n '.- 'W;;V c. . . -Ij - JV w1' ,ai , "" v ,a; v. w' -v EVENED PtTBLIO fljEDGERr-PHIEA !(?! J. i it it V , , r r L t-vwkj m;.. . " ...)..' ,.. .. . ', ih'.ili.., . - r r-i Vit "' 'ti ' l&" Ml ? m B ii HI B El Pi. i e Daily Mevie Magazine ii S ,.! ' "I. JFLI ACTOR'S LIFE NOT ONE OF EASE, SAYS DAVID BUTLER TTTI1B actor should net be blamed for J- whatercr depression exists in the motion-picture Industry," declares David Butler, who lias risen te the de fense of th.e craft. Butler's remarks w prompted by the Associated Press dispatch, dated New Yerk and quoting William Brandt, president of Uie Theatre Owners' Chamber of Com merce, as saying that motion-picture fctaj's must reconcile themselves te sal ary cuts te bring theatre business beck te normal. "There seems te be a popular Impres sion that motion-picture actors live n ' life of ease and luxury," said Butler. "I want te cite one example, net te engender sympathy for myself, but te Indicate hew actors are co-operating with the producers-te effect thegreatctt economy possible In the cost of a pic ture. "In the making of my present story, 'Recording te Heyle,' Leuis llursten, the producer, called us all together anil asked If we would be willing te spend Christmus away from home. A leading lady is mere often than net pictured as excessively temperamental and exacting in her demands. Helen Fer Fer gueon, who is plnylng opposite me, wa the first te speak up and cheerfully Hgreed te go. "While home peeple were enjoying themselves at pleasant firesides with their families and children en Christ nine Day our company which means mechanics as well was In n bleuk little town where the hotel accommodation arc net anything te advertise broad cast. "Cleudy weather developed. Hud dled about a little brush lire, we pa tiently waited for stray shafts of sun shine t te 'sheet scenes. Weather con ditions delayed our schedule te such an extent that Mr. Bursteu snld he would net ask us te remain New Year's, but that if we went back te Les An geles and returned te finish the work it would cost him approximately ?300). One and all voted te remain. WOETDRNINO te Les Angeles we Xv had additional exterior scenes te make. One day this week we began work at 8 o'clock In the morning, laid off from 4 te 0 o'clock In the afternoon, tesumed work at 0 nd worked con tinuously until 3 o'clock the next morn ing, with a bitter cold wind blowing all the time. "Here Is one point which I want te emphasize about a motion-picture star's salary a thing a bank president or n layman seldom takes Inte considera tion. A bank president, for example, rcan be In but one place at one time. A motion-picture star can be in 22,000 theatres simultaneously. That is the reason why a picture star receives mere money than n legitimate stage actor. In short, he is 22,000 persons. There fore, from a simple nelnt of economics he receives a proportionate share of the receipts of each theatre where he appears. "But the salaries, even at that, are net what they are believed te be. We have te buy an extensive wardrobe for a picture and never use It again. Hardly a day passes when it does net fall te our let te be host either te some no--, table person or man of importance or a group of 'fans' from another city. - ftTTIHEIlE are half a dozen stars who J- nre rich, a comparatively few cempured te financial success which comes te men In ether walks of life. "And don't overlook the fact that actors' salaries have been cut. I knew actors who formerly received 200 n week who are new getting $."0. This sounds large the $200, I mean but It must be remembered that an ncter Is net continuously employed. The