mm4 't nrirnm nrb frtMlib. iriiaun vrtrvue ba a a -- V W " V f it nT.n.TIME UISHVb v:,inv Mnrknt Basket Contains f a Spicy Sauce and Fasci . IIUlWjj .,. .JJ I ny MIS. M. A. WILSON rrurtiM. . v Wr. W A. We. 411 mllB early Colonial housewife had. 1 Indeed, a feed supply of utensil, newter and common defft ware: brana, copper and Iren kettles for the ceplclni . Weed, for fuel, burned In treat rtre; places and tliera was an nwertrnent of cranes or hooks for the jiotate awing en. while the feed waa cooking. Splta and licks and an occasional Dutch even were the means of roasting. Baking wa Wn In specially constructed evens, which were built outdoors; thcae eyena were bnllt of stone and brick usually. Small hakimr was usually done In the Dutch eTcn or In an even aemetlmea con cen itructed In the side of the firenlace. The floors, particularly the kitchens, were sanded and the heavy ahleawew fairly welfihted down with feed. Early titers and thrifty workers, they felt ireat need for sustaining feeds. Th rivers teemed at certain seasons with had and Mher fish, Sehnrf and Wert 'cett, "n their hlrtery of Philadelphia, tell of the shad and ethor fish that were. 'cooked by planking en a beard at en. !side of the fireplace while jehnnla caka cooked opposite. ' The Swedes and early Dutch brought i with them from the old country the art of drying and curing fish nnd meat", be that thcre was n bountiful supply of lfoed during the winter season. I William Pcnn grew very fend of this oed, and he wrote- te Harrison In 1088 te purchase smoked fish and haunches of venIoen and also Heme peas and beans of the country. . .. . Ellraheth "Wilsen, In bar private bee .of recipes and ether memorandums, gives eome tasty recipes, also a equasn ,tart and tumbling pudding. , Suggestive menu for Sunday,, featur tog early Colonial recipes: SUNDAY BREAKEABT Orahberry and .Raisin Sauce Cern Mush with Sirup and Cream ' Crcnmcd Smoked Fish en Toast . Boiled Petate Radlshea Toast Coffee DINNER Vegetable Soup Braise of Shoulder of Mutten Baked Potatoes Succotash German Slaw Tumbling Tuddlng Cbffea : SUPPER Sippets of Toasted Chteu Stewed Potateti Slaw Seiash Tart Taa The matket basket will need for thle menu three-quarters pound of finnan tnddie. shoulder of mutton, cheese, radishes, cranberries, cabbnge, green f fppeiv potatoes, onions, arica corn, rif.,1 limn hc.inn. snussh or numpkln. eggs, raisins nnd the weeKiy staples. Cranberry nnd Raisin Sauce Plnce In saucepan One-half cup of water. One-half pound of cranlerrttl, One cup of sugar. Simmer slowly for flfteen minutes, then odd Onc-hnlf packagn of seeded raisins, and simmer for ene-half hour; cool. Braised Shoulder of Mutten A large shoulder, of mutton, or, If , you prefer, n boned ana reueu leg ; wipe ,the meat with a dnmp cloth and make ; little holes all ever the meat, with the .point of a knife, making the holes about One Inch deep. Put small silvers of onion nnd a bit of bacon in the pro pre pared holes. Heat an old-.faihlened Iren pet, odd meat nnd brown slowly, turn ing frequently. When the meat la nicely browned add One-half dozen medium steed onions, Tice carrots, out In quarters, One cup of hilling tenter, Four tablespoons of sharp elder vine gar, t Cever closely end place where It will cook slowly, allowing forty-five min utes te the pound. Creamed Smoked Ftah Use finnan haddte for this dish ; pick the fish In flakes and cover with boil ing water and let stand for five min utes; drain nnd cover with one nnd one half cups of thick cream sauce nicely eeasened; oprlnkle with finely minced parsley end serve en thick slices of toast. German Starr fT)iriY raMtnv fin AfMlnir tr mC T ",., ""' .:"i.V. I Twe finely chopped onlent. One cup of finely ohepoed celery. One-quarter cup