u. v.- -r rK if r cteZ" EVENING PUBLIC LfeDGBR-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JAWtiARY 25, 1922 S3 MUNICIPAL BONDS YIELDING 7 Sf.tir. T".-, . in V"r V. W. MILLS & CO. Pterk r-trh'n Mdg.. I'bll tilrlithlaj Financial Briefs .1 i Z . - ViXLiXi WJWS. axjnu I istwwie.v I lJV& J , . .... . . ... . V....1.1I. PI' li iki ? At I mil -7 utaaie; it luni mh rii - i w i mun v 9 C"0' PPE RS Clients following the 1921 recem- rnendatien p,f the Babson Sery Ice en copper metal and copper ' mtnrkn already have a nreht nf XJ U, nnmMn:... .l OOOr . UDKHTV Mt'TUAI, 1N8IIIIAVCK TO. HJ0U11 uic luiiiu-uuny clliu Otye rhnei IiflrtiM 0970 20J2 He. IStti Bt. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE en the security. Yet statistics r . i i7. -n T Indicate that-the bread up-swinK- Antral National Dank jia9, jUSt Started.- ..., , of Philadelphia - . rl 1.....C. , 7J.m vneeuiut eireet at ruin CjWIi.oewn" iaaiU-Vu-WIWiiC.mUimm laws Reports at n meres-, veur income mar an i ymv fa r Increasing the Income of ever lS.noe i nf tha country' keenest executive i and Investors. Moreover, In following these unbiased lecomtfiendatlens you t tre helping te make belter and sounder , business ler the entire country. ' Adept the Dabson Leng St Inn Method '. -today. It afford a degree elRecurlty ' quite Impossible, te get In any ether way-plus twice the usual return without the risk, worry or less of time Involved In ordinary speculation. ', Write for Boeklet-NOWl A request en your letterhead will brina vGithnstht Afetl from YeurMcntyn and copy of recent report. Kratls. . Tear out the Meme mew and hand ; It te your secretary when you dictate i, tha morning's mall. '. Mtrely Alk for Beehlti 31A2 ! Dabson' a Statistical Organuutlen ) Wtlleilev Hills, 02, Mais. (Suburb e( Hollea) f Larft OrmrttaUm tflu Otarruttr in (As World mrquiiuuiuiilllllilnu W Clip Off Here BtnimmtrarJl Frederick Peirce BONDS O " INVEST ren 3C VO. mf.nt 1181 CWrstnnt Street. Philadelphia FINANCIAL TRANSIT COM. 30-VI1AH 0 1M1.II I4T MJK- II III). II imilUllOUUItulll n Meme SX? ( Write Reger W. Babson, president of Dab ann's Statistical Organization. WrllraUv 'Hills. 82. Mia follews: Please send .rns. uoewec n ,ea Fnm Ynui Find copy jrepert fl Isiiaiiiiiuiiumiiininiuiuiiiiiiinimimiiiiuiiiuiuiuiiuiiuiiniiiuiiiiiii SSSBrvVfl iratis. LWingJiatauBir-5 riiii.vi)i;t,i'itiA KAi'in I'ANV nO.YP.AIt B IMlll 1X1 riLI (ilM.ll IIIIMI1 N'etlca i hrreby Riven thnt, tmrsuant te he Slnklnu Tund provlalen' of the abeva rnfirlcntc, ilaieO March 1, 1013, preurxala III he reeehert nt the rritm of the Cem- irelal Trunt Company, Truitae, Cltv Hall ouern, Philadelphia, for tbe inle te the rruntce en March 1. 1023, Of A aufflclant numler of lenCi le consume (he rum of JI.10ii.3S new In the Plnlcln Tur.il nt n rice net te exceed 101 pr cent ana accrued interest. The rlKht ta rtacrved te relct any "r all propena a In while or" In li'irt. ..j;r0 eni nheuld be ftaled nnd marked 'Pre; eiial. for the ale u( 1'hllnile phla llapld irnnalt Cenrnny tO-Y nr ft Pr Ce- Stnklnj Pund Qeld Henda. ' and b preaer.wd te the indcralKned befere IJ o'clock pem., Thuii- lay. IrLMinry 2. 1022. ..... cemaiuksia:. thus? cempant, rrttiBTKi: Henry C. Qlbaen Trenaurer riillndnlphu. January IS. "122 or AM Kit illll.T-(IOIJ) , An essential t te success ta ia the stock market, as in any line of business, is familiarity with its customs, methods and terms. Send for copy of i "Trader's Handbook" a handy reference book let covering the impor tant points that you sh uild knew about trading in the market. Jenes & Baker aa "informa "inferma "informa lien headquarters" 'for New Curb Market securities, will be clad te anewcr In their Beard Reems, by telephone or mail-any questions en raiding. Jenes &. Baker MmbCTj New Yerk Ciab hdarlxt Direct Private Wires Niw Yerk Cblctja Boiien Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA OITICB VVidener Building TVI-rdinnm flM ' ' LeCUSt 4730 XIephonea.KeyJtene . TUce iB6l BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building; Telephone l'laia84Jl IM: iNAMTHIV riIIPAN ica" bi.x rut crT. r U'.t shit: (i r. t nvTY-i ivi; ywak ponds in i; makcii l, iui. Notlce v, hereby nUen that pursuant te ' ie terma of fin Indenture of etBa:e, 'latfd March 1, 1018. J2.DO0 00 of aald bends "umbered 71, Oil. 104. 107, have en drawn 'ir rcdempt en by the S'nklni Fund ut par rid accrued Interest aa of Jfirch 1. 1022, hen all interest thereon aliall caaae. The nbeve bends with all unmatured ceu- nna attnclied ahuuld be presented for pay nent nt the em.ee of the Truitea en or after Mnrrh 1. 11122. llOYKHSIMItU THl'ST COMPANY Truitee. Itoyeraford, Munteemrry County. Pa II. F GANDi:n, Treairer. P"1' Ttnrrfe-rt. Ta . January 18. 1022. Ktit'vwnt'Kn rei. emipw iikst MeitTOAfiK n pr.u cknt iidmi iiends N'ollce In liff'i) glen thnt, pursuant te the Slnklnsr Tund pretlrlen of mertBaE tinted .Tnmnr 2 1011 pnpeila will be rereled nt the efflre of Commercial Trust Company. TrtiKtee. Cltv Hall Pnuare. Phlla delnl In, for th rale te the Trustee of a nfllcltnt number of bands te cninuine the urn of I'M) 2(11.