best of them seldom average ever forty y weeks' work a year. "I confess te only a layman's knowl edge of hew a theatre is conducted, but I will say this in reply te Mr. Brandt It is the motion-picture star's back that Is bending under the burden of the tremendous expense of prologues and extensive orchestras." FILM ARCHITECTS ARE KEPT VERY BUSY THESE DAYS rpiIE modern magic of motion-picture A making Involves no end of Ingenuity. There used te be a time In the history of the Industry when all that was needed for a picture was a park bench, an interior kitchen set, such bb used In stnge plays, a fancy "drop," per haps, some sunshine and actors. New. with cpmplicated scenarios calling for scenes In every section of the United States, te say nothing of foreign coun tries, a research department, art de partment, architects, interior decora tors and experts of nil kinds are called in te werK en tne cinema production inese lecnnicai experts have breueht '. . ;, : , i r .- ej.ii i.v nuum ii- a aenar iei i M-.y, te the screen every country under t he I 'ma.ttt technical means, net , every fault found in the pictures. Twe , IcP sun nlmest. Let the locale of the s ter v mr?lj' t0 .act enc 8 s(;lf ,n " slvcn sct ln"ntlls .la'tT another notice appeared bX(i be in Thrums. Scotland Sir J. M. Bar" 0I circumsiances. halng that -Judging by the amount of Hy& rle'a birthplace, as it was in "I'he Lit- ., Mai 1 "'""Krcc ui you juw n m- faults coming in from fans the "movies" B B tie MlnlMer," and Thrums Is built tl5 n."(1 "i)theut mc.ni'B be pre- must be nothing hut a let of mistakes In t I Perhaps the action of the story takes b"mptU.Ub ,n n. ,eu5 r??mr.?8 '" ';vcr;v Vietnn.' I think eu'U have te I !. i i...n..i i u " -j." answer te my note te you? Den t you de the aamc. i In "Forever" the ndnniii Inn tnl ! think nudlences ought te be trained te JcVecn of Du MauricX sterr p. the crltical K-wpelnt? Wouldn't it in in I&n''hettariC7enffint ftffi i J?I5" !s.?0?Jl teegaruen en the ntuule stage. Net long age at the Lusky west coast studio n reproduction of n street in Paris, Hue Macabre, was required for "The Green Temptation," a Hetty Compson picture. The result of the work of the architects, artists and ex perts was a marvel of perfection. When snewn en the Bcrecn the audience will get a breath of that fnselnnHn.. ritv ' which Americans knew se much better: since the World War. Innumerable examples of this work can be cited, especially in the laM few ' months, at the same studio where a complete New Yerk street was built for ' "A Prince There Win," nnd the Ornml ' Central Station for "If Yeu Relieve It. It's Se," and n section of the New Yerk elevated for Cecil n. De Mllle's production, "Saturday Night." Ter Wallace Reld's latest picture, "Acress the Continent," mero work was required, as the picture shows sev erai towns in auiercnt parts of the rminirv. Mern fhnn n mnnllt'a tl,rtA , was spent Dy the research department ' u" utlur s p""f'"-x-I In gathering photographs from varleiiB I twcc,n ourselves, I m - - . . -" " " illt.V parts or tne unitea states, showing nil filling stations, street scenes and the like. Although the company making this picture has traveled te San Fran Fran clrce, Ilarstew, the Mejave Desert iwul nfllA nnlnfa (f wi, lmnnthln in ..teli all the citle's which the great trnnn-1 continental automobile race, the ble continental automobile race, the big ..feature of the'plcture, cevers, be scenes Jersey City, Indianapolis, Kansas . City, Pedge City and ether points were OMMructed at the studio, FOR THE FILM 8SMMm, flaaaLaaflLk A'iUPmiiiiH MY '''' m 'rlmSMfsSUKmwm I MM " -' Wf