ftM r? ; '. -,n -v mWi ,A1'"J"- t "" w ",:' fW T.; 1 f.EENIg', BTJtBLrq Mfi-HILDEBlgai "THFRBDlAi JANUABT 26, 1922 .iii in mi N ': m w :m ,m - ATtfW' FO?f BOM)S Mfll! . U. 110U a..'... 78V l8At,E3 I1 tlOOO 78 78 78H 78U 75 78 TJ4 a State of Sae Paule ct 8 1.... 10114 1,... 101U 1.... 101 Rwlts'd Can 8a, 3.... 1144 4.... 1144 1.... 1144 1.... lUtt O It Ort Tlrlt A I'd 1022 0.... 100U u ie art nnt A I'd IDS) d.... 109 2.... 1004 7.... 1004 2.. ..I0O 1.... 100 ' 2... 1004 V li art Brit A I'd 1937 JO J. ui ::;:: J4.... 10..... B.-.A. 7 .0V....78H Can Se'n It Bs i...';. ei. CAUe'Cep'r 6 0.,,.. fli 1 ssi a:.... .ra Gbtneee Oeve't ..V.. 44 -t..V. 48 Qty.Bcrne Ha 'I..;, lesr-i 8.... 1084 1.... 103 V. 9ty qf Uerien l ra T.... 10S 0;'Derd'Jr fl '? 81 10 81 X 81 ,1 81 1 81 P 81 Ctr Chrts" 8s I..,. ia. .... ler.Vi , .1.... lean Oty et Onwn hatn BV4 6 884 1..'... 834 air Lyens Os , 10 81 ill Bt '-j 81H U H Meee 8s 6 81 Am A 4. Ch. 0 81 I 4 05 .8.,... 8i: ?3, ti... 1... 2... 4... 4... 8... O... 2. 084 881 084 l3i e'i 084 084 U 8 Uratll 8i a.. 0... 8... 1... 10.. 1... 2... 3... 0. ies: 103i 103Si 101i L... 104 S...J 104 C IT T 4i7 8.... 104H CNI 44'71 20.... 10 Mi ci'd cm cut t, ra 4s 1 784 B 78i Cleve C CUl A m Le Oa 1 07 Cole A 3 4Mb . 84S Cent'd Gas 7s 1.... 10.14 10.... 10Bt 10.... 1031; 2.... 10314 Ovl A Hud. 7s 1.... 108 Den A n ( fd 1 4S'4 8 j 6 48 7 48 1 43 8 45 D n O td et 1 43 Den 1 B O I: 8 73 D It O 4s 1 77 1 77 ,""?1 0 78 '04 'n. V.AI Ri 4A 02 101 U S Mexico J',) faV Ce f 3 40 ,n ,,. 3 ISI'Md llatcli 74e i"-ii e man l 8 2.. 404 409 404 0.... 1004 Dial!! Security Cerp Ed 8 S3 D de Komeura Pwdr 7 Ha 2.... 1031 3.... 104 1.... 108U Mia & St T. 4a, H 1 44 M 8 04 .N 7 Ttli 4Hi 2 4H MfcBtlyWBn i eii 1 ..1 31i 1 OIH 8 44H M 8tP a s 8t l ph, vineUlr C eir MOtiareta l 01 Cerp 7Ma 1... 10m 1. .. 103 10.... 100 10.... 101H 4.... 102K 13.... liO 2 ... 101S 1'.... 102K 10.... 100 1.... 10IU 1..., 103 fl..w 100 8.... 101H N T Ttla'c 41 S'n Pacific fd MK&TaJwl 7.... 102 Vi 0 85 U 8 44?i 1.... 103 San Pac0 4i 7 44 2.... 102 0 70 K 7 44 't 1.... I03tt S'n Pae cv U C 4" 3.... 103 1 89 2 4l't 1.... 102H 1 88 10 44U CO.... 102 4 M 2& 44 S Y Tele'e '4W C 88 83 44U 10.... 102U 11 83 n 44 1.... 102H Sn IUIIway 4s 4... 44? K Vt V O 1 624 8 44V& llect 4Us 3 62 S, 8 4'4Vj 1 85t 8 83H 0 4J4 Nl V lwr fl B 02H He i; t T ti 6.... 101 i Fn Rallwav M l.... 78 Nf ft W 1 4 8 00t 2 70 1 63Vi 2 OOfi 4 78 (tWPM' D 00U 4..... 7S Ceal Ce 4a Sft Rj 6t4i wl 4 TlU 3 83U 1 flit; M K ft T 4s wi.Nertti Wsstcrii 8.'.... 05H 2 U nel "2 7a 2 S3 2 fltV :.... 108 8 A1 C emXthn Ohie fl 2 03 is ev te... . am i etv'j 12 04H.N laciflj n l 1 03 MK&T4'4I I SO1 0 OSW j iO;.... CJ4 2 83, 4 C314 UKacTOi wl'N PaeiSs It rt 4 PB 2 7714 I.... 107H 4 03 4 77i O.Mran O L 4 12 03 14 77i 8... . 80 8..,.. 93 10 7HO'.!s bteal 1st 1 03 8 7714 1 084 8 01 12 774 4 884 10..,.. 08 B.. 774 0 08 10 03 8 77S 8 084 1 03 II K 4 t 0i wl 3 08 7 05 3 02 Pae O & B B 1 03 1 03 2 84 2 94 Me Pacifle 4s ' 0 . . . . 88 Third Ave nl 1 8t .Par.re, R It St) 1 B3 1 80' 1.. .. 00 I 1 83 4 001: P.-.:ia it rtVl 1 S3?, ' 1.. .. 80s;! 1 100 1 2 can I GOSSIP OF THE STREET Th fit ort EiIianir officials and mem bcrs are going te go after tjie se-called bucket shops in earnest. There lb every probability the District Attorney will join hand in the crusade and, make things se het for these fly-by-nlght thyster brokers they will be Rlad te fhut up shop and clve the City of Brotherly I,ove n wlde b!rth.' The- combined action wan provoked by reason of the trrcat lewcs which hnve been sustained by Innocent investors and also,, partly, by reneen of the sus picion that ia created in tbe mindtt of the public In general toward the eteck brekcraje buklncss. Subscriptions are .being' raised anfeng the local bankers te provide funda te presccutr