i" " V EVENING PUBLIC LED0ERr-PHILADElHl, ' THXJRglSAK .AiMfr I02ff ' V V- ,v 18 , p -V ; Ittb Owners Split en Question of Lulls' Power "te Settle Salary Disputes &. TARINGS ON SALARIES WOULD KEEP LANDIS SHACKLED TO BENCH Commissioner and Werk Will Be Inseparable if He Attempts te Settle All Disputes Between Club tl . Owners and Ball Players THAT GUILTIEST FEELING t: H H! ' 1 HIS held-out M1n ter. thi By UOUCItT V. MAXWELL Soerl IMIter r.tenlnir Tublle l.rdr inni ihriMifxn te have n verr uccesful season Ptarprs who Imvc optimistic ideaN regarding salaries, and things llln.tfiKt wl'l be allowed tc lcnore the hard-hearted cHil) ewncri nml te I their tri uWcs te Judge Lnndlsi. This 19 tnc latest stunt in uum-uhu, ami Uu .-; Ce imf Mnck has used It. . . 5 When Kd llemincl objected te hi" 10U-' contract, l.ennie merely cam: rtTcll your troubles te the Judge." .... , When ether athlete have mlMindt'rtanillnc. with their clubs regarding the mdntllly stlrcnd. they. tee. will be allowed te Imvc it out wttu nizzenner. in ether words. Mr. I.an.'U nor en'y will b" nlsed te oversee the game of baseball, but'fllse sign the dissatisfied plnjen. A I 01 wnien is &u.ir job uihcm wij art Trying te nut something ever r n the Judge. lllll.UH PM.II.. 11. Hi ... V-...-..... I ....., -- --.- - - wh'ch inuit be straightened out, and already tl'.e High fimnmlnsiencr has hud his tioueY. lh" job Is almost tee Dig ter one man and If an attempt I made te settle salary d'.pute, Landb w'U knew the jncwiing of real work. . n rr, nair mni iief nnnenrH tn clve I.nndl the power te step 111 and Imvc hint with rei nlcltrnnt bal p'ayen: in fact. It maltes it obligator for him tetl'eall disputes At the cud of the contract is a paragraph, which reads aa'foTlews: '"'in vm nf ilicnnfn between the niftier nnd the club or any assignee liefc'ef, the name Bhall be referred te the Nutienal Heard or the Commissioner, nshc case may be. an an umpire and the decision shall be accepted by all partica as final.'- Everything drcnM upon the word "dispute. it i.anms interprets . aSitmeaning salar different es, the fireworks will start. I-.verv pa.ter wre Sratuiinctt he has been thert-changed b- his owner will tell his treub es te the UIg"lSes8 and the office will be t.wamre.1. nan players arc net in tne game vor exercise. They can get that any tlm They arc after the spendulix. which is M' way of saying the V.a e. There never was n lull player who wis paid ns jnucfias he thought he was worth, and there neer will be. That is the reason for the annual held-outs. THEREFORE, the Remmel case trill be icatched icith interest ft by playeri and magnates. It ill deprnds upon whether Judge Landit Kill five the plapcr a hearing , turn him ever te hit clu't btcricr. All Wrong, Says President Ilcydler THERE Is n question as te whether or net Judge I.andls has the power te '"settle sa'ar d!pm". Cennie Mack and Cap Husten jay he hr.s. President Jehn llejdler. of tJe National League, doubts it. "It has been pub'i.-hed thit Judge Landm will be the finfil arbiter In case of held-outs this smug said Mr. Hewllcr. "aud he will dettrrclne whethrr a player's demands are just in sa'ary disputes. ",""rhle Is all wrong. Tlieie is netliing in the agreement or tlie sixteen ulntr'tiwncrs with Judge I.andis that Imposes anv sueh duty en him. Tli' cliibai-as heretofore, will sign their own niacrs and make their own bargains. If 'fte p'ayer aecets the rluh's terms or the club acecpts the player's terms, th&Rjtt contract wi'l be signed. It no ecrreement iJ made, the piaver wen t play. J'JJ'Yeu can readi y see that complications will arise If n ball piaver felt thafne ceu'd arpeal te the Ilaseball Cominis-loner en the slightest provecati"n. 'jriwy-weuld all try te get their cases before him. Hewfver, the e'd scheme will net be changed. The club Is the caanleyer. the player the emp' ve, and hcy will make their bargains as usual. Judge Land: has greater and graver matters for his consideration than the settlen-.ent ei sa'.