LifM&mMsmiWmi'MM I I m w sSmMmWMVSWB I l'HISCILLA DEAX TF will le glad te publith the pictures of tuch screen players as are suggested by the fans THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX By HENRY Betty Beverly, Deven, writes: "I am an ardent reader of the Mevie Fans' Letter Bex. I agree with you en 'al most' everything you say. I say 'al most' because I nm a young girl of scx'cntecn, se you will knew what things I disagree with you en. "I think you nre absolutely right in saying Lillian Gish does nothing but make faces at the camera. I think she was positively ludicrous In 'Way Down East' when they showed that picture of her with her eyelids frozen. I haven't seen 'Orphans of the Storm' and I don't Intend te go, for, while I love Griffith's pictures. I can't stand these two GLsh girls. Why doesn't Griffith star Carel Dempster and Richard Barthelmess together as he did in 'The Leve Flower'? "I agree with you also nbeut Mary Pickford. She Is or rather ber pic tures nre beastly bores. "Could leu tell me when "Tnl'hle David' is coming te Philadelphia? Who is piaying opposite Haruielmess in that? Alse, when will 'Beyond the Rocks' be released? I hope this letter hasn't been tee long. May I come again?" (Yeu bet you may come again. Grif fifth can't etnr Barthelmess new be cause ne 13 being starred by hi it wm be Janunry 21. 1922, which x ill rmpT.Mmn-.if? V'at ."'mnke It Just seven months since they purpose, "lel ble David has been started that two-reel comedy finished for some time and prints .., u , ,.. . , are In this city, but no relense date has tn f,,! fly ". ,,Msn ,nkc wven months been bet for it yet. Glndjs Hulette f0(r",,lsh1f twe-rcel comedy. I knew plays oppesito Barthelmess. "Beend ,,.? ,e n1""150 a geed comedy, the Hecks" hasn't been received here , "1 ,n ' for " "Teunervil lc. ' I 'veseen yet. In fact. I doubt if It has had itsl?,,'," t0vn V1'? wec "?d The Toon Teon Toen final cutting and editing. De you knew l f ""' Tangle, and If It wasn't for I have a susn cien you are foellne me about veur name and ace? The com blnntlen or "Hetty" nnd "Heveny" ami "Deven" sounds familiar. Am I right? If net, I apologize.) XXX X.: You're right; she I a "perfect dear." Thank ou very much for the extremely friendly tone of your letter. I'nfertunately, a busy the atrical and movie reviewer doesn't get uny time for iiuch pleasures. Why net send the curd an way? Claude W. Ash: Thanks: we'll print the picture of Shirley Masen seen. a Neil Martin write: "Indeed, I did see your comment en my perform ance in 'Only 3S' and I'm grateful te you. I shall hope te keep en doing work in the theatre which will justify our geed opinion of me. With rea sonable luck. I'm burc I will. Fer I'm eager teMichleve nnd I'm in It because i m antieua te iciirn wnui .urs. 1 iskc T, 1 ii L. T-l 1 '. luiicu tiiu m.fi.v i 'h u v- bad and art from charlatanism and te knew the reason why.' I don't think v.e'11 have finer pictures or liner act ing in them until audiences de knew." (I de believe in training audiences te n better judgment of both atage anil Herten art. That is. 1 believe in the theory, but I'm afraid it's rather hope- lens in practice. My objection te ex pressing unfavorable views of the film we were tliseusslng was merely that 1 wanted the fans te sec it first. If we expressed tliobe viewa and the fans then went te see It with our criticisms in their minds, they would unconsciously leek en the film with our eyes without knowing why. If, en the ether hand, we let them see the film first, form their own views nnd then, in a general discussion, show them hew and vhy thoHe views are wrong, I believe the