the cam paign te a eucccusful Hnlnh, the lack c-f which has heretofore been n draw back In mil the nrcvlbu tnevempnts again.it thcs parasites. The Stock Ex- caungc canuet draw en any 01 tue tumi.s for this nurne.'c. but If is rcceenlcd en oil Bides drab-tic measures muutbe taken in order te accomplish n thorough heubu cleaning of these bucket-shop pebts. It was reported yesterday ou the street that three or four mero of theM theM cencerns were ready te blew up et met nre erpectcd when rtoel specifications' en recent and pending car purchases cotne out. Gary rail mill will resume oper eper oper atlens January 80, with three months ran in prospect.' Treasury .Saving CerUflcatea An unetpected demand for Treas ury savings certificates, commonly kneun ns. thrift bends, has exhausted the $1000 denomination, but' new ones will be available January 31. In the meantime tlxt $100 ccttlficates are In ample supply. Itoperts from the first claan pest ' offices 'of the Third Federal Reserve' District for the first two weeks in f RAIL LABOR SEEKS POLITICAL ALLIANCE EPISCOPAL HEADS VISIT KIITANNING A.,M .. c,;iii,, en.. I "XUIU iriOIU' WUWIUII9L I HI IJff Ndn-Pnrtlean League, A. F. L. ai)d Others Pittsburgh Diecese Cenvehtidn Shifte Meeting Place for Church Consecration PJttaburctt, J.an. 26. Activities in the fifty-seventh annual convention of the Episcopal D'IdceM e! Pittsburgh .Tantinrv. fenethcr with thn renert of I .. "' ". .. ,", r. . ' .. " l ni a i Ar.Mai4x r--n nv wr t rnnsrerrptl le hlrtnnnlnt? veMer- ine .baes ai ine rcucrai iicscrve riAN 1 11 UHliAN b t-tK. ZU J- v..." aV -.rii: i" "V j. 'i ii, Bank, hew that the total amount of " ZI J.iL i kV i ,, rlZi sales .of the Trcabutybavlngd certificates fiMCra,tl0n. .?i k "V1 f lrCif iff piMcdedi S2TiO 000 worth of seeurl- ' , ,,",., ' KIttHnning wcre celebrated. The Kit' SSta trf'dlst'rict during 'the 'A rh, By "" ed Trcv, j tanning Ohurch was urected in 1012 Te... uu n.i b r.i .u ' Chicase. Jan. 1M. Plana for a ceali-I wnile the ItcV. W. B. II. Ncller was Ul UUIIUUtJI OOii vavwtAU a MIVJUI .ii- . " rector of savlnga for this district. "In Oiy ntede J-l Chm 7'4s I fi-- jeai 2 CO5 'Pfna Caty c Third Ae 43 erie 8s J'-- Hi St 8.... 10341 1 W. 1 00Ti i 1 01 1.... 100 I 'O'; Due. Uht H Meblla t, a -it RradiM Ce 4 TIdawater Oil addition te the geed rete of interest nwd protection uaalnst less. Trcemirv aavtnge Certificates offer ene of the bestk means of investment by these who bave in Htnnll amounts. It is nlse one of tbe bet mean3 te offset the pcrnlcleuu ac tivities of fraudulent stock promoters who are persistently preying upon the unwary public." Under the new peace-time savings plan the United States Treasury allows ench individual, society. lodire. rernn. any time ami erterts already nave oecn ration or association te. own up te taken te protect nome of the custom ($5000, maturity value, of the'Treasurr who were Inveigled te de business with i savings certificates during ene calenda'r them. Thcre is no sparing of names as year. These, certificates nre issued in till of them under suspicion arc net regibtered form only, which protects the members of any Exchange. ' owner against low by fire, theft, etc. They bear 43s per cent interest, com- Advises Slewing Down i pounded somt-nnnueHy If held te ma- E W Sinclair nrcsldcnt Sinclair 'urlt-v' ?ni 3' Per nnt 'ntercit. com- Consolidated Oil CorStien, nW-P7n "'' ' "d oil producers te slew down en drilling ' M"0 maturity. operations in view of tfce big flush out- -, . , .. w put in certain Oklahoma districts, lie' la'ra Fre,n a Ballk an v bavs: ' i Frederick 'Polrce & Ce. hove writ- It Bccms te me there is. .tee much ten a financial epic under the title tien of nil fsctera in public life friendly a.... ioe i.... tee l.... ioe City Zurich 81 O.... 1034 Cuba-Am 8 8i 1 774 8 73i Cuban C-& cv Kaals) 7(1 "3V.... 70 8 77 .2 75'A S 78 .3(u0e) 70 Cuban C Sec Ss s'.a 39.,... 