(111 new In the Slnklnc Fund nt a iirlce net te exceed 1"2W per cent nnd n-r'inl Interest. The rluht Is reannei) te re'ect nny or all propesala In whole or In pnrt. Propenli should be aenld nnd marked 'Proresnla for the anle of Khenaburi Ceal Cempnnj Tlrat Mertirace llends" and tw prcnented te tha underslitncd before 13 o'rleck neon en Tuerdny. January 81nt, I II 22 reMMr.nciAt TntTar company, Tni!3TV:E Henry C. Olbsen. Treinirer TWIade rhla. Jnnuary IB, 1022. MrTIC'K TO IIOLfinil. rtOCKlllt.I, COM, & IKON C FlltS r i. COI.I-ATr.ItAI. TRl'ST MOUTH (JK Oe. ITnder the Inklni I'jml prevision, of the meitK.HKi siAlid urenn.ala will be reculjed until n ! M Vehrunrv II 102'J nt the ntflca of The Pun ivlMin(a Company for Insurances en me.i nmi urnntinK APnume.. irusiee, for the aale te It at the leweet price net exceed ni; 102 nnd accrued Interest of an many bend, as l!i 0H0.2H will purchase All moDe.uls Bhuuld be uddresned te the under THi:' PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR IN Ml KANUhti U.N L.lVLiH UUA.TXWU ANNUiril.S. Trustee. M Chesmut Ft . Phlla .Pa. Propeunls for lilnklnic Fund lleckhlll Ceal & liiinCii." i1xnStf8ffir iSa LET US MANAGE YOUR COAL MINES Secure for your mine the profitable benefits of operating methods tested and matured by 38 years of ownership or active control in virtually every field. Yeu arc assured of efficient, effective and economical operation through PEABODY Operating Management Because we have at our dis posal the constantly (ncrcas tna wealth of data en tninina conditions, cost Items and sale problem which grows out of our extensive manage rnent operations, wc can economically give nil our cli ents a service which would be prohibitive te the nliifilc owner. Write for descriptive booklet. cenn, cempan reundtJ 1S3S 331 Seuth Mlclilcan Ave. CHICAGO Offjatint 36 tlttmineut mi'n-i in 11 f till viin annual capacity of 11,000,000 tanl. INLAND COAL COMPANY FIRST MOICT (, X.I, ( OLLAlLltAL TKUbr 0 SLltlAL (.OLD UOMJSi NmiPA in lit rhv clen that, nurauant te the oreglon.. it M.e MertRaKe dated March 1 1017. all bend of the abeve Ihsue out ftandlnK niatur nr Mareh I J023 liave ben auu nre ueicry caiieu ler rruciupiiun en March 1. 1022 nt 10114 and accrued in reBt te that date .... The bends culled with nil unmatured r upena attached ylieuld La preset, led fur pnjment nt the etllce of Commercial Trust company. Truaiee Cltv Hall suuare, l-nila- JelluiU. en or nuer .inrcn i. iu.-s, en wuicn ilale all aald bends become due nnd payuttlii and all tnti-rem thi reen will cease, 1NIJVND c AL COMPANY A. N PKHSHINl! liuuaurer. ATll.rON (IIJN COMPANY MOKTl.Atii: IUIM)H NOTICH It) lll.i.r.HY aiVi.N that pur suant te thu .Mnklnu' Fund previsions ut the abevn me teuK" daUil I'ebruary 1, IHU'1. aeiUd liropesu'u for the rale te tha Land Tine and Trunt Cemiinny. T uatee. nt a price net te eici-id 10S nnd accrued In ercat e( a aufllclciil numlier of aald bends i consume the sum of JfitlOO new In Hie nklne Fund will be received at tha efflce f the raid Trualee, il W. Cor. Ilread and h Ktnut mrentH, Phlltde phla, until l'cbru y 10, 1022. at II A. M. illl, LANU lin.1. AND THU3T COM PANY, Trustee yyM. H Nli'!lOL.S0Nu.Presldentl AsKOUIAlKIl (.AS" AND LLliCTUIC CO. Pursuant te the Miikmn Fund prevl.i en . ArticU I of the Irutt AEreemcnt, dated lanuary 1, 1010. t ind between Associated 'I-., uml l.KiirlL I'umpuny and Fidelity Trust Company, Trustee, aealad tuopeaals ur the aa.e te Fidelity Tiuat Ceinpuiiy, irustve. at .1 price net te exceed 10!i of 'iu par Milue the cef and accrued Interest, t a suHUIent number of the six per cent ut i benda lsued under eMd 1'rust Agree lent te tnite up inr rum ui liu.nuuu will rice ved at tne omee ei aim irusleii, 3, .1 until .11 Chestnut atreet. I'h lade nhla, I'tliriinrs 1. 1022 nt 12 e'rlnrk neon FIDLIlllY 1JIT"r COMPANY, Trustee WM. P. QESr. President. I" ind'rhli Jamnry R. 102S ?? thi: AnninlMetlnra ANNIAL AlLLflNQ OF'tMI! - vmirs Wirun's ClnUtlan Aemlti.i nt iiiliideli a will ! luld Metul.ty, J urn. ry 301b. I0. ?' ! !. the Ken- nfmnn liruncn 174 . All'aheny Ae, Tlin linlletlnc for Uie .'lectien nf th rteen ni.mhrra te fi Ue'ird of Dlreotera win be Id nt the IHe Hrnnchej. Membeis will , i ut the nrunch threUBh which they ell '"i'e'Is will 'oepen en Saturday. Jnnuar- -"" "'H,.!- ,'a X0nl M. "d Monday, luiiuaiv .JOtti from " 80 A W : t. )U"U MAHY DeF HAIiaiPON rfRAUY, n?cerdlniaerTetary. K& TIlV. ANNl'AL i:KTIN OIt7T! u37 .,,., uim d.rn of the J. (I n,ni ,ny will I heM nt the reneral ttllce of h" romp-ii i!2d street and Woodland nve . ,....1,1 (,n r.brunry 8. IPS, ut n 'rIeck A M.. for the, election of 3 dlreotera and ue i el'ier bulns as may properly coma , afore aim un'-.i.'