effect is mere educational and that they will begin in time te sce the methen by which a trained critic unalyzcs a production nnd forms his estimates of . , . And yet. he he net ultecetlicr convinced that It pays te have the criti cal viewpoint. I'm afraid the general public decn't wnnt the best nnd never will. And, as things stand today, I'm sure the untrained observer has n let mere fun and gets a let mere entertain ,nent "t1the1 theatre i or movie than I ,l0.. A.nd yet I wouldn't change places mtn mm.; Betfy Dennghue Elliet Dexter played tliu lend In "The Squnw Mun." . nrnsdfnn tf phnrnrfpp u-ith fertnn nnil l.. tnvlnn .l.n- A..i.i j,, . i vf.Z? FAN'S SCRAPBOOK M. NEELY I think you are mistaken about "Saleme." Nazlmeva Is going te de it, but I don't think it hns yet been filmed. If I'm mistaken In thin, some of the fens will correct me, se watch the column. Geerge .1. Wilsen, M0S N. Bouvier street, writes "Here I nm writing te you ngain for some mere information. nat lias happened te the Betzwood Film Company, at Betzwood, Pa.? "Yeu were one of the men wbe helped run the Eve.vine PfKLle LedeEh Mevie Beauty Contest, weren't you? (And I'll bet you also ran the Limerick Contest nm I right or wrong?) "Well, new, I'll run bnck te where 1 started. Yeu remember the day the 'Toencrvlllc' people Invited evcrjbedv up te inspect the studio and also help complete a picture (I'm pretty sure It wns Sunday, June, 21, 1021). Well. I was one of the many who accepted their 'invite' nnd must snv I had a gr-r-and time watching Dan Masen, 'The Skipper.' and Katrlnka and Mr. Hangs (but was very much disappointed in him nnd also dlsnnnnlntnil In lWlr Bevce), and the rest of the company ably directed by Irn M. Lewry. Beb Maxwell was also there plajing en the 'Toenervllle Nine.' Well, everything went along fine no trouble or anything te mar the day, but here's what I want te knew : By the time veu nublfsh this ". "!"" " ." tnec in lergct the trolley car) uhat would mere ee te tne picture? The here, heroine, Bangs, Katrinkn nnd the rest of the cempnuy just net ftfre a bunch of amateurs (excepting the villain, who was the most natural person In the whole picture.) "If jeu enn get any Information concerning the comedy in question, I will be very much obliged te ou. There va.s no title given out when they were making it. "And one mere question, then I'll give you a rest. Where is Madelaine Starliill. the winner of the Beauty Con Cen test ? Hew ninny comedies did she ploy in? What are their titles? What is Miss Starhlll doing at present? "I guess I'll itep asking you questions new nnd wlih you luck with your Tllm Faults.' Yeu said te 'send lit any mistakes you tee in pictures.' Yeu jtwt wait until the fans start sending in 'film faults,' you'll never he able tn ntihllnh Imlr nt tham v,. Knew In the earlj part of lunt vear n . '. . ". w. ..... AUII uui niuKuziun lint a notire in the mnen Am glad te see veu hnve drnnneH Mm Huilelph Valentine affair. Geed riddance te bad rubbish ! "Uy the way, have you Keen the trade press write-ups of Universal 'Foolish Wives' by I.'rfc Ven Strehelm? Loek in the Moving Picture World for January 21 and ee what they say ubeut the 'million-dollar production.' " (The ISotzweod Film Company has suspended production for the time being. As te Uie Mevie Ilenuty Contest and the Llmeiick Contest when u man re forms and tries te live down his past, why rake up his old Bins and reproach him with them? The Toenervllle film you helped te make was called "The Toenervllle lllues." It was Intended te put it out ns a five-reel feature, but later they decided te cut it into two reels. That's