"jr th !" ' 'V,. t . 7' ' t v' h '' 'v 'illy, -i1"' 1 y.1 a, "f!T ;" ' ' JW . ,y- v v. ,''?) i ' 'kV' V Yv r, 'Mfwr mjf - T vv yWJCi'-1-"'-r 1, "tv llMlltf : ' ' "PHlIiADmEHIA,J r ,CAN YOU RECALL TFJ1S BIT 'Of OLP.PHlLADELPHiAn ).- rrj icuenmg - mBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmv bbbbbpnhIbb1bSbbb1 K -1 ; - ; bbbbbVI '&. ; BBBBBBl i VKiaBBtL SaBBpBBpBBBBTrtt. I JKlBv BbBbSW " BBBmPw,, ,v'aBBBHBBBi.9' ' - ' K calBBBBBBBi aBBBr jr bbbbbKIhi 2BBBBBBBBBBflr rJBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl :i :fl tl4y m V ' IMBnpynlWIMllMWPinBWrBii - LEAIXG MOYAMENSING The prison deer wna ftxll open when the camera clicked, as Mrs. Oscar Hosier left te take the last leek at her dead husband unaHjjp H BI-.H --k Ck' SS.B9pKrBBfHBlBB.BVSk .xBPpBV"pBBBBLm-.,Mp-''I tKH-B-BBBBwaBrM' ' "' " "3 an. iB.aaaMJ.aBaBPr!wT3 MRS. HOSIER BACK IN PRISON. A crowd was waiting te sce her return after she had visited the North Bread street undertaker's establishment. The teurinp car was run within a few feet of the priBen deer before she aliphted A STUDY OP SORROW. Anether picture of Mrs. Rosier, charged with killing her husband and his stenographer' , fXBflEPKs2HmH&tab&jiBB0BHf jBBBKjHHRiBJiySI BBBflflflflflBi-. ht 'Swnw Mvfl BBBBBBBBk'1' K'i rMpjiBBI BMbWwJwi-''" iapBBj B ?B w BBb BBBiMiEulBVBBBflBB.BBKul KBFy MWMHJBBflMBBMPBBl BBnl vBBVB9iHpBBBBBBHKflBBf w BBBflBTttr Wiai j. I nnJ.BlBBfpBBKi .Hfl .fpKfiliHPJw.' HIBIILMwSErp5jVv',GpH TH r.pHMIMipHpaLJp'.AppH KBHHKifpVBBBBBBLl39 11IEY GRADUATE TONIGHT. Kathrj-n II Berzncr, president; Edna M. Eisenhower, .. (uv. and Helen E. Berkley, treasurer, of the January cln&s of the William Pcnn H ' Scheel. Tin. class includes 12G pupib 3 -.- . -?mmwm-. .. " 'a -f:m.. T; 'VV.' 3 ' B.')K'--';-';3 kitk MHHVV4TlIV,Bn9PinW)MFVIT,'HP"tanPSPV IKm v vHBb8S.bS.b -t .BBBVU . 'SkBwQKpk aBHBHcHHli.BBBBBBBBw HaaBBaHEBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBB. i lHQH.aDHHK&lfiBH .SEVENTY YEARS OLD TO DAI. -': niuel Cain is walking a tniL fei cufli yeiii " BK -' v MiSM(w SVHKBhH9 e9BhhW:'F' mEHHHh IKBBiwWiGDNSPw 1 ivR?2iJTllWllWk A,slWlvrl wf ft; lip ppsKP'PW'Tf'B i t SAWMTi .- . "x .W .-!. . . . 4 , .- t . fcL:"vA? -- .W" CHESTNUT STREET DURING THE CONSTITUTIONAL CENTENNIAL CELE- .. BRATION IN 1887. The Public Ledgek .Building is shown at the left of the arch way. A horse car is coming cast. Geerge H. Wiswcll, 5160 Knox street, German town, furnished the photograph. If you have an old-Philadelphia view, send it te ' the Evening Pi ultc LEini:n ' 'A. JHtfOli & IkfmJ i' jv -j A.BUMI x'1 pE&HBf'iB Bm.l'....HeiBB )MBuL.BiV3fl..i rflrflBHrlHBBBBBBKS ..H LIpBL il JMBi'liBH-iBBB "HOT DOGS!" Krankfurter handwiches looked geed te the hungry tkatcrs, as the)' J If ft Concourse Lake, in 1-airmeunt Park. The girls arc Florence McCarthy and tdna ( lower ippplhFvJ'THBHpElrRlH AIMING I-OR A RINGER. Mr- E U. lle-t uijO,i!!g a GIRL MAYOR WOOED B MA.W D4 KN?INGTON JRL- il-. DL Ut IO.MCUT The pxerciecs ll teU plact i tlv GRANDCHILDREN OE W00DR0W WILSON. Erancm B. Sayre. Jh, holding j norsesnet pucnius mair-n ai rami IJa..l iu itirtaunea in -vmy ivawvenen, ei rairpe-- u ,i' j,i ;f tcaoei Duram? a ' r j . iu i ar.iucnana a ..rti. uiaci4a .u. Jjangnani, prceiaent Btuaent newspaper; woearow Wilsen Sayre, at Ine right, and Eleaner SaTe. They are geiur introduce the ipen n Greaur Nc Yn-k r .i-u n v renfiscated hoeb A.sociatlen. Edi , Mait.-ll and Durothy E Han.iltf i claa. eflicer. ticft te ilpht) newg concerning hf Woodrew Wil&ou Foundation iuaerv-ed t LudirwJ JOHN CURLEY. uOul Addison street, grinding a bifocal lens at the epti.-al COLONl ,bop ei Wall Sb Ocha, 1716 Chestnut street. Several grinding machines are commander tuiuer ni3 supervision w NEL IIANFORD MacNIDER. nntieiml VILL HIKt- Winifred nnd Kathleen O'Mal- IN GIRL SCOUT UNIFORM. Mrs. Warren andcr of the American Legien, canie here ley, Bryn Mayr girls, will leave Atlantic City G. Harding posed at the White Heuso with i ussist in launching membership drive for Miami, Flerida Atiaatie ye EerUt "Laddie Bey." BUSY PHILADELPHIANS "V,,)"lCJT'3l SSkMMAn' iv rr J."1 y'Vi-H waa i, fx& ; v i -a pi; v . i Ak'A iT v 'O -. i : f - j'.iv. n ' 'SV Si'tiBitii ' - i r fy&m t j..? i, ,m.v p-anjat "trt t ' vJIJ" I8 ,.v.t 7 X.. T r til VICV jfl ' t "i .JL, A Y ' i"-' 'Tf -; jr.-.'aBiw-t j CRSa PRESIDENT OK THE BANK SMtmuei (.iem'. J" "'i Drevcra and Merthantp' Ndtienal Bank. :1014 Muikct tw He lives at 111 Seuth Sixty-third street h m j T "- m -r " W,"-NN y. tv, i a --h r k" .. . ;tt . r I jr I ....p.-..-., y J-,.,.i ,J i ti j ., . . , a ( e . "J. Ii" !''. u-trrrttrrs,,7rtt&er W - -. j -- ...r-' -fc. i pfTiriTrti. if i ..i