.. refur F,D L. OnnTKIt Becretarr. Mrnlnne nnd Uler I Inna . .!.,. t XT 111. I1W?1. .rt.... . K-W AMI.-"-"" """"nil t.liniMY teX Itui m Bl". ,I finer nmi Merch ml Hide, Phllidelphla, January " in"') At the ANNl'AL MRBTINO of the atock ateck , cera of tb Cimrnnj, held tills di the n Inwinit num.' I -ertieimm were duly elected i lecteri tn eru ter tha cnsulnu etrs H..nry 11 Tewna Jehn C 1H t, ViuMU'i I'erle Phil pi, Ninidinif Su HU'-I CttHtn r Jr Nntl'nn Hawuid ii H. Himunda Anithur N Henen l'ln d II tlt-iuPey ml at a suliseiiuent Me'tlnu of the Heard f Dlrctnra the aame dav, the fn ewlna amed Ofl'eeri were unanimously re-elected: NA1-IIVN HAYWAMD President JAM1.9 N. KNIPr Tiaiir' ft 8eertarv Jami:h n knipb. Beer. y DUtilenila IMMEDIATE FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MERCHANDISE f Merit for Cains Manufacturers UJtiH ,11. I . .... .. ?.'. In a Pdsltmn tu vvlihtJ,.,1.n n "'ibatunlUI wuy w"h full particulars m ivauD cu ana uim uue m.iuufac- AUdien i A 828, Li:nni:it arnea i EXPERT BROKFRAGE ACCOUNTA?.r A 8J3; ..mn.f Ul llti. SECUBITV SAL&AiAiN SS -r3 fi!0.:irA-- lir. COMMONS KVl.TH TITI.K INHUR a.ncu and rursr te. Philadelphia, Jan 12, The dlreeter. hae (Ma day deeard a ma'terl" ill "lend nf three per cent, (3). ,.e nf State tnx payable I'ibrliary 10. te it, Uhulilt 'H of reterd at the tloae of buslnaaa jiiniia J', , . ,, , Cliucka will be mailed jamus v. nr.T.rHON Treasurer Ampnre Mining Company Phlladelphla, Janua y 21, Idjj The D mctera have till day deeimi mterly dividend of three prr cent. (.1), (,,,l,lii Vebruiiry 10, I02, te steekhn del. . u.nrd Janunrj 81, 1022, Clucks will Lu ,"0'1 JOini'H a WILLIAMS Trensurer 'till! (IIKAUII NATIONAL IIANli I'lllndelplili. Jail, 24, liijs T'ie Iiinrd nf Dlrertnra has thin day de nied a ii'iarterlv dividend of S mr rent if, pavtble Frbrii'iry 1. 1042, tu stuck' ij'iIith uf ncnrd nt the clbtd of bualnesn ii.v .1 102. Checks will ba mailed. C M. AHHTON. .'Kumar. Artte rtep'e s 2,... 78 1 78 Canadl'n Ntbn ON a rcta 8ALE3 Ihl 110001 1 1.... te.... 8 i.... f. .. ii.... i.... i.... B,.., Canadian N 7a 1.... 110H 1.... 110", l.... ne4 Can'a Pae 4s 100 110 10OH 110 100 no 100 'a 110 new no 78 w 78 V. 78H 78H 78W 78 78 U 78 78 W 78l 78 78 78H 78 78 78 78Vi 78 U 78 hHSt, 88 88H 88V4 88 88 rhlle Cep'r fls a..... 87S 67 V4 1, 3 4, . . . 4 .... . n 6 1 10 1 n l .... . 0, . .. . 8,... 0 08 88 1.... 2 SO 7. . . n 7 a. i... s l. 6... 0... 2... n... 20... n... 20... ft... 10... 1... 10... 10... 11... s... 10... ft... ft .. 87 M 87 88 87 T B8 87 i 78H 87 88 U S3 88 8H 88 88 88 v; 88 W 88 8 S4S 1 01 1 04 3 04 4 04-4 0 04 '4 C... 04 f. 1 04ft 1 04i 10 04H 1 04 1 04t,t i run 4 04 ft D4H 11 04tt 1 04 S B 94H 3 04 1 01 3 OIH 1 04 1 04 1 04i 1 04 3 04 1 01 1 04 ft 04H 1 W4V4 1 04 2 04N 8 04 1 05 4 04 7 04 Ooe't P R -a IS.... inOH, 1.... 100 1.... 1(10 1.... 101 1.... 101 l(sale) 101 ft.... ir,n 13.... 100 2.... 100 14 1.... )neii 10.... 10n a.... mm, 1.... 100 1.... 100 1.... 100 1.... 100 6.... 100 11.... 100 ft.... 100 10m 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Chile Cep'r 7a 1.. 10.. 10.. 1.. n.. 2 1!.' 2.. 2. 10 1H 101 ion, 101 101 101 1011, 101 101 City of llerffen 8a rcta 1.... 10ft 1 .. 103 1.... m 2.... ier. 3.... 103 City Uerd'x 0. 2 82 64 81 0... . 81 Cty Chrla'a 8' 1.... 100 1.... 101 City of Copen Cepen haeen fta 2 88 2 8Si 1 S3 City Lyens (Is 2.. 2... 1... 2... S... 3... 1... 8... 10.. 82 82 82 81 81 80 80 hOVi 80 1 City Mara'a (Is 2.,.. 82 2 82 10 .... 81 2 81 4 81 Cty rtle de Ja- nerle 8a 1 1. 8. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. KInirdem 100 100 100 , 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 City Kurlch 8a 1.... 108 C... 108 Cuba-Am H s 1.... .. Cuban C S cv 1 0. 1.... n.... 1.... Ksale) 1 ... n V.".'. 1.... 1 ... n ... in. 1.. n.. e n.! n.. 1.. 1 . 1 . 3 r, 4 . 1.. 1.. 73V 7R 73 73 7ft 74 70 7.1 73 73 70 7(1 77 70 Sue 74 7ft 73 73 73 77 77 77 7 . . 77 Cuba nallread Ce 7a 2.... 101 3.... 101 Ksale) 103 2 ... 101 Denmark Cen cct A 8a n . . 100 1 . . 107 1 .. 100 Denmark Cen it 11 8s I.... 107 D Canada '20 ft 07 ft 07 D Canada '211 Cuban C 8s ata 1ft 8... v ft 10 1 4.. .. 1 .... 1... 10... 1.. 1 . 3 . ft . 7.. 1.. 1.. 08 ti 8 1)H ll 08 08 08 08 0 (i5 Or'd Trunk ut Can da rcta 2.... 102 4.... 102 1.... 102 2.... 102 8.... 102 1.... 103 Cr'd Trunk of Canada 7a 7.... 110 Jap Qeie't lit 20 87 3 87 1 87 40 87 Jap Cme't .'nl 5 80 1 80 19 80 Jnp Geva't is 1 73 K Belclum t's 1. ft.. 1.. ft.. 3.. ft.. 3.. 00 0', 1)1 P'. fl'. ni 03 K Hsli'm 7 107 107 107 107 107 100 107 100 100 107 K nela'm rets 10. ft.... 1.... 3.... ft.... e 2'.'.'.'. 103 101 10.-.H 10.1 103 105 103 103 Den mark ct fls 3.. 2.. 1.. 3.. 4.. n.. 7.. 13.. i!! r.. 10.. 10.. 10.. 3., in.. 1. 1.. 3.. Kingdom 04 94 04 01 04 94 04 04 04 01 P4 04 lit 01 01 Ot 04 iu 04 Den. mark ct 8a 108 1.... 1.... 1.... 2 l!'.'.! 1.... 1.... 1.... 1 108 108 100 108 108 108V, 108 108 108 K Italy OH 3 03 V ft H3 3 03 2 03 KInirdem Ner way ct 8s 1.... 