what has token se long the decision, net the cutting. It hasn't been released yet. Miss Starhlll worked In four come dies et Jlctzwoed as an extra In two, n a small part in one and as Ingenue ..mi JS, n"0"10''- 'The lest was called The Qenncrville Hank Robbery." The Hine II l.it was i "The Toenervllle Ileld-I p." :sene of these he yet been shown m public. Miss Starhlll de elded Just last week te accept a very flattering offer oho has had te go en the "age. Unfortunately, I am under premise net te glve details until it is announced, se I cannot tell you uny mere, les; I've seen the trade press comment en "Foolish Wives." But I seldom pay much attention te these re views. I prefer te see tlii (limn mr,.lf and form my own opinions.) :.. . . . : ...-v.. RESINOL 5oelhinq &nd He&linq Aids Peer Complexions 3 oisume 531ZjS (krmantewnIve. Faultless Service, JljppobtlmeiihiFbeds. CITERINQ SEABOARD AIR FLORID A THKOUOII SLLEl'INC CAB SEUV1CE llnltlniere Ar. Wnnplnaten Ivr. Wnshiotften N. 1 Me. 301 Me. 1 Me. 9 Flerida MI).SoiiltaSe.be.rd I Efltttlte Cub. Spl. Spwlil K..I M.HIJin. i. '2 8:40 Pill 2:pS PMIiaaO AM e;.u -- I -ijif I 8:!.- ' I 0.80 " , u. v. ' ( i D:45 7;RB Ar. Itlfhmena 1:17 Ail 11 '30 Ar. nnlrUh feMthfrn rinf " l'lnfhuTftt 4:35 AM fl:B2 " nmdtn eliuiibln 10:23 11:10 " Hi iiTnnnnh 4:10PM llrunnwlrk 7:16 l'Mt Ar. .liickiienTllls I,v. JuckKenulIe Ar. iBinpn Ar. f.ljr nter "' lipiir nlr llCTi1niric Ar. Ilrndentewn Ar, Knrset:i AK Vmtcr l. Jacitheinlllp Ar. PI. Auciisllns flrmnnil (10 1:34 AAr " Dnlenn-Stiibrerie i:4T 8:1.-) v. raim iirnrn " Mlnml II 3D M 8:35 I'M J . a ar am te ti; 7:30 AM r 7:40 " e SS jj30 " t 7-C AM a H:00 " "T3 e w:10 " - S e io.eopm e ,y S 5 ca en Inter Tenrlit Tlckrtu nt Ileitncrd Itutm. Allnulnr fltoperrra. Itflnrn Limit Mnr 31, 1022, New en Sal SALVAGING A CITY CAMP LEE, PETERSBURG. VA. AT AUCTION BEGINNING FEBRUARY 6. AND CONTINUING UNTIL ALL IS SOLD BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR we will sell at public auction te the highest and best bidder all bulldlncs, structures and Improvements, with the fixtures and equipment, within the military' reservation known a Camp Lee, located near Petersburg, Va. THOUSANDS OF BUILDINGS Warehouses, officers' quarters, mess halls, garages, stables, shelters, sheds, latrines and numerous ether types. EQUIPMENT High and low pressure boilers, radiation, piping electric wiring, poles and transformers, refrigerating plants, water heaters and tanks, stoves, furnaces, hotel and klthen equip ment, plumbing fixtures and many ether Items as shown In cat alog. Camp Lee Is the largest cantonment the Government built, coating $18,000,000.0060,000,000 feet of lumber; 200,000 square feet of radiation, 13,000 units of equipment; 2,400 buildings, 150 miles electric wiring and many ether items of Innumerable uses. Fer free catalog showing Inventory, terms and conditions of tale, write: R LOUISVILLE' eal Estate & Devlepement D. C. CLARK. PRESIDENT, STARKS BLDC. LOUISVILLE. KY. LOCAL OFFICE U ASCO J$ffi83MSKSM5 I gygg3 ' I t SSSX33& A MWZWWtm I in HlaaBaaV aaM M M M M ' aH aktBI V M.aM aM laM S Quality is Its Own Best Salesman I i I We could tell you that Asce Coffee was unusually delicious, high in qual ity, mellow in flavor, rich in aroma, etc., but if you tried it and found our claims were net se, you would hardly continue using it. We sell millions upon millions e'. pounds of Asce Coffee yearly and the sale is increasing by leaps and bounds. Doesn't the foregoing signify that the hundreds of thousands of folks who have tried the delicious Asce Coffee have found it te be all we claim for it and are continuing te use it? . Ji