of finely chopped parsley. New place tn a skillet Sir tablespoons of laoen drippings, Ttee tab'..npoens of flour. Blend and odd One-half cup of vinegar. One teaspoon of salt. One-half teaspoon of pepper. Bring te a bell nnd pour scalding het ever the slaw; cool and with. Tumbling Padding ?Iace In a caucepan fe and one-half cvpa of mfli, One-half eup of flour. Stir te dissolve the flour t bring te a bell and cook for five minutes; new add Tte-thirda eup of sugar. One-half ettp of prepared Iread crumbs, One-half cup of chopped nuts. One-half teaspoon of nutmeg. Mix and ndd One te We egg and yeUb of one egg eeaJen together. Three tablespoons of melted butter. Mix and turn In a baking dish, and wke In n moderate even for thlrtyflve minutes. Then prepare n meringue d iouews: Whip up white of egg until stiff and. wen cut nnd fold tn four tnblespoens of Powdered sugar and when pudding is cold lift by the spoonful en dcBsert pinto ?? 'P with the morlngue. Te prepare the breadcrumbs, soak ene-half cup of Meadcrumbs in one-half cup of eenld-' lug milk. ' Det the top of the meringue with lit- . dots of Jelly. I i Orgnn Plays at 9, 11 and 4:50 Clilmfi at Xoen , WANAMAKER'S DOVN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Snow I Squash Tart fciuier cooked squash or punpkln .Elizabeth Wllsen'e recipe book that she k mention of both, saying if no qntish be at hand, then use cooked and . ?ed, I)umPkln. Line u deep pie pUte or shallow baking dish with plain pas- In X. pnc8 n tt Dan ui8-Je eup of broten sugar, on-fle( eup e mefasiet, On eup e icell-draJned oeolioi fUBIh, TL', Peen e nutmeg, Uoe tablespoon of melted lutter, jue teell-beaten eggs, One eup e rte milk, nt,tnV ' UP f ln'i' rteW 9n'half cup of finely ohepped nuts, Mix well nnd turn tn the prepared rflT.i nntJ lnk0 ,n n 'ew even for wtty.five minutes. When cold, spread soed jelly or Jam and then cover of ' merlnguj made with the white PudafegPrCP "8 for the tumbl,n Mtlen,i?.?J .? H th. Hl.VrWB The Right Merchandise at the Right Prices All the Time Wanamaker s Down Stairs Stere $10 for AA ' $12 "r $16.50 $20 $25 $25 . Women's Reliable Shoes Special at $4.75 Thcoe practical everyday ahees of brown leather mean !enf wear, comfort ,and geed appearance thorough Batisfnctien. Tliey lace MRh, the brown leather is of splendid quality nnd the nhecs are made witli applied ntrnight tlpa or elmulatcd square wing tips. Seles are welted. The medium hcela are finished with rubber. Women's High Black Shoes, Half Price at $3 Any ene who knows shoe values can sec that these are worth twice this price. The style is conservative, the durable soles are welted and the heels. an low pr medium. Almeat all sizes. Mere Children's Shoes Special at $2.90 Mothcre and fathers wfll be glad te knew about them. They are sturdy qunllty tan leather loco shoes en healthful wlde-toe lasts, with serviceable soles, Sizes 6 te 2. Women's Sports Oxfords at $6 Of light tan grained leather, they Imve full wing tips, brass eyelet3 and low heels, making thorn -fashionably correct for wear with smart wool stockings. Kidskin Oxfords at $5.25 Black kidskin oxfords en a slender last have imitation wing tips, welted soles and medium hccLj. (Chestnut) Wonderful New Silk Dresses Have Just Arrived at $16.50, $20, $25, $29 Levely Frecks of Exquisite Materials Many Spring Samples at a Third Less, Half Price and Less Than Half Glorious afternoon drcaac3 of rich, heavy silks, beaded, embroidered or made with out a vestige of trimming. We don't knew when we have ever had dresses of such hand some materials as theso .used in the Dresses at $20, $25 and $29 Week-End Opp HDituk s They are of Russian crepe, fallle crepe, crope meteor, crope eponge and crepe-back satin all heavy, lustrous and supple Most