1(0 0.... 100 r.lsale) 110 2.... 100 I...-. 100 K Sweden 0 2.. 1.. 1.. ft. ft.. 7. . 1.. 1.. 1.. ft.. 1.. Queensl'd 00 00 03 111 01 113 00 0B 03 01 00 Bxt Lean ct 7a 3 1 . 3.. n 1 . b.. ft.. 1. 108 100 100 100 100 100 100 leau rOP Chile '20 D Canada '31 10 .... n 1 '.'.'.'. 3.. .. Dutch IS 1 8 3 8 3 8 1 R 3. .. . 1 Geve't R 7b rci 1 .. . 01 07 07 07 07 I On . 04 . 04 . 04 . 01 . 04 . 04 . 114 . 04 . 01 . 04 French 10.,.. 100 S.... 100 1.... 100 4.... 100 1.... 100 ft.... 100 0.... 100 1 ... 100 R.... 100 1.... 100 1.... 100 10,,,, 100 1.,.. 100 Itep Chile '41 1.... 101 3.... 101 .... 101 1.... 101 1.... 101 1.... 101 1.... 101 2.... 101 4.... 101 1.... 101 1.... 101 1.... 101 2.... 101 Ilep Chile '40 1 ... 100 1.... 100 3. . , . li .. 1.... te.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 8. . 1.... Kop'e of Uru aruay 8a 3.... 104 1.... 104 1.... 104 1.... 104 12.... 104 1.... 104 8 Perte Itlce a 7a rcta 2 08 18 Oft 1 03 State of Sae Paule et 81 2. 1.... 1..., l(aale) 1.... J I I 3.... 2.,.. 1.... 2,... 8wlU'd Cen 8a 1.... 114 1.... 114 101 101 101 101 u 101 103 101 101 101 101 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1 . 3.. 118 114 114 114 114 114 114 V K Ort Drlt & I'd 1922 ft.... 100 IS.... 100 2.... 100 U K Ort llrlt ft I'd 1030 1.... 1.... 1.... 1..., 3.... 1.... 3.... 1.... , I..'.'. 7.... 1.... 2.... 2.... O K Ort 100 100 100 100 100 100 M0 ice 100 100 100 100 08 100 Urlt A I'd 1037 2 08 ft. 23. 10. 10. 1. U 3 4. 0. 41. 1. 1. 1. ft. l(sale 1 08 .... 08 .... 08 .... 08 .... 08 Ilraiil Ka ... 103 ... 103 . .. 104 ... 10( . .. 101 ... 103 . .. 101 . .. 103 ... 101 103 101 103 101 103 V. S Mexico 4 s 21. 1.. 10.. 0.. 0.. 2. a!! 1.. 40 40 40 40 10 40 40 40 U S Mexico 3s ft B3 0,.... 35 IB 30 1(1 30 4 30 u 30 Un'd 8 Mexico Large Ga ft 51 Adame Bxp 4a 4 75 Am'n Arr'c A Chm 7s 1.. 3.. 0.. 1.. 4 1 .. C... 1... Amn N 1 a 1 1 1 .. . n American Itef'K Us 13 0(aale) 20 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 i l n ss . 88 . 8S . 88 . 88 . 88 . 68 Suff 10.., 14.. 0.., 1... ft... 3... 3... ft... 1... U... 10... 10... 1 ,. 1... 1... Am T 1... 10... 2... 1... 1... 1. 03 03 08 .. 08 .. 08 .. 08 . . VH .. 118 .. 08 .. 03 .. OS .. 03 .. no .. 07 .. 118 .. OS . . i!8 .. 08 .. 08 . . 03 . . (IS & T clt .. 80 .. 81) .. 80 .. 80 .. RO 80 A Tel & Tel 3a B. 3.. 10. 1.. n.. 1 . 1.. 03 01 01 01 0( 01 01 A Tel A Tel Ct 4.... 110 1.... 110 1.... 110 1.... 110 1.... 110 2.... 110 a.... 110 7.... 110 3.... 110 'Amer Water Works Sa 4 74 Am'n W F 0a 1 81 1 82 Ann Arbee 4a 02 Armour 4s 88 Atl Const L 7a fl.... 100 A T A B Fe nj 10 80 A T A B Fe 4a 3 88 8 88 1 83 1.... 88 1.. . 88 A Ceaat L 4 3 87 All Ceaat L 4a 88 Atl'e Fruit 7s 3 . .. 28 ft 2H 3 ... 20 20 28 20 20 20 39 104 104 104 104 108 104 103 103 8 3, . . . . 3 . , . , Atlantle nf'f ct 0a 4..,. 8.... 10..,. 1.... 2.... 1.... 1.... 3.... A Powder 7a 1.... 103 Bait A Ohie ev 2 7B 3 70 0 70 1 70 8 70 Halt A O 3s e..,,, 01 .,... 01 Halt A Ohie 4s IS 78 Halt A Ohie 3s 2 78 8 79 1 ft..,.. 3 8 3 1 1 Bait A Ohie ii ft 90 3 07 3 00 1 00 10 00 0 07 B A O P L (I AWVa, 4a l.... 73 Halt A Ohie 4 IV'n 3a 10 88 10 HI B 87 D A O Te! 4s 1 04 v 1 04 Eell Telephone of Pa 7s 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Chi Mil A Fst Sound 4a 8..... 63 Chlcaie Unl'n Sta 4a 3... 1. 00 Chicago Union fltact 0 0.... 114 1 114 Chi A W I 4 2 70 18 71 2..... 18 3 8...,. 2,.,.. 1 3 ft. ... . 1 C A W 1.. 71 72 73 73 73 73 71 77 77 I 7H 101 Ilia Ct'l 4a '33 1 79 111 Cant'l ft Ce 3 90 1,.... 00 3.... 101 111 Cant'l Sa 1.... 109 Int'e Met 4 14 10. c 1 3 a 1 08 10. 14 14 14 11 IS 14 14 14 Int M et 4 1. 1.. 1. n, s. 3.. lesy, 103 108 103 108 108 108 10S'4 Brnden Copper Mines 0a 3 03 2 05 Beth Steel fd 3 03 Beth fittel tat 1 00 B flteel Cs 'Id 2 88 2 .... 88 1 bS 2 87 B 88 Broadway A 7tl Avey en 1 60 B Kdla'n D 7a C... 108 7.... 108 1 ... 100 B L'dl'n Ce 8s, 1 .... 01 4. ... 01 B Cdl'n Ce 6. 1.... 100 B Ilep T ct 7a 1 37 10.. .. 07 B Aapld T 7s S 00 B llapld Tran ct 7s sta 1 65 6 SS BO Bt 10 33 Bush Bld'v f.i 8. ... 88 Cen'l of Oa en 3 .... 02 Cen'l of Oa Us 2 04 1 94 Ctl Pacific let 3 83 3 88 27.. .. 88 Cere de Paa'e Cep'r 8s 1.... 101 ONV 4s'B7 1.... 10B C N Tk 4s '69 10 94 CMtlWi'OJ 6.... 101 ft.... 104 3.... 101 C N T S'71 20.... 101 1.... 104 Cl'd Cln Chi A gm 4s 2 78 Cltv C Chi A Bt LO 0 1 07 3 07 8 07' 1 07 1 07 Cel F'l A t .Is 83 3 82 Cole A S'n 4s 10 01 Cens'd Oaa 7s 1.... 104 3.... 103 3.... 103 Dal A Hud l 0 01 Dal A Hud fd 1 89 Del A Hud 7s 1... Den A 1... 1... B... 1... 1... G... Den A 1... 1 10,..., 13 ie 1 8 3 10 Intb'e n 0 fl 8 3 ? ! 1 31 6 S3 2 8 8. 13... 12 13 12 13 12 12 12 12 T I 02 82 02 02 02 2 C2 02 02 02 02 62 02 02 02 112 .. 112 . 113 .. 113 . 113 . 113 .. 112 A O fd ...04 1.. 1.. 1.. 0.. e 1.'. 1.. Ches 1 . C A rj OV 4Vi 3 83 1 .... 83 1 .... b3 1 .... 83 Ches 4 O cv Bs 1 80 1 80 2 88 3 .. . 80 1. ... 81 1 . . . 83 Chi A Alten 1- 1 30 1 30 8 30 1 30 1. ... r.7 Oil A Alt 3a 11 38 3.. . 