-.rv disputes." Cap Husten, however, takes a different s'nnt at the situation. "Tue Jjtggest form of dispute between player and club is ever salaries," says Cap. There Is no doubt in my mind that Section S in the contract form covers Just such a case as Mack and Remmel and that the Judge is called en te act." It leeks te us as if the Judge is tee wic n bird te get all tnngled up in salary dlrputes. He will have te leek up the bank balances of the clubs, find out all about business conditions und tbxn determine whether the player . ts as rn'uablc te his club as be claims. Fer example, take the case of Kddie Housh. The Red eutnelder ablsa 1 518.000 n year for three years, with n contract minus the ten-day release r i . , i ., - . l- t . ,i lauBC. ri is n regular uoiu-eut anu sajs ne wen ; piny unless uis owners Jck in with the dough. Garry Herrmann savs lteush will net receive the rVSL . . . .; . . ....... , , ... shy 5i'nieunc nc aKs, and :: ne iieesn line ;r ue ran remain en ti. old tarm. iKinjf ' Itetish is n great euttieUr. but a folerlc-s one. He hasn't the personality iM&Jt jt Ty Cobb. Trn .Speaker. Uabi- Ruth and e'lier liigh-prieeu stars, and few ana wl.l go out te th" ball park just sc: bin p.r.y. He siUh: be wer' Jiat much money and asain he might net n 1 m i,H19 K Jki M7TTZ2 M,1 ht ifriilrit hit T.ttn.llu It hi i1Iit.i tn rml. ., i . .. '. 1 game. Predicts Killingcr Will Make Geed With Yankees -T WOULDN'T be at all surprised," en'd Harry Davis duHng a lull at the A Veterans' banquet et the Adelphia last Mendav nljht. "if Glenn Kill- 'user stepped Inte the resular Yankee line-up and he'd down that job at third ease. I watched that bey several times last seusen anil I believe he is a real ')all player. Time and again he came through in a pinch, and that narks a ;reat athlete. , "Ki'linger is net a flaehv piayer, but a dependable one. Fer dayb he w'al iilay like an erllnary 'hird b.i'eman and when ou have deeided he !: j ;st un ""iveraBe athlete, he y.i'1 step out with wiire (-pee'.irul; r stunt i.nd your opinion MS changed. The bst thing about Killmger, te m mind, w his initiative. sfle Is wiling te try anything enc. .mJ i net afraid. He is ihlnklng all of th: time and w'il make a valuable plajer in the big league. "It lb hard for a young player te break in with the Yanks. The c'uan'i.. are the manager will net have confidence i.i him at the btart and net give him i chance. If he does get into u game und pul's a Ixrner, he will be benched mmedlately. He might net have un opportunity te show what he can de. -Every player mnkes mistakes, and i' is better te allow a youngster te get in there and get experience. "Killingcr has a big advantage ever ether college athletes. He Is well Sii 'cached nnd knows as much about playing the game as many big leaguers. Huge uezueK nns ueun v-urniug un uiiii lur u L'uiipie vi yrurs. nun uuge Knows !kv7 te teach baseball. The only thing Glenn needs is experience and he can ,t that only by playing in the games." "Who, In the major leagues, does Killingcr remind eae of:" we asked. DOX'T J;noie," rciJlcd the old Athlrtks' ciptaii. "I don't thin! M he reremblci any e ic. Ifr An 7 m eirn individual ttyl". Hr li a geed fielder and ahn kiti irrll, I; I tlieuld am paw him uith -in one it would he Jar-l l'.ni'. Urm-uihrr Jiwk! II- V(j,sti' a t ea liittcr, but cnuIJ dll . j "i h -hrn e. I 'im r 'JeI. Ktll',.c il like that. ' 1 JKVf IlKiiv . 1 pnOni' 7nM ?f-,i c.simtunt reach at i,'emmUi MHSHftf A thrrr. lie i-i erf geed ti dm at i Yet) US BEeeJ Vel . Aeri'T Yoe Me-BOT I Weu.-vusLfWru J LOSJPOSJ OF I rJCR. B6GH imp aPTSm WEVCR. SeQM If I COURSe y rJO'fwe OW THE OIHER PLftNMCD uTJIZImbh T ..C, J 1, I IM LOtODeM-l V ,4,v- AT suTCJeME- '5PeCOLtAf4 V Y I Leve Te go i -j -- iTHiwa maajt v ' vx, y T 1 jemctime S rntCVONTCD - -i- I rweiL-YauMe. dbcm Yew! Haha-IaH'H-'. ! CT V'ffi 1 ( TO CUBA -(JFOOURSe J I wtv,ea vtOARO 50CH TlCGT ffi. HtfMA eH ? y .ja- ces T' CUBA -Eia V10 HWAWH Ml NEW HANDICAPS FOR FAIR GO U FEB Uniform System Explained at Annual Meeting Today of Women's Association FORM NEW TEAM DIVISION BASEBALL CALL SOUNDED Montgomery County Le.igue te Or ganlze en Saturday Hareld O. I'lke, pres'dent of the Montgomery County Ilaseball I.chkuc. has Bounded a call for the nnnunl meet ing en Saturday nftcrnoen at the Hetel Wa'ten". Thcre will probably be hut ene change in the circuit. Quakcrtewu taking the place of Chestnut Hill. The ether teams are Doycstewn. Iiansdale, Sou Seu Sou derlen, Amb'cr and Conshehoekcn. E ectlen of efilccrs for tlie 10i.'2 season will als.e be held. $25 STAT THE NEW YEAR ' WiiM MIiAL.lH 20 Ienn Itedr llulldlnt 20 lessens tlrsh llrilncliit 13 Lesnens III IIOXINO Uunnlni; Irjfk-, Ilindtiall Courts newrra PHILA. JACK O'BRIEN 15th & Chettnut Su. BIJOU ,N CHNMIINCTION ttiTIl TONIGHTBASKETBALr All-Chinese Collegians va. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Team Ve A-'v ere In frltt- for Thin reiture J . 'h" ("r'u.iM, s.ired in ti.e last i ten, tid-u when he saw Thorp inuJeatiiig wj.i a fjul hnd been 1' was a man en the left side c "Yen had better Ml that raa'i tl Cm i Irf4lfcr.li HAS NEXT CHAMP SAYSWBRMULLER Ad Stene, 170-Peunder, Will Dethrone Dempsey, Believes Lecal Manager ARGUMENT ADVANCED ! AGAINST 'PRO' SOCCER HAD FIVE K.O.'S IN FRANCE Public Has Net Been Edu cated te Appreciate Game Sufficiently te Support Professional League 6ATE RECEIPTS SMALL Hv lnrr.u; stcwART By LOUIS II. JAFFB iriHLn ambitieu'" mar.ag' rs of boxers j VV nr tceurins the f-ur rerners of rp ivnn New Tr ? ml iTlilrni tl .i.,i,a .. t, fii-.. . , ,,! t.i .., loelbnll .-eil-ll"n e' iterii I'ennjl- il.e glebe, as some folks :, c went te sa.. ' ,nUx lini DiMrJ,.ti i.ir n iieavyuvrnt te sirape up. as ty Tut- ..i.i .,. ,,,., t'.einn.Ar f Clianip'"tiR!iip oeut ill,' miixlt i;iHue ll lie iirvu i"r u r or two n m"'t nelnt as te vhetner the tune had nef iiTive-i for the In- worthy tee fr a MiRhip bout i I ac.ilnst .lael: Dempsey. a I'hilade'phlun , ifime forth te-'a . smiMngl. . v ith the ' en IV" 1miu-; iitiii t.'iii'v . I , !!. .- ,.. I've go? 'in,, llf'sbeen dl'eevcred i' " ' "' ." - l The theiiclit in eme rireles U that (he i 'reatlen nf nrofe-ienal teanm of n high (le-ree of iliiln2 nhi'ity uen'd net p.s u , g eater incentive ter tht amateurs te i '". "" "". "' ",'". '.," " iP'nv a better eaiue und te raise tlie in- wiiinn a jeiir i m K'"j "- i'""-; " dividual p'aylne nPlty te n point where , out a'eiiB the pue'ic highwajs ns man- sem(l f , l,mtcurs ceu'd aspire te I ager of the eoniucrer or vcm wj. leMnin a position as a player en u crack uiiurie u'ii uii-i-., ......... ...., r.nd 1 rii.ln't hae te co te Kurme. like Tacit McAtillftV. te find 'im. The next. world's heavyweight champion is right I litre ir, I'lil'mli-l'diiil. lie i. still criCU. . I litmw. inn he's going te develop and j en- thu-liihtii' and bubbling ever with pnde. had the tlem "Thif battler, who Ii going te knock Perr'-iv ter a niw of red i-ress tent ,i.'i- iV- end of mL'.'i. Is nn'v n iy. II's jiht passed his majority, 1" a ilx ilx ilx foet.r. Im- n reach of seventv -three In- ; e- and w-ccIin mi'y 1T1 pe-iim-. Hut in aimther year the bid v.nl 1 b g?er anil itrer.ter and then well, all I have te sftv i- tiiut Pempsey will have te Keep ' '. guard high and hlmseit tt the fleer." Sta-tcd a-s OS-Peimdei' 1 Ad Stene, who wan chriMened after the man who nte the flr-t aip'e, nroftsienal team 'iTiar this n-"ninerit ha" n certain de- rree of snundnein is ev'dcnced by the fact t'wit the plavcrs In the major league baseball teamnaremcii wh havewerVed their v.n up from hojheod te the miner Vagnei a.nd from thence te the n.ujer leagi;--. .1 iiue.tie'i in (hit conie-ctien arises li"t'UT. hi te whether tlie playlur of the soccer game is se general as tn en us" the development f a suffiiientb large number of geed n'avcrs te form the i.iccsstiry number of teims requisiti Three Pcnn Players en Stewart's State Eleven Ueuglai Stewart, coach of the Pcnn soccer '.tains, ha; plnced three Bed und Hlue players en hU A'l State Interee'leglute League cloven. His selections follew: Paul roil T.ifr,ne llaln.M ... i MM f'l.'hr.ck lint rter.1 Cniilr . it fulll'aek.IVnnsy'.-nnla While r:aht linlfhaek an thmer" Themua .. .