A a. :f. asce PI Try a cup of this You'll taste c w4,,,, g i n I i 1 N ft Sold only in As?e Stores, located all ever Phlla, and through- I p cut Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. I Iasce asce asce ascei Like a comforting friend asce Cott 25 lb At ail our Stores rni 1KB tmQlUM3EU2WXi!mBMSBM LINE RAILWAY, Pinehurst, N. C. Southern Pines, N. C. Camden, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Brunswick, Ga. u:2u PU 847 '' 1101 ".g 12.01 AMg 12:25 " Biiiu e:us 7:10 H'5.1 11J30 P.M ftHS 7-43 8.20 ll-nn Write NOW for rei.m- JB.H8 Alt 4 -an rt:40 PM. lieni and authentic infor mation. Booklets. 11:10 0:00 s:08 I w:4U " I H-30 ' le:0( - 0'flfl PMI S.B'S AM "Wintering In the Beeth." "Illintlnc and Flahln 1- 8:45 Si.', 4 P'40 - Jll 7 40 S 80 7:2!T" N-nn 11,10 .k. Un...l. . ...-.A M "! Dtlirr Miertu" IcTvl inn -.iiiiiii. -imii nn el t nnd n rnlf O c nnn tennie dntea). tournament 8:36 9:03 J. Carl Johnien, D. P. A. I 11:00 AMI10 (10 PM3 110:03 H:O0 " )33t Chratnnt St.. Phlla.. Ph. New Yerk Offlea 142 W. 42d 8t. Wnnhlnrten. D. C. Offlea 714 14th St.. N. W. lL'lfiO I'.MI l.-H A.M y 1:00 " 1'4T " 7:10 " b:15 " 10:10 " lll:30 ' 0. CAMP LEE, VA. SSfflSWSSWW', ASCO rsxssMsr' . - i i, Ik AC I i. I '. Coffee 'of n iA tt &. Ja; US' m. splendid coffee today. the difference!9' X9. 'St. 2f5c aflb i 75 ZEISSE'S HOTEL 820 Walnut St. 1J0HN O. It. MEYERS, " CALVES LIVER AND BACON That geed old stand by that seems te be welcome wherever served. Te obtain the full flavor you must season it with Lea & Pcrrins' Sauce. Just mix a few drops in the gravy. Loek for the name Vii L.ii 'v,fiw ' f,( tv w "k" ' w ' m ,uTH,E.0,R!pNAL'W)RCESTER5HmE 3 , ' "'''" ' -' " "" ."t A J. I'taT"" ttrv- cum ' ' ' .' " Heme-Cooked DUners s r. m. te a r. jr. :'i -.si: Vil, aKii ll LADIES' DEPARTMENT NEW and unusual garments for Ladies and Misses in exclusive atnd depend able fabrics. ' mmm PIIOTOnlYS rtmu COMMNT r , TAMtmeA ADrM T C 02D A THOMPSON STB. frJL.LJ MATi.vin: daily POLA NEGRI In "ONE AKAIIIAN NKIIIT" ARCADIA CIIIiSTNUT Iiel. 10T1I 10 A. M tn 11:15 P. M. SPECIAL CAST In V1CTOII HUGO'S "JUDGMENT" ACTnD rBASKLIN & G1HA11D AVK. tJ 1 KJt MATINEE UAIL.Y CONWAY TEARLE In "AlTKIl MinMnilT" BALTIMORE a7.W?Z? AMSTAK f.ST In "THE VOICE IN THE DARK" DI III7DJDp flreail t. SiiHquel'unnn OLjJ EfllU Cnntlnunun 2 until 11 MABEL BALLIN In "HAST I.VNNI'." BROADWAY TtA 8mA MME. NAZIMOVA In "CAMII.I.K" - CAPITOL 712 MAHKET ST. Ill A M te 11:1.1 P. M. PAl'I.INK STAKKK In "SILENT YEARS" POl OMIAI atn & Mplenert Avei. WL,unirL e.nn. 7 pi n p, m. THOMAS MEIGfN In "A PKINTK TIIKIII FAIRMOUNT 8U4,'iA ALICE LAKE In "THK IM'AMOl'B MIHH IIKVEI.T." 1ATW ST THEATnn rtelew Pprue join 01. MATiNnn ruiLr MIRIAM COOPER , In "THK OATH" GREAT NORTHERN AF POLA NEGRI F In "ONK KAIILN NIOIIT" ' IMPFRlAI "0Tn WAI.NU"! HTB "A MAN'S HOME'V BETTY COMPSOA "THE 1AVI ANI THE WMAN" Lehigh Palnce atT KATHERINE McLvSnJ Ave. and jAvenu ALD In "M LAI)'H LATCHKEY" rtU -H-. ' ' AAWJJ NP BUSINESS man grumbles when he sees two customers instead of one even if they come in at the deer at the same mo ment. Tills is one of the rea sons that ' Philadelphia Business Men are using 40,000 KEYSTONE Auto matic Telephones. It fur nishes one of tfie tele tele tele phone doers for messages of business and the cost, $108 per year, is merely nominal because there is no limit te the number of messages. i Call Mr. Blake, Race 06, for particulars. Keystone Telephone Ce. ' 135 S. 2d Street Philadelphia Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET SUITS AND New Spring Styles of Huddertficld Engliih Tweed, Fleecei arid Camel'aJHair confined te us as te fabrics