of the dresses are black, though there are seme of navy, henna and gelden brown. Certain black silk dresses are strikingly cm cm cm breidered in fuchsia and Japonica red. Sports frocks have skirts of henna-color crepe epenge. with bodices ' of white Canten crope embroidered in color. Mere Youthful Taffetas $16.50 and $20 Anether group of Spring sample dresses of navy blue, black and brown taffeta with wide, rus tling skirts with scalloped hems, clesely pleated elde ruffles, bands of shirring, bIecvcs nnd insets of Paisley Georgette. A New Supply of Jersey Dresses Special at $8.50, $10 and $12 Comfortable, wcarable everyday dresses of wool Jersey in reindeer, henna, navy nnd brown. Mostly young women's sizes 14, 16 and 18. $8.60 for one-piece dresses with cufis and Peter Pan cellars of linen crash. $10 for 2-pie'ce dresses, the bedice in middy length shirred en elastic about the hips. The cellars and cufTs are of white kid. $12 for one-picce dresses of very fine quality, handsomely embroidered in heavy silk. (Markst) Skirts were draped by genius. SIeeve3 have the mes.t original and unusual slits and tabs and narrow straps which fasten lightly at the wrist. In any specialty shop a woman would expect te pay two, three and even four times the prices asked for these. In' a word, they are afternoon dresses which ara distinguished enough te go anywhere-yith assur ance. Sizes 1G te 42. Navy Blue Cleth Dresses at $8.50 and $10 Sergo dresses en straight chemise lines are embroidered all ever with small medallions dene in colored silks. $10. Tricotine dresses are braided, embroidered or glisten with beads. $10. Anether style in tricetine is in slip-ever style with flowing sleevca of bright red crcpe de chine. $8.60. Youthful Jersey Dresses for Miss 8 te 14 $6. 75 A practical, becoming dress with an over evor over blouso shirted en three rewB of clastic; linen Peter Pancellar and cuffs. The pleated skirt is made en a white underbedice. (Market) 160 Spring Skirts Half Price and Less at $5 White Baronet Skirts Striped or Plaid Flannel Skirts Striped or Checked Fiber-Silk Skirts All are typical sports skirts, many suitable for immediate wear; ethors smart for Spring or for the Seuth. Matcrinls are of excellent quality and the colorings are very lovely. Imagine a creamy flannel skirt with stripes of violet and gray. A white skirt with stripes of tan and blue. There are box pleats, knife plcata and gathers every skirt a most unusual value As most of these are samples, there are net all sizes in every style, though you will find 25- te 32-inch waistbands in the group. Some skirts may show signs of handling. (Market) Beautiful Skunk-Trimmed Nearseal Coats. $138 That is a small price for such a splendid coat. It is a fourth less than the original price. The nearseal (dyed ceney) is shining and fine, the skunk is long haired and glistening. 40 inches long and beautifully lined with silk. (Sketched.) 86-inch Peny Coats, raccoon trimmed, are $67. Glistening Marmet Coats, 86 inches, $67 te $108. Steles of mole, nearseal (dyed ceney), and Japanese mink nm wMn .and long and beautifully lined. ;ae te $at) wmch is a fourth less. Fex Animal Scarfs in lovely rich brown, taupe and black are $18 te $40. (Market) , fSSHLmiSstWsttt- Half Price Sale of Brassieres 50c te $1.50 Radical clcaraway of dozens of our own geed qualities of bras sieres. Sizes 34 te 52 in the let, although net in each style. Pink satin with lace; Muslin with embroidery; Allover lace; Plain pink satin: Pink bandeaux that tie in front and hook back; And many ethers. (Central) Central Aisle Felt Hata in New Shade ' $3.50 Orchid, French blue, apple green, light gray and deep red in pretty sport shapes. Exceedingly soft felt with head bands and bindings of