-m,r lHlft-nclt .Havrferd Cartpr ... .Ii-ft haitbaek. .Kw-thmen Camii'jel! .. enidlde risht.l'ennrylvnn1. lf9 . . . !t1Ji r:slit..renii:lvanl' I'e-nnnlti . '"nTer forward.... lh',-.:i hlddaiEh .. licMe left... L.'ifvett Ciownevfi .... utlda lctt. .Svvarllur.ere By SANDY McNlBLICK A DEAL of dlscuoslen at the annual meeting of ihe Women's Oolf As As As nocintlen of I'hl'ndclphla. held this nmrnlng In the llcllevuc-Htrntferd. cen tered around the ndontlen of a uniform basin of hnndicapplng. , The system used by the Western Wemen'H Oolf Association hnn been ap proved by the local commltlee. which follews: Nlrn. Fred L. Hardine, chair man ; Mrs. (Icersc &. Munson and Mrs. C. H.Tiinderbcck. IJefore the meeting Mrs. Harding gave out n ceny of the method ns sent te the clubs. It fol'ewfl : "Players shall glve their five best scores made In regular play with op ponents, nnd signed by 'paid opponents, te the Handicap Committee of their Club. "The iiieda' linndleap should be com puted by subtracting the women's pir from the average of the five scores r.nd taking four-fifths of the result, n frac- tlen of u half or evor te count as n stroke. "The scale for the 'women's par' et j earh course if te lie figured out ns fel-1 lows : ' He'es. 175 vardi or under 51 I I Heles. 1 ii te ;'.' vards 'l Heles-. IVSi te -150 yardsn R H'des, -iriO te r7fi vards llo'en, mere than 075 T '. "Fer example, the par of a course Is I f!-t. according te the nbive. and n I iinye-'fl five best scores arc i(5. lOe. 07. !il.1. IHI. total 4M. The average would J he flO 1-5. or twelve ever par. Four fifths of thnt Is II .1-5. The fraction If innrp.rhnn n lmif1 en n i.trnl:r 1u fiddrfl 1 making the player's handicap 10. i Match Handicaps ' "Malch-p'ay handicaps shall be, three-fourths of the mcdal-p'ay hand!- eapi, one-half or ever te count as u itreke. i i "In handicap matches against par the fall nicilal-play handicap te be given. "In mixed foursomes one-half the combined handicaps tliall he given, pro vided this half does net exceed 1.4. 1 "In medal -play competillen.no ban-j j dicap ever 18 will be given. Kaeli club I handicap committee will figure out it' I 1 own players' handicap, the ntw hand! caps te be sent te the district commute. before October 1. 1022. u'hj any name te be emitted or new names te be added te the list." On the bottom of this data. Mrs. Harding wrete: "The 10KJ handicap lUt will be pub'lshed by May 1. and PIPES REPAIRED Thoroughly Cheaply BITS FOR PIPES OF ALL MAKES STERNERS CIGAR STOftB 20-NIZST. NAT ii tii & TION A Catherlne SU. - lUTUUllAY KVn JAN. 2RTII MAYO vs. COBB MAHONEY vs. CHIP' KT WAGNER vs. WAGNER JACKSON ve. GIBBONS SALVADORE vs. DONNELLY All-yt r tSh'ir nt the Peiulr rrlce nrrvnl FentH, 81.80, $1.00. Adrn.. C0e 20 per cent discount taken off your sales check when you pay Sweaters V-neck pullovers. Shawl cellar coat Fine clastic knit coat Ladies' Shoes Men's Shoes , Rink Skates Heckey Skates Nothing Charged During This Sale Meney Refunded If Dissatisfied Marshall E. Smith & Bre. l'Iliririxr(Kt) ' Men's Furnishings 724 Chestnut Street Athletic Geeit, ReiC. DU. Ye Trices count. Pay 8.00 1.60 6.40 12.00 2.40 9.60 7.00 1.40 5.60 nd Shoes 9.00 1.80 7.20 10.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 1.00 4.00 5.00 1.00 4.00 :i FRENCH.SHRINER & URNER ninth street and Columbia avenue, but ' the penernl public asain failed te no- I .NT.nie the effort, the team n.-insid out ! "1 . ..." .i. V.. '.. .i.i :...' and inttre-r j ,e.-e-r fell te a ery low . .,.;,. iinnihenn chairman v that lime , , . , ... A, I must play scratch in the tournaments." ' M''"" tll4't4li, iitv i4IJll WillUf bb. Ily Deep "Secret" The term "regular play, with oppo nents" required explanation and the time when the new njstein would co Inte effect was a'se stated iIiIh morning. up asain una ini nttulncil itH jirexent eiKirmeui growth, net enlv in INillu Ic phiii l.ut in tlif United Stjiten gen-, orally. The in.i-Men as te whether the came has stitrieicutly ktewu in the public interest of professional teams is ntlll a meet point. , Th- AmerJean Snver T.ngue was erRiinizi-d last fnll with eltflit teams of mere Minn ordinary uhililj, tlie tenmb hWni; ercanUi'd in Phi udeltdiia. N-nv tort, llroekl.Mi iTeihlsl, rawtuchtt Idhlsieii. This will he the fourth and (J. and l Ceat-'. Kail Itiver, Hei- ca led th "A60Clati"U ("up" DIviMeu. oke I K'lli'rtil WinH. f llurrtu.M. Knvnr.'il fr.iu.iK liiiv,. nlml!1 t'm nil. und .Ifrsey Cltj (C.'ilici. jinissleTi, some if thun bdntr I'ottstewn. I With th- i-xceptlen of the .Tersev Tiedvfrrlii. tJulnh Millt. I'lyinutith and ' Cltj ti'niu, which has lind te drop out nes-sildy another team from the Cricket en aereunt or creuii'l (lilliculties. the viue. incre nie tcven new tcaniH in Semi-Annual faerably rcelved in llosten and else- , wliere, with the prospect thnt it will be ' adopted nil ever the country. I A very, very dcen secret was un ' earthed when team matches were dls- rtiMed and there was premise et another SALE is tt tli.