73i "1...V. 7H a 704 Caba Ilatlr6id Ce 7'.a is.... lei; penmar Coe icct A Es I.... 1074 B.'Caftada '23 .1 00'. V Canada '20 I B 8 1.... 101 1.... 101 Aran a H Bs 2 8'l 1 884 103 4.... 102 Er'.e Oeiil l.ln 1..,.. 41'4 414 S84 'e-i. r R e A Amsrtcan Qucj 5 3714 v icris a ii cv a 1 S 1 33 3 08 ,Krl a Jy 0s 4 08 7al) 79 2 PSHlFiBlt lluU'r Ce 1 os I be ruta 3 08 4.... :02 10 084 1.... 102 B OSi-Oiie-! r:ie 10ti Coedynar T i i 14 Rub'r '31 1 lfi 3 7V. 1 S2Ti Ce ci CV4n Menfa Pwr Bs Readir.e C Jul 10.... 102 2 03; Ctl Cel 4s I 0. .. 103 Uer.tr: Tram-, 2 83 iTobacee Pred. ways 8s lle O & W 4t. ucts Cerp 7s S SI 1 1 78 2 bf iRccU l:'d A 4 V Cfl 34 1.... 10014 1.... 100 1.... 100 felon Pac ev 1 01i blc well cnthujiasm in ccrtntn 01:1a I herna fields where such wells have lately I been mero or lew common. Producers i can aggravate the present tensenw of the crude situation by unlimited drill ing around thews fields and we mukt re member that while the oil buMneKs is improving, it is uet yet entirely eon ft:;:: D 'Canada '81 ,2 074 10 07U Sitcb CIOi 08 074 08 08H 081 Am Tel T". CV 44s 1 074 A T ti Tel n 2 04U 3 04, 1 044 1 044 04l 1. uaui 1. e84ATl t: Tel Q 084, 1-... "fH 084 10.... nor. flt 3.. . 110 eaii.Am'n W P Cs I.eul'a 4 '-is 0 77', 2 77 IS 774 8 77 N T cast' I 1 St L I Mt Eifnlui Tae fd 2. ... SO, IWy 4s i 2 811 1 87 2 70il 2 0 3 804 St I. I Sit ."i 1 83 J T Ct: re 4-1 R G d!v 4a ICnler. Pac 4 fl... . 16 4 C 62 I! T Ceat'l tr' 2 82 Un! 0Di'5t L H Y ni 1.... 1004 "Tnlc3 Frem a Bank Vault." By com' blnlng phltobejjhy and investment ex perience with catchy verse, they con vey a story that is net only entertain ing but is full of worth-while informa tion. The plot is built around n bankers' convention, nnu various "Gnomes," vaicbccnt and uenbervative operation 1 lllubtrated by pen and ink sketches. bheuld be continued." ' represent the different types of tecurl- ties. One night is set aside for each te Upa and Downs of Steel Industry ' describe bis vlrtuca 'and vices, and Th- T-n A. )., !m re'Av mvlrw uranuint'ier .uunicipni urcs tee nf the. ttoei ri Mnditlens. un: 1 opening gun. He is followed by "Maay vlKUf: cenuiuuuc, ejie. rii-1.4j t. --i n "With uns and downs of steel work.- -u'"" """-?,' I.KJJ1- b 0 1 ;, operations n January shown in range "ttJ'ns W we rest 01 tie nfd Drjw 8,of 40 te CO per cent for Steel Cerpera- . "t!ar?vn"kitM,.a.3 ' Sl 1.. 1.. 1.. 4.. r... c. l.. 1.. 4" S3j est 034 I 2 08 H 084 (134 hhu, 08 i 08j 08 V4 (J.. 04.i,Goed7ar T 1 04 V4 Rub'r '41 111 I U0i; 034 00 U 00 U S3U W T Cer.t 1 7 li... 107 N V Edisen Ce 6Ss rets . 8.. 1.. 73 73 7341 73 73 73 73 73 73 W... 2. e. 1... 1... 0e Wt rrancb It 74 a rets 0 04 1; 04H P44 S4i 04 'i 04 U 044 844 041 -0. 1 a b xe 3... 044 B4S 044 04 i V4H 04 i 044 04 S 044 04S 044, 4 i Oewt v n mb 1. 11::.: a.... 1.... a.... 1.... 1. 1004 1004 100H 100 H 1004 100 j 100t 1004 100 44 100H Srd Trenic et Can 8s rets 1.... 1024 x.... ie:v; 1.... 1024 8.... 102U 3.... 12K IS.... 103H tsVd Trenic of Ctnads, 7a 1.... 1071 p Gevvj't 1st 8 87 1 874 T 874. J4 Oevtt 2nd S 86S .8 884 Ja.Oexn't48 It 73i 1 .... 734 3 78. 7t Delt! am .Cs 1 03U -1 D&'i 1 OSH X Dcirm 74s a.... 107 X.... 1.... I.... 4 '3.... 7 Jt, D-lsm rets !.. IOO 1.... K5T4 t'.... 10BH 1.... 105A4 Xinident Den' eiark ct 0s 3 81 4 Arner Water Works Ss 1 744 Ann Arbe' 4a 1 02i 3 C2 lArtr.eur 44 a 1 88 Atch T b B Fa cv 4a 1 73 A 7 4 S T 4 28 80 2 88T4 Atl'e Vnilt 7a 2 23 4 80 Atlantle' Rer'c ct OHs 4.... 104 Halt O 8Us 3 Dl4 Bait A Ohie ct 2 70 2 7S 3a 78 1 78'4 28 78 D Edl'n Ce Bs' 1 01 u itapld T ,a 3 80 D Kdla'n D 7f 1.... 108 Cfl PacWe la' 1 8SU 3 83 '4 G 63 i; B. 1. uiti 1 14. 111 ! 4. lll'i ' 3. 112 ,4. 