33 Chi A N W'n Sa of '87 5.... 103 C H A Q 0a 1.... 1.... Fle'a IS Count nty 4a 1 83 Oena'l dec 3s 3 08 iGena'l L'lee Is 1.... 10.1 2.... 103 1.... 103 4.... 104 Goodyear T n .,K. .. .m i- Anmnl Meeting A.N.M VI. Nir or mi 1 11M. or tu TDK III'VliViiMliN jfPHII' ND llltmn TOI' MOT'NTAIV HMI.IKIAD l COM. rOMPVNY will be held at iht erke of the 'empn v 811 H. 10th t. P a pnia. en Tiiee It ('tletlc 000a, W htld for directum ii phla. en Tiiesedny. February 7, 1019. 2 (tlelc 000a, When, an election will 114 or jaircaerp jer ins ai.neing year. We Want Offering Commercial Trust Ce. Stock Philada. Nat. Bank Stock BARNES & LOFLAND 117 H. 4TH ST.. PIIIT.A,, I'A. Tel. I'lmban) 4171 EV30RR6S J. ROOT Certified Public Accountant Lafayette Birildinar, Philadelphia lvA 100 10 00 100 100 100 108 Sa '31 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71' 71 W iv 00 00 00 00 co 01 2 ni 7 Bl Chicago Mil A Bt Paul 4a 1 74 Chicago Mil A Bt I- 4a 23 1 .... 71 1 71 3 .... 71 Chicago Mil 1 HIP ev 4a 1 01 1. ... CAY Chicago Mil A aiPgn4a 1. . . 81 Chicago Mil t St P cv Ba 2.. .. 03 Chi A Nth Wn rm nta 1. 81 C A Nwn 3e - 7T c It I A 3 3, 8 1.... 1.... I ... B . . 1 . . 1 . . C A IS I 8 . . . 3 0 .... 1 .... 1 1 3 1 B 4 0 3.... 7.... 3 re 32 1 1 3 a 3 B 1. ... 10 10 Chi & a 6 1.. .. 1 10 1 e 103 n a fd ,. 40 .. 46 .. 40 .. 40 ,. 13 ,. 45 It O ! . 78 ,. 73 Den A n O 3s 8 70 Det Ml Sa '33 2 0.1 1 03 Det Edl 0a 10 1 92 Det Bdl Ce 0 1.... 100 0.... 1011 1.... 100 Det Tun' I la 1 81 Det u n mi 1 ! 1... . 01 D Match 7s 1.... 100 3 . 100 D de Nemours Pwdr 7s I.. 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 Brie Oenl Lien 1 11 Brie 11 Ce 4s 4 67 11 .... B7 1 87 Flslt nub'r Ce 8a rets 2.... 1.... 102 103 102 101 103 103 3.. 8 1 10 3 0 3 10 7 3 1 n - 7 4 1 0 a Goodyear A Ilub'r e.,.. 1.... 1.... 1.... 4.... 0.... 4.... B.... 10.... 3.... 1.... 0.... 1.... e !!.'!! 1.... 1.... 11.... 3.... 1.. 31 , 08 . 98 , 08 , 08 , 98 . 08 . 08 . 08 . 98 . 08 . 98 . 03 . 03 . 08 . 08 08 03 T A '11 113 113 112 113 113 112 113 112 112 112 113 112 112 112 112 113 112 112 112 113 O N'n Rly let S 80 a Ne'n niy 7s 1. 1.. 3.. 3.. a.. i.. e.. 6.. 4.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 8.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3., 108 107 107 107 107 103 107 107 107 107 107 707 107 107 107 107 107 Int' I Asr C 3s 6 73 6 73 S 73 I M Marina da 0 01 1 01 1 01 1 01 3 02 lntern'1 Paper Ba rets 1 81 81 81 81 85 85 83 85 65 Oil 7.... 10.... 10.... 3.... B.... 10.... 1 Invlncfbla Cerp Ss 7 80 3 00 Iowa Cent'l G 2 71 Kan C'A II 3s 01 K C T BIv la 4 80 1 80 6 M 1 81 0 84 2 80 Kelly Sprlnc'd Tire 8s 1.... 101 1.... 101 1.... 104 2.... 103 u Lack Steel '23 8 00 0 00 1 PO Lakv .Shern M S'n 4J '28 1 02V. Lake Shere M S'n Is '31 2 00'. Lehigh Val Ga 3 101 L A Myera 3a 3...... 01 L A Myera 7s .. 113 L lid It 0s '37 1 70 1 77 1 77 ft 70 Lerlllard C B 1 04 1 04 2 04 Leilllard C 7a 11.... lift 1.... 116 2.... 11.1 L A Naah Ba 102 1 .. 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1 .. 1... 1... 1 102 102 102 102 103 103 102 103 102 102 102 102 1021 Le A Naih 7 s .1 ... 107 Market Bt Illy B Fran let 1 81 1 81 Mkt St Bly 0s 1 00 1 00 11 Oil war Ha 3 00 12 99 1 00 6 09 illex Per'm 8s 3.. 1.. 4.. a., s.. i.. 100 100 VI 100 100 100 100 100 Mich 8 Tel 3a 1 00 Mid B A Or 3a a 6i 8 84 3 83 3 83 7 8,1 0 83 M A StL fd Ba 1 81V M StP A S Bta M 0a rcta 1.... 102 3.... 102 3.... 101 J.... 101 a.... lea V K A T aj wl .Havana IS Lgt A Pwr Ba 1 80 B 80 3 80 B 80 1 85 Hud A Slan fd 78 8.. 8.. 3.. i.. i.. I" i.. i.. i i r. c a t. i. i., I A p fd 77 77 77 77 P ( 83 81 83 Chi Itwys Ba 2 71 3 70 1..... TO 3...-. JOJi Hud 6.. 10 ... 10 ... 3... , 6 B 7 12 1. ... 20 .... 15. ... 10.. .. 1 .... 1 .... ie.'.!!! is .... s s .... 10 1 .... 2 Hi.... 4... 3 ,.-. . 78 . 78 . 78 78 . 78 . 78 . 78 . 78 . 78 . 78 . 78 78 Man In . B2 . 52 . 32 . 32 . 32 . 83 . 63 . 62 . 33 . 63 . B(k . B.1 . 33 . 03 , 61 i 33 , 33 . 53 , B3 . 03 , 63 , 83 eati 3 BR 33 38 23. 1.... 18.... IS..,. 3.... 10.... 43.... 10.... 3.... 10.... its 1.... 8.... 14.. , 4.1 IS 1.1 18 15 13 IB 18 44 41 18. 43 43 48 48 43 13 10.., 0.. Me K A T 2nJ 3 81 Me Kan A Tex 2nd ct R Bl Me IC A T la 8 78 76 3 7B H 78 4 73 13 73 8 71 B 76 0 78 2 73 3 7.1 M K A T la wt ? 3 4 fl.1 1 (V.1 3 03 08 1 .... 05 0 04 IB 04 M K A T 4s 80 63 It K A T Ba w 3 77 S 77 J 77 IS .... 77 HK4T (I. M 8 03 7 01 1 .... 03 M K A T notes 30 .... 00 Me Paclfle 4e 18 ... 01 1 00 te 00 1 00 8,.., , 00 I..... 60 -... 0 3 (!- 7 01 8...., 01 Me Pae 8a '23 2 08 4..... 98 Uent'a Pwr 3 1 03 8 90 3 03 Mentr'l Tram ways 8s 4...,, 84 8 81 Mer's Ce 4s I .... 83 Nil Hit Ce f Mex Is '87 1 31 1 I 1 10 8 Nt'l Tubs C Bs 4 00 N Y ct'l 3s 1 77 N Y Cent'l Is 1 87 2 80 2 80 3 80 1 60 1 80 N Y Ctl en 4s ... 70 Ctl n 4. ... 85 Cent'l fl D0 21 21 23 23 23 0. n r 1. M T 1. 4. 1. 0. 2. 1. 10. 1. 1. 1. 3. n. 2 1 ft. 2. 90 90 Pl 01 00 90 !: (19 90 00 99 09 09 09 00 Penne, It It 7s 1.... 