-v ttifti-nttrT a' Liinli ft uprtf nihlnnn ' leaeue. maier or otherwise. There it teams hine playwl their Karnes en the,aU no doubt that there are a fireat mnnv j bawball fields with adequate seating ninvim. r., .. ..nitfwi ,imnfiiir (him for spectators and drefsinir nccommeda. the puglllctlc product which Weirmuller wf nre ren"iv professiena b. in that tiens for players. Thy best playcn he'leve ii in tlie hlosneming Adam ha tney roeclve compensation for playing were gotten together and no trouble or hail only eighteen bouts ns ft pmiee,- ( nn teQraSi either In raenev or its cqulvti ent. Bome nave positions in pliinf or organisatiens at geed wagCM s.mp'y because th?y arc geed player? , reiiulf'd fr n team put In the fiei 1 ry !.. rganizntien nii'i" 'ig su:' men. Conditions C lunged This rendition was cc- i. ...ei. dur ing fh' nor, but is new. n a lnrgi exteu:. elimintitcd, owing ve vh'- ehnng'' n trad,, conditions. The promeur i of tli American Soccer Li-amie had in mind the elimination of this sort i'f nEuede amateur and converting him into nn out-and-out professional player. Se fur ns the teamH In the American Soccer League are concerned, they huve auictedrd. but there ate be.levcd te he w-mc team which still have m-h puuede Tem Thorp Give l'p O filiating for Cearhine 'pOM TllOni. 'e old ("elumhn tar a:-d fe..tliuil eClclal, hat, signed X three-year enntrne te coach New Yerk I niveriy lie will take chare" of thh team next fall. This mean ihut Thorp will net be cen au nn eiTcial in the big football Carafji next season, and his less will be keenly fe't. He stand' out as one of the vfcry best umrirei the rame has eer se n and CRtab'Ished quite n reputa tion. !, lie was fcnr'ed and Impartial, intlict.ng rna'tles whn they wer,. needed nnd his judgment never wa qur. n.d. He would detect and penal wt foul Jactics en the goal line as well a-, ii tht rj'Jdl.; of the field and often bus IBbCI) away winning luuiiiiimwi' LaHt year in the Ynlc-II.ir.-ird trie )Cl'10(l. Tlie referee wa" ! r ' iivlar ntarldng In tin Held hi. .w tig 1, ' .int. Committed. i'llclding by Ilarvnnl," aid T. .jrt. 13: the lfnc." Then, turning te Captain Kauo, he 'aid t te uq mere caretui lie poi etl a t U'li'iewn. I'l d'd the lieldii g. Mr. Thorp, and am sorry," said Kane. J'hat proved tha the n".ji!r v i right nnd his decision-, ate cot felb t.J p-iennl. after boxing three yars as an amntet,r. heu in "all -for-glory" .onpeti .enpeti rinn St"'i.- started his list Hinging a-ree- a- ., '.'s,. rounder. That w.'s ,-. 11.17. and cr.idurlly Adam lmreiei in nnlrdur-".-. ippenring re-p"'ivelv in l.an'r.miveig.r. featherweight 1-sht-weight, v.. -.tweight. luUldbw.iglt .nd ti-iiU'.y light beavju-ciligt rumm-. I.atr Ad showed his real fighting spirit ! .-r.rel'lns In I'nch S.ti s gknt battling forces, but I' go; ever seas with a regiment In the 1 lsnty- first Division Field Artl lerv a little I tee late te get Inte the actual warfare While with the American expeditionary (forces it. France Htene took part in '. , . .-i... r,.i ,iu mnnv d ftereiit and 'distinct g'evemen heard the chirping of amateurs in their rniikb chippies alter ceuininu ui-.. 1.... hills vith right-handers from Al New Marine Oi, heing returned tn the I'nlted .-stat. --tone was 1-onen.l it'--fharged. usited the fe'ks l henre in l'ers-.n . N. .1.. und laffr half n ;! wn ,.t, in upper Ntv Jey Ad aKalde-.-,1, . n. I..10111H a ral fighf-ijt man. se hf jein.d the Un.ted Sta;. . Marli.es. Vew Ad fteuc is heated .. Insue Is'aid It was there that ( harley Weirmuller ui.earthe.1 th- man whom he thinks will dethrone C.iampimi nempsej. Charley tins Ad working out .' uv under the tute'age of Lew Segal. i i ' also ts trainii.g Carl Ilartineu. 