112 I 0. lUk 1. O Ne'n Illy 7 , 4 1. 1.. 1.. 10GV;;pt L 4b s r tr 10fli 10(54 1O0H 1014 10Ji 100, 100 4 1084 1 a. 1... a... 1... 1... z:,K B3 3.1 B4Tt 83 6.1 I Hud Man fd a.:::. 1 1.:::: 4. a a . . . Hud Man In 88 84 1 84 10 M 20 84 14 84 C 84 8 84 8 B( IS 34 8 8414 0 84i illla Central fd S B-ilt I1U Ct 1 4a 11 1.... Btti HI CfSt I ,14 a Cere de Pas'c. .J;'--. ," . Cen'r Sa ''" ""c' " w 2.... 1135 1.... 112H .... 112-H C O cv 44 1 83H 7 R34 1 83 H Cis U O cv Ba l" S Itubb'r Sj 2 88 4 88 1 87T4 U S Hub 74s 17.... 10.1 1.... Id.'. u 1.... 103 U S Sm'.t K A Mln'K Cs 2 97 2 07 3 07 tU'd a st-i r. , 1.... 10014 . I 8.... 1004 I 1.... 1004 iXJtah Tower & 10)14 St U tt S t'rai I UcM Sb IOiU; SarUs A I 1 Ofl'4 10J94, 1 fifl W Union tJ4 a 00 1.... iuth & Put li 1 11, ' 2.... 107 3 04'4jiit L. a l'rfc ; 1.... 1074 J?.- Y K II Series D iWestlnghs'a li Itart'd Cs 3 821 1 Mfs 7a i ' 034 1 1 8241 1.... 1084 C3i3t L. 3 Kran 1.... 1004 I te -labor have been Instituted by kcade of fifteen of the Sixteen railroad unions and IfivitaUens extended for a cehcrai onferencc te be held here February 20 te perfect such nn organization, accord ing te a report published today. The purpose of forming such en amalgamation, according te the Vepnrt, is te further the interest of labor nnd te threw the support of labor te can didates for public efficb that are fa fa fa vorable te it, regardless of political party. , Invitations te attend the conference, It was .said, have been extended te heads of the Socielirt Party, the Nen-Partisan League, the Farmer Laber Party, members of the "Committee 'f Forty eight" and tue American Federation of Laber, as well as ether labor chief tains. A commutes te work out organization plans has been appointed, says the re port, composed of B. J. Manien, pres ident of the Telegraphers' Union, as chairman; Warren S. Stene, president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers! B. M. Jewell, of the Hall way Empleyes' Department of the American Federation of Laber; Tim Tim othy Ilealey. of the Oilers; L. 13. Shop Shep pard, president of the Brotherhood of Itailway Conductors; Martin Ryan, of the Carmen's Union, and W. II. John John Jehn eon, of the machinists' organization. Plana for the formation of the coali tion, it is said, were brought up at the moetlng'ef heads of the railroad unleux, at which all were present except W. O. Lee, "of the trainmen. The meeting was called originally te consider the policy of the shepmen's weekly paper, Laber. OPERA HATS COME BACK OllD PIER ROOF MUST STAY Shero JiPce'rJ Provides Only Altera Altera tlensCan Be Made te Structure Atlaiitle City,, Jan. 20. Bccausp a deed given after ether sections of the beach front bad' been contributed te the city for public park purposes stipulated that nothing but alterations could ever be made te the structure the Central t'icr Company,. owners et the Old, Ocean Pier, whrre Improvements involving several millions nre tinder way, will have te keep u section of the- present reef standing te avoid legal complications, it was discovered yesterday. The Old Pier was almost destroyed by n tire which swept its cntlre length twelve "years age, and bince that time, except for some miner Improvements n !. front, has been nn erirsAi ... Tennessee avenue and the beach. 13,. f cause et the peculiarities et the deeil Itwrhtnrs IlOVO fOUgDt SDV et thn nun. .! sitien', ethcrwltc looked upon as a geld ' mine with proper improvements becauis i of its central location. " fi Tbe pier sit? In pne of the few atetir. the .beach front which antedate a cte i ordinance prohibiting the charging 0f i mero than ene admission te emuw. mcnt3, and ferthat reason is censldersd' " ene of the most valuable along th, x beach front. , r a : u Yerk County Scheel Head te Retire I Yerlc. Fa., Jan. 26. . Charles-W. i Stein, Yerk County Superintendent of Schools, has .announced thetUhe n roUre WW ! Ufi h,aa uen et .the ncs-i v of the schools of the county seventeen ! years and hns been in the public school service thlrtyfive yeara. U001 J !0.... 