100 2.... 100 1.... 100 8.... 100 Peoria A E In 2 23 Pierce Oil 8s 6.... 100 Pitta C ail A St L A Sa 10 03 8 03 Pertl'rt Itwy A Light 7 1 103 Pub Berv Cerp, N Jay Ba N Y Cent'l 7a 1.... 100 1.... 100 3.... 167 8.... 100 4.... 107 1 107 V Y Kdlsen Ce 0a rcta 3.. n.... 8.... 8,... 14.... 1.... 10.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 8.... 14.... fl.... ft.... O s !!! H ... 1.... 1 ... 4.... 3.... 1.... 10.... 1 10 .. N Vk Lehl A Pwr 4 a 1 7714 N Yk Light 11 A Pwr Ba 4 01 N Yk N It A H cv 3 3 ... 10 New Y N If A 11 la of 'B7 2 18 New Y N H A Hart'd Ce 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 105 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 II s. 1.. 01 03 02 03 ei 01 03 03 11 3. 1. 1 1. N Yk Illya 4a 1 .... 28 K Y 'lily's A la 4 23 1 23 22 .... 23 1 23 N Yk niya 1. 6 0 1 0 N Yerk Stat Illya 4e 1 60 3 87 N Y Ttls 4. 3 en. 3 01 2 .... 01 0 01 N Y Tels's '41 90 I B 00 Pa It jjtn 4, 10 83 10 88 1 87 1 H7 8 87 Pennn II It 5a B 90 8 00 B 93 1... 1... 10. 1... 1... 1... 0... Penna 6... r.,,, 1... 2... 3.. ,. 03 ,. 95 ,. 0.1 ,. 03 . 01 ,. 03 . 93 R ila , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 100 1.... 1.. 1.. 7.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 Reading Ce 4a 1 82 3 81 8 83 1 83 Itep'c I A 8 3a 2 03 4 92 1 3 Rie O A W 4s 1 73 Rie Grande A W clt la 1 04 1 (14 Reck Il'd A A Leul'a 4i 2 77 2 77 2.. .. 70 St L I It A a Rwy 4s 1 .... 70 8t L I Mt A fl RAO dlv 4a 63 1.. 1.. 1.. St L 2.. 3.. 2.. 10. 2.! 10.. 3 . 15 . Pt L 1.. 7.. a.. s. 10. 10.. at !.'.' 2.. O . 2.. n.. s.i. . l.. l.. ft. ... 62 . .. 8J . .. 82 A fl F J ... 78 ... 73 .. 73 . 73 .. 73 ... 73 . .. 73 ... 73 . 73 A 8 V In ... 63 .. 63 ... 03 . . 31 . .. 03 ... ft3 ... 65 ... 65 ... 63 33 ... 33 . . 351, ... 53 53 .15 33 00 00 2 00 1 00 11 00 frn Ry 0J wl The nrintial report of Montgomery Wfir.1 x, Cn . ta lii Issued In n few dnyb, TJ11 !iew n ler, nfter dividends, of $.5,1)00.000 te $0,000,000, It la re- ported from Chicago. rcnnavlvnnln Water nnd Power Com Cem pnny, for the year ended December .11, report siirpluft, nfter tnxes nnd clinrjrci, of fBll.477. agnlnst ?81G,400 in the preceding year. Interfthtft Commerce Commission rondo public tentative vnluntlen of IJ'ster nnd Dclnwnre luiiirend in of .Tunc 30. 1910. nt $0,472,880 ; nnd Dur- hnm mid Seuth Carolina ns of June 30, 1017, at $400,790, Ifer the twelve months ended Novem ber HO Pennsylvania-Ohie Power nnd Light Company earned, before allow ance for depreciation, S.'SS.iiO.", equiv alent te SO. SO a share for Its outstand ing $0,000,000 common stock. Pnnscnger revenue of the United Rall vtnvH of tit. Leuis for the yeiir en ImI December 31 amounted te $10,4i",015, cemnared with. x-.iLll.L77u for (lie pre ceding year, according te receivem' re pert, a iiccrcae of iikiiMH, or iL.u per cent. The Stock Lint CemmlttM has ad mitted tednv te the unllated department of the exchanje the Pli'lndclphin Iler- trlc (Jenvmny warrants, de iverabl" when InMied. The r-ommlRilen te be charged en thcie warrants is fixed at 7,c per alinre. Wctern Union Telegraph Company, In a pre'lminary statement covering the year ended Deeeraber 31. i-hewed esti mated net income nfter charges nnd taxen of 50.701,904. equivalent te $0.72 n Minrn earned en the $90 7S0.7-7 caul ta' uteek, cempnred with $12,7S,";.722, or $12.81 n fchnrc the preceding year. Vnr three months ended December 31. Virginia Iren. Ceal nnd Coke Company shows net less nfter interest and tax, but before inventerv udiuntnient. nf S71. fiOS. nsnlnst net earnings of $831,103 In Hamc quarter ei lliu. iset earnings for twelve months ended December 31, nfter nti e t anil tar. were 54.jy.8SU ngninst $3,2(13,020 in 102C Central Hurepean exchnnees were: Polish. .03: Austrian, .02' ; Itu- innnian. .7.T; IJulgarlan, 71: Serbian. 1.33: Czcho-Slevnklan, 191; Juge Klnvlan. .33t : Greek. 4.22; Finnish. 1 SO; Hungarian. .13-y,. Premium en New Yerk funds In Montreal today was Ci per cent. The rtUcnunt en Canadian funds in New Yerk wns 0 per cent. Total less of the Urler nni Steel Company In 1921 was $3,874,175. re diieing surplus te $17,052,032. stock- 1.... 102 i holders were informed nt nnnunl meet- iTobncre Pred i nir. Statement revealed uress snle of ,$12.."2.".S3S, pnyrell $4,095,000, pro duction 203,5 lit tens, shlnmcnts, 220, 787 tens, repairs $1,172,000. Lesses ! were divided ns follews: Iluslness, $1. 172.575: Inventory, $75S.307; shut- . down, $773,128. or total of $2,704,071 without dividends. 17. 2 .... 6 3 3 1 t 6 He 1 1 4 4 e 3 10 11 10 .... 1 ft 0 11 1 3 1 2 2 1 4 S 12 1 1 2 15 10 1... . 1 4 2 23 10 Btan Mil Ce Ba 1 07 Btand'd Oil of Calif 7s 3.... 100 1.... 100 0.... 100 3.... 100 Bteel Tube C of A 7s 93 95 OS 93 03 06 03 93 93 03 0.1 93 05 03 PS 0.1 05 06 03 95 0.1 05 01 01 01 03 01 05 0.1 tS 05 Oft 9.1 03 03 93 04 05 11.1 91 OS 1.. 1... 1... 2... 1... 10... Tex A 1... ... Third 1... 8... 20... 10... 1... 1... 1... 0... 1 09 .. 