'and Weirmuller think .teu "get it," reeunltiB the ge.xl if' nnlv u llf'i' wh'.'c before Stene vdl be ready te 'hew V l'hiladelphiu audiene Miller. s h' pi ' pur- I ten th" fn: v .il i' themselves that I am tbn urIi i.. M ni. expense spared te put a geed class of i football en the field. That ihe teams hie played a high-grade of soccer n adm'ttcd by all irhe kneir, and tht I'hihtlvlphiu ttam has Ifn thr nrt eet .lUtcut hi .( playinn. as i shei ,i ey ita standing in the league. IYmnuters Lesing Meney I nfertunatcly the lucnl team wra fro!,!'- thrninli tl nlninn ii.J..ni it tin1 tr. O'" ' ..... ...1- . ..-.i .v ...... l '. -v - ... ... -. . p'ii Te'lds ( Hroeltlyn ) n ihe national 'Country Club team this year. eha'leiige cup cempetith n and wa j 1 "My resignation at the Cricket Club beaten. Curleush enough. Tedda has does net take effect till after the team i lest each of the four gauitM : hna since I matches will be ever, she said, " and I played Mra. Geerce S. Munson will desert the Merlen team te lead the Gulph Mills squad in action. The new division will have some very stvenj p'ayers. The "leagues" are new the Philadel phia Cup. the Suburban Cup, the Wal Wal l.ngferd Cup and the Association Cup. Mrs. Vant'crbeclt Stays Mr. Vandcrb'ck. N-. 1 of the riillo riille lelii.iii Criekit Club first team, which wen hi "major" championship las' jear, laughingly denied the. rumor t lint she we'ild net play en that team this jeer. It was ?ald that she had resigned from the Cricket Club and would lead the i I I J v3f L .v V tl mmtm MEN'S SHOES All Fall and Win ter mode's includ ed in this sale. Fer a real money imvinp; investmen in h i g h Ki'adt men'j tliees this senii-nnnunl salu cunnet be cqualecl. We advise an early selection. STORE AT 115 SOUTH 12TH STREET Notwithstanding reeecr played by the the high grade of teams In the expect te play en the Cricket Club team r this year." ': Last season Sirs, vaniicrbccit was ssnnaaiBBii S stuff before n crlmud Weir- .r a ht-'H '''. able te see ter iiu- ten-T-ii.B in." tlul gud tret1 lie ki 'iu i the giimr thorough! t "nd hrn'lt' t-irn w.t i fie ) ort f mi i !'('. VIKCIMA IMVKHSITY ImsuJ.q.i.a u.e fn -h nan ruie lies, wUl, Ii j. .i 'tip in the rih' mrt timi. Thi will sue Ueufttn hirers tin- same s.anrt ms as ,.Hi, r Mi' ,ianm ai.d the w.ll gam morn rccornltlen In the tuturv. Me--t of the creilit for this meu- gees te H A. HtiMlfbti"" illreiti r of ath'efes. Stuii'bury hus d'ne nmn- tuwurd developing UiiPs'rcai teams at West V'rginln thun nnv et'e' individual. Copyright, 133!. dy Tui .. l.idjtr Company SPHAS DEFEAT ST. NICKS IN SECOND-HALF RALLY Downtewners Meet Crescent, Fermer Brotherhood Champs, Tonight nn. dr.nth IMi'liid. mhin Hebrew As- 1 IU" k-J' - uneliltieil bl-kifbttil wlnnii-K niak ,.i ,i. .. "? 'Vi' ...:iJ Vt M.Ls 1 .1 .r half iruiiii lime. I'." I'rofctiienal lecccr is net a new iMtte in the I'ni.ed Statct. If the jn-eamt time end for jf'jri pant there has bien in S't. l.euU a four, tram jirofensienal league, irhtrh hca lirrn tfg mtreemfui, and pi npU Ml .'A, Ka.it have very little tdia e'f lirU it 'nip i held AO'Vfr h'l i In ,s-, luuif.' Ait a matter e; fa't. ,t run I'hilauclpMa clnte. In the mim l.re nf players In proportion tu the population. Mere than twenty years age the baue ball magnates, believing there wan raenev in profesMenal soccer and an opportunity for using their fields bo be tween beusens, created nnd pul.ed through for nearly a season a four team league, In which was included nr.ieticiillv nil of the crack ulascrs then In th. Fast. The general public, hew-I evtr, failed te appreciate the etierts et tlie baseimll people, and the league died a natural death. Athletics Tried Soccer ' s.:u. jears after this 1 1 - Athletic' Haseliall Club cuiu-elved the idea of putting a professional fceectr team in the lie'd. This iilea developed into u team which played n number of gameu . en the old Athleticb' fwld at IVenty- Aine-rican League the attendance have irankc-d Ne. 1 In rhl'aile plila, having i iit been HiUlcient te pay the expenses ' wen the district championship and the attached te maintaining th. team". Eastern crown. She was net beaten in biiiaries. trave Ing expenses and ground i match play till late in the beasen, huv rents swallowing up net