black grosgrain ribbon. Nicely lined with satin finished material. Other new hats at $8.85 are combinations of silk and straw or horsehair braid, attractively trimmed. Women' Pure Silk Stockings, $1 Unusually heavy ones for this low price. Made with seamed backs and mercerized tops and soles. African brown, cordovan, Rus sian calf and gray. "First quality." Dimity Blouses Just In, $1.65 More of the pretty blouses that are se popular! Peter Pan and roll-cellar styleB trimmed with narrow pieatings and of fresh, crisp white dimity. Women's Petticoats, $1 Extremely geed ones of flow ered cotton taffeta, cut full and made with deep, accordion-pleated flounces. Black, green, light or dark blue and brown. Novelty Veils, 35c and 50c One-yard lengths in plain or fancy mesh in all wanted colors, 35c. Made veils in many different meshes with colored dots of chenille, 50c. Hair Nats, 50c Dezen Light, medium or dork brown, blonde, auburn and black in cap or fringe style nets. Made of human hair. Women's Vests, 25c, 30c Bedice top vests of ribbed white cotton? Regular sizes, 25c; extra sizes, 30c. Slight "seconds." Women's Underclothes $1, $1.50 $1 for nightgowns of soft white nainsoek in. sleeveless or short-sleevo styles; of pink or blue figured batiste or of pink batiste with touch of hand era era breidery. $1.50 for envelepe chemises of white nainsoek trimmed beck and front with lace and embroidery. Geed Corsets, $2 Coutil or cotton broche in styles for Blender, medium or average figures. Man? different models at this special price. Spring Hats Just Unboxed $5 Who wants a becoming new hat for $57 Almest every woman, and certainly, if she sees thesa bright new ones. They are Sprlng-like in color and line. Yeu will notlce Uttle tum-up or turn-down shapes of silk or fancy straw used alone or in effective combinations. Trim mings are in the form of bright beads, glistening fruits, embroid ery or unusual pins. A great many are In the nmall head sizes for girls and women with bobbed hair. Every one brand new and every ene $5. (MarWO He for Geed Spert! Children's Skating Gloves $1 for knitted wee! gauntlets in brown or gray heather, sizes G te 14 years. $1.23 for brown capeskin gloves, fleece lined, sizes 4 te 12 years. $1.25 for tan leather gauntlets, flccce lined, with black cuffs trimmed with fnnge and red stars. 10 te 14 years. Older boys' black leather gnuntlets, warmly fleece lined, with straps en back of the wrists, $1.50 a pair. Brown or blaik strap-mist gauntlets, with stiff cuffs, are fleece lined. $1.75 a pair. (Central) Men's Heather Weel Gloves, $1 Men's flcece-lincd tan capeskin gloves, $1.50. (Gallery, Market) Pantalettes of Fine Sateen at $2 Exceptionally fine, soft and lustrous, they arc in black, navy, purple, brown, green and Copen hagen, with elastic at the waists and double elastic 'at the lower edge. (Central) Geed Sample Coats Present Extra Value at $25 and $27.50 Savings of at least a third Materials are extra fine beliviasand suede veleurs. Lining are of plain-color peau de cygne or embossed silk crepe with a brocade effect. Most of the coats aie made with threw cellars ending in fringe, though there are cellars of wolf or nutria in the group. Especially ftne the wrap-ceata. The $25 coat which is sketched is made with a bleuse back, bell sleeves, a threw scarf and a bit of fullness ever the hips. In navy or brown. Sizes up te 42 in the group. Belivia Coats With Wide Sleeves, $16.50 Hore, tee, will be seen the new mede of bell sleeves and threw scarf. The coats arc in navy or brown with self-color w uutM Pole Coats, $12 Twe new models of heavy Winter coating in naw or brown. Beth are sports length, ene with ragfnn shoulders, flme&X Wn n8lf-Uned with ' ' i nuAn cTrfSil wf3LV. $27.60 W