09 .. 00 .. 08 .. 93 .. 08 Pac (Is . 100 . 100 Ave ul .. S3 .. r,3 .. 62 .. 62 .. A2 .. B2 . . 32 62 52 8ECURITIES AT AUCTION nt Third Ave la 10 01 2 01 Tidewater Oil Ce ct fl 10.... 102 13.... 10.' 6.... 102 1.... 12 The following securities were sold auction today by L'nruea A Lellandi Bhnrea' fTOCK8 10021 Custer Cens Mines Ce, pref..Let 111 43000 Cjatcr Cens Mines Ce com.. Wit II 27KdeIl(y Hterae A Ware Ce . 31 70 Eastern Llaht A Fuel Ce 25 Oil A Waste Hnv Mnch Ce. . 3 100N J Cens Una Ce Let $30 lOOAmer Nut A Fruit Ce. .. Let SI n waen nsten utn ;e com., .i-ui r Oil A Bxploratlen Ce . ..Let 210 Heal Bat Tr Ce W'nah D C t.et 16 Cem T I A T Ce ., 16 Cem T I A T Ce 20 W Phlla T A T Ce 61 W I'hlla T A T Ce 26 United Bee Life Irm A T Ce. 10 Merchants Union Trust Ce... 1 Penna Acad of Fine Arts... lOO Hhrovepert Kid I' I. Ce.... 100 Camden Fire Jne Asae ... . 1(1 V a Vogt A Bena pref 4 1 Penna Hurar Ce . . . , 12 J'nrrH Canal A Hanking Ce pf 4 Wflsenci Ce -em 21 Cuntln'Mal Passenger llwy. BONDS , 2000 American nwya Ce. 5 u e ref con nits:, due 1IM1 10000 Rubles Kuseln Oev, ft p c, int lnuti, due 1020 1000 l'enn Seab Sted Ce, 7 ti e con mtK, due Feb 1, 1023 . . 1000 Berwyn Watr Ce, (I n c ext mtK. due 1935 B00O Ind nn Un Traction .1 per cent. 1st mtar. due 1033 10000 Atlantic City nnd Hhore 11 II Ce. ft tvr ceil, lat cel mlg. due 1015 10000 Twin Htntm Oaa A Klfc Ce. 3 p c lat A ref mtsr due 10.11 . 33000 Pitta ltwv Ce, 5 p c. sen mw. due 1933 1000 W Phlla Pnee Itwy. ft p c, 2d mt?. due 1020, .. . 1000 U S 2d Lib Lean, 4 p c reg. due 1042 2500 U 8 3d Lib Lean 4 p c rec due 1028 - , 2000 U S 1th Liberty Lean 1 p c rv due 1038 innn iTniir..! HtAif Vleterv Lean 41 p e rnirleipred. due 1H-M-21 . 0500 VVah or.re 0 p c cn mu due 1900 5000 Wah (J L Ce. 5 t c gen mtg. l 22J a.3 1.11 l.ii 130 02 80 20 11 31 166 142 Ml! se $.1n 71 01 30 29 71 01 01 00 07 07 100 80 . 2000 Waeh-Vr. Ry Ce. 8 V & ndtss due Feb 1018 ,..,,,.,,.... 1000 WnMi-Vn lly Ce. 6 p e note, du February 1010 20000 Potts A I'heen xvllle lly 3 p e jai a ret mta;, due ivij. K Let iM DANK CLEARINQ8 Bank clearings today enmpared with rospenuiuK uay nisi two enrai . . Jims .. juji I'm n r lleatnti Chicago . 71,200,000 80,877. 03ft 03.400. 18 tri'ta In ..101 0(10. eon 173 SSO 328 77'INM XOrK.,U(!l MO" WHO iW IMt'l HHrt J III, YAH, inn , 40.000 000 40,223 383 68,713, A MIU1IIKKN i-l.NA.-SCIAl, CONCRRK thai pild 17 dividend en lis common htnrk llrat yeiir, itralrea l'luenl AfteM with antes organization, le place 8800,000 ulilltlnnnl alerk Issue, livery naslatanes rrndrreil, but no enah adr.tncea. Ttt Inlenlew with secretary, eall N. T. POOL, Roem 310, nrllem. "Mfnril Hetel. Till TlmrsiHr. SteckweH Wilsen & Linvill CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Land Title Bldf., PMTt. WIEGNEMOCKEUCO Certified Public Accountants Pfjtel Building. Pbikdelptak GOLF Within eauy reach nf all. New eeuras hlng built full v computed with clubheuaaj offered nt moderate price LEWIS & VALENTINE CO. AltDMOKi:. I'A. Phene. Ar.linere M ue ll'OU ..... n- i low imp Jin uiy . "i " 'v y ;" " ., I lean, due Feb 16. 1025 87 I 2000 wuminirien i. i ui. up,- let mtg due, 11100 . 01 I 3000 Dem of Can .1 ! c. 10 year I due 1020 ... . '18 I 1000 Un N J It U A Ce. 4 p i, 'AH gen mt. nu i- 'rem 2000 U H lat Lib Lean, 3 p r's. due 1047 6000 N J On Ce, 5 p c. 1st mtg due 1010 1000 N J O"- Ce S p r let mtg, due 1940 , BOO Schuy kl I II lier d A W i e 1 p c due 10RO "Make Year Jab Oar Jeb"- When your plans are- lritwn ask your architect te get our bid THE ei ,ErJr!jiy :r THI 35 I BUILDER N22.Se.MOLE ST. I Ill), Bt L A B Fran Series A CO 3.. 3.. 1 . 2.. 7.. B.. 1.. 1 . a.. i.. a., l . i.. l.. i.. 103 103 103 103 10S 103 103 J 03 102 102 108 103 102 102 103 102 103 2 ... 108 N T Tela'e '40 3.... 102 1.... 102 N Yk W C Beat 4s 1 80 Nlft V Pwr 0a 10.... 100 . B,... 101 Nfk S'n It ,-, 4 60 1 80 3,... BT 10 r.7ii IN'flt A W ev 0. 1.. 11.. 1.. 1.. 8.! 10.. 0 . 11.. , e!! i.. i.. ucls Cerp 7s 1.... 100 1.... 100 1.... me J.... 100 Union Pac ev 1 01 Vnlen Pne fd 0 80 4 80 Union Pac Is 8 81 0 01 I'nlen Pac fl 2.... 103 U'n Tank C 7s 1.... 102 3.... in; tnt'd Drug 3 1.... 100 1.... 100 1.... 100 1.... 100 Ut'd Rly 1 C S Fran 6a 6... . 78 U 3 Rubb'r Bs 1 1 P.... 0.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 09 09 00 09 00 CO 0 e no r, 3 .. e 10 . C8 St 1. A 9 Fran I Series U 2 8.1 2 8J 1 S3 S el 0 83 St L U S Fran Berlca C 11 03 1 93 3 00 Bl L Bew'n en 1 72 B 72 3 73 8t L Bew'n let 75 St L Bew ii 5a 1 7214 Bl Paul A K C 8 L 4a 6 77 fieab'd A L nj 11 10 1 HI 2. ... 10 0,..,. 1 0i .Utah Power A. ceaua a l Idi Light Bs 2.. Annual report of Sears, Iteeburk & Ce. for the year ended December 31 fchews, after providing for charges, plant depreciation, inventory shrinkage nnd ether reserves, n less from opera tions of $10,435,409. This compares with net pieflta in the preceding year of $11,740,070, or $10.05 a share en the common stock, after allowing for preferred dividends. Cress bales Inst i I year totaled $178,014,981, against S2.i4.r9.i.0u,J. nnd net snles S159.