107, I vU UiHt It 1.... 1074 1.... 107i l.... le; I.... 107H 2.... 107 VI 7.... 107 3.... 1074 1.... 10744 1.... 1074 1.... 1074 8 C3 N YV niya 4 2 27T41 21 8 28 77 'i 'N V Rlyac: 4a 3 27H IBM. 10 28 78 2 !S 81 0 2734 73 S lUys rsu c e sm Cs 1... St L Sews en 1 72U St h Bcw'n lt 1 78.i Seab'd A 1 al 1 I8H 1 14 2 104 3eab'd A L6i 0. ... 414 8.... 1004 1034 W& L. E 44r 1 64 V. IWr.seu Ce lt 1 0414 1..... 84S Wilsen Ce 74 1 BO4 1 l4 1 034 Wis Crefl 4a 6 76 .m.. v... i.i.u- i....ra etn.i-c tr "fubllc Utility, tee Geed Samaritan different lines i become Involved ia an nrgument ae te I "It is considered favorable sign that ; supremacy. THE TRADER, i mills have kept se well up te rate ei , December with prepect present pace Prison Earned 920,103.28 In 1921 can be held pending appearance of wj- i West cheater. Pa., Jan. 20. Ac railed seasonal demand of I esruary or ( cording te the report of D. M. Geldcr, cariLJI.nrch. . ii County Controller, yesterday, the Ches- "While orders are coming in censld- ,,. unty IrIaen receipts for 104T1 from crable numbers volume is net Impressive ' laanufacturcs and ether sources 'total and uncertainty as te course of prices $20,183.28 while the expenditures is net relieved. On one hand Is cxpec- ,were $;;3.ft04.60. The average number tatien long disappointed of lower of prjseners dally was CS.'J and the freight vntcvJ. en ether hand cxptclci 00Rt e mbsistence eighteen cents each coal strike would mean scarcity enc . d-ijj. The nrireners mauufnrtnn.rt higher prices In coal. poke, pig iron and ie.U." yards of rag carpet, repaired ricci. J.HUO- .. h.....-w -. ejj cuairs anu inane an eietulu U net a measurable factor ln.nny p.'tin the institution, besides manj Lid, Again rector of the church, and cost S.'O.OOO, It Is n custom of the church that n new edlfice cannot be consecrated until it is entirely free from debt. The last i 310,000 due en the church mertgage was paid off recently. The services opened at 11 o'clock In the morning. The vested clergymen and Bishop Cortlandt Whitehead and the-Rt. 'Rev. Philip M. Rhlnclandcr, of Philadelphia, Bishop of Ponntylva Penntylva nla, inarched from the parlih houfce te the ehnrch'. Following tha celebration of holy communion, Blbhep Rhine lander fepeke en "Erscntlals of Wor ship." "The crowning shame ,of the world," the Bishop said, "Is that se many go te church te get what they can out of it, 'instead of going te worship and put -what they can into it." Bishop Rhlnclandcr raid there were four csscnUals te worship prayer, ideal, beauty and holiness. As te Ideal in prayer be said: "Nothing in the world is mero fruitful than an ideal, because it energizes nnd gives color te worship." The Speaker declared wor ship must have the, most beautiful form that can be conceived in order te at tract worshipers. BJc said that worship must be outwardly beautiful, but in wardly' holy, eh holiness is the' prac tical business of life. "Ged "Is "net forcing the pcople under rulee and penalties te obey ills dectrlncw, but is continually watching their inner lives te see what they de," Bishop Rhinelander bald. "Holiness Is a very fruitful plant from which spring geed will te mankind, social scrvice nnd amity among nations." , In concluding hiB address Bishop Rhinelander praised the Rev. Mr. Tel sen, rector of St. Paul's, for his zeal In the work of canceling the debt ou the church. LENINE "SIZING UP" U. S. Neglected for Years Quite the Thing New Yerk, Jan. 20. Opera hats. ?!T4f..C0JRS, ", ";,'" ",""? hi r ' . J"- 20.-N1CO1.I Lenlnc, an iiu ."."'