiHirkei wil'ic of securities lit .V' r()ll (Mil). i,u, KilrnliiH nf vi. '.i., ii.ii, total 5l,7P..,USi. l .len'i NVeatrrni i mil J in I OSS .111.1 3 Or (1l ims 4 r. y. JSVi 3 . t.3 I.. a. i r lf8 1"T4 ") 'I' . 1 , 5.. 1.. 1.. 3 A. H. I?ac!i fc C'.., en C'.imberland O.unty 1'eu-fr und l.lnht tVjmpany vi'iiiiiKH, siiK' "Veu will nete for Iwelve muntlH there miih a s'n I n of 0 lr Kiit in irrnsH nml I) per cent in net. iift-T tuxe, wlildi t.h iilsiut one and "iie-hulf tiiiiiM total Int'ri'st nml rental i linrKi- Tin' niii.'it;i of Iii ceinber rtaa i...'i.ii"ii U'tiir tiint' (' iiinntliiy aver ui.-.-. innu-iii- n pn.n ei j,) ricr cent sh'kh u'ni is per .'cut in net. af which r.n nb-uit two and et 6 Ill !' Itax.-s ft!,?1 third tluirt tctnl lntrcvt and rtBl , chiirKM. Tlic JJeceinbvr tatcineat U . imrwt svitUfacterj- and shena 0BH u, HeaHr tlmr thu cniprnnj Jiaw rvavfte ' r fhe rfTevtn of the svnr fendttlutw,, ' it iK - I Ml 1 fi. l '(": m. 4. I i V Ji .'A n ii't tf.-fcrv-4lwirUi ,-tSbj5K'7rs:trYz 'sxte9fa kf?IW(JW mMJimmi' " "" fc '' ....'." " - 1 . ' " nim ill li