- 031.510, compared with $233,1550,872 in tue previous year. aM Ne Oilier Read Performs Like Concrete The car's a big part of metering the read's the rest, Why net be as particular about the performance of reads as about the performance of your car? Concrete provides the only firm, rigid, gritty surface that is skid-proof even in wet weather. Highway officials everywhere nre building Con crete hard-surfaced reads te meet the motorists" requirements. Our Booklet R-3 Itlh ether Interesting ihtngt about Concrete root. Wnle for your copy PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 347 Madisen Avenue NBW YORK, N. Y. e4 National Organization te Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete 3.. 8.. 10.. 8. 1 A n 1 .' 6 B.... 107 " .. mr 1.... 103 1. .. 100 North Weatern lie! T 7a 1.... 107 1.... 103 3.... 108 1.... 108 1.... 103 1.... 108 1.... 107 1.... 107V N Paclfle H Is 0 83 . 7.... 85 m I'ke n 4s a..... 68 is Paclrte H Oa 1.... 107 1.... 107U Ore A Calif 3s 1 03 1 OS Oregon n It A .-vavt Ce la 3 79 5... 70 Oregon U L 4s 3 80 Oregon 8 I. Bs I.... 100 Oregon s Line aruar'd Ba 13 . a.. 1.. 1.. 0.. 18.. 0 8eab'd A L II 08 08 08 08 03 03 nan Ore.W 11 It Ce JNiWI Ce 4s 2 .... 6 7 Pae O A 1 1 3 3 .... r-ackard Moter Car Ce Ba 5 .. e. & ... i .... ei 2 .. 90S1 Pn A Petr'm t Ce 7a 0 93 J 97 3 07 Pa It en 4a B 00 S 00 44 44, 44 ' Sh Bteel I! Ss 1 07 B 07 einclalr C Oil Cerp 7a "... I... 19... 40... 10... 25 .. 0... 1... 8... 1... 1... 1... 0... 3 .. 0... 3.. 0... 0... ft 1001 109 100 100 100 100 10(1 100 100 10(1 loe 100 100 100 100 100 100 8 n Pacific fd 1 83 1 83 S 83 6 63 1 N5U Ben PacltV 4 1 .... hO 3 70 1 SO B'n Pae c 4s 3 88 10.... S8 3 . . NS B'n Pae cv 3a 4 .... 00 8 ... . 00 Sn Hallway 4a 87 PS 87 Today's Range In Liberty Bends H 87 High Lew Clese 87 Liberty 3'2S .. . 90.7S Oll.(K) 90.72 B Liberty lbt 4s ... 97.22 97.22 97.22 S f:' Liberty Ut 4 Vis. . 97.04 97.48 07.04 D "3 " ' 87 Liberty 3d 4V4s.. 97.70 97.48 97.7()l Offices in 23 Other Cities ) 2.i!.!" 87 Llbei ty 4th 4'ts. 97.22 97.00 07.201 K e.... 87 Vie Notes 3i... 100.18 100.12 100.1(5 lit I 07 87 Vic Notes 44is ..100 20 100.12 100.20. "HMWITiiniTfflla'a i n i M 23 87 ISSBBBBtSSWJSJSIKlSHJaBBaBBBalBBBBBaiaBflapBBBBJrBlaBBBj U B Ilubb r '. 1 100, " U 8 Hub -".- 'f" """""""Tr L xj:::: ' Sffiaffiffifflfiffi is!!.! 105 fH --;! ' iff U'd 8 Steel 5 Hfl fl fJ e.... 100 n I "n . ' ill M..........M.... ....a................... a.......,,,.. I LaW 11.... 100 if" J .J Zfj 3.... ioe 31 2 ; IZf e loe a. lir ! -sjw : On a.... 100 Zfj : 5iy Urn 8.... ioe IE ; l)tJ HA l.... ioe rfJ nr-AVi : LC i.... ioe LC v i n 2S8v. i KJ 1.... 100 KJ, S 71 4JV -M. : Ua- i.... 100 Usj f jr-y yl&vk. rfa i.... ieu rti i sXWssir5m si 2.... 100 tn I KtWR$QM$r - RJ 1. .. 101 ap! t jaaaaaaaral kiHSiW . &.. . 100 Hh jaaaaaRli? VfflT IE 0 ... 101 1 1 ! jfaVSajYl X XliA : 31 s 1 imsbi-m i m C:hm80, g 0&- ! ffi ch7H, s i -zZ I ffi .. 04t, LC 5 v- : 31 "IX ffi II i S VI aisaaaaaaaaaiaiaaa... ....... . Mm sain) 114 (la M e Jlw Ce 3s "3f3 n-i i ::: s me x uzzjiea euperiiuenaeni & i ...! oe II in ffi i iM ii Lc an ? fp . 33 1... . 83 I 8 .. . 34 IVe-C . U4 1... , 34 Va-C 4s sta 1... . 40 2... , 30 ' 1 49 100l 100 Wash Tl 3B 1 . 74 iWest n Klec ft 4 . .. 00 Weat'n Md 4 1 01 1 01 2 01 We'n Pae Is' 1 80 3. . . 83 1.. . 83 M, West Shere h ,2 .. 77 vV'n Union ,1 I 8. ... 03 W Union (! 3.... 107 1 1.... 107 6.... 107 4 .. 107 2 . . 107 1.... 107 iWestlngha'e E & iHg 7a 70 79 79 1 03 r! 3a 7 (12 68 2 (12, 88 1 82 68 8 03 es i nsu. 2 uX. 113 Ii BiQ.-.i. . Tm. . 02 . lament?-. 02 u RMnrT.... ii" u '"n Ilallwev . 1 en a .... oe 1 00 3 00 J oe 1 90 8...1. 00 100 100 100 100 108 1C0 100 ', 100 100 100 tipmr 7a 2 3 ... 2 8.... 1.... 2 1. 8 1 1.... Vtlrka s bteel 8 . 8 .. 1.. 0... 2 . 1 1 I Wilsen Ce 1 . . 8H 1 . sn .YVIlann Ce l' 2isalel i' 1 . .. Ol's 1 . . nu. W C Sup I) Dlv A T 4s 3 . . b0 00 00 Oil 00 0') 0. 03 0s Teult 115,383,000. compared Willi 113 . The Puzzled Superintendent Suddenly Thought of "LEDGERGRAMS' and he get what he wanted. If you, tee, need an intelligent, skilled, experienced electrician, machinist, plumber, painter, tailor, cook, knitter, operator or ether skilled labor, a LEDGERGRAM will carry your rush message. Many efficient people are waiting en the receiving end of LEDGERGRAMS these tiny, inexpensive classified ads, se potent with pulling power. The quarter-million daily circulation of the Public Ledger gives you almost instant commu nication with THE RIGHT KIND of people. Phene your message NOW te our Classified Advertising Department. Bill will be mailed later. Bell Walnut 3000 Keystone Main 1601 SJt. m m : n t ( j::l lJ M m t b! M iy n . 7 c v n rt j ' ii.Jll.llM-l, ..r f fsaie -J"- .1' -v "AS ir "aMty&"i.-4r-"i . V fit I it ' r-u )Jm!--!X2ES2ZS3ggUWl!ir.,''z -.