mil the In-i Ing wen the Shawnee arid Cape Muy come but a geed deal of the promoters' tourneys among ethers, bhc also went funds te the extent of -,e. rrl thousand te the bcinl-linal round of the national, dollars in each cate. Many lu.pertant matters were dlt- H.'lrenclnneiH can lie ma-ie ,n tlie wav 'cussed at the meeting this morning after ,.f M.nlnne In i.Mrtfen'nr n.,,1 ,,-f.,ll!nU which thtTO WUS U lUllcllCOll tOr tllO e,- "il Anether Big Sensational Clean-up j liclahi. Scraps About Scrappers the trav, i.g i.nd. gieunil ..p.iiscs t ,-emi extent, lint the ni.iln fie i It that J the public mu-t he cducaied -i ) te flic idea of seeing g... r..cer and some- i bedv must stand the eut'a. et lands ! riurine the r-f ried et education. Takin- , ...f.eI'nnr. "I,n-"v 'k l1.!?K.n"lriJlf', ".' into consideration the fact of tae much I iiUrnl ttnty-r-uhJ maiches hiw in thu greater Increase in ihe pnh'lc interest ' United Htt Nvy. He h tn diichrl In the came and the fact that 1'U tu. treni th rM e uni 1 rrupiired te r-nrw in wie gi'ijie iinuuip nut unit i..is "1- . actlvltlts at local clubi. lll manKfr, terest will continuously Increa.se the , j0hn eate'y. v aite te mstc.i iiecan with prebabilit i that theso who stick It out , Uu.uu' Un-a'. uuring me' jierien in euurniien ami ue vcleiunent will reap considerable from their p'rse;i ranee. benefit Hants and Saddle Y's Krax n'anu teiie appears well plnced in the feature we at New 111 leans today, being a mirs., alTair at one mile. Muiu'iiii.T and Luke .lelin sheu'd fur n'hh keen contention. Nciidiirn nilgiit be dangerous. Horses w.-l' placed in e'her rnci s are: First race IOwp'e S., (V.rte, St. An gellna. Se ein1 Hel. n Atkin Antici iate, Hole. ThU'l Ih-aM, 1'hit Chuichi 1. I'hi'i.ndinr. Fifth - I ml ' Willi Khl Wolfe It tut Tlth a dull tj DehtH' Jlurman. The Kid Bays that ha hai m t llurman en tn dltfrent ocnulei.o and Hebby I.J'l no ciieh of It ulthar tlme. Ne Saininv I'.nrHn la tryirs tu I'.reimraul. u. thlrU W'.lfe-llurmn tilt. Jafk llnlwl, ID; iur.ilr. .ir.d who etalmii ih. Ilghtwt'lrtii ihMni!iitilili cf Atliintl' iity ui.'l M'Uin I "jv u m'lil'i t r-mI t i r I Invasion of Phllndstpnta. Jetifih Hettnberr. I known In HTeriln e'reles ra "Mu'.i," :i Ir.nd' te n.jKh Uaric, with r:i uiiu .iu 1 wtUht N)ld'r lllnf. who rntr.pjted la u luii.'r , of WnitB while 111 il.e strvlce In Texas lb her htel eiin ler mate!"!. lth lRS-peundeia, i. e ferilnw l'litHJ UrMdl" Hlnes In .1 h'h' li.ula of Hay Mlt.'h i. ii lna-peuna pu . ;. i H a i '3-' a M a n M in ei ts Famous AT HALF 500,090 CIGARS l'e Be Sold in 30 l)a., NA-B0CKLISH COST &. CHA:JEY AT OLYMPIA C ' I . K O. Persen will Tickle Carlsen at Bread Street Club ft,,n Plinn... lifts he, n rntitelutl v. itit h ,. "1 . . ,. Vt Harry uurpen, m iisun. n-r cigi.; l'nuds or lens in tl. mnin bout nr the ;'u)mplt) next Monday iile'ht. hi h. DOUt HI IUIS c.iy, e lianey sreppe, Hart, of Cleveland, a pretege et Kiluane. ny juajcett, or xxctr xerif ana I'-fv Wallace, of th' city, will square off In the semi-flna' of elrht rounds. Jee C'aney will face Jee Hitejile. Tl'e -wirings fe- et''er Ixiuts are mjns Cester is. Chick Kansas and K. O. Leenard s. Keddy Jucksen. Anlyn C. C. Wante Games '. . i in.-i i" .u n i . i" i P.-siM .aj trivi irtf LuifMt.a ' : ar ,, ..0 i.a 'e ar-rr-gi aann i i.i.'i cut-uf-tewn taama. auch l'au'tx.r .saiam Old Oak. National I'anidin iieiy .Mint ana uriaaetei v iinm? Kimef rneiun irei in 1" ti. Hrttn-r, -jijh .veniOtree' tflll'l ceiit.n I j tr:i .1. .-tiiie (h t,, :u H: M.Ls 1 d ... H. n,,. s'i..n ii in a tr.r s..".' n.us Klet. till ll.l. kl'e l'as.etl, wl.. wen unable te make the trip. N-wiiiiin .uinpcd eiiter and Sehwnrt.. of the p (J ."e II team. plu.l at terwaril. He was the star of the gnnu tarteil u second -half rally thai f r his team. wi.ii iih- shore hevs ahead at ,(0. Sehwarta scored two neiu geais im im "ew.'d by two-p nters b. Newman nn I slack that gave the S, .it the lead. Tonight at New Auditorium Ha'l, .v'ventl s.ie.t nr,d Snjder menue, the .'.e.Ml'iiWi cr., t.y Crescent. 'Ihe former nump.eu , et 'he llroth llreth llroth Ci.eixl Lengui h.is Its usual treng l.ne up, 'oLipenil et' V M ( A i!