-' ...p -- - ------ crushed state, DUt tuey arc nuajn quue Trade Expert Predlcta an Attempt te Try Communism Here head of the Russian Soviet Govern ment, may attempt seen te transfer headquarters of his world communistic movement te the United States, Philip the thing for a visit te Broadway shows. One of the blggcbt nnd uuBiest hat retailers of the bright-light section tt T.. .l.n h in fnnhiaiir 1n 1 n i til ? !. or. liriKiiinuv in luuLuiiiiii i,ti: iuivij i- i .... vived chapeaux in un elaborate window orten, a foreign trade expert, re display. He announces they ay selling turned recently from Russia, predicted ut a tremendous rote. vestcrdav at a lunchoe'n of the American Ner is the vcleur, of recent years I Mnnufaeturcrs' Association, glory, dead, according te this same' jnr orten said Lenine felt that dealer, who says the bright lights still f.ftmmunlnm hail failed in RriRsln. Suf ethlng used, tuinkle en great numbers of them. A i that he still believed in the ultimate mfltlV fMn-Q rAff l1nnl lmnnVl fitlf tiuf with n I J...f t Itirfitef tf nT f9ntiinan J theJlM. i, ?n nprnHnn!.:'rhe Baarj' Ust wa3 ?010--'10 for the , bcngallne underbrlm, he avers, is new- wished te try it out under mero favor "At Chicago larger mill operations ycar ( y f Jvercd fop wcar with tuscdes, , ablr; conditions. Liberty 3Vs .. Liberty 2d 4s . . Liberty 1st 4a Liberty 2d 4s Liberty ad 4,,4s Liberty 4th 4 Vis. 07.12 Vie reten B"4s. Vic Notes 4s. 1:80 iew P. St. nrt.ua 06.es fHI.TJI 06.74 07..-4 07.54 OO.SO 06.04 07.52 07.52 07.00 07.04 100.28 100.24 100.28 100.30 100.22 100.2b' HI"'! 00.74 0fl.7-l 07.GS 07.00 07.5S LONDON STOCK MARKET Oils 1 0714 Irt'e itt 4 Ha 8 14 1 14 1 14' tat it ct 4V4e 1 124 1 1ZH 4 884 8 834 14 83 CM 8) Alten 8a 2 B3T4 4 83T4 i ea4 C B A Q OHs 2.... 100V. 2.... 10CH 1.... 107 108. 106H 108S 1084 1C0'4 ioe; 107 loon 107 107 107 10711 1074 04 Ot. 044 04 H 044 81 04 H 34 04 04 '.4 04 'a, a. i. .. .. ll..s. C... B ,li. .. 1! 1 .... a JClnrdem Dee mark art' 8a 9.... 1084 B.... 1084 K.Ita!7 em -l.:... OS ZUncdem zrcr- wav ct 8a 1.... 1004 X.Swadaa rta 8.,... OB 14 5 9S 1,.... 05 14 ,8 OSH SS 80 1 DeVi Settle Tl'n T8s 'I...' 108 Cwuenal'd Cxt Uad ut 7a I.... 1084 1.... 1094 ,... 10SV4 Slep.CfcKa '30 100 10V 100H 100-4 10OH 100S 10H 1C04 100S IV. s . , 13..,, -)..r, 'J,... 1...'. z .1,... .1.... atp- can '4i 31. . IOIU XlIiCWle '40 t'.... 10014 X.,.. loei; ?,.. 1004 S. .. ioe4 X,Calf Bi '04 MufCq of Urii V? 1 a. 1.. 8.. C. 1.. C 1 Os 'Bt 81. 20... 8... 8... 10... 7... 10... 8... 10... B... 8... 32... ie'.:: 0.. n 71 71 4 71 H 714 714 714 71 4 7i4 71 A 71-4 71'. 72 Quiet and Irregular Repur chases Help Heme Ralls Londen, Jan. 2C Oil shares were qult and irregular en the Bleck ex change today. Royal Dutch wa3 3451, Shell Transport nnd Trading 4Vj, and Mexican Eagle 3i. Improved reports as te trade made industrials cheerful in ervntu 77nrYcnn Tlnv rftn fi 11.1(1 ig jJt Rubber issues were steadier In sym- IB.'"" ' iPatby with tbe staple. 2.'.... 12 Repurchases In anticipation of divl- 2 1354 dead anneuncementa helped home tails rntb'e ii t fj Dellar descriptions were Inactive, with -" ""' i-mn-.'.tlnn tn iwdc. lim t-an ru-derate buying of Argentina rails. The gilt-edged list was sluggish and drooped. French leans showed a down ward tendency, following Paris. Cenfidence was lacking in Kaffirs-be-cause of unfavorable labor conditions Ja th( Rand. Generally the markets dis played btability, but there was llttll incentive te extend commitments. 1. ie. l.. 031. 021, 024 na4 24 Z y. Hart no 84 B ni; 3 911i 1.. 91 ' 01-i I 3 U2 1 00 taterr.'I Paper ! 3s rets 1 88 leira. Cent"! Bs . a ti (Cash Buy L''JL'. 7? . Jim Duller :n..n v. e & . itaij.