r' $25 at $21. SO It's a sale worth turning out for en a cold morning. It's a sale that brings te the first 49 men depend able Winter overcoats of all-wool materials at a con siderably lower price. Gray and brown mixtures, mostly, some with plaid backs. All in belted-back ulsterette style, double breasted with convertible cellars. That you may knew just what te expect here are the sizes: Size 34 35 36 37 38;40;42 44 Quantity 5"lTl3i 85'4i 4 T Other Wanamaker Overcoats $29 and $35 Of heavy-weight all-voel coatings that will brave February weather with u jmic, They're thick and wnnn and cut with belts across the backs or he'ts all around. Wanamaker coat from the snug, warm cellar:- te the edge of the horn. Men's Brogue Oxfords Special at $5.25 n, "Seme shoes!" men say with uithusiasm, and te they are Of tan leather, they have applied full wing or straight tips and saddle straps with cut edges artd perforations. The oefe'rubbea f "Bht flbw " & (OaUery, Market) All-Weel Blankets, $7.50 and $8.50 It's all-wool that etrybedy wants these cold niuhts SJ and l,lent' Wx8(Mnch blanket, clTtw of piS!reu?bluferer fcwn! ,tb " eTWda ftnd . M?Sl?e?S.?r W,"tJ blnn'atS w,th bIeck PU,ds ', Men! The Annual Sale of Shirts, Pajamas, Neckties! It means opportunities te get Wanamaker quality goods at prices that are net likely te come again in months. Silk Neckties, 25c, 55c Marked down from our own stocks of better grades. Leta of patterns. Geed fabrics largely pure silk at both prices. Plenty of knitted silk neckties at 65c All perfect. Geed Demet Flannel Nightshirts at 85c A price te wonder atl But when you see the quality you will wonder still mero. Splendidly warm for cold nights. Made of heavy demet flannel, plenty long and wide, finished neatly. Excellent pearl buttons. 85c is away below our lowest price earlier in the season. Demet Flannel Pajamas, $1.65 If we went into the market today we could net purchase as geed pajamas at 'our retail price. A representative maker had these en hand, however, and contributed them te the Annual Sale. Popular stripes. Generous dimensions. Medo well. WARM. Men's Shirts Down te 90c Odds and ends from our own better stocks. Cluster-striped percale, which will launder satisfactorily. All si7cs in the let but net In each color. Some show mark3 of handling, but they are perfect otherwise. Men's Percale Shirts With Neat Stripes, $1.15 Fresh standard-grade shirts of the better sort of percale. Plenty of the wanted black or blue effects. All aires. Men's Shirts of Woven Madras or Cheviot, $1.45 Seme save forty cents from our own price and many save as much as a dollar fifty-five. These of cheviot are mostly in plain colors; the madraa shirts have woven stripes. All sizes. Beys' All' Weel Sweaters Marked Down te $5 Ceat style the kind the bey3 like. Heavy all-wool, the sort te keep ene warm. Navy, maroon, khaki and gray. Sizes 28 te 3G for 8 te 1G year boys. Men's Half Hese, 15c, 25c, $1 What can a man get at 15c? Something better than he probably expects if he gets these 15c socks. Seft black cotton with reinforced tees and heels of mercerized cotton. Perfect quality. All the dcaler had or the price would be considerably mere. 25c half hee which leek like silk are plated with artificial silk ever durable cotton either black or cordovan. "Seconds" of the grade usually priced double. SI half hose arc pure silk and full-fashioned; some have pointed hcels. Black en!. "Seconds," but it is hard te find any flaws. An Important Little Sale of 49 All-Weel Overcoats I u"1" 'SI'11 i'-.-jj -.? i I. 1 A V I i 1 4 Kl bL't 1 tk'.i IV l M -.71 Mi t .ji ' M fet?j M i-' w I i.i i I jj '1 J&1 11 .ij 'fl y IZ"Mnj" iCfn wy," wnich trw IvvmrtM T s.f '1 V" y'-'t'. ' fW. w"- j V .4.1 r,t i -, ' ikAA ,, t v r