and TAILORED Made in our workrooms by our Custom Shirt Operators. All fabifics ready te wear or made te your measure. CAPES Plain or plaid Cajnel'a Hair and English Tweeds unusual in style and most attractive. WOOL HOSIERY i i Importations of Scotch Wools, Silk and Weel, and Camera Hair in both plain and clex are still coming in. Weights suitable for every need. SPRING 'HATS The New Tailored f-fats in original shapes from the hrtCt makers are new ready. Priced moderately. & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET PHOTOPLAYS The following theatres ehtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finestproductiens. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com pany of America. LIBERTY mneAD l cei.umuia av. tVCL. MATINEE DAILY BETjyy COMPSON JnJIJArtlKM ML'ST I.1VK" ORIENT Weed"""I Av. at esa Bl. AfCVt l V'lf UUnv s "WHY CiJRLS LEAVE HOME" UVhKIJROOK,,3l,VW.Sft,i,oue BLYTTY COMPSON -'.'-"AIMKH ML'ST L1VK" rALA"F lsu maiucut stiiekt RUIiOLPH VALENTINO m-"fHE CONQL'EItlNO POHEK" C if? V?-!- MAnLT-p CPn it .4 REGENT MAIIKET HT He e.vT?TH VIOLA DANA In 12. thkiik .lllBXe VILLAIN!" RIAL.TO OKUMANTOWN AVENUE-n...-AT ''''I.I'EHnrifEN aT. BETTY COMPSON In "THE LITTLE MIN1HTKU" SHERWO(5b 64ln lUlllmer. Av. BETTY COMPSON Mr ,-ifi. In "LAIHKS Ml'HT LIVE" SiflTANLFY MAIIKET AT 10TH AUINtS AYRES lh "THE LANE THAT HAD NO TFItNlNO" STANTON MAKin- Abevi- 10TH .,C.:. ' nslSA. W tn 11.11 p.m. "THE FOUR HORSEMEN "F THE APOCALYPHK" 333 MARKFT stheet theatre j j j ,VXC?.. . Jr.1 n v M- " 11:13 P. M. CHARLES RAY In "THE MHlXlHHTiigi.T.M VICTORIA S?K,f!F7 PEARL WHITE In "A Vinr.IN PARAIHSK" GRANT Vi ?,lrara Ave- Tomer. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "WHAT NO MAN KNmvs" AT OTHER THEATRES, AmVinesirlrir HftHlmnra Ava. at AOth amDassaaer n-.uv inir,i.inT.niip.M . JAMKJJ OLIVKIl CI'RWOOD'8 "The Flower of the North" Germantown "'riLV WILLIAM FARNUM In "I'KIML'IIY" tit. it. Htir ' WTf W.afatinjfc ..-LjX..v ftlJLV.aKIUiTY, belt In toeut vrlniKr work dena rfi. 1 prepr and jeMenable chdrre. luY tlv you an,itlmat: "' l W Are SpcelalUta In nana. i. AIRWAY Kleetrle-Ct-ane-i a,,iS . rhene. Dlnmeml lOOO J ?Tltt! McCLEES GALLERIES 1507 WALNUT STREET Mezzotints. Etchings '' " B nnienni Fine Framing a HptetaUv SPECIAL SALE jfctniMMar R DcmenttrateQ WM. AKERS.IR., CO? racwrv arprettnlative S. W. COR. 10TB AAPUJlERTRTa SPECIAL SALE OFCAS RANGES Feil Una of ITeatbic ApplUntai -f r TOP COATS models. WAflSTS ? I PHOTOrMTS tOM.AKY r i OTheNIXON-NIRDLINGERf) THEATRES lil BFI MONT aiU above MAiutnl THE WOMAN IN HIS H0US PFDAR U0T" CEDAn avsxch V'C'r::r I a" nn,l a : 7 and ?. M 1111.1. 1.M CHRISTY OA1IANMC3 "THE BARRICADE" COLISEUM ten.W.5i "DISCONTENTED WIVESl IUMRO TIIONT ST. t OIRAHD ifll JUIVID'J .iumhn T.m. mi lV.nMert 'VI MONTE BLUE In "THE JUCKIJNH" 1 FAHFR 'PT LANCASTEII A" lwt.-U'C.r l-ae te fl! 7 in 11 f. tTHEL CLAYTON In "EXIT THK VAMP" I fft lOT rtir mm 1u.iteK eTHEf L.UV.UJ1 mm. i-.in n-in I'm !'l ZANI5 OKEY'S POWKIiri'L RTnLJ "THE MYSTERIOUS RIDERl NIXON pter a ji-i a nwpf ATI U yl-f MIAIIItui - - l ( RICHARD TALMADGE In "T.AKINO CHANCKS" R1VOI I b:d AND BANPOM BT& MME. NAZIMOVA In "CAMILLK" 69TH ST. tre-OrP. W I". 30. tJlf.' HPETIAL CAHT In. . "Get-Rich-Quick Wallingfer; CTD A Mrv Of rmnntewn Ay. l Vinffl kiiixniiL' S'.IO Tna THOMAS MEIGHAPi In "A rillNCIS TIIKIIK WA' MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A- M . -.. . n...ntilfl I Jlih h ERSON r&?m RITItVB HE REMER In .- "PILGRIMS OF THE NIGK PARK mean ave. a daOWI"",; VIrv Jfl j.ju ylVg l Mantnini s JOHNNY HINEb Jn "I1UIIN E.M LP HAItM3 !'- . N !-'.V f ' if "N 1 i" u u kfc'.'-j CZZ2 c-'JmmmA : ..