-a-a-ra 2 7B Ivan C 8 8a B 04 H It C T rUy 4s 10 81 tRallv 3m-lnr'd 71'ij Tira 8s "111 t M cm e w ni .,.. j.ea'4 1 i LOCAL MINING STOCKS to:;epji ETOCU3 Bid 08 a Cracnt llldwar Mls?ah Kxttnslcr. . Mentana North Star IteJcns ISula To-kaeah Uxter.slca West Snd Wes. 'feajpah . . . . .07 .04 .07 .01 .03 ..n .te i .73 .02 DIV1DB BT0CK3 a.. ei Chlcare Mlt 9tP cv 44s 0 03 1 e!.Z.aclda O Ce 108 Vi I A' led Civlda rm a i.. m..i.. Lack Steel ' -,'3 , nBichir .... 3 00 Meler.er Urtenslra 4 8U ' ijn liur Lack Statl 'SO , 3 84'.4 i ....... Hrejith D'vldn . . j Divide Exter.ulcn 3 em 1 .... OIH C tt Nva m S 83 S Chi Hwya Bs a 70 7 70 2 704 1 7044 iCtj ti a Pst Sound 4s 1 03 C R I P fd 2 774 1... . 774 I.. .. 774 c n Z A P 4 8 834 i easi St Le Bs 1 674 fcatc Shere M S'n 4a '28 1 03H 1 OSH 8 034 1 0314 Lake Chera M B'n 4s '81 A VA. . V .... . VM 'S Lhlj;h Vat 1 101 U L Xfjsrs fia 1 04 L A Myers 7a 8 118 L lid P. Cs '87 1 7014 Chteaxe Uel'nl. 2 70U Btu 44e : -ash 4s 0 90 Ohtcare TJuIea fcta ct 04 1.... uiw Chlcase Mlt Bt P cv Bs 8 03 ! Chi A IV I 4e 2.,.. 91.... a.... seu J 004 Xxuls Xatli Mone 4 1 7fl. XerllUrd C Ba 1 94U LA Xh fl4a 103, Olwitr Cen nivtdend Hast DIV.de .... Harmll! llasbreu:'. DItde Il.ati D!Md .... Knox ...... rte-ert ptvlda Ilene DVvtde , neaata Silver Klnr ....... Sutherland Tonopah Divide ... Tonopah Kaabreuck victor;- Divide .... Verde Divide Zece ........... .0Oa .CI .01 .et .04 .20 .01 .00 .02 .03 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .H4 .02 .01 .02 .11) Ae'rf .03 .07 .00 .03 .' .ua .08 .os ,'3 .7 .C3 .vl .02 .OJ u3 .ul .M .21 .03 .03 .03 .18 0 as 1 c C A W I 1 73 72 72'4 i'' te inai? fcureka I'reesus 10 I'lariAt ri ftii rurelta llelly m u 'iau 4. Mether ijeae 724! .? H it- in kil: GOLDyiELC 6TO0KS Beeth 02 Combination Fract'en 01 Cracltarjaeit 02 Dlamondfleia D'.ui Dull , nnrer.ce 30 Cleldneld Cen 04 Oe'.dfleld D7 02 Geld if Id Deep , Great Kend (jOVs Jumbo txter.8lsa 02 Kewurna 02 I.cne star .02 ero ................... ., Red HH1J CHJj SlU-er Ptck tn Spearhead 01 ZJIHCELLANEOCa ' 00 t 0"i ea as 01 A wm rv-i . . 1034 I Arltnnn. ITn.t.d 102 Caledonia 1034 iROen 10211 1 -;un. .Ti.v.r 102; 4V 404 J ." iei P'wrafw s :CNY44.'B7 ; JSff i.... 104 : ;,t Mid S A Or Oa CNT 4ls'8S 0.... 10414 OKt 4a'03 B, . 68 NevailH H'lls .. ,Vmla Wonder Hjrcess . .... Twna Mlnlnr . Whltp CiP ... Wllbirt '.nejt .04-4 :ei .80 .01 .05 .04 .02 .03 .vJ2 .03 .02 .02 .ea .04 .02 .3 .12 .03 .12 .08 .Ul ..15 03 .03 .01 01 .03 .m .03 .01 .01 ort .02 103 .10 .OB .13 .OJ .30 .01 04J .13 .0.' :r, .02 10 .0.1 03 Prices Heavy en Paris Bourse Paris, Jan. 28. -Prices were hww en tli Reuras today. Three per cent rente. Bfl franca f5 centimes! inhana en TuindAn si uranes 80 centimes) B nor cent lean. 80 franc 30 canttmea. Tlia dollar was quoted at 13 $4,690,400 Chicago, Reck Island & Pacific Railway Company 6 Equipment Geld Notes Dated January 15, 1920 Maturing $360,S00 annually January 15, 1923, te January 15, 1935, inclusive Interest payable January IS and July 15. Principal and interest payable in New Yerk City. Coupon Notes in denomination of $1,000, rcgistcrable as te principal only. Redeemable as a whole, but net in part, en any interest date en 60 days' net:.cc at 103f,te and accrued interest. Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk, Trustee Issued under Equipment Trust Agree ments between the Director-General of Railroads, the Chicago, Reck Island and Pacific Railway Company and the Trustee. Through supplemental agreements, 331j of the Notes of each maturity originally issued are te be stamped as subordinate in Hen te the above prier lien notes. These $4,690,400 notes constitute the entire first lien indebtedness en equipment costing originally $8,117,000. This equity, together with the two annual installments which have matured, give theie notes . a, present cash equity of ever 42. Secured by a prier lien en the following standard railway equipment: 2,500 40-ten Bex Cars 20 Light. !Iikade Locomotives. 