-iers n 1 ' L; Heap, the siar sccr. i . el.nir t Atlantic A NSWIMt te quer e St Nn he as Jr an I weu 20 te .Aiiinl-. Chirliu. , lt.il libs I.. Sitl.--'Ne, Sandy Heek' H.'inist Kncj. Ler na .Ies , Ymniz Is net a golf pre and is net related ,Artani s- M'ut'.i- Anna Callup, ri rhiau - 1- IV'Tl'riiiii-iii te Marcus iioeh. y r , HuMin.i-!.. , .Uarg.av, Na 1 . it,:, i Thritt tlVcJ'. .Sfert: tcii Ke le . A'i.s.h. .'i nnd Haiim, (,.ei ..,.,k..,,, ,.,..1 .icj-f tree, ijeu icilJ AuttlW., t.i.l'..ii-Ii i . Third Sun It ,.... 1,111ft. FrasiMi'le. Liii.i.iii... I'eurili - Litt' " " e a Our Dallv (iiiesslng Contest Uliat gatne Is calletl ceu.t tennis? Hddie Iteusch wants $.11,000 for play Ing three year; Want Ad. 77iif European champ nan certainly play billiards. Cenli, though? Si'Twh are natural! well verwl In faoii.1 faeii.1 tuilty. r. u ,'cerc lieiinv Pempsvy, Fulton trill ehange " 'l"( mind. mpsv, alu probably his i Pnrlf. 'Tflatni vtihlns a pi teuc! '& ri.. nt some tiremliiciit himlicrv BTHntNO I-ICTURKS 01' P0PB I CiUe ' llr,' 'Jr V, Uebt' New nd unuiusl photearapha of the lata . ... i i Pone Ilndlt't ureetina I' naae:pnia atie-1 Ueds Will have no DCU " tyssi. uui. tlen will appear In Itotearavuro ntler I t. i1lrTn ,v,t CeUCbf next QuaJy PvUC Z.iiess-viJv. ''anyllOW, tuej VO Si eeueur Jllacl. iset'(i, .irill'ie -, llltlefunsen. fifth Miiuihe .lumhe, Haru'ey, Aji Aji prevnl. Sixth Harry M. Stcuis, Hib. Ller, Tellx M. riin ire rrA!y for t harlnr ef the liee Anti Italni; Hill, wlrh will he hld te rrnrre" it SVinkf it Ky If ei ictd Dei hi I wen d it v all mclriK In Kentuiky The henriiic will .-irduftid ! the Commltlee in Judti l'i'v n. l.iv bll n'. en v reeain tin i r eit e "'in 'Hen i la it , .. te i,'nitlnn it "u.ri-ii m'u' i .d rien.li i 'i wash rir-r-.ii tnj St.y I J'l.'i c,ii nH,',n ij.. I Wilt fj" l-IUO.' S.-.l't.., I ,il hI irn 11 I'. 3 1 "i.e 1 I" si I I I t . I (. le'K in Ki,y rili. Ij .iv. t w ni. .. wAHtrn n "i i i U ' ivii.... I i. t arm 1 i ' ' v ii"r ly ur. 1. r .ve !. Iu it ii ' "i" mi i il..j Li jiin .era wi e.lv. i J'lt or Koiuucle , no. by lnw, but by mltn- . ' u.e Statu r.nclrin Ce nr. laslen. T e il.lnn I Jl Intrudu.cd in lfnl mi,i whlvh nt in.t .-v, 'hut jear irebind raetnv cdTimliifleii of fliie in, te l 4r Jointed by the tloverne. te l ju'h r'i evn. Mj. race riAli I "Ily" WrlflfT I'.uh Lis uir lutti. r TranUe K O. hm'ih. IVid Ilslney anil Tnushey iJUBar. .n nrt-rsra ci.na.tlen nr bouts in their rtepecttve ciatnta. Smith nntu ti hook up in Louts v!"i Jehnry Me .ly anl iuLrh Darrctt. Die MrIi ieat bexir.s .ilae !.au tit nn '. .li ut ih" uljnnpla e'liit. and birir.ii,i; .nli licit Monday nlchl, pricm of bdm aaien till ! from H ri j. Kii.trt te $1 ,'0. The rn nn.ifru vUn te I. "ip "uu i.i ei. the umjal ral i llir of litnl.-el.ian telei.t. Peilre Ci'inpn. th IMliiim, win V.e en the I nM linen for abeui th-f wetks. lis la tuf ' ferinL- with an Injured ear. M'rkr Merrl. rutrtd llttle lilahman from ' Wllmlna-ten. will show t thj Crmbrta to morrow night. H wll. clanh wl'h Jimmy llaxtrr. of ICnlntnn. In the mi nn te the Veupe Mulllifan-l'inrity Ute matih Pre. Ilmlt.rli- JeSni.vP.inrn vu Phl'udrlpliia joe W'lllrni Jm Martin t Jtininv i:jKn an! llDl1 t,ieil i r. cuv Ai'jetcri . REGULAR WHOLESALE A manufacturer forced te sell makes thia Hale pe:,sibk These- clfi-arH have Sumatra wrapper and clean, long lluvnnu lllle-i' of o-clu.ive merit. 10c sizes 5c 2-fer-25c sizes 4 for 25c 15c Straight sizes 7c each 52'40 'T50 $2-75 50 ,$3'25 50 I'hlliilrliiliUi Jee Wflllnr v ,1 Kjoear In M f. eii I l"Ut I i two i kMh in tHkl: ,n ,,e.,rs Ituittll r. i .'itiur i I Is'iit jt ti.e Au.'lt rlum KdUu HaUa eun I nv Huk'r in ihe n'l tnhr Inula Iv.i I. i,.i i, Ten.mv Tener, 1'rnnlile biimine' s. we. He llll, Kddle Kan v. Joe Kid Wllneti und JaeUlt Willlimn . Jack Kid Hants, i Hilly Meer. We.t PhltadjlrhU feath.r-, H weight, U out vflth nehallenB'. j fielb we ' een or anv ether lZO-peuiulci ' rjl IS B ft, M n IM m a at u ta M M H Our Stere Has Been Enlarged te Take Care of the Vast Throngs That Have Made This America's B.'ggest Retail Cigar Stere Near Hreatl St. Station entrance Alse at 13 Seuth 15th Street 14 and 16 Se. Bread St. I ii 14 e" t . L I . A i" M t,., nut-Ai.,,. .nfB v&M .1 -, . ,,.. ?