10 Switching Locomotives. The Chicago. Reck Island and Pacific Railway Company directly operates lines of a system em bracing approximately 8,100 miles, including a main line from Chicago te El Pase, Texas, con necting with the Southern Pacific lines and the Pacific Coast. During the years of Government control the Company reported a steady increase in both freight and passenger density and also improved its average freight train lead. The Company's cash position is represented as excellent and funds are new-in hand te retire the $4,500,000 6 Notes, due?February 1st, 1922. Net earnings after rents ( available for fixed charges for 1921 (December estimated) were $16,603,000 as compared te $2,820,000 for 1920. Dividends arc being paid at the rate of 7c.b en $29,000,000 par value of Class A Preferred stock and at the rate of 6ce en $25,000,000 par value of Class B Preferred stock. Subject te prier sale, we offer these Notes iwturing, $860,800 annually, as follews: Maturity Yield Maturity January 15, 1923 5.50 January 15, 192S January 15, 1924 5.60ft January 15, 1929 January 15, 1925 5.65ft Tanuary 15, 1930 fanuary.15, 1926 5.70ft January 15, 1931 January 15, 1927 575ft . ' Yield Maturity 5.75ft 'January 15, 1932 5.75';c January 15, 1933 .3.75ft fanuary 15, 1934 ,s.75a'c . 'January 15, 1935 Yield 5.75 ft 5.75 5.75 Thrift 2V880 Xelea are ofieredjer sale whciu, a and if received by us and when prie-r Ilea has been cetablished tie -planned in form of Toir.-perary Receipts of the Irving National Bank, New Yerk, te be exchangeable later for Definitive Notes. Freeman & Company Hayden, Stene & Ce. 34 Pine Street, New Yerk 25 Bread Street, New Yerk We de net guarantee the above inforreationbut have obtained it from official sources which we believe te be reliable is the result of systematic savinfc -whether ' by accumulating funds in savings accounts, by the pur chase of conservative securities, or by our plan of owning your own home. A O help and encourage you te save part of your earnings, we shall be glad te lend you money en the stock of the American Telephone & Tele graph Company under the Company's plan. Little by little the lean with us will be paid back by you and the shares you purchase become. a permanent investment AT is net our purpose te recommend any par ticular stock or bends but we de want te help you in daily habits of thrift. J UR own business is lending money en long time mortgages, which by regular payments reduce themselves, and, combined with life insurance, assure a home for the family even in case of death. United Security Life Insurance and Trust Company of Pennsylvania 605 Chestnut Street I Philadelphia Wwr7aTiwmCTr3Wnrefflix The Public Ledger Department of FIRST AID IN EMERGENCIES SUPPOSE you lese your job SUPPOSE your cook strikes out for parts unknown you wish te sell your old car quickly one of your board ers leaves sud denly your landlord won't renew your lease you need another stenographer you wish te bor row money a hundred and one ether emergency needs in your business or your home De you knew that we have a special depart ment for just such needs; that you can sit quietly at home, yet within quick touch of hundreds of people wanting just what jeu may have te offer (service, merchandise, etc) or offering just what you dejire? This "First Aid in Emergencies Department" is mere generally known as our "Classified Adver tising ecriena." All the wants or offerings there are se listed that you can quickly find the group in which you are interested, though you might well form the habit of reading them all for, indeed, they axe REAL NEWS. SUPPOSE SUPPOSE SUPPOSE SUPPOSE SUPPOSE SUPPOSE ffiifflffiWWSlW$W ,4.m iracca . nuuuHi t y .3- -I, ....A.u liWl' ( ,.. . .... 1J4.